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Class S5, Biology Chapter 7- Control and Coordination

1. Identify the parts of a neuron

(i) Where information is acquired....................................................
(ii) Through which information travels as an electrical impulse...............................
(iii) Where this impulse must be converted into a chemical signal for onward
2. How is the brain protected against external injuries?
3. Which part of the brain is involved in the following situation
a. Our mouth waters when we think of our favorite food
b. We ride a bicycle
c. A young child after being burnt by the fire never approaches it again
d. beating of our heart constantly
e. Excessive anger causes a rise in blood pressure
4. Give one example of a plant part which is positively geotropic as well as negatively phototropic.
5. Give the kind of tropic movements seen in the following examples-
A. movement of Sunflower along with the sun
B. Roots grow deep in the soil in search of water
C. Pollen move towards the unfertilized ovule
D. Plumule grows out of the soil
6. Why should we use iodised salt in our diet? If iodine is insufficient in one’s diet, what might be the
deficiency disease and its symptoms?
7. What are endocrine glands?
8. Name a dual gland in our body which works both as an endocrine and an exocrine gland. Give one
secretion each of this gland which is endocrine and exocrine.
9. Complete the following table-

S. Endocrine Hormone Location Function

No Gland secreted


4. Adrenal

5. Testosterone

6. Ovary

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