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Compare and contrast between cognitive and work is based on sincerity, passion, and love for
metacognitive factors. students but also in practicing the profession.
- Cognitive factors refer to the mental processes
involved in acquiring, processing, and storing 6. What is the construction of knowledge? Cite an
information. These include attention, perception, example.
memory, and problem-solving skills. Cognitive -The process of constructing knowledge involves
factors are responsible for our ability to understand connecting new information with existing
new concepts and solve complex problems. On the knowledge in meaningful ways to widen and
other hand, metacognitive factors involve our deepen one's understanding. Students can learn by
awareness and control over our cognitive creating projects that link ideas expressed through
processes. They include self-monitoring, planning, text, sound, videos, and web links. This way, they
reflection, and evaluation. Metacognition allows us can build upon their existing knowledge base and
to regulate our thinking by setting goals, monitoring expand their understanding of various topics.
progress, and adjusting strategies accordingly.
7. Cite examples of learner-centered instructional
2. How would you encourage metacognition in the practices in the classroom.
classroom? -Learner-centered teaching methods shift the focus
- I would teach metacognition in the classroom by of activity from the teacher to the learners. These
encouraging students to monitor and reflect on their methods include Active learning, in which students
performance. This will allow them to identify what solve problems, answer questions, formulate
they are doing well and what they can improve on. questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or
Once students have established this, they should brainstorm during class. Another example is
be encouraged to set goals that motivate them to project-based learning. In this approach, students
make these improvements. are given a real-world problem or task and are
required to work collaboratively to find a solution.
3. Explain metacognition in your own words. How This encourages critical thinking, problem-solving
do you apply this to improve your own study skills, and creativity. Students take ownership of
skills? their learning by conducting research, designing
-Metacognition is the process of thinking about our experiments, and presenting their findings.
own thinking. It involves being aware of our
thoughts, understanding how we learn, and 8. What are the 14 learner-centered psychological
monitoring our own learning progress. In simpler principles? Pick one and explain.
terms, it is the ability to reflect on what we know -Among the 14 learner-centered psychological
and how we know it. To apply metacognition in principles, I choose the nature of the learning
improving study skills, one must first become process which we can find in cognitive and
aware of their own learning style. Another way to metacognitive factors. The nature of the learning
utilize metacognition is by setting clear goals before process must be (1) active. It means that the way of
studying. During the actual studying process, learning is participative and dynamic. Also, it must
metacognition can be applied by employing various be (2) volitional which means that the way of
strategies such as self-questioning and self- learning is intentional and goal-oriented. Lastly, it
monitoring. must be (3) internally mediated which also means
that the students are responsible in controlling the
4. Cite at least three (3) examples of teaching learning process; the students are the center of
strategies that develop metacognition. instruction and the teacher is also a facilitator.
- Teaching strategies such as self-reflection, goal-
setting, and peer collaboration foster metacognition 9. Discuss about the nature of the learning
in students. Self-reflection involves encouraging
- The nature of the learning process which we can
students to think about their learning experiences
find in cognitive and metacognitive factors. The
and identify what strategies were effective or nature of the learning process must be (1) active. It
ineffective. Another strategy is goal-setting. By means that the way of learning is participative and
setting clear goals for themselves, students are dynamic. Also, it must be (2) volitional which means
able to focus their efforts and monitor their that the way of learning is intentional and goal-
progress. Finally, providing opportunities for peer oriented. Lastly, it must be (3) internally mediated
collaboration promotes metacognition. When which also means that the students are responsible
working with others, students have the chance to in controlling the learning process; the students are
discuss ideas and compare different approaches. the center of instruction and the teacher is also a
Through this process, they gain insights into facilitator.
alternative ways of thinking and problem-solving.
10. Elucidate: Assessment, there, is for both the
5. Elaborate on the teacher’s role in the learning teacher and learner.
process. -Assessment, whether it be for the teacher or
- A teacher is a role model and facilitator of learner, is an essential component of the
learning. The teacher is the one who plans the educational process. It serves as a means to
learning process, he manages, partners in his evaluate and measure progress, identify areas of
educational work, and at some time valuer of skills improvement, and guide future learning. Teachers
and knowledge of students. The teacher education use assessments to evaluate their teaching
methods and curriculum. Additionally, assessment
helps teachers identify gaps in knowledge or - In educational management system, strategic
misconceptions that may require further thinking involves looking for ways in advance on
clarification. On the other hand, learners use them how to deal with a future situations and thinking in
to monitor progress and identify areas for self- advance on setting long-term goals and planning.
improvement. Through assessments, learners
receive feedback on their strengths and 17. Characterize early childhood in terms of
weaknesses, which helps them set goals for self- schooling and developmental tasks.
improvement. - The developmental tasks necessary during their
first five years center around the mastery of
11. Describe a successful learner in the essential building blocks for learning to succeed in
construction of knowledge. school. This includes the ability to get along with
- A successful learner in the construction of other children, make friends, become engaged in
knowledge can connect new information with social groups and develop the capacity to manage
existing knowledge and employ thinking and powerful emotions.
reasoning strategies to achieve complex learning
goals. 18. What are the social influences to learning? Give
learning activities or situations that develop
12. Explain: Child development draws the interest collaborative skills among learners.
and imagination of anyone who cares for kids. -The social influences to learning is by creating a
- Child development is an area of study that language environment and an experience
captures our attention because it provides practical environment which stimulate the mind to grow, and
guidance for those caring for children while also by systematically rewarding a child for learning.
offering insights into human nature as a whole. By Some examples of learning activities which will
studying child development, we can gain valuable possibly develop collaborative skills among
insights into how to provide appropriate stimulation, learners are (1)pair or group discussion, (2)
nurture emotional well-being, and foster healthy completing shared tasks in a pair or group example
relationships. matching, sorting and ranking.

13. Elaborate: Learning does not occur in a 19. Diversity is a natural part of life. Describe a
vacuum. learning environment where diversity is
- Learning does not occur in a vacuum; it is a manifested.
dynamic process that involves various factors and - Diversity is everything that makes people
influences. The environment, social interactions, different from each other, such as race, ethnicity,
teachers' guidance, and personal motivation all gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,
contribute to effective learning outcomes. ability or religious belief. Moreover, a diverse
According to Cottone (2001), learning is an learning environment manifests itself through (1)
interactive rather than an individual process. It encouraging cross-cultural understanding and
involves exchanging ideas, negotiating, and sharing respect, (2) practicing cultural sensitivity, (3)
decision-making together. incorporating diversity in the lesson plan and (4)
giving freedom to the students.
14. How can classroom environment have
significant impacts on student learning? 20. Teacher takes responsibility in promoting
-Significant impact of a positive classroom learner’s growth and development. What
environment helps students to learn with ease and teaching strategies can you provide to help your
perform better academically while it also has students develop a growth mindset?
negative impacts that can hinder the learning and - With a growth mindset, you know that you can
performance of the students. change over time, and therefore you are more open
to reflect, learn and grow from challenges. Students
15. How will you make your classroom conducive to with growth mindset means that they can develop
learning? their skills and talents through effort and
- I will create a conducive learning environment that persistence, as well as being receptive to lessons
involves (1) establishing clear expectations, like, and feedback. They generally believe they can
setting consistent guidelines for behavior and improve through hard work and trying new learning
academic performance, (2) building positive methods. So, us - future teachers, we must prepare
relationships with students, through taking the time
a teaching strategies that promote growth mindset
to get to know each student individually helps build
just like using diverse teaching strategies,traching
trust and rapport, (3) utilizing various teaching
strategies that cater to different learning styles, for the values of challenges, encouraging students to
instance, visual aids, hands-on activities, and group participate and expand their answers, praising
work, and (4) technology and providing timely students on their efforts and setting achievable
feedback, or constructive feedback helps guide goals.
students towards achieving their goals while
21. Compare and contrast between intrinsic and
motivating them to continue working hard.
extrinsic motivation. Cite examples each.
- Intrinsic motivation is driven by personal
16. When applied in an educational management
satisfaction, while extrinsic motivation is driven by
system, how should strategic thinking work?
gaining rewards or avoiding punishment. Examples
include (1) going for a swim for relaxation or
breaking personal records for intrinsic motivation
while extrinsic motivation is (1) going for a swim for 28. Differentiate between the two predictable trends
improving on tournament chances. Another of child growth and development.
example is intrinsic motivation (2) causing joy and - When we say growth, it is the physical increase in
happiness through drawing, on the other hand, size or amount that is easily observed. On the other
extrinsic motivation is (2) driven by financial gain. hand, development is a cognitive, social and
emotional changes of a person.
22. Elucidate on the effects of motivation on
learner’s effort to learn. 29. Elaborate about John Locke’s espousal that
- Motivation affects a learner's effort to learn in a children are not innately bad, but, start out like a
good way, as students tend to invest more time and blank slate instead.
energy in their learning , leading to better - John Locke's theory suggests that children are
outcomes. born as a blank slate which means that there is no
innate ideas or characteristics being formed, only
23. Interrelate child’s development and learning. by experiences shape their character and abilities
-Learning leads to development. It awakens the over time.
developmental processes through social
interactions with peers and teachers in such a way 30. Discuss about nature vs. nurture issues of
that it would not occur if the child were in isolation. human development by citing examples.
- Nature refers largely to our genetics. It includes
24. How do student’s development and life the genes we are born with and other hereditary
experiences affect learning? factors that can impact how our personality is
formed and influence the way that we develop from
childhood through adulthood. Nurture
encompasses the environmental factors that impact
who we are. An example of this is a child was born
with lack of intellectual intelligence (e.g. writing,
reading, telling stories). As she goes older, her
writing skills improved because she was Influenced
by her friends who also loves writing.
25. Discuss about “people first” language. Cite an
example. 31. Distinguish the issues on continuity from
- The words we use to describe others don’t just discontinuity by an illustration. Explain.
- One of the prevalent discussions on development
reflect how we view them. They also shape our
is continuity versus discontinuity. Continuity refers
perceptions of the people we’re discussing. That’s
to the view that development is gradual, continuous
why it’s important to be mindful of the language we
process. Discontinuity refers to the view that
employ when we talk about people with disabilities.
development occurs in a series of distinct stages.
No one is a disability, an injury, or a health
condition. They are people. And that’s the guiding Continuous Development: Gradual and ongoing
principle of People-First Language. People First changes throughout the lifespan
language emphasizes describing individuals by
their identity or abilities, not their disabilities. It is a ADULTHOOD
language that puts the person before the disability
and describe what a person has, not who a person
26. What are the crucial objectives of childhood? INFANCY
Pick one and describe.
- Among these objectives, one that stands out is the Discontinuous Development: Involves distinct
acquisition of knowledge and skills. These skills and separate stages with different kinds of abilities
encompass problem-solving abilities, critical occurring in each stage.
thinking, communication skills, creativity, and
emotional intelligence. By developing these ADULTHOOD
competencies at an early age, children are better
equipped to navigate challenges in adulthood

27. Contrast between phylogenetic and ontogenetic

principles of development.

incorporate lessons to reflect the cultural diversity
32. Develop and share a scenario or situation of the students in of particular class. Generally
relating stability vs. change as issues on human speaking, multicultural teaching or education is
development. predicted of the principle of educational equity for
all students, regardless of culture, and it strives to
remove bariers to educational opportunities and
success for students from different cultural
35. Share your views about differentiated
-Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach
that tailors instructions student's different learning
needs. It let students show what they know in
different ways. It's the process of tailoring lessons
33. Expound about Robert Havighurt’s to meet each students individual interest, needs,
Developmental Task Theory and strength.
-Havighurst's theory of development tasks 36. Describe an inclusive classroom.
emphasizes the various tasks individuals are - Inclusive classrooms are typically defined as
expected to complete at different stages of their classrooms designed for all students so that
lives and provides valuable insights into the students with special needs, disabilities, or
pressures individuals face at different ages in their impairments can learn among peers (who may
lives. or may not have certain needs) in age-
Developmental tasks vary by the stage and appropriate, general education environments.
could include learning to walk , achieving personal
independence, preparing for marriage and family 37. Interrelate the terms: ovum, zygote and
life, managing a home, developing adult leisure- fertilization.
time activities, and adjusting to retirement and - The ovum serves as the female reproductive cell
reduced income. while fertilization results in the formation of a zygote
Havighurst divided human life into six through fusion with a sperm cell.
developmental stages. First, Infancy and Early During fertilization, the sperm and egg unite in
Childhood which typically lasts from birth through one of the Fallopian tubes to form a zygote. A
age five. Second, Middle Childhood which typically zygote is a fertilized egg that results from the union
lasts from age 6 to 12. This is the stage humans of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male
learn about self, morals, values, and personal gamete (sperm).
independence. Third, Adolescence which typically
lasts from age 13 to 18. This is when humans learn 38. What are teratogens?
maturity, emotional independence, and planning for - A human teratogen is an agent that alters the
the future. Fourth, Early Adulthood which typically growth or structure of the developing embryo or
lasts from age 19-29. Adults manage to select a fetus, thereby causing birth defects.
mate, raise a family, manage a home, and further
their career. Fifth, Middle Age which typically lasts 39. Characterize the transitional stage of
from age 30 to 60. This is the stage humans adolescence.
establish a standard of living and support their - Adolescence is the period of transition between
families, often both caring for their children and
childhood and adulthood.It's a transitional stage in
parents. They maintain jobs, find new leisure
physical and psychological development that is
activities, manage social responsibilities, and adjust
to physical changes. Lastly, Later Maturity which generally confined to the period from puberty to
typically lasts from age 61 through the end of life. At legal adulthood. It also period of multiple transitions
this stage, humans have worsening health and involving education, training, employement as well
strength. A changing work schedule, adjustment to as transitions from one living circumstance to
lower income, and coping with the death of loved another.
ones often occur during this time.
40. Explain about the correlational study of
34. Talk about multicultural teaching research in child and adolescent development.
- Multicultural Teaching enables student to - The study of child and adolescent development is
important because it allows us to understand the
understand diversity and realism. Understanding
cognitive, emotional, physical, social and
your student in terms of of stages of development
educational growth that children go through from
and encouraging cultural storytelling are some birth and into adulthood. It also allows us to learn
examples of multicultural teaching. about the different milestones that children are
Multicultural education refers to any form of expected to meet as they get older.
education or teaching that incorporates histories,
41. What are preschool teachers supposed to do
text,values, beliefs and perspectives of people from
with preschoolers?
different cultural backgrounds. At the classroom - Preschool teachers play a vital role in the
level for example, teachers may modify or development of children. They introduce children to
reading and writing, teach basic skills such as
identifying colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. 47. Speak about experimental research design.
They use games , music, books and other tools to - The experimental research design is a research
teach concept and skills. method used to investigate the interaction between
independent and dependent variables, which can
42. Describe the impact of teacher’s research be used to determine a cause-and-effect
involvement to the teaching-learning process. relationship. An example of an experimental design
- Teachers research involvement can improve their would be randomly selecting all of the schools
teaching by staying updated on best practices and participating in the hand washing poster campaign.
tailoring their methods to student’s need. The study The schools would then randomly be assigned to
of human growth and development is included in either the poster-group or the control group, which
the curriculum to understand how students learn would receive no posters in their bathroom.
and develop. They found significant influence in
four leading aspects namely knowledge,
enrichment, school, culture, teaching practices and
curriculum design.
43. Why is the study on human growth and
development included in your curriculum.
-The study on human growth and development
include to our curriculum as it helps us to gain
understanding of our own life experiences, help
others understand there going through, understand
the relationship of society and individual growth
lead more effectively, and support the physical and
mental health of others.
44. Interrelate the components of educative
-The components of the educative process include
curriculum design, teaching methods, assessment,
and classroom management, all aim at facilitating
45. How will a high school teacher ought to help
their students?
-High School Teachers ought to help their students
by teaching and preparing them to become
independent adults, on how to deal with things as
the students enter the world of adulthood and
encourage them to learn a lot of things about the
real world.

46. Which between heredity and environment

exerts a greater influence on human
- Both heredity and environment exert a greater
influence on human development. Although
heredity is the first thing that shapes one’s
personality, for example, studies show that adoptive
kids are more likely to show traits of their birth
parents than their adoptive parents. These are the
traits that flow through the genes of the person and
are more or less beyond human capabilities to
control or alter naturally.
However, personality developed out of the
environment in which a person lives or grows up
can be controlled and modified to shape the child's
nature accordingly. If one is to grow up in an
abusive family, there are high chance that such a
child will have anger issues and abusive traits
whereas when a kid is introduced to a positive
environment it is likely to pose a positive effect.
This is based on the simple saying that the child
does what it sees.

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