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(shyamali Satpathy, 2021)ORGANIZING: Information overload is one other negative

impact of (shyamali Satpathy, 2021)4IR on organizing process through proliferation of

data. Information overload leads to lack of focus, it becomes difficult for the managers
and operatives to identify what is important and what is not, resulting in waste of time
and effort as well as leading to a feeling of being overwhelmed. Weinberger (2020)
argues that information overload is a symptom of fourth industrial revolution, where
large amount of data makes it difficult for people to filter and process. Hence decision
making of organizing becomes a failure because overwhelmed people cannot
concentrate. For example, a project manager who oversees large projects with multiple
teams comes across overwhelming data, so it becomes difficult for them to focus on
what is important and create a clear, concise report.

Fourth industrial revolution causes stress. One the biggest causes of stress within an
organization is technological advancement, Brod (2021) affirms that by saying lack of
ability to adapt to new technology in an efficient and right way induces an emergent
psychological illness called technostress (stress caused by technology). For example,
some people may feel like they are constantly being monitored and judged by their
productivity tools. Indeed, fourth industrial revolution act as a stressor.

However, fourth industrial revolution makes it easy to keep track of tasks. Project
management software tools allows teams to break down projects into smaller tasks,
assign them to a specific team member and track their progress, said Asana and Trello
(2023). According to Pulse of Profession (2010) the improved task tracking introduced
though fourth industrial revolution improve efficiency and productivity as members see
exactly what needs to be done and when. This can lead to faster, tasks completion and
better utilization of resources. For instance, in 2015 Air BNB company struggled to keep
up with growth of its business and demands of users. To address this challenge, it
implemented a new project management system that allowed team-members to track
task and project in real-time. Therefore, fourth industrial revolution has a significant
impact on track keeping.
CONTROL: Fourth industrial revolution has caused increase of data analytics to
monitor and control production processes. According to Julfikar (2023) This has made it
possible to discover and address issues in real time, decreasing downtime and
improving efficiency. It has led to the development of new quality control systems such
as computer vision and machine learning, which can help to recognizing defects and
ensure that products meet high standard of quality: greater emphasis on lucidity and
liability as companies seek to build trust with customers and stakeholders.

The traditional control systems were began to manage continuous process rather than
the unforeseen and uncomfortable events that characterize a disordered environment.
Yeheskel and Globerson (2020) state that sudden and unexpected events are the truth
similar with the respect to their control needs to project management since they have a
defined response, one that is not always possible to anticipate traditional control
systems. This will generate a control infrastructure that merges order and disarrays.

Progress, fault, and interference in the production are removed using technology. This
improves the process while reducing times and necessary resources assisting to evolved
products that meet the strictest quality standards: allowing manufacturing to be
increasingly personalized. For example, REPSOL (2023) mentioned that the well-being
of workers increases as robots carry out the dangerous tasks, bringing down revelation
for human capital. Only permit people can gain access and interconnect with data,
giving greater security and compliance with the current law making.

Criminology is reduced by remote monitoring, LOT devices and tracking systems in an

organization. Parker (2019) points out that more complex and intertwined digital would
imply that an organization will never face the never-ending list of concerns about
spams, hackers, and theft. Additionally, McGinnis (2023) describes that every item from
medical wearables that monitor uses physical condition, to cars and tracking devices
inserted into the organization parcels connected to the internet and noticeable by other
devices. An organization can gather customer data from constantly connected products,
authorizing them greater gauge on how customers use products and toiler marketing
campaign appropriately.

LEADING: Fourth industrial revolution create digital literacy and technology proficiency
which empowers leaders with knowledge and skills. As per Forum (2019), digital literacy
and fluency are becoming core leadership competences. This enables managers to lead
effectively as well as making informed decisions based on data and information. These
skills provide leaders with the ability to adapt to new technologies and utilize them for
the benefit of the organization. For instance, the leader who consider investing in new
technology would be able to research the technology and analyze data about its
potential impact and communicate with experts in that field though digital literacy and
technology proficiency. In conclusion, fourth industrial revolution help managers make
better decision.

Decentralized and collaborative leadership is a crucial element of success in the fourth

industrial revolution. It assists in building a stronger sense of trust and collaboration
within an organization as everyone has a voice and is encouraged to contribute to
decision making. Apart from that, its giving people freedom and responsibility hence
building trust and mutual respect, so that everyone can work together. Cottam and Hill
(2020) emphasize the importance of collaborative leadership, where leaders engage
with diverse teams and stakeholders. So, fourth industrial revolution build sense of
oneness within an organization.

Nevertheless, the interconnected nature of fourth industrial revolution makes

organization vulnerable to cyber threats. A successful cyberattack compromise
confidential information, disrupt, operations and damage an organization reputation,
which hinders leaders to build trust and maintain control.s

In conclusion, the fourth industrial revolution has transformed all four processes of
management. New technology has led to greater, agility, fluidity, and decentralization
while the nature of work has shifted from traditional hierarchical structures to more
distributed models. Ultimately these changes have led to more distributed that are more
adaptable, collaborative, and resilient in the face of constant change.

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