Assignment 1

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I. Explain the Working principle of cvank ond sloted maohanlsr(teve) qutk

Hetun mo Ron mechanism wiRh neat dagsamg, stoate is neleuance and
appucofon and olso state whreh avesion pt is.
Ans: The
cronk and aloted leve qurd oerhaassn Aetun moton
mechansm a mechanieal nlkoge used fn macihes for convetng
roty moton Pnto nacprocotag moHon .

"Crank : Rolehg pot dañen by a mutor or an. eylernl fore

"Slotted loue: Trunslates e nofay mofon od he ciank Pnto
scproeath mofon.
Connecihg rod : Lhls Hae crank and sloted laued.
2. NoTON CONepg)ns:

" s Hhe ank rofatos, tt Tmpoats a herocafng mohon to e

slotee leuer.
Lonnecthaq rod alous Hae slottesl leer to move be ck and
Por th.
3.Quck ReTURN NOToN:

" The dosh o ha mechan'sm sesulks în a quekes ehn

shole cnpauad to the foruwand sholeo..

sheka nads to be fasa for Pfeny

Lexes (Link)

kLink 3

Sme (Link 1)
CLink 2)
( Baam Engina)
Let us talee beam engthe for Blonsdeaon. It has 4 inks.
In Hhis mechan?m, uohen Hh Crank roBeos aloout th
The end bue CDE wmectad to apslon rod chish sedpoa
due to the vokaHon nk.

The quck sctuun mofon Ss benfidal

" Used n shopfng maclines : The utrg kosl moves

It &o Hhe ulrol Prvesion o angla elRlen cank
2. Eplah the oorking pânciple 8ull engire ard csc+latrg uglhdon
engne uoh neat dsketches.
Ars' BulU Engîine

(tink a )

(ink 4)
-Crant ( Link 2)


Hhis cabe , cshen Hhoe cnank (ink 2) oletes, tha connectng

Yod (lnk 3) oscflates about a pfo prstoo to Hhe fred lnk 4 at
A and He pfston otachect to Hhe pfston rod cint 4) seCpootes .
tonssa eh a volathg indafcal comben cotha pfston
"A nozzle dßret steam Brnto He hombe.
2 WoRKNGh:
"The stoan is hfetod tangenially nto He solag dombo.
"Tha staam'm's Pmpudse
Pmpude causes the ehamber to sototate
Ts aolaHon i hanpeuad to o skalt Conve Khg t Pnto
soble medhanca power.

ln Hhs mechanfsm, the ink 3 fominy Re hnfa pou is

Tae Uink 3 correspords to Ra connecing nad a sedproafng
sleam egine meclansm. Olen He cyank(ink2) olaos, the pis on
atfaled to piston ved (ink 1) 20cipvoccitüs al Hha cylendaa osrUas
about a pfn pfrol o Hhe


Fertus a cylnde Hhat oscatas back and feth.

gho oadm ttel alteurately bo both enda he
2- WopkING:

piston n one lyeton.

The urdan Haan

Hhen oscatas, a rg the decton
He p'slon.
3- Explain the
oovg ofreipe d Seoleh Yote mechansm and oldham'
couplg fh defaled daglamo.
Ans: Scotch Voke Medhanfsm


hame (Lnk 4)

This mehanism as used tor connafing rolat mofon frro

a koci proafng molon. The mieson so cotahed by fhg ahe
the link A or ünk 3- )n Hhe aue, ink A is
fixed .In His
mehantsm, ohen Hae lk 2 (wowch comres pends to Hhe crank)
Aotets about B as contre ,the nk y luch camesponds to Hhe
fame s2poocas. The Red (ink A qleso Hhe frame.

Oldham's Couplng




An Oldham's ib wocd for

shats shose
axes ae at a gal
connetrg hoo panallel
di stanca apnt.Te slalts
Couplod n such hat h shalt roates, The oter sholt alos
otetes at He Sam
. Expain he loenkíng pinples c ( erdulum Runp and (2) Gunoree
ergfne uoh dasatled dagans.
Ans: PeNDULUm Rmp


Connechny Ral
slon Rot

n s Case) uslhen He Crank olatzs, the connetng rad (ink s)

osulatas about a pn plrolod ko he hored lonk 4 at A ard Hhe pislon
aHaohed to the pston rod (unk ) eliprocato,

suofrg ng perdulm uth a faxfble daph

conholo He

2. WoekNG

ayainst ta Puid terchry t bout though anoter check a


Ayod Canlk (Unk 2)



1: ComPoNETNTS ?
Rotay engfhe utth a singe sphnngyhda
" faliuas a sadfal ouangnant gylindes and a fred
2. WoRING 1
move in anol out
due to eccenhie asangement

comveTtad Gnto Rotet moton by he cantsha

ntaee, Onnphoasfon, tombusfon and exhaust ocu n

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