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29 Reasons to love

1. She gives us showers and baths
2. She gets us candy
3. She only lets us eat gum outside
4. She gives us yummy things for school
5. She tells Tehila to come to Israel
6. She lets me sit in the front
7. She’s pink and happy
8. She gives good hugs
9. She makes me tea when I want a tea
10. She reads stories
11. She picks me up from school
12. She doesn’t scream as loud as aba
13. She gives me clothing I like
14. She is my mommy
15. She makes yummy food
16. She brings us to the restingraunt
17. She listens to me
18. She makes me feel good
19. She says ‘that’s sad’ when I sad
20. She takes me on walks
21. She knows how to do a rubics cube
22. She plans good trips
23. She knows where my socks are
24. She scares the cat away
25. She makes me hot shoko
26. She eats with her mouth closed and
doesn’t drop rice
27. She wears bandaids when she needs
28. She has a sparkly tichel
29. She sings lecha dodi

With Love,
Eliyahu, Noam, Temima and Michal

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