Putu Anggi Yumika Shanti - 2212021060 - UTS Phonology

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Name: Putu Anggi Yumika Shanti

Student’s ID: 2212021060

1. The advantages of studying phonetics and phonology as prospective teacher are:

a. Povide better comprehension. As a teacher who will teach about the language that is different
from the language we usually speak, is it essential to have good comprehention about how to
pronounce the language to convey the exact meaning, because we may be pronounce it in wrong
way occuring different meaning
b. Allow effective communication. Since phonetics focuses on the physical properties of speech
sound and phonology deal with the abstract representation of sounds in a language system
including the rules and patterns about sound change, so they both serve as bulding blocks for
effective communication.

2. The best way to teach speech sounds to the students in my opinion are:
a. Educate them about the difference between vowels and consonants. As the foundation
of words, it is important to tell them what makes vowel and consonant different,
especially for the sound created by vowel that is not exist in the language they are
b. Introduce them to IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). As the students in school
may have limited abilities to memory all the IPA Symbol, it is important to introduce
them with some sounds that hardly found in their spoken language such as:
/S/ as if in sheep
/Z/ as if in jeep

3. The difference between consonants and vowels with regard to ther production is:
- Consonants are speech sounds produced with some constriction in the vocal tract
creating blockage of airflow
- Vowels are speech sounds produced with relatively open vocal tract allowing the free
flow of air flow without significant constriction or closure.

4. The difference between monopthong and dipthong is:

- Monopthong is a single, pure vowel sound. For example /i:/
- Dipthong is complex vowel sound shifting from one vowel quality to another in the
same syllable. For example /ei/

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