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Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

APU/APIIT Examination Regulations


Please read carefully. You will not receive any special consideration, should you misread or fail to follow these

1. All exams are to be conducted online, using Respondus LockDown Browser®, with students physically
present in the APIIT Exam Hall. Below is the address of the Exam Hall:

Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT)

Taman Teknologi Malaysia,
57000, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,

2. Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within a
learning management system, such as Moodle.
3. Only those students with their valid Student ID & their photos registered in the APU system, will be allowed
in the Exam Hall.
4. Students are required to bring in ONLY their laptop device along with its charger in the Exam Hall.
5. To ensure a smooth and uninterrupted exam experience, it is imperative that you check and install any
pending system updates for your laptop. Keeping your operating system up to date will help prevent
unexpected interruptions or restarts during the exam.
6. Please refer the below link under Knowledge Base in APSpace for Respondus LockDown Browser FAQ, for
your computer requirements and other related information.


1. All students MUST select the below WIFI SSID in the Exam Hall:
Password: virtualexam@apu

2. You will be allowed inside the Exam Hall 30 minutes before the commencement of your exam, ONLY if you
have your valid APU Student ID and have done a successful verification of your identity via the Facial
Recognition device, installed at the entrance of the Exam Hall.
3. You will not be allowed to enter the exam hall once the 15minutes of reading time has completed and/or if
you have any fees outstanding.

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4. No communication with other candidates is allowed once you enter the Exam Hall.
5. Any student found with notes/materials in any form, whether intentionally or unintentionally during the
exam, will be called in for the Academic Dishonesty Committee meeting, and will be penalised depending
on the severity of the case as per the APU/APIIT Policy and Procedure for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty.
6. You should bring your own laptop device with a charger as each individual desk in the Hall, is provided with
a power supply point.
7. Students must be well attired as stated in the APU/APIIT Professional Code of Conduct.


1. You must place your bag and belongings in the area designated by the invigilator. No belongings should be
left outside the Exam Hall and the University is not responsible for your belongings.
2. Any material notes or items on your desk or chair will be deemed to be in your possession. If you find any
unauthorized materials, please inform the invigilators immediately. If any student is found with notes
written on any part of the body or clothing, this will be tantamount to cheating. Such acts will lead to
immediate disqualification of the student from the module and disciplinary action, not excluding expulsion
3. All mobile phones, smart devices, fitness watches must be switched off and placed in the zip lock bag
provided. This bag must remain zipped and placed on the floor beside your chair at all times throughout the
exam session. Failure to comply with this instruction will result in the University’s disciplinary action. Do not
remove the zip lock bag from the Exam Hall. Pencil cases and water bottle must be placed on the floor beside
your chair.
4. You are not permitted to use any mobile phone or any other smart devices during the exam.
5. All students are required to sign the Attendance sheet given by the invigilator and display their Student ID
on their desk for verification purpose.
6. Students should log into Moodle on their laptop device and download LockDown Browser.
7. For Math, Engineering and a few other approved modules:
• the exam questions will be provided via the Moodle link which would have been setup by your
lecturer, however, the exam answers must be written in the physical answer booklet, provided by the
Exam Unit in the Hall.
• the answer booklet will later be collected from you after you have completed the exam.
• please bring your own stationery including a calculator (if required) as sharing is not allowed.
• formula sheet will be attached with the exam questions in Moodle.
• students must fill their details on the front cover of the answer booklet e.g.: Student Id Number,
Intake Code, Module and Exam Date.
• students must sign the declaration form on the flip side of the answer booklet front cover.

8. Please ensure that you do not have any unauthorized material on your desk, or written on any part of your
body, should you have brought it in by mistake please hand it over to the invigilators.
9. You are not allowed to leave the Exam Hall, unless for a medical reason:
• during the first 30 minutes after the exam has started and
• the last 15 minutes before exam ends
10. You are discouraged from using the washroom during the examination. If you need to go to the washroom,
you must obtain permission from the invigilator and only one student is allowed at one time. Take note of
your table number and register your exit to the washroom in the logbook located at the front desk of the

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1. At the start of the exam, 15 minutes will be allowed for the following:
• launch Respondus LockDown browser on your laptop by refreshing Moodle and to wait for the start
of the Quiz page. Please click the Start Quiz button.
• read the exam paper and may write points on the draft loose paper given during reading time.

2. The 15 minutes reading time starts at the published start time of the examination. Therefore, 15 minutes
will be added to the published finish time.
3. You are not allowed to leave the Exam Hall during the first 30 minutes after the examination has started,
unless for a medical reason.
4. During the last 15 minutes candidates are not allowed to leave the Exam Hall unless for a medical reason,
they must wait till the end of the exam.
5. Please obtain permission from the invigilator before leaving the Exam Hall i.e., upon completing your exam
or to visit the washroom. The invigilator reserves the right not to permit students to leave the Hall.
6. Nothing should be taken out from the Exam Hall apart from your own laptop, charger, stationeries, and
belongings. You are not allowed to remove any spare sheets of paper.


1. When the invigilator announces that time is up, you are not allowed to continue your work.
2. Automatic submission of the assessment will take place if the duration of the exam has ended. However, if
you finish earlier than 15minutes before the end of the exam, then you will need to click Finish Attempt
button followed by Submit All & Finish button (twice) and show the submitted report to the invigilator
before you are allowed to leave the Exam Hall.
3. You will need to Exit LockDown Brower, shut down and close your laptop device.
4. For modules with exams using physical answer scripts:

• you must ensure that the relevant details and the numbers of attempted questions are written
clearly on the front cover of the Exam answer script.
• the invigilator will collect the answer scripts and all used and unused papers. You are not permitted
to remove any of these items from the Exam Hall.
5. Please remain seated in silence until all the examination materials have been collected.
6. Please remove your belongings from the zip lock bag and place it on the desk.
7. You should leave the Exam Hall quietly, when instructed by the invigilator and take all belongings with you.

Related pages in Knowledge Base which are useful for your reference:

• Respondus LockDown Browser FAQ and Installation Guide
• Install Respondus LockDown Browser
• For iPad users, you may download Respondus from the App Store via this link:

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• Shuttle service to APIIT Exam Hall is available in the below link:
• The APIIT Car Parking info can be found at this link:

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