Taoism and Buddhism

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Activity 1: Skill-building Activities

Given: In Buddhism, Right Livelihood means

making a living through ethical and non-harmful means.

Question: How does a politician practice a

right livelihood or live a non-harmful leadership and service?

Answer: A politician can practice the right livelihood or live a non-harmful leadership and service through the
1. He should not be deceived or dazzled by money and power.
2.He and his family should only live within their means.
3. He should not be dazzled by bribes and kickbacks from other people.
4. He needs to always choose what is right, just, and fitting.
5.He should never be arrogant and greedy for the power he has and his feet must always remain on the ground.

Activity 2. Formative Assessment

If you were a Buddhist and in the context of

being a learner, how would you practice each of the eightfold paths of
Buddhism? Give one example to each of them in relation to being a student.

Eightfold Paths Living or practicing each of

them as student

Right View or Right Understanding – Accept that nothing lasts forever.

Right Intention – Try to remain positive and see the best in people.

Right Speech – Abstention from telling lies about my fellow students.

Right Action – Respect the teacher during class.

Right Livelihood – Ensure that my career does not hurt others or the environment.

Right Effort – Always think before acting and try my best.

Right Mindfulness – Think carefully about my own and other people’s feeling.

Right Concentration – Use meditation to work towards a better understanding of the world around me.

(If your answer to each item is not the same

to the given, you can also check or consider it as long as your ideas are
closely related.)

Activity 3: What I Know Chart

Note: This serves as your review and summary

of what was learned from the session. You have to monitor how your knowledge
has changed by reviewing the questions.


What’s the moral philosophy of
Taoism focuses on universal, holistic, and peaceful principles such as living in harmony with nature and
natural order.

Do you know the 4 Noble Truths in
Buddhism? What are they?
Yes, and these are:
1. The truth of suffering
2. The truth of the cause of suffering
3. The truth of the end of suffering
4. The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering

What does the word “right” mean in
proper, as it ought to be, best

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

What do you think is the meaning of the quote

below? Answer this by line or statement.

1. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty.

2. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die.

3. If you want to be given everything, give everything up. (Lao




1. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. 'Let yourself be empty means empty of 'prejudices',
'conditioned beliefs and ego-derived 'attachments' and 'anxieties'. Becoming 'full' means remaining open to all
possibilities, being flexible, receptive, open, authentic

2. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. 'Let yourself die' means allow yourself to discard your false
sense of self, your ego, your pride, your self-importance. Rejecting ego is, to the ego, a form of death. What's
wonderful is that it is possible to be reborn at any moment, simply by observing ego and controlling it.

3. If you want to be given everything, give everything up. (Lao

Tzu) 'Give everything up' means giving up judgments, complaining, fighting, being right, having to win, rigid
thinking, and selfish behavior. Then you will be 'given everything' in the sense of finding love, harmony and
flow, serenity, wisdom, and inner peace.
Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Direction: Compare both beliefs of Taoism and

Buddhism in terms of their ethical standards. On the left, write the ethical
standards exclusively observed by Taoism. On the right, write the ethical
standards exclusively observed by Buddhism. Write the similarities in the

Taoists are the followers of Tao
Taoism place of worship is Taoist monasteries
Taoism practices the philosophy of maturity and virtuous conduct
Taoism do not believe in a personal God
The Taoist way of life is focused on aligning oneself to the natural way of cosmos.
Taoist believe in the here and now more than what happens after death.

Buddhists are the followers of Buddha
Buddhism place of worship is Buddhist monasteries
Buddhism practice meditation and eightfold path
Buddhism belief in a personal God
Buddhist's is on understanding and surpassing pain and suffering through leading a moral life.
Buddhists believe that their actions today will impact their happiness in the future. This principle is
called karma and it encourages Buddhists to be generous, kind and compassionate towards others.
Buddhist believe in reincarnation, which is the belief in cyclic life after death.

1. Both use statues and pictures
2. Both have similar places of worship
3. Both consider men and women as a manifestation of God
4. Both allow an atheist to partake in their religion
5. Both religions have symbols
6. Both are compatible with scientific findings
7. Both employ the concept of reincarnation in their set of beliefs.
8. Both are very peaceful religions and use meditation for peace of mind and enlightenment.
9. Both are attempting to find harmony and life in nature.

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