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Variables and Data Types

Floating Point

Decision Making


Introduction to String
Introduction to String

String Manipulation



Sets & Tuples

Sub-Topic Name
Number Calculator
Special Operators Calculator
Assigning Operators in Calculator
Variable _ in Calculator
Strings in Interactive Mode
Escape Character in Strings
Script Mode programming
Printing the Data
Reserved Keyword in Python
Hello World program
Input Data
Keyword 'input' without any string inside it
Keyword 'input' with string inside it
A Fancy Program
How to name a Variable?
Declare Variables in Python
Assigning Values to Variables
Multiple Assignment
Multiple Assignment for Multiple Data
Data Type
Signed Integers vs Long Integer
'int' - Datatype of Integers
Type Conversion of Integers
'int' for input()
'int' for print()
Python Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Operator: Addition
Operator: Subtraction
Operator: Multiplication
Operator: Division (Float)
Operator: Division (Floor)
Operator: Modulus
Operator: Power or Exponent
Assignment operators
Operator: Assignment with Addition
Operator: Assignment with Subtraction
Operator: Assignment with Multiplication
Operator: Assignment with Division (Float)
Operator: Assignment with Division (Floor)
Operator: Assignment with Modulus
Operator: Assignment with Power or Exponent
Introduction of Precedence and Associativity of Operators
Order of the Operator Precedence
Order of the Operator Associativity
Combined Precedence and Associativity
Floating-Point Numbers
'float' - Datatype of Floating-Point Numbers
Type Conversion of Floats
'float' for input()
'float' for print()
Print ends with a newline (\n)
Print ends without a newline (\n)
Print with parameter <i>sep<.>
Formatting output using String modulo operator(%)
Formatting output with proper spacing and placing
Formatting output using the 'format' method
'format' method - Using Multiple Formatters
format' method - Formatters with Positional and Keyword Arguments
Decision Making in Software Programming
Decision Making - Flow Chart
Boolean Data
Statement - 'if'
Decision making with 'if'
'pass' with 'if'
Statement with 'if-else'
What is Comparison Operators?
Operator: Comparison with '=='
Operator: Comparison with '!='
Operator: Comparison with '<>'
Operator: Comparison with '<'
Operator: Comparison with '>'
Operator: Comparison with '<='
Operator: Comparison with '>='
Short Hand 'if'
Short Hand 'if-else'
Logical Operator 'not'
Logical Operator 'or'
Logical Operator 'and'
If-elif-else with Example
An Example Program
Conditional Loops
Why we use Loops?
Advantages of Conditional Loops
Introduction to 'for' Loop
The range() function
'for' loop Using range() function
'for' loop with else
Nested 'for' loop
Introduction to 'while' Loop
Infinite 'while' Loop
'while' Loop with the Known Limitation using decrement.
'while' Loop with the Known Limitation using increment.
'while' Loop with the Unknown Limitation
'while' Loop with else
Introduction of Break & Continue
break inside the Loop
continue inside the Loop
Problems with ODD or EVEN Numbers
Program to find ODD or EVEN Numbers
Print only ODD Numbers
Print Only EVEN Numbers
What is List?
Characteristics of Lists
Knowing the size of List
Basic Memory Structure of List
Indexing of the List
Add Data to a List
Insert Data to a List
Add a list to a List
Removing data from a List
Removing data from a List using it's index
Copying data from a List
Sort the List
Reverse the List
Delete the list
Converting the Input Data as list
Conversion for Multi Line data as List
Conversion for Single Line input that has white-spaces (" ")
List Comprehension
List Comprehension for the String with White-space
List Membership Test
Iterating Through a List
Indexing through a List
Product of two numbers in a list
Find the Second Biggest data in a List without using Sort Method
String in Python
Create a string in Python
Access Characters in a String
Access Characters using Method of Indexing
Access Sequence of Characters using Method of Slicing
Reverse a String using Slicing Method.
Deleting/Updating from a String
Concatenation of Two or More Strings
Iterating Through a string
Indexing Through a string
String Membership Test
Built-in function 'enumerate'
Python String Formatting
Raw String to ignore Escape Sequence
Formatting Strings using format() Method
format() Method - Continued
Print a Price List.
Python String replace() Method
Changing Upper and Lower Case Strings
Using join() function
Using split() function
Reversing String using reversed()
Reversing String without any known built-in methods.
Capitalize the First letter of the Word
Repetitions of a Sub String in a String
Print only the ODD Index Positioned Words in a Paragraph
Reverse the String without disturbing the first and last character.
Count and display vowels in a string.
Recollecting Strings
Define and Call a Basic Function in Python
Call Functions with Parameters
Number of positional arguments
Order of positional arguments
Use keyword arguments in Python
Define a parameter with a default value in Python
Parameters vs Arguments
Local Scope
Return Statement
Returning Multiple Values
Function returning another function
Python User-defined Functions
Built-in functions
Understanding Recursion function
Base Case for Recursion in Python
Nested Function
Reasons to use nested functions
Lambda Function in Python
Basic of palindrome
Palindrome string
Check palindrome using reverse string
Use Python String Indexing
Use the Python Reversed Function
Using a For Loop to Check
Using a Python While Loop to Check if a String is a Palindrome
Check Palindrome with Numeric Data
Check Palindrome with Alphanumeric Data
Methods to check palindrome possibility words
Palindrome chain length or Lychrel number
Count Method to check Palindrome
Python Program to Find ASCII Value of Character
Integer to Character
ASCII Value Palindrome
Dictionary in Python
Creating Python Dictionary
Access Dictionary Items
Get a list of the keys, values and Items:
Add & Update Dictionary Elements.
Iterate over a dictionary in Python
Concatenate Python Dictionary
Python Methods for Dictionary
Dictionary key vs List indexes.
Python Dictionary Comprehension
Conditionals in Dictionary Comprehension.
Python Nested Dictionary
Convert list to a dictionary
Convert two lists into a dictionary.
Sets in Python
Creating Python Sets
Access, Update and Add set Items.
Remove set in Python.
Join set in Python.
Set Methods
Tuples in Python
Creating a tuple.
Access & Update Tuples items
Python - Update Tuples
Iterating Tuple and Join Tuple
Tuples Methods
Python - Unpack Tuples
Differences and Applications of List & Tuple in Python
Applications of List, Set, Tuple, and Dictionary
Differences and Applications of Set and Dictionary in Python
Applications of Set and Dictionary

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