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Fire in Bromo Causes Losses of IDR 89.7 Billion

for the Tourism Sector

The fire that occurred in the Mount Bromo area due to the use of flares by tourists
caused losses worth IDR 89.7 billion in the tourism sector. What are the
anticipatory steps to prevent something similar from happening in the future?

Adyatama Tourism and Creative Economy Main Expert of the Ministry of Tourism
and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), Nia Niscaya, revealed that the fire in the
Mount Bromo area, which is included in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
(TNBTS), East Java Province, caused potential losses worth Rp. 89.7 billion from
the tourism sector.

The loss is calculated based on four things. The first is the number of visits or
tourist quota per day. Second, namely the price or type of ticket. Third, the costs
when tourists visit a destination and fourth is the length of time TNBTS is closed.

"Essentially, for 13 days the potential loss of tickets and spending amounted to
IDR 89.76 billion," he said at The Weekly Brief Kemenparekraf, Monday (25/9).

Nia explained that there were four things being done to restore the Mount Bromo
area after the fire, namely physical, economic, social and management
rehabilitation. "Because Bromo is a tourist center that is included in the 10 priority
tourist attractions in Indonesia," he explained.
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has also communicated with the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) to rehabilitate the Mount Bromo
area which was burned due to the actions of visitors.

"We will of course market it so that Bromo can be enjoyed again by tourists and
creative economy players," said Nia.

Observer: Fire Impacts Environmental Sustainability of TNBTS

Meanwhile, tourism observer Sari Lenggogeni said that apart from tourism losses,
the fire also had an impact on environmental sustainability in the TNBTS area.

“The value calculated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is a direct
impact. The most lost value is the value of environmental sustainability. Recovery
branding that the burned Mount Bromo area has improved is actually homework.
"The environmental sustainability figures have a high domino effect," he told

The fire will also affect the tourist attraction of green tourism in the Mount Bromo
area. "The value is actually lost because there is nothing left to see," he added.

KLH Ready for Rehabilitation

Quoted from the official KLHK website, Minister of Environment and Forestry
Siti Nurbaya said that her party would carry out rehabilitation from all aspects of
the Mount Bromo area after the fire in that area.

"What is important now, in my opinion, is rehabilitation or recovery from all

aspects, namely physical, economic, social and management. Then what about
public education," said Siti while visiting the Mount Bromo area, Saturday (23/9)
The rehabilitation was carried out after the Mount Bromo area experienced a fire
caused by flares from a pre-wedding photo session on September 6 2023. This
incident resulted in an area of burned land reaching 989 hectares.

Siti explained that the burned Bromo area was in diverse terrain. Therefore, his
party is studying effective recovery efforts to restore the ecosystem in the affected
Bromo area.

"We also see how recovery is carried out with intervention and natural succession
is still being studied because the terrain is diverse. Moreover, there are sand
savannas, approximately 6 thousand hectares out of 50 thousand. So there are
many aspects, including us, in terms of context and so on," he explained .

Not only that, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will also collaborate with
a number of experts from various universities to try to restore the ecosystem in the
burned area.

Viral Allegation of Sexual Harassment of UNY Female
Student, Perpetrator Said to Deny it Until Campus
Says It

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - The confession of a student at Yogyakarta State

University (UNY) went viral on social media who admitted to being a victim of
sexual harassment by her senior.

In the narrative circulating, the harassment was carried out by members of the
Student Executive Board (BEM).

As reported by TribunJogja, initially, the student's confession was uploaded to the

base X account @UNYmfs.

The upload has now been deleted, but it has already spread because it was shared
by other X accounts.

In the upload, the victim admitted that she was tired because she had been
continuously sexually harassed since October.

"I didn't expect that studying at UNY would be degraded like this," he wrote.

"So I'm a new student and I've known this girl since February, at that time I met
her because of a faculty event. I thought she was nice, but it turns out she's a c***l,
I've been harassed by her from October until now," wrote the victim.

Not only that, the victim also admitted that he had received violence from the

"At first I didn't dare to speak up because I was threatened, I was injured many
times by him because I resisted. Only now I'm fed up and let it all out," he
"I feel like committing suicide because my life is like this, being harassed at a new
campus. Please help me, I don't dare spill the name of the perpetrator," he wrote.

To strengthen his confession, the victim, whose identity is not yet known, posted a
screenshot containing a chat with the perpetrator of the harassment.

"Hello sir, is the class finished? When it's finished, it'll be at the usual place,"
wrote the perpetrator via the WhatsApp messaging application.

"You want to fight? "I'm a BEM student, I can make you even lower," said the
perpetrator again.

In the chat, the perpetrator also threatened the victim to share vulgar photos of the

Not only that, the perpetrator also threatened to rape the victim.

UNY said the perpetrator denied it

Regarding this case, UNY has opened its voice.

The campus stated that they had investigated the truth of the news by summoning
the BEM member in question.

From the clarification, the BEM member denied committing sexual harassment.

The temporary conclusion is that the victim's confession circulating on social

media was declared a hoax and slander.

"Yes, it has been confirmed and the suspect dared to swear, dared to ask to have
his cellphone account checked. So (the suspect) has been summoned and it turns
out (the suspect) is slander," said the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Prof. Dr. Dadan Rosana, M.Si, confirmed Friday
(10/11/2023), quoted from TribunJogja.

Dadan said that his party is currently tracing the first account that uploaded
information regarding the alleged harassment.

"We are tracing it but we haven't found the source yet," said Dadan.
Furthermore, Dadan said that his party concluded that the upload of the alleged
harassment was doubtful for several reasons.

First, the victim admitted that he met the perpetrator during the acceptance of new
students in February.

Even though the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKBM) at UNY
only started in August.

The second indication was that the account in question used a pseudonym, and the
upload was immediately deleted.

The third indication is that the admin of the spreader's account is also unclear.

"So it is necessary to consult several parties who might be able to help clarify the
information. We can confirm other information with our public relations later,
because currently we are in the process of reviewing the truth of this matter," said

According to him, if the results of the review of the information turn out to be
slanderous and the source has been found, his party will report it to UNY's legal
department to follow up on the case.

On the other hand, if sexual violence really occurs, the party will report the case to
the UNY anti-sexual violence task force. (TribunJogja/Ahmad Syarifudin)

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