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Roll No: 2105465071071
M.R. Dinesh Kumar Singh


3 Km from Sasni Gate, Mathura Road, Aligarh
I would like to acknowledge that this project was completed entirely by me not by someone

else.I would like to express my profound gratitude to MR. DINESH KUMAR SINGH of

bachelor of business administration department and for their contributions to the completion

of my project case study on Haldiram’s.

I would like to express my special thanks to my teacher MS. NIKHAT FATIMA for her time

and efforts she provided throughout the year. Your useful advice and suggestions were really

helpful to me during the project’s completion in this aspect. I am eternally grateful to you.


In the beginning, I would like to extend my heart-felt gratitude
to my guide, MRS. PRIYANKA SHARMA for her constant
guidance and support that has help us to complete the project.

In fact no project could be completed without her meaningful

suggestions and guidance, who helped me during my task and
shared his precious time with me. It is my pleasure to present
this project work Assigned to us. It is my sincere endeavor to
express my gratitude towards all those who directly or
indirectly contributed to this project Work. I have found the
reading material in the library to be of great help in this respect.

Last but not the least we must excuse myself if in advertently I

missed to thank all those who have helped and inspired me in
doing this Project actively.
S. no Particulars Remarks

1 Introduction

2 Case Study

3 Research Methodology

4 Company Profile

Never Changing Yet Ever Changing

5 The Legacy Analysis

6 Industry Analysis

7 STP Analysis

8 Marketing Analysis

9 Awards

10 Certifications

11 Growth Strategy

12 Restaurants Analysis

13 Product List Analysis

14 Price Strategy

15 Place Strategy

16 Order Processing

17 Advertising Strategy

18 Brand Equity

19 Conclusion

20 Bibliography

HALDIRAM – is a name associated with consumers for sweets and namkeens for the past six

decades in India and abroad. It made its modest start in the beginning 1941 in Bikaner in the

State of Rajas than. Today the company has diversified into snack food, sweets, syrups,

biscuits and fast food. It is the leader in the Namkeens segment with a 70% of that total share

in the market.

Haldiram’s is a huge brand and has diversified its activities into various industries. The one

industry where it is the king right now is the “namkeens” industry. Hence the project mainly

focuses on studying Haldiram’s namkeen division, though other areas have been briefly


Haldiram’s offers a wide range of products to its customers. The product range includes

namkeens, sweets sharbats, bakery items, dairy products, chips, pappad and ice creams.

However namkeens remain the main area of focus for the group as it contributes close to 60%

of its total revenues. By specializing in the manufacturing in the namkeen market the

company has created a niche market. The raw materials used to prepare namkeens are of best

of quality and are sourced from all over India.

The food industry in India is forever changing to suit their consumers’ palate, preference and


Haldiram started in Bikaner and had setup shop in Delhi and manifolded its branches in

various parts . Slowly company tagged itself with taste , hygiene and innovation .

Internationally Haldiram’s company was setup in USA with its 15 products and all credit

goes to Indian people who helped company to establish there. Today haldiram’s company is a

global phenomenon.
Haldiram's is an Indian multinational weets, snacks and restaurant company headquartered

in Nagpur, Maharashtra with $1 billion revenue and $150 million net profit $100 million

haldiram brand value as on 2022. The company has manufacturing plants in a wide variety of

locations such as Nagpur, New Delhi, Gurgaon, Hooghly, Rudrapur and Noida. Haldiram's

has its own retail chain stores and a range of restaurants

in Pune, Nagpur, Raipur, Kolkata, Noida and Delhi.


It is convenient to distinguish conceptual definitions, which are abstract descriptions of the

phenomenon being studied, and operational definitions, which are measurement methods (see

e.g. Jacoby and Chestnut (1978); Peter (1981)). Conceptual definitions are necessary to

assess the construct validity' of the adopted measurement methods. Without them, the

correctness of specific brand-loyalty measures cannot be evaluated, and meaningful and

meaningless results cannot be distinguished.

Perhaps the most elaborate conceptual definition of brand loyalty Was presented by Jacoby

and Chestnut (1978). We will use and discuss this definition, because it covers the most

important aspects of brand loyalty, and siiice it enjoys widespread support in the marketing

literature, either in its original form or in slightly modified versions (e.g. Assae1 (1992);

Mowen (1993); Wilkie (1990).

Haldiram’s is a name that is as Indian as India itself. For over fifty memorable years,

Haldiram’s has dedicatedly served the Indian consumer's palate. Perhaps no other land in this

world boasts of such a vast multitude of people, with not only different cultures but also

tastes and styles of living as well. And no other brand but Haldiram’s can boast of finding

widespread acceptance with all of them.

The flagship brand, “Haldiram’s Namkeen”, a range of spicy veteran snacks, has its finger on
the pulse of this subcontinent. Not to mention, the fresh Syrups and Crushes made from the

juiciest fruits. And a colorful variety of Indian sweets, neatly packed in compact tins.

Today, the Haldiram’s brand has become a household name across the length and breadth of

the nation. It is a name that people trust and rely upon. In fact, it wouldn't be wrong to say

that without Haldiram’s; any celebration in India is incomplete.

Haldiram’s has many ‘firsts’ to its credit. It was the first company in India to brand

‘namkeens’. The group also pioneered new ways of packaging namkeens. Its packaging

techniques increased the shelf life of namkeens from less than a week to more than six

months. It was also one of the first companies in India to open a restaurant in New Delhi

offering traditional Indian snack food items such as “panipuri”, “chatpapri”, and

so on, which catered to the needs of hygiene conscious non-resident Indians and other

foreign customers.


Fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of

descriptive research is description of the state of an affair, as it exists at

present. Research methodology refers to the tools and methods used

for obtaining information for the purpose of the subject under

study. The methodology followed for the purpose of finding

customers response will be Random sample survey.


I had visited haldiram’s many a times but I had never thought that

oneday I will make a well designed project on haldiram’s. Choosing and

finalizing the project topic was itself the biggest challenge

for me, since we have enough liberty to choose our topic.

I had changed topics many times and this was my 3rd topic . Working on

haldirams was a real fun and learning act at the same time. Mr. Raj

Kumar encouraged and provided me many useful information

regarding their branch and their target markets. Using both the

primary and secondary data , I have tried my best to put forward

thepractical aspects of marketing theories

Primary data

Primary source of information will be Mr. K K Goyal, Sales Manager

Haldiram’s. He gave me insights into various issues such as marketing

mix of Haldiram’s etc. Lot of other people were contacted such as

Haldiram’s distributors, shop keepers etc.

Secondary data

Secondary source of information was internet and various other articles in

magazines, pamphlets etc.

These was some of the sources through which up-to-date and relevant

data was collected. It is one of the best methods to collect data because of

economy in terms of time and money.

Tools analysis

bservation and descriptive survey methods used to collect the data about

the features, expectations, satisfaction, problems etc. the customers.

Size of sample:

The present study was conducted on a sample size of ‘90’ .

Where else in the world can you catch a glimpse of the past and the future

coexisting peacefully? Where else but India!! In many ways, Haldiram’s

reflects this unique phenomenon. In the plants, in the work culture and

indeed in their thinking as well, where the conventional and the

contemporary go hand in hand.

If the Haldiram’s ethos dates back to vintage India, it also signifies their

endeavor to keep pace with the latest technological development

anywhere in world. In fact Haldiram’s was the first company to strictly

follow international standards of hygiene and freshness with regular

laboratory checks on the raw material and seasonings. An advanced

manufacturing plant, a fully automated processing unit and high quality

in-house packaging are just a few other examples of their never ending

passion for product excellence.

At Haldiram’s, quality is an obsession and this sprit to provide Quality

Products has given the company a cutting edge over its competitors. The

traditional Indian Sweet-Maker from a very small set up has transformed

into a full-fledged processing food industry and is taking its wares

beyond the domestic frontiers to the Western World.

Enjoyed and trusted by a million Indian families in India and overseas as

well, its salty snacks and scrumptious sweets, meet international

standards of hygiene and freshness. Haldiram’s delightful delicacies

tempt the people all over the world to share this exotic Indian treat. Their
product ranges from Tasty and Nutritious Namkeens, Delicious Sweets,

Refreshing Syrups, Crunchy Papads to the snack food items such as Tak-


Everyday, in countries across the globe, millions choose Haldiram’s

products and bestow their confidence upon the company. Even as

emerging international markets are further enhancing their export

potential, Haldiram’s priority still remains the same: tickling, pampering,

delighting and indulging the consumer’s palate the world over.

Haldiram’s is successfully exporting its products to USA, UK, Australia,

Middle East & Far East Countries, Germany, Philippines, New Zealand,

Nepal, Sri Lanka, UAE, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, etc.

They are an ISO and HACCP Certified Company and which are also

approved by the FDA, USA.


Haldiram’s is a name traditionally associated with quality and taste in

sweets and namkeens for the past six decades in India and abroad. It

made its modest start way back in 1941 in Bikaner, Rajasthan as a family

run business and even today is privately owned by the Aggarwal family

with Mr. Manohar Aggarwal as the CEO of the North India region.

The brand name ‘HALDIRAM BHUJIAWALA’ was introduced during

pre-partition era, which is 1941, and has never looked back ever since. It

ventured into the retail industry by opening up a shop in 1983 in Chandni

Chowk, which was then the commercial hub of Delhi. The prime focus

was to serve sweets and namkeens to the direct consumers and traders.
The group comprises of three companies - HMCL, Haldiram Foods

International Ltd. (Nagpur) and Haldiram Bhujiawala Ltd., Kolkata, which

share only the brand name. They have different operational areas, with

HMCL catering to the northern region. Haldiram Foods caters to the

western and southern markets and Haldiram Bhujiawala to the eastern


Encouraged by the tremendous response towards its products from

everyone, Haldiram’s decided to go in for up- gradation of technology,

packing and production. This was made possible by the installation of

modern, sophisticated and state-of-the-art technology, plants and

machinery. Through hard work, uncompromising quality and dedicated

service, Haldiram’s became a part of every Indian family and there

existed no such house that did not know of the brand or its products,

which include not just sweets and namkeens but syrups and snacks as

well. Extensive branding activities in the past decade are bearing fruits

now, as the company is the undisputed market leader in the namkeen

segment of the snack food industry.

Even though it has come a long way from its original “halwai shop”

days, the company is still trying hard to change its traditional image and

modernize it to suit a new target audience. With the kind of infrastructure

the company has, it is already giving the more established international

brands a run for their money.

Haldiram’s has 70% of the total namkeen market share and is the leader

in the organized sweets market and has picked up in the snack food market
of potato chips with Tak-a-Tak. The company enjoys top of the mind

awareness and has a loyal customer base. The company’s exports are

growing at a very positive note and the company on a daily basis registers

a 2-3% growth. The company has been registering a 15% growth in its

total sales every year.

Haldiram’s reached its strong position in the market through strict quality

and taste control measures made possible by the international

infrastructure facilities made available for production by a visionary leader

Mr. Manohar Aggarwal. It has come a long way from its initial “halwai-

shop” days and is now on the road to becoming a corporate organization.

It was the first snack food manufacturer to lay such high priority on

quality control and taste standardization. The company does not believe in

getting into the competitive rat race and is satisfied with its current status

in the industry.

“Our consistent quality, best packaging strategy, vast market coverage

and experience have given us a cutting edge vis-à-vis our competitors.

Our natural inclination to improve our performance and quality with each

passing year has taken us way ahead of our nearest competitor. The

people at Haldiram’s are very friendly and sensitive towards the

complaints from consumers and traders, which in fact are a rare



Haldiram's began as a tiny shop in Bikaner, the land as famed for its savories as for its leather

faced pipe players and fierce warriors. By 1982, Haldiram's had set up shop in Delhi and the
capital begun to stop by and take note of the savories and sweets. It was word of mouth that

grew the business manifold over the next decade till Haldiram's stood as a food outlet that

was synonymous with taste, hygiene and innovation.

USA was the first market we started exporting to, thanks to the large Indian population there.

We began with about 15 products, all savories, because they are favorites among Indians.

What began as a small town enterprise in India is today a global phenomenon. Haldiram's is a

way of life for Indians no matter which country they live in. And the countries they live in are

also fast developing a penchant for these products.


The Indian snacks and sweets industry is one of the largest in the world, with a market size of

around $5 billion. The industry has been growing at a steady rate of around 10-12% over the

past few years and is expected to continue to grow at a similar rate in the coming years. The

growth of the industry is driven by several factors, including the increasing demand for

convenience foods, changing consumer preferences, and the growing middle class in India.

Haldiram's operates in the organized sector of the Indian snacks and sweets industry, which is

dominated by a few large players. The organized sector accounts for around 35-40% of the

overall market, while the rest is made up of small unorganized players. The organized sector

is expected to grow at a faster rate than the unorganized sector, driven by factors such as

increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and changing lifestyles.

Haldiram's has several opportunities to grow and expand its business in India and other

countries. One of the key opportunities for the company is the growing demand for healthy

and organic snacks. Haldiram's can capitalize on this trend by introducing a range of healthy

and organic snacks that appeal to health-conscious consumers.

Another opportunity for Haldiram's is the growing demand for Indian snacks and sweets in

international markets. The company has already expanded its business to several countries,

including the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. It can further expand its

international presence by introducing new products and flavors that appeal to local tastes and


However, Haldiram's also faces several challenges in the Indian snacks and sweets industry.

One of the key challenges is the intense competition from local and international brands.

Haldiram's will need to continue to innovate and introduce new products and flavors to stay

ahead of its competitors.

Another challenge that Haldiram's faces is the rising cost of raw materials and ingredients.

The company uses high-quality ingredients in its products, and any increase in the cost of

these ingredients can impact its profitability. Haldiram's will need to manage its costs

effectively to maintain its profit margins


A. Strengths
o Haldiram’s has a large product basket for the customers to choose from. One of the

biggest reasons for their namkeen segment succeeding is the continuous updation of

their product range.

o Their brand is associated with tradition and quality.

o Their products are known among the most hygienic products available in this


o Their packaging is attractive and innovative which makes for easy discernment of

their products on the shelves, is safe and keeps contents fresh for long.

o Their production processes are semi-automated and by using state of the art
technology they have been able to increase the shelf life of their products from one

week to six months.

o They are the undisputed market leaders in the namkeen

o segment.

o Haldiram’s has been able to build its brand today on the basis of word of mouth

publicity, which has actually taken a lot of people by surprise.

o Approval by FDA-HACCP, ISO 9002 and SPA stand testimony to the emphasis that

Haldiram’s lays on the high quality for its products.

o Haldiram’s is aggressively trying to capture the international markets by customizing

its products and packaging according to foreign tastes.

o Though a large percentage of their consumers are middle-aged customers who are

fond of namkeens, yet they are successfully catering to all age groups and sections of


o By launching small packets of their diverse namkeen products, they have successfully

penetrated the rural markets.

o Online selling of their products through

B. Weaknesses

o Haldiram’s doesn’t lay emphasis on the need to carry out market surveys either to

know the consumer needs or their feedback.

o Haldiram’s started advertising its products too late, as it is not a firm believer in big

marketing budgets and lavish promos because of which they might have lost the

initial advantage.

o The Company has no policies on Corporate Social Responsibility and

environmental norms, which may affect their Goodwill in the long run.

o The Haldiram group consists of three concerns that are

independent of each other and also there is a lack of collaboration

between the three concerns, which affects the reputation of the

company and is a hindrance in its growth.

o The company is not as cash rich as its competitors, which gives

its competitors an edge.

o Company portfolio does not include western snack food

o Diversifying the namkeen product line further through constant


o Greater scope to increase market share and profits as they have just

started advertising. Opportunity to go into radio advertising leading to

greater rural penetration.

o To cut into the unbranded sector by reducing prices to capture

value conscious customers.

o Having a premium product line to capture high-end consumers.

C. Threats
o A large number of competitors have started entering this segment

which might erode the market share of Haldiram’s. For example

companies like Frito Lay’s, ITC, etc, which is cash rich companies,

can actually undercut Haldiram’s profits as they can afford to reduce

their prices.

o As there are three concerns under the Haldiram’s group, the quality

standards differ substantially and any irresponsibility on the part of

any one concern will have a negative impact on all the three as they

share the same brand name.

o Competitors such as MTR, Tasty Bites and ITC have already

entered the western snack food market and taken the initial advantage

whereas except for potato chips, Haldiram’s is still

consideringentering this segment.

o If Haldiram’s doesn’t realize the importance of aggressive

advertising, its competitors will cut into its market share as they do

advertise on a large scale.

o Competition from local restaurants cum sweet shops.

o High market presence and share of the unorganized sector.

1. To study the marketing mix of Haldiram’s

2. To study the Haldiram’s as a brand and define various brand

attributes related to Haldiram’s

3. To study the behaviour of the consumer with respect to attributes such

as Brand Loyalty and come up with recommendations as to what all

needs to be considered keeping the consumer in mind

4. To analyze Haldiram’s competitor and compare their strategies and

come up with recommendations for any problem being faced by it.


o Haldiram’s bagged the prestigious ‘INTERNATIONAL

AWARD FOR FOOD & BEVERAGES’ awarded by Trade

Leaders Club in Barcelona, Spain in 1994.

o The Group has also to its credit ‘KASHALKAR MEMORAIL

AWARD’ presented by All India Food Preservers Association

(Regd.) in 1996 at its Golden Jubilee Celebration for

manufacturing the best quality food products.

o ‘BRAND EQUITY AWARD 1998’ was awarded by Progress

Harmony Development Chamber of Commerce & Industry in

recognition of creating successful Indian Brand ‘HALDIRAM’.

o ‘APEDA EXPORT AWARD 2001-2002’, awarded by

Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development

Authority for the outstanding contribution to the promotion of

Agricultural & Processed Food Products during the year 2001-


o ‘MERA DELHI AWARD – 2004’ for the exemplary

contributionin the field of export.


Haldiram’s has the following quality certifications:

o ISO 9002



Haldiram's is a well-known brand that is synonymous with Indian snacks and sweets. It has a

rich history that dates back to the early 20th century, when it was started as a small sweet

shop in Bikaner, Rajasthan. Over the years, Haldiram's has grown to become a household

name in India and around the world. In this analysis, we will look at the legacy of Haldiram's

and what has made it such a successful brand.

Haldiram's was founded in 1937 by Shri Ganga Bhishen Agarwal, who started a small sweet

shop in Bikaner. He was later joined by his sons, Shri Moolchand Agarwal, Shri

Satyanarayan Agarwal, and Shri Shivkisan Agarwal. The family business grew over the

years, and they started to expand their offerings beyond sweets to include snacks and other


One of the key factors that have contributed to the success of Haldiram's is its focus on

quality. The company has always maintained strict quality control measures, and this has

helped it to build a loyal customer base. Haldiram's uses only the finest ingredients in its

products, and it has a team of experienced chefs who ensure that the taste and quality of its

offerings are consistent.

Another factor that has contributed to Haldiram's success is its ability to adapt to changing

consumer preferences. The company has always been quick to introduce new products that

appeal to different tastes and preferences. For example, when the demand for low-fat snacks

started to rise, Haldiram's introduced a range of low-fat snacks that were well-received by

consumers. Haldiram's has also been successful in building a strong distribution network that

has helped it to reach customers in different parts of the country. The company has a large

number of retail outlets and franchise stores across India, and it has also started to expand

internationally in recent years.

One of the key challenges that Haldiram's has faced over the years is the intense competition

in the Indian snacks and sweets market. There are many local and international brands that

compete with Haldiram's, and this has forced the company to continuously innovate and

improve its offerings. However, Haldiram's has been able to maintain its position as a leading

brand by focusing on quality, innovation, and customer service.

Haldiram's is also known for its corporate social responsibility initiatives. The company has

been involved in a range of social and environmental projects, and it has received several
awards for its efforts in this area. For example, in 2018, Haldiram's received the 'CSR

Excellence Award' for its contributions to society.

Haldiram's is a brand that has a rich legacy and a strong reputation for quality, innovation,

and customer service. The company has faced several challenges over the years, but it has

been able to overcome them by focusing on its strengths and adapting to changing market

trends. Haldiram's is a true success story of an Indian brand that has grown from a small

sweet shop to a global brand that is recognized and loved by people across the world.

He launched his favorite 'Kaju Katli' in the market. As it was a new sweet for the people of

Maharashtra, he started giving out free samples. Due to this strategy, Kaju Katli became

famous in Nagpur within just a few days. People loved the taste and the sales started reaching

new heights. He then introduced many other sweets of Bikaner and Kolkata in Nagpur. This

was how the sales increased by 400% in three years.

Soon enough, he realized that Nagpur people liked South Indian snacks like Idli and Dosa.

This made him start a South Indian restaurant to attract more customers. Then, he started

adding new snacks like samosa, kachori, and chole bhature to the menu.

If we examine it from a business perspective, when he entered the Nagpur market, he was a

strange shopkeeper who was selling strange products to people. That's why people didn't trust

him. So first, he won the trust of the Maharashtrians by selling the products they liked to win

their trust, and then, he introduced his own products. This was how Shiv Kishan Agarwal

contributed to Haldiram's growth.

The person who took this business even higher was Manohar Lal Agarwal. He is the current

chairman of Haldiram.

When he joined Haldiram in 1973, Haldiram had only three shops in India - in Kolkata,
Nagpur, and Bikaner respectively. Manohar Lal Agarwal opened another outlet in Delhi's

Chandni Chowk.

He adopted two major strategies for the growth of the business that proved to be the game-

changer in this story. The strategies were:


 Achieve continuous and sustainable growth in the business, within India and abroad,

organically and inorganically.

 Strengthen leadership in traditional snack items, Indian sweets and attain leadership in

western snack items.

 Keep innovating new quality products and delight consumers by offering wide range

of quality food products at competitive rates.


 Make available authentic, tasty and quality vegetarian food products made as per

global standards at reasonable cost, in India or abroad.

 Remain ahead of competitors through product-innovation, adopting new

technologies and achieve optimum cost of production

 Always abide by law and care environment

 Provide a friendly working environment that attracts best talent and offers opportunity

to employees to excel and build career.

 Provide growth opportunity to all stakeholders including Stockists, distributors,

retailers, suppliers, etc.

 Be a debt free company, as far as possible

 Enhance shareholders net worth

 Contribute for social causes.


 Haldiram’s Kherki Daula Gurgaon

Village-Kherki Daula, Delhi-Jaipur highway,

NH-8 Gurgaon (Haryana) -122001

 Haldiram’s Bhiwadi V Square Mall

V- Square Mall, 1st Milestone, Alwar by pass road,

Bhiwadi, Rajasthan-301019

 Haldiram’s Hans Resort,Rewari

Hans Resort, Rewari – Haryana National Highway-8

(Delhi- Jaipur)- 123401

 Haldiram’s Sahara Mall Gurgaon

Ground Floor, Sahara Mall, M.G. Road,

Gurgaon (Haryana)-122001

 Haldiram’s MGF Mall Gurgaon

3rd Floor, MGF Mall, M.G. Road,

Gurgaon 122001

 Haldiram’s Ambience Mall, Gurgaon

3rd Floor, Shop no: 309,310 Ambience Mall,

Delhi Jaipur Highway NH-8 (Next to Toll Plaza),


 Haldiram’s Cyber Hub

DLF CYBER CITY Developers limited,

shop no. 114,115,116, First Floor Cyber Hub

Gurgaon –HARYANA

 Haldiram’s Omaxe City mall, Gurgaon

Shop no.:- A-23,B-23 Omaxe City Centre mall,

sector -49 Sohna Road Gurgaon -122001

 Haldiram’s Fortis Hospital, Gurgaon

Fortis Hospital, Near Huda Metro station,


 Pacific Mall

Tagore Garden, Main Najafgarh Road,

New Delhi – 18

 Jwala Heri
ARSS Mall, Opp. Jwala Heri Market,

New Delhi – 63

 Chandni Chowk

1454/2 – Fountain Chowk, Chandni Chowk, Delhi- 6

 Moti Nagar

17 A, Najafgarh Road, Moti Nagar, New Delhi – 15

 CP

L – 6/7, Outer Circle, CP,

New Delhi – 110001

 Pitampura

D-Mall, Netaji Subhash Place, Delhi – 34

 Rohini

D-Mall, Plot No. 1 B/ 5, Twin District Center,

Sec. 10, Rohini, New Delhi – 85

 Tilak Nagar

B.K. Jewellery House, 4 B/16,

Opposite Tilak Nagar Police Station,

New Delhi – 18
 Haldiram’s Sonipat

Village – Kamaspur, 45 Milestone GT Karnal road,

Near Bharat Petroleum, Sonipat.

 Haldiram’s ZeerakPur

Agr Hospitality Pvt Ltd, 58-City Centre, G.T Road,

Chandigarh Ambala Highway,

Opp Glass Palace, Dera Bassi, Zirakpur Punjab.

 Haldiram’s Janakpuri

Plot no. G-10, 11, Unity One Mall,

near Janakpuri West Metro Station

 Haldiram’s Panipat

Unity 1 Mall, Panipat

 Haldiram’s Karnal

CHD, Daana Paani

 Youth Plaza

H-1-A/24 , Youth Plaza ,

Sector 63 , Noida

 Shipra Mall
Shop no. 52,Desk No.57 ,

lower GF , Shipra mall ,

Indrapuram ,Ghaziabad

 Angel Mall

Angel mega mall,

Plot no. CK-1, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad

 Dilshad Garden

G-3, Dilshad Garden metro station, Delhi

 Cross River Mall (CRM)

Shop no. 42-48,

Plot no. 9B & 9C,

Cross River Mall, Near karkarduma court,

Shahdara, Delhi – 110032

 Spice Mall

109-109 Spice World mall,

Sector- 25 A , Noida

 Center Stage Mall (CSM)

L-1, Shop no. 1,2, 20 & 20A,

Center Stage Mall, sector 18 Noida

 MSX Mall

B-4/4, MSX Mall,

Suraj pur, Greater Noida

 World squre Mall (WSM)

160 , World Squre Mall ,

Katori Mill ,Mohan Nagar crossing,Ghaziabad

 Haldiram’s Khatauli (UP)

Namaste Midway ,

104 km Mile stone NH-58 Mansurpur -251203,

District Muzzafar Nagar U.P Khatauli.

 EDM Mall

3rd Floor, Food Court,

East Delhi Mall

 Akshardham

Parsvnath Mall, Akshardham Metro Station

 H08

B-1/H-8, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate ,

Main Mathura Road, New Delhi- 110044

 Lajpat Nagar

45, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar- II,

New Delhi- 110024

 DLF Vasant Kunj

FC-6, DLF Food Court,

DLF Place, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi

 DLF Saket

FC-12, DLF Food Court,

DLF Saket, New Delhi

 Sarojini Nagar

Shop No- 31 & 103,

DLF South Square Mall,

Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi- 110026

 Apollo

Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar,

Mathura Road, New Delhi

 Airport

Terminal 3 (Arrival & Departure) ,

Airport 1-D, IGI Airport (3 Outlets)

 Faridabad


Parshavnath City Mall,

Sector-12, Faridabad- 121007

 Crown Interior FBD

RSM-01, LGF, Crown Interiorz Mall,

12/7, Sector-35, NH-2, Faridabad-121003


200 Gms 400 Gms

1. Plain Bhujia 1. Plain Bhhujia

2. Bhujia 2. Bhhujia

3. Karanchy Mixture 3. Navrattan

4. Navrattan 4. Khatta Meetha

5. Nut Cracker 5. Masala Moong Dal

6. Khatta Meetha 6. Moong Dal

7. Bombay Mixture 7. Nut Cracker

8. Chana Dal 8. Dal Biji

9. MasalaMoong Dal 9. All in One

10.Moong Dal 10.Aloo Bhhujia

11.Boondi Masala 11.Chana Jor Garam

12.Boondi Plain 12.Kashmiri Mixture

13.Dal Biji 13.Hara Chiwda

14.Ghatia 14.Cornflakes Mixture

15.Kabli Chana 15.Kaju Mixture

16.Bhavnagri Sev 16.Panchrattan

75 Gms

17.Aloo Masala 1. Bhhujia

18.Mathri 2. Navrattan

19.Samosa 3. Khatta Meetha

20.Bhelpuri 4. Moong Dal

21.All in One 5. Nut Cracker

22.Aloo Bhhujia 6. Aloo Bhhujia

23.Nimbu Masala 7. Boondi Plain

24.Long Sev 8. Boondi Masala

25.Methi Sev 9. Nimbu Masala

26.Peanut Salted 10.Peanut Salted

27.Peanut Masala 11.Masala Moong Dal

28.Chana Jor Garam 30 Gms

1. Nut Cracker
29.Bombay Chana 2. Peanut Salted
30.Kashmiri Mixture 3. Aloo Bhujia
31.Cornflakes Mixture
4. Bhujia
32.Hara Chiwda Mixture
5. Navrattan
33.Mint Lachha
6. Moong Dal
34.Chilli Chatak Lachha
7. Khatta Meetha
35.Kaju Mixture
8. Nimbu Masala

37.Shahi Mixture
Sweets Syrups (700ML)

1Jamphal (1 Kg Tin Pack) 1Khus Syrup

2. Cham Cham (1 Kg Tin Pack) 2. Orange Crush

3. Kesar Rasbhari (1 Kg Tin Pack) 3. Pineapple Crush

4. Kalam Petha (1 Kg Tin Pack) 4. Lemon Crush

5. Keasar Ganderi (1 Kg Tin Pack) 5. Mango Crush

6. Raj Bhog (1 Kg Tin Pack) 6. Kala Khatta

7. Dry Petha 7. Badam Kesaria

8. Karachi Halwa (250/500 Gms) 8. Thandai Kesaria

10.Soan Papdi (250/500/1000 Gms)

11.Soan Cake (250/500 Gms)

Perishable Sweets Can Packs

1. Moti Choor Ladoo/Boondi Choor 1. Bombay Mixture

Ladoo 2. Aloo Bhujia
2. Plain Burfee 3. Cornflakes Mixture
3. Dhoda Burfee 4. Panchrattan
4. Moong Dal Burfee 5. Khatta Meetha
5. Besan Ladoo Cookies
6. Atta Ladoo 1. Jeera Cookies (75/300 Gms)

7. Pinni 2. Atta Cookies (75/300 Gms)

8. Kaju Gunjia 3. Ajwain Cookies (75/300 Gms)

9. Anjeer Burfee 4. Coconut Cookies (75/300 Gms)

10.Mix Sweets 5. Butter Badam Cookies

11.Mix Sweets 750 Gms (75/300Gms)

Gift Packs 6. Kaju Pista Cookies

1. Namkeen Nazrana (75/300Gms)

2. Sweet Spicy 7. Choco Chip Cookies (75/300)

3. Meetha Chatpata Ready To Eat

4. Thoda Sa Meetha Thoda Sa Food

Namkeen 1. Panipuri (340 Gms)

5. Meethe Meethe Pal 2. Bhelpuri (160/320 Gms)

6. Double Mazaa
Pickles Chips

1. Mango Pickle (400/1000 Gms) 1. Classic Salted (400/1000 Gms)

2. Lime Pickle (400/1000 Gms) 2. Pudina (400/1000 Gms)

3. Chilli Pickle (400/1000 Gms) 3. Peprica (400/1000 Gms)

4. Mix Pickle (400/1000 Gms) 4. Mast Masala (400/1000 Gms)

5. Takatak (55/120 Gms)


Haldiram’s product promotion had been low key until competition intensified in the

snack foods market. The company tied with ‘Profile Advertising’ for promoting its

products. Attractive posters, brochures and mailers are designed to enhance the

visibility of the Haldiram’s brand.

o Different varieties of posters are designed to appeal to the masses. The punch

line for Haldiram’s products was ‘Always in good taste’. Advertising depicting

the entire range of Haldiram’s sweets and namkeens were published in the print

media (magazines and newspapers). These advertisements had captions such as

‘millions of tongues cant go wrong’, ‘what are you waiting for, Diwali??’ and

‘Keeping your taste buds on their toes’.

o To increase the visibility of the Haldiram’s brand, the company has placed its

hoardings in high traffic areas such as train stations and bus stations. Posters are

designed for display on public transport vehicles such as buses and hoardings.

o Captions are developed that focus on individual products such as ‘yeh corn

hai’ (this is corn), ‘chota samosa – big mazaa’ (small samosa- big entertainment)

‘yeh kashmiri mix khoob jamega’ and ‘oozing with taste’ (fro Rasgoolas)

promoted individual products .

o Special brochures are designed for those customers who want to know more

about Haldiram’s products. The brochures describe the products and give

information about the ingredients used to make those products. Mailers are also

sent to loyal customers and important corporate clients as a token of appreciation

for their patronage.

Packaging is an important aspect of Haldiram’s product promotion. Since

namkeens are impulse purchase items, attractive packaging in different colors

influences purchases. Haldiram’s uses the latest technology (food items were

packed in nitrogen filled pouches) to increase the shelf life of its products. While

the normal shelf life of a similar product is under a week, the shelf life

Haldiram’s product is about six months. The company projects the shelf life of its

products as its unique selling proposition.

o Posters highlighting the shelf life of its products carried the caption ‘six

months on the shelf and six seconds in your mouth’.

o During festival season, Haldiram’s products are sold in attractive looking

special gift packs.

o The showrooms and retail outlets of Haldiram’s give importance tothe point of

purchase (POP) displays. Haldiram’s snacks are displayedon special racks, usually

outside retail outlets. The showrooms has sign boards displaying mouthwatering

delicacies with captions such as ‘Chinese Delight’, ‘Simply South’, ‘The king of

all chats.’ Posters containing a brief account of the history of Haldiram’s along

with pictures of its products are also displayed at these showrooms.

o Haldiram’s has also diversified into the restaurant business to cash on its brand

image. The company has established 6 restaurants overall in India. The restaurant

at Nagpur devised an innovative strategy to increase its business. It facilitated

people who were traveling by train to order food from places where stockists of

Haldiram’s, Nagpur unit were located. The customer could order for lunch/dinner

by sending a demand draft or a cheque to the Nagpur unit or giving the same to

specified local distributors belonging to the Nagpur unit. Along with the

DD/Cheque, customers had to provide information such as the same name of the
train, its likely time of arrival at Nagpur, their names and coach and seat


o Haldiram’s restaurants in Delhi also use innovative ways to attract customers.

The restaurants located at Mathura and Lajpat Nagar have special play area for


o To cater to NRI’s and foreign tourists, who hesitate to consume snack foods

sold by the roadside vendors since they do not prepare the foods in a hygienic

manner, Haldiram’s restaurant uses specially purified water to make snack

foods including ‘pani puri’ & ‘chatpaapri’.

These promotional strategies have helped Haldiram’s to compete effectively with the

local restaurant chains such as Nathus, Bikanerwala and Agarwals and with western

fast food chains such as Mc Donald’s andPizza Hut.

Advertising Strategy

Haldiram’s advertisements have traditionally been copy heavy for various reasons and

do not have any face, known or otherwise, attached to them. They are graphic heavy

as well with extremely vibrant use of colour. Its advertisements earlier had a mature

approach with the base line “Always in good taste”, but of late due to a shift in target

audience the base line of the advertisements too has been changed to “Every zuban

pe”. This year, an otherwise conservative company, it has upped ad budgets by

more than 60% to Rs 1 crore - still a far cry though from Lays which spends over Rs

30 crore annually. But these ads were for what it calls its `new generation products' -

chips, funchees, masala balls and Taka-tak.

The layout is picture heavy with extensive use of colour so as to make the

advertisement attractive and tempting, which is true of any food advertisement.

a) Verbal (Copy Style)

Initial advertising of the brand contained long copy but this phenomenon has recently

changed as the company is now going in for a very precise and clear form of

communication in an informal manner.

b) Attitudinal
Haldiram’s advertisements are not attitudinal in nature but are rather formal and

mature. This trend is steadily converting into a more informal, relaxed and ‘hinglish’



The food industry in India is forever changing to suit their consumers’ palate,

preference and pocket. All the players in the industry thus, have to constantly adapt to

the ever-changing trends and invent and re-invent themselves to stay in the league.

Haldiram’s competes on the basis of numerous factors including brand recognition

due to distinct packaging, product quality, traditional taste and authentic Indian

flavour. The company’s timely introduction of new products and line extension has

played a major part in the buying behaviour of consumers as well.

A word of caution for the company though is that it should concentrate onits branding

activities, which will be its saving grace in the future. As the competition toughens the

only thing to see a company through would be its ability to adapt to change, share of

space and share of voice in the market.

Figure 3.1 on the following page shows the ‘Eleven Brand Definitions’

a) Product
Haldiram’s products are traditional high quality Indian sweets, namkeens and snack

food items at a premium yet affordable price. They were the first in India to use state-

of-the-art technology for manufacturing traditional Indian snack items thus setting

quality standards andimproving the shelf life of the products as well.

b) Brand
When it comes to sweets, namkeens and snack food items, Haldiram’s is a name

trusted across the Indian sub-continent. It is a name associated with high quality and

traditional taste.

c) Brand Name
The brand name Haldiram’s came from the owner’s forefathers and one thing is clear,

the name has been chosen on a purely personal basis. What was chosen as a name for

the company decades ago has today revolutionized the way we look at the ethnic

snack food industry.

d) Brand Core Values

Haldiram’s brand core values are quality, taste, variety, traditional and very Indian.

e) Brand Character
The brand character of Haldiram’s that distinguishes it from its main competitor

FRITO LAYS is its ‘traditional Indian taste’.

f) Brand Personality
It is not the brand alone but the manner in which the brand presents its characteristics.

Haldiram’s depicts the personality of a man, who is rooted in his tradition out of

choice and not compulsion. He is very Indian in his tastes, choices and behavior and

puts a high premium on quality as well.

g) Brand Position
This refers to the consumers’ placement of a company vis-à-vis its competitors.

Haldiram’s has also been rated as the second fastest growing FMCG Company in

India, has 70% of the total market share in the namkeens category and is posing

to be the biggest threat to the multinational giant FRITO LAYS in the snack food

market. As far as the sweets and namkeens are concerned it is the undisputed leader in

the organized sector.

Its position in terms of pricing is premium yet affordable. It enjoys top of the mind

recall and awareness in its target audience but this could very easily be subverted if

the company does not bring into place strongbranding strategies immediately.

h) Brand Positioning
Haldiram’s has uniquely positioned its brand. It has positioned itself as a premium

segment product available to all those who can afford it. It is in not perceived to be

cheap but does offer good value for money giving

high priority to quality and taste standardization throughout its outlets, which are

suitably located in posh areas of the city. Initially the brand catered only to the 35+

category with its positioning statement “Always in good taste” but lately the

company has started to target kids and teenagers as well with a hinglish baseline

“Every zuban pe”.

Haldirams has also gained an edge over its competitors by minimizing promotion

costs. Haldirams once was just another sweet maker but it had moved into trained

brands by improving the product quality and packaging. Through its clever products

& brilliant distribution it hasmoved into the star category of brands.

i) Mnemonic
henever one things of a brand, the first thing that comes to the mind that reminds

us of just the brand and not the features attached to it is considered as the mnemonic

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