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Case Structure for Ethical Issue related Cases

Abstract: Focus on the ethical issues/dilemmas revolving around the case and challenges faced
by the protagonist to resolve the issues.

Background Note: (Context of the issue, Origin of the incident, Background information about
the individual/entity, About the victim, whistle blower etc..)

Performance with Purpose: (Standard policies/practices in place/ ethical committee/ anti-

harassment policy/ institutional values/ complain redressal mechanism, etc..)

Complain made by the victim / Inconvenience/discrimination to the victim: (Details about

the incidence happened, etc…)

Action Taken by Individual/Entity: (Retaliation activities, Legal implications, etc.…)

The Aftermath: (Outcome of the incidence, Lessons to be learned, etc…)

The case may address a few following teaching objectives:

 To understand ethical, Cultural, regulatory, and ecological issues related to individual

and organizational performance/ businesses related issues.
 To understand the importance of ethics in doing business/performance/engagement.
 To examine the ethical code of conduct and its implications in an organization context.
 To recognize the need to implement standard norms in workplaces/organizations for
healthy work culture.
 To understand the role of ethics, promotion of ethical values and building organization
 To understand the workplace ethical issues, conflicts of interests and grievance redressal
 To understand how ethical dilemmas resolved by managers in the organizational set up.
(Suggestions by Prof Trilochan Tripathy)

 Please make sure that the case study you write has actually taken place in your
workplace and you have experienced it directly or indirectly.
 Make it totally anonymous, changing the name of the persons, place and company.
 Write as a third person account, trying to bring the versions of both parties.
 Write the case study in about 1500 words (or between 1200-1700)
Model Case Study: The Ethical Dilemma at GreenTech Innovations
This case study revolves around an ethical issue at GreenTech Innovations, a cutting-edge technology
company known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The protagonist,
Sarah Reynolds, the head of the Sustainability Department, faces a challenging ethical dilemma when she
discovers a significant violation of the company's ethical and environmental principles. Sarah must
navigate complex ethical, cultural, and regulatory issues while balancing the company's commitment to
profitability and sustainability.
The Ethical Dilemma
Sarah Reynolds, the head of the Sustainability Department at GreenTech Innovations, faces a significant
ethical dilemma when she discovers that the company is illegally dumping hazardous waste, violating
environmental regulations, and causing harm to the local ecosystem. The dilemma revolves around
whether Sarah should:
Report the Violation: Sarah can choose to report the ethical violation to the company's ethical
committee, regulatory authorities, and other relevant stakeholders. This action aligns with her ethical
principles and commitment to environmental responsibility but may expose the company to legal and
reputational risks. Additionally, she is concerned about potential retaliation or harm to her career for
blowing the whistle.
Remain Silent: Alternatively, Sarah can choose to remain silent about the violation, protecting the
company's reputation and profitability. This option may safeguard her career and avoid legal
complications but contradicts her commitment to sustainability and ethical conduct.
This ethical dilemma pits Sarah's personal values and commitment to ethical and environmental principles
against her loyalty to the company, fear of potential consequences, and the potential harm to the local
ecosystem and community. It raises questions about the responsibility of individuals within organizations
to report ethical violations, even when doing so may have adverse consequences for the organization and

Background Note
GreenTech Innovations is a forward-thinking technology company founded a decade ago with a mission
to develop cutting-edge renewable energy solutions. The company's vision has always been centered on
sustainability, environmental responsibility, and innovation. It has gained a reputation for pushing the
boundaries of technology while adhering to the highest ethical standards.
Origin of the Company
GreenTech was founded by a group of visionary entrepreneurs who believed in the urgent need for
sustainable energy solutions to combat climate change. The founders shared a deep commitment to
environmental stewardship and believed that businesses should play a pivotal role in reducing their
ecological footprint.
About Sarah Reynolds
Sarah Reynolds, the central character in this case, is an environmental scientist with a distinguished career
in sustainable practices. She joined GreenTech Innovations five years ago, attracted by the company's
mission and its reputation as an industry leader in ethical and environmental practices.
Throughout her tenure at GreenTech, Sarah has made significant contributions to the company's
sustainability initiatives. Her expertise and dedication have led to the successful implementation of
various eco-friendly practices, including reducing carbon emissions, implementing recycling programs,
and advocating for renewable energy adoption within the company.
GreenTech's Commitment to Ethical Practices
From its inception, GreenTech Innovations has been unwavering in its commitment to ethical conduct.
The company established a stringent ethical code of conduct that all employees are expected to uphold.
This code emphasizes honesty, integrity, environmental responsibility, and compliance with local and
international regulations.
Ethical Committee and Anti-Harassment Policy
GreenTech has a well-established ethical committee comprising senior executives and external experts in
ethics and sustainability. The committee's primary responsibility is to oversee and enforce ethical
guidelines and policies within the company. It provides guidance on ethical dilemmas, ensures ethical
training for employees, and handles complaints or reports of ethical violations.
Additionally, the company has a comprehensive anti-harassment policy in place to promote a safe and
inclusive work environment. Employees are encouraged to report any unethical behavior or harassment
through a confidential complaint redressal mechanism, which is overseen by the ethical committee.
Discovery of Ethical Violation
Sarah Reynolds' discovery of the ethical violation occurred during a routine review of GreenTech's
environmental practices. She came across a confidential internal report that indicated the company's
involvement in illegal dumping of hazardous waste. The report highlighted how these actions were driven
by cost-cutting measures to maximize profits.
This violation was particularly alarming because it directly contradicted GreenTech's core values and
mission of environmental responsibility. The report revealed that the illegal disposal of hazardous waste
had been ongoing for an extended period, leading to soil and water contamination, which, in turn, was
causing harm to the local ecosystem and community.
The whistleblower who had provided this confidential report chose to remain anonymous, fearing
retaliation and professional consequences. Sarah Reynolds was now faced with the profound ethical
dilemma of whether to expose the violation, risking the company's reputation and her own career, or to
remain silent and potentially compromise her commitment to sustainability and ethical conduct.

Performance with Purpose

GreenTech Innovations has a strong set of standard policies and practices in place to promote
sustainability and ethical behavior. The company has a dedicated ethical committee responsible for
upholding the organization's values. Additionally, GreenTech has an anti-harassment policy and a robust
complaint redressal mechanism that encourages employees to report any ethical violations or concerns.
Complaint Made by the Victim / Inconvenience/Discrimination to the Victim
The victim in this case is the local ecosystem, including wildlife and residents living near GreenTech's
facilities. The illegal disposal of hazardous waste has led to soil and water contamination, adversely
affecting both the environment and the health of the community. The whistleblower who reported the
violation remains anonymous out of fear of retaliation.
Action Taken by Individual/Entity
Upon discovering the ethical violation, Sarah faces a challenging decision. She could choose to report the
violation to the ethical committee, potentially exposing her company to significant legal and reputational
risks. Alternatively, she could remain silent to protect the company's reputation and profitability. The
dilemma intensifies as Sarah worries about potential retaliation or her career being jeopardized if she
takes action.
Sarah eventually decides to report the violation to the ethical committee, providing all the evidence she
has uncovered. The committee launches an internal investigation, which confirms the unethical practices.
Legal implications arise, and regulatory authorities are informed about the violations. This leads to fines,
legal proceedings, and damage to GreenTech's reputation.
The Aftermath/Consequences
The aftermath of this ethical dilemma is multifaceted. GreenTech faces financial penalties and a damaged
reputation due to its violation of environmental regulations. The company undergoes a period of public
scrutiny and legal battles.
However, this case also highlights the importance of ethical conduct and the role of individuals like Sarah
in upholding organizational values. GreenTech eventually reforms its practices, implements stricter
environmental compliance measures, and makes amends to the affected community.
The case underscores the need for organizations to prioritize ethics, even in the face of financial
pressures, and the importance of strong ethical committees and complaint redressal mechanisms in
promoting a healthy work culture. It serves as a valuable teaching tool to explore ethical dilemmas,
organizational ethics, and the role of individuals in promoting ethical values within an organization.

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