What Is Wifi FPC

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What is Wifi FPC ?

Printed circuit boards are an integral part of electronics. These boards

play a significant role in the production of PCBs. There are various types

of circuit boards. FPC which is known as the flexible printed circuit is a

type of circuit board. PCBs are just like the backbone of any electronic

device. They serve as the basis on which an electronic device operates.

From the manufacturing of tablets to smartphones, digital watches,

calculators, and the likes, a circuit board is important. FPC also plays an

important role in the production of some electronics. The use of FPC in the

electronic industry is increasing. This material is known for its features

and benefits. Here, we will be discussing everything about FPC.

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Table of Contents

What is FPC?


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FPC is a type of PCB called flexible printed circuit. The introduction of this

technology has revolutionized the electrical interconnection approach.

FPC helps to get a reduction of weight, space, and costs. The flexible

printed circuit has a portion that is bendable. Flexible printed circuits are

applicable in the production of certain electronics.

These circuits are high-flexible boards that are made of polyester film

or polyimide. They are lightweight, thin, and have a great bending

property. Wifi FPC is also made of thin insulating substrates. FPC is used in

several applications due to its great features.

The flexible nature of this circuit and its compactness make it an ideal

option for some applications. FPC circuit has replaced several types of

wiring usually done by hand, in several applications. The flexible films

represent the framework of an FPC.

Just like a PCB, an FPC has some elements; the dielectric substrate film,

protective finish, adhesive material, and electrical conductors. The

dielectric substrate film is the base of FPC. The electrical conductors

represent the circuit’s traces. FPC is commonly applied in the production

of small electronics.

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What is the difference between an FPC and a PCB?

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An FPC is different from a PCB. PCB is the commonest type of circuit board.

It is a traditional circuit board that routes electrical signals

via conductive pathways. For every electronic device, you will find one or

more PCBs. Although a PCB and an FPC have the same electrical function,

they are different.

An FPC can twist and bend while a standard PCB can’t do that. Due to this

reason, the two boards undergo different production processes and have

different designs. The base layer of a PCB makes use of reinforced glass.

The commonest material used is the FR4. This possesses great mechanical

force and provides the stability required.

The base material for an FPC is polyimide. Polyimide has great flexibility

abilities; however, it can’t provide enough mechanical support. As regards

adhesives, printed circuit boards consider chemical and thermal

properties since they don’t bend. FPC uses adhesives that will allow the

board to bend effectively. Therefore, the adhesive needed for a flexible

printed circuit has different chemical, thermal, and mechanical properties.

When we take a look at the copper film in a PCB and an FPC, we will see a

difference. There are two types of copper films. The rolled annealed and

the electrodeposited copper film. Rolled annealed is the ideal option for

an FPC due to its flexible qualities. While electrodeposited copper is ideal

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for PCB production. The type of copper used plays a significant role in the

performance of these boards.

From the explanations above, one can easily tell the difference between

these two boards. The difference is evident in the materials, production

processes, and design specifications. Therefore, it is important to know

the difference between these two boards to avoid errors.

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Benefits of FPC PCB

fpc electronics

Flexibility: Since FPC can be flexible it relieves users of the stress of space

and weight that circuit boards often produce. FPC can be bent to different

levels during installation. This allows the enhancement of the functionality

levels of different electronics.

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Capacity for design freedom: FPCs feature ensures design freedom. These

printed circuits aren’t just restricted to double layers. This will benefit

engineers as they can come up with complicated configurations with

various interconnections. Furthermore, flexible printed circuits can

accommodate various components. The capacity for design freedom

gives engineers the ability to exercise creativity and diversity.

Long-term performance: The properties of FPC enable them to be durable.

Flexible printed circuits have low ductility and mass. This helps them to

fight the impact of vibrations and as such, result in improved performance.

When electronics last long, it is a big advantage for users. Users will enjoy

their electronics more if they remain in good working condition for a long


Improved system reliability: Circuit failures occur at the point of

interconnection. Therefore, flexible printed circuits ensure that there are

minimal interconnections to enhance the dependability of a circuit.

Ideal for high-temperature application: FPC contains polyimide material

that makes them resist high temperatures. These circuits can also be

resistant to materials such as oils and acids. Flexible printed circuits can

resist high temperatures like 400°C. This makes these boards an ideal

option for high-temperature usage.

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Accuracy of designs: The margin of error in designs is minimal since

automated machinery is used for designing FPC circuits. This is an

important characteristic of advanced electronic devices. The majority of

today’s advanced electronic devices make use of FPC since it has a high

level of precision. For instance, electronic devices utilized in medical

settings need a high level of precision.

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Limitations of an FPC PCB

Flexible PCBs or FPCs have several benefits, but they also have their

limitations. Since these circuits are specifically designed for some

applications the initial costs for prototype and circuit design are much

higher. If cost is a major concern, the FPC technology is only ideal for

production volumes that are slightly low.

When FPCs need to be reworked, they are always difficult to modify or

repair. In this case, you need to remove the film that covers the circuit,

carry out the intervention and restore the protection. FPCs are a recent

technology and not all manufacturers can handle this technology. Also,

extreme care is needed during the assembly phase of the PCB. If care isn’t

taken, the circuit can get damaged.

FPC Electronics

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FPCs are used in manufacturing electronic devices due to their properties.

FPC comprises an insulating polymer film with electronic circuits of

different patterns. These circuits are housed in a thin polymer coating that

provides an extra layer of shielding. FPC electronics can also be

manufactured with the use of photolithographic technology.

There are a large amount of insulating materials engineers can utilize to

shield the circuit from electrical interference, weather, and wear. FPCs are

available in a single layer, multilayer, and double-sided. FPC electronics

can be an ideal replacement for stiff boards and connectors. Also, they

can be stacked in different configurations.

As the demands for FPC electronics continue to grow, they are becoming

more popular in the electronics industry. FPC fingerprint is also a common


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Applications of FPC

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FPCs are a great lightweight and thin wiring material. These circuits play a

significant role as extremely functional modules. Flexible printed circuits

are used in several applications such as;

Mobile phones: Since FPCs are lightweight and extremely thin; they can

save the volume of a device and easily connect the buttons, battery,

and microphone. For instance, the FPC adapter is used for mobile


Automobile: Flexible printed circuits are used in the automobile industry.

These circuit boards are used for designing the led light, automotive

powertrain, and the sensor for engine control of a car.

Medical equipment: These materials feature special properties that make

them ideal for designing some medical equipment like an ultrasonic


Robotics: FPC is flexible and as such, robotics engineers used it as wiring

material for the legs and arms of a robot. It is used in the moving areas

of robots.

Computer and LCD screen: The IC configuration and the thin thickness of

FPC enable engineers to convert the digital signal into an image and

display it via the LCD screen.

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Solar cells: FPCs are used for the production of solar cells. These circuits

are lightweight and flexible, hence; they are ideal for this application.

Disk Drive: Regardless of the type of disk drive, the thin thickness and

extreme flexibility of FPC help to complete the reading of data quickly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basic elements in FPC production? The basic elements in FPC

production are base material, bonding adhesive, and metal foil. The base

material is the framework of the laminate. Adhesives are the bonding

medium for making a laminate while metal foil is the conductive element

of the laminate.

What are FPC antennas? FPC antennas are thin and flexible antennas

commonly utilized in the wireless industry. An FPC antenna comprises

polyimide and conductive material for the antenna topology.


FPCs are utilized in various devices such as cameras, printers,

smartphones, and laptops. They are also used in several industries such

as automobile, medical, robotics, etc. For the past years, FPC technology

has continued to grow.

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The rise in the use of smaller and more flexible devices has resulted in

improvement in the FPC industry. Wifi FPC can improve connection

reliability, reduce assembly costs and time, and allow the implementation

of new applications.

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