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Section A (about your individual learning):

 Was your rhythm accurately played?

 Describe one moment during the rehearsals that you are particularly proud of
 Name on thing you learned while preparing this performance
 Refer to one idea you suggested to the group. Did the group attempt it? Was it included in your preparation of the final performance?

Your reflections:

Section B (about your group):

 What made your rehearsals effective?

 Describe a challenge your group faced?
 How did you overcome it, or what do you think would have helped the group overcome that challenge?

Your reflections:
Section C (about the overall):

 How would you grade yourself in this project based on the below rubrics and why? Highlight the 2 boxes and explain.

A* A B C D
About I played all the I played the I played the rhythms I tried but still made I did not play my
yourself rhythms rhythms accurately accurately some of some mistake and rhythm and was not
accurately and most of the time the time and was was not always able able to follow the
convincingly, and moved from sometimes able to to move from one structure with my
and I moved one section to move from one section to another group members. I
fluently from another mostly section to another smoothly. I did not
one section to fluently. I smoothly. I communicated at communicate at the
another, and communicated at communicated at the the performance but performance and
communicated several points in beginning and end of was not effective. did not think about
effectively with the performance. the performance. what they were
other players doing.
during the
About The tempo was The tempo was The tempo was The tempo was An agreed tempo
the group well-maintained maintained in most maintained in some established but was was not established
throughout and of the sections and sections but there not maintained and and only one section
the structure the structure was were some pauses there were long was presented.
was smoothly presented, but not between sections. pauses between Most members
transitioned. All always smoothly Most members were sections. Most were off task.
members were transitioned. All on task. members were on
on task all the members were on task.
time. task most of the

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