How Indonesia Can Be A World Class Maritime Power

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How Indonesia can be a world class maritime power: the lessons from South Korea

Don’t you still remember about South Korea ferry disaster? One of the most heartbreaking
news from a country which is so well-known with its Korean wave. Everyone around South Korea
was so shocked and also sad about that, South Korea has very good technology in almost everything,
include the shipbuilding technology. That unexpected disaster made the Ministry of Maritime and
Fisheries of South Korea commissioned 22 officer safety inspections at the headquarters of the
ministry of maritime affairs and regional offices as real follow-up after the Sewol ferry disaster.

How the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries did was so exemplary by our beloved country.
The rules and the real follow-up that the goverment made and did can boost the development of
Maritime in South Korea. The technology that South Korea has in shipbuilding can be proven by the
victory of the tender from country around the world that gained by many South Korean shipbuilding

As the largest archipelago, Indonesia has so much underwater wealth, uncountable island,
and many citizens of Indonesia who work and get income from sea.

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