Tensile Testing Second Edition Edited by J.R. Davis Davis & Associates Materials Park, Ohio

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Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)

Tensile Testing
Second Edition

Edited by
J.R. Davis
Davis & Associates

Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002

© 2004 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. www.asminternational.org
Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tensile testing / edited by J.R. Davis.—2nd ed.

p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-87170-806-X
1. Materials—Testing. 2. Brittleness. 3. Tensiometers. I. Davis, J. R. (Joseph R.)
TA418.16.T46 2004
620.1⬘126—dc22 2004057353

ISBN: 0-87170-806-X
SAN: 204-7586

ASM International威
Materials Park, OH 44073-0002

Printed in the United States of America

© 2004 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. www.asminternational.org
Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)


Preface ............................................................................................... vii

Section 1 Tensile Testing: Understanding the Basics

Chapter 1 Introduction to Tensile Testing ............................................. 1

Tensile Specimens and Testing Machines .................................. 1
Stress-Strain Curves .............................................................. 3
True Stress and Strain ........................................................... 7
Other Factors Influencing the Stress-Strain Curve ...................... 7
Test Methodology and Data Analysis ....................................... 8

Chapter 2 Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads ........ 13

Engineering Stress-Strain Curve ............................................ 13
True Stress-True Strain Curve ............................................... 18
Mathematical Expressions for the Flow Curve ......................... 20
Effect of Strain Rate and Temperature .................................... 21
Instability in Tension .......................................................... 22
Stress Distribution at the Neck .............................................. 23
Ductility Measurement in Tensile Testing ............................... 24
Sheet Anisotropy ................................................................ 25
Notch Tensile Test .............................................................. 28
Tensile Test Fractures .......................................................... 28

Chapter 3 Uniaxial Tensile Testing ..................................................... 33

Definitions and Terminology ................................................ 34
Stress-Strain Behavior ......................................................... 36
Properties from Test Results ................................................. 40
General Procedures ............................................................. 47
The Test Piece ................................................................... 47
Test Setup ......................................................................... 54
Test Procedures .................................................................. 56
Post-Test Measurements ...................................................... 58
Variability of Tensile Properties ............................................ 59

Chapter 4 Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors ..................... 65

Testing Machines ............................................................... 66
Principles of Operation ........................................................ 68
Load-Measurement Systems ................................................. 74
Strain-Measurement Systems ................................................ 77
Gripping Techniques ........................................................... 83
Environmental Chambers ..................................................... 84

© 2004 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. www.asminternational.org
Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)

Force Verification of Universal Testing Machines ..................... 85

Tensile Testing Requirements and Standards ........................... 87

Chapter 5 Tensile Testing for Design .................................................. 91

Product Design .................................................................. 91
Design for Strength in Tension ............................................. 92
Design for Strength, Weight, and Cost ................................... 93
Design for Stiffness in Tension ............................................. 95
Mechanical Testing for Stress at Failure and Elastic Modulus ..... 97
Hardness-Strength Correlation .............................................. 99

Chapter 6 Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability ..............101

Effect of Material Properties on Formability ..........................101
Effect of Temperature on Formability ...................................106
Types of Formability Tests ..................................................107
Uniaxial Tensile Testing .....................................................107
Plane-Strain Tensile Testing ................................................111

Section 2 Tensile Testing of Engineered Materials and Components

Chapter 7 Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys ..................................115

Elastic Behavior ................................................................115
Anelasticity ......................................................................116
Damping ..........................................................................118
The Proportional Limit .......................................................119
Yielding and the Onset of Plasticity ......................................119
The Yield Point .................................................................122
Grain-Size Effects on Yielding ............................................123
Strain Hardening and the Effect of Cold Work ........................124
Ultimate Strength ..............................................................126
Toughness ........................................................................127
Ductility ..........................................................................129
True Stress-Strain Relationships ...........................................130
Temperature and Strain-Rate Effects .....................................131
Special Tests ....................................................................133
Fracture Characterization ....................................................134
Summary .........................................................................136

Chapter 8 Tensile Testing of Plastics .................................................137

Fundamental Factors that Affect Data from Tensile Tests .........138
Stipulations in Standardized Tensile Testing ...........................144
Utilization of Data from Tensile Tests ...................................150
Summary .........................................................................152

Chapter 9 Tensile Testing of Elastomers ............................................155

Manufacturing of Elastomers ...............................................155
Properties of Interest ..........................................................155
Factors Influencing Elastomer Properties ...............................156
ASTM Standard D 412 ......................................................158
Significance and Use of Tensile-Testing Data .........................159
Summary .........................................................................161

Chapter 10 Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix

Composites ....................................................................163
Rationale for Use of Ceramics ...........................................163
Intrinsic Limitations of Ceramics ........................................163

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Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)

Overview of Important Considerations for Tensile Testing of

Advanced Ceramics .........................................................164
Tensile Testing Techniques ................................................165
Summary .......................................................................179

Chapter 11 Tensile Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites .................183

Fundamentals of Tensile Testing of Composite Materials ........183
Tensile Testing of Single Filaments and Tows .......................185
Tensile Testing of Laminates .............................................185
Data Reduction ...............................................................191
Application of Tensile Tests to Design .................................192

Chapter 12 Tensile Testing of Components .........................................195

Testing of Threaded Fasteners and Bolted Joints ...................195
Testing of Adhesive Joints ................................................204
Testing of Welded Joints ...................................................206

Section 3 Tensile Testing at Extreme Temperatures or High-Strain


Chapter 13 Hot Tensile Testing .........................................................209

Equipment and Testing Procedures .....................................210
Hot Ductility and Strength Data from the Gleeble Test ...........215
Isothermal Hot Tensile Test Data ........................................220
Modeling of the Isothermal Hot Tensile Test ........................226
Cavitation during Hot Tensile Testing .................................230

Chapter 14 Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures ...............................239

Mechanical Properties at Low Temperatures .........................239
Test Selection Factors: Tensile versus Compression Tests .......241
Equipment ......................................................................243
Tensile Testing Parameters and Standards ............................246
Temperature Control ........................................................248
Safety ............................................................................248

Chapter 15 High Strain Rate Tensile Testing ......................................251

Conventional Load Frames ................................................251
Expanding Ring Test ........................................................254
Flyer Plate and Short Duration Pulse Loading .......................255
The Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar Technique .......................257
Rotating Wheel Test .........................................................260

Section 4 Reference Information

Glossary of Terms ...............................................................................265

Reference Tables .................................................................................273
Room-temperature tensile yield strength comparisons of
metals and plastics ........................................................273
Room-temperature tensile modulus of elasticity comparisons
of various materials ......................................................275
Index ................................................................................................279

© 2004 ASM International. All Rights Reserved. www.asminternational.org
Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)


In the preface to the first edition of Tensile Testing, editor Patricia Han wrote “Our
vision for this book was to provide a volume that could serve not only as an introduction
for those who are just starting to perform tensile tests and use tensile data, but also as
a source of more detailed information for those who are better acquainted with the
subject. We have written this reference book to appeal to laboratory managers, tech-
nicians, students, designers, and materials engineers.” This vision has been preserved
in the current edition, with some very important new topics added.
As in the first edition, section one opens with an introduction that discusses the
fundamentals and language of tensile testing. Subsequent chapters describe test meth-
odology and equipment, the use of tensile testing for design, and the use of tensile
testing for determining the formability of sheet metals.
The second section consists of five chapters that deal with tensile testing of the major
classes of engineering materials—metals, plastics, elastomers, ceramics, and compos-
ites. New material on testing of adhesively bonded joints, welded joints, and threaded
fasteners has been added.
The third section contains chapters that review testing at elevated and low tempera-
tures and special tests carried out at very high strain rates. Although these subjects were
introduced in the first edition, they have been substantially expanded in this book.
In the fourth and final section, a glossary of terms related to tensile testing and
properties has been compiled. Comprehensive tables provide tensile yield strengths of
various materials and compare the elastic modulus of engineering materials.
In summary, this edition retains much of the flavor of the first edition while intro-
ducing readers to a number of additional topics that will extend their knowledge and
appreciation of the tensile test.

Joseph R. Davis
Davis & Associates
Chagrin Falls, Ohio

ASM International is the society for materials
engineers and scientists, a worldwide network
dedicated to advancing industry, technology, and
applications of metals and materials.

ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, USA

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Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p1-12 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p001 www.asminternational.org


Introduction to Tensile Testing

TENSILE TESTS are performed for several This chapter provides a brief overview of
reasons. The results of tensile tests are used in some of the more important topics associated
selecting materials for engineering applications. with tensile testing. These include:
Tensile properties frequently are included in ma- ● Tensile specimens and test machines
terial specifications to ensure quality. Tensile ● Stress-strain curves, including discussions of
properties often are measured during develop- elastic versus plastic deformation, yield
ment of new materials and processes, so that dif- points, and ductility
ferent materials and processes can be compared. ● True stress and strain
Finally, tensile properties often are used to pre- ● Test methodology and data analysis
dict the behavior of a material under forms of
loading other than uniaxial tension. It should be noted that subsequent chapters con-
The strength of a material often is the primary tain more detailed information on these topics.
concern. The strength of interest may be mea- Most notably, the following chapters should be
sured in terms of either the stress necessary to referred to:
cause appreciable plastic deformation or the ● Chapter 2, “Mechanical Behavior of Mate-
maximum stress that the material can withstand. rials Under Tensile Loads”
These measures of strength are used, with ap- ● Chapter 3, “Uniaxial Tensile Testing”
propriate caution (in the form of safety factors), ● Chapter 4, “Tensile Testing Equipment and
in engineering design. Also of interest is the ma- Strain Sensors”
terial’s ductility, which is a measure of how
much it can be deformed before it fractures.
Rarely is ductility incorporated directly in de- Tensile Specimens and
sign; rather, it is included in material specifica- Testing Machines
tions to ensure quality and toughness. Low duc-
tility in a tensile test often is accompanied by Tensile Specimens. Consider the typical ten-
low resistance to fracture under other forms of sile specimen shown in Fig. 1. It has enlarged
loading. Elastic properties also may be of inter- ends or shoulders for gripping. The important
est, but special techniques must be used to mea- part of the specimen is the gage section. The
sure these properties during tensile testing, and cross-sectional area of the gage section is re-
more accurate measurements can be made by duced relative to that of the remainder of the
ultrasonic techniques. specimen so that deformation and failure will be

Fig. 1 Typical tensile specimen, showing a reduced gage section and enlarged shoulders. To avoid end effects from the shoulders,
the length of the transition region should be at least as great as the diameter, and the total length of the reduced section should
be at least four times the diameter.
2 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

localized in this region. The gage length is the terials in tension, compression, or bending.
region over which measurements are made and Their primary function is to create the stress-
is centered within the reduced section. The dis- strain curve described in the following section
tances between the ends of the gage section and in this chapter.
the shoulders should be great enough so that the Testing machines are either electromechanical
larger ends do not constrain deformation within or hydraulic. The principal difference is the
the gage section, and the gage length should be method by which the load is applied.
great relative to its diameter. Otherwise, the Electromechanical machines are based on a
stress state will be more complex than simple variable-speed electric motor; a gear reduction
tension. Detailed descriptions of standard spec- system; and one, two, or four screws that move
imen shapes are given in Chapter 3 and in sub- the crosshead up or down. This motion loads the
sequent chapters on tensile testing of specific specimen in tension or compression. Crosshead
materials. speeds can be changed by changing the speed of
There are various ways of gripping the spec- the motor. A microprocessor-based closed-loop
imen, some of which are illustrated in Fig. 2. servo system can be implemented to accurately
control the speed of the crosshead.
The end may be screwed into a threaded grip, or
Hydraulic testing machines (Fig. 3) are based
it may be pinned; butt ends may be used, or the on either a single or dual-acting piston that
grip section may be held between wedges. There moves the crosshead up or down. However,
are still other methods (see, for example, Fig. 24 most static hydraulic testing machines have a
in Chapter 3). The most important concern in single acting piston or ram. In a manually op-
the selection of a gripping method is to ensure erated machine, the operator adjusts the orifice
that the specimen can be held at the maximum of a pressure-compensated needle valve to con-
load without slippage or failure in the grip sec- trol the rate of loading. In a closed-loop hydrau-
tion. Bending should be minimized. lic servo system, the needle valve is replaced by
Testing Machines. The most common testing an electrically operated servo valve for precise
machines are universal testers, which test ma- control.

Fig. 2 Systems for gripping tensile specimens. For round specimens, these include threaded grips (a), serrated wedges (b), and, for
butt end specimens, split collars constrained by a solid collar (c). Sheet specimens may be gripped with pins (d) or serrated
wedges (e).
Introduction to Tensile Testing / 3

In general, electromechanical machines are where F is the tensile force and A0 is the initial
capable of a wider range of test speeds and cross-sectional area of the gage section.
longer crosshead displacements, whereas hy- Engineering strain, or nominal strain, e, is de-
draulic machines are more cost-effective for fined as
generating higher forces.
e ⳱ DL/L0 (Eq 2)

Stress-Strain Curves where L0 is the initial gage length and DL is the

change in gage length (L ⳮ L0).
A tensile test involves mounting the specimen When force-elongation data are converted to
in a machine, such as those described in the pre- engineering stress and strain, a stress-strain
vious section, and subjecting it to tension. The curve (Fig. 4b) that is identical in shape to the
tensile force is recorded as a function of the in- force-elongation curve can be plotted. The ad-
crease in gage length. Figure 4(a) shows a typ- vantage of dealing with stress versus strain
ical curve for a ductile material. Such plots of rather than load versus elongation is that the
tensile force versus tensile elongation would be stress-strain curve is virtually independent of
of little value if they were not normalized with specimen dimensions.
respect to specimen dimensions. Elastic versus Plastic Deformation. When
Engineering stress, or nominal stress, s, is de- a solid material is subjected to small stresses, the
fined as bonds between the atoms are stretched. When
the stress is removed, the bonds relax and the
s ⳱ F/A0 (Eq 1) material returns to its original shape. This re-

Fig. 3 Components of a hydraulic universal testing machine

4 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 4 (a) Load-elongation curve from a tensile test and (b) corresponding engineering stress-strain curve. Specimen diameter, 12.5
mm; gage length, 50 mm.

versible deformation is called elastic deforma- When the stress rises high enough, the stress-
tion. (The deformation of a rubber band is en- strain behavior will cease to be linear and the
tirely elastic). At higher stresses, planes of atoms strain will not disappear completely on unload-
slide over one another. This deformation, which ing. The strain that remains is called plastic
is not recovered when the stress is removed, is strain. The first plastic strain usually corre-
termed plastic deformation. Note that the term sponds to the first deviation from linearity. (For
“plastic deformation” does not mean that the de- some materials, the elastic deformation may be
formed material is a plastic (a polymeric mate- nonlinear, and so there is not always this corre-
rial). Bending of a wire (such as paper-clip wire) spondence). Once plastic deformation has be-
with the fingers (Fig. 5) illustrates the difference. gun, there will be both elastic and plastic con-
If the wire is bent a little bit, it will snap back tributions to the total strain, eT. This can be
when released (top). With larger bends, it will expressed as eT ⳱ ee Ⳮ ep, where ep is the plas-
unbend elastically to some extent on release, but
there will be a permanent bend because of the
plastic deformation (bottom).
For most materials, the initial portion of the
curve is linear. The slope of this linear region is
called the elastic modulus or Young’s modulus:

E ⳱ s/e (Eq 3)

In the elastic range, the ratio, t, of the mag-

nitude of the lateral contraction strain to the ax-
ial strain is called Poisson’s ratio:

t ⳱ ⳮey /ex (in an x-direction tensile test) (Eq 4)

Because elastic strains are usually very small,

reasonably accurate measurement of Young’s
modulus and Poisson’s ratio in a tensile test re-
quires that strain be measured with a very sen-
sitive extensometer. (Strain gages should be
Fig. 5 Elastic and plastic deformation of a wire with the fin-
used for lateral strains.) Accurate results can also gers. With small forces (top), all of the bending is elastic
be obtained by velocity-of-sound measurements and disappears when the force is released. With greater forces
(below), some of the bending is recoverable (elastic), but most of
(unless the modulus is very low or the damping the bending is not recovered (is plastic) when the force is re-
is high, as with polymers). moved.
Introduction to Tensile Testing / 5

tic contribution and ee is the elastic contribution sometimes used. The advantage of defining yield
(and still related to the stress by Eq 3). strength in this way is that such a parameter is
It is tempting to define an elastic limit as the easily reproduced and does not depend heavily
stress at which plastic deformation first occurs on the sensitivity of measurement.
and a proportional limit as the stress at which Sometimes, for convenience, yielding in met-
the stress-strain curve first deviates from linear- als is defined by the stress required to achieve a
ity. However, neither definition is very useful, specified total strain (e.g., eT ⳱ 0.005 or 0.5%
because measurement of the stress at which plas- elongation) instead of a specified offset strain.
tic deformation first occurs or the first deviation In any case, the criterion should be made clear
from linearity is observed depends on how ac- to the user of the data.
curately strain can be measured. The smaller the Yield Points. For some materials (e.g., low-
plastic strains that can be sensed and the smaller carbon steels and many linear polymers), the
the deviations from linearity can be detected, the stress-strain curves have initial maxima fol-
smaller the elastic and proportional limits. lowed by lower stresses, as shown in Fig. 7(a)
To avoid this problem, the onset of the plas- and (b). After the initial maximum, all the de-
ticity is usually described by an offset yield formation at any instant is occurring within a
strength, which can be measured with greater relatively small region of the specimen. Contin-
reproducibility. It can be found by constructing ued elongation of the specimen occurs by prop-
a straight line parallel to the initial linear portion agation of the deforming region (Lüders band in
of the stress-strain curve, but offset by e ⳱ the case of steels) along the gage section rather
0.002 or 0.2%. The yield strength is the stress at than by increased strain within the deforming
which this line intersects the stress-strain curve region. Only after the entire gage section has
(Fig. 6). The rationale is that if the material had been traversed by the band does the stress rise
been loaded to this stress and then unloaded, the again. In the case of linear polymers, a yield
unloading path would have been along this off- strength is often defined as the initial maximum
set line and would have resulted in a plastic stress. For steels, the subsequent lower yield
strain of e ⳱ 0.2%. Other offset strains are strength is used to describe yielding. This is be-
cause measurements of the initial maximum or
upper yield strength are extremely sensitive to
how axially the load is applied during the tensile
test. Some laboratories cite the minimum,
whereas others cite a mean stress during this dis-
continuous yielding.
The tensile strength (ultimate strength) is de-
fined as the highest value of engineering stress*
(Fig. 8). Up to the maximum load, the defor-
mation should be uniform along the gage sec-
tion. With ductile materials, the tensile strength
corresponds to the point at which the deforma-
tion starts to localize, forming a neck (Fig. 8a).
Less ductile materials fracture before they neck
(Fig. 8b). In this case, the fracture strength is the
tensile strength. Indeed, very brittle materials
(e.g., glass at room temperature) do not yield
before fracture (Fig. 8c). Such materials have
tensile strengths but not yield strengths.
Ductility. There are two common measures
used to describe the ductility of a material. One

*Sometimes the upper yield strength of low-carbon steel is

higher than the subsequent maximum. In such cases, some
prefer to define the tensile strength as the subsequent max-
imum instead of the initial maximum, which is higher. In
Fig. 6 The low-strain region of the stress-strain curve for a such cases, the definition of tensile strength should be made
ductile material clear to the user.
6 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

is the percent elongation, which is defined sim- where A0 and Af are the initial cross-sectional
ply as area and the cross-sectional area at fracture, re-
spectively. If failure occurs without necking, one
%El ⳱ [(Lf ⳮ L0)/L0] ⳯ 100 (Eq 5) can be calculated from the other:

where L0 is the initial gage length and Lf is the %El ⳱ %RA/(100 ⳮ %RA) (Eq 7)
length of the gage section at fracture. Measure-
ments may be made on the broken pieces or un- After a neck has developed, the two are no
der load. For most materials, the amount of elas- longer related. Percent elongation, as a measure
tic elongation is so small that the two are of ductility, has the disadvantage that it is really
equivalent. When this is not so (as with brittle composed of two parts: the uniform elongation
metals or rubber), the results should state that occurs before necking, and the localized
whether or not the elongation includes an elastic elongation that occurs during necking. The sec-
contribution. The other common measure of ond part is sensitive to the specimen shape.
ductility is percent reduction of area, which is When a gage section that is very long (relative
defined as to its diameter), the necking elongation con-
verted to percent is very small. In contrast, with
%RA ⳱ [(A0 ⳮ Af)/A0] ⳯ 100 (Eq 6) a gage section that is short (relative to its di-

Fig. 7 Inhomogeneous yielding of a low-carbon steel (a) and a linear polymer (b). After the initial stress maxima, the deformation
occurs within a narrow band, which propagates along the entire length of the gage section before the stress rises again.

Fig. 8 Stress-strain curves showing that the tensile strength is the maximum engineering stress regardless of whether the specimen
necks (a) or fractures before necking (b and c).
Introduction to Tensile Testing / 7

ameter), the necking elongation can account for Thus, according to Eq 2, A0/A ⳱ 1 Ⳮ e. Equa-
most of the total elongation. tion 8 can be rewritten as
For round bars, this problem has been reme-
died by standardizing the ratio of gage length to r ⳱ (F/A0)(A0/A)
diameter to 4:1. Within a series of bars, all with
the same gage-length-to-diameter ratio, the and, with substitution for A0/A and F/A0, as
necking elongation will be the same fraction of
the total elongation. However, there is no simple r ⳱ s(1 Ⳮ e) (Eq 11)
way to make meaningful comparisons of percent
elongation from such standardized bars with that Substitution of L/L0 ⳱ 1 Ⳮ e into the expression
measured on sheet tensile specimens or wire. for true strain (Eq 9) gives
With sheet tensile specimens, a portion of the
elongation occurs during diffuse necking, and e ⳱ ln(1 Ⳮ e) (Eq 12)
this could be standardized by maintaining the
same ratio of width to gage length. However, a At very low strains, the differences between
portion of the elongation also occurs during true and engineering stress and strain are very
what is called localized necking, and this de- small. It does not really matter whether Young’s
pends on the sheet thickness. For tensile testing modulus is defined in terms of engineering or
of wire, it is impractical to have a reduced sec- true stress strain.
tion, and so the ratio of gage length to diameter It must be emphasized that these expressions
is necessarily very large. Necking elongation are valid only as long as the deformation is uni-
contributes very little to the total elongation. form. Once necking starts, Eq 8 for true stress
Percent reduction of area, as a measure of is still valid, but the cross-sectional area at the
ductility, has the disadvantage that with very base of the neck must be measured directly
ductile materials it is often difficult to measure rather than being inferred from the length mea-
the final cross-sectional area at fracture. This is surements. Because the true stress, thus calcu-
particularly true of sheet specimens. lated, is the true stress at the base of the neck,
the corresponding true strain should also be at
the base of the neck. Equation 9 could still be
used if the L and L0 values were known for an
True Stress and Strain
extremely short gage section centered on the
middle of the neck (one so short that variations
If the results of tensile testing are to be used
of area along it would be negligible). Of course,
to predict how a metal will behave under other
there will be no such gage section, but if there
forms of loading, it is desirable to plot the data
were, Eq 10 would be valid. Thus the true strain
in terms of true stress and true strain. True stress,
can be calculated as
r, is defined as
e ⳱ ln(A0/A) (Eq 13)
r ⳱ F/A (Eq 8)
Figure 9 shows a comparison of engineering and
where A is the cross-sectional area at the time
true stress-strain curves for the same material.
that the applied force is F. Up to the point at
which necking starts, true strain, e, is defined as

e ⳱ ln(L/L0) (Eq 9) Other Factors

Influencing the Stress-Strain Curve
This definition arises from taking an increment
of true strain, de, as the incremental change in There are a number of factors not previously
length, dL, divided by the length, L, at the time, discussed in this chapter that have an effect on
de ⳱ dL/L, and integrating. As long as the de- the shape of the stress-strain curve. These in-
formation is uniform along the gage section, the clude strain rate, temperature, and anisotropy.
true stress and strain can be calculated from the For information on these subjects, the reader
engineering quantities. With constant volume should refer to Chapters 2 and 3 listed in the
and uniform deformation, LA ⳱ L0A0: introduction to this chapter as well as Chapter
12, “Hot Tensile Testing” and Chapter 15, “High
A0/A ⳱ L/L0 (Eq 10) Strain Rate Tensile Testing.”
8 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Test Methodology and Data Analysis how closely the “built-in” samples represent the
material in question.
This section reviews some of the more im- There is a special case in which the object of
portant considerations involved in tensile test- the test is to evaluate not the material, but the
ing. These include: test itself. Here, the test specimens must be as
nearly identical as possible so the differences in
● Sample selection the test results represent, as far as possible, only
● Sample preparation the variability in the testing process.
● Test set-up Sample Preparation. It should be remem-
● Test procedure bered that a “sample” is a quantity of material
● Data recording and analysis that represents a larger lot. The sample usually
● Reporting is made into multiple “specimens” for testing.
Test samples must be prepared properly to
Sample Selection. When a material is tested, achieve accurate results. The following rules are
the objective usually is to determine whether or suggested for general guidance.
not the material is suitable for its intended use. First, as each sample is obtained, it should be
The sample to be tested must fairly represent identified as to material description, source, lo-
the body of material in question. In other words, cation and orientation with respect to the body
it must be from the same source and have un- of material, processing status at the time of sam-
dergone the same processing steps. pling, and the data and time of day that the sam-
It is often difficult to match exactly the test ple was obtained.
samples to the structure made from the material. Second, test specimens must be made care-
A common practice for testing of large castings, fully, with attention to several details. The spec-
forgings, and composite layups is to add extra imen axis must be properly aligned with the ma-
material to the part for use as “built-in” test sam- terial rolling direction, forging grain pattern, or
ples. This material is cut from the completed part composite layup. Cold working of the test sec-
after processing and is made into test specimens tion must be minimized. The dimensions of the
that have been subjected to the same processing specimen must be held within the allowable tol-
steps as the bulk of the part. erances established by the test procedure. The
In practice, these specimens may not exactly attachment areas at each end of the specimen
match the bulk of the part in certain important must be aligned with the axis of the bar (see Fig.
details, such as the grain patterns in critical areas 10). Each specimen must be identified as be-
of a forging. One or more complete parts may longing to the original sample. If total elonga-
be sacrificed to obtain test samples from the tion is to be measured after the specimen breaks,
most critical areas for comparison with the the gage length must be marked on the reduced
“built-in” samples. Thus, it may be determined section of the bar prior to testing.
The test set-up requires that equipment be
properly matched to the test at hand. There are

Fig. 9 Comparison of engineering and true stress-strain

curves. Prior to necking, a point on the r-e curve can
be constructed from a point on the s-e curve using Eq 11 and 12.
Subsequently, the cross section must be measured to find true Fig. 10 Improper (left) and proper (right) alignment of speci-
stress and strain. men attachment areas with axis of specimen
Introduction to Tensile Testing / 9

three requirements of the testing machine: force threads on the specimen equal to at least one
capacity sufficient to break the specimens to be diameter should be engaged in the threaded
tested; control of test speed (or strain rate or load grips.
rate), as required by the test specification; and There are several potential problems that must
precision and accuracy sufficient to obtain and be watched for during the test set-up, including
record properly the load and extension infor- specimen misalignment and worn grips. The
mation generated by the test. This precision and physical alignment of the two points of attach-
accuracy should be ensured by current calibra- ment of the specimen is important, because any
tion certification. off-center loading will exert bending loads on
For grips, of which many types are in com- the specimen. This is critical in testing of brittle
mon use in tensile testing, only two rules apply: materials, and may cause problems even for duc-
the grips must properly fit the specimens (or vice tile materials. Alignment will be affected by the
versa), and they must have sufficient force ca- testing-machine loadframe, any grips and fix-
pacity so that they are not damaged during test- tures used, and the specimen itself. Misalign-
ing. ment may also induce load-measurement errors
As described earlier in the section “Tensile due to the passage of bending forces through the
Specimens and Testing Machines,” there are load-measuring apparatus. Such errors may be
several techniques for installing the specimen in reduced by the use of spherical seats or “U-
the grips. With wedge grips, placement of the joints” in the set-up.
specimen in the grips is critical to proper align- Worn grips may contribute to off-center load-
ment (see Fig. 11). Ideally, the grip faces should ing. Uneven tooth marks across the width of the
be of the same width as the tab ends of the test specimen tab are an indication of trouble in
bar; otherwise, lateral alignment is dependent wedge grips. Split-collar grips may also cause
only on the skill of the technician. The wedge off-center loading. Uneven wear of grips and
grip inserts should be contained within the grip mismatching of split-shell insert pairs are poten-
body or crosshead, and the specimen tabs should tial problem areas.
be fully engaged by the grips (see Fig. 12). Strain measurements are required for many
Other types of grips have perhaps fewer traps tests. They are commonly made with extensom-
for the inexperienced technician, but an obvious eters, but strain gages are frequently used—
one is that, with threaded grips, a length of especially on small specimens or where Pois-

Fig. 11 Improper (left, center) and proper (right) alignment of specimen in wedge grips
10 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

son’s ratio is to be measured. If strain When the extensometer, if applicable, is in-

measurements are required, appropriate strain- stalled, the technician should be sure to set the
measuring instruments must be properly in- mechanical zero correctly. The strain-readout
stalled. The technician should pay particular at- zero should be set after the extensometer is in
tention to setting of the extensometer gage place on the specimen.
length (mechanical zero). The zero of the strain The test procedure should be in conformance
readout should repeat consistently if the me- with the published test specification and should
chanical zero is set properly. In other words,
once the extensometer has been installed and ze-
roed, subsequent installations should require
minimal readjustment of the zero.
Test Procedure. The following general rules
for test procedure may be applied to almost
every tensile test.
Load and strain ranges should be selected so
that the test will fit the range. The maximum
values to be recorded should be as close to the
top of the selected scale as convenient without
running the risk of going past full scale. Ranges
may be selected using past experience for a par-
ticular test, or specification data for the material
(if available). Note that many computer-based
testing systems have automatic range selection
and will capture data even if the range initially
selected is too small.
The identity of each specimen should be ver-
ified, and pertinent identification should be ac-
curately recorded for the test records and report.
The dimensions needed to calculate the cross-
sectional area of the reduced section should be
measured and recorded. These measurements
should be repeated for every specimen; it should
not be assumed that sample preparation is per-
fectly consistent.
The load-indicator zero and the plot-load-axis
zero, if applicable, should be set before the spec-
imen is placed in the grips. Zeroes should never
be reset after the specimen is in place.
The specimen is placed in the grips and is
secured by closing the grips. If preload is to be
removed before the test is started, it should be
physically unloaded by moving the loading
mechanism. The zero adjustment should never
be used for this purpose. Note that, in some
cases, preload may be desirable and may be de-
liberately introduced. For materials for which
the initial portion of the curve is linear, the strain
zero may be corrected for preload by extending
the initial straight portion of the stress-strain
curve to zero load and measuring strain from
that point. The strain valve at the zero-load in-
tercept is commonly called the “foot correction”
and is subtracted from readings taken from strain
scale (see Fig. 10 in Chapter 3, “Uniaxial Tensile Fig. 12 Proper and improper engagement of a specimen in
Testing”). wedge grips
Introduction to Tensile Testing / 11

be repeated consistently for every test. It is im- and the dimensional measurements taken to de-
portant that the test specification be followed for termine the cross-sectional area of the test spec-
speed of testing. Some materials are sensitive to imen. The first analysis step is to calculate the
test speed, and different speeds will give differ- “tensile strength,” defined as the force per unit
ent results. Also, many testing machine load- area required to fracture the specimen. More
and strain-measuring instruments are not capa- complicated tests will require more information,
ble of responding fast enough for accurate which typically takes the form of a graph of
recording of test results if an excessive test speed force versus extension. Computer-based testing
is used. machines can display the graph without paper,
The technician should monitor the test closely and can save the measurements associated with
and be alert for problems. One common sign of the graph by electronic means.
trouble is a load-versus-strain plot in which the A permanent record of the raw test data is
initial portion of the curve is not straight. This important, because it allows additional analyses
may indicate off-center loading of the specimen, to be performed later, if desired, and because it
improper installation of the extensometer, or the allows errors in analysis to be found and cor-
specimen was not straight to begin with. rected by reference to the original data.
Another potential trouble sign is a sharp drop Data Recording. Test records may be needed
in indicated load during the test. Such a drop by many departments within an organization, in-
may be characteristic of the material, but it also cluding metallurgy, engineering, commercial,
can indicate problems such as slippage between and legal departments.
the specimen and the grips or stick-slip move- Engineering and metallurgy departments typ-
ment of the wedge grip inserts in the grip body. ically are most interested in material properties,
Slippage may be caused by worn inserts with but may use raw data for error checking or ad-
dull teeth, particularly for hard, smooth speci- ditional analyses. The metallurgy department
mens. wants to know how variations in raw materials
The stick-slip action in wedge grips is more or processing change the properties of the prod-
common in testing of resilient materials, but it uct being produced and tested, and the engi-
also can occur in testing of metals. Specimens
neering department wants to know the properties
cut from the wall of a pipe or tube may have
of the material for design purposes.
curved tab ends that flatten with increasing
Shipping, receiving, and accounting depart-
force, allowing the inserts to move relative to
ments need to know whether or not the material
the grip body. Short tab ends on round speci-
mens also may be crushed by the wedge grips, meets the specifications for shipping, accep-
with the same result. If the sliding faces are not tance, and payment. The sales department needs
lubricated, they may move in unpredictable information for advertising and for advising pro-
steps accompanied by drops in the load reading. spective customers.
Dry-film molybdenum disulfide lubricants are If a product incorporating the tested material
effective in solving stick-slip problems in wedge later fails—particularly if persons are injured—
grips, particularly when testing is done at ele- the legal department may need test data as evi-
vated temperature. dence in legal proceedings. In this case, a record
When wedge grips are used, the specimen of the raw data will be important for support of
must be installed so that the clamping force is the original analysis and test report.
contained within the grip body. Placing the spec- Analysis of test data is done at several levels.
imen too near the open end of the grip body First, the technician observes the test in pro-
results in excessive stress on the grip body and gress, and may see that a grip is slipping or that
inserts and is a common cause of grip failure. the specimen fractures outside the gage section.
WARNING: Grip failures are dangerous and These observations may be sufficient to deter-
may cause injury to personnel and damage to mine that a test is invalid.
equipment. Immediately after the test, a first-level anal-
Data generally may be grouped into “raw ysis is performed according to the calculation
data,” meaning the observed readings of the requirements of the test procedure. ASTM test
measuring instruments, and “calculated data,” specifications typically show the necessary
meaning the test results obtained after the first equations with an explanation and perhaps an
step of analysis. example. This analysis may be as simple as
In the most simple tensile test, the raw data dividing peak force by cross-sectional area, or
comprise a single measurement of peak force it may require more complex calculations. The
12 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

outputs of this first level of analysis are the the data can be obtained from a file if and when
mechanical properties of the material being they are needed. Frequently, only a portion of
tested. the raw data—dimensions, for example—is re-
Upon completion of the group of tests per- corded, and information on the force-versus-ex-
formed on the sample, a statistical analysis may tension graph is referenced.
be made. The statistical analysis produces av- A tabulation of the properties calculated for
erage (mean or median) values for representa- each specimen is recorded. The calculations at
tion of the sample in the subsequent database this stage are the first level of data analysis. The
and also provides information about the unifor- calculations required usually are defined in the
mity of the material and the repeatability of the test procedure or specification.
test. A brief statistical summary for the sample is
The results of tests on each sample of material a feature that is becoming more common with
may be stored in a database for future use. The the proliferation of computerized testing sys-
database allows a wide range of analyses to be tems, because the computations required can be
performed using statistical methods to correlate done automatically without added operator
the mechanical-properties data with other infor- workload. The statistical summary may include
mation about the material. For example, it may the average (mean) value, median value, stan-
allow determination of whether or not there is a dard deviation, highest value, lowest value,
significant difference between the material range, etc. The average or median value would
tested and similar material obtained from a dif- be used to represent this sample at the next level
ferent supplier or through a different production of analysis, which is the material database.
path. Examination of this initial statistical infor-
Reporting. The test report usually contains mation can tell a great deal about the test as well
the results of tests performed on one sample as the material. A low standard deviation or
composed of several specimens. range indicates that the material in the sample
When ASTM specifications are used for test- has uniform properties (each of several speci-
ing, the requirements for reporting are defined
mens has nearly the same values for the mea-
by the specification. The needs of a particular
sured properties) and that the test is producing
user probably will determine the form for iden-
consistent results. Conversely, a high standard
tification of the material, but the reported results
deviation or range indicates that a problem of
will most likely be as given in the ASTM test
specification. inconsistent material or testing exists and needs
The information contained in the test report to be investigated.
generally should include identification of the A continuing record of the average properties
testing equipment, the material tested, and the and the associated standard deviation and range
test procedure; the raw and calculated data for information is the basis for statistical process
each specimen; and a brief statistical summary control, which systematically interprets this in-
for the sample. formation so as to provide the maximum infor-
Each piece of test equipment used for the test mation about both the material and the test pro-
should be identified, including serial numbers, cess.
capacity or range used, and date of certification
or date due for certification.
Identification of the material tested should in-
clude the type of material (alloy, part number, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
etc.); the specific batch, lot, order, heat, or coil
from which the sample was taken; the point in This chapter was adapted from:
the processing sequence (condition, temper, etc.)
at which the sample was taken; and any test or ● W.F. Hosford, Overview of Tensile Testing,
pretest conditions (test temperature, aging, etc.). Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM Interna-
Identification of the test procedure usually tional, 1992, p 1–24
will be reported by reference to a standard test ● P.M. Mumford, Test Methodology and Data
procedure such as those published by ASTM or Analysis, Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM
perhaps to a proprietary specification originating International, 1992, p 49–60
within the testing organization. ● R. Gedney, Guide To Testing Metals Under
The raw data for each specimen are recorded, Tension, Advanced Materials & Processes,
or a reference to the raw data is included so that February, 2002, p 29–31
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p13-31 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p013 www.asminternational.org


Mechanical Behavior of
Materials under Tensile Loads

THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF MA- on the test specimen (Fig. 1). The engineering
TERIALS is described by their deformation and stress (s) used in this stress-strain curve is the
fracture characteristics under applied stresses average longitudinal stress in the tensile speci-
(for example, tensile, compressive, or multiaxial men. It is obtained by dividing the load (P) by
stresses). Determination of this mechanical be- the original area of the cross section of the spec-
havior is influenced by several factors that in- imen (A0):
clude metallurgical/material variables, test
methods, and the nature of the applied stresses. P
s ⳱ (Eq 1)
This chapter focuses on mechanical behavior A0
under conditions of uniaxial tension during ten-
sile testing. As stated in other chapters, the en- The strain, e, used for the engineering stress-
gineering tensile test is widely used to provide strain curve is the average linear strain, which is
basic design information on the strength of ma- obtained by dividing the elongation of the gage
terials and as an acceptance test for the specifi- length of the specimen (d) by its original length
cation of materials. In this test procedure, a spec- (L0):
imen is subjected to a continually increasing
uniaxial load (force), while simultaneous obser- d DL L ⳮ L0
e⳱ ⳱ ⳱ (Eq 2)
vations are made of the elongation of the spec- L0 L0 L0
imen. In this chapter, emphasis is placed on the
interpretation of these observations rather than Because both the stress and the strain are ob-
on the procedures for conducting the tests. Test tained by dividing the load and elongation by
procedures are described in Chapter 3, “Uniaxial constant factors, the load-elongation curve has
Tensile Testing.” the same shape as the engineering stress-strain
Emphasis has also been placed in this chapter curve. The two curves frequently are used inter-
on the response of metallic materials to tensile changeably.
stresses. Additional information can be found in The shape and magnitude of the stress-strain
Chapter 7, “Tensile Testing of Metals and Al- curve of a metal depend on its composition, heat
loys.” The mechanical behaviors of nonmetallic treatment, prior history of plastic deformation,
materials under tension are discussed in Chap- and the strain rate, temperature, and state of
ters 8 (plastics), 9 (elastomers), 10 (ceramics and stress imposed during the testing. The parame-
ceramic-matrix composites), and 11 (fiber-re- ters that are used to describe the stress-strain
inforced composites). curve of a metal are the tensile strength, yield
strength or yield point, percent elongation, and
reduction in area. The first two are strength pa-
rameters; the last two indicate ductility.
Engineering Stress-Strain Curve The general shape of the engineering stress-
strain curve (Fig. 1) requires further explanation.
In the conventional engineering tensile test, In the elastic region, stress is linearly propor-
an engineering stress-strain curve is constructed tional to strain. When the stress exceeds a value
from the load-elongation measurements made corresponding to the yield strength, the speci-
14 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

men undergoes gross plastic deformation. If the Pmax

su ⳱ (Eq 3)
load is subsequently reduced to zero, the speci- A0
men will remain permanently deformed. The
stress required to produce continued plastic de-
formation increases with increasing plastic The tensile strength is the value most frequently
strain; that is, the metal strain hardens. The vol- quoted from the results of a tension test. Actu-
ume of the specimen (area ⳯ length) remains ally, however, it is a value of little fundamental
constant during plastic deformation, AL ⳱ A0L0, significance with regard to the strength of a
and as the specimen elongates, its cross-sec- metal. For ductile metals, the tensile strength
tional area decreases uniformly along the gage should be regarded as a measure of the maxi-
length. mum load that a metal can withstand under the
Initially, the strain hardening more than com- very restrictive conditions of uniaxial loading.
pensates for this decrease in area, and the engi- This value bears little relation to the useful
neering stress (proportional to load P) continues strength of the metal under the more complex
to rise with increasing strain. Eventually, a point conditions of stress that usually are encountered.
is reached where the decrease in specimen cross- For many years, it was customary to base the
sectional area is greater than the increase in de- strength of members on the tensile strength, suit-
formation load arising from strain hardening. ably reduced by a factor of safety. The current
This condition will be reached first at some point trend is to use the more rational approach of bas-
in the specimen that is slightly weaker than the ing the static design of ductile metals on the
rest. All further plastic deformation is concen- yield strength. However, due to the long practice
trated in this region, and the specimen begins to of using the tensile strength to describe the
neck or thin down locally. Because the cross- strength of materials, it has become a familiar
sectional area now is decreasing far more rapidly property, and as such, it is a useful identification
than the deformation load is increased by strain of a material in the same sense that the chemical
hardening, the actual load required to deform the composition serves to identify a metal or alloy.
specimen falls off, and the engineering stress de- Furthermore, because the tensile strength is easy
fined in Eq 1 continues to decrease until fracture to determine and is a reproducible property, it is
occurs. useful for the purposes of specification and for
The tensile strength, or ultimate tensile quality control of a product. Extensive empirical
strength (su) is the maximum load divided by the correlations between tensile strength and prop-
original cross-sectional area of the specimen: erties such as hardness and fatigue strength are

Fig. 1 Engineering stress-strain curve. Intersection of the dashed line with the curve determines the offset yield strength. See also
Fig. 2 and corresponding text.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 15

often useful. For brittle materials, the tensile United States, the offset is usually specified as
strength is a valid design criterion. a strain of 0.2 or 0.1% (e ⳱ 0.002 or 0.001):
Measures of Yielding. The stress at which
plastic deformation or yielding is observed to P(strain
s0 ⳱ offset⳱0.002)
(Eq 4)
begin depends on the sensitivity of the strain A0
measurements. With most materials, there is a
gradual transition from elastic to plastic behav- Offset yield strength determination requires a
ior, and the point at which plastic deformation specimen that has been loaded to its 0.2% offset
begins is difficult to define with precision. In yield strength and unloaded so that it is 0.2%
tests of materials under uniaxial loading, three longer than before the test. The offset yield
criteria for the initiation of yielding have been strength is often referred to in Great Britain as
used: the elastic limit, the proportional limit, and the proof stress, where offset values are either
the yield strength. 0.1 or 0.5%. The yield strength obtained by an
Elastic limit, shown at point A in Fig. 2, is offset method is commonly used for design and
the greatest stress the material can withstand specification purposes, because it avoids the
without any measurable permanent strain re- practical difficulties of measuring the elastic
maining after the complete release of load. With limit or proportional limit.
increasing sensitivity of strain measurement, the Some materials have essentially no linear por-
value of the elastic limit is decreased until it tion to their stress-strain curve, for example, soft
equals the true elastic limit determined from mi- copper, gray cast iron, and many polymers. For
crostrain measurements. With the sensitivity of these materials, the offset method cannot be
strain typically used in engineering studies used, and the usual practice is to define the yield
(10ⳮ4 in./in.), the elastic limit is greater than the strength as the stress to produce some total
proportional limit. Determination of the elastic strain, for example, e ⳱ 0.005.
limit requires a tedious incremental loading-un- Some metals, particularly annealed low-car-
loading test procedure. For this reason, it is often bon steel, show a localized, heterogeneous type
replaced by the proportional limit. of transition from elastic to plastic deformation
Proportional limit, shown at point A⬘ in Fig. that produces a yield point in the stress-strain
2, is the highest stress at which stress is directly curve. Rather than having a flow curve with a
proportional to strain. It is obtained by observing gradual transition from elastic to plastic behav-
the deviation from the straight-line portion of the ior, such as Fig. 1 and 2, metals with a yield
stress-strain curve. point produce a flow curve or a load-elongation
The yield strength, shown at point B in Fig. diagram similar to Fig. 3. The load increases
2, is the stress required to produce a small spec- steadily with elastic strain, drops suddenly, fluc-
ified amount of plastic deformation. The usual tuates about some approximately constant value
definition of this property is the offset yield of load, and then rises with further strain.
strength determined by the stress corresponding
to the intersection of the stress-strain curve off-
set by a specified strain (see Fig. 1 and 2). In the

Fig. 2 Typical tensile stress-strain curve for ductile metal in-

dicating yielding criteria. Point A, elastic limit; point
A⬘, proportional limit; point B, yield strength or offset (0 to C) Fig. 3 Typical yield-point behavior of low-carbon steel. The
yield strength; 0, intersection of the stress-strain curve with the slope of the initial linear portion of the stress-strain
strain axis curve, designated by E, is the modulus of elasticity.
16 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

The load at which the sudden drop occurs is The conventional measures of ductility that
called the upper yield point. The constant load are obtained from the tension test are the engi-
is called the lower yield point, and the elonga- neering strain at fracture (ef) (usually called the
tion that occurs at constant load is called the elongation) and the reduction in area at fracture
yield-point elongation. The deformation occur- (q). Elongation and reduction in area usually are
ring throughout the yield-point elongation is het- expressed as a percentage. Both of these prop-
erogeneous. At the upper yield point, a discrete erties are obtained after fracture by putting the
band of deformed metal, often readily visible, specimen back together and taking measure-
appears at a stress concentration, such as a fillet. ments of the final length, Lf, and final specimen
Coincident with the formation of the band, the cross section, Af :
load drops to the lower yield point. The band
then propagates along the length of the speci- Lf ⳮ L0
men, causing the yield-point elongation. A simi- ef ⳱ (Eq 5)
lar behavior occurs with some polymers and su- A0 ⳮ Af
perplastic metal alloys, where a neck forms but q⳱ (Eq 6)
grows in a stable manner, with material being A0
fed into the necked region from the thicker ad-
jacent regions. This type of deformation in poly- Because an appreciable fraction of the plastic
mers is called “drawing.” deformation will be concentrated in the necked
In typical cases, several bands form at several region of the tension specimen, the value of ef
points of stress concentration. These bands are will depend on the gage length (L0) over which
generally at approximately 45 to the tensile the measurement was taken (see the section of
axis. They are usually called Lüders bands or this article on ductility measurement in tension
stretcher strains, and this type of deformation is testing). The smaller the gage length, the greater
sometimes referred to as the Piobert effect. the contribution to the overall elongation from
When several Lüders bands are formed, the flow the necked region and the higher the value of ef.
curve during the yield-point elongation is irreg- Therefore, when reporting values of percentage
ular, each jog corresponding to the formation of elongation, the gage length should always be
a new Lüders band. After the Lüders bands have given.
propagated to cover the entire length of the spec- Reduction in area does not suffer from this
imen test section, the flow will increase with difficulty. These values can be converted into an
strain in the typical manner. This marks the end equivalent zero-gage-length elongation (e0).
of the yield-point elongation. Lüders bands
formed on a rimmed 1008 steel are shown in
Fig. 4.
Measures of Ductility. Currently, ductility is
considered a qualitative, subjective property of
a material. In general, measurements of ductility
are of interest in three respects (Ref 1):
● To indicate the extent to which a metal can
be deformed without fracture in metalwork-
ing operations, such as rolling and extrusion
● To indicate to the designer the ability of the
metal to flow plastically before fracture. A
high ductility indicates that the material is
“forgiving” and likely to deform locally
without fracture should the designer err in
the stress calculation or the prediction of se-
vere loads.
● To serve as an indicator of changes in im-
purity level or processing conditions. Duc-
tility measurements may be specified to as-
sess material quality, even though no direct
relationship exists between the ductility Fig. 4 Rimmed 1008 steel with Lüders bands on the surface
as a result of stretching the sheet just beyond the yield
measurement and performance in service. point during forming
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 17

From the constancy of volume relationship for Because the modulus of elasticity is needed for
plastic deformation, AL ⳱ A0L0: computing deflections of beams and other mem-
bers, it is an important design value.
L A 1 The modulus of elasticity is determined by the
⳱ 0 ⳱
L0 A 1 ⳮq binding forces between atoms. Because these
L ⳮ L0 A 1 forces cannot be changed without changing the
e0 ⳱ ⳱ 0ⳮ 1 ⳱ ⳮ1 basic nature of the material, the modulus of elas-
L0 A 1ⳮq
ticity is one of the most structure-insensitive of
q the mechanical properties. Generally, it is only

1 ⳮ q (Eq 7) slightly affected by alloying additions, heat
treatment, or cold work (Ref 3). However, in-
This represents the elongation based on a very creasing the temperature decreases the modulus
short gage length near the fracture. of elasticity. At elevated temperatures, the mod-
Another way to avoid the complications re- ulus is often measured by a dynamic method
sulting from necking is to base the percentage (Ref 4). Typical values of the modulus of elas-
elongation on the uniform strain out to the point ticity for common engineering metals at differ-
at which necking begins. The uniform elonga- ent temperatures are given in Table 1.
tion (eu), correlates well with stretch-forming Resilience. The ability of a material to absorb
operations. Because the engineering stress-strain energy when deformed elastically and to return
curve often is quite flat in the vicinity of neck- it when unloaded is called resilience. This prop-
ing, it may be difficult to establish the strain at erty usually is measured by the modulus of re-
maximum load without ambiguity. In this case, silience, which is the strain energy per unit vol-
the method suggested in Ref 2 is useful. ume (U0) required to stress the material from
Modulus of Elasticity. The slope of the initial zero stress to the yield stress (r0). The strain
linear portion of the stress-strain curve is the energy per unit volume for uniaxial tension is:
modulus of elasticity, or Young’s modulus, as
shown in Fig. 3. The modulus of elasticity (E) 1
is a measure of the stiffness of the material. The U0 ⳱ re (Eq 8)
2 x x
greater the modulus, the smaller the elastic strain
resulting from the application of a given stress.
From the above definition, the modulus of resil-
ience (UR) is:

1 1 s s2
UR ⳱ s0e0 ⳱ s0 0 ⳱ 0 (Eq 9)
2 2 E 2E

This equation indicates that the ideal material for

resisting energy loads in applications where the
material must not undergo permanent distortion,
such as in mechanical springs, is one having a
high yield stress and a low modulus of elasticity.
For various grades of steel, the modulus of
Fig. 5 Comparison of stress-strain curves for high- and low-
resilience ranges from 100 to 4500 kJ/m3 (14.5–
toughness steels. Cross-hatched regions in this curve
represent the modulus of resilience (UR) of the two materials. The 650 lbf • in./in.3), with the higher values repre-
UR is determined by measuring the area under the stress-strain senting steels with higher carbon or alloy con-
curve up to the elastic limit of the material. Point A represents
the elastic limit of the spring steel; point B represents that of the tents (Ref 5). The cross-hatched regions in Fig.
structural steel. 5 indicate the modulus of resilience for two

Table 1 Typical values of modulus of elasticity at different temperatures

Modulus of elasticity GPa (106 psi), at:
Material Room temperature 250 C (400 F) 425 C (800 F) 540 C (1000 F) 650 C (1200 F)
Carbon steel 207 (30.0) 186 (27.0) 155 (22.5) 134 (19.5) 124 (18.0)
Austenitic stainless steel 193 (28.0) 176 (25.5) 159 (23.0) 155 (22.5) 145 (21.0)
Titanium alloys 114 (16.5) 96.5 (14.0) 74 (10.7) 70 (10.0) ...
Aluminum alloys 72 (10.5) 65.5 (9.5) 54 (7.8) ... ...
18 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

steels. Due to its higher yield strength, the high- strain to fracture. Note the pronounced differ-
carbon spring steel has the greater resilience. ence in stress level at which yielding is defined,
The toughness of a material is its ability to as well as the quite different shape of the stress-
absorb energy in the plastic range. The ability to strain curves.
withstand occasional stresses above the yield
stress without fracturing is particularly desirable
in parts such as freight-car couplings, gears, True Stress-True Strain Curve
chains, and crane hooks. Toughness is a com-
monly used concept that is difficult to precisely The engineering stress-strain curve does not
define. Toughness may be considered to be the give a true indication of the deformation char-
total area under the stress-strain curve. This area, acteristics of a metal because it is based entirely
which is referred to as the modulus of toughness on the original dimensions of the specimen, and
(UT) is an indication of the amount of work per these dimensions change continuously during
unit volume that can be done on the material the test. Also, ductile metal that is pulled in ten-
without causing it to rupture. sion becomes unstable and necks down during
Figure 5 shows the stress-strain curves for the course of the test. Because the cross-sec-
high- and low-toughness materials. The high- tional area of the specimen is decreasing rapidly
carbon spring steel has a higher yield strength at this stage in the test, the load required to con-
and tensile strength than the medium-carbon tinue deformation falls off.
structural steel. However, the structural steel is The average stress based on the original area
more ductile and has a greater total elongation. likewise decreases, and this produces the fall-off
The total area under the stress-strain curve is in the engineering stress-strain curve beyond the
greater for the structural steel; therefore, it is a point of maximum load. Actually, the metal con-
tougher material. This illustrates that toughness tinues to strain harden to fracture, so that the
is a parameter that comprises both strength and stress required to produce further deformation
ductility. should also increase. If the true stress, based on
Several mathematical approximations for the the actual cross-sectional area of the specimen,
area under the stress-strain curve have been sug- is used, the stress-strain curve increases contin-
gested. For ductile metals that have a stress- uously to fracture. If the strain measurement is
strain curve like that of the structural steel, the also based on instantaneous measurement, the
area under the curve can be approximated by: curve that is obtained is known as true stress-
true strain curve. This is also known as a flow
UT  suef (Eq 10) curve because it represents the basic plastic-flow
characteristics of the material.
or Any point on the flow curve can be considered
the yield stress for a metal strained in tension by
s0 Ⳮ su the amount shown on the curve. Thus, if the load
UT  ef (Eq 11) is removed at this point and then reapplied, the
material will behave elastically throughout the
For brittle materials, the stress-strain curve is entire range of reloading.
sometimes assumed to be a parabola, and the
area under the curve is given by:

UT  suef (Eq 12)

Typical Stress-Strain Curves. Figure 6 com-

pares the engineering stress-strain curves in ten-
sion for three materials. The 0.8% carbon eutec-
toid steel is representative of a material with low
ductility. The annealed 0.2% carbon mild steel
shows a pronounced upper and lower yield
point. The polycarbonate engineered polymer
has no well-defined linear modulus, and a large Fig. 6 Typical engineering stress-strain curves
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 19

The true stress (r) is expressed in terms of compressed into the y-axis. In agreement with
engineering stress (s) by: Eq 13 and 15; the true stress-true strain curve is
always to the left of the engineering curve until
P the maximum load is reached.
r⳱ (e Ⳮ 1) ⳱ s(e Ⳮ 1) (Eq 13)
A0 However, beyond maximum load, the high,
localized strains in the necked region that are
The derivation of Eq 13 assumes both constancy used in Eq 16 far exceed the engineering strain
of volume and a homogeneous distribution of calculated from Eq 2. Frequently, the flow curve
strain along the gage length of the tension spec- is linear from maximum load to fracture, while
imen. Thus, Eq 13 should be used only until the in other cases its slope continuously decreases
onset of necking. Beyond the maximum load, to fracture. The formation of a necked region or
the true stress should be determined from actual mild notch introduces triaxial stresses that make
measurements of load and cross-sectional area. it difficult to determine accurately the longitu-
dinal tensile stress from the onset of necking un-
P til fracture occurs. This concept is discussed in
r⳱ (Eq 14) greater detail in the section “Instability in Ten-
sion” later in this chapter. The following param-
The true strain, e, may be determined from eters usually are determined from the true stress-
the engineering or conventional strain (e) by: true strain curve.
The true stress at maximum load corre-
L sponds to the true tensile strength. For most ma-
e ⳱ ln(e Ⳮ 1) ⳱ ln (Eq 15) terials, necking begins at maximum load at a
value of strain where the true stress equals the
This equation is applicable only to the onset of slope of the flow curve. Let ru and eu denote the
necking for the reasons discussed above. Be- true stress and true strain at maximum load when
yond maximum load, the true strain should be the cross-sectional area of the specimen is Au.
based on actual area or diameter (D) measure- The ultimate tensile strength can be defined as:
su ⳱ (Eq 17)
冢冣p 2 A0
A0 4 0 D0
e ⳱ ln ⳱ ln ⳱ 2 ln (Eq 16) and
A p 2 D
4 Pmax
ru ⳱ (Eq 18)
Figure 7 compares the true stress-true strain
curve with its corresponding engineering stress- Eliminating Pmax yields:
strain curve. Note that because of the relatively
large plastic strains, the elastic region has been A0
ru ⳱ su (Eq 19)


ru ⳱ sueeu (Eq 20)

The true fracture stress is the load at frac-

ture divided by the cross-sectional area at frac-
ture. This stress should be corrected for the tri-
axial state of stress existing in the tensile
specimen at fracture. Because the data required
for this correction frequently are not available,
true fracture stress values are frequently in error.
The true fracture strain, ef, is the true strain
Fig. 7 Comparison of engineering and true stress-true strain based on the original area (A0) and the area after
curves fracture (Af):
20 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

A0 Au
ef ⳱ ln (Eq 21) en ⳱ ln (Eq 24)
Af Af

This parameter represents the maximum true

strain that the material can withstand before Mathematical Expressions for
fracture and is analogous to the total strain to the Flow Curve
fracture of the engineering stress-strain curve.
Because Eq 15 is not valid beyond the onset of The flow curve of many metals in the region
necking, it is not possible to calculate ef from of uniform plastic deformation can be expressed
measured values of ef. However, for cylindrical by the simple power curve relation:
tensile specimens, the reduction in area (q) is
related to the true fracture strain by: r ⳱ Ken (Eq 25)

1 where n is the strain-hardening exponent, and K

ef ⳱ ln (Eq 22) is the strength coefficient. A log-log plot of true
stress and true strain up to maximum load will
The true uniform strain eu, is the true strain result in a straight line if Eq 25 is satisfied by
based only on the strain up to maximum load. It the data (Fig. 8).
may be calculated from either the specimen The linear slope of this line is n, and K is the
cross-sectional area (Au) or the gage length (Lu) true stress at e ⳱ 1.0 (corresponds to q ⳱ 0.63).
at maximum load. Equation 15 may be used to As shown in Fig. 9, the strain-hardening expo-
convert conventional uniform strain to true uni- nent may have values from n ⳱ 0 (perfectly
form strain. The uniform strain frequently is use- plastic solid) to n ⳱ 1 (elastic solid). For most
ful in estimating the formability of metals from metals, n has values between 0.10 and 0.50 (see
the results of a tension test: Table 2).
The rate of strain hardening dr/de is not iden-
A0 tical to the strain-hardening exponent. From the
eu ⳱ ln (Eq 23) definition of n:
d(log r) d(ln r) e dr
The true local necking strain (en) is the n⳱ ⳱ ⳱
d(log e) d(ln e) r de
strain required to deform the specimen from
maximum load to fracture:

Fig. 8 Log-log plot of true stress-true strain curve n is the

strain-hardening exponent; K is the strength coefficient. Fig. 9 Various forms of power curve r ⳱ Ken

Table 2 Values for n and K for metals at room temperature

Metals Condition n MPa ksi Ref
0.05% carbon steel Annealed 0.26 530 77 6
SAE 4340 steel Annealed 0.15 641 93 6
0.6% carbon steel Quenched and tempered at 540 C (1000 F) 0.10 1572 228 7
0.6% carbon steel Quenched and tempered at 705 C (1300 F) 0.19 1227 178 7
Copper Annealed 0.54 320 46.4 6
70/30 brass Annealed 0.49 896 130 7
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 21

or stress-strain curve. Strain rate is defined as ė ⳱

de/dt. It is expressed in units of sⳮ1. The range
dr r of strain rates encompassed by various tests is
⳱n (Eq 26)
de e shown in Table 3.
Increasing strain rate increases the flow stress.
Deviations from Eq 25 frequently are ob- Moreover, the strain-rate dependence of strength
served, often at low strains (10ⳮ3) or high strains increases with increasing temperature. The yield
(e  1.0). One common type of deviation is for stress and the flow stress at lower values of plas-
a log-log plot of Eq 25 to result in two straight tic strain are more affected by strain rate than
lines with different slopes. Sometimes data that the tensile strength.
do not plot according to Eq 25 will yield a If the crosshead velocity of the testing ma-
straight line according to the relationship: chine is v ⳱ dL/dt, then the strain rate expressed
in terms of conventional engineering strain is:
r ⳱ K(e0 Ⳮ e)n (Eq 27)
de d(L ⳮ L0)/L0 1 dL
e0 can be considered to be the amount of strain ė ⳱ ⳱ ⳱
dt dt L0 dt
that the material received prior to the tensile test v
(Ref 8). Another common variation on Eq 25 is ⳱ (Eq 31)
the Ludwik equation:
The engineering strain rate is proportional to the
r ⳱ r0 Ⳮ Ken (Eq 28)
crosshead velocity. In a modern testing machine,
where r0 is the yield stress, and K and n are the in which the crosshead velocity can be set ac-
same constants as in Eq 25. This equation may curately and controlled, it is a simple matter to
be more satisfying than Eq 25, because the latter carry out tensile tests at a constant engineering
implies that at zero true strain the stress is zero. strain rate.
It has been shown that r0 can be obtained from The true strain rate is given by:
the intercept of the strain-hardening portion of
de d[ln(L/L0)] 1 dL v
the stress-strain curve and the elastic modulus ė ⳱ ⳱ ⳱ ⳱ (Eq 32)
line by (Ref 9): dt dt L dt L

1/(1ⳮn) Equation 32 shows that for a constant crosshead

冢 冣
r0 ⳱ (Eq 29) velocity the true strain rate will decrease as the
specimen elongates or cross-sectional area
The true stress-true strain curve of metals shrinks. To run tensile tests at a constant true
such as austenitic stainless steel, which deviate strain rate requires monitoring the instantaneous
markedly from Eq 25 at low strains (Ref 10), cross section of the deforming region, with
can be expressed by: closed-loop control feed back to increase the
crosshead velocity as the area decreases. The
r ⳱ Ken Ⳮ eK1 Ⳮ eK1en1e (Eq 30) true strain rate is related to the engineering strain
rate by the following equation:
where eK1 is approximately equal to the propor-
tional limit, and n1 is the slope of the deviation v L de 1 de ė
ė ⳱ ⳱ 0 ⳱ ⳱ (Eq 33)
of stress from Eq 25 plotted against e. Other L L dt 1 Ⳮ e dt 1Ⳮe
expressions for the flow curve are available (Ref
11, 12). The true strain term in Eq 25 to 28 prop-
erly should be the plastic strain, ep ⳱ etotal ⳮ Table 3 Range of strain rates in common
eE ⳱ etotal ⳮ r/E, where eE represents elastic mechanical property tests
Range of strain rate Type of test
10ⳮ8 to 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1 Creep test at constant load or stress
10ⳮ5 to 10ⳮ1 sⳮ1 Tension test with hydraulic or screw driven
Effect of Strain Rate and Temperature machines
10ⳮ1 to 102 sⳮ1 Dynamic tension or compression tests
102 to 104 sⳮ1 High-speed testing using impact bars
The rate at which strain is applied to the ten- 104 to 108 sⳮ1 Hypervelocity impact using gas guns or
sile specimen has an important influence on the explosively driven projectiles
22 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

The strain-rate dependence of flow stress capacity of the specimen as deformation in-
at constant strain and temperature is given by: creases.
This effect is opposed by the gradual decrease
r ⳱ C(ė)m|e,T (Eq 34) in the cross-sectional area of the specimen as it
elongates. Necking or localized deformation be-
The exponent in Eq 34, m, is known as the gins at maximum load, where the increase in
strain-rate sensitivity, and C is the strain hard- stress due to decrease in the cross-sectional area
ening coefficient. It can be obtained from the of the specimen becomes greater than the in-
slope of a plot of log r versus log ė. However, crease in the load-carrying ability of the metal
a more sensitive way to determine m is with a due to strain hardening. This condition of insta-
rate-change test (Fig. 10). A tensile test is carried bility leading to localized deformation is defined
out at strain rate ė1 and at a certain flow stress, by the condition dP ⳱ 0:
r1, the strain rate is suddenly increased to ė2.
The flow stress quickly increases to r2. The P ⳱ rA (Eq 37)
strain-rate sensitivity, at constant strain and tem-
dP ⳱ rdA Ⳮ Adr ⳱ 0 (Eq 38)
perature, can be determined from:
From the constancy-of-volume relationship:
m⳱ 冢 lnln rė冣
ė r

r ė 冢 冣

D log r
D log ė
dL dA
log r2 ⳮ log r1 log(r2/r1) ⳱ⳮ ⳱ de (Eq 39)
⳱ ⳱ (Eq 35) L A
log ė2 ⳮ log ė log(ė2/ė1)
and from the instability condition, Eq 38:
The strain-rate sensitivity of metals is quite low
(0.1) at room temperature, but m increases
with temperature. At hot-working temperatures, dA dr
ⳮ ⳱ (Eq 40)
T/Tm  0.5, m values of 0.1 to 0.2 are common A r
in metals. Polymers have much higher values of
m, and may approach m ⳱ 1 in room-tempera- so that at a point of tensile instability:
ture tests for some polymers.
The temperature dependence of flow dr
⳱r (Eq 41)
stress can be represented by: de

r ⳱ C2 eQ/RT|e,e˙ (Eq 36) Therefore, the point of necking at maximum

load can be obtained from the true stress-true
where Q is an activation energy for plastic flow, strain curve by finding the point on the curve
cal/g • mol; R is universal gas constant, 1.987 having a subtangent of unity (Fig. 11a), or the
cal/K • mol; and T is testing temperature in kel- point where the rate of strain hardening equals
vin. From Eq 36, a plot of ln r versus 1/T will the stress (Fig. 11b). The necking criterion can
give a straight line with a slope Q/R.

Instability in Tension

Necking generally begins at maximum load

during the tensile deformation of a ductile metal.
An exception to this is the behavior of cold-
rolled zirconium tested at 200 to 370 C (390–
700 F), where necking occurs at a strain of
twice the strain at maximum load (Ref 13). An
ideal plastic material in which no strain hard-
ening occurs would become unstable in tension
and begin to neck as soon as yielding occurred.
However, an actual metal undergoes strain hard- Fig. 10 Strain-rate change test, used to determine strain-rate
ening, which tends to increase the load-carrying sensitivity, m. See text for discussion.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 23

Fig. 11 Graphical interpretation of necking criterion. The point of necking at maximum load can be obtained from the true stress-
true strain curve by finding (a) the point on the curve having a subtangent of unity or (b) the point where dr/de ⳱ r.

be expressed more explicitly if engineering By substituting the necking criterion given in

strain is used. Starting with Eq 41: Eq 41 into Eq 26, a simple relationship for the
strain at which necking occurs is obtained:
dr dr de dr L0 dr L eu ⳱ n (Eq 43)
⳱ ⳱ ⳱
de de de de dL de L0
Although Eq 26 is based on the assumption that
L the flow curve is given by Eq 25, it has been

(1 Ⳮ e) ⳱ r shown that eu ⳱ n does not depend on this
de power law behavior (Ref 15).
dr r
⳱ (Eq 42)
de 1Ⳮ e
Stress Distribution at the Neck
Equation 42 permits an interesting geometri-
cal construction for the determination of the The formation of a neck in the tensile speci-
point of maximum load (Ref 14). In Fig. 12, the men introduces a complex triaxial state of stress
stress-strain curve is plotted in terms of true in that region. The necked region is in effect a
stress against engineering strain. Let point A mild notch. A notch under tension produces ra-
represent a negative strain of 1.0. A line drawn dial stress (rr) and transverse stress (rt ) which
from point A, which is tangent to the stress- raise the value of longitudinal stress required to
strain curve, will establish the point of maxi- cause the plastic flow. Therefore, the average
mum load because, according to Eq 42, the slope true stress at the neck, which is determined by
at this point is r/(1 Ⳮ e). dividing the axial tensile load by the minimum
cross-sectional area of the specimen at the neck,
is higher than the stress that would be required
to cause flow if simple tension prevailed.
Figure 13 illustrates the geometry at the
necked region and the stresses developed by this
localized deformation. R is the radius of curva-
ture of the neck, which can be measured either
by projecting the contour of the necked region
on a screen or by using a tapered, conical radius
Bridgman made a mathematical analysis that
provides a correction to the average axial stress
to compensate for the introduction of transverse
Fig. 12 Considére’s construction for the determination of the stresses (Ref 16). This analysis was based on the
point of maximum load. Source: Ref 14 following assumptions:
24 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

● The contour of the neck is approximated by

the arc of a circle.
● The cross section of the necked region re-
mains circular throughout the test.
● The von Mises criterion for yielding applies.
● The strains are constant over the cross sec-
tion of the neck.
According to this analysis, the uniaxial flow
stress corresponding to that which would exist
in the tensile test if necking had not introduced
triaxial stresses is:

r⳱ (Eq 44)
1 Ⳮ 2R
冢 冣冤 冢 冣冥
ln 1 Ⳮ
a 2R
Fig. 14 Relationship between Bridgman correction factor r/
where (rx)avg is the measured stress in the axial (rx)avg and true tensile strain. Source: Ref 19
direction (load divided by minimum cross sec-
tion) and a is the minimum radius at the neck.
Figure 7 shows how the application of the Bridg- not for other metals with widely different neck-
man correction changes the true stress-true strain ing strains. A much better correlation is obtained
curve. A correction for the triaxial stresses in the between the Bridgman correction and the true
neck of a flat tensile specimen has been consid- strain in the neck minus the true strain at neck-
ered (Ref 17). The values of a/R needed for the ing, eu (Ref 20).
analysis can be obtained either by straining a Dowling (Ref 21) has shown that the Bridg-
specimen a given amount beyond necking and man correction factor B can be estimated from:
unloading to measure a and R directly, or by
measuring these parameters continuously past B ⳱ 0.83 ⳮ 0.186 log e (0.15 ⱕ e ⱖ 3) (Eq 45)
necking using photography or a tapered ring
gage (Ref 18). where B ⳱ r/(rx)avg.
To avoid these measurements, Bridgman pre-
sented an empirical relation between a/R and the
true strain in the neck. Figure 14 shows that this
gives close agreement for steel specimens, but Ductility Measurement in
Tensile Testing
The measured elongation from a tensile spec-
imen depends on the gage length of the speci-
men, or the dimensions of its cross section. This
is because the total extension consists of two
components: the uniform extension up to neck-
ing and the localized extension once necking be-
gins. The extent of uniform extension depends
on the metallurgical condition of the material
(through n) and the effect of specimen size and
shape on the development of the neck.
Figure 15 illustrates the variation of the local
elongation, as defined in Eq 7, along the gage
length of a prominently necked tensile speci-
men. The shorter the gage length, the greater the
Fig. 13 Stress distribution at the neck of a tensile specimen. influence of localized deformation at the neck
(a) Geometry of necked region. R is the radius of cur- on the total elongation of the gage length. The
vature of the neck; a is the minimum radius at the neck. (b)
Stresses acting on element at point O. rx is the stress in the axial extension of a specimen at fracture can be ex-
direction; rr is the radial stress; rt is the transverse stress. pressed by:
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 25

Lf ⳮ L0 ⳱ ␣ Ⳮ euL0 (Eq 46) L0/冪A0 value of 4.5 for sheet specimens and a
L0/D0 value of 4.0 for round specimens.
where ␣ is the local necking extension, and euL0 Generally, a given elongation will be pro-
is the uniform extension. The tensile elongation duced in a material if 冪A0/L0 is maintained con-
is then: stant as predicted by Eq 48. Thus, at a constant
value of elongation 冪A1/L1 ⳱ 冪A2/A2, where A
Lf ⳮ L0 ␣ and L are the areas and gage lengths of two dif-
ef ⳱ ⳱ Ⳮ eu (Eq 47)
L0 L0 ferent specimens, 1 and 2, of the same metal. To
predict elongation using gage length L2 on a
This clearly indicates that the total elongation is specimen with area A2 by means of measure-
a function of the specimen gage length. The ments on a specimen with area A1, it only is
shorter the gage length, the greater the percent necessary to adjust the gage length of specimen
elongation. 1 to conform with L1 ⳱ L2冪A1/A2. For example,
Numerous attempts have been made to ration- suppose that a 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) thick sheet is
alize the strain distribution in the tensile test. available, and one wishes to predict the elon-
Perhaps the most general conclusion that can be gation with a 50 mm (2 in.) gage length for the
drawn is that geometrically similar specimens identical material but in 2.0 mm (0.080 in.)
develop geometrically similar necked regions. thickness. Using 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) wide sheet
According to Barba’s law (Ref 22), ␣ ⳱ b冪A0, specimens, a test specimen with a gage length L
and the elongation equation becomes: ⳱ 50 mm (3.2 mm/2.0 mm)1/2 ⳱ 63 mm, or 2
in. (0.125 in./0.080 in.)1/2 ⳱ 2.5 in., made from
冪A0 the 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) sheet would be predicted
ef ⳱ b Ⳮ eu (Eq 48) to give the same elongation as a 50 mm (2 in.)
gage length in 2.0 mm (0.080 in.) thick sheet.
where b is a coefficient of proportionality. Experimental verification for this procedure has
To compare elongation measurements of dif- been shown in Ref 23.
ferent sized specimens, the specimens must be The occurrence of necking in the tensile test,
geometrically similar. Equation 48 shows that however, makes any quantitative conversion be-
the critical geometrical factor for which simili- tween elongation and reduction in area impos-
tude must be maintained is L0/冪A0 for sheet sible. Although elongation and reduction in area
usually vary in the same way—for example, as
specimens, or L0/D0 for round bars. In the
a function of test temperature, tempering tem-
United States, the standard round tensile speci-
perature, or alloy content—this is not always the
men has a 12.8 mm (0.505 in.) diameter and a
case. Generally, elongation and reduction in area
50 mm (2 in.) gage length. Subsize specimens measure different types of material behavior.
have the following respective diameter and gage Provided the gage length is not too short, percent
length: 9.06 and 35.6 mm (0.357 and 1.4 in.), elongation is primarily influenced by uniform
6.4 and 25 mm (0.252 and 1.0 in.), and 4.06 and elongation, and thus it is dependent on the
16.1 mm (0.160 and 0.634 in.). Different values strain-hardening capacity of the material.
of L0/冪A0 are specified for sheet specimens by Reduction in area is more a measure of the
the standardizing agencies in different countries. deformation required to produce fracture, and its
In the United States, ASTM recommends a chief contribution results from the necking pro-
cess. Because of the complicated stress state in
the neck, values of reduction in area are depen-
dent on specimen geometry and deformation be-
havior, and they should not be taken as true ma-
terial properties. However, reduction in area is
the most structure-sensitive ductility parameter,
and as such, it is useful in detecting quality
changes in the material.

Sheet Anisotropy (Ref 24)

Fig. 15 Variation of local elongation with position along gage If the tensile tests are performed on specimens
length of tensile specimen cut from sheet material at different orientations
26 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

to the prior rolling direction (Fig. 16), there may section that is removed from the enlarged ends
not be much difference between the stress-strain by a distance at least equal to the width of the
curves. However, the lack of variation of the specimen. Some workers suggest that the strains
stress-strain curves with direction does not in- be measured when the elongation is about 15%
dicate that the material is isotropic. The param- as long as this is less than the strain at which
eter that is commonly used to characterize the necking starts.
anisotropy of sheet metal is the strain ratio or r- Although the r-value usually does not change
value defined as the ratio of the contractile much during the tensile test, the strains at 15%
strains measured in a tensile test before necking are large enough to be measured with reasonable
occurs: accuracy. The measurement of r is subject to
greater error than may at first be apparent. If the
ew accuracy of measuring strains were Ⳳ0.01, the
r⳱ (Eq 49)
et error in r would be Ⳳ25%. Consider, for ex-
ample, a material for which r ⳱ 1 (et ⳱ ew). At
where ew is the width strain, ln (w/w0), and et is an elongation strain of 15% (el ⳱ 0.14), the val-
the thickness strain, ln (t/t0). The value of r ues of et and ew should be 0.07. Measurement
would be equal to 1 for an isotropic material. errors of Ⳳ0.01 could lead to r ⳱ 0.08/0.06 ⳱
Often, however, r is either greater or less than 1.33 or r ⳱ 0.06/0.08 ⳱ 0.75. Even if the ac-
1. For thin sheets, accurate direct measurement curacy were Ⳳ0.002, the limits on r would be
of the thickness strain is difficult. Therefore, the 0.072/0.068 ⳱ 1.06 and 0.068/0.072 ⳱ 0.94.
thickness strain is often deduced from the con- Measurements of r at lower elongations are even
stant-volume relationship, et ⳱ ⳮew ⳮ el, less accurate.
where el is the length strain, ln (l/l0). By substi- The value of r often depends on the angle at
tution, which the specimen is cut from the sheet (Fig.
17). In this case an average r-value, R̄, is often
ⳮew quoted, where r̄ is given by:
r⳱ (Eq 50)
ew Ⳮ el

To avoid constraints from the test specimen r0 Ⳮ r90 Ⳮ 2r45

r̄ ⳱ (Eq 51)
grips, the strains should be measured on a gage 4

Fig. 16 Tensile specimen cut from a rolled sheet (left). The r-value is the ratio of ew/et during extension (right). Source: Ref 24
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 27

The subscripts refer to the angles between the n0 Ⳮ n90 Ⳮ 2n45

n̄ ⳱ (Eq 52)
tensile axis and the rolling direction (Fig. 17). 4
The r̄ value describes the degree of normal and
anisotropy, reflecting the difference between
plastic properties in and normal to the plane of K0 Ⳮ K90 Ⳮ 2K45
K̄ ⳱ (Eq 53)
the sheet. Typical r̄ values for metals and alloys 4
are given in Table 4. The degree of anisotropy in the plane of the
Other properties are averaged in an analogous sheet (planar anisotropy) can be described by
way. For example, for n and K in Eq 25: the parameter:

Fig. 17 Tensile specimen orientation to determine r0, r45, and r90 in rolled sheet.

Table 4 Plastic anisotropy factor r for selected alloys

Material Condition r̄ r0 r90
1100 H14 0.56 0.43 0.89
5082 H19 1.16 0.39 1.81
2024 O 0.81 0.81 0.63
3003 O 0.75 ... ...
5052 O 0.58 ... ...
Copper and copper alloys
Copper Annealed 0.95 ... ...
65/35 brass Annealed 0.74 ... ...
70/30 brass Annealed 0.70 ... ...
Rimmed Annealed in hydrogen 1.01–1.11 ... ...
Killed Annealed 1.4–1.62 ... ...
Killed, draw quality Annealed 1.79 ... ...
Killed, draw quality Temper rolled 1.23 ... ...
Sheet, draw quality ... 0.7–2.8 ... ...
Ti-6Al-4V Annealed ... 2.57 3.0
Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Annealed ... 8.1 9.0
AZ31B-H24 0.004 plastic strain ... 1.0 2.9
AZ31B-H24 0.10 plastic strain ... 2.0 0.67
Zircaloy-2 Heat treated ... 0.13 0.13
Zircaloy-2 Heat treated and cross rolled ... 2.29 0.67
Source: Ref 25
28 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

r0 Ⳮ r90 ⳮ 2r45 As strength, hardness, or some metallurgical

Dr ⳱ (Eq 54)
2 variable restricting plastic flow increases, the
metal at the root of the notch is less able to flow,
The degree of earing in deep drawing correlates and fracture becomes more likely. Notch brittle-
well with Dr. ness may be considered to begin at the strength
level where the notch strength begins to fall or,
more conventionally, at the strength level where
Notch Tensile Test the NSR becomes less than unity.
The sensitivity of notch strength for detecting
Ductility measurements on standard smooth metallurgical embrittlement is illustrated in Fig.
tensile specimens do not always reveal metal- 18. Note that the conventional elongation mea-
lurgical or environmental changes that lead to sured on a smooth specimen was unable to de-
reduced local ductility. The tendency for re- tect the fall in notch strength produced by tem-
duced ductility in the presence of a triaxial stress pering in the 330 to 480 C (600–900 F) range.
field and steep stress gradients (such as occur at For a more detailed review of notch tensile test-
a notch) is called notch sensitivity. A common ing, see Ref 27.
way of evaluating notch sensitivity is a tensile
test using a notched specimen.
The notch tensile test has been used exten- Tensile Test Fractures (Ref 28)
sively for investigating the properties of high-
strength steels, for studying hydrogen embrittle- Tensile test specimens can exhibit either duc-
ment in steels and titanium, and for investigating tile or brittle types of fracture. Ductile and brittle
the notch sensitivity of high-temperature alloys. are terms that describe the amount of macro-
More recently, notched tensile specimens have scopic plastic deformation that precedes frac-
been used for fracture mechanics measurements. ture. Ductile fractures are characterized by tear-
Notch sensitivity can also be investigated with ing of metal accompanied by appreciable gross
the notched-impact test. plastic deformation and expenditure of consid-
The most common notch tensile specimen erable energy. Ductile tensile fractures in most
uses a 60 notch with a root radius 0.025 mm materials have a gray, fibrous appearance and are
(0.001 in.) or less introduced into a round (cir-
cumferential notch) or flat (double-edge notch)
tensile specimen. Usually, the depth of the notch
is such that the cross-sectional area at the root
of the notch is one half of the area in the un-
notched section. The specimen is aligned care-
fully and loaded in tension until fracture occurs.
The notch strength is defined as the maximum
load divided by the original cross-sectional area
at the notch. Because of the plastic constraint at
the notch, this value will be higher than the ten-
sile strength of an unnotched specimen if the
material possesses some ductility. Therefore, the
common way of detecting notch brittleness (or
high notch sensitivity) is by determining the
notch-strength ratio, NSR:

snet(for notched specimen at maximum load)

su(tensile strength for unnotched specimen)
(Eq 55)

If the NSR is less than unity, the material is

notch brittle. The other property that is measured
in the notch tensile test is the reduction in area Fig. 18 Notched and unnotched tensile properties of an alloy
steel as a function of tempering temperature. Source:
at the notch. Ref 26
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 29

classified on a macroscopic scale as either flat the crack, especially in brittle fractures in flat
(perpendicular to the maximum tensile stress) or platelike components.
shear (at a 45 slant to the maximum tensile It must be pointed out, however, that these
stress) fractures. terms can also be applied, and are applied, to
Brittle fractures are characterized by rapid fracture on a microscopic level. Ductile fractures
crack propagation with less expenditure of en- are those that occur by microvoid formation and
ergy than with ductile fractures and without ap- coalescence, whereas brittle fractures may occur
preciable gross plastic deformation. Brittle ten- by either transgranular (cleavage or quasi-cleav-
sile fractures have a bright, granular appearance age) or intergranular cracking.
and exhibit little or no necking. They are gen- Clearly, the classic cup-and-cone fracture
erally of the flat type, that is, normal (perpen- shown in Fig. 19(a) has occurred as a result of
dicular) to the direction of the maximum tensile appreciable plastic deformation and thus is a
stress. A chevron pattern may be present on the ductile fracture, whereas the fracture shown in
fracture surface, pointing toward the origin of Fig. 19(b) is a brittle fracture. The cup-and-cone

(a) (b)

Fig. 19 Appearance of ductile (a) and brittle (b) tensile fractures. Source: Ref 28

Fig. 20 Sections of a tensile specimen at various stages of formation during development of a cup-and-cone fracture. Note that the
fracture is initiating internally. 7⳯. Source: Ref 28
30 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 21 Fractographs of a ductile cup-and-cone fracture surface. (a) Bottom of the cup. (b) Sidewall of the cup. SEM. 650⳯. Source:
Ref 28

tensile fracture exhibits three zones: the inner ridges that emanate from the center of the frac-
flat fibrous zone where the fracture begins, an ture surface. The ridges run parallel to the di-
intermediate radial zone, and the outer shear-lip rection of crack propagation, and a ridge is pro-
zone where the fracture terminates. Figure 19(a) duced when two cracks that are not coplanar
shows each of these zones; the flat brittle frac- become connected by tearing of the intermediate
ture shown in Fig. 19(b) exhibits little or no material. The cracks, which propagate predomi-
shear-lip zone. nantly by quasi-cleavage, move rapidly toward
Ductile Fracture. The sequence of events the periphery of the specimen cross section and,
that culminates in a cup-and-cone fracture is il- as shown in Fig. 19(b), penetrate the external
lustrated in Fig. 20, which shows the develop- surface of the specimen by shear rupture along
ment of voids within the necked region (triaxial a relatively small shear lip. The shear lip devel-
tensile stresses) of a tensile specimen and the ops as a result of the change in the state of stress
coalescence of the voids to produce an internal from one of triaxial tension to one of plane
crack by normal rupture. Final separation of the stress. The extent or width of the shear lip de-
cross section occurs by shear rupture, which pro-
duces the wall of the cup. Figure 21 shows scan-
ning electron microscopy (SEM) fractographs of
the bottom and the sidewall of the cup. On the
microscopic level, a crack is formed by coales-
cence of microvoids that form as a result of par-
ticle-matrix decohesion or cracking of second-
phase particles; the microvoids and the
associated particles are shown at high magnifi-
cation in Fig. 22. The process of microvoid for-
mation and coalescence involves considerable
localized plastic deformation and requires the
expenditure of a large amount of energy, which
is the basis of selection of a material with good
fracture toughness. The reduction of area of ul-
trahigh-purity aluminum and copper approaches
100% because of the absence within these ma-
terials of void-nucleating particles. In their vi-
sual appearance, ductile fractures have a matte
or silky texture.
Brittle Fracture. Regarding the brittle frac-
ture shown in Fig. 19(b), it will be noted that Fig. 22 Large and small sulfide inclusions in a ductile dimple
the fracture surface is characterized by radial fracture. SEM. 5000⳯.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads / 31

pends on the temperature at which fracture oc- 9. W.B. Morrison, Trans. ASM, Vol 59, 1966,
curs, formation of a shear lip being favored by p 824
higher temperatures. 10. D.C. Ludwigson, Metall. Trans., Vol 2,
1971, p 2825–2828
11. H.J. Kleemola and M.A. Nieminen, Metall.
Trans., Vol 5, 1974, p 1863–1866
12. C. Adams and J.G. Beese, Trans. ASME, Se-
ries H, Vol 96, 1974, p 123–126
This chapter was adapted from: 13. J.H. Keeler, Trans. ASM, Vol 47, 1955, p
● G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Behavior Under 157–192
Tensile and Compressive Loads, Mechanical 14. A. Considére, Ann. Ponts Chaussées, Vol 9,
Testing and Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Hand- 1885, p 574–775
book, ASM International, 2000, p 99–108 15. G.W. Geil and N.L. Carwile, J. Res. Natl.
● W.F. Hosford, Overview of Tensile Testing, Bur. Stand., Vol 45, 1950, p 129
Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM Interna- 16. P.W. Bridgman, Trans. ASM, Vol 32, 1944,
tional, 1992, p 2–24 p 553
● W.T. Becker, Special Applications of Ten- 17. J. Aronofsky, J. Appl. Mech., Vol 18, 1951,
sion and Compression Testing, Course 12, p 75–84
Lesson 5, Mechanical Testing of Metals, 18. T.A. Trozera, Trans. ASM, Vol 56, 1963, p
American Society for Metals, 1983, p 19 280–282
19. E.R. Marshall and M.C. Shaw, Trans. ASM,
Vol 44, 1952, p 716
20. W.J. McG. Tegart, Elements of Mechanical
REFERENCES Metallurgy, Macmillan, New York, 1966, p
1. G.E. Dieter, Introduction to Ductility, in 21. N.E. Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Ma-
Ductility, American Society for Metals, terials, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
1968 NJ, 1993, p 165
2. P.G. Nelson and J. Winlock, ASTM Bull., 22. M.J. Barba, Mem. Soc. Ing. Civils, Part I,
Vol 156, Jan 1949, p 53 1880, p 682
3. D.J. Mack, Trans. AIME, Vol 166, 1946, p 23. E.G. Kula and N.N. Fahey, Mater. Res.
68–85 Stand., Vol 1, 1961, p 631
4. P.E. Armstrong, Measurement of Elastic 24. W.F. Hosford, Overview of Tensile Testing,
Constants, in Techniques of Metals Re- Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM Interna-
search, Vol V, R.F. Brunshaw, Ed., Intersci- tional, 1992, p 2–24
ence, New York, 1971 25. W.T. Becker, Special Applications of Ten-
5. H.E. Davis, G.E. Troxell, and G.F.W. sion and Compression Testing, Course 12,
Hauck, The Testing of Engineering Materi- Lesson 5, Mechanical Testing of Metals,
als, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964, p 33 American Society for Metals, 1983, p 19
6. J.R. Low and F. Garofalo, Proc. Soc. Exp. 26. G.B. Espey, M.H. Jones, and W.F. Brown,
Stress Anal., Vol 4 (No. 2), 1947, p 16–25 Jr., ASTM Proc., Vol 59, 1959, p 837
7. J.R. Low, Properties of Metals in Materials 27. J.D. Lubahn, Trans. ASME, Vol 79, 1957, p
Engineering, American Society for Metals, 111–115
1949 28. Ductile and Brittle Fractures, Failure Anal-
8. J. Datsko, Material Properties and Manu- ysis and Prevention, Vol 11, Metals Hand-
facturing Processes, John Wiley & Sons, book, 9th ed., American Society for Metals,
New York, 1966, p 18–20 1986, p 82–101
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p33-63 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p033 www.asminternational.org


Uniaxial Tensile Testing

THE TENSILE TEST is one of the most com- ● Yield strength and ultimate tensile strength
monly used tests for evaluating materials. In its ● Ductility properties, such as elongation and
simplest form, the tensile test is accomplished reduction in area
by gripping opposite ends of a test piece (spec- ● Strain-hardening characteristics
imen) within the load frame of a test machine.
A tensile force is applied by the machine, re- These material characteristics from tensile tests
sulting in the gradual elongation and eventual are used for quality control in production, for
fracture of the test piece. During the process, ranking performance of structural materials, for
force-extension data, a quantitative measure of evaluation of newly developed alloys, and for
how the test piece deforms under the applied dealing with the static-strength requirements of
tensile force, usually are monitored and re- design.
corded. When properly conducted, the tensile The basic principle of the tensile test is quite
test provides force-extension data that can quan- simple, but numerous variables affect results.
tify several important mechanical properties of General sources of variation in mechanical-test
a material. These mechanical properties deter- results include several factors involving mate-
mined from tensile tests include, but are not lim- rials, namely, methodology, human factors,
ited to, the following: equipment, and ambient conditions, as shown in
● Elastic deformation properties, such as the the “fish-bone” diagram in Fig. 1. This chapter
modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) and discusses the methodology of the tensile test and
Poisson’s ratio the effect of some of the variables on the tensile

Fig. 1 “Fish-bone” diagram of sources of variability in mechanical-test results

34 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

properties determined. The following method- ramics at room temperature is C 1273. The
ology and variables are discussed: standard for continuous fiber-reinforced ad-
vanced ceramics at ambient temperatures is
● Shape of the item being tested C 1275. See Chapter 10, “Tensile Testing of
● Method of gripping the item Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites,”
● Method of applying the force for further details.
● Determination of strength properties other ● Tensile testing of elastomers is described in
than the maximum force required to fracture ASTM D 412 with specific instructions
the test item about test-piece preparation, equipment, and
● Ductility properties to be determined
test conditions. Tensile properties of elasto-
● Speed of force application or speed of elon-
mers vary widely, depending on the partic-
gation (e.g., control of stress rate or strain ular formulation, and scatter both within and
rate) between laboratories is appreciable com-
● Test temperature
pared with the scatter of tensile-test results
The main focus of this chapter is on the meth- of metals (Ref 2). The use of tensile-test re-
odology of tensile tests as it applies to metallic sults of elastomers is limited principally to
materials. Factors associated with test machines comparison of compound formulations. See
and their method of force application are de- Chapter 9, “Tensile Testing of Elastomers,”
scribed in more detail in Chapter 4, “Tensile for further details.
Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors.”
This chapter does not address the tensile test-
ing of nonmetallic materials, such as plastics,
elastomers, or ceramics. Although uniaxial ten- Definitions and Terminology
sile testing is used in the mechanical evaluation
of these materials, other test methods often are The basic results of a tensile test and other
used for mechanical-property evaluation. The mechanical tests are quantities of stress and
general concept of tensile properties is very strain that are measured. These basic terms and
similar for these nonmetallic materials, but there their units are briefly defined here, along with
are also some very important differences in their discussions of basic stress-strain behavior and
behavior and the required test procedures for the differences between related terms, such as
these materials: stress and force and strain and elongation.
Load (or force) typically refers to the force
● Tensile-test results for plastics depend more acting on a body. However, there is currently an
strongly on the strain rate because plastics effort within the technical community to replace
are viscoelastic materials that exhibit time- the word load with the more precise term force,
dependent deformation (i.e., creep) during which has a distinct meaning for any type of
force application. Plastics are also more sen- force applied to a body. Load applies, in a strict
sitive to temperature than metals. Thus, con- sense, only to the gravitational force that acts on
trol of strain rates and temperature are more a mass. Nonetheless, the two terms are often
critical with plastics, and sometimes tensile used interchangeably.
tests are run at more than one strain and/or Force is usually expressed in units of pounds-
temperature. The ASTM standard for tension force, lbf, in the English system. In the metric
testing of plastics is D 638. See Chapter 8, system, force is expressed in units of newtons
“Tensile Testing of Plastics,” for further de- (N), where one newton is the force required to
tails. give a 1 kg mass an acceleration of 1 m/s2 (1 N
● Tensile testing of ceramics requires more at- ⳱ 1 kgm/s2). Although newtons are the pre-
tention to alignment and gripping of the test ferred metric unit, force is also expressed as kil-
piece in the test machine because ceramics ogram force, kgf, which is the gravitational force
are brittle materials that are extremely sen- on a 1 kg mass on the surface of the earth. The
sitive to bending strains and because the hard numerical conversions between the various units
surface of ceramics reduces the effectiveness of force are as follows:
of frictional gripping devices. The need for
large gripping areas thus requires the use of ● 1 lbf ⳱ 4.448222 N or 1 N ⳱ 0.2248089
larger test pieces (Ref 1). The ASTM stan- lbf
dard for tensile testing of monolithic ce- ● 1 kgf ⳱ 9.80665 N
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 35

In some engineering disciplines, such as civil letter e. The equation for engineering strain, e,
engineering, the quantity of 1000 lbf is also ex- is based on the nominal change in length (DL)
pressed in units of kip, such that 1 kip ⳱ 1000 where:
Stress is simply the amount of force that acts e ⳱ DL/L0 ⳱ (L ⳮ L0)/L0
over a given cross-sectional area. Thus, stress is
expressed in units of force per area units and is The equation for true strain, e, is based on the
obtained by dividing the applied force by the instantaneous change in length (dl) where:
cross-sectional area over which it acts. Stress is
冢 冣

an important quantity because it allows strength dl L
e⳱ ⳱ ln
comparison between tests conducted using test L0 l L0
pieces of different sizes and/or shapes. When
discussing strength values in terms of force, the These two basic expressions for strain are inter-
load (force) carrying capacity of a test piece is related, such that:
a function of the size of the test piece. However,
when material strength is defined in terms of e ⳱ ln(1 Ⳮ e)
stress, the size or shape of the test piece has little
or no influence on stress measurements of In a tensile test, the typical measure of strain is
strength (provided the cross section contains at engineering strain, e, and the units are inches per
least 10 to 15 metallurgical grains). inch (or millimeter per millimeter and so on).
Stress is typically denoted by either the Greek Often, however, no units are shown because
symbol sigma, r, or by s, unless a distinction is strain is the ratio of length in a given measuring
being made between true stress and nominal (en- system.
gineering) stress as discussed in this article. The This chapter refers to only engineering strain
units of stress are typically lbf/in.2 (psi) or thou- unless otherwise specified. In a tensile test, true
sands of psi (ksi) in the English system and a strain is based on the change in the cross-sec-
pascal (Pa) in the metric system. Engineering tional area of the test piece as it is loaded. It is
stresses in metric units are also expressed in not further discussed herein, but a detailed dis-
terms of newtons per area (i.e., N/m2 or N/mm2) cussion is found in Chapter 2, “Mechanical Be-
or as kilopascals (kPA) and megapascals (MPa). havior of Materials under Tensile Loads.”
Conversions between these various units of Elongation is a term that describes the amount
stress are as follows: that the test piece stretches during a tensile test.
This stretching or elongation can be defined ei-
● 1 Pa ⳱ 1.45 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 psi
ther as the total amount of stretch, DL, that a
● 1 Pa ⳱ 1 N/m2
part undergoes or the increase in gage length per
● 1 kPa ⳱ 103 Pa or 1 kPa ⳱ 0.145 psi
the initial gage length, L0.
● 1 MPa ⳱ 106 Pa or 1 MPa ⳱ 0.145 ksi
The latter definition is synonymous with the
● 1 N/mm2 ⳱ 1 MPa
meaning of engineering strain, DL/L0, while the
Strain and elongation are similar terms that first definition is the total amount of extension.
define the amount of deformation from a given Because two definitions are possible, it is im-
amount of applied stress. In general terms, strain perative that the exact meaning of elongation be
is defined (by ASTM E 28) as “the change per understood each time it is used.
unit length due to force in an original linear di- This chapter uses the term elongation, e, to
mension.” The phrase change per unit length mean nominal or engineering strain (i.e., e ⳱
means that a change in length, DL, is expressed DL/L0). The amount of stretch is expressed as
as a ratio of the original length, L0. This change extension, or the symbol DL. In many cases,
in length can be expressed in general terms as a elongation, e, is also reported as a percentage
strain or as elongation of gage length, as de- change in gage length as a measure of ductility
scribed subsequently in the context of a tension (i.e., percent elongation), (DL/L0) ⳯ 100. This
test. convention is used in Chapter 1, “Introduction
Strain is a general term that can be expressed to Tensile Testing.”
mathematically, either as engineering strain or Engineering Stress and True Stress. Along
as true strain. Nominal (or engineering) strain is with the previous descriptions of engineering
often represented by the letter e, and logarithmic strain and true strain, it is also possible to define
(or true) strain is often represented by the Greek stress in two different ways as engineering stress
36 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

and true stress. As is intuitive, when a tensile Stress-Strain Behavior

force stretches a test piece, the cross-sectional
area must decrease (because the overall volume During a tensile test, the force applied to the
of the test piece remains essentially constant). test piece and the amount of elongation of the
Hence, because the cross section of the test piece test piece are measured simultaneously. The ap-
becomes smaller during a test, the value of stress plied force is measured by the test machine or
depends on whether it is calculated based on the by accessory force-measuring devices. The
area of the unloaded test piece (the initial area) amount of stretching (or extension) can be mea-
or on the area resulting from that applied force sured with an extensometer. An extensometer is
(the instantaneous area). Thus, in this context, a device used to measure the amount of stretch
there are two ways to define stress: that occurs in a test piece. Because the amount
● Engineering stress, s: The force at any time of elastic stretch is quite small at or around the
during the test divided by the initial area of onset of yielding (in the order of 0.5% or less
the test piece; s ⳱ F/A0 where F is the force, for steels), some manner of magnifying the
and A0 is the initial cross section of a test stretch is required. An extensometer may be a
piece. mechanical device, in which case the magnifi-
● True stress, r: The force at any time divided cation occurs by mechanical means. An exten-
by the instantaneous area of the test piece; r someter may also be an electrical device, in
⳱ F/Ai where F is the force, and Ai is the which case the magnification may occur by me-
instantaneous cross section of a test piece. chanical means, electrical means, or by a com-
bination of both. Extensometers generally have
Because an increasing force stretches a test fixed gage lengths. If an extensometer is used
piece, thus decreasing its cross-sectional area, only to obtain a portion of the stress-strain curve
the value of true stress will always be greater sufficient to determine the yield properties, the
than the nominal, or engineering, stress. gage length of the extensometer may be shorter
These two definitions of stress are further re- than the gage length required for the elongation-
lated to one another in terms of the strain that at-fracture measurement. It may also be longer,
occurs when the deformation is assumed to oc- but in general, the extensometer gage length
cur at a constant volume (as it frequently is). As should not exceed approximately 85 to 90% of
previously noted, strain can be expressed as ei- the length of the reduced section or of the dis-
ther engineering strain (e) or true strain, where tance between the grips for test pieces without
the two expressions of strain are related as e ⳱ reduced sections. This ratio for some of the most
ln(1 Ⳮ e). When the test-piece volume is con- common test configurations with a 2 in. gage
stant during deformation (i.e., AiLi ⳱ A0L0), length and 21⁄4 in. reduced section is 0.875%.
then the instantaneous cross section, Ai, is re- The applied force, F, and the extension, DL,
lated to the initial cross section, A0, where are measured and recorded simultaneously at
regular intervals, and the data pairs can be con-
A ⳱ A0 exp {ⳮe} verted into a stress-strain diagram as shown in
⳱ A0/(1 Ⳮ e) Fig. 2. The conversion from force-extension
data to stress-strain properties is shown sche-
If these expressions for instantaneous and initial matically in Fig. 2(a). Engineering stress, s, is
cross sections are divided into the applied force obtained by dividing the applied force by the
to obtain values of true stress (at the instanta- original cross-sectional area, A0, of the test
neous cross section, Ai) and engineering stress piece, and strain, e, is obtained by dividing the
(at the initial cross section, A0), then: amount of extension, DL, by the original gage
length, L. The basic result is a stress-strain curve
r ⳱ s exp {e} ⳱ s(1 Ⳮ e) (Fig. 2b) with regions of elastic deformation and
permanent (plastic) deformation at stresses
Typically, engineering stress is more commonly greater than those of the elastic limit (EL in Fig.
considered during uniaxial tension tests. All dis- 2b).
cussions in this article are based on nominal en- Typical stress-strain curves for three types of
gineering stress and strain unless otherwise steels, aluminum alloys, and plastics are shown
noted. More detailed discussions on true stress in Fig. 3 (Ref 3). Stress-strain curves for some
and true strain are in Chapter 2, “Mechanical structural steels are shown in Fig. 4(a) (Ref 4)
Behavior of Materials under Tensile Loads.” for elastic conditions and for small amounts of
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 37

plastic deformation. The general shape of the strain curve is defined by a basic physical prop-
stress-strain curves can be described for defor- erty called the modulus of elasticity (often ab-
mation in this region. However, as plastic de- breviated as E). The modulus of elasticity is the
formation occurs, it is more difficult to gener- slope of the stress-strain line in this linear re-
alize about the shape of the stress-strain curve.
Figure 4(b) shows the curves of Fig. 4(a) con-
tinued to fracture.
Elastic deformation occurs in the initial por-
tion of a stress-strain curve, where the stress-
strain relationship is initially linear. In this re-
gion, the stress is proportional to strain.
Mechanical behavior in this region of stress-

Fig. 2 Stress-strain behavior in the region of the elastic limit.

(a) Definition of r and e in terms of initial test piece
length, L, and cross-sectional area, A0, before application of a Fig. 3 Typical engineering stress-strain curves from tensile
tensile force, F. (b) Stress-strain curve for small strains near the tests on (a) three steels, (b) three aluminum alloys, and
elastic limit (EL) (c) three plastics. PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Source: Ref 3
38 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

gion, and it is a basic physical property of all that a given force would always cause a repeat-
materials. It essentially represents the spring able, elastic deformation in all materials. He fur-
constant of a material. ther discovered that there was a force above
The modulus of elasticity is also called which the deformation was no longer elastic;
Hooke’s modulus or Young’s modulus after the that is, the material would not return to its origi-
scientists who discovered and extensively stud- nal length after release of the force. This limiting
ied the elastic behavior of materials. The behav- force is called the elastic limit (EL in Fig. 2b).
ior was first discovered in the late 1600s by the Later, in the early 1800s, Thomas Young, an En-
English scientist Robert Hooke. He observed glish physicist, further investigated and de-

Fig. 4 Typical stress-strain curves for structural steels having specified minimum tensile properties. (a) Portions of the stress-strain
curves in the yield-strength region. (b) Stress-strain curves extended through failure. Source: Ref 4
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 39

scribed this elastic phenomenon, and so his beyond the elastic limit, then the unload path is
name is associated with it. offset and parallel to the original loading path
The proportional limit (PL) is a point in the (Fig. 2b). Moreover, any subsequent tension
elastic region where the linear relationship be- measurements will follow the previous unload
tween stress and strain begins to break down. At path parallel to the original stress-strain line.
some point in the stress-strain curve (PL in Fig. Thus, the application and removal of stresses
2b), linearity ceases, and small increase in stress above the elastic limit affect all subsequent
causes a proportionally larger increase in strain. stress-strain measurements.
This point is referred to as the proportional limit The term set refers to the permanent defor-
(PL) because up to this point, the stress and mation that occurs when stresses exceed the
strain are proportional. If an applied force below elastic limit (Fig. 2b). ASTM E 6 defines set as
the PL point is removed, the trace of the stress the strain remaining after the complete release
and strain points returns along the original line. of a load-producing deformation. Because set is
If the force is reapplied, the trace of the stress permanent deformation, it affects subsequent
and strain points increases along the original stress-strain measurements whether the reload-
line. (When an exception to this linearity is ob- ing occurs in tension or compression. Likewise,
served, it usually is due to mechanical hysteresis permanent set also affects all subsequent tests if
in the extensometer, the force indicating system, the initial loading exceeds the elastic limit in
the recording system, or a combination of all compression. Discussions of these two situa-
three.) tions follow.
The elastic limit (EL) is a very important Reloading after Exceeding the Elastic Limit
property when performing a tensile test. If the in Tension. If a test piece is initially loaded in
applied stresses are below the elastic limit, then tension beyond the elastic limit and then un-
the test can be stopped, the test piece unloaded, loaded, the unload path is parallel to the initial
and the test restarted without damaging the test load path but offset by the set; on reloading in
piece or adversely affecting the test results. For tension, the unloading path will be followed.
example, if it is observed that the extensometer Figure 5 illustrates a series of stress-strain
is not recording, the force-elongation curve
curves obtained using a machined round test
shows an increasing force, but no elongation. If
piece of steel. (The strain axis is not to scale.)
the force has not exceeded the elastic limit, the
In this figure, the test piece was loaded first to
test piece can be unloaded, adjustments made,
Point A and unloaded. The area of the test piece
and the test restarted without affecting the re-
sults of the test. However, if the test piece has was again determined (A2) and reloaded to Point
been stressed above the EL, plastic deformation
(set) will have occurred (Fig. 2b), and there will
be a permanent change in the stress-strain be-
havior of the test piece in subsequent tension (or
compression) tests.
The PL and the EL are considered identical
in most practical instances. In theory, however,
the EL is considered to be slightly higher than
the PL, as illustrated in Fig. 2b. The measured
values of EL or PL are highly dependent on the
magnification and sensitivity of the extensome-
ter used to measure the extension of the test
piece. In addition, the measurement of PL and
EL also highly depends on the care with which
a test is performed.
Plastic Deformation (Set) from Stresses
above the Elastic Limit. If a test piece is
stressed (or loaded) and then unloaded, any re-
test proceeds along the unloading path whether Fig. 5 Effects of prior tensile loading on tensile stress-strain
behavior. Solid line, stress-strain curve based on di-
or not the elastic limit was exceeded. For ex- mensions of unstrained test piece (unloaded and reloaded twice);
ample, if the initial stress is less than the elastic dotted line, stress-strain curve based on dimensions of test piece
after first unloading; dashed line, stress-strain curve based on di-
limit, the load-unload-reload paths are identical. mensions of test piece after second unloading. Note: Graph is not
However, if a test piece is stressed in tension to scale.
40 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

B and unloaded. The area of the test piece was strain, unloaded, loaded in compression to about
determined for a third time (A3) and reloaded 1% strain, unloaded, and reloaded in tension.
until fracture occurred. Because during each For this steel, the initial portion of tension and
loading the stresses at Points A and B were in compression stress-strain curves are essentially
excess of the elastic limit, plastic deformation identical.
occurred. As the test piece is elongated in this
series of tests, the cross-sectional area must de-
crease because the volume of the test piece must Properties from Test Results
remain constant. Therefore, A1 ⬎ A2 ⬎ A3.
The curve with a solid line in Fig. 5 is ob- A number of tensile properties can be deter-
tained for engineering stresses calculated using mined from the stress-strain diagram. Two of
the applied forces divided by the original cross- these properties, the tensile strength and the
sectional area. The curve with a dotted line is yield strength, are described in the next section
obtained from stresses calculated using the ap- of this article, “Strength Properties.” In addition,
plied forces divided by the cross-sectional area, total elongation (ASTM E 6), yield-point elon-
A2, with the origin of this stress-strain curve lo- gation (ASTM E 6), Young’s modulus (ASTM
cated on the abscissa at the end point of the first E 111), and the strain-hardening exponent
unloading line. The curve represented by the (ASTM E 646) are sometimes determined from
dashed line is obtained from the stresses calcu- the stress-strain diagram. Other tensile proper-
lated using the applied forces divided by the ties include the following:
cross-sectional area, A3, with the origin of this
stress-strain curve located on the abscissa at the ● Poisson’s ratio (ASTM E 132)
end point of the second unloading line. This fig- ● Plastic-strain ratio (ASTM E 517)
ure illustrates what happens if a test is stopped, ● Elongation by manual methods (ASTM E 8)
unloaded, and restarted. It also illustrates one of ● Reduction of area
the problems that can occur when testing pieces These properties require more information than
from material that has been formed into a part just the data pairs generating a stress-strain
(or otherwise plastically strained before testing). curve. None of these four properties can be de-
An example is a test piece that was machined termined from a stress-strain diagram.
from a failed structure to determine the tensile
properties. If the test piece is from a location that
was subjected to tensile deformation during the Strength Properties
failure, the properties obtained are probably not Tensile strength and yield strength are the
representative of the original properties of the most common strength properties determined in
Bauschinger Effect. The other loading con-
dition occurs when the test piece is initially
loaded in compression beyond the elastic limit
and then unloaded. The unload path is parallel
to the initial load path but offset by the set; on
reloading in tension, the elastic limit is much
lower, and the shape of the stress-strain curve is
significantly different. The same phenomenon
occurs if the initial loading is in tension and the
subsequent loading is in compression. This con-
dition is called the Bauschinger effect, named
for the German scientist who first described it
around 1860. Again, the significance of this phe-
nomenon is that if a test piece is machined from
a location that has been subjected to plastic de-
formation, the stress-strain properties will be
significantly different than if the material had Fig. 6 Example of the Bauschinger effect and hysteresis loop
not been so strained. This occurrence is illus- in tension-compression-tension loading. This example
shows initial tension loading to 1% strain, followed by compres-
trated in Fig. 6, where a machined round steel sion loading to 1% strain, and then a second tension loading to
test piece was first loaded in tension to about 1% 1% strain.
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 41

a tensile test. According to ASTM E 6, tensile or both of these actions cause serrations or dis-
strength is calculated from the maximum force continuous changes in a stress-strain curve,
during a tension test that is carried to rupture which are usually limited to the onset of yield-
divided by the original cross-sectional area of ing. This type of yield point is sometimes re-
the test piece. By this definition, it is a stress ferred to as the upper yield strength or upper
value, although some product specifications de- yield point. This type of yield point is usually
fine the tensile strength as the force (load) sus- associated with low-carbon steels, although
taining ability of the product without consider- other metal systems may exhibit yield points to
ation of the cross-sectional area. Fastener some degree. For example, the stress-strain
specifications, for example, often refer to tensile curves for A36 and USS Tri-Ten steels shown
strength as the applied force (load-carrying) ca- in Fig. 4(a) exhibit this behavior.
pacity of a part with specific dimensions. The yield point is easy to measure because the
The yield strength refers to the stress at which increase in strain that occurs without an increase
a small, but measurable, amount of inelastic or in stress is visually apparent during the conduct
plastic deformation occurs. There are three com- of the test by observing the force-indicating sys-
mon definitions of yield strength: tem. As shown in Fig. 7, the yield point is usu-
ally quite obvious and thus can easily be deter-
● Offset yield strength
mined by observation during a tensile test. It
● Extension-under-load (EUL) yield strength
can be determined from a stress-strain curve or
● Upper yield strength (or upper yield point)
An upper yield strength (upper yield point) (Fig.
7a) usually occurs with low-carbon steels and
some other metal systems to a limited degree.
Often, the pronounced peak of the upper yield
is suppressed due to slow testing speed or non-
axial loading (i.e., bending of the test piece),
metallurgical factors, or a combination of these;
in this case, a curve of the type shown in Fig.
7(b) is obtained. The other two definitions of
yield strength, EUL and offset, were developed
for materials that do not exhibit the yield-point
behavior shown in Fig. 7. Stress-strain curves
without a yield point are illustrated in Fig. 4(a)
for USS Con-Pac 80 and USS T-1 steels. To de-
termine either the EUL or the offset yield
strength, the stress-strain curve must be deter-
mined during the test. In computer-controlled
testing systems, this curve is often stored in
memory and may not be charted or displayed.
Upper yield strength (or upper yield point)
can be defined as the stress at which measurable
strain occurs without an increase in the stress;
that is, there is a horizontal region of the stress-
strain curve (Fig. 7) where discontinuous yield-
ing occurs. Before the onset of discontinuous
yielding, a peak of maximum stress for yielding
is typically observed (Fig. 7a). This pronounced
yielding, of the type shown, is usually called
yield-point elongation (YPE). This elongation is
a diffusion-related phenomenon, where under
certain combinations of strain rate and tempera- Fig. 7 Examples of stress-strain curves exhibiting pronounced
yield-point behavior. Pronounced yielding, of the type
ture as the material deforms, interstitial atoms shown, is usually called yield-point elongation (YPE). (a) Classic
are dragged along with dislocations, or disloca- example of upper-yield-strength (UYS) behavior typically ob-
served in low-carbon steels with a very pronounced upper yield
tions can alternately break away and be re- strength. (b) General example of pronounced yielding without an
pinned, with little or no increase in stress. Either upper yield strength. LYS, lower yield strength
42 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

by the halt of the dial when the test is performed yield strength, and the value R is read from the
on machines that use a dial to indicate the ap- stress axis. Typically, for many materials, the ex-
plied force. However, when watching the move- tension specified is 0.5%; however, other values
ment of the dial, sometimes a minimum value, may be specified. Therefore, when reporting the
recorded during discontinuous yielding, is EUL, the extension also must be reported. For
noted. This value is sometimes referred to as the example, yield strength (EUL ⳱ 0.5%) ⳱
lower yield point. When the value is ascertained 52,500 psi is a correct way to report an EUL
without instrumentation readouts, it is often re- yield strength. The value determined by the EUL
ferred to as the halt-of-dial or the drop-of-beam method may also be termed a yield point.
yield point (as an average usually results from Offset yield strength is the stress that causes
eye readings). It is almost always the upper yield a specified amount of set to occur; that is, at this
point that is determined from instrument read- stress, the test piece exhibits plastic deformation
outs. (set) equal to a specific amount. To determine
Extension-under-load (EUL) yield strength the offset yield strength, it is necessary to secure
is the stress at which a specified amount of data (autographic or numerical) from which a
stretch has taken place in the test piece. The stress-strain diagram may be constructed graph-
EUL is determined by the use of one of the fol- ically or in computer memory. Figure 9 shows
lowing types of apparatus: how to use these data; the amount of the speci-
fied offset 0-m is laid out on the strain axis. A
● Autographic devices that secure stress-strain line, m-n, parallel to the modulus of elasticity
data, followed by an analysis of this data line, 0-A, is drawn to intersect the stress-strain
(graphically or using automated methods) to curve. The point of intersection, r, is the offset
determine the stress at the specified value of yield strength, and the value, R, is read from the
extension stress axis. Typically, for many materials, the
● Devices that indicate when the specified ex-
offset specified is 0.2%; however, other values
tension occurs so that the stress at that point
may be specified. Therefore, when reporting the
may be ascertained
offset yield strength, the amount of the offset
Graphical determination is illustrated in Fig. 8. also must be reported; for example, “0.2% offset
On the stress-strain curve, the specified amount yield strength ⳱ 52.8 ksi” or “yield strength
of extension, 0-m, is measured along the strain (0.2% offset) ⳱ 52.8 ksi” are common formats
axis from the origin of the curve and a vertical used in reporting this information.
line, m-n, is raised to intersect the stress-strain In Fig. 8 and 9, the initial portion of the stress-
curve. The point of intersection, r, is the EUL strain curve is shown in ideal terms as a straight
line. Unfortunately, the initial portion of the
stress-strain curve sometimes does not begin as

Fig. 8 Method of determining yield strength by the extension-

under-load method (EUL). Source: adapted from Fig. 9 Method of determining yield strength by the offset
ASTM E 8 method. Source: adapted from ASTM E 8
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 43

a straight line but rather has either a concave or yield is meaningless without defining how to de-
a convex foot (Fig. 10) (Ref 5). The shape of termine the modulus of elasticity. Often, a chord
the initial portion of a stress-strain curve may be modulus or a tangent modulus is specified. A
influenced by numerous factors such as, but not chord modulus is the slope of a chord between
limited to, the following: any two specified points on the stress-strain
curve, usually below the elastic limit. A tangent
● Seating of the test piece in the grips
modulus is the slope of the stress-strain curve at
● Straightening of a test piece that is initially
a specified value of stress or of strain. Chord and
bent by residual stresses or bent by coil set
tangent moduli are illustrated in Fig. 11. An-
● Initial speed of testing
other technique that has been used is sketched
Generally, the aberrations in this portion of the in Fig. 12. The test piece is stressed to approx-
curve should be ignored when fitting a modulus imately the yield strength, unloaded to about
line, such as that used to determine the origin of 10% of this value, and reloaded. As previously
the curve. As shown in Fig. 10, a “foot correc- discussed, the unloading line will be parallel to
tion” may be determined by fitting a line, what would have been the initial modulus line,
whether by eye or by using a computer program, and the reloading line will coincide with the un-
to the linear portion and then extending this line loading line (assuming no hysteresis in any of
back to the abscissa, which becomes point 0 in the system components). The slope of this line
Fig. 8 and 9. As a rule of thumb, point D in Fig. is transferred to the initial loading line, and the
10 should be less than one-half the specified offset is determined as before. The stress or
yield point or yield strength. strain at which the test piece is unloaded usually
Tangent or Chord Moduli. For materials that is not important. This technique is specified in
do not have a linear relationship between stress the ISO standard for the tensile test of metallic
and strain, even at very low stresses, the offset materials, ISO 6892.

Fig. 10 Examples of stress-strain curves requiring foot correction. Point D is the point where the extension of the straight (elastic)
part diverges from the stress-strain curve. Source: Ref 5

Fig. 11 Stress-strain curves showing straight lines corresponding to (a) Young’s modulus between stress, P, below proportional limit
and R, or preload; (b) tangent modulus at any stress, R; and (c) chord modulus between any two stresses, P and R. Source:
Ref 6
44 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Yield-strength-property values generally ● The increase in gage length may be deter-

depend on the definition being used. As shown mined either at or after fracture, as specified
in Fig. 4(a) for the USS Con-Pac steel, the EUL for the material under test.
yield is greater than the offset yield, but for the ● The gage length shall be stated when report-
USS T-1 steel (Fig. 4a), the opposite is true. The ing values of elongation.
amount of the difference between the two values ● Elongation is affected by test-piece geome-
is dependent upon the slope of the stress-strain try (gage length, width, and thickness of the
curve between the two intersections. When the gage section and of adjacent regions) and test
stress-strain data pairs are sampled by a com- procedure variables, such as alignment and
puter, and a yield spike or peak of the type speed of pulling.
shown in Fig. 7(a) occurs, the EUL and the off-
set yield strength will probably be less than the The manual measurement of elongation on a
upper yield point and will probably differ be- tensile test piece can be done with the aid of
cause the m-n lines of Fig. 8 and 9 will intersect gage marks applied to the unstrained reduced
at different points in the region of discontinuous section. After the test, the amount of stretch be-
yielding. tween gage marks is measured with an appro-
priate device. The use of the term elongation in
this instance refers to the total amount of stretch
Ductility or extension. Elongation, in the sense of nominal
Ductility is the ability of a material to deform engineering strain, e, is the value of gage exten-
plastically without fracturing. Figure 13 is a sion divided by the original distance between the
sketch of a test piece with a circular cross section gage marks. Strain elongation is usually ex-
that has been pulled to fracture. As indicated in pressed as a percentage, where the nominal en-
this sketch, the test piece elongates during the gineering strain is multiplied by 100 to obtain a
tensile test and correspondingly reduces in percent value; that is:
cross-sectional area. The two measures of the
ductility of a material are the amount of elon- e, % ⳱
(final gage length ⳮ original gage length)
gation and reduction of area that occurs during
a tensile test. 冤 original gage length 冥
Elongation, as previously noted, is defined in ⳯ 100
ASTM E 6 as the increase in the gage length of
a test piece subjected to a tension force, divided The final gage length at the completion of the
by the original gage length on the test piece. test may be determined in two ways. Histori-
Elongation usually is expressed as a percentage cally, it was determined manually by carefully
of the original gage length. ASTM E 6 further fitting the two ends of the fractured test piece
indicates the following: together (Fig. 13) and measuring the distance
between the gage marks. However, some mod-

Fig. 13 Sketch of fractured, round tensile test piece. Dashed

Fig. 12 Alternate technique for establishing Young’s modulus lines show original shape. Strain ⳱ elongation/gage
for a material without an initial linear portion length
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 45

ern computer-controlled testing systems obtain Effect of Test-Piece Dimensions. Test-piece

data from an extensometer that is left on the test dimensions also have a significant effect on
piece through fracture. In this case, the computer elongation measurements. Experimental work
may be programmed to report the elongation as has verified the general applicability of the fol-
the last strain value obtained prior to some event, lowing equation:
perhaps the point at which the applied force
drops to 90% of the maximum value recorded. e ⳱ e0(L/A1/2)ⳮa
There has been no general agreement about what
event should be the trigger, and users and ma- where e0 is the specific elongation constant; L/
chine manufacturers find that different events A1/2 the slimness ratio, K, of gage length, L, and
may be appropriate for different materials (al- cross-sectional areas, A; and a is another mate-
though some consensus has been reached, see rial constant. This equation is known as the Ber-
ASTM E 8). The elongation values determined tella-Oliver equation, and it may be transformed
by these two methods are not the same; in gen- into logarithmic form and plotted as shown in
eral, the result obtained by the manual method Fig. 15. In one study, quadruplet sets of ma-
is a couple of percent larger and is more variable chined circular test pieces (four different diam-
because the test-piece ends do not fit together eters ranging from 0.125 to 0.750 in.) and rec-
perfectly. It is strongly recommended that when tangular test pieces (1⁄2 in. wide with three
disagreements arise about elongation results, thicknesses and 11⁄2 in. wide with three thick-
agreement should be reached on which method nesses) were machined from a single plate. Mul-
will be used prior to any further testing. tiple gage lengths were scribed on each test
Test methods often specify special conditions piece to produce a total of 40 slimness ratios.
that must be followed when a product specifi- The results of this study, for one of the grades
cation specifies elongation values that are small, of steel tested, are shown in Fig. 16.
or when the expected elongation values are
small. For example, ASTM E 8 defines small as
3% or less.
Effect of Gage Length and Necking. Figure
14 (Ref 7) shows the effect of gage length on
elongation values. Gage length is very impor-
tant; however, as the gage length becomes quite
large, the elongation tends to be independent of
the gage length. The gage length must be spec-
ified prior to the test, and it must be shown in
the data record for the test.
Figures 13 and 14 also illustrate considerable
localized deformation in the vicinity of the frac-
ture. This region of local deformation is often
called a neck, and the occurrence of this defor-
mation is termed necking. Necking occurs as the
force begins to drop after the maximum force
has been reached on the stress-strain curve. Up
to the point at which the maximum force occurs,
the strain is uniform along the gage length; that
is, the strain is independent of the gage length.
However, once necking begins, the gage length
becomes very important. When the gage length
is short, this localized deformation becomes the
principal portion of measured elongation. For
long gage lengths, the localized deformation is
a much smaller portion of the total. For this rea-
son, when elongation values are reported, the Fig. 14 Effect of gage length on the percent elongation. (a)
gage length must also be reported, for example, Elongation, %, as a function of gage length for a frac-
tured tensile test piece. (b) Distribution of elongation along a frac-
elongation ⳱ 25% (50 mm, or 2.00 in., gage tured tension test piece. Original spacing between gage marks,
length). 12.5 mm (0.5 in.). Source: Ref 7
46 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

In order to compare elongation values of test of (w/t) ⬍ 20, Ref 9 also specifies that the slim-
pieces with different slimness ratios, it is nec- ness ratio shall be less than 25.
essary only to determine the value of the mate- Some tensile-test specifications do not contain
rial constant, a. This calculation can be made by standard test-piece geometries but require that
testing the same material with two different ge- the slimness ratio be either 5.65 or 11.3. For a
ometries (or the same geometry with different round test piece, a slimness ratio of 5.65 pro-
gage lengths) with different slimness ratios, K1 duces a 5-to-1 relation between the diameter and
and K2, where the gage length, and a slimness ratio of 4.51 pro-
duces a 4-to-1 relation between the diameter and
e0 ⳱ e1/Kⳮa
1 ⳱ e2/Kⳮa
2 gage length (which is that of the test piece in
ASTM E 8).
solving for a, then: Reduction of area is another measure of the
ductility of metal. As a test piece is stretched,
(K2/K1)ⳮa ⳱ e2/e1 the cross-sectional area decreases, and as long
as the stretch is uniform, the reduction of area is
or: proportional to the amount of stretch or exten-
sion. However, once necking begins to occur,
ln(e2/e1) proportionality is no longer valid.
ⳮa ⳱
ln(K2/K1) According to ASTM E 6, reduction of area is
defined as “the difference between the original
ln(e2) ⳮ ln(e1) cross-sectional area of a tension test piece and
ⳮa ⳱
ln(K2) ⳮ ln(K1) the area of its smallest cross section.” Reduction
of area is usually expressed as a percentage of
The values of the e0 and a parameters depend on the original cross-sectional area of the test piece.
the material composition, the strength, and the The smallest final cross section may be mea-
material condition and are determined empiri- sured at or after fracture as specified for the ma-
cally with a best-fit line plot around data points. terial under test. The reduction of area (RA) is
Reference 8 specifies value a ⳱ 0.4 for carbon, almost always expressed as a percentage:
carbon-manganese, molybdenum, and chro-
(original area ⳮ final area)
冤 冥
mium-molybdenum steels within the tensile
RA, % ⳱ ⳯ 100
strength range of 275 to 585 MPa (40 to 85 ksi) original area
and in the hot-rolled, in the hot-rolled and nor-
malized, or in the annealed condition, with or Reduction of area is customarily measured
without tempering. Materials that have been only on test pieces with an initial circular cross
cold reduced require the use of a different value
for a, and an appropriate value is not suggested.
Reference 8 uses a value of a ⳱ 0.127 for an-
nealed, austenitic stainless steels. However, Ref
8 states that “these conversions shall not be used
where the width-to-thickness ratio, w/t, of the
test piece exceeds 20.” ISO 2566/1 (Ref 9) con-
tains similar statements. In addition to the limit

Fig. 16 Graphical form of the Bertella-Oliver equation show-

Fig. 15 Graphical form of the Bertella-Oliver equation ing actual data
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 47

section because the shape of the reduced area A flow diagram of the steps involved when a
remains circular or nearly circular throughout tensile test is conducted in accordance with
the test for such test pieces. With rectangular test ASTM E 8 is shown in Fig. 18. The test consists
pieces, in contrast, the corners prevent uniform of three distinct parts:
flow from occurring, and consequently, after
● Test-piece preparation, geometry, and mate-
fracture, the shape of the reduced area is not rec-
tangular (Fig. 17). Although a number of ex- rial condition
● Test setup and equipment
pressions have been used in an attempt to de-
scribe the way to determine the reduced area, ● Test
none has received general agreement. Thus, if a
test specification requires the measurement of
the reduction of area of a test piece that is not The Test Piece
circular, the method of determining the reduced
area should be agreed to prior to performing the The test piece, also commonly referred to as
test. the test specimen (see discussion below), is one
of two basic types. Either it is a full cross section
of the product form, or it is a small portion that
General Procedures has been machined to specific dimensions. Full-
section test pieces consist of a part of the test
Numerous groups have developed standard unit as it is fabricated. Examples of full-section
methods for conducting the tensile test. In the test pieces include bars, wires, and hot-rolled or
United States, standards published by ASTM are extruded angles cut to a suitable length and then
commonly used to define tensile-test procedures gripped at the ends and tested. In contrast, a ma-
and parameters. Of the various ASTM standards chined test piece is a representative sample, such
related to tensile tests (for example, those listed as one of the following:
in “Selected References” at the end of this chap-
● Test piece machined from a rough specimen
ter), the most common method for tension test-
ing of metallic materials is ASTM E 8 “Standard taken from a coil or plate
● Test piece machined from a bar with dimen-
Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic
Materials” (or the version using metric units, sions that preclude testing a full-section test
ASTM E 8M). Standard methods for conducting piece because a full-section test piece ex-
the tensile test are also available from other stan- ceeds the capacity of the grips or the force
dards organizations, such as the Japanese Indus- capacity of the available testing machine or
trial Standards (JIS), the Deutsche Institut für both
Normung (DIN), and the International Organi- ● Test piece machined from material of great
zation for Standardization (ISO). Other domes- monetary or technical value
tic technical groups in the United States have In these cases, representative samples of the ma-
developed standards, but in general, these are terial must be obtained for testing. The descrip-
based on ASTM E 8. tions of the tensile test in this chapter proceed
With the increasing internationalization of
from the point that a rough specimen (Fig. 19)
trade, methods developed by other national stan-
has been obtained. That is, the rough specimen
dards organizations (such as JIS, DIN, or ISO
standards) are increasingly being used in the has been selected based on some criteria, usually
United States. Although most tensile-test stan- a material specification or a test order issued for
dards address the same concerns, they differ in a specific reason.
the values assigned to variables. Thus, a tensile In this chapter, the term test piece is used
test performed in accordance with ASTM E 8 for what is often called a specimen. This ter-
will not necessarily have been conducted in ac-
cordance with ISO 6892 or JIS Z2241, and so
on, and vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to
specify the applicable testing standard for any
test results or mechanical property data.
Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the
values of all variables discussed hereafter are
those related to ASTM E 8 “Standard Test Meth- Fig. 17 Sketch of end view of rectangular test piece after frac-
ture showing constraint at corners indicating the dif-
ods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.” ficulty of determining reduced area
48 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

minology is based on the convention estab- ● Sample product: Item (in the previous ex-
lished by ISO Technical Committee 17, Steel ample, a single bar) selected from a test unit
in ISO 377-1, “Selection and Preparation of for the purpose of obtaining the test pieces
Samples and Test Pieces of Wrought Steel,” ● Sample: A sufficient quantity of material
where terms for a test unit, a sample product, taken from the sample product for the pur-
sample, rough specimen, and test piece are de- pose of producing one or more test pieces.
fined as follows: In some cases, the sample may be the sample
product itself (i.e., a 2 ft length of the sample
● Test unit: The quantity specified in an order product).
that requires testing (for example, 10 tons of ● Rough specimen: Part of the sample having
⁄4 in. bars in random lengths) undergone mechanical treatment, followed

Fig. 18 General flow chart of the tensile test per procedures in ASTM E 8. Relevant paragraph numbers from ASTM E 8 are shown
in parentheses.
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 49

by heat treatment where appropriate, for the standard must state the proper orientation of the
purpose of producing test pieces; in the ex- test piece with regard to the axis of prior work-
ample, the sample is the rough specimen. ing, (e.g., the rolling direction of a flat product).
● Test piece: Part of the sample or rough spec- Because alloy systems behave differently, no
imen, with specified dimensions, machined general rule of thumb can be stated on how prior
or unmachined, brought to the required con- working may affect the directionality of prop-
dition for submission to a given test. If a test- erties. As can be seen in Table 1, the longitudinal
ing machine with sufficient force capacity is strengths of steel are generally somewhat less
available, the test piece may be the rough than the transverse strength. However, for alu-
specimen; if sufficient capacity is not avail- minum alloys, the opposite is generally true.
able, or for another reason, the test piece may Many standards, such as ASTM A 370, E 8,
be machined from the rough specimen to di- and B 557, provide guidance in the selection of
mensions specified by a standard. test-piece orientation relative to the rolling di-
These terms are shown graphically in Fig. 19. rection of the plate or the major forming axes of
As can be seen, the test piece, or what is com- other types of products and in the selection of
monly called a specimen, is a very small part of specimen and test-piece location relative to the
the entire test unit. surface of the product. Orientation is also im-
portant when characterizing the directionality of
Description of Test Material properties that often develops in the microstruc-
ture of materials during processing. For exam-
Test-Piece Orientation. Orientation and lo- ple, some causes of directionality include the fi-
cation of a test material from a product can in- bering of inclusions in steels, the formation of
fluence measured tensile properties. Although crystallographic textures in most metals and al-
modern metal-working practices, such as cross loys, and the alignment of molecular chains in
rolling, have tended to reduce the magnitude of polymers.
the variations in the tensile properties, it must
The location from which a test material is
not be neglected when locating the test piece
taken from the initial product form is important
within the specimen or the sample.
Because most materials are not isotropic, test-
piece orientation is defined with respect to a set
of axes as shown in Fig. 20. These terms for the
orientation of the test-piece axes in Fig. 20 are
based on the convention used by ASTM. This
scheme is identical to that used by the ISO Tech-
nical Committee 164 “Mechanical Testing,” al-
though the L, T, and S axes are referred to as the
X, Y, and Z axes, respectively, in the ISO doc-
When a test is being performed to determine
conformance to a product standard, the product

Fig. 19 Illustration of ISO terminology used to differentiate

between sample, specimen, and test piece (see text
for definitions of test unit, sample product, sample, rough speci-
men, and test piece). As an example, a test unit may be a 250-
ton heat of steel that has been rolled into a single thickness of Fig. 20 System for identifying the axes of test-piece orienta-
plate. The sample product is thus one plate from which a single tion in various product forms. (a) Flat-rolled products.
test piece is obtained. (b) Cylindrical sections. (c) Tubular products
50 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

because the manner in which a material is pro- or a portion of the item that has been machined
cessed influences the uniformity of microstruc- to specific dimensions. This chapter focuses on
ture along the length of the product as well as tensile testing with test pieces that are machined
through its thickness properties. For example, from rough samples. Component testing is dis-
the properties of metal cut from castings are in- cussed in Chapter 12, “Tensile Testing of Com-
fluenced by the rate of cooling and by shrinkage ponents.”
stresses at changes in section. Generally, test Test-piece geometry is often influenced by
pieces taken from near the surface of iron cast- product form. For example, only test pieces with
ings are stronger. To standardize test results rela- rectangular cross sections can be obtained from
tive to location, ASTM A 370 recommends that sheet products. Test pieces taken from thick
tensile test pieces be taken from midway be- plate may have either flat (plate-type) or round
tween the surface and the center of round, cross sections. Most tensile-test specifications
square, hexagon, or octagonal bars. ASTM E 8 show machined test pieces with either circular
recommends that test pieces be taken from the cross sections or rectangular cross sections. No-
thickest part of a forging from which a test cou- menclature for the various sections of a
pon can be obtained, from a prolongation of the machined test piece are shown in Fig. 21. Most
forging, or in some cases, from separately forged
tensile-test specifications present a set of dimen-
coupons representative of the forging.
sions, for each cross-section type, that are stan-
dard, as well as additional sets of dimensions for
Test-Piece Geometry alternative test pieces. In general, the standard
As previously noted, the item being tested dimensions published by ASTM, ISO, JIS, and
may be either the full cross section of the item, DIN are similar, but they are not identical.

Table 1 Effect of test-piece orientation on tensile properties

Orientation Yield strength, ksi Tensile strength, ksi Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.), % Reduction of area, %
ASTM A 572, Grade 50 (3⁄4 in. thick plate, low sulfur level)
Longitudinal 58.8 84.0 27.0 70.2
Transverse 59.8 85.2 28.0 69.0
ASTM A 656, Grade 80 (3⁄4 in. thick plate, low sulfur level ⴐ controlled rolled)
Longitudinal 81.0 102.3 25.8 71.2
Transverse 86.9 107.9 24.5 67.1
ASTM A 5414 (3⁄4 in. thick plate, low sulfur level)
Longitudinal 114.6 121.1 19.8 70.6
Transverse 116.3 122.2 19.5 69.9
Source: Courtesy of Francis J. Marsh

Fig. 21 Nomenclature for a typical tensile test piece

Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 51

Gage lengths and standard dimensions for drical test pieces should be measured for concen-
machined test pieces specified in ASTM E 8 are tricity. Maintaining acceptable concentricity is
shown in Fig. 22(a) and (b) for rectangular and extremely important in minimizing unintended
round test pieces. From this figure, it can be seen bending stresses on materials in a brittle state.
that the gage length is proportionally four times Measurement of Cross-Sectional Dimensions.
(4 to 1) the diameter (or width) of the test piece The test pieces must be measured to determine
for the standard machined round test pieces and whether they meet the requirements of the test
the sheet-type, rectangular test pieces. The method. Test-piece measurements must also de-
length of the reduced section is also a minimum termine the initial cross-sectional area when it is
of 41⁄2 times the diameter (or width) of these test- compared against the final cross section after
piece types. These relationships do not apply to testing as a measure of ductility.
plate-type rectangular test pieces. The precision with which these measurements
Many specifications outside the United States are made is based on the requirements of the test
require that the gage length of a test piece be a method, or if none are given, on good engineer-
fixed ratio of the square root of the cross-sec- ing judgment. Specified requirements of ASTM
tional area, that is: E 8 are summarized as follows:
● For referee testing of test pieces under 3⁄16 in.
Gage length ⳱ constant x (cross-sectional area)1/2
in their least dimension, the dimensions
should be measured where the least cross-
The value of this constant is often specified as
sectional area is found.
5.65 or 11.3 and applies to both round and rec- ● For cross sectional dimensions of 0.200 in.
tangular test pieces. For machined round test
or more, cross-sectional dimensions should
pieces, a value of 5.65 results in a 5-to-1 rela-
be measured and recorded to the nearest
tionship between the gage length and the diam-
0.001 in.
eter. ● For cross sectional dimensions from 0.100
Many tensile-test specifications permit a
in. but less than 0.200 in., cross-sectional di-
slight taper toward the center of the reduced sec-
mensions should be measured and recorded
tion of machined test pieces so that the minimum
to the nearest 0.0005 in.
cross section occurs at the center of the gage ● For cross sectional dimensions from 0.020
length and thereby tends to cause fracture to oc-
in. but less than 0.100 in., cross-sectional di-
cur at the middle of the gage length. ASTM E 8
mensions should be measured and recorded
specifies that this taper cannot exceed 1% and
to the nearest 0.0001 in.
requires that the taper is the same on both sides ● When practical, for cross-sectional dimen-
of the midlength.
sions less than 0.020 in., cross-sectional di-
When test pieces are machined, it is important
mensions should be measured to the nearest
that the longitudinal centerline of the reduced
1%, but in all cases, to at least the nearest
section be coincident with the longitudinal cen-
0.0001 in.
terlines of the grip ends. In addition, for the rec-
tangular test pieces, it is essential that the centers ASTM E 8 goes on to state how to determine
of the transition radii at each end of the reduced the cross-sectional area of a test piece that has a
section are on common lines that are perpendic- nonsymmetrical cross section using the weight
ular to the longitudinal centerline. If any of these and density. When measuring dimensions of the
requirements is violated, bending will occur, test piece, ASTM E 8 makes no distinction be-
which may affect test results. tween the shape of the cross section for standard
The transition radii between the reduced sec- test pieces.
tion and the grip ends can be critical for test Measurement of the Initial Gage Length.
pieces from materials with very high strength or ASTM E 8 assumes that the initial gage length
with very little ductility or both. This is dis- is within specified tolerance; therefore, it is nec-
cussed more fully in the section “Effect of Strain essary only to verify that the gage length of the
Concentrations” in this chapter. test piece is within the tolerance.
Measurement of Initial Test-Piece Dimen- Marking Gage Length. As shown in the flow
sions. Machined test pieces are expected to meet diagram in Fig. 18, measurement of elongation
size specifications, but to ensure dimensional ac- requires marking the gage length of the test
curacy, each test piece should be measured prior piece. The gage marks should be placed on the
to testing. Gage length, fillet radius, and cross- test piece in a manner so that when fracture oc-
sectional dimensions are measured easily. Cylin- curs, the fracture will be located within the cen-
52 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 22(a) Example of rectangular (flat) tensile test pieces per ASTM E 8.

Fig. 22(b) Example of a round tensile test piece per ASTM E 8.

Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 53

ter one-third of the gage length (or within the elongation, it is important that the distance be-
center one-third of one of several sets of gage- tween the grips be greater than the specified
length marks). For a test piece machined with a gage length unless otherwise specified. As a rule
reduced-section length that is the minimum of thumb, the distance between grips should be
specified by ASTM E 8 and with a gage length equal to at least the gage length plus twice the
equal to the maximum allowed for that geome- minimum dimension of the cross section.
try, a single set of marks is usually sufficient. The gage marks may be marks made with a
However, multiple sets of gage lengths must be center punch, or may be lines scribed using a
applied to the test piece to ensure that one set sharp, pointed tool, such as a machinist’s scribe
spans the fracture under any of the following (or any other means that will establish the gage
conditions: length within the tolerance permitted by the test
method). If scribed lines are used, a broad line
● Testing full-section test pieces or band may first be drawn along the length of
● Testing pieces with reduced sections signifi- the test piece using machinist’s layout ink (or a
cantly longer than the minimum similar substance), and the gage marks are made
● Test requirements specify a gage length that
on this line. This practice is especially helpful
is significantly shorter than the reduced sec-
to improve visibility of scribed gage marks after
tion fracture. If punched marks are used, a circle
For example, some product specifications re- around each mark or other indication made by
quire that the elongation be measured over a 2 ink may help improve visibility after fracture.
in. gage length using the machined plate-type Care must be taken to ensure that the gage
test piece with a 9 in. reduced section (Fig. 22a). marks, especially those made using a punch, are
In this case, it is recommended that a staggered not deep enough to become stress raisers, which
series of marks (either in increments of 1 in. could cause the fracture to occur through them.
when testing to ASTM E 8 or in increments of This precaution is especially important when
25.0 mm when testing to ASTM E 8M) be testing materials with high strength and low duc-
placed on the test piece such that, after fracture, tility.
the elongation can be measured using the set that Notched Test Pieces. Tensile test pieces are
best meets the center-third criteria. Many ten- sometimes intentionally notched in the center of
sile-test methods permit a retest when the elon- the gage length (Fig. 23). ASTM E 338 and E
gation is less than the minimum specified by a 602 describe procedures for testing notched test
product specification if the fracture occurred pieces. Results obtained using notched test
outside the center third of the gage length. When pieces are useful for evaluating the response of
testing full-section test pieces and determining a material to a localized stress concentration.

Fig. 23 Example of notched tensile-test test piece per ASTM E 338, “Standard Test Method of Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High-
Strength Sheet Materials”
54 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Additional information on the notch tensile test portant factor of a test machine. Other test
and a discussion of the related material charac- machine factors, such as calibration and load-
teristics (notch sensitivity and notch strength) frame rigidity, are discussed in more detail in
can be found in Chapter 2, “Mechanical Behav- Chapter 4, “Tensile Testing Equipment and
ior of Materials under Tensile Loads.” The effect Strain Sensors.” The other aspects of the test
of stress (or strain) concentrations is also dis- setup include proper gripping and alignment of
cussed in the section “Effect of Strain Concen- the test piece, and the installation of extensom-
trations” in this chapter. eters or strain sensors when plastic deformation
Surface Finish and Condition. The finish of (yield behavior) of the piece is being measured,
machined surfaces usually is not specified in ge- as described below.
neric test methods (that is, a method that is not Gripping Devices. The grips must furnish an
written for a specific item or material) because axial connection between the test piece and the
the effect of finish differs for different materials. testing machine; that is, the grips must not cause
For example, test pieces from materials that are bending in the test piece during loading. The
not high strength or that are ductile are usually choice of grip is primarily dependent on the ge-
insensitive to surface finish effects. However, if ometry of the test piece and, to a lesser degree,
surface finish in the gage length of a tensile test on the preference of the test laboratory. That is,
piece is extremely poor (with machine tool rarely do tension-test methods or requirements
marks deep enough to act as stress-concentrating specify the method of gripping the test pieces.
notches, for example), test results may exhibit a Figure 24 shows several of the many grips
tendency toward decreased and variable strength that are in common use, but many other designs
and ductility. are also used. As can be seen, the gripping de-
It is good practice to examine the test piece vices can be classified into several distinct types,
surface for deep scratches, gouges, edge tears, wedges, threaded, button, and snubbing. Wedge
or shear burrs. These discontinuities may some- grips can be used for almost any test-piece ge-
times be minimized or removed by polishing or, ometry; however, the wedge blocks must be de-
if necessary, by further machining; however, di- signed and installed in the machine to ensure
mensional requirements often may no longer be axial loading. Threaded grips and button grips
met after additional machining or polishing. In are used only for machined round test pieces.
all cases, the reduced sections of machined test Snubbing grips are used for wire (as shown) or
pieces must be free of detrimental characteris- for thin, rectangular test pieces, such as those
tics, such as cold work, chatter marks, grooves, made from foil.
gouges, burrs, and so on. Unless one or more of As shown in Fig. 22, the dimensions of the
these characteristics is typical of the product be- grip ends for machined round test pieces are usu-
ing tested, an unmachined test piece must also ally not specified, and only approximate dimen-
be free of these characteristics in the portion of sions are given for the rectangular test pieces.
the test piece that is between the gripping de- Thus, each test lab must prepare/machine grip
vices. When rectangular test pieces are prepared ends appropriate for its testing machine. For ma-
from thin-gage sheet material by shearing chined-round test pieces, the grip end is often
(punching) using a die the shape of the test threaded, but many laboratories prefer either a
piece, ASTM E 8 states that the sides of the plain end, which is gripped with the wedges in
reduced section may need to be further ma- the same manner as a rectangular test piece, or
chined to remove the cold work and shear burrs with a button end that is gripped in a mating
that occur when the test piece is sheared from female grip. Because the principal disadvantage
the rough specimen. This method is impractical of a threaded grip is that the pitch of the threads
for material less than 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) thick. tend to cause a bending moment, a fine-series
Burrs on test pieces can be virtually eliminated thread is often used.
if punch-to-die clearances are minimized. Bending stresses are normally not critical
with test pieces from ductile materials. How-
ever, for test pieces from materials with limited
Test Setup ductility, bending stresses can be important, bet-
ter alignment may be required. Button grips are
The setup of a tensile test involves the instal- often used, but adequate alignment is usually
lation of a test piece in the load frame of a suit- achieved with threaded test pieces. ASTM E 8
able test machine. Force capacity is the most im- also recommends threaded gripping for brittle
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 55

materials. The principal disadvantage of the but- on the other side. Obviously, yielding will begin
ton-end grip is that the diameter of the button or on the side where the stresses are additive and
the base of the cone is usually at least twice the at a lower apparent stress than would be the case
diameter of the reduced section, which necessi- if only the axial stress were present. For this rea-
tates a larger, rough specimen and more metal son, the yield stress may be lowered, and the
removal during machining. upper yield stress would appear suppressed in
Alignment of the Test Piece. The force- test pieces that normally exhibit an upper yield
application axis of the gripping device must co- point. For ductile materials, the effect of bending
incide with the longitudinal axis of symmetry of is minimal, other than the suppression of the up-
the test piece. If these axes do not coincide, the per yield stress. However, if the material has lit-
test piece will be subjected to a combination of tle ductility, the increased strain due to bending
axial loading and bending. The stress acting on may cause fracture to occur at a lower stress than
the different locations in the cross section of the if there were no bending.
test piece then varies, from the sum of the axial Similarly, if the test piece is initially bent, for
and bending stresses on one side of the test example, coil set in a machined-rectangular
piece, to the difference between the two stresses cross section or a piece of rod being tested in a

Fig. 24 Examples of gripping methods for tensile test pieces. (a) Round specimen with threaded grips. (b) Gripping with serrated
wedges with hatched region showing bad practice of wedges extending below the outer holding ring. (c) Butt-end specimen
constrained by a split collar. (d) Sheet specimen with pin constraint. (e) Sheet specimen with serrated-wedge grip with hatched region
showing the bad practice of wedges extended below the outer holding ring. (f ) Gripping device for threaded-end specimen. (g) Gripping
device for sheet and wire. (h) Snubbing device for testing wire
56 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

full section, bending will occur as the test piece Temperature control is also a factor during
straightens, and the problems exist. room-temperature tests because deformation of
Methods for verification of alignment are de- the test piece causes generation of heat within
scribed in ASTM E 1012. it. Test results have shown that the heating that
Extensometers. When the tensile test re- occurs during the straining of a test piece can be
quires the measurement of strain behavior (i.e., sufficient to significantly change the properties
the amount of elastic and/or plastic deformation that are determined because material strength
occurring during loading), extensometers must typically decreases with an increase in the test
be attached to the test piece. The amount of temperature. When performing a test to dupli-
strain can be quite small (e.g., approximately cate the results of others, it is important to know
0.5% or less for elastic strain in steels), and ex- the test speed and whether any special proce-
tensometers and other strain-sensing systems are dures were taken to remove the heat generated
designed to magnify strain measurement into a by straining the test piece.
meaningful signal for data processing.
Several types of extensometers are available,
as described in more detail in Chapter 4, “Ten- Test Procedures
sile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors.” Ex-
tensometers generally have fixed gage lengths. After the test piece has been properly pre-
If an extensometer is used only to obtain a por- pared and measured and the test setup estab-
tion of the stress-strain curve sufficient to deter- lished, conducting the test is fairly routine. The
mine the yield properties, the gage length of the test piece is installed properly in the grips, and
extensometer may be shorter than the gage if required, extensometers or other strain-mea-
length required for the elongation-at-fracture suring devices are fastened to the test piece for
measurement. It may also be longer, but in gen- measurement and recording of extension data.
eral, the extensometer gage length should not Data acquisition systems also should be
exceed approximately 85% of the length of the checked. In addition, it is sometimes useful to
reduced section or the distance between the grips repetitively apply small initial loads and vibrate
for test pieces without reduced sections. Na- the load train (a metallographic engraving tool
tional and international standardization groups is a suitable vibrator) to overcome friction in
have prepared practices for the classification of various couplings, as shown in Fig. 25(a) and
extensometers, as described in Chapter 4. Ex- (b). A check can also be run to ensure that the
tensometer classifications usually are based on test will run at the proper testing speed and tem-
error limits of a device, as in ASTM E 83 “Stan- perature. The test is then begun by initiating
dard Practice for Verification and Classification force application.
of Extensometers.”
Temperature Control. Tensile testing is
sometimes performed at temperatures other than Speed of Testing
room temperature. ASTM E 21 describes stan- The speed of testing is extremely important
dard procedures for elevated-temperature tensile because mechanical properties are a function of
testing of metallic materials, which is described strain rate, as discussed in the section “Effect of
further in Chapter 13, “Hot Tensile Testing.” Strain Rate” in this chapter. It is, therefore, im-
ASTM E 1450 describes standard procedures for perative that the speed of testing be specified in
tensile testing of structural alloys in liquid he- either the tension-test method or the product
lium (cryogenic testing), which is described fur- specification.
ther in Chapter 14, “Tensile Testing at Low Tem- In general, a slow speed results in lower
peratures.” strength values and larger ductility values than
Temperature gradients may occur in tempera- a fast speed; this tendency is more pronounced
ture-controlled systems, and gradients must be for lower-strength materials than for higher-
kept within tolerable limits. It is not uncommon strength materials and is the reason that a tension
to use more than one temperature-sensing device test must be conducted within a narrow test-
(e.g., thermocouples) when testing at other than speed range.
room temperature. Besides the temperature- In order to quantify the effect of deformation
sensing device used in the control loop, auxiliary rate on strength and other properties, a specific
sensing devices may be used to determine definition of testing speed is required. A con-
whether temperature gradients are present along ventional (quasi-static) tensile test, for example,
the gage length of the test piece. ASTM E 8, prescribes upper and lower limits on
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 57

the deformation rate, as determined by one of tings of a computer-controlled system or paced

the following methods during the test: or timed for other systems.
Stress rate is expressed as the change in
● Strain rate
stress per unit of time. When the stress rate is
● Stress rate (when loading is below the pro-
stipulated, ASTM E 8 requires that it not exceed
portional limit)
100 ksi/min. This number corresponds to an
● Cross-head separation rate (or free-running
elastic strain rate of about 5 ⳯ 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1 for
cross-head speed) during the test steel or 15 ⳯ 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1 for aluminum. As with
● Elapsed time
strain rate, stress rate usually can be dialed or
These methods are listed in order of decreasing programmed into the control settings of com-
precision, except during the occurrence of up- puter-controlled test systems. However, because
per-yield-strength behavior and yield point elon- most older systems indicate force being applied,
gation (YPE) (where the strain rate may not nec- and not stress, the operator must convert stress
essarily be the most precise method). For some to force and control this quantity. Many ma-
materials, elapsed time may be adequate, while chines are equipped with pacing or indicating
for other materials, one of the remaining meth- devices for the measurement and control of the
ods with higher precision may be necessary in stress rate, but in the absence of such a device,
order to obtain test values within acceptable lim- the average stress rate can be determined with a
its. ASTM E 8 specifies that the test speed must timing device by observing the time required to
be slow enough to permit accurate determination apply a known increment of stress. For example,
of forces and strains. Although the speeds spec- for a test piece with a cross section of 0.500 in.
ified by various test methods may differ some- by 0.250 in. and a specified stress rate of
what, the test speeds for these methods are 100,000 psi/min, the maximum force application
roughly equivalent in commercial testing. rate would be 12,500 lbf/min (force ⳱ stress
Strain rate is expressed as the change in rate ⳯ area ⳱ 100,000 psi/min ⳯ (0.500 in. ⳯
strain per unit time, typically expressed in units 0.250 in.)). A minimum rate of 1⁄10 of the max-
of minⳮ1 or sⳮ1 because strain is a dimension- imum rate is usually specified.
less value expressed as a ratio of change in Comparison between Strain-Rate and
length per unit length. The strain rate can usually Stress-Rate Methods. Figure 26 compares
be dialed, or programmed, into the control set- strain-rate control with stress-rate control for de-

Fig. 25 (a) Effectiveness of vibrating the load train to overcome friction in the spherical ball and seat couplings shown in Fig. 25(b).
(b) Spherically seated gripping device for shouldered tensile test piece
58 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

scribing the speed of testing. Below the elastic in. reduced section, the rate prior to yielding can
limit, the two methods are identical. However, range from a maximum of 9⁄64 in./min (i.e., 21⁄4
as shown in Fig. 26, once the elastic limit is in. reduced-section length ⳯ 1⁄16 in./min) down
exceeded, the strain rate increases when a con- to 9⁄640 in./min (i.e., 21⁄4 in. reduced-section
stant stress rate is applied. Alternatively, the length ⳯ 1⁄160 in./min).
stress rate decreases when a constant strain rate The elapsed time to reach some event,
is specified. For a material with discontinuous such as the onset of yielding or the tensile
yielding and a pronounced upper yield spike strength, or the elapsed time to complete the test,
(Fig. 7a), it is a physical impossibility for the is sometimes specified. In this case, multiple test
stress rate to be maintained in that region be- pieces are usually required so that the correct test
cause, by definition, there is not a sustained in- speed can be determined by trial and error.
crease in stress in this region. For these reasons, Many test methods permit any speed of test-
the test methods usually specify that the rate ing below some percentage of the specified yield
(whether stress rate or strain rate) is set prior to or tensile strength to allow time to adjust the
the elastic limit (EL), and the crosshead speed force application mechanism, ensure that the ex-
is not adjusted thereafter. Stress rate is not ap- tensometer is working, and so on. Values of 50
plicable beyond the elastic limit of the material. and 25%, respectively, are often used.
Test methods that specify rate of straining expect
the rate to be controlled during yield; this min-
imizes effects on the test due to testing machine Post-Test Measurements
The rate of separation of the grips (or rate After the test has been completed, it is often
of separation of the cross heads or the cross-head required that the cross-sectional dimensions
speed) is a commonly used method of specifying again be measured to obtain measures of ductil-
the speed of testing. In ASTM A 370, for ex- ity. ASTM E 8 states that measurements made
ample, the specification of test speed is that after the test shall be to the same accuracy as the
“through the yield, the maximum speed shall not initial measurements.
exceed 1⁄16 in. per inch of reduced section per Method E 8 also states that upon completion
minute; beyond yield or when determining ten- of the test, gage lengths 2 in. and under are to
sile strength alone, the maximum speed shall not be measured to the nearest 0.01 in., and gage
exceed 1⁄2 in. per inch of reduced section per lengths over 2 in. are to be measured to the near-
minute. For both cases, the minimum speed shall est 0.5%. The document goes on to state that a
be greater than 1⁄10 of this amount.” This means percentage scale reading to 0.5% of the gage
that for a machined round test piece with a 21⁄4 length may be used. However, if the tensile test

Fig. 26 Illustration of the differences between constant stress increments and constant strain increments. (a) Equal stress increments
(increasing strain increments). (b) Equal strain increments (decreasing stress increments)
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 59

is being performed as part of a product specifi- same alloy. Because these data are plotted with
cation, and the elongation is specified to meet a the minus three-sigma value as zero, it appears
value of 3% or less, special techniques, which there is a difference between the mean values;
are described, are to be used to measure the final however, this appearance is due only to the way
gage length. These measurements are discussed the data are presented. Figures 28(a) and (b)
in a previous section, “Elongation,” in this chap- show lines of constant offset yield strength and
ter. constant tensile strength, respectively, for a 1 in.
thick, quenched and tempered plate of an alloy
steel. In this case, rectangular test pieces 11⁄2 in.
Variability of Tensile Properties wide were taken along the transverse direction
(T orientation in Fig. 20) every 3 in. along each
Even carefully performed tests will exhibit of the four test-piece centerlines shown. These
variability because of the nonhomogenous na- data indicate that the yield and tensile strengths
ture of metallic materials. Figure 27 (Ref 10) vary greatly within this relatively small sample
shows the three-sigma distribution of the offset and that the shape and location of the yield
yield strength and tensile strength values that strength contour lines are not the same as the
were obtained from multiple tests on a single shape and location of the tensile strength lines.
aluminum alloy. Distribution curves are pre- Effect of Strain Concentrations. During
sented for the results from multiple tests of a testing, strain concentrations (often called stress
single sheet and for the results from tests on a concentrations) occur in the test piece where
number of sheets from a number of lots of the there is a change in the geometry. In particular,

Fig. 27 Distribution of (a) yield and (b) tensile strengths for multiple tests on single sheet and on multiple lots of aluminum alloy
7075-T6. Source: Ref 10

Fig. 28 Contour maps of (a) constant yield strength (0.5% elongation under load, ksi) and (b) constant tensile strength (ksi) for a
plate of alloy steel
60 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the transition radii between the reduced section be determined. It is apparent that the test piece
and the grip ends are important, as previously will yield at the point of tangency prior to gen-
noted in the section “Test-Piece Geometry.” eral yielding in the reduced section. The ratio
Most test methods specify a minimum value for between the nominal strain and actual, maxi-
these radii. However, because there is a change mum strain is often referred to as the strain-con-
in geometry, there is still a strain concentration centration factor, or the stress-concentration fac-
at the point of tangency between the radii and tor if the actual stress is less than the elastic
the reduced section. Figure 29(a) (Ref 11) shows limit. This ratio is often abbreviated as kt. Stud-
a test piece of rubber with an abrupt change of ies have shown that kt is about 1.25 when the
section, which is a model of a tensile test piece radii are 1⁄2 in., the width (or diameter) of the
in the transition region. Prior to applying the reduced section is 0.500 in., and the width (or
force at the ends of the model, a rectangular grid diameter) of the grip end is 3⁄4 in. That is, the
was placed on the test piece. When force is ap- actual strain or the actual elastic stress at the
plied, it can be seen that the grid is severely transition (if less than the yield of the material)
distorted at the point of tangency but to a much is 25% greater than would be expected without
lesser degree at the center of the model. The dis- consideration of the strain or stress concentra-
tortion is a visual measure of strain. The strain tion. The value of kt decreases as the radii in-
distribution across section n-n is plotted in Fig.
29(b). From the stress-strain curve for the ma-
terial (Fig. 29c), the stresses on this section can

Fig. 30 Effect of strain rate on the ratio of dynamic yield-

stress and static yield-stress level of A36 structural
steel. Source: Ref 12

Fig. 29 Effect of strain concentrations on section n-n. (a)

Strain distribution caused by an abrupt change in
cross section (grid on sheet of rubber) (Ref 11). (b) Schematic of
strain distribution on cross section (Ref 11). (c) Calculation of Fig. 31 Stress-strain curves for tests conducted at “normal”
stresses at abrupt change in cross section n-n by graphical means and “zero” strain rates
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 61

crease such that, for the above example, if the Strain concentrations can be caused by
radii are 1.0 in., and kt decreases to about 1.15. notches deliberately machined in the test piece,
Various techniques have been tried to mini- nicks from accidental causes, or shear burrs, ma-
mize kt, including the use of spirals instead of chining marks, or gouges that occur during the
radii, but there will always be strain concentra- preparation of the test piece or from many other
tion in the transition region. This indicates that causes.
the yielding of the test piece will always initiate Effect of Strain Rate. Although the mechan-
at this point of tangency and proceed toward ical response of different materials varies, the
midlength. For these reasons, it is extremely im- strength properties of most materials tend to in-
portant that the radii be as large as feasible when crease at higher strain rates. For example, the
testing materials with low ductility. variability in yield strength of ASTM A 36

Fig. 32 Effect of temperature and strain rate on (a) tensile strength and (b) yield strength of 21⁄4 Cr-1 Mo Steel. Note: Strain-rate range
permitted by ASTM Method E 8 when determining yield strength at room temperature is indicated. Source: Ref 13
62 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

structural steel over a limited range of strain Another example of strain effects on strength
rates is shown in Fig. 30 (Ref 12). A “zero- is shown in Fig. 33 (Ref 14). This figure illus-
strain-rate” stress-strain curve (Fig. 31) is gen- trates true yield stress at various strains for a
erated by applying forces to a test piece to obtain low-carbon steel at room temperature. Between
a small plastic strain and then maintaining that strain rates of 10ⳮ6 sⳮ1 and 10ⳮ3 sⳮ1 (a thou-
strain until the force ceases to decrease (Point sandfold increase), yield stress increases only by
A). Force is reapplied to the test piece to obtain 10%. Above 1 sⳮ1, however, an equivalent rate
another increment of plastic strain, which is increase doubles the yield stress. For the data in
maintained until the force ceases to decrease Fig. 33, at every level of strain the yield stress
(Point B). This procedure is continued for sev- increases with increasing strain rate. However, a
eral more cycles. The smooth curve fitted decrease in strain-hardening rate is exhibited at
through Points A, B, and so on is the “zero- the higher deformation rates. For a low-carbon
strain-rate” stress-strain curve, and the yield steel tested at elevated temperatures, the effects
value is determined from this curve. of strain rate on strength can become more com-
The effect of strain rate on strength depends plicated by various metallurgical factors such as
on the material and the test temperature. Figure dynamic strain aging in the “blue brittleness”
32 (Ref 13) shows graphs of tensile strength and region of some mild steels (Ref 14).
yield strength for a common heat-resistant low- Structural aluminum is less strain-rate sensi-
alloy steel (21⁄4Cr-1Mo) over a wide range of tive than steels. Figure 34 (Ref 15) shows data
temperatures and strain rates. In this figure, the obtained for 1060-O aluminum. Between strain
strain rates were generally faster than those pre- rates of 10ⳮ3 sⳮ1 and 103 sⳮ1 (a millionfold
scribed in ASTM E 8. increase), the stress at 2% plastic strain increases
by less than 20%.


This article was adapted from J.M. Holt, Uni-

axial Tension Testing, Mechanical Testing and
Evaluation, Volume 8, ASM Handbook, ASM
International, 2000, p 124–142

Fig. 33 True stresses at various strains vs. strain rate for a low- REFERENCES
carbon steel at room temperature. The top line in the
graph is tensile strength, and the other lines are yield points for
the indicated level of strain. Source: Ref 14 1. D. Lewis, Tensile Testing of Ceramics and
Ceramic-Matrix Composites, Tensile Test-
ing, P. Han, Ed., ASM International, 1992,
p 147–182
2. R.J. Del Vecchio, Tensile Testing of Elas-
tomers, Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM
International, 1992, p 135–146
3. N.E. Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Ma-
terials—Engineering Methods for Defor-
mation, Fracture, and Fatigue, 2nd ed.,
Prentice Hall, 1999, p 123
4. R.L. Brockenbough and B.G. Johnson,
“Steel Design Manual,” United States Steel
Corporation, ADUSS 27 3400 03, 1974, p
5. P.M. Mumford, Test Methodology and Data
Analysis, Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM
Fig. 34 Uniaxial stress/strain/strain rate data for aluminum International, 1992, p 55
1060-O. Source: Ref 15 6. “Standard Test Method for Young’s Modu-
Uniaxial Tensile Testing / 63

lus, Tangent Modulus, and Chord Modu- Lindholm, Ed., Springer-Verlag, 1968, p
lus,” E 111, ASTM 254–269
7. Making, Shaping, and Treating of Steel,
10th ed., U.S. Steel, 1985, Fig. 50-12 and
8. “Standard Test Methods and Definitions for
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products,” A ● “Standard Method of Sharp-Notch Tension
370, Annex 6, Annual Book of ASTM Stan- Testing of High-Strength Sheet Materials,”
dards, ASTM, Vol 1.03 E 338, ASTM
9. “Conversion of Elongation Values, Part 1: ● “Standard Method of Sharp-Notch Tension
Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels,” 2566/1, In- Testing with Cylindrical Specimens,” E 602,
ternational Organization for Standardiza- ASTM
tion, revised 1984 ● “Standard Methods and Definitions for Me-
10. W.P. Goepfert, Statistical Aspects of Me- chanical Testing of Steel Products,” A 370,
chanical Property Assurance, Reproducibil- ASTM
ity and Accuracy of Mechanical Tests, STP ● “Standard Methods of Tension Testing of
626, ASTM, 1977, p 136–144 Metallic Foil,” E 345, ASTM
11. F.B. Seely and J.O. Smith, Resistance of ● “Standard Test Methods for Poisson’s Ratio
Materials, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, p 45 at Room Temperature,” E 132, ASTM
12. N.R.N. Rao et al., “Effect of Strain Rate on ● “Standard Test Methods for Static Determi-
the Yield Stress of Structural Steel,” Fritz nation of Young’s Modulus of Metals at Low
Engineering Laboratory Report 249.23, and Elevated Temperatures,” E 231, ASTM
1964 ● “Standard Test Methods for Young’s Mod-
13. R.L. Klueh and R.E. Oakes, Jr., High Strain- ulus, Tangent Modulus, and Chord Modu-
Rate Tensile Properties of 21⁄4 Cr-1 Mo lus,” E 111, ASTM
Steel, J. Eng. Mater. Technol., Oct 1976, p ● “Standard Methods of Tension Testing of
361–367 Metallic Materials,” E 8, ASTM
14. M.J. Manjoine, Influence of Rate of Strain ● “Standard Methods of Tension Testing
and Temperature on Yield Stresses of Mild Wrought and Cast Aluminum- and Magne-
Steel, J. Appl. Mech., Vol 2, 1944, p A-211 sium-Alloy Products,” B 557, ASTM
to A-218 ● “Standard Recommended Practice for Ele-
15. A.H. Jones, C.J. Maiden, S.J. Green, and H. vated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic
Chin, Prediction of Elastic-Plastic Wave Materials,” E 21, ASTM
Profiles in Aluminum 1060-O under Uni- ● “Standard Recommended Practice for Veri-
axial Strain Loading, Mechanical Behavior fication of Specimen Alignment Under Ten-
of Materials under Dynamic Loads, U.S. sile Loading,” E 1012, ASTM
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p65-89 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p065 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing
Equipment and Strain Sensors

TENSILE-TESTING EQUIPMENT consists manner. Other conventional test machines may

of several types of devices used to apply con- be limited to either tensile loading or compres-
trolled tensile loads to test specimens (test sive loading, but not both. These machines have
pieces). The equipment is capable of varying the less versatility than UTM equipment, but are
speed of load application and accurately mea- less expensive to purchase and maintain. The ba-
sures the forces, strains, and elongations applied sic aspects of UTM equipment and testing gen-
to the test piece. erally apply to tension or compression testing
Commercial tensile-testing equipment be- machines as well.
came available in the late 1800s. The earliest This chapter reviews the current technology
equipment used manual methods, such as hand and examines force application systems, force
cranks, to apply the load. In 1890, Tinius Olsen measurement, strain measurement, important in-
was granted a patent on the “Little Giant,” a strument considerations, gripping of test speci-
hand-cranked, 180 kN (40,000 lbf ) capacity mens, test diagnostics, and the use of computers
testing machine. In 1891, Olsen produced the for gathering and reducing data. The influence
first autographic machine capable of producing of the machine stiffness on the test results is also
a stress-strain diagram (Ref 1). An example of described, along with a general assessment of
an 1890 machine is shown in Fig. 1. Tensile test- test accuracy, precision, and repeatability of
ing equipment has evolved from purely mechan- modern equipment. A discussion of tensile test
ical machines to more advanced electromechan- specimens can be found in Chapter 3, “Uniaxial
ical and servohydraulic machines with advance Tensile Testing.”
electronics and microcomputers. Electronic cir-
cuitry and microprocessors have increased the
reliability of experimental data, while reducing
the time to analyze information. This transition
has made it possible to determine rapidly and
with great precision ultimate tensile strength and
elongation, yield strength, modulus of elasticity,
and other mechanical properties. Current equip-
ment manufacturers also offer workstation con-
figurations that automate mechanical testing.
Conventional test machines for measuring
mechanical properties include tension testers,
compression testers, or the more versatile uni-
versal testing machine (UTM) (Ref 2). UTMs
have the capability to test material in tension,
compression, or bending. The word universal re-
fers to the variety of stress states that can be
studied. UTMs can load material with a single, Fig. 1 Screw-driven balance-beam universal testing machine
continuous (monotonic) pulse or in a cyclic (1890 model)
66 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Testing Machines ● 1 lm/h test speeds for creep-fatigue, stress-

corrosion, and stress-rupture testing
Although there are many types of test systems ● 1 lm/min test speeds for fracture testing of
in current use, the most common are UTMs, brittle materials
which are designed to test specimens in tension, ● 10 m/s (400 in./s) test speeds for dynamic
compression, or bending. The testing machines testing of components like bumpers or seat
are designed to apply a force to a material to belts
determine its strength and resistance to defor-
mation. Regardless of the method of force ap- Servohydraulic UTM systems may also be de-
plication, testing machines are designed to drive signed for cycle rates from 1 cycle/day to over
a crosshead or platen at a controlled rate, thus 200 cycles/s. Gear-driven systems typically allow
applying a tensile or compressive load to a spec- cycle rates between 1 cycle/h and 1 cycle/s.
imen. Such testing machines measure and indi- Gear-driven (or screw-driven) machines
cate the applied force in pound-force (lbf ), kil- are electromechanical devices that use a large
ogram-force (kgf ), or newtons (N). These actuator screw threaded through a moving cross-
customary force units are related by the follow- head (Fig. 2). The screw is turned in either di-
ing: 1 lbf ⳱ 4.448222 N; 1 kgf ⳱ 9.80665 N. rection by an electric motor through a gear re-
All current testing machines are capable of in- duction system. The screws are rotated by a
dicating the applied force in either lbf or N (the variable-control motor and drive the moveable
use of kgf is not recommended). crosshead up or down. This motion can load the
The load-applying mechanism may be a hy- specimen in either tension or compression, de-
draulic piston and cylinder with an associated pending on how the specimen is to be held and
hydraulic power supply, or the load may be ad- tested.
ministered via precision-cut machine screws Screw-driven testing machines currently used
driven by the necessary gears, reducers, and mo- are of either a one-, two-, or four-screw design.
tor to provide a suitable travel speed. In some To eliminate twist in the specimen from the ro-
light-capacity machines (only a few hundred tation of the screws in multiple-screw systems,
pounds maximum), the force is applied by an air one screw has a right-hand thread, and the other
piston and cylinder. Gear-driven systems obtain has a left-hand thread. For alignment and lateral
load capacities up to approximately 600 kN stability, the screws are supported in bearings on
(1.35 ⳯ 105 lbf ), while hydraulic systems can each end. In some machines, loading crossheads
obtain forces up to approximately 4500 kN (1 are guided by columns or guideways to achieve
⳯ 106 lbf ). alignment.
Whether the machine is a gear-driven system A range of crosshead speeds can be achieved
or hydraulic system, at some point the test ma- by varying the speed of the electric motor and
chine reaches a maximum speed for loading the by changing the gear ratio. A closed-loop ser-
specimen. Gear driven test machines have a vodrive system ensures that the crosshead
maximum crosshead speed limited by the speed moves at a constant speed. The desired or user-
of the electric motor in combination with the selected speed and direction information is com-
design of the gear box transmission. Crosshead pared with a known reference signal, and the
speed of hydraulic machines is limited to the servomechanism provides positional control of
capacity of the hydraulic pump to deliver a the moving crosshead to reduce any error or dif-
steady pressure on the piston of the actuator or ference. State-of-the-art systems use precision
crosshead. Servohydraulic test machines offer a optical encoders mounted directly on preloaded
wider range of crosshead speeds; however, there twin ball screws. These types of systems are ca-
are continuing advances in the speed control of pable of measuring crosshead displacement to
screw-driven machines, which can be just as an accuracy of 0.125% or better with a resolu-
versatile as, or perhaps more versatile than, ser- tion of 0.6 lm.
vohydraulic machines. As noted previously, typical screw-driven ma-
Conventional gear-driven systems are gener- chines are designed for speeds of 1 to 20 mm/
ally designed for speeds of about 0.001 to 500 min (0.0394–0.788 in./min) for quasi-static test
mm/min (4 ⳯ 10ⳮ6 to 20 in./min), which is suit- applications; however, machines can be de-
able for quasi-static testing. Servohydraulic sys- signed to obtain higher speeds, although the use-
tems are generally designed over a wider range ful force available for application to the speci-
of test speeds, such as: men decreases as the speed of the crosshead
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 67

motion increases. Modern high-speed systems are translated evenly through the lead screw and
generally are useful in ranges up to 500 mm/min crosshead. However, when the crosshead direc-
(20 in./min) (Ref 3). Nonetheless, top crosshead tion is constantly in one direction, antibacklash
speeds of 1250 mm/min (50 in./min) can be at- devices may be unnecessary.
tained in screw-driven machines, and servohy- Servohydraulic machines use a hydraulic
draulic machines can be driven up to 2.5 ⳯ 105 pump and servohydraulic valves that move an
mm/min (104 in./min) or higher. actuator piston (Fig. 3). The actuator piston is
Due to the high forces involved, bearings and attached to one end of the specimen. The motion
gears require particular attention to reduce fric- of the actuator piston can be controlled in both
tion and wear. Backlash, which is the free move- directions to conduct tension, compression, or
ment between the mechanical drive components, cyclic loading tests.
is particularly undesirable. Many instruments in- Servohydraulic test systems have the capabil-
corporate antibacklash preloading so that forces ity of testing at rates from as low as 45 ⳯ 10ⳮ11

Fig. 2 Components of an electromechanical (screw-driven) testing machine. For the configuration shown, moving the lower (inter-
mediate) head upward produces tension in the lower space between the crosshead and the base
68 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 3 Schematic of a basic servohydraulic, closed-loop testing machine

m/s (1.8 ⳯ 10ⳮ9 in./s) to 30 m/s (1200 in./s) or test is underway, the computer controls the tests
more. The actual useful rate for any particular and collects, reduces, displays, and stores the
system depends on the size of the actuator, the data. The obvious advantage of the PC-based
flow rating of the servovalve, and the noise level controller is reduced time to generate graphic
present in the system electronics. A typical ser- results, or reports. The other advantage is the
vohydraulic UTM system is shown in Fig. 4. elimination of some procedural errors, or the re-
Hydraulic actuators are available in a wide duction of the interfacing details between the op-
variety of force ranges. They are unique in their erator and the experimental apparatus. Some
ability to economically provide forces of 4450 systems are designed with both types of con-
kN (1,000,000 lbf ) or more. Screw-driven ma- trollers. Having both types of controllers pro-
chines are limited in their ability to provide high vides maximum flexibility in data gathering with
forces due to problems associated with low ma- a minimal amount of time required for reducing
chine stiffness and large and expensive loading data when conducting standard experiments.
screws, which are increasingly more difficult to
produce as the force rating goes up.
Microprocessors for Testing and Data Re- Principles of Operation
duction. Contemporary UTMs are controlled by
microprocessor-based electronics. One class of The operation of a universal testing machine
controller is based on dedicated microprocessors can be understood in terms of the main elements
for test machines (Fig. 4). Dedicated microproc- for any stress analysis, which include material
essors are designed to perform specific tasks and response, specimen geometry, and load or
have displays and input functions that are lim- boundary condition.
ited to those tasks. The dedicated microproces- Material response, or material characteriza-
sor sends signals to the experimental apparatus tion, is studied by adopting standards for the
and receives information from various sensors.
The data received from sensors can be passed to
oscilloscopes or computers for display and stor-
age. The experimental results consist of time and
voltage information that must be further reduced
to analyze material behavior. Analysis of the
data requires the conversion of test results, such
as voltage, to specific quantities, such as dis-
placement and load, based on known conversion
The second class of controller is the personal
computer (PC) designed with an electronic in-
terface to the experimental apparatus, and the
appropriate application software. The software
takes the description of the test to be performed,
including specimen geometry data, and estab- Fig. 4 Servohydraulic testing machine and load frame with a
lishes the requisite electronic signals. Once the dedicated microprocessor-based controller
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 69

other two elements. Specimen geometries are to quantify the effect of deformation rate on
described in the section “Tensile Testing Re- strength and other properties, a specific defini-
quirements and Standards” at the end of this tion of strain rate is required. During a conven-
chapter. This section briefly describes load con- tional (quasi-static) tension test, for example,
dition factors, such as strain rate, machine rigid- ASTM E 8 “Tension Testing of Metallic Mate-
ity, and various testing modes by load control, rials” prescribes an upper limit of deformation
speed control, strain control, and strain-rate con- rate as determined quantitatively during the test
trol. by one of the following methods (listed in de-
creasing order of precision):
Strain Rate ● Rate of straining
● Rate of stressing (when loading is below the
Strain rate, or the rate at which a specimen is
deformed, is a key test variable that is controlled proportional limit)
● Rate of crosshead separation during the tests
within prescribed limits, depending on the type
● Elapsed time
of test being performed. Table 1 summarizes the
● Free-running crosshead speed
general strain-rate ranges that are required for
various types of property tests. Conventional For some materials, the free-running crosshead
(quasi-static) tensile tests require strain rates be- speed, which is the least accurate, may be ade-
tween 10ⳮ5 and 10ⳮ1 sⳮ1. quate, while for other materials, one of the re-
A typical mechanical test on metallic materi- maining methods with higher precision may be
als is performed at a strain rate of approximately necessary in order to obtain test values within
10ⳮ3 sⳮ1, which yields a strain of 0.5 in 500 s. acceptable limits. When loading is below the
Conventional equipment and techniques gener- proportional limit, the deformation rate can be
ally can be extended to strain rates as high as specified by the “loading rate” units of stress per
0.1 sⳮ1 without difficulty. Tests at higher strain unit of time such that:
rates necessitate additional considerations of
machine stiffness and strain measurement tech- ṙ ⳱ Eė
niques. In terms of machine capability, servo-
hydraulic load frames equipped with high-ca- where, according to Hooke’s law, ṙ is stress. E
pacity valves can be used to generate strain rates is the modulus of elasticity, ė is strain, and the
as high as 200 sⳮ1. These tests are complicated superposed dots denote time derivatives.
by load and strain measurement and data acqui- ASTM E 8 specifies that the test speed must
sition. be low enough to permit accurate determination
If the crosshead speed is too high, inertia ef- of loads and strains. When the rate of stressing
fects can become important in the analysis of the is stipulated, ASTM E 8 requires that it not ex-
specimen stress state. Under conditions of high ceed 690 MPa/min (100 ksi/min). This corre-
crosshead speed, errors in the load cell output sponds to an elastic strain rate of about 5 ⳯
and crosshead position data may become unac- 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1 for steel or 15 ⳯ 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1 for alu-
ceptably large. A potential exists to damage load minum. When the rate of straining is stipulated,
cells and extensometers under rapid loading. ASTM E 8 prescribes that after the yield point
The damage occurs when the specimen fractures has been passed, the rate can be increased to
and the load is instantaneously removed from about 1000 ⳯ 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1; presumably, the stress
the specimen and the load frame. rate limitation must be applied until the yield
At strain rates greater than 200 sⳮ1, the re- point is passed. Lower limits are also given in
quired crosshead speeds exceed the speeds eas- ASTM E 8.
ily obtained with screw-driven or hydraulic ma-
chines. Specialized high strain rate methods are
discussed in more detail in Chapter 15, “High Table 1 Strain rate ranges for different tests
Strain Rate Testing.” Strain rate range,
Type of test sⴑ1
Creep tests 10ⳮ8 to 10ⳮ5
Determination of Strain Pseudostatic tensile or compression tests 10ⳮ5 to 10ⳮ1
Rates for Quasi-Static Tensile Tests Dynamic tensile or compression tests 10ⳮ1 to 102
Impact bar tests involving wave propagation 102 to 104
Strength properties for most materials tend to
increase at higher rates of deformation. In order Source: Ref 4
70 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

In ASTM standard E 345, “Tension Testing where q0A0dx0 is the mass of the element, A0dx0
of Metallic Foil,” the same upper limit on the is the volume, q is the density of the material,
rate of stressing is recommended. In addition, a and (d2u/dt2) is its acceleration. Tests that are
lower limit of 7 MPa/min (1 ksi/min) is given. conducted very slowly involve extremely small
ASTM E 345 further specifies that when the accelerations. Thus, Eq 1 shows that the varia-
yield strength is to be determined, the strain rate tion of force dF along the specimen length is
must be in the range from approximately 3 ⳯ negligible.
10ⳮ5 to 15 ⳯ 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1. However, for tests of increasingly shorter du-
rations, the acceleration term on the right side of
Inertia Effects Eq 1 becomes increasingly significant. This pro-
A fundamental difference between a high duces an increasing variation of axial force
strain rate tensile test and a quasi-static tensile along the length of the specimen. As the force
test is that inertia and wave propagation effects becomes more nonuniform, so must the stress.
are present at high rates. An analysis of results Consequently, the strain and strain rate will also
from a high strain rate test thus requires consid- vary with axial position in the specimen. When
eration of the effect of stress wave propagation these effects become pronounced, the concept of
along the length of the test specimen in order to average values of stress, strain, and strain rate
determine how fast a uniaxial test can be run to become meaningless, and the test results must
obtain valid stress-strain data. be analyzed in terms of the propagation of waves
For high loading rates, the strain in the spec- through the specimen. This is shown in Table 1
imen may not be uniform. Figure 5 illustrates an as beginning near strain rates of 102 sⳮ1.
elemental length dx0 of a tensile test specimen In an intermediate range of strain rates (de-
whose initial cross-sectional area is A0 and noted as dynamic tests in Table 1), an effect
whose initial location is prescribed by the co- known as “ringing” of the load-measuring de-
ordinate x. Neglecting gravity, no forces act on vice obscures the interpretation of test data. An
this element in its initial configuration. After the example of this condition is shown in Fig. 6,
test has begun, the element is shown displaced which is a tracing of load cell force versus time
by a distance u, deformed to new dimensions dx during a dynamic tensile test of a 2024-T4 alu-
and A, and subjected to forces F and F Ⳮ dF. minum specimen. Calculation showed that the
The difference, dF, between these end-face oscillations apparent in the figure are consistent
forces causes the motion of the element that is with vibrations at the approximate natural fre-
manifested by the displacement, u. This motion quency of the load cell used for this test (Ref
is governed by Newton’s second law, force 5, 6).
equals mass times acceleration: In many machines currently available for dy-
namic testing, electronic signal processing is
used to filter out such vibrations, thus making
dF ⳱ q0A0dx0 2 (Eq 1) the instrumentation records appear much
smoother than the actual load cell signal. How-
ever, there is still a great deal of uncertainty in
the interpretation of dynamic test data. Conse-

Fig. 5 The deformation of an elemental length, dx0, of a ten- Fig. 6 Oscilloscope record of load cell force versus time dur-
sile test specimen of initial cross-sectional area, A0, by ing a dynamic tensile test depicting the phenomenon
a stress wave. The displacement of the element is u; the differ- of ringing. The uncontrolled oscillations result when the loading
ential length of the element as a function of time is dx; the forces rate is near the resonant frequency of the load cell. The scales
acting on the faces of the element are given by F and F Ⳮ dF. are arbitrary. Source: Ref 5
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 71

quently, the average value of the high-frequency relative crosshead displacement produces plastic
vibrations associated with the load cell can be deformation in the specimen. Qualitatively, in a
expected to differ from the force in the speci- test at approximately constant crosshead speed,
men. This difference is caused by vibrations near the initial elastic strain rate in the specimen will
the natural frequency of the testing machine, be small, but the specimen strain rate will in-
which are so low that the entire test can occur crease when plastic flow occurs.
in less than 1⁄10 of a cycle. Hence, these low- Quantitatively, this effect can be estimated as
frequency vibrations usually are impossible to follows. Consider a specimen having an initial
detect in a test record, but can produce signifi- cross-sectional area A0 and modulus of elasticity
cant errors in the analysis of test results. The E gripped in a testing machine so that its axially
ringing frequency for typical load cells ranges stressed gage length initially is L0. (This discus-
from 2400 to 3600 Hz. sion is limited to the range of testing speeds
where wave propagation effects are negligible.
Machine Stiffness This restriction implies that the load is uniform
throughout the gage length of the specimen.)
The most common misconception relating to Denote the stiffness of the machine, grips, and
strain rate effects is that the testing machine is so on, by K and the crosshead displacement rate
much stiffer than the specimen. Such an as- (nominal crosshead speed) by S. The ratio S/L0
sumption leads to the concept of deformation of is sometimes called the nominal rate of strain,
the specimen by an essentially rigid machine. but because it is often substantially different
However, for most tests the opposite is true: the from the rate of strain in the specimen, the term
conventional tensile specimen is much stiffer specific crosshead rate is preferred (Ref 8).
than most testing machines. As shown in Fig. 7, Let loading begin at time t equal to zero. At
for example, if crosshead displacement is de- any moment thereafter, the displacement of the
fined as the relative displacement, D, that would crosshead must equal the elastic deflection of the
occur under conditions of zero load, then with a machine plus the elastic and plastic deflections
specimen gripped in a testing machine and the of the specimen. Letting s denote the engineer-
driving mechanism engaged, the crosshead dis- ing stress in the specimen, the machine deflec-
placement equals the deformation in the gage tion is then sA0/K. It is reasonable to assume that
length of the specimen plus elastic deflections in Hooke’s law adequately describes the elastic de-
components such as the machine frame, load formation of the specimen at ordinary stress lev-
cell, grips, and specimen ends. Before yielding, els. Thus, the elastic strain ee is s/E.
the gage length deformation is a small fraction Denoting the average plastic strain in the
of the crosshead displacement. specimen by ep, the above displacement balance
After the onset of gross plastic yielding of the can be expressed as:
specimen, conditions change. During this phase
of deformation, the load varies slowly as the ma-
冢AK Ⳮ LE 冣 Ⳮ e L
terial strain hardens. Thus, the elastic deflections
in the machine change slowly, and most of the 冮0
Sdt ⳱ s 0 0
p 0 (Eq 2)

Fig. 7 Schematic illustrating crosshead displacement and elastic deflection in a tensile testing machine. D is the displacement of the
crosshead relative to the zero load displacement; L0 is the initial gage length of the specimen; K is the composite stiffness of
the grips, loading frame, load cell, specimen ends, etc.; F is the force acting on the specimen. The development of Eq 2 through 12
describes the effects of testing machine stiffness on tensile properties. Source: Ref 7
72 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Differentiating Eq 2 with respect to time and Research in this area showed that a significant
dividing by L0 gives: amount of scatter was found in the measurement
of machine stiffness. This variability can be at-
冢 冣冢 冣
S ṡ A0E tributed to relatively small differences in test
⳱ Ⳮ 1 Ⳮ ėp (Eq 3)
L0 E KL0 conditions. For characterization of the elastic re-
sponse of a material and for a precise measure
The strain rate in the specimen is the sum of the of yield point, the influence of machine stiffness
elastic and plastic strain rates: requires that an extensometer, or a bonded strain
gage, be used. After yielding of the specimen
ė ⳱ ėe Ⳮ ėp ⳱ 冢Eṡ 冣 Ⳮ ė
p (Eq 4)
material, the change of machine deflection is
very small because the load changes slowly. If
the purpose of the experiment is to study large
Using Eq 3 to eliminate the stress rate from Eq strain behavior, then the error associated with
4 yields: the use of the crosshead displacement is small
relative to other forms of experimental uncer-
冢ASKE Ⳮ ė 冣

ė ⳱ (Eq 5)
冢 冣 Control Modes
During a test, control circuits and servomech-
anisms monitor and control the key experimen-
Thus, it is seen that the specimen strain rate usu-
tal conditions, such as force, specimen defor-
ally will differ from the specific crosshead rate
mation, and the position of the moveable
by an amount dependent on the rate of plastic
crosshead. These are the key boundary condi-
deformation and the relative stiffnesses of the
tions, which are analyzed to provide mechanical
specimen (A0E/L0) and the machine, K.
property data. These boundary conditions on the
specimen can also be controlled in different
Determination of Testing Machine Stiffness ways, such as constant load control, constant
Machine stiffness is the amount of deflection strain control, and constant crosshead speed con-
in the load frame and the grips for each unit of trol. Constant crosshead speed is the most com-
load applied to the specimen. This deflection not mon method for tensile tests.
only encompasses elastic deflection of the load Constant Load Rate Testing. With appropri-
frame, but includes any motion in the grip mech- ate modules on a UTM system, a constant load
anism, or at any interface (threads, etc.) in the rate test can be accomplished easily. In this con-
system. These deflections are substantial during figuration, a load-control module allows the ma-
the initial loading of the specimen, that is, chine with the constant rate of extension to func-
through the elastic regime. This means that the tion as a constant load rate device. This is
initial crosshead speed (specified by the opera- accomplished by a feedback signal from a load
tor) is not an accurate measure of specimen dis- cell, which generates a signal that automatically
placement (strain). If the strain in the elastic re- adjusts to the motion controller of the crosshead.
gime is not accurately known, then extremely Usually, the servomechanism system response is
large errors may result in the calculation of particularly critical when materials are loaded
Young’s modulus (E, the ratio of stress versus through the yield point.
strain in the elastic regime). In the analysis by Constant Strain Rate Testing. Commercial
Hockett and Gillis (Ref 9), the machine stiffness systems have been developed to control the ex-
K is accounted for in the following equation: periment based on a constant rate of straining in
the specimen. These systems rely on extensom-

冢Ṗ 冣
S L0 eters measuring the change in gage length to
K ⳱ ⳮ (Eq 6)
0 A0E provide data on strain as a function of time. The
resulting signal is processed to determine the
where L0 is initial specimen gage length, S is current strain rate and is used to adjust the cross-
crosshead speed of the testing machine, A0 head displacement rate throughout the test.
is initial cross-sectional area of the specimen, Ṗ0 Again, servomechanism response time is par-
is specimen load rate (dF/dt ⳱ A0ṡ), and E is ticularly critical when materials are taken
Young’s modulus of the specimen material. through yield.
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 73

To maintain a constant average strain rate dur- capable of conducting tests at constant strain rate
ing a test, the crosshead speed must be adjusted through the yield point of a material.
as plastic flow occurs so that the sum (SK/A0E Equation 9 indicates the magnitude of speed
Ⳮ ep) remains constant. For most metallic ma- changes required only for tests in which there is
terials at the beginning of a test, the plastic strain no yield drop. For materials having upper and
rate is ostensibly zero, and from Eq 5 the initial lower yield points, the direction of crosshead
strain rate is: motion may have to be reversed after initial
yielding to maintain a constant strain rate. This
reversal may be necessary, because plastic
冢LS 冣

strains beyond the upper yield point can be im-
ė0 ⳱ (Eq 7) posed at a strain rate greater than the desired rate
1 Ⳮ 冢 冣
by recovery of elastic deflections of the machine
as the load decreases.
Another important test feature related to the
where S0 is the crosshead speed at the beginning speed change capability of the testing machine
of the test. For materials that have a definite is the rate at which the crosshead can accelerate
yield, ṡ ⳱ 0 at the yield point. Therefore, from from zero to the prescribed test speed at the be-
Eq 3 and 4, the yield point strain rate is: ginning of the test. For a slow test this may not
be critical, but for a high-speed test, the yield
point could be passed before the crosshead
ė1 ⳱ 冢LS 冣

(Eq 8) achieves full testing speed. Thus, the crosshead
may still be accelerating when it should be de-
celerating, and accurate information concerning
where S1 is the crosshead speed at the yield
the strain rate will not be obtained. With the ad-
point. Equating these two values of strain rate
vent of closed-loop servohydraulic machines
shows that the crosshead speed must be reduced
and electromagnetic shakers, the speed at which
from its initial value to its yield-point value by
the ram (crosshead) responds is two orders of
a factor of:
magnitude greater than for screw-driven ma-
⳱ 1 Ⳮ冢A0E
KL0 冣 (Eq 9) Tests at Constant Crosshead Speeds. Ma-
chines with a constant rate of extension are the
most common type of screw-driven testers and
For particular measured values of machine stiff- are characterized by a constant rate of crosshead
ness given in Table 2, this factor for a standard travel regardless of applied loads. They permit
12.8 mm (0.505 in.) diameter steel specimen is testing without speed variations that might alter
typically greater than 20 and can be as high as test results; this is particularly important when
100. Only for specially designed machines will testing rate-sensitive materials such as polymers,
the relative stiffness of the machine exceed that which exhibit different ultimate strengths and
of the specimen. Even for wire-like specimens, elongations when tested at different speeds.
the correspondingly delicate gripping arrange- For a gear-driven system, applying the bound-
ment will ensure that the machine stiffness is ary condition is as simple as engaging the elec-
less than that of the specimen. Thus, large tric motor with a gear box transmission. At this
changes in crosshead speed usually are required point, the crosshead displacement will be what-
to maintain a constant strain rate from the be- ever speed and direction was selected. More so-
ginning of the test through the yield point. phisticated systems use a command signal that
Furthermore, for many materials, the onset of
yielding is quite rapid, so that this large change
in speed must be accomplished quickly. Making Table 2 Experimental values of testing machine
the necessary changes in speed generally re- stiffness
quires not only special strain-sensing equip-
Machine stiffness
ment, but also a driving unit that is capable of
kg/mm lb/ln. Source
extremely fast response. The need for fast re-
740 41,500 Ref 10
sponse in the driving system eliminates the use 460 26,000 Ref 11
of screw-driven machines for constant strain- 1800 100,000 Ref 12
rate testing. Servohydraulic machines may be 1390–2970 77,900–166,500 Ref 13
74 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

is compared with a feedback signal from a trans-

ducer monitoring the position of the crosshead.
ė0 冢
⳱ 1 Ⳮ
KL0 冣 (Eq 12)
Using this feedback circuit, the desired bound-
ary condition can be achieved. Consequently, in an ordinary tensile test, the
Tensile tests usually can be carried out at a yield strength and ultimate tensile strength may
constant crosshead speed on a conventional test- be determined at two different strain rates, which
ing machine, provided the machine has an ade- can vary by a factor of 20 to 100, depending on
quate speed controller and the driving mecha- machine stiffness. If a yield drop occurs, elastic
nism is sufficiently powerful to be insensitive to recovery of machine deflections will impose a
changes in the loading rate. Because special ac- strain rate even greater than the specific cross-
cessory equipment is not required, such tests are head rate given by Eq 12.
relatively simple to perform. Also, constant A point of interest from the analysis involves
crosshead speed tests typically provide as good testing of different sized specimens at about the
a comparison among materials and as adequate same initial strain rate. Assuming that these tests
a measure of strain-rate sensitivity as constant are to be made on one machine under conditions
strain-rate tests. for which K remains substantially constant, the
Two of the most significant test quantities— crosshead speed must be adjusted to ensure that
yield strength and ultimate tensile strength— specimens of different lengths, diameters, or ma-
frequently can be correlated with initial strain terials will experience the same initial strain rate.
rate and specific crosshead rate, respectively. In the typical case where the specimen is much
The strain rate up to the proportional limit equals stiffer than the machine, (1 Ⳮ A0E/KL0) in Eq
the initial strain rate. Thus, for materials that 10 can be approximated simply by (A0E/KL0),
yield sharply, the time-average strain rate from so that the initial strain rate is approximately ė0
the beginning of the test to yield is only slightly ⳱ SK/A0E. Thus, specimens of various lengths,
greater than the initial strain rate: tested at the same crosshead speed, will gener-
ally experience nearly the same initial strain rate.

冢 冣
S However, changing either the specimen cross
L0 section or material necessitates a corresponding
ė0 ⳱ (Eq 10) change in crosshead speed to obtain the same
1 Ⳮ 0 initial rate.
A change in specimen length has substantially
the same effect on both the specific crosshead
even though the instantaneous strain rate at yield rate (S/L0) and the stiffness ratio of specimen to
is the specific crosshead rate: machine (A0E/KL0) and, therefore, has no net
effect. For example, an increase in specimen
length tends to decrease the strain rate by dis-
冢L 冣
ė1 ⳱ (Eq 11) tributing the crosshead displacement over the
longer length; however, at the same time, the
increase in length reduces the stiffness of the
However, beyond the yield point, the stress rate specimen so that more of the crosshead displace-
is small so that the strain rate remains close to ment goes into deformation of the specimen and
the specific crosshead rate (Eq 11). Thus, ductile less into deflection of the machine. These two
materials, for which a rather long time will effects are almost exactly equal in magnitude.
elapse before reaching ultimate strength, have a Thus, no change in initial strain rate is expected
time-average strain rate from the beginning of for specimens of different lengths tested at the
the test to ultimate that is only slightly less than same crosshead speed.
the specific crosshead rate. Also, because the
load rate is zero at ultimate as well as at yield,
the instantaneous strain rate at ultimate equals
the specific crosshead rate. Load-Measurement Systems
During a test at constant crosshead speed, the
variation of strain rate from initial to yield-point Prior to the development of load cells, testing
values is precisely the inverse of the crosshead machine manufacturers used several types of de-
speed change required to maintain a constant vices for the measurement of force. Early sys-
strain rate (Eq 9): tems, some of which are still in use, employ a
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 75

graduated balanced beam similar to platform- properties of the material being studied is also
scale weighing systems. Subsequent systems useful to obtain full optimization of these sig-
have used Bourdon tube hydraulic test gages, nals.
Bourdon tubes with various support and assist Within individual load cells, mechanical stops
devices, and load cells of several types. One of can be incorporated to minimize possible dam-
the most common load-measuring systems, prior age that could be caused by accidental over-
to the development of load cells, was the dis- loads. Also, guidance and supports can be in-
placement pendulum, which measured load by cluded to prevent the deleterious effects of side
the movement of the balance displacement pen- loading and to give desired rigidity and rugged-
dulum. The pendulum measuring system was ness. This is important in tensile testing of met-
used widely, because it is applicable to both hy- als because of the elastic recoil that can occur
draulic and screw-driven machines and has a when a stiff specimen fails.
high degree of reliability and stability. Many Calibration of load-measuring devices re-
machines of this design are still in use, and they fers to the procedure of determining the
are still manufactured in Europe, India, South magnitude of error in the indicated loads. Only
America, and Asia. Another widely used testing load-indicating mechanisms that comply with
system was the Emery-Tate oil-pneumatic sys- standard calibration methods (e.g., ASTM E 74)
tem, which accurately senses the hydraulic pres- should be used for the load calibration and ver-
sure in a closed, flat capsule. ification of universal testing machines (see the
Load Cells. Current testing machines use section “Force Verification of Universal Testing
strain-gage load cells and pressure transducers. Machines” later in this chapter).
In a load cell, strain gages are mounted on pre- Calibration of load-measuring devices for me-
cision-machined alloy-steel elements, hermeti- chanical test machines is covered in specifica-
cally sealed in a case with the necessary electri- tions of several standards organizations such as:
cal outlets, and arranged for tensile and/or
compressive loading. The load cell can be Specification
mounted so that the specimen is in direct con- number Specification title
tact, or the cell can be indirectly loaded through ASTM E 74 Standard Practice for Calibration of Force-
the machine crosshead, table, or columns of the Measuring Instruments for Verifying the
Force Indication of Testing Machines
load frame. The load cell and the load cell circuit EN 10002-3 Part 3: Calibration of Force-Proving Instruments
are calibrated to provide a specific voltage as an Used for the Verification of Testing Machines
output signal when a certain force is detected. In ISO 376 Metallic Materials—Calibration of Force-
Proving Instruments Used for the Verification
pressure transducers, which are variations of of Testing Machines
strain-gage load cells, the strain-gaged member BS EN 10002-3 Calibration of Force-Proving Instruments Used
for the Verification of Uniaxial Testing
is activated by the hydraulic pressure of the sys- Machines
Strain gages, strain-gage load cells, and pres-
sure transducers are manufactured to several de- To ensure valid load verification, calibration
grees of accuracy; however, when used as the procedures should be performed by skilled per-
load-measuring mechanism of a testing ma- sonnel who are knowledgeable about testing ma-
chine, the mechanisms must conform to ASTM chines and related instruments and the proper
E 4, as well as to the manufacturer’s quality use of calibration standards.
standards. Load cells are rated by the maximum Load verification of load-weighing systems
force in their operating range, and the deflection can be accomplished using methods based on
of the load cell must be maintained within the the use of standard weights, standard weights
elastic regime of the material from which the and lever balances, and elastic calibration de-
load cell was constructed. Because the load cell vices. Of these calibration methods, elastic cal-
operates within its elastic range, both tensile and ibration devices have the fewest inherent prob-
compressive forces can be monitored. lems and are widely used. The two main types
Electronics provide a wide range of signal of elastic load-calibration devices are elastic
processing capability to optimize the resolution proving rings and strain-gage load cells, as
of the output signal from the load cell. Tem- briefly described below.
perature-compensating gages reduce measure- The elastic proving ring (Fig. 8a, b) is a
ment errors from changes in ambient tempera- forged steel ring that is precisely machined to a
ture. A prior knowledge of the mechanical fine finish and closely maintained tolerances.
76 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

This device has a uniform and repeatable de- form deflection under load. The steel load cell
flection throughout its loaded range. Elastic element contains one or more reduced sections,
proving rings usually are designed to be used onto which wire or foil strain gages are attached
only in compression, but special rings are de- to form a balanced circuit containing a tempera-
signed to be used in tension or compression. ture-compensating element.
As the term “elastic device” implies, the ring Strain-gage load cells used for calibration
is used well within its elastic range, and the de- purposes are either compression or tension-com-
flection is read by a precise micrometer. Proving pression types and have built-in capacities rang-
rings are available with capacities ranging from ing from about 0.4 to 4000 kN (100 to 1,000,000
4.5 to over 5000 kN (1000 to 1.2 ⳯ 106 lbf ). lbf ). Their usable range is typically from 5 to
Their usable range is from 10 to 100% of load 100% of capacity load, and their accuracy is
capacity, based on compliance with the ASTM Ⳳ0.05%, based on compliance with applicable
E 74 verification procedure. calibration procedures, such as ASTM E 74.
Proving rings vary in weight from about 2 kg Figure 9 illustrates a load cell system used to
(5 lb) to hundreds of kilograms (or several hun- calibrate a UTM. This particular system incor-
dred pounds). They are portable and easy to use. porates a digital load indicator unit.
After initial certification, they should be recali- Comparison of Elastic Calibration De-
brated and recertified at intervals not exceeding vices. The deflection of a proving ring is mea-
2 years. sured in divisions that are assigned a value in
Proving rings are not load rings. Although the lbf, kgf, or N. The force is then calculated in the
two devices are of similar design and construc- desired units. Although the deflection of a load
tion, only proving rings that use a precise mi- cell is given numerically and a force value can
crometer for measuring deflection can be used be assigned with a load cell reading, electric cir-
for calibration. Load rings employ a dial indi- cuits can provide direct readout in lbf, kgf, or N.
cator to measure deflection and usually do not Thus, certified load cells are more practical and
comply with the requirements of ASTM E 74. convenient to use and minimize errors in cal-
Calibration strain-gage load cells are pre- culation.
cisely machined high-alloy steel elements de- In small capacities (5 to 20 kN, or 1000 to
signed to have a positive and predetermined uni- 5000 lbf ), proving rings and load cells are of

Fig. 8 Proving rings. (a) Elastic proving ring with precision micrometer for deflection/load readout. (b) Load calibration of 120,000
lbf screw-driven testing machine with a proving ring
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 77

similar size and weight (2 to 5 kg, or 4 to 10 lb). platen is assumed to be equal to the specimen
In large capacities (2000 to 2700 kN, or 400,000 displacement, an error is introduced by the fact
to 600,000 lbf ), load cells are about one half the that the entire load frame has been deflected un-
size and weight of proving rings. Proving rings der the stress state. This effect is related to the
are a single-piece, self-contained unit. A load concept of machine stiffness, as previously dis-
cell calibration kit consists of two parts: the load cussed.
cell and the display indicator (Fig. 9). Although
the display indicator is designed to be used with Extensometry
a load cell of any capacity, it can only be used
with load cells that have been verified with it as The elongation of a specimen during load ap-
a system. plication can be measured directly with various
Although both proving rings and load cells types of devices, such as clip-on extensometers
are portable, the lighter weight and smaller size (Fig. 10), directly-mounted strain gages (Fig.
of high-capacity load cells enhance their suit- 11), and various optical devices. These devices
ability for general use. Load cells and their dis- are used extensively and can provide a high de-
play indicators require a longer setup time: how- gree of deformation- (strain-) measurement ac-
ever, their direct readout feature reduces the curacy. Other more advanced instrumentations,
overall calibration and reporting time. After ini- such as laser interferometry and video exten-
tial certification, the load cell should be recali- someters, are also available.
brated after one year and thereafter at intervals Various types of extensometers and strain
not exceeding two years. gages are described below. Selection of a device
Both types of calibration devices are certified for strain measurement depends on various fac-
in accordance with the provisions of calibration tors:
standards. In the United States, devices are cer- ● The useable range and accuracy of the gage
tified in accordance with ASTM E 74 and the ● Techniques for mounting the gage
verification values determined by the National ● Specimen size
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). ● Environmental test conditions
NIST maintains a 1,000,000 lbf deadweight cal- ● Electronic circuit configuration and analysis
ibrator that is kept in a temperature- and humid- for signal processing
ity-controlled environment. This force-calibrat-
ing machine incorporates twenty 50,000 lb The last item should include the calibration of
stainless steel weights, each accurate to within the extensometer device over its full operating
Ⳳ0.25 lb. This machine, and six others of
smaller capacities, are used to calibrate elastic
calibrating devices, which in turn are employed
to accurately calibrate other testing equipment.
Elastic calibrating devices for verification of
testing machines are calibrated to primary stan-
dards, which are weights. The masses of the
weights used are determined to 0.005% of their

Strain-Measurement Systems

Deformation of the specimen can be mea-

sured in several ways, depending on the size of
specimen, environmental conditions, and mea-
surement requirements for accuracy and preci-
sion of anticipated strain levels. A simple
method is to use the velocity of the crosshead
while tracking the load as a function of time. For
the load and time data pair, the stress in the spec-
imen and the amount of deformation, or strain, Fig. 9 Load cell and digital load indicator used to calibrate a
can be calculated. When the displacement of the 200,000 lbf hydraulic testing machine
78 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

range. In addition, one challenge of working with these early devices, most dial extensome-
with clip-on extensometers is to ensure proper ters use knife edges and leaf-spring pressure for
attachment to the specimen. If the extensometer specimen attachment. An extensometer using a
slips as the specimen deforms, the resulting sig- dial indicator to measure elongation is shown in
nal will give a false reading. Fig. 13. The dial indicator usually is marked off
Clip-on extensometers can be attached to a in 0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.) increments and mea-
test specimen to measure elongation or strain as sures the total extension between the gage
the load is applied. This is particularly important points. This value divided by the gage length
for metals and similar materials that exhibit high gives strain in mm/mm, or in./in.
stiffness. As shown in Fig. 12, typical extensom- LVDT extensometers employ an LVDT with a
eters have fixed gage lengths such as 25 or 50 core, which moves from specimen deformation
mm (1 or 2 in.). They are also classified by max- and produces an electrical signal proportional to
imum percent elongation so that a typical 25 mm amount of core movement (Fig. 14). LVDT ex-
(1 in.) gage length unit would have different tensometers are small, lightweight, and easy to
models for 10, 50, or 100% maximum strain. use. Knife edges provide an exact point of con-
Extensometers are used to measure axial strain tact and are mechanically set to the exact gage
in specimens. There also are transverse strain- length. Unless the test report specifies total elon-
measuring devices that indicate the reduction in gation, center punch marks or scribed lines are
width or diameter as the specimen is tested. not required to define the gage length. They are
The two basic types of clip-on extensometers available with gage lengths ranging from 10 to
are linear variable differential transformer 2500 mm (0.4 to 100 in.) and can be fitted with
(LVDT) devices and strain-gage devices. These breakaway features (Fig. 15), sheet metal
two types are described along with a description clamps, low-pressure clamping arrangements
of earlier dial-type extensometers. (film clamps, as shown in Fig. 16), and other
Early extensometers were held to the speci- devices. Thus, they can be used on small spec-
men with center points matching the specimen imens—such as thread, yarn, and foil—and on
gage-length punch marks, and elongation was large test specimens—such as reinforcing bars,
indicated between the points by a dial indicator. heavy steel plate, and tubing up to 75 mm (3 in.)
Because of mechanical problems associated in diameter.

Fig. 10 Test specimen with an extensometer attached to measure specimen deformation. Courtesy of Epsilon Technology Corpo-
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 79

Modifications of the LVDT extensometer also ⬚F). Accurate measurements can also be made
permit linear measurements at temperatures in a vacuum. For standard instruments, the
ranging from ⳮ75 to 1205 ⬚C (ⳮ100 to 2200 working temperature range is approximately
ⳮ75 to 120 ⬚C (ⳮ100 to 250 ⬚F). However, by
substituting an elevated-temperature trans-
former coil, the usable range of the instrument
can be extended to ⳮ130 to 260 ⬚C (ⳮ200 to
500 ⬚F).
Strain-gage extensometers, which use strain
gages rather than LVDTs, are also common and
are lighter in weight and smaller in size, but
strain gages are somewhat more fragile than
LVDTs. The strain gage usually is mounted on
a pivoting beam, which is an integral part of the
extensometer. The beam is deflected by the
movement of the extensometer knife edge when
the specimen is stressed. The strain gage at-
tached to the beam is an electrically conductive
small-sized grid that changes its resistance when
deformed in tension, compression, bending, or
torsion. Thus, strain gages can be used to supply
the information necessary to calculate strain,
stress, angular torsion, and pressure.
Strain gages have been improved and refined,
and their use has become widespread. Basic
types include wire gages, foil gages, and capac-
itive gages. Wire and foil bonded resistance
strain gages are used for measuring stress and
strain and for calibration of load cells, pressure
transducers, and extensometers. These gages
typically measure 9.5 to 13 mm (3⁄8 to 1⁄2 in.) in
Fig. 11 Strain gages mounted directly to a specimen width and 13 to 19 mm (1⁄2 to 3⁄4 in.) in length

Fig. 12 Typical clip-on extensometers. (a) Extensometer with 25 mm (1 in.) gage length and Ⳳ3.75 mm (Ⳳ0.150 in.) travel suitable
for static and dynamic applications with a variety of specimen geometries, dimensions, and materials. (b) Extensometer with
50 mm (2 in.) gage length and 25 mm (1 in.) travel suitable for large specimens and materials with long elongation patterns
80 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

and are adhesively bonded to a metal element unit elongation over nominal gage length rather
(Fig. 17). than total elongation between definite gage
Operation of strain-gage extensometers is points. For some testing applications, strain
based on gages that are bonded to a metallic ele- gages are used in conjunction with extensome-
ment and connected to a bridge circuit. Deflec- ters (Fig. 17).
tion of the element, due to specimen strain, In conventional use, wire or foil strain gages,
changes the gage’s resistance that produces an when mounted on structures and parts for stress
output signal from a bridge circuit. This signal analysis, are discarded with the tested item.
is amplified and processed by signal condition- Thus, strain gages are seldom used in production
ers before being displayed on a digital readout, testing of standard tension specimens. Foil strain
chart recorder, or computer. The circuitry in the gages currently are the most widely used, due to
strain-measuring system allows multiple ranges the ease of their attachment.
of sensitivity, so one transducer can be used over Averaging Extensometers. Typically exten-
broad ranges. The magnification ratio, which is someters are either nonaveraging or averaging
the ratio of output to extensometer deflection, types. A nonaveraging extensometer has one
can be as high as 10,000 to 1. fixed nonmovable knife edge or center point and
Strain Gages Mounted Directly to the Test one movable knife edge or center point on the
Specimen. For some strain measurements, same side of the specimen. This arrangement re-
strain gages are mounted on the part being tested sults in extension measurements that are taken
(Fig. 11). When used in this manner, they differ on one side of the specimen only; such mea-
from extensometers in that they measure average surements do not take into account that elonga-
tion may be slightly different on the other side.
For most specimens, notably those with ma-
chined rounds or reduced gage length flats, there
is no significant difference in elongation be-
tween the two sides. However, for as-cast spec-
imens, high-modulus materials, some forged
parts, and specimens made from tubing, a dif-

Fig. 14 Averaging LVDT extensometer (50 mm, or 2 in. gage

Fig. 13 Dial-type extensometer, 50 mm (2 in.) gage length length) mounted on a threaded tension specimen
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 81

ference in elongation sometimes exists on op- the past, such strain-measuring systems were ex-
posite sides of the specimen when subjected to pensive, and their principal use has been pri-
a tensile load. This is due to part configuration marily in research and development work. How-
and/or internal stress. Misalignment of grips also ever, these optical techniques are becoming
contributes to elongation measurement varia- more accessible for commercial testing ma-
tions in the specimen. For these situations, av- chines. For example, bench-top UTM systems
eraging extensometers are used. Averaging ex- with a laser extensometer are available (Fig. 19).
tensometers use dual-measuring elements that This laser extensometer allows accurate mea-
measure elongation on both sides of a sample surement of strain in thin films, which would not
(Fig. 18); the measurements are then averaged otherwise be practical by mechanical attachment
to obtain a mean strain. of extensometer devices. Optical systems also
Optical Systems. Lasers and other systems allow noncontact measurement from environ-
can also be used to obtain linear strain measure- mental test chambers.
ments. Optical extensometers are particularly Calibration, Classification, and Verifica-
useful with materials such as rubber, thin films, tion of Extensometers. All types of extensom-
plastics, and other materials where the weight of eters for materials testing must be verified, clas-
a conventional extensometer would distort the sified, and calibrated in accordance with
workpiece and affect the readings obtained. In applicable standards. Calibration of extensome-
ters refers to the procedure of determining the
magnitude of error in strain measurements. Ver-
ification is a calibration to ascertain whether the
errors are within a predetermined range. Verifi-
cation also implies certification that an exten-
someter meets stated accuracy requirements,
which are defined by classifications such as
those in ASTM E 83 (Table 3).
Several calibration devices can be used, in-
cluding an interferometer, calibrated standard
gage blocks and an indicator, and a micrometer

Fig. 16 Averaging LVDT extensometer (50 mm, or 2 in. gage

length) mounted on a 0.127 mm (0.005 in.) wire
Fig. 15 Breakaway-type LVDT extensometer (50 mm, or 2 in. specimen. The extensometer is fitted with a low-pressure clamp-
gage length) that can remain on the specimen ing arrangement (film clamps) and is supported by a counterbal-
through rupture ance device.
82 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

screw. Applicable standards for extensometer standard also establishes a verification proce-
calibration or verification include: dure to ascertain compliance of an instrument to
a particular classification. In addition, it stipu-
Specification lates that a certified calibration apparatus must
number Specification title be used for all applied displacements and that
DIN EN 10002-4 Part 4: Verification of Extensometers Used in the accuracy of the apparatus must be five times
Uniaxial Testing, Tensile
ISO 9513 Metallic Materials—Verification of more precise than allowable classification errors.
Extensometers Used in Uniaxial Testing Ten displacement readings are required for ver-
BS EN 10002-4 Verification of Extensometers Used in Uniaxial ification of a classification.
ASTM E 83 Standard Practice for Verification and Class A extensometers, if available, would be
Classification of Extensometers used for determining precise values of the mod-
BS 3846 Methods for Calibration and Grading of
Extensometers for Testing of Materials
ulus of elasticity and for precise measurements
of permanent set or very slight deviations from
Hooke’s law. Currently, however, there are no
Verification and classification of extensometers commercially available extensometers manufac-
are applicable to instruments of both the aver- tured that are certified to comply with class A
aging and nonaveraging type. requirements.
Procedures for the verification and classifi- Class B-1 extensometers are frequently used
cation of extensometers can be found in ASTM to determine values of the modulus of elasticity
E 83. It establishes six classes of extensometers and to measure permanent set or deviations from
(Table 3), which are based on allowable error Hooke’s law. They are also used for determining
deviations, as discussed later in this article. This values such as the yield strength of metallic ma-
Class B-2 extensometers are used for deter-
mining the yield strength of metallic materials.
All LVDT and strain-gage extensometers can
comply with class B-1 or class B-2 requirements
if their measuring ranges do not exceed 0.5 mm
(0.02 in.). Instruments with measuring ranges of
over 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) can be class C instru-
Most electrical differential transformer exten-
someters of 500-strain magnification and higher
can conform to class B-1 requirements through-
out their measuring range. Extensometers of less

Fig. 17 Test specimen with bonded resistance strain gages

and a 25 mm (1 in.) gage length extensometer Fig. 18 Averaging extensometer with dual measuring ele-
mounted on the reduced section ments mounted on a specimen. Source: Ref 3
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 83

than 500-strain magnification can comply only Class C and D Extensometers. Extensometers
with class B-1 requirements in their lower (40%) with a gage length of 610 mm (24 in.) begin in
measuring range and are basically class B-2 in- class C, although their overall measuring range
struments. must be considered as class D.
Dial Extensometers. Although all dial instru-
ments usually are considered class C instru-
ments, the majority (up to a gage length of 200
mm, or 8 in.) are class B-1 and class B-2 in their Gripping Techniques
initial 40% measuring range, and class C
throughout the remainder of the range. Dial in- The use of proper grips and faces for testing
struments are used universally for determining materials in tension is critical in obtaining
yield strength by the extension-under-load meaningful results. Trial and error often will
method and yield strength of 0.1% offset and solve a particular gripping problem. Tensile
greater. testing of most flat or round specimens can be

Fig. 19 Bench-top UTM with laser extensometer. Courtesy of Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Company, Inc.

Table 3 Classification of extensometer systems

Error of strain not to exceed the greater of(a): Error of gage length not to exceed the greater of:
Classification Fixed error, in./in. Variable error, % of strain Fixed error, in. Variable error, % of gage length
Class A 0.00002 Ⳳ0.1 Ⳳ0.001 Ⳳ0.1
Class B-1 0.0001 Ⳳ0.5 Ⳳ0.0025 Ⳳ0.25
Class B-2 0.0002 Ⳳ0.5 Ⳳ0.005 Ⳳ0.5
Class C 0.001 Ⳳ1 Ⳳ0.01 Ⳳ1
Class D 0.01 Ⳳ1 Ⳳ0.01 Ⳳ1
Class E 0.1 Ⳳ1 Ⳳ0.01 Ⳳ1
(a) Strain of extensometer system—ratio of applied extension to the gage length. Source: ASTM E 83
84 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

accommodated with wedge-type grips (Fig. 20). pressed air cylinders built into the grip bodies.
Wire and other forms may require different A constant force maintained on the specimen
grips, such as capstan or snubber types. The compensates for decrease of force due to creep
load capacities of grips range from under 4.5 of the specimen in the grip. Another advantage
kgf (10 lbf ) to 45,000 kgf (100,000 lbf ) or of this design is the ability to optimize gripping
more. ASTM E 8 describes the various types force by adjusting the air pressure, which
of gripping devices used to transmit the mea- makes it possible to minimize specimen breaks
sured load applied by the test machine to the at the grip faces.
tensile test specimen. Additional information on Buttonhead grips enable the rapid insertion
gripping devices can also be found in Chapter of threaded-end or mechanical-end specimens.
3, “Uniaxial Tensile Testing.” They can be manually or pneumatically oper-
Screw-action grips, or mechanical grips, are ated, as required by the type of material or test
low in cost and are available with load capac- conditions.
ities of up to 450 kgf (1000 lbf ). This type of Alignment. Whether the specimen is
grip, which is normally used for testing flat threaded into the crossheads, held by grips, or
specimens, can be equipped with interchange- is in direct contact with platens, the specimen
able grip faces that have a variety of surfaces. must be well aligned with the load cell. Any
Faces are adjustable to compensate for different misalignment will cause a deviation from uni-
specimen thicknesses. axial stress in the material studied.
Wedge-type grips (Fig. 20) are self-tight-
ening and are built with capacities of up to
45,000 kgf (100,000 lbf ) or more. Some units Environmental Chambers
can be tightened without altering the vertical
position of the faces, making it possible to pre- Elevated- and low-temperature tensile tests
select the exact point at which the specimen are conducted with basically the same speci-
will be held. The wedge-action design works mens and procedures as those used for room-
well on hard-to-hold specimens and prevents temperature tensile tests. However, the speci-
the introduction of large compressive forces mens must be heated or cooled in an
that cause specimen buckling. appropriate environmental chamber (Fig. 21).
Pneumatic-action grips are available in Also, the test fixtures must be sufficiently
various designs with capacities of up to 90 kgf strong and corrosion resistant, and the strain-
(200 lbf ). This type of grip clamps the speci- measuring system must be usable at the test
men by lever arms that are actuated by com- temperature.

Fig. 20 Test setup using wedge grips on (a) a flat specimen with axial extensometer and (b) a round specimen with diametral
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 85

Strain gages are generally adequate between Force Verification of

cryogenic temperatures and about 600 ⬚C (1100 Universal Testing Machines
⬚F), but at higher temperatures, other devices
must be used. Rod and tube extensometers,
The calibration and verification of UTM sys-
which are manufactured from a variety of ma-
tems refer to two different methods that are not
terials, are most commonly used. When testing
is done below room temperature, Teflon is suit- synonymous. Calibration of testing machines re-
able. Nickel-base superalloys are adequate for fers to the procedure of determining the mag-
testing in air at up to 1100 ⬚C (2010 ⬚F). Above nitude of error in the indicated loads. Verifica-
1100 ⬚C, ceramics are used in reactive atmo- tion is a calibration to ascertain whether the
spheres, whereas refractory metals are adequate errors are within a predetermined range. Verifi-
for inert environments. cation also implies certification that a machine
Environmental chambers contain automated meets stated accuracy requirements. Valid veri-
systems for temperature control and can also fication requires device calibration by skilled
simulate vacuum and high-humidity environ- personnel who are knowledgeable about testing
ments. More detailed information on environ- machines, related instruments, and the proper
mental chambers can be found in Chapter 13, use of device calibration standards (such as
“Hot Tensile Testing,” and Chapter 14, “Tensile ASTM E 74 for load indicators and ASTM E 83
Testing at Low Temperatures.” for extensometer devices). After verification is

Fig. 21 Tensile-testing apparatus with environmental chamber for testing at up to 540 ⬚C (1000 ⬚F). Source: Ref 3
86 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

performed, the calibrator or agency must issue cated by the load-measuring system(s) of the
reports and certificates attesting to compliance testing machine must be accurate to within
of the equipment with the verification require- Ⳳ1% of the loads indicated by the calibration
ments, including the loading range(s) for which standard. If all five or more of the successive
the system may be used. test load deviations are within the Ⳳ1% required
Force Verification. For the load verification in ASTM E 4, the loading ranges may be estab-
to be valid, the weighing system(s) and associ- lished and reported to include all of the values.
ated instrumentation and data systems must be If any deviations are larger than Ⳳ1%, the sys-
verified annually. In no case should the time in- tem should be corrected or repaired immedi-
terval between verifications exceed 18 months. ately. For determining accuracy of values at
Testing systems and their loading ranges should various test loads (or the deviation from the in-
be verified immediately after relocation of dicated load of the standard), ASTM E 74 spec-
equipment, after repairs or parts replacement ifies the required calibration accuracy tolerances
(mechanical or electric/electronic) that could af- of the three allowable types of verification meth-
fect the accuracy of the load-measuring sys- ods.
tem(s), or whenever the accuracy of indicated For determining material properties, the test-
loads is suspect, regardless of when the last ver- ing machine loads should be as accurate as pos-
ification was made. sible. In addition, deformations resulting from
Force verification standards for mechanical load applications should be measured as pre-
testing machines include specifications from cisely as possible. This is particularly important
various standards organizations such as: because the relationship of load to deformation,
which may be, for example, extension or com-
Specification pression, is the main factor in determining ma-
number Specification title terial properties.
EN 10002-2 Metallic Materials—Tensile Testing—Part 2: As described previously, load accuracy may
Verification of the Force Measurements
DIN EN 10002-2 Part 2: Verification of the Force-Measuring
be ensured by following the ASTM E 4 proce-
System of Tensile Testing Machines dure. In a similar manner, the methods contained
BS 1610 Materials Testing Machines and Force in ASTM E 83, if followed precisely, will ensure
Verification Equipment
BS EN 10002-2 Verification of the Force Measuring System of that the devices or instruments used for defor-
the Tensile Testing Machine mation (strain) measurements will operate sat-
ASTM E 4 Standard Practices for Force Verification of isfactorily.
Testing Machines
Manufacturers of testing machines calibrate
before shipping and certify conformation to the
To comply with ASTM E 4, one or a combi- manufacturer’s guarantee of accuracy and any
nation of the three allowable verification meth- applicable standards, such as ASTM E 4. Sub-
ods must be used in the determination of the sequent calibrations can be made by the manu-
loading range or multiple loading ranges of the facturer or another organization with recognized
testing system. These methods are based on the equipment that is properly maintained and re-
use of: certified periodically.
● Standard weights Example: Calibrating a 60,000 lbf Capac-
● Standard weights and lever balances ity Testing Machine. A 60,000 lbf capacity
● Elastic calibration devices dial-type UTM of either hydraulic or screw-
driven design will have the following typical
For each loading range, at least five (preferably scale ranges:
more) verification load levels must be selected. ● 0 to 60,000 lbf reading by 50 lbf divisions
The difference between any two successive test ● 0 to 30,000 lbf reading by 25 lbf divisions
loads must not be larger than one third of the ● 0 to 12,000 lbf reading by 10 lbf divisions
difference between the maximum and minimum ● 0 to 1200 lbf reading by 1 lbf divisions
test loads. The maximum can be the full capacity
of an individual range. For example, acceptable As discussed previously, the ASTM required ac-
test load levels could be 10, 25, 50, 75, and curacy is Ⳳ1% of the indicated load above 10%
100%, or 10, 20, 40, 70, and 100%, of the stated of each scale range. Most manufacturers pro-
machine range. duce equipment to an accuracy of Ⳳ0.5% of the
Regardless of the load verification method indicated load or Ⳳ one division, whichever is
used at each of the test levels, the values indi- greater.
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 87

According to ASTM specifications, the selected load level on the readout of the testing
60,000 lbf scale range must be within 1% at machine.
60,000 lbf (Ⳳ600 lbf ) and at 6000 lbf (Ⳳ60 In both methods, the load of the testing ma-
lbf ). In both cases, the increment division is 50 chine and the load of the calibration device are
lbf. Although the initial calibration by the man- recorded. The error, E, and the percent error, Ep,
ufacturer is to closer tolerance than ASTM E 4, can be calculated as:
subsequent recalibrations are usually to the
Ⳳ1% requirement. In the low range, the ma- E⳱Aⳮ B
chine must be accurate (Ⳳ1%) from 120 to 1200 (A ⳮ B)
lbf. Thus, the machine must be verified from 120 Ep ⳱ ⳯ 100 (Eq 13)
to 60,000 lbf.
If proving rings are used in calibration, a where A is the load indicated by the machine
60,000 lbf capacity proving ring is usable down being verified in lbf, kgf, or N, and B is the cor-
to a 6000 lbf load level. A 6000 lbf capacity rect value of the applied load (lbf, kgf, or N), as
proving ring is usable down to a 600 lbf load determined by the calibration device.
level, and a 1000 lbf capacity proving ring is This procedure is repeated until each scale
usable down to a 100 lbf load level. range of the testing machine has been calibrated
If calibrating load cells are used, a 60,000 lbf from minimum to maximum capacity. The nec-
capacity load cell is usable down to a 3000 lbf essary reports and certificates are then prepared,
load level, a 6000 lbf capacity load cell is usable with the loading range(s) indicated clearly as re-
to a 3000 lbf load level, and a 600 lbf capacity quired by ASTM E 4. Figures 8(b) and 9 illus-
load cell is usable down to a 120 lbf load level. trate UTMs being calibrated with elastic proving
Before use, proving rings and load cells must rings and calibration load cells.
be removed from their cases and allowed to sta-
bilize to ambient (surrounding) temperature.
Upon stabilization, either type of unit is placed
on the table of the testing machine. At this stage, Tensile Testing
proving rings are ready to operate, but load cells Requirements and Standards
must be connected to an appropriate power
source and again be allowed to stabilize, gen- Tensile testing requirements are specified in
erally for 5 to 15 min. various standards for a wide variety of different
Each system is set to zero, loaded to the full materials and products. Table 4 lists various ten-
capacity of the machine or elastic device, then sile testing specifications from several standards
unloaded to zero for checking. Loading to full organizations. These specifications define re-
capacity and unloading must be repeated until a quirements for the test apparatus, test specimens,
stable zero is obtained, after which the load ver- and test procedures.
ification readings are made at the selected test Standard tensile tests are conducted using a
load levels. threaded tensile specimen geometry, like the
For the highest load range of 60,000 lbf, loads standard ASTM geometry (Fig. 22) of ASTM E
are applied to the calibrating device from its 8. To load the specimen in tension, the threaded
minimum lower limit (6000 lbf for proving rings specimen is screwed into grips attached to each
and 3000 lbf for load cells) to its maximum crosshead. The boundary condition, or load, is
60,000 lbf in a minimum of five steps, or test applied by moving the crossheads away from
load levels, as discussed previously in the sec- one another.
tion “Force Verification of Universal Testing For a variety of reasons, it is not always pos-
Machines” in this chapter. In the verification sible to fabricate a specimen as shown in Fig.
loading procedure for proving rings, a “set-the- 22. For thin plate or sheet materials, a flat, or
load” method usually is used. The test load is dog-bone, specimen geometry is used. The dog-
determined, and the nominal load is preset on bone specimen is held in place by wedge shaped
the proving ring. The machine load readout is grips. The holding capacity of the grips provides
read when the nominal load on the proving ring a practical limit to the strength of material that
is achieved. For load cells, a “follow-the-load” a machine can test. Other specimen geometries
method can be used, wherein the load on the can be tested, with certain cautions, and for-
display indicator is followed until the load mulas for critical dimensions are given in ASTM
reaches the nominal load, which is the pre- E 8 and in Chapter 3, “Uniaxial Tensile Testing.”
88 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Accuracy, Repeatability, and Precision of ● Testing errors: These can involve initial
Tensile Tests. Accuracy and precision of test re- measurement of specimen geometry, elec-
sults can only be quantified when known quan- tronic zeroing, and establishing a preload
tities are measured. One difficulty of assessing stress level in the specimen.
data is that no agreed-upon “material standard” ● Material factors: These describe the rela-
exists as reference material with known prop- tionship between the material intended to be
erties for strength and elongation. Tests of the studied and that being tested. For example,
“standard material” would reveal the system ac- does the material in the specimen represent
curacy, and repeated experiments would quan- the parent material, and is it homogenous?
tify its precision and repeatability. Other material factors would include speci-
A variety of factors influence accuracy, pre- men preparation, specimen geometry, and
cision, and repeatability of test results. Sources material strain-rate sensitivity.
for errors in tensile testing are mentioned in the
appendix of ASTM E 8. Errors can be grouped The ASTM committee for tensile testing re-
into three broad categories: ported on a round robin set of experiments to
assess repeatability and to judge precision of
● Instrumental errors: These can involve ma- standard quantities. In this series (see appen-
chine stiffness, accuracy and resolution of dix of ASTM E 8) six specimens of six ma-
the load cell output, alignment of the speci- terials were tested at six different laboratories.
men, gripping of the specimen, and accuracy The comparison of measurements within a
of the extensometer. laboratory and between laboratories is given

Table 4 Tensile testing standards for various materials and product forms
number Specification title
ASTM A 770 Standard Specification for Through-Thickness Tension Testing of Steel Plates for Special Applications
ASTM A 931 Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Wire Ropes and Strand
ASTM B 557 Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing Wrought and Cast Aluminum- and Magnesium-Alloy Products
ASTM B 557M Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing Wrought and Cast Aluminum- and Magnesium-Alloy Products [Metric]
ASTM C 565 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Carbon and Graphite Mechanical Materials
ASTM C 1275 Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with
Solid Rectangular Cross-Section Specimens at Ambient Temperature
ASTM C 1359 Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with
Solid Rectangular Cross-Section Specimens at Elevated Temperatures
ASTM D 76 Standard Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for Textiles
ASTM E 8 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
ASTM E 8M Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials [Metric]
ASTM E 338 Standard Test Method of Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High-Strength Sheet Materials
ASTM E 345 Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Foil
ASTM E 602 Standard Method for Sharp-Notch Tension Testing with Cylindrical Specimens
ASTM E 740 Standard Practice for Fracture Testing with Surface-Crack Tension Specimens
ASTM E 1450 Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Structural Alloys in Liquid Helium
ASTM F 1501 Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Calcium Phosphate Coatings
ASTM F 152 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Nonmetallic Gasket Materials
ASTM F 19 Standard Test Method for Tension and Vacuum Testing Metallized Ceramic Seals
ASTM F 1147 Standard Test Method for Tension Testing of Porous Metal Coatings
BS EN 10002 Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials
BS 18 Method for Tensile Testing of Metals (Including Aerospace Materials)
BS 4759 Method for Determination of K-Values of a Tensile Testing System
BS 3688-1 Tensile Testing
BS 3500-6 Tensile Stress Relaxation Testing
BS 3500-3 Tensile Creep Testing
BS 3500-1 Tensile Rupture Testing
BS 1687 Medium-Sensitivity Tensile Creep Testing
BS 1686 Long-Period, High-Sensitivity, Tensile Creep Testing
DIN 53455 Tensile Testing: Testing of Plastics
DIN 53328 Testing of Leather, Tensile Test
DIN 50149 Tensile Test, Testing of Malleable Cast Iron
EN 10002-1 Metallic Materials—Tensile Testing—Part 1: Method of Test at Ambient Temperature
ISO 204 Metallic Materials—Uninterrupted Uniaxial Creep Testing Intension—Method of Test
ISO 783 Metallic Materials—Tensile Testing at Elevated Temperature
ISO 6892 Metallic Materials—Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature
JIS B 7721 Tensile Testing Machines
JIS K 7113 Testing Methods for Tensile Properties of Plastics (English Version)
Tensile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors / 89

ing, Vol 8, Metals Handbook, 9th ed., Amer-

ican Society for Metals, 1985, p 38–46


1. R.C. Anderson, Inspection of Metals: De-

structive Testing, ASM International, 1988,
p 83–119
2. H.E. Davis, G.E. Troxell, and G.F.W.
Hauck, The Testing of Engineering Materi-
als, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1982, p 80–124
3. P. Han, Ed., Tensile Testing, ASM Interna-
tional, 1992, p 28
4. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, Mc-
Graw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1976, p 349
5. D.J. Shippy, P.P. Gillis, and K.G. Hoge,
Fig. 22 Standard ASTM geometry for threaded tensile speci- Computer Simulation of a High Speed Ten-
mens. Dimensions for the specimen are taken from sion Test, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Applied
ASTM E 8M (metric units), or ASTM E 8 (English units).
Polymer Symposia (No. 5), 1967, p 311–
Table 5 Results of round-robin tensile testing 6. P.P. Gillis and D.J. Shippy, Vibration Anal-
ysis of a High Speed Tension Test, J. Appl.
Coefficient of variation, %
Polym. Sci., Applied Polymer Symposia
Property Within laboratory Between laboratory
(No. 12), 1969, p 165–179
Tensile strength 0.91 1.30
0.02% yield strength 2.67 4.46 7. M.A. Hamstad and P.P. Gillis, Effective
0.2% yield strength 1.35 2.32 Strain Rates in Low-Speed Uniaxial Ten-
Elongation in 5D 2.97 6.36
Reduction in area 2.80 4.59
sion Tests, Mater. Res. Stand., Vol 6 (No.
11), 1966, p 569–573
Source: ASTM E 8
8. P. Gillis and J.J. Gilman, Dynamical Dis-
location Theories of Crystal Plasticity, J.
Appl. Phys., Vol 36, 1965, p 3375–3386
in Table 5. The data show the highest level 9. J.E. Hockett and P.P. Gillis, Mechanical
of reproducibility in the strength measure- Testing Machine Stiffness, Parts I and II,
ments; the lowest reproducibility is found in Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol 13, 1971, p 251–275
elongation and reduction of area. Within-lab- 10. W.G. Johnston, Yield Points and Delay
oratory results were always more reproducible Times in Single Crystals, J. Appl. Phys., Vol
than those between laboratories. 33, 1962, p 2716
11. H.G. Baron, Stress-Strain Curves of Some
Metals and Alloys at Low Temperatures and
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS High Rates of Strain, J. Iron Steel Inst.
(Brit.), Vol 182, 1956, p 354
This chapter was adapted from:
12. J. Miklowitz, The Initiation and Propaga-
● J.W. House and P.P. Gillis, Testing Machines tion of the Plastic Zone in a Tension Bar of
and Strain Sensors, Mechanical Testing and Mild Steel as Influenced by the Speed of
Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM In- Stretching and Rigidity of the Testing Ma-
ternational, 2000, p 79–92 chine, J. Appl. Mech. (Trans. ASME), Vol
● M.A. Bishop, J.J. Martin, and K. Hendry, 14, 1947, p A-31
Chapter 2, Tensile-Testing Equipment, Ten- 13. M.A. Hamstead, “The Effect of Strain Rate
sile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM International, and Specimen Dimensions on the Yield
1992, p 25–48 Point of Mild Steel,” Lawrence Radiation
● P.P. Gillis and T.S. Gross, Effect of Strain Laboratory Report UCRL-14619, April
Rate on Flow Properties, Mechanical Test- 1966
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p91-100 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p091 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing for Design

DESIGN is the ultimate function of engineer- electromagnetic, radiation, etc.) provides the de-
ing in the development of products and pro- sign data required for most applications.
cesses, and an integral aspect of design is the In conducting mechanical tests, it is also very
use of mechanical properties derived from me- important to recognize that the material may
chanical testing. The basic objective of product contain flaws and that its microstructure (and
design is to specify the materials and geometric properties) may be directional (as in composites)
details of a part, component, and assembly so and heterogeneous or dependent on location (as
that a system meets its performance require- in carburized steel). To provide accurate mate-
ments. For example, minimum performance of rial characteristics for design, one must take care
a mechanical system involves transmission of to ensure that the geometric relationships be-
the required loads without failure for the pre- tween the microstructure and the stresses in the
scribed product lifetime under anticipated envi- test specimens are the same as those in the prod-
ronmental (thermal, chemical, electromagnetic, uct to be designed.
radiation, etc.) conditions. Optimum perfor- It is also important to consider the complexity
mance requirements may also include additional of materials selection for a combination of prop-
criteria such as minimum weight, minimum life erties such as strength, toughness, weight, cost,
cycle cost, environmental responsibility, human and so on. This chapter briefly describes design
factors, and product safety and reliability. criteria for some basic property combinations
This chapter introduces the basic concepts of such as strength, weight, and costs. More de-
mechanical design and its general relation with tailed information on various performance in-
the properties derived from tensile testing. Prod- dices in design, based on the methodology of
uct design and the selection of materials are key Ashby, can be found in the article “Material
applications of mechanical property data derived Property Charts” in Materials Selection and De-
from testing. Although existing and feasible sign, Volume 20 of ASM Handbook. The mate-
product shapes are of infinite variety and these rials selection method developed by Ashby is
shapes may be subjected to an endless array of also available as an interactive electronic prod-
complex load configurations, a few basic stress uct (Ref 1).
conditions describe the essential mechanical be-
havior features of each segment or component
of the product. These stress conditions include
the following: Product Design

● Axial tension or compression Design involves the application of physical

● Bending, shear, and torsion principles and experience-based knowledge to
● Internal or external pressure develop a predictive model of the product. The
● Stress concentrations and localized contact model may be a prototype, a simplified mathe-
loads matical model, or a complex finite element
model. Regardless of the level of sophistication
Mechanical testing under these basic stress con- of the model, reaching the product design ob-
ditions using the expected product load/time jectives of material and geometry specifications
profile (static, impact, cyclic) and within the ex- for successful product performance requires ac-
pected product environment (thermal, chemical, curate material parameters (Ref 2).
92 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Modern design methods help manage the general comparisons; design values should be
complex interactions between product geometry, based on statistically based minimum values or
material microstructure, loading, and environ- on minimum values published in the purchase
ment. In particular, engineering mechanics specifications of materials (such as ASTM stan-
(from simple equilibrium equations to complex dards).
finite element methods) extrapolates the results Equation 2 combines the performance of the
of basic mechanical testing of simple shapes un- part (load F) with the part geometry (cross-sec-
der representative environments to predict the tional area A) and the material characteristics
behavior of actual product geometries under real (strength rf). The equation can be used several
service environments. ways for design and material selection. If the
In the following sections, a simple tie bar is material and its strength are specified, then, for
used to illustrate the application of mechanical a given load, the minimum cross-sectional area
property data to material selection and design can be calculated; or, for a given cross-sectional
and to highlight the general implications for me- area, the maximum load can be calculated. Con-
chanical testing. Material subjected to the basic versely, if the force and area are specified, then
stress conditions is considered in order to estab- materials with strengths satisfying Eq 2 can be
lish design approaches and mechanical test selected.
methods, first in static loading and then in dy- Factor of Safety. Normally, designs involve
namic loading and aggressive environments. the use of some type of a factor of safety. This
More detailed reference books on mechanical factor, which is always greater than unity, is used
design and engineering methods are also listed in the design of components to ensure that the
in the “Selected References” at the end of this component can satisfactorily perform its in-
chapter. tended purpose. The factor of safety is used to
account for the uncertainties that exist in the
real-world use of any component. Two main
Design for Strength in Tension classifications of factors affect the factor of
safety in a design, and they are these:
Figure 1 shows an axial tensile load applied ● Uncertainties associated with the material
to a tie bar representing, for example, a boom properties of the component itself, including
crane support, cable, or bolt. For this elementary the expected properties of the materials used
case, the stress in the bar is uniformly distributed to fabricate the component, as well as any
over the cross section of the tie bar and is given uncertainties introduced by manufacturing
by: and fabrication processing
● Uncertainties associated with the level and
r ⳱ F/A (Eq 1)
type of loading the component will see, as
well as the actual service conditions and any
where F is the applied force and A is the cross-
environmental condition the component may
sectional area of the bar. To avoid failure of the
bar, this stress must be less than the failure
stress, or strength, of the material:

r ⳱ F/A ⬍ rf (Eq 2)

where rf is the stress at failure. The failure

stress, rf, can be the yield strength, ro, if per-
manent deformation is the criterion for failure,
or the ultimate tensile strength, ru, if fracture is
the criterion for failure. In a ductile metal or
polymer, the ultimate tensile strength is defined
as the stress at which necking begins, leading to
fracture. In a brittle material, the ultimate
strength is simply the stress at fracture. Typical
values of yield and ultimate tensile strength for
various materials are summarized in Tables 1, 2,
and 3. These typical values are intended only for Fig. 1 Bar under axial tension
Tensile Testing for Design / 93

The factor of safety is used to establish a target terial density. Solving Eq 2 for F and substitut-
stress level for the design. This is sometimes re- ing for A:
ferred to as the allowable stress, the maximum
allowable stress, or simply, the design stress. In F ⬍ rf A ⳱ (rf /q)(M/L) (Eq 3)
order to determine this allowable stress condi-
tion, the failure stress is simply divided by the From Eq 3 it is clear that, to transmit a given
safety factor. Safety factors ranging from 1.5 to load, F, the material mass will be minimized if
10 are typical. The lower the uncertainty is, the the property ratio (rf /q) is maximized. The
lower the safety factor. strength-to-weight ratio of a material is an im-
portant design and performance index; Fig. 2 is
a plot developed by Ashby for comparison of
materials by this design criterion. Similarly, ma-
Design for Strength, Weight, and Cost terial selection for minimum material cost can
be obtained by maximizing the parameter (rf /
If minimum weight or minimum cost criteria qc), or strength-to-cost ratio, where c represents
must also be satisfied, Eq 2 can be modified by the material cost per unit weight. These types of
introducing other material parameters. To illus- performance indexes for design and the use of
trate, the area A in Eq 2 is related to density and materials property charts like Fig. 2 are de-
mass by A ⳱ M/qL, where M is the mass of the scribed in more detail in Ref 7 and in the articles
bar, L is the length of the bar, and q is the ma- “Material Property Charts” and “Performance

Table 1 Typical room-temperature tensile properties of ferrous alloys and superalloys

Strength in tension, MPa (ksi) Modulus of elasticity,
0.2% offset GPa (106 psi) Elongation in
Material yield strength Ultimate Tension Shear 50 mm (2 in.), %
Cast irons
Gray cast iron ... 140 (20) 105 (15) 40 (6) 1
White cast iron ... 415 (60) 140 (20) 55 (8) ...
Nickel cast iron, 1.5% nickel ... 310 (45) 140 (20) 55 (8) 1
Malleable iron 230 (33) 345 (50) 170 (25) 70 (10) 14
Ingot iron, annealed 0.02% carbon 165 (24) 290 (42) 205 (30) 85 (12) 45
Wrought iron, 0.10% carbon 205 (30) 345 (50) 185 (27) 70 (10) 30
Steel, 0.20% carbon
Hot-rolled 275 (40) 415 (60) 200 (29) 85 (12) 35
Cold-rolled 415 (60) 550 (80) 200 (29) 85 (12) 15
Annealed castings 240 (35) 415 (60) 200 (29) 85 (12) 25
Steel, 0.40% carbon
Hot-rolled 290 (42) 485 (70) 200 (29) 85 (12) 25
Heat-treated for fine grain 415 (60) 620 (90) 200 (29) 85 (12) 25
Annealed castings 240 (35) 450 (65) 200 (29) 85 (12) 15
Steel, 0.60% carbon
Hot-rolled 435 (63) 690 (100) 200 (29) 85 (12) 15
Heat-treated for fine grain 540 (78) 825 (120) 200 (29) 85 (12) 15
Steel, 0.80% carbon
Hot-rolled 505 (73) 825 (120) 200 (29) 85 (12) 10
Oil-quenched, not drawn 860 (125) 1240 (180) 200 (29) 85 (12) 2
Steel, 1.00% carbon
Hot-rolled 570 (83) 930 (135) 200 (29) 85 (12) 10
Oil-quenched, not drawn 965 (140) 1515 (220) 200 (29) 85 (12) 1
Nickel steel, 3.5% nickel, 0.40% carbon, max. 1035 (150) 1170 (170) 200 (29) 85 (12) 12
hardness for machinability
Silicomanganese steel, 1.95% Si, 0.70% Mn, 895 (130) 1200 (174) 200 (29) 85 (12) 1
spring tempered
Superalloys (wrought)
A286 (bar) 760 (110) 1080 (157) 180 (26) ... 28
Inconel 600 (bar) 250 (36) 620 (90) ... ... 47
IN-100 (60 Ni-10Cr-15Co, 3Mo, 5.5Al, 4.7Ti) 850 (123) 1010 (147) 215 (31) ... 9
IN-738 915 (133) 1100 (159) 200 (29) ... 5
Source: Ref 3–5
94 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Table 2 Typical room-temperature tensile properties of nonferrous alloys

Approximate 0.2% offset tensile Tensile Tensile modulus Elongation in
composition, yield strength, strength, of elasticity, 50 mm (2 in.),
Metal or alloy % Condition MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) GPa (106 psi) %
Heavy nonferrous alloys (⬃8–9 g/cm3)
Copper Cu Annealed 33 (4.8) 209 (30) 125 (18) 60
Cold drawn 333 (48) 344 (50) 112 (16) 14
Free-cutting brass 61.5 Cu, 35.5 Zn, 3 Annealed 125 (18) 340 (49) 85 (12) 53
Pb Quarter hard, 15% 310 (45) 385 (56) 85 (12) 20
Half hard, 25% 360 (52) 470 (68) 95 (14) 18
High-leaded brass (1 65 Cu, 33 Zn, 2 Pb Annealed, 0.050 mm 105 (15) 325 (47) 85 (12) 55
mm thick) grain
Extra hard 425 (62) 585 (85) 105 (15) 5
Red brass (1 mm 85 Cu, 15 Zn Annealed, 0.070 mm 70 (10) 270 (39) 85 (12) 48
thick) grain
Extra hard 420 (61) 540 (78) 105 (15) 4
Aluminum bronze 89 Cu, 8 Al, 3 Fe Sand cast 195 (28) 515 (75) ... 40
Extruded 260 (38) 565 (82) 125 (18) 25
Beryllium copper 97.9 Cu, 1.9 Be, 0.2 A (solution ... 500 (73) 125 (18) 35
Ni annealed)
HT (hardened) 1035 (150) 1380 (200) 125 (18) 2
Manganese bronze 58.5 Cu, 39 Zn, 1.4 Soft annealed 205 (30) 450 (65) 90 (13) 35
(A) Fe, 1 Sn, 0.1 Mn Hard, 15% reduction 415 (60) 565 (82) 105 (15) 25
Phosphor bronze, 95 Cu, 5 Sn Annealed, 0.035 mm 150 (22) 340 (49) 90 (13) 57
5% (A) grain
Extra hard, 0.015 635 (92) 650 (94) 115 (17) 5
mm grain
Cupronickel, 30% 70 Cu, 30 Ni Annealed at 760 ⬚C 140 (20) 380 (55) 150 (22) 45
Cold drawn, 50% 540 (78) 585 (85) 150 (22) 15
Light nonferrous alloys (⬃2.7 g/cm3 for Al alloys; ⬃1.8 g/cm3 for Mg alloys)
Aluminum Al Sand cast, 1100-F 40 (5.8 or 6) 75 (11) 60 (9) 22
Annealed sheet, 35 (5.075) 90 (13) 70 (10) 35
Hard sheet, 1100- 145 (21) 165 (24) 70 (10) 5
Aluminum alloy 93 Al, 4.5 Cu, 1.5 Temper O 75 (11) 185 (27) 73 (11) 20
2024 Mg, 0.6 Mn Temper T36 395 (57) 495 (72) 73 (11) 13
Aluminum alloy 93 Al, 4.4 Cu, 0.8 Temper O 95 (14) 185 (27) 73 (11) 18
2014 Si, 0.8 Mn, 0.4 Temper T6 415 (60) 485 (70) 73 (11) 13
Aluminum alloy 97 Al, 2.5 Mg, 0.25 Temper O 90 (13) 195 (28) 69 (10) 30
5052 Cr Temper H38 255 (37) 290 (42) 69 (10) 8
Aluminum alloy 94 Al, 5.0 Mg, 0.7 Temper O 160 (23) 310 (45) ... 24
5456 Mn, 0.15 Cu, 0.15 Temper H321 255 (37) 350 (51) ... 16
Aluminum alloy 90 Al, 5.5 Zn, 1.5 Temper O 105 (15) 230 (33) ... 17
7075 Cu, 2.5 Mg, 0.3 Temper T6 505 (73) 570 (83) ... 11
Magnesium Mg Cast 21 (3) 90 (13) 40 (6) 2–6
Extruded 69–105 (10–15) 195 (28) 40 (6) 5–8
Rolled 115–140 (17–20) 200 (29) 40 (6) 2–10
Magnesium alloy 90 Mg, 10 Al, 0.1 Cast, condition F 85 (12) 150 (22) 45 (7) 2
AM100A Mn Cast, condition T61 150 (22) 275 (40) 45 (7) 1
Magnesium alloy 91 Mg, 6 Al, 3 Zn, Cast, condition F 95 (14) 200 (29) 45 (7) 6
AZ63A 0.2 Mn Cast, condition T6 130 (19) 275 (40) 45 (7) 5
Tensile Testing for Design / 95

Table 2 (continued)
Approximate 0.2% offset tensile Tensile Tensile modulus Elongation in
composition, yield strength, strength, of elasticity, 50 mm (2 in.),
Metal or alloy % Condition MPa (ksi) MPa (ksi) GPa (106 psi) %

Titanium alloys (⬃4.5 g/cm3)

Commercial ASTM 98 Ti ... 275 (40) 345 (50) 103 (15) 20
grade 2 Ti
Ti-5Al-2.5Sn 92 Ti, 5 Al, 2.5 Sn ... 825 (120) 860 (125) 110 (16) 8–10
Ti-3Al-2.5V 94 Ti, 3 Al, 2.5 V Annealed 560 (81) 655 (95) 103 (15) 29
Cold worked and 760 (110) 895 (130) 103 (15) 19
stress relieved
Ti-6A1-4V 90 Ti, 6 Al, 4 V Solution treated and 965 (140) 1035 (150) 110 (16) 8
aged bar (1–2 in.)
Annealed bar 825 (120) 895 (130) 110 (16) 10
Mill annealed ... 925 (134) ... ...

Indices” in Materials Selection and Design, Vol- Elastic change in length occurs when an axial
ume 20 of ASM Handbook. load is applied to the bar and is given by:

DL ⳱ eL (Eq 4)
Design for Stiffness in Tension
where DL is the change in length and e is the
In addition to designing for strength, another strain in the bar. In the elastic range of defor-
important design criterion is often the stiffness mation, axial stress is proportional to the strain:
or rigidity of a material. The elastic deflection
of a component under load is governed by the r ⳱ Ee (Eq 5)
stiffness of the material. For example, if a bridge
or building is designed to avoid failure, it may where the proportionality factor is E, the elastic
still undergo motion under applied loads if it is modulus of the bar material.
not sufficiently rigid. As another example, if the The elastic modulus can be considered a
tie bar in Fig. 1 were a bolt clamping a cap to a physical property, because it is fundamentally
pressure vessel, excessive elastic change in related to the bond strength between the atoms
length of the bolt under load might allow leak- or molecules in the material; that is, the stronger
age through a gasket between the cap and vessel. the bond, the higher the elastic modulus. Thus,

Table 3 Typical room-temperature tensile properties of plastics

Material Tensile strength, MPa (ksi) Elongation, % Modulus of elasticity, GPa (106 psi)
EP, reinforced with glass cloth 350 (51) ... 175 (25)
MF, alpha-cellulose filler 50–90 (7–13) 0.6–0.9 9 (1)
PF, no filler 50–55 (7–9) 1.0–1.5 5–7 (0.7–1)
PF, wood flour filler 45–60 (7–9) 0.4–0.8 6–8 (0.87–1.16)
PF, macerated fabric filler 25–65 (4–9) 0.4–0.6 6–9 (0.87–1)
PF, cast, no filler 40–65 (6–9) 1.5–2.0 3 (0.43)
Polyester, glass-fiber filler 35–65 (5–9) ... 11–14 (1.6–2.0)
UF, alpha-cellulose filler 55–90 (8–13) 0.5–1.0 10 (1.5)
ABS 35–45 (5–7) 15–60 1.7–2.2 (0.25–0.32)
CA 15–60 (2–9) 6–50 0.6–3.0 (0.1–0.4)
CN 50–55 (7–9) 40–45 1.3–15.0 (0.18–2)
PA 80 (12) 90 3.0 (0.43)
PMMA 50–70 (7–10) 2–10 ...
PS 35–60 (5–9) 1–4 3.0–4.0 (0.4–0.6)
PVC, rigid 40–60 (6–9) 5 2.4–2.7 (0.3–0.4)
PVCAc, rigid 50–60 (7–9) ... 2.0–3.0 (0.3–0.4)
ABS, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene; CA, cellulose acetate; CN, cellulose nitrate; EP, epoxy; MF, melamine formaldehyde; PA, polyamide (nylon); PF, phenol for-
maldehyde; PMMA, polymethyl methacrylate; PS, polystyrene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; PVCAc, polyvinyl chloride acetate; UF, urea formaldehyde. Source: Ref 6
96 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the elastic modulus does not vary much in ma- sile moduli can be observed due to the effects of
terial with a given type of crystal structure or deformation (e.g., elongation in tension). Typi-
microstructure. For example, the elastic modu- cal values of elastic moduli are given in Table 4
lus of most steels is typically about 200 GPa (29 for various alloys and metals.
⳯ 106 psi) for steels of various composition and Equations 1 and 5 can be combined with Eq
strength levels (Fig. 3). However, the modulus 4 to give the design equation:
can vary with direction if the material has an
anisotropic structure. For example, Fig. 4 is a DL ⳱ FL/AE ⬍ d (Eq 6)
plot of the tensile and compressive modulus for
type 301 austenitic stainless steel. Transverse where d is the design limit on change in length
and longitudinal values vary, as do values for of the bar. Just as the strength, or load-carrying
tensile and compressive loads. At low stresses, capacity, of the tie bar is related to geometry and
the tension and compressive moduli are, by the- material strength (Eq 2), the stiffness of the bar
ory and experiment, identical. At higher stresses, is related to geometry and the elastic modulus
however, differences in the compressive and ten- of the material. Again, part performance (force,

Fig. 2 Strength, rf, plotted against density, q, for various engineered materials. Strength is yield strength for metals and polymers,
compressive strength for ceramics, tear strength for elastomers, and tensile strength for composites. Superimposing a line of
constant rf /q enables identification of the optimum class of materials for strength at minimum weight.
Tensile Testing for Design / 97

F, and deflection, d) is combined with part ge- Mechanical Testing for

ometry (length, L, and cross-sectional area, A) Stress at Failure and Elastic Modulus
and material characteristics (elastic modulus, E)
in this design equation. To assure that the change
In Eq 2 and 6, the material properties rf and
in length is less than the allowable limit for a
E play critical roles in design of the tie bar.
given force and material, the geometry param-
eters L and A can be calculated; or, for given These properties are determined from a simple
dimensions, the maximum load can be calcu- tensile test described in detail in Chapter 3,
lated. Alternatively, for a given force and geo- “Uniaxial Tensile Testing.” The elastic modulus
metric parameters, materials can be selected E is determined from the slope of the elastic part
whose elastic modulus, E, meets the design cri- of the tensile stress strain curve, and the failure
terion given in Eq 6. stress, rf , is determined from the tensile yield
Similar to design for strength, additional cri- strength, ro, or the ultimate tensile strength, ru.
teria involving minimum weight or cost can be Tensile-test specimens are cut from represen-
incorporated into design for stiffness. These cri- tative samples, as described in more detail in
teria lead to the material selection parameters Chapter 3. In the example of the tie bar, test
modulus-to-weight ratio (E/q) and modulus-to- pieces would be cut from bar stock that has been
cost ratio (E/qc), values that can be found in Ref processed similarly to the tie bar to be used in
7 and ASM Handbook, Volume 20. the product. In addition, the test piece should be

Fig. 3 Stress-strain diagram for various steels. Source: Ref 8

98 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

machined such that its gage length is parallel to pendicular to the alignment of inclusions caused
the axis of the bar. This ensures that any aniso- by hot rolling (Ref 10).
tropy of the microstructural features will affect During tension testing of a material to mea-
performance of the tie bar in the same way that sure E and rf , in addition to the change in length
they influence the measurements in the tensile due to the applied axial tensile loads, the mate-
test. For example, test pieces cut longitudinally rial will undergo a decrease in diameter. This
and transverse to the rolling direction of hot reflects another elastic property of materials, the
rolled steel plates will exhibit the same elastic Poisson ratio, given by:
modulus and yield strength, but the tensile
strength and ductility will be lower in the trans- m ⳱ ⳮet/el (Eq 7)
verse direction because the stresses will be per-
where et is the transverse strain and el is the
longitudinal strain measured during the elastic
part of the tension test. Typical values of ␯ range
from 0.25 to 0.40 for most structural materials,
but ␯ approaches zero for structural foams and
approaches 0.5 for materials undergoing plastic
deformation. While the Poisson effect is of no
consequence in the overall behavior of the tie
bar (since the decrease in diameter has a negli-
gible effect on the stress in the bar), the Poisson
ratio is a very important material parameter in
parts subjected to multiple stresses. The stress
in one direction affects the stress in another di-
rection via ␯. Therefore, accurate measurements
of the Poisson ratio are essential for reliable de-
sign analyses of the complex stresses in actual
Fig. 4 Tensile and compressive modulus at half-hard and full-
part geometries, as described later. Typical val-
hard type 301 stainless steel in the transverse and lon-
gitudinal directions. Source: Ref 5 ues of Poisson’s ratio are given in Table 4.

Table 4 Elastic constants for polycrystalline metals at 20 ⬚C (68 ⬚F)

Elastic modulus (E) Bulk modulus (K) Shear modulus (G)
Metal GPa 106 psi GPa 106 psi GPa 106 psi Poisson’s ratio, m
Aluminum 70 10.2 75 10.9 26 3.80 0.345
Brass, 30 Zn 101 14.6 112 16.2 37 5.41 0.350
Chromium 279 40.5 160 23.2 115 16.7 0.210
Copper 130 18.8 138 20.0 48 7.01 0.343
Iron, soft 211 30.7 170 24.6 81 11.8 0.293
Iron, cast 152 22.1 110 15.9 60 8.7 0.27
Lead 16 2.34 46 6.64 6 0.811 0.44
Magnesium 45 6.48 36 5.16 17 2.51 0.291
Molybdenum 324 47.1 261 37.9 125 18.2 0.293
Nickel, soft 199 28.9 177 25.7 76 11.0 0.312
Nickel, hard 219 31.8 188 27.2 84 12.2 0.306
Nickel-silver, 55Cu-18Ni-27Zn 132 19.2 132 19.1 34 4.97 0.333
Niobium 104 15.2 170 24.7 38 5.44 0.397
Silver 83 12.0 103 15.0 30 4.39 0.367
Steel, mild 211 30.7 169 24.5 82 11.9 0.291
Steel, 0.75 C 210 30.5 169 24.5 81 11.8 0.293
Steel, 0.75 C, hardened 201 29.2 165 23.9 78 11.3 0.296
Steel, tool steel 211 30.7 165 24.0 82 11.9 0.287
Steel, tool steel, hardened 203 29.5 165 24.0 79 11.4 0.295
Steel, stainless, 2Ni-18Cr 215 31.2 166 24.1 84 12.2 0.283
Tantalum 185 26.9 197 28.5 69 10.0 0.342
Tin 50 7.24 58 8.44 18 2.67 0.357
Titanium 120 17.4 108 15.7 46 6.61 0.361
Tungsten 411 59.6 311 45.1 161 23.3 0.280
Vanadium 128 18.5 158 22.9 46.7 6.77 0.365
Zinc 105 15.2 70 10.1 42 6.08 0.249
Source: Ref 9
Tensile Testing for Design / 99

Sonic methods also offer an alternative and expected, then, that the resistance to indentation
more accurate measurement of elastic proper- or hardness is proportional to the yield strength
ties, because the velocity of an extensional of the material. Plasticity analysis (Ref 12) and
sound wave (i.e., longitudinal wave speed, VL) empirical evidence (summarized in Ref 11)
is directly related to the square root of the ratio show that the pressure on the indenter is ap-
of elastic modulus and density as follows: proximately three times the tensile yield strength
of the material. However, correlation of hard-
VL ⳱ (E/q)1/2 (Eq 8) ness and yield strength is only straightforward
when the strain-hardening coefficient varies di-
By striking a sample of material on one end rectly with hardness. For carbon steels, the fol-
and measuring the time for the pulse to travel to lowing relation has been developed to relate
the other end, the velocity can be calculated. yield strength (YS) to Vickers hardness (HV)
Combining this with independent measurement data (Ref 11):
of the density, Eq 8 can be used to calculate the
elastic modulus (Ref 8). YS (in kgf/mm2) ⳱ 1⁄3 HV (0.1)mⳮ2

where m is Meyer’s strain-hardening coefficient

Hardness-Strength Correlation (Ref 13). To convert kgf/mm2 values to units of
lbf/in.2, multiply the former by 1422. This re-
Correlation of hardness and strength has been lation applies only to carbon steels. Correlation
examined for several materials as summarized of yield strength and hardness depends on the
in Ref 11. In hardness testing, a simple flat, strengthening mechanism of the material. With
spherical, or diamond-shaped indenter is forced aluminum alloys, for example, aged alloys ex-
under load into the surface of the material to be hibit higher strain-hardening coefficients and
tested, causing plastic flow of material beneath lower yield strengths than cold worked alloys
the indenter as illustrated in Fig. 5. It would be (Ref 11).
For many metals and alloys, there has been
found to be a reasonably accurate correlation be-
tween hardness and tensile strength, ru (Ref 11).
Table 5 Hardness-tensile strength conversions Several studies are cited and described in Ref 11
for steel
and 14, and Tables 5 and 6 summarize hardness-
Multiplying tensile strength multiplying factors for various
Material factor(a)
materials. It must be emphasized, however, that
Heat-treated alloy steel (250–400 HB) 470 HB
Heat-treated carbon and alloy steel (⬍250 HB) 482 HB these are empirically based relationships, and so
Medium carbon steel (as-rolled, normalized, or 493 HB testing may still be warranted to confirm a cor-
relation of tensile strength and hardness for a
(a) Tensile strength (in psi) ⳱ multiplying factor ⳯ HB. Source: Ref 11 particular material (and/or material condition).

Fig. 5 Deformation beneath a hardness indenter. (a) Modeling clay. (b) Low-carbon steel
100 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Table 6 Multiplying factors for obtaining Metals Handbook, 8th ed., American Soci-
tensile strength from hardness ety for Metals, 1961, p 503
Multiplying 6. Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, McGraw
Material factor range(a) Hill, 2000
Heat treated carbon and alloy steel 470–515 HB 7. M.F. Ashby, Materials Selection for Me-
Annealed carbon steel 515–560 HB
All steels 448–515 HV chanical Design, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Hei-
Ni-Cr austenitic steels 448–482 HV nemann, 1999
Steel; sheet, strip, and tube 414–538 HV 8. H. Davis, G. Troxell, and G. Hauck, The
Aluminum alloys; bar and extrusions 426–650 HB
Aluminum alloys; bar and extrusions 414–605 HV Testing of Engineering Materials, 4th ed.,
Aluminum alloys; sheet, strip, and tube 470–582 HV McGraw Hill, 1982, p 314
Al-Cu castings 246–426 HB
Al-Si-Ni castings 336–426 HB
9. G. Carter, Principles of Physical and Chem-
Al-Si castings 381–538 HB ical Metallurgy, American Society for Met-
Phosphor bronze castings 336–470 HB als, 1979, p 87
Brass castings 470–672 HB
10. M.A. Meyers and K.K. Chawla, Mechanical
(a) Tensile strength (in psi) ⳱ multiplying factor ⳯ hardness. Source: Ref 11, 15
Metallurgy, Prentice-Hall, Edgewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1984, p 626–627
11. George Vander Voort, Metallography: Prin-
ciples and Practices, ASM International,
A correlation with hardness may not be evident. 1999, p 383–385, 391–393
For example, magnesium alloy castings did not 12. R.T. Shield, On the Plastic Flow of Metals
exhibit a hardness-strength correlation in a study under Conditions of Axial Symmetry, Proc.
by Taylor (Ref 15). R. Soc., Vol A233, 1955, p 267
More detailed information on hardness tests 13. A. Fee, Selection and Industrial Applica-
and the estimation of mechanical properties can tions of Hardness Tests, Mechanical Testing
be found in Ref 11, 13, and 14. The various and Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook,
types of hardness tests and their selection and ASM International, 2000, p 260–277
application are described in Mechanical Testing 14. J. Datsko, L. Hartwig, and B. McClory, On
and Evaluation, Volume 8, of the ASM Hand- the Tensile Strength and Hardness Relation
book series. for Metals, Journal of Materials Engineer-
ing and Performance, Vol 10 (6), Dec 2001,
p 718–722
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 15. W.J. Taylor, The Hardness Test as a Means
of Estimating the Tensile Strength of Met-
This chapter was adapted from H.A. Kuhn, als, J.R. Aeronaut. Soc., Vol 46 (No. 380),
Overview of Mechanical Properties and Testing 1942, p 198–202
for Design, Mechanical Testing and Evaluation,
Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM International,

● M. Ashby, Materials Selection for Mechan-

REFERENCES ical Design, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heine-
mann, 1999
1. Cambridge Engineering Selector, Granta ● N. Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Mate-
Design Ltd., Cambridge, UK, 1998 rials: Engineering Methods for Deforma-
2. G.E. Dieter, Engineering Design: A Mate- tion, Fracture, and Fatigue, Prentice Hall,
rials and Processing Approach, McGraw 1999
Hill, 1991, p 1–51, 231–271 ● R.C. Juvinall and K.M. Marshek, Funda-
3. Metals Handbook, American Society for mentals of Machine Component Design, 2nd
Metals, 1948 ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1991
4. F.B. Seely, Resistance of Materials, John ● J.E. Shigley and L.D. Mitchell, Mechanical
Wiley & Sons, 1947 Engineering Design, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill,
5. Properties and Selection of Metals, Vol 1, 1983
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p101-114 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p101 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing for

Determining Sheet Formability

THE TERM FORMABILITY refers to the ease bility in a wide range of applications, the work
with which a metal can be shaped through plas- material should:
tic deformation. Evaluation of the formability of
● Distribute strain uniformly
a metal involves measurement of strength, duc-
● Reach high strain levels without necking or
tility, and the amount of deformation required to
cause fracture. The term “workability” is used
● Withstand in-plane compressive stresses
interchangeably with formability; however,
without wrinkling
formability refers to the shaping of sheet metal,
● Withstand in-plane shear stresses without
while workability refers to shaping materials by
bulk forming processes such as forging and ex-
● Retain part shape upon removal from the die
● Retain a smooth surface and resist surface
Sheet metal forming operations consist of a
large family of processes, ranging from simple
bending to stamping and deep drawing of com- Some production processes can be success-
plex shapes. Because sheet forming operations fully operated only when the forming properties
are so diverse in type, extent, and rate, no single of the work material are within a narrow range.
test provides an accurate indication of the form- More frequently, the process can be adjusted to
ability of a material in all situations. However, accommodate shifts in work material properties
as will be discussed in this chapter, the uniaxial from one range to another, although sometimes
tensile test is one of the most widely used tests at the cost of lower production and higher ma-
for determining sheet metal formability. It terial waste. Some processes can be successfully
should also be noted that tensile testing at ele- operated using work material that has a wide
vated temperatures is also widely used to deter- range of properties. In general, consistency in
mine the workability of materials. See Chapter the forming properties of the work material is
13, “Hot Tensile Testing,” for details. an important factor in producing a high output
of dimensionally accurate parts.

Effect of Material Strain Distribution

Properties on Formability Three material properties determine the strain
distribution in a forming operation:
The properties of sheet metals vary consid- ● The strain-hardening coefficient (also known
erably, depending on the base metal (steel, alu-
as the work-hardening coefficient or expo-
minum, copper, and so on), alloying elements
nent) or n value
present, processing, heat treatment, gage, and
● The strain rate sensitivity or m value
level of cold work. In selecting material for a
● The plastic strain ratio (anisotropy factor) or
particular application, a compromise usually
r value
must be made between the functional properties
required in the part and the forming properties The ability to distribute strain evenly depends
of the available materials. For optimal forma- on the n value and the m value. The ability to
102 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

reach high overall strain levels depends on many a tensile test). The ratio of these properties there-
factors, such as the base material, alloying ele- fore provides another measure of formability.
ments, temper, n value, m value, r value, thick- The m value, or strain rate sensitivity, is de-
ness, uniformity, and freedom from defects and fined by:
The n value, or strain-hardening coefficient, d ln rT
is determined by the dependence of the flow m⳱ (Eq 4)
d ln ė
(yield) stress on the level of strain. In materials
with a high n value, the flow stress increases where ė is the strain rate, de/dt. This implies a
rapidly with strain. This tends to distribute fur- relationship of the form:
ther strain to regions of lower strain and flow
stress. A high n value is also an indication of
rT ⳱ f(e) • ėm
good formability in a stretching operation.
In the region of uniform elongation, the n
value is defined as: or

rT ⳱ ken • ėm (Eq 5)

d ln rT
n⳱ (Eq 1)
d ln e
where Eq 5 incorporates Eq 2 between stress and
where rT is the true stress (load/instantaneous A positive strain rate sensitivity indicates that
area). This relationship implies that the true the flow stress increases with the rate of defor-
stress-strain curve of the material can be ap- mation. This has two consequences. First, higher
proximated by a power law constitutive equation stresses are required to form parts at higher rates.
proposed in Ref 1: Second, at a given forming rate, the material re-
sists further deformation in regions that are be-
rT ⳱ ken (Eq 2) ing strained more rapidly than adjacent regions
by increasing the flow stress in these regions.
where k is a constant known as the strength co- This helps to distribute the strain more uni-
efficient. formly.
Equation 2 provides a good approximation for The need for higher stresses in a forming
most steels, but is not very accurate for dual- operation is usually not a major consideration,
phase steels and some aluminum alloys. For but the ability to distribute strains can be crucial.
these materials, two or three n values may need This becomes particularly important in the post-
to be calculated for the low, intermediate, and uniform elongation region, where necking and
high strain regions. high strain concentrations occur. An approxi-
When Eq 2 is an accurate representation of mately linear relationship has been reported be-
material behavior, n ⳱ ln (1 Ⳮ eu), where eu is tween the m value and the post-uniform elon-
the uniform elongation, or elongation at maxi- gation for a variety of steels and nonferrous
mum load in a tensile test. By definition, ln (1 alloys (Ref 3). As m increases from ⳮ0.01 to
Ⳮ eu) is identical to eu, which is the true strain Ⳮ0.06, the post-uniform elongation increases
at uniform elongation. from 2 to 40%.
Most steels with yield strengths below 345 Metals in the superplastic range have high m
MPa (50 ksi) and many aluminum alloys have n values of 0.2 to 0.7, which are one to two orders
values ranging from 0.2 to 0.3. For many higher of magnitude higher than typical values for steel.
yield strength steels, n is given by the relation- At ambient temperatures, some metals, such as
ship (Ref 2): aluminum alloys and brass, have low or slightly
negative m values, which explains their low
post-uniform elongation.
n⯝ (Eq 3) High n and m values lead to good formability
(yield strength in MPa) in stretching operations, but have little effect on
drawability. In a drawing operation, metal in the
A high n value leads to a large difference be- flange must be drawn in without causing fracture
tween yield strength and ultimate tensile in the wall. In this case, high n and m values
strength (engineering stress at maximum load in strengthen the wall, which is beneficial, but they
Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability / 103

also strengthen the flange and make it harder to from 1.8 to 2.5, and aluminum alloys range from
draw in, which is detrimental. 0.6 to 0.8. The theoretical maximum rm value
The r value, or plastic strain ratio, relates to for a ferritic steel is 3.0; a measured value of 2.8
drawability and is known as the anisotropy fac- has been reported (Ref 4).
tor. This is defined as the ratio of the true width
strain to the true thickness strain in the uniform Maximum Strain Levels:
elongation region of a tensile test: The Forming Limit Diagram
Each type of steel, aluminum, brass, or other
冢w 冣
ln sheet metal can be deformed only to a certain
ew o
r ⳱ ⳱ (Eq 6) level before local thinning (necking) and frac-
ln 冢冣
ture occur. This level depends principally on the
combination of strains imposed, that is, the ratio
of major and minor strains. The lowest level oc-
The r value is a measure of the ability of a curs at or near plane strain, that is, when the
material to resist thinning. In drawing, material minor strain is zero.
in the flange is stretched in one direction (radi- This information was first represented graph-
ally) and compressed in the perpendicular direc- ically as the forming limit diagram, which is a
tion (circumferentially). A high r value indicates graph of the major strain at the onset of necking
a material with good drawing properties. for all values of the minor strain that can be re-
The r value frequently changes with direction alized (Ref 5, 6). Figure 2 shows a typical form-
in the sheet. In a cylindrical cup drawing opera- ing limit diagram for steel. The diagram is used
tion, this variation leads to a cup with a wall that in combination with strain measurements, usu-
varies in height, a phenomenon known as earing ally obtained from circle grids, to determine how
(Fig. 1). It is therefore common to measure the close to failure (necking) a forming operation is
average r value, or average normal anisotropy, or whether a particular failure is due to inferior
rm, and the planar anisotropy, Dr. work material or to a poor die condition (Ref 7).
The property rm is defined as (r0 Ⳮ 2r45 Ⳮ For most low-carbon steels, the forming limit
r90)/4, where the subscripts refer to the angle diagram has the same shape as the one shown in
between the tensile specimen axis and the rolling Fig. 2, but the vertical position of the curve de-
direction. The value Dr is defined as (r0 ⳮ 2r45 pends on the sheet thickness and the n value.
Ⳮ r90)/2. It is a measure of the variation of r The intercept of the curve with the vertical axis,
with direction in the plane of a sheet. The value which represents plane strain and is also the
rm determines the average depth (that is, the wall minimum point on the curve, has a value equal
height) of the deepest draw possible. The value to n in the (extrapolated) zero thickness limit.
Dr determines the extent of earing. A combi-
nation of a high rm value and a low Dr value
provides optimal drawability.
Hot-rolled low-carbon steels have rm values
ranging from 0.8 to 1.0, cold-rolled rimmed
steels range from 1.0 to 1.4, and cold-rolled alu-
minum-killed (deoxidized) steels range from 1.4
to 2.0. Interstitial-free steels have values ranging

Fig. 1 Drawn cup with ears in the directions of high r value Fig. 2 Typical forming limit diagram for steel
104 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

The intercept increases linearly with thickness Material Properties and Shear Fracture
to a thickness of about 3 mm (0.12 in.).
The rate of increase is proportional to the n Shear fractures due to in-plane shear stresses
value up to n ⳱ 0.2, as shown in Fig. 3. Beyond are more prevalent in high-strength cold-worked
these limits, further increases in thickness and n materials, particularly when internal defects
value have little effect on the position of the such as inclusions are present. Typical strain
curve. The level of the forming limits also in- combinations that cause shear fracture are
creases with the m value (Ref 3). shown on the forming limit diagram in Fig. 4.
The shape of the curve for aluminum alloys, For this material, Fig. 4 shows that, at high strain
brass, and other materials differs from that in levels in the regions close to e2 ⳱ Ⳳe1, failure
Fig. 2 and varies from alloy to alloy within a occurs by shearing before the initiation of neck-
system. The position of the curve also varies and ing.
rises with an increase in the thickness, n value, The position and shape of the shear fracture
or m value, but at rates that are generally not the curve depends on the material, its temper, and
same as those for low-carbon steel. the type and degree of prestrain or cold work
The forming limit diagram is also dependent (Ref 14–16). Limited data are available on shear
on the strain path. The standard diagram is based fracture.
on an approximately uniform strain path. Dia-
grams generated by uniaxial straining followed Material Properties and Springback
by biaxial straining, or the reverse, differ con- Material properties that control the amount of
siderably from the standard diagram. Therefore, springback that occurs after a forming operation
the effect of the strain path must be taken into are:
account when using the diagram to analyze a
forming problem. ● Elastic modulus, E
● Yield stress, ry
Material Properties and Wrinkling ● Slope of the true stress/strain curve, or tan-
gent modulus, drT /de
The effect of material properties on the for-
mation of buckles or wrinkles is the subject of Springback is best described by means of three
extensive research. In drawing operations, there examples involving a rectangular beam: elastic
is general agreement, based primarily on exper- bending below the yield stress, simple bending
iments with conical and cylindrical cups, that a with the yield stress exceeded in the outer layers
high rm value and a low Dr value reduce buck- of the beam, and combined stretching and bend-
ling in both flanges and walls (Ref 9–11). In ing. In an actual part, springback is determined
addition to the above correlations, a low flow- by the complex interaction of the residual inter-
stress-to-elastic-modulus ratio (rF /E) decreases nal elastic stresses, subject to the constraints of
wall wrinkling (Ref 12). The n value has an in- the part geometry.
direct effect. When the binder force is kept con-
stant, the n value has no effect. However, high
n values enable higher binder forces to be used,
which reduces buckling.
In stretching operations, the situation appears
to be different. A close correlation between the
formation of buckles at low strain levels and the
yield-strength-to-tensile-strength ratio (YS/TS)
has been reported, as well as an inverse corre-
lation with the low strain n value and an absence
of correlation with the rm value and uniform
elongation (Ref 13). Some of the differences be-
tween these results may be attributed to the fact
that the experiments with cups involved high
strains and high compressive stresses, while the
stretching experiments were conducted at low
strain and low compressive stress levels. In both
situations, the problem becomes significantly Fig. 3 Effect of thickness and n value on the plane-strain in-
more severe as the sheet thickness decreases. tercept of a forming limit diagram. Source: Ref 8
Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability / 105

Elastic Bending Below the Yield Stress. range is proportional to the yield stress divided
Tensile elastic stresses are generated on the out- by the elastic modulus. The strain at the yield
side of the bend. These stresses decrease linearly point is equal to ry /E (E ⳱ r/e). The springback
from a maximum at the surface to zero at the moment for a given deflection is therefore pro-
center (neutral axis). They then become com- portional to the elastic modulus (r ⳱ Ee).
pressive and increase linearly to a maximum at Simple Bending. In this example, the yield
the inner surface. Upon removal of the exter- stress is exceeded in the outer layers of the
nally applied bending forces, the internal elastic beam. The outer layers deform plastically, and
forces cause the beam to unbend as they de- their stored elastic stresses continue to increase,
crease to zero throughout the cross section but at a much lower rate that is proportional to
(Fig. 5a). the slope of the true stress-strain curve, or tan-
The maximum amount of elastic deflection gent modulus, drT /de, instead of the elastic
that can be produced without entering the plastic modulus. Figure 5(b) illustrates this condition

Fig. 4 Forming limit diagram including shear fracture. Source: Ref 14

Fig. 5 Springback of a beam in simple bending. (a) Elastic bending. (b) Elastic and plastic bending. (c) Bending and stretching
106 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

for a beam bent so that 50% of its volume is in Surface Quality

the plastic range.
Upon removal of the externally applied bend- The previously mentioned conditions that
ing forces, the stored elastic stresses cause the lead to undesirable surface textures can be min-
beam to unbend until their combined bending imized or prevented. The formation of orange
moment is zero. This produces compressive peel in heavily deformed regions can be mini-
stresses at the outer surface and tensile stresses mized by using a fine-grain material. The de-
at the inner surface. velopment of Lüders lines in rimmed steels can
The springback in this case is less than for a be prevented by temper rolling to 0.25 to 1.25%
material whose yield strength is not exceeded at extension or by flex rolling, which produces mo-
the same strain level. This can result from either bile dislocations for a limited period of time, un-
a higher yield stress or a lower elastic modulus. til they are trapped by nitrogen atoms. This also
It is also apparent that higher values of the tan- reduces elongation slightly. This problem is be-
gent modulus cause greater springback when the coming less common with the increased use of
yield strength is exceeded. continuous casting, which requires killed steels.
In actual conditions, the neutral axis moves These steels have less free nitrogen to interact
inward upon bending because the outer part of with the dislocations and do not develop Lüders
the beam is stretched and becomes thinner and lines. Similar treatments can be applied to alu-
because the inner part is compressed and be- minum-magnesium alloys to prevent this defect.
comes thicker. This effect is analyzed in detail
in Ref 17.
Combined Stretching and Bending. In this
case, the entire beam can be plastically deformed Effect of Temperature on Formability
in tension by as little as 0.5% stretching. How-
ever, a stress gradient still exists from the outer A change in the overall temperature alters the
to the inner surface (Fig. 5c). Upon removing
properties of the material, which thus affects
the external forces, the internal elastic stresses
formability. In addition, local temperature dif-
ferences within a deforming blank lead to local
This causes unbending, but to a lesser extent
differences in properties that affect formability.
than in the previous cases. As the level of
stretching is increased, the amount of springback At high temperatures, above one-half of the
decreases because the tangent modulus and melting point on the absolute temperature scale,
therefore the stress gradient through the beam extremely fine-grain aluminum, copper, mag-
decrease at higher strains. The yield strength nesium, nickel, stainless steel, steel, titanium,
ceases to be a factor in springback once all re- zinc, and other alloys become superplastic. Su-
gions are plastically deformed in tension. perplasticity is characterized by extremely high
In the bending of wide sheets, the metal is elongation, ranging from several hundred to
deformed in plane strain, and the plane-strain more than 1000%, but only at low strain rates
properties (elastic modulus, yield stress, and tan- (usually below about 10ⳮ2/sⳮ1) at high tem-
gent modulus) should be used. The effects of a peratures.
low elastic modulus and a high yield stress and The requirements of high temperatures and
tangent modulus in increasing springback have low forming rates have limited superplastic
been experienced in forming operations. Spring- forming to low-volume production. In the aero-
back is more severe with aluminum alloys than space industry, titanium is formed in this man-
with low-carbon steel (1 to 3 modulus ratio). ner. The process is particularly attractive for zinc
High-strength steels exhibit more springback alloys because they require comparatively low
than low-carbon steels (2 to 1 yield strength temperatures (270 C, or 520 F).
ratio), and dual-phase steels spring back more At intermediate elevated temperatures, steels
than high-strength steels of the same yield and many other alloys have less ductility than at
strength (higher tangent modulus). room temperature (Ref 19, 20). Aluminum and
The effect of stretching in reducing spring- magnesium alloys are exceptions and have min-
back to very low levels has also been reported imum ductility near room temperature. Alloys
(Ref 18). Springback is also greatly influenced of these metals have been formed commercially
by geometrical factors, and it increases as the at slightly elevated temperatures (250 C, or
bend angle and ratio of bend radius to sheet 480 F). The strain rate sensitivity (m value)
thickness increase. and post-uniform elongation for aluminum-
Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability / 107

magnesium alloys have been found to increase used; its sides are accurately parallel over the
significantly in this temperature range (Ref 21). gage length, which is usually 50.8 mm (2.00 in.)
Low-temperature forming has potential ad- long and 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) wide. The specimen
vantages for some materials, based on their ten- is gripped at each end and stretched at a constant
sile properties, but practical problems have lim- rate in a tensile machine until it fractures, as de-
ited application. Local increases in temperature scribed in ASTM E 8, “Standard Test Methods
occur during forming because of the surface fric- for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.” The
tion and internal heating produced by the defor- applied load and extension are measured by
mation. Generally, this is detrimental because it means of a load cell and strain gage extensom-
lowers the flow stress in the area of greatest eter.
strain and tends to localize deformation. The load extension data can be plotted di-
A method of improving drawability by cre- rectly. However, data are usually converted into
ating local temperature differences has been de- engineering (conventional) stress, rE (load/
veloped and is being used commercially (Ref original cross section), and engineering strain, e
22). It involves water cooling the punch in a (elongation/original length), or to true stress, rT
deep-drawing operation. This lowers the tem- (load/instantaneous cross section), and true
perature of the blank where it contacts the strain, e (natural logarithm of strained length/
punch, which is the principal failure zone, and original length).
increases the local flow stress. Heating the die In addition, for formability testing, it is com-
in order to lower the flow stress in the defor- mon practice to measure the width of the spec-
mation zone at the top of the draw wall has also imen during the test. This is done either inter-
been found to be beneficial. The combination of mittently by interrupting the test at preselected
these procedures has produced an increase of elongations to make measurements manually or
over 20% in the drawability of an austenitic continuously by means of width extensometers.
stainless steel. From these measurements, the plastic strain ratio
(anisotropy factor), or r value, can be deter-
During the rolling process used to produce
Types of Formability Tests metals in sheet form and the subsequent anneal-
ing, the grains and any inclusions present be-
Formability tests are of two basic types: in-
come elongated in the rolling direction, and a
trinsic and simulative (Ref 23). Intrinsic tests
preferred crystallographic orientation develops.
measure the basic characteristic properties of
This causes a variation of properties with direc-
materials that can be related to their formability.
tion. Therefore, it is common practice to test
Examples include the uniaxial tensile test and
specimens cut parallel to the rolling direction
the plane-strain tensile test which will be sub-
and at 45 and 90 to this direction. These are
sequently described in this chapter. Other intrin-
known as longitudinal, diagonal, and transverse
sic tests reviewed in Ref 23 are the Marciniak
specimens, respectively. This also enables the
stretching and sheet torsion tests, the hydraulic
values of rm and Dr to be calculated. Because
bulge test, the Miyauchi shear test, and hardness
the mechanical properties and elongation tend to
tests. Simulative tests subject the material to de-
be lower in the transverse direction, tests in this
formation that closely resembles the deforma-
direction are often used as the basis for specifi-
tion that occurs in a particular forming opera-
tion. Many simulative tests, such as the Olsen
and Swift cup tests, have been used extensively
for many years with good correlation to produc-
tion in specific cases. A number of simulative
tests are described in Ref 23.

Uniaxial Tensile Testing

The most widely used intrinsic test of sheet

metal formability is the uniaxial tensile test. A
specimen such as that illustrated in Fig. 6 is Fig. 6 Sheet tensile test specimen
108 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 7 Typical engineering and true stress-strain curves

The rate at which the test is performed can in Fig. 8. With the increasing use of continuous
have a significant effect on the end results. Two casting, which requires killed steels (steels de-
methods are commonly used to determine this oxidized by small additions of aluminum, for
effect. In the first method, replicate samples are example), rimmed steels are becoming less com-
tested at different rates, and the results are influ- mon.
enced by variations between the samples. In the
second method, the test rate is alternated be- Test Procedure
tween two levels. This approach avoids the
problem of variation between samples, but it For accurate and reproducible results, uniax-
cannot be used at very high rates and is compli- ial tensile testing must be performed in a care-
cated by transients, which occur each time the fully controlled manner. The main steps in the
rate is changed. The strain rate sensitivity, or m procedure are discussed in detail in Chapter 3,
value, can be calculated from these tests. “Uniaxial Tensile Testing.” These procedures
Figure 7 shows a typical engineering stress- are summarized below.
strain curve and the corresponding true stress- Specimen Preparation. The surfaces of the
strain curve for a material that has a smooth tran- specimen should be free from scratches or other
sition between the very low strain (elastic) and damage that can act as stress raisers and cause
the higher strain (plastic) regions of the curve. early failure. The edges should be smooth and
When the load is removed in the elastic region, free from irregularities. Care should be taken not
the sample returns to its original dimensions. to cold work the edges, or to ensure that any cold
When this is done in the plastic region, the sam- work introduced is removed in a subsequent
ple retains permanent deformation. operation, because this changes mechanical
In the tensile test, the load increases to a max- properties and lowers ductility.
imum value and then decreases prior to fracture. It is common practice to mill and grind the
The decrease is due to the localization of the edges, but other procedures such as fine milling,
deformation, which causes a reduction in cross nibbling, and laser cutting are also used. When
section. This reduction has a greater effect than a new method is used, initial tests should be per-
the opposing increase in flow stress due to strain
Some materials such as aged rimmed steels
do not have a smooth transition between the
elastic and plastic regions of the stress-strain
curve. The load they can support decreases at
the beginning of the plastic region and remains
approximately constant for up to about 7% elon-
gation. Subsequently, the load increases to a
maximum and then decreases again at high elon-
gations. This type of stress-strain curve is shown Fig. 8 Engineering stress-strain curve for rimmed steel
Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability / 109

formed to compare the results with those ob- speed testing. These units require well-illumi-
tained by conventional methods. nated boundaries that are clearly delineated by
The width of a nominally 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) means of high-contrast coatings, such as black-
wide specimen should be measured to the near- and-white paint.
est 0.025 mm (0.001 in.), and the thickness for An approximate measure of elongation can be
specimens in the range of 0.5 to 2.5 mm (0.02 obtained from the crosshead travel. This in-
to 0.1 in.) should be measured to the nearest volves errors due to elongation of the specimen
0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.). If this is impractical outside the gage length and elastic strain in the
because of surface roughness, the thickness grips, which can be compensated for to some
should be measured to the nearest 0.025 mm extent. This method is used when the specimen
(0.001 in.). is inaccessible, such as in nonambient testing.
The tensile test is sensitive to variations in the The signals from the load cell and extensom-
width of the specimen, which should be accu- eter can be plotted on a chart recorder or pro-
rately controlled. For a specimen 12.7 mm (0.50 cessed by a data processing system to the re-
in.) wide, the width of the reduced section quired form, such as plots of stress versus strain
should not deviate by more than Ⳳ0.25 mm or tables of mechanical and forming properties.
(Ⳳ0.01 in.) from the nominal value and should Measurement of Width and Thickness. In
not differ by more than Ⳳ0.05 mm (Ⳳ0.002 in.) addition to the initial measurements of specimen
from end to end. width and thickness, which are required to cal-
Some investigators intentionally taper the re- culate the stress, measurements can be made at
duced section slightly toward the center to in- intervals during the test to determine the r value
crease the probability that fracture will occur (ASTM E 517, “Standard Test Method for Plas-
within the gage length. In this case, the center tic Strain Ratio r for Sheet Metal”) and to de-
should not be narrower than the ends by more termine the reduction in area and true strain. The
than 0.10 mm (0.004 in.). r value is measured at a specified strain level
Alignment of Specimens. The specimen between the yield point and the uniform elon-
should be accurately aligned with the centerline gation (for example, at 15% elongation). It can
of the grips. The effect of small displacements be measured by stopping the test at this strain
(10% of the specimen width) of one or both ends level and then measuring the width accurately
from the centerline has been calculated (Ref 24). (Ⳳ0.013 mm, or Ⳳ0.0005 in.) at a minimum of
It has been determined that the latter case is the three equally spaced points in the gage length
more serious, but both strongly affect the strain (for a 50.8 mm, or 2.0 in., gage length). In prac-
in the outermost fibers. It has also been con- tice, the thickness is calculated from the speci-
cluded that the calculated stress-strain curve is men width and length, assuming no change in
not significantly affected at strains above 0.3%. volume.
Measurement of Load and Elongation. The Alternatively, width measurements can be
applied load is measured by means of a load cell made during the test using width extensometers,
in the test machine, for which the usual calibra- although this is a more complicated procedure.
tion procedures must be followed (ASTM E 4, Attempts are underway to develop combined
“Standard Practices for Force Verification of width and length extensometers to simplify this
Testing Machines”). Elongation is usually deter- method.
mined by using a clip-on strain gage extensom- Reduction in area is the ratio (Ao ⳮ A)/Ao,
eter (ASTM E 83, “Standard Practice for Veri- where A is the instantaneous cross-sectional area
fication and Classification of Extensometer and Ao is the original cross-sectional area. It is
System”). In addition, small scratches are often used to calculate the true strain in the region of
scribed across the specimen at the ends of the post-uniform elongation. A large reduction in
gage length so that the total elongation can be area at fracture correlates with a small minimum
determined from the broken specimen. bend radius, a high m value, and high energy
Circle grids are sometimes etched or printed absorption. To calculate the reduction in area,
on the specimen. These can be used to measure the width and thickness must be measured in the
the strain distribution and width strain as well as narrowest part of the necked region.
the overall strain. This can be done continuously Effect of Gage Length on Elongation. In
by means of a video camera and data processing post-uniform elongation, part of the specimen is
system if required. Optical extensometers are elongated uniformly, and the remainder is nar-
used for some applications, particularly high- rowed into a necked region of higher strain
110 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

level. A change in the gage length alters the ratio modulus), yield strength, tensile strength, uni-
of these two regions and has a significant effect form elongation, total elongation, and reduction
on the total elongation measurement. This phe- in area. Determination of these properties is de-
nomenon is discussed in detail in Ref 25. scribed in Chapter 3, “Uniaxial Tensile Testing.”
To obtain results that are comparable for dif- As discussed earlier in this chapter, other key
ferent gage lengths, the ratio of the square root properties are the strain-hardening exponent, the
of the cross-sectional area to the length, 冪A/L, plastic strain ratio, and the strain rate sensitivity.
should be the same. When comparing samples Table 1 lists typical values of properties mea-
of different thickness, this implies that the gage sured in tensile tests on thin (0.5 to 1.0 mm, or
length or the width should be adjusted to main- 0.02 to 0.04 in.) sheet materials.
tain this ratio. Strain-Hardening Exponent. The n value, d
Rate of Testing. Most tensile tests are per- ln rT /d lne, is given by the slope of a graph of
formed on screw-driven or hydraulic testing ma- the logarithm of the true stress versus the loga-
chines at strain rates of 10ⳮ5 to 10ⳮ2 sⳮ1. The rithm of the true strain in the region of uniform
strain rate is defined as the increase in length per elongation. For materials that closely follow the
unit length per second. These tests are known as Holloman constitutive equation (Eq 2), an ap-
low strain rate or static tests. proximate n value can be obtained from two
Most high-volume production forming opera- points on the stress-strain curve by the Nelson-
tions are performed at considerably higher strain Winlock procedure (Ref 26). The two points
rates—in the range of 1 to 102 sⳮ1. To determine commonly used are at 10% strain and at the
the tensile properties in this range, dynamic test maximum load. The ratio of the loads or stresses
machines, which operate at rates of 10ⳮ1 to 102 at these two points is calculated, and the n value
sⳮ1, are used (Ref 25). As mentioned previously, and uniform elongation can then be determined
steels have higher tensile properties and lower from a table or graph. The accuracy of the n
elongations at high strain rates. The properties value determined in this way is Ⳳ0.02.
of aluminum alloys have little sensitivity to the The n value can be determined more accu-
strain rate. rately by linear regression analysis, as in ASTM
E 646, “Standard Test Method for Tensile Strain-
Hardening Exponents (n-Values) of Metallic
Determination of Material Properties
Sheet Materials.” For some materials, n is not
The stress-strain curve determined by uniaxial constant, and initial (low strain), terminal (high
tensile testing provides values of many forma- strain), and sometimes intermediate n values are
bility-related material properties. These proper- determined. The initial n value relates to the low
ties include the modulus of elasticity (Young’s deformation region, in which springback is often

Table 1 Typical tensile properties of selected sheet metals

Strain- Average Strain
Young’s Yield Tensile
Uniform Total hardening normal Planar rate
modulus, E strength strength
elongation, elongation, exponent, anisotropy, anisotropy, sensitivity,
Material GPa 106 psi MPa ksi MPa ksi % % n rm Dr m
Aluminum- 207 30 193 28 296 43 24 43 0.22 1.8 0.7 0.013
killed drawing
quality steel
Interstitial-free 207 30 165 24 317 46 25 45 0.23 1.9 0.5 0.015
Rimmed steel 207 30 214 31 303 44 22 42 0.20 1.1 0.4 0.012
High-strength 207 30 345 50 448 65 20 31 0.18 1.2 0.2 0.007
Dual-phase steel 207 30 414 60 621 90 14 20 0.16 1.0 0.1 0.008
301 stainless 193 28 276 40 690 100 58 60 0.48 1.0 0.0 0.012
409 stainless 207 30 262 38 469 68 23 30 0.20 1.2 0.1 0.012
3003-O 69 10 48 7 110 16 23 33 0.24 0.6 0.2 0.005
6009-T4 69 10 131 19 234 34 21 26 0.23 0.6 0.1 ⳮ0.002
70-30 brass 110 16 110 16 331 48 54 61 0.56 0.9 0.2 0.001
Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability / 111

a problem. The terminal n value relates to the can be determined at various strain levels in the
high deformation region, in which fracture may region of uniform elongation:
Plastic Strain Ratio. The r value, or aniso-
tropy factor, is defined as the ratio of the true
ln冢rr 冣

width strain to the true thickness strain in a ten- m⳱ (Eq 9)

sile test. Generally, its value depends on the
elongation at which it is measured. It is usually
ln 1
ė2冢 冣
measured at 10, 15, or 20% elongation. In some materials, m is insensitive to strain
The r value is calculated from the measured (Ref 3, 27). In other materials, however, m is
width and length as: sensitive to strain and strain rate (Ref 28). In
many materials, m increases and n decreases
冢ww 冣
ew ⳱ ln
with an increase in temperature (Ref 29), some-
times to the extent that superplastic properties
e ⳱ ln冢 冣 ⳱ ln冢
Lw 冣
t Lw o o develop.
t (Eq 7)
t o

where constancy of volume (Lwt ⳱ Lowoto) has Plane-Strain Tensile Testing

been used and:
In conventional uniaxial tensile testing, the
sample is strained in the region of drawing; that
冢w 冣
ln is, the minor or width strain is negative. The test
ew o
does not provide information on the response of
r ⳱ ⳱ (Eq 8)
冢 冣
Lowo sheet materials in the plane-strain state, in which
Lw the minor strain is zero. However, it can be mod-
ified to produce this strain state in part of the
The average r value, or normal anisotropy (rm), sample. This modification involves the use of a
and the planar anisotropy, or Dr value, can be very wide, short sample or the use of knife-edges
calculated from the values of r in different di- to prevent transverse (width) strain in part of the
rections using Eq 6 and 7. sample.
Strain Rate Sensitivity. The m value, d ln rT / Wide Sample Methods. Increasing the width
d lnė, is determined either from duplicate tensile of the sample and decreasing the gage length
tests performed at different strain rates or from changes the strain state from one with a large
a single test in which the rate is alternated be- negative minor strain component toward the
tween two levels during the test. These methods plane-strain state, in which the minor strain
are shown schematically in Fig. 9. The m value component is zero. In the rectangular sheet ten-

Fig. 9 Methods for determining strain-rate sensitivity (m value). (a) Duplicate test method. (b) Changing rate method
112 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

sion test, samples with length-to-width ratios of has a central gage section reduced in width by
1 to 1, 1 to 2, and 1 to 4 are used to approach circular notches (Ref 35). The gage section is
the plane-strain conditions (Ref 30). Gage clamped between two pairs of opposing parallel
lengths are constrained further by reinforce- knife-edges (stingers) aligned with the sample
ments welded onto each side of the sample at axis. The knife-edges prevent transverse (width)
both ends, thus making the samples three layers strain in this region. The sample is pulled to frac-
thick except in the gage length. ture in a tension-testing machine, and the plane-
The minimum minor strain obtained with the strain limit (necking) and fracture strains are de-
1 to 4 length-to-width ratio is ⳮ0.05 times the termined from thickness measurements made on
major strain, which is close to the plane-strain the fractured sample. This procedure is de-
condition of zero minor strain. The in-plane scribed in detail in Ref 35. The use of a spring-
strains are measured by means of grid markings loaded clamp around the knife-edges makes
on the samples, and through-thickness defor- adjustment of the clamp during testing unnec-
mations can be observed by holographic inter- essary.
A similar approach was used in testing many
wide specimen designs to determine the effect ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of edge profile and length-to-width ratio on
strain state (Ref 31–33). The specimen geometry This chapter was adapted from B. Taylor,
that yielded the highest center strain at failure Formability Testing of Sheet Metals, Forming
with a large region of plane strain is shown in and Forging, Vol 14, Metals Handbook, 9th ed.,
Fig. 10. The plane-strain region, which is arbi- ASM International, 1988, p 877–899.
trarily taken as the region where |e2/e1| is less
than 0.2, occupies about 80% of the specimen
width. The outer part of the specimen deforms REFERENCES
in a similar manner to a standard tensile test
1. J.H. Holloman, Tensile Deformation, Trans.
specimen. AIME, Vol 162, 1945, p 268–290
Special grips were developed that exert a high 2. W.A. Backofen, Massachusetts Institute of
clamping force at the inner contact lines. This Technology Industrial Liaison Symposium,
minimizes distortion and slippage in these re- Chicago, March 1974
gions, giving the test well-defined boundary 3. A.K. Ghosh, The Influence of Strain Hard-
conditions. The results of both types of wide ening and Strain-Rate Sensitivity on Sheet
specimen tensile tests described above corre- Metal Forming, Trans. ASME, Vol 99, July
lated well with stress-strain predictions obtained 1977, p 264–274
by finite-element modeling using material prop- 4. I.S. Brammar and D.A. Harris, Production
erties obtained in the standard tensile test (Ref and Properties of Sheet Steel and Alumi-
31, 34). num Alloys for Forming Applications, J.
Width Constraint Method. In the width con- Austral. Inst. Met., Vol 20 (No. 2), 1975, p
straint method, a rectangular sample is used that 85–100
5. S.P. Keeler and W.A. Backofen, Plastic In-
stability and Fracture in Sheets Stretched
Over Rigid Punches, Trans. ASM, Vol 56
(No. 1), 1963, p 25–48
6. G.M. Goodwin, “Application of Strain
Analysis to Sheet Metal Forming Problems
in the Press Shop,” Paper 680093, Society
of Automotive Engineers, 1968
7. S.P. Keeler, Determination of Forming Lim-
its in Automotive Stampings, Sheet Met.
Ind., Vol 42, Sept 1965, p 683–691
8. S.P. Keeler and W.G. Brazier, Relationship
Between Laboratory Material Characteriza-
tion and Press-Shop Formability, in Mi-
croalloying 75 Proceedings, Union Carbide
Fig. 10 Plane-strain tensile test specimen. Source: Ref 33 Corporation, 1977, p 517–530
Tensile Testing for Determining Sheet Formability / 113

9. H. Naziri and R. Pearce, The Effect of Plas- 21. B. Taylor, R.A. Heimbuch, and S.G. Bab-
tic Anisotropy on Flange-Wrinkling Behav- cock, Warm Forming of Aluminum, in Pro-
ior During Sheet Metal Forming, Int. J. ceedings of the Second International Con-
Mech. Sci., Vol 10, 1968, p 681–694 ference on Mechanical Behavior of
10. K. Yoshida and K. Miyauchi, Experimental Materials, American Society for Metals,
Studies of Material Behavior as Related to 1976, p 2004–2008
Sheet Metal Forming, in Mechanics of Sheet 22. W.G. Granzow, The Influence of Tooling
Metal Forming, Plenum Press, 1978, p 19– Temperature on the Formability of Stainless
49 Sheet Steel, in Formability of Metallic Ma-
11. W.F. Hosford and R.M. Caddell, in Metal terials—2000 A.D., STP 753, J.R. Newby
Forming, Mechanics and Metallurgy, Pren- and B.A. Niemeier, Ed., American Society
tice-Hall, 1983, p 273, 309 for Testing and Materials, 1981, p 137–146
12. J. Havranek, The Effect of Mechanical 23. B. Taylor, Formability Testing of Sheet
Properties of Sheet Steels on the Wrinkling Metals, Forming and Forging, Vol 14, Met-
Behavior During Deep Drawing of Conical als Handbook, 9th ed., ASM International,
Shells, in Sheet Metal Forming and Energy 1988, p 877–899
Conservation, Proceedings of the 9th Bi- 24. H.C. Wu and D.R. Rummler, Analysis of
ennial Congress of the International Deep Misalignment in the Tension Test, Trans.
Drawing Research Group, Ann Arbor, MI, ASME, Vol 101, Jan 1979, p 68–74
American Society for Metals, 1976, p 245– 25. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, 2nd
263 ed., McGraw-Hill, 1976, p 347, 349, 681
13. J.S.H. Lake, The Yoshida Test—A Critical 26. R.L. Whitely, Correlation of Deep Drawing
Evaluation and Correlation with Low-Strain Press Performance With Tensile Properties,
Tensile Parameters, in Efficiency in Sheet STP 390, American Society for Testing and
Metal Forming, Proceedings of the 13th Bi- Materials, 1965
ennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, In- 27. S.J. Green, J.J. Langan, J.D. Leasia, and
ternational Deep Drawing Research Group,
W.H. Yang, Material Properties, Including
Feb 1984, p 555–564
Strain-Rate Effects, as Related to Sheet
14. J.L. Duncan, R. Sowerby, and M.P. Sklad,
Metal Forming, Met. Trans. A, Vol 2A,
“Failure Modes in Aluminum Sheet in Deep
1971, p 1813–1820
Drawing Square Cups,” Paper presented at
the Conference on Sheet Forming, Univer- 28. G. Rai and N.J. Grant, On the Measure-
sity of Aston, Birmingham, England, Sept ments of Superplasticity in an Al-Cu Alloy,
1981 Met. Trans A., Vol 6A, 1975, p 385–390
15. G. Glover, J.L. Duncan, and J.D. Embury, 29. W.J. McGregor Tegart, in Elements of Me-
Failure Maps for Sheet Metal, Met. Tech- chanical Metallurgy, Macmillan, 1966, p
nol., March 1977, p 153–159 29–38
16. J.D. Embury and J.L. Duncan, Formability 30. M.L. Devenpeck and O. Richmond, Limit-
Maps, Ann. Rev. Mat. Sci., Vol 11, 1981, p ing Strain Tests for In-Plane Sheet Stretch-
505–521 ing, in Novel Techniques in Metal Defor-
17. J. Datsko, Materials in Design and Manu- mation Testing, The Metallurgical Society,
facturing, J. Datsko Consultants, 1977, p 7– 1983, p 79–88
16 31. R.H. Wagoner and N.M. Wang, An Exper-
18. N. Kuhn, On the Springback Behavior of imental and Analytical Investigation of In-
Low-Carbon Steel Sheet After Stretch Plane Deformation of 2036-T4 Aluminum,
Bending, J. Austral. Inst. Met., Vol 12 (No. Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol 21, 1979, p 255–264
1), Feb 1967, p 71–76 32. R.H. Wagoner, Measurement and Analysis
19. G.V. Smith, Elevated Temperature Static of Plane-Strain Work Hardening, Met.
Properties of Wrought Carbon Steel, in Spe- Trans. A, Vol 11A, Jan 1980, p 165–175
cial Technical Publication on Temperature 33. R.H. Wagoner, Plane-Strain and Tensile
Effects, STP 503, American Society for Hardening Behavior of Three Automotive
Testing and Materials, 1972 Sheet Alloys, in Experimental Verification
20. F.N. Rhines and P.J. Wray, Investigation of of Process Models, Symposium proceed-
the Intermediate Temperature Ductility ings, Cincinnati, OH, Sept 1981, American
Minimum in Metals, Trans. ASM, Vol 54, Society for Metals, 1983, p 236
1961, p 117–128 34. E.J. Appleby, M.L. Devenpeck, L.M.
114 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

O’Hara, and O. Richmond, Finite Element cisco, Applied Mechanics Division, Amer-
Analysis and Experimental Examination of ican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dec
the Rectangular-Sheet Tension Test, in Ap- 1978, p 95–105
plications of Numerical Methods to Form- 35. H. Sang and Y. Nishikawa, A Plane Strain
ing Processes, Vol 28, Proceedings of the Tensile Apparatus, J. Met., Feb 1983, p 30–
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Fran- 33
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p115-136 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p115 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys

THE TENSILE TEST provides a relatively Most structural metals and alloys, when
easy, inexpensive technique for developing me- strained to failure in a tensile test, fracture by
chanical property data for the selection, qualifi- ductile processes. The fracture surface is formed
cation, and utilization of metals and alloys in by the coalescence or combination of micro-
engineering service. This data may be used to voids. These microvoids generally nucleate dur-
establish the suitability of the alloy for a partic- ing plastic deformation processes, and coales-
ular application, and/or to provide a basis for cence begins after the plastic deformation
comparison with other candidate materials. De- processes become highly localized. Strain rate,
sign guidelines generally require that the tensile test temperature, and microstructure influence
properties of metals and alloys meet specific, the coalescence process and, under selected con-
well-defined criteria. ASME has established ditions (decreasing temperature, for example),
the fracture may undergo a transition from duc-
code requirements for the strengths and ductili-
tile to brittle processes. Such transitions may
ties of many classes of metals and alloys. Step- limit the utility of the alloy and may not be ap-
by-step procedures for conducting the tensile parent from strength measurements. The tensile
test are defined in various ASTM standards (see, test, therefore, may require interpretation, and
for example, ASTM E 8, “Standard Test Meth- interpretation requires a knowledge of the fac-
ods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials”). tors that influence the test results. This chapter
Descriptions of the test methodology and dis- provides a metallurgical perspective for such in-
cussions on the importance of both material and terpretation. Additional information can also be
test variables on the measured tensile properties found in Chapter 2, “Mechanical Behavior of
can be found in Chapter 3, “Uniaxial Tensile Materials Under Tensile Loads.”
Testing.” Because such variables have signifi-
cant influences on the measured tensile proper-
ties, an understanding of the influences is nec- Elastic Behavior
essary for accurate interpretation and use of
most tensile data. Most structures are designed so that the ma-
The elastic moduli of cast iron, carbon steel, terials of construction undergo elastic loadings
and many other engineering materials are de- under normal service conditions. These loads
pendent on the rate at which the test specimen produce elastic or reversible strains in the struc-
is stretched (strain rate). The yield strength or tural materials. The upward movement of a wing
stress at which a specified amount of plastic as an airplane takes off and the sway of a tall
building in a strong wind are examples in which
strain takes place is also dependent on the test
the elastic strains are readily apparent. Bending
strain rate. Alloy composition, grain size, prior of an automobile axle and stretching of a bridge
deformation, test temperature and heat treatment with the passing of a car are less noticeable ex-
may also influence the measured yield strength. amples of elastic strains. The magnitude of the
Generally, factors that increase the yield strength strain is dependent on the elastic moduli of the
decrease the tensile ductility because these fac- material supporting the load. Although elastic
tors also inhibit plastic deformation. However, a moduli are not generally determined by tensile
notable exception to this trend is the increase in testing, tensile behavior can be used to illustrate
ductility that accompanies an increase in yield the importance of elastic properties in the selec-
strength when the grain size is reduced. tion and use of metals and alloys.
116 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Young’s modulus for iron (207 GPa, or 30 ⳯ Anelasticity

106 psi) is approximately three times that of alu-
minum (69 GPa, or 10 ⳯ 106 psi) and almost Anelasticity is time-dependent, fully revers-
twice that of copper (117 GPa, or 17 ⳯ 106 psi). ible deformation. The time dependence results
This variation in elastic behavior is illustrated in from the lack of instantaneous atom movement
Fig. 1. Because of its higher value of Young’s during the application of a load. There are sev-
modulus, an iron component will deflect less eral mechanisms for time-dependent deforma-
than an “identical” copper or aluminum com- tion processes, including the diffusive motion of
ponent that undergoes an equivalent load. In a alloy and/or impurity atoms. This diffusive mo-
tensile test, for example, the elastic tensile tion may simply be atoms jumping to nearby
strains in 12.8 mm (0.505 in.) diam tensile bars lattice sites made favorable by the application of
of iron, copper, and aluminum loaded to 455 kg a load.
(1000 lb) will be 1.6 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 mm/mm (in./in.) Tensile loading of an iron-carbon alloy will
for iron, 2.9 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 mm/mm (in./in.) for cop- produce elastic strains in the alloy, and its body-
per, and 5 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 mm/mm (in./in.) for alumi- centered-cubic structure will be distorted to be-
num. come body-centered-tetragonal. Carbon, in solid
The ability of a material to resist elastic de- solution, produces a similar distortion of the iron
formation is termed “stiffness,” and Young’s lattice. There is one basic difference between the
modulus (E) is one measure of that ability. En- distortions introduced by tensile loads and those
gineering applications that require very rigid introduced by dissolving carbon. The average
structures, such as microscopes, antennas, sat- distortion of a metallic lattice during a tensile
ellite dishes, and radio telescopes, must be con- test is anisotropic: each unit cell of the structure
structed from either very massive components is elongated in the direction of the tensile load
or selected materials that have high values of and, because of Poisson’s ratio, the material also
elastic moduli. The elastic modulus of iron is contracts in the lateral direction. In contrast, the
higher than those of many metals and alloys, and average lattice distortion resulting from the so-
thus iron and iron alloys are frequently used for lution of carbon is isotropic even though each
applications that require high stiffness. individual carbon atom produces a localized an-
The equation that defines Young’s modulus, isotropic distortion.
r ⳱ Ee, is based on the observation that tensile Carbon atoms, in solid solution in iron, are
strain (e) is linearly proportional to the applied located at the interstitial sites shown schemati-
stress (r). This linear relationship provides an cally in Fig. 2. Because the dissolved carbon at-
adequate description of the behavior of metals oms are too big for the interstitial sites, a carbon
and alloys under most practical situations. How- atom at site X would push the iron atoms A and
ever, when materials are subjected to cyclic or
vibratory loading, even slight departures from
truly linear elastic behavior may become impor-
tant. One measure of the departure from linear
elasticity is the anelastic response of a material.

Fig. 2 Interstitial sites in an iron lattice. The large spheres at

the corners and center of the cube represent iron at-
oms, and the small spheres (X, Y, and Z) represent interstitial sites
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the elastic portions of the for carbon. There are duplicate interstitial sites at the corners of
stress-strain curves for iron, copper, and aluminum the cube or unit cell.
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 117

B apart and cause the unit cell to elongate in the direction of the applied stress. These additional
x direction. Similarly, a carbon atom at site Y strains are the anelastic strains in the material.
would push iron atoms B and C apart and cause Similarly, if the load is suddenly released, the
elongation in the y direction, and a carbon atom elastic strains will be immediately recovered
at site Z would cause elongation in the z direc- whereas recovery of the anelastic strains will re-
tion. Within any given unstressed iron or alpha quire time as the interstitial carbon atoms relo-
grain, carbon atoms are randomly distributed in cate from the previously favorable sites to form
X, Y, and Z sites. Thus, although each unit cell a uniform distribution in the iron lattice. The
is distorted in one specific direction, the over-all time dependence of the elastic and anelastic
distortion of the unstressed grain is basically iso- strains is shown schematically in Fig. 3.
tropic, or equal in all directions. The combination of the elastic and anelastic
The application of a tensile stress causes spe- strains may cause Young’s modulus, as deter-
cific interstitial sites to be favored. If the tensile mined in a tensile test, to be loading-rate (or
stress is parallel to the x direction, type X sites strain-rate) dependent and may produce damp-
are expanded and become favored sites for the ing or internal friction in a metal or alloy sub-
carbon atoms. Type Y sites become favored if jected to cyclic or vibratory loads. Anelastic
the stress is in the y direction, and type Z sites strains are one cause of stress relaxation in a
are favored when stresses are in the z direction. tensile test when the test specimen is loaded and
During a tensile test, carbon atoms will migrate held at a fixed displacement. This stress relaxa-
or diffuse to the sites made favorable by the ap- tion is frequently called an “elastic aftereffect”
plication of the tensile load. This migration is and results in a time-dependent load drop be-
time and temperature dependent and can be the cause the load necessary to maintain the fixed
cause of anelastic deformation. displacement will decrease as atoms move to fa-
The sudden application of the tensile load vored sites and anelastic deformation takes
may elastically strain the iron lattice at such a place. This elastic aftereffect, illustrated in Fig.
high rate that carbon migration to favored sites 4, demonstrates the importance of time or load-
cannot occur as the load is applied. However, if ing rate on test results.
the material remains under load, the time-depen- The total reversible strain that accompanies
dent migration to favored sites will produce ad- the application of a tensile load to a test speci-
ditional lattice strain because of the tendency for men is the sum of the elastic and anelastic
the interstitial carbon to push iron atoms in the strains. Rapid application of the load will cause

Fig. 3 A relationship between elastic and anelastic strains. The elastic strains develop as soon as the load is applied, whereas the
anelastic strains are time dependent.
118 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the anelastic strain to approach zero (the test teresis. Such energy losses that may be attributed
time is not sufficient for anelastic strain), thus to anelastic effects within the metal lattice are
the total strain during loading will equal the true termed “internal friction.” Internal friction plays
elastic strain. Very slow application of the same a major role in the ability of a material to absorb
load will allow the anelastic strain to accompany vibrational energy. Such absorption may cause
the loading process, thus the total reversible the temperature of a material to rise during the
strain in this test will exceed the reversible strain loading-unloading cycle. One measurement of
during rapid loading. The measured value of the susceptibility of a material to internal friction
Young’s modulus in the low-strain-rate test will is the damping capacity. Because anelasticity
be lower than that measured in the high-strain- and internal friction are dependent on time and
rate test, and the measured modulus of elasticity temperature, the damping capacity of a metal or
will be strain-rate dependent. This dependency alloy is both temperature and strain-rate depen-
is illustrated in Fig. 5. The low value of Young’s dent.
modulus is termed the “relaxed modulus,” and Internal friction and damping play major roles
the modulus measured at high strain rates is in the response of a metal or alloy to vibrations.
termed the “unrelaxed modulus.” Materials tested under conditions that cause sig-
nificant internal friction during loading-unload-
ing cycles undergo large energy losses and are
Damping said to have high damping capacities. Such ma-
terials are useful for the absorption of vibrations.
Tensile tests and cyclic loadings frequently Gray cast iron, for example, has a very high
are made at strain or loading rates that are inter- damping capacity and is frequently used for the
mediate between those required for fully relaxed bases of instruments and equipment that must be
behavior and those required for fully unrelaxed isolated from room vibrations. Lathes, presses,
behavior. Therefore, on either loading or un- and other pieces of heavy machinery also use
loading, the initial or short-time portion of the
stress-strain curve will produce unrelaxed be-
havior whereas the later, longer-time portions of
the curve will produce more relaxed behavior.
The transition from unrelaxed to relaxed behav-
ior produces a loading-unloading hysteresis in
the stress-strain curve (Fig. 6).
This hysteresis represents an energy loss dur-
ing the load-unload cycle. The amount of energy
loss is proportional to the magnitude of the hys-

Fig. 5 Loading-rate effects on Young’s modulus

Fig. 4 The elastic aftereffect. The tensile specimen was

loaded to a stress of r0 and then held. The time-de-
pendent drop in stress results from a decrease in the load required
to maintain a fixed displacement. This decrease results from an-
elastic strains that increase the length of the test specimen. When
the anelastic straining process is complete, the stress has relaxed
by a value of rmax. Fig. 6 Hysteresis in the loading-unloading curve
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 119

cast iron bases to minimize transmission of ma- which strain remains directionally proportional
chine vibrations to the floor and surrounding to stress. Departures from proportionality may
area. However, a high damping capacity is not be attributed to anelasticity and/or the initiation
always a useful material quality. Bells, for ex- of plastic deformation. The ability to detect the
ample, are constructed from materials with low occurrence of these phenomena during a tensile
damping capacities because both the length of test is dependent on the accuracy with which
bell ring and the loudness of the tone will in- stress and strain are measured. The measured
crease as the damping capacity decreases. value of the proportional limit decreases as the
Anelasticity, damping, stress relaxation, and accuracy of the measurement increases (Fig. 7).
the elastic moduli of most metals and alloys are Because the measured value of proportional
dependent on the microstructure of the material limit is dependent on test accuracy, the propor-
as well as on test conditions. These properties tional limit is not generally reported as a tensile
are not typically determined by tensile-testing property of metals and alloys. Furthermore, val-
techniques. However, these properties, as well ues of proportional limit have little or no utility
as the machine parameters, influence the shape in the selection, qualification, and use of metals
of the stress-strain curve. Therefore, an aware- and alloys for engineering service. A far more
ness of these phenomena may be useful in the reproducible and practical stress is the yield
interpretation of tensile-test data. strength of the material.

The Proportional Limit Yielding and the Onset of Plasticity

The apparent stress necessary to produce the The yield strength of a metal or alloy may be
onset of curvature in the tensile stress-strain re- defined as the stress at which that metal or alloy
lationship is the proportional limit. The propor- exhibits a specified deviation from the propor-
tional limit is defined as the maximum stress at tionality between stress and strain. Very small
deviations from proportionality may be caused
by anelastic effects, but these departures from
linear behavior are fully reversible and do not
represent the onset of significant plastic (non-
reversible) deformation or yielding. Theoretical
values of yield strength, rtheor, are calculated
from equations such as

rtheor ⳱

Based on these calculations, yielding should not

take place until the applied stress is a significant
fraction of the modulus of elasticity. These es-
timates for yielding generally overpredict the
Fig. 7 Effect of accuracy of measurement on the determina- measured yield strengths by factors of at least
tion of the proportional limit 100, as summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Young’s modulus and theoretical and measured yield strengths of selected metals at 20 C
(68 F)
Yield strength
Young’s modulus Theoretical Measured(a)
Metal GPa 106 psi GPa 106 psi MPa ksi
Aluminum 70.3 10.2 11 1.6 26 4
Nickel 199 28.9 32 4.6 234 34
Silver 82.7 12.0 13 1.9 131 19
Steel (mild) 212 30.7 34 4.9 207 30
Titanium 120 17.4 19 2.7 172 25
(a) Measured values of yield strength are dependent on the metallurgical condition of the material.
120 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

The discrepancy between the theoretical and Dislocation mobility is dependent on the alloy
actual yield strength results from the motion of content, the extent of cold work, the size, shape,
dislocations. Dislocations are defects in the crys- and distribution of inclusions and second phase
tal lattice, and the motion of these defects is a particles, and the grain size of the alloy. The
primary mechanism of plastic deformation in strength of most metals increases as alloy con-
most metals and alloys. tent increases, because the alloy (or impurity)
There are three very broad categories of crys- atoms interact with dislocations and inhibit sub-
tal defects in metallic solids: sequent motion. Thus, this type of strengthening
results from the interaction of point defects with
1. Point defects, including vacancies and alloy
line defects. Such strengthening was discovered
or impurity atoms
by ancient metallurgists and was the basis for
2. Line defects of dislocations
the Bronze Age. The strength, and therefore the
3. Area defects, including grain and twin
utility, of copper was significantly increased by
boundaries, phase boundaries, inclusion-ma-
dissolving tin to form bronze. The yield strength
trix interfaces, and even external surfaces
of the copper-tin alloys (bronze) was sufficiently
The characterization of these defects in any high for the manufacture of tools and spear
particular material may be accomplished points. This strengthening mechanism was not
through metallography. Optical metallography is discovered by the native Americans, and on the
used to characterize area defects or grain struc- American Continents, copper was used for jew-
ture, as shown in Fig. 8. elry but not for more practical purposes. Bronzes
Transmission electron microscopy is used to (Cu-Sn alloys), brasses (Cu-Zn alloys), Monels
characterize line defects or dislocation substruc- (Ni-Cu alloys), and many other alloy systems
ture, as shown in Fig. 9. More specialized me- are dependent on solid-solution strengthening to
tallographic techniques, such as field ion mi- control the yield strength of the material. The
croscopy, are used to characterize the point effects of nickel and zinc additions on the yield
defects. Interaction among defects is common, strength of copper are illustrated in Fig. 10.
and most techniques that alter the yield Cold work is another effective technique for
strengths of metals and alloys are dependent on increasing the strength of metals and alloys. This
defect interactions to alter the ease of disloca- strengthening mechanism is effective because
tion motion. the number of dislocations in the metal increases

Fig. 8 Optical photomicrograph of type 304 stainless steel. The apparent defects include grain boundaries, twin boundaries, and
inclusions. 100⳯
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 121

as the percentage of cold work increases. These quired level. Rolling, stamping, forging, draw-
additional dislocations inhibit the continued mo- ing, swaging, and even extrusion may be used
tion of other dislocations in much the same man- to provide the necessary cold work. The effects
ner as increased traffic decreases the mobility of of cold work on the hardness and strength of a
cars along a highway system. Cold work is an 70%Cu-30%Zn alloy, iron and copper are illus-
example of strengthening because of line defects trated in Fig. 11. The yield and tensile strengths
interacting with other line defects in a crystal follow nearly identical trends, with the yield
lattice. Many manufactured components depend strength increasing slightly faster than the tensile
on cold work to raise their strength to the re- strength.
Grain and phase boundaries also block dis-
location motion. Thus, the yield strength of most
metals and alloys increases as the number of
grain boundaries increases and/or as the per-
centage of second phase in the structure in-
creases. A decrease in the grain size increases

Fig. 10 Effects of nickel and zinc contents on the yield

strengths of copper alloys

Fig. 9 Dislocations. (a) Transmission electron micrograph of

type 304 stainless steel showing dislocation pileups at
an annealing twin boundary. (b) Schematic representation of dis- Fig. 11 Effects of cold work on the hardnesses and strengths
locations on a slip plane of brass, iron, and copper
122 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the number of grain boundaries per unit volume, of metals and alloys. However, it is vital to re-
thus increasing the density of area defects in the alize that the magnitude of the yield strength, or
metal lattice. Because interactions between area any other tensile property, is dependent on the
defects and line defects inhibit dislocation mo- defect structure of the material tested. Therefore,
bility, the yield strengths of most metals and al- the thermomechanical history of the metal or al-
loys increase as the grain size decreases and as loy must be known if yield strength is to be a
the number of second-phase particles increases. meaningful design parameter.
The effects of grain size are illustrated in Fig.
12. Because of these and other strengthening
mechanisms, any given alloy may show a wide The Yield Point
range of yield strengths. The range will be de-
pendent on the grain size, percentage of cold The onset of dislocation motion in some al-
work, distribution of second-phase particles, and loys, particularly low-carbon steels tested at
other relatively easily quantified, microstruc- room temperature, is sudden, rather than a rela-
tural parameters. The values of these microstruc- tively gradual process. This sudden occurrence
tural parameters depend on the thermomechan- of yielding makes the characterization of yield-
ical history of the material; thus a knowledge of ing by a 0.2% offset method impractical. Be-
these very important metallurgical variables is cause of the sudden yielding, the stress-strain
almost a necessity for intelligent interpretation curve for many mild steels has a yield point, and
of yield-strength data and for the design and util- the yield strength is characterized by lower yield
ization of metallic structures and components. stress. The yield point develops because of in-
The most common definition of yield strength teractions between the solute (dissolved) atoms
is the stress necessary to cause a plastic strain of and dislocations in the solvent (host) lattice. The
0.002 mm/mm (in./in.). This strain represents a solute-dislocation interaction in mild steels in-
readily measurable deviation from proportion- volves carbon migration to and interaction with
ality, and the stress necessary to produce this dislocations. Because the interaction causes the
deviation is the 0.2% offset yield strength (see concentration of solute to be high in the vicinity
Chapter 3, “Uniaxial Tensile Testing,” for a de- of the dislocations, the yield point is said to de-
tailed description of the 0.2% offset yield velop because of segregation of carbon to the
strength). A significant amount of dislocation dislocations.
motion is required before a 0.2% deviation from Many of the interstitial sites around disloca-
linear behavior is reached. Therefore, in a stan- tions are enlarged and are therefore low-energy
dard tensile test, the 0.2% offset yield strength or favored sites for occupancy by the solute at-
is almost independent of test-machine variables, oms. When these enlarged sites are occupied, a
gripping effects and reversible nonlinear strains high concentration or atmosphere of solute is as-
such as anelasticity. Because of this indepen- sociated with the dislocation. In mild steels, the
dence, the 0.2% offset yield strength is a repro- solute segregation produces carbon-rich atmo-
ducible material property that may be used in spheres at dislocations. Motion of the disloca-
the characterization of the mechanical properties tions is inhibited because such motion requires

Fig. 12 The effects of grain size on the strengths and ductilities of metals and alloys
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 123

the separation of the dislocations from the car- grain is assumed to be spherical, the grain di-
bon atmospheres. As soon as the separation ameter, d, may be used to characterize size.
takes place, the stress required for continued dis- More precise characterizations of grain size in-
location motion decreases and, in a tensile test, clude the mean grain intercept, l̄, and the ratio
the lower yield strength is reached. This yielding of grain-boundary surface to grain volume, Sv.
process involves dislocation motion in localized These two parameters may be established
regions of the test specimen. Because disloca- through quantitative metallographic techniques.
tion motion is plastic deformation, the regions The grain structure of the metal or alloy of in-
in which dislocations moved represent deformed terest is examined at a magnification, X, and a
regions or bands in the metal. These localized, line of a known length l is overlaid on the mi-
deformed bands are called Lüders bands (see crostructure. The number of grain-boundary in-
Fig. 4 in Chapter 2). Once initiated, additional tersections with that line in measured, divided
strain causes the Lüders bands to propagate by the length of the line, and multiplied by the
throughout the gage length of the test specimen. magnification. The resulting parameter, Nl, is the
This propagation takes place at a constant stress average number of grain boundaries intersected
which, is the lower yield strength of the steel. per unit length of line. This value for Nl is related
When the entire gage section has yielded, the to l̄ and Sv through
stress-strain curve begins to rise because of the
interaction of dislocations with other disloca- l̄ ⳱ 1/Nl
tions, and strain-hardening initiates.
The existence of a yield point and Lüders and
band is particularly important because of the im-
pact of the sudden softening and localized strain- Sv ⳱ 2Nl
ing on processing techniques. For example, sud-
den localized yielding will cause jerky material Unfortunately, for historical reasons, the param-
flow. Jerky flow is undesirable in a drawing eter d is the most common measure used to char-
operation because the load on the drawing acterize the influence of grain size on the yield
equipment would change rapidly, causing large strengths of metals and alloys. This influence is
energy releases that must be absorbed by the frequently quantified through the Hall-Petch re-
processing equipment. Furthermore, localized lationship whereby yield strength, ry, is related
Lüders strains will produce stretch marks in to grain size through the empirical equation
stamped materials. These stretch marks are
termed “stretcher strains” and are readily appar- ry ⳱ r0 Ⳮ kdⳮ1/2
ent on stamped surfaces. This impairs the sur-
face appearance and reduces the utility of the The empirical constants r0 and k are the lattice
component. If materials that do not have yield friction stress and the Petch slope, respectively.
points are stamped, smooth surfaces are devel- A graphical representation of this relationship is
oped because the strain-hardening process shown in Fig. 12(a).
spreads the deformation uniformly throughout Grain boundaries act as barriers to dislocation
the material. Uniform, continuous deformation motion, causing dislocations to pile up behind
is important in many processing and finishing the boundaries. This pileup of dislocations con-
operations; thus, it is important to select a com- centrates stresses at the tip of the pileup, and
bination of material-processing conditions that when the stress is sufficient, additional disloca-
minimize the tendency toward localized yield- tions may be nucleated in the adjacent grain. The
ing. magnitude of the stress at the tip of a dislocation
pileup is dependent on the number of disloca-
tions in the pileup. The number of dislocations
Grain-Size Effects on Yielding that may be contained in a pileup increases with
increasing grain size because of the larger grain
The metals and alloys used in most structural volume. This difference in the number of dis-
applications are polycrystalline. The typical me- locations in a pileup makes it easier for new dis-
tallic object contains tens of thousands of mi- locations to be nucleated in a large-grain metal
croscopic crystals or grains. The size of the than in a fine-grain metal of comparable purity,
grains is difficult to define precisely because the and this difference in the ease of dislocation nu-
3-D shape of the grain is quite complex. If the cleation extrapolates directly to a difference in
124 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

yield strength. Based on this model for grain- The stress necessary for continued deforma-
size strengthening, the effects of grain size tion is frequently designated as the flow stress
should exist even after the yield strength is ex- at that specific tensile strain. Thus, at 1% strain,
ceeded. the flow stress is 330 MPa (48 ksi), and the flow
stress at 10% strain is 415 MPa (60 ksi). This
increasing flow stress with increasing strain is
the basis for increasing the strength of metals
Strain Hardening and the and alloys by cold working. The effects of grain
Effect of Cold Work size on the strength of the alloy are retained
throughout the cold working process (Fig. 14).
A stress-strain curve for relatively pure nickel The fact that the grain-size dependence of
(Fig. 13) shows that the 0.2% offset yield strength is retained throughout the strain-hard-
strength of this metal was approximately 235 ening process demonstrates the possibility for
MPa (34 ksi). The stress necessary to cause con- interactions among the various strengthening
tinued plastic deformation increased as the ten- mechanisms in metals and alloys. For example,
sile strain increased. After a strain of approxi- cold work causes strength increases through the
mately 1%, the stress necessary to produce interaction between point defects and disloca-
continued deformation was 330 MPa (48 ksi), tions, and these effects are additive to the effects
and after 10% strain the necessary stress had in- of alloying. This is apparent in Fig. 15(a), where
creased to approximately 415 MPa (60 ksi). the incremental increase in strength resulting

Fig. 13 Stress-strain curve for nickel

Fig. 14 Effects of grain size and cold work on the flow stress of titanium
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 125

from zinc additions to copper becomes larger rolled specimen were elongated and flattened,
when the alloy is cold worked. thus changing from the semispherical grains in
Furthermore, strength is not the only tensile Fig. 17(a) to the pancake-shape grains in Fig.
property affected by the cold working process. 17(b). A rod-drawing process would have pro-
Ductility decreases with increasing cold work duced needle-shape grains in this same alloy. In
(Fig. 15b and c), and, if cold working is too ex- addition to the changes in grain shape, the grain
tensive, metals and alloys will crack and fracture interior is distorted by cold forming operations.
during the working operation. The over-all ef- Bands of high dislocation density (deformation
fects of cold work on strength and ductility are bands) develop, twin boundaries are bent, and
illustrated in Fig. 16, which compares the tensile grain boundaries become rough and distorted
behavior of steel rods that were cold drawn vari- (Fig. 18). Because the deformation-induced
ous amounts before being tested to fracture. changes in microstructure are anisotropic, the
Note that the increase in strength and decrease tensile properties of wrought metals and alloys
in ductility cause the area under the stress-strain frequently are anisotropic. The strain-hardened
curve to decrease. This is significant because microstructures and the associated mechanical
that area represents the work or energy required properties that result from cold work can be sig-
to fracture the steel bar, and the tensile-test re- nificantly altered by annealing. The microstruc-
sults demonstrate that this energy decreases as tural changes that are introduced by heating to
the percentage of cold work increases. higher temperatures are dependent on both the
Cold working, whether by rolling, drawing, time and temperature of the anneal. This tem-
stamping, or forging, changes the microstruc- perature dependence is illustrated in Fig. 19 and
ture. The resulting grain shape is determined by results because atom motion is required for the
the direction of metal flow during processing, as anneal to be effective.
illustrated in Fig. 17. The grains in the cold The sudden drop in hardness seen in the Cu-
5%Zn alloy in Fig. 19 results from recrystalli-
zation, or the formation of new grains, in the
alloy. Plastic deformation of metals and alloys
at temperatures below the recrystallization tem-
perature is cold work, and plastic deformation at
temperatures above the recrystallization tem-
perature is hot work. Metals and alloys, in ten-
sile tests above the recrystallization temperature,

Fig. 15 Effects of cold work on the tensile properties of cop-

per and yellow brass. (a) Tensile strength. (b) Elon- Fig. 16 Effects of cold work on the tensile stress-strain curves
gation. (c) Reduction in area of low-carbon steel bars
126 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

do not show significant strain hardening, and the Ultimate Strength

tensile yield strength becomes the maximum
stress that the material can effectively support. The ability to strain harden is one of the gen-
See Chapter 13, “Hot Tensile Testing,” for in- eral characteristics in mechanical behavior that
formation on the effects of elevated tempera- distinguish metals and alloys from most other
tures on tensile properties. engineering materials. Not all metallic materials

Fig. 17 Effect of cold rolling on grain shape in cartridge brass. (a) Grain structure in annealed bar. (b) Grain structure in same bar
after 50% reduction by rolling. Diagram in the lower left of each micrograph indicates orientation of the view relative to
the rolling plane of the sheet. 75⳯

Fig. 18 Grain structure of severely deformed Cu-5%Zn alloy

Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 127

exhibit this characteristic. Chromium, for ex- surement of stress-strain curves improved, util-
ample, is very brittle and fractures in a tensile ization of tensile strength diminished, and by the
test without evidence of strain hardening. The 1940s most design guidelines were based on
stress-strain curves for these brittle metals are yielding. There is a large empirical database that
similar to those of most ceramics (Fig. 20). Frac- correlates tensile strength with hardness, fatigue
ture occurs before significant plastic deforma- strength, stress rupture, and mechanical proper-
tion takes place. ties. These correlations, historical code require-
Such brittle materials have no real yield ments, and the fact that structural designs incor-
strength, and the fracture stress is the maximum porating brittle materials must be based on
stress that the material can support. Most metals tensile strength provide the technical basis for
and alloys, however, undergo plastic deforma- the continuing utilization of tensile strengths as
tion prior to fracture, and the maximum stress design criteria.
that the metal can support is appreciably higher Cold work and other strengthening mecha-
than the yield strength. This maximum stress nisms for metals and alloys do not increase ten-
(based on the original dimensions) is the ulti- sile strength as rapidly as they increase yield
mate or tensile strength of the material. strength. Therefore, as evident in Fig. 16,
The margin between the yield strength and the strengthening processes frequently are accom-
tensile strength provides an operational safety panied by a reduction in the ability to undergo
factor for the use of many metals and alloys in plastic strain. This reduction decreases the abil-
structural systems. Other than this safety margin, ity of the material to absorb energy prior to frac-
the actual value of tensile strength has very little ture and, in many cases, is important to success-
practical use. The ability of a structure to with- ful materials utilization. Analysis of the tensile
stand complex service loads bears little relation- behavior of metals and alloys can provide in-
ship to tensile strength, and structural designs sight into the energy-absorbing abilities of the
must be based on yielding. material.
Tensile strength is easy to measure and is fre-
quently reported because it is the maximum
stress on an engineering stress-strain curve. En- Toughness
gineering codes may even specify that a metal
or alloy meet some tensile-strength requirement. The ability to absorb energy without fractur-
Historically, tensile strengths, with experience- ing is related to the toughness of the material.
based reductions to avoid yielding, were used in Most, if not all, fractures of engineering mate-
design calculations. As the accuracy of mea- rials are initiated at pre-existing flaws. These
flaws may be small enough to be elements of the
microstructure or, when slightly larger, may be
macroscopic cracks in the material or, in the ex-
treme, visually observable discontinuities in the

Fig. 19 Effect of annealing on hardness of cold rolled Cu-

5%Zn brass. Hardness can be correlated with
strength, and the strengths of this alloy would show similar an-
nealing effects. Fig. 20 Stress-strain curve for brittle material
128 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

structure. A tough material resists the propaga- where ry is yield strength, rt is tensile strength,
tion of flaws through processes such as yielding and ef is strain to fracture. Estimation of the frac-
and plastic deformation. Most of this deforma- ture energy from the typical tensile properties of
tion takes place near the tip of the flaw. Because mild steel test specimens, ry ⳱ 205 MPa (30
fracture involves both tensile stress and plastic ksi), rt ⳱ 415 MPa (60 ksi), and ef ⳱ 0.3, gives
deformation, or strain, the stress-strain curve can 1.12 J/mm3 (13,500 lbf • in./in.3) of gage section
be used to estimate material toughness. How- in the test specimen.
ever, there are specific tests designed to measure The ratio of the energy for ductile fracture to
material toughness. Most of these tests are con- the energy for brittle fracture is 900. This ratio
ducted with precracked specimens and include
both impact and fracture-mechanics type studies
(see Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol-
ume 8 of ASM Handbook, for descriptions of
these tests). Toughness calculations based on
tensile behavior are estimates and should not be
used for design.
The area under a stress-strain curve (normal-
ized to specimen dimensions) is a measure of
the energy absorbed by the material during a ten-
sile test. From that standpoint, this area is a
rough estimate of the toughness of the material.
Because the plastic strain associated with tensile
deformation of metals and alloys is typically
several orders of magnitude greater than the ac-
companying elastic strain, plasticity or disloca-
tion motion is very important to the develop-
ment of toughness. This is illustrated by the
stress-strain curves for a brittle, a semibrittle,
and a ductile material shown schematically in
Fig. 21.
Brittle fracture (see Fig. 21a), takes place with
little or no plastic strain, and thus the area under
the stress-strain curve, A is given by

A ⳱ (1/2)re

and, because all the strain is elastic,

r ⳱ Ee

Combining these equations gives

A ⳱ (1/2)(r2f )E

where rf is the fracture stress. If the fracture

stress for this material were 205 MPa (30 ksi)
and Young’s modulus were 205 GPa (30 ⳯ 106
psi), the fracture energy, estimated from the
stress-strain curve, would be 1.2 ⳯ 10ⳮ3 J/mm3
(15 lbf • in./in.3) per cubic inch of gage section
in the test specimen. If the test specimen were
ductile (Fig. 21c), the area under the stress-strain
curve could be estimated from
Fig. 21 Stress-strain curves for materials showing various de-
grees of plastic deformation or ductility. (a) Brittle ma-
A ⳱ (ry Ⳮ rt)(ef /2) terial. (b) Semibrittle material. (c) Ductile material
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 129

is based on the calculations shown above and or alloy to absorb energy without undergoing
will increase with increasing strain to fracture permanent deformation.
and with increasing strain hardening. These area
and energy relationships are only approxima-
tions. The stresses used in the calculations are Ductility
based on the original dimensions of the test
specimen. The utility of such toughness esti- Material ductility in a tensile test is generally
mates is the ease with which testing can be ac- established by measuring either the elongation
complished and the insight that the estimates to fracture or the reduction in area at fracture. In
provide into the importance of plasticity to the general, measurements of ductility are of interest
prevention of fracture. This importance is illus- in three ways:
trated by considering the area under the stress-
strain curve shown in Fig. 21(b). Assuming that, 1. To indicate the extent to which a metal can
for this semibrittle material, the yield strength be deformed without fracture in metalwork-
and tensile strength are both 205 MPa (30 ksi) ing operations such as rolling and extrusion.
(no significant strain hardening) and that frac- 2. To indicate to the designer, in a general way,
ture takes place after a plastic strain of only 0.01 the ability of the metal to flow plastically be-
mm/mm (in./in.), the area under the stress-strain fore fracture. A high ductility indicates that
curve is 410 J (300 lbf • in.) per unit area. This the material is ‘forgiving’ and likely to de-
area is 20 times higher than the area under the form locally without fracture should the de-
stress-strain curve for brittle fracture shown in signer err in stress calculation or the predic-
Fig. 21(a). This calculation demonstrates that a tion of severe loads.
plastic strain of only 0.01% can have a remark- 3. To serve as an indicator of changes in im-
able effect on the ability of a material to absorb purity level or processing conditions. Ductil-
energy without fracturing. ity measurements may be specified to assess
Toughness is a very important property for material quality even though no direct rela-
many structural applications. Ship hulls, crane tionship exists between the ductility mea-
arms, axles, gears, couplings, and airframes are surement and performance.
all required to absorb energy during service. The Tensile ductility is therefore a very useful
ability to withstand earthquake loadings, system measure in the assessment of material quality.
overpressures, and even minor accidents will Many codes and standards specify minimum
also require material toughness. Increasing the values for tensile ductility. One reason for these
strength of metals and alloys generally reduces specifications is the assurance of adequate
ductility and, in many cases, reduces toughness. toughness without the necessity of requiring a
This observation illustrates that increasing the more costly toughness specification. Most
strength of a material may increase the proba- changes in alloy composition and/or processing
bility of service-induced failure when material conditions will produce changes in tensile duc-
toughness is important for satisfactory service.
This is seen by comparing the areas under the
two stress-strain curves in Fig. 22.
The cross-hatched regions in Fig. 22 illustrate
another tensile property—the modulus of resil-
ience, which can be measured from tensile
stress-strain curves. The ability of a metal or al-
loy to absorb energy through elastic processes is
the resilience of the material. The modulus of
resilience is defined as the area under the elastic
portion of the stress-strain curve. This area is the
strain energy per unit volume and is equal to

A ⳱ (1/2)(r2y /E)

Increasing the yield strength and/or decreas-

ing Young’s modulus will increase the modulus Fig. 22 Comparison of the stress-strain curves for high- and
of resilience and improve the ability of a metal low-toughness steels
130 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

tility. The “forgiveness” found in many metals tion processes, true stress-true strain relation-
and alloys results from the ductility of these ma- ships are preferred.
terials. Although there is some correspondence The deformation that may be accommodated,
between tensile ductility and fabricability, the without fracture, in a deep drawing operation
metalworking characteristics of metals and al- varies with the material. For example, austenitic
loys are better correlated with the ability to stainless steels may be successfully drawn to
strain harden than with the ductility of the ma- 50% reductions in area whereas ferritic steel
terial. The strain-hardening abilities of many en- may fail after only 20 to 30% reductions in area
gineering alloys have been quantified through in similar drawing operations. Both types of
the analysis of true stress-strain behavior. steel will undergo in excess of 50% reduction in
area in a tensile test. This difference in draw-
ability correlates with the strain-hardening ex-
True Stress-Strain Relationships ponent (n) and therefore is apparent from the
slope of the true stress-strain curves for the two
Conversion of engineering stress-strain be- alloys (Fig. 24). A detailed discussion on the
havior to true stress-strain relationships may be strain-hardening exponent, or coefficient, can be
accomplished using the techniques represented found in Chapter 6, “Tensile Testing for Deter-
by Eq 8 through 13 in Chapter 1, “Introduction mining Sheet Formability.”
to Tensile Testing.” This conversion, summa- The strain-hardening exponents, or n values
rized graphically in Fig. 23, demonstrates that for ferritic and austenitic steels, are typically
the maximum in the engineering stress-strain 0.25 and 0.5, respectively. A perfectly plastic
curve results from tensile instability, not from a material would have a strain-hardening expo-
decrease in the strength of the material. The drop nent of zero and a completely elastic solid would
in the engineering stress-strain curve is artificial have a strain-hardening exponent of one. Most
and occurs only because stress calculations are metals and alloys have strain-hardening expo-
based on the original cross-sectional area. Both nents between 0.1 and 0.5. Strain-hardening ex-
testing and analysis show that, for most metals ponents correlate with the ability of dislocations
and alloys, the tensile instability corresponds to to move around or over dislocations and other
the onset of necking in the test specimen. Neck- obstacles in their path. Such movement is
ing results from strain localization; thus, once termed “cross slip.” When cross slip is easy, dis-
necking is initiated, true strain cannot be calcu- locations do not pile up behind each other and
lated from specimen elongation. Because of strain-hardening exponents are low. Mild steels,
these and other analytical limitations of engi- aluminum, and some nickel alloys are examples
neering stress-strain data, if tensile data are used of materials that undergo cross slip easily. The
to understand and predict metallurgical response value of n increases as cross slip becomes more
during the deformation associated with fabrica- difficult. Cross slip is very difficult in austenitic
stainless steels, copper, and brass and the strain-
hardening exponent for these alloys is approxi-
mately 0.5.

Fig. 23 Comparison of engineering and true stress-strain

curves Fig. 24 True stress-strain curves for austenitic and mild steels
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 131

Tensile specimens, sheet or plate material, temperature decreases, and thus, for most metals
wires, rods, and metallic sections have spot-to- and alloys, the strength increases and the ductil-
spot variations in section size, yield strength, ity decreases as the temperature is lowered. If
and other microstructural and structural inhom- the reduction in dislocation mobility is suffi-
ogeneities. Plastic deformation of these materi- cient, the ductility may be reduced to the point
als initiates at the locally weak regions. In the of brittle fracture. Metals and alloys that show a
absence of strain hardening, this initial plastic transition from ductile to brittle when the tem-
strain would reduce the net section size and fo- perature is lowered should not be used for struc-
cus continued deformation in the weak areas. tural applications at temperatures below this
Strain hardening, however, causes the flow transition temperature.
stress in the deformed region to increase. This Dislocation motion is inhibited by interac-
increase in flow stress increases the load nec- tions between dislocations and alloy or impurity
essary for continued plastic deformation in that (foreign) atoms. The effects of these interactions
area and causes the deformation to spread are both time and temperature dependent. The
throughout the section. The higher the strain- interaction acts to increase the yield strength and
hardening exponent, the greater the increase in limit ductility. These processes are most effec-
flow stress and the greater the tendency for plas- tive when there is sufficient time for foreign at-
tic deformation to become uniform. This ten- oms to segregate to the dislocation and when
dency has a major impact on the fabricability of dislocation velocities are approximately equal to
metals and alloys. For example, the maximum the diffusion velocity of the foreign atoms.
reduction in area that can be accommodated in Therefore, at any given temperature, disloca-
a drawing operation is equal to the strain-hard- tion-foreign atom interactions will be at a max-
ening exponent as determined from the true imum at some intermediate strain rate. At low
stress-strain behavior of the material. Because of strain rates, the foreign atoms can diffuse as rap-
such correlations, the effects of process variables idly as the dislocations move and there is little
such as strain rate and temperature can be eval- or no tendency for the deformation process to
uated through tensile testing. This provides a ba- force a separation of dislocations from their sol-
sis to approximate the effects of process vari- ute atmospheres. At high strain rates, once sep-
ables without direct, in-process assessment of aration has been effected, there is not sufficient
the variables. time for the atmosphere to be re-established dur-
ing the test. Atom movement increases with in-
creasing temperature, thus the strain rates that
Temperature and Strain-Rate Effects allow dislocation-foreign atom interactions to
occur are temperature dependent. Because these
The yield strengths of most metals and alloys interactions limit ductility, the elongation in a
increase as the strain rate increases and decrease tensile test may show a minimum at intermediate
as the temperature increases. This strain-rate test temperatures where such interactions are
temperature dependence is illustrated in Fig. 25. most effective (Fig. 26).
These dependencies result from a combination
of several metallurgical effects.
For example, dislocations are actually dis-
placements and therefore cannot move faster
than the speed of sound. Furthermore, as dislo-
cation velocities approach the speed of sound,
cross slip becomes increasingly difficult and the
strain-hardening exponent increases. This in-
crease in the strain-hardening exponent in-
creases the flow stress at any given strain, thus
increasing the yield strength of the material. A
decrease in ductility and even a transition from
ductile to brittle fracture may also be associated
with strain-rate-induced increases in yield
strength. In many respects, decreasing the tem-
perature is similar to increasing the strain rate. Fig. 25 Effects of temperature and strain rate on the strength
The mobility of dislocations decreases as the of copper
132 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

The effects of time-dependent dislocation for- However, if the time between unloading and
eign atom interactions on the stress-strain curves reloading is sufficient for segregation of foreign
of metals and alloys are termed “strain aging” atoms to the dislocations, the yield point reap-
and “dynamic strain aging.” Strain aging is gen- pears (Fig. 27b) and plastic strain is not reini-
erally apparent when a tensile test, of a material tiated when the unloading stress level (point c)
that exhibits a sharp yield point, is interrupted. is reached. This reappearance of the yield point
If the test specimen is unloaded after being is strain aging, and the strength of the strain-
strained past the yield point, through the Lüders aging peak is dependent on both time and tem-
strain region and into the strain-hardening por- perature because solute-atom diffusion and seg-
tion of the stress-strain curve, either of two be- regation to dislocations are required for the peak
haviors may be observed when the tensile test is to develop. If tensile strain rates are in a range
resumed (Fig. 27). If the specimen is reloaded where solute segregation can occur during the
in a short period of time, the elastic portion of test, dynamic strain aging is observed. Segre-
the reloading curve (line d-c in Fig. 27a) is par- gation pins the previously mobile dislocations
allel to the original elastic loading curve (line a- and raises the flow stress, and when the new,
b in Fig. 27a) and plastic deformation resumes higher flow stress is reached the dislocations are
at the stress level (level c) that was reached just separated from the solute atmospheres and the
before the test was interrupted. flow stress decreases. This alternate increase and
decrease in flow stress causes the stress-strain
curve to be serrated (Fig. 28).
Serrated flow is common in mild steels, in
some titanium and aluminum alloys, and in other

Fig. 27 Illustration of strain aging during an interrupted ten-

Fig. 26 An intermediate-temperature ductility minimum in sile test. (a) Specimen reloaded in a short period of
titanium time. (b) Time between loading and unloading is sufficient

Fig. 28 Dynamic strain aging or serrated yielding in an aluminum alloy tested at room temperature
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 133

metals that contain mobile, alloy or impurity ele- stresses are required for dislocation motion. Pure
ments. This effect was initially studied in detail triaxial loads do no produce any shear stress;
by Portevin and LeChatelier and is frequently thus, dislocation motion at the notch tip is re-
called the Portevin-LeChatelier effect. Process- stricted and the yield strength is increased. This
ing conditions must be selected to avoid strain- restriction in dislocation motion also reduces the
aging effects. This selection necessarily involves ductility of the notched specimen. For low-duc-
the control of processing strain rates and tem- tility metals, the notch-induced reduction in duc-
peratures. tility may be so severe that failure takes place
before the 0.2% offset yield strength is reached.
The sensitivity of metals and alloys to notch
Special Tests effects is termed the “notch sensitivity.” This
sensitivity is quantified through the ratio of
The tensile test provides basic information notch strength to smooth bar tensile strength.
concerning the responses of metals and alloys to Metals and alloys that are notch sensitive have
mechanical loadings. Test temperatures and ratios less than one. Smooth bar tensile data for
strain rates (or loading rates) generally are con- these materials are not satisfactory predictors of
trolled because of the effects of these variables material behavior under service conditions.
on the metallurgical response of the specimen. Tough, ductile metals and alloys frequently are
The tensile test typically measures strength and notch-strengthened and have notch sensitivity
ductility. These parameters are frequently sen- ratios greater than one, thus the standard tensile
sitive to specimen configuration, test environ- test is a conservative predictor of performance
ment, and the manner in which the test is con- for these materials.
ducted. Special tensile tests have been Slow-Strain-Rate Testing. Test environ-
developed to measure the effects of test/speci- ments also may have adverse effects on the ten-
men conditions on the strengths and ductilities sile behavior of metals and alloys. The charac-
of metals and alloys. These tests include the terization of environmental effects on material
notch tensile test and the slow-strain-rate tensile response may be accomplished by conducting
test. the tensile test in the environment of interest (for
Notch Tensile Test. Metals and alloys in en- example, sodium chloride solutions). Because
gineering applications frequently are required to the severity of environmental attack generally
withstand multiaxial loadings and high stress increases with increasing time, tensile tests de-
concentrations owing to component configura- signed to determine environmental effects fre-
tion. A standard tensile test measures material quently are conducted at very low strain rates.
performance in smooth bar specimens exposed The low strain rate increases the test time and
to uniaxial loads. This difference between ser- maximizes exposure to the test environment.
vice and test specimens may reduce the ability This type of testing is termed either “slow-
of the standard tensile test to predict material strain-rate testing” (SSRT) or “constant-exten-
response under anticipated service conditions. sion-rate testing” (CERT). Exposure to the ag-
Furthermore the reductions in ductility generally gressive environment may reduce the strength
induced by multiaxial loadings and stress con- and/or ductility of the test specimen. These re-
centrations may not be apparent in the test re- ductions may be accompanied by the onset of
sults. The notched tensile test therefore was de- surface cracking and/or a change in the fracture
veloped to minimize this weakness in the mode. A CERT or SSRT study that shows det-
standard tensile test and to investigate the be- rimental effects on the tensile behavior will es-
havior of materials in the presence of flaws, tablish that the test material is susceptible to en-
notches, and stress concentrations. vironmental degradation (Fig. 29a).
The notched tensile specimen generally con- This susceptibility may cause concern over
tains a 60 notch that has a root radius of less the utilization of the material in that environ-
than 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) (see Fig. 23 in Chap- ment. Conversely, the test may show that the
ter 3). The stress state just below the notch tip tensile behavior of the material is not influenced
approaches triaxial tension, and for ductile met- by the environment and is therefore suitable for
als this stress state generally increases the yield service in that environment (Fig. 29b). CERT
strength and decreases the ductility. This in- and SSRT may be used to screen materials for
crease in yield strength results from the effect of potential service exposures and/or investigate
stress state on dislocation dynamics. Shear the effects of anticipated operational changes on
134 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 29 Typical CERT and SSRT results showing (a) material susceptibility to environmental degradation and (b) material compatibility
with the environment

the materials used in process systems. In either The surface topography of a brittle fracture
event, the intent is to avoid materials utilization differs significantly from that of microvoid co-
under conditions that may degrade the strength alescence. Brittle fracture generally initiates at
and ductility and cause premature fracture. In imperfections on the external surface of the ma-
addition to the tensile data per se, evidence of terial and propagates either by transgranular
adverse environmental effects may also be found cleavagelike processes or by separation along
through examination of the fracture morpholo- grain boundaries. The resultant surface topog-
gies of CERT and SSRT test specimens. raphy is either faceted, perhaps with the riverlike
Figure 30 shows a typical SSRT or CERT test- patterns typical of cleavage (Fig. 33a), or inter-
ing machine. Various types of corrosion cells granular, producing a “rock candy”-like appear-
may be required to control the test conditions ance (Fig. 33b). The test material may be inher-
for specific studies. Standard tensile specimens ently brittle (such as chromium or tungsten), or
(ASTM E 8) are generally recommended for use
with specified conditions of gage lengths, radii,
and so on, unless specialized studies are being
conducted. Notched or precracked specimens
are also used for certain tests. More detailed in-
formation SSRT/CERT testing can be found in
the article “Evaluating Stress-Corrosion Crack-
ing” in Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and
Protection, Volume 13A of ASM Handbook.

Fracture Characterization

Tensile fracture of ductile metals and alloys

generally initiates internally in the necked por-
tion of the tensile bar. Particles such as inclu-
sions, dispersed second phases, and/or precipi-
tates may serve as the nucleation sites. The
fracture process begins by the development of
small holes, or microvoids, at the particle-matrix
interface (Fig. 31).
Continued deformation enlarges the micro-
voids until, at some point in the testing process,
the microvoids contact each other and coalesce.
This process is termed “microvoid coalescence”
and gives rise to the dimpled fracture surface
topography characteristic of ductile failure pro-
cesses (Fig. 32). Fig. 30 Typical slow-strain-rate test apparatus
Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys / 135

brittleness may be introduced by heat treatment, face finish for a tensile test, are generally well
lowering the test temperature, the presence of an established. An understanding of the effects of
aggressive environment, and/or the presence of such test parameters on the fracture character-
a sharp notch on the test specimen. istics of the test specimen can be very useful in
The temperature, strain rate, test environment, the determination of the susceptibility of metals
and other conditions, including specimen sur- and alloys to degradation fabrication and during

Fig. 31 Photomicrograph illustrating fracture initiation at particles. Particle is small sphere near the center of the micrograph.

Fig. 32 Scanning electron micrograph illustrating ductile fracture surface topography. This fracture topography is identified as mi-
crovoid coalescence.
136 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 33 Scanning electron micrographs illustrating transgranular and intergranular fracture topographies. (a) Transgranular cleavage-
like fracture topography. Direction of crack propagation is from grain A through grain B. (b) Intergranular fracture topography

service. Typically, any heat treatment or test material/service variables such as heat treat-
condition that causes the fracture process to ment, surface finish, test environment, stress
change from microvoid coalescence to a more state, and anticipated thermomechanical expo-
brittle fracture mode reduces the ductility and sures, can lead to significant improvements in
toughness of the material and may promote pre- both the efficiency and the quality of materials
mature fracture under selected service condi- utilization in engineering service.
tions. Because the fracture process is very sen-
sitive to both the metallurgical condition of the
specimen and the conditions of the tensile test, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
characterization of the fracture surface is an im-
portant component of many tensile-test pro- This chapter was adapted from M.R. Louthan,
grams. Jr., Tensile Testing of Metals and Alloys, Tensile
Testing, 1st ed., P. Han, Ed., ASM International,
1992, p 61–104
The mechanical properties of metals and al-
loys are frequently evaluated through tensile ● C.R. Brooks, Plastic Deformation and An-
testing. The test technique is well standardized nealing, Heat Treatment, Structure and
and can be conducted relatively inexpensively Properties of Nonferrous Alloys, American
with a minimum of equipment. Many materials Society for Metals, 1982, p 1–73
utilized in structural applications are required to ● G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, 3rd ed.,
have tensile properties that meet specific codes McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986
and standards. These requirements are generally ● T.M. Osman, Introduction to the Mechanical
minimum strength and ductility specifications. Behavior of Metals, Mechanical Testing and
Because of this, information available from a Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM
tensile test is frequently under utilized. A rather International, 2000, p 3–12
straightforward investigation of many of the ● T.H. Courtney, Fundamental Structure-Prop-
metallurgical interactions that influence the re- erty Relationships in Engineering Materials,
sults of a tensile test can significantly improve Materials Selection and Design, Vol 20,
the usefulness of test data. Investigation of these ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1997, p
interactions, and correlation with metallurgical/ 336–356
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p137-153 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p137 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing of Plastics

ENGINEERING PLASTICS are either ther- The testing of plastics includes a wide variety
moplastic resins (which can be repeatedly re- of chemical, thermal, and mechanical tests (Ta-
heated and remelted) or thermosetting resins ble 1). This chapter reviews the tensile testing
(which are cured resins with cross links that de- of plastics, which has been standardized in
polymerize upon exposure to elevated tempera- ASTM D 638, “Standard Test Method for Ten-
tures above the glass transition temperature). sile Properties of Plastics,” and other compara-
The glass transition temperature (Tg) is defined ble standards. Tensile testing embraces various
as the temperature at which an amorphous poly- procedures by which modulus, strength, and
mer (or the amorphous regions in a partially ductility can be assessed. Tests specifically de-
crystalline polymer) changes from a hard and signed to measure phenomena as varied as
relatively brittle condition to a viscous or rub- creep, stress relaxation, stress rupture, fatigue,
bery condition. and impact resistance can all be classified as ten-

Table 1 ASTM and ISO mechanical test standards for plastics

ASTM standard ISO standard Topic area of standard
Specimen preparation
D 618 291 Methods of specimen conditioning
D 955 294-4 Measuring shrinkage from mold dimensions of molded thermoplastics
D 3419 10724 In-line screw-injection molding of test specimens from thermosetting compounds
D 3641 294-1,2,3 Injection molding test specimens of thermoplastic molding and extrusion materials
D 4703 293 Compression molding thermoplastic materials into test specimens, plaques, or sheets
D 524 95 Compression molding test specimens of thermosetting molding compounds
D 6289 2577 Measuring shrinkage from mold dimensions of molded thermosetting plastics
Mechanical properties
D 256 180 Determining the pendulum impact resistance of notched specimens of plastics
D 638 527-1,2 Tensile properties of plastics
D 695 604 Compressive properties of rigid plastics
D 785 2039-2 Rockwell hardness of plastics and electrical insulating materials
D 790 178 Flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics and insulating materials
D 882 527-3 Tensile properties of thin plastic sheeting
D 1043 458-1 Stiffness properties of plastics as a function of temperature by means of a torsion test
D 1044 9352 Resistance of transparent plastics to surface abrasion
D 1708 6239 Tensile properties of plastics by use of microtensile specimens
D 1822 8256 Tensile-impact energy to break plastics and electrical insulating materials
D 1894 6601 Static and kinetic coefficients of friction of plastic film and sheeting
D 1922 6383-2 Propagation tear resistance of plastic film and thin sheeting by pendulum method
D 1938 6383-1 Tear propagation resistance of plastic film and thin sheeting by a single tear method
D 2990 899-1,2 Tensile, compressive, and flexural creep and creep-rupture of plastics
D 3763 6603-2 High-speed puncture properties of plastics using load and displacement sensors
D 4065 6721-1 Determining and reporting dynamic mechanical properties of plastics
D 4092 6721 Dynamic mechanical measurements on plastics
D 4440 6721-10 Rheological measurement of polymer melts using dynamic mechanical procedures
D 5023 6721-3 Measuring the dynamic mechanical properties of plastics using three-point bending
D 5026 6721-5 Measuring the dynamic mechanical properties of plastics in tension
D 5045 572 Plane-strain fracture toughness and strain energy release rate of plastic materials
D 5083 3268 Tensile properties of reinforced thermosetting plastics using straight-sided specimens
D 5279 6721 Measuring the dynamic mechanical properties of plastics in torsion
138 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

sile tests provided that the stress system is pre- ple, depending on the processing conditions and
dominantly tensile, but by common usage the other factors. These variations can be large, and
term “tensile test” is usually taken to mean a test therefore questions arise as to how such mate-
in which a specimen is extended uniaxially at a rials should be evaluated and whether or not re-
uniform rate. Ideally, the specimen should be sults from tests on a particular specimen can
slender, of constant cross section over a sub- ever be definitive. If a test has been properly
stantial gage length, and free to contract laterally executed, the properties data should be precise,
as it extends; a tensile stress then develops over but they may be precise without being accurate
transverse plane sections lying within the gage and may be accurate without being definitive.
region, and the specimen extends longitudinally In one particular respect, tensile testing suf-
and contracts laterally. A procedure was initially fers from a fundamental and inescapable defi-
developed for tests on metals but was subse- ciency that is common to many types of me-
quently adopted and adapted for tests on rub- chanical tests: the experimenter has no option
bers, fibers, and plastics. In the case of plastics, but to measure force and deformation, whereas
their viscoelastic nature and the probable aniso- the physical characteristics of the specimen and
tropy of their end products (including test spec- the material should be expressed in terms of
imens) are factors that strongly influence both stress and strain. The translations of force into
the conduct of the tests and the interpretation of stress and deformation into strain are sources of
the results. errors and uncertainties, so much so that the
Practical tensile testing often conforms to one transformed results may bear little relation to the
(e.g., ASTM D 638) or another of several stan- strict truth, although this does not render them
dard methods or to a code of practice, with var- useless. Note No. 2 in Section 1, “Scope,” of
iants dictated by local circumstances. Most of ASTM D 638 states, appropos of other factors
the stipulations set out in the standardized prac- but appropriate nevertheless, that “This test
tices embody the collective wisdom of earlier method is not intended to cover precise physical
tensile-test practitioners and fall into four dis- procedures. . . . Special additional tests should
tinct groupings: be used where more precise physical data are

Stipulations relating to the specimen-ma-
chine system
● Stipulations relating to the derivation of ex-
citation-response relationships from the raw Fundamental Factors that
data Affect Data from Tensile Tests
● Stipulations relating to the precision of the
data Viscoelasticity. Plastics are viscoelastic—
● Stipulations relating to the physical interpre- that is, the relationships between the stress state
tation of the data. and the strain state are functions also of time.
The stipulations in the first group are the primary Linear viscoelasticity, the simplest case, is rep-
ones, because, unless the specimen-machine resented by the relationship
system functions properly, no worthwhile data ⬁ ⬁
⳵nr ⳵me
can be generated. The stipulations in the other
three groups are supplementary but are never-
兺 an
n⳱0 ⳵tn
⳱ 兺 bm
m⳱0 ⳵tm
theless essential in that they enable the outcome
of the machine-specimen interaction to be trans- where r is stress, e is strain, and t is time, and
lated progressively into mechanical-properties a and b are characterizing coefficients. When
data for the specimen under investigation. most of the coefficients are set to zero, the equa-
Viscoelasticity and anisotropy cast their influ- tion describes simple behavior. If only a0 and b0
ences over all these groups. Viscoelasticity in- differ from zero, the equation represents linear
fluences the excitation-response relationships, elastic behavior, and if only a0 or b1 differs from
complicates the analysis of data, and affects zero, it represents Newtonian viscosity, but as
some practical aspects of the test. Anisotropy other coefficients differ from zero the differen-
does the same things, but also introduces an un- tial terms progressively enter the equation and
certainty about the utility of any specific datum the relationships between stress and strain then
because it varies from point to point in a speci- become time-dependent. In simple cases, the
men, and from specimen to specimen in a sam- viscoelasticity can be visualized as the mechan-
Tensile Testing of Plastics / 139

ical behavior of assemblies of Hookean springs curve. In general, the response of a viscoelastic
and Newtonian dashpots (which are representa- body to an applied stress or strain is a function
ble by the same equation), the two simplest as- of the stress history or the strain history. There-
semblies being a series combination and a par- fore, the moduli, which are defined in various
allel combination of one spring and one dashpot. ways depending on the time-form of the exci-
The former, known as a Maxwell element, is tation, are functions of elapsed time and/or fre-
used primarily to represent or demonstrate the quency (see Fig. 1). Furthermore, plastics are
time-dependence of the stress that arises when a nonlinearly viscoelastic—that is, at constant
strain is applied suddenly, and the latter, known time the relationship between stress and strain is
as a Voigt element, demonstrates the time-de- nonlinear. The relaxation modulus, which is de-
pendence of the strain that develops when a rived from an experiment in which a strain sup-
stress is applied suddenly (see Fig. 1). posedly is applied instantaneously and held con-
Due allowance must be made for viscoelas- stant thereafter, is a function of the strain
ticity during both the practical execution of the magnitude as well as of the elapsed time; simi-
test and the interpretation of the results, because larly, the creep compliance is a function of the
the ramifications of viscoelasticity extend over stress magnitude and the elapsed time. These
virtually all the mechanical behavior. Thus, for two procedures are ideal in that they enable non-
example, after the specimen has been mounted linearity and time-dependence to be separated
in the grips, the clamping stresses may relax to experimentally, but the apparently simple pro-
the point where it is not held securely. There are cedure of conventional tensile testing is not sim-
several such specimen-machine interactions, but ple; the force or the stress that develops in the
appropriate practical measures alleviate their course of the test is governed by both the
consequences, and serious malfunctions gener- changes in strain and the passage of time.
ally can be avoided. In contrast, possibilities of A single tensile test provides merely one sec-
misinterpretation of the results are not so easily tion across a relationship that for plastics is a
circumvented, because viscoelasticity is an in- complex one between stress, strain, and strain
escapable feature of almost every response rate, and it follows that inferences drawn from

Fig. 1 Visualizations of simple viscoelastic systems

140 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

that single curve are correspondingly limited in tensile properties are such that temperature usu-
their scope. For instance, such a curve contains ally is varied in preference to extension rate; Fig.
no direct indication of load-bearing capability 2 shows typical results from which it may be
under loads sustained over any period greater inferred that the shapes of the stress-strain
than the duration of that particular tensile test. curves of plastic materials are not uniquely char-
Tensile-testing practice accommodates this and acteristic, and it follows also that uncertainties
related deficiencies pragmatically by regarding can arise over the point at which a characterizing
deformation rate as a critical variable. A com- datum such as a strength or a yield strain should
prehensive evaluation entails the use of several be extracted from the response curve.
rates, which should range over several decades, In summary, the viscoelastic nature of plastics
although this raises certain practical issues. Very entails specific precautions concerning some
low rates may be prohibited on the grounds of practical aspects of the test and the analysis of
uneconomical deployment of expensive appa- the results. In the first category, mounting of the
ratus, and very high rates pose technical de- specimen in the grips and mounting of strain
mands on machine power and sensor response sensors on the specimen require special atten-
that may be resolved more effectively by use of tion. In the second category, the response curve
impact tests. must be recognized as offering only a limited
The viscoelasticity, in combination with cer- insight into the mechanical behavior of the sam-
tain features of the test system itself, influences ple under investigation, and the data must be
the choice of data for subsequent conversion into used with appropriate caution. See also Fig. 3.
property values. Thus, the modulus, which is a Anisotropy in Plastic Specimens. Test spec-
multivalue property if the material is viscoelas- imens, whether directly molded or cut from
tic, must be qualified by specification of the cur- larger pieces, are often anisotropic—partly be-
rent stress (or strain) and the stress (or strain) cause plastics are viscoelastic in their molten
history up to a specific point in time. For ramp state and very viscous, so that the shaping pro-
excitations—i.e., the constant deformation-rate cesses cause molecular alignments, and partly
conditions of a tensile test—modulus can be de- because ordered structural entities may develop
fined as the slope of either the tangent at, or the during the cooling stage.
secant to, any desired point on a stress-strain The property values derivable from such
curve. As such, each single datum is one point specimens often differ from what might be ex-
only in a viscoelastic function; it has no special pected on the basis of isotropic idealizations,
merit, although, of the various options, the tan- and, because of their limited range, the data usu-
gent at the origin is possibly the best in theory ally generated are not definitive in that they do
because the strain-dependence should be negli- not adequately quantify the tensor array of mod-
gible there. However, mechanical inertias in the ulus or strength and do not show how that array
testing machine and finite response times of the varies with processing conditions, flow geome-
sensors combine with the viscoelasticity to dis- try, and specimen geometry. Some of the rami-
tort the observed force-deformation relationship. fications have been troublesome in evaluation
They reduce the initial slope, obscure the origin, programs in the past, because certain conse-
and obscure or distort abrupt changes in slope quential results have seemed to be anomalous.
that may signify structural changes in the de- Two situations are particularly important: one
forming specimen, thereby detracting from the relates to the position of the failure site, and the
usefulness of the test and introducing the poten- other relates to the strength of notched speci-
tial for errors in the measurements. mens.
Strength is also a multivalue property, the vis- The first situation involves tensile specimens
coelasticity intruding both directly, as a time- of dumbbell or similar shape, which often are
dependence (rate-dependence) or the equivalent injection molded through an endgate (see Fig. 5
temperature-dependence, and indirectly, as a in Chapter 11, “Tensile Testing of Fiber-Re-
factor influencing the nature of the failure or inforced Composites,” for a typical tensile test
fracture, through the sensitivity to strain rate and specimen). The pattern of molecular and fiber
temperature of the ductile-brittle transition. This orientation is then predominantly longitudinal in
transition is usually a gradual one, with the duc- the outer layers of the parallel-sided section but
tility decreasing progressively as the deforma- is more complex in the core and at the ends of
tion rate is increased or as the temperature is the specimen. At the end remote from the gate,
lowered. The practicalities of the evaluation of the larger cross section causes diverging flow
Tensile Testing of Plastics / 141

during the molding operation and therefore transmitted to the specimen mainly by means of
some lateral molecular orientation, which may shear stresses at or near the grips, and the spec-
lower the longitudinal strength locally to such a imen is required to extend with lateral contrac-
level that the specimen breaks there rather than tion but no extraneous distortion. However, a
at the smaller cross section in the gage region. predominantly axial molecular orientation or fi-
The second situation involves notched speci- ber alignment confers a relatively high tensile
mens. A molded notch may not affect strength strength but a relatively low shear strength along
to the same degree, or even in the same sense, the longitudinal direction, with the result that
that would be inferred from stress-concentration shear failure near the grips may ensue before
theory, because the local flow geometry near the tensile failure occurs in the gage region. Modi-
crack tip may enhance the strength and thereby fied grips, reinforcing plates attached to the ends
mitigate the effect of the stress concentration. of specimens, and changed specimen profiles
On the other hand, the flow geometry may re- can all reduce the risk of malfunction, but such
duce the strength in the critical direction. A ma-
steps may be detrimental in other respects. If the
chined notch also interacts with the flow ge-
predominant orientation lies at some angle to the
ometry in that the geometrical details govern
where the tip lies in relation to the orientation tensile axis, the specimen will distort into a sig-
pattern. Results are likely to be less ambiguous moid, the exact form of which will depend on
than those for molded notches but still at quan- whether or not the clamped ends are free to ro-
titative variance with predictions based on con- tate; in either case, the observed force and ex-
cepts of stress concentration or stress-field in- tension will not convert into correct values of
tensity. tensile modulus or tensile strength. In general,
A secondary consequence, but one of great these effects are far more pronounced in speci-
practical importance, is that the essentially sim- mens of continuous-fiber plastic-matrix com-
ple functional operation of the test machine is posites than in simple plastic specimens (includ-
compromised, particularly in relation to the ing those containing short fibers); but even if
specimen-machine interaction. The force is there is no gross malfunction in tests on plastics,

Fig. 2 Influence of temperature on the nature of the stress-strain relationship. Strain rate has a similar effect, with increasing rate
being equivalent to decreasing temperature. Source: Ref 1
142 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

there is a high probability of mildly erroneous modified test configurations—e.g., different

data being generated. specimen profiles. The choice of samples and
The influences of flow geometry and flow ir- specimens is a complex issue that has never been
regularities on derived property values are per- resolved adequately. Specimens machined from
vasive and can distort an investigator’s percep- various judiciously chosen positions in larger
tion of properties, trends, etc. Corrective action items are possibly a wiser choice than the widely
to avoid misconceptions entails expansion of the used injection-molded endgated bars. The latter
evaluation programs to cover samples with dif- are popular because they are economical in the
ferent flow geometries and, in some instances, use of material and manpower, but the pre-

Fig. 3 Influence of the inherent nature of plastics on tensile-testing practice

Tensile Testing of Plastics / 143

dominantly axial molecular orientation of thin strength there. Similarly, the development of
moldings confers higher tensile moduli and macroscopic discontinuities—e.g., microvoids,
strengths than those exhibited by most end prod- phase separations, and crazes—may be detri-
ucts. The pattern of orientation varies with the mental, although not necessarily, because the
thickness of the bar; axial orientation arises ligaments may be strengthened by favorably ori-
mainly in the outer layers, and hence, as the ented molecules. Another factor is the local tem-
thickness increases, the measured values of ten- perature, which will rise if the heat generated by
sile modulus and strength decrease. virtue of the inherent loss processes exceeds
In summary, anisotropy can cause extraneous what can be lost to the environment and which
distortions in specimens under test, failure at or may reach a critical point at which the yield
near the grips, unsuspected errors in data, and stress has fallen to such a level that the neck
odd trends with respect to notch geometry, spec- cannot support the prevailing force. If the neck
imen profile, etc. (see also Fig. 3). In many in- stabilizes satisfactorily it will travel along the
stances, the evaluation program should be ex- parallel-sided section of the specimen either at
panded, possibly with modified test procedures. an approximately constant force or with a pro-
Plasticity, Necking Rupture, and Work gressively increasing force if the molecular as-
Hardening. There is much experimental evi- sembly is such that further orientation can occur.
dence, from creep studies and from tensile tests The various features of time-dependent plas-
themselves, that with increasing strain the de- ticity, necking rupture, inhomogeneous defor-
formation processes become progressively dom- mation, and work hardening affect the practical
inated by molecular mechanisms that either are execution of tests in that a high extensibility im-
irreversible or are reversible but have very pro- poses particular requirements on the grips and
the deformation sensors, but, more importantly,
tracted recovery times. The over-all character of
these features affect the ways in which the de-
the deformation processes becomes “viscous”
rived data should be presented and interpreted
rather than “elastic,” and the specimen then ei-
(see Fig. 3). Thus, a yield stress identified by
ther extends uniformly or yields by means of a some features on the force-deformation curve
necking mechanism approximately in confor- should not be regarded as unambiguously defin-
mance with plasticity theory. Figure 4 gives a itive, because there is a zone in which the ma-
schematic impression of likely yielding and terial is neither wholly viscoelastic nor wholly
post-yield behavior. A material that has yielded plastic and, additionally, the material in the neck
is usually radically different in nature from what is not necessarily a continuum. At a more mun-
it was prior to yielding. The difference may be dane level, if a specimen has necked, the stress
merely a reordered molecular state, but it also and the strain at failure are not readily calculable
may be the presence of larger-scale discontinu- from the force and deformation data.
ities such as voids, crazes, or interphase cracks,
all of which have various and different impli-
cations for the service performance of end prod-
The yield stress, defined by some identifiable
feature on the force-deformation curve, depends
on the deformation rate, as does the probability
that failure will occur before a neck is estab-
lished. The higher the deformation rate, the
higher the yield stress and the greater the chance
that brittle or pseudobrittle failure will intervene.
There are two principal reasons for the latter re-
lationship. The temperature and the anisotropy
may be such that the ductile-brittle transition is
traversed as the deformation rate is increased, or
the neck may form but fail to stabilize because
of the particular microstructure of the polymer
or composition of the plastic. The molecular ar-
chitecture, the molecular weight, and the degree
of branching all affect the propensity of the mol- Fig. 4 Yielding and post-yield tensile behavior: (a) uniform
extension; (b) yielding followed by necking rupture; (c)
ecules to align in the neck and the consequential yielding followed by “cold drawing” and work hardening
144 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Stipulations in choices ranging from sufficient degrees of free-

Standardized Tensile Testing dom to allow a misaligned specimen to settle
into an aligned position as it begins to extend,
The Specimen-Machine System. The super- at one extreme, to total constraint at the other.
ficially simple nature of the tensile test conceals The former method relies on the specimen being
a demanding mechanical requirement. The spec- sufficiently stiff to be essentially unaffected by
imen must be extended uniformly at any one of the adjustment forces, which is unlikely to be
several prescribed rates, which, when translated the case for a plastic material. Similarly, how-
into a design specification, entails: ever, the friction inherent in a fully constrained
system may constitute a large error in the mea-
● Adequate power in a testing machine to en- sured force.
sure that the stiffest specimens can be ex- Machine factors are largely outside the con-
tended at the designated rates trol of a user, but, to varying degrees, specimen-
● Alignment of the line of action with the axis preparation procedures, choice of grips, and op-
of symmetry of the specimen, to minimize erational checks, all of which affect and/or
the variation of stress across the specimen control the axiality of the alignment, are discre-
cross section tionary. Specimens must be symmetrical about
● Secure and balanced clamping of the speci- their longitudinal axes. One machined from a
men to ensure that it neither slips in the grips larger item can be very accurately symmetrical.
nor suffers extraneous forces A directly molded specimen can be similarly ac-
● High-quality specimens of the correct size curate, but inappropriate molding conditions or
and profile for the intended purpose and with a badly designed mold can produce distorted
a fine surface finish specimens. Specimens molded from novel or
newly developed materials, for which the pro-
These four design features are interconnected to cessing conditions may not have been opti-
some degree and are all influenced by the vis- mized, are prone to such distortion, but force of
coelastic nature of the specimens. circumstance may dictate the data generated
The provision of adequate power poses no di- from such specimens must be used, despite the
rect problem, but there may be secondary diffi- imperfections, as a basis for judgments crucial
culties in that a powerful machine is likely to be to the further progression of a research or de-
massive and to have inertias and frictions in the velopment program. When this is the case, the
actuator and the likages that are troublesome judgments should be suitably circumspect.
when the active forces are small—i.e., at low Even if the specimen is satisfactorily sym-
specimen strain or when the specimen has a low metrical, it may be clamped unsymmetrically
modulus or a low strength. The issue is whether unless special precautions are taken to position
a single machine is suitable for testing all classes it properly in the grips. Use of a hole in each
of plastics at all conceivable strain rates and over specimen end and corresponding pins in the
the entire strain range to failure. If there is a grips is the simplest solution, and has proved
range of machines at the investigator’s disposal, very satisfactory for tensile creep tests. The
the choice should be governed by the character holes also facilitate the machining operation by
of the specimen and should be such that the defining the axis of symmetry. Ideally, the force
specimen is matched to the machine. The spec- should be transmitted to the specimen through
imen should never dominate the machine, be- the pins rather than through the faces of the
cause in such an event the signals being ex- grips, but this imposes special requirements on
tracted from the test would reflect a complex the specimen geometry to limit the chance of
combination of machine and specimen charac- shear failure at the pins (see the subsection on
teristics. On the other hand, if the machine is anisotropy in plastic specimens), and the less
excessively dominant, it may impose inadver- ideal conventional clamping, ostensibly acting
tent and undesirable constraints on the speci- across the entire width of the specimen, is com-
men. monly preferred.
Accurate alignment of the specimen in the Misalignment is relatively unimportant if the
machine is not easily achieved, because the ma- strength of a ductile material is being measured,
chine, the specimen, and the clamping of the one because limited plastic deformation suffices to
to the other are all prone to asymmetries that can correct the fault and the test progresses unim-
cause misalignment. There are various design paired thereafter. On the other hand, misalign-
Tensile Testing of Plastics / 145

ment is a source of error if the strength of a duce better surface finishes than die cutters, but
brittle material or the modulus of any type of this depends on the cutting speed, which should
material is being measured, because the mis- be high but not so high that generated heat soft-
alignment causes the specimen to bend or un- ens or melts the surface.
bend, as the case may be, as it is extended in the The various elements of the specimen-ma-
test. The stress is then nonuniform over the cross chine interaction that affect the over-all opera-
section, and one face of the specimen bears a tion efficiency in the tensile testing of plastics
stress higher than the average stress; the mea- are summarized in Fig. 5.
sured strength is then likely to be an underesti- Derivation of Excitation-Response Rela-
mate of the true strength. The error in the mod- tionships. Many investigators require only a
ulus measurement may be positive or negative, single datum from a tensile test and naturally
depending on the positioning of the strain sen- tend to regard the derivation procedure as a sim-
sor, and can even be eliminated if the strain on ple operation, which it may be when the testing
each face of the specimen is measured. machine is set up with a single objective in
To some degree, there is a conflict of objec- mind. The over-all operation, however, is a more
tives in the design and operation of the grips. complex matter, the single datum being only a
Secure clamping is desirable so that the speci- small element in the total response of the spec-
men does not slip relative to the grips, or entirely imen. The excitation-response relationship pro-
out of the grips, during a test, but it simulta- vides numerical values of various mechanical
neously prevents self-aligning movement and properties—e.g., modulus and yield strength;
thereby preserves any initial misalignment. On also, in its entirety it gives an over-all impres-
balance, total constraint is the preferred option. sion of “tensile characteristics” although, as was
In this case, hydraulic grips are probably the pointed out in the section on viscoelasticity, each
most satisfactory because they exert a pressure curve provides only one section across a com-
that is uniform over the entire face and that re- plex relationship between stress, strain, and
mains constant as the specimen extends and cor- strain rate. The particular type of excitation used
in tensile testing was originally chosen for its
respondingly thins. Simple mechanical grips
mechanical simplicity; it loosely approximates a
may have to be over-tightened initially, and con-
ramp function of strain versus time, which is not
sequently the specimen may be severely dis-
particularly tractable analytically even for a lin-
torted. Such distortion can be reduced or elimi-
ear viscoelastic body and is even less tractable
nated by the use of reinforcing tabs on the ends for a nonlinear one. Thus, because of both prac-
of the specimens, but this is a tedious measure tical and theoretical limitations, it is unlikely that
that is not widely used for tests on plastics. the observable response can ever be translated
The specimen-machine system cannot be ex- into fundamental quantities at the molecular
pected to operate satisfactorily, however well level—for example, relaxation time spectra.
designed it may be, unless the quality of the However, irrespective of the details, infor-
specimen is commensurate with the expecta- mation can be obtained from a test only if there
tions. Methods of specimen production include are suitable sensors to convert the excitation and
direct molding, die cutting, and machining with response into numerical or analog data. These
a router or milling cutter. Certain procedures sensors, which are described in Chapter 4, “Ten-
must be followed with each method if the sym- sile Testing Equipment and Strain Sensors,”
metry required for axial stressing is to be at- must have sensitivities and response times that
tained: the cooling systems of molding cavities are appropriate for the intended purpose of the
should be so designed that any residual strains test. The sensitivity should be such that the sen-
are in equilibrium, specimens being machined sor discriminates at, say, 1% of full scale display,
should be supported so that they do not distort and the response time should be such that the
under the machining forces, etc. The surface fin- fine structure of response is detected even
ish is also important, because imperfections may though this generally entails the likelihood that
act as stress concentrators and cause the speci- extraneous vibrations in the machine will be in-
men to fail prematurely. Unsuitable molding corporated as noise in the signal. The observable
conditions can produce surface textures and im- quantities are limited to force and deformation,
perfections ranging from the visually obvious to and the former is actually measured as defor-
the submicroscopic. Die cutters are fast in opera- mation in a transducer.
tion but often produce specimens with poor edge The force is always measured directly and ac-
faces. In general, milling cutters and routers pro- curately provided that the machine and the trans-
146 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

ducer are adequately stiff. The deformation up The former are more troublesome to mount on
to the yield point may be measured directly by the specimen and measure the strain over only
means of an extensometer attached to the spec- a small zone, but, on the other hand, they can be
imen, strain gages bonded to it, or an indepen- so positioned as to measure strain along which-
dent optical device operating without physical ever direction is of interest. Clip-on gages pro-
contact. These methods entail careful and some- vide an average strain over a larger span. They
times expensive subsidiary operations, and, fur- are less versatile in relation to strain axis but can
thermore, only the remote optical devices are measure transverse strains, and therefore the
practicable beyond the yield point. Conse- change in volume during a test can be deter-
quently, for certain classes of test, they may be mined by either type of sensor. Such information
dispensed with, the deformation then being mea- provides insight into pre-yield mechanisms.
sured indirectly as actuator movement, with pos- In the case of modulus measurement, the
sible corrections for extraneous effects caused strains involved are small and the over-all de-
by clamping and the specimen profile. formation is homogeneous; force translates eas-
Strain gages and clip-on extensometers have ily into stress with only small errors, and defor-
their respective advantages and disadvantages. mation can be measured over a defined gage

Fig. 5 Sources of experimental error in the specimen-machine system

Tensile Testing of Plastics / 147

length. In principle, deformation measurements specimen for subsequent work hardening, and
should be accurate in such situations, but clip- the incidence of defects in the specimen. There
on extensometers may slip if the retaining spring are no quantitative rules for underpinning of
force is small or may indent the specimen if the judgments on these matters, and the investigator
spring force is large, and bonded strain gages must assess new results against a background of
may affect the surface strain that they are in- whichever accrued data are appropriate. The
tended to measure if the stiffness of the speci- same is true, to varying degrees, of most of the
men is low. Even so, with minor reservations, data relating to failure; they are accommodated
the modulus can be measured to a satisfactory within a framework of comprehension that en-
precision. Coefficients of variation of about 0.03 ables useful information to be extracted despite
are commonplace, and coefficients of 0.02 are uncertainties about the physical credentials of
attainable. the experimental data. This framework of com-
In the case of strength tests, the over-all pre- prehension is based on the collective experience
cision of the measurements is lower—primarily of many previous investigators, accumulations
because the calculation of stress is inevitably an of data, established correlations between test re-
approximation, and secondarily because extra- sults and service performance, perceptions of
neous defects in the specimen may promote fail- quality, and other knowledge. It follows that the
ure or induce brittleness. If the failure is brittle, reliability of such rationalizations depends
the calculated strength can be based on the initial heavily on the quality of the database.
cross-sectional area, but this measured quantity The principle sources of error that are en-
may be neither precise nor accurate because of countered in this phase of the testing operation
nonaxial loading, defects in the specimen, or are summarized in Fig. 6. In combination, the
variable anisotropy. Coefficients of variation of various sources of error summarized in Fig. 3,
0.10 for the interspecimen variability are com- 5, and 6 often lead to coefficients of variation of
monplace, and the values may be a substantial 0.10 or higher; at this level, the imprecision is
underestimate of the true strength. If the failure such that ten nominally identical specimens
is ductile, the estimate of area is likely to be should be tested for the derivation of a property
erroneous, and if the deformation is also inho- value (most standard specifications stipulate a
mogeneous, as is common, the calculation of minimum of five).
failure stress is further confounded. The nominal Physical Interpretation of Data. The force-
yield stress calculated on the basis of the initial determination relationships of specimens are
cross section is likely to be precise, with a co- converted by calculation and inference into
efficient of variation of about 0.03, but not stress-strain relationships for the constituent ma-
highly accurate because of the complexity of the terial. At low strains, this stress-strain relation-
associated phenomena. In contrast, the nominal ship defines various moduli, and, provided that
breaking stress of a specimen that extends be- appropriate procedural precautions are taken, the
yond the yield point is little more than a nor- accuracy of the modulus data can be high. If the
malized breaking force and is physically mean- specimens are brittle, the precision of the mea-
ingless. sured strength may also be high, but the accu-
The deformation or strain at failure is simi- racy is likely to be low because of the deleterious
larly a dubious quantity. It is usually inferred effects of imperfections in the specimens. As the
from the movement of the actuator, because strain increases—beyond, say, 0.02—the con-
strain gages and extensometers normally are not versions become progressively more approxi-
used in tests that are intended to progress to fail- mate, and therefore, even though the original test
ure of the specimen. With brittle fracture, the results may have been precise, the final strength
error in the inferred deformation is usually large, data are unlikely to be accurate. Even so, the
because extraneous deformations at and near the approximations and oversimplifications entailed
grips constitute a relatively large proportion of in this stage are minor impediments in compar-
the over-all movement of the actuator. This ison with those involved in the train of inference
source of error is less influential when the failure leading from the over-all bulk values derived
is ductile, but the measured deformation usually from the test to the local values prevailing at the
does not then translate directly into strain. Even site of fracture of failure. The theories of fracture
so, the commonly quoted extension to fracture mechanics and plasticity, taken in conjunction
is a useful quantity because it relates loosely to with a mathematical model of the local situation,
the stability of the neck, the propensity of the provide some conversion rules, and it is possi-
148 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

ble, therefore, for an investigator to gain an in- rizes the possible ambiguity over the
sight into micromechanical behavior from ma- identification of the “yield point” in even the
cromechanical data. Some procedures, however, simplest case—i.e., when the force-determina-
are too cumbersome for routine use, and are also tion curve passes through a maximum. The pos-
questionable to the extent that some doubt per- sible error in the measured yield stress is likely
sists about the over-all quality of the data gen- to be small because of the shape of the force-
erated by them. deflection curve as the yield point is approached;
The features on a force-determination curve on the other hand, for the same reason, an esti-
that are taken as identifying important events mate of the yield strain is likely to be imprecise.
such as yielding or the onset of critical crack Where there is no maximum, the characterizing
growth may have been chosen more for their point may be less easily identified and will al-
macroscopic convenience than for their physical most certainly be associated with different
validity, one practical consequence being the en- physical manifestations; the derived yield stress
hancement of precision at the expense of accu- may be as prone to error as the derived yield
racy or realism. The diagram in Fig. 7 summa- strain. Similarly with brittle failure, the error in

Fig. 6 Faulty techniques and errors in the derivation of raw data and property values
Tensile Testing of Plastics / 149

the critical stress-field intensity factor may be terrupted temporarily to permit a more intense
large because of the shape of the rising flank of scrutiny, although when an interrupted tensile
the curve and because the selected feature may test is resumed the subsequent force-deforma-
not mark the critical point; for instance, the dom- tion relationship will differ from that of an un-
inant peak may denote the over-all collapse of interrupted test because of viscoelastic relaxa-
the specimen as a load-bearing structure rather tion during the static period.
than the point at which the growth of the crack As the extension progresses beyond the yield
becomes critical. region, the link between the observed force-de-
If an investigator needs to clarify such points formation relationship and the inferred stress-
or to study the phenomena in greater detail, sup- strain relationship becomes progressively more
plementary tests can be helpful. Photography of tenuous. The causes are the aforementioned ap-
the specimen at specific moments or continually proximations entailed in the translations of force
throughout the test enables correlations to be es- into stress and deformation into strain, devel-
tablished between the features on the force-de- oping inhomogeneities in the specimen and mo-
formation curve and the physical events in the lecular and structural rearrangements in the ma-
specimen. The simplest expedient is nothing terial. In the post-yield region, the measurable
more than a supplementary tensile test at an ex- quantities are the ultimate strength, commonly
tension rate sufficiently low for the correlations defined as force divided by initial cross-sec-
to be established through visual inspection of the tional area; the elongation to fracture, derived
extending specimen; such a test can even be in- from the actuator movement; the shape of the

Fig. 7 Simple force-deformation curve. The maximum force usually is taken as signifying the onset of yielding, but it merely marks
the point at which the specimen, as a structure, becomes less resistant to further deformation. Thus, the yield stress and the
yield strain are not unambiguously quantifiable.
150 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

curve immediately after necking; and the over- more, the data so generated usually lie near the
all slope of the curve. These are all character- upper limit of attainable values and are therefore
izing quantities for the force-deformation curve, potentially misleading.
but it is important that they be regarded as noth- The nebulous nature of the post-yield data and
ing more. These quantities have to be trans- the potential variation in all data do not detract
formed into characterizing quantities for the unduly from the usefulness of the data, because
specimen as an engineering entity, and the reli- there are many semiquantitative correlations be-
ability of this operation depends on the validity tween the characterizing features and property
of the mathematical model that is chosen to sim- values on the one hand and certain attributes and
ulate the mechanical behavior of the specimen. properties of end products on the other. For ex-
There must be a second transformation, into ample, even though elongation to fracture varies
characterizing data for the material. This is the with the shape of the specimen and cannot be
more difficult of the two, because the flow ge- equated accurately with strain, a high value is
ometry and processing conditions inherent in the generally a desirable attribute that is indicative
production of specimens impose particular states of probable toughness in service items. Inter-
of molecular order, aggregation, etc., that govern sample differences often can be attributed to
the anisotropy and the levels of the property val- specific factors such as molecular weight and the
ues. Thus, even though data may be precise and incidence of flaws, contaminants, defects, etc.,
accurate, they may not be representative of the but results must always be judged in the context
material properties as manifested in the majority of the particular evaluation program and set
of end products, and therefore they may be ei- against an established pattern of data. The over-
ther unsuitable for some purposes or misleading. all success depends on the quality of the infra-
Thermoplastics differ in their sensitivities to structure and the database.
flow geometry and processing conditions. High
molecular weights, discrete second phases, and
large crystal entities tend to worsen the aniso- Utilization of Data from Tensile Tests
tropy, and the consequential ranges of property
values can be large—for example, a factor of Materials Evaluation. Tensile tests are mul-
two for modulus and a factor of three for tipurpose, the data derived from them being
strength. However, such large ranges normally commonly used for purposes ranging from qual-
do not appear as overt variabilities, because the ity control to research. Property tables, such as
specimen-preparation routines have been stan- shown in Table 2, feature modulus, tensile
dardized and restricted in the interests of repro- strength, and elongation to fracture derived from
ducibility and operational economy rather than tensile tests, but for only one standard defor-
in the interests of practical relevance. Further- mation rate and one temperature (23 ⬚C, or 73

Table 2 Room-temperature tensile properties of selected engineering plastics

Tensile strength(a) Tensile modulus(a)
Thermoplastic MPa ksi Tensile elongation at break(a), % kPa psi
Styrene 46 6.7 2.2 320 46
Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) 72 10.5 3.0 390 56
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) 48 7 8.0 210 30
Flame-retardant ABS 40 5.8 5.1 240 35
Polypropylene (PP) 32 4.7 15.0 130 19
Glass-coupled PP 32 4.7 15.0 130 19
Polyethylene (PE) 30 4.3 9.0 100 15
Acetal (AC) 61 8.8 60.0 280 41
Polyester 55 8 200.0 280 40
Flame-retardant polyester 61 8.9 60.0 280 40
Nylon 6 81 11.8 200.0 280 40
Flame-retardant Nylon 6 85 12.3 60.0 290 42
Nylon 6/6 79 11.4 300.0 130 19
Flame-retardant Nylon 6/6 67 9.7 35.0 130 19
Nylon 6/12 61 8.8 150.0 200 29
Polycarbonate (PC) 62 9 110.0 240 34.5
Polysulfone (PSU) 70 10.2 75.0 250 36
(a) ASTM D 638 test method
Tensile Testing of Plastics / 151

⬚F), whereas an emerging body of opinion con- ● Insufficient regard for the potentially dele-
tends that data for other rates and temperatures terious effects of unfavorable flow geome-
should be provided by the data generators. tries
The current minimum evaluation scheme falls ● Disregard of the boundaries beyond which
far short of what is now being called for for- particular data are invalid or irrelevant.
mally, and even the latter calls for less than what
could be derived from tensile tests, namely: Materials Comparisons and Selection. The
● The tensile modulus (tangent and secant) at
elementary table of properties on which many
various strains below the yield point comparisons are based features tensile modulus,
● The lateral contraction ratios
tensile yield strength, ultimate tensile strength,
● The yield stress and, in some instances, the and ultimate elongation. It is currently criticized
yield strain for its various shortcomings, but it may owe its
● The “load drop” after yielding simple form to the fact that, for some purposes,
● The slope of force versus deformation after many data on each of many properties or pseu-
the yield point doproperties may be confusing rather than en-
● The ultimate strength (based on initial cross- lightening. On the other hand, judgments in
sectional area) some areas require special or selective data, and
● The elongation to fracture. judgments in other areas require data that extend
far beyond the confines of “single-point” data.
As discussed in previous sections, these quan- Thus, the criteria by which a material is chosen
tities are measurable to different levels of pre- in preference to others vary with circumstance,
cision, have variously dubious claims to the in accordance with often subjective rules. At-
status of physical properties, and all relate to the tempts have been made, and are being made, to
specimen rather than to the material from which automate the operation, which entails a pseu-
it has been made. It follows that they should be doquantification of the judgment processes, but
interpreted with caution. Above all, an evalua- this latter step is generally a difficult one because
tor/investigator should bear two points in mind the specification for the end product often asks
whenever the results/data are being communi- for a combination of property values or charac-
cated to others: teristics that are mutually exclusive.
● Data at one deformation rate and one tem- One such dilemma arises regularly in the per-
perature may not be adequately representa- petual search for an optimum balance between
tive of the tensile properties and fall short of modulus and ductility, which relate, respec-
prospective recommendations on data gen- tively, to stiffness and toughness in an end prod-
eration and presentation. uct. Practical experience has provided the rough
● Whatever the range of test conditions and working rule, which also has a basis in theory,
whatever the information extracted from the that the two properties are reciprocally related,
test, the data relate to the specimen; the prop- and it follows, therefore, that an acceptable bal-
erties of the sample and of the material must ance at one temperature and deformation rate
be inferred. may not be sustained under different conditions.
Despite these reservations, the types of data Currently, the two requisite measurements often
presented in the seven-item list above serve a are made by independent techniques that use
variety of purposes satisfactorily, although they specimens of different shapes, but the tensile test
are also subject to misinterpretation and misuse. offers the advantage of them being measured on
Misinterpretation by the investigator can result one specimen in one operation.
from: Decisions about the data formats and logic
● Reliance on a single datum, and failure to
pathways for materials comparison and selection
make use of the entire force-deformation re- lie generally outside the scope and influence of
lationship the evaluators/investigators, although these
● Failure to impose independent checks on in- workers can nevertheless exert an indirect influ-
ferences drawn from the data. ence through the tactics and strategies that they
adopt for testing and evaluation. It is desirable,
Misuse by the investigator and others can result in the longer term, that any such steps should be
from: formalized by modifications of existing standard
● Disregard of the possible uniqueness of each test methods, but this is always a protracted pro-
sample cess because of the necessary consultation stage,
152 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

and as an interim measure limited but useful en- Summary

hancements of the data can be achieved by strict
observance of those strictures of the standards Tensile testing produces information about
that relate to the qualifying information that de- the mechanical behavior of specimens subjected
scribes and specifies the test sample. This sug- to a predominantly tensile stress. The scope and
gestion is not likely to recommend itself to peo- quality of that information depend mainly on the
ple heavily engaged in testing, because the degree of practical finesse that is deployed. The
qualifying data can be more voluminous than the main factors that can affect the outcome of the
actual property data, although there is a growing test program are:
realization that the latter are virtually useless
without the former. ● Sample and specimen selection
Design Data. The principle underlying de- ● Machine design and function
sign calculations is that the behavior of a struc- ● Specimen preparation
ture under a system of forces can be deduced ● Choice and mounting of sensors
from a formula combining relevant material ● Specimen-machine interaction
properties with an appropriate form factor. The ● Translation of sensor signals into properties
property values used should be appropriate for data
the practical situation to which the design cal- ● Trains of inference.
culation relates—i.e., service temperature, pat-
tern of loading, flow geometry, and other influ- However, the over-all test procedure and the
ential factors should all be considered. A strategy depend on the purpose of the test; com-
distinction is drawn between “design data” and prehensive evaluations are expensive, and cur-
single-point property data, the implication being tailed evaluations are relatively uninformative.
that the former have a higher status. However, The over-all balance of the machine-specimen
this distinction is an artificial one because even system affects the precision, and to some degree
a single datum, such as a modulus or a strength the accuracy, of the raw data. The choices of
derived from a tensile test, may be used in a sample, specimen geometry, specimen position
design calculation provided that adjustments are and alignment with respect to the sample, and
made to allow for the differences between the number of specimens tested affect the precision,
laboratory test conditions and the service/design accuracy, and fitness-for-purpose of the derived
situation. data.
At least some of the adjustment factors can The raw data take the form of a relationship
be derived from other tensile tests. Thus, aniso- between force and deformation, which can be
tropy and other consequences of specific pro- converted into approximations of a stress-strain
cessing conditions and flow geometries can be relationship and other properties. The raw data
assessed by tests on appropriately chosen spec- and the transformed data relate only to the spe-
imens and samples. On the other hand, adjust- cific conditions of the test.
ments that allow for long loading times, inter- The mean value of a measured quantity and
mittent loading, or similar situations must be the standard deviation as derived from a small
based on independent creep, creep-rupture, and subset of nominally identical specimens are ap-
fatigue tests that are specifically structured to proximations of the true mean and standard de-
identify and quantify the response of specimens viation of a large set of nominally identical spec-
to such loading patterns. imens.
The degree of adjustment varies with the A tensile test provides data relating to the
polymer architecture, the composition of the specimen tested. Tensile-property values de-
plastic, and the operative factor. If the strength rived from one type of specimen drawn from a
of a standard injection-molded endgated tensile sample do not fully characterize the tensile prop-
bar is taken as a reference point, an unfavorable erties of the entire sample, and the tensile prop-
flow geometry can reduce the strength to 50% erty values of one sample do not usually suffice
of the reference value, and a long loading period to characterize the tensile properties of the con-
can reduce it to 20% of the reference value, for stituent material. Finally, tensile properties alone
example. To use unadjusted data in a design for do not characterize the mechanical behavior of
service conditions radically different from those a specimen, sample, or material, although they
of the test would be to misuse them. constitute invaluable indicators.
Tensile Testing of Plastics / 153

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Properties of Engineering Plastics, Materials

Selection and Design, Vol 20, ASM Hand-
This chapter was adapted from S. Turner, Ten- book, ASM International, 1997, p 434–
sile Testing of Plastics, Tensile Testing, 1st ed., 456
P. Han, Ed., ASM International, 1992, p 105– ● J. Rietveld, Viscoelasticity, Engineering
133 Plastics, Vol 2, Engineered Materials Hand-
book, ASM International, 1988, p 412–
● M.L. Weaver and M.E. Stevenson, Introduc-
1. S. Turner, Mechanical Testing, Engineering tion to the Mechanical Behavior of Nonme-
Plastics, Vol 2, Engineered Materials Hand- tallic Materials, Mechanical Testing and
book, ASM International, 1988, p 544–558 Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM In-
ternational, 2000, p 13–25
● Mechanical Testing of Polymers and Ceram-
ics, Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol
● A.-M.M. Baker and C.M.F. Barry, Effects of 8, ASM Handbook, ASM International,
Composition, Processing, and Structure on 2000, p 26–48
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p155-162 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p155 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing of Elastomers

ELASTOMERS comprise a subclass of the mill, whereas a more liquid material can be pro-
larger group of materials, based on very large cessed using ordinary rotary mixers.
molecules, called polymers. Various common Shaping. The compounded elastomer can be
plastics such as polystyrene and polyethylene, shaped using molding, extrusion, or calendering.
and other materials such as household films and Compression molding, transfer molding, and in-
wraps, are polymer-base materials but are not jection molding can be used to produce forms
called elastomers because of their limited capac- ranging from cable connectors and champagne
ity for reversible stretching. Elastomers must stoppers to tires. Hoses are the major example
display the ability to stretch and recover that is of elastomers formed by extrusion. Calendering
typical of a rubber band. is used to produce sheet rubber products such as
Although the terms “elastomer” (from “elastic conveyor belts, protective liners, and floor tiles.
polymer”) and “rubber” at one time had slightly Vulcanization is generally carried out after
different meanings, they have become synony- the elastomer is in its final shape, frequently
mous for all practical purposes. These terms are while it is in a mold, at temperatures between
used to designate the mixture of polymers and 135 and 200 ⬚C (275 and 390 ⬚F). Vulcanization
other ingredients that makeup a rubber formu- is necessary to transform the raw elastomer into
lation. Each unique formulation is called a a useful material by providing crosslinks be-
“compound,” much as a mixture of metals is tween the long chains of the polymer molecules.
known as an “alloy.” As described in the section “Factors Influencing
Elastomer Properties” in this chapter, vulcani-
zation has a profound effect on the properties of

Manufacturing of Elastomers (Ref 1)

The manufacture of rubbers or elastomers in- Properties of Interest
volves three major processing steps: mixing or
compounding, shaping, and vulcanizing or A test of the tensile strength of an elastomer
crosslinking. can yield readings of several different proper-
Compounding. The properties of elastomers ties. In some cases, these properties are totally
are typically adjusted by compounding, that is, independent of each other. In other cases, they
the incorporation of additives that improve prop- are interrelated. At times, some will be of more
erties, aid processing, or reduce cost. A typical interest than others, depending on what is being
formulation might include the elastomer base it- investigated or controlled. Typical properties of
self; fillers for reinforcement, hardness control, some of the more common elastomers are listed
or cost reduction; a plasticizer to improve low- in Table 1.
temperature properties; antioxidants; and the Ultimate Tensile Strength. Naturally, the
crosslinking system. first property of interest determined in a tensile
The actual mixing process depends on the test is the ultimate tensile strength. For elasto-
type of elastomer. A high-viscosity elastomer mers, a class of materials that contain substantial
such as natural rubber requires the use of a pow- numbers of very different polymers, tensile
erful mixer such as a Banbury mixer or rubber strength can range from as low as 3.5 MPa (500
156 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

psi) to as high as 55.2 MPa (8.0 ksi); however, reference dimension and calculate how much
the great majority of common elastomers tend longer the total length of the two separate sec-
to fall in the range from 6.9 to 20.7 MPa (1.0 to tions is. This is expressed as a percentage. Some
3.0 ksi). elastomers will exhibit almost total recovery,
Ultimate Elongation. The second property whereas others may display tension set as high
noted is ultimate elongation, which is the prop- as 10% or more. Tension set may also be mea-
erty that defines elastomeric materials. Any ma- sured on specimens stretched to less than break-
terial that can be reversibly elongated to twice ing elongation.
its unstressed length falls within the formal
ASTM definition of an elastomer. The upper end
of the range for rubber compounds is about
800%, and although the lower end is supposed Factors Influencing
to be 100% (a 100% increase of the unstressed Elastomer Properties
reference dimension), some special compounds
that fall slightly below 100% elongation still are Because elastomers are enormously different
accepted as elastomers. in molecular structure from other materials such
Modulus. The third characteristic that may be as metals, and in fact are complex organic com-
of interest is referred to in the rubber industry as posites of numerous ingredients of very differ-
the modulus of the compound, but a specific des- ing characteristics, it is not surprising that they
ignation such as 100% modulus or 300% mod- tend to exhibit a wide range of characteristics.
ulus is used. That is due to the fact that the num- Some of the important factors that influence
ber generated is not an engineering modulus in elastomer properties include:
the normal sense of the term, but rather is the ● Structuring of the molecular matrix
stress required to obtain a given strain. There- ● Compounding
fore, the “100% modulus,” also referred to as ● Specimen preparation
M-100, is simply the stress required to elongate ● Specimen type
the rubber to twice its reference length. ● Vulcanization parameters
Tension Set. A final characteristic that can be ● Temperature
measured, but that is used less often than the
other three, is called “tension set.” Often, when Molecular Structure. Very often the pro-
a piece of rubber is stretched to final rupture, the cessing of the mixture that makes up the elas-
recovery in length of the two sections resulting tomer results in some level of orientation of the
from the break is less than complete. It is pos- molecules involved. This structuring of the mo-
sible to measure the total length of the original lecular matrix is commonly referred to as the

Table 1 Properties of common elastomers

Mechanical properties Service temperature
Shore (continuous use)
Specific Durometer Tensile strength, Modulus, 100%, Elongation, min, max,
Common name gravity hardness MPa (ksi) MPa (psi) % ⬚C (⬚F) ⬚C (⬚F)
Butadiene rubber 0.91 45A–80A 13.8–17.2 (2.0–2.5) 2.1–10.3 (300–1500) 450 ⳮ100 (ⳮ150) 95 (200)
Natural rubber, 0.92–1.037 30A–100A 17.2–31.7 (2.5–4.6) 3.3–5.9 (480–850) 300–800 ⳮ60 (ⳮ75) 70 (160)
isoprene rubber
Chloroprene rubber 1.23–1.25 30A–95A 3.4–24.1 (0.5–3.5) 0.7–20.7 (100–3000) 100–800 ⳮ50 (ⳮ60) 107 (225)
Styrene-butadiene 0.94 30A–90D 12.4–20.7 (1.8–3.0) 2.1–10.3 (300–1500) 450–500 ⳮ60 (ⳮ75) 120 (250)
Acrylonitrile- 0.98 30A–100A 6.9–24.1 (1.0–3.5) 3.4 (490) 400–600 ⳮ50 (ⳮ60) 120 (250)
(nitrile) rubber
Isobutylene- 0.92 30A–100A ⬎13.8 (⬎2.0) 0.3–3.4 (50–500) 300–800 ⳮ45 (ⳮ50) 150 (300)
isoprene (butyl)
Ethylene-propylene 0.86 30A–90A 3.4–24.1 (0.5–3.5) 0.7–20.7 (100–3000) 100–700 ⳮ55 (ⳮ70) 150 (300)
(-diene) rubber
Silicone rubber 1.1–1.6 20A–90A 10.3 (1.5) ... 100–800 ⳮ117 (ⳮ178) 260 (500)
Fluoroelastomer 1.8–1.9 55A–95A 10.3–13.8 (1.5–2.0) 1.4–13.8 (200–2000) 150–250 ⳮ50 (ⳮ60) 260 (500)
Source: Ref 1
Tensile Testing of Elastomers / 157

“grain” of the rubber, and tensile properties usu- and elongation can be observed in such in-
ally differ to a detectable degree with and across stances.
the grain. This anisotropy may not be significant Similarly, lack of thoroughness in mixing of
or even exist in actual elastomeric components, the ingredients can lead to poor dispersion, and
depending on both the specific compound and careless mixing can cause incorporation of small
its processing history. When the grain direction foreign particles in the rubber. Either case will
can be determined from knowledge of the pro- again lead to lower and less precise test results.
cessing, tensile testing is done parallel to the Specimen Type. Use of specimens other than
grain. the standard type called for in the ASTM pro-
Compounding. Over 20 different types of cedures (see below) is sometimes necessary.
polymers can be used as bases for elastomeric Pieces from large moldings can be cut out and
compounds, and each type can have a significant ground to reasonable flatness and appropriate
number of contrasting subtypes within it. Prop- thickness, or strips of small tubing can be tested.
erties of different polymers can be markedly dif- Correlation between such specimens and stan-
ferent: for instance, urethanes seldom have ten- dard types is not always precise. Ground speci-
sile strengths below 20.7 MPa (3.0 ksi) whereas mens do not have the smooth, molded surfaces
silicones rarely exceed 8.3 MPa (1.2 ksi). Nat- of laboratory specimens, and therefore it is very
ural rubber is known for high elongation, 500 to likely that cracks will propagate from surface
800%, whereas fluoroelastomers typically have imperfections in the early stages of strain, lead-
elongation values ranging from 100 to 250%. ing to tensile rupture at lower elongations. Be-
Literally hundreds of compounding ingredi- cause the stress-strain curve is terminated at a
ents are available, including major classes such lower strain, the associated tensile force is au-
as powders (carbon black, clays, silicas), plas- tomatically lower as well, and thus nonstandard
ticizers (petroleum-base, vegetable, synthetic), specimens seem to display lower values of elon-
and curatives (reactive chemicals that change the gation and tensile strength than lab specimens of
gummy mixture into a firm, stable elastomer). A identical material.
rubber formulation can contain from four or five Vulcanization. Differences in test results be-
ingredients to 20 or more. The number, type, and tween lab specimens and specimens cut from ac-
level of ingredients can be used to change dra- tual parts may also be caused partly by another
matically the properties of the resulting com- variable—the level of vulcanization of the elas-
pound, even if the polymer base remains exactly tomer, also called its “state of cure.” It is difficult
the same. to determine whether or not the state of cure for
Thus, the same base material—polychloro- a lab specimen is truly the same as that for a
prene (widely known as neoprene), for exam- specimen cut from a large article.
ple—can be used by the rubber chemist to make Vulcanization, which is the formation of
compounds as soft as a baby-bottle nipple or as chemical crosslinks between the long chains of
hard as a hockey puck, with tensile strengths the polymer molecules, is usually accomplished
ranging from less than 6.9 MPa (1.0 ksi) to more through exposure to some level of heat over
than 20.7 MPa (3.0 ksi) and elongation values time. Although different thermal cycles may
from 150 to 600%. Considering the wide vari- yield rubber articles that appear and feel the
eties of starting polymers and ingredient same, their properties can vary appreciably. The
choices, it is understandable that extremely various tensile properties will change in differ-
broad contrasts in properties are found among ent degrees with increasing thermal treatment,
elastomers. so that there is seldom an optimum state of cure
Specimen Preparation. In addition, tensile in the sense of all of the compound properties
properties of elastomers are sensitive to factors reaching their ideal levels simultaneously. For
involved in specimen preparation. The majority instance, tensile strength may reach a maximum
of the time, specimens are cut from molded following some particular curing cycle, whereas
sheets of rubber. This is done using sharpened elongation at that point is well along a steeply
dies of a specific dumbbell shape, and the decreasing curve.
smoothness and sharpness of the die are impor- Thus, the optimum curing cycle for molding
tant. Any nick or tiny tear along the edge of the of a given compound must be determined
cut specimen can act as a crack initiator and lead through various means too diverse to be ex-
to premature failure of the specimen. Inappro- plained here, and that curing cycle must then be
priately low levels of ultimate tensile strength used consistently for test specimens made of that
158 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

compound. Otherwise, differences in tensile ASTM Standard D 412

properties that do not truly relate to any real dif-
ference in the formulation will very likely be The official standard for tensile testing of
observed. elastomers is ASTM D 412 (Ref 2). It specifies
At times, a compound will be tested at its nor- two principal varieties of specimens: the more
mal cure level, and then a second set of samples commonly used dumbbell-type die cut from a
not only will be molded with the standard curing standard test slab 150 by 150 by 20 mm (6 by 6
cycle, but will then undergo an additional phase by 0.8 in.), and actual molded rings of rubber.
of high-temperature exposure prior to thermal The second type was standardized for use by the
testing. This thermal aging, usually done in an O-ring industry. For both varieties, several pos-
oven at a combination of temperature and time sible sizes are permitted, although, again, more
appropriate to the particular type of elastomer, tests are run on one of the dumbbell specimens
will result in definite changes in the polymer ma- (cut using the Die C shape described in ASTM
trix. D 412) than on all other types combined.
Such changes are reflected in alteration of the Straight specimens are also permitted, but their
tensile-test results. Reduction in elongation is use is discouraged because of a pronounced ten-
typical, but ultimate tensile strength may in- dency to break at the grip points, which makes
crease or decrease. The degree of change of ten- the results less reliable. Unless otherwise spec-
ified, the standard temperature for testing elas-
sile properties resulting from thermal aging is
tomer specimens is 23 Ⳳ 2 ⬚C (73.4 Ⳳ 3.6 ⬚F).
frequently used as an indicator of the com-
The power-driven equipment used for testing
pound’s ability to withstand aging and/or lower is described, including details such as the jaws
thermal exposure over long time periods. One used to grip the specimen, temperature-con-
rule of thumb is that the time required at a given trolled test chambers when needed, and the
temperature for a compound’s tensile strength to crosshead speed of 500 mm/min (20 in./min).
drop to about half its original level represents The testing machine must be capable of mea-
the functional life of the compound at that tem- suring the applied force within 2%, and a cali-
perature. bration procedure is described. Various other
A more subtle effect on standard test results details, such as die-cutting procedures and de-
is the effect of time delay between vulcanization scriptions of fixtures, are also provided.
and testing of the elastomer. Various complex The method for determining actual elongation
processes continue to take place in the polymeric can be visual, mechanical, or optical, but is re-
matrix for some time after molding is com- quired to be accurate within 10% increments. In
pleted, which can affect tensile properties. the original visual technique, the machine op-
Therefore, normal procedures call for a mini- erator simply held a scale behind or alongside
mum delay of 8 h between molding and testing. the specimen as it was being stretched and noted
However, in certain production situations for the progressive change in the distance between
which such a delay is not tolerable, a correlation two lines marked on the center length of the dog-
could be developed between “warm testing” re- bone shape. The degree of precision that could
sults—i.e., from tests run within a short time of be attained using a hand-held ruler behind a
the sample being vulcanized—and those from piece of rubber being stretched at a rate of over
standard procedures. 75 mm/s (3 in./s) was always open to question,
Test Temperature. Aside from the types of with 10% being an optimistic estimate.
More recent technology employs extensome-
specimen-preparation effects mentioned above,
ters, which are comprised of pairs of very light
there are also significant effects from differing
grips that are clamped onto the specimen and
test conditions. The great bulk of testing is done whose motion is then measured to determine ac-
at room temperature and a standard rate of elon- tual material elongation. The newest technology
gation, but occasionally special conditions will involves optical methods, in which highly con-
be called for. For instance, knowledge of tensile trasting marks on the specimen are tracked by
strength at some elevated temperature is some- scanning devices, with the material elongation
times desired. Raising or lowering test tempera- again being determined by the relative changes
ture usually has an inverse effect on tensile in the reference marks.
strength that can be very substantial, changing it Normal procedure calls for three specimens
by a factor of two or more. to be tested from each compound, with the me-
Tensile Testing of Elastomers / 159

dian figure being reported. Provision is also the meaning of tensile strength of other materials
made for use of five specimens on some occa- such as metals. Whereas tensile strength of a
sions, with the median again being used. metal may be validly and directly used for a va-
Techniques for calculating the tensile stress, riety of design purposes, this is not true for elas-
tensile strength, and elongation are described for tomers. As stated early in ASTM D 412, “Ten-
the different types of test specimens. The com- sile properties may or may not be directly related
mon practice of using the unstressed cross-sec- to the end use performance of the product be-
tional area for calculation of tensile strength is cause of the wide range of performance require-
used for elastomers as it is for many other ma- ments in actual use.” In fact, it is very seldom if
terials. It is interesting to note that if the actual ever that a given high level of tensile strength
cross-sectional area at fracture is used to calcu- of a compound can be used as evidence that the
late true tensile strength of an elastomer, values compound is fit for some particular application.
that are higher by orders of magnitude are ob- It is important to note that the tensile prop-
tained. erties of elastomers are determined by a single
Test Method Precision. In recent years, at- application of progressive strain to a previously
tention has been given to estimating the preci- unstressed specimen to the point of rupture,
sion and reproducibility of the data generated in which results in a stress-strain curve of some
this type of testing. Interlaboratory test compar- particular shape. The degree of nonlinearity and
isons involving up to ten different facilities have in fact complexity of that curve will vary sub-
been run, and the later versions of ASTM D 412 stantially from compound to compound.
contain the information gathered. In Fig. 1, tensile-test curves from five very
Variability of the data for any given com- different compounds, covering a range of base
pound is to some degree related to that particular polymer types and hardnesses, are displayed.
formulation. When testing was performed on The contrasts in properties are clearly visible,
three different compounds of very divergent such as the high elongation (⬎700%) of the soft
types and property levels, the pooled value for natural rubber compound compared with the
much lower (about 275%) elongation of a soft
repeatability of tensile-strength determinations
fluorosilicone compound. Tensile strengths as
within labs was about 6%, whereas reproduci-
low as 2.4 MPa (350 psi) and as high as 15.5
bility between labs was much less precise, at
MPa (2.25 ksi) are observed. Different shapes in
about 18%. Comparable figures for ultimate
the curves can be seen, most noticeably in the
elongation were approximately 9% (intralab) pronounced curvature of the natural rubber com-
and 14% (interlab). pound.
Surprisingly, the same comparisons for M- Figure 2 demonstrates that, even within a sin-
100 (100% modulus) showed much less preci- gle elastomer type, contrasting tensile-property
sion, with intralab variation of almost 20% and responses will exist. All four of the compounds
interlab variation of over 31%. The theory had tested were based on polychloroprene, covering
been held for some time that, because tensile a reasonably broad range of hardnesses, 40 to 70
strength and ultimate elongation are failure Shore A Durometer. Contrasts are again seen,
properties, and as such are profoundly affected but more in elongation levels than in final tensile
by details of specimen preparation, tensile mod- strength. Two of the compounds are at the same
ulus figures would be more narrowly distributed. Durometer level, and still display a noticeable
Because the data given above clearly do not sup- difference between their respective stress-strain
port such a theory, some other factor must be at curves. This shows how the use of differing in-
work. Possibly it is the lack of precision with gredients in similar formulas can result in some
which the 100% strain point is observed, but in properties being the same or nearly the same
any case it was important to determine the actual whereas others vary substantially.
relationship between the precision levels of the It should be noted that successive strains to
different property measurements. points just short of rupture for any given com-
pound will yield a series of progressively dif-
ferent stress-strain curves; therefore, the tensile-
Significance and strength rating of a compound would certainly
Use of Tensile-Testing Data change depending on how it was flexed prior to
final fracture.
Tensile Strength. The meaning of tensile Thus, the real meaning of rubber tensile
strength of elastomers must not be confused with strength as determined using the official proce-
160 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

dures is open to some question. However, some (3.0 ksi) or higher when compounded using
minimum level of tensile strength is often used good technical practice.
as a criterion of basic compound quality, be- In many cases, use of legitimate compounding
cause the excessive use of inexpensive ingredi- techniques to optimize specific performance
ents to fill out a formulation and lower the cost characteristics will result in neoprene com-
of the compound will dilute the polymer to the pounds whose tensile strengths range from 10.3
point that tensile strength decreases noticeably. to 17.2 MPa (1.5 to 2.5 ksi). The fact that the
For example, neoprene compounds are capable range has a lower end well below 20.7 MPa (3.0
of achieving tensile strengths up to 20.7 MPa ksi) does not in any way imply that the com-

Fig. 1 Tensile-test curves for five different elastomer compounds

Fig. 2 Tensile-test curves for four polychloroprene compounds

Tensile Testing of Elastomers / 161

pounds are deficient in some sense, but it is gen- strain. However, if an engineer really needs to
erally accepted that a tensile strength of a neo- understand what forces will be required to de-
prene compound below 10.3 MPa (1.5 ksi) is form the elastomer in a small region about that
evidence that the compound is low in polymer strain, he or she would be better off drawing a
content and therefore its ability to provide good line tangent to the curve at the specific level of
performance over time is questionable. strain, and using the slope of that line to deter-
Various specifications on elastomers, includ- mine the approximate ratio of stress to strain in
ing government and industrial standards, call for that region. This technique can be utilized in re-
minimum tensile strengths at different levels for gard to actual elastomeric components as well
different types of polymers. Such minima range as lab specimens.
from perhaps 4.8 MPa (700 psi) for silicones to Tension set is used as a rough measurement
over 21 MPa (3.0 ksi) for urethanes. of the compound’s tolerance of high strain. This
Because elastomeric elements are hardly ever property is not tested very often, but for some
used in tension, tensile strength of compounds particular applications such a test is considered
is not a useful property measurement for pre- useful. It could also be used as a quality-control
dicting performance. Also, because tensile measure or compound development tool, but
strength does not correlate with other important most of the types of changes it will detect in a
characteristics such as stress relaxation and fa- compound will also show up in tests of tensile
tigue resistance, it is principally used as a qual- strength, elongation, and other properties, and so
ity-control parameter relating to consistency. its use remains infrequent.
Elongation is the unique defining property of
elastomers, and its meaning is somewhat more
applicable to end uses. However, because ser-
vice conditions normally do not require the Summary
rubber to stretch to any significant fraction of its
ultimate elongative capacity, ultimate elongation Tensile properties of elastomers vary widely,
still does not provide a precise indication of depending on the particular formulation, and
serviceability. scatter both within and between laboratories is
It is commonly accepted that as the elongation appreciable compared with scatter in tensile test-
of a compound declines, that material’s ability ing of metal alloys. ASTM D 412 is the defining
to tolerate strain, including repetitive strain, gen- specification, and presents detailed instructions
erally decreases. Thus, if two compounds based on specimen preparation, equipment, test con-
on the same elastomer but having quite contrast- ditions, etc. The meaning of the data is compar-
ing elongation values are compared in fatigue atively limited in regard to the utility of any
properties when both are subjected to equal compound for a specific application. Tensile-test
strain levels, the formula with the higher elon- data are used effectively as quality-control pa-
gation might well be expected to have the longer rameters and general development tools for the
life. rubber technologist.
Just as with tensile strength, certain minimum
levels of ultimate elongation are often called out
in specifications for elastomers. The particular ACKNOWLEDGMENT
elongation required will relate to the type of
polymer being used and the stiffness of the com- This chapter was adapted from R.J. Del Vec-
pound. For example, a comparatively hard (80 chio, Tensile Testing of Elastomers, Tensile Test-
Durometer) fluoroelastomer might have a re- ing, P. Han, Ed., ASM International, 1992, p
quirement of only 125% elongation, whereas a 135–146
soft (30 Durometer) natural rubber might have
a minimum required elongation of at least 400%.
Tensile modulus, better described as the REFERENCES
stress required to achieve a defined strain, is a
measurement of a compound’s stiffness. When 1. R. Tuszynski, Elastomers, Engineered Ma-
the stress-strain curve of an elastomer is drawn, terials Handbook, Desk Edition, ASM Inter-
it can be seen that the tensile modulus is actually national, 1995, p 282–286
a secant modulus—that is, a line drawn from the 2. ASTM D 412, “Standard Test Methods for
graph’s origin straight to the point of the specific Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elas-
162 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

tomers—Tension,” Annual Book of ASTM ● A.N. Gent, Ed., Engineering with Rubber,
Standards, Vol 09.01, ASTM International Hanser Publishers, 1992
● W.F. Harrington, Elastomeric Adhesives,
Engineered Materials Handbook, Vol 3, Ad-
SELECTED REFERENCES hesives and Sealants, ASM International,
1990, p 143–150
● A.K. Bhowmick and H.L. Stephens, Ed., ● J.E. Mark, B. Erman, and F.R. Eirich, Ed.,
Handbook of Elastomers, 2nd ed., Marcel Science and Technology of Rubber, 2nd ed.,
Dekker, 2000 Academic Press, 1994
● A.K. Bhowmick, M.M. Hall, and H.A. Ben- ● B.M. Walker and C.P. Rader, Ed., Handbook
arey, Ed., Rubber Products Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Elastomers, 2nd ed., Van
Technology, Marcel Dekker, 1994 Nostrand Reinhold, 1988
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p163-182 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p163 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing of Ceramics and

Ceramic-Matrix Composites

THE ADVANCED CERAMIC MATERIALS ulus), high hardness, low thermal expansion,
described in this chapter include both noncom- low density, chemical stability, thermal stability,
posite, or monolithic, ceramics (for example, and good electromagnetic properties (which are
oxides, carbides, nitrides, and borides) and ce- important for electromagnetic windows and
ramic-matrix composites (CMCs). Ceramic-ma- electronic materials). The combination of low
trix composites can be broadly classified into density, high stiffness, high strength and tough-
two types: discontinuously reinforced CMCs ness (in composites), high use temperature, and
(for example, particulate- or whisker-reinforced chemical stability make some ceramics and
materials) and continuous fiber-reinforced ma- CMCs most appealing as high-temperature
terials. These advanced ceramic materials ex- structural materials. In such applications, these
hibit superior mechanical properties, corrosion/ materials can be expected to have properties
oxidation resistance, or electrical, optical, and/ such as stiffness-to-weight and strength-to-
or magnetic properties when compared to weight ratios that far surpass those achievable
traditional ceramics (ceramics products that use with competitive materials such as superalloys
clay or have a significant clay component in the or intermetallics (for example, NiAl).

Intrinsic Limitations of Ceramics

Rationale for Use of Ceramics
Unfortunately, some of the desirable intrinsic
Advanced ceramics have been shown to have properties of ceramics also lead to some highly
significant potential as structural materials. This undesirable characteristics. The most significant
is especially true for various specialized appli- of these derives from the ionic/covalent bonding
cations—particularly those involving high use typical of most ceramics, which severely limits
temperatures. Ceramic materials have several plastic deformation. This limited plasticity
real or potential advantages for such specialized greatly reduces the energy absorbed during frac-
applications that make them very appealing and ture. The fracture energy then approaches the
possibly very competitive with existing struc- very low values of the cleavage energy. The low
tural materials. These advantages include the fracture energy or fracture toughness further re-
fact that ceramics can be made from noncritical sults in several undesirable traits. Monolithic ce-
raw materials (for example, aluminum, boron, ramics are typically flaw-sensitive, failing as a
carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silica, and so on), in result of defects that are undetectable by con-
contrast to the scarce materials (nickel, cobalt, ventional NDE techniques. The same flaw sen-
chromium, niobium, and so on) required for sitivity also gives rise to great variability in
high-temperature superalloys. Another advan- strength, as a result of variations in the flaw
tage is a potential for low cost, based in part on population, and thus very low values of design
low-cost raw materials. Other advantages are strength. The low fracture energy also implies
based on the intrinsic properties characteristic of that monolithic ceramics will typically fail cat-
ceramics, including high stiffness (elastic mod- astrophically—i.e., they will exhibit no stable
164 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

crack propagation below the critical stress-inten- tests on advanced monolithic ceramics and
sity value, KIc. The effect here is most severe CMCs. These include:
with respect to the tensile properties of ceramics.
● Effects of flaw type and location on tensile
Ceramics typically are much higher in compres-
sive strength than in tensile strength, and do not tests
● Separation of flaw populations
fail in shear modes, because KIIc and KIIIc are
● Design strength and scale effects
much higher than KIc.
● Lifetime predictions and environmental ef-
As a result of the severe flaw sensitivity, lack
of plastic deformation and relatively high stiff- fects
ness of ceramics, the tensile strengths of ceram-
ics are typically measured indirectly, rather than Effects of Flaw Type and
in direct tensile tests, as is common for other Location on Tensile Tests
engineering materials. The results of direct ten- One of the complications of tensile testing is
sile tests are relatively clear, assuming that fail- the physical location of the flaws that lead to
ure occurs in appropriate locations and modes. failure. Most ceramics (and other materials) con-
In that case, the strength value derived from a tain both surface and volume flaws. Surface
direct uniaxial tensile test reflects the true tensile flaws typically result from finishing operations
strength of the material. For most ceramics, and/or damage during service (for example,
however, “tensile” strength is measured indi- damage by foreign objects). Volume flaws typ-
rectly by one of two types of flexural or bending ically are intrinsic to the material microstructure
tests. In these tests, the specimen is subjected to or are processing defects (voids, inclusions,
a complex stress state including tension, com- etc.). It is important that any “tensile” test char-
pression, shear, and significant stress gradients. acterize the effects of all of these defects (or at
In interpreting the results of these flexure tests, least the most severe in terms of performance)
the maximum tensile stress present in the spec- on strength. Unfortunately, many of the indirect
imen at failure is usually reported as the “ten- tensile tests, including flexure tests, produce se-
sile” strength of the ceramic. Although such test- vere stress gradients that may bias failure toward
ing is straightforward, and calculation of the one type of flaw, most typically toward surface
failure stress simple, many complications are in- defects. Thus a flexure test on a ceramic material
volved. This is particularly true with fiber-re- may detect primarily the flaws associated with
inforced CMCs, for which the results can be the machining required to produce the test spec-
very misleading in terms of the true tensile imen, rather than the volume flaws associated
strength of the material tested. with the processing of the material. It is quite
In addition to the widely used flexure tests important here, in trying to assess the “tensile”
(three-point, or modulus of rupture, and four- strength of a material, to be aware of these dif-
point), there are also other indirect tensile tests, ferent flaw types and locations, and their effects
each with its advantages and disadvantages, as on the results of different test procedures.
will be discussed. Most of these tests have been
developed with the intention of overcoming
Separation of Flaw Populations
some of the difficulties associated with direct
tensile tests or the complications inherent in Assessment of the importance of different
flexure tests. In addition, especially in recent types and locations of flaws ideally is based on
years, some modifications of tensile-test fixtures identification of the actual flaw types using frac-
and specimens have become available, which tography (Ref 1, 2). This is generally a time-
make direct tensile testing of some ceramics consuming and sometimes very difficult task, es-
more tractable. pecially if scanning electron microscopy is
required. An alternative although less determin-
istic approach is to use data-analysis procedures
suitable for separating multimodal distributions
Overview of Important of strength data into their constituent parts. In
Considerations for Tensile some cases, this can be done effectively, al-
Testing of Advanced Ceramics though some uncertainties are always associated
with this purely mathematical approach to sepa-
There are four key considerations that must rating the effects of different flaw populations in
be taken into account when carrying out tensile a material.
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 165

Fractography, as performed on ceramics and dicting the performance of larger components, it

some ceramic composites, is typically done us- is necessary to account for the scale effect on
ing reflected light microscopy for the larger strength. This is typically done through the use
flaws, but more often requires scanning electron of Weibull strength distributions, which were
microscopy for resolution of the small flaws (10 developed in the 1940s (Ref 3–5) and have since
to 30 lm, or 0.39 to 1.2 mils) that are typical of been widely used for characterizing a variety of
monolithic ceramics. Recommended procedures material and component properties. Note that
for fractographic analysis are outlined in ASTM variations in size between laboratory test speci-
C 1322, “Standard Practice for Fractography and mens and actual components can be quite large,
Characterization of Fracture Origins in Ad- with very large effects on design strengths. The
vanced Ceramics.” difference in stressed volume between a metal
Many data-analysis procedures for character- tensile-test specimen and a solid-fuel rocket-mo-
izing strength distributions can be found in the tor casing, and the difference in gage length be-
applied mathematics and statistics literature. tween a laboratory tensile-test specimen of an
Commercial computer programs that perform optical fiber and a transatlantic communication
some types of data analysis are widely available, cable, both may be on the order of 106. Because
although there are some pitfalls here as well. testing of actual components in these and other
Different techniques for fitting the same distri- cases is clearly impractical, accurate and con-
bution function to a set of data can produce dif- servative techniques for predicting such scale ef-
ferent results for both the function’s parameters fects on strength and other significant properties
and the errors in the parameters. These differ- are essential.
ences can then lead to problems with the use of
the strength data, such as with lifetime predic- Lifetime Predictions and
tions, predictions of failure probabilities, or es- Environmental Effects
timates of scale effects on strength. An issue that is also related to the nature of
flaw and strength distributions is the prediction
Design Strength and Scale Effects of component lifetimes from initial strength dis-
For ceramics, determination of design tributions and knowledge of service conditions.
strength and prediction of scale effects are two This relies even more heavily on accurate
of the most important uses of strength data and knowledge of the nature of the initial flaw dis-
thus two of the most important reasons for per- tribution, because the nature of subsequent de-
layed failure depends strongly on the type and
forming some type of tensile testing and the as-
location of the initial flaw that leads to failure.
sociated data analysis. For the designer, one of
Surface flaws can easily react with the environ-
the key requirements is the specification of de- ment, leading to delayed failure in modes such
sign strength as a function of service conditions as stress-corrosion cracking. Volume flaws may
(temperature and environment) and time. Pre- be stable and may not lead to delayed failure
sumably, the designer can specify quite accu- under long-term loading. However, such flaws
rately these service conditions (stress, tempera- may also react with the remainder of the mate-
ture, and so on) as well as the desired lifetime rial—for instance, with an inclusion that differs
of the component. Thus, accurate and hopefully chemically from the rest of the material—or may
conservative design-strength values can be in- react with the environment diffusing into the
corporated into design codes to help ensure that bulk of the material. Such changes in volume
components will perform as desired. flaws may subsequently lead to failure of the
One aspect of the design process that is more material. It is clearly important to have detailed
significant for ceramics than for other, less brit- knowledge of the nature of the initial flaw popu-
tle materials is the effect of specimen or com- lation, the manner in which the flaws evolve dur-
ponent size on strength. The qualitative effect ing service, how they interact with the service
here is that larger specimens or components, on environment and the applied loads, and which
average, will have lower strengths and less scat- of them control the service life of the material.
ter in strength values than small specimens. This
results from presence in the larger components
of greater numbers of flaws and a greater prob- Tensile Testing Techniques
ability of the presence of more severe flaws. If
design-strength data based on testing of rela- Tensile testing techniques, as applied to ce-
tively small specimens are to be used for pre- ramics and CMCs, fall into four basic categories,
166 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

each of which has its own advantages, problems, where actual components are not surface fin-
and complications. These categories are: ished.
The other type of specimen normally used is
● True direct uniaxial tensile tests at ambient
a cylindrical specimen (Fig. 1b and 2), typically
with a reduced gage section and ends machined
● Indirect tensile tests (for example, three- and
to suit some gripping arrangement. Such speci-
four-point flexural tests)
mens are typically prepared (in the case of met-
● Other tests where failure is presumed to re-
als and polymers) by machining to the desired
sult from tensile stresses
shape on a template-controlled profile lathe. In
● High-temperature tensile tests
the case of ceramics and CMCs, the analogous
Applicable standards for some of these tests in- procedure uses diamond grinding in the same
clude: mode to produce a cylindrical specimen of the
desired shape. Again, it is possible, and some-
● ASTM C 1273, “Standard Test Method for times desirable, to produce such specimens di-
Tensile Strength of Monolithic Advanced rectly by a molding process, or by machining in
Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures” the green state prior to firing, when an as-fired
● ASTM C 1275, “Standard Test Method for
surface finish is appropriate for testing.
Monotonic Tensile Behavior of Continuous Gripping and Load Transfer in Direct Ten-
Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with sile Tests. Gripping of both flat and cylindrical
Solid Rectangular Cross-Section Test Spec- specimens can be accomplished in various man-
imens at Ambient Temperature” ners, depending on the particular material being
● ASTM C 1161, “Standard Test Method of
tested. Success in using various gripping tech-
Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at niques will depend on the relative values of ten-
Ambient Temperature” sile strength, shear strength, hardness, and so on,
● ASTM C 1211, “Standard Test Method for
of the material being tested. The dog-bone spec-
Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics at imens can be gripped in conventional mechani-
Elevated Temperatures” cal grips (Fig. 3a) or hydraulic or pneumatic
grips (Fig. 3b), using friction alone to transmit
Direct Tensile Tests the load to the specimen. Conventional mechan-
In terms of analysis of test results, the most ical wedge-action grips (Fig. 3c) can also be
straightforward tests are the direct tensile tests used successfully in some cases, although the
covered in ASTM C 1273 and C 1275. In these high and uncontrollable clamping pressure may
tests, the gage length of the specimen is nomi- result in crushing or shear failure in the grip sec-
nally in a state of uniaxial tensile stress. Con- tion for some materials. Pneumatic or hydraulic
sequently, both the volume and surface of the grips are generally preferable, because the grip-
gage length are subject to the same simple stress ping pressure can be controlled precisely, and
state, which is assumed to be constant through- because deformation of the specimen does not
out the gage volume; that is, it is normally as- produce any change in the gripping pressure.
sumed that both the surface and the volume of The success in load transfer through friction
the gage section of the test specimen are sub- depends on achieving a reasonable friction co-
jected to a state of uniform uniaxial tension. efficient between the specimen and the grip
Test Specimen Geometries. There are two faces without causing the specimen to fail in
basic types of tensile specimen geometries. One compression. As an illustration of this, consider
type of specimen that can be prepared using gripping a cylindrical aluminum oxide specimen
readily available machine tools is the flat or with a 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) diameter in the gage
“dog-bone” specimen shown in Fig. 1(a) and section and a 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) diameter smooth
Fig. 2. Such specimens can be prepared readily shank. If the tensile strength is assumed to be
using milling machines with carbide tooling for approximately 350 MPa (50 ksi), a tensile test
some materials and diamond tooling for others. will require a load of 10,900 N (2450 lbf ) to
It is also feasible, in some cases, to mold spec- fracture the specimen. With a coefficient of fric-
imens directly into the desired shape (for ex- tion of 0.13 between the specimen and the grip
ample, by injection molding), which permits faces, the lateral clamping force would have to
testing of materials with as-fabricated surfaces. be 83,980 N, or 18,880 lbf. This clamping force
These may be preferable to the machined sur- is easily achievable with commercially available
faces typical of specimens prepared by grinding, hydraulic grips.
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 167

The compressive stress on the shank of the possible because of limitations in the material,
specimen is based on the area of the specimen the use of frictional gripping may not be appro-
surface inserted into the grip. For this example, priate.
if the specimen is inserted into the grip to a depth The problems of frictional gripping are gen-
of 25 mm (1 in.), the compressive stress is about erally severe for most ceramics, which typically
83 MPa (12 ksi), or well within the capability of have high hardnesses and low friction coeffi-
the material. cients against other hard materials. This gripping
It is very important to verify that the specimen technique is also particularly difficult with some
geometry of the material being tested is appro- fiber-reinforced CMCs, which combine high
priate for that material’s strength. A combination tensile strength, high hardness, and low shear
of reducing the cross-sectional area of the gage strength. The problems are doubly complicated
section and increasing the length of insertion for the CMCs because the low shear strength
into the grips may be necessary to allow fric- limits the load transfer, as well as providing the
tional gripping on some ceramic materials. If possibility of shear failure in the grip section at
these specimen geometry enhancements are not high gripping pressures. There is a relatively

Fig. 1 Specimen configurations for direct tensile testing of advanced ceramics. (a) Flat plate or “dog-bone” direct tensile specimen
with large ends for gripping and reduced gage section. (b) Cylindrical tensile specimen with straight ends for collet grips and
reduced gage section. Tapers and radii at corners of both specimens may be critical, as is machining finish. See Fig. 2 for examples of
more complex specimen geometries.
168 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

simple technique for minimizing these problems Load transfer for flat plate or dog-bone spec-
with CMCs, namely the use of large ratios of imens can also be effected by means of pins in-
grip area to gage section cross-sectional area; serted through the grip section of the specimen
however, this technique introduces other prob- (Fig. 3d), or such pinned ends can be combined
lems as well, primarily in terms of the effects of with frictional gripping. Load transfer through
machining damage on the relatively large sur- pins requires, again, a balance between the load
face area of the gage section versus the intrinsic that can be transmitted through the bearing area,
flaws in the relatively small volume of a highly rbAb, and the load required to produce tensile
reduced gage section. failure, r • Agage. In most cases, this requires the
Gripping of cylindrical specimens can also be use of multiple pins for load transfer. The use of
done by means of friction, using wedge-type or multiple pins requires great precision both in the
collet grips, but this involves the same problems test apparatus and in machining of the specimen
as those detailed above, plus the additional dif- (precise hole location and diameter to ensure
ficulties of requiring precise machining of spec- equal distribution of loading).
imen ends to mate with collets, and strict re- One approach sometimes taken to overcome
quirements in regard to specimen straightness. some of these difficulties in specimen gripping
In the case of tapered specimen ends, which are and load transfer is bonding of the ceramic or
used to increase load transfer, or in the case of composite specimen to grips of a more forgiving
the buttonhead specimen discussed below, ma- material. A low-shear-strength, high-tensile-
chining can be even more critical. strength, unidirectional CMC specimen can be

Fig. 2 Tensile specimens used for monolithic ceramics (each is in correct proportion to the others); all dimensions in mm. Upper
row for round specimens; lower row for flat specimens. Source: G.D. Quinn, NIST
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 169

bonded to metallic grips that are a good match The last technique to be discussed here is one
for the CMC in terms of Young’s modulus (to that has come into use in commercial test fix-
minimize stress concentration). Provided that tures for tensile testing of ceramics, based on a
sufficient gripping area is available for load system developed by personnel at Oak Ridge
transfer through the adhesive, there is then little National Laboratory (Ref 6–8). These test fix-
difficulty in applying load by conventional tures utilize complex systems for eliminating
means to the now-metallic gripping area of the some of the major sources of errors in tensile
specimen (note that conventional epoxy adhe- testing of ceramics with low strains to failure.
sives have shear strengths that exceed those of Both use what is referred to as a “buttonhead”
some continuous-fiber CMCs). This procedure, specimen (see Fig. 3e), to which the load is
which works very well, unfortunately is not use- transferred through enlarged regions on the
ful for the more important high-temperature ten- specimen ends. Although these specimens have
sile tests, as will be discussed later. operational advantages, such as minimal re-

Fig. 3 Gripping systems for direct tensile tests. (a) Mechanical grips with screw clamping. (b) Pneumatic (or hydraulic) grips with
force applied through lever arrangement and pneumatic pressure, ensuring constant clamping force. (c) Wedge-action, self-
tightening mechanical grips; clamping pressure is roughly proportional to the tensile load in the specimen. (d) Pinned grips with load
transfer by means of pins through grip and specimen. (e) Specimen configuration (buttonhead) for self-aligning commercial grip systems
(all dimensions in millimeters; ground surface finish, 2 to 3 lm).
170 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

quirements for specimen alignment in the test in load application (see Fig. 4), which lead to a
fixtures, there are severe restrictions on the combined state of tension and bending in the test
amount of load that can be transmitted through specimen. The large magnitudes of the parasitic
the buttonhead. The result has been that this type bending stresses, even for small degrees of mis-
of gripping/load transfer has been very success- alignment, result in significant errors in the cal-
ful with materials of moderate tensile strength, culated tensile stress (based on a state of pure
and with long-term, low-stress tests such as tension). However, the use of various types of
creep and stress-rupture tests, but tends to fail self-aligning grips, together with appropriate
for materials with high tensile strengths. Theo- specimen geometries and careful specimen prep-
retical analysis of the requirements and limita- aration, have largely eliminated these errors (Ref
tions of this test are extremely difficult, as a re- 8). The current self-aligning grips, available
sult of the complex contact-stress problem at the from the two major testing-machine manufac-
buttonhead/grip interface. Thus, little guidance, turers, use compact hydraulic systems to accom-
aside from practical experience, can be utilized plish the same effect previously achieved
for determining when this type of test will be through large and costly gas-bearing tensile-test
successful, and when the large investment in the fixtures. The only difficulties with these grip
grips themselves is appropriate. systems are noted above, involving specimen
Experimental Problems and Errors. One preparation, testing of high-strength materials,
major source of error that is inherent in direct and the relatively high cost of the grips.
tensile tests has been eliminated to a major ex- To some extent, the testing problems for cer-
tent by the introduction of self-aligning grip sys- tain continuous-fiber CMCs have been allevi-
tems. This error is associated with eccentricities ated. This is particularly true for those CMCs

Fig. 4 Errors in tensile testing derived from load applied off-center and at angle to centerline of gage section; errors for two effects
combined are roughly additive.
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 171

that have relatively high strain to failure (for ce- are also amenable to use at high temperatures,
ramics) and relatively low modulus. In many without the great complications that accompany
cases, the simple gripping techniques used for the use of conventional tensile-testing fixtures
metals and polymers will suffice for such CMCs, and procedures. The primary disadvantages of
and few special precautions need to be taken, the theta and trussed beam specimens are the
aside from ensuring sufficient gripping area rela- difficulty of machining them, especially with re-
tive to the cross-sectional area of the gage sec- spect to the cutouts, and the problem of flaws
tion (see the discussion above on gripping). The introduced through such machining. In some
author has, without great difficulty, performed cases, direct molding of specimens in these con-
tensile tests on conventional dog-bone speci- figurations may be possible, eliminating the ma-
mens of CMCs, using ordinary pneumatic grips chining problem altogether, as well as providing
with smooth grip faces made of materials sintering, rather than machined, external sur-
slightly less hard than the CMC itself (for ex- faces—a possible advantage if actual compo-
ample, aluminum, copper, or silver) and appro- nents are prepared to net shape with no external
priately sized grip and gage areas. Such results surface finishing.
suggest that direct tensile testing of advanced It should be noted that a great many other
CMCs may be far less difficult than testing of similar tests are possible, limited only by the cre-
monolithic ceramics, and may not require the ativity and ability of the experimenter to fabri-
specialized test fixtures and specimens needed cate the test specimen and analyze the stress
for testing of monolithic ceramics. state produced. One such example is shown in
Summary of Direct Tensile Tests. The ad- Fig. 5(c), where a thin layer of material to be
vantages and limitations of direct tensile testing tested is used as the skin on the tensile side of a
of ceramics and ceramic composites are very sandwich beam. The only requirement for de-
clear. The advantages are: termining the tensile stress at failure is knowl-
● Direct measurement of the tensile strength in edge of the elastic properties of the skin and core
a known and simple stress state materials, and assurance that failure occurs first
● Stressing of the entire gage-section volume in the face sheet loaded in tension. The face
and surface, sampling both surface and vol- sheet on the compressive side can be of virtually
ume flaws in the material being tested any high-strength, high-modulus material with
known properties.
The disadvantages and limitations include: Flexure and Other “Tensile” Tests. There
● The need for large specimens (because of the are a great variety of other tests used to char-
need for large gripping areas) acterize the tensile strengths of ceramics and
● Complex and precise specimen machining ceramic composites, where the gage section of
requirements for collet grips and especially the specimen is not in a state of pure, uniaxial
for buttonhead specimens tension, but rather in some combined stress
● The need for relatively expensive (and state. Such tests include the three-point and
bulky) test fixtures and grips four-point flexure tests commonly used for ce-
ramics, diametral compression tests, C-ring
tests, combined-stress-state tests on cylindrical
Indirect Tensile Tests specimens, and various biaxial tests such as
Indirect tensile tests are quite similar, typi- ball-on-ring and ring-on-ring tests. When these
cally involving some complex specimen geom- tests are used to measure tensile strength, it is
etry that induces a state of uniaxial tension in a presumed that there is no effect of combined
portion of a specimen loaded in a fairly simple stresses on failure and that the specimen fails
manner. Two examples are the theta specimen from the largest tensile stress present—that is,
test, which is a variant of the diametral com- the principal tensile stress. Historically, this has
pression test discussed below, and the trussed been a very good assumption for many mono-
beam test, which is similar to the theta specimen lithic ceramics with low toughness, identical
test but involves loading in flexure rather than elastic behavior in tension and compression,
in compression (see Fig. 5a and b). Both of these and essentially linear behavior to failure. How-
tests provide the capability for performing what ever, in the case of many of the tougher ceramic
is very close to a direct tensile test, but without composites, these assumptions are frequently
the need for expensive tensile-test fixtures. Both incorrect. Note, however, that the biaxial tests,
172 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

in some cases, have been used to evaluate the tensile strength. The continuous-fiber CMCs
possible dependence of strength on stress state also exhibit, for unidirectional materials, ex-
in ceramics. tremely low values of shear strength. This poses
For many toughening mechanisms present in the additional problem of possible shear failure
CMCs, such as phase-transformation toughen- in tests where significant shear stresses are pres-
ing, crack bridging, and fiber pullout, the behav- ent, such as the three-point flexure test and the
ior may be stress-state-dependent. In addition, C-ring test. At present, the only solution to this
for many such materials, the behavior in tension problem is the careful monitoring of tests to de-
and the behavior in compression are not equal. termine the actual mode of failure (for example,
The worst case of the latter occurs with some compression, shear, or tension). This has been
continuous ceramic-fiber composites, in which accomplished by means of video and telemi-
the compressive failure stress, as a result of fiber croscopic recording of specimen failure pro-
buckling, may be substantially lower than the cesses.

Fig. 5 Specimens for indirect tensile tests. (a) Theta specimen, which provides uniaxial tension for central member when specimen
is loaded in diametral compression. (b) Trussed beam specimen, which provides approximately uniaxial tension in lower
portion when beam is loaded in four-point bending. (c) Sandwich beam specimen, which loads lower skin in approximately pure
bending with four-point flexural loading of beam.
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 173

In addition to the difficulties encountered in tensile test with lower dilatational stress and no
testing of fiber CMCs, there is the problem of shear.
the effects of shear stresses and combined stress Of these various “tensile” tests, by far the
states on phenomena such as the martensitic most commonly used are the three- and four-
phase transformation used to toughen zirconia point flexure tests. A detailed analysis of the er-
and zirconia-containing composites. This phase rors that occur in the four-point flexure test (the
transformation is primarily a shear transforma- preferred test; see Fig. 6a and 7) has been per-
tion, with substantial volume increase as well. formed (Ref 9, 10), and standards have been de-
Thus, a stress state with a high dilatational stress veloped (Ref 11) for the use of these tests for
and high shear stresses may result in a high de- monolithic ceramics, together with recommen-
gree of phase transformation, with consequent dations for both test-specimen geometry and test
effects on the measured “tensile” stress, in con- fixturing. These will not be repeated here, but
trast to the behavior that might be seen in a direct experience has shown that use of the recom-

Fig. 6 Other “tensile” tests. (a) Four-point flexure test, which loads lower part of central portion of beam in tension, with a stress
gradient in the vertical direction. (b) C-ring test, which provides flexural loading of a segment of a tubular component. (c)
Diametral compression, or “Brazilian,” test, which produces equal tensile and compressive stresses at the center of the specimen loaded
in diametral compression. (d) Cylindrical specimen internally and externally pressurized and mechanically loaded in tension and
compression, which can produce any desired combination of tensile and compressive stresses in the hoop and axial directions.
174 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

mended specimen geometry and test fixtures neutral axis away from the tensile surface and a
provides very good characterization of the ten- redistribution of stresses. In this particular case,
sile strengths of monolithics in which strength use of the conventional beam-bending equations
is controlled by surface flaws. It is also feasible, for maximum tensile stress may produce signifi-
as with some of the other tests noted, to conduct cant errors in the calculated stresses (Ref 12).
such tests at high temperature, using appropriate Another test, which has been used to a lesser
materials for the test fixtures, although many extent, is the C-ring test (Fig. 6b), which is es-
other complications then arise, as will be dis- pecially convenient for testing of materials pro-
cussed subsequently. One difficulty with these duced in the form of thin-wall tubes, such as
flexure tests occurs in the presence of stress gra- ceramic heat exchangers. In such cases, a slice
dients, with maximum stress occurring at the is taken from the tube, with a portion removed
surface, leading to preferential failure from sur- as shown in Fig. 6(b), and is tested in either ten-
face flaws. Another is the presence of shear sion or compression. Testing in tension produces
stresses in regions of the specimen, which is a bending and tensile stresses in the interior of the
problem with some materials relatively weak in specimen, as shown, whereas compressive test-
shear. A third is the presence of compressive ing similarly stresses the exterior of the speci-
stresses as well, which constitute an additional men in tension. Relatively simple test fixturing
problem for materials, as noted, that fail in com- suffices to load the specimen in either case, and
pression first. A last problem, which may be extension to high temperatures is also relatively
handled analytically if sufficient information is simple. This test has been analyzed theoretically
available about material response, is the problem (Ref 13–15), and the results presumably are ac-
of different stress-strain behavior in tension and curate except for the same limitations of the
compression. In the case of the flexure testing of other flexure tests. These include, as above, the
fiber CMCs, matrix microcracking at a low problems of stress gradients, failure from sur-
stress level leads to an effective decrease in face flaws, and the presence of significant shear
modulus in a portion of the tensile region of the stresses. Other tests that have been used for mea-
specimen. This in turn leads to a shift in the suring the “tensile” strengths of ceramics in-

Fig. 7 Flexure strength standard test methods; all dimensions in mm. Source: S. Lampman, ASM International
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 175

clude various biaxial flexure tests (ball-on-ring, tion. These tests require large amounts of ma-
ring-on-ring) (Ref 16–18) that are equivalent to terial, extensive machining of specimens—typ-
the three- and four-point flexure tests. These ically with a profile lathe and diamond toolpost
tests are convenient for materials that normally grinders for ceramics—and elaborate test fixtur-
are available in the appropriate geometries—for ing. The extensive machining that is required, in
example, thin plates or disks. These tests are addition to greatly increasing the cost of testing,
very similar in most ways to the other flexure introduces the potential for failure to be initiated
tests, except that the stress state is roughly equi- by machining-induced flaws, rather than by vol-
biaxial, thus stressing flaws of all orientations, ume flaws produced during processing. Such
rather than only those oriented in the worst di- tests also have severe limitations with regard to
rection relative to the maximum tensile stress, high-temperature testing, as a consequence of
as in a conventional flexure test. the required loading arrangements.
Another type of test that is not widely used in Summary of the Advantages and Limita-
the technical ceramics community, but more so tions of Flexure and Other “Tensile” Tests.
in the geological area and with building mate- The flexural and other indirect “tensile” tests de-
rials, is the diametral compression, or “Brazil- scribed above provide several advantages over
ian,” test, which uses a disk or short cylinder direct tensile tests for ceramic and ceramic com-
loaded in compression across its diameter (see posite specimens. These include:
Fig. 6c). In this test, the maximum tensile
● Simple specimen geometries, minimal spec-
stresses are developed at the center of the spec-
imen, where equal tensile and compressive imen machining and simple test fixturing
stresses are present as shown. In a successful test (flexure, biaxial, diametral compression, and
of this type, the specimen fails by splitting ver- C-ring tests)
● Use of as-fabricated materials (C-ring test)
tically at its center. This test is particularly useful
● Capability for testing various stress states
for materials such as cores from rock sampling,
(flexure for tension, shear; biaxial flexure
test cylinders of concrete, and similar materials.
and cylindrical multiaxial specimens for
Typically, exact interpretation of the results in
combined stress states)
terms of the tensile strength of the material is
difficult, because of the difficulty of determining The particular disadvantages of these indirect
the exact source of failure (from the machined tensile tests include:
surfaces or from the bulk of the material). There
● Extensive specimen preparation for multiax-
is also the problem, for some materials, of the
presence of an equal compressive stress at the ial cylindrical specimens
● Stress gradients and combined stress states
center of the specimen, which leads to the de-
that may affect failure modes, especially in
velopment of very large shear stresses at this
ceramic-matrix composites, or in other ma-
site. Materials with relatively low shear
terials that are relatively weak in shear or
strengths may thus fail first in shear, rather than
exhibit different stress-strain behaviors in
in tension.
tension and compression
Combined-Stress-State Tests Using Mul-
tiaxial Cylindrical Specimens. The last type of
“tensile” test to be discussed in this section is High-Temperature Tensile Tests
the combined-stress-state test employing mul- High-temperature tensile tests pose several
tiaxial cylindrical specimens. These specimens specific difficulties and involve several specific
(Fig. 6d), which can be loaded by various com- requirements for both specimens and test fix-
binations of internal pressure, external pressure, tures. The particular difficulties depend on the
axial tension or compression, and (when de- temperature range involved and the atmosphere
sired) torsion, are well suited to production of in which the test is to be conducted. Depending
almost any desired stress state in the cylinder on the test particulars, suitable types of tests may
wall. As such, they have been used to address include direct tensile tests, four-point flexure
the problem of the failure criteria for brittle ma- tests, and C-ring tests, the last two of which are
terials through systematic variation of the rela- subject to complications resulting from the stress
tive proportions and signs of the principal states involved. Successful use has also been
stresses. However, the major difficulties that are made of the theta specimen test, although this
inherent in both preparation and use of such test has not become particularly popular because
specimens have precluded their wide applica- of the specimen machining involved.
176 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Hot Grip Tests. The complications that in- of approximately 2000 C (3630 F) is possible
volve the test temperature range are associated with molybdenum grips in an inert atmosphere.
with the fixture materials available for transfer Four-Point Flexure Tests. Relatively appeal-
of load to the specimen (assuming that these fix- ing alternatives to direct tensile tests include C-
tures are in the hot zone of the furnace). The ring and four-point flexure tests. Such tests can
alternative, which poses its own set of problems, be readily performed with ceramic fixtures and
is the use of large specimens and grips outside pushrods, permitting testing in a variety of at-
the test furnace. Typical ferrous materials for mospheres at temperatures up to perhaps 1700
grips, pullrods, pushrods, loading anvils, and so C (3090 F). The MTL four-point test fixture,
on, are limited to approximately 1000 to 1200 depicted in Fig. 6(a) and 7, can be duplicated in
C (1830 to 2190 F) because of severe strength a variety of ceramics (for example, alumina for
loss at higher temperatures, as well as chemical the top and bottom anvil supports and pushrods,
problems (reaction, oxidation, etc.). The fixture and sapphire for the loading-anvil rollers) at
materials suitable for higher-temperature use in- relatively low cost. Four-point flexure tests of
clude various superalloys, which can be used at this type can be used quite successfully,
temperatures up to about 1200 C (2190 F), but provided that some of the complications noted
may be expensive, difficult to machine, and sub- previously (for example, differing stress-strain
ject to oxidation. Other, even more exotic ma- behavior in compression and tension, and sig-
terials include molybdenum, TZM (Mo-0.5Ti- nificant effects of shear stresses) do not occur.
0.08Zr-0.03C) thoria-dispersed nickel, and Another complication that may also arise in
carbon or carbon-carbon composites. Some of high-temperature flexure testing of ceramics is
these materials—for example, molybdenum and the presence of large strains and deflections re-
carbon/carbon—can be used at extremely high sulting from increases in ductility or other flow
temperatures (up to about 2000 C, or 3630 F), processes that are operative at high tempera-
but only in vacuum or inert atmospheres. Ce- tures. Such large strains may produce significant
ramics have also been used for high-temperature errors in stress values calculated by the use of
fixtures and grips, and may generally be used in beam-bending theories based on infinitesimal
a range of atmospheres. Unfortunately, some of strains. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, el-
the applications (for example, pullrods) are lim- evated temperature flexure tests have been stan-
ited by the relatively low tensile strengths (200 dardized in ASTM C 1211.
to 400 MPa, or 30 to 60 ksi) of most of the The C-ring test can also be readily used at
available ceramics. The use of ceramics is also high temperatures—particularly if the ring is
limited to temperatures of about 1500 to 1700 loaded in compression by means of appropriate
C (2730 to 3090 F) by the ceramics available ceramic anvils and pushrods (Ref 13, 15). Load-
in suitable forms for test fixtures and grips, such ing in tension with ceramic attachments and
as aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, and silicon pullrods is also possible, because of the rela-
nitride. Finally, the use of ceramic grips and fix- tively low loads required to cause failure via the
turing is severely limited by the difficulties and bending stresses in this test. This particular test
very high cost associated with machining test has, in fact, been used quite successfully in the
fixtures from suitable ceramic materials, which development of ceramics and CMCs for high-
are hard and brittle. temperature heat exchangers, which are fabri-
Direct Tensile Tests. Assuming the desire to cated from relatively thin-wall tubes. Attempts
work with hot grips, or hot fixtures, to avoid to characterize the tensile strengths of such tubes
some of the difficulties associated with cold by testing of machined specimens would lead to
grips, the selection of tests is very limited. Direct very misleading results, because in this case
tensile tests can be performed only up to the specimen strength would be controlled primarily
temperature limitations of the grip materials, as- by machining damage, whereas the strength of
suming that high-temperature-material analogs the actual components, with their as-fabricated
of one of the grip types have been acquired. This surfaces, is controlled by intrinsic defects.
translates into a temperature limitation of about Cold Grip Tests. In the event that it is feasible
1000 C (1830 F) for typical commercial me- to work with either cooled grips (inside the fur-
tallic grips available at reasonable cost. Testing nace), or cold grips (outside the furnace), the
at somewhat higher temperatures can be per- tests that are most suitable are quite different. In
formed, albeit at great cost, with ceramic ana- this case, as shown in Fig. 8, any number of grip
logs of these grips, and testing at temperatures arrangements can be used, in conjunction with
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 177

a long specimen, with the gage section contained furnace, because seals must be provided around
within the hot zone of the test furnace. Several the test specimen where it passes into the fur-
commercial vendors now offer systems that nace. This is not a major problem with hot grip
combine small test furnaces, some with hot tests, where very effective seals (for example,
zones as short as 2.5 to 5 cm (1 to 2 in.), with high-temperature bellows) can be provided at
self-aligning grips (in some cases, water cooled) the points where the pullrods enter the furnace.
for the buttonhead specimens. Similarly, a small Strain Measurement. Historically, measure-
furnace around the gage section of a long, rec- ment of strains has been one of the major prob-
tangular CMC tensile specimen gripped on alu- lems with high-temperature tensile testing of ce-
minum tabs epoxy bonded to the end of the spec- ramics by either direct tensile tests or any of the
imen has also been used. indirect methods. One of the factors contributing
This technique is not without its disadvan- to the difficulty of measuring strains in a high-
tages. It requires large amounts of material for temperature ceramic tensile specimen is the rela-
test specimens, which are typically more than 15 tively low strain-to-failure in ceramics and
cm (5.9 in.) in length, and rather expensive test CMCs. Frequently the maximum tensile strain
fixtures and furnaces (assuming that commercial achieved in monolithics is less than 0.1%, and
equipment is used). Another unavoidable prob- even in the tough-fiber CMCs, the maximum
lem with this cold grip technique, and with the strain may be only 2 to 3%. Measurement of
use of cooled grips in the furnace hot zone, is such small strains is in general a very challeng-
that of thermal gradients in the specimen, and ing task, and more so inside a high-temperature
increased requirements for power in the test fur- test furnace. In the past, the typical techniques
nace, because of the transfer of heat out of the used for “strain” measurements have involved
furnace through the specimen and into the grips. measurement of the over-all travel of the load
The cold grip technique also poses some prob- train outside the test furnace or measurement of
lems with control of the atmosphere inside the the elongation or deformation of the specimen
by means of displacement transducers coupled
to the specimen by refractory rods (Ref 19) (see
Fig. 9). Also available were dual-channel optical
tracking systems capable of tracking two marks
or flags on the specimen, thus providing a non-
contact and highly precise method of measuring

Fig. 9 Schematic diagram illustrating three-probe linear vari-

able differential transformer (LVDT) measurement of
curvature of central portion of four-point flexure system. The
Fig. 8 Schematic illustration of cold grip tensile-testing ar- usual assumption of pure bending between inner load points im-
rangement with long specimen gripped outside of com- plies that the strain is proportional to the curvature of the beam.
pact test furnace; commercial systems in this configuration are The curvature is proportional to the difference in displacements
available for testing in air at temperatures up to about 1700 C as sensed directly by the LVDT (or other displacement trans-
(3100 F). ducer).
178 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the strain in the gage section of the specimen. speckle pattern permit accurate measurement of
However, such optical trackers were extremely the strain in any direction on the surface of the
expensive, rivaling the cost of a complete test specimen. These speckle interferometric strain
machine, and thus were not used extensively. gages are also reasonable in cost, easy to use,
The situation with regard to strain measure- and require, again, only a sight port or small
ment has improved dramatically in recent years, opening in the test furnace.
and several reasonably priced commercial sys- With the two types of laser strain gages and
tems for strain measurement inside high-tem- the high-temperature clip gage, there is now lit-
perature furnaces are now available (Ref 7, 20). tle difficulty in making direct and precise mea-
One such system employs suitable extensions surements of strain in high-temperature tensile
(silica, sapphire, silicon carbide, and so on) to specimens. With some of the other, indirect ten-
the clip gages commonly used to measure strain sile tests, there are also relatively convenient
in ambient-temperature tensile tests. These high- ways of measuring strain. For example, for the
temperature clip gages permit accurate measure- four-point flexure test, a convenient and very ac-
ment of strain in a chosen portion of the test curate way of measuring strain in the central
specimen, requiring only two ports in the side portion of the test specimen is the use of a three-
of the furnace for the extension rods. These di- probe displacement transducer system (see Fig.
rect-contact extensometers are available at mod- 9), which effectively measures the curvature of
erate cost and are capable of measuring displace- the central portion of the beam (which is nor-
ments and strains with extremely high accuracy. mally assumed to be in pure bending where the
Also available are various laser-based strain- strain is proportional to the curvature). Accord-
measurement devices that can be used easily at ingly, strain measurement is not now considered
high temperatures, requiring only a window in to be a significant problem in tensile testing of
the side of the furnace through which the spec- ceramics.
imen can be sighted. These laser systems work Atmosphere Control. Control of the atmo-
in several distinct ways. One commercial system sphere in high-temperature tensile tests of ce-
tracks two flags, as did the optical tracking sys- ramics and CMCs continues to be a significant
tems previously mentioned, but offers laser tech- problem. The situation for test temperatures be-
nology and modern electronics at a cost com- low 1000 to 1200 C (1830 to 2190 F) is trac-
parable to that of the high-temperature clip table, in that hot grips, or cooled grips inside the
gages cited above. The laser systems have the furnace, can be used, with effective seals on the
advantage that the radiation from the hot furnace pullrods and little restriction of atmosphere im-
interior does not interfere with the measurement, posed by the grip materials (for example, oxi-
as it would with an optical tracking system fol- dation of metal grips). However, for tempera-
lowing two marks on a specimen inside a hot tures above 1200 C (2190 F), the problems are
furnace. The normal effect at temperatures severe. The higher-temperature metallic grips
above approximately 1000 C (1830 F) is that (molybdenum) must be used only in inert or re-
everything in the furnace looks the same (color ducing conditions, and grips fabricated from
differences are only a function of emissivity). graphite or carbon-carbon composites must be
With the use of lasers, the sensors can be used under inert conditions (vacuum, argon, and
equipped with narrow band filters that pass only so on). If the application requires testing in ox-
the laser wavelength. Additionally, the laser sig- idizing conditions, as would be the case for gas
nal can be modulated, with the sensors detecting turbine or hypersonic airframe materials, such
only the modulated, ac signal, and not the dc tests may give very misleading results. High-
background from the thermal radiation inside temperature tests under oxidizing conditions (for
the furnace (helium-neon lasers are roughly the example, in air or in simulated gas turbine com-
same color as the inside of a furnace at 800 to bustion products) require either ceramic fixtures,
900 C, or 1470 to 1650 F). which limit the type of test that can be performed
Another system that is amenable to use with and the loads that can be achieved in tensile
a great variety of test specimens, even with ex- tests, or the use of cold grips outside the furnace.
tremely small-diameter (10 lm, or 0.4 mil) ce- Use of cold grips requires extremely large spec-
ramic fibers, uses the speckle pattern generated imens (for experimental materials) and is com-
by the reflection of a coherent laser beam from plicated by the problem of sealing the furnace
the surface of the specimen. As the specimen to provide effective atmosphere control. An ap-
deforms, the speckle pattern deforms in a similar pealing alternative, in many cases, is the use of
manner, and measurement of the changes in the four-point flexure tests with ceramic fixtures and
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 179

pushrods, in which it is possible to test to quite Recommended Procedures for

high temperatures (about 1700 C, or 3090 F) Ambient-Temperature Tensile
in a variety of atmospheres ranging from reduc- Testing of Ceramics and CMCs
ing, through inert, to oxidizing conditions. Ma-
terials such as aluminum oxide and sapphire (for Monolithic Ceramics and Low-Toughness
load points) will survive atmospheres such as CMCs.
forming gas, argon, nitrogen, vacuum, air, and 1. Direct tensile tests using the currently
oxygen, with little effect on the test fixturing, available commercial self-aligning grip systems
even at very high temperatures. and strain-measurement techniques. These tests
Recommendations for High-Temperature require relatively expensive gripping systems,
Tensile Testing of Ceramics. There are some strain-measurement techniques, and large spec-
clear choices for high-temperature tensile testing imens with complex machining requirements.
of ceramics, provided that appropriate test Specimen geometry has been established for
equipment and fixturing are affordable. The these gripping systems to minimize failure in the
clear choice for most monolithic ceramics is the gripping or transition regions.
use of precisely aligned hydraulic grips or self- 2. Where material availability or economic
aligning grip systems, with straight-shank or constraints prevent such testing, four-point flex-
buttonhead specimens, a small furnace system, ure testing following the ASTM standard C
and direct-contact extensometers or optical mea- 1161; strain measurement preferably is done by
surement of the specimen strain. Note that the measuring the displacement in the central por-
buttonhead specimens are limited in load levels, tion of the test specimen at three points.
as are pinned dog-bone specimens, and may be High-Toughness CMCs and other Ceram-
more suitable for lower stress level tests such as ics with High Strains to Failure.
creep and fatigue tests. 1. Direct tensile tests using either the self-
Some modification of the gripping arrange- aligning grip systems or simpler grip systems
ment and grips (and some additional expense) typically used for metals or polymers; strain
may be necessary for testing of high-strength
measurement by conventional techniques (clip
monolithics or CMCs. If test temperatures are
gages) may be adequate. With the use of the
always below 1000 C (1830 F), it is possible
to use a much less expensive system, employing more conventional gripping systems, it may be
hot grips and a large furnace. possible to work with flat plate specimens,
For situations where neither true tensile-test- which may be easier to fabricate.
ing system is practical, the most reasonable al- 2. Four-point flexure tests in which the details
ternative is the use of the four-point flexure test of the fracture process are observed carefully, to
with displacement transducer measurement of ensure that failure does in fact occur first in a
the strain in the central (gage) portion of the tensile mode, and with corrections for neutral
specimen. Use of some of the other tests de- axis shifts resulting from differing tensile and
scribed should be limited to the special cases compressive stress-strain behavior.
applications for which they are appropriate (for Specialized Materials (Such as Heat-Ex-
example, use of the C-ring test for tube segments changer Tubes).
and the diametral compression tests for cylin- 1. Direct tensile tests if sufficiently large spec-
drical specimens). The biaxial tests (ball-on-ring imens can be obtained from components to min-
and ring-on-ring) may have some limited use- imize the effects of surface machining damage.
fulness in situations where actual loading is bi- 2. Otherwise, C-ring or other similar tests,
axial and effects of combined stresses are ex- with the same careful observation and correc-
pected to be significant. tions recommended for the four-point bend test.

Recommended Procedures for

Summary High-Temperature Tensile
Testing of Ceramics and CMCs
The recommended procedures for ambient-
and elevated-temperature tensile testing of ad- Monolithic Ceramics and Low-Toughness
vanced monolithic and CMCs are summarized CMCs.
in the following paragraphs. In addition, a brief 1. Direct tensile tests using the currently
discussion of data analysis for interpretation of available commercial self-aligning grip systems,
uniaxial strength is also included. with grips outside a compact furnace, and com-
180 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

mercial high-temperature strain-measurement conditions. The load at which each specimen

techniques. These tests require relatively expen- fails is recorded. The resulting failure stresses
sive gripping systems, strain-measurement tech- are used to obtain parameter estimates associ-
niques, furnace systems, and large specimens ated with the underlying population distribution.
with complex machining requirements. ASTM C 1239 is restricted to the assumption
2. Where availability of material or financial that the distribution underlying the failure
limitations make the procedure above impracti- strengths is the two-parameter Weibull distri-
cal, the alternative is four-point flexure with ap- bution with size scaling (see also the discussion
propriate measurement of strain, as above. of “Design Strength and Scale Effects” earlier
High-Toughness CMCs and other Ceram- in this chapter). Furthermore, C 1239 is re-
ics with High Strains to Failure. stricted to test specimens that are primarily sub-
1. Direct tensile tests using either self-align- jected to uniaxial tensile stresses. This practice
ing cold grip systems or simpler hot grip systems also outlines methods to correct for bias errors
typically used for metals or polymers, with op- in the estimated Weibull parameters and to cal-
tical or capacitance (clip) gage measurement of culate confidence bounds on those estimates
strain; again, conventional grips may make it from data sets where all failures originate from
possible to work with the more easily fabricated a single flaw population (that is, a single failure
flat plate or dog-bone specimen. mode). The methods outlined in C 1239 are not
2. Four-point flexure tests in which the details applicable to samples that fail due to multiple
of the fracture process are observed carefully independent flaw populations (for example,
(this is far more difficult in the confines of a competing failure modes).
high-temperature furnace), to ensure that failure Measurements of the strength at failure are
does in fact occur first in a tensile mode, and taken for one of two reasons: either for a com-
with corrections for neutral axis shifts resulting parison of the relative quality of two materials,
from differing tensile and compressive stress- or the prediction of the probability of failure (or,
strain behavior. alternatively, the fracture strength) for a struc-
Specialized Materials (Such as Heat-Ex- ture of interest. ASTM C 1239 estimates the dis-
changer Tubes). tribution parameters that are needed for either.
1. Direct tensile tests if sufficiently large spec- In addition, this practice encourages the integra-
imens can be obtained from components to min- tion of mechanical property data and fracto-
imize the effects of surface machining damage. graphic analysis (refer to ASTM C 1322 men-
2. Otherwise, C-ring or other similar tests, tioned earlier in this chapter).
with the same careful observation and correc-
tions recommended for the four-point bend test.
These observations and corrections are difficult ACKNOWLEDGMENT
to make in a high-temperature test, although C-
ring and other indirect tensile tests are otherwise This chapter was adapted from D. Lewis III,
relatively easy to translate to high-temperature Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix
tests. Composites, Tensile Testing, P. Han, Ed., ASM
International, 1992, p 147–181
Recommended Procedures for
Data Analysis
The recommended procedures for data anal-
ysis and reporting are partly covered in the 1. J.R. Varner, Descriptive Fractography, Ce-
ASTM standards for flexure and tensile testing. ramics and Glasses, Vol 4, Engineered Ma-
Another important source of information for terials Handbook, ASM International,
data analysis is ASTM C 1239, “Standard Prac- 1991, p 635–644.
tice for Reporting Uniaxial Strength Data and 2. R.W. Rice, Ceramic Fracture Features, Ob-
Estimating Distribution Parameters for Ad- servations, Mechanisms and Uses, Fractog-
vanced Ceramics.” The failure strength of ad- raphy of Ceramic and Metal Failures, STP
vanced ceramics is treated as a continuous ran- 827, ASTM, 1984, p 5–103.
dom variable using this practice. Typically, a 3. S.B. Batdorf, Fundamentals of the Statisti-
number of test specimens with well-defined ge- cal Theory of Failure, Fracture Mechanics
ometries are failed under isothermal loading of Ceramics, Vol 3, R.C. Bradt, D.P.H. Has-
Tensile Testing of Ceramics and Ceramic-Matrix Composites / 181

selman, A.G. Evans, and F.F. Lange, Ed., 17. H. Fessler and D.C. Fricker, A Theoretical
Plenum Press, 1978, p 1–29. Analysis of the Ring-on-Ring Loading Disk
4. D. Lewis, Curve-Fitting Techniques and Test, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 67 (No. 9),
Ceramics, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., Vol 57 1984, p 582–588.
(No. 4), 1978, p 434–437. 18. D.K. Shetty, A.R. Rosenfield, and W.H.
5. W. Weibull, A Statistical Distribution Func- Duckworth, Statistical Analysis of Size and
tion of Wide Applicability, J. Appl. Mech., Stress State Effects on the Strength of An
Vol 18, 1951, p 293–297. Alumina Ceramic, Methods for Assessing
6. D.F. Baxter, Jr., Tensile Testing at Extreme the Structural Reliability of Brittle Materi-
Temperatures, Adv. Mater. Proc., Vol 139 als, STP 844, ASTM, 1984, p 57–80.
(No. 2), 1991, p 22–32. 19. S.A. Bortz and T.B. Wade, Analysis and Re-
7. J.C. Bittence, New Emphasis on Automa- view of Mechanical Testing Procedure for
tion, Adv. Mater. Proc., Vol 136 (No. 5), Brittle Materials, Structural Ceramics and
1989, p 45–56. Testing of Brittle Materials, S.J. Acquaviva
8. K.C. Liu and C.R. Brinkman, Tensile Cyclic and S.A. Bortz, Ed., Gordon and Breach,
Fatigue of Structural Ceramics, Proc. 23rd 1968, p 47–139.
Automotive Technology Development Con- 20. Laser Gages Creep of Ceramics, Adv. Mater.
tractor’s Coordination Meeting, Vol 165, Proc., Vol 138 (No. 5), 1990, p 75–76.
Society of Automotive Engineers, Oct
1985, p 279–284.
9. F.I. Baratta and W.T. Matthews, “Errors As- SELECTED REFERENCES
sociated with Flexure Testing of Brittle Ma-
● J.E. Amaral and C.N. Pollock, Machine De-
terials,” U.S. Army Materials Technology
Laboratory Report MTL TR 87-35, 1987. sign Requirements for Uniaxial Testing of
10. F.I. Baratta, Requirements for Flexure Test- Ceramics Materials, Mechanical Testing of
ing of Brittle Materials, Methods for As- Engineering Ceramics at High Tempera-
tures, B.F. Dyson, R.D. Lohr, and R. Mor-
sessing the Structural Reliability of Brittle
rell, Ed., 1989, p 51–68.
Materials, STP 844, ASTM, 1984, p 194– ● H.C. Cao, E. Bischoff, O. Sbaizero, M.
Ruhle, A.G. Evans, D.B. Marshall, and J.
11. G. Quinn, “Flexural Strength of High Per-
Brennan, Effects of Interfaces on the Me-
formance Ceramics at Ambient Tempera- chanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Brit-
ture,” Department of the Army, MIL-STD- tle Materials, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 73
1942(MR), 1984. (No. 6), 1990, p 1691–1699.
12. D.B. Marshall and A.G. Evans, Failure ● H. Cao and M.D. Thouless, Tensile Tests of
Mechanisms in Ceramic Fiber-Ceramic Ma- Ceramic-Matrix Composites: Theory and
trix Composites, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 68 Experiment, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 73 (No.
(No. 5), 1985, p 225–231. 7), 1990, p 2091–2094.
13. M.K. Ferber, V.J. Tennery, S. Waters, and ● D.F. Carroll, S.M. Wiederhorn, and D.E.
J.C. Ogle, Fracture Strength Characteriza- Roberts, Technique for Tensile Testing Ce-
tion of Tubular Ceramics Using a Simple C- ramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 72 (No. 9),
Ring Geometry, J. Mater. Sci., Vol 8, 1986, 1989, p 1610–1614.
p 2628–2632. ● M.G. Jenkins, M.K. Ferber, R.L. Martin,
14. O.M. Jadaan, D.L. Shelleman, J.C. Conway, V.T. Jenkins, and V.J. Tennery, “Study and
Jr., J.J. Mecholsky, and R.E. Tressler, Pre- Analysis of the Stress State in a Ceramic,
diction of the Strength of Ceramic Tubular Button-Head, Tensile Specimen,” ORNL/
Components: Part I—Analysis, J. Test. TM-11767, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eval., Vol 19 (No. 3), 1991, p 181–191. Technical Memorandum, Sept 1991.
15. D.L. Shelleman, O.M. Jadaan, J.C. Conway, ● C.G. Larsen, Ceramics Tensile Grip, STP
Jr., and J.J. Mecholsky, Jr., Prediction of the 1080, J.M. Kennedy, H.H. Moeller, and
Strength of Ceramic Tubular Components: W.W. Johnson, Ed., ASTM, 1990, p 235–
Part II—Experimental Verification, J. Test. 246.
Eval., Vol 19 (No. 3), 1991, p 192–201. ● J.J. Mecholsky, Evaluation of Mechanical
16. G. de With and H.H.H. Wagemens, Ball-on- Property Testing Methods for Ceramic Ma-
Ring Test Revisited, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., trix Composites, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., Vol
Vol 72 (No. 8), 1989, p 1538–1541. 65 (No. 2), 1986, p 315–322.
182 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

● L.C. Meija, High Temperature Tensile Test- ● T. Ohji, Towards Routine Tensile Testing,
ing of Advanced Ceramics, Ceramic Engi- Int. J. High. Technol. Ceram., Vol 4, 1988,
neering and Science Proceedings, Vol 10 p 211–225.
(No. 7–8), 1989, p 668–681. ● G.D. Quinn, Strength and Proof Testing, Ce-
● L.G. Mosiman, T.L. Wallenfelt, and C.G. ramics and Glasses, Vol 4, Engineered Ma-
Larsen, Tension/Compression Grips for terials Handbook, ASM International, 1991,
Monolithic Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix p 599–609
Composites, Ceramic Engineering and ● S.G. Seshadri and K.-Y. Chia, Tensile Test-
Science Proceedings, Vol 12 (No. 7–8), ing Ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 70
1991. (No. 10), 1987, p C242–C244.
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p183-193 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p183 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing of
Fiber-Reinforced Composites

THE CHARACTERIZATION of engineering and laminate testing. There also are specimen
properties is a complex issue for fiber-reinforced differences between polymeric-matrix and
composites due to their inherent anisotropy and metal-matrix composites that require separate
inhomogeneity. In terms of mechanical proper- discussions. Basic tensile-test methods for both
ties, advanced composite materials are evaluated polymeric-matrix and metal-matrix composites
by a number of specially designed test methods. are confined to those materials that behave on
These test methods are mechanically simple in the macroscale as orthotropic bodies.
concept but extremely sensitive to specimen
preparation and test-execution procedures. They
include: Fundamentals of Tensile
● Tensile tests Testing of Composite Materials
● Compression tests
● Shear tests Unlike homogeneous, isotropic materials, fi-
● Flexural tests ber-reinforced composites are characterized by
● Fracture tests properties that are direction-dependent. Ad-
● Fatigue tests vanced composites, whether of the polymeric-
matrix class or the metal-matrix class, often are
These test methods are covered by standards de-
utilized in the form of a laminate. The lamina,
veloped by ASTM, the International Standards
or unidirectionally reinforced ply (Fig. 1), is the
Organization (ISO), and the Suppliers of Ad-
vanced Composite Materials Association basic building block of the laminate. In order to
(SACMA). perform engineering analysis, the heterogeneous
This chapter is limited to tensile property test lamina consisting of a fiber phase and a matrix
methods. Tensile testing of fiber-reinforced phase is treated as a homogeneous, orthotropic
composite materials is performed for the pur- material. In addition, laminate modeling as-
pose of determining uniaxial tensile strength, sumes that plies are in a state of plane stress.
Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio relative to Stress-Strain Relationships for an Ortho-
principal material directions. The unidirectional tropic Material. Development of stress-strain
lamina provides the basic building block of the
multidirectional laminate. Therefore, character-
ization of lamina material properties allows pre-
dictions of the properties of laminates. In actual
practice, considerable success has been demon-
strated in predicting laminate effective modulus
or Poisson’s ratio from ply properties. However,
prediction of laminate strength properties from
lamina strength data has proved more difficult,
and therefore it is often necessary to resort to
characterization of laminate strength properties.
Thus, basic tensile testing is divided into lamina Fig. 1 Lamina coordinate system
184 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

relationships for an orthotropic material requires non” and requires the definition of two addi-
the definition of engineering constants. Using tional elastic properties. In particular, the elastic
Fig. 1, the unidirectional material is orthotropic constants gx and gy are shear coupling coeffi-
with respect to the x1-x2 axes. The stress-strain cients determined from uniaxial tensile tests in
relationships for plane stress are of the forms the x and y directions, respectively—i.e.,

1 m cxy
e1 ⳱ r1 ⳮ 12 s2 (Eq 1a) gx ⳱ (uniaxial tension in the x-direction)
E1 E1 ex
(Eq 3a)
m12 1
e2 ⳱ ⳮ rⳭ r (Eq 1b)
E1 E1 2
1 gy ⳱ (uniaxial tension in the y-direction)
c12 ⳱ s (Eq 1c) ey
G12 12 (Eq 3b)

where, in the usual manner, the normal stresses Symmetric Laminates and Laminate No-
and strains in the x1 and x2 directions are denoted tation. As shown in Fig. 1, the principal mate-
by r1, e1, r2, and e2, respectively, whereas the rial directions within each ply of a laminate are
shear stress and strain are denoted by s12 and denoted by an x1-x2 axis system. Laminate stack-
c12, respectively. In addition, E1, E2, and G12 are ing sequences can be easily described for com-
the Young’s modulus parallel to the fibers, the posites composed of layers of the same material
Young’s modulus transverse to the fibers, and with equal ply thickness by simply listing the
the shear modulus relative to the x1-x2 plane, re- ply orientations from the top of the laminate to
spectively. The major Poisson’s ratio, as deter- the bottom. Thus, the notation [0⬚/90⬚/0⬚]
mined from contraction transverse to the fibers uniquely defines a three-layer laminate. The an-
during a uniaxial test parallel to the fibers, is gle denotes the orientation of the principal ma-
denoted by ␯12. For laminates in which the mac- terial axis, x1, within each ply. If a ply were re-
roscopic stress-strain relationships are ortho- peated, a subscript would be used to denote the
tropic, Eq 1 is valid, with the subscripts 1 and 2 number of repeating plies. Thus, [0⬚/90⬚3/0⬚] in-
replaced by x and y, respectively. dicates that the 90⬚ ply is repeated three times.
Shear Coupling Phenomenon. Components Any laminate in which the ply stacking se-
of stress and strain can be transformed from one quence below the midplane is a mirror image of
coordinate system to another. Thus, it is possible the stacking sequence above the midplane is re-
to establish the stress-strain relationship in any ferred to as a symmetric laminate. For a sym-
coordinate system. For the unidirectional com- metric laminate, such as a [0⬚/90⬚2/0⬚] plate, the
posite in Fig. 1, the constitutive relationships notation can be abbreviated by using [0⬚/90⬚]s,
relative to the x-y coordinate system can be writ- where the subscript s denotes that the stacking
ten in the forms sequence is repeated symmetrically. Angle-ply
laminates are denoted by [0⬚/Ⳮ45⬚/ⳮ45⬚]s,
1 m g which can be abbreviated as [0⬚/Ⳳ45⬚]s. For
ex ⳱ r ⳮ 12 ry Ⳮ x sxy (Eq 2a) laminates with repeating sets of plies—e.g., [0⬚/
Ex x Ex Ex
Ⳳ45⬚/0⬚/Ⳳ45⬚]s, the abbreviated notation is of
m 1 g the form [0⬚/Ⳳ45⬚]2s. If a symmetric laminate
ey ⳱ ⳮ xy rx Ⳮ r Ⳮ y sxy (Eq 2b)
Ey Ey y Ey contains a ply that is split at the centerline, a bar
is used to denote the split. Thus, the laminate
gx g 1 [0⬚/90⬚/0⬚] can be abbreviated as [0⬚/90⬚]s. For
cxy ⳱ rx Ⳮ y ry Ⳮ sxy (Eq 2c)
Ey Ex Gxy unsymmetric laminates, a subscript T is often
used to denote total laminate. For example, the
Equations 2a, b, and c correspond to the laminate [0⬚/90⬚] can be written as [0⬚/90⬚]T.
stress-strain relationships of an anisotropic ma- This assures the reader that the laminate is in-
terial subjected to plane stress. Of particular sig- deed unsymmetric and that a subscript s was not
nificance is the fact that the normal strains are inadvertently omitted.
coupled to the shear stress and the shear strain Balanced Laminates. Laminates in which
is coupled to the normal stresses. Such behavior each ply oriented at an angle of Ⳮh (h ⬆ 0⬚ or
is referred to as the “shear coupling phenome- 90⬚) also contains a ply at ⳮh are referred to as
Tensile Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites / 185

balanced. Such composites are orthotropic rela- To minimize the effect of the impregnating
tive to the x-y coordinate of the laminate. Thus, resin on the tensile properties of the fiber forms,
Eq 1a, b, and c with the subscripts 1 and 2 re- the resin should be compatible with the fiber, the
placed by x and y, respectively, are applicable to resin content in the cured specimen should be
balanced laminates. limited to the minimum amount required to pro-
duce a useful test specimen, the individual fila-
ments of the fiber forms should be well colli-
mated, and the strain capability of the resin
Tensile Testing of should be significantly greater than the strain ca-
Single Filaments and Tows pability of the filaments.
ASTM D 4018 method I test specimens re-
Although emphasis in this chapter has been quire a special cast-resin end tab and grip design
placed on tensile testing of laminates, other con- to prevent grip slippage under high loads. Al-
stituent materials are also tested. These include ternative methods of specimen mounting to end
single filaments and tows (untwisted bundles of tabs are acceptable, provided that test specimens
continuous filaments). maintain axial alignment on the test machine
Single-filament tensile strength can be de- centerline and that they do not slip in the grips
termined using ASTM D 3379 (Ref 1), which at high loads. ASTM D 4018 method II test
can be summarized as a random selection of sin- specimens require no special gripping mecha-
gle filaments made from the material to be nisms. Standard rubber-faced jaws should be ad-
tested. Filaments are centerline-mounted on spe- equate.
cial slotted tabs (Fig. 2). The tabs are gripped so
that the test specimen is aligned axially in the
jaws of a constant-speed movable-crosshead test Tensile Testing of Laminates
machine. The filaments are then stressed to fail-
ure at a constant strain rate. For this test method, The basic physics of most tensile test methods
filament cross-sectional areas are determined by are very similar: a prismatic coupon with a
planimeter measurements of a representative straight-sided gage section is gripped at the ends
number of filament cross sections as displayed and loaded in uniaxial tension. The principal dif-
on highly magnified photomicrographs. Alter- ferences between these tensile test coupons are
native methods of area determination include the the coupon cross section and the load-introduc-
use of optical gages, an image-splitting micro- tion method. The cross section of the coupon
scope, or the linear weight-density method. may be rectangular, round, or tubular; it may be
Tensile strength and Young’s modulus of elas- straight-sided for the entire length (a “straight-
ticity are calculated from the load/elongation sided” coupon) or width- or diameter-tapered
records and the cross-sectional area measure- from the ends into the gage section (often called
ments. Note that a system compliance adjust- “dogbone” or “bow-tie” specimens). Straight-
ment may be necessary for single-filament ten- sided coupons may use tabbed load application
sile modulus. points. This section briefly discusses the most
Tow tensile testing is carried out using common tensile test methods that have been
ASTM D 4018 (Ref 2) or an equivalent test standardized for fiber-reinforced composite ma-
method. This is summarized as finding the ten- terials. Reference 3 includes a more detailed dis-
sile properties of continuous filament carbon and
graphite yarns, strands, rovings, and tows by the
tensile loading to failure of the resin-impreg-
nated fiber forms. This technique loses accuracy
as the filament count increases. Strain and
Young’s modulus are measured by an extensom-
The purpose of using impregnating resin is to
provide the fiber forms, when cured, with
enough mechanical strength to produce a rigid
test specimen capable of sustaining uniform
loading of the individual filaments in the speci- Fig. 2 Schematic showing typical specimen-mounting method
men. for determining single-filament tensile strength
186 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

cussion and briefly reviews several nonstandard better control of testing details that may cause
methods as well. variability, as discussed subsequently. For this
By changing the coupon configuration, many reason, it is the preferred method.
of the tensile test methods are able to evaluate In each of the previous test methods, a tensile
different material configurations, including uni- stress is applied to the specimen through a me-
directional laminates, woven materials, and gen- chanical shear interface at the ends of the cou-
eral laminates. However, some coupon/material pon, normally by either wedge or hydraulic
configuration combinations are less sensitive to grips. The material response is measured in the
specimen preparation and testing variations than gage section of the coupon by either strain gages
others. Perhaps the most dramatic example of or extensometers, subsequently determining the
this is the unidirectional coupon. Fiber versus elastic material properties.
load axis misalignment in a 0⬚ unidirectional If used, end tabs are intended to distribute the
coupon, which can occur due to either specimen load from the grips into the specimen with a
preparation or testing problems or both, can re- minimum of stress concentration. A schematic
duce strength as much as 30% due to an initial example of an appropriate failure mode of a
1⬚ misalignment. Furthermore, bonded end tabs multidirectional laminate using a tabbed tensile
intended to minimize load-introduction prob- coupon is shown in Fig. 4. Because the straight-
lems in high-strength unidirectional materials sided specimen provides no geometric stress-
can actually cause premature coupon failure concentrated region, such as would be found in
(even in nonunidirectional coupons) if not ap- a specimen with a reduced-width gage section,
plied and used properly. Because of these and failure often occurs at or near the ends of the
similar issues, tensile testing is subject to a great tabs or grips. While this failure mode is not nec-
deal of “art” in order to obtain legitimate data. essarily invalid, care must be taken when eval-
Alternatives to problematic tests, such as the uating the data to guard against unrealistically
unidirectional tensile test, are often available, low strengths resulting from poorly performing
and careful attention must be paid to the test tabs or overly aggressive gripping.
specification for recommendations. Reference 1 Design of end tabs remains somewhat of an
is also an excellent resource for test optimization art, and an improperly designed tab interface
suggestions. will produce low coupon strengths. For this rea-
son, a standard tab design has not been man-
In-Plane Tensile Test Methods dated by ASTM, although unbeveled 90⬚ tabs
are preferred. Recent comparisons confirm that
Straight-sided coupon tensile tests include: the success of a tab design is more dependent on
● ASTM D 3039/D 3039M, “Standard Test the use of a sufficiently ductile adhesive than on
Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer- the tab angle. An unbeveled tab applied with a
Matrix Composites” ductile adhesive will outperform a tapered tab
● ISO 527, “Plastics—Determination of Ten- that has been applied with an insufficiently duc-
sile Properties” tile adhesive. Therefore, adhesive selection is
● SACMA SRM 4, “Tensile Properties of Ori- most critical to bonded tab use. Furthermore, the
ented Fiber-Resin Composites” use of a softer tab material is usually preferred
● SACMA SRM 9, “Tensile Properties of Ori- when testing high-modulus materials (such as
ented Cross-Plied Fiber-Resin Composites” fiber-glass tabs on a graphite-reinforced speci-
ASTM D 3039/D 3039M, originally released The simplest way to avoid bonded tab prob-
in 1971 and updated several times since then, is lems is to not use them. Many laminates (mostly
the original standard test method for straight-
sided rectangular coupons (Fig. 3). It is still the
most commonly used in-plane tension method.
ISO 527 parts 4 and 5 and the two SACMA
tensile test methods, SRM 4 and SRM 9, are
substantially based on ASTM D 3039 and as a
result, are quite similar. Care should be taken,
however, not to substitute one method for an- Fig. 3 Specimen for tensile testing of composites as defined
in ASTM D 3039. Lg ⳱ gage length; LT ⳱ tab length;
other, because subtle differences between them h ⳱ tab bevel angle; W ⳱ width. Note: the gage length is com-
do exist. In general, the ASTM standard offers monly 125 to 150 mm (5 to 6 in.).
Tensile Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites / 187

nonunidirectional) can be successfully tested terials systems or test configurations, like the 90⬚
without tabs, or with friction rather than bonded unidirectional test, flatness is also particularly
tabs. Flame-sprayed unserrated grips have also important. Edge machining techniques (avoid-
been successfully used in tensile testing without ing machining-induced damage) and edge sur-
tabs. face finishes are also particularly critical to
Other important factors that affect tension strength results from the 90⬚ unidirectional test.
testing results include control of specimen prep- Unidirectional Testing. All the elements that
aration, specimen design tolerances, control of make tensile testing subject to error are exacer-
conditioning and moisture content variability, bated in the unidirectional case, particularly in
control of test machine-induced misalignment the 0⬚ direction. This has led to the increased use
and bending, consistent measurement of thick- of a much less sensitive [90/0]ns-type laminate
ness, appropriate selection of transducers and coupon (also known as the “crossply” coupon)
calibration of instrumentation, documentation from which unidirectional properties can be eas-
and description of failure modes, definition of ily derived (Ref 4). Properly tested crossply cou-
elastic property calculation details, and data re- pons often produce results equivalent to the best
porting guidelines. These factors are described attainable unidirectional data. While unidirec-
in detail by ASTM D 3039/D 3039M. tional testing is still performed, and in certain
Limitations of the straight-sided coupon cases may be preferred or required, a straight-
tensile methods are described subsequently. sided, tabless, [90/0]ns-type coupon is now gen-
Bonded Tabs. The stress field near the termi- erally believed to be the lowest cost, most reli-
nation of a bonded tab is significantly three-di- able configuration for lamina tensile testing of
mensional, and critical stresses tend to peak at unidirectional materials. This straight-sided tab-
this location. Much research has been done on less configuration also works equally well for
minimizing peak stresses, but it is impossible to nonunidirectional material forms and for other
make general recommendations that are appro- general laminates. Another advantage is that,
priate for all materials and configurations. Fur- unlike with 0⬚ unidirectional specimens, [90/
thermore, improperly designed tabs can signifi- 0]ns-type coupon failures do not usually mask
cantly degrade results. As a result, tabless or indicators of improper testing/specimen prepa-
tabbed configurations that use unbonded tabs are ration practices.
becoming more popular, when the resulting fail- Width tapered coupon tensile tests are
ure mode is appropriate. standardized in ASTM D 638, “Standard Test
Specimen Design. There are, particularly Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics.” The
within ASTM D 3039, a number of coupon de- test, developed for and limited to use with plas-
sign options included in the standard, which are tics, uses a flat, width-tapered tensile coupon
needed to cover the wide range of materials sys- with a straight-sided gage section. Several ge-
tems and lay-up configurations within the scope ometries are allowed, depending on the material
of the test method. Great care should be taken being tested. Figure 5 shows a schematic of one
to ensure that an appropriate geometry is chosen general configuration. Despite its heritage, this
for the material being tested. coupon has also been evaluated and applied to
Specimen Preparation. Specimen preparation composite materials. The coupon taper is ac-
plays a crucial role in test results. While this is complished by a large cylindrical radius between
true for most composite mechanical tests, it is the wide gripping area at each end and the nar-
particularly important for unidirectional tests, rower gage section, resulting in a shape that jus-
and unidirectional tensile tests are no exception. tifies the nickname of the “dogbone” coupon.
Fiber alignment, control of coupon taper, and The taper makes the specimen particularly un-
specimen machining (while maintaining align- suited for testing of 0⬚ unidirectional materials,
ment) are the most critical steps of specimen because only about half of the gripped fibers are
preparation. For very low strain-to-failure ma- continuous throughout the gage section. This

Fig. 4 Typical tension failure of multidirectional laminate using a tabbed coupon

188 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 5 Schematic of typical ASTM D 638 test specimen geometry. W, width; Wc, width at center; WO, width overall; T, thickness;
R, radius at fillet; RO, outer radius; G, gage length; L, length; LO, length overall; D, distance between grips

usually results in failure by splitting at the ra- Standardization. While the ASTM D 638 test
dius, due to inability of the matrix to shear the is standardized, it was not developed for ad-
load from terminated fibers into the gage sec- vanced composites and is primarily applicable
tion. to relatively low-modulus, unreinforced materi-
While the ASTM D 638 coupon configuration
has been successfully used for fabric-reinforced
composites and with general nonunidirectional
laminates, some materials systems remain sen-
sitive to the stress concentration at the radius.
For its intended use with plastics, the coupon is
molded to shape. Likewise, discontinuous fiber
composites can be molded to the required ge-
ometry. To ensure valid results, care must be
taken that the molding flow does not create pref-
erentially oriented fibers. For laminated materi-
als the coupon must be machined, ground, or
routed to shape. The coupon also has the draw-
back of having a relatively small gage volume
and is poorly suited for characterization of
coarse weaves with repeating units larger than
the gage width of 6.4 to 13 mm (0.25 to 0.50
in.). The standardized procedure, due to the in-
tended scope, does not adequately cover the test-
ing parameters required for advanced compos-
Limitations of the ASTM D 638 method are Fig. 6 Stress concentration adjacent to a hole in a composite
described in the following paragraphs. laminate subjected to uniaxial loading
Tensile Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites / 189

als, or low-reinforcement volume materials in- Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Composite,” is cur-

corporating randomly oriented fibers. rently the only published standard for out-of-
Specimen Preparation. Special care is re- plane tensile testing specifically relating to
quired to machine the taper into a laminated cou- composites, though modifications to ASTM C
pon. 297, C 633 and D 2095 are also often employed.
Stress State. The radius transition region can These methods are not discussed here, and the
dominate the failure mode and result in reduced reader is referred to Ref 3 and the test standards
strength results. The width-tapered coupon is not for more information.
suitable for unidirectional laminates, and is lim-
ited to fabrics or nonunidirectional laminates
when gage section failures can be attained. Open Hole Tensile Test
Limited Gage Section Volume. The limited Cutouts and holes are requirements in many
gage width makes it unsuitable for coarse fab- structural applications. The effect of cutouts in
rics. composite laminates is greater than the effect
The sandwich beam test is standardized as caused by the reduction in load-carrying area
ASTM C 393, “Standard Test Method for Flex- alone. Stress concentrations are produced in the
ural Properties of Flat Sandwich Constructions.” laminate adjacent to cutout boundaries that sub-
While primarily intended as a flexural test for stantially reduce load-carrying capacity. Stress
sandwich core shear evaluation, the scope also concentrations are a function of laminate aniso-
allows use for determination of facing tensile tropy and cutout geometry. Sharp notches pro-
strength. While this use is not well documented duce higher stress concentration factors than cir-
within the test method, it has been used for ten- cular cutouts. However, the notch sensitivity of
sile testing of composite materials, particularly laminates is significantly influenced by laminate
for 90⬚ properties of unidirectional materials, or stacking sequence and a host of microstructural
for fiber-dominated testing in extreme nonam- materials characteristics like matrix toughness,
bient environments. This test specimen is matrix stiffness, and fiber to matrix adhesion.
claimed by some to be less susceptible to han- High stress concentrations produce complex
dling and specimen preparation damage than D damage zones, which in turn redistribute the
3039-type 90⬚ specimens, resulting in higher stress and increase the energy required to pro-
strengths and less test-induced variation. duce failure significantly above that predicted
In order to assure failure in the tensile face- from the stress concentration factor alone. It has
sheet, the compression facesheet is often man- been shown that larger notches produce lower
ufactured from the same material, but at twice strengths, because the stress concentrations in-
the thickness as the tensile facesheet. volve a larger volume, increasing the probability
Limitations of the ASTM C 393 method are of failure due to a critical flaw (Ref 5). The stress
described subsequently. distribution illustrated in Fig. 6 is the basis for
Cost. Specimen fabrication is relatively ex- the point stress criterion for notched strength
pensive. prediction (Ref 6), which states that failure oc-
Stress State. The effect on the stress state of curs when the stress at some characteristic dis-
the sandwich core has not been studied in ten- tance d0 reaches the unnotched tensile strength
sion and could be a concern. of the composite.
Standardization. While this test technically is The test method for open hole tension uses a
standardized, its practical application and limi-
circular cutout in a test specimen (Fig. 7). The
tations are not well studied or documented.
method is now standardized as test method
Environmental Conditioning. Conditioning is
ASTM D 5766 “Standard Test Method for Open
problematic because of the difficulty of assuring
Hole Tensile Strength of Polymer Matrix Com-
tensile facesheet moisture equilibrium due to the
posite Laminates.” It employs a 305 mm long
moisture protection offered by the compression
facesheet and the core. The extended condition- by 38 mm wide (12 in. by 1.5 in.) specimen
ing times required also often cause adhesive containing a 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) hole. Quasi-iso-
breakdown prior to testing. tropic laminate configurations are specified to be
(Ⳮ45/0/ⳮ45/90⬚)2s for tape or (Ⳳ45/(0/90⬚))2s
for fabric prepregs. While other laminate config-
Out-of-Plane Tensile Test Methods urations and geometries are possible, it is rec-
ASTM D 6415, “Standard Test Method for ommended that the width-to-hole diameter ratio
Measuring the Curved Beam Strength of a Fiber- of 6 be maintained.
190 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

The specimen should be machined to the Tensile Testing of Metal-Matrix Composites

specification shown in Fig. 7. Tolerance on the
hole location relative to the specimen centerline Tensile testing of metal-matrix composites is
is critical, since eccentricity can significantly de- based on ASTM Standard D 3552 (Ref 9). In
crease strengths. Specimens can be tabbed or un- addition to a straight-sided coupon similar to the
tabbed, although untabbed specimens reduce ASTM D 3039 specimen for polymeric-matrix
cost. If ultimate strain and modulus are desired, composites, two tapered specimen configura-
specimens may be instrumented with a strain tions, flat and round, are available in conjunction
gage located on the specimen centerline 25 mm with this test method. Flat panels are produced
(1 in.) from the hole center ASTM D 5766, how- by such techniques as diffusion bonding,
ever, covers only notched strength and does not whereas composites fabricated by various liquid
contain provisions for strain measurement. infiltration and other methods used for produc-
The test is performed as a uniaxial tensile test ing massive materials are better suited to
following ASTM D 3039. The specimen is circular-cross-section shapes. The flat specimen
loaded until tension failure occurs through the configuration is shown in Fig. 8. The circular-
notch. If failure occurs outside the notch, the test cross-section specimen is of limited use and will
result should be discarded, since the failure was not be discussed here. A complete description of
caused by a flaw in the material. If failures con- this specimen can be found in ASTM D 3552.
sistently fall outside the notch area, the naturally For 0⬚ flat specimens, tabs are bonded to the
occurring flaws in the material are larger than grip section to cushion the end region from fil-
the notch (this is possible with some sheet mold- ament damage. Straight-sided coupons have a
ing compounds). Then, the specimen design gage length of 50.8 mm (2 in.) or 76.2 mm (3
must be scaled to reflect the material inhomo- in.) and a width of 9.525 mm (0.375 in.) or 12.7
geneity level. At least five specimens should be mm (0.5 in.), respectively. The recommended
tested per test condition. tab length, LT, is 25.4 mm (1 in.). Tapered spec-
The notched strength rN is calculated as the imens have a gage length, LG, of 25.4 mm (1 in.)
tensile strength of the laminate based on the far-
field stress:

rN ⳱ P/bd (Eq 4)

where P is the maximum load, b is the specimen

width, and d is the specimen thickness. If the
specimen is instrumented, the modulus is deter-
mined as:

P3 ⳮ P1
Ex ⳱ (Eq 5)
0.002 bd

where P1 and P3 are the loads at 1000 and 3000

microstrain, respectively. The strain at failure is
determined from the stress-strain curve.
Notched strength data is typically used for
materials screening and for determining design
allowables. For design, it is necessary to gen-
erate empirical data based on the material, the
laminate configuration, and the hole sizes re-
quired. In lieu of generating empirical data for
every conceivable material, laminate, and hole
size combination, it is possible to use the point
stress criterion (PSC) analysis to interpolate
notched strength over a range of hole diameters
by testing a series of three different notch sizes
for the material and laminate construction of in- Fig. 7 Open hole tensile test specimen geometry. All dimen-
terest (Ref 7, 8). sions are in millimeters.
Tensile Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites / 191

and a gage-section width, WG, of either 6.35 mm Emery cloth or a similar material can be used to
(0.25 in.) or 9.525 mm (0.375 in.). The shoulder distribute the pressure more uniformly if the ser-
and tab lengths, L1 and LT, respectively, should rations are too coarse.
be 25.4 mm (1 in.). The radius of curvature of Mechanical properties of metal-matrix com-
the shoulder, R, should be a minimum of 25.4 posites are very sensitive to specimen prepara-
mm (1 in.). For tensile testing of materials in tion. Special care should be taken in machining
limited supply, a 25.4 mm (1 in.) gage section or trimming. For some types of metal-matrix
may be utilized in conjunction with a 6.35 mm composites, conventional machining methods
(0.25 in.) gage width. The tab region may be are appropriate. In other cases, grinding or elec-
reduced to 19.05 mm (0.75 in.) and the radius trical discharge machining (EDM) should be
of the shoulder reduced to 12.7 mm (0.5 in.). It used. Damaging vibrations must be minimized
should be noted that with 0⬚ tapered specimens, during machining, and in the EDM method the
failure may tend to initiate at or near the fillet specimen must be mounted in such a manner as
radius. If this occurs, a straight-sided specimen to ensure good electrical contact and thus pre-
should be substituted. vent extraneous arcing and resulting specimen
Because 90⬚ unidirectional composites tend to damage.
have low strength, larger widths are necessary
to obtained reproducible data. In this case, a
straight-sided coupon with a gage length of 25.4
mm (1 in.) and a width of 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) is Data Reduction
recommended. The tab length remains at 25.4
mm (1 in.). If availability of material dictates a Calculations of strength, Young’s modulus,
smaller specimen, the gage section may be re- and Poisson’s ratio are the same for both poly-
duced to 12.7 mm (0.5 in.). meric-matrix and metal-matrix composites. Ten-
As in the case of polymeric-matrix specimens, sile strength in the load direction is determined
strain measurements can be obtained by utilizing by dividing the maximum load by the cross-sec-
an extensometer or strain gages. If Poisson’s ra- tional area of the gage section:
tio is to be determined, strain must be measured
in both the longitudinal and transverse direc- P
SL ⳱ (Eq 6)
tions. Gages should not measure less than 3 mm hWG
(0.1181 in.) in the longitudinal direction and not
less than 1.5 mm (0.0591 in.) in the transverse where SL is ultimate tensile strength in the load
direction. For specimens with short (12.7 mm, direction in megapascals or pounds per square
or 0.5 in.) gage sections, extensometers are not inch; P is maximum load, in newtons or pounds
recommended. (force); h is specimen thickness, in millimeters
Self-aligning wedge-type or lateral-pressure- or inches; and WG is the gage-section width of
type grips with serrated or knurled surfaces are the specimen, in millimeters or inches.
required by ASTM Standard D 3552. Gripping Young’s modulus in the load direction is de-
pressure should be sufficient to prevent speci- termined from the slope of the load-strain curve
men slippage without damaging the end tabs. in the linear region:

Fig. 8 Metal-matrix composite tensile specimen

192 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

(DP/DeL) design consideration that is not of concern to the

EL ⳱ (Eq 7)
hWG experimentalist performing tensile tests. It may
be important, however, for the experimentalist
where EL is Young’s modulus in the load direc- to determine first ply failure. This is usually
tion, in megapascals or pounds per square inch; done by observing a plateau in the stress-strain
and DP/DeL is the slope of the load-strain curve curve. For fiber-dominated laminates, such as
in the linear portion of the curve, where eL de- [0⬚/90⬚]s, observance of a plateau may require
notes the strain parallel to the load. monitoring of the transverse stress-strain curve,
Poisson’s ratio can be calculated from the re- because matrix failure in the 90⬚ plies will not
lationship have an influence on the longitudinal stress-
strain curve.
mLT ⳱ ⳮ T (Eq 8)

where ␯LT is Poisson’s ratio relative to the load This chapter was adapted from:
direction; and DeT/DeL is the slope of the strain-
strain curve, where eT denotes the strain trans- ● J.M. Whitney, Tensile Testing of Fiber-Re-
verse to the load direction. inforced Composites, Tensile Testing, 1st ed.,
P. Han, Ed., ASM International, 1992, p
● D. Wilson and L.A. Carlsson, Mechanical
Application of Tensile Tests to Design Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites,
Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol 8,
It is often desired to use coupon-level data for ASM Handbook, ASM International, 2000, p
design purposes. Thus, it is appropriate to con- 905–932
sider the merits, for design purposes, of tensile- ● S. Bugaj, Constituent Materials Testing,
test data generated in accordance with ASTM Composites, Vol 21, ASM Handbook, ASM
Standard D 3039 for polymeric-matrix compos- International, 2001, p 749–758
ites and Standard D 3552 for metal-matrix com- ● J. Moylan, Lamina and Laminate Mechani-
posites. Because both of these test methods in- cal Testing, Composites, Vol 21, ASM Hand-
volve straight-sided specimens, one must be book, ASM International, 2001, p 766–777
careful that failures do not consistently occur
near the end tabs. Even for the tapered metal-
matrix specimens, consistent failure near the fil- REFERENCES
lets are of concern.
In addition to these obvious pitfalls, one has 1. “Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength
to be concerned with the over-all failure pro- and Young’s Modulus for High-Modulus
cesses that occur in laminates. In particular cases Single-Filament Materials,” D 3379, Annual
for which the initial failure mode is delamination Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM Interna-
due to free edges, one must carefully assess tional
whether such a failure process represents how 2. “Standard Test Methods for Properties of
the material will behave in the structure or Continuous Filament Carbon and Graphite
whether the data is an artifact of the test method. Fiber Tows,” D 4018, Annual Book of ASTM
In fact, failure modes produced at the coupon Standards, ASTM International Testing and
level should always be evaluated as to their ap- Materials
plicability to behavior in a structure. This is par- 3. Composite Materials, Vol 1, Chapter 6, MIL-
ticularly true for multidirectional fiber-re- HDBK-17-1E, Department of Defense Hand-
inforced composites. book
Other considerations include the influence of 4. Use of Crossply Laminate Testing to Derive
“first ply failure” on design. In particular, matrix Lamina Strengths in the Fiber Direction,
cracking (first ply failure) may occur far below Composite Materials, Vol 1, Chapter 6, MIL-
ultimate failure in a multidirectional laminate. HDBK-17-1E, Department of Defense Hand-
The effect of first ply failure on the usefulness book
of the laminate in the structure is an important 5. J.M. Ogonowski, Analytical Study of Finite
Tensile Testing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites / 193

Geometry Plates with Stress Concentrations, Materials, 2nd ed., Technomic, Lancaster,
AIAA Paper 80-0778, American Institute of 1987
Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 8. R.B. Pipes, R.C. Wetherhold, and J.W. Gil-
1980, p 694 lespie, Jr., Notched Strength of Composite
6. J.M. Whitney and R.J. Nuismer, Stress Frac- Materials, J. Compos. Mater., Vol 13, 1979,
ture Criteria for Laminated Composites Con- p 148
taining Stress Concentrations, J. Compos. 9. “Test Method for Tensile Properties of Fiber
Mater., Vol 8, 1974, p 253 Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites,” D
7. L.A. Carlsson and R.B. Pipes, Experimental 3552, Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
Characterization of Advanced Composite ASTM International
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p195-208 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p195 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing of Components

THE MECHANICAL EVALUATION of reader understand the relationships between

components requires an engineer to use many torque, angle-of-turn, tension, and friction.
sources of information. It requires an under-
standing of service conditions, design, and Torque, Angle, Tension, and Friction
manufacturing variables. While there are many
types of component tests for a multitude of prod- A proper amount of tension, or clamping
ucts, this chapter focuses on three examples of force, must be developed to ensure that a bolted
engineering components that undergo signifi- assembly will function in a safe and reliable
cant loading in tension: threaded fasteners and manner. The most common attempt to indirectly
bolted joints; adhesive joints; and welded joints. estimate fastener tension is to take torque mea-
For some components, tensile loading is not the surements either dynamically as the fastener is
primary concern. For example, rolling contact tightened or with a breakaway audit after the
fatigue is the most important consideration for fact. The torque that is required to produce the
rolling-element bearings. Gears, in addition to desired tension in a fastener is dependent on sev-
rolling contact fatigue tests, are tested for resis- eral factors, with frictional characteristics being
tance to wear, bending fatigue, and impact. Pres- the most important. Angle-of-turn measure-
sure vessels, piping, and tubing are tested for ments combined with torque measurements can
their creep and fracture resistance. help overcome the unknown friction-induced
An overview of mechanical properties for variability in the torque-tension relationship.
component design can be found in Ref 1. Prop- Tension. The tension that is created in a
erties and design for static (tensile and com- threaded fastener when it is tightened represents
pressive) loads, dynamic (impact and fracture the clamping force that holds the assembly to-
toughness) loads, and cyclic (fatigue) loads are gether. Once the assembly is brought together,
addressed. the fastener responds like a tension spring, and
the assembly acts like a compression spring. The
interaction between the fastener and the assem-
bly is illustrated in Fig. 1. As the fastener is
Testing of Threaded turned and load is applied, the fastener is
Fasteners and Bolted Joints stretched, and the parts are compressed. This
compression results in an elastic joint in which
Fastener engineering and the mechanical test- the fastener is normally the more flexible mem-
ing of threaded fasteners and bolted joints is an ber, and the assembly is the more rigid member.
important specialty within the field of mechan- The amount of clamping force that the fastener
ical engineering. With the wide variety of fas- must provide to hold the assembly together must
teners and bolted joints available for use, no one be sufficient to both maintain preloading and pre-
set of tests can be specified to cover all appli- vent slipping of the parts or opening of the joint
cations. Fasteners are routinely tested for hard- when the service loads are applied. The factors
ness, tensile strength, and torsional strength, as that primarily establish the preload requirement
well as corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. are the stiffness of the materials in the joint and
Before describing the standardized tensile test the loads that are placed on the assembly.
for externally threaded fasteners, some brief Fastener tension can be measured using dif-
background information is provided to help the ferent devices, such as strain-gaged bolts or fas-
196 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

tener force washers, or by using special tech- tion under the head of the fastener and in the
niques, such as ultrasonic bolt measurement. threads, and the fastener or nut must turn. Be-
Although these devices and methods are useful cause the friction may absorb as much as 90 to
in research and engineering efforts, they are of- 95% of the energy applied to the fastener, as
ten impractical or costly for evaluating fastener little as 5 to 10% of the energy is left for gen-
tension in production quality-control efforts. erating fastener tension as shown in Fig. 2. If the
Torque. The most common way to estimate amount of friction varies greatly, wide variations
clamping force is to observe the amount of in clamping force are produced, which can mean
torque applied to the fastener, either as the fas- loose or broken bolts leading to assembly fail-
tener is tightened or with a breakaway audit of ures. To ensure proper assembly of critical fas-
the tightened fastener. This procedure assumes teners, more than torque must be measured.
that the relationship between torque and tension Angle. The amount of fastener tension can be
is known, such that, for example, the nut factor, correlated to fastener rotation once the parts of
or K, from the simple equation T ⳱ KDF (where an assembly are drawn firmly together. The
T is torque, D is diameter, and F is clamping clamping force that is developed in this zone of
force) is established and known to have accept- the assembly process, called the elastic tighten-
able variability. The truth of the matter is that if ing region, has been proven to be proportional
torque alone is measured, it can never be known to the angle-of-turn. This proportional relation-
with certainty whether the desired tension has ship is based on the helix of the threads and is
been achieved. Thus, unfortunately, it must be not influenced by the frictional characteristics of
concluded that torque is a highly unreliable, to- the joint once sufficient clamping force has been
tally inaccurate measurement for evaluation of produced to firmly align the components such
the preload on a threaded fastener. However, for that a linear torque-angle signature slope is at-
many noncritical fasteners, where safety or the tained. More detailed information on the rela-
functional performance of an assembly is not tionship between torque and angle-of-turn can
compromised, it may be acceptable to specify be obtained by torque-angle signature analysis
and monitor torque alone. The most common described in Ref 2.
measurement tools are hand torque wrenches Friction Measurements. Whereas fastener
that are used for installation and torque audit engineering analysis of threaded fasteners must
measurements and rotary torque sensors that are consider material strength, surface finishes, plat-
used to measure installation torque dynamically. ing, and coatings to ensure reliable performance,
In order for tension to be developed, the for predictable and repeatable assemblies it is
torque applied to a fastener must overcome fric- also necessary to understand, measure, and con-
trol the frictional characteristics in both the
thread and underhead regions. This is particu-

Fig. 2 Typical distribution of energy from torque applied to a

Fig. 1 Spring effect of fastener and assembly under load bolted assembly
Tensile Testing of Components / 197

larly true when developing fastener-locking de- clamp load. When used with torque sensors that
vices such as locknuts, serrated underheads, spe- measure the input torque, it is possible to deter-
cial thread forms, and thread-locking adhesives mine the underhead friction torque and the
and friction patches. Achieving a specific clamp thread friction torque. With this measurement
force during installation is always the desired equipment, the fastener can then be tested to es-
result, and the roles of thread friction and un- tablish and maintain standards for friction per-
derhead friction must be analyzed and under- formance.
stood to ensure joint integrity. For example, in the test plot illustrated in Fig.
To determine both thread friction and under- 4, a locknut is initially driven onto a bolt. The
head friction, measurements are taken using a thread friction torque is equal to the input torque
torque-tension research head, as shown in Fig. until contact with the underhead-bearing surface
3. This device is a special load cell designed to is made. Once contact is made with the under-
simultaneously measure both thread torque and head area, the underhead friction torque is mea-
sured as the difference between the total input
torque and the thread torque. As clamp force is
developed, the pitch torque is calculated and
subtracted from the thread torque to compute the
thread-friction torque. Note that for prevailing
torque locknuts, the elastic origin is located at
the prevailing torque level as shown in Fig. 4,
not at the zero torque level used for fasteners
without prevailing torque characteristics.
Considerations in Testing. There are a num-
ber of factors that can affect the tension created
in a bolt when torque is applied. Depending on
the fastener and joint configuration, direct mea-
surement of tension is not always practical or
even possible by any means. Fortunately, torque
and angle measurements can be taken for most
bolted joints and then analyzed to assist in de-
termination of important characteristics and
Fig. 3 Torque-tension research head, 800 kN capacity properties related to strength and reliability.

Fig. 4 Determining friction forces for prevailing torque locknut

198 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

When tightening a threaded fastener, it is al- Rockwell or Vickers hardness standards may be
most always important to know both how much used at the option of the manufacturer. Hardness
torque is applied and how far the fastener is is determined at midradius of a transverse sec-
turned. Similarly, it is always important to fully tion of the product taken at a distance of one
understand how friction affects the relationship diameter from the point end of the product. The
of torque, angle, and tension. reported hardness is the average of four hardness
To ensure that critical joints are tightened readings located at 90⬚ to one another. Accept-
properly, it must be kept in mind that it is the able alternative methods of determining hard-
control of tension that is most important, not the ness for bolts are either at midradius, one di-
control of torque. This fact must always be con- ameter from the end, or on the side of the head
sidered when choosing and setting up tools, of a hex-head or square-head product of all prop-
when monitoring production, and when per- erty classes after adequate preparation to remove
forming quality control audits. The fastener- any decarburization. As explained subsequently,
tightening process is dependent upon the energy uniform hardness measurement is one method
transfer from the tightening tool into the fastener for determining the proof load.
and bolted joint. The integrated area under the
torque-angle signature curve is a measure of the Tensile Tests
energy absorbed by the assembly.
Fasteners and studs should be tested at full-
Standard Test Methods for Determining size and to a minimum ultimate load in kilonew-
Materials Properties of Fasteners tons (kN) or stress in megapascals (MPa). Such
testing includes proof-load tests (by length mea-
The materials properties of the fastener must surement, yield strength, or uniform hardness),
be known before a more detailed analysis of the axial tensile tests, wedge tensile tests, and total
bolted joint is possible. Many standards exist for extension-at-fracture tests.
the testing of fasteners. ASTM F 606M (Ref 3), Proof-Load Tests. The basic proof-load test
a specification developed through the proce- consists of stressing the product with a specified
dures of ASTM for metric fasteners, is consid- load that the product must withstand without any
ered to be one of the most complete. The cor- measurable permanent set and evaluating the
responding standard for English threaded fastener in terms of any change in length. Alter-
fasteners is ASTM F 606. More complete de- native tests to determine the ability of a fastener
scriptions of the methods can be found in the to pass the proof-load test are the yield-strength
standard. The text following in this section is a test and the uniform hardness test. Although any
summary of the basic test methods according to of the alternative test methods described may be
ASTM F 606M. used, the proof-load test is the arbitration
The test methods described in ASTM F 606M method used in case of any dispute.
establish procedures for conducting mechanical Method 1, Length Measurement. The overall
tests to determine the materials properties of ex- length of the specimen is measured at its true
ternally and internally threaded fasteners. For centerline with an instrument capable of mea-
externally threaded fasteners, the following test suring changes in length of 0.0025 mm with an
methods are described: accuracy of 0.0025 mm in any 0.025 mm range.
● Product hardness Measuring the length between conical centers on
● Proof load by length measurement, yield the centerline of the fastener or stud with mating
strength, or uniform hardness centers on the measuring anvils is preferred. The
● Axial tension testing of full-sized products head or body of the fastener or stud should be
● Wedge tension testing of full-sized products marked so that it can be placed in the same po-
● Tension testing of machined test specimens sition for all measurements.
● Total extension at fracture testing The product is assembled in the fixture of the
tension-testing machine so that six complete
threads are exposed between the grips. Tests for
Product Hardness
heavy hex structural bolts are based on four
The hardness of fasteners and studs can be threads. This is obtained by freely running the
determined on the ends, wrench flats, or un- nut or fixture to the thread runout of the speci-
threaded shanks after removal of any oxide, de- men and then unscrewing the specimen six full
carburization, plating, or other coating material. turns. For continuous threaded fasteners, at least
Tensile Testing of Components / 199

six full threads should be exposed. The fastener Method 2A, Yield Strength for Austenitic
should be loaded axially to the proof load spec- Stainless Steel and Nonferrous Materials. The
ified in the product specification. The speed of product is assembled in the testing equipment as
testing, as determined with a free-running cross described in method 1. As the load is applied,
head, should not exceed 3 mm/min, and the the total elongation of the product should be
proof load should be maintained for a period of measured and recorded in order to produce a
10 s before releasing the load. Upon release of load-elongation diagram. The load or stress at
this load, the length of the fastener or stud an offset equal to 0.2% strain should be deter-
should be measured again to determine perma- mined based on the length of the bolt between
nent elongation. A tolerance (for measurement the holders as shown in Fig. 5, which will be
error only) of Ⳳ0.013 mm is allowed between subject to elongation under load by using the
the measurements made before loading and that yield-strength method described in the section
made after loading. “Tensile Testing of Machined Test Specimens.”
Variables, such as straightness, thread align- Method 3, Uniform Hardness. The fasteners
ment, or measurement error, could result in ap- are tested for hardness as described previously,
parent elongation of the product when the spec- and in addition, the hardness is determined in
ified proof load is initially applied. In such cases, the core. The difference between the midradius
the product may be retested using a 3% greater and core hardness should be not more than three
load and is considered acceptable if there is no points on a Rockwell C scale, and both readings
difference in the length measurement after this must be within product specification.
loading within a 0.013 mm measurement toler- Short Fasteners and Studs. Fasteners with
ance as outlined. lengths less than those shown in Table 1, or that
Method 2, Yield Strength. The product is as- do not have sufficient threads for proper en-
sembled in the testing equipment as described gagement, are deemed too short for tensile test-
for method 1. As the load is applied, the total ing. Acceptance is then based on a hardness test.
elongation of the product or any part of it that If tests other than product hardness are required,
includes the exposed threads should be mea- their requirements are referenced in the product
sured and recorded to produce a load-elongation specification.
diagram. The load or stress at an offset equal to Axial Tensile Testing of Full-Sized Prod-
0.2% of the length of fastener occupied by six ucts. Fasteners are tested in a holder with a load
full threads is determined, as shown in Fig. 5. axially applied between the head and a nut or in
a suitable fixture as shown in Fig. 5. Sufficient
thread engagement must exist to develop the full
strength of the product. The nut or fixture should
be assembled on the product, leaving six com-
plete fastener threads exposed between the grips.
Studs are tested by assembling one end of the
threaded fixture to the thread runout. If the stud
has unlike threads, the end with the finer pitch
thread, or with the larger minor diameter, is
used. The other end of the stud is assembled in
the threaded fixture, leaving six complete

Table 1 Required minimum length of fasteners

for tensile testing
Nominal product diam (D), mm Min length, mm
5 12
6 14
8 20
10 25
12 30
14 35
16 40
20 45
Over 20 3D
Fig. 5 Tensile testing of full-size fastener (typical set-up).
Source: Ref 3
Source: Ref 3
200 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

threads exposed between the grips. For contin- and to demonstrate the head quality and ductility
uous studs, at least six complete threads are ex- of the product.
posed between the fixture ends. Wedge Tensile Testing of Fasteners. The ulti-
The maximum speed of the free-running cross mate load of the fastener is determined as de-
head should not exceed 25 mm/min. When re- scribed previously under “Axial Tensile Testing
porting the tensile strength of the product, the of Full-Sized Products,” except to place a wedge
thread stress area is calculated as follows: under the fastener head. When both wedge and
proof-load testing are required by the product
As ⳱ 0.7854(D ⳮ 0.9382P)2 (Eq 1) specification, the proof-load-tested fastener for
wedge testing should be used. The wedge must
where As is the thread stress area, mm2; D is the have a minimum hardness of 45 HRC for fas-
nominal diameter of the fasteners or stud, mm; teners having an ultimate tensile strength of
and P is thread pitch, mm. 1035 MPa or less, and a minimum of 55 HRC
The product should support a load prior to for fasteners having a tensile strength in excess
fracture not less than the minimum tensile of 1035 MPa. Additionally, the wedge should
strength specified in the product specification for have the following:
its size, property class, and thread series. In ad-
● A thickness of one-half the nominal fastener
dition, failure should occur in the body or in the
threaded section with no fracture at the juncture diameter (measured at the thin side of the
of the body and head. hole as shown in Fig. 6)
● A minimum outside dimension such that at
Wedge Tensile Testing. The wedge tensile
strength of a hex- or square-head fastener, no time during the test will any corner load-
socket-head cap screw, or stud is the tensile load ing of the head of the product occur adjacent
that the product is capable of sustaining when to the wedge
● An included angle as shown in Table 2 for
stressed with a wedge under the head. The pur-
pose of this test is to obtain the tensile strength the product type being tested
The hole in the wedge should have a clearance
over the nominal size of the fastener and have
its edges top and bottom rounded as specified in
Table 3.
The fastener is then tensile tested to failure.
The fastener must support a load prior to fracture

Table 2 Wedge angles for tensile testing of

Nominal product Studs and flange
diam, mm Fasteners(a) fasteners
5–24 10 6
Over 24 6 4
(a) For heat-treated fasteners that are threaded one diam or closer to the underside
of the head, a wedge angle of 6⬚ for sizes 5 to 24 mm and 4⬚ for sizes over 24
mm should be used. Source: Ref 3

Table 3 Requirements for wedge-hole

clearance and radius for tensile testing of
Nominal product Nominal clearance Nominal radius on
diam, mm in hole, mm corners of hole, mm
To 6 0.50 0.70
Over 6–12 0.80 0.80
Over 12–20 1.60 1.30
Over 20–36 3.20 1.60
Fig. 6 Wedge-test details for fasteners. D, diameter of bolt; C, Over 36 3.20 3.20
clearance of wedge hole; R, radius; T, thickness of
Source: Ref 3
wedge at short side hole; W, wedge angle
Tensile Testing of Components / 201

not less than the minimum tensile strength spec- equal to the diameter of the stud plus the depth
ified in the product specification for the appli- of the counterbore. The thread in the wedge
cable size, property class, and thread series. In should have class 4H6H tolerance, except when
addition, the fracture should occur in the body testing studs having an interference fit thread, in
or threaded portion with no fractures at the junc- which case the wedge will have to be threaded
tion of the head and the shank. to provide a finger-free fit. The supporting fix-
Wedge-Tensile Testing of Studs. When both ture should have a hole clearance over the nom-
wedge-tension and proof-load testing are re- inal size of the stud, and the top and bottom
quired, one end of the same stud previously used edges should be rounded or chamfered to the
for proof-load testing is assembled in a threaded same limits specified for the hardened wedge in
fixture to the thread runout. For studs having Table 3.
unlike threads, the end with the finer-pitch The stud must support a load prior to fracture
thread or with the larger minor diameter is used. of not less than the minimum tensile strength
The other end of the stud should be assembled specified in the product specification for its size,
in a threaded wedge to the runout and then un- property class, and thread series.
screwed six full turns, leaving six complete Tensile Testing of Machined Test Speci-
threads exposed between the grips as shown in mens. Where fasteners and studs cannot be
Fig. 7. For continuous threaded studs, at least tested at full-size, tests are conducted using test
six full threads are exposed between the fixture specimens machined from the fastener or stud.
ends. The angle of the wedge for the stud size Fasteners and studs should have their shanks
and property class is as specified in Table 2. machined to the dimensions shown in Fig. 8.
The stud should be assembled in the testing The reduction of the shank diameter of heat-
machine and tensile tested to failure, as de- treated fasteners and studs with nominal diam-
scribed previously under “Axial Tensile Testing eters larger than 16 mm should not exceed 25%
of Full-Sized Products.” The minimum hardness of the original diameter of the product. Alter-
of the threaded wedge is 45 HRC for products natively, fasteners 16 mm in diameter or larger
having an ultimate tensile strength of less than may have their shanks machined to a test spec-
1035 MPa and 55 HRC for product lines having imen with the axis of the specimen located mid-
an ultimate tensile strength in excess of 1035 way between the axis and outside surface of the
MPa. The length of the threaded section of the fastener as shown in Fig. 9. In either case, ma-
wedge must be equal to at least the diameter of chined test specimens should exhibit tensile
the stud. To facilitate removal of the broken strength, yield strength (or yield point), elon-
stud, the wedge can be counterbored. The thick- gation, and reduction of area equal to or greater
ness of the wedge at the thin side of the hole is than the values of these properties specified for
the product size in the applicable product spec-
ification when tested in accordance with this sec-
Tensile Properties: Yield Point. Yield point is
the first stress in a material, less than the maxi-
mum obtainable stress, at which an increase in
strain occurs without an increase in stress. Yield

Fig. 7 Wedge-test details for studs. D, diameter of stud; C,

clearance of wedge hole; R, radius; T, thickness of Fig. 8 Tensile-test specimen with turned-down shank. Source:
wedge at short side hole; W, wedge angle Ref 3
202 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

point is intended for application only for mate- imens may not exhibit the well-defined dis-
rials that may exhibit the unique characteristic proportionate deformation that characterizes
of showing an increase in strain without an in- a yield point as measured by the previous
crease in stress. A sharp knee or discontinuity methods. In these cases, the following
characterizes the stress-strain diagram. The yield method can be used to determine a value
point can be determined by one of the following equivalent to the yield point in its practical
● Drop-of-the-beam or halt-of-the-pointer
method: In this method, an increasing load
is applied to the specimen at a uniform rate.
When a lever and poise machine is used, the
beam is kept in balance by running out the
poise at an approximately steady rate. When
the yield point of the material is reached, the
increase of the load will stop, but the poise
should be run a small amount beyond the
balance position, and the beam of the ma-
chine will drop for a brief interval of time.
When a machine equipped with a load-in-
dicating dial is used, there is a halt or hesi-
tation of the load-indicating pointer, which
corresponds to the drop of the beam. The
load is recorded at the drop of the beam or
the halt of the pointer. This point is the yield
point of the fastener or stud.
● Autographic diagram method: When a
sharp-kneed stress-strain diagram is obtained
by an autographic device, the yield point is
taken as either the stress corresponding to the
top of the knee, as shown in Fig. 10, or as Fig. 10 Stress-strain diagram for determination of yield
strength by the offset method. o-m is the specified
the stress at which the curve drops, as shown offset. To determine offset yield strength, draw line m-n parallel
in Fig. 11. to the line o-A. From the intersection point r, draw a horizontal
line to determine the offset yield strength, R.
● Total extension-under-load method: When
testing material for yield point, the test spec-

Fig. 11 Stress-strain diagram showing yield point corre-

Fig. 9 Location of standard tensile-test specimen when turned sponding with top of knee. o-m, offset to yield point.
from large sized fastener. Source: Ref 3 Source: Ref 3
Tensile Testing of Components / 203

significance that may be recorded as the where YS is the specified yield strength, MPa;
yield point. A class C or better extensometer E is the modulus of elasticity, MPa; and r is
is attached to the specimen. When the load the limiting plastic strain, mm/mm.
producing a specified extension is reached, Tensile strength is calculated by dividing the
the stress corresponding to the load as the maximum load the specimen sustains during a
yield point is recorded and the extensometer tensile test by the original cross-sectional area
removed (Fig. 12). of the specimen.
Elongation. The ends of the fractured speci-
Yield Strength. Yield strength is the stress at men are fitted together carefully and the dis-
which a material exhibits a specified limiting tance between the gage marks measured to the
deviation from the proportionality of stress to nearest 0.25 mm for gage lengths of 50 mm or
strain. The deviation is expressed in terms of under, and to the nearest 0.5 mm of the gage
strain, percentage of offset, total extension un- length for gage lengths over 50 mm. A per-
der load, and so on. Yield strength may be de- centage scale reading to 0.5% of the gage
termined by the offset method or the extension- length may be used. The elongation is the in-
under-load method. crease in length of the gage length, expressed
To determine the yield strength by the offset as a percentage of the original gage length. In
method, it is necessary to secure data (auto- reporting elongation values, both the percentage
graphic or numerical) from which a stress-strain increase and the original gage length should be
diagram may be drawn. Then, on the stress- given.
strain diagram layoff, o-m, as shown in Fig. 10, If any part of the fracture takes place outside
equal to the specified value of the offset, m-n the middle half of the gage length or in a
should be drawn parallel to o-A and thus locate punched or scribed mark with the reduced sec-
r. The yield-strength load, R, is the load corre- tion, the elongation value obtained may not be
sponding to the highest point of the stress-strain representative of the material. If the elongation
curve before or at the intersection of m-n and so measured meets the minimum requirements
r. In reporting values of yield strength obtained specified, no further testing is indicated, but if
by this method, the specified value of the offset the elongation is less than the minimum re-
used should be stated in parenthesis after the quirements, the test should be discarded and
term yield strength, thus: performed again.
Yield strength (0.2% offset) ⳱ 360 MPa

In using this method, a minimum extensometer

magnification of 250 to 1⳯ is required. A class
B1 extensometer meets this requirement. (Ex-
tensometer system classification is discussed in
Chapter 4, “Testing Equipment and Strain Sen-
The extension-under-load method is used to
determine the acceptance or rejection of mate-
rials whose stress-strain characteristics are well
known from previous tests of similar materials
in which stress-strain diagrams are plotted. For
these tests, the total strain corresponding to the
stress at which the specified offset occurs
should be known as within satisfactory limits.
The stress on the specimen, when total strength
is reached, is the value of the yield strength.
The total strain can be obtained satisfactorily
by the use of a class B1 extensometer. The ex-
tension under load (mm/mm of gage length)
can be determined as follows: Fig. 12 Stress-strain diagram showing yield point or yield
strength by extension-under-load method. o-m, spec-
ified extension under load. Line m-n is vertical, and the intersec-
YS/E ⳱ r (Eq 2) tion point, r, determines yield strength value, R. Source: Ref 3
204 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Reduction of Area. The ends of the fractured Testing of Adhesive Joints

specimen are fitted together and the mean di-
ameter or the width and thickness at the small- Adhesive bonding is a materials joining pro-
est cross section measured to the same accuracy cess in which an adhesive (usually a thermoset-
as the original dimensions. The difference be- ting or thermoplastic resin) is placed between
tween the area thus found and the area of the the faying surfaces of the parts or bodies called
original cross section expressed as a percentage adherends. The adhesive then solidifies or hard-
of the original area is the reduction in area. ens by physical or chemical property changes to
Total Extension at Fracture Test. The test produce a bonded joint with useful strength be-
to determine extension at fracture, AL, is carried tween the adherends. The strength of the adhe-
out on stainless steel and nonferrous products sive joint is determined by the following tests
in the finished condition with the length equal (Ref 4):
to or in excess of those minimums listed in Ta-
ble 1. The products to be tested are measured ● Peel tests
for total length, L1, described as follows and ● Lap shear tests
shown in Fig. 13. ● Tensile tests
Both ends of the fastener or stud are marked ● Fracture mechanics tests
using a permanent marking substance, such as
bluing, so that the measuring reference points Tensile Tests. Most adhesive joints are de-
for determining total lengths, L1 and L2, are es- signed to avoid (or at least reduce) direct tensile
tablished. An open-end caliper and steel rule or forces across the bond line. However, for many
other device capable of measuring to within joints where the primary loading is shear, failure
0.25 mm are used to determine the total length may be initiated by the induced secondary ten-
of the product (Fig. 13). sile stresses and the adhesive joint’s tensile
The product under test is screwed into the strength is of interest. Accordingly, the third
threaded adapter to a depth of one diameter most common type of adhesive joint strength
(Fig. 5) and load applied axially until the prod- test is the tensile test (the lap shear test geometry
uct fractures. The maximum speed of the free- is the most popular followed by the peel test).
running cross head should not exceed 25 mm/ The geometries of several tensile tests for
min. which there are specific ASTM test procedures
After the product has been fractured, the two are shown in Fig. 14 (Ref 5). Some of these test
broken pieces are fitted closely together, and the geometries seem relatively simple; however, it
overall length, L2, is measured. The total exten- has been demonstrated that the stresses along the
sion at fracture, AL, is then calculated as fol- bond line have a rather complex dependence on
lows: geometric factors and adhesive and adherent
properties (adhesive thickness and its variation
AL ⳱ L2 ⳮ L1 (Eq 3) across the bonded surface, modulus, Poisson’s
ratio, and so on) (Ref 6).
The value obtained should equal or exceed the It is almost always difficult to load tensile ad-
minimum values shown in the applicable spec- hesion specimens in an axisymmetric manner,
ification for the product and material type. even if the sample itself is axisymmetric. Non-

Fig. 13 Determination of total extension at fracture (AL) for a screw product. Source: Ref 3
Tensile Testing of Components / 205

Fig. 14 Typical specimen geometries for testing the tensile strength of adhesive joints. Source: Ref 5

axisymmetric loads have been shown to reduce ple. As noted, for an elastic analysis, both the
the bond failure load capability and to cause shear and tensile stresses are singular (tending
large scatter in the resulting failure data. Super- to infinity) at the outer periphery.
ficially, the geometry for standard tensile adhe- For the tensile specimen configurations con-
sion tests is deceptively simple. The result of the sidered to this point, the applied loading is in-
tensile adhesion test, as normally reported by ex- tended to be axisymmetric. There is another
perimentalists, is simply the failure load divided class of specimen in which the dominant stress
by the cross-sectional area of the adhesive (Ref is deliberately tensile but in which the loading
7). Such average stress at failure can be very is obviously “off center.” At least four ASTM
misleading. Because of the differences in me- standards describe so-called cleavage specimens
chanical properties of the adhesive and adher- and tests. The reader familiar with cohesive frac-
end, the stresses may become singular at the ture mechanics will see a similarity between the
bond edges when analyzed using linear elastic test specimen in ASTM D 1062 (“Standard Test
analysis (Ref 6, 8). Even if the edge singularity Method for Cleavage Strength of Metal-to-
is neglected, the stress field in the adhesive is Metal Adhesive Bonds”) as shown in Fig. 15,
very complex and nonuniform, with maximum and the compact tensile specimen commonly
values differing markedly from the average used in fracture mechanics testing. ASTM D
value (Ref 6, 8). 1062 specifies reporting the test results as force
Some sense of the complex nature of the
stresses can be obtained by visualizing a butt
joint of a low modulus polymer (e.g., a rubber)
between two steel cylinders. As these are pulled
apart, the rubber elongates much more readily
than the steel. Poisson’s effect will cause a ten-
dency for the rubber to contract laterally. How-
ever, if it is tightly bound to the metal, it is re-
strained from contracting, and shear stresses are
induced at the bond line. Reference 9 provides
the results of a finite element analysis that dem- Fig. 15 Specimen for testing the cleavage strength of metal-
onstrates how these stresses vary across the sam- to-metal adhesive bonds. Source: ASTM D 1062
206 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

required, per unit width, to initiate failure in the ties. For testing, two long, slender strips of can-
specimen, while in fracture mechanics, the re- didate structural materials are first treated with
sults are given as Gc with units of J/m2, which the prescribed surface treatment(s) and bonded
might be interpreted as the energy required to over part of their length with a candidate adhe-
create a unit surface. A knowledgeable and en- sive (Fig. 17). As in the test described in the
terprising reader may want to adapt the D 1062 previous paragraph, the free ends are forced
specimen for obtaining fracture mechanics pa- apart by a wedge. The amount of separation by
rameters. ASTM D 3807, “Standard Test the wedge (determined by wedge thickness and
Method for Strength Properties of Adhesives in depth of insertion) determines the value of the
Cleavage Peel by Tension Loading,” uses a dif- stresses in the adhesive. These stresses can, of
ferent geometry to measure the cleavage course, be adjusted and the values calculated
strength. In this case, two 25.4 mm (1 in.) wide from mechanics of material concepts. When the
by 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) thick plastic strips 177 wedge is in place, the sample is placed in an
mm (7 in.) long are bonded over a length of 76 environmental chamber. At periodic time inter-
mm (3 in.) on one end, leaving the other ends vals, the length of the crack is measured, and a
free and separated by the thickness of the ad- plot of crack length versus time is constructed.
hesive. Approximately 25 mm (1 in.) from the The more satisfactory adhesives and/or surface
end of each of these free segments, a “gripping treatments are those for which the crack is ar-
wire” is attached as shown in Fig. 16. During rested or grows very slowly. While the environ-
testing, these wires are clamped in the jaws of a mental chamber typically contains hot, humid
universal testing machine and the sample pulled air, there is no reason why other environmental
to failure. The results are reported as load per agents cannot be studied by the same method,
unit width (kg/m or lb/in.). including immersion in liquids.
ASTM D 5041 (“Standard Test Method for
Fracture Strength in Cleavage of Adhesives in
Bonded Joints”) also makes use of a sample Testing of Welded Joints
composed of two thin sheets bonded together
over part of their length. In this case, forcing a Testing for mechanical properties of strength
wedge (45⬚ angle) between the unbonded por- and ductility for welded joints is somewhat more
tion of the sheets facilitates the separation. The
results are typically given as “failure initiation
energy” or “failure propagation energy” (i.e., ar-
eas under the load deformation curve).
This latter test is similar to another test, for-
malized as ASTM D 3762 (“Standard Test
Method for Adhesive-Bonded Surface Durabil-
ity of Aluminum—Wedge Test”) that has been
found very useful for studying time-environ-
mental effects on adhesive bonds. This test is
called by various names, but is commonly re-
ferred to as the “Boeing Wedge Test” (Ref 10,
11). The test has been used by personnel at this
and other aerospace companies to screen various
adhesives, surface treatment, and so on for long-
term loading at high temperatures and humidi-

Fig. 17 Boeing wedge test (ASTM D 3762). (a) Test specimen.

(b) Typical crack propagation behavior at 49 ⬚C (120
Fig. 16 Specimen for testing cleavage peel (by tension load- ⬚F) and 100% relative humidity. a, distance from load point to
ing). Source: ASTM D 3807 initial crack tip; Da, growth during exposure. Source: Ref 4
Tensile Testing of Components / 207

complicated than it is for base metal, because If the data required are for a class of weld
these properties vary across the weld metal, the material such as an electrode lot, the material
adjacent heat-affected zone (HAZ), and the base can be taken from specimens that reduce the
metal. Several different tests may be used or possibility of dilution of base metal into the
combined to assess the strength of the overall weld, such as a built-up weld pad. If the data
welded joints. Tensile testing is widely used to required are for a particular weldment, the ge-
measure the strength and ductility of the weld ometry as well as the welding process and pro-
metal alone. Tensile testing of welds in place, cedure should model those of the weldment as
with weld metal, HAZ, and base metal, allows closely as possible. Some modifications of the
an overall strength to be determined but usually weldment may be allowed, such as increasing
cannot provide the strengths of the individual the root opening by 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) or buttering
parts of the weldment. the groove faces with the weld metal to be
Tensile tests of welds can also measure elastic tested. The surface of the tested section, in the
modulus. However, except in rare cases of dis- gage length, is recommended to be 3 mm (1⁄8 in.)
similar metal joining, the elastic modulus is not or more from the fusion line.
sensitive to the differences between weld, HAZ, Testing of Welds in Place. When the weld
and base metal. So, measurement during weld metal extends over only part of the tested gage
tensile tests is not usually required. Also, most length, tensile tests can be performed similar to
tensile testing procedures for weld joints cannot those performed on the round and rectangular
be relied upon to provide accurate values of elas- specimen tests of weld metal. The nonuniform-
tic modulus. The specific procedures for testing ity of deformation or stresses of the weld, HAZ,
of elastic modulus distributed by ASTM should and base metal combination limits the informa-
be used if required (Ref 12). tion normally recorded.
Testing of Weld Material. Deposited weld For transverse tests, ultimate strength and the
metal can be tested for the mechanical properties location of fracture are the only commonly re-
of strength and ductility using the same test corded parameters, because strength, elongation,
methods used for base metals (Ref 13, 14). How- and reduction in area will all be affected by the
ever, a sufficient volume of deposited weld constraint of the adjacent differing materials. If
metal is required to remove a test specimen the weld is undermatched, the yield strength
made entirely of weld metal. Often, arc welds tends to be higher than it is for an all-weld-metal
are long only in one direction (the longitudinal specimen, while the elongation over the gage
direction), while the through-thickness and length and reduction in area are smaller. If the
cross-weld directions are much smaller. This en- weld yield strength exceeds that of the base ma-
courages all-weld-metal tensile test specimens terial, that is, it is overmatched, the failure tends
to be removed with the long direction of the to occur not in the adjacent HAZ, but in the base
specimen corresponding to the longitudinal di- material closer to the end of the gage length,
rection of the weld. Such longitudinal tensile test because of the constraint provided by the high-
specimens are standard for all-weld-metal tests. strength weld metal.
All-weld-metal tests are most commonly done Local strain measurements, such as those
on specimens with round cross section. The di- made by strain gages, can add useful informa-
ameter of the specimen may need to be reduced tion to the results of transverse testing. The local
from that used for base metal so that the speci- strain information can be correlated to the load
men can be taken entirely from weld metal. Rec- and displacement information to allow local
tangular cross-section specimens also are used strengths to be determined.
occasionally. For longitudinal tests, the strain will be nearly
Ultimate tensile strength, yield strength (usu- uniform across the weld metal, HAZ, and base
ally based either on yield point or a specified metal. Differences in response to the applied
offset), elongation, and reduction of area are all strain may result in stresses varying across the
commonly recorded. cross section. Only ultimate strength is com-
While the specimen surface should be monly measured.
smooth, without deep machining marks, imper- Testing standards may need to be varied for
fections within the gage length due to welding some specific geometries. For instance, girth
should not be removed. This requirement may welded tubes of less than 75 mm (3 in.) diameter
increase the variability of results within a group are commonly tested in the form of tubes with
of similar specimens. central plugs at the grips. The weld is placed at
208 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the center of the gage length between the grips. 4. K.L. Devries and P. Borgmeier, Testing of
The additional constraint induced by the hoop Adhesive Joints, Mechanical Testing and
direction continuity tends to increase the mea- Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM
sured strengths and decrease the measured duc- International, 2000, p 836–844
tilities for tube welds tested in this manner com- 5. Adhesives, Annual Book of ASTM Stan-
pared to a similar joint between flat sheets. dards, Vol 15.06, ASTM (updated annually)
6. G.P. Anderson and K.L. DeVries, Analysis
of Standard Bond-Strength Tests, Treatise
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS on Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol 6, R.L. Pat-
rick, K.L. DeVries, and G.P. Andersen, Ed.,
This chapter was adapted from: Marcel Dekker, 1989
● R.S. Shoberg, Mechanical Testing of 7. J.K. Strozier, K.J. Ninow, K.L. DeVries, and
Threaded Fasteners and Bolted Joints, Me- G.P. Anderson, Adhes. Sci. Rev., Vol 1,
chanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM 1987, p 121
Handbook, ASM International, 2000, p 811– 8. G.P. Anderson, D.H. Brinton, K.J. Ninow,
835 and K.L. DeVries, A Fracture Mechanics
● K.L. Devries and P. Borgmeier, Testing of Approach to Predicting Bond Strength, Ad-
Adhesive Joints, Mechanical Testing and vances in Adhesively Bonded Joints, Pro-
Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM In- ceedings of a Conference at the Winter An-
ternational, 2000, p 836–844 nual Meeting of ASME, 27 Nov–2 Dec 1988
● W. Mohr, Mechanical Testing of Welded (Chicago), S. Mall, K.M. Liechti, and J.K.
Joints, Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, Vinson, Eds., ASME, 1988, p 98–101
Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 9. G.P. Anderson and K.L. DeVries, Predicting
2000, p 845–852 Strength of Adhesive Joints from Test Re-
sults, Int. J. Fract., Vol 39, 1989, p 191–200
10. V.L. Hein and F. Erodogan, Stress Singu-
REFERENCES larities in a Two-Material Wedge, Int. J.
Fract., Vol 7, 1971, p 317
1. H.E. Fairman, Overview of Mechanical 11. J.A. Marceau, Y. Moji, and J.C. McMillan,
Properties for Component Design, Mechan- A Wedge Test for Evaluating Adhesive
ical Testing and Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Bonded Surface Durability, 21st SAMPE
Handbook, ASM International, 2000, p Symposium, Vol 21, 6–8 April 1976
789–797 12. “Standard Test Method for Young’s Modu-
2. R.S. Shoberg, Mechanical Testing of lus, Tangent Modulus, and Chord Modu-
Threaded Fasteners and Bolted Joints, Me- lus,” E 111, Annual Book of ASTM Stan-
chanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol 8, dards, Vol 3.01, ASTM, 1999
ASM Handbook, ASM International, 2000, 13. “Standard Methods of Tension Testing of
p 811–835 Metallic Materials,” E 8, Annual Book of
3. “Standard Test Method for Determining the ASTM Standards, Vol 3.01, ASTM, 1999
Mechanical Properties of Externally and In- 14. “Standard Methods of Tension Testing
ternally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, and Wrought and Cast Aluminum, and Magne-
Rivets (Metric),” ASTM F 606M, Annual sium Alloy Products,” B 557, Annual Book
Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM of ASTM Standards, Vol 3.01, ASTM, 1999
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p209-238 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p209 www.asminternational.org


Hot Tensile Testing

HIGH-TEMPERATURE MECHANICAL the flow stress, and cavity formation conditions

PROPERTIES of metals are determined by three should be established as a function of tempera-
basic methods: ture and strain rate. A curve of ductility versus
● Short-term tests at elevated temperatures temperature or strain rate shows what degree of
● Long-term tests of creep deformation at el- deformation the material can tolerate without
evated temperatures failure. On the other hand, a plot of the flow
● Short-term and long-term tests following
stress versus temperature, along with workpiece
long-term exposure to elevated temperatures size and strain rate, indicates the force levels re-
quired of the hot-working equipment. Last, a
This chapter focuses on short-term tensile test- curve of cavity volume fraction versus strain,
ing at high temperatures. Such tests are com- strain rate, and temperature shows what pro-
monly referred to as hot tensile, or hot tension, cessing parameters should be selected in order
tests. The basic methods and specimens for these to produce high-quality products.
tests are similar to room-temperature testing, al- Although commercial metalworking opera-
though the specimen heating, test setup, and ma- tions cannot be analyzed in terms of a simple
terial behavior at higher temperatures do intro- stress state, workpiece failures are caused by lo-
duce some additional complexities and special calized tensile stresses in most instances (Ref 1–
issues for hot tensile testing. 4). In rolling of plate, for example, edge crack-
Emphasis in this chapter has been put on one ing is caused by tensile stresses that form at
of the most important reasons for conducting hot bulged (unrestrained) edges (Ref 1, 3, 4). The
tensile tests—the determination of the hot work- geometry of these unrestrained surfaces affects
ing characteristics of metallic materials. The the magnitude of tensile stresses at these loca-
proper hot-working temperature and deforma- tions. Moreover, tensile stresses are also created
tion rate must be established to produce high- on the unrestrained surface of a round billet be-
quality wrought products of complicated ge- ing deformed with open dies. Therefore, to ob-
ometries. It is also important that product yield tain a practical understanding of how well a ma-
losses (from either grinding to remove surface terial will hot work during primary processing,
cracks or excessive cropping to remove end it is essential to know how it will respond to
splits) be held to a minimum, while avoiding the tensile loading at the strain rates to be imposed
formation of internal cavities (pores). Severe by the specific hot-working operation.
cracking is ordinarily the result of high surface The ideal hot-workability test is one in which
tensile stresses introduced when hot working is the metal is deformed uniformly, without insta-
conducted either above or below the temperature bility, at constant true strain rate under well-con-
range of satisfactory ductility. Similarly, cavi- trolled temperature conditions with continuous
tation is associated with internal tensile stresses, measurement of stress, strain, and temperature
which, for a given material, depend on the tem- during deformation followed by instantaneous
perature, the deformation rate, and workpiece/ quenching to room temperature. Two types of
die geometry. hot tensile tests are discussed in this chapter: the
The first and most important step in specify- Gleeble test and the conventional isothermal
ing appropriate hot-working practice is to deter- hot-tensile test. The major advantage of the hot
mine suitable hot-working conditions. In partic- tensile test is that its stress/strain state simulates
ular, the tensile ductility (e.g., fracture strain), the conditions that promote cracking in most in-
210 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

dustrial metalworking operations. However, mon heating techniques are direct-resistance

even though the tensile test is simple in nature, heating (in the case of Gleeble systems) and in-
it may provide misleading information if not direct-resistance or induction heating with con-
properly designed. Specifically, parameters such ventional load frames. In some cases, universal
as the specimen geometry, tension machine test machines may include a special chamber for
characteristics, and strain rate and temperature testing in either vacuum or controlled atmo-
control all influence the results of the tension sphere. Specimen (testpiece) temperatures typi-
test. Therefore, the tensile test should be de- cally are monitored and controlled by thermo-
signed and conducted carefully, and testing pro- couples, which may be attached on the specimen
cedures should be well documented when data surface or located very close to the specimen. In
are reported. some cases, temperature is measured by optical
or infrared pyrometers. Accurate measurement
and control is very critical for obtaining reliable
Equipment and Testing Procedures data. To this end, the use of closed-loop tem-
perature controllers is indispensable.
The apparatus used to conduct hot tensile tests The occurrence of deformation heating may
comprises a mechanical loading system and also be an important consideration, especially at
equipment for sample heating. A variety of high strain rates, because it can significantly
equipment types are used for applying forces raise the specimen temperature.
(loads) to test specimens. These types range
from very simple devices to complex systems Gleeble Testing Equipment
that are controlled by a digital computer. The
most common test configurations utilize univer- The Gleeble system (Ref 5) has been used
sal testing machines, which have the capability since the 1950s to investigate the hot tensile be-
to test material in tension, compression, or bend- havior of materials and thus to generate impor-
ing. The word universal refers to the variety of tant information for the selection of hot-working
stress states that can be applied by the machine, parameters. A Gleeble unit is a high-strain-rate,
in contrast to other conventional test machines high-temperature testing machine where a solid,
that may be limited to either tensile loading or buttonhead specimen is held horizontally by wa-
compressive loading, but not both. Universal ter-cooled grips, through which electric power is
test machines or tension-only test frames may introduced to resistance heat the test specimen
apply loads by a gear (screw)-driven mechanism (Fig. 1). Specimen temperature is monitored by
or hydraulic mechanisms, as discussed in more a thermocouple welded to the specimen surface
detail in the section “Frame-Furnace Tensile- at the middle of its length. The thermocouple,
Testing Equipment” in this chapter. with a function generator, controls the heat fed
The heating method used for hot tensile test- into the specimen according to a programmed
ing varies with the application. The most com- cycle. Therefore, a specimen can be tested under

Fig. 1 Gleeble test unit used for hot-tension and hot-compression testing. (a) Specimen in grips showing attached thermocouple
wires and linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) for measuring strain. (b) Close-up of a test specimen. Courtesy of
Duffers Scientific, Inc.
Hot Tensile Testing / 211

time and temperature conditions that simulate Test Procedures. It is essential that hot ten-
hot-working sequences. sile tests be conducted at accurately controlled
Contemporary Gleeble systems (e.g., see temperatures because of the usually strong de-
www.gleeble.com) are fully integrated servohy- pendence of tensile ductility on this process vari-
draulic setups that are capable of applying as able. To this end, temperature is monitored by a
much as 90 kN (10 tons) of force in tension at thermocouple percussion welded to the speci-
displacement rates up to 2000 mm/s (80 in./s). men surface. Using a function generator, heat
Different load cells allow static-load measure- input to the specimen is controlled according to
ment to be tailored to the specific application. a predetermined programmed cycle chosen by
Control modes that are available include dis- the investigator. However, the temperature mea-
placement, force, true stress, true strain, engi- sured from this thermocouple junction does not
neering stress, and engineering strain. coincide exactly with the specimen temperature
The direct-resistance heating system of the because (a) heat is conducted away from the
Gleeble machine can heat specimens at rates of junction by the thermocouple wires, and (b) the
up to 10,000 ⬚C/s (18,000 ⬚F/s). Grips with high junction resides above the specimen surface and
thermal conductivity (e.g., copper) hold the radiates heat at a rate higher than that of the
specimen, thus making the system capable of specimen itself. Consequently, the thermocouple
high cooling rates as well. Thermocouples or py- junction is slightly colder than the test specimen.
rometers provide signals for accurate feedback Furthermore, specimen temperature is highest
control of specimen temperature. Because of the midway between the grips and decreases toward
unique high-speed heating method, Gleeble sys- the grips. In general, the specimen will fracture
tems typically can run hot-tension tests several in the hottest plane perpendicular to the speci-
times faster than conventional systems based on men axis. Therefore, it is important to place the
indirect-resistance (furnace) heating methods. thermocouple junction midway between the
A digital-control system provides all the sig- grips in order that the hottest zone of the spec-
nals necessary to control thermal and mechani- imen, which will be the zone of fracture, is
monitored. The longitudinal thermal gradient
cal test variables simultaneously through the
does not present a serious problem because the
digital closed-loop thermal and mechanical
specimen deforms in the localized region where
servo systems. The Gleeble machine can be op-
the temperature is monitored. Consequently, the
erated totally by computer, by manual control,
measured values of reduction of area and ulti-
or by any combination of computer and manual mate tensile strength represent the zone where
control needed to provide maximum versatility the thermocouple is attached.
in materials testing. Strain rate is another important variable in the
Sample Design. A typical specimen config- hot tensile test. However, strain rate varies dur-
uration used in Gleeble testing is shown in Fig. ing hot tensile testing under constant-crosshead-
2. This solid buttonhead specimen, with an over- speed conditions and must be taken into account
all length of 88.9 mm (3.5 in.), has an unreduced when interpreting test data. An analysis of the
test-specimen diameter of 6.35 mm (0.25 in.). strain-rate variation during the hot-tension test
The length of the sample between the grips at and how it correlates to the strain rates in actual
the beginning of the test is also an important metalworking operations is presented later in
consideration. Generally, this length is 25.4 mm this chapter.
(1 in.). Shorter lengths produce a narrow hot The load may be applied at any desired time
zone and restrict hot deformation to a smaller, in the thermal cycle. Temperature, load, and
constrained region; consequently, the apparent
reduction of area is diminished. On the other
hand, a long sample length generally produces
higher apparent ductility/elongation values. For
example, Smith, et al. (Ref 6) have shown that
a grip separation of 36.8 mm (1.45 in.) produces
a hot zone about 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) long. When
specimen diameter is increased, as is necessary
in testing of extremely coarse-grain materials,
the grip separation should also be increased pro-
portionately to maintain a constant ratio of hot-
zone length to specimen diameter. Fig. 2 Typical specimen used for Gleeble testing
212 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

crosshead displacement are measured versus heat treated at the proposed preheat temperature
time and captured by the data acquisition sys- for a time period equal to that of a furnace soak
tem. From these measurements, standard me- commensurate with the intended workpiece size
chanical properties such as yield and ultimate and hot-working operation. These specimens
tensile strength can be determined. The reduc- should be water quenched to eliminate any struc-
tion of area at failure is also readily established tural changes that could result from slow cool-
from tested samples. ing. Subsequently, the specimens should be
If hot-working practices are to be determined tested by heating to the proposed furnace tem-
for an alloy for which little or no hot-working perature, holding at this preheat temperature for
information is available, the preliminary test a moderate period of time (1 to 10 min) to re-
procedure usually comprises the measurement dissolve any phases that may have precipitated,
of data “on heating.” In such tests, samples are cooling to various temperatures at intervals of
heated directly to the test temperature, held for 25 or 50 ⬚C (45 or 90 ⬚F) below the preheat
1 to 10 min, and then pulled to fracture at a strain temperature, holding for a few seconds at the
rate approximating the rate calculated for the desired test temperature, and finally pulling in
metalworking operation of interest. The reduc- tension to fracture at the calculated strain rate.
tion of area for each specimen is plotted as a These “on-cooling” data demonstrate how the
function of test temperature; the resulting “on- material will behave after being preheated at a
heating” curve will indicate the most suitable higher temperature. Testing “on cooling” is nec-
temperature range to be evaluated to determine essary because the relatively short hold times
the optimal preheat* temperature. This tempera- during testing “on heating” may not develop a
ture, as indicated from the plot in Fig. 3, lies grain size representative of that hold temperature
between the peak-ductility (PDT) and zero-duc- and may be insufficient to dissolve or precipitate
tility (ZDT) temperatures. a phase that may occur during an actual furnace
To confirm the appropriate selection of pre- soak prior to hot working. Also, most industrial
heat temperature, specimen blanks should be hot metalworking operations are conducted as
workpiece temperature is decreasing. The “on-
cooling” data will indicate how closely the ZDT
*In the context of this chapter, preheat temperature is the can be approached before hot ductility is seri-
temperature at which the test specimen or workpiece is held
prior to deformation at lower temperatures. In actual met-
ously or permanently impaired. In addition, if
alworking operations, preheat temperature usually refers to deformation heating (Ref 7) during “onheating”
the actual furnace temperature. tests has resulted in a marked underestimation

Fig. 3 Hypothetical “on-heating” Gleeble curve of specimen reduction of area as a function of test temperature
Hot Tensile Testing / 213

of the maximum preheat temperature, this will conditions. Temperature is measured by ther-
be revealed and can be rectified by examination mocouples attached on or located very near to
of “on-cooling” data. the specimen. In some cases, a pyrometer can
also be used.
Frame-Furnace Tensile-Testing Equipment The most common methods of heating in-
clude induction heating and indirect-resistance
Universal testing machines and tensile-test heating in chamber. Typical examples are shown
frames can be used for hot tensile tests by at- in Fig. 5. Induction heating (Fig. 5a) usually al-
taching a heating system to the machine frame. lows faster heating rates than indirect heating
The frame may impart loading by either a screw- does, but accurate temperature control requires
driven mechanism or servohydraulic actuator. extra care. Induction-heating systems can reach
Screw-driven (or gear-driven) machines are typ- testing temperatures within seconds. Induction
ically electromechanical devices that use a large heating heats up the outer layer of the specimen
actuator screw threaded through a moving cross- first. Furnaces with a lower frequency have bet-
head. The screws can turn in either direction, ter penetration capability. Coupling the heating
and their rotation moves a crosshead that applies coil and the specimen also plays an important
a load to the specimen. A simple balance system role in heating efficiency. The interior of the
is used to measure the magnitude of the force specimen is heated through conduction. With the
applied. rapid heating rate, the temperature is often over-
Loads may also be applied using the pressure shot and nonuniform heating often occurs.
of oil pumped into a hydraulic piston. In this Indirect-resistance heating may provide better
case, the oil pressure provides a simple means temperature control/monitoring than induction
of measuring the force applied. Closed-loop heating can. Indirect-resistance heating can be
servohydraulic testing machines form the basis combined readily with specially designed cham-
for the most advanced test systems in use today. bers for testing either in vacuum or in a con-
Integrated electronic circuitry has increased the trolled atmosphere (e.g., argon, nitrogen, etc.).
sophistication of these systems. Also, digital Vacuum furnaces are expensive and have high
computer control and monitoring of such test maintenance costs. The furnace has to be
systems have steadily developed since their in- mounted on the machine permanently, making it
troduction around 1965. Servohydraulic test ma- inconvenient if another type of heating device is
chines offer a wider range of crosshead speeds to be used. The heating element is expensive and
of force ranges with the ability to provide eco- oxidizes easily. The furnace can only be opened
nomically forces of 4450 kN (106 lbf ) or more. at relatively lower temperatures to avoid oxida-
Screw-driven machines are limited in their abil- tion. Quenching has to be performed with an
ity to provide high forces due to problems as- inert gas, such as helium.
sociated with low machine stiffness and large Environmental chambers (Fig. 5b), which are
and expensive loading screws, which become in- less expensive than vacuum chambers, have a
creasingly more difficult to produce as the force circulation system to maintain uniform tempera-
rating goes up. ture inside the furnace. Inert gas can flow
For either a screw-driven or servohydraulic through the chamber to keep the specimen from
machine, the hot tensile test system is a load oxidizing. Temperature inside the chamber can
frame with a heating system attached. A typical be kept to close tolerance (e.g., about Ⳳ1 ⬚C, or
servohydraulic universal testing machine with a Ⳳ2 ⬚F). However, the maximum temperature of
high-temperature chamber is shown in Fig. 4. an environmental chamber is usually 550 ⬚C
The system is the same as that used at room (1000 ⬚F), while that of a vacuum furnace can
temperature, except for the high-temperature ca- be as high as 2500 ⬚C (4500 ⬚F). The chamber
pabilities, including the furnace, cooling system, can either be mounted on the machine or rolled
grips, and extensometer. In this system, the grips in and out on a cart. Split-furnace designs (Fig.
are inside the chamber but partly protected by 5c) are also cost effective and easy to use. When
refractory from heating elements. Heating ele- not in use, it can be swung to the side. The split
ments are positioned around a tensile specimen. furnace shown in Fig. 5(c) has only one heating
Thermocouple and extensometer edges touch zone. More sophisticated split furnaces have
the specimen. The grip design and the specimen three heating zones for better temperature con-
geometry depend on the specific features of the trol. Heating rate is also programmable. When
frame and the heating unit as well as the testing furnace heating is used, it is a common practice
214 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

to use a low heating rate. In addition, the spec- Specimen Geometry. In tensile testing, elon-
imen is typically “soaked” at the test tempera- gation values are influenced by gage length. It
ture for about 10 to 30 min prior to the appli- is thus necessary to state the gage length over
cation of the load. which elongation values are measured. When
The mechanical and thermal control systems the ductilities of different materials (or of a sin-
are similar to those described in the previous gle material tested under different conditions)
section on the Gleeble testing apparatus. The are compared in terms of total elongation, the
main advantage of hot tensile test machines is specimen gage length also should be adjusted in
that the test specimen is heated uniformly along proportion to the cross-sectional area. This is of
its entire gage length, and hence other useful ma- great importance in the case of small elonga-
terials properties such as total tensile elongation, tions, because the neck strain contributes a sig-
plastic anisotropy parameter, cavity formation, nificant portion to the total strain. On the other
and so forth can be determined in addition to hand, the neck strain represents only a small por-
yield/ultimate tensile strength and reduction of tion of the elongation in the case of superplastic
area. On the other hand, the overall time needed deformation. Unwin’s equation (Ref 8) also
to conduct a single test may be longer than in shows the rationale for a fixed ratio of gage
the Gleeble test method. length with cross-sectional area, expressed as a

Fig. 4 Typical servohydraulic universal testing machine with a chamber and instrumentation for high-temperature testing
Hot Tensile Testing / 215

fixed ratio of gage length to diameter (for round not insurmountable. In this regard, analyses and
bars) or gage length to the square root of the techniques, such as those developed by Fried-
cross-sectional area (sheet specimens). This re- man and Ghosh (Ref 9), should be applied in
inforces the importance of stating the gage order to eliminate the effect of shoulder defor-
length used in measuring elongation values. mation from measured hot-tensile data.
Usually, the length-to-diameter ratio is between
4 and 6.
In addition to the gage length, the specimen
shoulder geometry and hence the gripping sys- Hot Ductility and
tem are also important design considerations. It Strength Data from the Gleeble Test
is desirable that specimen deformation takes
place only within its gage length; the shoulder The reduction of area (RA) and strength are
should remain undeformed. This is not always the key parameters measured in hot tensile tests
the case, as can be seen from Fig. 6. The mac- conducted with a Gleeble machine (Ref 1, 11,
rographs of Fig. 6(a) (Ref 9) show the initial and 12). Because RA is a very structure-sensitive
deformed condition of a specimen in which property, it can be used to detect small ductility
measurable deformation has occurred within the variations in materials of low to moderate duc-
grip area. On the other hand, the specimen with tility, such as specialty steels and superalloys.
a different shoulder geometry (Fig. 6b) de- However, it should be recognized that RA will
formed essentially only along its gage length not effectively reveal small variations in mate-
(Ref 10). The shoulder-deformation problem is rials of extremely high ductility (Ref 2). Yield

Fig. 5 Typical examples of heating methods for load-frame tensile testing. (a) Induction heating. (b) Environmental chamber. (c) Split-
furnace setup

Fig. 6 Initial specimen geometry and deformed specimen for cases in which (a) shoulder deformation occurred (Ref 9) or (b) the
shoulder remained undeformed (Ref 10)
216 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

and tensile strength can be used to select re- It should be emphasized that the hot tensile
quired load capacity of production processing test reflects the inherent hot ductility of a ma-
equipment. terial, that is, its natural ability to deform under
deformation conditions. If a workpiece pos-
Ductility Ratings sesses defects or flaws, it may crack due to lo-
calized stress concentration in spite of good in-
Experience has indicated that the qualitative herent hot ductility.
ratings given in Table 1 for hot ductility as a Figure 3 illustrates how hot tensile data are
function of Gleeble reduction-of-area data can used to select a hot-working temperature. The
be used to predict hot workability, select hot- safe, maximum hot-working temperature lies
working temperature ranges, and establish hot- between the PDT and the ZDT. In this hypo-
reduction parameters. “Normal reductions”* thetical curve of “on-heating” data, the PDT is
may be taken on superalloys when the reduction 1095 ⬚C (2000 ⬚F) and the ZDT is 1200 ⬚C (2200
of area exceeds 50%, but lighter reductions are
⬚F). “On-cooling” data should be determined us-
necessary when ductility falls below this level.
ing preheat temperatures between the PDT and
Thus, in this rating system, the minimum hot-
the ZDT. For example, 1095, 1150, 1175, and
working temperature is designated by the tem-
1200 ⬚C (2000, 2100, 2150, and 2200 ⬚F) would
perature at which the reduction of area falls be-
be good preheat temperatures for “on-cooling”
low approximately 30 to 40%. The maximum
studies. Typical “on-cooling” results are de-
hot-working temperature is determined from
picted in Fig. 7. A 1200 ⬚C (2200 ⬚F) preheat
“on-cooling” data. The objective is to determine
temperature results in marginal or poor hot
which preheat temperature provides the highest
ductility over the broadest temperature range workability over the possible working range,
without risking permanent structural damage by whereas an 1175 ⬚C (2150 ⬚F) preheat tempera-
overheating. ture results in acceptable hot workability over a
An alloy with hot-tensile ductility rated as relatively narrow temperature range. Both 1150
marginal or poor may be hot worked, but smaller and 1095 ⬚C (2100 and 2000 ⬚F) preheats result
reductions and fewer passes per heating are re- in good hot ductility over a relatively narrow
quired, perhaps in combination with insulating temperature range. The 1150 ⬚C preheat tem-
coatings and/or coverings. In extreme instances, perature is preferred over the 1095 ⬚C preheat
it may be necessary to minimize development of temperature because it provides good hot duc-
tensile strains by employing special dies for de- tility over a broader temperature range.
forming under a strain state that more nearly ap- Hot workability usually is enhanced by
proaches hydrostatic compression (e.g., extru- greater amounts of prior hot deformation. This
sion). occurs because second phases and segregation-
prone elements are distributed more uniformly
and the grain structure is refined. Deformation
*“Normal reductions” as used in this chapter depend on both
the alloy system being hot worked and the equipment being
at high and intermediate temperatures during
used. For example, normal reductions for low-carbon steels commercial hot-working operations often re-
would be much greater than those for superalloy systems. fines the grain structure by dynamic (or static)

Table 1 Qualitative hot-workability ratings for specialty steels and superalloys

Hot-tension reduction Expected alloy behavior under normal
of area(a), % hot reductions in open die Remarks regarding alloy hot-working practice
⬍30 Poor hot workability. Abundant cracks Preferably not rolled or open-die forged. Extrusion may be
feasible. Rolling or forging should be attempted only with
light reductions, low strain rates, and an insulating coating.
30–40 Marginal hot workability. Numerous cracks This ductility range usually signals the minimum hot-working
temperature. Rolled or press forged with light reductions and
lower-than-usual strain rates.
40–50 Acceptable hot workability. Few cracks Rolled or press forged with moderate reductions and strain
50–60 Good hot workability. Very few cracks Rolled or press forged with normal reductions and strain rates
60–70 Excellent hot workability. Occasional cracks Rolled or press forged with heavier reductions and strain rates
⬎70 Superior hot workability. Rare cracks. Ductile Rolled or press forged with heavier reductions and higher
ruptures can occur if strength is too low. strain rates than normal provided that alloy strength is
sufficiently high to prevent ductile ruptures.
(a) Ratings apply for Gleeble tensile testing of 6.25 mm (0.250 in.) diam specimens with 25.4 mm (1 in.) head separation.
Hot Tensile Testing / 217

recrystallization, thereby augmenting subse- Strength Data

quent hot ductility at lower temperatures. Be-
cause a specimen tested “on cooling” to the low- In the hot-working temperature range,
temperature end of the hot-working range has strength generally decreases with increasing
not been deformed at a temperature where grains temperature. However, the strength data plotted
dynamically recrystallize, the grain structure is in Fig. 8 demonstrate that deformation resistance
unrefined. Thus, ductility values will tend to be does not vary with preheat temperature to the
somewhat lower than those experienced in an same degree as does ductility. Furthermore,
actual metalworking operation in which defor- strength measured “on heating” is usually
mation at higher temperatures has refined the greater than that measured “on cooling.”
structure. The fact that the low-temperature end To calculate the force required to deform a
of the “on-cooling” ductility range is lower than metal in an industrial hot-working operation, ac-
the values that would result in plant metalwork- curate measurement of flow stress is desirable.
ing operations is not sufficient to alter the prac- Ultimate tensile stress measured in the hot ten-
tical translation of the results. This feature serves sile test is only slightly greater than flow stress
as a safety factor for establishing the minimum at the high-temperature end of the hot-working
hot-working temperature. range because work hardening is negligible.
Although some alloys will recover hot ductil- However, the difference between ultimate ten-
ity when cooled from temperatures in the vicin- sile stress and flow stress increases as tempera-
ity of the ZDT, it is nonetheless wise to avoid ture decreases because restoration processes
hot-working preheat temperatures approaching cease. Furthermore, the Gleeble tensile test does
the ZDT in plant practice because interior re- not accurately determine flow stress because the
gions of the workpiece may not cool sufficiently strain rate is not constant. Nonetheless, the test
to allow recovery of ductility, thereby causing still provides useful, comparative information
center bursting. Because industrial furnaces do concerning how the strength of an alloy varies
not control closer than approximately Ⳳ14 ⬚C as a function of temperature within a given
(Ⳳ25 ⬚F), the recommended furnace tempera- strain-rate range. For example, by analyzing
ture ordinarily should be at least 14 ⬚C (25 ⬚F) strength values for common alloys in relation to
lower than the maximum temperature indicated the load-bearing capacity of a given mill, it may
by testing “on cooling.” be possible to use test data for a new or unfa-

Fig. 7 Typical “on-cooling” Gleeble curves of specimen reduction of area as a function of test and preheat temperatures with typical
hot-workability ratings indicated
218 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

miliar alloy in judging whether the equipment is deformation resistance coupled with high duc-
capable of forming the new or unfamiliar alloy. tility over a broad temperature range indicate
that this material has extremely good hot work-
Hot Tensile Data for Commercial Alloys ability. Mill experience has verified this. The
curves shown for M42, the high-speed tool steel,
For illustrative and comparative purposes, reveal that it is intermediate in hot workability
Gleeble hot ductility and strength curves for between the superalloys and AF 1410; this con-
some commercial alloys are presented in Fig. 9. clusion has also been verified by mill experi-
The nominal compositions of these materials are ence.
given in the table accompanying Fig. 9. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the variation of
The hot tensile strengths for the cobalt- and hot tensile ductility values at various tempera-
nickel-base superalloys over the hot-working tures. These results were correlated to the frac-
temperature range are substantially higher than ture surfaces and structures of the test speci-
those for the high-speed tool steel and the high- mens. For the high-strength iron-base alloy AF
strength alloy, which are iron-base materials. 1410, the “on-heating” curve in Fig. 10 shows
Furthermore, the ductility data reveal that René that the ZDT is never reached at practical upper-
41 has the narrowest hot-working temperature limit hot-working temperatures. At the highest
range (DT) of 140 ⬚C (250 ⬚F) of the three su- temperature tested (1230 ⬚C, or 2250 ⬚F) and at
peralloys. Hot working of this alloy below 1010 the PDT (1120 ⬚C, or 2050 ⬚F), where hot-tensile
⬚C (1850 ⬚F) will lead to severe cracking. This ductility is extremely high, the fracture appear-
characteristic, coupled with its high deformation ance is ductile and dynamic recrystallization oc-
resistance, makes this alloy relatively difficult to curs, leading to an equiaxed grain structure. At
hot work. On the other hand, HS 188 has high the higher temperature, a coarser grain structure
deformation resistance, but it has high ductility results from grain growth, which accounts for
over a broad hot-working temperature range the drop in ductility. At the opposite end of the
from 1190 ⬚C (2175 ⬚F) to below 900 ⬚C (1650 hot-working temperature range (842 ⬚C, or 1548
⬚F). Therefore, the permissible reduction per ⬚F), the elongated grain structure reveals that dy-
draft may be relatively small if the hot-working namic recrystallization does not occur, and the
equipment is not capable of high loads, but HS fracture surfaces indicate a less ductile fracture
188 can be hot worked over a broader tempera- mode. The correlation among fracture appear-
ture range than René 41. However, if the equip- ance, microstructure, and hot tensile ductility
ment has high load capacity, then heavier reduc- was even more evident for a developmental
tions can be taken on HS 188 than on René 41. solid-solution-strengthened cobalt-base super-
From the hot-working curves established for the alloy (Fig. 11). At the PDT (1150 ⬚C, or 2100
iron-base, high-strength alloy AF 1410, the low ⬚F), dynamic recrystallization occurs, fracture

Fig. 8 Typical “on-heating” deformation-resistance data obtained in Gleeble testing

Hot Tensile Testing / 219

was primarily transgranular, and the fracture ap- not evident in the microstructure. Microstruc-
pearance was ductile. At the ZDT (1200 ⬚C, or tural evidence of incipient melting at the ZDT
2200 ⬚F), both static recrystallization and grain is observed for some alloys, but not for others
growth were obvious, but incipient melting was (Ref 13).

Fig. 9 Typical “on-cooling” Gleeble curves of strength and ductility as functions of test temperature for several commercial alloys.
220 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

An example of the sensitivity of the hot ten- terial parameters that are important with regard
sile Gleeble test is shown in Fig. 12 for iron/ to metalworking process design. These include
nickel-base superalloy Alloy 901 (Ref 14). A plastic-flow (stress-strain) behavior, plastic
small amount of lanthanum added to one heat anisotropy, tensile ductility, and their variation
(top curve) was sufficient to reduce the analyzed with the test temperature and the strain rate.
sulfur content to the 1 to 5 ppm range. This re-
sulted in a small improvement in the hot tensile Stress-Strain Curves
ductility according to Gleeble hot-tensile data.
Engineering stress-strain curves from isother-
mal hot tensile tests are constructed from load-
Isothermal Hot Tensile Test Data elongation measurements. The engineering, or
nominal, stress is equal to the average axial
From the isothermal hot tensile test, infor- stress and is obtained by dividing the instanta-
mation can be obtained about a number of ma- neous load by the original cross-sectional area

Fig. 10 Typical Gleeble curve of reduction of area versus test temperature for an aircraft structural steel (AF 1410). At the PDT,
dynamic recrystallization occurs leading to an equiaxed grain structure. Fracture appearance is ductile.

Fig. 11 Typical Gleeble curve of reduction area versus test temperature for a cobalt-base superalloy.
Hot Tensile Testing / 221

Fig. 12 Gleeble ductility curves for lanthanum-bearing and standard Alloy 901 tested on cooling from 1120 ⬚C (2050 ⬚F). Note that
the lanthanum-bearing heat displays slightly higher ductility. Specimens represent transverse orientation on a nominal 25
cm square billet. Specimen blanks were heat treated at 1095 ⬚C (2005 ⬚F) for 2 h and then water quenched prior to machining. Specimens
were heated to 1120 ⬚C (2050 ⬚F), held for 5 min, cooled to test temperature and held for 10 s before being tested at a nominal strain
rate of 20 sⳮ1 (crosshead speed 5 cm/s; jaw spacing, 2.5 cm). Source: Ref 14

of the specimen. Similarly, the engineering, or testing conditions. Any point on the flow curve
nominal, strain represents the average axial can be considered the yield stress for a metal
strain and is obtained by dividing the elongation strained in tension by the amount shown on the
of the gage length of the specimen by its original curve. An example of the variation of the true
length. Hence, the form of the engineering stress versus true strain for Al-8090 alloy de-
stress-strain curve is exactly the same as that of formed under superplastic conditions (T ⳱ 520
the load-elongation curve. Examples of engi- ⬚C, ė ⳱ 7.8 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 sⳮ1) is shown in Fig. 14
neering stress-strain curves obtained from hot- (Ref 16). Under these conditions, it is apparent
tension testing of an orthorhombic titanium al- that the flow stress is almost independent of
uminide alloy (Ref 15) at 980 ⬚C (1800 ⬚F) and strain. For ideal superplastic materials, the flow
a range of nominal (initial) strain rates are stress is independent of strain. A nearly constant,
shown in Fig. 13. The curves exhibit a stress or steady-state, flow stress is also frequently ob-
maximum at strains less than 10%, a regime of served at hot-working temperatures in materials
quasi-stable flow during which a diffuse neck that undergo dynamic recovery. In these cases,
develops and the load drops gradually, and, steady-state flow is achieved at strains of the or-
lastly, a period of rapid load drop during which der of 0.2, at which the rate of strain hardening
the flow is highly localized (usually in the center
of the specimen gage length) and failure occurs.
The engineering stress-strain curve does not
give a true indication of the deformation char-
acteristics of a metal because it is based entirely
on the original dimensions of the specimen.
These dimensions change continuously during
the test. Such changes are very significant when
testing is performed at elevated temperatures.
The true stress and true strain are based on
actual (instantaneous) cross-sectional area and
length measurements at any instant of defor-
mation. The true-stress/true-strain curve is also
known as the flow curve since it represents the
basic plastic-flow characteristic of the material Fig. 13 Engineering stress-strain curves for an orthorhombic
titanium alloy (Ti-21Al-22Nb) tested at 980 ⬚C (1795
under the particular (temperature-strain rate) ⬚F) and a range of initial strain rates (sⳮ1). Source: Ref 15
222 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

due to dislocation multiplication is exactly bal- include measures of strain and strain-rate hard-
anced by the rate of dislocation annihilation by ening and plastic anisotropy. The strain-hard-
dynamic recovery. ening exponent (usually denoted by the symbol
The variation of true stress with true strain can n) describes the change of flow stress (with an
also give insight into microstructural changes effective stress, r̄ ) with respect to the effective
that occur during hot deformation. For example, strain, ē, such that:
for superplastic materials, an increase in the flow
stress with strain is normally indicative of strain- ⳵ ln r̄
n⳱ (Eq 1a)
enhanced grain growth. A decrease in flow ⳵ ln ē
stress, particularly at high strains, can often im-
ply the development of cavitation damage (see For a uniaxial tensile test, and prior to the de-
the section “Cavitation During Hot Tensile Test- velopment of a neck, the distinction of effective
ing” in this chapter) or the occurrence of stress and strain is not necessary because they
dynamic recrystallization. As an example, true- are equal to the axial stress r and strain e, so
stress/true-strain curves for a c-TiAl submicro- that the expression is simply:
crystalline alloy deformed at temperatures be-
tween 600 and 900 ⬚C (1110 and 1650 ⬚F) and ⳵ ln r
a nominal (initial) strain rate of 8.3 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 sⳮ1 n⳱ (Eq 1b)
⳵ ln e
are shown in Fig. 15 (Ref 17). These curves re-
veal that deformation at low temperatures, at The strain-hardening exponent may have val-
which nonsuperplastic conditions prevail, is ues from n ⳱ 0 for a perfectly plastic solid to n
characterized by an increase of flow stress with ⳱ 1 for an elastic solid; negative values of n
strain due to the strain hardening. At higher tem- may also be found for materials that undergo
peratures, the effect of strain on the flow stress flow softening due to changes in microstructure
decreases until it becomes negligible at the high- or crystallographic texture during deformation.
est test temperature, thus indicating the occur- According to Eq 1, if the constitutive equation
rence of superplastic flow. for stress-strain behavior is of the form r ⳱ Ken,
then a logarithmic plot of true stress versus true
Material Coefficients from strain results in a straight line with a slope equal
Isothermal Hot Tensile Tests
A number of material coefficients can be ob-
tained from isothermal hot tensile tests. These

Fig. 14 True-stress/true-strain data for an Al-8090 alloy de- Fig. 15 True-stress/true-strain curves obtained from tensile
formed in tension at 520 ⬚C (970 ⬚F) and a true strain testing of submicrocrystalline TiAl samples. Source:
rate of 7.8 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 sⳮ1. Source: Ref 16 Ref 17
Hot Tensile Testing / 223

to n. However, this is not always found to be the ence of a neck in a material subject to tensile
case and reflects the fact that this relationship is straining leads to a locally higher strain rate and
only an empirical approximation. Thus, when thus to an increase in the flow stress in the
the plot of ln(r) versus ln(e) [or the plot of necked region due to strain-rate hardening.
log(r) versus log(e)] results in a nonlinear value Such strain-rate hardening inhibits further de-
of n, then the strain-hardening exponent is often velopment of the strain concentration in the
defined at a particular strain value. In general, n neck. Thus, a high strain-rate sensitivity imparts
increases with decreasing strength level and de- a high resistance to necking and leads to high
creasing ease of dislocation cross slip in a poly- tensile elongation or superplasticity. Materials
crystalline material. with values of m equal to or greater than ap-
The strain-rate sensitivity exponent (usually proximately 0.3 exhibit superplasticity, assum-
denoted by the symbol m) describes the variation ing cavitation and fracture do not intercede. An
of the flow stress with the strain rate. In terms empirical relation between tensile elongation
of effective stress (r̄) and effective strain rate and the m value is revealed in the data collected
˙ it is determined from the following relation-
(ē), by Woodford (Ref 18) shown in Fig. 16. In ad-
ship: dition, a number of theoretical analyses have
been conducted to relate m and tensile failure
⳵ ln r̄ strain, ef (Ref 19–21). For example, Ghosh (Ref
m⳱ (Eq 2a) 19) derived:
⳵ ln ē˙

which is simplified for the condition of pure uni- ef ⳱ ⳮm ln(1 ⳮ f 1/m) (Eq 3)
axial tension as:
in which f denotes the size of the initial geo-
⳵ ln r metric (area) defect at which flow localization
m⳱ (Eq 2b)
⳵ ln ė occurs.
The plastic anisotropy parameter r (or R)
Deformation tends to be stabilized in a ma- characterizes the resistance to thinning of a sheet
terial with a high m value. In particular, the pres- material during tensile testing and is defined as

Fig. 16 Tensile elongation as a function of the strain-rate sensitivity. Source: Ref 18

224 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

the slope of a plot of width strain, ew, versus titanium aluminide material discussed previ-
thickness strain, et, (Ref 22), that is: ously (Ti-21Al-22Nb), the normal plastic aniso-
tropy parameter shows a very weak dependence
dew on strain, but a noticeable variation with strain
r⳱ (Eq 4)
det rate (Fig. 18). This trend can be attributed to the
presence of mechanical and crystallographic
A material that possesses a high r value has a texture and the effect of strain rate on the oper-
high resistance to thinning and hence good ative deformation mechanism.
formability, especially during deep-drawing
operations. Materials with values of r greater Effect of Test Conditions on Flow Behavior
than unity have higher strength in the thickness
When considering the effect of test conditions
direction than in the plane of the sheet.
on flow behavior, it must be understood that test-
The plastic anisotropy parameter can be read-
ing for the modeling of deformation processes
ily measured using specimens deformed in uni-
is very different from testing for static mechan-
axial tension. However, caution should be ex-
ical properties at very low (quasi-static) loading
ercised when making such measurements to
rates. Testing conditions for deformation pro-
ensure that the stress state along the gage length
cesses must cover a range of strain rates and may
is uniaxial. Therefore, measurements in regions
require high strain rates of 1000 sⳮ1 or more.
near the sample shoulder and the failure site
For tensile testing, conventional test frames are
(where a stress state of hydrostatic tension may
applicable for strain of rates less than 0.1 sⳮ1,
develop during necking) should be avoided. Fig-
while special servohydraulic frames have a
ure 17 shows an example of such data from a
range from 0.1 to 100 sⳮ1 (see Chapter 15,
Ti-21Al-22Nb sample pulled to failure in uni-
“High Strain Rate Tensile Testing”). For strain
axial tension at a nominal strain rate of 1.67 ⳯
rates from 100 to 1000 sⳮ1, the Hopkinson
10ⳮ4 sⳮ1 and at a temperature of 980 ⬚C (1800
(Kolsky)-bar method is used. This chapter and
⬚F). Within experimental scatter, the r value is
the following discussions only consider isother-
constant for the majority of deformation. Ap-
mal conditions and strain rates below 0.1 sⳮ1,
parently, lower values of r at low strains (near
where inertial effects can be neglected.
the specimen shoulder) or very high strains (at
Effect of Strain Rate and Temperature on
the fracture tip) are invalid due to constraint or
Flow Stress. At hot-working temperatures, most
flow-localization effects, respectively, and hence
metals exhibit a noticeable dependence of flow
conditions that are not uniaxial.
stress on strain rate and temperature. For in-
The r value of a sheet material may be sen-
stance, the variation of flow stress with strain
sitive to the testing conditions and in particular
rate for Ti-6Al-4V (with a fine equiaxed micro-
to the strain rate and temperature. This is a result
structure) deformed at 927 ⬚C is shown in Fig.
of variation of the mechanism that controls de-
19 (Ref 23). For the strain-rate range shown in
formation (e.g., slip, grain-boundary sliding,
Fig. 19, a sigmoidal variation of the flow stress
etc.) with test conditions. For the orthorhombic
with strain rate is observed. From these data, the

Fig. 17 Width versus thickness strain (ew versus et) for an or-
thorhombic titanium aluminide specimen deformed Fig. 18 Anisotropy parameter r versus the local axial true
at 980 ⬚C (1795 ⬚F) and a nominal strain rate of 1.67 ⳯ 10ⳮ4 strain for various nominal strain rates. Data corre-
sⳮ1. Source: Ref 10 spond to a Ti-21Al-22Nb alloy. Source: Ref 10
Hot Tensile Testing / 225

strain-rate sensitivity (m value) can be readily rameter, Z ⳱ ē˙ exp (Q/RT) (Ref 24) in which Q
calculated. The result of these calculations (Fig. is the apparent activation energy for plastic flow,
20) shows that m is low at low strain rates and R the universal gas constant, and T is the abso-
then increases and passes through a maximum lute temperature.
after which it decreases again. This behavior is Effect of Crosshead Speed Control on Hot
typical of many metals with fine-grain micro- Tensile Data. The selection of constant-strain-
structures and reveals that superplasticity is not rate versus constant-crosshead-speed control in
manifested in either the low-stress, low-strain- conducting isothermal, hot tensile tests is an im-
rate region I or the high-stress, high-strain-rate portant consideration, especially for materials
region III (refer to Fig. 20). Rather, superplas- that are superplastic. When experiments are con-
ticity is found only in region II in which the ducted under constant-crosshead-speed condi-
stress increases rapidly with increasing strain tions, the specimen experiences a decreasing
rate. The superplastic region II is displaced to strain rate during the test, thus making the in-
higher strain rates as temperature is increased terpretation of results difficult, especially in the
and/or grain size is decreased. Moreover, the superplastic regime. A method to correct for the
maximum observed values of m increase with strain-rate variation involves continuously
similar changes in these parameters. changing the crosshead speed during the tension
The stress-strain curve and the flow and frac- test to achieve nearly constant strain rate. This
ture properties derived from the hot-tension test approach assumes uniform deformation along
are also strongly dependent on the temperature the gage length and no end effects and leads to
at which the test is conducted. In both single- the following relation between crosshead speed
crystal and polycrystalline materials, the ḋ, desired strain rate ė, the initial gage length lo,
strength decreases with temperature because the and time t:
critical resolved shear stress decreases sharply
with an increase in temperature. On the other ḋ ⳱ ė lo exp(ⳮėt) (Eq 5)
hand, the tensile ductility increases with tem-
perature because of the increasing ease of re- The crosshead-speed schedule embodied in
covery and recrystallization during deformation. Eq 5 has been used successfully for a test of Ti-
However, the increase in temperature may also 6Al-4V (Ref 25). Verma et al. (Ref 26) have also
cause microstructural changes such as precipi- shown the efficacy of this approach by conduct-
tation, strain aging, or grain growth that may ing tensile tests at constant crosshead speed as
affect this general behavior. well as constant strain rate on superplastic 5083-
The flow stress dependence on temperature Al specimens. Figure 21 compares stress-strain
and strain rate is generally given by a functional characteristics determined under constant-cross-
form that incorporates the Zener-Hollomon pa-

Fig. 19 Flow stress as a function of strain rate and grain size

for a Ti-6Al-4V alloy deformed at 927 ⬚C (1700 ⬚F). Fig. 20 Strain-rate sensitivity (m) versus strain rate (ė) for the
The strain level was about 0.24. Source: Ref 23 data corresponding to Fig. 19. Source: Ref 23
226 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

head-speed conditions with those from constant- level generated in the shoulder. However, there
strain-rate tests for two different initial strain are constraints in gage-width reductions arising
rates. Constant-crosshead-speed tests showed from the microstructural characteristics of a par-
consistently lower strain hardening (lower flow ticular material; in some cases, there may be an
stresses) and larger strain to failure (higher ten- insufficient number of grains across the speci-
sile elongations) than the corresponding con- men section.
stant-strain-rate tests did. The above finding
highlights the importance of the test control
mode; in addition, this mode should be clearly Modeling of the
stated when elongation and/or flow stress data
Isothermal Hot Tensile Test
are reported.
Effect of Gage Length on Strain Distribu-
The detailed interpretation of data from the
tion. Under superplastic deformation condi-
isothermal hot tensile test frequently requires
tions, specimen geometry (especially shoulder
some form of mathematical analysis. This anal-
design) plays an important role in the determi-
ysis is based on a description of the local stress
nation of hot tensile characteristics. In the sec-
state during tension testing and some form of
tion “Frame-Furnace Tensile-Testing Equip-
numerical calculation. The approach is de-
ment,” two different specimen designs are
scribed briefly in this section.
discussed (Fig. 6). For one of these designs, de-
formation was limited essentially to the gage
section, while the other had experienced defor- Stress State at the Neck
mation in the shoulder section. For the specimen Prior to necking, the stress state in the tension
geometry in Fig. 6(a), tensile tests indicated that test is uniaxial. However, the onset of necking
significant straining can occur in the grip regions is accompanied by the development of a triaxial
and that large strain gradients exist within the (hydrostatic*) state of stress in the neck. Be-
gage section of the specimen. The strain gradient cause the flow stress of a material is strongly
(variation) along the gage length and the defor- dependent on the state of stress, a correction
mation of the grip section depend on the gage must be introduced to convert the measured av-
length and tensile strain rate. As can be seen in erage axial stress into the effective uniaxial flow
Fig. 22, the strain gradient of the smaller gage stress; that is:
length (12.7 mm, or 0.5 in.) specimen geometry
is much steeper than that of the larger one (63.5 l ⳱ r̄/FT
rav (Eq 6)
mm, or 2.5 in.). With regard to the smaller gage
length specimen, it is observed that the strain in which ravl denotes the average axial stress re-
gradient becomes steeper as the strain rate in- quired to sustain further deformation, r̄ is the
creases. Furthermore, a reduction of deforma- effective (flow) stress, and FT is the stress tri-
tion in the shoulder can be achieved by decreas- axiality factor. The magnitude of FT (which es-
ing the width of the gage section because of the sentially determines the magnitude of the aver-
decrease in deformation load and hence stress age hydrostatic stress within the neck) depends
on the specimen shape (round bar or sheet) and
the geometry of the neck. Bridgman (Ref 27)
conducted a rigorous, theoretical analysis with
regard to the stress state at the neck for both
round-bar and for sheet specimen geometries.
For a plastically isotropic material, the following

*The term hydrostatic stress is defined as the mean value of

the normal stresses. The term triaxial stress is often used to
imply the presence of a hydrostatic stress. However, the term
triaxial stress is not equivalent to hydrostatic stress, because
the presence of a triaxial stress state could be a combination
of shear stresses and/or normal stresses or only normal
Fig. 21 Comparison of stress versus strain for constant nom-
stresses. The term hydrostatic stress is thus preferred and
inal strain rate (constant crosshead speed, CHS) and
constant true strain rate (ė) for Al-5083 at 550 ⬚C (1020 ⬚F). more precise in describing solely normal stresses in three
Source: Ref 26 orthogonal directions.
Hot Tensile Testing / 227

Fig. 22 Strain distribution for 12.7 mm (a) and 63.5 mm (b) gage length specimens for two different strain rates. Length strains are
plotted versus original axial position along the gage length. Source: Ref 9

equations were derived for the stress triaxiality 29), Eq 7 and 8 provide a good estimate for the
factor of round-bar (F rT) and sheet (F Ts ) speci- stress triaxiality factor in regions away from the
mens in the symmetry plane of the neck: symmetry plane provided that the local values
of a and R are inserted into the relations.
FrT ⳱ 冦冤1 Ⳮ 冢2 Ra冣冥ln冤1 Ⳮ 冢2Ra 冣冥冧 (Eq 7)
Numerical Modeling of the Hot Tensile Test
1/2 Two types of methods have been employed to
FsT ⳱ 冦冢1 Ⳮ 2
a 冣 冤 ln 1 Ⳮ
model the tension behavior of materials: the
FEM and the somewhat simpler finite-difference
1/2 1/2 ⳮ1

冢 R 冣 冢1 Ⳮ 2 R冣 冥 ⳮ 1冧
2a 1 a (“direct-equilibrium”) method originally pre-
Ⳮ (Eq 8)
sented by G’sell et al. (Ref 30), Ghosh (Ref 31),
and Semiatin et al. (Ref 32). Both approaches
in which a represents the specimen half radius involve solutions that satisfy the axial force
or width, and R is the radius of curvature of the equilibrium equation and the appropriate bound-
neck. For a/R ⬍ 0 (in particular, for ⳮ2 ⬍ a/R
⬍ 0), the stress triaxiality factor for sheet tensile
specimens with a convex curvature is given by:
FT{[2冪Q arctan (1/冪Q)] ⳮ 1} (Eq 9)

where Q ⳱ ⳮ(1 Ⳮ 2R/a).

The variation of the stress triaxiality factor for
round-bar (F rT) and sheet (F sT) specimens as a
function of the a/R ratio is shown in Fig. 23. For
a positive a/R value (concave neck profiles), FT
is less than unity, thus promoting flow stabili-
zation. On the other hand, for negative a/R (con-
vex neck profiles), FT ⬎ 1; thus, flow tends to
be destabilized.
In a rigorous sense, the closed-form equations
for FT (Eq 7 and 8) are applicable only for the
plane of symmetry at the neck. At other loca-
tions, the solution for the exact form of FT is not
available. However, as has been shown from fi- Fig. 23 Stress triaxiality factor for sheet and round-bar spec-
nite-element method (FEM) analyses (Ref 28, imens
228 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

ary conditions. These models enable the predic- ments i and j, respectively, FT represents the
tion of important parameters such as neck pro- stress triaxiality factor, and Alb is the load-bear-
file, failure mode, axial-strain distribution, and ing area.
ductility. A comparison of simulation results For the case in which the material cavitates
(e.g., nominal stress-strain curves, axial-strain during tension testing (see the section “Cavita-
distribution, and total elongation) obtained from tion During Hot-Tensile Testing” in this chap-
FEM analyses to those of the direct-equilibrium ter), Eq 11 and 12 must be modified. In partic-
method has shown that the latter approach gives ular, the presence of cavities affects the external
realistic predictions (Ref 29). To this end, a brief dimensions of the specimen (because they lead
description of this simpler method is given in to a volume increase) and hence the load-bearing
the following paragraphs. area, the stress triaxiality factor, and the strain
Model Formulation. The formulation of the rate at which the material deforms.
direct-equilibrium method is based on discreti- As discussed by Nicolaou et al. (Ref 33),
zation of the sample geometry, description of the spherical and uniformly distributed cavities in-
material flow behavior, and development of the crease each of the three dimensions (length,
appropriate load-equilibrium equation. The width, and thickness and, for round-bar speci-
specimen geometry (dimensions, cross-section men geometries, diameter) of the tension spec-
shape, geometrical defects, etc.) is first specified. imen by the same amount. The relationship be-
The specimen is divided along the axial direc- tween the macroscopic area (i.e., the external
tion into horizontal slices/elements (Fig. 24). area of the specimen) Am, the load-bearing area
For the material flow behavior, the simple en- Alb, and the initial (uncavitated) area Aspo is then
gineering power-law formulation has been used simply:
in most modeling efforts, that is:
Am ⳱ Alb /(1 ⳮ Cv)2/3 (Eq 13)
r̄ ⳱ Kēns ē˙ m
s (Eq 10)
where Cv is the cavity volume fraction and Alb
is given by:
in which r̄, ēs, and ē˙ s denote the effective stress,
effective strain, and effective strain rate, respec-
Alb ⳱ Asp
o exp(ⳮēs) (Eq 14)
tively, of the material. K, n, and m represent the
strength coefficient, strain-hardening exponent,
and the strain-rate-sensitivity index, respec-
At any instant of deformation, the axial load
P should be the same in each element in order
to maintain force equilibrium. The load borne
by each slice is equal to the product of its load-
bearing cross-sectional area and axial stress; the
axial stress is equal to the flow stress corrected
for stress triaxiality due to necking and evalu-
ated at a strain rate corresponding to that which
the material elements experience. (In case of
cavitating material, the strain rate is that of the
matrix-material element, not the matrix-cavity
continuum.) The load-equilibrium condition is
thus described by:
r̄i Alb /F Ti ⳱ r̄j A lb
/F Tj (Eq 11)

or, using Eq 10:

si ēsi Alb /F T ⳱ ēsj ēsj A lb /F T

ē˙ m n i i ˙m n j j (Eq 12)
Fig. 24 Discretization of the sheet specimen for the simula-
tions of the isothermal hot tensile test (Ref 33). The
in which the subscripts and/or superscripts i and specimen geometry corresponds to the specimen shown in Fig.
j denote the corresponding parameters for ele- 6(b) (Ref 10, 15)
Hot Tensile Testing / 229

In addition, the length l, width w, and thickness 5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated until a sharp neck
t, for a sheet specimen, or radius r of a round- is formed (localization-controlled failure) or
bar specimen increase according to: the cavity volume fraction at the central ele-
ment reaches a value of 0.3 (fracture/cavita-
d tion-controlled failure).
d⬘ ⳱ (Eq 15)
(1 ⳮ Cv)1/3 Example Applications. Several results illus-
trate the types of behavior that can be quantified
in which d⬘ denotes any of the dimensions (l⬘, using the direct-equilibrium modeling approach.
w⬘, t⬘, or r⬘) for the case when cavities are pres- The first deals with the effect of specimen taper
ent in the material, and d represents the respec- on tensile elongation. Tensile test specimens
tive dimension changes with strain alone. usually have a small (ⱕ2%) reduction in the
The matrix strain rate ē˙ s, can also be related cross-sectional area from the end to the center
˙ Using of the reduced section in order to control the
to the macroscopic sample strain rate ē.
location of failure. The predicted effect of re-
power-dissipation arguments, the relation be-
duced-section taper on the engineering stress-
tween the two strain rates is found to be (Ref
strain curves for non-strain-hardening materials
is shown in Fig. 25 (Ref 29). The effect of the
absence of a taper on increased elongation is
ē˙ s ⳱ (1/␾q)ē˙ (Eq 16) quite dramatic, especially as the strain-rate sen-
sitivity increases from m ⳱ 0.02 to m ⳱ 0.15.
in which q is the relative density of the specimen For materials deformed at cold-working tem-
(q ⳱ 1 ⳮ Cv) and ␾ is the stress-intensification peratures (m ⬍ 0.02), tensile flow will still lo-
factor, which for spherical and uniformly dis- calize in the absence of a taper because the re-
tributed cavities is (Ref 33): duced section itself acts as the defect relative to
the greater cross-sectional area of the shoulder
(Ref 31, 32). In contrast to the results for sam-
␾ ⳱ 1/q2/3 (Eq 17)
ples with and without a 2% taper, the predictions
for samples with a 1% versus a 2% taper show
Algorithm. After having specified the speci- much less difference.
men geometry and the material-flow relation, the With appropriate modification, the direct-
equations for model formulation can be inserted equilibrium modeling approach may also be
into an algorithm to simulate the tensile test. At used to analyze the uniaxial hot tensile testing
any instant of deformation, the axial variation in of sheet materials that exhibit normal plastic
strain rate is calculated based on the load-equi- anisotropy (Ref 35). Selected results are shown
librium equation, which provides the ratios of in Fig. 26. The engineering stress-strain curves
the strain rates in the elements, and the boundary exhibit a load maximum, a regime of quasi-sta-
condition (e.g., constant crosshead speed), ble flow during which the diffuse neck develops
which provides the specific magnitudes of the
strain rates. The strain rates are then used to up-
date the macroscopic (and microscopic) strain
and cavity volume fraction (for a cavitating ma-
terial) in each element. The simulation steps are:
1. An increment of deformation is imposed, and
a/R and FT are calculated for each slice.
2. From the true strain and the cavity-growth
rate (see the section “Cavitation During Hot
Tensile Testing”), the cavity volume fraction
is determined.
3. The true-strain-rate distribution is calculated
for each element, using the equilibrium equa-
tion and the boundary condition.
4. From the true-strain, cavity volume fraction, Fig. 25 Comparison of the engineering stress-strain curves
for non-strain-hardening samples without or with a 1
and strain-rate distributions, the engineering or 2% taper predicted using the direct-equilibrium approach.
stress and strain are calculated. Source: Ref 29
230 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

and the stress decreases gradually, and finally a 27b), titanium aluminides, copper alloys, lead
period of rapid load drop during which flow is alloys, and iron alloys (Ref 36–38).
highly localized in the center of the gage length. An important requirement for cavitation dur-
When the m value is low, an increase in r in- ing flow under either hot-working or superplas-
creases the amount of quasi-stable flow; that is, tic conditions is the presence of a tensile stress.
it stabilizes the deformation in a manner similar On the other hand, under conditions of homo-
to the effect of strain-rate sensitivity. In addition, geneous compression, cavitation is not ob-
the simulation results reveal that the flow-sta- served; in fact, cavities that may be produced
bilizing effect of r decreases as m increases and under tensile flow can be removed during sub-
in fact becomes negligible for conditions that sequent compressive flow. In addition, it has also
approach superplastic flow (i.e., m ⬎ 0.3). been demonstrated that the superposition of a
hydrostatic pressure can reduce or eliminate cav-
itation (Ref 39). Hot isostatic pressing can also
heal the deformation damage of nucleated cav-
Cavitation during Hot Tensile Testing ities.
Cavitation is a very important phenomenon in
A large number of metallic materials form mi- hot working of materials because not only may
croscopic voids (or cavities) when subjected to it lead to premature failure during forming, but
large strains under tensile modes of loading. it also may yield inferior properties in the final
This formation of microscopic cavities, which part. Therefore, it has been studied extensively,
primarily occurs in the grain boundaries during primarily via the tensile test.
high-temperature deformation, is referred to as
cavitation. In some cases, cavitation may lead to
Cavitation Mechanisms/Phenomenology
premature failure at levels of deformation far
less than those at which flow-localization-con- Cavitation occurs via three often-overlapping
trolled failure would occur. For a given material, stages during tensile deformation: cavity nucle-
the extent of cavitation depends on the specific ation, growth of individual cavities, and cavity
deformation conditions (i.e., strain rate and tem- coalescence. Each stage is briefly described in
perature). A wide range of materials exhibit cav- the following sections, while a more detailed re-
itation; these materials include aluminum alloys view of ductile fracture mechanisms is in the
(Fig. 27a), conventional titanium alloys (Fig. article “Mechanisms and Appearances of Duc-

Fig. 26 Direct-equilibrium simulation predictions of engineering stress-strain curves at hot-working temperatures for various values
of the strain-rate sensitivity and the normal plastic anisotropy parameter. Source: Ref 35
Hot Tensile Testing / 231

tile and Brittle Fracture in Metals” in Failure ments have shown than N can be bracketed be-
Analysis and Prevention, Volume 11 of the ASM tween 104 and 106 cavities per mm3 per unit
Handbook (2002, p 587–626). increment of strain (Ref 16, 41, 42).
Cavity Nucleation. Several possible cavity- The constrained plasticity analysis suggests
nucleation mechanisms have been established that a size distribution of second-phase constit-
including (a) intragranular slip intersections uents/imperfections may lead to a variety of cav-
with nondeformable second-phase particles and ity-growth rates at the nano/submicron cavity-
grain boundaries, (b) sliding of grains along size level. From an operational standpoint, this
grain boundaries that is not fully accommodated effect may thus lead one to conclude that cavities
by diffusional transport into those regions, and nucleate continuously rather than merely be-
(c) vacancy condensation on grain boundaries come microscopically observable continuously.
(Ref 40). A frequently used cavity-nucleation Irrespective of the exact mechanism, it is
criterion based on stress equilibrium at the cav- thought that the assumption of continuous nu-
ity interface is: cleation of cavities of a certain size (e.g., 1 lm)
still produces the same “mechanical” effect on
rc ⳱ 2(c Ⳮ cp ⳮ ci)/r (Eq 18) failure via cavitation or flow localization as the
postulated actual physical phenomenon.
in which rc is the critical cavity radius above Cavity-growth mechanisms can be classified
which a cavity is stable; c, cp, and ci denote the into two broad categories: diffusional growth
interfacial energies of the void, the particle, and and plasticity-controlled growth (Ref 43). Dif-
the particle-matrix interface, respectively; and r fusional growth dominates when the cavity size
is the applied stress. This criterion requires flow is very small. As cavity size increases, diffu-
hardening, which is minimal in superplastic ma- sional growth decreases very quickly, and plastic
terials except in cases of significant grain flow of the surrounding matrix becomes the
growth, in order to nucleate cavities at less fa- dominant cavity-growth mechanism. An illus-
vorable sites, such as smaller particles. In addi- tration of a cavity-growth-mechanism map (Ref
tion, such surface-energy considerations require 44) is shown in Fig. 28. From an engineering
stresses for initiation and early growth that are viewpoint, plasticity controlled growth is of
unrealistically high. Therefore, the development greatest interest. In such cases, the growth of an
of other (constrained-plasticity) approaches isolated, noninteracting cavity is described for
based on nucleation and growth from inhomo- the case of uniaxial tension deformation by:
geneities/regions of high local stress triaxiality
has been undertaken (Ref 41). V ⳱ Vo exp(ge)
The cavity-nucleation rate N is defined as the
number of cavities nucleated per unit area and or
unit strain. N may either be constant or decrease
冢3 e冣
or increase with strain. However, such strain de- g
r ⳱ ro exp (Eq 19)
pendencies are usually not strong. Measure-

Fig. 27 Examples of cavitation. (a) In aluminum (Al-7475) alloy. Courtesy of A.K. Ghosh. (b) In titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloy. Source:
Ref 37
232 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

in which V and r are the cavity volume and ra- is a small increment of strain, (dr/de)i is the rate
dius, respectively, Vo and ro are the volume and of growth per unit strain of an isolated cavity
radius of the cavity when it becomes stable, e (⳱ gr/3 from Eq 19), and U is given by:
denotes axial true strain, and g is the individual
cavity-growth rate. U ⳱ (1 Ⳮ gde/3 Ⳮ (gde)2/27) (Eq 23)
Several analyses have been conducted to cor-
relate the cavity-growth rate g with material pa- The phenomenon of cavity coalescence was
rameters and the deformation conditions. For ex- further investigated by Nicolaou and Semiatin
ample, Cocks and Ashby (Ref 45) derived the (Ref 48, 49), who conducted a numerical anal-
following relation between g and m for a planar ysis of the uniaxial tension test considering: the
array of spherical, noninteracting, grain-bound- temporal and spatial location of the cavities in-
ary cavities under tensile straining conditions: side the specimen and the temporal cavity ra-
dius. Two cases were considered: a stationary
mⳭ1 2 (2 ⳮ m) cavity array (similar to the analysis of Pilling)
g ⳱ 1.5 冢 m 冣 冤
3 (2 Ⳮ m) 冥 (Eq 20) and continuous cavity nucleation. The analysis
of the stationary cavity array led to a much sim-
pler expression than Eq 22, that is:
It should be noted that this theoretical rela-
tionship between m and the cavity-growth pa-
rameter g for an individual cavity follows the ⳱ gr̄(1⁄3 Ⳮ Cv) (Eq 24)
same general trend as the experimentally deter- de
mined correlation between the strain-rate sensi-
tivity and the apparent cavity-growth rate gAPP. This simple equation gives predictions very
The parameter gAPP, which is readily derived similar to the more complex relation of Eq 22.
from experimental data (Ref 46), is defined by: With regard to the continuous cavity nuclea-
tion case, it was found that the average cavity
radius was described by:
Cv ⳱ Cvo exp(gAPPe) (Eq 21)
in which Cv is the cavity volume fraction at a ⳱ gr̄(0.2 Ⳮ Cv) (Eq 25)
true strain e, gAPP is the apparent cavity-growth
rate, and Cvo is the so-called initial cavity vol-
ume fraction.
Cavity coalescence is the interlinkage of
neighboring cavities due to a microscopic flow-
localization process within the material ligament
between them. Coalescence occurs when the
width of the material ligament reaches a critical
value that depends on initial cavity spacing and
the strain-rate sensitivity. Coalescence can occur
along both the longitudinal and transverse direc-
tions with the latter being more important be-
cause it eventually leads to failure. According to
Pilling (Ref 47), cavity coalescence may be re-
garded as a process that in effect increases the
mean cavity-growth rate. In particular, the effect
of pairwise coalescence on the average cavity-
growth rate dr̄/de can be estimated from:

dr̄ 8CvUg(0.13r ⳮ 0.37(dr/de)ide) Ⳮ (dr/de)i

de 1 ⳮ 4CvUgde
(Eq 22)
Fig. 28 Variation of the cavity-growth rate for different mech-
anisms. rc, critical cavity radius; rosp, cavity radius for
in which Cv is the instantaneous volume fraction onset of superplastic deformation; rcsp, critical cavity radius for
of cavities, g is defined from Eq 19, de (⳱ de) superplastic deformation. Source: Ref 44
Hot Tensile Testing / 233

A comparison with experimental cavity size a noncavitating specimen. In particular, the anal-
measurements (e.g., Fig. 29) revealed that actual ysis of Nicolaou et al. (Ref 33) revealed that for
results are bounded by cavity-growth-and-coa- a given elongation the effective area of the cav-
lescence models that assume either a constant, itating specimen is larger than the area of a non-
continuous nucleation rate (lower limit) or a pre- cavitating one. Therefore, the load and hence the
existing cavity array with no nucleation of new engineering stress required to sustain deforma-
cavities (upper limit), that is, Eq 25 and 24, re- tion is higher in the case of a cavitating material.
spectively. As shown in Fig. 30, the difference between
the engineering stress-strain curves of cavitating
Stress-Strain Curves
The work of Nicolaou et al. (Ref 33) also shed
light on the effect of cavitation on stress-strain
behavior. Engineering stress-strain (S-e) curves
for a range of strain-rate sensitivities (m values)
and cavity-growth rates gAPP were predicted us-
ing the direct-equilibrium modeling approach
(Fig. 30); for all of the cases, the strain-hard-
ening exponent n was 0. The cavity volume frac-
tion (CV) in the central element at failure is also
indicated in the plots.
Examination of the engineering stress-strain
curves reveals that cavitation causes a noticeable
reduction in total elongation; this reduction is
quantified and discussed in more detail in the
next section. Figure 30 also shows that the
stress-strain curves for cavitating and noncavi-
tating samples with the same value of m are very
close to each other, except at elongations close
to failure. Surprisingly, the engineering stress at
a given elongation for a cavitating material is
higher than the corresponding stress (at the same
elongation) for a noncavitating material. This in-
tuitively unexpected result was interpreted by
the examination of the effective (load-bearing)
area at the same elongation of a cavitating and

Fig. 30 Predicted engineering stress-strain curves for tensile

testing of sheet samples with a 2% taper, assuming
Fig. 29 Comparison of measurements and predictions of the strain-hardening exponent n ⳱ 0, initial cavity volume fraction
evolution of average cavity radius with strain for an Cvo ⳱ 10ⳮ3, various cavity-growth rates g, and a strain-rate sen-
Al-7475 alloy assuming continuous nucleation (Eq 25) or a pre- sitivity exponent m equal to (a) 0.1, (b) 0.3, or (c) 0.5. Source:
existing cavity array (Eq 24). Source: Ref 49 Ref 33
234 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 31 Micrographs of titanium aluminide specimens that failed in tension. (a) Orthorhombic titanium aluminide that failed in
tension by flow localization. Source: Ref 10. (b) Near-c titanium aluminide that failed in tension by fracture (cavitation).
Source: Ref 51

and noncavitating materials is not very large. corresponding failure-mechanism map for non-
Therefore, it can be deduced that Considere’s strain-hardening materials is plotted in Fig. 32.
criterion, if implemented in the usual fashion us- For deformation under superplastic conditions
ing data from a tensile test (i.e., a plot of load (m ⬎ 0.3) and gAPP ⬎ 2, the map shows that
versus the elongation of the gage section), can failure is fracture/cavitation-controlled. On the
be used to test whether fracture of a tensile spec- other hand, flow-localization-controlled failure
imen occurs due to instability, regardless of the is seen to predominate only for small values of
presence of extensive internal cavities in the ma- the cavity-growth rate. In Fig. 32, experimental
terial and whether the volume of the material is observations of the failure mode of c and ortho-
conserved (Ref 50). rhombic titanium aluminides are also plotted.
The solid data points correspond to fracture-con-
Failure Modes during Hot Tensile Testing trolled failures, while the open data points cor-
Cavitating hot tensile specimens may fail by
either localized necking (“flow localization”) or
fracture/cavitation. The second mode of failure
occurs without flow localization in the neck and
resembles a brittle type of fracture because the
fracture tip has a considerable area. Micrographs
of these modes of failure are presented in Fig.
31. The localization type of failure shown in Fig.
31(a) is for an orthorhombic titanium aluminide
(Ti-21Al-22Nb) deformed at 980 ⬚C (1795 ⬚F)
and a nominal strain rate of 1.6 ⳯ 10ⳮ3 sⳮ1.
On the other hand, Fig. 31(b) displays the frac-
ture-controlled failure of a c titanium aluminide
alloy (Ref 51) deformed in tension at 1200 ⬚C
(2190 ⬚F) and a nominal strain rate of 10ⳮ3 sⳮ1.
The particular mode of failure of a material
tested under tension conditions can be predicted
by the magnitude of the strain-rate sensitivity m Fig. 32 Failure-mode map developed from simulations of the
sheet tensile test. Experimental data points are also
and the apparent cavity-growth rate gAPP. The shown on the map.
Hot Tensile Testing / 235

respond to localization-controlled failures. approaches by Zaki (Ref 53), and Nicolaou and
Given the assumptions made in deriving such Semiatin (Ref 54), as well as approaches based
maps, it can be concluded that the prediction of on the direct-equilibrium approach described in
failure mode from the magnitudes of m and gAPP the section “Numerical Modeling of the Hot
provides good agreement with actual behavior. Tensile Test” in this chapter. Several results from
the direct-equilibrium model serve to illustrate
Total Tensile Elongations the efficacy of such techniques.
The results shown in Fig. 33 correspond to a
As shown in Fig. 33, cavitation may lead to non-strain-hardening material (n ⳱ 0) with a 2%
premature failure and thus to a significant re- taper and Cvo ⳱ 10ⳮ3. The topmost curve in this
duction in the tensile elongation compared to plot depicts the total elongation as a function of
that measured by Woodford (Ref 18) for non- m for a noncavitating sample, that is, Wood-
cavitating metals. For a fixed value of m, the ford’s trend line. For such a material, the elon-
reduction in elongation for fracture-controlled gation is controlled, of course, by the onset of
failure depends on several factors, such as the localized necking. The remaining curves in Fig.
cavity-nucleation rate, cavity-growth rate, cavity 33 for cavitating samples indicate the decrement
shape and distribution, and the cavity architec- in elongation due to the occurrence of fracture
ture. prior to localized necking. For low values of
Several analyses have been conducted to gAPP (⬍2) and m (⬍0.3), the decrement is equal
quantify the effect of cavitation on the tensile to zero because failure is still necking con-
ductility. These include the two-slice approach* trolled. On the other hand, the decrement is larg-
by Lian and Suery (Ref 52), micromechanical est for large values of gAPP and m, for which the
critical volume fraction of cavities for fracture
(assumed to be 0.30) is reached much before the
*The two-slice approach assumes that the specimen com- elongation at which necking occurs. In fact, for
prises two regions, one of them consisting of the central gAPP ⬎ 5, the total elongation is almost inde-
plane of the specimen that contains an initial geometric or
strength defect. The deformation of each region obeys the pendent of m for m ⬎ 0.3 because fracture in
flow rule while at any instant of deformation the load is the these cases intercedes during largely uniform,
same in both regions (slices). quasi-stable flow.

Fig. 33 Elongation as function of the strain-rate sensitivity and (apparent) cavity-growth rate predicted from direct equilibrium
simulations. The individual data points represent experimental data. Source: Ref 33
236 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Table 2 Experimental data from the literature for the deformation and failure of cavitating materials
Data point Material m g Tensile elongation, %
1 c-TiAl (as received) 0.38 2.2 219
2 c-TiAl (as received) 0.51 2.3 350
3 c-TiAl (as received) 0.62 1.8 446, 532
4 c-TiAl (heat treated) 0.18 3.4 93, 104
5 c-TiAl (heat treated) 0.15 8.0 51
6 5083 Al 0.50 5.2 172
7 Zn-22Al 0.45 1.5 400
8 ␣/b brass 0.60 2.3 425
9 Coronze 638 0.33 4.5 275

gradient in the diffuse neck of real tension sam-

ples. In addition, as mentioned previously, spec-
imen geometry and deformation in the shoulder
region of actual tension specimens have an ef-
fect on measured ductilities, which is difficult to
quantify. Nevertheless, agreement between the
measured and predicted ductilities is reasonably


This chapter was adapted from P.D. Nicolaou,

R.E. Bailey, and S.L. Semiatin, Chapter 7, Hot-
Tension Testing, Handbook of Workability and
Process Design, G.E. Dieter, H.A. Kuhn, and
S.L. Semiatin, Ed., ASM International, 2003, p
Fig. 34 Comparison of experimentally determined total elon- 68–85.
gations with (microscopic) model predictions that in-
corporate the cavity architecture. Source: Ref 54


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Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p239-249 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p239 www.asminternational.org


Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures

THE SUCCESSFUL USE of engineering ma- refers to the cryogenic temperatures associated
terials at low temperatures requires that knowl- with liquid gases. Gas liquefaction, aerospace
edge of material properties be available. Nu- applications, and super-conducting machinery
merous applications exist where the service are examples of areas in engineering that require
temperature changes or is extreme. Therefore, the use of materials at very low temperatures.
the engineer must be concerned with materials The term cryogenic typically refers to tempera-
properties at different temperatures. Some of the tures below 150 K. Service conditions in super-
typical materials properties of concern are conducting magnets that use liquid helium for
strength, elastic modulus, ductility, fracture cooling are in the 1.8 to 10 K range.
toughness, thermal conductivity, and thermal ex- The mechanical properties of materials are
pansion. The lack of low temperature engineer- usually temperature dependent. The most com-
ing data, as well as the use of less common en- mon way to characterize the temperature depen-
gineering materials at low temperatures, results dence of mechanical properties is to conduct ten-
in the need for low-temperature testing. sile tests at low temperatures. Depending on the
The terms “high temperature” and “low tem- data needed, a test program can range from a
perature” are typically defined in terms of the full characterization of the response of a material
homologous temperature (T/TM), (where T is the over a temperature range, to a few specific tests
exposure temperature, and TM is the melting
at one temperature to verify a material perfor-
point of a material (both given on the absolute
mance. Many of the rules for conducting low
temperature scale, K). The homologous tem-
temperature tests are the same as for room tem-
perature is used to define the range of applica-
perature tests. Low-temperature test procedures
tion temperatures in terms of the thermally ac-
tivated metallurgical processes that influence and equipment are detailed in this chapter. The
mechanical behavior. role that temperature plays on the properties of
The term “low temperature” is typically de- typical engineering materials is discussed also.
fined in terms of boundaries where metallurgical Important safety concerns associated with low-
processes change. One general definition of temperature testing are reviewed.
“low-temperature” is T ⬍ 0.5 TM. For many
structural metals, another definition of low tem-
perature is T ⬍ 0.3 TM, where recovery pro-
cesses are not possible in metals and where the Mechanical Properties at
number of slip systems is restricted. For these
definitions, room temperature (293 K) is almost Low Temperatures
always considered a low temperature for a metal
with a few exceptions, such as metals that have In general, lowering the temperature of a solid
melting temperatures below 200 ⬚C (indium and increases its flow strength and fracture strength.
mercury). In a structural engineering sense, low The effect that lowering the temperature of a
temperature may be one caused by extreme cold solid has on the mechanical properties of a ma-
weather. A well-known example of this is the terial is summarized below for three principal
brittle fracture of ship hulls during WWII that groups of engineering materials: metals, ceram-
occurred in the cold seas of the North Atlantic ics, and polymers (including fiber-reinforced
(Ref 1). For many applications, low temperature polymer, or FRP composites). An excellent
240 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

source for an in-depth coverage of material The previous discussion is for pure annealed
properties at low temperatures is Ref 2. metals. Engineering alloys may behave some-
Metals. Most metals are polycrystalline and what differently, but the trends are relatively
have one of three relatively simple structures: consistent. Solid solution strengthening typi-
face-centered cubic (fcc), body-centered cubic cally increases yield and ultimate strengths of
(bcc), and close-packed hexagonal (hcp). The the fcc alloys while giving the yield strength an
temperature dependence of the mechanical prop- increased temperature dependence. The tem-
erties of the fcc materials are quite distinct from perature dependence of the ultimate strength is
those of the bcc materials. The properties of hcp still greater than that of the yield strength, allow-
materials are usually somewhere in between fcc ing the alloy to maintain its ductile behavior.
and bcc materials. The general aspects of tem- The ultimate tensile strengths of the fcc metals
perature-dependent mechanical behavior may be have stronger temperature dependence than
discussed using the deformation behavior maps those of bcc metals. Austenitic stainless steels
shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b). The axes of these have fcc structures and are used extensively at
graphs are normalized for temperature and cryogenic temperatures because of their ductil-
stress. Temperature is normalized to the melting ity, toughness, and other attractive properties.
temperature, while stress is normalized to the Some austenitic steels are susceptible to marten-
room temperature shear modulus, G (Ref 2). sitic transformation (bcc structure) and low-tem-
The behavior characteristic of a pure, an- perature embrittlement. Plain carbon and low al-
nealed fcc material is shown in Fig. 1(a). The loy steels having bcc structures are almost never
small increase of yield strength that occurs upon used at cryogenic temperatures because of their
cooling is characteristic of the fcc behavior. The extreme brittleness. Cases of anomalous strength
ultimate strength, which is shown as the ductile behavior have been reported where a maximum
failure line, increases much more than the yield strength is reached at temperatures above 0 K.
strength on cooling. The large increase in ulti- These cases are unique and usually involve sin-
mate strength coupled with the relatively small gle crystal research materials or very soft ma-
increase in yield strength in fcc materials results terials, although yield strengths of commercial
from ductile, rather than brittle, failure (Ref 2). brass alloys are reported to be higher at 20 K
Figure 1(b) illustrates the classic bcc behav- than at 4 K (Ref 2).
ior. The large temperature dependence of the Ceramics. Ceramics are inorganic materials
yield strength, the smaller temperature depen- held together by strong covalent or ionic bonds.
dence of the ultimate strength, and a region The strong bonds give them the desirable prop-
where the specimen fails before any significant erties of good thermal and electrical resistance
plastic deformation occurs should be noted and high strength but also make them very brit-
(Ref 2). tle. Graphite, glass, and alumina are ceramics

Fig. 1 Simplified deformation behavior (Ashby) maps (a) for face-centered cubic metals and (b) for body-centered cubic metals.
Source: Ref 2
Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures / 241

used at low temperature usually in the form of mental mechanical-metallurgical behavior of a

fibers that reinforce polymer-matrix composite material, such as deformation and fracture pro-
materials. The high temperature (⬃77 K) super- cesses. If obtaining engineering data is the ob-
conducting compounds are ceramics that pose jective and the materials application is at low
challenging problems with respect to using brit- temperature, the designer must be sure that me-
tle materials at low temperatures. chanical properties are stable at the desired tem-
Polymers and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer peratures. One important factor related to low-
(FRP) Composites. Polymers are rather com- temperature testing is that the low temperature
plex materials having many classifications and a may cause unstable brittle fracture behavior that
wide range of properties. Two important prop- tensile or compression tests may fail to reveal.
erties of polymers are the melting temperature, The cooling of materials, especially bcc metals
Tm, and the glass transition temperature, Tg, both and polymers, can cause the materials to un-
of which indicate the occurrence of a phase dergo a ductile-to-brittle transition. This behav-
change. The glass transition temperature, the ior is not unique to steel but has its counterpart
most important material characteristic related to in many other materials. Brittle fracture occurs
the mechanical properties of polymer, is influ- in the presence of a triaxial stress state to which
enced by degree of polymerization. The Tg is the
a simple tensile or compression test will not sub-
temperature, upon cooling, at which the amor-
ject the material. Brittle fracture is caused by
phous or crystalline polymer changes phase to a
glassy polymer. For most polymers at tempera- high tensile stress, while ductile behavior is re-
tures below Tg, the stress-strain relationship be- lated to shear stress. A metal that flows at low
comes linear-elastic, and brittle behavior is com- stress and fractures at high stress will always be
mon. Some ductile or tough polymers exhibit ductile. If, however, the same material is re-
plastic yielding at temperatures below Tg (Ref treated so that its yield strength approaches its
3). The Tg represents the temperature below fracture strength, its behavior may become al-
which mass molecular motion (such as chain tered, and brittleness may ensue (Ref 1). If the
sliding) ceases to exist, and ductility is primarily materials application is at low temperature, the
due to localized strains. Suppression of Tg helps designer must be sure that mechanical properties
to produce tougher polymers. The strong tem- are stable, because the possibility of brittle frac-
perature dependence of the modulus is a distin- ture requires modification of the design ap-
guishing feature of polymers compared to met- proach.
als or ceramics. If the material in question is a new material
Fiber-reinforced polymer composites are used or a material for which little or no low-tempera-
extensively at low temperatures because of their ture data exist, screening tests that can assess
high strength-to-weight ratio and their thermal susceptibility to brittle fracture are advisable.
and electrical insulating characteristics. The Two such screening tests are Charpy impact tests
FRPs tend to have excellent tensile strength that and notch tensile tests. Conducting Charpy or
increases with decreasing temperature. Re- notch tensile tests at various temperatures can
inforcing fibers commonly used in high-perfor- detect a ductile-to-brittle transition over a tem-
mance composites for low-temperature appli- perature range. Ultimately, if the fracture tough-
cations are alumina, aramid, carbon, and glass. ness of the material is an issue, fracture tough-
Typical product forms are high-pressure molded ness testing should be performed.
laminates (such as cotton/phenolics and G-10) The intended service condition for the mate-
and filament-wound or pultruded tubes, straps, rial should influence the test temperature and the
and structures. Although the FRP composites decision to perform tensile tests. It is good prac-
have desirable tensile strength, other mechanical tice to determine the properties while simulating
properties such as fatigue and interlaminar shear the service conditions. Of course, life is not al-
strength are sometimes questionable. Two good ways this simple, and actual service conditions
sources of properties of structural composites at may not be easily achieved with an axial stress
low temperature are Ref 4 and 5. test at a given temperature.
Tensile testing is the most common test of me-
Test Selection Factors: chanical properties and is usually easier than
Tensile versus Compression Tests other test methods, such as compression testing,
to conduct properly at any temperature. The
Tensile and compression tests produce engi- compressive and tensile Young’s moduli of most
neering data but also facilitate study of funda- materials are identical. Fracture of a material is
242 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

caused by tensile stress that causes crack prop- The temperature at which to run the test can
agation. Tensile tests lend themselves well to be a simple determination such as when me-
low-temperature test methods because the use of chanical properties data for a material at the pro-
environmental chambers necessitates longer posed service temperature are not available.
than normal load trains. Pin connections and Other cases are not so straightforward, and the
spherical alignment nuts can be used to take ad- temperature choice should be based on cost and
vantage of the increased length for self-align- the ability to provide conservative results.
ment purposes. For most homogeneous materi- Sometimes, a material is to be used at a cold
als, stress-strain curves obtained in tension are temperature, but testing it at room temperature
almost identical to those obtained in compres- will yield conservative data that are sufficient for
sion (Ref 6). Exceptions exist where there is dis- the application. For many 4 K applications, con-
agreement between the stress-strain curves in servative properties can be measured at 77 K in
tension and compression. This effect, termed a simpler, more economical test. The degree of
“strength differential effect,” is especially no- strengthening that will occur upon cooling from
ticeable in high-strength steels (Ref 7). 77 to 4 K is much less than that which occurs
There are times when compression testing is from 295 to 77 K. When there is doubt about
required such as when the service-condition the applicability of data from tests at a tempera-
stress is compressive or when the strength of an ture other than the service temperature, testing
extremely brittle material is required. The sec- should be done at the service temperature. Good
ond case is true for almost all polymers at cry- practice is to test above, below, and at the service
ogenic temperatures as they become extremely temperature for a more complete understanding
brittle, glassy materials. The fillet radius of a of the material behavior.
reduced-section tensile-test sample can create The relative costs and difficulty of the tests
enough of a stress riser that the material fails are important. Tests conducted in liquid media
prematurely. Stress concentrations, flaws, and are simpler to perform, in general, than inter-
submicroscopic cracks largely determine the mediate temperature tests that require tempera-
tensile properties of brittle materials. Flaws and ture control. Below is a list of testing media and
cracks do not play such an important role in their associated temperatures (Ref 2).
compression tests because the stress tends to
close the cracks rather than open them. The com- Substance Temperature, K Bath type
pression tests are probably a better measure of Ice water 273 Slush
the bulk material behavior because they are not Isobutane 263 Liquid at BP
as sensitive to factors that influence brittle frac- Carbon tetrachloride 250 Slush
Propane 231 Liquid at BP
ture (Ref 3). A brittle material will be nearly Trichloroethylene 200 Slush
linear-elastic to failure, providing a well-defined Carbon dioxide 195 Solid
ultimate compressive strength. The following ta- Methanol 175 Slush
n-pentane 142 Slush
ble lists competing factors that influence the test Iso-pentane 113 Slush
method choice, many of which are generic while Methane 112 Liquid at BP
Oxygen 90.1 Liquid at BP
some are specific to conditions associated with Nitrogen 77.3 Liquid at BP
low-temperature testing. Neon 27.2 Liquid at BP
Hydrogen 20.4 Liquid at BP
Tension Compression Helium (He4) 4.2 Liquid at BP
Advantages Helium (He3) 3.2 Liquid at BP
Common Good for modulus and yield All temperatures given at 0.1 MPa (1 atm). BP, boiling point
Self-aligning strength
Well-defined gage section No grips
Good for modulus, yield, No stress concentration in
ultimate, and ductility sample design
Some of these substances are more common,
parameters Good for ultimate strength of cheaper, or easier to handle than others. The
brittle materials most commonly used substances in mechanical
Easy sample installation
Inexpensive sample cost tests are ice water, CO2/methanol slush, liquid-
Disadvantages nitrogen (LN2) cooled methanol, LN2, and liquid
Sensitive to specimen design End effects (friction/constraint) helium (LHe). Obvious hazards are associated
Difficult to test brittle materials Sensitive to alignment with the use of oxygen and hydrogen, and they
and composites where Not always good for ultimate
machining reduced section is strength should be avoided if possible. Safety issues con-
not plausible Need containment for fractured cerning the use of cooled methanol, LN2, and
material LHe are discussed subsequently in this chapter.
Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures / 243

Cost of the cryogenic medium is also an issue. the test material. Typically, a load frame is de-
Since LN2 is common and readily available, its signed as an insert to a dewar. Since a dewar is
cost is relatively low. LHe, on the other hand, is a vacuum-insulated bucket to hold liquid, it is
about a factor of ten times as expensive as LN2. not advisable to have a hole in the bottom for
Liquid neon is sometimes used because it is easy pull-rod penetration because it introduces a leak
to handle and its liquid boiling point temperature potential for liquid, vacuum, and heat. The
is relatively close to that of liquid hydrogen, but closed-bottom feature of a cryostat necessitates
it can be 20 to 40 times as expensive as LHe. that the applied load and reacted load be intro-
The sublimation temperature of dry ice (CO2) is duced from the top. Cryostats are described fur-
195 K, and it can be used to cool a methanol or ther in the subsequent section “Environmental
propanol bath with relative ease. Many of these Chambers.”
bath cooling techniques are tried and true meth- The simplest method to introduce the load
ods that require some practice to perfect but are path from the top on a servo-hydraulic machine
usually inexpensive and simple ways to control is to use a machine that has the hydraulic actu-
test sample temperature. Low-temperature con- ator mounted on top of the upper crosshead. Hy-
trol can also be accomplished with electronic draulic machines with this configuration are
temperature control systems that utilize heaters available, and the arrangement does not restrict
and a cooling medium. Electronic temperature normal use of the machine. Figure 2 shows a
control systems are described in the following servo-hydraulic test machine equipped with a
section. mechanical test cryostat. The screw-drive type
test machine is usually accommodating and
should have a movable lower crosshead with a
Equipment through hole for the load train. References 8 and
9 give details of the design of cryostats for me-
Low-temperature tensile tests can be per- chanical test machines.
formed on electromechanical or servohydraulic
test machines with capacities of approximately
50 to 100 kN. The 100 kN machine is preferable
for high strength materials such as steels or com-
posites but of course larger or smaller capacities
can be used as necessary. Direct tension tests
usually require a simple ramp function that is
possible on the more economical electrome-
chanical (screw-drive) test machine. Computer
controlled servo-hydraulic test systems are ver-
satile and can perform a variety of tasks as well
as direct tension tests.
To facilitate the low-temperature requirement,
the test machine must be equipped with a tem-
perature-controlled environmental chamber.
One consideration for the suitability of the ma-
chine for low-temperature tests is the ease with
which a low-temperature environmental cham-
ber can be implemented. The physical charac-
teristics of the test machine come into play, such
as the maximum distance between crossheads
and load columns.
A major factor to consider for cryogenic tests
is the cryostat. “Cryostat” is a general term for
an environmental chamber designed for cryo-
genic temperatures and can be as simple as a
container (dewar) to hold a liquid cryogen. Cry-
ostats designed for mechanical testing have the
added requirement of providing structural sup- Fig. 2 A 100 kN capacity test machine equipped with cryostat
port to react to tensile forces that are applied to for low-temperature testing
244 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

If the machine is not configured as described configurations. Pull-rod penetration through the
in the preceding paragraphs, the machine is rela- bottom of a cryostat introduces a leak potential
tively incompatible for cryogenic tests. Cryo- for liquid, vacuum, and heat and is not recom-
genic tests on an incompatible machine require mended for liquid bath-cooled tests. Modern
specially designed cryostats or an external frame mechanical test cryostats are typically a combi-
system both of which are usually expensive and nation of a custom designed structural load
cumbersome alternatives. Figure 3 shows a frame fit into a commercial open-mouth bucket
schematic of a simple test chamber (canister) for dewar. Some of the design details of a tensile
immersion bath tests above liquid nitrogen tem- test cryostat are shown in the schematic in Fig.
perature. This fixture provides an inexpensive 4 and photograph in Fig. 5. The design of the
method for conducting tests on conventional cryostat load frame is driven by engineering de-
machines down to approximately 100 K. sign factors such as cost, strength, stiffness, ther-
Environmental Chambers. For low tempera- mal efficiency, and ease of use. A good design
ture tests, an environmental chamber is a ther- philosophy is to produce a versatile fixture that
mal chamber that contains a gaseous or liquid can test a variety of specimens over a range of
bath media used to control the low temperature temperatures. The effect of lowering the tem-
of a test. Sub-room-temperature environments perature on the properties of a material can be
are obtained with three basic chamber designs: evaluated by comparing the baseline room tem-
a conventional refrigeration chamber; a ther- perature properties. It is advisable to have the
mally insulated box-container, or a cryostat de- test apparatus capable of testing the material at
signed for cryogenic temperatures with vacuum both room temperature and cold temperatures.
insulation; and thermal radiation shielding. Construction materials used are austenitic stain-
Conventional refrigeration covers the tem- less steels, titanium alloys, maraging steels, and
perature range from Ⳮ10 to ⳮ100 ⬚C (Ⳮ50 to FRP composites. For tensile tests, the cryostat
ⳮ150 ⬚F) and could be employed for tests in this frame reacts to the load in compression. The
range, much the same as furnaces are used on frame can be thermally isolated with low-ther-
test machines to achieve elevated temperatures. mal conductivity, FRP composite standoffs.
Although mechanical refrigeration seems like a
logical choice to cool environmental chambers,
it is rarely used. This is probably because of the
capital expense and the relative simplicity of
other methods.
Commercial environmental chambers de-
signed for use with test machines are available
for controlling temperatures from approximately
800 K down to 80 K. Such chambers use elec-
trical heaters for elevated temperatures and cold
nitrogen gas cooling for sub-room-temperature.
The cold nitrogen gas is supplied from a liquid
nitrogen storage dewar. The flow of cold gas de-
termines the cooling power and is controlled at
the inlet with a variable flow valve that is reg-
ulated by the temperature controller. These sys-
tems are versatile in that a wide range of test
temperature is possible with a single system.
Some of the disadvantages are bulkiness, which
can make setup difficult, and that the tests can
be time consuming with respect to attaining
equilibrated test temperatures.
As mentioned previously, cryogenic tempera-
ture tests are conducted in a cryostat. Reference
10 is an excellent historical perspective on low-
temperature mechanical tests that details a num-
ber of cryostat designs, many of which use con- Fig. 3 Schematic of simple tensile canister from a standard-
ventional machines with standard load path configuration machine for low-temperature testing
Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures / 245

Cryogen Liquid Transfer Equipment. The nitrogen and helium, the storage tank is pres-
supply and delivery of cryogenic fluids require surized to enable transfer of the liquid.
special equipment. The equipment described Instrumentation. The minimum instrumen-
here pertains to the use of the two most common tation requirement in any tensile test is that for
cryogen test media, liquid nitrogen and liquid force measurement. Typically, forces are mea-
helium. Both liquid helium and nitrogen can be sured with the test machine force transducer
purchased from suppliers (usually welding sup- (load cell) in the same manner as for forces mea-
ply distributors) in various quantities that are de- sured in room temperature tests. During low-
livered in roll-around storage dewars. Liquid ni- temperature tests, precautions should be taken to
trogen can be transferred out of the storage ensure the load cell remains at ambient room
dewar into the test dewar with simple or com- temperature.
mon tubing materials. Its thermal properties and Strain measurements may require temperature
inexpensive price allow its flow through unin- dependent calibration. Common strain measure-
sulated tubes. For example, butyl rubber hose ment methods used are test machine displace-
can be attached to the storage dewar, and the ment, bondable resistance strain gages, and
hose will freeze as the liquid passes through. clip-on extensometers. Also applicable to low-
Liquid helium, on the other hand, is more dif- temperature strain measurements but less com-
ficult to handle, and it requires special vacuum- monly used are capacitive transducer methods
insulated transfer lines. Liquid helium transfer (Ref 11), noncontact laser extensomers, and lin-
lines are usually flexible stainless steel lines with ear variable differential transformers (LVDT)
end fittings to match the inlet ports of the test with extension rods to transmit displacements
cryostat and the supply cryostat. For both liquid outside of the environmental chamber to the
LVDT-sensing device.
Test machine displacement (stroke or cross-
head movement) is a simple, low-accuracy
method of estimating specimen strain. The in-
accuracy comes because the displacement in-
cludes deflection of the test fixturing plus the test
specimen gage section. Compensating for test
fixturing compliance improves accuracy.
Bondable resistance strain gages are for sen-
sitive measurements such as modulus and yield
strength determination. The strain gage manu-
facturer supplies strain gage bonding procedures
for use at cryogenic temperatures. The overall
range of strain gages at cryogenic temperatures

Fig. 5 Tensile test cryostat. The force-reaction posts have fi-

Fig. 4 Schematic of a tensile test cryostat ber-reinforced polymer composite stand-offs.
246 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

is limited to about 2% strain. Applicable strain back sensor to operate a control loop and supply
gages recommended by strain gage manufactur- power for resistive heaters.
ers have temperature dependent calibration data Additional Equipment Considerations. Tef-
down to 77 K. Interest in their use down to 4 K lon-insulated lead wires are advisable at very
has resulted in strain gage research verifying low temperatures because the insulation will be
their performance to 4 K (Ref 12). A typical less likely to crack and cause problems. Elec-
gage factor (GF) is 2 for NiCr alloy foil gages tronic noise reduction can be an issue in low-
and it increases approximately 2 to 3% on cool- temperature tests because lead wires tend to be
ing from 295 to 4 K. Thermal output strain sig- long. Standard methods of noise reduction are
nals are a large source of error that must be shielding and grounding. Self-heating and ther-
compensated for. Compensation is usually ac- mocouple effects are important issues at low
complished using the bridge balance of the strain temperatures. Precautions should be taken to en-
circuit where zero strain can be adjusted to co- sure that thermal effects do not mask the test
incide with zero stress. If this is not possible, data. Strain gage excitation voltages should be
other steps must be taken to electrically or math- kept low. Reference 10 gives the parameters in
ematically correct the thermal output strain. terms of power density for calculating excitation
Extensometers applicable to low-temperature voltage to be used for strain gages at 4 K.
tests utilize strain gages mounted to a bending
beam element. The temperature sensitivity can
be determined by calibrating with a precision Tensile Testing
calibration fixture that enables calibration at Parameters and Standards
various temperatures. Depending on the accu-
racy desired, it is possible to use one or two As at room temperature, tensile tests at low
calibration factors over a large temperature temperature are for determining engineering de-
range. A typical strain-gage extensometer-cali- sign data as well as for studying fundamental
bration factor changes about Ⳳ1% over the tem- mechanical-metallurgical behaviors of a mate-
perature range from 295 to 4 K. rial such as deformation and fracture processes.
Temperature measurement is done with an as- The usual engineering data from tensile tests are
sortment of temperature sensors. Reference 2 yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elastic
has a section devoted to temperature measure- modulus, elongation to failure, and reduction of
ment at low temperatures. The most common area. The effects of material flaws (inclusions,
method of temperature measurement is to use a voids, scratches, etc.) are amplified in low-tem-
thermocouple. Type E thermocouples (Chromel perature testing, as materials become more brit-
versus Constantan) and Type K (Chromel versus tle and sensitive to stress concentrations. Data
Alumel) cover a wide range of temperature and scatter tends to increase, and the quantity of tests
can be used at 4 K when carefully calibrated. A to characterize a material is usually greater than
better choice of thermocouple, designed to have that used for room temperature testing. The test
higher sensitivity at cryogenic temperatures, is engineer must judge when sufficient testing has
a AuFe alloy versus Chromel thermocouple. been done to provide representative data on a
Electronic temperature sensors (diodes and re- material.
sistance devices) are available with readout Test fixture alignment is important at low tem-
devices that have higher precision than ther- peratures because of necessarily long load trains.
mocouples. Silicon diodes, gallium-aluminum- Self-alignment in tensile tests can be accom-
arsenide diode, carbon glass resistor, platinum plished through the use of universal joints,
resistor, and germanium resistor are some of the spherical bearings, and pin connections. The
more commonly used types of sensors. alignment should meet specifications detailed in
Cryogenic temperature controllers that work ASTM E 1012, “Standard Practice for Verifica-
with the types of temperature sensors named tion of Specimen Alignment Under Tensile
above are available. The majority of temperature Loading.” Strain measurement should be done
controllers vary heating power and require that using an averaging technique that can reduce er-
the test chamber environment is slightly cooler rors associated with misalignment or bending
than the set-point temperature. The test engineer stress. Strain measurement equipment is detailed
is responsible for the environmental chamber above in the instrumentation section.
and cooling medium of the system. The con- Metals. The standard tensile test method for
trollers use the temperature sensors as the feed- metals, ASTM E 8, covers the temperature range
Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures / 247

from 10 to 40 ⬚C (50 to 100 ⬚F) and is used as men is rarely used at low temperature. Tensile
a guideline for lower temperature tests. The need specimens should be small due to size con-
for engineering data in the design of supercon- straints placed by the environmental test cham-
ducting magnets has resulted in the adoption of ber, which is designed for thermal efficiency.
the tensile test standard ASTM E 1450 for tests Standard capacity test machines (100 and 50 kN)
of structural alloys in liquid helium at 4.2 K. favor small specimens due to high tensile
The strain rate sensitivity of the flow stress in strengths encountered at low temperatures. A
metals decreases as temperature is reduced. Typ- subscale version of the 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) round
ical strain rates in standard tensile tests are on that meets ASTM specifications and works well
the order of 10ⳮ5 sⳮ1 to 10ⳮ2 sⳮ1 and do not at cryogenic temperature is shown in Fig. 6(a).
have a pronounced effect on the material flow A 100 kN force capacity test machine can gen-
stress. The strain rate becomes important in cry- erate about 3.5 GPa stress on a 6 mm diameter
ogenic temperature tests because of a tendency gage section. Figure 6(b) shows a flat, subscale
for specimen heating causing discontinuous tensile specimen that is also commonly used at
yielding in displacement control tests. Discon- cryogenic temperatures.
tinuous yielding is a subject of low-temperature Polymers and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
research of alloys, well described in ASTM E (FRP) Composites. Tensile tests of FRP com-
1450. The localized strain/heating phenomenon posites are governed in test procedure ASTM D
typically initiates after the onset of plastic strain 3039, while polymers and low modulus (⬍20
and results in a serrated stress-strain curve. GPa) composites are tested using the guidelines
ASTM test standard E 1450 prescribes a maxi- established in ASTM D 638. Neither have spe-
mum strain rate of 10ⳮ3 sⳮ1 and notes that lower cific temperature ranges or limitations.
rates may be necessary. The strain required to The problem with testing polymers at low
initiate discontinuous yielding increases with temperatures is the tendency for polymers to be
decreasing strain rate. If discontinuous yielding extremely brittle materials. Test temperatures
starts before the 0.2% offset yield strength is below room temperature are usually well below
reached, the associated load drop affects the es- the glass transition temperature, Tg, of the poly-
timation of the yield strength. It may be possible mer. The test specimen designs in ASTM D 638
to slow the strain rate to postpone the serrated are susceptible to grip failures once the material
curve until after the 0.2% offset yield strength is brittle. Traditional strain measurement tech-
is reached and then to increase the rate, not to niques must be performed carefully. Clip-on ex-
exceed 10ⳮ3 sⳮ1. Reference 13 reports research tensometers must mechanically attach to the ma-
on the effect of strain rate in tensile tests at 4 K. terial, usually producing some sort of stress
Test specimen sizes are preferably small for concentration that may initiate failure. Strain
low-temperature tests. The common 12.7 mm gages locally reinforce low-modulus material,
(0.5 in.) round, ASTM-standard tensile speci- and the associated error and correction method

Fig. 6 Schematics of tensile specimen commonly used at low temperature. (a) Round. (b) Flat. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters).
thd, threaded
248 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

is explained in Ref 14. Most tensile tests of poly- The temperature of the specimen is usually
mers show an increase in tensile strength upon monitored for tests using gaseous environment
cooling from 295 to 77 K and a decrease or con- temperature control. The temperature should be
stant level of strength with continued cooling to measured at the gage section and at the gripped
4 K (Ref 15). One would expect the strength to ends to ensure that the temperature across the
continue to increase with decreasing tempera- length of the specimen is constant. For tempera-
ture. This anomalous behavior is probably an tures above 80 K, the cooling can be a static
artifact of the tensile testing of an extremely brit- method, such as a pool of liquid nitrogen in the
tle material. dewar below the test fixturing. Test temperatures
Tensile tests of FRP composites at low tem- below the liquid nitrogen bath temperature are
peratures are simpler than tests of neat polymers best accomplished through the use of cold he-
because of the more rugged sample. One chal- lium gas for cooling power. This can be accom-
lenge is the gripping of high-strength, unidirec- plished with a flow cryostat, where cooling
tionally reinforced composites. The convenience power is regulated by throttling the flow of the
of hydraulic wedge grips is not usually an option cold gas or liquid. Between the manual regula-
in low-temperature tests. An example of a low- tion of the cooling medium and the regulated
temperature tensile test program to characterize heater power, one can obtain constant test tem-
a unidirectionally reinforced epoxy composite peratures between 77 and 4 K. Variations of cry-
from 295 to 4 K is described in Ref 16. ogenic temperature control exist such as cryo-
genic refrigerators, which can be applied to the
temperature control of mechanical tests. Cryo-
Temperature Control coolers and other mechanical refrigeration
techniques are not commonly used in mechani-
Test temperature is controlled by a bath tem- cal tests, due to the initial capital expense and
perature or by controlling the temperature of a the relative simplicity of other cooling methods.
gaseous environment. The temperature of the
test specimen should be maintained Ⳳ1 K for
the duration of the test. For bath-cooled tests, Safety
the temperature of the bath and the specimen
should be the same. A potential source for error Safety in a laboratory or industrial setting is
is the conduction path or heat sink that the load always a concern. Some of the safety issues with
train provides, possibly causing the specimen to respect to low-temperature testing are common
be warmer than the bath. For tests at tempera- sense issues, while some others are not so ob-
tures below 77 K (typically 4 K tests), the test vious. Table 1 describes the most common
cryostat is precooled with liquid nitrogen as an safety issues and appropriate solutions for each.
economical time-saving step. Safety issues associated with the use of liquid

Table 1 Safety issues associated with the use of liquid cryogens for low-temperature testing
Safety issue Solution
Liquid cryogens can spill or splash onto the body and cause Personnel should wear appropriate clothing and avoid direct
freezing of human tissue. contact with cold parts.
Helium, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide can displace air in a confined Cryogens should be used only in well-ventilated areas.
Volumetric expansion is extremely high (typically 700–1000 times) Cryostats must include safety pressure-relief capabilities;
when a liquid cryogen vaporizes. Such expansion is dangerous redundancy is necessary because mechanical relief valves may
when it occurs in closed containers or fixture components with freeze or malfunction. Component parts such as tubes or
potential for trapped gas/liquid volumes. threaded connections that can trap liquids or gases should be
identified, and solutions (such as weep holes) included in the
design. If there is potential for liquid to get into a space, provide
exit relief rather than trying to seal the liquid out.
Oxygen-rich (flammable) condensation can form on chilled Inform personnel of potential fire hazard, and take appropriate
surfaces (surfaces that are chilled to temperatures below 90 K precautions.
and then exposed to air; common on uninsulated liquid nitrogen
transfer lines and inside open-mouth dewars containing liquid
nitrogen or helium residue).
Low temperatures may cause embrittlement of the material, causing Test personnel must be aware of the potential and prepare for
it to fail at lower-than-expected loads. brittle fracture of structural components.
Tensile Testing at Low Temperatures / 249

hydrogen or liquid oxygen are not dealt within 8. G. Hartwig and F. Wuchner, Low Tempera-
this article and can be found in Ref 10. In ad- ture Mechanical Testing Machine, Rev. Sci.
dition to the issues listed in Table 1, personnel Instrum., Vol 46, 1975, p 481–485
should consider general safety issues related to 9. R.P. Reed, A Cryostat for Tensile Test in the
tension and compression testing at all tempera- Temperature Range 300 to 4 K, Advances
ture ranges. in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 7, Plenum
Press, NY, 1961, p 448–454
10. J.H. Lieb and R.E. Mowers, Testing of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Polymers at Cryogenic Temperatures,
Testing of Polymers, J.V. Schmitz, Ed., Vol
This chapter was adapted from R.P. Walsh, 2, John Wiley & Sons, 1965, p 84–108
Tension and Compression Testing at Low Tem- 11. R.P. Reed and R.L. Durcholz, Cryostat and
peratures, Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, Strain Measurement for Tensile Tests to
Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1.5 K, Advances in Cryogenic Engineer-
2000, p 164–171. ing, Vol 15, Plenum Press, NY, 1970, p
12. C. Ferrero, Stress Analysis Down to Liq-
REFERENCES uid Helium Temperature, Cryogenics, Vol
1. E.R. Parker, Brittle Behavior of Engineer- 30, March 1990, p 249–254
ing Structures, John Wiley & Sons, 1957 13. R.P. Reed and R.P. Walsh, Tensile Strain
2. R.P. Reed and A.F. Clark, Ed., Materials at Effects in Liquid Helium, Advances in
Low Temperatures, ASM, 1983 Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 34, Plenum
3. L.E. Neilsen and R.F. Landel, Mechanical Press, 1988, p 199–208
Properties of Polymers and Composites, 14. C.C. Perry, Strain Gage Reinforcement Ef-
Marcel Dekker, NY, 1994, p 249–263 fects on Low Modulus Materials, Manual
4. M.B. Kasen et al., Mechanical, Electrical, on Experimental Methods for Mechanical
and Thermal Characterization of G-10CR Testing of Composites, R.L. Pendelton and
and G-11CR Glass-Cloth/Epoxy Laminates M.E. Tuttle, Ed., Society for Experimental
Between Room Temperature and 4 K, Ad- Mechanics, 1989, p 35–38
vances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 28, 15. R.P. Reed and R.P. Walsh, Tensile Prop-
1980, p 235–244 erties of Resins at Low Temperatures, Ad-
5. R.P. Reed and M. Golda, Cryogenic Prop- vances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol 40,
erties of Unidirectional Composites, Cryo- Plenum Press, NY, 1994, p 1129–1136
genics, Vol 34 (No. 11), 1994, p 909–928 16. R.P. Walsh, J.D. McColskey, and R.P.
6. E.P. Popov, Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Reed, Low Temperature Properties of a
ed., Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1976 Unidirectionally Reinforced Epoxy Fibre-
7. J.P. Hirth and M. Cohen, Metalls. Trans., glass Composite, Cryogenics, Vol 35 (No.
Vol 1, Jan 1970, p 3 11), 1995, p 723–725
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p251-263 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p251 www.asminternational.org


High Strain Rate Tensile Testing

HIGH STRAIN RATE TENSILE TESTING men. At very high rates of strain, strains may be
is necessary to understand the response of ma- measured in some experimental configurations
terials to dynamic loading. Strain rates ranging only through wave propagation analysis. This
from 100 sⳮ1 to 104 sⳮ1 occur in many pro- procedure generally requires that assumptions
cesses or events of practical importance, such as be made about the constitutive behavior, that
foreign object damage, explosive forming, wave propagation analysis be carried out, and
earthquakes, blast loading, structural impacts, that predictions and experimental observations
terminal ballistics, and metalworking. The be- be compared. Unique solutions cannot be guar-
havior of materials under high strain rate tensile anteed, because some other constitutive model
loads may differ considerably from that ob- may conceivably provide similar results in a par-
served in conventional tensile tests. ticular wave propagation problem.
High strain rate sensitivity is primarily man-
ifested in variations in yield and failure criteria.
Yielding and failure are also affected by stress
state, ratio of mean stress to deviatoric stress, Conventional Load Frames
stress amplitude, stress history, and temperature.
Tests must be designed to simulate the most rele- Strain rate effects in tension are determined
vant load characteristics. For example, many by performing conventional tensile tests at vary-
processes involving dynamic tensile stress in- ing loading rates up to approximately 100 sⳮ1.
clude compressive prestress. Strain rate sensitiv- Conventional test machines are available with
ity also depends on whether engineering or true increased ram velocities, as are high-speed
strain formulations are used, because local in- pneumatic and hydraulic machines. The speed
stabilities (such as necking) are often suppressed capability of a machine may be influenced by
at high rates. several factors. Speed may be a function of the
Measurement of strain is a major problem in load that the ram is attempting to apply, and the
high strain rate tensile testing. In quasi-static no-load speed may be much higher than the full-
testing, the diameter of the minimum cross sec- load speed. The distance traveled may also affect
tion in a cylindrical specimen can be measured; the speed capability. A long stroke machine may
such measurements are virtually impossible or attain a given speed only after a significant
highly impractical in high-rate testing. Further- amount of travel. Depending on the specimen
more, although strains are easily measured over length, considerable specimen strain could occur
a uniform gage length section in quasi-static before final maximum velocity is obtained. Fi-
testing, the same measurements are considerably nally, the ability to control speed is a function
more difficult to obtain at high strain rates. Me- of the response capability of a servo-controlled
chanical extensometers are the primary tool used machine working in a closed-loop mode. Open-
in quasi-static tests, but they are of little use at loop machines provide speeds that may be influ-
high rates of strain because of the effects of in- enced by specimen strength and cannot easily
ertia. reproduce predetermined velocities or strain
Therefore, high-rate tests use strain gages, op- rates on materials with different yield strengths
tical extensometers, and displacement measure- or strain-hardening behaviors. Additional infor-
ments between loading fixtures to determine or mation on the operational characteristics of con-
infer the dynamic tensile strains in a test speci- ventional tensile testing machines can be found
252 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

in Chapter 4, “Tensile Testing Equipment and stant velocity ␯0 and assuming initial conditions
Strain Sensors.” of zero displacement and velocity, the solution
Effects of Inertia and Wave Propagation. is:
A fundamental difference between a high strain
rate tension test and a quasi-static tension test is m0L
冤冢 冣 冢 冣冥
x x
that inertia and wave propagation effects are u(x,t) ⳱ f sⳭ ⳮf sⳮ (Eq 3)
2c L L
present at high rates. It must be determined how
fast a uniaxial tension test can be run to obtain
where s ⳱ tc/L is a dimensionless time, and s
valid stress-strain data. To determine this, con-
⳱ 1 represents the time it takes a wave to prop-
sider a specimen of initial length L subjected to
agate the length of the specimen. The function
a uniform velocity ␯0 at time t ⳱ 0, as shown
f(s) is shown in Fig. 2. Strain can be obtained
in Fig. 1. This hypothesis could represent a test
from e ⳱ u/x and stress from r ⳱ Ee. By
in a constant crosshead velocity testing machine,
introducing the dimensionless variables:
or a drop-weight type of test in which a large
mass impacts one end of the specimen. If (x,t)
denotes the displacement of any point in the x x
n ⳱ (Eq 4a)
direction and assuming purely uniaxial mo- L
tion—that is, neglecting radial inertia effects— m0
the equation of motion is: m* ⳱ (Eq 4b)
2u 2  u

2 ⳱ c (Eq 1) plots of stress and strain can be constructed as a

t x2
function of time. Figure 3 illustrates strain nor-
malized with respect to ␯* against dimensionless
where u is displacement and
time s at an arbitrary position n along the bar.
1/2 The dashed line indicates the average strain in
c⳱ 冢Eq冣 (Eq 2) the bar, which is normally total displacement di-
vided by bar length.
The localized strain is measured by a strain
is the longitudinal wave velocity in a bar or rod, gage with a gage length that is small compared
where E is Young’s modulus, and q is mass den- to the length of the specimen. Figure 4 illustrates
sity. Applying the boundary conditions of the the normalized stresses at both ends of the bar.
left end fixed and the right end moving with con- The response at the fixed end is recorded by a
load cell. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate that stresses
and strains accumulate from numerous waves
propagating back and forth in the bar. Note that
the solution to the mathematical problem has as-
sumed an instantaneous jump in velocity at t ⳱
0, whereas some finite rise time usually occurs

Fig. 1 Schematic of tensile test configuration. See text for de-

tails and explanation of symbols.

Fig. 2 Graph of the function f(s). See text for details and ex- Fig. 3 Nondimensional strain profile. See text for details and
planation of symbols. explanation of symbols.
High Strain Rate Tensile Testing / 253

because of imperfect impact or machine re- ration of the test. For example, if a load cell has
sponse. a natural frequency of 1 kHz, its period of vi-
If many wave transits occur during a test, the bration is 10ⳮ3 s. This load cell could then be
use of average stresses and strains appears jus- used only for experiments that lasted over ten
tified. However, if the velocity is high, then only times that amount, or over 10 ms.
a few wave reflections may occur before the Another condition that must be satisfied is the
specimen fails. In this case, individual wave distance of the load cell from the end of the spec-
propagation must be considered; average values imen. If a sufficient distance exists between the
alone cannot be considered, and the use of this specimen and load cell, the finite elastic wave
test to determine dynamic stress-strain response transit time may result in load data that are not
is precluded. Note that this analysis is based on time-coincident with strain data. To prevent
a material that is linear-elastic and assumes a phase lags from obscuring the experimental
zero rise time in the applied velocity. Stress data, the wave transit time from the specimen to
waves are propagated at the elastic wave veloc- load cell should be negligibly small compared
ity. With material that has deformed into the to the test duration. Otherwise, the load data
plastic region, the plastic wave velocity is more must be corrected for the delay, and such cor-
appropriate and generally can be an order of rections seldom are precise.
magnitude smaller than the elastic wave veloc- Strain Measurement. The final aspect of
ity. high-speed tensile testing is determination of
One factor in determining whether or not strain. The most direct, reliable method uses
wave propagation effects limit the validity of a electrical resistance strain gages. The frequency
tensile test is the sample ring-up time, which is response capability of strain gages is consider-
the time required for a sample to achieve a uni- ably greater than the mechanical response of the
form state of stress. Generally, measurements combination of load train, specimen, and load
are not valid for times such that L  ct. This cell.
corresponds to a situation in which strain e Ⰷ ␯/ Another method of measuring strain involves
c ⳱ ėL/c. Consequently, small strain measure- the use of optical extensometers, in which dis-
ments are difficult to obtain at very high strain placement measurements across the loading fix-
rates. Another concern is that local failure may tures are divided by an actual or effective gage
occur at the end to which the load is applied. length. When using crosshead displacement
The magnitude of the stress transient associated measurements, caution must be exercised to en-
with the sudden application of velocity ␯0 is rm sure that these represent only specimen elonga-
⳱ qc␯0. tion and not machine, ram, or load train elon-
The test must be designed so that rm  Y, the gations. The same precautions that apply in
yield stress. For example, consider a bar 25 mm quasi-static tests also apply in dynamic tests.
(1 in.) in length that is accelerated at one end to If the above precautions are observed, valid
2.5 m/s (8.2 ft/s). For many engineering mate- stress-strain data can be obtained up to maxi-
rials, including steels, aluminum alloys, and ti- mum strain rates in the range of 10 to 100 sⳮ1.
tanium alloys, the elastic wave velocity is about For higher strain rates, or for cases in which the
5000 m/s (16,400 ft/s). The maximum stress
generated at the accelerated end of the bar is
qc␯. For a steel bar, the first stress pulse is 100
MPa (14.5 ksi), and the average strain rate is 100
sⳮ1. If a steel with a strength of 1 GPa (145 ksi)
is being tested, the maximum allowable driving
velocity is 25 m/s (82 ft/s). At that velocity, in-
stantaneous failure would occur at the driven
Assuming that wave propagation effects may
be neglected in a given test, the second aspect
that must be checked is the response of the load
cell. Load cell ringing is frequently encountered
in high-rate tensile testing. Generally, this time
period (reciprocal of the natural frequency in Fig. 4 Stress history at ends of bar. See text for details and
hertz) must be small compared to the total du- explanation of symbols.
254 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

above criteria are not met, highly specialized eral laboratories have used a laser velocity in-
testing techniques may have to be used. As dis- terferometer to measure ring velocity directly
cussed below, these include: (Ref 5, 6). Thus, only a single differentiation is
necessary to calculate stress, and precision is im-
Applicable strain rate, sⴑ1 Testing technique proved considerably.
104 Expanding ring test Advantages of the Ring Test. The ring test
105 Flyer plate test has two principal advantages. The expanding
100–103 Split-Hopkinson pressure bar test
103–104 Rotating wheel test ring test subjects the material to a state of dy-
namic uniaxial stress without the wave propa-
gation complications that accompany other high
strain rate tests. Also, the maximum strain rate
Expanding Ring Test available in the ring test is higher than in any
other common tension tests involving large plas-
The expanding ring test is a highly sophisti- tic strains.
cated technique for subjecting metals to tensile Limitations of the Ring Test. Strain rate in
strain rates over 104 sⳮ1 (Ref 1, 2). Although the the expanding ring test is not usually constant.
testing principle is simple, its performance re- The strain rate is computed from (dR/dt)/R, and
quires specialized equipment available in only a both of these terms vary continually. Strain rate
few laboratories. The ring test can determine the is usually greatest at the start of ring decelera-
high-rate stress-strain relationships, but a sim- tion, when strain is smallest. Values in excess of
plified, more widely used version can be em- 104 sⳮ1 are readily obtained. If the ring does not
ployed to determine ultimate strain only (Ref rupture, the strain rate falls to zero at the end of
3, 4). the test.
This test involves the sudden radial accelera- Ring specimens also experience a compres-
tion of a ring due to detonation of an explosive sive preload in the radial direction that often ex-
charge or electromagnetic loading. The ring rap- ceeds the yield stress during the acceleration
idly becomes a free-flying body, expanding ra- phase. Because load history is known to affect
dially, and decelerating due to its own internal the subsequent stress-strain behavior of many
circumferential stresses. A thin ring must be materials, data obtained from expanding ring
used for the analysis to be valid; the wall thick- tests do not always agree with results from other
ness should be less than one tenth the ring di- tests at slightly lower strain rates.
ameter, which is typically 25 mm (1 in.). If R is The difficulties, expense, and limitations of
the radius of the ring, q the density, and r the the expanding ring test preclude its use as a stan-
hoop stress: dard test technique for generating high strain
rate stress-strain data in tension. Only a few lab-
d2R oratories are capable of performing this test.
r ⳱ ⳮqR (Eq 5)
dt2 However, if subjecting a material to high strain
rates in tension without determining stress-strain
To obtain stress-strain data, radial displace- data is of primary interest, the expanding ring
ment as a function of time must be calculated. test is much easier to conduct. A number of in-
Strain is proportional to change in radius (just vestigators have used this test to determine strain
as engineering strain in tension is DL/L0); thus: to failure under dynamic loading (Ref 3, 4).
Here, the accurate determination of radial dis-
R placement versus time is not as critical, because
e ⳱ ln (Eq 6)
R0 stresses are not calculated. Less precise dis-
placement data provide reasonably accurate de-
where R0 is the initial radius. Stress may be com- terminations of strain rate. The ambiguity aris-
puted from Eq 5 by double differentiation of ra- ing from possible strain rate history effects still
dial displacement data as a function of time. exists when the expanding ring test is used in
Ring displacement can be obtained through the this simpler manner.
use of high-speed photography, streak cameras, The expanding cylinder test, a variation of
displacement interferometers, or other methods the ring test, provides a dynamic stress state
for measuring radius as a function of time. equivalent to that produced in a quasi-static ten-
It is difficult to determine stress accurately by sile test on a wide sheet versus a thin strip of
double differentiation of displacement data. Sev- material. A difficulty encountered in this type of
High Strain Rate Tensile Testing / 255

test is the need for an impulse to be generated ex ⬆ 0, ey ⳱ ez ⳱ 0 (Eq 8)

simultaneously in time along the axis of the cyl-
inder. Because explosive detonation along a The flat plate impact test is performed by
wire, for example, propagates at a finite wave launching a flat flyer plate against a second sta-
speed, uniform deformation along the length of tionary target plate. Compressed gas guns, pro-
the axis cannot be ensured. Dimensions, deto- pellant guns, magnetic accelerators, and explo-
nation wave speeds, and synchronization of sives have all been used to launch the flyer plate
multiple detonation all must be considered care- (Ref 8). Extreme precision must be achieved to
fully to ensure that the cylinder is deformed as eliminate relative tilt at the instant of impact. A
uniformly as possible and that axial stress waves typical experimental setup using a gas gun is
are not generated (Ref 7). shown in Fig. 5. The flyer plate is carried in the
gas gun in a plastic sabot. Velocity of the flyer
is determined from the transit time between the
Flyer Plate and Short shorting pin in the gun barrel and time-of-arrival
Duration Pulse Loading pins in the target. The target is supported by a
spall ring that suppresses late-time radial tensile
Traditionally, flat plate impact tests have been waves.
used to obtain high strain rate yield data, shock The stress waves along the axis normal to the
wave response data, and equation of state data impact plane are shown in Fig. 6. A flyer plate
for materials undergoing uniaxial strain. Uni- of thickness d, moving left to right, strikes an
axial strain refers to a three-dimensional state of initially stationary target of thickness T; the im-
stress in which deformation or strain occurs in pact occurs at the origin, O, of the (x,t) coordi-
only one direction—the direction of loading. nates. Elastic-plastic behavior is assumed in Fig.
The uniaxial strain condition persists for only a 6. Elastic waves propagate at approximately cL,
short period of time, until stress waves originat- the longitudinal elastic sound speed. Plastic
ing at lateral boundaries reach the specimen in- waves propagate at approximately 冪(B/q),
terior. In a typical experiment, this time period where B is the bulk modulus. The arrivals of the
is on the order of several to tens of microsec- elastic and plastic waves at the target rear sur-
onds. Uniaxial strain is defined mathematically face are denoted as E and P.
as: Propagation speeds are always relative to the
material into which the wave is moving. Strain
ux ⬆ 0, uy ⳱ uz ⳱ 0 (Eq 7) occurs only at the wave fronts. The amplitude
of the E wave in Fig. 6 is known as the Hugoniot
where x is the direction of loading; ux is the dis- elastic limit (HEL) and is simply related to the
placement in that direction; and y and z are or- uniaxial yield stress, Y, as:
thogonal directions in a plane normal to x. The
strains are obtained from the displacement de-
rivatives, thus:
rHEL ⳱ 冤B Ⳮ2l4l/3冥Y (Eq 9)

Fig. 5 Schematic of gas-gun-launched flyer plate impact test setup

256 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

where l is the shear modulus. The final state of required. This presents no problem when a gas
the shocked material is characterized by a stress gun is used.
and particle velocity. The functional relationship Experiments with u0  100 m/s (330 ft/s)
between these two variables depends on the ma- are often difficult because of impact tilt, which
terial and is known as the Hugoniot. The state becomes more critical at low velocities. Also,
behind the P wave in Fig. 6 lies on the Hugoniot impact velocity must not be so high that the ve-
(see Ref 9 for a discussion of Hugoniots). If the locity of the P wave (Fig. 6) exceeds cL. That
flyer and target plates are composed of the same limit for steels usually is greater than 1 km/s (0.6
material, the particle velocity behind the P wave mile/s). The limit for other materials can be
is one half the impact velocity. found by consulting the tables in Ref 11.
Reference 10 discusses determination of par- Given an appropriate impact velocity, to de-
ticle velocity when the flyer and target are com- termine rHEL one of the following measure-
posed of different materials. If the Hugoniot of ments must be made. The peak particle velocity
the target is known, then the stress can be cal- behind the E wave can be measured. This can
culated from the particle velocity. Hugoniots for be accomplished at the free surface with capac-
most engineering metals can be found in Ref 11. itor gages, sloping mirrors, or a velocity inter-
Compressive waves reflect from a free surface ferometer. The velocity behind the wave is half
as tensile (rarefaction) waves, which begin to the free surface velocity. The stress is related to
arrive at the target rear surface at point R in Fig. the free surface velocity by Eq 10 with u ⳱ cL.
6. The tensile (rarefaction) waves may interact Direct measurement of rHEL can be obtained
and cause spall failure. This causes material sep- by embedded piezoresistive gages. Manganin
aration in the target, which is indicated at point and carbon gages frequently are used for this
SP in Fig. 6. The sudden relaxation of tensile purpose. This technique requires sectioning the
stress generates a shock wave that arrives at the target or using a backing plate and correcting for
free surface at point S. partial transmission of the wave transmitted
Spall is a form of tensile failure under an ex- through the interface. Magnetic particle velocity
tremely high strain rate and a nearly spherical gages can be used for nonconducting targets
stress tensor. Spall usually is characterized by such as plastics and rocks, but they are not suit-
the spall stress, rspall, defined as the highest ten- able for metals.
sile stress that exists in the material prior to rup- Spall stress can be determined by two meth-
ture. When designing spall experiments, the ods. The simplest, in terms of analysis, interpre-
flyer plate diameter, a, must be large enough so
that the phenomena of interest occur within a
time a/2cL after the impact.
Flat plate impact tests normally are used to
measure rHEL and spall strength. For example,
consider the characterization of a steel by this
technique. The value of rHEL for steel is usually
between 5 and 15 kilobar (kbar), a useful unit
for analyzing shock experiments; 1 kbar ⳱ 0.1
GPa. When density is expressed as g/cm3 ⳯ 10
and velocity is given in km/s (or, equivalently,
mm/ls), stress is given in kbar.
To measure the Hugoniot elastic limit, the im-
pact velocity must be sufficient for the peak
stress to exceed rHEL. Peak stress is given by:

r ⳱ qUu (Eq 10)

where U is shock propagation speed, and u is

particle velocity. Peak particle velocity is half
the impact velocity, u0, for a symmetric im-
pact. For steel-on-steel impacts, Eq 10 be-
comes approximately r ⳱ 200 u0. For r  Fig. 6 Lagrangian diagram showing stress waves in flyer plate
experiment. See text for details and explanation of
rHEL ⳱ 15 kbar, u0  75 m/s (245 ft/s) is symbols.
High Strain Rate Tensile Testing / 257

Fig. 7 Spall data for low-carbon 1020 steel

tation, and experimental technique, is to vary The Split-Hopkinson

systematically the flyer plate thickness, d, and Pressure Bar Technique (Ref 13)
impact velocity, u0, to determine the critical val-
ues at which rupture occurs. As the flyer plate The split-Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB)
thickness is increased, the duration of the com- technique is named for Bertram Hopkinson who,
pressive and tensile load increases; the load du- in 1914, used the induced-wave propagation in
ration is approximately 2d/cL. a long elastic metallic bar to measure the pres-
Eventually, for flyer plate thicknesses exceed- sures produced during dynamic events. Through
ing about 5 mm (0.2 in.), the spall stress reaches the use of momentum traps of differing lengths,
a load duration limit. In many metals, the lim- Hopkinson studied the shape and evolution of
iting spall strength is several times the value of stress pulses as they propagated down long me-
rHEL. Figure 7 illustrates typical spall stress data tallic rods as a function of time. Based on this
for low-carbon steel. The data illustrate that for pioneering work, the experimental apparatus us-
pulse durations longer than a few microseconds, ing elastic stress-wave propagation in long rods
the greatest tensile stress that the material can to study dynamic processes in materials was
sustain without rupture is 25 kbar. named the Hopkinson pressure bar. Later work
Interpretation of experiments using thinner used two Hopkinson pressure bars in series, with
flyer plates is more complex, because a com- the sample sandwiched in between, to measure
puter code must be used to calculate the stress the dynamic stress-strain response of materials.
history on the spall plane. Finite difference
codes (Ref 9) or method of characteristics codes
(Ref 12) can be used. Finite difference codes are
more accurate and more widely applicable than
method of characteristics codes, but the user
must be specially trained in this subject.
Another approach to spall characterization is
to initiate impact above the spall threshold and
to deduce the material behavior from the free
surface velocity, D␯s, data. Figure 8 illustrates a
typical free surface velocity history with spall-
ing, E, P, R, and S refer to the same arrivals as
explained in text for Fig. 6. The spall stress is
given approximately by qcLD␯s/2. However, a Fig. 8 Free surface velocity data when spall occurs. See text
more exact determination requires code analysis. for details and explanation of symbols.
258 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

This technique was referred to as the split-Hop- method is that, given a suitable hollow trans-
kinson pressure bar. Although the original split- mitted bar matched to the incident bar, tensile
Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus was devel- Hopkinson bar tests can be conducted using a
oped to measure compressive mechanical standard compressive SHPB loading setup.
behavior of materials, alternate Hopkinson bar Method 2. The second type of tensile split-
schemes were later developed for loading the Hopkinson bar test, and the most commonly im-
samples in uniaxial tension and torsion. Infor- plemented mode of loading, involves direct ten-
mation on split-Hopkinson pressure bar testing sile loading of the incident bar to subject a
in compression and torsion can be found in Ref sample in a uniaxial tensile stress state. This
13–15. loading mode can be accomplished using a stan-
dard type of axisymmetric circular tension spec-
Tensile Loading Techniques (Ref 13) imen threaded directly into the ends of the
incident and transmitted pressure bars, a dumb-
The principles and the data analysis for the bell-shaped sample loaded through flanges at-
tensile split-Hopkinson pressure bar are similar tached to the incident and transmitted bars, or a
to those for the compression SHPB (Ref 13, 14). flat tensile sample loaded using a small com-
The primary differences are the methods of gen- pression grip assembly designed into the ends of
erating a tensile-loading pulse, specimen ge- the incident and transmitted bars. A tensile pulse
ometry, and the method of attaching the speci- in each instance is generated in the incident bar
men to the two bars (incident and transmitted). either by loading the end of the incident bar
Three separate general types of tension split- through direct impact of a mass with a flange on
Hopkinson pressure bar design have been de- the end of the incident bar or by releasing a ten-
veloped (Ref 13). All three loading techniques sile pulse stored in the incident bar using a
use measures of the tensile pulses in the input clamping fixture. Figure 10 shows a schematic
and transmitter bars, as in the compressive of a tensile split-Hopkinson bar setup using the
SHPB, to study the dynamic tensile response of hollow-striker-bar loading method. In this load-
a material. ing method, a long tensile pulse, similarly stable
Method 1. In the first method, developed by as in a compressive bar, can be imparted using
Lindholm and Yeakley (Ref 16), the incident bar a hollow striker tube accelerated along the in-
is solid, while the transmitted bar is a hollow cident bar from a compressed gas breech or from
tube of the same cross-sectional area as the input a falling weight in a vertically configured tensile
bar. A complex “top-hat” type of sample ge- bar. In the second variation, tensile wave loading
ometry, as shown in Fig. 9, is machined from in the incident bar is generated through the re-
the material of interest. The specimen essentially lease of a tensile load that is initially stored in a
comprises four parallel tensile bars of equal section of the incident bar.
cross-sectional area. Although specimen ma- Method 3. The third type of Hopkinson bar
chining is somewhat complex in this method, the loading in tension also uses a circular specimen
actual SHPB test is conducted in the identical threaded into the ends of the two pressure bars
manner because compressive testing and the but uses the reflection of the compression pulse
data analysis is identical to that outlined previ- at the free end of the transmitted bar to load the
ously. The advantage of this tensile loading sample in tension and a circular collar to protect

Fig. 9 “Top-hat” tensile split-Hopkinson bar sample design. Source: Ref 16

High Strain Rate Tensile Testing / 259

the specimen from the initial compressive pulse. Upon reaching the specimen, the tensile pulse is
After the specimen has been screwed into the partially transmitted through the specimen and
incident and transmitted bars, a split shoulder or partially reflected back into the bar, which is
collar is placed over the specimen, and it is now acting as the incident bar. Because the
screwed in until the pressure bars fit tightly shoulder, which carried the entire compressive
against the shoulder. The shoulder is made of pulse around the specimen, is not rigidly con-
the same material as the pressure bars, has the nected to the pressure bars, it will not support
same outer diameter, and has an inner diameter any tensile load. Tight fitting of the collar
that just clears the specimen. The ratio of the against the two pressure bars is critical in trans-
cross-sectional area of the shoulder to that of the mitting the compression pulse down the bars
pressure bars is typically 3 to 4, while the ratio without significant wave dispersion or prestrain-
of the area of the shoulder to the net cross-sec- ing of the sample. Similarly, the fit of the
tional area of the specimen is typically 12 to 1. threaded tensile specimen against the bars is es-
When the striker bar impacts the incident bar, a sential to achieve smooth and rapid loading of
compressive pulse travels down the incident bar the specimen as the tensile pulse arrives. Failure
until it reaches the specimen. The amplitude of to remove all play from the threaded joint results
the pulse, which is a function of the striker ve- in uneven loading of the specimen and spurious
locity and length, is twice the elastic wave transit wave reflections because of the open gaps in the
time in the striker bar. loading thread area.
In this loading method, the compression pulse
travels through the composite cross section of Data Analysis (Ref 13)
the loading collar and specimen in an essentially
undisturbed manner. The relatively loose fit of As mentioned earlier in this section, data anal-
the threaded joint of the specimen into the bars ysis for a tensile split-Hopkinson pressure bar
and the large area ratio of the collar to the spec- test is essentially identical to that of compression
imen ensure that no compression beyond the Hopkinson bar analysis detailed in Ref 13 and
14. The additional complications encountered in
elastic limit is transmitted through the specimen.
tensile Hopkinson techniques are related to the
Ideally, the entire compression pulse passes
through the supporting circular collar as if the
specimen were not present, although in practice ● Modification of the pressure bar ends to ac-
it is operationally difficult to prevent prestrain- commodate gripping of complex samples,
ing of the specimen to some degree. The com- which alter wave propagation in the sample
pression pulse continues to propagate until it and bars
reaches the free end of the transmitted bar where ● Potential need for additional diagnostics to
it reflects and propagates back as a tensile pulse. calculate true stress

Fig. 10 Schematic of a tensile split-Hopkinson pressure bar test setup

260 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

● Increased need to accurately incorporate in- forming volume of the sample as necking pro-
ertial effects into data reduction to extract ceeds is difficult at best, given a lack of
quantitative material constitutive behavior knowledge of the damage processes evolving
● More complicated stress pulse generation within the sample. An analysis that allows esti-
systems required for tensile and torsion bars mation of effective stress and strain from the
profile of the necking specimen can be obtained.
Alteration of the bar ends to accommodate Using the apparatus described in method 3, pho-
threaded or clamped samples leads to complex tographs can be made with a suitable high-speed
boundary conditions at the bar specimen inter- camera system through windows provided in the
face and, therefore, introduces uncertainties in collar.
the wave mechanics description of the test. The final complexity inherent to the tension
When complex sample geometries are used, Hopkinson loading configurations has to do with
signals measured in the pressure bars record the the increased sample dimensions required. Valid
structural response of the entire sample, not just dynamic characterization of many material
the gage section, where plastic deformation is product forms, such as thin sheet materials and
assumed to be occurring. When plastic strain oc- small-section bar stock, may be significantly
curs in the sections adjacent to the sample’s uni- complicated or completely impractical using ei-
form gage area, accurate determination of the ther tensile or torsion Hopkinson bars because
stress-strain response of the material is more of an inability to fabricate test samples. Tech-
complicated. In these cases, additional diagnos- niques have been developed, however, to ad-
tics, such as high-speed photography, are man- dress these concerns in the case of testing sheet
datory to quantify the loaded section of the de- materials in the Hopkinson bar.
forming sample. In the tensile bar case, an
additional requirement is that exact quantifica-
tion of the deforming sample cross-sectional
area as a function of strain is necessary to Rotating Wheel Test (Ref 14)
achieve true-stress data. Contrary to a compres-
sive SHPB test, in which a right-circular cylin- Another method for tensile testing at high
drical sample is most often utilized, the tensile strain rates consists of a rotating wheel with
SHPB test uses a cylindrical specimen with an claws or noses that quickly stroke a yoke con-
attached shoulder and additional gripping, in- taining test pieces. An early test machine was
cluding threads. Because the split-Hopkinson developed by Mann in 1936 (Ref 17), and in
bar data analysis only provides data on the rela- 1944 Fehr et al. (Ref 18) reached strain rates of
tive displacement between the ends of the inci- nearly 103 sⳮ1 with some bearable ringing. In
dent and transmitter bars, an effective gage the 1960s, Schopper produced and sold about
length generally must be used. This is equivalent 100 “rotating wheel machines,” which also had
to determining strain in a tensile test through a 200 kg (440 lb) wheel with a releasable claw
cross-head displacement measurement. The use and a specimen within a yoke fixed in front of
of strain gages on test samples to determine an the wheel (Fig. 11). By careful adjustments, ve-
effective gage length is strongly recommended. locities of about 40 m/s (130 ft/s) were reached
This calibration is accomplished easily at low without any bending moments. However, the
strain rates, preferably in a conventional test ma- overall frequency response of the fixture (de-
chine in which the cross-head displacement is spite the 50 kHz quartz transducer for force-time
monitored separately. recording) was only 2.5 kHz, which is too low
As with any uniaxial tensile test, once local- for high-rate testing.
ized necking occurs, it is no longer possible to The essential improvement has been to intro-
simply convert load-displacement data to stress- duce load-measuring gages as close to the gage
strain data. This lack of valid stress-state anal- length as possible. This is realized by measuring
ysis is related to both the lack of uniform plastic elastic strains and converting to stresses by the
deformation in the sample and the attendant vol- elastic modulus. To assure low barriers for re-
umetric sample expansion, which damage-evo- flections of stress wave propagation, the strain
lution processes represent. The range of appli- gages for load measurement are positioned at
cation of the Hopkinson bar test can be extended cones of 8 on the smallest possible diameter.
by high-speed photography of necking speci- With this technique, stress-strain records are
mens, although an accurate measure of the de- possible up to velocities of 30 m/s, which cor-
High Strain Rate Tensile Testing / 261

responds to strain rates of ė ⳱ 2500 sⳮ1 with a ture energy of the specimen more than 10 times
gage length of 10.5 mm (0.41 in.) and a diameter (for striking velocities ␯  10 m/s, or 33 ft/s).
of 3.5 mm (0.14 in.) (L/D ⳱ 3). Even with high A similar setup, but based on a moving mass
strain hardening and highly deformable materi- of a few kilograms guided along straight bars,
als, there is practically no influence of the tested has also been developed by Stelly and Dormeval
materials on the history of velocity or strain rate at CEA, France with good results (Ref 19).
like in a Hopkinson bar setup because the energy Higher strain rates of ė ⳱ 104 sⳮ1, for example,
content of the rotating wheel exceeds the frac- can be reached with short gage length. To pro-

Fig. 11 Principle of high-rate tensile testing with flywheel setup

Fig. 12 Influence of joining method on stress-time curves for high strain rate tension test specimens
262 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Fig. 13 Stress-time diagrams from high strain rate tensile testing of carbon steel (0.45% C) between room temperature and 600 C
(1100 F)

vide easy strain recording for the complete load- tice the occurrence of the upper and lower yield-
ing up to fracture, electro-optical cameras or ing and the following nearly undisturbed stress-
noncontact laser interferometers can be used. time records. The wave transmitter bar was used
The advantage of this instrumentation is that the for a stress measurement because the strain
strain is measured, not calculated under certain gages at the gage length were unsuitable at test
assumptions. temperature. Temperatures up to 600 C (1100
In order to avoid more reflections of the stress F) are reached with heated air; higher tempera-
wave from the upper end of the specimen, the tures should be possible using small infrared
length beside the gage length is extended to 2s ovens (Ref 20, 21) or induction heating.
 ␯c • t (where s is the rod length between gage
length and fixture, ␯c is the sound velocity, and
t is the time to fracture at the used striking ve- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
locity). In the case of short lengths, a wave trans-
mitter bar is connected to the specimen. This This chapter was adapted from T. Nicholas
procedure requires the evaluation of impedance and S.J. Bless, High Strain Rate Tension Testing,
transfer between the sample and bar. Figure 12 Mechanical Testing, Vol 8, 9th ed., Metals
shows stress-time diagrams of screwed, brazed, Handbook, American Society for Metals, 1985,
and welded joints tested under high strain rate p 208–214. Information was also taken from Ref
conditions at about ė ⳱ 1000 sⳮ1. These results 13 and 14.
reveal that screwing and brazing are insufficient
methods to obtain stress-time diagrams of good
quality. Therefore, in this test setup welded REFERENCES
joints are most suitable to perform tensile tests
at high and very high strain rates. 1. F.I. Niordson, A Unit for Testing Materials
This procedure was successfully applied for at High Strain Rates, Exp. Mech., Vol 5,
high-rate, high-temperature tests (Fig. 13). No- 1965, p 29–32
High Strain Rate Tensile Testing / 263

2. C.R. Hoggatt and R.F. Recht, Stress-Strain 12. L.M. Barker and E.G. Young, “SWAP-9:
Data Obtained at High Strain Rates Using An Improved Stress Wave Analyzing Pro-
an Expanding Ring, Exp. Mech., Vol 9, gram,” Sandia National Laboratories Report
1969, p 441–448 No. SLA-74-0009. Albuquerque, NM, 1974
3. D.E. Grady and D.A. Benson, Fragmenta- 13. G.T. Gray III, Classic Split-Hopkinson
tion of Metal Rings by Electromagnetic Pressure Bar Testing, Mechanical Testing
Loading, Exp. Mech., Vol 28, 1983, p 393– and Evaluation, Vol 8, ASM Handbook,
400 ASM International, 2000, p 462–476
4. A.M. Rajendran and I.M. Fyfe, Inertia Ef- 14. High Strain Rate Tension and Compression
fects on the Ductile Failure of Thin Rings, Tests, Mechanical Testing and Evaluation,
J. Appl. Mech., Vol 104, 1982, p 31–36 Vol 8, ASM Handbook, ASM International,
5. L.M. Barker and R.E. Hollenback, Laser In- 2000, p 429–446
terferometer for Measuring High Velocities 15. A. Gilat, Torsional Kolsky Bar Testing, Me-
of Any Reflecting Surface. J. Appl. Phys., chanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol 8,
Vol 43, 1972, p 4669–4674 ASM Handbook, ASM International, 2000,
6. R.H. Warnes et al., An Improved Technique p 505–515
for Determining Dynamic Material Proper- 16. U.S. Lindholm and L.M. Yeakley, High
ties Using the Expanding Ring, in Shock Strain Rate Testing: Tension and Compres-
Waves and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena in sion, Exp. Mech., Vol 8, 1968, p 1–9
Metals, M.A. Meyers and L.E. Murr, Ed., 17. H.C. Mann, High Velocity Tension Impact
Plenum Press, New York, 1981 Tests, Proc. ASTM, Vol 36 (part 2), 1936, p
7. D. Bauer and S.J. Bless, Strain Rate Effects 85–109
on Ultimate Strain of Copper, in Shock 18. R.O. Fehr, E. Parker, and D.J. DeMichael,
Waves in Condensed Matter, North Holland, Measurement of Dynamic Stress and Strain
Amsterdam, 1983 in Tensile Test Specimens, J. Appl. Mech.
8. G.R. Fowles, Experimental Technique and (Trans. ASME), Vol 6A, 1944, p 65–71
Instrumentation, in Dynamic Response of 19. R. Dormeval and M. Stelly, Influence of
Materials to Intense Impulse Loading, P.C. Grain Size and Strain Rate of the Mechan-
Chou and A.K. Hopkins, Ed., Air Force Ma- ical Behavior of High-Purity Polycrystalline
terials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Copper, Second Conf. on Mechanical Prop-
OH, 1973 erties at High Rates of Strain, 1979 (Ox-
9. J.A. Zukas, T. Nicholas, H.F. Swift, L.B. ford), Institute of Physics, London, Serial
Greszczuk, and D.R. Curran, Impact Dy- No. 47, p 154–165
namics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 20. C.E. Frantz, P.S. Follansbee, and W.E.
1982 Wright, New Experimental Techniques with
10. R.G. McQueen, S.P. Marsh, J.W. Taylor, the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, High En-
J.N. Fritz, and W.J. Carter. The Equation of ergy Rate Forming, Berman and Schroeder,
State of Solids from Shock Wave Studies, Ed., American Society of Mechanical En-
in High Velocity Impact Phenomena, R. gineers, 1984, p 229
Kinslow, Ed., Academic Press, New York, 21. A.M. Lennon and K.T. Ramesh, A Tech-
1970 nique for Measurement of the Dynamic Be-
11. S.P. Marsh, LASL Shock Hugoniot Data, haviour of Materials at High Temperatures,
University of California Press, Berkeley, Int. J. Plast., Vol 14 (No. 12), 1998, p 1279–
1980 1292
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p265-272 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p265 www.asminternational.org

Glossary of Terms

A bulk modulus of elasticity (K). The measure of

resistance to change in volume; the ratio of
accuracy. (1) The agreement or correspondence hydrostatic stress to the corresponding unit
between an experimentally determined value change in volume. This elastic constant can
and an accepted reference value for the ma- be expressed by the equation:
terial undergoing testing. The reference value
may be established by an accepted standard
(such as those established by ASTM), or, in rm ⳮp 1
K⳱ ⳱ ⳱
some cases, the average value obtained by ap- D D b
plying the test method to all the sampling
units in a lot or batch of the material may be where K is bulk modulus of elasticity, rm is
used. (2) The extent to which the result of a hydrostatic or mean stress tensor, p is hydro-
calculation or the reading of an instrument ap- static pressure, and b is the coefficient of com-
proaches the true value of the calculated or pressibility. Also known as bulk modulus,
measure quantity. Compare with precision. compression modulus, hydrostatic modulus,
alligator skin. See preferred term orange peel. and volumetric modulus of elasticity.
anisotropy. The characteristic of exhibiting dif-
ferent values of a property in different direc-
tions with respect to a fixed reference system C
in the material. See also planar anisotropy. chord modulus. The slope of the chord drawn
average linear strain. See engineering strain. between any two specific points on a stress-
axial strain. See uniaxial strain. strain curve. Compare with secant modulus.
See also modulus of elasticity.
coefficient of thermal expansion. (1) Change
B in unit of length (or volume) accompanying a
Bauschinger effect. The phenomenon by which unit change of temperature, at a specified tem-
plastic deformation increases yield strength in perature. (2) The linear or volume expansion
the direction of plastic flow and decreases it of a given material per degree rise of tem-
in other directions. perature, expressed at an arbitrary base tem-
biaxial stress. See principal stress (normal). perature or as a more complicated equation
breaking load. The maximum load (or force) applicable to a wide range.
applied to a test specimen or structural mem- conventional strain. See engineering strain.
ber loaded to rupture. conventional stress. See engineering stress.
breaking stress. The stress at failure. Also crack-growth rate. Rate of propagation of a
known as rupture stress. See also fracture crack through a material due to statically or
stress. dynamically applied load.
brittle fracture. Separation of a solid accom- crazing. Region of ultrafine cracks, which may
panied by little or no macroscopic plastic de- extend in a network on or under the surface
formation. Typically, brittle fracture occurs by of a resin or plastic material. May appear as
rapid crack propagation with less expenditure a white band. Often found in a filament-
of energy than for ductile fracture. wound pressure vessel or bottle. In many plas-
bulk modulus. See bulk modulus of elasticity. tics, craze growth precedes crack growth, of-
266 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

ten generating additional strength because considerable energy. Contrast with brittle
crazes are load bearing. fracture.
cross linking. With thermosetting and certain ductility. The ability of a material to deform
thermoplastic polymers, the setting up of plastically before fracturing. Measured by
chemical links between the molecular chains. elongation or reduction in area in a tensile
When extensive, as in most thermosetting res- test, by height of cupping in a cupping test,
ins, cross linking makes an infusible super- or by the radius or angle of bend in a bend
molecule of all the chains. In rubbers, the test.
cross linking is just enough to join all mole- dynamic modulus. The ratio of stress to strain
cules into a network. under cyclic conditions (calculated from data
cup fracture (cup-and-cone fracture). A obtained from either free or forced vibration
mixed-mode fracture, often seen in tensile- tests, in shear, compression, or tension).
test specimens of a ductile material, where the dynamic strain aging. A behavior in metals in
central portion undergoes plane-strain frac- which solute atoms are sufficiently mobile to
ture and the surrounding region undergoes move toward and interact with dislocations.
plane-stress fracture. One of the mating frac- This results in strengthening over a specific
ture surfaces looks like a miniature cup; it has range of elevated temperature and strain rate.
a central depressed flat-face region sur-
rounded by a shear lip. The other fracture sur- E
face looks like a miniature truncated cone. effective yield strength. An assumed value of
cupping test. A mechanical test used to deter- uniaxial yield strength that represents the in-
mine the ductility and drawing properties of fluence of plastic yielding on fracture-test pa-
sheet metal. It consists of measuring the max- rameters.
imum depth of bulge that can be formed be- elastic calibration device. A device for use in
fore fracture. The test is commonly carried verifying the load readings of a testing ma-
out by drawing the test piece into a circular chine consisting of an elastic member(s) to
die by means of a punch with a hemispherical which loads may be applied, combined with
end. See also Erichsen cup test, Olsen cup a mechanism or device for indicating the mag-
test, and Swift cup test. nitude (or a quantity proportional to the mag-
nitude) of deformation under load.
D elastic constants. The factors of proportionality
that relate elastic displacement of a material
deformation. A change in the form of a body to applied forces. See also modulus of elastic-
due to stress, thermal change, change in mois- ity, bulk modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s
ture, or other causes. Measured in units of ratio.
length. elastic deformation. A change in dimensions
dimpled rupture. A fractographic term describ- directly proportional to and in phase with an
ing ductile fracture that occurs through the increase or decrease in applied force.
formation and coalescence of microvoids elastic energy. The amount of energy required
along the fracture path. The fracture surface to deform a material within its elastic range
of such a ductile fracture appears dimpled of behavior, neglecting small heat losses due
when observed at high magnification and usu- to internal friction. The energy absorbed by a
ally is most clearly resolved when viewed in specimen per unit volume of material con-
a scanning electron microscope. See also duc- tained within the gage length being tested. It
tile fracture. is determined by measuring the area under the
discontinuous yielding. The nonuniform plastic stress-strain curve up to a specified elastic
flow of a metal exhibiting a yield point in strain. See also modulus of resilience and
which plastic deformation is inhomoge- strain energy.
neously distributed along its length. Under elastic limit. The maximum stress which a ma-
some circumstances, it may occur in metals terial is capable of sustaining without any per-
not exhibiting a distinct yield point, either at manent strain (deformation) remaining on
the onset of or during plastic flow. complete release of the stress. Compare with
ductile fracture. Fracture characterized by tear- proportional limit.
ing of metal accompanied by appreciable elastic recovery. Amount the dimension of a
gross plastic deformation and expenditure of stressed elastic material returns to its original
Glossary of Terms / 267

(unstressed) dimension on release of an ap- flexural modulus. Within the elastic limit, the
plied load. ratio of the applied stress on a test specimen
elastic strain. See elastic deformation. in flexure to the corresponding strain in the
elastic strain energy. The energy expended by outermost fiber of the specimen. Flexural
the action of external forces in deforming a modulus is the measure of relative stiffness.
body elastically. Essentially, all the work per- flexure. A term used in the study of strength of
formed during elastic deformation is stored as materials to indicate the property of a body,
elastic energy, and this energy is recovered usually a rod or beam, to bend without frac-
upon release of the applied force. ture. See also flexibility.
elasticity. The property of a material by virtue formability. The ease with which a metal can
of which deformation caused by stress dis- be shaped through plastic deformation. The
appears on removal of the stress. A perfectly evaluation of the formability of a metal in-
elastic body completely recovers its original volves measurement of strength and ductility,
shape and dimensions after release of stress. as well as the amount of deformation required
elongation. A term used in mechanical testing to cause fracture. Workability is used inter-
to describe the amount of extension of a test changeably with formability; however, form-
piece when stressed. See also elongation, per- ability refers to the shaping of sheet metal,
cent. while workability refers to shaping materials
elongation, percent. The extension of a uniform by bulk deformation (i.e., forging or rolling).
section of a specimen expressed as percentage forming limit diagram (FLD). A diagram on
of the original gage length: which the major strains at the onset of necking
in sheet metal are plotted vertically and the
Lx ⳮ Lo
Elongation, % ⳱ ⳱ 100 corresponding minor strains are plotted hori-
Lo zontally. The onset-of-failure line divides all
where Lo is original gage length, and Lx is possible strain combinations into two zones:
final gage length. the “safe” zone, in which failure during form-
engineering strain (e). A term sometimes used ing is not expected, and the “failure” zone, in
for average linear strain or conventional strain which failure during forming is expected.
in order to differentiate it from true strain. In fracture stress. The true normal stress on the
tensile testing it is calculated by dividing the minimum cross-sectional area at the begin-
change in the gage length by the original gage ning of fracture. This term usually applies to
length. tensile tests of unnotched specimens.
engineering stress (s). A term sometimes used
for conventional stress in order to differentiate G
it from true stress. In tensile testing, it is cal- gage length. The original length of the portion
culated by dividing the breaking load applied of a specimen over which strain, change of
to the specimen by the original cross-sectional length, or other characteristics are deter-
area of the specimen. mined.
Erichsen cup test. A cupping test used for as-
sessing the ductility of sheet metal. The
method consists of forcing a conical or hem-
ispherical-ended plunger into the specimen Hall-Petch relationship. A general relationship
and measuring the depth of the impression at for metals that shows that the yield strength
fracture. Compare with Olsen cup test and is linearly related to the reciprocal of the
Swift cup test. square root of the grain diameter.
extensometer. An instrument for measuring Hartmann lines. See Lüders lines.
changes in length over a given gage length Hooke’s law. Observation that, in the elastic re-
caused by application or removal of a force. gion of solid material, stress is directly pro-
Commonly used in tensile testing of metal portional to strain and can be expressed as:
Stress r
F ⳱ ⳱ constant ⳱ E
Strain e
flexibility. The quality or state of a material that
allows it to be flexed or bent repeatedly with- where E is the modulus of elasticity, or
out undergoing rupture. See also flexure. Young’s modulus. The constant relationship
268 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

between stress and strain applies only below pressive stress negative. The nominal stress is
the proportional limit. See also modulus of used most commonly.
elasticity. mechanical hysteresis. Energy absorbed in a
hysteresis. The phenomenon of permanently ab- complete cycle of loading and unloading
sorbed or lost energy that occurs during any within the elastic limit and represented by the
cycle of loading or unloading when a material closed loop of the stress-strain curves for
is subjected to repeated loading. loading and unloading. Sometimes called
elastic hysteresis.
mechanical metallurgy. The science and tech-
L nology dealing with the behavior of metals
limiting dome height (LDH) test. A mechani- when subjected to applied forces.
cal test, usually performed unlubricated on microstrain. The strain over a gage length com-
sheet metal, that simulates the fracture con- parable to interatomic distances. These are the
ditions in a practical press-forming operation. strains being averaged by the macrostrain
The results are dependent on the sheet thick- measurement. Microstrain is not measurable
ness. by currently existing techniques. Variance of
linear (tensile or compressive) strain. The the microstrain distribution can, however, be
change per unit length due to force in an origi- measured by x-ray diffraction.
nal linear dimension. An increase in length is modulus of elasticity (E). The measure of ri-
considered positive. gidity or stiffness of a metal; the ratio of
load. For testing machines, a force applied to a stress, below the proportional limit, to the cor-
test piece that is measured in units such as responding strain. In terms of the stress-strain
pound-force, newton, or kilogram-force. diagram, the modulus of elasticity is the slope
longitudinal direction. The principal direction of the stress-strain curve in the range of linear
of flow in a worked metal. See also normal proportionality of stress to strain. Also known
direction and transverse direction. as Young’s modulus. For materials that do not
Lüders lines. Elongated surface markings or de- conform to Hooke’s law throughout the elastic
pressions, often visible with the unaided eye, range, the slope of either the tangent to the
that form along the length of sheet metal or a stress-strain curve at the origin or at low
tension specimen at an angle of approxi- stress, the secant drawn from the origin to any
mately 45⬚ to the loading axis. Caused by lo- specified point on the stress-strain curve, or
calized plastic deformation, they result from the chord connecting any two specific points
discontinuous (inhomogeneous) yielding. on the stress-strain curve is usually taken to
Also known as Lüders bands, Hartmann lines, be the modulus of elasticity. In these cases,
Piobert lines, or stretcher strains. the modulus is referred to as the tangent mod-
ulus, secant modulus, or chord modulus, re-
M modulus of resilience. The amount of energy
macrostrain. The mean strain over any finite stored in a material when loaded to its elastic
gage length of measurement large in compar- limit. It is determined by measuring the area
ison with interatomic distances. Macrostrain under the stress-strain curve up to the elastic
can be measured by several methods, includ- limit. See also elastic energy, resilience, and
ing electrical-resistance strain gages and me- strain energy.
chanical or optical extensometers. Elastic m-value. See strain-rate sensitivity.
macrostrain can be measured by x-ray dif-
fraction. Compare with microstrain. N
maximum load (Pmax). (1) The load having the necking. (1) Reducing the cross-sectional area
highest algebraic value in the load cycle. Ten- of metal in a localized area by stretching. (2)
sile loads are considered positive and com- Reducing the diameter of a portion of the
pressive loads negative. (2) Used to determine length of a cylindrical shell or tube.
the strength of a structural member; the load nominal stress. The stress at a point calculated
that can be borne before failure is apparent. on the net cross section by simple elasticity
maximum stress (Smax). The stress having the theory without taking into account the effect
highest algebraic value in the stress cycle, ten- on the stress produced by stress raisers such
sile stress being considered positive and com- as holes, grooves, fillets, etc.
Glossary of Terms / 269

normal direction. Direction perpendicular to elastic limit. Also known as pebbles and al-
the plane of working in a worked metal. See ligator skin.
also longitudinal direction and transverse di-
rection. P
normal stress. The stress component perpendic- permanent set. The deformation or strain re-
ular to a plane on which forces act. maining in a previously stressed body after
notch brittleness. Susceptibility of a material to release of load.
brittle fracture at points of stress concentra- Piobert lines. See Lüders lines.
tion. For example, in a notch tensile test, the planar anisotropy. A variation in physical and/
material is said to be notch brittle if the notch or mechanical properties with respect to di-
strength is less than the tensile strength of an rection within the plane of material in sheet
unnotched specimen. Otherwise, it is said to form. See also plastic strain ratio.
be notch ductile. plastic deformation. The permanent (inelastic)
notch depth. The distance from the surface of distortion of a material under applied stress
a notched test specimen to the bottom of the that strains the material beyond its elastic
notch. In a cylindrical test specimen, the per- limit.
centage of the original cross-sectional area re- plastic instability. The stage of deformation in
moved by machining an annular groove. a tensile test where the plastic flow becomes
notch ductility. The percentage reduction in nonuniform and necking begins.
area after complete separation of the metal in plasticity. The property that enables a material
a tensile test of a notched specimen. to undergo permanent deformation without
notch strength. The maximum load on a rupture.
notched tensile-test specimen divided by the plastic strain. Dimensional change that does not
minimum cross-sectional area (the area at the disappear when the initiating stress is re-
root of the notch). Also known as notch ten- moved. Usually accompanied by some elastic
sile strength. deformation.
n-value. See strain hardening exponent. plastic strain ratio (r-value). The ratio of the
true width strain to the true thickness strain in
a tensile test, r ⳱ ew/et. Because of the dif-
O ficulty in making precise measurement of
thickness strain in sheet material, it is more
offset. The distance along the strain coordinate
convenient to express r in terms of initial and
between the initial portion of a stress-strain
final length and width dimensions. It can be
curve and a line parallel to the initial portion
shown that
that intersects the stress-strain curve at a value
of stress (commonly 0.2%) that is used as a r ⳱ (ln WoWf) ⳮ (ln LfWf/LoWo)
measure of the yield strength. Used for ma-
terials that have no obvious yield point. where Lo and Wo are initial length and width
offset modulus. The ratio of the offset yield of gage section, respectively; and Lf and Wf
stress to the extension at the offset point (plas- are final length and width, respectively.
tics). Poisson’s ratio (v). The absolute value of the
offset yield strength. The stress at which the ratio of transverse (lateral) strain to the cor-
strain exceeds by a specified amount (the off- responding axial strain resulting from uni-
set) an extension of the initial proportional formly distributed axial stress below the pro-
portion of the stress-strain curve. Expressed portional limit of the material.
in force per unit area. precision. The closeness of agreement between
Olsen cup test. A cupping test in which a piece the results of individual replicated measure-
of sheet metal, restrained except at the center, ments or tests. The standard deviation of the
is deformed by a standard steel ball until frac- error of measurement may be used as a mea-
ture occurs. The height of the cup at time of sure of “imprecision.”
fracture is a measure of the ductility. Compare principal stress (normal). The maximum or
with Erichsen cup test and Swift cup test. minimum value of the normal stress at a point
orange peel. A surface roughening in the form in a plane considered with respect to all pos-
of a pebble-grained pattern where a metal of sible orientations of the considered plane. On
unusually coarse grain is stressed beyond its such principal planes the shear stress is zero.
270 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

There are three principal stresses on three mu- shear lip. A narrow, slanting ridge along the
tually perpendicular planes. The state of stress edge of a fracture surface. The term some-
at a point may be: (1) uniaxial, a state of stress times also denotes a narrow, often crescent-
in which two of the three principal stresses shaped, fibrous region at the edge of a fracture
are zero; (2) biaxial, a state of stress in which that is otherwise of the cleavage type, even
only one of the three principal stresses is zero; though this fibrous region is in the same plane
or (3) triaxial, a state of stress in which none as the rest of the fracture surface.
of the principal stresses is zero. Multiaxial specimen. A test object, often of standard di-
stress refers to either biaxial or triaxial stress. mensions or configuration, that is used for de-
proof stress. (1) The stress that will cause a structive or nondestructive testing. One or
specified small permanent set in a material. more specimens may be cut from each unit of
(2) A specified stress to be applied to a mem- a sample.
ber or structure to indicate its ability to with- stiffness. (1) The ability of a metal or shape to
stand service loads. resist elastic deflection. (2) The rate of stress
proportional limit. The greatest stress a mate- increase with respect to the rate of increase in
rial is capable of developing without a devi- strain induced in the metal or shape; the
ation from straight-line proportionality be- greater the stress required to produce a given
tween stress and strain. Compare with elastic strain, the stiffer the material is said to be.
limit. See also Hooke’s law. strain. The unit of change in the size or shape
of a body due to force. Also known as nom-
inal strain. See also engineering strain, linear
R strain, and true strain.
reduction in area (RA). The difference between strain aging. The changes in ductility, hardness,
the original cross-sectional area of a tensile yield point, and tensile strength that occur
specimen and the smallest area at or after frac- when a metal or alloy that has been cold
ture as specified for the material undergoing worked is stored for some time. In steel, strain
testing. Also known as reduction of area. aging is characterized by a loss of ductility
residual stress. Stresses that remain within a and a corresponding increase in hardness,
body as the result of thermal or mechanical yield point, and tensile strength.
treatment or both. strain energy. A measure of the energy absorp-
resilience. The ability of a material to absorb tion characteristics of a material determined
energy when deformed elastically and return by measuring the area under the stress-strain
to its original shape on release of load. See diagram. Also known as deformation energy.
also modulus of resilience. See also elastic energy, resilience, and tough-
rosette. Strain gages arranged to indicate, at a ness.
single position, strain in three different direc- strain gage. A device for measuring small
tions. amounts of strain produced during tensile and
rupture stress. The stress at failure. Also similar tests on metal. A coil of fine wire is
known as breaking stress. See also fracture mounted on a piece of paper, plastic, or simi-
stress. lar carrier matrix (backing material), which is
rectangular in shape and usually about 25 mm
S (1.0 in.) long. This is glued to a portion of
metal under test. As the coil extends with the
sample. (1) One or more units of product (or a specimen, its electrical resistance increases in
relatively small quantity of a bulk material) direct proportion. This is known as bonded
that are withdrawn from a lot or process resistance-strain gage. Other types of gages
stream and that are tested or inspected to pro- measure the actual deformation. Mechanical,
vide information about the properties, dimen- optical, or electronic devices are sometimes
sions, or other quality characteristics of the lot used to magnify the strain for easier reading.
or process stream. Not be confused with spec- See also rosette.
imen. (2) A portion of a material intended to strain hardening. An increase in hardness and
be representative of the whole. strength caused by plastic deformation at tem-
secant modulus. The slope of the secant drawn peratures below the recrystallization range.
from the origin to any specified point on a Also known as work hardening.
stress-strain curve. Compare with chord mod- strain-hardening coefficient. See strain-hard-
ulus. See also modulus of elasticity. ening exponent.
Glossary of Terms / 271

strain-hardening exponent (n value). The ted against each other. Values of stress are
value n in the relationship r ⳱ Ken, where r usually plotted vertically (ordinates or y-axis)
is the true stress, e is the true strain, and K, and values of strain horizontally (abscissas or
the strength coefficient, is equal to the true x-axis). Also known as deformation curve and
stress at a true strain of 1.0. The strain hard- stress-strain curve.
ening exponent is equal to the slope of the true stretcher strains. See Lüders lines.
stress/true strain curve up to maximum load, Swift cup test. A simulative cupping test in
when plotted on log-log coordinates. The n- which circular blanks of various diameters are
value relates to the ability of a sheet of ma- clamped in a die ring and deep drawn into
terial to be stretched in metalworking opera- cups by a flat-bottomed cylindrical punch.
tions. The higher the n-value, the better the Compare with Erichsen cup test and Olsen
formability (stretchability). Also known as cup test.
the strain-hardening coefficient.
strain rate. The time rate of straining for the
usual tensile test. Strain as measured directly
on the specimen gage length is used for de- tangent modulus. The slope of the stress-strain
termining strain rate. Because strain is dimen- curve at any specified stress or strain. See also
sionless, the units of strain rate are reciprocal modulus of elasticity.
time. tensile strength. In tensile testing, the ratio of
strain-rate sensitivity (m value). The increase maximum load to original cross-sectional
in stress (r) needed to cause a certain increase area. Also known as ultimate strength. Com-
in plastic-strain rate (ė) at a given level of pare with yield strength.
plastic strain (e) and a given temperature (T). tensile stress. A stress that causes two parts of
an elastic body, on either side of a typical
D log r
stress plane, to pull apart.
Strain-rate sensitivity ⳱ m ⳱ 冢D log ė冣 eT
tensile testing. A method of determining the be-
havior of materials subjected to uniaxial load-
ing, which tends to stretch the metal. A lon-
strength. The maximum nominal stress a ma- gitudinal specimen of known length and
terial can sustain. Always qualified by the diameter is gripped at both ends and stretched
type of stress (tensile, compressive, or shear). at a slow, controlled rate until rupture occurs.
stress. The intensity of the internally distributed Also known as tension testing.
forces or components of forces that resist a tension. The force or load that produces elon-
change in the volume or shape of a material gation.
that is or has been subjected to external forces. tension testing. See tensile testing.
Stress is expressed in force per unit area and testing machine (load-measuring type). A me-
is calculated on the basis of the original di- chanical device for applying a load (force) to
mensions of the cross section of the specimen. a specimen.
Stress can be either direct (tension or com- total elongation. A total amount of permanent
pression) or shear. See also engineering extension of a test piece broken in a tensile
stress, nominal stress, normal stress, residual test. See also elongation, percent.
stress, and true stress. total-extension-under-load yield strength. See
stress raisers. Changes in contour or disconti- yield strength.
nuities in structure that cause local increases toughness. The ability of a metal to absorb en-
in stress. ergy and deform plastically before fracturing.
stress ratio (A or R). The algebraic ratio of two transverse direction. Literally, the “across” di-
specified stress values in a stress cycle. Two rection, usually signifying a direction or plane
commonly used stress ratios are the ratio of perpendicular to the direction of working. In
the alternating stress amplitude to the mean rolled plate or sheet, the direction across the
stress, A ⳱ Sa/Sm, and the ratio of the mini- width is often called long transverse, and the
mum stress to the maximum stress, R ⳱ Smin/ direction through the thickness, short trans-
Smax. verse.
stress-strain curve. See stress-strain diagram. triaxial stress. See principal stress (normal).
stress-strain diagram. A graph in which cor- true strain. (1) The ratio of the change in di-
responding values of stress and strain are plot- mension, resulting from a given load incre-
272 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

ment, to the magnitude of the dimension im- yield point. The first stress in a material, usually
mediately prior to applying the load less than the maximum attainable stress, at
increment. (2) In a body subjected to axial which an increase in strain occurs without an
force, the natural logarithm of the ratio of the increase in stress. Only certain metals—those
gage length at the moment of observation to which exhibit a localized, heterogeneous type
the original gage length. Also known as nat- of transition from elastic to plastic deforma-
ural strain. Compare with engineering strain. tion—produce a yield point. If there is a de-
true stress. The value obtained by dividing the crease in stress after yielding, a distinction
load applied to a member at a given instant may be made between upper and lower yield
by the cross-sectional area over which it acts. points. The load at which a sudden drop in the
Compare with engineering stress. flow curve occurs is called the upper yield
point. The constant load shown on the flow
U curve is the lower yield point.
ultimate strength. The maximum stress (ten- yield-point elongation. During discontinuous
sile, compressive, or shear) a material can sus- yielding, the amount of strain measured from
tain without fracture, determined by dividing the onset of yielding to the beginning of strain
maximum load by the original cross-sectional hardening.
area of the specimen. Also known as nominal yield strength. The stress at which a material
strength or maximum strength. exhibits a specified deviation from propor-
uniaxial strain. Increase (or decrease) in length tionality of stress and strain. An offset of
resulting from a stress acting parallel to the 0.2% is used for many metals. Compare with
longitudinal axis of the specimen. tensile strength.
uniaxial stress. See principal stress (normal). yield stress. The stress level of highly ductile
uniform elongation. The elongation at maxi- materials, such as structural steels, at which
mum load and immediately preceding the on- large strains take place without further in-
set of necking in a tension test. crease in stress.
uniform strain. The strain occurring prior to the Young’s modulus. A term used synonymously
beginning of localization of strain (necking); with modulus of elasticity. The ratio of tensile
the strain to maximum load in the tension test. or compressive stresses to the resulting strain.

viscoelasticity. A property involving a combi- SELECTED REFERENCES
nation of elastic and viscous behavior. A ma- ● Compilation of ASTM Standard Definitions,
terial having this property is considered to
8th ed., ASTM, 1994
combine the features of a perfectly elastic ● H.E. Davis, G.E. Troxell, and G.F.W. Hauck,
solid and a perfect fluid. A phenomenon of
The Testing of Engineering Materials, 4th
time-dependent, in addition to elastic, defor-
ed., McGraw Hill, 1982
mation (or recovery) in response to load. ● J.R. Davis, Ed., ASM Materials Engineering
volumetric modulus of elasticity. See bulk
Dictionary, ASM International, 1992
modulus of elasticity. ● G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, 2nd ed.,
McGraw Hill, New York, 1976
W ● Glossary of Metallurgical Terms and Engi-
workability. See formability. neering Tables, American Society for Met-
work hardening. See strain hardening. als, 1979
wrinkling. A wavy condition obtained in deep ● D.N. Lapedes, Ed., Dictionary of Scientific
drawing of sheet metal, in the area of the and Technical Terms, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill,
metal between the edge of the flange and the 1974
draw radius. Wrinkling may also occur in ● A.D. Merriman, A Dictionary of Metallurgy,
other forming operations when unbalanced Pitman Publishing, London, 1958
compressive forces are set up. ● “Metal Test Methods and Analytical Proce-
dures,” Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
Y Vol 03.01 and 03.02, ASTM, 1984
yielding. Evidence of plastic deformation in ● J.G. Tweeddale, Mechanical Properties of
structural materials. Metals, American Elsevier, 1964
Tensile Testing, Second Edition Copyright © 2004 ASM International®
J.R. Davis, editor, p273-277 All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1361/ttse2004p273 www.asminternational.org

Reference Tables

Table 1 Room-temperature tensile yield strength comparisons of metals and plastics

Tensile yield strength
High Low
Material MPa ksi MPa ksi
Cobalt and its alloys 1999 290 179 26
Low-alloy hardening steels; wrought, quenched and tempered 1986 288 524 76
Stainless steels, standard martensitic grades; wrought, heat treated 1896 275 414 60
Rhenium 1862 270 ... ...
Ultrahigh strength steels; wrought, heat treated 1862 270 1172 170
Stainless steels, age hardenable; wrought, aged 1634 237 724 105
Nickel and its alloys 1586 230 69 10
Stainless steels, specialty grades; wrought, 60% cold worked 1558 226 703 102
Tungsten 1517 220 ... ...
Molybdenum and its alloys 1448 210 565 82
Titanium and its alloys 1317 191 186 27
Carbon steels, wrought; normalized, quenched and tempered 1296 188 400 58
Low-alloy carburizing steels; wrought, quenched and tempered 1227 178 427 62
Nickel-base superalloys 1186 172 276 40
Alloy steels, cast; quenched and tempered 1172 170 772 112
Stainless steels; cast 1138 165 214 31
Tantalum and its alloys 1089 168 331 48
Steel P/M parts; heat treated 1062 154 517 75
Ductile (nodular) irons, cast 1034 150 276 40
Copper casting alloys(a) 965 140 62 9
Stainless steels, standard austenitic grades; wrought, cold worked 965 140 517 75
Niobium and its alloys 931 135 241 35
Iron-base superalloys; cast, wrought 924 134 276 40
Cobalt-base superalloys, wrought 800 116 241 35
Bronzes, wrought(a) 786 114 97 14
Heat treated low-alloy constructional steels; wrought, mill heat treated 758 110 621 90
High-copper alloys, wrought(a) 758 110 62 9
Stainless steels, standard martensitic grades; wrought, annealed 724 105 172 25
Cobalt-base superalloys, cast 689 100 517 75
Heat treated carbon constructional steels; wrought, mill heat treated 690 100 290 42
Hafnium 662 96 221 32
Brasses, wrought(a) 638 92.5 69 10
Aluminum alloys, 7000 series 627 91 97 14
Alloy steels, cast; normalized and tempered 627 91 262 38
Copper-nickel-zinc, wrought(a) 620 90 124 18
Copper nickels, wrought(a) 586 85 90 13
Malleable irons, pearlitic grades; cast 552 80 310 45
High-strength low-alloy steels; wrought, as-rolled 552 80 290 42
Stainless steels, specialty grades; wrought, annealed 552 80 186 27
Stainless steels, standard ferritic grades; wrought, cold worked 552 80 310 45
Carbon steels, wrought; carburized, quenched and tempered 531 77 317 46
Carbon steel, cast; quenched and tempered 517 75 ... ...
Stainless steel (410)P/M parts; heat treated 517 75 ... ...
Steel P/M parts; as-sintered 517 75 207 30
Coppers, wrought(a) 496 72 69 10
Aluminum alloys, 2000 series 455 66 69 10
Ductile (nodular) austenitic irons, cast 448 65 193 28
Zinc foundry alloys 441 64 207 30
At 0.2% offset for metals, unless otherwise noted; tensile strength at yield for plastics, per ASTM D 638. P/M, powder metallurgy; ABS, acrylonitrile-butadiene-
styrene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride. (a) At 0.5% offset. Adapted from Guide to Engineering Materials, Advanced Materials and Processes, Dec 1999
274 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Table 1 (continued)
Tensile yield strength
High Low
Material MPa ksi MPa ksi
Zinc alloys, wrought 421 61 159 23
Stainless steels, standard ferritic grades; wrought, annealed 414 60 241 35
Aluminum alloys, 5000 series 407 59 41 6
Aluminum alloys, 6000 series 379 55 48 7
Aluminum casting alloys 379 55 55 8
Carbon steels, cast; normalized and tempered 379 55 331 48
Stainless steels, standard austenitic grades; wrought, annealed 379 55 207 30
Stainless steel P/M parts, as sintered 372 54 276 40
Rare earths 365 53 66 9.5
Zirconium and its alloys 365 53 103 15
Depleted uranium 345 50 241 35
Aluminum alloys, 4000 series 317 46 ... ...
Thorium 310 45 179 26
Magnesium alloys, wrought 303 44 90 13
Silver 303 44 55 8
Carbon steels, cast; normalized 290 42 262 38
Beryllium and its alloys 276 40 34 5
Aluminum alloys, 3000 series 248 36 41 6
Carbon steel, cast; annealed 241 35 ... ...
Malleable ferritic cast irons 241 35 221 32
Palladium 207 30 34 5
Gold 207 30 ... ...
Magnesium alloys, cast 207 30 83 12
Polyimides, reinforced 193 28 34 5
Platinum 186 27 14 2
Iron P/M parts; as-sintered 179 26 76 11
Aluminum alloys, 1000 series 165 24 28 4
Polyphenylene sulfide, 40% glass reinforced 145 21 ... ...
Polysulfone, 30–40% glass reinforced 131 19 117 17
Acetal, copolymer, 25% glass reinforced 128 18.5 ... ...
Styrene acrylonitrile, 30% glass reinforced 124 18 ... ...
Phenylene oxide based resins, 20–30% glass reinforced 117 17 100 14.5
Polyamide-imide 117 17 92 13.3
Polystyrene, 30% glass reinforced 97 14 ... ...
Zinc die-casting alloys 96 14 ... ...
Polyimides, unreinforced 90 13 52 7.5
Nylons, general purpose 87 12.6 49 7.1
Polyethersulfone 84 12.2 ... ...
Polyphenylene sulfide, unreinforced 76 11 ... ...
Polysulfone, unreinforced 70 10.2 ... ...
Acetal, homopolymer, unreinforced 69 10 ... ...
Nylon, mineral reinforced 69 10 62 9
Polypropylene, glass reinforced 69 10 41 6
Polystyrene, general purpose 69 10 34 5.0
Phenylene oxide based resins, unreinforced 66 9.6 54 7.8
Acetal, copolymer, unreinforced 61 8.8 ... ...
ABS/polycarbonate 55 8.0 ... ...
Lead and its alloys 55 8 11 1.6
Polyarylsulfone 55 8 ... ...
ABS/polysulfone (polyarylether) 52 7.5 ... ...
Acrylic/PVC 48 7.0 45 6.5
Tin and its alloys 45 6.6 7 1.3
ABS/PVC, rigid 41 6.0 ... ...
Polystyrene, impact grades 41 6.0 19 2.8
Polypropylene, general purpose 36 5.2 33 4.8
ABS/polyurethane 31 4.5 26 3.7
Polypropylene, high impact 30 4.3 19 2.8
At 0.2% offset for metals, unless otherwise noted; tensile strength at yield for plastics, per ASTM D 638. P/M, powder metallurgy; ABS, acrylonitrile-butadiene-
styrene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride. (a) At 0.5% offset. Adapted from Guide to Engineering Materials, Advanced Materials and Processes, Dec 1999
Reference Tables / 275

Table 2 Room-temperature tensile modulus of elasticity comparisons of various materials

Tensile modulus
High Low
Material GPa 106 psi GPa 106 psi
Silicon carbide 655 95 90 13
Tungsten carbide-base cermets 650 94.3 425 61.6
Tungsten carbide 648 94 448 65
Osmium 551 80 ... ...
Iridium 545 79 ... ...
Titanium, zirconium, hafnium borides 503 73 490 71
Ruthenium 469 68 ... ...
Rhenium 469 68 ... ...
Boron carbide 448 65 290 42
Boron 441 64 ... ...
Tungsten 406 59.0 ... ...
Beryllia 399 58 270 39
Titanium carbide-base cermets 393 57 290 42
Rhodium 379 55 ... ...
Titanium carbide 379 55 248 36
Molybdenum and its alloys 365 53 317 46
Tantalum carbide 365 53 ... ...
Magnesia 345 50 241 35
Alumina ceramic 345 50 207 30
Niobium carbide 338 49 ... ...
Beryllium carbide 317 46 207 30
Chromium 289 42 ... ...
Beryllium and its alloys 289 42.0 186 27.0
Graphite-epoxy composites 276 40 134 20
Cobalt-base superalloys 248 36.0 199 29.0
Zirconia 241 35 158 23
Nickel and its alloys 234 34.0 131 19.0
Cobalt and its alloys 231 33.6 207 30.0
Nickel-base superalloys 231 33.5 126 18.3
Iron-base superalloys; cast and wrought 214 31 193 28
Silicon nitride 214 31 62 9
Alloy steels; cast 207 30 200 29
Boron-epoxy composites 207 30 ... ...
Carbon steels; cast 207 30 ... ...
Carbon steel, carburizing grades; wrought 207 30 200 29
Carbon steels, hardening grades; wrought 207 30 200 29
Depleted uranium 207 30 138 20
Stainless steels, age hardenable; wrought 207 30 193 28
Stainless steels, specialty grades; wrought 207 30 186 27
Ultrahigh strength steels; wrought 207 30 186 27
Stainless steels; cast 200 29 165 24
Stainless steels, standard austenitic grades; wrought 200 29 193 28
Stainless steels, standard ferritic grades; wrought 200 29 ... ...
Stainless steels, standard martensitic grades; wrought 200 29 ... ...
Boron-aluminum composites 193 28 ... ...
Malleable irons, pearlitic grades; cast 193 28 179 26
Tantalum and its alloys 186 27.0 144 21.0
Ductile (nodular) irons; cast 172 25 152 22
Malleable ferritic cast irons 172 25 ... ...
Platinum 172 25 ... ...
Gray irons; cast 165 24 66 9.6
Copper nickels, wrought 151 22.0 124 18.0
Mullite 145 21 ... ...
Zircon 145 21 ... ...
Ductile (nodular) austenitic irons; cast 138 20 90 13
Hafnium 138 20 ... ...
Copper casting alloys 133 19.3 76 11.0
Vanadium 131 19 124 18
High-copper alloys, wrought 131 19.0 117 17.0
Coppers, wrought 129 18.7 117 17.0
Titanium and its alloys 127 18.5 76 11.0
Copper-nickel-zinc; wrought 124 18.0 124 18.0
Palladium 124 18.0 ... ...
Brasses; wrought 124 18.0 103 15.0
Bronzes; wrought 120 17.5 110 16.0
Polycrystalline glass 119 17.3 86 12.5
PET, polyethylene terephthalate; ECTFE, ethylene tetrafluoroethylene; ETCFE, ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; PVF, polyvinyl formal; FEP,
fluorinated ethylene propylene; PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene
276 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

Table 2 (continued)
Tensile modulus
High Low
Material GPa 106 psi GPa 106 psi
Niobium and its alloys 110 16.0 79 11.5
Silicon 107 15.5 ... ...
Zirconium and its alloys 96 14.0 95 13.8
Zinc alloys; wrought 96 14.0 43 6.2
Rare earths 84 12.2 15 2.2
Gold 82 12.0 ... ...
Aluminum alloys, 4000 series 79 11.4 ... ...
Silver 76 11.0 ... ...
Boron nitride 76 11 48 7
Aluminum alloys, 2000 series 74 10.8 70 10.2
Silica 72 10.5 ... ...
Aluminum alloys, 7000 series 72 10.4 71 10.3
Aluminum alloys, 5000 series 71 10.3 69 10.0
Thorium 71 10.3 ... ...
Aluminum alloys, 1000 series 69 10.0 69 10.0
Aluminum alloys, 3000 series 69 10.0 69 10.0
Aluminum alloys, 6000 series 69 10.0 69 10.0
Thorium 69 10.0 ... ...
Tin and its alloys 53 7.7 41 6.0
Cordierite 48 7 ... ...
Magnesium alloys; wrought 45 6.5 41 6.0
Magnesium alloys; cast 45 6.5 45 6.5
Polyesters, thermoset, pultrusions, general purpose 41 6.0 16 2.3
Epoxy, glass laminates 40 5.8 23 3.3
Glass fiber-epoxy composites 34 5 ... ...
Bismuth 32 4.6 ... ...
Polyimides; glass reinforced 31 4.5 ... ...
Carbon graphite 28 4.0 4 0.6
Graphite, pyrolytic 28 4.0 ... ...
Phenolics; reinforced 23 3.3 2.4 0.35
Alkyds 20 2.9 13 1.9
Graphite; recrystallized 19 2.7 5.5 0.8
Hickory (shag bark) 15 2.2 ... ...
Locust (black) 14 2.1 ... ...
Polyester, thermoplastic, PET; 45 and 30% glass reinforced 14 2.1 9 1.3
Birch (yellow) 13 2.0 ... ...
Douglas fir (coat type) 13 2.0 ... ...
Lead and its alloys 13 2.0 ... ...
Pine (long needle, ponderosa) 13 2.0 9 1.3
Polyesters, thermoset, reinforced moldings 13 2.0 8.3 1.2
Ash (white) 12 1.8 ... ...
Graphite, general purpose 12 1.8 3.4 0.5
Maple (sugar) 12 1.8 ... ...
Oak (red, white) 12 1.8 ... ...
Styrene acrylonitrile; 30% glass reinforced 12 1.8 ... ...
Beech 11 1.7 ... ...
Carbon and graphite, fibrous reinforced 12 1.8 2 0.3
Graphite, premium 11.7 1.7 4.8 0.7
Walnut (black) 11.7 1.7 ... ...
Polycarbonate, 40% glass reinforced 11.7 1.7 5.9 0.86
Spruce (sitka) 11.0 1.6 ... ...
Poplar (yellow) 11.0 1.6 ... ...
Carbon, petroleum coke base 11.0 1.6 15.8 2.3
Indium 10.8 1.57 ... ...
Basswood 10.3 1.5 ... ...
Elm (rock) 10.3 1.5 ... ...
Polysulfone, 30–40% glass reinforced 10.3 1.5 7.6 1.1
Cypress (Southern bald) 9.6 1.4 ... ...
Nylons; 30% glass reinforced 9.7 1.4 6.9 1.0
Polyester, thermoplastic, PBT; 40 and 15% glass reinforced 9.7 1.4 5.5 0.8
Cedar (Port Orford) 8.9 1.3 ... ...
Cottonwood (black) 8.9 1.3 ... ...
Phenylene oxide based resins; 20–30% glass reinforced 9.0 1.3 6.4 0.93
Redwood (virgin) 8.9 1.3 ... ...
Acetal, copolymer; 25% glass reinforced 8.6 1.25 ... ...
Carbon, anthracite coal base 8.2 1.2 4.1 0.6
PET, polyethylene terephthalate; ECTFE, ethylene tetrafluoroethylene; ETCFE, ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; PVF, polyvinyl formal; FEP,
fluorinated ethylene propylene; PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene
Reference Tables / 277

Table 2 (continued)
Tensile modulus
High Low
Material GPa 106 psi GPa 106 psi
Diallyl phthalates, reinforced 8.3 1.2 4.1 0.6
Fir (balsam) 8.3 1.2 ... ...
Hemlock (Eastern, Western) 8.3 1.2 10.3 1.5
Pine (Eastern white) 8.3 1.2 ... ...
Polybutadienes 8.3 1.2 2.8 0.4
Polystyrene, 30% glass reinforced 8.3 1.2 ... ...
Polyphenylene sulfide, 40% glass reinforced 7.7 1.12 ... ...
Fluorocarbon, ETFE and ECTFE; glass reinforced 7.6 1.1 ... ...
Melamines, cellulose electrical 7.6 1.1 6.9 1.0
Cedar (Eastern red) 6.2 0.9 ... ...
Polyimides, unreinforced 4.8 0.70 3.1 0.45
Polyesters, thermoset, cast, rigid 4.5 0.65 1.0 0.15
Acetal, homopolymer; unreinforced 3.6 0.52 ... ...
Acrylics, cast, general purpose 3.4 0.50 2.4 0.35
Acrylics, moldings 3.4 0.50 1.6 0.23
Nylon, mineral reinforced 3.4 0.5 ... ...
Polystyrene, general purpose 3.4 0.50 3.2 0.46
Styrene acrylonitrile; unreinforced 3.4 0.50 2.8 0.40
Nylons; general purpose 3.3 0.48 1.9 0.28
Polyphenylene sulfide, unreinforced 3.3 0.48 ... ...
Polystyrene, impact grades 3.2 0.47 1.0 0.15
Epoxies, cast 3.1 0.45 0.3 0.05
Polycarbonate, unreinforced 3.1 0.45 2.3 0.34
ABS 2.9 0.42 2.0 0.29
Acetal, copolymer; unreinforced 2.8 0.41 ... ...
Phenylene oxide based resins; unreinforced 2.6 0.38 2.5 0.36
ABS/polycarbonate 2.6 0.37 ... ...
Acrylic/PVC 2.6 0.37 2.3 0.34
Polyaryl sulfone 2.6 0.37 ... ...
Polysulfone; unreinforced 2.5 0.36 ... ...
Polyether sulfone 2.4 0.35 ... ...
ABS/PVC, rigid 2.3 0.33 ... ...
ABS/polysulfone (polyaryl ether) 2.2 0.32 ... ...
Allyl diglycol carbonate 2.1 0.30 ... ...
Fluorocarbon, PTFCE 2.1 0.30 1.3 0.19
Fluorocarbon, ETFE and ECTFE; unreinforced 1.7 0.24 ... ...
ABS/polyurethane 1.5 0.22 1.1 0.16
Polypropylene, general purpose 1.5 0.22 1.1 0.16
Polymethylpentene 1.4 0.21 ... ...
Fluorocarbon, PVF 1.4 0.2 1.2 0.17
Vinylidene chloride copolymer; oriented 1.38 0.20 ... ...
Polypropylene, high impact 0.9 0.13 ... ...
Polyethylene, high molecular weight 0.69 0.1 ... ...
Fluorocarbon, FEP 0.5 0.07 0.3 0.05
Fluorocarbon, PTFE 0.5 0.07 0.3 0.04
Vinylidene chloride copolymer; unoriented 0.48 0.07 ... ...
Polybutylene, homopolymer 0.25 0.036 0.23 0.034
Polybutylene, copolymer 0.23 0.034 0.08 0.012
Polyacrylate, unfilled 0.20 0.29 ... ...
Polyethylenes, low density 0.19 0.027 0.14 0.020
PVC, PVC-acetate, nonrigid 0.021 0.003 0.0027 0.0004
PET, polyethylene terephthalate; ECTFE, ethylene tetrafluoroethylene; ETCFE, ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; PVF, polyvinyl formal; FEP,
fluorinated ethylene propylene; PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene
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A Chord modulus 43, 43(F)

Cold work, and strain hardening 124–126, 124(F),
Adhesive joints, tensile testing of 204–206, 205(F), 125(F), 126(F)
206(F) Components, tensile testing of 195–208
Aluminum and aluminum alloys Composites. See Ceramics and ceramic-matrix
distribution curves 59(F) composites; Fiber-reinforced composites
elastic behavior 116(F) Computerization, of test machines 68, 68(F)
plastic anisotropy factor 27(T) Constant extension rate testing. See Slow strain rate
strain rate data 62(F) testing
stress-strain curves 37(F), 132(F), 222(F) Copper and copper alloys
tensile properties 17(T), 94(T), 110(T), 119(T), annealing and hardness 127(F)
273–277(T) cold rolled, grain structure 126(F)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) elastic behavior 116(F)
115 plastic anisotropy factor 27(T)
Anelasticity 116–118, 117(F), 118(F) tensile properties 94(T), 110(T), 121(F), 125(F), 131(F),
Anisotropy. See also Plastic strain ratio 273–277(T)
of plastic specimens 140–143, 142(F) Cost, designing for 93–94
of sheet metal specimens 25–28, 26(F), 27(F)(T), 103, Cross slip 130
110(T) Crosshead
ASTM test standards 34, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47–59, displacement 71–72, 71(F), 245
48(F), 51(F), 52(F), 53(F), 61(F), 69, 70, 75, 76, 77, speed 69, 73–74, 225–226, 226(F)
81, 82, 83(T), 84, 86, 87–89, 88(T), 89(F)(T), 109, Cryogenic tensile testing. See Low-temperature tensile
115, 137(T), 138, 158–159, 166, 179–180, 185, testing
186–192, 198, 205–206, 246–247 Cryostats 243–245, 243(F), 244(F), 245(F), 248. See also
Environmental chambers
Bauschinger effect 40, 40(F) D
Bolted joints, tensile testing of 195–204, 196(F), 197(F),
199(F)(T), 200(F)(T), 201(F), 202(F), 203(F), 204(F)
Damping 118–119, 118(F)
Bridgman correction factor 23–24, 24(F)
analysis of 11–12, 147–150, 226–230, 259–260
C calculated 11
raw 11, 148(F)
Calibration recording of 11
of load-measuring devices 75–77 reduction of 68, 191–192
of test machines 85–87 reporting of 12
Cavitation, during hot tensile testing 230–236, 231(F), utilization of 91–100, 150–152, 215–226
232(F), 233(F), 234(F), 235(F), 236(F)(T) Definitions 34–36, 265–272
Ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites Deformation. See Elastic deformation; Plastic deformation
compressive strength 96(F) Design, tensile testing for 91–100, 152, 192
limitations of 163–164 Deutsche Institut für Normung (DIN) 47, 50, 82, 86,
mechanical properties at low temperatures 240–241 88(T)
tensile testing of 34, 163–182 Dewars. See Cryostats
Young’s modulus 275–277(T) Ductility 5–7, 16–17, 44–47, 129–130, 216–220
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280 / Tensile Testing, Second Edition

E Grain size, and tensile properties 122(F), 123–124,

124(F), 225(F)
Elastic deformation 3–5, 4(F), 37–39 Gripping, of specimens 2, 2(F), 9, 9(F), 10(F), 54–55,
Elastic limit 5, 15, 15(F), 39 55(F), 57(F), 58, 83–84, 84(F), 144–145, 166–171,
Elastic modulus. See Young’s modulus 169(F), 176–177, 177(F), 185(F)
manufacture of 155, 157
mechanical properties 156(T)
molecular structure 156–157
tear strength 96(F)
correlation with strength 99–100, 99(F)(T), 100(T)
tensile properties 159–161
of fasteners and studs 198, 199
tensile testing of 34, 155–162
High strain rate tensile testing 251–263
Elevated-temperature tensile testing. See Hot tensile
High-temperature tensile testing. See Hot tensile testing
Hooke’s modulus. See Young’s modulus
Elongation 35, 40, 44–46, 44(F), 45(F), 46(F), 109–110,
Hopkinson pressure bar. See Split-Hopkinson pressure
156, 156(T), 161, 203, 235–236, 235(F), 236(F)
Environmental chambers 84–85, 85(F), 213–214, 215(F),
Hot tensile testing 175–180, 209–238
244. See also Cryostats
Equipment, tensile testing 54–56, 65–89, 210–215,
243–246. See also Extensometers; Gripping; Strain I
gages; Tensile testing machines
Expanding ring test 254–255 Indirect tensile testing 171–175, 172(F), 173(F), 174(F)
Extension-under-load yield strength 42, 42(F), 44, Inertia, effects of 252–253
202–203, 203(F) International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Extensometers 36, 56, 77–83, 78(F), 79(F), 80(F), 81(F), 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 49(F), 50, 75, 82, 88(T), 137(T)
82(F), 83(F)(T), 84(F), 109, 146–147, 245, 246 Iron
elastic behavior 116(F)
interstitial sites in lattice 116(F)
F tensile properties 93(T), 121(F), 275–277(T)

Failure stress 97–98

Fasteners, threaded, tensile testing of 195–204, 196(F), J
197(F), 199(F)(T), 200(F)(T), 201(F), 202(F), 203(F),
204(F) Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) 47, 50, 88(T)
Fiber-reinforced composites Joints. See Adhesive joints; Bolted joints; Welded joints
mechanical properties at low temperatures 241
tensile properties 96(F), 275–277(T) L
tensile testing of 183–193, 247–248
Filaments. See Fiber-reinforced composites Laminates. See Fiber-reinforced composites
Flexure tests 171–175, 173(F), 174(F), 176, 177(F) Load 34–35
Flow curves 20–21, 20(F)(T) Load cells 75, 76–77, 77(F), 87, 109
Flyer plates 255–257, 255(F), 256(F), 257(F) Load measurement 74–77, 76(F), 77(F), 109
Foot correction 43, 43(F) Low-temperature tensile testing 239–249
Force 34–35, 85–87, 149(F), 245 Lüders bands 16, 16(F), 123
Formability. See Sheet formability
Forming limit diagrams 103–104, 103(F), 104(F), 105(F)
Fractures M
brittle 29, 29(F), 30–31
characterization 134–136, 135(F), 136(F) Magnesium and magnesium alloys
cup-and-cone 29–30, 29(F), 30(F) plastic anisotropy factor 27(T)
ductile 28–30, 29(F), 30(F) tensile properties 94(T), 273–277(T)
Metal-matrix composites. See Fiber-reinforced
G Metals and alloys. See also Steel; various alloy systems
elastic constants 98(T)
Gage length 44, 44(F), 45, 45(F), 50(F), 51–53, 51(F), mechanical behavior under tensile loads 13–31
52(F), 109–110, 199(F), 226, 227(F) mechanical properties at low temperatures 240, 240(F)
Gleeble testing 210–213, 210(F), 211(F), 212(F), tensile properties 96(F), 273–277(T)
215–220, 216(T), 217(F), 218(F), 219(F), 220(F), tensile testing of 33–63, 101–114, 115–136, 209–238,
221(F) 246–247
Glossary of terms 265–272 Modulus of elasticity. See Young’s modulus
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Tensile Testing, Second Edition (#05106G)
Index / 281

Modulus of resilience. See Resilience Shear fracture 104

Modulus of toughness. See Toughness Sheet formability 101–114
Silver and silver alloys, tensile properties 119(T),
N Slow strain rate testing 133–134, 134(F)
Spall stress 256–257, 257(F)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Specimens, tensile
adhesive joint 204–206, 205(F), 206(F)
Necking 14(F), 20, 22–25, 23(F), 24(F), 45, 143, 143(F),
alignment of 55–56, 109, 144–145, 246
226–227, 260
anisotropy in 25–28, 26(F), 27(F)(T), 103, 110(T),
Nickel and nickel alloys
140–143, 142(F)
stress-strain curves 124(F)
composite 185–191, 186(F), 188(F), 190(F), 191(F)
tensile properties 119(T), 273–277(T)
dimension measurements 52
Notch sensitivity 28, 28(F)
dimensions, effect on elongation 45–46, 46(F)
Notch tensile testing 28, 28(F), 133
gage length of 1–2, 1(F), 44, 44–46, 44(F), 45, 45(F),
50(F), 51–53, 51(F), 52(F)
O geometry of 50–54, 50(F), 166, 167(F), 168(F), 188(F),
190(F), 205(F), 214–215, 215(F), 247(F)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 169 Gleeble 210(F), 211(F)
Offset yield strength 5, 14(F), 15, 15(F), 42–43, 42(F), gripping of 2, 2(F), 9, 9(F), 10(F), 54–55, 55(F), 57(F),
44, 202(F) 58, 83–84, 84(F), 144–145, 166–171, 169(F),
Olsen, Tinius 65 176–177, 177(F), 185(F)
Open hole tensile testing 188(F), 189–190, 190(F) for indirect testing 171–175, 172(F)
for low-temperature testing 247, 247(F)
P notched 28, 53–54, 53(F), 133
open hole 189–190, 190(F)
Plane-strain tensile testing 111–112, 112(F) orientation of 49, 49(F), 50(T)
Plastic deformation 3–5, 4(F), 39 plane-strain 112(F)
Plastic strain ratio 40, 101, 103, 103(F), 110(T), 111, plastic 144–145
223–224, 224(F). See also Anisotropy preparation of 8, 108–109, 157, 187, 189
Plastics rough 48–49, 49(F)
mechanical properties at low temperatures 241 sample selection 8, 49–50
mechanical test standards 137(T) sheet 107(F)
stress-strain curves 37(F) split-Hopkinson pressure bar 260
tensile properties 18(F), 95(T), 150(T), 273–277(T) surface finish of 54
tensile testing of 34, 137–153, 247–248 terminology 48–49, 49(F), 50(F)
Poisson’s ratio 4, 40, 98, 98(T), 192 Split-Hopkinson pressure bar 257–260, 258(F), 259(F)
Polymers. See Plastics Springback 104–106, 105(F)
Product design 91–92 Stainless steel
Proof-load test 198–199 dislocations 121(F)
Proof stress. See Offset yield strength microstructure 120(F)
Proportional limit 5, 15, 15(F), 39, 119, 119(F) tensile properties 17(T), 110(T), 273–277(T)
Proving rings 75–77, 76(F), 87 Steel. See also Metals and alloys
cold work effects 125(F)
contour maps 59(F)
R forming limit diagram 103(F)
Gleeble curves 219(F), 220(F)
Reduction of area 40, 46–47, 47(F), 109, 204, 212(F), hot-workability ratings 216(T)
215–216(T), 217(F) Lüders bands 16(F)
Reloading 39–40
plastic anisotropy factor 27(T)
Resilience 17–18, 17(F)
spall data 257(F)
Rotating wheel test 260–262, 261(F)
stress-strain curves 37(F), 38(F), 39(F), 97(F), 108(F),
Rubber. See Elastomers
stress-time diagrams 262(F)
S tensile properties 15(F), 17(F)(T), 18(F), 93(T), 110(T),
119(T), 275–277(T)
Safety Stiffness
in cryogenic testing 248–249, 248(T) designing for 95–97
factor of 92–93 of test machines 71–72, 71(F), 73(T)
Samples. See Specimens, tensile Strain 35
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Strain concentrations 59–61, 60(F) notch 28, 28(F), 133

Strain gages 79–80, 79(F), 82(F), 146–147, 245–246 open hole 188(F), 189–190, 190(F)
Strain hardening 124–126, 131 overview 1–24
Strain-hardening exponent (coefficient) 20–21, 20(F)(T), plane-strain 111–112, 112(F)
40, 101–102, 110–111, 110(T), 130, 222–223 of plastics 34, 137–153, 247–248
Strain measurement 77–83, 177–178, 245, 251, 253–254 post-test measurements 58–59
Strain rate 21–22, 21(T), 22(F), 57–58, 58(F), 60(F), procedures 10–11, 56–58
61–62, 61(F), 62(F), 69–74, 69(T), 110, 131–133, proof-load 198–199
131(F), 132(F), 211, 224–225, 225(F) rotating wheel 260–262, 261(F)
Strain rate sensitivity 101, 102–103, 110(T), 111, 111(F), setup 8–10, 54–56
223, 223(F), 225(F), 251 for sheet formability determination 101–114
Strain sensors 65–89, 145–147 slow strain rate 133–134, 134(F)
Strength, designing for 93–95, 93(T), 94(T), 95(T), 96(F) speed 56–58
Strength coefficient 20–21, 20(F)(T) split-Hopkinson pressure bar 257–260, 258(F), 259(F)
strain sensors 65–89
Stress 35, 36
temperature control 56
Stress rate 57–58, 58(F)
test standards 47–59, 87–89, 88(T), 89(F)(T). See also
Stress-strain curves
ASTM test standards
engineering 3–7, 4(F), 5(F), 6(F), 8(F), 13–18, 14(F),
of threaded fasteners and bolted joints 195–204, 196(F),
15(F), 17(F), 18(F), 19(F), 36–47, 37(F), 38(F),
197(F), 199(F)(T), 200(F)(T), 201(F), 202(F),
41(F), 42(F), 43(F), 44(F), 108(F), 130–131, 203(F), 204(F)
130(F), 220–221, 221(F), 229(F), 233–234, 233(F) total extension at fracture 204, 204(F)
true 7, 8(F), 18–20, 19(F), 20(F), 108(F), 130–131, uniaxial 33–63, 107–111
130(F), 221–222, 222(F) vs. compression testing 241–243
Stretcher strains 123 wedge 200–201, 200(F)(T), 201(F)
Studs. See Fasteners, threaded of welded joints 206–208
Superalloys Tensile testing machines. See also Equipment
Gleeble curves 219(F), 220(F), 221(F) calibration of 85–87
hot-workability ratings 216(T) computerization of 68, 68(F)
tensile properties 93(T), 273–277(T) control modes 72–74
early models 65, 65(F)
electromechanical (gear-driven or screw-driven) 2, 3,
T 66–67, 67(F), 213–214, 243
frame-furnace 213–214, 214(F), 215(F)
Tangent modulus 43, 43(F)
Gleeble 210–211, 210(F)
Temperature, effect of 22, 56, 106–107, 131–133,
hydraulic/servohydraulic 2–3, 3(F), 66, 67–68, 68(F),
131(F), 132(F), 158. See also Hot tensile testing;
213, 243
Low-temperature tensile testing load measurement 74–77, 76(F), 77(F)
Tensile strength 5, 6(F), 14–15, 14(F), 40–41, 59, 59(F), for low-temperature testing 243–246, 243(F), 244(F),
61(F), 92–95, 93(T), 94(T), 95(T), 96(F), 126–127, 245(F)
155–156, 156(T), 159–161, 191, 203, 217–220 for plastics 144–145
Tensile testing stiffness of 71–72, 71(F), 73(T)
of adhesive joints 204–206, 205(F), 206(F) strain measurement 77–83
of ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites 34, 163–182 universal 2, 65, 65(F), 66–77, 85–87, 213, 214(F)
of components 195–208 Tension set, for elastomers 156, 161
for design 91–100, 152, 192 Terminology 34–36, 48–49, 49(F), 50(F), 265–272
of elastomers 34, 155–162 Test pieces. See Specimens, tensile
equipment for 54–56, 65–89, 210–215 Thermocouples 246
expanding ring 254–255 Threaded fasteners. See Fasteners, threaded
of fiber-reinforced composites 183–193, 247–248 Titanium and titanium alloys
flat plate impact 255–257, 255(F), 256(F), 257(F) flow stress 124(F)
flexure 171–175, 173(F), 174(F), 176, 177(F) plastic anisotropy factor 27(T)
Gleeble 210–213, 210(F), 211(F), 212(F), 215–220, stress-strain curves 221(F), 222(F)
216(T), 217(F), 218(F), 219(F), 220(F), 221(F) tensile properties 95(T), 119(T), 132(F), 273–277(T)
high strain rate 251–263 Total extension at fracture test 204, 204(F)
high-temperature (hot) 175–180, 209–238 Toughness 17(F), 18, 127–129, 129(F)
indirect 171–175, 172(F), 173(F), 174(F) Tows. See Fiber-reinforced composites
low-temperature 239–249 True stress and strain. See Stress-strain curves, true
mechanical behavior 13–31
of metals and alloys 33–63, 101–114, 115–136,
209–238, 246–247 Uniaxial tensile testing 33–63, 107–111
methodology 8–12, 47–58 Upper yield strength 41–42, 41(F)
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Index / 283

Yield point 5, 15–16, 15(F), 16(F), 41–42, 122–123,
Viscoelasticity 138–140, 139(F), 142(F) 201–202, 202(F), 203(F)
Vulcanization 155, 157–158 Yield strength 5, 6(F), 40–44, 59, 59(F), 61(F), 92–95,
93(T), 94–95(T), 96(F), 119–133, 119(T), 199, 203,
203(F), 273–274(T)
Young’s modulus 4, 15(F), 17, 17(T), 37–39, 40, 44(F),
W 97–99, 98(T), 115–116, 119(T), 156, 191–192,
Wave propagation, effects of 252–253
Wedge tensile testing 200–201, 200(F)(T), 201(F) Z
Weight, designing for 93–94
Welded joints, tensile testing of 206–208 Zirconium and zirconium alloys
Work hardening 143, 143(F) plastic anisotropy factor 27(T)
Wrinkling 104 tensile properties 273–277(T)
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