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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
San Miguel National High School


Products and Services

Available in the Market

(Quarter 2 - Week 3)

NAME: __________________________________

GRADE AND SECTION: __________________________________

DATE OF SUBMISSION: __________________________________

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of environment and market
in one’s locality/town.

B. Performance Standards:
The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of
potential market in one’s locality/town.

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1. value/supply chain in relation to the business enterprise.
2. Recruit qualified people for one’s business enterprise.
3. Develop the business model.

D. Specific Objectives:
1. Differentiate value chain from supply chain.
2. Enumerate and discuss the steps in the value chain and functions in
the supply chain.
3. Define and discuss recruitment process.
4. Develop a business model.

Products and Services Available in the Market
Lesson 1: Value/Supply Chain in Relation to the Business Enterprise
Lesson 2: Recruit the Qualified People for one’s Business Enterprise
Lesson 3: Developing the Business Model


A. Preliminary Activities

1. Pre-Test

Choose the letter that you think is the best answer to each of the following
questions. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.
1. It refers to the method within which business receive raw materials, add
value to them through production, manufacturing, and other processes
to form a finished product, and so sell the finished product to
A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
B. C. Recruitment D. Business Model

2. It comprises the flow of all information, products, materials, and funds

between different stages of making and selling a product to the end-user.
A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
C. Recruitment D. Business Model

3. It is the process of finding and hiring the most effective and most
qualified candidate for employment opening, in an exceedingly timely and
cost-effective manner.
A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
C. Recruitment D. Business Model

4. It describes how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.

A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
C. Recruitment D. Business Model

5. Activities that maintain and enhance a product's value, like customer

support and warranty service.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

6. Value-creating activities that transform inputs into products, like

assembly and manufacturing.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

7. It is an essential a part of an organization’s business model and is

essential to making sure that the merchandise features are aligned with
the segment’s characteristics and needs.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

8. The medium through which a corporation provides its value proposition

to its customer segment.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

9. Which of the following are the reasons why a recruitment process is

A. To ensure proper alignment of skill sets to organizational goals.
B. To ensure effective and efficient recruiting.
C. To ensure compliance with policies and laws.
D. Introduction and induction of the new employee

10. The following are the recruitment process except:

A. Conduct of a job analysis
B. Sourcing of talent
C. To ensure compliance with policies and laws.
D. Introduction and induction of the new employee

2. Reviewing Previous Lesson

What is product testing? How important is product testing? Why is a
product must be tested before launching it to the market?

B. Presenting the New Lesson

Welcome to Entrepreneurship class! This course is designed to

familiarize the students with the basic concepts of value/supply chain in
relation to the business enterprise, recruitment of qualified people for one’s
business enterprise and develop a business model.

1. ACTIVITY: Motivation
If you will be a recruitment officer, what do you think are the
qualifications of a potential applicant?
Processing question/s:
A. How will define the meaning of recruitment?
B. What is the recruitment process?
C. Can you cite basic requirements for a job application?

3. ABSTRACTION (Discussion of the Topic)


Value Chain – refers to the method within which business receive raw
materials, add value to them through production, manufacturing, and other
processes to form a finished product, and so sell the finished product to

Supply Chain - comprises the flow of all information, products, materials,

and funds between different stages of making and selling a product to the

Five steps in the value chain process:

1. Inbound Logistics: Receiving, warehousing, and internal control.
2. Operations: Value-creating activities that transform inputs into
products, like assembly and manufacturing.
3. Outbound Logistics: Activities required to urge a finished product to a
customer. These include warehousing, inventory management, order
fulfillment, and shipping.
4. Marketing and Sales: Activities related to getting a buyer to buy a
5. Service: Activities that maintain and enhance a product's value, like
customer support and warranty service.
Functions of a Supply Chain:
• Product development
• Marketing
• Operations
• Distribution
• Finance
• Customer service

RECRUITMENT is the process of finding and hiring the most effective and
most qualified candidate for employment opening, in an exceedingly timely
and cost-effective manner.

Reasons why a recruitment process is important:

1. To ensure proper alignment of skill sets to organizational goals.
Through recruitment, organizations ensure that the skill sets of
the staff or manpower of the corporate remains aligned to its initiatives
and goals.

2. To ensure effective and efficient recruiting.

Effective recruiting implies that the person employed for the duty is
that the very best candidate for it, with all the desired skills, talents, and
qualifications of the duty. Efficient recruiting, on the opposite hand,
implies that the method has been distributed without incurring lots of
costs on the part of the organization.

3. To ensure compliance with policies and laws.

There are various rules, laws, and regulations that organizations
must adhere to when it involves its human resources management. civil
rights employment and non-discrimination in hiring are two of them.

The Recruitment Process

Step 1: Conduct of a job analysis
Basically, this step will allow the human resources manager, hiring
manager, and other members of management on what the new employee
are required to try and do within the position that is currently open for
filling up.
According to human resource managers, the position or job
description is that the “core of a successful recruitment process”. After
all, it's the most tool employed in developing assessment tests and
interview questions for the applicants. What does this stage entail?
a. Build a job description which includes:
• Title and other general information about the position
• Purpose of the position within the unit, department, an
organization as whole
• Essential functions of the duty or position
• Minimum requirements or basic qualifications
b. Review the job description.
c. Set minimum qualifications for the employee who will do the job.
d. Define a salary range.

Step 2: Sourcing of talent

This is the stage where the organization will let or not it's known to
everyone that there's an open position, which they're trying to find
someone to fill it up.

Step 3: Screening of applicants

This is where the applicants’ skills and personalities are going to be
tested and evaluated, to determine whether they are a decent fit the work
and its description. It involves the following activities:
• Preliminary screening
• Initial interview
• Conduct of various tests for recruitment
• Final interview
• Selection.

Step 4: Finalization of the job offer

The last step of the previous phase involves the choice of the
simplest candidate out of the pool of applicants. it's now time for the
organization to supply the work to the chosen applicant.

Step 5: Introduction and induction of the new employee

The induction process will now begin. Usually, the start of the
induction process is marked by the signing of the employment contract,
along with a welcome package given to the new employee. The date for
the primary day that the worker will should report for work and begin
working within the company are determined and communicated to the
newly hired employee.
The Business Model Canvas categorizes the processes and internal
activities of a business into 9 separate categories, each representing a building
block within the creation of the merchandise or service. These categories
represent the four major aspects of a business; customers, offer,
infrastructure, additionally as financial viability.

1. Customer Segments - is an essential a part of an organization’s

business model and is essential to making sure that the merchandise
features are aligned with the segment’s characteristics and needs.
2. Value Propositions - is the combination of products and services it
provides to its customers.
3. Channels - he medium through which a corporation provides its value
proposition to its customer segment.
4. Customer Relationships
An organization must select the type of relationship it will have with its
customer segment to make financial success and sustainability.
5. Revenue Streams - is the methodology a corporation follows to induce
its customer segments to buy its product or service.
6. Key Resources
These are the assets of the organization fundamental to how it provides
value to its customers. Resources may be categorized as human, financial,
physical, and intellectual.
7. Key Activities
Activities that are key to producing the company’s value proposition. An
entrepreneur must start by listing the key activities relevant to his/her
8. Key Partnerships - are the network of suppliers and partners who
complement one another in helping the company create its value proposition.
9. Cost Structure - this defines the price of running a business per a
selected model.
C. Independent Activities (Formative)

ACTIVITY A: Personal Supply Chain (50 points)

Improvements in travel and communication over the last 500 years
have led to the interconnection of the four world zones, but what does
this means for us today? in this activity, you will research an item you
utilize everyday so as to grasp how this item is created and what it takes
to get the item to you. Choose an item you use in your daily life.
Research the raw materials needed to form it and the way these raw
materials move to make the finished product. Also, research what
reasonably transportation is used to get the ultimate product to you.

Your research will specifically answer the following questions:

1. What are the raw materials needed for this product? Where are they
2. What are the steps involved in making this product? Where does each
step in the production takes place?
3. What energy is needed to produce this item? Where does that energy
come from?
4. What kind of transportation, if any, is needed at each stage of the
production process, including getting the finished product to you?

Content 20
Organization 20
Conventions (grammar, mechanics) 10
Total 50

ACTIVITY B: Recruitment Plan (50 points)

To ensure you attract the best people, that is fine-tuned, non-
discriminatory and tailored to your business needs. Make an
advertisement on your own recruitment of your future employee. Do this
activity in an Oslo paper.

Content 20
Creativity 20
Neatness 10
Total 50

ACTIVITY C: “Build your future” (50 points)

Create a poster of your own Business model that you want to put
up in the future. Do this in an Oslo paper Explain and depend why you
choose that business.

Content 20
Creativity 20
Neatness 10
Total 50

Post Test
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that you think is the best answer to each of
the following questions. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.
1. the segment’s characteristics and needs.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

2. The medium through which a corporation provides its value proposition

to its customer segment.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

3. It refers to the method within which business receive raw materials, add
value to them through production, manufacturing, and other processes
to form a finished product, and so sell the finished product to
C. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
D. C. Recruitment D. Business Model

4. It comprises the flow of all information, products, materials, and funds

between different stages of making and selling a product to the end-user.
A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
C. Recruitment D. Business Model

5. Which of the following are the reasons why a recruitment process is

E. To ensure proper alignment of skill sets to organizational goals.
F. To ensure effective and efficient recruiting.
G. To ensure compliance with policies and laws.
H. Introduction and induction of the new employee

6. The following are the recruitment process except:

A. Conduct of a job analysis
B. Sourcing of talent
E. To ensure compliance with policies and laws.
F. Introduction and induction of the new employee
7. Activities that maintain and enhance a product's value, like customer
support and warranty service.
B. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

8. Value-creating activities that transform inputs into products, like

assembly and manufacturing.
A. Operations B. Service C. Channels D. Customer Segments

9. It is the process of finding and hiring the most effective and most
qualified candidate for employment opening, in an exceedingly timely and
cost-effective manner.
A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
C. Recruitment D. Business Model

10. It describes how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.

A. Value Chain B. Supply Chain
C. Recruitment D. Business Model

11-15 Enumerate the five steps in the value chain process.

16-20 Enumerate the recruitment process.

Enrichment Activities

Research the following:

1. How to forecast the revenues of the business?
2. How to forecast the costs to be incurred?
3. How to compute for profits?


Entrepreneurship: A Workbook by our Lady of Fatima University

Venzon, Wilbert C. Entrepreneurship

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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