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Gearbox Design Optimization

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Agricultural machinery plays a pivotal role in facilitating various farming operations on a

global scale. Within this context, our study centers on a specific gearbox employed in these

machines, consisting of transmission shafts, spur gears, and bevel gears. One prominent

challenge encountered with this gearbox is its tendency to overheat during operations. To address

this issue, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the design process, employing software

tools tailored for machine design applications. Our approach encompasses creating CAD models

and contains structural and thermal analyses using CREO and ANSYS software.

The primary objective of this research is to reduce stress levels and operating

temperatures within the existing gearbox. Initially, modifications are made to the geometric

dimensions of the current spur gear pair, followed by a detailed structural analysis. Subsequently,

an optimal gearbox design, guided by structural analysis findings, is selected for further

evaluation. Furthermore, thermal research is conducted across the redesigned gearbox, leading to

a notable decrease in operating temperatures compared to the existing gearbox.

To validate the efficacy of the design optimization process, experimental assessments are

performed. The results affirm a reduction in contact stress within the designed gearbox,

demonstrating its improved performance and durability.

Keywords: ANSYS, Bevel gear, CREO, Contact stress, Spur gear, Gearbox optimization,

Agricultural machinery, Structural analysis, Thermal analysis.


Ι. Introduction

In the face of an aging population and a significant decline in the agricultural labor force,

it has increasingly recognized the pivotal role of agricultural machinery in bolstering the farm

sector. The advent of modern agricultural machinery presents a promising solution to meet the

growing demands of agriculture. Still, the sheer diversity and small-scale production of these

machines pose unique challenges. Among the critical components that drive the efficiency and

performance of these agricultural machines, gears stand out as complex, intricate, and often

resistant to standardized modeling.

The advancement of agricultural machinery relies on incorporating modern design

techniques to enhance the intelligence and automation of product design. Central to this

transformation is the infusion of data engineering, 3D modeling, and simulation into the

agricultural machinery design landscape. These advanced methodologies can streamline the

design process, accelerate innovation, and optimize the performance of critical components such

as gearboxes and spur gear assemblies (Concli & Mastrone, 2023). Knowledge engineering, as

the fundamental underpinning of virtual design, promises to revolutionize how agricultural

machinery is conceived, developed, and improved. Notably, Agricultural Universities have made

significant strides in the domain of intelligent agrarian machinery and equipment, culminating in

the establishment of critical model knowledge bases, including the crawler tractor (Zhang &

Huang 2023).

Within the realm of gearbox virtual design and simulation, a notable impediment is the

profusion of gear models and a low rate of knowledge reuse. These challenges reverberate

throughout the research and development life cycle, delaying progress and inhibiting innovation.

To do so, this research embarks on a transformative journey, leveraging gearbox and spur gear

assemblies as a representative case study. The core objective is to not only enhance the design

process but also to substantiate the feasibility and efficacy of this approach through a rigorous

and comprehensive investigation.

Ⅱ. Literature Review

The optimization and analysis of gearboxes in agricultural machinery are critical areas of

research that have garnered significant attention in recent years. A review of the existing

literature reveals several fundamental studies that have contributed to our understanding of this

field and paved the way for further advancements. Pradeep Kumar Singh and colleagues (2013)

surveyed ‘the Hertz theory of contact stress calculations’ and used the Lewis formula for bending

stress analysis in gear pairs. This research played a pivotal role in enhancing our knowledge of

gear design. By comparing the theoretical results, the study provided valuable insights. It

highlighted the importance of contact stress minimization, mainly when the transmission of high

power is a primary concern. The results indicated that spur gears with higher modulus may be


Kesheorey Gupta and their team (2019) delved into stress and strain analysis in

symmetric involute spur gears, mainly focusing on the influence of increased pressure angles on

gear pairs through finite element simulation. Ahmed Saeed Mohamed (2018) conducted an

investigation spanning time and frequency domains, using finite element analysis to assess

stiffness variations in defective external spur gears. This research led to the development of a

simplified nonlinear lumped parameter model for simulating gear vibrations. In another study by

Andrew and colleagues (2019), material optimization, with a focus on high-modulus carbon

fiber, was explored. Their comprehensive examination highlighted the material's suitability for

spur gear manufacturing, emphasizing the critical role of material selection in gear design.

Anirudh Tallam and their team (2020) investigated contact stress in spur gears using static

analysis and finite element methods, particularly emphasizing the relevance of the Hertz

equation in contact stress analysis while exploring the impact of materials on contact stress

behavioral characteristics in gear pairs. These collective efforts have advanced the knowledge

and techniques relevant to spur gear design and optimization.

Ⅲ. Methodology

3.1 Problem Definition

The core issue under scrutiny revolves around the temperature elevation resulting from

friction between gear teeth during torque transmission in the gearbox. Lubricants are

traditionally employed to mitigate this temperature rise by reducing friction. The primary aim is

to investigate this temperature concern within the current gearbox, utilizing Finite Element

Analysis (FEA) to assess the thermal conditions of the existing and newly designed gearboxes.

These investigations involve alterations to the surface area, diameter, and tooth configuration of

the gear pairs. If the newly developed gearbox exhibits reduced temperatures, a comparative

analysis with the existing gearbox follows. To bolster our research, power requirements and

torque calculations are factored in, ensuring the practical validation of the optimization process.

3.2 Objectives

a) The core objective of our research is to comprehensively assess the existing gearbox design,
aiming to identify areas that allow for design modifications that enhance its performance and

b) We conduct a detailed examination of the geometric and operational characteristics of the

current gearbox, subsequently followed by a comprehensive assessment of its operating


c) This research then shifts towards the redesign and Modification of the gearbox model. Our

goal is to enhance the functionality of the spur gear pair by modifying its geometric


3.3 Data Selection

A) Spur Gear and Pinion Shaft

The material currently employed for optimizing the spur gear in our study is 20MnCr5.

We draw upon the mechanical properties of this material for our calculations, and Table 1

provides an overview of these properties.

Table 1: 20MnCr5 Properties

No Mech. Properties Units Value

1 Ultimate Tensile MPa 521.01


2 Young’s GPa 209.65


3 Shear Modulus GPa 49.95

4 Poisson’s Ratio 0.29

5 Density Kg/m3 799.67

6 Thermal W/m2 46.02

Conductivity K

B) Bevel Gear

In our optimization process, we employ the existing material EN353 for the bevel gear.

The mechanical properties of this material, as used in our analysis, are detailed in Table 2.

Table 2: EN353 Properties

No Mech. Properties Units Value

1 Ultimate Tensile MPa 1029


2 Young’s GPa 189


3 Shear Modulus GPa 51

4 Poisson’s Ratio - 0.28

5 Density Kg/m3 7995

6 Thermal W/m2 11.25

Conductivity K

C) Gearbox Casing

In optimizing the gearbox, we have chosen to employ SG Iron 450/15, the current

material, for the casing. The calculations for our design considerations are based on the

mechanical properties of SG Iron 450/15, detailed in Table 3.

Table 3: SG Iron 450/15 Properties

No Mech. Properties Units Value

1 Ultimate Tensile MPa 204


2 Young’s GPa 79


3 Shear Modulus GPa 0.29

4 Poisson’s Ratio - 0.28


5 Density Kg/m3 7300

6 Thermal W/m2 36

Conductivity K

By employing these mechanical properties and materials, we can create CAD models of

the existing and the modified gearbox within the CREO Software.

Ⅳ. Design

4.1. Spur Gear

For the design of the spur gear, we consider the following parameters:

Design Speed of Pinion (Np): 540 rpm

Power (P): 41.0135 W

We calculate the safety factor (Sf) using the formula:

Sf = (Max Safe Stress) / (Shear Stress)

Where, Max Safe Stress: 296 MPa for material 20MnCr5

Yield strength = 521 MPa

Shear Stress: 94 MPa

Shear modulus = 149.99 GPa

As the initial torque exceeds the operational torque by 25%, the design of the spur gear is

tailored to accommodate this power differential.

m = (velocity of the pitch line) / (π * Np)

Under the assumption of a consistent load scenario and daily service hours ranging from 7 to 11,

the Service Factor (Cs) is set at Cs = 1. This establishes the foundation for calculating the

tangential tooth load in the design:


Ft = (P * 1000) / (Cs * (π * Np))

4.2. Pinion Shaft

Force distributed across the tooth surfaces in the typical manner: Fn = Ft/cos (β)

Weight of pinion: Wp = Ft / (2 * π * Np)

Calculating the resultant load applied to the pinion: Fr = √(Fn^2 + Wp^2). Given that the pinion

is extended 100 mm beyond the shaft, we proceed to determine the bending moment exerted on

the post due to this resultant load, along with the twisting moment experienced by the command:

Tt = (Fr * (m * 1000)) / 2

The equivalent twisting moment (Te) is calculated.

Design of Gear Shaft

Weight of gear: Wg = Ft / (2 * π * Np)

4.3. Bevel Gear

For the design of bevel gears, we consider the following parameters:

Ultimate Stress: 1030 MPa

Material: EN353

Module (m): 6.25

As the shafts are oriented at right angles, it is ascertained that the pitch angle is for both the

pinion and the gear. Additionally, determine the number of teeth needed to create the desired

gear configuration for both the pinion and gear. Subsequently, the tooth form factor for the

pinion and equipment is computed.

Yp = cos(βp) / (1 + βp)

Yg = cos(βg) / (1 + βg)

The multiplication of Yp and Yg is examined to confirm that the less robust gear influences the

design. Torque on the gear:

T = (P * 60) / (2 * π * Np)

The tangential load on the gear is determined as follows:

Ft = T / (m * Yg)

Ft = (T * 1000) / (π * Np * b * Yg * m)

Ⅴ. CAD Designs

The design calculations previously conducted serve as the foundation for creating the

CAD models using CREO software. These CAD models are instrumental in visualizing and

optimizing the components of the agricultural machinery, particularly the spur gears and bevel

gears, along with the gearbox assembly.

5.1. Spur Gear CAD Model (Before Modification)

In Fig. 1, the initial CAD model of the spur gear is depicted. This representation is based

on the parameters and dimensions derived from the design calculations. It reflects the gear's

original state, including its surface area and geometric configuration.


Figure 1: Spur gear Z= 17


Figure 2: Spur gear Z= 18

5.2. Bevel Gear CAD Model (Before Modification)

Fig. 3 showcases the CAD model of the bevel gear as it was initially designed, taking into

account the specified module and materials. This model provides an accurate representation of

the gear's original dimensions and characteristics.


Figure 3: bevel gear z-22

Figure 4: bevel gear z-14

5.3. Gear Box Assembly

Fig. 5 displays the entire gearbox assembly, encompassing the casing. The design of this

assembly adheres to the problem statement, emphasizing the reduction of internal temperature by

altering the geometric characteristics of the spur gear pair.


Figure 5: Gearbox assembly

5.4. Optimization of Spur Gear

To address the primary objective of reducing internal temperatures within the gearbox

assembly, modifications were made to the CAD model of the spur gear pair. Specifically, the

surface area was increased by altering the radius of curvature. This change was intended to

optimize the gear pair's performance and reduce friction-induced heating.

5.5. Structural Analysis of Optimized Spur Gear Pair

To evaluate the impact of these design changes, structural analysis was performed on the

optimized spur gear pair. The results of this analysis, illustrated in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, Unveil

notable decreases in the maximum von Mises and shear stresses when contrasted with the

conventional gearbox.

5.6. Thermal Analysis of Optimized Gear Box

With the optimized gearbox in hand, the focus shifted to thermal analysis. The ANSYS

software was employed to subject the CAD model of the gearbox, featuring the improved spur

gear pair, to a comprehensive thermal analysis. This step aimed to assess the thermal

performance of the optimized gearbox and validate its effectiveness in reducing internal


5.7. Contact Stress Calculation

The change in the radius of curvature also necessitated the calculation of contact stress.

This calculation was vital to verify the impact of the design modifications. The contact stress

(E1) can be determined using the formula:

E1 = (Fn * (P1 * P2)) / (L * (E1 + E2))

In this context:

E1 corresponds to the elastic modulus of the pinion,

E2 pertains to the elastic modulus of the gear and

Fn represents the normal force exerted on the gear pair.

P1 and P2 represent the radius of curvature for the pinion and gear, while L signifies the overall

carrying length

E1. Before modification = 9.07*10^3 N/mm2

E1. After modification = 8.02*10^3 N/mm2

Ⅵ. Results and Discussion

6.1. Structural Analysis Results

In the structural analysis, boundary conditions were applied to the gearbox assembly. The

transmission shaft experienced rotational twisting forces across all six degrees of freedom,

permitting only rotational movement, while the other five degrees were restricted. The results

from the structural analysis demonstrated noteworthy enhancements in the operational efficiency

of the optimized gearbox. This reduction in stress levels is indicative of enhanced structural

integrity and a gearbox that is better equipped to handle mechanical loads.

Figure 6: Von mises stress


Figure 7: Shear Stresses

6.2. Thermal Analysis

While conducting the thermal assessment of the gearbox, the primary focus was on

mitigating the internal temperature, a critical concern in agricultural machinery applications. To

address this issue, modifications were made to the design, particularly in the dimensions of the

spur gear pair—the thermal analysis aimed to assess the temperature reduction achieved by these

design alterations.

Figure 8: von mises stress


Figure 9: shear stress


Figure 10: Thermal before Modification


Figure 11: Thermal after Modification

6.3. Discussion

The structural and thermal analyses have unequivocally affirmed the successful outcomes

of the design optimization process, resulting in heightened performance and improved thermal

characteristics of the agricultural machinery gearbox. The reduction in von Mises and shear

stresses underscores the positive impact of the spur gear pair modifications on structural

integrity, contributing to the gearbox's durability and reliability under rigorous agricultural

conditions. Additionally, the diminished stresses signify an enhanced load-bearing capacity, a


crucial asset for agricultural machinery's longevity. The design alterations have also effectively

lowered the gearbox's internal temperatures, optimizing its thermal performance and efficiency.

Ⅶ. Conclusion

In the context of agricultural machinery gearboxes, the pursuit of design optimization and

analysis has led to substantial advancements in both structural performance and thermal

characteristics. Thorough research and design improvements have provided a profound

understanding of enhancing gear component efficiency and durability in agriculture. Notably,

increasing the surface area of the spur gear pair through a radius of curvature adjustments has

been identified as pivotal for reducing shear, and von Mises stresses, enhancing the gearbox's

load-bearing capacity. Furthermore, exploring thermal analysis, focusing on temperature

reduction, led to design changes that improved heat transfer coefficients, resulting in lower

internal temperatures and heightened operational efficiency and reliability.



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