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Asynchronous Learning - Learning activities that don’t require real-time interaction, allowing students
to access materials, participate in discussions, and complete assignments at their own pace.

Blended Learning - An educational approach that combines traditional classroom teaching with online
or digital learning methods and resources.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) - A policy that allows students or employees to use their personal
electronic devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones) in educational or work settings.

Collaborative Tools - Software or platforms that enable multiple users to work together, share
information, and collaborate on projects or assignments, fostering teamwork and interaction.

Digital Citizenship - The responsible and ethical use of technology, encompassing rights, responsibilities,
norms, and appropriate behavior online.

Digital Literacy- The ability to use digital technology, communication tools, and networks proficiently to
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in various forms.

EdTech (Educational Technology) - The use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning processes,
including hardware, software, applications, and digital tools.

E-learning (Electronic Learning) - Learning facilitated through electronic technologies, usually over the
internet or a network, allowing for flexible, self-paced education.

Flipped Classroom - A teaching model where traditional learning activities are done at home through
online resources, and classroom time is utilized for discussions, projects, or practical application of

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - An umbrella term that encompasses all
technologies used for handling, storing, retrieving, and communicating information, often involving
computers and the internet.

LMS (Learning Management System) - A software application or web-based platform used to

administer, deliver, and track educational courses and training programs.

Synchronous Learning - Learning activities that occur in real-time, where teachers and students interact
simultaneously, often facilitated through live online classes or webinars.

Magdaong, Jerome C.- BEED 3B- Quiz 2

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