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Conflict with

BSN 1-1
Conflicts between parents and
teenagers are a natural part of
family life, but understanding and
effectively managing these conflicts
are crucial for maintaining strong
and healthy relationships within the
family unit.
Common Causes of Conflict
Conflicts often arise from differing
expectations, communication
breakdowns, and the natural desire for
independence. By identifying these
common causes, families can address
the root issues more effectively.
Effects of Conflict on Individuals
Understanding the potential impacts
of conflicts on emotional well-being,
academic performance, and mental
health is essential for developing
targeted strategies to mitigate
negative consequences.r
Communication Strategies
Effective communication is key to
resolving conflicts. This section
provides practical tips for both
parents and teenagers to
enhance their communication
skills and foster understanding.
Understanding Perspectives
Recognizing and appreciating the
perspectives of both parents and
teenagers is crucial for building
empathy and finding common
ground. This section explores the
importance of seeing the situation
from different viewpoints.
Finding Common Ground :

Identifying shared values,

engaging in compromise, and
practicing negotiation skills are
essential for resolving conflicts
and building stronger
connections within the family.
Seeking Support
conflicts may require external
support. This section
emphasizes the importance of
seeking help from counselors,
teachers, or other trusted
adults to facilitate resolution.
Seeking Support
conflicts may require external
support. This section
emphasizes the importance of
seeking help from counselors,
teachers, or other trusted
adults to facilitate resolution.
Family Conflicts
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