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SEPARATION OF POWERS difficulty in classifying some of them as definitely

legislative, executive or judicial.

As explained by this court in the landmark case of Angara v.
Electoral Commission: First example of blending of powers is the enactment of the
general appropriations law, which begins with the
The separation of powers is a fundamental principle in our preparation by the president of the budget which becomes the
system of government. It obtains not through express basis of the bill adopt by the Congress and subsequently
provision but by actual division in our Constitution. Each submitted by it to the president. Who may then approve it.
department of the government has exclusive cognizance of
matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own Second example, Granting amnesty by the president which
sphere. But it does not follow from the fact that the three requires the concurrence by the president of a majority of all
powers are to be kept separate and distinct that the members of the Congress,
Constitution intended them to be absolutely unrestrained and
independent of each other. The Constitution has provided for
an elaborate system of checks and balances to secure Third example would be, the Commission on Elections does
coordination in the workings of the various departments of not alone deputize law-enforcement agencies and
the government. instrumentalities of the government for the purpose of
ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections
but does so with the consent of the President.
The doctrine of separation of powers was also discussed in
United States v. Ang Tang Ho,3 a case which was decided
when the Philippines was still under American rule: Bonus example, the Congress enacts a bill and the president
will either approve or vetoes the bill.
By the organic law of the Philippine Islands and the
Constitution of the United States all powers are vested in the Legislative process
Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. It is the duty of the
Legislature to make the law; of the Executive to execute the Congress is responsible for making enabling laws to make
law; and of the Judiciary to construe the law. The Legislature sure the spirit of the constitution is upheld in the country and,
has no authority to execute or construe the law, the Executive at times, amend or change the constitution itself. In order to
has no authority to make or construe the law, and the craft laws, the legislative body comes out with two main
Judiciary has no power to make or execute the law. Subject documents: bills and resolutions.
to the Constitution only, the power of each branch is supreme
within its own jurisdiction, and it is for the Judiciary only to Resolutions convey principles and sentiments of the Senate
say when any Act of the Legislature is or is not or the House of Representatives. These resolutions can
constitutional. further be divided into three different elements:

• joint resolutions — require the approval of both

Legislation belongs to the Congress. chambers of Congress and the signature of the
President, and have the force and effect of a law if
Execution belongs to the Executive. approved.

Settlement of legal controversies belongs to the Judiciary. • concurrent resolutions — used for matters affecting
the operations of both chambers of Congress and must
be approved in the same form by both houses, but are
Purpose; not transmitted to the President for his signature and
therefore have no force and effect of a law.
The doctrine of separation of powers is intended to prevent •
concentration of authority in one person or group of persons • simple resolutions — deal with matters entirely
that might lead to an irreversible error or abuse in its exercise within the prerogative of one chamber of Congress,
to the detriment of our republican institutions. are not referred to the President for his signature, and
therefore have no force and effect of a law.

According to Justice Laurel, the doctrine is intended to Bills are laws in the making. They pass into law when they
are approved by both houses and the President of the
1. secure action, Philippines. A bill may be vetoed by the President, but the
House of Representatives may overturn a presidential veto by
2. forestall over-action, garnering a 2/3rds vote. If the President does not act on a
proposed law submitted by Congress, it will lapse into law
after 30 days of receipt.
3. to prevent despotism (exercise absolute power) and
Check and Balances
4. to obtain deficiency. The system of checks and balances between the judicial and
legislative branches showed a political dynamics. The
constitutional power of the judiciary is to determine any
The principle of separation of power ordains that each of the grave abuse of discretion aggravating to excess or lack of
three great branches of the government has exclusive jurisdiction in the part of the legislative branch.
cognizance of and is supreme in matters falling within its
own constitutionality allocated sphere. First example of the concept of checks and balances is the
law making power of the Congress is checked by the
To achieve these purpose, the legislature is generally limited president through his veto power, which in turn may be
to the enactment, of laws and may not enforce or apply them; overridden by the legislator.
the executive to the enforcement of laws and may not enact
or apply them; and the judiciary to the application of laws The Congress may refuse to give its concurrence to an
and may not enact or enforce them. amnesty proclaimed by the president and the senate to a
treaty he has concluded.
The doctrine of separation of power, as properly understood,
is not independence but interdependence. The president may nullify a conviction in a criminal case bu
pardoning the offender.

BLENDING OF POWERS The Congress may limit the jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court and that of inferior courts and even abolish the latter
There are instances under the Constitution, where powers are tribunals.
not confined exclusively within one department but in fact
assigned to or shared by several departments. As a result of As for the judiciary in general, it has the power to declare
this, “blending of powers”, as it is called, there is some invalid an act done by the Congress, the President and his
subordinate, or the Constitutional Commissions.
DELEGATION OF POWERS Administrative bodies though vested with rights by the
congress to do its some of its duties, they do not legislate the
Fundamentally, legislative power is an attribute of same as the congress and adjudicate the same as the
sovereignty, in that the Constitution itself, the fundamental judiciary. Therefore they only have quasi-legislative and
law of the State, is a legislation of the sovereign people. quasi-judicial powers.
However, through the Constitution, the people “delegated”
the legislative power to the Congress of the Philippines.
The Administrative bodies have only quasi- legislative and
quasi-executive powers;
In Section 1, Article VI states that “Legislative power shall
be vested in the Congress of the Philippines…”
Quasi-legislative because they have to implement and
supply the details from the guidelines coming from the
The delegation of power entails a surrender of authority to Congress
the representatives, or in the case of legislative power, to the
Congress. Thus, law-making can only be performed by the
Congress, even if the law it enacts involves the people. Quasi-judicial because they adjudicate certain matters even
those that are traditionally belongs to the court but they do
not exercise through judicial power because their resolutions
The principle of non-delegation of powers are still subjected to final exercise of judicial review.

The rule states that what has been delegated cannot further be PCSD (Palawan Council for sustainable development) vs.
delegated – potestas delegata non delegari potest Ejercito Lim (doing business as Bonanza Air Services),

The Congress cannot further delegate the power delegated to Administrative agencies possess two kinds of powers, the
it by the people. This is in keeping with the principle of non- quasi-legislative or rule-making power, and the quasi-
delegation of powers which is applicable to all the three judicial or administrative adjudicatory power.
branches of the government but is especially important in the
case of legislative power because of many instances when its
delegation is permitted. The occasions are rare when The first is the power to make rules and regulations that
executive or judicial powers are exercised the departments to results in delegated legislation that is within the confines of
which they legally pertain. In the case of the legislative the granting statute and the doctrine of non-delegability and
power, however, such instances have become more and more separability of powers. The issuance of the assailed A.O. No.
frequent, if not necessary. This had led to the observation that 00-05, Resolution. No. 03-211 and the other issuances by the
the delegation of the legislative power has become the rule PCSD was in the exercise of the agency's quasilegislative
and its non-delegation the exception. powers.

A delegated power must be discharged directly by the The second is the power to hear and determine questions of
delegate and not through the delegate’s agent. It is basically fact to which the legislative policy is to apply and to decide
an ethical principle which requires direct performance by the in accordance with the standards laid down by the law itself
delegate of an entrusted power. Further delegation therefore in enforcing and administering the same law. The
constitutes violation of the trust reposed by the delegator on administrative body exercises its quasi-judicial power when
the delegate. The people, through the Constitution, it performs in a judicial manner an act that is essentially of an
delegated lawmaking powers to the Congress, and as executive or administrative nature, where the power to act in
such, it cannot as a rule delegate further the same to such manner is incidental to or reasonably necessary for the
another. performance of the executive or administrative duty entrusted
to it.

NPC Drivers and Mechanics Association vs. National

Power Corporation, 503 SCRA 138 (2006), "the act or the Legislative Power involves the discretion to determine what
liberty to decide according to the principles of justice and the law shall be.
one's ideas of what is right and proper under the
circumstances, without willfulness or favor.8 Discretion, Quasi-Legislative power only involves the discretion to
when applied to public functionaries, means a power or right determine how the law shall be enforced.
conferred upon them by law of acting officially in certain
circumstances, according to the dictates of their own
judgment and conscience, uncontrolled by the judgment or Quasi Legislative power is the authority delegated by the
law making body to the administrative body to adopt rules
conscience of others.9 It is to be presumed that in naming the
and regulations intended to cary our the provisions of a law
respective department heads as members of the board of and implement legislative policy.
directors, the legislature chose these secretaries of the various
executive departments on the basis of their personal
qualifications and acumen which made them eligible to
occupy their present positions as department heads. Thus, the
department secretaries cannot delegate their duties as
members of the NPB, much less their power to vote and
approve board resolutions, because it is their personal
judgment that must be exercised in the fulfillment of such

Binamira v. Garrucho, An officer to whom a discretion is

entrusted cannot delegate it to another, the presumption being
that he was chosen because he was deemed fit and competent
to exercise that judgment and discretion, and unless the
power to substitute another in his place has been given to
him, he cannot delegate his duties to another.

In those cases in which the proper execution of the office

requires, on the part of the officer, the exercise of judgment
or discretion, the presumption is that he was chosen because
he was deemed fit and competent to exercise that judgment
and discretion, and, unless power to substitute another in his
place has been given to him, he cannot delegate his duties to

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