A05E Number1 FinalReport

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Students Student code

Nguyễn Như Nhi Trang 215048129
Hoàng Thị Mỹ Huyền 215047769
Nguyễn Ngọc Thảo Trân 215047935
Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân 215084378
Nguyễn Bảo Anh Thơ 215047899
Table of Contents

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 1

1. OUR PRODUCT: ................................................................................................................................................. 1

2. VISION AND MISSION:........................................................................................................................................ 1
A. CORE VALUES: HESI ......................................................................................................................................... 2
3. OUR TEAM ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

II. STRATEGIC CONTEXT: ............................................................................................................................... 3

1. OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 3

III. THE MARKET ENVIRONMENT FOR PRODUCT .................................................................................. 4

1. INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................... 4

1.1. PESTEL: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. POSTER’S FIVE FORCES: ................................................................................................................................................ 23
1.3. DIRECT COMPETITOR: WABISABI XÔI QUÊ GROUP. ................................................................................................. 28
1.4. COMPETITOR SWOT ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
1.5. SWOT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 30
2. MARKET SEGMENTS AND CUSTOMER TARGETS ............................................................................................. 34
2.1. MARKET SEGMENTS: ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
2.2. CUSTOMER PROFILE ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
3. FORECASTING BASIC: ...................................................................................................................................... 37
4. THE PRODUCT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES............................................................................................... 38
B. DECISION MATRIX ........................................................................................................................................... 43

IV. THE MARKETING MIX - STRATEGIES AND TACTICS ..................................................................... 43

1. PRODUCT (DESCRIPTION VALUE PROPOSITIONS AND POSITIONING) .......................................................... 43

1.1. PRODUCT LINE ................................................................................................................................................................. 44
1.2. PRODUCT BENEFIT ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
1.3. PRODUCT STRATEGIES ................................................................................................................................................... 45
1.4. POSITIONING MAP .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
1.5. PRODUCT LAYERS ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
1.6. VALUE PROPOSITION AND POSITIONING STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 50
2. PRICING STRATEGY......................................................................................................................................... 52
3. PROMOTIONAL PLANS AND PROGRAMS TO DRIVE DEMAND ......................................................................... 53
4. PLACE OR DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS TO DELIVER PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ................................................ 57
4.1. FOOD SUPPLY: .................................................................................................................................................................. 57
4.2. PAPER CUP SUPPLY: ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
4.3. SUPPLY OF PAPER STRAWS: .......................................................................................................................................... 59


VI. PRODUCT LAUNCHES BEING PLANNED OR BEING CARRIED OUT ........................................... 61

VII. SALES TRAINING PROGRAMS NEEDED ............................................................................................ 62

1. CÁC BƯỚC ĐÀO TẠO BÁN HÀNG ...................................................................................................................... 62

2. TRAINING BÁN HÀNG ..................................................................................................................................... 64
3. DIVISION OF WORK ......................................................................................................................................... 67

VIII. ADDITIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS NEED .................................................................................. 69

1. KIỂM NGHIỆM THÀNH PHẦN DINH DƯỠNG:................................................................................................... 69

2. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 75
2.1. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: ..................................................................................................................................... 75
2.2. NON-FUNCTIONAL: ......................................................................................................................................................... 76



X. INTEGRATED BUDGETS FOR ALL PROGRAMS ................................................................................. 79

................ 79

XI. MEASUREMENTS AND METRICS .......................................................................................................... 80

1. 1. FINANCIAL METRICS AND KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIS) ........................................................ 80

2. 2. USER INTERACTION METRICS ..................................................................................................................... 83
3. 3. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION METRICS. ......................................................................................................... 84

XII. RISKS ........................................................................................................................................................... 85

XIII. APPENDICES AND SUPPORTING MATERIAL ................................................................................. 87

I. Executive summary

1. Our product:
This report focuses on the product development process from the initial idea to achieving
success with impressive revenue during the 3-day "Lanh" event. Throughout this process,
we have created a total of 3 main products.
Product 1: Spaghetti with vegetable sauce
Product 2: Plant-based Bun Cha
Product 3: Kumquat tea

2. Vision and mission:

Vision: To create a world where plant-based products are not just a temporary trend but an
essential part of people's daily lives. We believe that choosing and consuming plant-based
products can bring positive changes to individual health, the environment, and the future
direction of the food industry.
Mission: To be a pioneer in innovating and developing high-quality, appealing, and
delicious plant-based products while ensuring that they meet the full nutritional needs.
A. Core values: HESI
Healthy: Our plant-based meals are designed to provide balanced nutrition, supplying
essential nutrients and contributing to overall health. We strive to create not only tasty
dishes but also promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Excellence: We are committed to delivering excellence in every meal we create. Our plant-
based meals are meticulously prepared, using high-quality and organic ingredients to
provide a perfect combination of flavors, presentation, and dining experience.
Sustainability: We aim for sustainable environmental development. From selecting
environmentally friendly ingredients to implementing neat paper packaging and reducing
waste, we consistently make efforts to create meals that support a healthier planet.
Integrity: Transparency, honesty, and ethics are the foundation of our work. We pledge to
provide customers with accurate information about our ingredients, sourcing, and
production processes.

3. Our Team
Our team is formed by 5 representatives from different departments within the company.
Each member of the team has specific roles and responsibilities, accompanying each stage
of the product development process. We believe that clarifying the roles and obligations of
each team member is crucial to minimizing risks within the team. To ensure efficiency and
optimal coordination, we apply the RACI method (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted,
Informed). This is a responsibility management approach that helps define the roles and
responsibilities of each member in the work process.
The "Responsible" role identifies the person directly responsible for specific tasks and
activities in each stage of the product. They are accountable for executing and completing
the work as required.
The "Accountable" role is the ultimate responsible person for the success of the product.
They ensure that all tasks are performed on schedule, meet the quality standards, and
achieve the set objectives.
The "Consulted" role refers to individuals who are consulted and requested for input during
the decision-making and task implementation process. Their advice is significant in making
accurate decisions and ensuring consensus.
The "Informed" role includes individuals who are informed and provided with information
about the progress and results of the product. Although they are not directly involved in
task execution, they need to be informed to understand and make appropriate decisions.
By applying the RACI method, we ensure clarity and transparency regarding the roles and
responsibilities of each member of our product team. This helps us enhance coordination,
increase productivity, and effectively achieve product development goals.

II. Strategic context:

1. Opportunity statement
Project type: New product
Situation: Stemming from concerns raised by students, professors, and staff members of
UEF University, there is dissatisfaction with the hygiene standards of food vendors near
the campus gate. The food often contains excessive oil, grease, and seasoning. Ordering
food through mobile apps poses challenges as it requires going downstairs to collect the
order and involves long waits for elevators. Due to time constraints, individuals are unable
to prepare nutritious home-cooked meals, yet still desire to consume balanced, healthy, and
nourishing food options.
Solution: Understanding the concerns of the individuals involved, our team has conceived
an idea to provide a convenient, wholesome, and environmentally friendly dining
Competitive advantage: By promoting a green lifestyle, we aim to attract individuals who
prioritize environmental sustainability and prioritize their health.
Preliminary estimation: Over a period of three days (October 11-13), we anticipate
generating a minimum revenue of 2 million VND. The sales team will consist of five
members and additional investments will be made for items such as kumquat tea, wooden
chopsticks, posters, ice, and paper cups, totaling approximately 400,000 VND.
Decision: We will seek input from our guiding professors and proceed with the
implementation of this opportunity.
III. The market environment for product

1. Industry and competitive activities

1.1. PESTEL:
Political (P):
The National Action Plan for Transparent, Accountable, and Sustainable Food
System Transformation in Vietnam by 2030 (referred to as the Action Plan) requires
food and beverage (F&B) producers and suppliers to provide clear information on the
origin, production process, ingredients, and quality of their products. Additionally, F&B
businesses must adhere to standards and regulations regarding resource management,
environmental protection, and climate change adaptation. Companies may need to adapt
and implement measures to ensure the sustainability of their operations. The Action Plan
also opens up opportunities for business development and expansion to meet consumer
demands for food safety and nutrition, creating a stable and reliable business environment
for F&B enterprises.
=> O1: Businesses meet the criteria of the Action Plan
Reduction of Value-Added Tax (VAT) from 10% to 8%:
In practice, in the context of inflation, the impact of increasing VAT and prices in the F&B
industry can have complex and difficult-to-control effects. Some of the impacts can be
listed as follows: Increased consumption capacity: When the value-added tax (VAT)
decreases, the cost of F&B products will also decrease. Along with good inflation control
in Vietnam, this can motivate consumers to spend and consume more. The F&B market
will become more attractive due to lower prices, potentially increasing consumption and
sales volume in the industry. Investment and expansion incentives: The reduction in VAT
can create a more favorable environment for F&B businesses to invest in and expand their
operations. With reduced production and business costs, companies may have greater
financial resources to invest in upgrading infrastructure, expanding store networks,
improving product and service quality, or enhancing marketing and promotion activities.
=> O2: Encouraging consumers to spend and consume more
=> O3: Reducing the cost of imported raw materials
=> O4: Using the saved money for more beneficial investments
=> O5: Alleviating financial pressure on consumers
World political situation is volatile:
The CEO of JP Morgan Chase stated, "The conflict in Ukraine combined with the recent
attacks on Israel could have far-reaching implications for the energy and food markets,
global trade, and geopolitical relationships. This may be the most dangerous time the world
has seen in decades." This indicates that wars can have a significant impact on the F&B
industry in Vietnam, including Decreasing consumer demand: In times of war, uncertainty
and concerns about the future can reduce consumer confidence and purchasing power. As
a result, consumers may choose to cut spending on dining out and entertainment to alleviate
financial burdens. Furthermore, the impact of the unstable world political situation creates
an uncertain and unpredictable market outlook. Food and beverage businesses need to
adapt to market fluctuations and changes. This may require developing new strategies and
approaching new markets to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.
=> T1: Uncertain and unpredictable market conditions
=> T2: Continuous updating to adapt to market changes
=> T3: Consumers still have a skeptical mindset due to the impact of the world situation
Economic (E):
The inflation situation in the second half of 2023 is expected to show a decreasing
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) chart for the months from the beginning of the year until
now indicates a gradual decline in inflation compared to the same period last year. The data
shows that the CPI in January recorded the highest increase at 4.89%. However, from then
until June, this index decreased to 2%, and in July, the growth was only at a low level of
2.06%. There are several key factors contributing to this decreasing inflation trend. One of
the important factors is that domestic fuel prices have decreased following global prices.
Therefore, it is evident that inflation is tending to decrease in the last six months of 2023.
The decrease in inflation can have several positive impacts on the F&B industry in
Vietnam. Here are some key effects:
● Increased investment and expansion opportunities: When inflation is controlled, the
business environment becomes more stable and reliable. This can create more
favorable conditions for F&B businesses to invest and expand their operations.
Businesses can easily access investment capital, mobilize resources, and develop
new projects, including expanding production scale, distribution, or expanding store
● Enhanced access to financial funding: In a stable and less volatile business
environment, financial institutions (such as banks and investors) may tend to trust
and provide financial funding more easily to F&B businesses. This can help
businesses strengthen their financial capacity, invest in technology, improve service
quality, and expand their operations.
● Reduced caution and concerns of the population: When inflation decreases, people
tend to trust the government and have expectations for the stability and development
of the economy. This can reduce people's hesitations and worries about their
economic and personal financial situation. Instead, people are more willing to spend
without excessive concerns about saving, and they may seek new experiences in
enjoying food and beverages. This can lead to increased sales and growth in the
F&B industry.
Furthermore, there are additional implications:
=> O6: Decreased interest rates for business loans
=> O7: More stable business environment in Vietnam compared to the global situation =>
O8: Increased ability to persuade investors O9: Reduced caution and concerns of the
=> T4: Excessive reduction in inflation may cause economic recession.
The F&B industry in Vietnam has tremendous development potential.
In 2023, the F&B sector in Vietnam is expected to continue its strong growth, reaching
revenues of nearly 610 trillion VND, an increase of about 18% compared to the previous
year. Despite the forecasted difficulties in the economic outlook for 2023, Euromonitor
predicts that the F&B market value will increase by 18% compared to 2022. After a
prolonged period of social distancing due to the pandemic, the demand for F&B products
has rebounded strongly. This demonstrates the interest and preference of consumers for the
F&B industry. Businesses in the industry have undergone various fluctuations and adapted
to meet the new market demands. Based on the strong growth and recovery of the F&B
sector, forecasts indicate that this industry will continue to develop at a steady pace.
According to Euromonitor, by 2026, the F&B market value is expected to reach nearly 1
million trillion VND (938,305 trillion VND). This demonstrates the potential and
development opportunities in this field.

=> O10: The F&B industry still has significant potential and stable development.
=> O11: Users are still interested in receiving new products.
Average income of workers:
IN Q3 AND 9 MONTHS OF 2023," the average monthly income of workers in Q3/2023
is 7.1 million VND, an increase of 6.8%, corresponding to an increase of 451 thousand
VND compared to the same period last year. This income level may be sufficient to live in
small to medium-sized provinces and meet basic daily expenses, as well as to save a
portion. However, if workers live in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, this
average income level will be relatively low. The income of 7.1 million VND may meet
basic needs for some people but may not be enough for areas with higher living costs or
when facing special expenses. Therefore, it can be understood that people living in major
cities will be more sensitive to higher prices, and businesses need to offer attractive
promotional programs or provide higher-value products to meet customer expectations.

=> T5: Urban consumers are sensitive to prices.

=> T6: Initial promotional costs are necessary to attract customers.
Unemployment rate::
In the context of global GDP growth expected to be lower than the previous year and
weakened demand in developed economies, along with a forecasted slowdown in global
trade, businesses and the labor market in Vietnam will be adversely affected by the
difficulties in the world economy. However, due to the characteristics of the Vietnamese
labor market, which has a high rate of informal employment, although some businesses
may cut or postpone jobs, the unemployment rate in the third quarter of 2023 increased in
terms of numbers compared to the previous quarter but remained unchanged in terms of
the rate.
Specifically, the unemployment rate in the working age group in the third quarter of 2023
was 2.30%, unchanged from the previous quarter and increased by 0.02 percentage points
compared to the same period last year. In the context of a slight increase and little change
in the unemployment rate, the impact on social pressure, government spending, and
consumer spending can be considered neutral or insignificant.

=> T7: The unemployment rate in Vietnam is still well-controlled.

Labor market and job search:
Based on the image below, it can be seen that there are many factors contributing to the
challenges in the F&B industry job market. The F&B industry often requires employees to
have high versatility, meaning one person has to take on 2-3 different positions. However,
advancement opportunities in this industry are not clear. Unfortunately, many businesses
in the industry do not contribute to social insurance for their employees and do not
implement policies such as a 13th-month salary and other benefits. This situation has led
to a decline in the attractiveness of jobs in the F&B industry in recent years.
Additionally, this industry also has the complexity of human resources, with 16.3% of
businesses facing difficulties in scheduling work and 10.4% making errors in calculating
staff salaries. Currently, most businesses in the industry still use traditional shift
management methods through Excel, Zalo, or fingerprint attendance machines. Therefore,
to enhance attractiveness and efficiency in the F&B industry, there is a need for
improvement in human resources policies and work management processes.
=> T8: Decline in the attractiveness of jobs in the F&B industry.
=> T9: Lack of long-term commitment to the F&B industry by employees.
=> T10: Cost of employee training.
Social (S):
According to the statistics of 2017, the age group from 0 to 14 accounted for 25.2% of the
population in Vietnam. The age group from 15 to 65, which is the working-age group, had
the highest proportion at 69.3% of the total population. The age group above 65 accounted
for 5.5% of the population. The young population structure is significant for the country
because it represents the main workforce. A large number of young people can meet the
needs of the country's economic production activities as well as the national security
obligations of citizens. A large labor force can contribute to the economic benefits of the
country by contributing to the labor force and labor productivity. This also creates a
"population dividend," which refers to the potential economic benefits that can be obtained
from a young population. In addition, significant growth in the working-age population can
support the development of various industries and sectors, contribute to innovation and
entrepreneurship, and promote economic progress.
=> O12: Young population structure
=> T11: Keeping up with the continuous trends of the youth.
Health Awareness:
The prolonged impact of COVID-19 has increased concerns related to neurological and
mental health issues. The most common symptoms include fatigue, difficulty breathing,
muscle and joint pain, loss or alteration of taste or smell, reduced cognitive function, sleep
disorders, cough, chest pain, and headaches. Furthermore, 42% of working individuals are
experiencing stress, leading to a phenomenon where office workers tend to neglect and let
go of themselves due to increased exhaustion, anxiety, and depression. Feeling that they
spend too much time on work, being overwhelmed, and always being ready to keep up with
the rapid changes in the market can create pressure and stress for the workforce. Therefore,
physical and mental health trends are becoming increasingly important:
● Physical fitness: Awareness of physical fitness has become an integral part of
modern life. People realize that maintaining a healthy body brings not only physical
health benefits but also positive effects on mental and emotional well-being.
Physical fitness activities may include exercising, strength training, yoga,
swimming, running, and other stress-reducing activities. This helps improve muscle
strength, endurance, respiratory function, and immune system enhancement.
● Inner well-being: Awareness of internal health is increasing, with a focus on
nutrition, diet, and stress management. People recognize that maintaining a balanced
and nutrient-rich diet can provide energy and help maintain good health. They also
focus on reducing stress and maintaining mental well-being through practices such
as meditation, yoga, and engaging in recreational and stress-reducing activities.
● Outer beauty: Currently, people are shifting from using cosmetics to taking care of
their appearance through consuming foods rich in vegetables, vitamins, and
minerals. They balance the use of cosmetics with a nutritious diet rich in green
vegetables. Green and organic foods are important sources of nutrients for healthy
skin and hair. Green and organic foods contain essential nutrients, vitamins, and
minerals necessary for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing the brightness and
shine of hair. They are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and minerals such
as zinc and selenium, which help protect the skin from harmful environmental
effects and the effects of aging.
=> O13: Focus on diet for better health
=> O14: Increasing emphasis on internal and external health
=> O15: Trend of consuming more vegetables, organic food for maintaining outer beauty
and inner health
=> O16: Young people are gradually shifting towards a diet rich in organic green
=> O17: Business opportunities in the field of healthy food
=> T12: It requires significant costs and time to convince them of a healthy lifestyle
Customer Buying Trends:
Proportion of eating out services: According to Ipos.vn, only 20.4% of customers use
eating out services daily, with the ratio of 1-2 times per month being the highest percentage
among a total of 3940 respondents.
Specifically, the frequency of eating out 1-2 times per month accounts for the highest
proportion across all income groups.

Specifically, the age group of 23-25 years old and the age group of 26-30 years old are the
groups with the highest consumption levels for eating out services among all 6 groups.
The frequency of eating out 1-2 times per month accounts for the highest proportion across
all income groups. This indicates that regardless of high or low income, consumers tend to
have a preference for eating at home with this frequency. Additionally, the group with the
least frequent use of eating-out services at least once a day shows an increasing trend with
higher income levels. This suggests that individuals with higher incomes are more likely
to spend on eating-out services daily. Therefore, based on the information provided, it can
be concluded that higher income is associated with the ability to spend on eating-out
services, or this group values convenience and time-saving. Individuals with higher
incomes tend to eat out daily, while the lower income group tends to eat out less frequently.

Eating out services are not popular on a daily basis, and most users only occasionally use
this service. This indicates that eating out is not a regular habit for the majority of users.
Instead, the demand for this service is often triggered by specific factors or specific needs
within a certain period. Younger age groups and higher income groups tend to consume
eating out services more than other groups. This can be explained by the convenience and
time-saving benefits that eating out services provide. Younger age groups often have busy
lifestyles and less time for cooking, while higher income groups have the financial ability
to afford eating out services.
When choosing to use eating out services, the most important criteria are delicious food
and reasonable prices. The importance of delicious food accounts for the highest
proportion, reaching 88.2%. This indicates that users prioritize the quality of food and
beverages when selecting eating out services. Next, the factor of price is also considered
important, with a rate of 72.9%. This shows that users also care about the price they have
to pay for using eating out services.

These results may be surprising because the factor of "Attentive and professional service"
ranks only fifth among the priority factors for customers, while the factor of "Promotions"
receives only 34% of attention. Although the attention rates for "Attentive and professional
service" and "Promotions" are not high, it does not mean that these factors are not
important. It is possible that in the current diverse culinary environment, customers
consider the quality of food and prices as the main determining factors when choosing
eating out services. Therefore, based on these results, businesses or restaurants can focus
on providing delicious food and beverages, while ensuring competitive prices to attract and
maintain customer interest. At the same time, attentive and professional service and
promotional programs should also be considered to create additional value for customers.
=> O18: The age group of 23-30 years old is the group with the highest consumption level
for eating out services.
=> T13: Vietnamese people still maintain the habit of eating and cooking at home.
=> O19: The willingness of people to spend if the product saves time and is beneficial to
=> O20: The development and potential for the food service industry in the young
population structure.
=> O21: There is no need to incur excessive costs for future promotions and discounts."
Trend of saving idle money:
According to the latest survey data from The Conference Board and Nielsen, despite recent
positive economic developments, the economic recession mentality continues to persist in
the mindset of Vietnamese consumers. 48% of respondents believe that the country is going
through a recessionary period due to the impacts of the global economic and political
situation, as well as the prolonged effects of COVID-19. Although 76% of people still
believe that their personal financial situation will be good or excellent in the next 12
months, nearly half of the respondents believe that this is not a good time to spend money
on shopping.
Changes in priorities and values:
Despite concerns about spending money, consumers are still willing to spend a significant
amount of money on expenses related to improving the quality of their personal lives,
families, and children. With increasing concerns about health and well-being, products and
services that can meet healthcare needs will attract the attention and emotions of
Vietnamese consumers.
=> T14: Trends in people's savings.
=> T15: Product value must be improved to provide more value than ever before to meet
customer needs.
Customer purchasing behavior:
Vietnamese consumers are becoming more sophisticated and are changing according to
four trends:
● Increased awareness of value: Vietnamese consumers are becoming more
sophisticated and concerned about the true value of the products and services they
purchase. As mentioned above, instead of just focusing on price, they evaluate other
factors such as quality, features, convenience, and the social impact of the products.
They are becoming smarter in comparing prices and seeking deals and promotions
to ensure they get the best value for their money.
● Preference for clean and organic food: Mr. Nguyen Minh Tien, Director of the
Agricultural Trade Promotion Center, has given a positive assessment of the priority
given to clean and organic food. He observed that opening organic food stores and
clean fruit stores in cities is not difficult, and consumers are willing to pay higher
prices for these products. The reason is that these products have clear origins and
are inspected and monitored for quality by authorities. Mr. Nguyen Minh Tien's
observation reflects the increasing trend of consumers prioritizing and choosing
clean and organic products. Consumers have recognized the health and
environmental benefits of prioritizing these products and are willing to invest more
to obtain better quality and safety. However, it should be noted that the opening of
organic food stores and clean fruit stores depends not only on consumer acceptance
but also on the development and stable supply from farmers and producers. This
requires support and investment in organic agriculture to meet the increasing
demand of the market.
● Preference for mixed-channel platforms: Customers increasingly prefer shopping
through multiple channels, including both online and traditional shopping. They can
research products online, order through mobile apps or websites, and then pick up
the products at stores or their homes. The ability to choose multiple shopping
channels helps customers have a flexible and convenient shopping experience, while
taking advantage of deals and promotions from different channels.
● Less loyalty to brands and stores: Brand loyalty is no longer as important as before.
Customers are switching and experimenting with new brands and stores. They can
easily search for information, reviews, and feedback from users before deciding to
make a purchase. This puts pressure on brands and stores to maintain product quality
and service while creating a good shopping experience to attract and retain
● Having specific purposes when shopping: Consumers increasingly have specific
purposes when shopping, not just buying to meet basic needs. They tend to seek
products and services that can meet their goals and lifestyles. For example, they may
look for organic products, environmentally friendly products, or products with
positive social impact. This reflects the growing trend of interest in health,
sustainability, and social impact in purchasing decisions.
=> T16: Unstable customer needs
=> O22: Customers have a tendency to be curious and prefer new things
=> T17: Challenges for new businesses due to too many distribution channel choices to
reach consumers
=> O23: Customers are willing to pay for organic, green, and clean products
=> T18: There must be a strong workforce to manage distributors and predict market
Many factors influence consumers' purchasing decisions:
Currently, social media plays a significant role in the purchasing decisions of young
consumers. Instead of seeking opinions only from family members, friends, or people
around them, they search for information from various sources and individuals on social
media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and many others. Social
media provides young consumers with a diverse and rich array of opinions and experiences
from multiple sources and different users. They can follow bloggers, vloggers, influencers,
and individuals with expertise on social media, receiving reviews, product evaluations,
usage guides, and shared experiences from those who have used similar products or
services. This diversity helps young consumers have a broader perspective on the products
and services available in the market. They can see multifaceted opinions from individuals
with different characteristics and experiences, including different skin tones, nationalities,
and cultures. This enables them to have a more comprehensive view and make more
objective evaluations before making purchasing decisions. However, relying on social
media also requires caution. Young consumers need the ability to discern reliable
information and assess the quality of the information source. At the same time, they should
consider opinions and experiences from multiple sources to have a comprehensive view
and make smart and reasonable purchasing decisions.
=> T19: Handling the media crises becomes more challenging.
=> O24: Users suffer from information overload.
Technology (T):
Enhancing e-commerce activities, promotion, and connecting the food and agricultural
consumption market through e-commerce channels and social networks:
With over 73% of the population using the Internet and 78% of them engaging in online
shopping, users have accepted and adapted to the online shopping model. According to the
Vietnam E-commerce Report, the scale of the retail e-commerce market in Vietnam
reached $16.4 billion in 2022, accounting for 7.5% of the country's total retail revenue for
goods and consumer services. This indicates that the average online shopping value
reached $288 per person per year. Based on the above data and information, it can be seen
that e-commerce is thriving in Vietnam. With rapid growth and increasing participation in
online shopping, enhancing e-commerce activities, promotion, and connecting the food and
agricultural consumption market through the value chain is an important direction.
Businesses and retailers can leverage the popularity of the Internet and social media to
efficiently reach and market their products to customers. E-commerce channels, including
both online stores and social media, can be utilized to build and promote brands, generate
interactions with customers, and meet the online shopping needs of consumers. In
particular, connecting stakeholders within the value chain, from producers to consumers,
through e-commerce platforms can provide convenience and enhance business efficiency.
Prominent e-commerce trends in 2023 include:
Potential development through Headless eCommerce: Headless eCommerce allows
businesses to be more flexible in developing user interfaces and integrating new
technologies. This creates opportunities to enhance the shopping experience for customers,
from using artificial intelligence (AI) to provide personalized product recommendations to
applying augmented reality (AR) to provide more realistic product previews. With
Headless eCommerce, businesses can quickly adapt to market changes and customer
demands. They can deploy new features, improve performance, and optimize websites
quickly without being constrained by traditional CMS systems. The Headless architecture
also creates opportunities for business expansion and scalability. Businesses can easily
integrate with third-party platforms, such as payment systems, customer relationship
management (CRM) systems, and more, helping create a comprehensive and integrated e-
commerce system..
- Omni-channel selling is a powerful and suitable business strategy for the current
consumer shopping habits. Nowadays, consumers often refer to reviews and product
information on social media platforms before making purchasing decisions. They
also like to visit physical stores to try out products and compare prices from different
sellers before making their final purchasing decision. By implementing an omni-
channel selling strategy, businesses can meet these needs by creating a synchronized
effect between their social media channels and website, providing a consistent
customer experience and cohesive information. Furthermore, omni-channel allows
businesses to create an interactive store environment where consumers can come,
try out products, and receive assistance from sales staff. This helps build a better
shopping experience, trust, and connection between the business and customers.
- Livestream selling trend: In an era where Vietnamese people are increasingly using
social media and spending more time watching videos, livestream selling has
become a prominent trend in the years 2022-2023. Using livestream selling caters
to customers' video viewing habits, allowing them to interact directly with sellers,
ask questions, and receive immediate feedback. Beyond just interaction, livestream
selling enables customers to see the products and services they are interested in
directly through video. Instead of relying solely on images and descriptions,
customers can visually see the products and services in real-time. This helps them
gain a clearer and more detailed understanding of the products, leading to more
accurate and confident purchasing decisions. During the livestream, customers can
participate in special promotions and make direct purchases. This stimulation and
motivation prompt customers to make immediate purchase decisions, creating quick
business effectiveness for companies. By using multiple channels such as Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms, businesses can
reach a diverse and potential audience while saving time and labor costs.
=> T20: Requires high investment costs for Headless Ecommerce and Omni Channel
=> O25: Opportunity to increase sales through livestream selling via social media channels
=> T21: Organizing a well-managed personnel system for e-commerce activities
=> W1: Inability to manage all e-commerce activities
=> W2: Implementing e-commerce activities in an unstructured and disjointed manner
=> W3: Insufficient capital strength to fully leverage all e-commerce trends
=> S1: Constantly updating young personnel with good e-commerce practices
=> W4: Limited personnel leading to challenges in providing good customer service"
Diverse Ordering and Delivery Methods:
Currently, young people tend to order food through food delivery apps. The main reason
is that young people often live alone, away from their families, and are busy with work, so
they have less time to cook at home. According to a survey conducted by IPOS.vn with a
total of 3,940 participants in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, and Can Tho,
the most frequently used food delivery app is ShopeeFood, with 58% of users. Next are
GrabFood and Baemin, with 48% and 36% of users, respectively.
The reasons why they choose food delivery apps are that 65.3% of the respondents stated
that discount codes are the main reason when considering between online food delivery
apps. In addition, 45.4% of users also choose based on user interface.

Overall, the trend of ordering food through food delivery apps is becoming increasingly
popular, especially among young people, as it provides convenience and a variety of food
=> O26: Increase sales by collaborating with online food delivery apps and reaching a
wider customer base.
=> T22: High potential risks if not managing and controlling third parties.
=> T23: Ensure timely delivery service to maintain customer trust.
=> T24: Ensure appropriate cost and pricing for consumers when collaborating with
delivery services.
Diverse Payment Methods:
In a survey with a total of 3,940 participants, the most preferred payment method by
customers is bank transfer, accounting for 72.9%. However, since the second quarter of
2022, payment methods through QR code scanning (such as VietQR) have become
increasingly popular, currently reaching a rate of 28.4% among preferred users. This is a
surprising indicator, as more and more customers prioritize non-cash payment methods
over traditional payment methods. The second-ranking payment method is cash,
accounting for 60.5%. Payment by credit/debit card is the least chosen, accounting for only
19%. Overall, the payment trend for ordering food through food delivery apps is changing,
with an increase in bank transfers and QR code scanning. This reflects the shift from cash
payment to non-cash payment in this field.
=> T25: Provide QR code scanning devices and integrate non-cash payment methods.
=> O27: Payment through bank transfer and QR code scanning is usually faster and more
convenient than exchanging cash.
=> S2: There are only three payment methods, which are cash, electronic wallet (Momo),
and VNpay.
Environment (E):
Agricultural Soil Pollution:
Soil pollution is a major challenge in Vietnam, especially in the agricultural sector. One
of the main issues is the shrinking agricultural land area. With pressure from population
growth and industrialization-modernization processes, the agricultural land area is
Currently, only about 26.1% of Vietnam's natural land area is used for agriculture, and this
area is shrinking over time. Another issue related to soil pollution is the characteristics of
hilly and mountainous terrain in Vietnam's tropical rainy regions. With 3/4 of the territory
concentrated in hilly and mountainous areas, this environment faces issues such as erosion,
soil erosion, and soil degradation. Due to high air temperatures and intense mineralization
processes, the soil becomes depleted of organic matter and essential nutrients. This leads
to soil degradation, causing soil to lose its fertility and making it difficult to restore its
original state. Soil pollution can occur from various sources, including the use of unsafe
agricultural chemicals, industrial waste discharge, and improper solid waste management.
These activities can cause soil pollution and reduce the quality of agricultural land.
=> T26: Food safety risks.
=> T27: Increased raw material costs due to the need for expensive technology and
cultivation methods.
=> T28: Lack of assurance in the quality of raw materials.
Climate Change:
According to Deloitte, climate change has had a significant impact on the food supply. The
increase in global average temperature affects crop yields, and each degree Celsius increase
can reduce the production of different crops. According to Deloitte, temperature increases
can reduce wheat production by up to 6%, rice by up to 3.2%, corn by up to 7.4%, and
soybeans by up to 3.1%. It is important to recognize that not only F&B businesses can
address greenhouse gas emissions-related issues. Consumers should also have awareness
and contribute to environmental protection. Some greenhouse gas control issues are beyond
the control of businesses in the industry. Estimates show that about 80% of emissions fall
under "Scope 3" (including consumption, transportation, investment), for example, when
consumers waste food before consumption or improperly dispose of packaging. This poses
a significant challenge for F&B businesses as they must face the impact of climate change
on food supply while trying to control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions within their
scope. Businesses need to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to address this
situation while also promoting consumer awareness and action to reduce unnecessary
emissions in the food supply chain.
=> T29: Climate change reduces raw material productivity.
=> O28: Opportunity for "Green" businesses to gain consumer sentiment and trust through
environmental protection programs.
=> S3: Limit the use of plastic and nylon products to contribute to environmental
Laws (L):
Certificate of Food Safety Facility: According to Article 12 of Decree 15/2018/ND-CP,
facilities that do not require a Certificate of Food Safety Facility are small-scale
establishments that do not produce or process food but only trade in small-scale food. The
exemption from the certification requirement for these facilities can have the following
impacts on businesses:
● Food Safety Regulations: Although they do not require a Certificate of
● Food Safety Facility, small-scale food businesses still have to comply with food
safety regulations specified in other legal documents.
● Customer Trust: The absence of a Certificate of Food Safety Facility can affect
customer trust in the business. Some customers may have concerns about the quality
and safety of food provided by facilities without a certificate demonstrating
sufficient safety conditions.
● Competition in the Industry: Small-scale food businesses without a Certificate of
Food Safety Facility may face difficulties in competing with certified counterparts.
Customers may tend to prioritize establishments that are certified to ensure food
=> O29: Reduce costs and time to obtain permits.
=> T30: Customer concerns about the quality and safety of food.
=> T31: Difficulty in competing with certified counterparts.

1.2. Poster’s Five Forces:

Industry Rivalry:
Quantity and size of competitors: The plant-based food market is highly competitive, but
there are not many prominent brands representing this industry. Currently, plant-based food
businesses in Ho Chi Minh City, such as Khai Minh Vegan Restaurant, serve as
competitors to the current organization. The size of brands in this industry ranges from low
to medium. Industry growth rate: The plant-based food market is expected to grow strongly
in the future. According to Allied Market Research, the value of the plant-based food
market is projected to double from around $4.1 billion in 2019 to about $8.2 billion in
2026, with an estimated annual growth rate of 9%. In Vietnam and other Asian countries,
the growth rate of plant-based food reaches up to 25%. This growth creates many prospects
for development in the market for new food processing technologies. Market
differentiation: Although there are many different product segments in the plant-based food
market, the taste difference between the products is not clear as they are all made from
plant-based ingredients and have limited use of spices and additives. This means that the
products can have a considerable similarity, and customers can easily find similar products.
Market share distribution: There is currently no specific data on market share among
brands, but based on the size and number of existing brands, the market share may not
differ significantly among competitors. Low switching costs: Plant-based products often
have a slightly lower cost compared to the industry average of food and beverages, so
unless there are special reasons, some customers will prioritize price. However, to enhance
competitiveness, brands need to invest in marketing tools and customer relationship
management (CRM) systems to retain existing customers and attract new ones. The
similarity of products also makes customers prioritize other criteria such as convenience.
Low exit barriers: Due to the market having few prominent brands and relatively low
competition factors, the barriers to entry into the plant-based product market are low.
=> O30: Low market competition.
=> O31: Current competitors have no dominant market presence.
=> O32: Plant-based product market still has many development opportunities.
=> O33: Low exit barriers.
=> W5: Low customer switching costs.
=> W6: Maintaining customer relationships through manual and instinctive approaches.
=> W7: Not yet established reputation for the brand.
Barriers to Entry: Low
Barriers to Entry: Low
In this market, there are not many prominent brands, and competitive factors are not too
high, making the barriers to entry into the plant-based product market low. The following
reasons can be mentioned:
● Easy-to-find, easy-to-substitute ingredients: Some common plant-based ingredients
like soybeans, chickpeas, wheat, chia seeds, and tomatoes are readily available
locally. Therefore, businesses can easily source and use these ingredients to produce
plant-based products. However, small businesses also need to select food sources
grown and nurtured according to organic standards, ensuring high quality, which
can be a challenge for new entrants.
● Lack of prominent brands: Currently, the plant-based product market lacks a
dominant brand that truly holds a competitive advantage, creating an opportunity
for new entrepreneurs to enter the market without having to directly compete with
major brands.
● No need for substantial initial capital: In the food product industry, there is no need
for substantial financial resources to enter the market. Since products are sold in
small quantities, there is no need to invest heavily in production and storage.
● Small-scale distribution channels: In the plant-based product industry, distribution
channels are primarily on a small scale. Entrepreneurs only need to find reliable
sources of quality, clean, and organic ingredients and can then sell directly to
restaurants or through intermediaries. This helps reduce barriers and increase
flexibility in the product distribution process.
● No significant investment in machinery and technology: In the plant-based product
industry, there is no need for heavy investments in machinery, production lines, or
technology. This reduces costs and barriers for new businesses entering the market.
● Balancing product quality and pricing: Balancing cost and pricing is a crucial barrier
in the plant-based product industry. With high-quality ingredients and the
requirement for the use of fresh, tasty food within a short period, there is a high risk
of food waste due to expiration. This leads to higher production costs for plant-
based products compared to the average food market prices. Achieving a balance
between production costs and retail prices is a challenge for new businesses.
=> T32: Achieving a reasonable balance between quality and pricing
=> O34: Requires minimal initial capital for business operations
=> O35: Low barriers to entry into the industry => O36: Easily sourcing fresh local plant-
based ingredients
=> T33: Requires finding reliable and quality organic plant-based ingredient suppliers
=> T34: Some businesses prioritize profits over ethical business practices, affecting the
industry's reputation
=> O37: Effectively mitigating food waste
=> O38: Low initial investment costs for distribution channels
=> S13: Local availability of ingredients
=> S14: Short lead times for order placement and delivery
=>S15: Reduced inventory costs and product preservation
Power of suppliers: Medium
Supplier Scale Larger: Suppliers of ingredients often have a larger scale than newly
entering businesses in the market. They have experience and supply ingredients to various
customers. This means that if a business chooses not to collaborate with a specific supplier,
the supplier is not significantly affected as they have other customers to continue serving.
Average Switching Costs: In the plant-based product industry, ingredients are typically
readily available and easy to find in the market. However, switching suppliers may entail
certain risks. Changes in taste and product quality may occur when transitioning from one
supplier to another. However, this can be managed by ensuring that the new supplier meets
the quality standards and requirements of the business.
Overall, the negotiation capability of suppliers in the plant-based product industry is
considered to be average. Although larger-scale suppliers have more experience, new
businesses can still negotiate with suppliers to achieve the best terms and prices. However,
switching suppliers may pose certain risks and needs to be carefully managed to ensure
that product quality is not compromised.
=> W13: Low negotiation ability with suppliers regarding prices
=> T35: Risk of supply chain disruption if the supplier is unwilling to continue providing
ingredients to the business.
=> T36: Risk of changes in product quality when switching suppliers
Power of customers: High
Low Switching Costs to Other Products: In the plant-based product market, customers have
low switching costs when transitioning from one product to another. This is due to the
diversity and competition within the industry. There are numerous plant-based product
options, and stores offer convenient pricing, locations, and quick delivery. As a result,
customers tend to prioritize choosing plant-based products readily available in the market
rather than switching to other products.
Price Sensitivity: In the context of economic inflation and customer cost-saving trends, the
prices of plant-based products are often higher than other available food options. This
makes some customers, particularly those with average to lower incomes, price-sensitive
and inclined to choose other food options because they not only taste good but also help
save costs. Other products like fast food are more affordable and provide immediate
energy, making them appealing choices for customers.
Quality Sensitivity: Customers in the plant-based product industry are often sensitive to
product quality. This is because plant-based products are typically marketed as healthy and
nutritionally valuable. Customers expect high-quality products without additives or
preservatives that meet their nutritional requirements. Customers are willing to switch
brands if they discover that the initial commitments regarding quality, ethics, and
environmental sustainability are not upheld. Additionally, many still believe that a vegan
diet may not be filling or may lead to hunger, so they opt for conventional food options.
"Time Pressure" in Product Consumption: Customers have the power to decide whether to
purchase a product, and they can exert pressure on sellers to attract and persuade them to
make a purchase. This originates from the need for sellers to sell the product within a span
of 2-3 days to ensure product quality is maintained. If the sellers cannot consume the
product within this time frame, there is a risk of the product spoiling or losing its value.
=> T37: High customer demand for quality
=> T38: Need to effectively manage the ingredient sourcing process
=> T39: Businesses face time pressure to sell their products
=> W14: Products have a short shelf life
=> W15: Products are priced higher than the average market price in the F&B industry
=> S16: Products promote consumer health
=> O39: Offer various sizes and different price points to cater to customer needs
Threat of substitute products: Medium
Differences in Target Customers: Plant-based products have more distinct target customers
compared to other types of food. These customers prioritize their nutrition and health over
price. They are concerned about the actual quality of a meal and typically seek suitable
food choices.
Moderate Substitute Ability: For those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle full-time,
other food options may seem irreplaceable. However, for individuals who consume plant-
based products as a means of detoxifying their bodies for a short period or to balance their
diet between vegetarian and non-vegetarian days, other food products might be a better
choice for regular days due to their convenience, accessibility, and availability.
Lower Prices of Substitute Products: One supportive factor for substitutability is pricing.
Substitute products often have lower prices compared to pure plant-based products. Their
affordability and ability to provide sufficient energy for a meal stand out as advantages of
substitute foods.
Consumer Trends: According to data from Vietnam Law Newspaper, around 10% of the
population in Vietnam follows a vegetarian diet. However, the majority of the population
still maintains a meat-inclusive diet for convenience and to fit in with their surroundings.
They only consume plant-based foods on specific days or for personal reasons during a
short period, not maintaining this diet 100% of the time.
In summary, despite having distinct target customers and moderate substitution ability,
acceptance and adaptation in dietary habits are still in the development phase. Price and
consumer trends may be significant factors in assessing the substitutability of new products
in the market.
=> T39: The majority of the Vietnamese population still maintains a conventional diet. =>
O40: The full potential of the plant-based food industry market has not been fully tapped.
=> O41: Differences in target customers help plant-based product businesses not directly
compete with major brands in the F&B industry.
=> O42: Price competition is not intense in the plant-based food industry.

1.3. Direct competitor: Wabisabi Xôi Quê group.

- Core value: Creativity in transformation, the use of high-quality food ingredients,

and sophistication of flavors.
- Product line: “Xôi khúc”/”xôi đậu xanh” (mung bean) and “Bánh cuốn thanh trì trả
nấm” (Thanh Tri steamed rice rolls with mushroom filling).
- Price: 30,000 - 35,000 VND.
- Channels: Direct sales at booths in the "Lanh" event.

1.4. Competitor SWOT

Competitor SWOT

Wabisabi - Xôi Quê

Strength (S) Weekness (W)

S1: Pure plant ingredients, full of nutrients W1: Thời gian làm sản phẩm khá lâu
good for health W2: Nhân viên bán hàng chưa chủ động
S2: Convenient for those pursuing a trong việc mời chào khách
healthy lifestyle W3: Intense competition from multiple
S3: Access to many customer files competitors (especially since this is a
(especially those who like to eat traditional popular Vietnamese dish), making it
S4: Delicious sticky rice grains blended challenging to maintain customer loyalty
with nutritious plant ingredients to the product.
S5: Attract people with interests in
traditional dishes rich in national identity
S6: Low costs and high profits
S7: Protect the environment with clean,
completely natural ingredients

Opporrtunity (O) Threaten (T)

O1: Suitable for Vietnamese people's tendency T1: High competitiveness in the market
to like to eat traditional dishes, popular during T2: It is very easy to lose customer trust when
traditional holidays product quality does not meet requirements
O2: Create opportunities to emphasize cultural T3: Difficult to market and distribute in the
characteristics and health concerns market
O3: Focus on health and quality aspects T4: Many products and alternatives on the
O4: Expand markets, attract new customers market
O5: Cooperate with culinary and restaurant T5: Changing customer preferences:
partners Customers easily change their eating
preferences, making it difficult to retain long-
term customers
T6: Difficulty in accessing international
T7: Marketing and promotion challenges

=> W8: Takes more time to heat the product compared to sticky rice
=> W9: Higher prices compared to sticky rice
=> W10: Customers have to wait if they want to buy additional drinks
=> W11: Primarily focus on advertising on two social media platforms, Facebook and
=> W12: The counter is not invested in as much as competitors at events
=> S4: Offers a variety of price levels for customers
=> S5: Offers a greater variety of nutritious food types
=> S6: Provides delivery service
=> S7: 100% nutritious products
=> S8: Sales staff actively seek out customers
=> S9: Sales staff have clear assignments to ensure product consumption
=> S10: Sales staff receive sales script training
=> S11: Posts on Facebook to sell products during events
=> S12: Recycles paper bags at home to make bags for customers

1.5. SWOT

Strength (S) Weakness (W)

S1: Young staff continuously update their W1: Inability to manage all e-commerce
knowledge in e-commerce activities. activities effectively.
S2: There are only three payment methods, W2: Implementing e-commerce activities
which are cash and electronic wallets in an unstructured and sporadic manner.
(Momo and VNpay). W3: Insufficient capital to fully leverage e-
S3: Restricts the use of plastic and nylon commerce trends.
items to contribute to environmental W4: Limited personnel, making it
protection. challenging to provide good customer
S4: Offers a variety of price levels for
W5: Low customer switching costs. W6:
Maintaining customer relationships
S5: Offers a wider variety of nutritious food manually and instinctively.
types. W7: Failing to establish a reputation for the
S6: Provides delivery services. brand.
S7: 100% of the products are nutritious. W8: Takes more time to heat the product
S8: Sales staff proactively seek out compared to sticky rice.
customers. W9: Higher prices compared to sticky rice.
S9: Sales staff have clear assignments to W10: Customers have to wait if they want
ensure product consumption. to buy additional drinks.
W11: Mainly focusing promotional
S10: Sales staff receive sales script
activities on two social media platforms,
Facebook and TikTok.
S11: Posts on Facebook to sell products W12: Less investment in the counter
during events. compared to competitive rivals at events.
S12: Recycles paper bags at home to make W13: Low ability to negotiate prices with
bags for customers. suppliers.
S13: Locally sourced ingredients. W14: Products have a short shelf life.
S14: Short order and delivery times. W15: Products are priced higher than the
average market price in the F&B industry.
S15: Reduces inventory costs and product
S16: Ensures consumer health with the

Opportunity (O) Threaten (T)

O1: The business meets the criteria of the T1: The market is uncertain and hard to
Action Plan. predict.
O2: Encourages consumers to spend and T2: Continuous updates are required to
consume more. adapt to market changes.
O3: Reduces the cost of raw materials. T3: Consumers still have a sense of
O4: Uses the savings for a more beneficial skepticism due to global influences.
investment. T4: Excessive deflation can lead to
O5: Reduces financial pressure on economic recession.
consumers. T5: Consumers in major urban areas are
O6: Lowers interest rates for business price-sensitive.
loans. T6: High initial promotion costs are
O7: A more stable business environment in necessary to attract customers.
Vietnam compared to the global market. T7: Unemployment rates in Vietnam are
O8: Increases the ability to persuade well-controlled.
investors. T8: Decreasing job appeal in the F&B
O9: Reduces people's hesitation and industry.
concerns. T9: Lack of long-term commitment from
O10: The F&B industry still has a lot of employees in the F&B industry.
potential for stable growth. T10: Employee training costs.
O11: Users are still interested in receiving T11: Keeping up with the ever-changing
new products. trends of the youth.
O12: A younger demographic structure.
O13: An increased interest in improving T12: High costs and time required to
health through diet. convince them of a healthy lifestyle.
O14: A growing interest in both internal T13: Vietnamese people still maintain the
and external health. habit of eating and cooking at home.
O15: A trend toward consuming more T14: A trend of cost-consciousness among
vegetables and organic food for both the population.
appearance and health. T15: The product value needs to be
O16: Young people are transitioning to a enhanced to provide more benefits.
diet rich in organic vegetables. T16: The instability of customer demands.
O17: Opportunities for the health food T17: Difficulties for new businesses due to
business. numerous distribution channel choices to
O18: The 23-30 age group has the highest reach consumers.
consumption rate for eating out. T18: Requires a strong workforce to
O19: People are willing to pay if a product manage distributors and predict market
saves time and is good for health. demand.
O20: Development and potential for the T19: Handling public relations crises is
eating-out industry in the young challenging.
demographic structure. T20: High investment costs for Headless
O21: Minimal need for costly promotions Ecommerce and Omni Channel.
and discounts in the future. T21: Organizing a human resources
O22: Customers have a tendency to be management system for e-commerce
curious and prefer new things. activities.
O23: Customers are willing to pay for T22: High-risk potential if third parties are
organic, green, and clean products. not well managed and controlled.
O24: Information overload for users. T23: Ensuring timely delivery services to
O25: Opportunities to increase sales maintain customer trust.
through live streaming on social media. T24: Balancing costs and pricing
O26: Increased sales through collaboration appropriately for customers when
with online food delivery apps, reaching a cooperating with delivery services.
wider customer base. T25: Providing QR code scanning devices
and integrating non-cash payment methods.
T26: Food safety risks.
O27: Payment via bank transfer and QR T27: Increased raw material costs due to
code scanning is often faster and more technology and cultivation methods.
convenient than cash. T28: Unreliable quality of raw materials.
O28: Opportunities for "Green" businesses T29: Climate change reducing raw material
to gain consumer trust and affection yields.
through environmental protection T30: Customer concerns about food quality
programs. and safety.
O29: Reduced costs and time for licensing. T31: Competitive challenges with certified
O30: Low market competition. competitors.
O31: Current competitors lack market T32: Balancing quality and reasonable
dominance. pricing.
O32: The Plant-based product market still T33: Finding reliable organic plant-based
has many opportunities for development. ingredient suppliers with quality.
O33: Low barriers to exit. T34: Many businesses prioritize profit over
O34: Minimal initial investment capital ethics, impacting the industry's reputation.
required for business. T35: Supply chain disruption risk if
O35: Low barriers to entry into the suppliers choose not to distribute
industry. ingredients.
O36: Easy access to fresh local plant-based T36: Risk of product quality changes
ingredients. during production relocation.
O37: Reduces the risk of food wastage. T37: High customer expectations for
O38: Low initial distribution channel quality.
investment costs. T38: Efficient management of imported
O39: Offering various sizes and prices to raw materials.
meet customer needs. T39: Pressure on businesses to sell
O40: Yet to fully tap the potential of the products within a specific timeframe.
plant-based food market. T40: The majority of Vietnamese people
O41: Differences in target customers help still stick to their regular diets.
plant-based product businesses avoid direct
competition with large brands in the F&B
O42: Low price competition in the plant-
based food industry.

2. Market segments and customer targets

2.1. Market segments:

Market segment:


Country Who are born and live in Vietnam.

City size ~ 9,320,866 người.

Located People living in Ho Chi Minh City,

particularly in the Binh Thanh District and
neighboring districts, are primarily office
workers with a decent income. Therefore,
they would be suitable for utilizing the
services of Clean Foods.


Age 18-30

Gender All sex

Income Upper 8.000.000 VND

Occupation Office worker, Lecturer, Student


Social class Working class, small traders, businessmen,

intellectuals, …

Life style Living busy lives and heavily relying on

electronic devices, they often lack time to
cook at home. They prefer simplicity and
appreciate the use of environmentally
friendly products.

Personality They are intuitive, emotionally rich, gentle,

and liberal in nature.

Interest They love nature and enjoy participating in

outdoor activities. They are interested in
researching topics related to philosophy
and inner well-being.

Influencers Friends, Family, Philosophers,...


Loyalty status They are loyal to brands that provide

suitable products that meet their needs and

Attitude toward product They prioritize quality over price.

Product/service using frequency Usually


Social platform Facebook, Zalo, TikTok, Instagram,...

Traditional ways News paper, Magazine,..

E-commerce platform Shopee, Lazada, Tiktokshop, Tiki

Delivery App Shopeefood, Grab, Be


Convenience - They save time on cooking at home.

- They seek meals that provide
enough energy for around 5 hours
and limit snacking.
- They aim to cleanse their bodies,
making them feel lighter.
- They desire beautiful and smooth
skin without having to spend
excessive amounts on cosmetics.

Quality - They prefer a variety of fruits,

vegetables, and organic ingredients.
- They value a well-balanced
nutritional profile.
- They prefer meals with just enough
calories for a lunch portion.
- They appreciate simple and light
flavors, with minimal use of spices.

2.2. Customer profile

- Age: 18 - 30
- Gender: Male and Female
- Income: Upper 8.000.000VND
- Location: in HCMC, Vietnam
- Individuals who have limited time to cook at home but still want to have nutritious meals
with plenty of organic fruits and vegetables and minimal spices to maintain their inner and
outer health.
3. Forecasting basic:

Average selling price: 43,000

Minimum number of students, lecturers, and staff coming to school in 1 day: 5400
Percentage of students interested in "GREEN food and drinks":
124/163 ≈ 76.1
Selling time: 3 days

TAM = 43 000 x 5400 x 76.1% x 3 = 530 112 600

Through a survey of 168 people, it was found that 97% of people are interested in a "Green"
lifestyle, and "Food and beverages" account for 76.1% of the candidates' interest.
Prediction rate of products sold: 1%

AMS = TAM x 1% = 5 301 126

Because the project limits commercial criteria and enhances the purpose of propagating
green lifestyles, surveying small markets at UEF, and bringing knowledge about healthy
food to improve users' health, the prediction rate is 1% of products sold.

4. The product investment opportunities

Product 01: Fruit smoothie
The combination of fresh milk, condensed milk and fruits such as
Product bananas, avocados, strawberries, mangoes, custard apples,... is delicious
Definition and nutritious.
Age range: 18-50
Occupation: student, lecturer, staff at UEF
Customer Target Income: 3,000,000 - 30,000,000
Provides necessary vitamins and minerals for the body.
Helps provide fiber to the body and aids digestion.
Benefit it brings Hydrate and prevent dehydration.

Product 02: Vegetarian chicken

Product The dish has many layers including: tofu, mushrooms and chicken
Definition thighs.
Age range: 18-50
Occupation: student, lecturer, staff at UEF
Customer Target Income: 3,000,000 - 30,000,000
Chicken thigh mushrooms: vitamins B, C, D... protein, calcium, have a
lot of fiber and essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on
its own.
Tofu: provides nutrition from all 3 main groups of substances: protein,
Benefit it brings carbohydrates, and fat for the body.

Product 03: Brown rice with mushroom floss and pork sausage
Product The dish is a combination of: brown rice, shrimp from chicken thigh
Definition mushrooms, and pork sausage from tofu.
Age range: 18-50
Occupation: student, lecturer, staff at UEF
Customer Target Income: 3,000,000 - 30,000,000
Chicken thigh mushrooms: vitamins B, C, D... protein, calcium, have a
lot of fiber and essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on
its own.
Tofu: provides nutrition from all 3 main groups of substances: protein,
carbohydrates, and fat for the body.
Brown rice: provides fiber, carbs, protein, fat and many other nutrients
Benefit it brings that are good for the body.

Product 04: Spaghetti

Definition The dish is a combination of: spaghetti, tomatoes, beans, corn,...
Age range: 18-50
Occupation: student, lecturer, staff at UEF
Customer Target Income: 3,000,000 - 30,000,000
Spaghetti: provides carbs, fat and many other nutrients that are good for
the body.
Benefit it brings Tomatoes, beans, corn: provide fiber and protein for the body.

Product 05: Buncha

Product The dish is a combination of: bun cha, lettuce, fish mint, perilla, herbs,
Definition and rolls (from soybeans).
Age range: 18-50
Occupation: student, lecturer, staff at UEF
Customer Target Income: 3,000,000 - 30,000,000
Bun: provides carbs, fat and many other nutrients that are good for the
Patties: made from soy protein to provide protein.
Benefit it brings Lettuce, fish mint,..: provide fiber for the body.

Product 06: Kumquat tea

Definition This is a combination of: lipton tea, diet sugar, kumquat.
Age range: 18-0
Occupation: student, lecturer, staff at UEF
Customer Target Income: 3,000,000 - 30,000,000
Cool, instant refreshment for the body.
Benefit it brings
B. Decision matrix
The group needs to choose one beverage and two dishes to create a combo, so they will use
a decision matrix to prioritize the requirements and make the best selection. The final result
shows that among the beverage options, Tamarind Tea has a higher score than Fruit
Smoothie, and in the food category, Spaghetti with Vegetable Sauce and Vegetarian Bun
Cha have the highest scores. Therefore, the group will choose Tamarind Tea, Spaghetti
with Vegetable Sauce, and Vegetarian Bun Cha as the products to sell at the "Lanh" event.

IV. The marketing mix - strategies and tactics

1. Product (description value propositions and positioning)

Product description and positioning is the process of identifying a new product's position
in the minds of consumers. It entails studying the market and the positions of competitors,
determining the place of a new product amid current products, and communicating the
product image of a certain brand. Product positioning assists businesses in identifying key
product benefits and matching them with customer needs; seeking competitive advantage
even as markets change; meeting customer expectations; strengthening your brand and
product name; gaining customer loyalty; developing an effective promotion strategy;
attracting different customers; increasing competitive strength; launching new products;
presenting new features of existing products.
1.1. Product line
The group has localized "Green" products based on the results of the class's "Green"
Lifestyle Survey in order to identify appropriate products. The product is designed using
the following criteria: Food or beverage, price ranges between 40,000 and 50,000 VND,
target clients are UEF students and lecturers. The group decided to launch the following
product lines after many rounds of searching, conducting surveys, and selecting products
through direct discussions with friends, lecturers, potential customers, and the opinions of
each individual in the group: vegetarian bun cha, vegetarian spaghetti, and vegetarian
brown rice and kumquat tea.

Product line size

1.2. Product Benefit

- Actual product benefits: Actual product benefits give the customer with a tangible
or measurable advantage. Actual product advantages that can improve consumers'
lives include: Macrobiotic foods and kumquat tea can meet clients' dietary needs in
the morning and afternoon. Customers truly experience the lightness of the body
with non-animal components when using the product. Some consumers have health
issues and must limit items heavy in protein, additives, preservatives, or artificial
colors. This is a quick option to help them eat in accordance with their nutritional
needs. food as well as time. Long-term product users may notice noticeable health
benefits such as attractive skin, weight balance, and body purification.
- Perceived product benefits: A product's perceived benefits are established by society
or the individual. The perceived benefit may or may not be consistent with the real
benefit offered by the product and service. Customers' perceptions of the benefits of
products and services. The use of domesticated foods enables a diet customized to
the demands of vegetarians. It is clear that society is getting more aware and is
gradually shifting to a healthy lifestyle. As a result, the group's products can entirely
match the benefits that consumers perceive.

1.3. Product Strategies

The team made the following product observations:
- Product type: consumer items (convenience items).
- New items in the LÀNH event must educate the market and encourage the buying
wants of potential clients.
- -Daily distribution of products in accordance with orders and projected quantities.
For each customer, the products are constant and the same.
- Inspect the product: When purchasing the goods, ensure that the food and drinks
are safe and hygienic, that they are beautifully made, and that there is enough fish
sauce, sauces, straws, and chopsticks. Meet your clients' expectations and
During the process of conducting surveys and selecting products, the team decided to use
the following product strategies to achieve the best results in the LÀNH event:
- Product line improvement strategy: This strategy helps the team consider changing
and improving products to be able to meet customer needs in terms of quantity, taste
and criteria to suit customers. Goods come to LÀNH. Before launching, the group
proposed products including vegetarian vermicelli noodles, vegetarian spaghetti,
vegetarian brown rice and kumquat tea. Food is placed in paper boxes, water is
placed in plastic cups, using plastic straws and plastic spoons. However, after
discussing and consulting with potential customers, the event team and group
instructors changed to more "green" items. The group uses 100% plastic boxes, cups
and straws, replacing plastic spoons with wooden chopsticks. This not only
contributes to the relevance of the event but also helps limit 50 plastic cups, 50
plastic boxes, 120 plastic straws and spoons from being discharged into the
environment. This is also what customers coming to Hanh want and respond to very
well. In addition, the group found that the demand for vegetarian brown rice
accounts for a very small percentage with comments such as "not used to eating
brown rice", "more familiar with the spices of bun cha and spaghetti". Besides,
importing brown rice from the kitchen in too small quantities leads to increased
costs. Therefore, the group decided to remove vegetarian brown rice from the menu
at the event. The team also continuously updates customer feedback after using the
product to improve the best product within 3 days of sale with the following 3
suggestions: increase the sweetness of kumquat tea, heat the spaghetti and add
seasoning to the noodles. Italy before sale.
- Product pricing strategy: During the process before - during - after the LÀNH fair,
the group planned - implemented - derived the following pricing strategies
+ Pricing strategy targeting the target segment: Based on the results of the "Green"
Lifestyle Survey that the class has conducted. The group considered the price range
that 168 survey participants chose from 40,000 to 50,000 VND. The group chose to
sell the two main dishes at the same price of 43,000 VND.
+ Pricing strategy with accompanying products and combo prices: Price 43,000 VND
for a portion and 15,000 VND for a portion of kumquat tea when purchasing group
products. Customers can absolutely buy a combo of 1 drink and kumquat tea for
50,000 VND. It can be seen that the combo selling plan not only helps the group
increase the number of products sold, but also customers in need can buy them at a
more economical price than when each product is separated.
+ Psychological pricing strategy: Seeing the potential of this strategy, customers will
make decisions based mainly on emotions instead of daily consumption reactions.
The group provides specific evidence about the benefits of macrobiotic foods to
each person's health and life. The group emphasizes the ideas: purifying the body,
losing and maintaining weight effectively, limiting animal fats, and protecting the
environment. At the same time, calling for donations of 100% of profits from the 3-
day event to SOS Children's Villages through product purchases also makes it easier
for customers to make purchasing decisions.
1.4. Positioning Map
Most people who choose vegetarianism want to improve and improve their health. Along
with that, each customer will carefully consider the cost of changing from a normal lifestyle
to a healthier diet. The customer's optimal cost solution is to change ingredients and
processing methods at home, which is the most economical while still ensuring quality.
However, cooking requires time to select ingredients and learning how to prepare will take
a lot of time. Therefore, to be able to gradually replace other types of food such as fast
food, pre-purchased food (pre-processed food, reheated when needed) to a macrobiotic diet
that does not take too much time and To ensure safety and quality, it is best to go to
reputable vegan food stores.

It is possible to position the products of the supply group in the High Price - Health Safety
area close to the 2 closest competitors to the product, OSHO x Hanh and Xoi countryside
x Hanh.. Customers will pay the cost equivalent to receiving product quality, saving time
and health safety instead of buying products at the school canteen, street food sold in front
of the school gate, GS25 convenience store and cooking for yourself at home.
1.5. Product Layers
According to Kotler, products are divided into 3 main levels including: core products,
actual products and complementary products. Each level of the product will determine
different consumer needs.
1. Core Product
a. Product platform
Pure vegetable vermicelli and spaghetti with vegetable sauce are inspired by meat
vermicelli and beef spaghetti to create a new, more delicious look for vegan meals. This is
a unique variation that helps vegan meals be creative and not boring when eating purely
plant-based every day. From ingredients such as vegetables and tubers, the kitchen imports
from Vietgap, selecting and eliminating the poor quality parts, keeping only the freshest
parts. Besides, the vegetarian patties are also made by the chef himself and not imported
from vegetarian shops in the market, thus ensuring nutrition and eating whole food. That's
why the group's pure plant-based dishes always bring a feeling of freshness, cleanliness,
and full nutrition to a meal.
When the food arrives at the customer's door, the customer does not need to prepare it and
can eat it immediately, ensuring that they enjoy the delicious taste to the fullest.
Pure vegetable vermicelli noodle products include:
- Vermicelli: imported from the vermicelli factory every day, guaranteed to always be new
vermicelli, say no to old vermicelli
-Vegetables: imported from Vietgap every day, carefully select good quality vegetables,
remove damaged parts
-Vegan: Main ingredients from pure soy flour and protein, no chemicals, no preservatives
(can be stored for ~1 month in the freezer, ~1 week in the refrigerator) prepared by the chef
himself ensure nutrition and hygiene
-Peanuts and fried onions: Imported fresh ingredients from outside, but prepared in the
Spaghetti products with vegetable sauce include:
-Vegetable sauce: made from peas, tomatoes, corn, cowpeas, carrots sourced from clean
vegetable stores (stored in the refrigerator for a shelf life of ~3 days) and made by the
kitchen itself. hand made
-Spaghetti: boiled in 100 degree sauce
b. Benefits that the product will bring to consumers or customers
A plant-based diet provides you with high levels of fiber and protein, while also helping to
reduce the amount of calories absorbed into the body. This helps you lose weight
effectively. Foods rich in fiber and antioxidants in plant-based foods help limit cholesterol
absorption and stabilize blood sugar levels. In addition, using raw foods with minimal
processing and very few additives and preservatives also contributes to preventing high
blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Vitamins, minerals and
good fats from vegetables, fruits... help improve the digestive system, make the body
lighter and the skin younger and smoother. Using less animal products contributes to
reducing the risk of cancer, reducing blood sugar levels and improving kidney function.
After eating a purely plant-based meal, you will also feel very different: your body will be
lighter, more relaxed. more bearable and not heavy in the stomach.

2. Actual product
a.Material goods bring desired benefits
The team's pure plant food products not only bring good nutrition to the body, but also
delicious meals that don't get boring. Although the ingredients are all derived from plants,
they still ensure quality, enough quality, and enough nutrition. This means that we
ourselves can eat delicious food but still meet the criteria of good health
b. Packaging
With environmentally friendly criteria, each portion of food is packaged in paper boxes,
with wooden spoons and chopsticks included. Make sure that every piece of food not only
says no to animals but also contributes to protecting the environment. Through each piece
of food, we also want to convey the message of "Healthy" living from the smallest things
to our customers.

3. Enhanced products
We have a delivery system within school areas, as long as you order from 8:00am to
3:00pm, we will deliver it to you without shipping fees.
After purchasing our products, you will receive a warranty within 2 hours from the time of
purchase. To ensure that we can serve customers with the best quality products
1.6. Value Proposition and Positioning Statement
Hai core product bao gồm Vegan Bun Cha và Spaghetti với sốt rau củ sẽ được nghiên cứu
cặn kẽ, đi sâu vào chi tiết để đem đến một cái nhìn rõ ràng và đầy đủ hơn. Qua quá trình
nghiên cứu, chúng tôi sẽ tìm hiểu mọi khía cạnh của hai sản phẩm này, bao gồm
Customer Target:

Vegan Bun Cha Spaghetti with vegetable sauce

Age: 18-50 Age: 18-50

Occupation: Students, lecturers, UEF staff Occupation: Students, lecturers, UEF staff
Income: Upper 8,000,000 VND Income: Upper 8,000,000 VND
Location: Ho Chi Minh City Location: Ho Chi Minh City

Customer Target’s needs:

Vegan Bun Cha Spaghetti with vegetable sauce

- Desires a delicious, high-quality - Convenience is key; they can take

meal with plenty of fresh, clean, and the food to go and it's available near
nutritious vegetables. the UEF campus.
- Convenience, with options available - Expects prices to reflect the quality.
on or near the UEF campus. - Desires a diet that limits red meat
- Expects prices to reflect the quality. consumption and includes a variety
- Prefers to limit red meat of fruits and vegetables.
consumption. Wants to feel full to - Wants to feel full to avoid snacking.
avoid snacking.

The product's features meet the needs of the target customers.

Vegan Bun Cha Spaghetti with vegetable sauce

- Ingredients are 100% plant-based, - Ingredients are 100% plant-based,

grown organically. grown organically.
- Meal components provide the - Meal components provide the
necessary minerals and vitamins, necessary nutrients and the average
including plenty of greens and the calorie intake for a meal.
average calorie intake for a meal. - The food is packaged in paper boxes
- The food is packaged in paper boxes and comes with take-out bags."
and comes with take-out bags.

This customer target will benefit from using this product because it helps them:

Vegan Bun Cha Spaghetti with vegetable sauce

- Detoxifies the body, helping - Detoxifies the body, helping

customers feel lighter. customers feel lighter.
- Promotes inner health and external - Promotes inner health and external
beauty. beauty.
- Reduces body odor resulting from - Reduces body odor resulting from
excessive meat consumption. excessive meat consumption.
- Ensures food hygiene and safety. - Ensures food hygiene and safety.

The product is unique because:

Vegan Bun Cha Spaghetti with vegetable sauce

- 100% plant-based. - 100% plant-based.

- Organic fruits and vegetables. - Organic fruits and vegetables.
Includes all four main nutrient Includes all four main nutrient
groups. groups.
- Incredible vegan sausage. - Punchy flavor of Spaghetti sauce.

And it compares favorably to available competitive products because of the following

Vegan Bun Cha Spaghetti with vegetable sauce

- Easier to swallow and digest. - Preferred by young people (18-25).

- Door-to-door delivery service - Door-to-door delivery service
within the UEF campus. within the UEF campus.

2. Pricing Strategy
- Choose a pricing method:
Calculate prices based on analyzing break-even conditions and ensuring target profits.
One of the methods of forming prices on the basis of cost is method
The calculation method ensures the target profit. Prices are tried to be determined to ensure
The group earns the desired profit.
Method of price formation with calculation to obtain target profit
built on the basis of a break-even chart. The graph shows the total cost and total
Expected revenue at different sales levels. According to calculations, in terms of food, with
3 days of selling 50 meals with a capital of 35,000 VND (total capital of food = 1,750,000
VND) and a selling price of 43,000 VND, 41 boxes of food need to be sold to break even.
As for drinks, with the cost price of kumquat tea being 297,000 VND, my group only needs
to sell ~ 18/50 cups of kumquat tea to break even (sold for 15,000 VND).
- Select final price:
According to a survey conducted by the event team, 38.7% of respondents want food and
drinks to cost less than 40,000 VND and 30.7% want food and drinks to cost between
40,000 and 50,000 VND.

This is not a good price for our group because for food, we had to spend up to 35,000
VND/meal, and according to the prices of other food groups, they only sell from 30,000 -
40,000 VND. VND/meal, the likelihood of potential customers choosing to buy our
products is reduced and the competition rate increases. So in order to stimulate consumers'
purchasing ability, we decided to use a bundling strategy. This is a combo selling method,
reducing prices to stimulate demand, allowing our team to sell products and generate
greater sales revenue. Bundling can even help my team avoid losses because the profit
margin on each item can be increased. So we decided to reduce the price and sell it as a
combo of 1 meal + 1 kumquat tea for 50,000 VND.

So to break even, our group needs to sell about ~ 41 combos (total capital/selling price of
1 combo = 2,027/50 = ~41 combos)
And to reach the target profit in the 3-day event of 500,000 VND, we need to sell all the
purchased goods.

3. Promotional plans and programs to drive demand

For the events to take place successfully, their team has the following plans and

Marketing plan table

-Target customers: UEF students and candidates
-According to the survey, up to 97% of survey participants are interested in a "Green"

-And in the survey, the "Green" products that you are most interested in are food and drinks.

-And survey respondents will have:

+38.7% of people think that "Green" foods and drinks should cost between 40,000 VND -
and less than 50,000 VND.
+30.7% of people think that “Green” foods and drinks should cost less than 40,000 VND.
-Their monthly income is:
+The most searched is: 48.8% have income under 3,000,000 VND

-Based on the above information, the Marketing department proposes to produce the
following promotion programs:
+Because the group's products are vegetarian dishes and vegetarian dishes are not popular
with students, the group has set up a promotion program for products that are purchased in
combos to be reasonably suitable. with financing and providing customers with purchases.
+When buying a portion of food with a cup of kumquat tea, it will cost 50,000 VND.
Buying a combo will be cheaper than buying each item individually. A portion of food
costs 43,000 VND and a cup of kumquat tea costs 15,000 VND.
+ Milk group also has a promotion program specifically for kumquat tea. When buying 3
cups of kumquat tea, it will cost 30,000 VND.
- Selling in this combo can bring many benefits and efficiency to both sellers and
customers. Here are some key benefits of selling in combos:
+Attractive value: Combo includes multiple products combined for a better value than
buying each part individually. This creates a great appeal for customers because they can
save money and get more value from buying in combos.

+Increase sales: Combo selling can increase sales by getting customers to buy more. By
combining related products in a reasonable combo, customers tend to buy more to take
advantage of the promotional value.
+Reach new customers: Combos can help attract new customers, especially those who have
never purchased the product. The appeal of buying in combos can create curiosity in new
customers, leading them to buy additional products.
+ +Create value for customers: Selling in combos can create a better experience for
customers. By combining compatible products, customers can receive a complete solution
that best meets their needs. This creates a positive experience and increases customer
-In short, selling in combos can bring many benefits and efficiency to both businesses and
customers. It creates compelling value, increases sales, reaches new customers, and creates
-Especially, our group decided to use 100% of the profits earned during the three-day event
to donate to "Lang tre SOS".

-After completing the promotion programs, the Marketing department will use appropriate
social network channels to announce the "WELL" fair as well as about its booth.
-The group has written articles introducing fair information and products.
- Articles are posted on each member's personal page and groups within the UEF student
community. This will help the fair reach a wider audience and become known to more

Table of schedule posts on social networks

4. Place or distribution channels to deliver products or services

4.1. Food supply:

Because at first it was quite unclear in finding the source of the product, we asked the
lecturer - Ms. Thuy Luu Thanh, who has ~ 10 years of experience as a vegetarian. She
introduced us to a place that provides vegetarian food that ensures food hygiene and safety
and super quality food sources. So we chose Thien Tam Vegan Food according to her
instructions and after 3 days of the event, the whole group felt that choosing Thien Tam
was the right and reasonable choice.

Link Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/ThienTamVeganFood

Number: 091 585 2188
E-mail: thientamveganfood@gmail.com
Picture: Thien Tam Vegan Food (supply of spaghetti and bun cha)

4.2. Paper cup supply:

After searching and consulting the prices of several places in Ho Chi Minh City, our group
decided to choose Kai Store as the supplier of paper cups.
Shopee:KAI Store Home and Office, Online Store | Shopee Vietnam
Phone: 096 888 1179
Address: No. 46, Street 12A, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC
Picture: Kai Store (supply paper cup)

4.3. Supply of paper straws:

Initially, we planned to use paper straws from Kai Store (same source as paper cups), then
Ms. Thuy Luu Thanh gave us a suggestion to collaborate with other stalls at the same event,
so we decided to choose the Whatever group, selling green products and straws made from
almond grass. After contacting the Whatever group, you sponsored us with 100 grass
straws (free).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lengocan.media
Picture: group Whatever (sponsored straws)

Picture: our group's distribution channel during the 3-day event "Lanh"

V. Marketing alliances used to gain access to other market areas

-During the 3 day sales process at the "LANH" fair, our group decided to combine with the
WhatEver group - the group's products are products made from tuberculum grass,
contributing to environmental protection.
-WhatEver sponsored our group with 100 straws and 50 spoons made from almond grass
to use for kumquat tea.
-Every time a customer buys a product from our group, we will introduce the products that
WhatEver has and suggest that customers can go to WhatEver's booth to learn more.
-The cooperation between our group, which sells vegetarian products, and the WhatEver
group, which sells products made from tuber grass, has brought significant benefits to both
+First, for our group, using straws made from almond grass sponsored by the group
WhatEver has helped our group gain a good impression with customers thanks to the use
of environmentally friendly eating utensils. school. In addition, it also helps us reduce costs
in purchasing tools needed for sales.
+For WhatEver, this is an opportunity to expand the market and reach new customers.
-Each group brings its own value to customers, and by combining together, we have created
a more comprehensive shopping environment.
-Through the cooperation process, we have learned and exchanged knowledge, skills and
experiences with each other, thereby improving the efficiency and competitiveness of both
-Collaboration between our group Number 1 and group WhatEver not only brings business
benefits but also shows the spirit of community and concern for the environment on our

VI. Product launches being planned or being carried out

VII. Sales training programs needed

1. Các bước đào tạo bán hàng

To make the sales process go more smoothly, there needs to be a specific sales process. To
do this, the team's sales manager must create a Sales training program.
The sales training program is designed to help members master sales skills and create a
positive experience for customers. The following are the steps of a sales training program

Step 1. Introducing the product:

-Members need to clearly understand the product they are about to sell - Pure plant food
(dish ingredients, origin of ingredients, value of the product.,,)
-Understand prices, food combos, menus, and promotions applied during the 3 days of sales
at the fair
-Introduce to customers dishes that suit their preferences, needs, and tastes

Step 2. Communication Skills Issues:

-First, team members must get rid of self-consciousness and anxiety in front of crowds to
be able to communicate fluently with their customers. Besides, it is necessary to maintain
a respectful and polite attitude towards customers. Do not use vulgar language when
communicating with customers. Need to be welcoming, always smile, create a happy
atmosphere so customers feel comfortable.
From there, build trust with customers, helping to maintain good relationships with
customers. It's not simply about selling right away, maintaining a good attitude and
relationship with customers is also an effective way to promote. Customers can "word of
mouth" which can bring many customers to our booth in the following sales days.

Step 3. Sales skills training:

-To sell effectively, it is necessary to have sales skills. Sales skills are a combination of
many factors, including the communication skills mentioned above, product knowledge,
and confidence. This is very necessary for a salesperson.
-To achieve effective sales, sales staff must be clever in offering, introducing products, and
focusing on the values and differences of the product to attract customers. Besides, it is
necessary to clearly understand the product to be able to introduce to customers the most
accurate information, avoiding making errors in the process of introducing information to
customers. In addition, sales staff must always have confidence because if you are
confident in the products you sell, confident in your ability to present and introduce
products to customers, it will help buyers feel comfortable. better in making purchasing
-Sales staff need to have upselling and cross-selling skills. These sales techniques will
bring in better revenue than regular sales.
-Sales staff need to be agile and dynamic not only in selling but also when solving
unexpected problems and incidents that occur.

Step 4. Serve customers in the best way.

-Customer service needs to be given top priority. That's why sales staff always respect
customers' decisions and follow them (except in cases where it's impossible to do so) so
that customers have the best experience not only in terms of products but also in terms of
service quality. service
-For online orders, there needs to be quick preparation and delivery, to avoid making
customers wait
-When a problem occurs, someone needs to solve it as quickly as possible. When customers
complain about a certain problem, adjustments need to be made to improve it

Step 5. Create value for the brand

-Sales staff must be able to introduce the unique values of the product, the benefits it brings,
the differences that make the product and the reasons why customers buy their products
instead of other products. other products from competitors. Not simply vegan food, our
products also demonstrate a healthy "Green" lifestyle, good for the body and the world.
This is a long process that cannot be trained in one or two days. However, the team
members all have experience in the sales field for 6 months or more, so they also have their
own sales skills and experience.

2. Training bán hàng

To be consistent in sales and avoid errors, it is necessary to have a complete sales training
session to help sales staff be confident in the selling process. Sales staff can change flexibly
in the sales process. During the implementation process, however, inaccurate information
must not be transmitted to customers. These are our basic sales steps:
Step 1: Hello customers:

The first would be to welcome customers by saying: “Hello Number 1 team. Welcome to
Thien Tam Vegan Food. Our booth has many delicious pure plant-based dishes waiting for

Step 2: Ask customers about their food preferences and see what foods they are
interested in
“I wonder if you are interested in plant-based food?”
-If the customer answers that they are not interested or do not know about pure plant-based
food, the salesperson must share information about this product line so that the customer
can have more information, thereby making the customer satisfied. care about your product
“We invite you to take a look at our group's products. These are dishes made from pure
plant foods. Pure plant food is not just simply vegetables with simple preparation methods,
but it also has many ways to prepare it to help us be both delicious and ensure our health.
And pure plant foods bring many benefits not only to our bodies but also to the environment
(Say out the values and benefits of pure plant foods to the body and the environment). At
the fair today, our group had a chance to enjoy delicious and attractive plant-based dishes
including vegan vermicelli noodles and spaghetti with vegetable sauce, in addition to a
delicious beverage called kumquat tea ( Introduce your products and their benefits and
values. Provide information about the ingredients and processing of the products.)
Part of our group's vegan bun cha dish will include vermicelli, clean vegetables imported
from Vietgap and vegetarian spring rolls made by the chefs at Thien Tam vegetarian food.
And this is spaghetti with vegetable sauce. In this sauce there are peas, tomatoes, corn,
string beans and carrots. These are all healthy vegetables. In addition, our group also sells
kumquat tea cooked by group members.
As you may know, pure plant foods bring many benefits to the body.
A plant-based diet provides you with high levels of fiber and protein, while also helping to
reduce the amount of calories absorbed into the body. This helps you lose weight
effectively. Foods rich in fiber and antioxidants in plant-based foods help limit cholesterol
absorption and stabilize blood sugar levels. In addition, using raw foods with minimal
processing and very few additives and preservatives also contributes to preventing high
blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Vitamins, minerals and
good fats from vegetables, fruits... help improve the digestive system, make the body
lighter and the skin younger and smoother. Using less animal products contributes to
reducing the risk of cancer, reducing blood sugar levels and improving kidney function.
After eating a purely plant-based meal, you will also feel very different: your body will be
lighter, more relaxed. more bearable and not heavy in the stomach.
Our slogan is: change the world, starting with every meal you eat
I hope you too will contribute something to the world with these plant-based meals
If you buy a combo of 1 cup of kumquat tea and 1 portion of food, you will get a discount
compared to buying each item individually."

-If the customer replies that they are interested in plant-based food, the salesperson will
introduce their outstanding plant-based dishes, emphasizing the health and environmental
benefits of eating plant-based. Provide information about ingredients and processing
methods of products.
“Then let me introduce my products. At the fair today, our group had a chance to enjoy
delicious and attractive plant-based dishes including vegan vermicelli noodles and
spaghetti with vegetable sauce, in addition to a delicious beverage called kumquat tea (
Introduce your products and their benefits and values)
Part of our group's vegan bun cha dish will include vermicelli, clean vegetables imported
from Vietgap and vegetarian spring rolls made by the chefs at Thien Tam vegetarian food.
And this is spaghetti with vegetable sauce. In this sauce there are peas, tomatoes, corn,
string beans and carrots. These are all healthy vegetables. In addition, our group also sells
kumquat tea cooked by group members.
As you may know, plant-based foods bring many benefits to the body. A plant-based diet
provides you with high levels of fiber and protein, while also helping to reduce the amount
of calories absorbed into the body. This helps you lose weight effectively. Foods rich in
fiber and antioxidants in plant-based foods help limit cholesterol absorption and stabilize
blood sugar levels. In addition, using raw foods with minimal processing and very few
additives and preservatives also contributes to preventing high blood pressure and reducing
the risk of cardiovascular disease. Vitamins, minerals and good fats from vegetables,
fruits... help improve the digestive system, make the body lighter and the skin younger and
smoother. Using less animal products contributes to reducing the risk of cancer, reducing
blood sugar levels and improving kidney function.
After eating a purely plant-based meal, you will feel very different: your body will be
lighter, more comfortable, and your stomach won't feel heavy.
Our slogan is: change the world, starting with every meal you eat
I hope you too will contribute something to the world with these plant-based meals
If you buy a combo of 1 cup of kumquat tea and 1 portion of food, you will get a discount
compared to buying each item individually."

Step 3: Tell about previous customer experiences to create trust and attract customers
In this step, we will tell about the experiences of previous customers who have had positive
experiences with our vegan food products (this story can be a true story or you can think
of it yourself) in order to attract and create trust for customers
“Friend Tho - 3rd year student at Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance
is a loyal customer of our pure plant food. Before that, you didn't know what vegan eating
was like. You simply understood that it was vegetarianism, eating boiled and fried
vegetables. Because of the stereotype that eating a plant-based diet is vegetarian, you don't
have a good feeling about it. Because according to you, vegetarian food, other than
vegetables, is only made from flour and it does not bring any nutritional value and even
has a lot of fat that is not good for health. However, after you learned about Thien Tam
Vegan Food, you changed your thinking, you have a new perspective. Because unlike other
vegetarian foods on the market, our products are not only vegetarian but also purely plant-
based. Made from healthy ingredients, no grease, no chemicals, providing high nutritional
value without making you feel bored."

Step 4: Talk about incentive programs

“Today our group menu has vegan Bun Cha and Spaghetti with vegetable sauce. If you buy
individually, it costs 43,000 VND for each dish. However, if you buy Combo of 1 dish +
kumquat tea, it will cost 50,000 VND. Of course, when you buy a Combo, it will be more
profitable than if you buy it individually, because our kumquat tea costs 15,000 VND for
1 cup, which means you have saved 8,000 VND.

Step 5: Make a purchasing decision

At this step, we can let customers try it or answer their questions about the product. Offer
dishes that suit their preferences
“If you still have concerns about the product, I can support you by giving you a trial so you
can make the final decision. You can try both dishes: Vermicelli and Spaghetti. Our food
ensures quality, delicious taste, and is prepared moderately to suit many tastes. My meal is
a lot, full of nutrients but not heavy, very suitable for a lunch."

Step 6: Close the order and end the transaction

Thank the customer with the words "Thank you for visiting our booth. We hope you will
like the product and come back tomorrow. If there are any problems, you can contact us
again." We are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You can go to the outside area to check out to
get training points for this semester. Wishing you a delicious meal and a happy lunch."

3. Division of work
Because it's a semester, during the 3 days of organizing the fair, there will be team members
who are stuck with school schedules or personal matters, so it is necessary to have a
reasonable time roster to ensure that the booth is always open for sale. in 3 days.
Table: STUDENT OCTOBER 11, 2023 OCTOBER 12, OCTOBER 13, 2023
Time 2023

Time Morning Afternoon Mornin Afternoo Morning Afternoon

g n

Nguyen Thi x x x x x x
My Huyen

Nguyen x x x x x x
Ngoc Thao

Nguyen Bao x x x x x x
Anh Tho

Nguyen x x x x x x
Nhu Nhi

Nguyen Thi Asked Asked x x x x

Kim Ngan lecturer lecturer
permissio permission
n for eye for eye
examinati examinatio
on n

assignment table for participating in sales

STUDENT OCTOBER 11, 2023 OCTOBER 12, 2023 OCTOBER 13, 2023

Time Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon

Nguyen Thi Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier Cashier

My Huyen

Nguyen Ngoc Sales staff in Sales staff in Sales staff in Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson
Thao Tran school areas school areas school areas at the at the at the
counter counter counter

Nguyen Bao Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Sales staff in Sales staff in Sales staff in
Anh Tho at the at the at the school areas school areas school areas
counter counter counter

Nguyen Nhu Sales staff in Salesperson Sales staff in Salesperson Sales staff in Salesperson
Nhi Trang school areas at the school areas at the school areas at the
counter counter counter

Nguyen Thi Asked Asked Salesperson Sales staff in Salesperson Sales staff in
Kim Ngan lecturer lecturer at the school areas at the school areas
permission permission counter counter
for eye for eye
examination examination

Work task division table

VIII. Additional research programs need

1. Kiểm nghiệm thành phần dinh dưỡng:

As previously mentioned, our team is in the business of two plant-based products: Plant-
based Bun Cha and Spaghetti with vegetable sauce. To ensure the effective delivery of our
Value Proposition and Positioning Statement, we will conduct a more detailed analysis of
the nutritional components and calculate whether these two plant-based meals provide
enough energy to curb snacking for up to 5 hours.
First, we will investigate the daily energy requirements. Although there are many articles
on Google stating that females need around 1500 calories and males need about 2000
calories per day, we want more specific figures to ensure accuracy regarding the energy
needed for each of our products. Therefore, we will use two crucial indexes, BMR (Basal
Metabolic Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), to calculate the energy
required for weight loss and maintenance for both men and women.
BMR and TDEE are two important indexes to understand the caloric energy needed daily
to maintain basic activities and overall health. If you consume more calories than TDEE,
you will gain weight, and if you consume fewer calories than TDEE, you will lose weight
and burn fat. Understanding BMR and TDEE is crucial for planning an appropriate diet
and exercise regimen to achieve the weight and health goals of each individual.
Additionally, comprehending these indexes helps assess the level of health and balance
caloric consumption to ensure the body receives enough energy for daily activities without
consuming excess calories, which may lead to health issues.
To make the information specific and clear, we will calculate based on the average height
and weight of Vietnamese people. According to Insider, the average height of Vietnamese
people, based on the 2020 health database of the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (linked
with the Royal College of Physicians, London, UK), is 159.01 cm (males being 164.44 cm
and females being 153.59 cm). According to BrightSide, the average weight of Vietnamese
males is 58 kg and of Vietnamese females is 45 kg.
Therefore, we will calculate the BMR and TDEE indexes for males and females based on
these figures.
Based on the data mentioned earlier, our team has calculated and found that women
need about 1519 calories (if they are not exercising), and men need about 1868
calories per day. With the eating habits of Vietnamese people, who typically have
three meals a day, this means that on average, women should consume around 500
calories per meal, and men should consume approximately.
Furthermore, there are additional nutritional standards to consider.
Regarding Carbohydrates, a regular person should consume between 45% and 65%
of their daily caloric intake from carbs. For a female's diet (1500 calories), one
should consume between 69 and 244 grams of carbs per day. In the case of a male's
diet (1868 calories), one should consume between 88 and 303 grams of carbs. It's
important to note that an individual should not consume fewer than 130 grams of
carbs per day, as recommended by experts.
=> On average, per meal, men should consume 29 to 101 grams of carbs, and women
should consume 23 to 81.3 grams of carbs.
Regarding Protein, a healthy person should get between 10% and 35% of their daily
caloric intake from protein, which is equivalent to 37.5 to 131.25 grams of protein
per day for women and 48 to 163.45 grams of protein per day for men.
=> On average, per meal, women should consume 12.5 to 43.75 grams of protein,
and men should consume 16 to 54.48 grams of protein.
Regarding Fat, one should limit the percentage of daily calories derived from fat to
be between 20% and 35%, which is equivalent to 33 to 58.3 grams of fat per day for
women and 41.5 to 72.6 grams of fat per day for men.
=> On average, per meal, men should consume 14 to 25 grams of fat, and women
should consume 11 to 20 grams of fat.

Tiêu chuẩn dinh dưỡng trong một bữa ăn

Nam Nữ

Calories 630 calo. 500 calo

Carbs 29-101 gram 23-81.3 gram

Protein 16-54.48 gram 12.5-43.75 gram

Fat 14-25 gram 11-20 gram

By adhering to these nutritional standards, individuals can maintain a balanced diet

and meet their nutritional needs without encountering health issues.
1. Plant-based Bun Cha
Results: :
Calories: 561 calories. Assessment: Sufficient for a meal in a day for both men and
Carbohydrates: 72.5g. Assessment: Suitable carb content for a meal for both men
and women.
Protein: 28.4g. Assessment: Appropriate protein content for a meal for both men and
Fat: 17.3g. Assessment: Appropriate fat content for a meal for both men and women.
Conclusion: The "Plant-based Bun Cha" meal meets the nutritional requirements for a
meal in a day.
2. Spaghetti with vegetable sauce.
Calories: 477 calories. Assessment: Not enough energy on average for a meal.
Carbohydrates: 88.4g. Assessment: The carb content is suitable for men but slightly
excessive for women.
Protein: 18.5g. Assessment: Does not provide enough protein for a meal.
Fat: 5.4g. Assessment: Does not provide enough fat on average for a day.
Conclusion: The "Spaghetti with Vegetable Sauce" dish needs to add a little more
protein and fat to ensure it provides sufficient nutrition to customers.
Solution: After research, referencing nutritional articles, and cooking recipes, our team
suggests adding 15g of finely ground peanuts to the spaghetti dish to meet the necessary
nutritional requirements for customers. At the same time, reduce the amount of Italian pasta
so that the dish is not too starchy.
After adding peanuts to the Spaghetti with Vegetable Sauce recipe, the dish meets the
standards for energy and other nutrients.

After additional research and updating product modifications, the team set requirements
for the product

2.1. Functional requirements:

Vegetarian food will have high requirements for quality and variety to ensure that the food
is not only delicious but also nutritious. Some important requirements for vegetarian food
quality include:
-Freshness: Food must be selected and used in the freshest condition to ensure that its
nutritional value and flavor are not lost.
-Plants: Choosing organic foods is best, as they do not contain harmful chemicals and are
grown naturally.
-Variety: Make sure your vegetarian diet is varied, including a variety of vegetables, fruits
and other vegetarian protein sources such as beans, nuts and olives.
-Balanced nutrition: Vegetarian food also needs to provide adequate nutrients such as
protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to ensure balanced health.
-Spices and flavors: Use spices, MSG and natural vegetable fish sauces to bring great flavor
to vegetarian dishes.
-Process carefully: Prepare vegetarian foods by cooking, stewing, grilling or steaming to
preserve their nutritional value and natural location.
-In short, quality vegetarian food is a combination of freshness, nutritional diversity and
careful preparation. Therefore, sellers must always choose the best ingredients and
implement recipes to create a delicious and nutritious vegetarian meal.

2.2. Non-functional:
-Bun cha is a traditional Vietnamese dish, and when made in a vegan style, it becomes an
ideal choice for those following a vegetarian diet. The pure vegetable vermicelli noodle
dish includes main ingredients such as vermicelli, vegetarian patties made mainly from
beans and spices, vegetarian fish sauce and raw vegetables such as lettuce, herbs,
-In addition, we also have spaghetti with vegetable sauce. Vegetable spaghetti includes
spaghetti and a sauce of vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, onions and green
peppers in a little olive oil.
-These are all vegetarian dishes but still full of nutrients, ensuring that you will have a
balanced and healthy meal.
Product ingredients:
Ingredients table of pure plant-based Bun Cha:

Ingredient Percentage/pack

1 Rice noodle 50%

2 Vegetarian rolls 9%

3 Salad 10%
4 Herbs 5%

5 Cucumber 20%

6 Peanut 4%

7 Fried onion 2%

8 Vegetarian fish sauce 1 pack

Ingredients table of Spaghetti with vegetable sauce:

Ingredient Percentage/pack

1 Pasta 45%

2 Tomato 25%

3 Carrot 5%

4 Peanuts 5%

5 Mushroom 5%

6 Peas 10%

7 String beans 5%

Production process:
-To create a delicious dish, after choosing the ingredients, the chef will boil the noodles in
boiling water, make vegetarian rolls, vegetable sauce and choose fresh vegetables to ensure
the deliciousness of the dish.
-After that, the dishes will be divided into each paper box.
Security and safety:
Dishes that meet standards according to national technical regulations:
-QCVN01-1:2018/BYT: National technical regulation QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT on Clean
water quality used for domestic purposes.
-QCVN 8-1:2011/BYT: National technical regulation on limits of fungal toxin
contamination in food.
-QCVN 12-1:2011/BYT: National technical regulations on hygiene and safety for
packaging and tools in direct contact with food made of synthetic plastic.

IX. Any other deliverable to be provided by marketing to other

functions, and other deliverables needed by Marketing from
other functions
-After the group has made a decision to choose a product and has established a price for
each product, the Development department is responsible for synthesizing and sending all
specific information about the product to the Marketing department so that the Marketing
can create media articles to introduce products to customers. In addition, the Marketing
department also creates promotional programs to attract and promote customer purchasing
-Finally, when the Marketing department has completed the promotion programs,
information about the promotion program will be sent to the Sales department so that
salespeople can clearly understand the information and advise customers effectively. the
most accurate way.

X. Integrated budgets for all programs

This is the budget estimate for the 3-day "Lanh" event, along with financial sponsorship
from 3 members: Tran Thao Ngoc Nguyen, Huyen My Thi Hoang, Trang Nguyen Nhu
XI. Measurements and metrics

The team completed practice sessions before, during and after the event. From there,
measurement indicators that closely follow the reality of product management can be
drawn. Besides, introducing theory and practice helps the team better understand the
necessary factors when managing products:

1. 1. Financial metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)

Financial metrics and KPIs are quantifiable metrics chosen by the team to align with sales
goals and process goals before, during, and after the event. Including revenue, number of
customers received, conversion rate.

The group's proposed revenue is at least equal to the expected capital, in the range of
2,400,000 VND. During the implementation process, the group achieved the target with
revenue of 3 days 11, 12, 13 of 1,242,000, 1,306,000 and 796,000 VND respectively. The
expected number of products is 50 portions of vegetarian vermicelli and vegetarian
spaghetti. The group completed their goal of selling 50 meals and 73 kumquat teas. In
addition to the expected revenue, some customers paid extra to donate to SOS Children's
Villages with a total amount of 1,026,000 VND.
Cost of participate in the LÀNH event

Revenue on October 11, 2023

Revenue on October 12, 2023
Revenue on October 13, 2023

The number of customers reached was 312 people through online posts, direct
introductions and product displays at booths during the event. Of which, the number of
customers who chose to use the group's products during the event was 114 customers. Due
to some limitations such as not being able to transport long distances, products sold at the
event have a limited time,... the group cannot supply all of these potential customers.
Therefore, during the 3-day event at Hanh, the group's conversion rate from potential
customers to actual customers was 36.54%.

2. 2. User interaction metrics

These metrics focus on how users interact with the group's products and amenities
including vegetarian dishes, kumquat tea, and ask about donating to SOS Children's
Villages through product purchases.

On average, a potential customer spends 1-2 minutes on the product by finding information
through display posters, product introduction posts, and event announcement posts.
Customers using the product spend an average of 4-8 minutes on the product through
texting advice, chatting to ask for product information, and asking carefully about donating
to SOS Children's Villages through purchasing the product, listen to direct feedback from
customers who have used the product before.
Customers mainly bought the group's products online with the number of 82, bought
directly at the counter with 20, knew the group and asked friends and colleagues to help
them order with 12 customers. So the number of customers interacting with the group
through two main forms: online messaging and going to the display counter is 89.47%.
Interaction via social networking sites ensures customers can easily check information and
save more time, thus reaching 71.93% of total customer interactions. It can be said that this
is a signal for the group to choose the main form of online business if they intend to develop
the project in the near future.

3. 3. Customer satisfaction metrics.

The team simply measures customer satisfaction through post-use product reviews.
Includes assessments of product quality and service quality. The group based on 3-level
assessment: Very Good - Normal - Not Good and personal comments to identify customer
satisfaction as follows:

- About product quality:

+ 74.56% (85 customers) rated the product as very good. Some typical reviews
include: "First time trying vegetarian food, quite interesting", "Spices are similar to
everyday food, easy to eat, suitable for people who want to get acquainted with
vegetarian food", "In addition to eating Trying vegetarian food, I can also contribute
a portion to the donation fund for SOS Children's Villages, very worthy."
+ 20.18% (23 customers) rated the product as average. In this review, customers do
not have too many comments, the opinions all say that the food is not too special
compared to everyday food, the price is a bit high but the product is good for health.
+ 5.26% (6 customers) rated the product as bad. In reviews at this level, customers are
dissatisfied with the price, taste and portion size. Specifically: customers think that
this is a higher price than the average student's daily dishes, the fish sauce of
vegetarian vermicelli noodles and the sauce of spaghetti are very light compared to
other dishes that customers regularly use. Usage, food rations and drinking water
are not enough for an adult (male) who regularly exercises.

- Regarding service quality:

- 91.23% (104 customers) rated the product as very good. Some reviews recorded by
the group: "Not only were you enthusiastically introduced, I also saw that you paid
very close attention to the hygiene issue on the display table", "Paper boxes, paper
cups, wooden chopsticks and some including toothpicks and paper, it's so great", "I
like the way you guys talk about trying the product very realistically, very
+ 6.14% (7 customers) rated the product as average. Customers reviewing in this
group do not state their personal feelings and opinions about service quality but only
choose to rate.
+ 2.63% (3 customers) rated the product as poor. This customer believes that using a
plastic lid on a paper box is not convincing enough in terms of appearance, and in
addition, the untimely delivery of food wastes the customer's time.

XII. Risks
- Inventory risk: Because the group's products are processed foods, they have a short
shelf life. For pure plant-based bun cha, ingredients such as vegetables and
vermicelli need to be used within the same day because they are easily spoiled. They
can be preserved by placing them in the refrigerator, but this will reduce the
freshness of the vegetables and vermicelli left over the day. It also has a sour taste
that does not ensure food safety and can affect your health. As for the ingredients
for vegetarian patties, they can also be stored in the refrigerator. However, when
importing, a portion of pure vegetable bun cha includes vermicelli, vegetables and
patties, but only the patties are guaranteed to still be usable through the day. Later,
this means that if they cannot sell, they can only keep the rolls and the next day will
have to import more noodles and vegetables, causing a capital deficit. Spaghetti with
vegetable sauce has a longer shelf life than vermicelli. Even though the spaghetti
has been processed, it can be stored in the refrigerator (~2 days) and can be boiled
again to ensure freshness. Besides, the vegetable sauce if stored in the refrigerator
has a shelf life of nearly ~4 days. Because of this, the group imported more spaghetti
than vermicelli in the 3 days of sale. However, because there are only 3 days of sale,
if after those 3 days there is still inventory left, you can only throw it away or find
another way to handle it, but you cannot return the goods. Therefore, the inventory
risk of food items is very large, not only in quantity but also in the shelf life of this
- Variation in price: Fluctuations in raw material prices, production costs and
incidental costs can affect net profit and final selling price. To be more specific,
kumquat tea requires The ingredients are sugar, kumquat, tea, and ice to complete a
delicious cup of kumquat tea. The price of sugar and sugar can change with each
purchase, maybe a few thousand VND difference, but that also affects the net profit.
For example, the initial price of 1 kg of sugar is 132,000 VND, 1 kg of kumquat is
22,000 VND. However, after the first day of sale, all that kumquat and sugar was
used up, and I had to buy more to be able to sell kumquat tea in the following days.
At this time, the price of 1 kg of sugar bought at another store has changed to
135,000 VND, 1 kg of kumquat costs 25,000 VND, which means the price of raw
materials has now increased to 6,000 VND compared to the original. Although the
cost of a cup of kumquat tea has increased at this time, the selling price cannot be
changed because it is the listed price for 3 days of opening. This means that the
group will have to suffer a decrease in profits compared to the original estimate.
- Risk of location selection: Inappropriate booth location can affect the number of
customers coming to the store. Because there are many booths open for sale during
the 3 days of the fair, booth location is very important in attracting customers. If
you choose the booths inside, the number of visitors will be less because they are
attracted to the booths outside. In addition, the fact that the event was held on the
6th floor of Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance is also a big
minus point. Because here, big events are often held on the 15th floor, where many
students attend, while the 6th floor is a place for self-study, group study and rest for
students, a number of students visit every day. Not much here. It is easy to see that
during the 3 days of the event, few students came here to attend this event and this
caused the revenue to not reach the maximum threshold and team members had to
invite end-users on other floors. .
XIII. Appendices and supporting material
[Quynh Chi,Thế giới có thể phải đối mặt với “thời kỳ nguy hiểm nhất” trong nhiều thập kỷ
,< https://vtv.vn/the-gioi/the-gioi-co-the-phai-doi-mat-voi-thoi-ky-nguy-hiem-nhat-trong-
nhieu-thap-ky-20231014170121063.htm >,14-10-2023].
NĂM 2022,< https://wismizer.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/IPOS.VN-BAO-CAO-
III VÀ 9 THÁNG NĂM 2023,< https://www.gso.gov.vn/du-lieu-va-so-lieu-thong-
2023/#:~:text >, 9-2023].
[Vũ ngọc lan,Nước ta có cơ cấu dân số như thế nào?,< https://hieuluat.vn/thong-tin-can-
biet/nuoc-ta-co-co-cau-dan-so-nhu-the-nao-2713-46839-article.html >,4-3-2023].
[Vtv digital, 42% người đi làm đang trong trạng thái bị stress,< https://vtv.vn/xa-hoi/42-
nguoi-di-lam-dang-trong-trang-thai-bi-stress-20230424194925577.htm >, 24-4-2023].
[Viện chiến lược và chính sách tài chính, 70% người Việt có xu hướng tiết kiệm tiền nhàn
rỗi,< https://mof.gov.vn/webcenter/portal/vclvcstc/pages_r/l/chi-tiet-
tin?dDocName=UCMTMP130944 >, 6-9-2018].
[Lan Anh, Người tiêu dùng Việt Nam trưởng thành trong năm 2023: Làm sao doanh nghiệp
có thể đón đầu xu hướng,< https://vneconomy.vn/nguoi-tieu-dung-viet-nam-truong-thanh-
trong-nam-2023-lam-sao-doanh-nghiep-co-the-don-dau-xu-huong.htm >, 14-6-2023].
[Đức Duy, Thương mại điện tử: Tăng trải nghiệm, tạo sức bật cho ngành bán lẻ,<
nganh-ban-le/892556.vnp >, 6-9-2023].
[Lan Anh, Môi trường bền vững - yếu tố sống còn đối với ngành F&B?, <
20230814114213657.htm > 14-8-2023].
[Huỳnh Lê Bình Nhi, Cơ sở kinh doanh thực phẩm vi chất dinh dưỡng có bắt buộc cần
Giấy chứng nhận cơ sở đủ điều kiện vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm?,<
co-bat-buoc-can-giay-chung-nhan-co-so-du-dieu-kien-ve-41393.html >, 5-10-2022].
[Khoa và Phương Hồ, TTC AgriS thúc đẩy xu hướng thực phẩm Plant-based,<
20230609084423806.htm >, 6-9-2023].
[Linh Chi, Xu hướng ăn chay, sống xanh,< https://m.baophapluat.vn/xu-huong-an-chay-
song-xanh-post433692.html >, 13-2-2022].
[Caree, Product Benefits: Different Types and How To Identify Them,<
https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/product-benefits >,22-1-
Steven Haines,Product manager’s desk reference,Third edition, New York
chuyen-doi-he-thong-luong-thuc-thuc-pham-minh-bach-560858.aspx>, 28-3-2023].
[Thuong NTH,Giảm thuế GTGT 2% từ 01/07/2023 theo Nghị quyết số 101/2023/QH15 ,<
20thuế >, 29-6-2023].

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