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Motion 1 (kontra)

This house regrets films and television shows that glorify gang culture

We already know that TV shows and films are entertainment. where the figures of the actors
who play roles on TV and films are not genuine or are only made for entertainment. Dear jury.
and of course teenagers and children know that it is not genuine and is instead entertainment
for all of us. We also know that children are more interested in cartoons shown on TV such as
Spoogebob, Dora and so on.
and teenagers prefer cellphones over TVs in this technological era, honorable jury. Of course in
adolescence they already know what is good and what is bad for them.
what the government team says that they can copy from films and TV shows, that will not
happen, honorable jury.
This will happen due to the environment in which they live and also the influence of their
friendships or social environment. that is what most shapes their personalities, the honorable
So if the environment where you live is bad, of course the children and teenagers who live there
can become bad and vice versa
So TV shows and films that are glorified will not have any impact on the children and teenagers
of the honorable jury.
it's just entertainment. This is not necessarily the case with parental and adult supervision, plus
TV shows and films that have long been scheduled according to needs, which makes it even
more impossible for this to happen.

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