2 Example For CFCE

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Q1: Which is the log in which data changes received from a replication master server are


a General Query Log

b Binary Log

c None

d None

e Error Log

f Relay Log

Q2: When looking for all the processes running on a Linux system, what command should
you use??

a xrun

b ps

c oterm

d None

e None

f service

Q3: What is the correct command to create a new React project??

a None

b npx create-react-app

c npm create-react-app myReactApp

d npm create-react-app

e npx create-react-app myReactApp

f None

Q4: The PHP syntax is most similar to:?

a Bash

b Perl and C

c JavaScript

d None

e VBScript

f None

Q5: Which is the right syntax for the DISTINCT SQL statement??

a SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 FROM table;

b SELECT DIFFERENT col1, col2 FROM table;

c None

d None

e None

f SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 WHERE table;

Q6: Which of the following are template tags in WordPress??

a plugin_description()

b None

c wp_get_title()

d None

e post_sidebar()

f wp_enqueue_script()

Q7: Following Docker command: docker commit -m "My first update" container_ID
user_name/repository_name is used to:?

a Build an image
The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d Commit changes done in a Docker image

e Activate default VM machine

f Access a running container

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