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Ellie could you make the women’s

hair longer please and the

man’s hair shorter please
also can you put the logo
“vans” on the man’s t shirt
please :)
and lastly could u make the
little girls smile a little less
creepy please

Kirsty Just two little things if

possible? Could you either
make the woman slightly
taller or the man a little
shorter so they are the same
height? And the stretcher on
the ear you could you fill in it

Ethan that is really good the small

final changes would just be:
- make the cats eyes a light
-make the woman's nose
slightly smaller
-slightly change the woman's
eyes so they are slightly more

Rebecca think there are just a few

things now to make it look
perfect. Firstly, could you add
a shadow underneath the cans
on the floor?
-shaved buzzcut head
-and i think he should smile
without his teeth, like the boy
on the right
-darker hair, close to the
colour of the boy on the right
-I hope you will be able to see
in the pictures I sent you as its
quite hard to describe, her hair
makes kind of the shape of a
love heart, as the middle has
kind of a triangle, instead of a
straight hairline, if that makes
-green eyes
-smaller eyebrows
-mole moved further down
onto the right side of her chin
-silver necklace
-she is quite a bit smaller than
the others in real life, so could
you make her look shorter and
make her breasts and waist
-could the t-shirt be a moss-y
green instead of white and the
jeans be a lighter blue

Nina Would you be able to remove

the sunglasses and add the
dog please.

Justine Would it be possible to make

the man's hair blonde and the
woman's hair curly? If it is
possible to put hair on the
Erwan orry I don't find it very
I'll send you better photos.

Josh Could you make the boys hair

more shaven on the sides and
add some freckles. The girl
can you make blonde please

Ava would you be able to make

the girls hair a bit lighter,
more of a dark blonde

Sophie One tiny change and it’ll be

perfect, can Liams beard be
the same colour as his hair?
Samantha can the end girl please have
longer orange hair (not brown
- orange) and the brown
haired lady be shorter with


believe I purchased three
characters because I wanted to
add their dog . Can the guy is
the green shirt hair be lighter
like in the following photos
Eliza For the male:
* Could the hair be made
shorter on the sides like a skin
fade and longer and curlier on
the top like cork screws
* Could he have a thick silver
hoop earring that hugs his
* a thick silver curb link chain
around his neck
* Silver watch on his wrist
* Could the trousers be much
looser and bag a little around
the ankle and on the shoe
* The shoes to be fully black
with a white sole
* Smiling with his teeth
* Hair, eyebrows and stubble
slightly lighter in colour
* Could he look a bit more
chilled out with his other arm
on the back of the sofa and
one foot rested up on the other

For the girl:

* Glasses on the face
* Smiling with her teeth
* A small bit of hair from
each side over her face like a
fringe but just two little bits
rather than a full fringe
* Slightly fuller lips
* Straighter eyebrows like
thinner versions of the males
* Thin gold necklace with
small eye pendant just around
her neck
* Engagement ring with blue
stone in the middle and a
white one either side on a
gold band
* Could she look a bit more
chilled out and rest on the
male or put her hand on his
* Could she be holding a can
of Stella Artois

For the background:

* A packet of twiglets on the
Neil These people don’t look
anything like us :-) My mum
is 70, she looks 22. I’ve
attached some more
individual pictures which may

Can the guy have a little

darker on the beard and slight
rounder glass.
Can the girl have a rounded
face with a shorter nose, my
daughter looks slightly
Chinese. Also, could the dress
have a bit of detailing, like on
the picture and the shoes are
wedged. Can you do the dog I
Lestyn It doesn’t quite look how I’d
like it

Message:Can I send another

photo for more of a reference

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