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CKSS Annual Terry Fox

Name: Duha Ghafoor /55 MARKS

Congratulations Grade 12 Leaders, our event was a big success!

This is a written reflection on your group work preparation and your experiences
running a community event. This along with my observations and your
attendance will be used to evaluate your first major task as a leader.

Part A – Group Work:

1. List the major tasks your committee accomplished prior to the Terry
Fox Run Day. Highlight the tasks you personally did. (5 marks)

● came up with a list of materials we need

● number of tattoos we needed for the school
● created a BOLD and colourful poster
● hung up posters around the school prior to the event

2. Reflect on your strengths during the in-class, preparation phase of the

Terry Fox Day. List 3 strengths that you exhibited during the planning
phase of the Terry Fox Run. (3 marks)

● we created an eye-catching and bold poster to let everyone know

what our task was
● planning
● we calculated and estimated how many tattoos needed for the
whole school
3. Think about how you could make a more significant and effective
contribution to the planning of the event. List 3 areas for improvement
that you could develop for the next event you plan with a committee.
(3 marks)

● we could’ve had extra garbage cans next to our event so people could
throw the plastic because we only had one and most of them were just on
the floor after people put them on
● our poster said “face paint” instead of tattoos which mislead students into
thinking we were gonna do facepaint when we were only handing tattoos
● we could’ve came up with a plan to purchase face paint or come up with a
way to be able to do face paint for multiple students at the same time

4. Effective committees have clear objectives, they focus on outcomes,

they achieve results, they share the workload and they learn from
experience. Reflect upon your committee experience and describe 5
likes and 5 dislikes of organizing and running a community event. (5

● didn’t like how we were in just
● we planned it out thoroughly one same spot the whole day

● there was confusion and

● improving leadership skills miscommunication between
other groups
● frustrating when struggling to
● we had more than one person direct large groups such as
per event which made it helpful telling everyone to throw their
and easier to hand out all 2500 trash in the garbage

● we advertised it properly (big ● disagreements on how many

bold and colourful poster) tattoos to give out to each
person and each period

● students not listening when

● engaging with my group telling them only one tattoo per
members and coming up with a person
well organized plan for the event

5. Using your committee experience, share 1 strategy for the following: (4


(a) Describe an effective strategy to ensure that each member

completes an equal/fair amount of the group work.

communicating effectively and having a checklist for each task. communicating

with each other can help understand what to do on tasks and what those around
us are doing and what their task is

(b) Describe an effective strategy to motivate members to complete

required tasks (i.e. create a Terry Fox Poster, bring in a case of

A strategy that motivated my team members was recognizing the achievements

and the positive feedback that we were going to receive. our goal was to hand
out all tattoos and make sure everyone was happy with them which helped
motivate us knowing our goal got accomplished and that we got multiple positive
feedback throughout the event

6. Suggest 5 things for next year’s Terry Fox Run organizers (ideas,
problems solved, successes) (3 marks)

● allowing online donations to be qualified in the raffle

● possibly have a BIGGER prize that can get people donating
● have multiple achievements or prizes for each goal we accomplished in
raising money (example: if we reached $500, there is a prize and then we
make another goal of reaching higher than $500 and receiving a bigger
prize than previous goal we accomplished)
● a little information about who Terry Fox was and why he is honoured and
acknowledged in Canada today before starting the run and events
● leaders switching events throughout the day to lead a different event so
it’s different each time and you don’t have to be in one same spot all day
Part B - The Event Day

1. List your contributions throughout the event. Please be specific. (8

marks-2 marks per section)

(a) Early Morning/Period 1 (Pre-Event Set Up):

help set up the table and chairs, put the poster up

(b) Period 1: helped group move equipment afterwards, handed out

tattoos, motivated students and even TEACHERS to donate

(c) Period 2: handed out tattoos, hyped people to run and walk
around the track, directed students to events and stations, and
directed students to a garbage can for throwing out trash

(d) Period 3: handed out more tattoos, hyped students on the field
and track along with teachers as well, motivated more teachers
to donate, encouraged students to write on our wall of hope

(e) Period 4: helped clean up, took tables and chairs back, took
poster down and gave extra tattoos to people who wanted more

(f) Period 4 (Take down and clean up):

2. As you watched the event unfold, you noticed jobs that needed to be
done and you did them; you solved problems and you made things
work better. List a few of your personal “moments of brilliance” when
you took control and made things work better. (3 marks)
● me and my group members took control of students and made sure
people weren’t getting more than one tattoo because people kept coming
back for more
● directed students to trash can so they can throw their garbage in there
instead of the ground
● when I motivated students to run- went from walking to actually jogging
and putting in effort to run for Terry

3. People in our class stepped up to contribute and had “moments of

brilliance”. Jot at least 3 impromptu thank you/congratulations
messages to your classmates. (3 marks)


setting up the table and chairs with me and helping me
Mikhai create the poster

ensuring students wouldn’t take more than 1-2 tattoos so

Sally we had enough for everyone

helping and getting students to donate toonies for Terry


Part C – Reflection on the WHY?

This is a quotation by Douglas Coupland, a Vancouver novelist and visual artist

who wrote the book “Terry” (p. 147)

What If?
“On a fundamental level, Terry’s life makes us ask “What if?” What if Terry had
never lost his leg to cancer? Or what if he’d thought about doing the run but then
decided not to do it after all? He might have survived but also maybe not. And if
he survived he’d probably have found a good job, gotten married and had a
family-his life would have had the dignity and importance that all of our lives
share. Sure, he might have wondered “What if” for the rest of his life-but that’s
what many of us do. The world would have kept spinning. Everything would
have been the same, and yet nothing would have been the same. You and I
wouldn’t be the same. The way we view life and death and courage and strength
wouldn’t be the same. Sometimes we all feel like we’re just one person here on
earth. Why does anything matter? Why do any of us bother going on? But the
fact is that we do go on, and just maybe if we follow Terry’s example of going for
the more difficult choice over all the other ones our lives will take on a meaning
greater then we ever might have dared hope.”

Using Douglas Coupland’s words, your experience organizing the Terry Fox Run
Day, the assembly and your personal experience reflect using the following
prompts: (6 marks)

I think…
I think that Terry’s life would have held dignity and worth, much like any other
person's life even if he had taken another path. However his challenging journey
in the face of difficulty turned him into a symbol of courage and strength. This
passage highlights that the significance of our actions can inspire others and
change the way we perceive in life. It tells us to find meaning in our lives by
embracing difficult choices like Terry Fox. It implies that when we select a road of
courage and resilience even in the face of difficulties in life, our lives can have a
greater meaning.

I connect…
I can connect to Terry Fox’s journey message. It shows me that if we follow
Terry’s example, of going for more difficult choices than other ones, that our life
can have a greater meaning. If we just take the risk, maybe something big can
really happen. His “Marathon of Hope” captivated many including me and
changed our perspective on bravery, courage and death.

I wonder…
I wonder why in the passage they talk about the “What Ifs” about Terry. “And if
he survived he’d probably have found a good job, gotten married and had a
family-his life would have had the dignity and importance that all of our lives
share.” No matter what, every human being has dignity and importance in their
life regardless of what they are going through. There will always be something in
your life filled with importance or dignity. Even though he didn’t survive, he did
something to Canada and others around the world. He changed people’s
perspectives on life, and on cancer. He proved to everyone how strong he was
and that cancer wasn’t going to stop him from achieving his goals. He ran miles
everyday for individuals with cancer and no human can ever do that. He was
strong and his “Marathon of Hope” is something we will never forget. Every
individual on earth will die one day. He could’ve died later but he didn’t. At the
end of the day it’s about how you spent your life and the footsteps you left. He
changed the world. He changed Canada and he changed everyone. That is why
we honour him today and will continue to. Nobody could ever accomplish what
Terry did and this is why we will never forget him.

PART D Self Assessment: Give yourself a grade and some feedback for each
of the following criteria: (10 Marks)

● Event Planning and Coordination

● Develop an action plan and implement, apply strategies, analyse and assess

Grade Feedback

9 /10 came up with a better plan on garbage cans so there wouldn’t be garbage lying

● Leadership Skills

● Ability to communicate, resolve conflicts, make decisions and solve problems, set
goals, organize and manage time

Grade Feedback

10 /10 continue to improve communicating with others about the tattoos and only taking

● Group Dynamics and Teamwork

● Individual behaviours and attitudes, interaction of people within groups and the
strategies to facilitate group effectiveness

Grade Feedback

10/10 give team members constructive feedback

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