SDP Forms

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ai Joburg 2 world class African city CITY OF JOHANNESBURG DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND URBAN MANAGEMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN I Joburg ++. PURPOSE {ihe submission ofa Site Development Plan isa legislative requirement and is legally binding Upon the owner and his/her successors in title. In essence the purpose of an SDP is to determine at an early tage (pre-development) whether a proposed development complies With the relevant legislative requirements and control measures (Normally in terms of the town planning scheme and/or the conditions of approval of a consent application or-a sub: division application). Aspects such as built form, design and aesthetics are considered and the Founeil also has an obligation to ensure that environmentally sensitive features are protected, Furthermore the efficiency and effectiveness ofthe overall layout, with regard to access, Connection to engineering services, overlooking, privacy, etc. is considered. Should amendments to the proposed development be required it canbe afected prior to the drafting of costly building plans and thus save the developer time and money. eee « wees PROCESS | Firstly determine whether a Site Development Plan (SDP) is required by checking the following: + Town planning scheme requirement * Conditions of approval of an amendment scheme application (Rezoning) > Conditions of approval ofa consent/ sub-division application = __ Other (Refer to “Application Form”) 2% Collect an application form from the Registration Department (Room 8100, 8" Floor, A Block, Metro Centre, 158 Loveday Street, Braamfontein.) 3. The master copy SDP (coloured), together with the following supporting documents, - Copy of Title Deed ~ Zoning certificate and/or Letter of approval (Consent / sub-division) and/or Promulgation Notice & Map 3 and/or General Plan andlor Approval letter & approved layout plan (townships) ~ Also see Table 2 of the Application Form depending on the requirement must be circulated to the relevant Council Departments, and the Municipal Owned Entities (MOE"s) as per “ANNEXURE C”, Contact tails, Physical address and times of availability of the various departments and MOE"s are attached (refer to “ANNEXURE F*) 4 The Circulation List (as per “ANNEXURE C”) must be included on the master copy SDF (coloured) in a column on the right hand side of the sheet on which the layout of the development is contained. A detached sheet containing the Circulation List will not be accepted. 5 The relevant Council Departments and MOE’s must “sign off in the column provided if and only when all the requirements ofthat specific entity are satisfactorily addressed on the SDP. “Signing off subject to certain conditions will be regarded as non-compliance and will not be accepted at Registration for submission, NOTE : The “signing off” by the Departments and MOE"s is NOT AN APPROVAL, Only Land Use Management can approve an SDP. 6 Its suggested thatthe applicant circulates the SDP frst to the Couneil Departments and MOE’s that are most likely fo require a change in the layout of the development such ae Johannesburg Roads Agency. Should the layout need to be changed the applicant can City of Johannesburg MetroCentre POBox 30733 Joburg Connect +27(0)11 375 6555 Pefertnent of Development 188 Loveday treet Braamfonin wun burgers Planning & Urban Management Braamfonicin 2017 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Jour -+ 2S -. do the amendment before circulating to the other departments and MOE’s and obtain {he original stamps (signing off) on the copy submitted, 7 Should the SDP not be required to be circulated to any one of the Dept’s and/or MOE’. a letter of confirmation in this regard from Land Use Management must be submitted with the Site Development Plan 5. Afterall the required Dept’s and MOE’s have signed offthe SDP it may be submitted at Resistration, Room 8100 on the 8® Floor. (Same place where Applicaton Farm wes calcd % The application must contain the master copy SDP (coloured) and four (4) good quality together with all the required documentation as indicated on the application 10. Please NOTE that no changes by way oftippex and/or hand writen are acceptable, guess agreed to, at the soe discretion ofthe Council. Should any changes be required the original copy must be replaced with an amended SDP, signed off by the relevant Departments and MOE’s. 1. The Registration Officer will check the application and inform the applicant o pay the application fee on the Ground Floor at the Metro centre. 12. The receipt of payment must be attached to the application, 1. Ones the application is registered on the tracking system with unique Registration ‘Number it will be allocated to the relevant Town Planning Arca for consideration, TA. Eauities regarding the progress and status ofthe application can be made ater four (4) weeks from the datc of submission at Registration by checking on the computer provided at the Information Desk. INFORMATION TO BE REFLECTED ON THE SDP 1. Schedule of Rights as per “ANNEXURE D”, containing: = Property description - Zoning {evelopment control measures (permissible and actual as per proposal) = ___Patking requirements and provision 2 The Schedule of Rights as pr “ANNEXURE D” must be provided in a column om the DanC hand side of the sheet containing the ayout ofthe proposed development. 3 Development layout, building details, engineering services, conection pois de Servitudes, physical features, landscaping and adjoining property details, (Refer to “ANNEXURE E”) 4. Scale, North point, locality map (Refer to “ANNEXURE E*) 5: Circulation Listas per “ANNEXURE C* in a column on the right hand side of the est containing the layout ofthe development on the master copy SDP (coloured) & Geeprovsion of Setion 1404 ofthe Town Planing and Townships Online, 1086, (Ord 15 of 86), pertaining to change of ownership shall apply NOTE AN APPROVED SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS BINDING BY LAW AND DEVIATIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Sterna TITISTTTUTRTTTTS AcaIsUicntaG rane ee City of Johannesburg Metro Centre POBox 30733 Joburg Connect +20)11 375 5885 PazementfDewlopment 158 Loveday Steet Braamfontein snnucnboreeyrs Planning & Urban Management Braamfontein 2017 1 APPLICATION FORM J SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Jo hur S = -- <-> -- REGISTRATIONNo , i (Asallocted by Reisaton Dep) — PROPERTY ID Erf/Erven / Portion : (Information as per Tite Dee) ree TITLE DEED No eae eas ae el sa ata ntdectscaal ‘The owner hereby eleets the Owner/s/ Authorised Agent of the Owner/s address to appear below as that to which all correspondence regarding this application shall be directed and, if having elected that ofthe Authorised Agent, acknowledges that correspondence addressed to such Agent shall be deemed to have heen received by the Owner sotwithstanding that such correspondence may not have actually heen brought to the Owner's notice, Name ® er FEV et | Postal Address: = (Code: ) a 3 : Tel. 7c) é C5 Contact Details Cell e-Mail Pa as a adel et allele Name Postal Address = (Code: & E Tel 'C_) & , Surpying OUT PUE QONG we0Mjoq, Avpiag o1 sepuoyy BroH [ewounonauy ISITE poyorny 20g Wr [eyueuu0saug wounujodde 4q our soo ku OOutT ~ 0046 ® Kuo sepuoyy £959 19% €80 1129 2OSr O28 Xe OPSb-028 PPL ez B10 BmgolPaxoqums 2 earg, soBeuEyy swaység seBeuepy — nynyyoqa> Aopeg aqynuiozny oneg pue adday suc) wang soMeg 99 unos 20917 IE juouyuodde Ag ueiodonayy Bangsoumegos jo 419 = ounmedaqy uodsuezy wone}zodsuezy, S,0N JoRJUOD iszer Dae TDD RATT (CEBOEIZTIO SOTO TO IER —— 5 = 06 PPIPORES eo enmuanasoy puBno ge any OTRAS 28004 Py0N3 25 8 169 110 ve bysan Paro S652 506 19 mowapnz9g puog "08 Jnong Pwo #229 RareEOR 29400 249 vopues 519500 10 veoh aus a portaiggae7 Toons Seo\o0 9 woorateMg BIO 15 PuvoMEeGRERS S200 UneeH eNewuOHNL 0242866 140 odortehpa 20 #381 bung a Os nae pecy eu | oN Ox Beg arenig 2389209 wenger 960 998 110 250517 ero 10 S21) ‘oodepcoy Heecorocy | sued emus peau ei 2p uexsns 04 on 125s 494 200 06 Beg arn 2214 p90 99) aszoiol 110 weno) ue ey 2 sae arg Poem | iBeefve7 79% vowy 3 peow joey Hep 9 1x69 52010 HIRSH muWLoNNS 8 sno 2x rg eng ¥ : venue 29 reaveg 2102 "Yewoweerg 21 vex eeG sag Kepsho7 gS of reaveg | melee od S92 "OKA “oO oF reswag $00 to bho reno WW ssmuaav wWwasoa SSHUOGY WoISAHa waaHNN xv SNOHATIaL HLWwaHAN3 | _Noroay SaS9RUCAY WOISAHA GNY SUSOWNVWN HLIWEW WINE lONIANS Tiv wos ay 3NOHaa aL

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