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Id / 212104705

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N / osama said elyamany Dr. Mona elnklawi.

‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
** .1Definition and Function**:

- An Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a dIagnostic tool that records the electrical activity
of the heart over a specific period.

- Its primary function Is to detect and analyze the heart's rhythm, Identify abnormalities,
and provide valuable insights into cardiac health .

** .2Types**:

-12** - Lead ECG:** Standard diagnostic tool with electrodes placed on specific body

** - Holter Monitor:** Portable device for continuous ECG monitoring over 24 to 48 hours .

** - Event Monitor:** Records heart activity during specific events or symptoms .

** .3Immediate Care**:

** - Emergency Situations:** ECGs play a crucial role in identifying life-threatening

conditions like heart attacks.

** - Prompt Diagnosis:** Enables quick assessment, aiding medical professionals In making

timely decisions.

** .4Routine Care**:

** - Screening Tool:** Used In routine check-ups to assess cardiac health and detect
potential issues.

** - Long-Term Monitoring:** Holter monitors provide extended data for comprehensive

** - Management of Chronic Conditions:** ECGs assist in monitoring and adjusting
treatment plans for individuals with chronic heart conditions .

Feel free to elaborate or ask for more specific information on any of these points.

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Electroencephalography (EEG) is a medical test that measures and records the electrical
activity of the brain. It Involves placing electrodes on the scalp to detect and analyze the
brain's spontaneous electrical Impulses.


The primary function of EEG is to assess and monitor brain activity. It helps In diagnosing
various neurological conditions, such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, and brain Injuries. EEG Is
also used in research to study brain patterns associated with different cognitive and
emotional states.

** .1Routine EEG:** typically lasts around 20-40 minutes, capturing baseline brain activity.

** .2Ambulatory EEG:** Records brain activity over an extended period, Often 24 hours or
more, providing a more comprehensive view.

** .3Video EEG Monitoring:** Combines EEG with video recording to correlate brain activity
with observable behavior, commonly used for epilepsy diagnosis.

**Immediate Care **:

In case of an emergency during an EEG, ensure the patient's safety, address any immediate
health concerns, and follow established protocols. For routine EEG, It's generally a low-risk
procedure, and no special immediate care is usually needed.

**Routine Care**:

** .1Cleanliness:** Ensure the scalp Is clean before electrode placement.

** .2Comfort:** Make the patient comfortable during the procedure, as they may need to sit
or lie still for an extended perIod.

** .3Electrode Application:** Securely attach electrodes to predetermined locations on the



** .1Allergies:** Check for allergies to electrode gel or adhesives .

** .2Medication:** Inform the healthcare provider about any medications the patient Is
taking, as some may affect EEG results.

** .3Sleep Deprivation:** In some cases, sleep deprivation may be required before the test,
as it can provoke abnormal brain activity.

These guidelines provide a general overview; specific protocols may vary based on the
healthcare provider's Instructions and the nature of the EEG being conducted. Alwayss follow
professional medical advice for Individual cases.

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