AI Assignment

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O State different methods used Problem

for searching in

Aust There are two main types of searching methods

in problem solving

Uninformed Search
2 Search

Uninformed Search These algorithms do any not use

domain knowledge to guide the search They simply
explore all possibilities of the state of the
problem where the state space is small or
where the goal state is to identify
Informed Search These domain know
algorithms use
ledge to guide the search This knowledge can
be in form of a heuristic function which
estimate the distance
from the current state
to the goal state Informed search algorithms
are often used
for problems where the state
space is large or where the goal state is
difficult to identify

of the searching methods are

Breadth First Search It explores all possible states

of a problem in a breadth first fashion This
means that it expands all of the nodes at
the current level the search tree then
all of the nodes of at the next level and so
on BFS is guaranteed to find a solution
exists but it be
state spaces
can inefficient for

Depth First Search It explores all possible states

of a problem in a depth first fashion This means
that it expands the deepest node at
the current level of the search tree then
the not deepest node and so on DEP can
be more efficient than BFD
for large spaces
but it is not
guaranteed to find a sot
if one

DepthLimited Search It is variation of DFS


from getting stuck in

infinite loops

A Search It is an informed search algorithm

that uses a heuristic function to guide the
search The heuristic function estimates the
from the current state of the goal
state At search is more efficient than uninform
ed search
for large state spaces
Genetic Algorithm Its a type of informed search
algorithm that uses a population of solutions
to evolve towards a better solution Genetic
algorithm are often used for problem where the
the goal state is difficult to define
Breadth First Search

Depth First Search

Depth Limited Search

A Algorithm

92 Define agentand environment State the properties

of environment What are the different types
of agents
Ansa An agent is an
entity that percieves
its environment through sensors and acts
upon it using actuators It is an intellig
ent system designed to achieve specific goals
or tasks The
agent relieves inputs from the
environment processes them and produces app
output or actions to achieve its objectives
The environment on the other hand is the
external contact or system in which the
agents operates It can be anything from a
physical world to a virtual simulation
on a combination
of both The environment
provides the agent with information and
feedback based on its actions allowing
the agent to perciene and understand
its surrounding
Properties of the Environment
1 Fully Observable The agent has access to the
complete state of the environment at
given time
2 Partially Observable The agent canonly be
perceived a limited portion of the environment
3 Deterministic The not state the environment
is entirely determined
the current state
and the actions taken by
by the agent
4 Stochastic The next state of the environment
is influenced
by some random elements or
5 Episodic The agents experience is divided into
discrete episodes where each episode starts
with a specific initial state and ends with
a terminal state
G Sequential The current decisions affects
actions and outcomes future
7 Static The environment doesn't change while
the agent is deciding action
8 Dynamic The environment can change while the
agent is deciding on its action
a Discrete The state actions or time in the
environment are defined by distinct separate

10 Continues The state actions or time in the

environment continues
are defined by a

Different Types of Agents

1 Simple Reflex Agent It selects actions leased on the

current percepts ignoring the history
2 It considers the current
Model Based Reflex Agent
percept and also maintains an internal model of
the world to make the decisions
3 Goal Based Agents It takes into account the cure
ent percept internal models and a goal to
determine its action

a Utility Based Function It considers not only the goals

but also the utility desirability of the outcomes
to make decisions

5 Learning Agent It learns from its interactions with

the environment and improves its performance over
6 Rational Agent It always selects the action that
maximizes its expected utility given its current
knowledge and percept
7 Belief Desire Intention BDI It has beliefs about
the state the world desires or goals
it wants to achieve and intentions or plans
to achieve these goals

8 Hierarchical Agent It decomposes complex tasks into

subtasks and organises them in a hierarchical
structure for efficient decision making
a Multi Agent System It involves multiple agents that
interact with each other and the environment
to achieve individual or collective goals

03 Define AI State its applications What are the

goals of AI
as 3 AI short refers to
the development
Artificial Intelligencemachines
of intelligent or
computer systems that can perform tasks that
typically require human intelligence It involves
creating algorithms and models that enable
machines to perciene reason learn
make decisions

Applications of AI
1 Machine Learning AI algorithm and models are
used to enable machines to learn from data
and make predictions on decisions without being
explicitly programmed This has applications in
various fields such as image recognition
recommendation systems I fraud detection
2 Robotics AI is employed in robotics to
enable machines to perciene their environment
make decisions I perform physical tasks It
finds applications in areas like autonomous
vehicles industrial automation healthcare
3 Natural Language Processing NLP AI techniques are
used to enable machines to understand and
process human language NIP has applications in
Virtual assistants chatbots language translation
sentiment analysis

a Computer Vision AI algorithms are used to enable

machines to analyse and interpret visual informate
from images videos CU is used in
applications like facial recognition object recognition
and autonomous surveillance systems
5 Expert Systems AI is used to develop systems
that can mimic human expertise in specific domes
no These systems are used tasks such as
medical diagnosis financial analysis and
detection in complex systems
6 Gaming AI techniques are employed to create
intelligent agents in games both for opponents
and NPC's This includes developing agents that
can learn I adapt their strategies to improve
7 Data Analysis Al algorithms are used for
processing and analysing large datasets to extract
meaningful insights and patterns It is used in
fields such as data mining predictive analytics and
anomaly detection

Goals of AI

11 Automation The goal of AI is to automate tasks

processes that are time consuming repetitive or require
complex decision making thereby increasing efficiency and
2 Decision Making AI aims to develop systems that can
make intelligent decisions or recommendations leased on
available data and knowledge

3 Learning and Adaption AI system should be capable of

learning from experience and improving their performance
over time

AI strives to enable machines to

9 Natural Interactions
interact with humans in a natural and institutive
manner such as through speech and gestures

5 Understanding and Reasoning AI aims to develop systems

that can understand and reason about the world
interpret complex information and draw logical
conclu ions
6 Creativity AI endavors to push the boundaries of
systems that can generate
creativity by
ideas design innoartworks
or ative
7 Problem Solving AI aims to that can
develop systems
solve complex problems by cloaking them down into
simpler components and applying appropriate techniques

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