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Teamwork is a vital part of any company, but even more so for start-ups when the work environment
and culture require all hands-on deck working closely together all the time. In the end, teamwork
comes down to cooperation and communication and without it, your business can certainly suffer.

Teamwork Strategies: Teamwork Strategies to improve teamwork in organization are as follows:

1. Lead by example:

If you want your team to communicate with each other, work hard, produce strong results and keep
the business moving forward then you must lead by example and do the same. Treat your own roles,
responsibilities and relationships with co-workers the same way you want others to.

2. Build Mutual Trust and Respect:

Mutual trust and respect among employees and management is very important to build a strong team.
Trust helps teams to understand each other and the requirements of a project and move ahead in
coordination with each other.

3. Encourage socializing:

Set aside time for team members to get to know one another on a more personal level to increase
mutual trust, respect and understanding.

4. Cultivate open communication:

Encourage team members to speak open, share ideas, make suggestions and voice their opinions
across all aspects of the business. Communication is a two-way street and employees should feel like
they can add to the conversation both with superiors and peers.

5. Organize team processes:

Along with establishing clear roles, there should be set team processes in place for working on a
project, mitigating setbacks, communicating with each other and providing feedback. Again, these
guidelines will help employees spend less time on logistics and more on their actual work.

6. Set defined goals:

Each team should know exactly what they’re working toward including what goals they need to be
hitting and when. Set measurable goals within a specific timeframe that group members can measure
themselves against both individually and as a team.

7. Recognize good work:

Praising and recognizing a job well done will boost confidence and morale, encouraging teams and
individuals to keep up the good work.

8. Maintain the balance of work:

Of course, different team members will be working on different tasks, but try to ensure that everyone
still has similar workloads. There shouldn’t be any single person bearing the brunt of the work. The
point of being in a team is to work together to share the load and create something one couldn’t do
on their own.
1. Be aware of your nonverbal cues:

Body language, facial expressions and other nonverbal cues can play a large role in effective
communication. Take note of your nonverbal cues when communicating and adjust if cues are not
supporting what you are trying to communicate.

2. Maintain eye contact:

Maintaining eye contact shows that you are paying attention to the other person and are an active
part of the conversation.

3. Request and provide feedback:

Offering and asking for feedback shows that you care about what the other person is sayingas well as
their opinions on the topic being discussed.

4. Use encouraging small verbal comments:

When taking part in a conversation, use small verbal comments such as "uh-huh." This can encourage
the speaker to continue and lets them know that you are listening.

5. Don't interrupt:

Refrain from interrupting when another person is speaking to show respect and that you arelistening
to what they are saying.

6. Focus on what the other person is saying:

Paying attention is the key to effective communication. When another person is speaking, give them
all of your attention and acknowledge that you are hearing their message.

7. Limit distractions:

Communication is much more effective when there are little to no distractions. When communicating,
put away your mobile device, shut off your computer and limit any other distractions that may prohibit
you from being present during a conversation.

8. Participate in a public speaking class:

Taking a speech class can help build confidence when speaking to others and equip you with effective
communication strategies.

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