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ELlie Is it possible at all to include


This is sickkkk, it’s only my

right leg

Nina could the girl be a little bit

more slim?(or maybe the
dress a bit more structured to
the body - slimmer waist) and
can she also have a little hat
like in the photo? not too big
one! the face is great!! Is
there any way it could be an
army pattern for the west and
hat like in the pic? no worries
if not the green colour is also

- could the guy also have the

black tshirt a little bit longer?
like length wise.
And his shoes and socks to be
like in the previous draft you
send? photo below. And the
colour of his shorts a little bit
less yellow and a bit more
Abbigayle If it’s possible though to add
some tattoos on the girls arm
the one holding his hand that
would be great. The arm

tattoos are floral if that helps🙂

also could the girl be a little
bit smaller? In real life there
is quite a height difference.

Caitlin add “Max & Caitlin” to the

top above the image

Ava is it possible for my eyes to be

a bit bluer and my hair to be
down and not in a pony tail , I
know it was in the picture but

it looks better down 😆 are yoh

also able to make his T-shirt
Adriana changes:
make girls hair long + black
girls eyes need to be blue
guys hair needs to be dark
guys eyes are hazel/brown
guys had if possible black
if there’s anyway to put band
t-shirt it would be appreciate
(nirvana, korn, suicide boys..)

Message:guys hat if possible

Morgan could we adjust his hair and
face a little bit? His hair is a
lighter shade than that and his
beard goes abit more above
his lip,

Kelsey The only thing I would ask to

change is the clothing if that’s
alright?? Could I be in black
flares trousers, converse and
maybe a top simlar to the top
half of that dress? And if
Ryan could have jeans and
Nike trainers?

Liam If you can make the yellow

guy a little smaller
Sophie Am I like all the details, with
clothes, portal gun and the
characters. the only changes i
would like to make is in the
hair for myself, husband and
If its possible could i please
ask to make the following
1) make my son and
husband's hair lighter, i will
send you a picture i saw on
your page as a reference for it.
2) As for my hair, would it be
possible to also change it as I
think it will really help with
the likeness. The colour is
perfect, looking at it now i
just wanted to have it down
instead of tied behind? My
hair is quite long (reaches my
hips) and its wavy.

The kid's hair is more closer

to my son's real hair colour
and the man's hair colour is
similar to my husband's.

Again, i only want to change

the colour for their hair (their
hairstyle is perfect) and if
possible the shape and length
of mine.
Molly Could I get a text over us
saying "partners in crime"?

Samantha could you please do the dad

with stuble rather than a
beard, and put his girlfriend
next to him (short curly
brown hair, green trainers).
then the 2 daughters with
mouths open smiling, blonde
hair shorter and longer orange
hair for the other girl.

Alexandra Firstly I would like the

characters to be sat further

Left girl -
Please can you make the
eyebrows a tiny bit thinner.
Please can you get rid of the
lip piercing.
Please can you change the
shoe colour from white to
black - I would like a
converse style for this
character if possible.
Please can you make the skirt
higher up so less skin is

Right girl -
Please can you make the
eyebrows thicker.
I don’t think the bangs are
quite right. I’ll send another
reference picture.
Please can you make the jeans
more baggy.
Please can you change the
shoe colour from black to
Please can you get rid of the
nose piercing.
Please can you make the
eyelashes or eyeliner slightly
Laura can you make my son’s hair
brown please

Could I ask for one small

alteration before sending it
out. Could the girl have a bit
more of a parting fringe (I
will attach a photo).
Otherwise it’s perfect.

Rebecca From left to right

left - Please could you refer to
the pictures again, I am not
sure the girls face is right at
all. The hair needs to be short
and blonde. And could you
change the outfit to a white
top, blue jeans and white

The middle - could you make

his hair a buzzcut, he is not
bald. and can you add stubble.
and add a long scar on his
right forearm.

Right - looks good, but he has

blonde hair not black.

with the girls face, please

could you move the mole
down, make it smaller, and
brown not orange.
can you give her the same
nose as the boy on the right,
as they are siblings.
can you make her face
and add some silver earrings.
I think the pictures I have sent
should be able to show the
changes that I think would
make it look more like them
thank you

please can she be smiling with

her teeth, like in one of the
first photos
from looking at it, I think one
of the main things is that the
boys looks very much like
simpsons characters, but the
girl does not. I hope that
makes sense. Maybe change
the eyes to be like the boy on
the right, but just add some
long eyelashes

and make all of their heads

the same size

Jennifer If at all possible…

Could you make the second

boy (wearing the stripped
sports top) a little younger &
shorter & the girl a bit
younger looking & smaller
too? - they are the youngest of
the siblings age 7 & 3

Sophie can you make my nose a little

smaller and close my mouth

Oh and make his hair brown

not black
Andreia I love Marmalade jetpack.
Can I ask for a few minor
changes to make it even more
special? Can I have a halo on
Loki to represent his passing,
marmalade colour to have a
bit more light brown and my
husband's tie to be orange
Instead of red

Sioned Is it at all possible to make

all of the redheads slightly
more red? I have tattoos at the
top of my arms (you may not
be able to see in my picture, I
can send a picture so this is
probably my mistake) and
could my partners beard be
ever so slightly longer?

These pictures show the

length of the beard and part of
my one tattoo which is jewels
hanging on my arm. I
wouldn’t normally be fussy
but it is the birthstones of all
of my family members. Thank
you again in advance.
William Thanks for sharing looking
good, loving the Ireland pic
and the millennium falcon.
Have a few changes.

1 - You forgot to add the cats.

2 - Can my sons hair be
darker, same as my daughters.
Brown. Plus slightly longer
and messed up.
3 - Sons trousers a lighter
4 - Wife's hair a bit shorter -
as much as you can see to her
left side, same length to the
right. Around shoulder length.
5 - Will look better if the
lightsaber is lit - Can we have

Reminder of detail for the

Cat 1 - black and white sat on
adult female's lap
Cat 2 - Dark brown with
specks of lighter brown,
curled up somewhere on the
Emma Is there any chance you can
make the beard lighter in
Jane I think the eyes are too big
and do not sit in the face
shape correctly, please make
the eyes appear more natural
and move to more oval shape
and reduce by 5%. Please
make the dog 15%bigger in
the body

Maggie her name is spelled “Jo” not


And if you could have the

girl’s hair be more orange.
And add freckles to her face!
And less dark eyebrows

Maybe have her shirt be black

Laura Are you able to change the
colour black on the husky dog
to a medium grey colour

And the Chihuahua dog can

you make him a little smaller

My partner is perfect no
changes needed for him

As for me, can you make my

hair longer and change my
Not sure if your able to put
me in a white tshirt with a
frog on it ?
And change my trousers pink

And if possible could you put

both of us wearing crocs
instead of trainers
Rebecca Would it be possible to have
my husband wearing grey
converse chucks? That’s
literally all he wears and
would get a kick out of that.
My daughter Coraline always
has the checkerboard vans as

Lola Could you pls make the hair

longer on the girl and take the
sunglasses on the top of the
head pls & could you make
the shoes similar to the boys
shoes but just in white? Then
on the boy could you make
his nose a lil smaller

Shannon Looking really good is there

any chance you could add a
nose ring on me and then to
personalise a little we both
have little arm tattoos is it
possible to add them on?

As well as can I have my hair

a little bit blonder

Message:Also can I have my

mouth changed more like this
Joshua but her hair is more blonde in
Reallife wait a sec

Sandra Can I ask for a couple of

changes please? I’ve got
another photo of the man so if
you could changes his clothes
to match the picture please?
Can you also make his hair
and beard a bit darker? And
for the woman, please can you
change her clothes also? She’s
always in jeans, trainers and
baggy jumper! Sorry, the
photos I had sent were from
special occasions were they
were dressed up!

Can you also change my

friends skin colour as she is
Indian? I’ll send a picture of
Apu the shopkeeper.

see if the recent pictures

throw up a better likeness.
Adrian Can I check you have
attached the right photo? We
had talked about background
7 which was the one of the
outside ones. I had also
thought the image would be
based on the photo we sent
(I.e three of us stood in that
order, wearing those clothes).
Just wondered if it is the
wrong photo.

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