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Minnesota Poison

Control System

Pesticide Drift Exposure and Your Health

Pesticides are chemicals used to prevent, kill, repel or control insects, plants, microorganisms or animals
that are harmful or a nuisance. Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides are types of
pesticides. Pesticides may be used on farms, homes, businesses, and public places.
People can be exposed to pesticides through direct use of products or through contaminated air, water,
soil and treated materials. This fact sheet is about one type of accidental exposure to pesticides known
as pesticide drift.

What is pesticide drift? effects, including neurodevelopmental

disorders in children, infertility and
Pesticide drift is the movement of pesticide reproductive disorders, cancer, pulmonary
dust or droplets through air at the time it is disease, and others.
applied or soon after that spreads the pesticide
beyond the intended area of application. For Before the U.S. Environmental Protection
instance, a field or ditch may be sprayed on a Agency (EPA) approves the use of a pesticide,
windy day and the pesticide blows onto they require testing on what happens to the
adjacent properties or roads. There may or may pesticide in the environment (e.g. how long it
not be an odor when drift occurs. Pesticide drift takes to break down) and how toxic it is in
is a violation of Minnesota law. laboratory animals. This information is used to
determine when, where, and how a pesticide
Pesticide drift and health can be safely used. Applicators must follow the
When pesticides drift, they could be inhaled or label instructions. Label instructions are
land on skin or in eyes. Symptoms include eye intended to lower the risk of exposure when
irritation, nose irritation or runny nose, applying pesticides.
coughing or wheezing, or rash. Different If you think you were exposed to
pesticides affect different body systems and can
cause different symptoms.
The likelihood that the pesticide drift will result • Stop the contact with the pesticide.
in more serious harm to one’s health depends • If you are sick, see a doctor right away.
on the how much of the pesticide enters into • Remove your clothes, hats and shoes as
the body and the type of pesticide: soon as possible. Do not wash your
clothes immediately. Place them in an
▪ Some pesticides are not very toxic and
cause little or no harm. air tight container.
▪ Others are very toxic and not much • Wash any part of the body that was
exposure is needed to cause serious exposed with soap and water.
effects. These more dangerous pesticides • If you experience eye irritation,
are more tightly controlled. immediately flush eyes with clean, cool
▪ Different pesticides can affect different water. Remove contact lenses and
organ systems in the body. continue flushing for 10-15 minutes.
▪ The range of symptoms can be very broad. • Contact a doctor or the Minnesota
▪ Symptoms can occur immediately, or may Poison Control System to determine if
develop over time.
you need medical attention. Advice
▪ Some pesticides, at sufficiently high
from Poison Center staff is free and
exposures, can cause long-term health

they can help you decide if you need to animal; damage or contamination of food or
see a doctor. feed; damage to the environment; damage to a
crop, landscape or garden; pesticide-related
The Minnesota Poison Control System can be bee kill; and application made without proper
reached 24/7 at 1-800-222-1222. license or certification. They will also register
• Write down where and when the complaints for other reasons.
exposure occurred, what you were MDA cannot investigate complaints without
doing, and what you experienced. Note sufficient information to indicate that a
if you saw pesticides sprayed from a pesticide may have been used in violation of
plane or tractor, if you smelled or law. All complaints are required by law to be
tasted anything unusual, if you felt submitted in writing and may be provided
moisture or powder on your skin, and if anonymously. Once violations are proven, MDA
you had any symptoms. If possible, may take action against the applicator. These
actions can range from written warnings to
write down the “N” number found on
financial penalties. In rare cases, the MDA may
the plane’s tail.
initiate proceedings to revoke or suspend
• Contact the Minnesota Department of applicator licenses. MDA investigates
Agriculture (MDA) to report the complaints for law enforcement purposes and
suspected exposure. MDA staff will cannot assist you with claims for damages
discuss preserving clothing or other related to pesticide use.
evidence that may establish that a
violation of pesticide law occurred.
You can find help
• If clothing is not needed for reporting, Contact the MN Poison Control System anytime
thoroughly clean any clothing, shoes or by calling 1(800)222-1222 or online at
other objects that may have been
exposed to pesticide drift before Contact the Minnesota Department of
wearing or using them. Agriculture (MDA) Filing a Written
Pesticide/Fertilizer Misuse Complaint form
To protect yourself from drift: (
• Stay indoors with the windows closed fertilizer/pesticide-and-fertilizer-misuse-
when pesticide is sprayed nearby. complaint-form) to report pesticide drift.
• Do not go into the area that is being Reports can be made by telephone at 651-201-
sprayed, even to get the applicator’s 6333 (8AM-4PM).
attention. After hours, contact the Minnesota Duty Officer
• Report suspected incidents of drift to at 1-800-422-0798.
MDA, even if you aren’t sick.
More information can be found at the National
Reporting suspected pesticide drift Pesticide Information Center
Reporting exposure to pesticide drift helps us (
learn when, where, and why exposures occur.
Although reporting will not stop an exposure if
it has already occurred, it may help reduce
future exposures.
MDA takes complaints related to violations of
pesticide laws, such as injury to a human or
2 3/30/2018
This information sheet was created as a joint project between MN Department of Agriculture, MN Department of Health and
the Minnesota Poison Control System. To obtain this information in a different format, call: 651-201-4897.

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