Answer 3

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Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universiteti

UNEC Biznes Məktəbinin MBA Proqramı

Semestr: Yaz, 2022/2023
Müəllim: Həşimova Aysel Rafiq qızı
Fənnin adı: Müasir liderlik
Qrup: E18-21
Təhsil alanın imtahan suallarına verdiyi cavablara müəllimin şərhi Hər suala verilən bal
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Bilet № _3_
The expert Carissa Newton, co-author of Coaching for Results and a leadership expert
at the Center for Management and Organizational Effectiveness (CMOE), defined
“coaching” as “a two-way communication process between different members of the or-
ganization aimed at influencing and developing the employees’ skills, motivation, atti-
tude, judgment, ability to perform, and willingness to contribute to an organization’s
goals” .
Question1. What are the Stainer’s essential coaching questions that should be asked
from employees and what are their importance?
Question2.What are the advantages of strength-based coaching?
Question3. How can you define the “corrective coaching”? Explain with example.

 3 sual cavablandırılacaq;
 Cavablar lakonik və səliqəli (anlaşıqlı) xətlə yazılmalıdır;
 Toplam Aİ balı 15 bal...

Proqram Rəhbəri

“Biznesin idarə edilməsi”

kafedrasının müdiri i.e.n., dos. S. Məmmədova
How can you define the “corrective coaching”? Explain with example. If an
employee consistently fails to meet the established standards and expectations of their
job performance, the supervisor should take a corrective action approach. This
approach should give the employee a fair opportunity to improve their overall work
performance by correcting any deficiencies. The supervisor should keep the corrective
action process confidential, but may share information with relevant personnel who
have a business need to know. To start the corrective action process, the supervisor
should first conduct fact-finding by discussing the issue and concerns with the employee
in question and any relevant parties.
There are two levels of corrective action: verbal and written. A verbal corrective action is
an informal discussion that a supervisor may have with an employee to address areas
for improvement in job performance or conduct. It is advisable to take notes during
these discussions, although a consultation with Human Resources is not mandatory.
On the other hand, a written corrective action is a formal, documented discussion
between a supervisor and an employee concerning job performance or conduct. These
discussions should be documented, and the expected action from the employee going
forward should also be formally recorded. While it is recommended to consult with
Human Resources during this process, it is not mandatory.

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