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Chapter One

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study

Nowadays, urbanization showed the fastest growth that never observed in the history of
developing countries. However, most of the urban centers in the developing countries grow
without following the planned structure. This phenomenon is common in Ethiopia where most
urban centers are predominantly unplanned. The preparation and implementation of basic plans
for towns, guides the socio-economic and spatial/physical development of a given urban center.
Hence, the urban development programs are used to realize the growth and transformation of a
given urban center where by ensuring the sustainable socio economic growth and equitable
service distributions.

Therefore, the type of plan prepared for Abela Faracho town is a basic plan since its population
is 4496 according to the house to house population survey made for land use planning purposes
in 2012EC. In such away the basic urban plan is hoped to integrate development in urban and
rural areas through strong urban - rural and urban - urban linkages which are manifested in
different ways.

The town under study had planned to guide its overall development activities. The town is
serving as administrative, cultural and agricultural center of Abala Abaya Woreda. Moreover, it
is a market and business centers for the residents found in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the
Wolayita Zone Urban Development and construction Department has taken the initiative of
preparing the basic plan for Abala Faracho town and accomplished the study with in limited
period for the realization of urban good governance package of the government.

1.2. Vision

To see Abala Faracho town will become a livable, recreational, attractive, Cultural and trade
Centre for its residents and the surrounding region with in the coming ten planning years.

1.3. Objective of the Study

The envisaged plan of the town is prepared to achieve the following objectives:

 To guide the socio economic and spatial development of the town in a planned manner;

 To strength urban-rural and urban - urban linkage;

 To enhance proper land management system in the town; and

 To realize urban good governance

1.4. Methodology

During the preparation of the basic plan of the town, the study team has applied different data
collection, compiling and analysis methods. Accordingly, primary data collection is undertaken
through interview, questionnaires, field observation and recording, reviewing the base map and
updating the existing land use and road network, conducting door to door socio economic survey
and public and stakeholder discussion. Moreover, secondary data was collected through
reviewing CSA data, published and unpublished socio economic profiles.

Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used for data analysis and interpretation. In
quantitative analysis statistical methods like ratio, percentage, average etc. have been conducted
to display the pattern and nature of different characteristics. Data tabulation has supplemented
this analysis. In addition to this, description of some phenomena qualitatively has been
conducted. The spatial data are analyzed in AUTOCAD. Then, identifying of major planning
issues and recommendation are given to facilitate ease condition for the planning works.

1.5. Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is limited in terms of content and geographical /spatial coverage.
Accordingly, this study is undertaken mainly to prepare the basic plan of Abala Faracho town of
Abala Abaya Woreda. The major focus area of the study is therefore;

The physical characteristics /features of the influence area and the town;

 The environmental assessment of the influence area & the study town;

 Land use characteristics of the influence area;

 The condition of the physical infrastructure of the town;

 Municipal service and capacity of the town; and

 The condition of Social service of the town;

1.6. Organization of the Paper

The study paper of Abala Faracho basic Plan is arranged in different places based on their
content. Accordingly, the arrangement is made into two major sub division i.e. regional and
urban study which contains eleven subsequent chapters. The first chapter; focuses on
introduction, vision, objective of the study, methodology, scope of the study, and organization of
the paper. The second chapter, deals about the physical characteristics of the study region. The
third chapter elaborates the rural economy of the influence area. In the same manner, the fourth
chapter focuses on the historical background development of the town. The emphasis of chapter
five is on the physical characteristics of the planning town. Chapter six explains the social
infrastructure of the town .The demographic characteristic of the planning town is elaborated
under the seven chapters. The Social Services distribution is discussed in the chapter eight. The
local economy of the town is discussed in chapter nine. The existing land use of the town is
treated under chapter ten. Finally, to mitigate the prevailing social, economic and spatial
problems of the town, future land use proposal is made in chapter eleven.

1.7 Experts who participated in the preparation of Abala faracho town basic Plan

A. Base Map Preparation (Surveying) Team: Mehirtu Zakareas

B. Socio Economic Study& Boundary demarcation Team; mengistu Mulatu

C. Land use Planning Team; Daniel Kuma–Conducted land use and road network planning

D. Surveying & Auto Cad team: Mehirtu Zakareas

E. Text Edition and Compilation; mengistu Mulatu

Chapter Two

2 Physical Characteristics of the Study Region

2.1 Location

Abala Abaya Woreda is one of the 16 Woreda that are found in Wolayta Zone. It is located at a
distance of 31 Km from Zonal capital, Wolayta Soddo town. Relatively, the Woreda is bordered
by Koleshobo in the North, Mirab Abaya Woreda of Gamo Zone in south, Loka Abaya Woreda
of Sidama Zone in the East & Humbo Woreda in the west. The total area of the study region is
979.7 hectares. At present the woreda has a total of 16 Kebele administrations out of which the
study town Abala Faracho became one among the rest. The study town Abala Faracho became
one of the three urban centers. According to the Abala Abaya Woreda Finance & Economy
Development Office the total Population of Abala Abaya Woreda is 92560. The number of
population living in urban accounts 17578 and the remaining 74982 are living in rural area.

2.2 Topography

Abala Abaya Woreda is mostly characterized by undulating grounds of different altitudes which
give it an attractive view. The purpose of the physiographic study of the influence area during
urban planning is to analyze the impacts of topography on different economic activities &
infrastructure development which play a vital role in linking the influence area with the planning
urban center. There are different mountains which are found in Abala Abaya like Chalame,
Longena, and borameta Mountains. There are different higher & lower places in Abala Abaya
Woreda. The main lower grounds are Hobicha, Abala, Abaya, which are found between altitudes
of 1350 – 2,335 meters above sea level.

2.3 Drainage

The analysis of surface water drainage of the study area is vital to recognize the amount of water
resource endowment of the region. The presence of much surface water has a positive
contribution to the planning town. Because, along the rivers, irrigation can be conducted for crop
production depending on the suitability of the relief and the product can be supplied to the study
town. Depending on the size of the water body, Lake Abaya fishing can be practiced & the
project town has a chance to be benefited.

On the contrary, the presence of many rivers can negatively affect the development of physical
infrastructures by increasing the cost of construction and subsequently hinder easy
communication between places.

Table 2.1 Major Rivers in Abala Abaya Woreda

No Name of the river Source of the river Destination of Characteristics of the

the river river

Perennial Seasonal

1 Bilate Gurage zone Lake Abaya √

2 Bilbo spring Chokare √

3 Hamassa Mountain Damota Lake Abaya √

4 Zegire Mountain Damota Lake Abaya √

Source: - Abala Abaya Woreda Agricultural and Natural Resource Development Office 2012EC

These rivers can be economically exploited for different purposes even though detailed study is
not yet conducted on all of them. Bilate River which serves Abaya Guricho Agricultural
development project is found get large amount of water from the above listed rivers. According
to the information obtained from Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture & Natural Resource
Development Office, the rivers found in the Woreda can be used for large scale irrigation.

2.4 Vegetation

The presence of vegetation plays a significant role for the environment in many ways. Some of
the basic uses of vegetation are, modifying the local climate, maintaining aesthetic value of the
environment, breaking the wind energy, serving as home of wild animals, and provide raw
materials (timber) for wood industries, source of log for construction & source of fuel charcoal.

The study region is endowed with a variety of tree species. According to the information
gathered from Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture & Rural Development Office, the main tree
species found in the Woreda are Gravilia, BahirZaf, Wanza, Warka, TikurInchet, Bisana,
Badanna, Woybeta, Dokima, Anfer, Tid, Zenbaba,Woyra, etc.

Deforestation is one of the environmental challenges the study region faced. The main causes of
deforestation in the area are expansion of agricultural land, charcoal production, fuel wood &
lumber production.

As a result of continuous clearing of trees, adverse environmental conditions are occurring in the
region like expansion of arid condition, unreliability & interruption in rainfall & decreasing in
the water volume of rivers & streams. To alleviate the problem of deforestation, different
measures are being taken by the concerned Woreda & Local bodies such as reservation of fragile
natural forest areas & forestations of trees on private & communal lands.

2.5 Climate

The type of climate of the study region is important in affecting various activities undertaken in
the region. For instance, climate directly influences the type of agricultural activities going on &
the amount of yield produced in that region. Consequently, the planning urban center has the
possibility of becoming advantageous or disadvantageous from the degree of productivity of its
influence area. This phenomenon is clearly exhibited by the urban-rural linkage. On the other
hand the knowledge of climate is helpful to assume the prevalence of diseases associated with
temperature, & rainfall like malaria.

2.5.1 Temperature

The amount of temperature a place experience is determined by its altitude. Temperature

influences every human activity adversely or positively. According to the information obtained
from Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture &Natural Resource Development Office, the annual
average temperature of Abala Abaya Woreda is between 22°c - 29°c.

2.5.2 Rain fall

Rainfall which is one of the elements of climate influence human activities in one way or
another. The study region receives different amounts of rainfall during different seasons. The
main rainy season of the influence area is summer (June, July & August) & the second important
rainy season is spring (March, April & May).The highest & lowest annual rainfall of the study

region reaches 600mm &1000mm respectively. This shows that, the region receives substantial
amount of rainfall that can facilitate the production of a variety of crops.

2.6 Soils

The fertility of soil affects the amount of production in a given geographical area. According to
the information obtained from Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture &Natural Resource
Development Office, in Abala Abaya Woreda there are different varieties of soils .The most
important soil types are Red soil, & Black soil.

Due to the dominance of undulating landscape, soil erosion is serious in the study area.
According to the information collected from Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture &Natural
Resource Development Office, the volume of soil eroded in the Woreda varies from place to
place & the type of activities practiced on the land. Due to the predominance of ups & down
nature of the land, the rate of soil erosion is aggravated when cultivation takes place on it. In
order to reverse this problem, the Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture &Natural Resource
Development Office in integration with other actors is taking conservation measures like
construction of terrace on sloppy area, water shade management & intensive awareness creation
activities to the community.

2.7 Energy Resources

Even though detailed study is not conducted, in Abala Abaya Woreda there are profound
potential energy resources such as water energy along Hamasa & Bilate Rivers in Abala Faracho
and Abaya Guricho Agricultural development Projects, solar energy, construction materials (red
ash & quarry sites) & Wind energy. In the meantime, Water, cobble stone production & Solar
Energy are under use economically.

2.8 Regional Urban System

According to the Abala Abaya Woreda Finance & Economy Development Office, the total
population of Abala Abaya Woreda is 92560 and the total number of population living in rural
area accounts 74982; the remaining 17578 are living in urban, which are 19% of the total

population of Abala Abaya Woreda. Thus, the level of urbanization for the woreda is about 18 %
which is below the regional urbanization level i.e.21.5%.

Table2.2: Urban Center & Emerging Urban Settlements in Abala Abaya Woreda

No Name of urban Name 0f Population % of Their Function Distance from Remark

center the Woreda size population Woreda center

1 Abala Faracho Abala 4496 4.9 Woreda center 0 km municipal status

2 Abaya Guricho Abala 4609 5 Rural market center 24km municipal status
3 Kolshobo Abala 4042 4.3 Rural market center 5km Have municipal
4 Abaya bilate Abala 4431 4.8 Rural market center 28km Have municipal
Total - Humbo 17578 19 - - -

Source: Abala Abaya Woreda Finance & Economy Development Office, 2012EC

Chapter Three

3. Rural Economy of the Influence Area

3.1 Rural Land Use

The study of rural land use situation of the influence area has a paramount significance to
analyze the impact of its economic linkage with the planning town.

Table 3.1: Rural Land Use of Abala Abaya Woreda, 2012 EC

Land use type




Forest& bush
Grazing land











Source: Abala Abaya Woreda Agricultural and Natural Resource Development Office, 2012 EC

It is depicted on the above table that, 34.8%, 32.7% and 9% of land area of the Woreda is
cultivated, forest and bush land and Cultivable land respectively. Therefore, the greatest land is
used for the production of different crops. In the woreda, the smallest proportion is accounted by
Grazing land which is only 2.1% of the total area.

3.2 Area of Land Used For the Cultivation of Major Types of Crop

The types of crops produced in the influence area indicate the dominant food crops supplied to
the planning town. If important food crops are not produced in the influence region, the
dependence of the study town on other region is easily understood.

Table3.2 Land Allocated For the Cultivation of Major Crops in Abala Abaya Woreda 2012 EC

Cultivated land for crops ( ha)

Land Allocated For the
Cultivation of major

Vegetables & fruits


Oil seed









Source: Abala Abaya Woreda Agricultural and Natural Resource Development Office, 2012EC

As indicated on table 3.2, the largest cultivated land in the Woreda is devoted for the production
of maize (39.4. %) followed by Teff(16.5%), sorghum, (16.3%), and Vegetables and fruits
(27.6%), The agricultural productivity of the influence area affects the degree of sustainability of
food crops supply to the town under consideration and the urban - rural exchange.

Table 3.3 Volume of Production of Major Crops in Abala Abaya Woreda, 2012EC

Production in quintal
production of major

Vegetables & fruits

Total volume of


Oil seed











Source: Abala Abaya Woreda Agricultural and Natural Resource Development Office, 2012EC

As shown on table 3.3, from the four major crops produced in Abala Abaya Woreda, the volume
of production of vegetables and fruits is the largest (66%) followed by maize (21%) and sorghum
(9.5%) The smallest volume of production is Teff.

3.3 Livestock Rising

The presence of substantial number of livestock population in the influence area of the planning
town is important since the supply is expected to become high. If the number of livestock
brought to the town during the market day is large, the revenue collected by the municipality
from taxation is enhanced which increases the financial capacity of the town.

Table 3.4 Major Types of Livestock Population of Abala Abaya Woreda, 2012EC

Type of livestock
Total livestock












Source: Humbo Woreda Animal and Fish Resource Development Office, 2010EC

It can be depicted from table 3.4 that from all types of livestock, Cattle population is the largest
(33.5%) followed by Poultry (32%) and goat (23.5%). The population of equines is the smallest
(3 %) in the Woreda. Therefore, there is high opportunity of supply of livestock so establishing
industries using cattle products and by products in the planning town that create job

3.4 Urban - Rural and Urban - Urban Economic Linkage

The analysis of economic linkage is necessary to identify major constraints that hinder the
linkage and propose the way the interaction is strengthened. There are two way interactions
between urban and rural spatial units since commodities are both imported and exported to the
two areas which consequently foster their mutual benefits. Accordingly, different primary
commodities which are mainly found in the surrounding areas are brought to Abala Faracho
town. For instance, the town gets fuel wood supply from Abaya Gurcho, Koleshbo, and from
Eala Kabala. The supply of Charcoal to the town is mainly from, the surrounding rural center,
Abaya Gurcho. Eucalyptus wood which is used for construction undertaken in the town is mainly
flow from Bosa Wanche, Humbo Larena and Soddo Zuriya woreda Kebeles. In addition, to this
other types of wood products such as Wanza are brought from Ampo koysha, Humbo Larena,
and Bossa.

Table3.5: Origin of Major Agricultural Products Supplied to Abala Faracho Town, 2012 EC

No Type of Product Source/Origin No Type of Product Source/Origin

1 Teff Soddo/ 11 Red pepper Abala Kolshobo,

Abela Farecho

2 Maize Abaya Bilate 12 Spices Wolayta Sodo

3 Wheat Soddo 13 Honey ,,

4 Barley Hobicha 14 Butter Hobicha

5 Coffee Hobicha 15 Fruit Woloyta Sodo,,

6 Carrot WolaytaSodo 16 Egge koleshbo,

7 Cabbage WolaytaSodo 17 Live animal koleshbo,

8 Green paper Hobicha 18 CheekPea Soddo and Humbo

9 Tomato WolaytaSodo 19 Sheep koleshbo,

10 Onion WolaytaSodo 20 Goat koleshbo,, Abaya


Source: The Town of Abala Faracho, 2012EC

Concerning manufactured products supply, they are supplied mainly from Humbo, and, Wolayta
Soddo. As clearly shown on table 3.5, the study town has strong interaction with spatial units
found in Wolayta Zone. The economic interaction with Wolayta Soddo town cannot be
undermined since some important products are directly brought from this town. One of the identified
constraints of economic linkage is the existence of weak economic linkage the town has with urban
centers found in Wolayta Zone. The main reason is the low commercial activities prevailing in the urban
centers of the Zone. To enhance the economic linkage of the planning town with the surrounding urban
centers, physical infrastructure provision and investment and business promotion should be undertake

Chapter Four

4. Historical Development of the Town

4.1 Pre-Foundation History

The study focuses on the general situations prior to the actual foundation of the town. As of the
information obtained through the interview conducted with elders in the town, there were few
pastoral nomads. The area was covered by different types of forest vegetation and home of
varied wild life.

It was during the regime of Hailesilasie, that the area currently inhabited (urbanized), was
decided to be agricultural land and farmers had established the living in the new area through
practicing agricultural activities by a person called, Dejazmach W/Semayat, who was still
considered as a ‘founder’ and ‘hero’ by the community for his significant effort in bringing
overall change and development of the area, took the administration. He laid a new foundation
for the new settlement and brought social, cultural and economic reforms whereby expanding
social and physical infrastructures into the area. Today, the existing structure of the study town
clearly manifests the reality more than the eye witnesses. The pastoral nomads of the area later
pushed out from the center and moved to marginal parts in the region.

4.2 Naming of the Town

The area currently known as Abala Faracho (Garaje) took the name from Agricultural activity
and Garaje .They were predominantly moving in the area with their cattle before the recognition
of the area for resettlement. According to the interview made with elders of the area, naming of
the place was directly related with the Agricultural activity and Garaje.

4.3 The Establishment of the Town

Abala Faracho town was established in1956 E.C during regime of Hailesilasie and before a year
the area is known by agricultural population who settled in the area occupied beginning from the
introduction of Farmers Association Union to the area by Derg and the area gradually changed in
to rural center. The first settlers during the establishment of the town were from different parts of
the region. However, the Wolayta people continuously came and dominated the area.
The following are the major reasons behind the foundation of Abala Faracho `as an urban center:
 The presence of different government institutions;

 The presence of suitable farm lands;

 Its relatively comfortable climate;

The town has an urban center status. Following this, different rural center services like tax
collection, boundary dispute resolution, etc. are started to be rendered for the community in a
formal way. Concerning education service, elementary school was established in 1956 E.C.
Health service also started in 1956 E.C to render service by one health post .Potable water supply
was provided to the town in 1958 E.C though the service was limited. The town has wireless
telecommunication service at the beginning of 2000 E.C. The supply of electricity from HEP was
started in 2007 E.C.

Chapter Five

5. Physical Characteristics of the Study Town

5.1. Location

Abala Faracho town is located at a distance of 13 kilometers North West of town Tebela,
administrative center of Humbo Woreda and situated at 31 kms South of Wolayta Sodo Asphalt
and gravel road. Astronomically the town is situated at 6 0 46 ̎ north latitude and 37 0 53̎ east
longitude. Relatively, the town is bounded by Humbo Woreda rural villages and Hamasa River.
Accordingly, the town is bounded in the north by koleshbo villages in the south by Marqa and
Abaya guricho, Bilate River, in the east and in the West by Hamasa River respectively. The town
is one of the fourth accredited urban centers of Abala Abaya Woreda.

5.2 Population Size, Distribution and Area

According to the house to house survey conducted during the planning year, the total populations
incorporated with in the planning boundary of the study town accounts for 4496, 2366 are males
and 2130 are females. On the other hand, the planning boundary of Abala Faracho covers about
979.7 hectares. The population density of the town as per the report of the population survey may
reach 5 persons per hectare.

5.3 Topography of the Town

Abala Faracho town is situated on flat plain landform where there is slight variation on altitude
compared to the surrounding areas. The topography of the town is classified in to plain, hilly,
gullies and gorges. The lower part in the town is situated in the western part thus the altitude of
the area usually decreases towards this direction and the highest point is found in the north
western periphery of the town. The altitude of the town ranges from 1350 meters above sea level
around the southern tip to 1420 meters above sea level towards the northwestern part of the
town. Generally, the average altitude of the town is within the range of 1350-1420 meters above
sea level.

5.4 Physical Expansion of the Town

The main aim of urban planning is to prepare appropriate and adequate urban expansion area.
There are certain elements that should be considered in the selection of expansion area. Some of
the basic elements include people’s preference, topography, climate, proximity to the physical
infrastructure such as telephone, electricity, water, etc.

Based on the above criteria, the expansion area of Abala Faracho town is selected. Therefore, the
major expansion directions are;

 Western
 north western,
 Currently the town is expanding in all directions.
5.5. Drainage System and Surface Water

Although there is Hamasa river at the eastern side of the Abala Faracho town. There are marshy
areas in the south eastern periphery of the town and it covers some catchment’s area. Therefore,
this marshy area is not convenient to settlement and thus adequate buffer zone should be
reserved around the marshy area.

5.6 Climate of the Town

The term climate is broad concept and it includes elements such as temperature, rainfall, wind
direction, sun shine, and relative humidity. The study of climatic elements particularly
temperature, rainfall, and wind direction has significant importance in the process of urban
planning. The climate condition of Abala Faracho town is categorized in Kola type. The climate
condition of the study town is explained in detail in terms of the major elements of climate.
These include temperature, rainfall, wind, etc.

5.6 .1 Temperature

Temperature is one of the dominant elements of weather and climate as it influences the change
and spatial distribution of other elements. It has a paramount significance to understand the
weather condition of the area. However, there was no accurate figure found from the area. This is
due to absence of Meteorological station in the area and compiled profile about the weather
condition of the area. But, by observing the temperature map of the Woreda and looking at other
climatic factors prevail in the area it can be understood that the area experience kola type of
climate. As to the Abala Abaya Woreda Agriculture Natural Resource Development Office
climate map, the average annual temperature of the area ranges between 22˚c to 29˚c.

5.6.2 Rainfall

There is no meteorological station in the town. As a result it is hard to get reliable rain fall data.
However, the topographic map, which is produced by the regional finance and economic
development bureau, indicates that rain fall of the town fall within the range of 600-1000 mm per
annum. Accordingly, in the area the dominant rainfall occurs mainly during summer season. As
observed from regional rainfall distribution map therefore, the average total amount of rainfall in
the area ranges from 600-1000 per annum.

5.6.3 Wind Direction

In the town no meteorological station is found that records wind speed, wind direction, rainfall
and temperature, hence it is difficult to get exact figure regarding the temperature, rainfall and
wind direction that blows over the area. According to, the assumption of local dwellers the
prevailing wind over the area (town) can be classified in to two based on the intensity of the
wind as major and minor wind direction;

The major wind direction is the dominant wind over the town that blows from north east
highland part of the town to southwest lowland parts mainly during Bega season. Whereas, the
minor wind direction in the area concentrate on the opposite side of the major wind direction.
Even though limited and little in amount this type of wind occurs during rainy season. The study
town is established on plain, hilly, gullies and gorges.Topography so that the effect of wind
erosion is in significant.

5.7 Urban Greenery

The natural vegetation cover of an area directly reflects the nature of climatic condition over the
area. In the study town there are few species of natural trees. Although there is limited forest
coverage in the area, the existing natural vegetation of the area has contributed many things.
These include:
 balancing the local climate of the town
 reducing dust problems
 It has scenic value for the area
As it can be seen clearly during field observation the existence of natural tree species was under
question. People were cutting away trees without replacing so this may lead to complete removal
of original trees. To alleviate the problem firstly awareness creation works should be done
secondly, the forest area of the town must be reserved to control the climate of area. Beside this,
green areas also need to be reserved within the planning boundary of the town.
5.8. Municipal Service
The town has got emerging municipal status in 2005EC. Since the time of its establishment, the
town administers and manages services such as open market, cattle market, abattoir service, etc.

5.8.1 The Condition of Open Market

There is only one small market place that is located at the center of the town near to Woreda
administration compound. In the future the existing open market holds a very limited area in that
during market days it hinders people’s movement to the different direction as well as students
also suffer a lot since every direction of the road is occupied by the market attendants. Moreover,
there is cattle market but not functional in the study town, so a planer should allocate a land for
this purpose in appropriate site of main entry side of cattle to the town. Incompatible actions are
taking place simultaneously with this part of the town. Therefore, during land use planning the
open market and the cattle market should be placed separately based on the market attendants
who visited the area as well as located in the center of the town just in front of the high school it
is not advisable to put such public services as it was. Thus, it is important to look for a solution.
Therefore, proposing a market place that can accommodate all the customers that visit the area in

the location where it is appropriate to most of the traders who often use the market is

Major challenges and constraints of the existing open market are;

1. Gradually, as the growth and development of the town increases, the existing market area will
not accommodate traders that come from different directions.

2. When the existing market is partitioned into plots so as to accommodate every type of trade
activities the area will be diminished and insufficient to accomplish business activities.

3. There is cattle market in the study town but not functional.

4. Difficulty to collect municipality income from the market if the market is not partitioned to
accommodate different activities.

5. Encircling the open market there is road that people used frequently.

Anticipated Solution
 Anew place for live stock market should have to be reserved in the newly designed plan.

 Relocate the existing market place to other part of the town.

5.8.2 Livestock Market
In the existing situation there is no functional cattle market in the study town, a planner should
be reallocate a cattle market which following the direction of most cattle’s entry direction.

Practically, livestock market could not be established at the same place to that of the main
market since some cattle’s may cause physical damage on human and their waste cause ill health
to human. As a result a separate market place is recommended in a new plan.


Livestock market should be located in relation to the main livestock entry direction at closer
proximity from the abattoir areas. According to some informants and municipal administrator
explanation, the Livestock’s come from all direction of the town.

5.8.3 Bus Station

In relation to Bus station, the town has formal bus station as well as fright terminal before but not
functional. Buses that come from Wolayta Soddo; Abaya Bilate; Abaya Gurcho and Humbo
Tebella particularly during market days enter to the town. Other than this, many GOs and NGOs
vehicles usually come to the town and passes through the town. The main road that gives service
is made of graveled and that makes movement of vehicles difficult. As of the information
obtained from the traffic police, the town has less traffic flow as well accidents. The writer
personal observation also proves that few buses and vehicles that cross the town from different
directions during the market days. Due to the absence of bus terminal and absence of road that
cross the town the number of incoming transport services to the town became minimum which
has a negative impact on the economy progress of the town. Thus, the new plan needs to
incorporate bus station which gives service for the entire population. Accordingly; it is advisable
if the land for bus station is reserved in appropriate site. Moreover, no fright terminal is used in
the town before; therefore, the place for freight is also recommended.
5.8.4 Abattoir Service

Even though, abattoir service have a paramount significance for the entire population of the town
the service is not available before as a result the residents were forced to sloughs with in their
home, at the road side and everywhere in the town which in turn have multiple problem on the
society health condition. Generally, uncontrolled slaughter and poor sanitation would expose the
majority of the people to different health problem, and other related limitations .Thus, planning
solution is needed in that the new proposed plan should have to incorporate a space for abattoir
services. Hence, the alternative site for this service will be sited in relation to the direction of the
prevailing wind in the town.

5.8.5 Drainage Problems

Abala Faracho town was established on a plain and sloppy topography that gradually descends
towards south. Flood problem is a serious one except at the north western low lands where a
sheet erosion type was observed mainly due to lack of drainage ditches and culvert as a result the
lower part of the town was highly affected by water erosion.

Therefore, drainage ditches and culvert need to be constructed. Besides, additional drainage lines
around the newly proposed areas need to be opened. Hence the planners need to have considered
these things while planning.

5.9 Municipal Cemetery

As it is one the most significant land issue in any town, there is formal municipal cemetery in
Abala Faracho. As the municipality gives this service for the poor, resident; helpless, new comer
with no relatives, a land for municipal cemetery is a must be needed. Practically the service has
given to anyone. Since such request is not an incident so place for municipal cemetery is must.
Therefore, in the new plan a place for municipal cemetery needs to be reserved by planner.

5.10 Soil Type of the Town

The soil type of Abala Faracho town is classified into red; clay and sandy soils .This kind of soil
type is developed in areas of clay and red soil with an organic B-horizon. This soil type usually
formed following the large deposits carried by rivers. This soil type has good agricultural
potential and uniform profile all over the town. During rainy season it allows free movement of
water and organic materials in the soil.

5.11 Construction Earth Materials

The presence of mineral resources useful for construction purpose in the accessible parts of the
town is vital for adequate supply of construction materials. These are expected to enhance
different construction activities under taken in the town. Accordingly, quarry sites are found in
different parts of the town. Rocks are found at closer distance from the center of the town. The
rocks are said to be best quality for construction.

5.12 Natural Constraint

5.12.1 Flood Problem

As the town is established on plain, sloppy and gorges topography, flood problem is a serious
problem. However, eastern parts are prone to flooding. In addition to this, the town lacks
drainage lines and ditches. Thus, based on contour lines appropriate drainage ditches are advised
to be built in and around the stated areas. Besides additional drainage ditches are recommended
to be opened particularly Westernport.

5.12.2 Soil Erosion

Due to steep slope, there some places in the town that is liable to soil erosion. At present soil
erosion is observed around north eastern part of the town and south eastern part. These areas are
severely affected by soil erosion during rainy season.

The following are the major causes of soil erosion in the town

 Steepness of the topography in north western parts

 The presence of bare lands

 Absence of drainage ditches

Thus, to prevent soil erosion, some mechanisms that reduce the problem should be taken in to
account. The mechanisms include;

 Construction of drainage ditches on affected severely areas

 Covering the steep slope with grass or plant trees

Chapter Six

6. Urban Infrastructure

In this chapter the major urban physical infrastructures which consists of transport, condition of
traffic accident, telecommunication, and postal service and water services are dealt in detail.

6.1 Transports System

Abala Faracho town is situated at a distance of 31 km from Wolayta soddo. This part of road is
constructed by government intended to connect the two towns by asphalt and graveled road with
the woreda center of Abala Abaya. Due to the accessed road the residents travel 31 km from
Abala Faracho the principal seat of Abala Abaya; Faracho. Besides, the absence of bus terminal
in the town and the difficult of traffic over burden small and medium level cars come to the town
on a daily base.

Therefore, to strengthen the urban-urban and urban-rural economic and social linkage in the first
place bus terminal in the town should be established soon.

6.1.1. Road

Abala Faracho town is situated 31 km away from the zonal capital Wolayta soddo through
graveled road and asphalt. This Arterial road was governed by Regional rural road authority.

However, a difficult traffic flow was exhibited due to the presence of many ups and downs and
poor road maintenance as well as the stony nature of the road make vehicles movement difficult.
According to the traffic office report of the woreda with in one day a total of 5 to 7 vehicles flow
were recorded. In Abala Faracho town there are formal bus stations or fright terminal but not
practical so far. Moreover, the town was also connected to the other town of the woreda through
a graveled road is opened in a shortest way so far vehicles and other transportation means travels
pass through. However the terrain of the area is not suitable to open up a road that connect with
the woreda capital through a shortest way which the concerned bodies has to look for a solution.
Similarly, the internal feeder route (connector roads) are not maintained and opened properly
which still needs improvement and upgrading at the same time many of the internal roads are
substandard .In addition to this, in the southern part of the town no connector roads were
developed and maintained so far only foot paths which the residents of the area are used.
Therefore, during planning periods barriers that hinder internal movements are need to be solved
by arranging different types of road as per the standard. Beside this, road that ease internal
movement within residences connectors are also need to be planned based on the standard.

The following are the main problems identified in respect to roads of the town:

1. Most are low standard earthen roads; they are affected by erosion and in some areas hinder
movement of motorized and non-motorized transports;

2. They are poorly designed without keeping norms and standards and not suitable for easy
traffic flow;

Transport involves the movement of persons and goods from one place to another and thereby
brings physical, social, economic, cultural and technical interaction/integration. Therefore, it
holds a place as a prerequisite in achieving and facilitating or enhancing the integration and
overall development of an area.

6.1.2 Traffic flow

The traffic inflow and out flow of Abala Faracho town can be summarized below in the
following tables.

Table 6.1 Inter and Intra urban transport linkage

No Origin Destination Road type Distance in km Travel frequency

1 Abala Soddo Gravelled and 31 Km 5 times a day
Faracho Asphalt

2 Abaya Tebela Gravelled and 13 Km 10 times a week

Faracho Asphalt

Source: Abala Abay woreda Transport Department

In addition to the above mentioned towns, the study town is linked with different other emerging
urban settlements in different directions. The absence of pedestrian walkways and absence of
road side traffic signs are the main causes of traffic accidents in the town. It is witnessed during
the study time that, on the main market day (Monday), vehicles which give public transport
service use road side area.

On the daily basis, the town is crossed by more than 5 or 7 vehicles of different sizes. Even
though the level of traffic accident in the town is currently low, those factors which aggravate the
accident like the standard of roads, absence of road side traffic signs, bus terminal and pedestrian
walkways should be adequately designed.

6.2 Communication System

6.2.1 .Telecommunication

Abala Faracho town is not the beneficiary of formal telephone service. However, it has limited
network which enable the residents to use Mobile phone. The presence of telephone service at
every urban center obviously facilitates urban-urban and urban-rural economic and social
linkages however, there is no telephone services in the town because the low network coverage
communication became not sufficient. Therefore, the service needs to be opened, improved and
network for mobile need to be upgraded during the planning period.

6.2.2 Postal Service

Even though Abala Faracho town is an urban center; there is no post office that renders the
service in the town. Although, a volunteer individual with little benefit had started to give the
service for a year currently the service has not been given. Even though, postal service is the
cheapest means of communication the service is not available in Abala Faracho Since, the
presence of such service obviously facilitates the linkage in all sphere of life as well as exchange
knowledge, post office should need to be established immediately .Thus the place for post office
should be reserved at an appropriate areas .

6.3.3 Electric and Power Services

Abala Faracho town has an electric light and power supply from 2007 EC.during the time of
field observation the study team realized that the source of electric power supply for the study
town was interconnected with the national grid system of hydroelectric power and it is functional
/ gives a service for the study town. Like other places of the country, cable installation works are
completed and the distribution of transformers for power supply is started in 2007 E.C. There are
many houses, government institutions, street light service, etc that are looking for the service.
Thus, in the town those different groups of dwellers are waiting need to have the service.
Therefore, the planner needs to consider different places for straight lights following the main
roads of the town.

6.3.4 Potable Water Supply

The sources of potable water for the residents of the town are pipe water in the town. The river,
Hamassa are flowing around the north wastern boundary of the town is the most important
source of springs in terms of water discharge. Thus, pipe water;Wells, springs, streams and rivers
are the main sources of potable water in the study area. The hydrological feature of the town
shows that there is relatively good water potential. However, the percentage of population who
get clean water is still under question.
The following are problems related to water supply of the town
 Decreasing in the volume of spring water during dry season

 The supply is not balanced with the ever increasing water demand of the residents;

 The absence of public taps

Generally, the municipality in collaboration with the Woreda Administration Office is expected
to make the above plans practical which will solve the shortage of potable water supply of Abaya
Faraccho town.
Chapter Seven

7. Demographic Characteristics of the study Town

The study of demographic characteristics of a specific area enables to make the analyses in fair
distribution and provision of social services to an area. In relation to town/urban plans
demographic characteristics like population growth rate, age and sex structure, ethnic and
religion composition and dependency ratio are the basic to do effective town /urban plans. Based
on these important issues, these variables are basically considered and different social services
are proposed in the study town for the coming ten years 2012-2022 EC.

Analysis of population size and related data is very crucial for the preparation of urban basic
plan. In this regard comparing the existing population size with that of the anticipated population
size of the planning period is important to determine the size of social service available in the
future. Demographic characteristics includes population size, and growth, age, and sex structure,
ethnic and religious composition, population distribution, population projection and the like.

7.1 Population Size and growth

Population size, growth, population projection and other demographic features of town is
calculated based on the house to house population survey made for the land use planning
purposes of the town. Accordingly, the total population size of Abala Faracho town was 4496
populations in the year 2012. Among the total population males found to be 2366 and the rest
2130 are females, Hence sex ratio is 1:0.90.This means there are 90 females for every 100 males
showing that there is slight difference between males and females. See the table below;

Table7.1 House to house population survey result of Abala Faracho town

Total Male Female

Total 4496 2366 2130

Under 1
42 16 26
1 -4
529 262 267
619 319 300
10 – 14
523 276 247
15 – 19
455 232 223
20 – 24
392 180 212
25 – 29
400 184 216
30 – 34
391 215 176
35 – 39
292 162 130
40 – 44
250 163 87
45 – 49
145 79 66
50 – 54
147 68 79
55 – 59
111 57 54
60 – 64
99 70 29
65 – 69
66 54 12
70 – 74
28 24 4
75 +
7 5 2
Source: - House to House survey 2012 EC

7.2 Age and Sex Structure

Based on the age sex distribution result, the age structure of Abala Faracho clearly manifests a
similar age structure pattern with those of many developing countries i.e. wider base at the
bottom and narrow and narrower as its grows to the top. Similarly, majority of the population lies
within the young age category.

7.3 Population Projection

To forecast the population size of a given study area for the next planning years, we need to
project using available projection methodology. In this study, a simple mathematical function
(exponential) is used to project the population size of Abala Faracho for the next ten planning
years (2012EC to 2022 EC).

In the absence of the necessary population data of the town to calculate the growth rate is
impossible. However, it is possible to use the regional urban growth rate i.e. 4.8 percent to
project the population of the town for the next ten planning years.

7.3.1 Population Projection formula

Pt= Po ert




Based on a population count made house to house a total of 810 households and a total of 4496
populations is counted. Accordingly taking the regional growth rate 4.8 a Ten Years population
projection has been made 2012-2022 EC. See the table below;

Table 7.2 Projected population of Abala Faracho town 2012-2022EC.

Age 2012EC 2017EC 2022EC

categories Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
4496 2366 2130
5709 3004 2705 7250 3815 3435

Under 1
42 16 26 53 20 33 67 25 42
1 -4
529 262 267 671 332 339 852 422 430
619 319 300 786 405 381 998 514 484
10 – 14
523 276 247 664 351 313 843 446 397
15 – 19
455 232 223 577 294 283 732 373 359
20 – 24
392 180 212 497 228 269 631 290 341
25 – 29
400 184 216 508 234 274 645 297 348
30 – 34
391 215 176 496 273 223 629 346 283
35 – 39
292 162 130 370 205 165 469 260 209
40 – 44
250 163 87 317 207 110 403 263 140
45 – 49
145 79 66 184 100 84 234 127 107
50 – 54
147 68 79 186 86 100 236 109 127
55 – 59
111 57 54 140 72 68 177 91 86
60 – 64
99 70 29 126 89 37 160 113 47
65 – 69
66 54 12 84 69 15 107 88 19
70 – 74
28 24 4 35 30 5 44 38 6
75 +
7 5 2 9 6 3 12 8 4
Source: - House to house survey 2010 EC

7.4 Age Dependency Ratio of Abaya Faracho Town

There is a similar trend in dependency ratio in Abala Faracho like other towns of the regions and
the country. Off course, there may be some difference which is based on different factors of the
people in different towns like, economic activity, educational level and cultural conditions.

Table7.3: Age dependency ratio of Abala Faracho 2012 EC

Age group Population Percent Dependency ratio

0 - 14 1713 38 85.5

15 – 64 2682 60 -

65+ 101 2.24 0.54

Total 4496 100 86.04

Source: - Computed from a survey conducted from the town

The above table illustrates that, the young dependency ratio of Abala Faracho town in 2012 is
calculated to be 45 percent which implies that 100 persons in their productive age are expected to
support around 45 young dependents (0-14). In addition to this, old age dependency ratio is
0.54..This means 100 persons in the productive age are expected to support about 1 old age
persons. Total age dependency ratio is therefore the sum of young and old age dependency ratio
gives total age dependency ratio of the town. Hence, total age dependency ratio of the town is 86
percent. It means again 100 people in abaya Bilate town feed 86 people including themselves.
Generally, the dependency ratio is greater than the independency ratio which is true for almost
all African countries. This does not necessarily mean that there is no participant people in young
and old dependent people rather there are so many people participating in the economic activity
exercised in the town. To the reverse there are economically inactive people among those age are
found in productive age (15 - 65). The main problem is absence of work creativity, less

awareness; bad cultural habits of work are among the majors. Thus, any one should fight these
and other unexplained problems overseen in the town and try to facilitate job creation
opportunities through organizing micro and small scale enterprises.

7.5 Ethnic Compositions

There are different ethnic types living in the study town. Although, many ethnic groups are
living in the town, the Wolayta ethnic group would account the largest proportion. The number
of other nationalities in the town is insignificant except few other origins who are working in
different government institutions. The ethnic composition of the town is expected to increase in
the future as its socio economic development undergoes change.

Table7.4 Ethnic composition of Abala Faracho town

No Ethnic group Their number Percent Remark

1 Wolayita 4477 99

2 Amahara

3 Dawro - -

4 Gamo 14 0.31

5 Oromo 84 1.8

6 Others 1 0.02

Total 4496 100

Source: House to house survey

7.6 Religion Composition

Urban centers are places where different types of beliefs prevail since there are found peoples
with different socio economic back ground. The analysis of religious mix of the town is
important to know the potential need of worship places. Accordingly, different types of religions
found in the study town are stated in the following ways.
Table 7.4: Religious Compositions in Abala Farach 2012 EC.

Their own Their own cemetery

No. of Worshiping

No of Adherents
worshiping place
No Religion
Abala Faracho Remark

Have Do not Have Do not Common
have have cemetery

1 Orthodox - - 88 √ - √

2 Protestants √ - 4211 √

3 Catholic √ 3 195 √ -

4 0ther √ 1 2 - -

Total √ 4 4496 -

Source: From the survey conducted by the study team, 2012 EC.

7.7 Worshipping and Cemetery Places

Currently there are different kinds of religion that exists in the town and followers of each of
them became increasing from time to time. At the same time each of them requires own
worshiping and cemetery place in the town. Based on the observation and information from
Abala Faracho administrative bodies Orthodox Christianity, protestant churches, and Catholic
religious sectors with their believers are found dispersed in the town. Besides this, some of them
did not have enough places for the construction of worshipping place. Thus, each one of them
requires their own worshiping and burial site. Consequently, there was only one cemetery in the
town which was belongs to all religion and some dwellers in the town use informal cemetery
site. As it can be seen in the table above almost all churches followers did not have their own
cemetery site in the town.

 Allocate sufficient land for the celebration of different Religion holidays and undertaking of
religion conferences to every religion at one appropriate site/Public square /

 The existing protestant churches of Abala faracho located at center part of the town.
Therefore, the planner should assign adequate land for both cemetery site and the church
compound should be considered in land use planning.

7.7.1 Issues Related With Cemetery

 There is cemetery site found in the town but. Most of the dwellers in the town use informal
cemetery site.
 A planner should allocate new cemeteries place for all protestant religious followers
collectively at an appropriate location that is at north western tip and south western part of
the town so, land will be reserve for these purpose.

Chapter Eight

8. Social Services Distribution

8.1. Education Service

Education is one of the most important tools to shape and create responsible citizens that play a
political affair within the community. In this regard the educational service distribution and
provision of the study town was considered in the following parts.

Table 8.1 Schools by level of education and ownership


School level Government Private Total

Kindergarten 1 1 2

Primary(1-8) 1 - 1

Secondary school(9-12) 1 - 1

Total 3 1 4

Source: - Survey data 2012 EC

As it can be seen on the table above the existing numbers of schools in the town are three i.e.
kindergarten; primary school and high school in the town. The town has private kindergarten

The number of schools with the total number of students, classrooms and their associated ratios
and the standards of MOE are illustrated in the following table.

Table 8.2.Class rooms to Students, School to Number of Class rooms’ and Teacher to Student Ratio in the
year 2012 EC

Class room to Teacher to School to class

No School Level Number of students ratio students ratio room ratio








1 Kindergarten 2 188 2 2 1: 94 1:40 1: 94 1:40 1:1 1:6

2 Primary school 1 1386 16 20 1:86 1:50 1:69 1:50 1:16 1:32

3 Secondary 1 502 14 38 1:35 1:40 1:13 1:50 1:14 1:20

Source: - Survey data 2012 EC
8.1.1 Schools per Class Rooms

As it was shown on the above table, that was two Kindergarten and one Primary School from
Grade (1-8). They have 2 class rooms and 16 class rooms respectively. This indicated shortage of
classrooms in the school when compared to the standard set by the MOE i.e. 1:32. There were
also kindergarten students’ sharing two class rooms in the town this shows a shortage of class
rooms that compared to the MOE standard. This showed the need for having additional
classroom building for primary school. Where as in secondary school 14 class room .This
indicates the number of class room above the standard set by the MOE.
.8.1.2 Student per Class room ratio

As it is shown on the above table the student to class room ratio stated by the Ministry of
Education for kindergarten is 1:40, and for primary 1:50. However, in the case of the study town
MOE the student - class room ratio for kindergarten was 1:94 and for primary 1:86. This means
the average number of students learning in one classroom for kindergarten, and primary school
level is beyond the standard set by the ministry of education. Thus, the classroom situation for all
level seems congested.

8.1.3 Teachers to student ratio

As illustrated on the above table teachers to students’ ratio is obtained by dividing the total
number of students to the total number of teachers. The lower the ratio of teachers to students
indicates the higher opportunity of contact between teachers and students. This in turn enables
teachers to check homework and class works as well as provides support for students

The teachers to students ratio of Abala Faracho town for kindergarten is 1:94 ;for primary school
is 1:69, which is higher to the national standard 1:40, and 1:50 respectively. Therefore, additional
more teachers are required for all school level during the next ten planning years. ; For high
school is 1:13; which is below to the national standard 1:50. Therefore additional student are

Table 8.3 Teachers by sex and qualifications


School M F Un certified Certificate Diploma Degree Master

Kindergarten 2 - - 2 - - -

Primary 9 9 - 9 9 - -

Secondary 28 10 - - 2 36 -

Total 39 19 11 11 36 -

Source: - Data from Schools of the town, 2012EC.

8.1.4 Students Enrollment Trend

Student enrolment trend indicates the total number of students enrolled in each consecutive
academic year sometimes in the past. This data may not include drop outs in between those
academic years. The study team tried to overview the student enrollment trend of the schools
found in the town for the last three consecutive academic years. This data reveals that there were
and is higher participation that exerts higher pressure on the existing schools. The following
table shows students enrollment trend in the last 3 consecutive academic years.

Table.8.4 Total number of Students in Abala Faracho town by School levels

School levels Total Number of Students
2009E.C 2010E.C 2011 E.C

Kindergarten 68 83 151 101 92 193 100 88 188

Primary School 671 596 1267 719 607 1326 716 670 1386

Secondary school 463 262 725 342 209 551 293 209 502

Grand total 1202 941 2143 1162 908 2070 1109 967 2076

Source: Schools in the town

In Abala Faracho town the total number of students enrolled in formal education center as data
from Schools in the town showed a similar pattern with other schools of the woreda during the
academic year 2009 E.C - 2011 E.C. However, enrollment trend exhibited Primary school of
Abala Faracho town shows change during the years mentioned in that the enrollment trend
became increased each year. Nearly similar Enrolment trend was observed during 2009EC and
2010 EC which is about553 and 602 students were registered respectively. This might be due to
the effort in creating awareness made so far by the woreda education sector.
8.1.5 School age population (SAP) and enrolment projection

The school age population size of Abala Faracho town is calculated by using available formula
based on the age structure of population of the town. In the same way, student enrollment
projection is calculated using available formula based on three consecutive academic years
students enrolled in those years. Based on the Existing Enrolment trend, MOE Standards and
results obtained from student age populations, present gap and future requirements of school

services is analyzed. The following table depicts present gap and future requirements of school

P4-6 (KG) = 0.14 P0-4 + 0.704 P5-9

= 0.14 * 571 + 0.704 * 619 = 516
P7-14 ( = -0.072P0-4 + 0.524 * P5-9 + P10-14
= -0.072 * 571 + 0.524*619 + 523 = 806
P15-18 (Sc.Sc) = 0.016P10-14 + 0.848P15-19 -0.064P20-24
= 0.016 * 523 +0.848 * 455 – 0.064 * 392 = 369
CPR = CE/CSP X 100

Where, CSP = Current school age population

CE= Current Enrollment

CPR = Percentage of current enrolment/Current participation Rate

Future school age Population (FSP) and future participation rate (FPR) can be obtained from
population projection (Pt= Po ert)

Table 8.5 Student Age Population, Enrolment and Participation Rate of Students

Academic Kindergarten Primary secondary

Year in SAP Enrolmen PR SAP Enroll PR SAP Enroll PR

EC t

2009 516 188 36 806 1386 171 369 502 136

2010 656 239 36 1025 1762 171 469 638 136

2011 834 304 36 1303 2240 171 596 811 136

Source: - Own Computed

As it can be observed from the table above, there is smaller student participation than school age
population for kindergarten level of education. One of the main factors for smaller participation
is due to most parents send their children to informal schools like churches Thus, the
participation rate of students at Abala Faracho town schools varies from smaller grade levels to
higher grade levels .Thus, at primary level and secondary level the participation rate is better
than kindergarten level but comparing to SAP certain students are not coming to
school..Whereas, at kindergarten; secondary level and Primary level the participation rate is
higher which 36%; 136% and 171% respectively .This implies compared to school age
population participation rate is less at kindergarten whereas better at Primary level and secondary

Issue related to Education services

 During the planning years 2012 – 2022 EC two new KG at different parts of the town need to
be constructed. Thus, land should be reserved for these purposes.
 During the first five planning years one primary school is required but expanding the existing
school is mandatory in that place for the construction of additional classes need to be
reserved. In addition to these in the school compound no have sport fields and recreational
area so, a land allocating for this purpose by a planner will also mandatory.
 During the planning year in study town High School (9 –10) is required. Therefore, it will
need to construct a High School in appropriate place of the town. So a planner should reserve
land for these purpose in the town.
8.2. Health Service

8.2.1. Existing condition of Health Institutions

Health service is one of the social services that need to be studied, in the due process of urban
planning. The existing health services in the town were inefficient to give adequate services for
the entire dwellers as well as people from the influence areas; practically it is impossible to cover
the whole dwellers with limited health personnel and Equipment’s in the existing health posts
and health center. Generally, there is one health post and one health center currently giving
service in Abala Faracho town.

. Generally, the existing health center gives the following services to surrounding dwellers.

 Family guidance
 Accidental treatment and medication service

 Volunteers HIV/AIDS counseling and blood test service
 Pre and post birth follow up
 ART service
Besides VCT, the health center began to provide ART services. There is also family planning
and guidance services as well as mothers and child care services.

8.2.2. Ten Top Diseases

The ten top diseases that may cause death in the town and its hinterlands are:-

 Malaria
 Diarrhea
 Pneumonia
 Intestinal Parasites
 Skin infection
 Gastritis
 Conjunctivitis
 Otis media
According to the information from the kebeles administrator and health personnel, in the study
town the following problems are the main problems in the area.
 Shortage of necessary medical equipment`s and health professionals.
 The existing treatment class also not follow the work continuity
 Shortage of vehicle to send patients to hospital
Thus, the concerned bodies need to solve the aforementioned problem by constructing health
centers and treatment classes, transportation vehicles and other problems

8.2.3. Issue Related with Health Service

 During the planning year there is one health posts and health center gives health service
(preventive) to population of the area. The town is woreda center so it needs one additional

health center in the next ten years in appropriate place of the town. Therefore a planer should
be reserve land to this purpose.
 According to the MOH standard one health post renders service for 5,000 peoples for one
health center for 25,000 people.
Thus, the study town needs one health center in the next 10 years, so the planner should be
allocate land for construction of health center in appropriate site of the town.
8.3 Housing Condition in Abala Faracho

Housing is one of the three basic needs of human being. So analyzing the existing housing units
are essential for urban development planners. According to the population survey made by the
study team there are about 686 housing units in the town. Most of the houses in the town are
detached, shanty and raw houses. It was observed and assessed that the number of households
were greater than the available residential housing units which show housing shortage.
8.3.1 Problem Related with Housing

 Shortage of residential housing units observed

 Presence house use for mixed purpose i.e. for dwellings and commercial purposes
 Old and shanty houses
8.3.2 Issues Related With Housing Requirements

Based on the house to house survey conducted in Abala Faracho town, in the year 2012 E.C
there are 4496 peoples including those who are incorporated in the new surveyed/Planning/
boundaries of the town. Thus, a total of 810 Households are found of which 142 are female and
the remaining 668 households are males. Therefore, the average house hold size is 5. Hence, the
present housing need and future housing requirements are presented here.
In 2012 the data showed, there were a total of 686 housing units. Most of the houses were used
for mixed purposes i.e. for residential and commercial use. Concerning the housing typology in
the town most houses are raw houses and detached in that most housing owners construct raw
house/services/ considering the cost of construction and its immediate benefit they get through
letting for. Therefore, there are a total of 124 housing backlogs.
This implies that 124 households do not have formal residences in that they demand plots of land
for constructing own residence.

 At the end of the first five planning years, in 2017 EC, total number of population of the
Town will be 5715 and the total house hold size will be 1143 number of additional houses
required will be 333. At 2020, the end of planning year, the total number of population will be
7265 and the numbers of households will be 1453. Hence, additional housings required will be

Thus, according to the above data analyses, the total number of housing requirement will be
124+333+310= 767 housing units will be required. For unforeseen condition 20% Contingency
is considered. Therefore, 153 housing units will be added. Thus during the ten planning years a
total of 920 housings are required .Thus, a planner should reserve plots for residence according
to the assumption the socio economist considered. However, from the personal observation
during the stay in the town and other secondary data, the existing housing requirement is slightly
more than what is expressed above. Therefore, the planner should reserve land by considering
the gap and appalling situation seen in the town.
8.4 Sport field and Recreational centers

In Abala Faracho town there were formal sport fields and recreational centers for youths to spend
their spare time and also in the school compounds of the town were also have play
grounds/recreational areas (sport fields).but it does not fulfill the standard. Therefore, youths
spend lot of their time in unwanted areas and developed bad habits. These practices exposed
them for drug abuses and addiction that might result in evil social interactions. Consequently, the
planner should propose land for the lists written bellow.
1. play grounds
2. public libraries
3. Standard stadium
4. Youth centre and other recreational centres
5. Public Square
6. Green space
7. Playing loots
8. Cinema house
9. Public hall
10. Museum

All the above mentioned services are not found within the study town. Thus, during land use
planning land for all the above mentioned services should be considered.
Chapter Nine

9. Urban Economy

9.1 The Economic Activity of Abala Faracho Town

According to the Socio-Economic survey conducted in the year 2012 EC, majority of the
populations in the town were engaged in trade and agricultural activities. The rest were occupied
different other activities. The remaining low proportion of the population was engaged in
employment sectors of government and private organizations. So, the largest employment sector
in the town was found to be commercial activities.
There is a good agricultural production and attractive naturally endowed areas in and around the
town. However, the socio-economic development of the town is at lowest stage. Weak
commercial activities and high number of unemployment in the town were the indicators for low
socio-economic development. The following table illustrates the major industrial division of the

Table 9.1 Economically Active in Abala Faracho Town Distribution

No Major economic sectors Participants (%)

1 Agriculture 40

2 Commerce 57

3 Employees 2

4 Daily Laborers 0.8

5 Others 0.2

Total 100

Source: Abala Faracho Town Administration 2012EC

As the town is located at economically resourceful site of Abala Abaya Woreda, some of the
government offices are on the system of being established. Hence, the presence of government
employees in the town will help to activate the economy of the town.

9.1.1 Commercial Activities of the Town

Trade is one of the most dominant economic activities in the town though it is at a low level of
development. Almost all types of commercial activities are taking place in the town but lesser in
activity. These include service trade, retail trade and informal trades that are being exercised in
the town. Each type of trade activity is briefly analyzed below with its related problems and
proposed solutions. So it is advisable to solve the identified problems through analyzed processes
to up step the commercial activities of the town.

Most of the retail and service trade establishments are located following the main road around
the central part of the town. Therefore, commercial establishments are not fairly distributed.
Retail trade establishments in the town are indicated below. Retail Trade Establishments

There are 26 retail trades with 9 types where general commodities take the largest proportion of
the total. This trade does not match with that of the number and demand of consumers. Important
retail trades that a town should include are either not available or a few in number. Construction
materials, textile shops, butter and honey are among retail trades in the town. Land allocation
should consider these activities in active areas especially on the main roads where the service are
easily accessible for customers. Service Rendering Establishments

There are 23 service rendering establishments with 5 types. The number and types of services do
not match with the demand of the residents and the surrounding hinterland. Besides, there is no
service rendering establishments that are directly contributing to the development of the town.
These include: gomista, wood and metal workshops, wood and metal work shop, restaurant,
photo center, barber, beauty salon and tailor.

To solve problems related to these establishments, land should be reserved on the main roads of
the town so as to bring these establishments accessible for customers. So far no land is separately
allocated for these establishments. Most of the services rendering firms are giving their services
in their residential houses.

Table 9.2 Trade Activities

No Name of the Service Giving Number Remark

1 Restaurant 10 Non formal
2 Tea and Coffee House 8 Non formal
3 Tege/Tela 3 Non formal

4 Wood and metal work shop 1 Non formal

5 Barber 5 Non formal
6 Grain stone 1 Non formal
7 Warehouse 5 Non formal
8 Beauty salon 6 Non formal
9 Retail trade 28 Non formal
Total 67
Source: Abala Faracho Town 2012E.C Informal Trade

Informal trade refers trades and manufacturing establishments that involve a few people with
lesser capital. They do not pay tax due to their activity can affect the formal trades. The
dominant informal trades that are observed in the town are:

 Fruits and vegetables

 Shoe polishing
 Small shops
 ‘Tella’ and ‘Arakie’
 Local coffee sellers etc.

Most of the activities described above are informal trades. An increase in such activities may
harm the revenue of the town. In addition, it initiates tax payers to be out of taxpaying.

To solve problems related to informal trades are:

 These business runners should be organized in MSSES and provide land and loan for them;
 They should be provided with training and technical advice;
 Create awareness about entrepreneurship;
 Awareness creation about advantage of taxpaying.
Some of the bottlenecks related to trade activities in the town are:

 The absence of plan resulted in low construction of business establishments;

 Absence of financial institutions in the town;
 The poor quality of roads which connected to other town.
Proposed Solutions for the Problems:

 Land for different Economic activities should be reserved

 Financial institutions have to be established and strengthened;
 Roads and transportation services should be improved.
The town has the following opportunities with regard to trade development in the future:

 The town and its surrounding areas are fertile to produce crops;
 There are construction materials around the town such as sand and rock which can be used
for building of houses and roads.
9.1.2 Handicrafts and Small Scale Manufacturing

There is little number of manufacturing activities. Major manufacturing activities of Abala

Faracho town include 5 grain mills, 3 woodwork shops, 2 Metal and Wood Work Shops 4 red
ash production etc.

There is no small scale manufacturing’s in the following establishments such as;

 Blocked and pumice production, red ash production, modern type of wooden and metal
manufacturing, and some others.

Generally, commercial activity in all trade types is high, but they are analogous and concentrated
only around the center of the town. Land for commercial purpose that will last for the next ten
planning years is compulsory. Thus, the planner should reserve land on appropriate areas based
on rules and regulations both for different types of trade activities.

9.2. Ware House and Storage

Agricultural products like Maize, Cotton, are highly exported to the surrounding including
Wolayta soddo town from the respective towns. However, the town lacks formal warehouse and
freight terminals .Only few Business men’s found around the market areas with limited and
small ware houses but no place has been prepared and delivered for the construction of ware
house so far in the town. Thus, during land use planning land for Warehouse and Storage
purposes need to be allocated.

9.3. Financial Institutions

9.3.1. Bank and Insurance Service

There is neither governmental nor private bank/insurance institution that renders service for
economically active business establishments. Thus, the planner should reserve land on an
appropriate area for different government financial institutions.

9.3.2. Micro Finance Institutions

The role of Micro Finance in alleviating poverty and generating employment opportunity for the
poor and low income category is undeniable fact. Many have changed their life through the
credit support offered by micro finance institutions. There is only one micro financial institution
in Abala Faracho town that is Omo microfinance, which has an agent working together with
MSSE in the town. This institution is serving the entire poor society resident in the town and
neighboring rural kebeles.

This institution has given different services and played a vital role in alleviating poverty and
solving unemployment problems but it does not have adequate place to accommodate its

customers and it is also far from the center which is not easily accessed for its customer. Thus,
the planner should reserve land for this financial institution in an appropriate area where the
customers are easily accessed.

9.3.3 Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSSEs)

 MSSEs are an Enterprise which plays an important role for poverty alleviation and
minimizing unemployment and poverty in the town under consideration. There is office for
MSSEs in the town. Beneficiaries of MSSE are found in the town .Those low income and
unemployed youth are benefited from enterprise development program. Small scales
enterprises have office and facilitate different job opportunities in the town however;
distinguished working and demonstrating places which the municipality prepared to facilitate
a good working environment. In addition to this, there are so many people who want to
embrace by MSSE program in the town. For MSSE operators established following the land
use of plan of the town the planner should reserve Land both for work and demonstrations.

9.4 Investment Climate of abala Faracho Town

Investment activity of Abala Faracho town is limited and insignificant to the economic growth of
the town. Although, the town endowed with many investment potentials and possess good
investment opportunities, the entire contribution of the sector for the economic development of
the town is insignificant. Even if, the town possess excess land for investment it did not
attempted to transfer for the rich who want to invest his capital and did not also identified the
investment potentials of the town so as to attract the rich to the sector. Beside this, due to have
land use plan but nobody invite investors to establishing business activities in the town.
According to the town, those investors who want to invest in the town should have a better
opportunity to get access to plots in that the presence of many vacant places at the fore front side
of the town would be a big opportunity to invite many investors to the town.

9.4.1 Major Investment Potential of the Town

 Hotel industry
 Dairy farming
 Bee keeping

 Poultry
 Cotton farming and so on

9.5. Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture is the economic sector that supplies agricultural products to the town. The
types of urban agriculture in Abala Faracho are traditional types and supplies specific amount of
products such as food crops, fruits, cash crops like Green paper Cotton and pulse as well as
vegetable products.

Business men and town residents have their own farm lands and they are actively participating in
agricultural production mainly in the production of maize, pulses, and vegetables.

In addition to the production of crops, animals breeding like cows, bulls, goats and sheep have
been exercised in the town.

Table 9.3 Crops Produced in and Around Abala FarachoTown

No Crop Types Grown

1 Grains Maize, Sorghum, Pulses
2 Perennial crops Coffee,
3 Fruits & Vegetables Cabbage, tomato, , mango,
4 Root crops Sweet potato, cassava, Godare, Boye,
Potato, , Sugar cane
Source: Abala FarachoTown Office 2012E

Due to presence of some sloppy areas and in availability of rain there are areas not suitable for
urban land use but for urban agriculture. So, some parts of the town can be allocated for this

In general, the main problem of the urban agriculture of Abala Faracho town is the absence of
formally reserved area for urban agriculture. Hence, urban agriculture is put into effect in every
section of the town which decreases the attractiveness of the urban environment. Land has to be
prepared for urban agriculture in the newly proposed land use plan; that is, there should be
restricted land in the newly prepared basic plan of the town for urban agriculture.
9.6 Municipality Financial Capacity and Human Power

9.6.1 Urban Management and the structure of the Municipality

Towns are the places where essential public services are provided to the residents. The revenue
of the municipality is the major income by which it delivers public services and builds urban
infrastructure. A town which collects large amount of revenue can ensure both economic and
social development of the town.

Abala Faracho town municipality that was established in 2005 EC has run a different task.
Among those tasks, the major includes collection of revenue from different economic and social

To increase the revenue of the town, good management and effective budgeting system should
be applied. The municipality should work together with the other town Administration and the
residents of the town.

The municipality was not yet organized with the required man power. Currently it is operating
limited tasks by one manager and few contract employees. Thus, the number and the educational
level of the workers of the municipality are not sufficient as well as not in line with the work of
the municipality. To solve this problem more workers should be employed for the municipality
and the educational level as well as background of the workers should be improved. Therefore,
the Woreda need to intervene in this regard.

9.6.2 Trends in revenue and expenditure of municipality

Abala Faracho town is a younger and emerging municipality which did not organize its financial
performance. But, the financial strength of municipality is a base for socio-economic
development of the town under consideration. Municipalities are authorized to plan for the
revenue collected from taxes, different services and other means based on the titles given from
the regional government. It is known that efficient allocation of resources has an absolute
advantage to achieve objectives planned in a year. To this end, municipality should efficiently
use all the titles and deeds allocated as financial resources by the regional revenue authority.
Besides it, based on the ground reality the municipality can plan for under touched resources that

can be an input for the development expected from it. Accordingly, through wide investigation
and making the revenue enhancement plan it can be possible to exploit all its potentials. Since,
the urban development burdens fail on the municipality it has to work effectively and efficiently
in this regard.

9.6.3 Assets of the municipality

An asset of rural center is a base that can facilitate the performance of expertise that enables to
render efficient and effective services to customers. The assets of the municipality include fixed
assets and equipment’s that are owned by the municipality. In order to implement the basic plan
and provide efficient service the municipality should have to possess different equipment’s.
Especially plan implementation needs computer and its accessories and surveying equipment’s.
Thus, fulfilling the materials needed helps to facilitate a good ground for the land use plan
implementations. Therefore, the concerned bodies should take the above mentioned tools into
account and try to fulfill the proposed materials as much as possible.

Table 9.4 Assets of Abala Faracho town 2010EC

No Type of Assets Number Current condition

1 Office Building -

2 Table 5 Functional

3 Box 5 ‘’

4 Chair 16 ‘’

5 computer 2 ‘’

Source: Abala Faracho Town rural center Office 2012 EC.

It can be understood from the table that the municipality lacks basic materials like surveying
equipment`s and computers which are not considered as luxury for any town to perform its daily
activities. Generally, much is expected from the municipality and other stakeholders in
facilitating and fulfilling engineering equipment and other necessary materials for the


 The municipality has to widen its revenue by forming new revenue titles through establishing
a revenue enhancement plan
 More revenue collectors should be employed by administration.
 The municipality should have to propose yearly revenue collecting and expenditure plan
which can help to identify the urban development tasks accomplished by the town
 The administration of the town has to make informal trade establishments formal so that they
can pay tax.

9.7. Economic (SWOT) Analysis of Abala Faracho Town

In order to know the economic potential and the constraints that the town have SWOT analysis
was made .Accordingly, bellow are stated the major Strength, weakness, Opportunity and threat
that the town endowed


 Active participation of the administrative and governmental bodies in development

 Willingness to implement the GTP
 The implementation of Check and Balance in the woreda
 Good Investment strategies designed by the woreda administration
 Good relation of the community with kebele administration.

 Weak integration of the Woreda administration with the kebele administrative bodies.
 Weak organizational structure of kebele administration
 Insufficient man power of kebele administration
 Limited revenue sources
 Failure to identify their potential
 Poor infrastructure
 Shortage of man power in the municipality
 the lack of proper solid waste disposal site, like landfill and transfer stations
 Lack of skilled man power
 Unauthorized developments and illegal land subdivisions
 Absence of clear-cut guidelines and responsibilities of various organizations.
 Shortage of basic amenities & infrastructures.
 Inefficient resource allocation system
 Absence of important office materials in the municipality
 Lack of Technical Materials
 Poor tax collection system
 Poor Data handling system of the Municipality
 Limited know how in how to manage land resources
 Absence of financial institutions
 Lack of awareness on problem solving for victims of social problem
 Less Attention given for MSSE establishments

 Good government commitment

 Presence of excess land
 Variety of Cultural heritages
 Appropriate tourist site
 The Availability of livestock products in the area
It have better road that connect the town with other neighboring towns such as Wolayta Sodo,
loka Abaya and Tebela


 Climatic change
 Malaria of the area
 Weak Economic linkage with neighbor hoods
 Globalization
 Environmental Pollution
 Flood problem in the tow

CORE Problems

 Absence of skilled manpower that can give training to the MSSE operators.
 Absence of land provision that are needed for different purposes
 Presence of excessive land holdings
 Weak performance of Keble administration
 Presence of excessive land holdings
 Presence of excessive land holdings
 Absence of basic social services like Hotel ,Restaurant and Bars
 Prevalence of informal trade in the area both retails and whole sale except few are formal
 Existence of Poor and dilapidated residence
 Poor solid waste management techniques
 Prevalence of plan violations
 Lack of Working areas for MSSEs/ particularly those organized under tourist guide/
 Absence of technical engineering materials
 The prevalence of flood
 Shortage of budget to carried out infrastructure maintenance
 Absence of skill Training on how to improve municipal revenue etc.

Proposed Solutions
 Preparing and providing Land for MSSE operators both for production and demonstration.
The production site can be on the out skirt of the town where as the demonstration site should
be on the central part of the town.
 Offering a regular training for members of MSSE Operators and office workers
 Fulfilling technical engineering materials
 Constructing Ditches ,culverts and drainage storms in the areas where it is prone to flooding
 Upgrading the internal part of the town by demolishing the old ugly slum areas
 Implementing the new plan as per the rule and regulations of Urban Planning
 By enhancing the Municipal revenue to improve the weak infrastructural; condition of the
 Assign appropriate working and demonstrating site for MSSE operators particularly for those
who were organized in tourism guide and selling cultural ornaments for tourists.
 Allocate sufficient land for cultural museum of the Wolayta peoples.

Chapter ten
10. Situational Analysis of Existing Land Uses
10.1 Existing spatial situation of Abala FarachoTown
Abala Faracho town has four main gates. The main gravel which bisects the town into west and
east parts connects the town with the zone center Soddo and other town to the north and south
east. The existing settlement pattern of the town is dispersed. However, around elementary
school, there is compact settlement where the first settlement had taken place. The Predominant
expansion direction is towards northwest, west, east and south west,
10.2 Major Spatial Problems
The land uses of the town have several problems which hinders its development.
Among these problems the major are:
 Lack of planned road network
 Poor Urban land use development and management/poor urban land use plan;
 Weak financial capacity of the local administration to develop the infrastructure and
social service in the town
 Lack of adequate and properly planned open market and cattle market.
 Poor transportation system including bus station.
 Lack of properly planned service provision such as abattoir and municipal cemetery.

Table 10.1 Existing land use of Abala Faracho town
No Land use categories Area (ha)
1 Residence Pure
Sub total 21.45
2 Administration 3.5
3 Commerce 13
4 Manufacturing and storage
5 Service 8.42
6 Transportation and Road 9.37
7 Recreation
Built up Area
8 Agriculture
7 Formal and informal Green
10 Special function
Non - built up

Source: - Calculated based on the existing land use Map of the town
10.3. Residence
Under residential land uses, there are pure and mixed residences in the town. The total area
currently occupied by pure and mixed residence is 21.45hectare which constitutes about 17% of
the total area.
The residential areas are dispersed and found at different parts of the town. The characteristic of
residential land use in the town is not well planned and characterized by inaccessible roads and
social services.

10.3.1. Administration
The total land covered by this function is 3.5 hectare which is about 2.78% of the total built up

10.3.2. Commerce
The total area currently occupied by commercial land uses is 13 hectare which is about 10.32%
of that total area.
10.3. 3. Services
Service land use category consists of education, health facilities, Social well fare, utilities and
Religion institutions. The total area occupied by this land use is 8.42 hectares and which is about
6.7% of the total area.
10.3. 4. Road network and Transportation
The existing road network connects one part of the town with other parts as well as with other
towns and rural areas. The road network is not well defined and planned.
The encroachment and physical deterioration /substandard curvature of the roads are dusty
during dry and muddy during raining seasons. These problems decrease the quality and condition
of the roads.
In addition to these, the lack of bus station, garage, and other transport facilities made the traffic
movement discomfort the total area occupied by Road network and Transportation 9.37 hectares
which correspond to 7.44% of the built up area.
10.3. 5. Manufacturing and Storage
In the town, there is no large scale manufacturing but a few numbers of small scales
manufacturing like grain mills all are located in existing residential areas. Therefore, it requires
additional proposal in different parts of the town.
10.3.6. Recreation
In the planning town, there is no area to be noted as a recreation area.
10.3.7. Urban Agriculture
In this town, there are formally occupied agricultural lands owned by private farmers at the
expansion area which will be changed in to other urban land uses in the future proposal land use.

Chapter Eleven
11. Proposed Land Uses
11.1 Planning Issues
11.1.1. Existing problem of land use planning of the town
From the analysis of the existing land use of the town and its surrounding, current situational
analysis of spatial and socio economic challenges ,the potential and constraints for the
development of the town the following major issues have been identified :-
 The need to provide Infrastructure based on the backlogs studied.
 Poor liquid and solid waste management system;
 Inadequacy of social services, physical infrastructure and commercial services;
 Inconvenient Physical layout of land;
 Absence of open space, recreation, green area and Public Park;
 Uneven distribution and proximity nearness of services
 The need to conserve/control the formation of gullies by erosion;
 Poor construction control system;
 The presence of inefficient land use /large holdings in the centre as well as in the
periphery of the town.
 Absence of planned green area
 Inadequate open market
 Lack of bus station
 Absence of abattoir
 Absence of planned cemetery site
 Shortage of housing

11.2 Intervention Area
Table: 11.1 Strategic Intervention Areas on Existing Land Use
No Intervention Area Existing situation Planning option
1 Road network -Most of the road network is found -Preparing planned road
to be unplanned network at every corner of the

2 Open market Inadequate, and found to be on Proposing adequate open

through road market at proper location
3 Cattle market - -Proposing at or southern
direction of the market

4 Bus station - merged with open market Relocating the open market
5 Excessive land - Reduce permeability and - Develop standard for
holding system and accessibility land allocation
large blocks - Uneconomical land uses - Rectify the existing
large holding based
on the standards
8 Inadequate open - Deceases city attractiveness - Reserving, protecting and
spaces, recreational - reduce permeability developing adequate number of
areas, green and green area, open space and
public parks public park
9 Narrow width of - unsafe for traffic movement - keep the consistence of
road network - cause traffic accident the road width
- provide access roads where
large blocks exist

11.3. Conceptual Frame Work
The Concept of plan is the result of:-
 Public participation in planning process;
 Standards and norms;
 a different sectorial analysis and incorporate findings that have spatial dimension; and
 Government policy and strategies
Accordingly, a conceptual framework that has served as guiding principle in elaborating the
proposal plan has been derived based on a rough analysis and synthesis of the various sectorial
issues identified by the various sectorial studies.
The basic principles which are envisaged to establish the fundamental concepts that will guide
more detailed planning activities are:-
 Selecting area suitable for the town’s future expansion with a view of achieving a
compact urban form;
 Developing a system of sub center with a view of achieving an equitable distribution of
infrastructure, service and facilities;
 Creating a well-structured town with a view of achieving a harmonious development
between the existing and future proposed settlement; and
 Establishing a flexible zoning system for each land use class in general appropriate
location for those environmentally, economically and socially sensitive functions.
Some of the specific proposals that have emanated from the conceptual framework
 Integrating all parts of the town by introducing newly proposal roads;
 Ensuring a balanced distribution of activities within the town by creating sub center that
has already developed in the center of the existing built up area and envisaging other sub-
centers within the proposed expansion area; and
 Resolving the problems associated with incompatible activities by way of relocating
some of the activities or providing for buffer zones.
11.4 Growth trend and planning Boundary
The expansion of urban settlement on the adjacent agricultural land is a major problem and still
continuous in the attempt to meet limitless demand of population. The growth rate of the regional

urban population is 4.8% per annum. Accordingly, each year, the increasing population has no
other means but settle on agricultural land. Considering this, on the prepared Basic Plan of
Abaya bilate town, since the proposed planning boundary is sufficiently adequate, no additional
land is proposed for the coming 10 planning years. The demand of land for housing,
infrastructure, social service and other construction works; agricultural land is claimed mainly in
all direction of the town.
11.5 Selection of Area Suitable for the Town’s Future Expansion
The major criteria employed in selecting the town’s future expansions are:-
 Availability of sites with reasonable slope ranges;
 Impact of topographic characteristic on the cost of infrastructure (mountain side, ridges
stream, gorges and gullies);
 People’s preference;
 Existing natural &man made constraints;
 Existing opportunities;
 Existing land use types;
 Proximity and/or access for physical infrastructure; and
 Proximity and/or access for social and other urban facilities.
In consideration of the above mentioned criteria, the potential growth direction is therefore
possible in all direction; however, for the next 10 years of planning period no additional land is
11.6 Proposed Land Uses
The future land use is proposed based on detail investigation of relevant socioeconomic, spatial
factors, public discussion, and current growth trend of the town and functional compatibility of
various activities (see the proposed land use map of 1:2000 scale dawning).
Moreover, the land use proposal is prepared based on 30:30:40 principles.

Table 11.2 Proposed land use of Abaya Bilate Town
Total area (ha)
No Land use categories
1 Mixed 6.96
Pure 32.94
Sub total 39.9
2 Commerce 13.48
3 Administration 7.2
4 Service 33.55
5 Manufacturing and Storage 10.83
Sub total 65.06

6 Transport and Road

-Transport 2.3
-Road net-work 85
Sub total 87.3
7 Recreation and informal green 28.3
Built up
8 Urban Agriculture 17.47
9 Forest 7.2

10 Special Function
Reserved 11.3
Sub total 11.3

Non-built up
Total 256
Source: - Calculated from the proposed land use map of the town

11.6.1 Residence
Residential area often account the largest share of total built up area land budget in the urban
context .This encompass housing units, access roads and facilities required to support the basic
requirement of residential activities. Thus, such areas are arranged by logical structuring of roads
conditions for dwelling and in harmony with other urban functions.
According to the results of demographic projection made as part of the present study, the total
number of housing units that need to be constructed in the planning period is estimated 782
units .In the region urban land lease rules and regulation currently in place, the maximum size of
residential plots for eligible per household are determined at and 300m 2. The total area that would
be required to construct the above mentioned housing units are therefore, estimated to be around
23.46 hectare. In residential house proposal all farmers relocates due to the town expansion, road
and other development considered to get land for residential use. Urban land lease rules and
regulation of the region has determined a maximum of 500m 2 plots for farmers those holds land.
Taking 500m2 plot sizes, the total area to be allotted for the above mentioned households with in
the proposed town boundary is therefore, estimated to be 6.96 hectares. Therefore, the total area
that would be required for residential purpose is about 32.94 hectares. Considering an allowance
of 13 percent of this figure to accommodate road access as well as neighborhoods level
residential services, it is estimated that a total of 39.9hectares will be required for residential
development which is to be accommodated in the infill area. The major portion of residential
area to be proposed during the planning period is envisaged to be infill. The types of residential
areas development for seen are:-
 Private housing development where detached, duplex or row types houses shall be
developed and
 Co-operative housing development where buildings of different duplex and rows
types should be encouraged.
Residential areas could be categorized under pure residential and those that are mixed with other
compatible activities in this regard, a major portion of the existing residential area is proposed to
remain as it is and some of them are changed to commercial and mixed land uses. Accordingly,
mixed residential land uses are proposed near or back to newly proposed sub-centers and along
main roads. Moreover, areas under the residential land use category include subsidiary activities

that constitute neighborhood level service. Accordingly, neighborhood centers are envisaged to
provide daily services for a given neighborhood .The service to be catered by such centers are
low order services that include among other social service (such as kindergarten and health post),
playground and/or green area, commercial services (such as Guilt ,bakery, butchery ,flourmill,
and small kiosks). Envisaged in this upgrading scheme are redressing the infrastructure and
related deficiencies that characterized these areas although the details are to be worked out by the
local authority. The total area allocated for residence is about 39.9hectares which are about 15%
of the total built up area.
11.6.2 Administration
Area already occupied by administrative function is maintained in the proposed Basic plan.
Moreover, additional sites for administrative uses are proposed in different location in the town.
The total land covered by this function is about 7.2 hectares which are about 2.8% of built up
11.6.3 Commerce
The commercial function consists of commercial activities, market place, and financial intuition.
The existing commercial activities are located along main roads and existed open market area.
The existed ones are maintained and the newly ones are proposed along the main roads. In
addition to this the existing open market is relocated and the newly one proposed as indicated on
the map at the back site of existing open market.
The total area which will be covered by commerce and trade activities are about 39.9 hectares
which is about 5.26% of the total area to be built up during the planning period (see proposed
land use Map).
11.6.4 Service
Service facilities are the most important land use type for the development of urban centre. These
activities serve the entire population of the town to enhance the achievement as intermediate
function within the town and nearby areas. The main types of these facilities are discussed
below. Education
The existing educational facilities are maintained and new ones are proposed within infill area.
According to socioeconomic study, two kindergartens and one secondary school are needed

during planning period. Even though the enrolment trend does not permit, kindergartens are
proposed considering the topography of the town and appropriate sites are selected taking in to
account the settlement pattern in neighborhood concept. Health
Currently, the existing health facility gives adequate health service in the town. According to
Socioeconomic sect oral study, one health post is needed in the town in the planning period for
which appropriate sites are selected taking in to account the location of the existing health
institutions and envisaged settlement pattern in neighborhood concept. Based on this, one health
posts is proposed.
11.6.4 .3 Cultural and Social welfare Services
Cultural and Social welfare services are expected to comprise public worship, cemeteries, social
and cultural services, and social and welfare center and office for civic organization. The existing
cultural and social welfare services are maintained. Additional ones are envisaged and
appropriate sites are selected at equitable level in the expansion and in fill area. All of the
currently existing religion institutions are maintained in the basic plan but the present land
holding system is very wide and underutilized. Thus, the institutions themselves should propose
partly for compatible urban functions (such as lodge, commercial activities and social services).
11.6.4 .4 Municipal Service
Municipal services like abattoir, waste disposal site, cemetery is proposed in different parts of
the town.
11.6.5 Manufacturing and Storage
There is no formally planned and comfortable manufacturing and storage site in the town. But in
this plan it is tried to incorporate it.
The total area which will be covered by manufacturing and storage is about 10.83hectare which is
about 4.2 % of the total area to be built up during the planning period.
11.6.6 Transport and Road Network
Transportation system Planning is vital for promoting efficient traffic movement within the
urban center .In Abaya bilate there was no bus station. It is necessary to propose for the future
planning period. There for, bus station is proposed on the new accessible site. To establish a
hierarchical set of road system;

 To locate traffic generating and attracting activities in the central accessible area of the
town or along the main roads;
 To resolve the existing road network challenge; and
11.6.7. Out let and inlet roads
 The road which links Hobicha to Humbo, Hobicha to Wolayta Soddo made 30m.
 The other inlet and outlet roads are made to be 20m width
 The road that crosses the town at the center from west to east proposed to be 30 meters
11.6.8. Inner roads
 The road which connects main activated areas(currently or in the future which are
expected to be high traffic congestions) are proposed to be 20meters width;
 The width of other inner roads (10m,12m, 15m) as collector and local roads
 Pedestrian roads are investigated on this basic plan based on topographic features of land
to access for traffic movements.
The total land covered by this function is about 87.3hectare which accounts 34% of built up area.
11.6.9. Recreation
Recreation is one of the fundamental aspects of human life. It’s conception and roll in the
community need is to be considered in a positive terms. The existing recreational functions are
maintained and others are newly envisaged in planning concept.
The main sport centers such as sport field and playground are reserved in the youth center of the
town. Therefore the rest area account by this function is about 28.3hectares which is 11% of the
built up area.
11.6.10. Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture plays vital roles as a viable productive means to manage the urban
environment. On the other hand, it can help a town to become self-sufficiency with food, provide
employment opportunity, liquid and solid waste absorption, greenery and create livable and safe
environment. This function cover areas in different parts of town are envisaged for urban
agriculture that include goat production, animal husbandry, horticulture, crop production, and
poultry farm. Moreover the existed urban agriculture activities are maintained and the
incompatible areas should be relocated administratively by local authority..

The total area covered by this function is about 17.47 hectares which is 6.8% of the total non-
built up area.
11.6.11 Special Function
The activities which are categorized under this function are areas for unforeseen projects. Its
function decided administratively by public participation, local authorities and other
Governmental bodies in considering compatible of other nearby activities. Also areas which
cannot be developed due to natural and manmade constraints (such as gorges, high tension etc.)
are conserved under this category.
11.7 The implementation of Spatial Development Framework (SDF)
The Basic plan incorporates almost all the necessary social, physical and economic facilities for
the town. Finally the following points are suggested to facilitate the implementation process:-
 To translate (implement) the Basic Plan of the town in to locality, detail plan should be
prepared by local authority integrate with Regional/Zonal Urban Organization Plan
Preparation and Monitoring Process or the consultancy office.
 The town should be developed so as to accommodate all social groups especially
disadvantaged groups such as disabled, the poor, old aged, orphans, Street children, street
girls and ladies, youth, those who are helpless, women and etc.
 Public participation should be consider during plan or designing project for
 The area currently occupied by the Peasant Association located adjacent to the town and
which are proposed for urban expansion should be studied in detail.
 Municipality should indicate on site lay out, tree planting area when legalized property
ownership for each households;
 Urban upgrading and renewals activities to be under taken in areas designated for such
types of interventions should take in to account the availability and conditions of
infrastructure service and physical conditions of the existing structure.
 Road net-work proposals should be implementing based on detail studies to be carried out
by local authorities. In particular the widening of existed roads should be executed with
the main intent of improving traffic circulation in a given area.
 Property lines of existing functions that could not be readily identified during the physical
survey of the town need to be clearly consider during implementations.

 Local authority should encourage the residents to construct standards housing units.
 Local authority should encourage Socially inclusive, environmentally friendly and
economically vibrant development
 The road development should include ramps, walk ways, zebra crossing, ditch, utilities,
carriage way, shoulder, median and road side furniture such as dust bin, traffic sign, seat,
greener etc.
 Open spaces which are reserved with residential neighborhood to accommodate
playground and other community level functions should be used for their designated
The movement of cattle with in the town should be restricted to main roads. More over if deemed
necessary a pedestrian lane is to be considered during the design and implementation


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