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Basic Science

Choose the correct answer form the options.

1. Matter is anything that has _____ and occupies ______.

A. mass, land B. weight, volume C. mass, space D. space, mass

E. volume, space

2. the state of matter that has no fixed shape and volume is ________
A. water B. solid C. gas D. liquid E. gas and liquid
3. Animals are different from plants in that they cannot_____
A. excrete B. reproduce C. produce food D. feed E. respire
4. A living organism ____
A. grows B. respires C. moves D. carries out all of the above

E. carries out none of the above

5. Sublimation is a change of state of_______

A. solid to liquid B. solid to melting C. solid to vapour D. liquid to gas

E. vapour to liquid

6. Sanitation is important to human beings, which of the following is exceptional?

A. It promotes healthy family
B. It promotes pollution
C. It prevents diseases
D. It enables good road networking
E. It removes sewage and refuses
7. The combination of dry and solid waste materials is referred to as …..
A. Refuse B. Sewage C. Sanitation D. Disposal E. Dumping
8. Solid waste is referred to as ___
A. sewage B. refuse C. bush D. filth E. rubbish
9. Importance of food includes the following except……
A. Food helps to grow and repair our body tissues.
B. Our bones and teeth are formed and replaced when calcium containing foods are taken.
C. Food provides us with energy to do work and warmth.
D. Food makes our body healthy to fight against diseases and germs.
E. To have excess nutrients and absorb germs in our body.
10. The presence of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, fats and oils, mineral salt and water in food in
a right proportion is called………….
A. Unbalanced diet
B. Equal diet
C. Rotational diet
D. Adequate diet
E. Sufficient diet
11. The act of taking drugs frequently, such that one cannot do without it is called ---
A. Drug abuse B. Drug usage C. Drug overdose D. Drug Medication E. Drug
12. Which of these does not cause drug abuse?
A. Curiosity B. Quest for excitement C. Quest for good morals

D. Quest for self-confidence E. Curiosity

13. Drug can be used as anaesthetic. What does this mean?

A. It makes nervous system overwork
B. It makes the affected part of the body dead and unable to respond to pain.
C. It increases heartbeat and blood pressure.
D. It reduces hypertension
E. It reduces hunger
14. Drugs are abused because of the following reasons except----
A. Peer pressure B. Curiosity C. Excitement D. Family morals E. Frustration
15. The following ways can be adopted to prevent drug abuse except-------
A. Awareness campaign against drug abuse
B. Using drug through injection
C. Healthy lifestyle
D. Self-education
E. Inculcating coping skill
16. Which of the following is not a personal hygiene?
A. Cleaning of the nail B. Cleaning of the shoes C. Reading of book

D. Washing of clothes E. Brushing of teeth

17. At puberty stage the following physical changes occur except……

A. breast enlargement B. broader shoulder C. growing of moustache

D. over-confidence E. broader hip

18. Which of these changes occurs to both boys and girls?

A. Breast enlargement B. Broader shoulder C. Growing of moustache

D. Growth of pubic hair E. broader hip

19. Which of the following is not a danger when personal hygiene is not maintained?
A. dirty road B. bad body odour C. skin disease D. disease infection

E. poor health
20. Adolescents are more self-conscious of their physical appearance. What type of pubertal change
is this?
A. Physical B. Social C. Emotional D. Personal E. Confidential

Essay: Answer four questions only. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Define puberty.
2. What are the puberty changes in (i) boys (ii) girls? Name four for each.
3. List 4 ways to maintain personal hygiene by teenagers.
4. List and explain the 8 characteristics of living thing. Ensure to explain each characteristic.
5. Fill in the correct answer to the following change of state of matter:
 Change from Solid to Gas is called____
 Change from Gas to Solid is called____
 Change from Gas to Liquid is called ____
 Change from Solid to Liquid is called___
6. State four ways of keeping our environment clean.
7. Mention four importance of sanitation.
8. Define (a) nutrition (b) adequate diet
9. When is a diet said to be balanced.
Basic Technology
Choose the correct answer form the options.

1. ____ the processes (methods) and products (materials) that make life easy and stress free (a) Machine
(b) Tool (c) Equipment (d)Technology
2. Technology is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to a/an___ (a) art or craft (b) test (c)
training (d) trash.
3. The following are products of technology except (a) stone (b) microwave (c) aircraft (d) computer
4. The following are modern technology except (a)cars (b)mobile phone (c)tractor (d) hoes
5. The following are the importance of technology except__________
a) It encourages creativity in students.
b) It provides students with a solid foundation for future training in pre-vocational subjects.
c) It prepares students with basic technological literacy.
d) It encourages waste of resources.
6. _______ is a place where activities such as fabrication, designing, construction and drawing take place.
(a) Factory (b) Hospital (c) Hostel (d) Workshop.
7. ______ means protection from, or not being exposed to, the risk of harm or injury (a) Methodology (b)
Skill (c) Safety (d) Technology
8. One of these is safety device for the eye. (a) Boot (b) Goggle (c) Helmet (d) Glove
9. The following are causes of accidents except (a) using appropriate safety devices (b) Lack of
concentration (c) horseplay (d) Lack of carefulness in handling machines
10. _____ are to be used to stop fire from destroying lives (a) Extinguishers and bucket of sand (b) Helmets
(c) Boots (d) Goggles
11. _______ is a place where activities such as fabrication, designing, construction and drawing take
place. (a) Factory (b) Hospital (c) Hostel (d) Workshop.
12. ______ means protection from, or not being exposed to the risk of harm or injury (a) Methodology
(b) Skill (c) Safety (d) Technology
13. _______is a negative experience that happens to somebody when he does not expect it (a) An
accident (b) Disease (c) Fire outbreak (d) Electrical sparking.
14. The following are causes of accidents except (a) using appropriate safety devices (b) Lack of
concentration (c) horseplay (d) Lack of carefulness in handling machines
15. A/an ________ is a place where technical and engineering works are carried out.
(a) garage (b) workshop (c) office (d) roadside

16. ____ is a hard fibrous substance that chiefly composes trees and bushes and is found beneath their bark
(a) Tree (b) Plastics (C) Metal (d) Wood
17. The materials used in technology include the following except___________
(a) wood (b) metals (c) ceramics (d) cassava
18. The major parts of a tree are as follow except (a) roots (b) trunks (branches) and leaves (c) flowers and
seeds (d) furniture
19. ____ are trees that shed their leaves in the dry season to prevent water loss. e.g. Iroko, Afara, Mahogany,
Opepe, Omo (a) Hard wood trees (b) Soft wood trees (c) Di-cotyledonous trees (d) Coniferous trees
20. Examples of soft wood trees include the following except (a) spruce and vine (b) cedar
(c) cypress (d) Afara
Essay: Answer four questions only. Each question carries 4 marks.

1a. Define technology.

1b. State four importance of technology.

2a. State the uses of any four workshop safety devices.

2b. State five (4) workshop safety precautions.

3a. What is an accident?

3b. State five (4) causes of accidents.

4a. What are road signs?

4b. State the types of road signs in Nigeria.

5a. Draw ten road signs and state their meaning.

5b. State 8 products of technology.

6a. Differentiate between hard and soft wood.

6b. Mention five (5) uses of wood.
Mathematics Year 7
Choose the correct answer form the options.

1. Write 2471 in Roman numerals:

2. Write MMMCDXCVIII in Arabic numerals: (a) 2659 (b) 1009 (c) 3498 (d) 1584
3. The value of 8 in 18214 is (a) 8 units (b) 8 tens (c) 8 hundreds ( d) 8 thousands (e) 8 ten
4. The Roman numerals CXCIV represents the number (a) 194 (b) 186 (c) 214 (d) 215 (e) 216.
5. The value of 7 in 3.673 is (a) 7 tenths (b) 7 hundredths (c) 7 units (d) 7 hundredth.
6. Three million and four in figures is (a) 300,004 (b) 300,040 (c) 30,000,004 (d) 3,000,004
7. Which of the following numbers is the largest?
(a) 727,345,565 (b) 727,245,565 (c)727,445,565 (d) 726,778,876
8. The LCM of 12 and 15 is (a) 90 (b) 60 (c) 30 (d) 120 (e) 180
9. The HCF of 63and 90 is (a) 7 (b) 3 (c) 12 (d) 6 (e) 9
10. Which of the following is not a proper fraction?(a) ¼ (b) ¾ (c )3/2 (d) 5/8
21 7
11. Express 3 1/7 as an improper fraction is (a) 11/7 (b) ( c) /22 (d) 22/ 7
12. Express 99/5 as a mixed fraction (a) 19 4/5 (b) 18 4/5 ( c) 19 5/4 (d) 18 5/4
1 1 2
13. The common denominator of the fractions 3 −2 +2 is (a) 8 (b) 12 (c ) 6 (d) 15
6 2 3
2 7 1
14. Simplify 2 −3 +2 (a) 1 43/45 (b) 43/45 (c) 2 37/45 1 41/45
3 9 3
15. Simplify 11/25 x 1 4/11 (a) 2/3 (b) 3/5 (c) 2/5 (d) 4/5 (e) 1 ¼
1 2 11
16. Simplify 5 ¼ + 1 /6 – 3 /3 (a) 5 /4 (b) 2 ¾ ( c) 3 1/12 (d) 1 ¾ ( e) 3 3/2
17. The product of prime factor of 28 is
(a) 2 x 3 x 7 (b) 2 x 4 x 7 (c ) 4 x 7 (d) 2 x 2 x 7 (e) 2 x 2 x2 x 7.
18. Round 567 to the nearest hundred (a)500 (b)520 (c )540 (d) 580 (e) 600
19. What is 1.99961 correct to 2 d.p. (a) 1.99 (b) 2.00 (c ) 3.00 (d) 4.00 (e) 5.00
20. Write 7.0149 correct to the nearest thousandth.
(a) 7.000 (b) 7.014 (c) 7.015 (d) 7.0145 (e) 7.0146

Essay: Answer four questions only. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Find the numbers that the following Roman numerals represent.

2. What is the value of each of the following?
a. the 8 in 1.85 b. the 1 in 5.691
c. the 0 in 16.08 d. the 1 in 10 269
3. Write the following numbers in words.
a. 14682053 b. 2,312,400 c. 100000000 d. 987654
4. Write the following numbers as product of prime factors.
a. 216 b. 28 c. 30 d. 84
5. Approximate the following to the nearest:
i) thousand ii) hundred
a. 18 624 b. 8 350 c. 2 968
6. Round off 69.65 to the nearest:
a. hundred b. ten c. whole number d. tenth

Math Year 6
Choose the correct answer form the options.

1. One million has ------ digits. (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 9

2. How many digits are there in one billion? (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 3 (d) 7
3. Express 2583512 in figures.
(a) Twenty five thousand eight hundred and two
(b) Two million nine hundred and two
(c) Two million, five hundred and three thousand five and twelve.
(d) Two billion nine hundred and two
4. The value of 6 in 274.168 is the same as -------.
6 6 6 16
(a) (b)(c) (d)
1000 100 10 100
1 3 1 5 1 1 5
5. Simplify 8 + 4 + (a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 12 (d) 12
2 7 7 4 14 7 6

6. Multiply 243 by 432. (a) 104 976 (b) 243 332 (c) 100 496 (d) 120 496
7. 28 593 + 483 + 4 833 = N, what is the value of N?
(a) 43 909 (b) 53 909 (c) 33 909 (d) 63 909
8. A famer has fifty thousand cows, three hundred and twenty pigs. How many animals
altogether does it have? (a) 183 323 (b) 50 320 (c) 14 834 (d) 19 120
9. Deduct 258777 from 310 000. (a) 51 223 (b) 568 721 (c) 25 411 (d)
10. Find the LCM of 24, 40 and 60. (a) 140 (b) 120 (c) 124 (d) 100
11. Express 160 as a product of prime factors.
(a) 25 x 5 (b) 35 x 52 (c) 23 x 52 (d) 2 x 5
12. Divide 576 by 12. (a) 40 (b) 48 (c) 56 (d) 66
13. Two men share the cost of a business in the ratio 5:3. The smaller share is N600.00. find
the cost of the bigger share. (a) N1,000 (b) N2,000 (c) N1,200 (d) N3,000
14. What is the biggest number which divides 40, 60 and 70 without leaving remainder? (a)
25 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20
15. The sides of a rectangle are in the ratio 2:5. The longer side is 20cm. Find the shorter
side. (a) 9cm (b) 10cm (c) 8cm (d) 12cm
16. What is the value of 7 in 284567.1? (a) 7 (b) 70 (c) 700 (d) 7000
17. Write 10,000,000 in words. (a) one million (b) hundred thousand (c) ten million (d)
hundred million
18. Find the LCM of 30 and 72. (a) 30 (b) 50 (c) 360 (d) 6
19. 8 girls have enough food for 6 days. How long would the same food last 4 girls if they eat
at the same rate? (a) 3 days (b) 12 days (c) 16 days (d) 24 days
20. Express 2615 in Roman figures. (a) CDVX (b) CCDCIX (c) MMDCXV (d) MMDCVX

Essay: Answer four questions only. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Write the following figures in words:

a. 25 734 183 b. 3 217 416 532 c. 19 003 016 409 d. 434 055 360

2. Two numbers are in the ratio 3:4. If the sum of the number is 63, find the number.
3. Mother divided the money among Ron, Sam and Maria in the ratio 2:3:5. If Maria got
N150, find the money received by Ron.
4. Find the HCF of the following leaving your answer in index:
a. 24 and 36 b. 56 and 70 c. 27, 36 and 54 d. 12, 15 and 18

5. Convert each of the following to percentages:

a. 0.8 b. 0.21 c. 0.70 d. 2.4

6. Express each of the following percent as a ratio:

a. 12% b. 25% c. 54% d. 28%

7. Sharon’s height is 145.62cm. She stands on a tool of height 10.50cm. What is the
combined height now?

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