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SSSIHL-ATP CAMPUS C1E/Mid Ther SL.No. et ANo. 790618 SRI SATHYA SAI INSTITUTE OF HIGHER LEARNING (Deemed to be University) ADDITIONAL ANSWER BOOK Regd. No. |_ 222320 miestNo. 1 BeornH) Read. No.: 222320 3 Paper Code: UGeN- 204 07.2023 Paper Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE SéILIS- SECTION-A TiAl aig & b. carrying a basket of fruits _ 2) 3. The gray-haired women be. wo) A woman of gray-haived is in the news nowadays 3) a. Infinitive phrase b. we Baie has leve for preporing continental food Tr gine! Mg neighbour 1s preparing comtinéntal food 4] a. Shy ws playing in the ground b. Shriys was playing @ -foothal 5.| She was crying so badly ,as she ixors missing her parents Pl in 3.| +0 | for 49.| From Yo} at C. U.| except for 12] On behatt of. 12.) im accordance with \4| in front of - IS]in spite of oy Section -B Donald M. Murray in this the Mater's Eye | Revising Ze Manusospis! deswibes how a wetting should PE One Wwhot makes Up © good writing, In this 1°? ing Suthor tells that the first elerment of JOCt a is Information, ushich should be accurate, speuti® loteresting - Moreover, it should provide abundart information 40 the reader. the next is the rearing? the specific information which was earlier provided by ihe suthor should carry the significance. ane be feasible for the reader +2 undettand. the thi thing ov element Is the curdience. Whi i uitér should put himsely into the venders 5 cind understand his need Sf information. And alco the uster should understand hoe critical ate can raise questions +om lis wht Beds oo better a goocl venting should have saga ie panier ig & Vehicte which ctrmies the meaning 1 Te ition 40 it, the tater shoul Shot i eeming Te well-structured as the structure od wait fs the backbone, motivation fer o gee pe as + i ce eeestions PA aco “Siting the information grouta be property cleveleped and should provide Don to the reader, finaly, a good eo lot of i rmeton ROT sole 4 ) If, inka eeen. aceueaie Opseniten oath ile coriting the oes a woritiny proper’ form, structure otnd clevelopment Au , the profesional usnters retevites, recvogts & revive me as a stranger until their usniti ~ [they cure satisfied with their ea ne “The poem, ‘Telephone Conversation’ sactirig es prejuctice The rewism & prejucice are mixed together usith an ireny aspect cchich takes over the cohole poem. The tale starts with a Convenation between the Afscan and a labdlady Ushere African wan wos seeking to lbuy a horse. Before cleciding whether or to confirm or geing Into further detail, the African mertions his race. Ther there will be abrupt silence indicating the Surprise the farclady usculel've felt heaving the fact. Then the landlady breaks the silence by questioning him +o clesribe how dayk or light he is. This question The African thinks that he howe misheard ,but cohen he landledy rehzshes again, the Afican will be Ashamed of +he 2ttitude doum himself and compares the dhe brings is cos Burren A & Button B, When the v ty \landlady again questions him +o describe 5.) Th the his colour iter silence. The African cleseribes that he is West Africa and his face colour is brunette His palms ¢€ soles of toes are peroricle blonole ¢ the loottom of his body became raven black beccue of sitting. Again after heaving his deseription [the fendi remains hilent highlighting her YOcist attietde of not leasing her howe to a black Jey. Then ushen the African vequests her to come & look by hewetp. She hou up the phone stoting her denisi to lend heuse ae judgement ene get colour ig, ree is dehumanein, & re owing about hic Place, character, G isi ‘ica tiony ene Just asks Bien ate he which colour be 3 toe eartg depict hh i 7. book, loys, Te Le . J Ged’, Sie his Life SSreggles. tehicwernente f henge oy Sebes : eve he Lsent in Katted, ‘Academie vend Men mere. So, in Aescrber pire hee the [to eg. poh stuclents. Hevencocrae ee nts to Participate in ey, an coureged i 1 he woos selectec} arf: $0 coher Used 40° fine themse! speak on engtish wore, 1 teachers Starts to Ives a pie when they letter ,4Bic vastus cith othe Spread +heir ford & tries 40 promote the annada language, “Through s programme called ‘lage Reconctruction ’, they sect to” perform HHarikethos & clramas of €pics and o “ith the hetp of students. rine through an Adel recy Programme’, Kasturi males the boring Program me intérHng threugh Conducting musical p rena & dramas . These programme eae y People -rem the villages. Mover ate RTE tam’ ustre published in ein in A relakarrstolopu tbe ecaeDished oO sed to stay. Eventhough he twa eee ne eet: te them, pr DY odo Ja Brahmin he gost to Wem fae oe 4 ening: Oe opilipe “Treunsmitter sees dein immence Hhey are not attows Go MV-Gopalaswamd Along with him from Holland. Then , through z shad? Sir Kashun startet ammeiuneing—e— re ¢ educational programme ushich can vecich to the ores of the country. They name! it os Acrlouhausri So, when -thezy started Ht , it beaame popular, Sir koshuri Kised +o Listen +o Dethi heus & anmeu translate it & used to announce theugh the students. Tt hod Creacted +tersien among +he citizens. So, he was vem evecl by the authorities and was told to get back “© the Bniveniity and then again joined the Itevmediote College. His passion of serving People didn stop there, he aiAfiuenced people & mode them Celebvovte the Fectival of Rain In addition [to this, he usecl to pe form Hasya-Patetti ( leragtino cracking jokes) insteact of ertncary the crackers [Thus Sir Kasturi newer s distr Continued to Hi his thistof knowledge ancl contibuted '0 balks 4b +the society through his talents SECTION -¢ 6.| The following Pie-chart dey depicts the percentage of various Globe! Green House Gas Or Emissions boy Vowious categories of Economic sector Basically, this Green Hruse Gas is @ very dangerous element wo Air Pollution € reduces the Ozone layer Portion which in turn effect the Humens through meny diseoues [Through the Die-chart, Electidty & Heat Production occupies the first ‘ition In emitting Gireen House Gou He with 257. , followed b r Agqneutture, forestry & Other land Use with just one Pent difference (w47-). So,from this Wwe coun state [that the Electricity € Agviculhure sector emits more than half of tae into jhe Air. Next, comer the Obes Industries, With 2I7., Transportation with 147, ang ne! St eut Buillings ceuepying the last position with ey, Se Hence, from the Shove “Pie-chort we con conclude eng the Green Clouse Gos was emitted majety bef) elect Agriculture, Inctustress freetes +e then followed by ethers. Therefore,the Grovemment should implement some limits, rules +o these above 4 mojor purpese for which Green House is Used. So,that use can save the furth, owwselver in major & reduce [the Globae Wewming , SSSIHIL-ATP CAMPUS : ANo. 790643 SRI SATHYA SAI INSTITUTE OF HIGHER LEARNING (Deemed to be University) ADDITIONAL ANSWER BOOK cermas’| awe Regi. No. |_ 222320 Class: 2 Regd. Now 222520 Semoster:| P. por Code: OGEN- 202 pate: Ufowzors ner TW ENGLISH LANGUAGE skILIs- D T 1 c. 4,| Reading books no! helps in improving knowledge but 180 helps in shaping our personality. St ts righty said +hat “Book ave the usindouss te the werol” lo} Books are said to be the windows to the world jas by reading looks we be come to knoe shout different cultures , their custems, +raditions, history ¢ jachiwements of different nations MW PThevuigh veading books one con improve Vocabulary Communication skills, imaginstion, reading skilu, ~~” logical reasening stilts ee la] * A book is a garden carried in the pocket’ meson cthet the whole world is in the book, there are. beautiful flowers ushich plecues our mminel & trecs ushich prewides us shade as books oko Provicles us a companion & to relax our mind 12 lle tome up with new icleas— Prepesitionall phrase Boots hetp in developing Sur thinking capahilities - Gerund. phrase is Statement: “The world decid, i c es your poit threagh eur “communitoner-stils_ Bnd Freee wc gee econ confirm whether goa Sinemet, Metvetor OB eet demsmded skile Modere frais Commu Se | Thetis Statement The mest clemended skill in Modenn Era is Communication stilt, This can be achievec] through ILewing steps lips @ mck Centre! Paragraph 4 ea Lntre: i The Communication sleille inclacte verbal and non -verb. als Kile. Topic’ Sentence a + Firstly, ome should try to speale SER CRY ancl in loud voice . Creacling newspepe) TS 2 : Oe should use the appropricte lony accorcling +0 situation Cveacling books) m3 Thirdlg, the ecsiect way to practice is iD Speak formally to your Family Mmembew luatech movies ncleos @ obsence thar word Centro! Poragreph 2: “Ente: looking at the othersicle , Wx howe nen-verbat communicstion stilts as they asp, Speak a tot o Firstty the way yeu sit metters alot sit erect ¢ ledn Forwerd if necemey Secondly, the eye contact one gives +t other pesor, TS_3 2 Thirelly, the way you co our Central Pare hz. & shaee Hines city the voctbul Ts pen + More pver one shoud fy 4 stand § Walk erect usith Chest up Cshous youre Con fide 2% tte should smile ashile Spears a oeg but should be emotiornlty !alert “Try 40 catl or addres other : Posen usith reipecthal word, echuim », Te sum up, one should proctice Speaking in alowel vote with clarity -ehould vead bear,’ Watch movies Evicleos 2 cbseur them. One Should be minclul Thus throvgh the above mentioned tips & tricks one can easily improve their communication skill, The mest clemanded chill in Modern fra is Commmunication Skil. Communicstion is Aves wi - oe eof commun leatienc do the oppesite pesen thaeugh hot ont through your verbal language but ato through non-verbal lan, te Wherever one gocs the Fired thing the intensiecsn, o any other pertn look for is Phe way You pommunicate bo other person, Tris |! lenguege which one Should have Geetiracy, politeness. So, oe language through the one stata eed? 3 i SO. We One needs 46 Position & should Cnot too i eo cureh Closety) shen 7Ome one is spe’ Secondly tne Ju. contact ome shouty ig MBIOBIN eye cor Y hee Ke prope’ Os i depicts enh Pes ices FEMS Your. Avoiel diving "™P, sandusieh, sh handshokes Moreover, one should ty * stand @ walk, evect wsith chest Ap whi ich shows that JOu're. leonfident & you come 7? achieve somethin, Bigger. In addition, one should smile while 5 fo be emotionally alert as the Matters a lot. One should alegags 4 Other person with vespectihieh, gi benefit 40 you mms Ob they ill foe) comforts bu. sith you Te sum up, in order to improve communication silts ene should, spec Practice spesking leudty lel wih arity “she read bovks, watch bo movies & videos | should sit stand erect with a gmile & shoutd be mind ut in tbe, sipuotions. Thus trreugh $allewing above Tee pce The can improve their communication silts

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