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I went into the bathroom and came back after a few

Fiks: and?
Me: I am afraid
Fiks: want me to check for you?
I nodded
He went in and came out holding the pregnancy test.
His face didn't say much
Me: and?
Fiks:it's positive
I sat on the small bed and buried my head in my
hands, i felt Lefika's hand touch my neck
Me:what do we do?
Fiks:what's done is done babe we can't change it
Me:my parents are going to kill me, am still at school
and you are still at school,what are we going to do
with a baby?
Fiks:il find work after I finish writing
Fiks:babe by the time the baby is here I'd be at school
getting allowance,il send you 700 every month
I stood up and put on my dress
Me:I feel so stupid,i am responsible for ruining my
own life
Fiks:Babe please don't say that
Me:(putting on my shoes)am so scared
I took my jersey,it was a bit dark outside
Me:ga o mpoledise?
He stood up and put on his jacket,he pulled me
towards him and kissed my forehead.
Fiks:we are in this together okay
Me:i love you
Fiks:i love you more
He walked me halfway home,i got in the yard by the
fence since the gates where locked.I watched him
vanish in the dark,it was a bit chilly,winter was
around the corner.I knocked once and my little sister
opened the window,i got in took off my dress and got
in bed.
Ame:So how did it go?
Me:i will tell you in the morning
Ame:you know if you are pregnant dad is going to kill
Me:then he will have to kill me
Me:shhh you will wake them up
Ame:you know when Nono was pregnant she did an
abortion and she didn't die,i heard she bought the
pills from some Indian guy on Facebook
Me:am not having an abortion
Ame:are you crazy
Me:i am not going to kill this baby I don't care what
anyone says
Ame:ijoo I tried to help
We kept quiet until we both fell asleep,we woke up to
my dad banging on the door.
I opened my eyes and checked the time,it was
10:15,we overslept like always.I wore my gown and
opened the door
Dad:you guys who makes tea for us when you sleep
till this late?
Me:sorry dad
I walked into the kitchen then ran to the
bathroom,the smell of eggs made me wanna puke.I
washed my face and looked in the mirror.
Me:(to myself)Damn Phatsimo what have you got
yourself into
The door opened and my mum got in
Mum:are you okay?
Me:yeah why?
Me:can I ask you a personal question?
Mum:are you pregnant?
Me:(pretending to laugh)why do you say that?
Mum:i am a mother I know this things
Tears gathered in my eyes and I shook my head.
She closed the door and locked it
Mum:(whispering)what? I thought I was imagining
things,who is responsible for this?
She kept quiet for a few seconds
Me:(crying)I am sorry mama
She sat on the toilet and looked at me
Mum:how far?
Me:4 months now
Mum:kana I thought I imagined things,did you think
about your future
Me:am sorry mama
Mum:don't tell anyone yet I will handle your father
She opened the door and walked out,i went back to
the bedroom am closed the door crying my eyes out.
During dinner my dad kept looking at me and I looked
Dad:so has the boy told his parents?
Me:(ashamed)not yet
Dad:i hope this will be a lesson to every girl who has
sex at an early age,that boy is young too what did
you think you were doing?
I looked down,Ame held on to my hand tightly
Dad:(To Ame)I hope you are learning something
Ame:yes dad
Monday morning I put on a Jersey and school blazer
trying hard to hide my stomach,i felt like everyone
could see it.I meet my best friend by the gate,Lefika
was walking infront of me
Leah:and then why are you not walking together
Me:ijoo mma I don't know
We walked to class,during break time I went to
Lefika's class
Me:can we talk
Lefika:(to his friends)you see
They all laughed
Me:what was that about?
Fiks:told them you can't get enough of me
Me:(smiling)I told my parents
Fiks:(furious)did you mention my name?
Fiks:(angry)are you stupid?
Me:excuse me
Fiks:if your dad tells my dad before I do he is going to
kill me,you should have waited until I told him
Me:sorry I wasn't thinking
Fiks:that's your problem Phatsimo you never think
Me:excuse me!
He left me standing and went back to his
seat,everyone was looking at me like I was an idiot,i
walked back to my class,met Leah on the way
Me:and then,you almost bumped into me
Leah:the whole school knows that you are pregnant
I looked around and everyone was starring at me,i
hurried to the class and sat down.Everyone was still
staring and whispering.
Leah:did you tell anyone apart from me
Leah:well if your mum noticed it I quess everyone
can too.
Me:you didn't happen to tell anyone did you?
Leah:are you kidding me?
Me:sorry,you know everyone at Fiks class was
starring at us recently like they knew something I
Leah:tsalame I will always be there for you no matter
Me:well with you and Fiks support I can make it to
Leah:ijoo Fifi is going to have a blast now that you
will be leaving Fiks all alone here
Me:i trust him
After school I went to Fiks class but he was not
there,finally I went home.I tried his number but it
was off.Later in the evening he sent me am SMS."HEY
Ijoo how was I going to lie to my parents about such a
big thing,they would think am a slut.
After watching Generations I called my mum to the
Me:mama when are you going to Lefika's parents?
Mum:your uncle's are going this Saturday
I kept quiet and looked down
Me:i lied to you
Mum:about what?
Me:i don't know who the father is
Mum:(furious)have you ever heard about HIV?
I looked down
Mum:go to your room before I slap you,you wanted
us to look like idiots mxm.
The next morning I woke up early before everyone
and went to school,I didn't see Lefika all day.After
school I walked home alone,his phone was off.I found
everyone tense at home,i took my food and ate in the
bedroom,Ame walked in
Me:how was your day?
Me:aah just a normal school day wena?
Me:apart from everyone starring at me am fine
Ame:and Fiks ene?
Me:i haven't seen him all day,i guess they are reading
or buisy with projects
My phone ran
Me:hey babe
Fiks:how are you?
Me:just missing you
Fiks:sorry was buisy with something
Me:(joking)are you ashamed to be seen with the
pregnant girl
Fiks:babe truth is people might tell my dad about you
and we would loose that chance of 10 k
Me:yeah you are right,i would keep my distance at
Fiks:thanks babe did you convince your parents?
Me:yeah ebile they are not talking to me
Fiks:its for our baby don't worry,got to go
Me:i love you
I realised he hung up before he could say I love you
Ame:why are mum and dad mad at you?
Me:i told them I don't know who the father of the
baby is
Me:Am doing it for the baby you won't understand
Ame:make me understand
Me:one day when you are older.
I took a bath and did my homework.My mom woke
me up early
Mum:today you are going to register the pregnancy
Me:i have a test today
Mum:it doesn't matter you are going to school for
the last time today
I dragged myself to the bathroom,after breakfast we
went to the clinic,we registered then we went to
school.The principal decided that I would return the
following year and start my form 4 all over.
Mama:hey I hope you learn something,next year
when your peers go to form 5 you will be repeating
form 4
Me:i know mama

I stayed home the whole day watching TV and eating.
Mum:you should be reading what you learn from
school so that next year you be ahead of everyone.
I dragged my feet to the bedroom and slept,an hour
later someone knocked
Me:get in
Leah walked in,we hugged
Me:so how is school?
Leah:the whole 4 months you have been away have
been the longest 4 months of my life
Me:is that why you haven't come to see me all this
Leah:ijoo you stay far atleast we talk on Facebook
Me:yeah I haven't see Fiks in a long time too ka ebile
am under house arrest
Leah:i am so sorry friend ebile I've stopped talking to
Me:what are you talking about?
Leah:(stuttering)aah you you,its nothing
Me:no its something tell me
Leah:you are not going to like it
Me:just tell me
Leah:Fiks is now dating Fifi
I kept quiet for a few seconds
Me:can you please leave
Me:He warned me you would say something like
that,i thought you are my friend Leah get out
Leah:uhu so you are going to believe him over me?
Leah:okay let me just tell you anyway,Fiks is telling
everyone that its not his baby that you cheated o
him with some guy who stays ko Gaborone that's
why your parents haven't got to his parents
She took her bag and left,i started crying.As much as
I wanted to believe Fiks how did Leah know that my
parents haven't gone to Fiks parents.I called him
Me:is it true?
Fiks:true what?
Me:o jola le Fifi
Fiks:did your little friend tell you that?
Me:no someone else told me and how did people
know my parents haven't gone to your parents
Fiks:babe I only told my friends about our plan maybe
they told some other people that's how your source
found out
Me:mxm I trust you babe,i knew she was lying,girls
hate to see each other happy
Fiks:never listen to rumours okay babe,i love you
Me:i love you too
I hung up and laid on the bed,the thought of Leah
disgusted me.I felt a slight pain in my abdomen.I
stood up and walked around the house,the pains got
She came running
Me:mama the baby is coming
Mum:okay keep standing don't seat down am getting
your dad,they helped me to the car,the pains where
something else.We arrived at the hospital and the
nurse pushed me to the maternity Ward,they helped
me take off my clothes
Nurse:did your water break
I looked at my mum
Nurse:we have a long way to go
Soon as she left my water broke and the pains got
Me:mama an dying(holding to her hand)
The nurse came back and checked me
Nurse:the baby is coming

Nurse:okay start pushing
I opened my legs more wider and started pushing
Nurse:one last push
I pushed harder and I heard a baby crying,the pain
went away
Nurse:(holding the baby)its a girl and she is so big
They cut the cord and wrapped her in a receiver and
gave her to me.She was indeed big
Nurse:what's her name?
She took her away from me as they stitched me up.I
sent Fiks an SMS that I gave birth to a baby girl and
her name was Ciara so he should name her a
setswana name,he didn't reply.We got released the
next day,his number was still off.
A week turned into months without hearing from
him,he had blocked me on Facebook and Watsapp.I
created a fake Facebook account and went through
his timeline.Wow so Leah was not lying,he was
dating Fifi,i looked at their pictures and how he called
her Bae and Wifey.I looked at Ciara who was sleeping
next to me,who was a copy of her father and my
heart broke into pieces,what had happened to the 10
k coz it had been a month since they wrote their
examz.I sent him a friend request and he accepted.I
commented on one of his photos "wow I saw a little
baby girl at the clinic maloba who looks exactly like
He replied to my inbox
Fiks:do we know each other,send me your photo
I stole a few pictures from this hot Zulu girl who was
my friend and sent him
Fiks:wow you are so pretty
Me:thanks you really look like that little baby
Fiks:really but I don't have a baby,where do you stay?
Me:right now am in Phikwe
Fiks:when are you coming to Maun?
Me:in a week or two
Fiks:can we meet
Me:sure why not
I logged out and let out a small smile,lol so he was
telling people he didn't have a child,i felt so stupid for
believing everything he told me.I logged into my real
account and posted a photo of Ciara'hand and wrote
"sometimes when someone thinks ba go sota go
itshota bone,my baby is all grown up now,can't wait
to go back to school and make her proud"
Leah was the first to comment "can I come see her?"
I replied yes
I felt so bad about how I treated her the last time.She
came a week before the schools re opened.She filled
me in on the latest and how Fiks and Fifi are doing,to
be honest I really didn't care,the last thing on my
mind was boys and sex,i just wanted to make my
parents and daughter proud.While we were talking I
received a call
Voice:hi can you please sent me photos of her ka
Me:who is this?
Voice:Ke Lefika
Me:yeses o njela le makapi waitse Lefika wa ntholela
were have you been all this time?

Episode 6

Lefika:will you send or not?

Lefika:mxm she is my daughter too you know
Me:you know what am not gonna waste my energy
on you
I hung up and blocked his number.
Leah:how dare he? I think its about time you told
your parents what really happened.
Me:yeah now I know the truth and am so sorry I ever
doubted you
Leah:(laughing)they say love is blind,now lets just
focus on school no boys
Me:am so done with those
She left right after Cici slept,i walked her to the gate
then went back to the house.My mum was cooking,i
went into the kitchen
Me:mum I want to tell you something
Me:Lefika is Cici's father,he made up some story that
his dad would kill him if he found out he is the father
that's why I changed my story,i thought I was helping
him only (crying) only to find out he was playing me.
My mum hugged me as I cried my heart out,the only
guy I have ever been with has betrayed me,someone
I loved whole hearted.Dad walked in
Mum:(to me)go check on Cici
I went and stood behind the door,i wanted to hear
what my dad would say
Mum:you were right all along,that boy tricked her
Dad:now it's time we went to see his parents
Mum:can't we just raise her and leave them alone
Dad:we are only doing what's right,whether thy take
responsibility or not its up to them,i will go call my
brothers so we go there early in the morning.
I slept with a heavy heart that night,i wondered what
Lefika would say,the last thing I needed was
drama.The next day I bathed Cici and went with my
parents to Lefika's.His father welcome us and we sat
L's dad:People what brings you bye in this
morning,you are scaring me
Uncle:we should have come months back,my name is
Leatile Mmuso,this is my niece Phatsimo and that's
her daughter Ciara Pelo Modise,that's my sister who
is Phatsimo's mother and that's her father.
Lefika's mum walked in the room and greeted us and
sat down.
Uncle:as I have already said we should have come
here months back when Phatsi was still pregnant
L's mum:why?
Uncle:because she is holding right there your son's
L's mum:if wat you are saying is true you would have
come months back,now that your daughter doesn't
know the father of her child you are pinning it on my
L's dad:Mma Mmuso wait,lets hear them out
L's mum:no,i know this kind of girls,they go around
sleeping with everyone them blame innocent boys
for their pregnancies.Not my son go blame someone
else,why would my son choose a daughter of a
farmer among all this girls,poor people.

Episode 7
L's dad:Mma Mmuso how do you say those things
about someone's child,i think we should call Lefika
and hear what he has to say.
Lefika's mum stood up and went outside to Lefika's
room,they came back after a few minute.Lefika sat
across me and faced down,i covered Cici's face who
was sleeping,i did not want him to see my daughter.
L's dad:Lefika
L's dad:do you know this girl
Lefika:yes she went to school with me
L's dad:is that how you know her?
L's dad:Are you sure?
L's mum:you heard him,he doesn't know this girl how
could the baby be his
L's dad:well then I will pay for a DNA test on this
Lefika's face turned red,he stood up and faced his
L's dad:i just want to make sure that we are not
abandoning our own flesh and blood,there is nothing
wrong with that is there?
L's mum:why are you doing this he said he doesn't
know this girl
L's dad:well then there is no problem here I there
Me:no there is no problem
L's dad:Lefika?
Lefika:(shaking) I lied,she used to be my
girlfriend,maybe that baby is mine
L's dad:i thought you said she was only your
He kept quiet,everyone kept quiet
L's dad:So tell me Lefika,for the last time I am going
to ask you if this is your child.
He kept quiet
L's dad:(angry)Lefika
Lefika:yes it is my baby
L's mum:Rra Mmuso why are you forcing my son to
admit to something he didn't do
L's dad:where you there? Bagolo its settled that baby
is Lefika's child and starting today I will make sure he
supports that baby.
We left and went home,i was a bit happy that my
child will get to know her father even if he is not a
present father.I received an SMS from an unknown
number "You think using that baby to get us to get
back together will work think again,i don't want you
or your stupid ugly baby"
I looked at Ciara and trooped a tear,how can he call
my baby ugly,i didn't care what he said but calling my
child ugly,mxm,especially when she looked so much
like him.I didn't reply the text.
I went to school the next week, months and a year
passed without Lefika coming to see his child, only
his father would send money for the diapers and milk
and checked up on her. I did well at school, finished
my school and did well in my BGCSE. All I wanted was
give my daughter the best life I never had. My mum
passed away due to Diabetes and was forced to take
care of Cici on my own since my dad had moved to
the cattle post.
It had been almost 5 years since I saw Lefika, Cici
called my father dad.

Episode 8
I woke up at 5,i switched on the light,she was
peacefully sleeping hugging her Teddy bear.She has
cried to sleep wearing her new leggings the previous
night.I tiptoed to the stove and put the kettle on,i
ironed her school uniform which had not dried up the
previous day because i washed it late from work.I
packed her lunch box only to realise the apples were
finished,the teachers had advised me to pack her a
fruit everyday.After bathing i woke her up,she rubber
her eyes and yawned.She had no front teeth,i
couldn't help but laugh a little.I realised her hairstyle
was now old,the ribbons had fell.
Cici:mommy is it Friday today?
Cici:tomorrow you are not working right?
Me:(sad)baby i have to
She looked sad,she got in the bath and i bathed
her,she put on the uniform and shoes and had corn
flakes for breakfast.
We walked to her school which was not far
Cici:mama did they pay you?
Me:am getting paid tidy
Cici:yey,can we have chicken today?
Me:i will take you out to KFC then buy you ice cream
Cici:(happy)yey mama i love you,see you later
She waved at me as she entered the school gate,i
went to the bus stop,i had a morning test that day.I
arrived a few minutes late,thank God the test hadn't
begun.After test i went to my sociology class.3
o'clock i was at my work,i worked in a bar but
knocked off at 5 just in time to pick Ciara from
school,i worked late on Saturdays.My boss called me
into his office
Boss:can you please work tonight i know its short
notice but Kaone can't be in tonight she called in sick
Me:okay it helps with the tips,il call my neighbour to
pick up Ciara.
Boss:thanks you will get your day off tomorrow.
I called my neighbour Katso to pick up Cici and sleep
with her cause i was working late.I imagined how sad
she was going to be but i had to work for both of us
to survive,i had to pay rent,buy food and clothes for
her since Lefika's dad took care of the school fees
and mopako.
I knocked off at 23:30 it was a buisy night,my boss
dropped me off,i switched on the lights and fell on
the bed.Woke up the next day around 7 to Cici
banging on the door,i opened and she got in
Me:my baby
She kept quiet
Me:guess who is not going to work today
She looked at me
Me:am sorry about yesterday,we will go to KFC today
She smiled a little
Cici:sometimes i wish dad was around then you wont
have to work hard
I kissed her forehead
Me:sometimes a girl's got to act like a man baby,life
is not an easy road
Cici:so can i wear my new dress?

Episode 9
We bathed then we took a combi to the mall,i bought
her some clothes then we went to KFC,we ordered
then sat by the window waiting for our order.
Cici:mummy can we take a selfie
Me:(taking out my phone)sure
We took a few selfies then our order came,we ate
Cici:(mouthful) mummy can we have milkshakes too?
Something caught my eye at the door,the figure was
tall and manly,he waved at me,God i must have been
starring at him for long,he came to our table
Man:got something on me?
Me:no am sorry for starring that long
Man:(smiling)its a compliment having a beautiful
woman stare at you for that long
Man:(extending his hand)I am Calvin
Me:Phatsimo and this is my daughter Ciara
Calvin:you guys look alike
Calvin:straight,can i have your number?
Me:mmh you get straight to the point
We exchanged numbers then he went to order his
meal,he waved at us as he left,we waved back
Cici:mummy is he going to be your boyfriend
Me:(laughing) he is cute right
Me:i hope so baby
We finished our meal then i met Calvin outside,he
was in a hurry
Me:woooo slow down
Calvin:do you have a boyfriend?
Calvin:okay i thought if i dont say this now maybe i
will never get the chance,i liked you when i saw you
starring at me earlier,can i say it was love at first
I just smiled at him not saying a word,only i realized
Cici was starring at me
Me:can i text you later
Calvin:can i take you home
We both laughed,we got in his car and he drove us
home,when we got there Cici said goodbye and went
to the house.He held my hand
Calvin:am i moving fast?
Me:i havent been in a relationship since my first
Calvin:how did it end?
Me:i don't know,he left me pregnant and dumped me
without telling me
Calvin:that's sad,a woman needs her man most when
she is pregnant
Me:talking from experience?
Calvin:i don't have a child if thats what you are asking
but i would like to have a mini me running around one
Me:so do you have a girlfriend?
Calvin:right now i don't
Me:well i don't have a boyfriend either
He surprisingly kissed my lips,it had been a long time
since i kissed anyone,i didn't stop him.I kissed him
back,we kissed for a few minutes then he let go.
Calvin:i just like you
Me:okay i love you too,maybe this love at first sight
things are real
Calvin:when am i going to see you again?
Calvin:my place or yours?
Calvin:so what should i buy to impress Ciara?
Me:pizza or ice cream
Calvin:and you?
Me:just u

Episode 10
We said goodbye and i went into the yard.I cleaned
the house while Cici played outside,it was a one room
but nicely packed.Around 7 Calvin arrived,je bought
Cici pizza and ice cream,we ate then sat outside while
Cici watched TV.
Me:do you think we are rushing things?
Calvin:are we?
Me:its not like we are having sex akere
Calvin:we can have sex today and end up getting
married or we can have sex after a year and break up
the next day,it doesn't matter when we have sex
what matters is are we inlove enough to.
Me:you are right but i don't think am ready to
Me:i haven't had sex ever since i had Cici so next time
i have sex i want it to be with the right person for the
right reasons.
Calvin:well i wasn't planning on fucking you tonight
Me:(laughing) no you did not just use that word with
Calvin:(laughing) seriously i didn't even think about
sex tonight
Me:good because you are not going to get any
Calvin:well not today but very soon
We laughed and continued talking about family and
school and some other things.He left around 9,i
walked him to the car
Calvin:(kissing my hand)i hope i see you again
Me:me too
Calvin:on a serious note i think am in love with you
Me:good night Cal
Calvin:oh that's my name now i love it,Cal
Me:(laughing) i think i love you too
He kissed me and got in the car,i watched his car
disappear in the road.I went back in the house,Cici
was sleeping.I found a missed call from an unknown
number,i called it and the person answered on the
second ring
Voice:you are talking to Lefika
Me:(surprised) mmmh
Lefika:i want to see my daughter
Me:(calm)excuse you
Lefika:i am her father i want to see her
Me:(angry)where have you been all this time,mxm
you must be drunk,never call me because i don't hold
anything of yours and i owe you nothing
Lefika:she is still my daughter
I hung up on him,mxm the nerve of that man,i
struggled with Ciara on my own ame now that she is
older Lefika thinks he can just come and claim
her,nxa.My phone rang,i picked it up without looking
Me:never ever call my phone Lefika
Cal:whooo babe its me
Me:sorry babe i didn't check the caller id
Cal:who is Lefika?
Me:baby daddy
Cal:i thought you were not in contact
Me:today of all days he calls me demanding to see
Cal:mxm he is crazy
Me:that's what i told him
Cal:baby daddy drama
Me:don't worry i am so done with him

Episode 11
I slept with a heavy heart that night,why today of all
days mxm.The next day i washed our laundry,Calvin
came by around 5
Me:Cici go and play at Thami's
Cici:Cal you didn't bring anything for me today
Cal:we will go out for pizza later
Cici:(happy) ok thank you
She left and i sat next to Cal on the sofa
Me:i missed you
He kissed me lips and stared into my eyes
Me:why what?
Cal:why do i love you this much?
Me:(smiling) i don't know why do you?
Cal:did you cast a spell on me
Me:dude please
Cal:so my parents are having a surprise party for me
on Friday,would you like to come with me?
Me:(laughing)how is it a surprise if you know it?
Cal:i just know,they asked me to come home,they
never do
Me:I don't know maybe i will be working on Friday
Cal:can't you swap with someone
Me:i don't know i will see
Cal:can i say something
Cal:your job is not safe,i don't like it
Me:i can't survive on my allowance only i have a child
and rent to pay
Cal:maybe i can help with your rent until you find
something,gape you are about to write your final
where will you get time to study
Me:(calm)i appreciate everything you are offering but
i am not those girls who rely on men,i am my own
woman,i do me.
Cal:(offended) ehe mma am sorry
Me:what happens when we break up?you gonna
continue paying my rent and buying food?
Cal:why are you talking about a break up?
Me:i am just being realistic Cal,i love you and
appreciate your offer but let me finish what i started
Cal:(kissing me)i love independent women
Me:well you got yourself one
I kissed his lips and put my hand on his thigh,he
slowly removed it
Cal:don't start what you can't finish
Me:(shy)i wasn't planning what you think i was
Cal:but babe i want to help you,it kills me that you are
working at a bar to survive
Me:what's wrong with a bar?
Cal:aaah babe...
Me:just say it
Cal:aah nothing,i love you
I called Cici and we went out for Pizza,we got back
early because it was school day tomorrow,he
dropped us home and left.
The next week was just normal,school and work,i
didn't see Cal but we talked on the phone.I called
Ame to come take Cici home because they were
going for school holidays on Friday.They left with the
7pm bus to Maun.I went home and dolled up myself,i
wore a knee length black dress that revealed less
cleavage and red high heels.I styled my braids into a
Me:(looking at myself in the mirror)damn girl
The dress hugged my thick size 36 body revealing my
round butt and hips.Someone knocked
Episode 12
Me:come in
I expected Calvin but what i saw disappointed me to
the core.
Me:who showed you where i stay?
Lefika:its not important
Me:(angry)get out
Lefika:you look nice going somewhere?
Me:Lefika please leave me alone,i am still the girl you
left 5 years ago,the one you didn't want
Lefika:Kana you and i didn't break up,we were both
young and didn't know what we were doing
Me:(laughing out loud)wow,i was 16 Lefika and you
were 18,o raised Cici on my own without my mother
while you were buisy having a nice time,i still struggle
with Cici today,if it was not for your father i don't
know where my daughter would be,all this time i
waited for you to come see her but you never
did,now all i want is for you to continue living like we
don't exist
Lefika:where is she?
The door opened and Cal got in,kgm damn i almost
peed myself,men who wear black jeans .He smeld
so nice and looked yummy.He came to my side and
hugged me squeezing on my but then kissed my
Cal:babe..(to Lefika)Dumelang
Lefika:(extending his hand to Cal)Cici's father
Cal:yeah i could tell she resembles you
Me:babe Lefika was just leaving
Lefika:no i was not
I gave him an evil eye
Cal:well we are kinda in a rush am sure you can
continue whatever it is you were talking about
Lefika:(attitude)Dude we are talking about our
daughter here,it can't wait
Me:(angry)mxm Lefika get out of my house
Lefika:You know if you were my woman you wouldn't
stay in this one room,you deserve better,my
daughter deserves better
I looked at Cal i could tell he was offended,he kept
quiet.Lefika left and i followed him
Me:you are so full of yourself Lefika,don't ever come
here do you hear me?
Lefika:did you tell him i hit it first
Me:(annoyed)It doesn't matter who hit it first,sis you
are so childish waitse,o meleko
He got in his car and drove away,i went back to the
house,Cal was sitting on the bed
Me:i am so sorry
Cal:its cool lets go.
We drove to Mochudi in silence,i could tell what
Lefika said got to him.He packed his car in the garage
and looked at me
Cal:i love how independent you are but what he said
is right,i live in a big nice house while my girlfriend
lives in a one room house with no hot water.
Me:we have been dating for a week
Cal:so i can't help you because we have been dating
for a week,you know what its cool,you will tell me
when you need my help,sometimes i think its pride
not about independence.
He opened the door for me and we got inside the

Episode 13
We got in the house,it was dark,he switched on the
lights and everyone shouted "surprise".I laughed as i
looked at him acting surprised.
Cal:you guys,thank you i didn't expect this
His mum hugged him
Mrs:you didn't tell me you were bringing a quest
Cal:i didnt know we were having a surprise party,we
actually just came from celebrating my birthday
He looked at me and i smiled,He introduced me as his
girlfriend to everyone,he held my hand throughout
the night,he made me forget about what happened
earlier.We had braai and drinks,i mean alcohol
ofcourse,i don't drink much but yes i do have some
sometimes.It was already late so we decided to
spend the night,we went into his room,i could tell it
hasn't been slept in for a very long time,i sat on the
bed and took off my shoes
Me:wow what a night
Cal:are you drunk?
Me:no,are you?
Cal:a little
I took off my dress and put in nicely on the chair and
got into bed,he did the same.He faced me and kissed
my forehead
Cal:goodnight babe i love you
Me:i love you too
We woke up late the next day,only Calvin's mum had
woken up,she gave me a new toothbrush and i
brushed my teeth,i came back to the kitchen and we
had lunch
Mrs:(to Cal)how does it feel to be 29?
Cal:just the same,nothing has changed really
His dad and brothers got in and sat at the dining
table,we exchanged greetings and finished the
Mrs:so when am i getting a grand child,am old kana
Calvin looked at me and smiled
Cal:we are still raising the one we have now,maybe in
5 years
Kevin:ao guys that's in a long time be serious
Mrs:Phatsimo how old is your child?
Me:she is 5 years
Mr:why didn't you come with her?
Me:she went to see my dad for the holidays she will
be back in a week
Mrs:i have long waited for this day,finally i have a
daughter and a grandchild
Okay i wont lie,i felt welcome and the way Calvin's
parents talked to me,it was every girl's dream to be
liked by your inlaws,haha in my case its my future
inlaws.We left in the afternoon because i had to be at
work at 3,Cal played house music on the way,he
dropped me at my house and went to his,i went to
work and knocked off at 11 pm,Cal picked me up and
we went to his place.Wow it was a nice white big
house,tota was a 3 bedrooms all mastered.
Me:why don't you share with someone this house is
too big
Cal:i like my own space but i would be nice if you guys
move in with me
Me:babe i thought we talked about this
Cal:do you love me?
Me:you know i do
Cal:then lets move in together please babe

Episode 14

Me:babe we already talked about this

Cal:babe please
Me:just give me time to think about it
I took a long warm shower and joined him in bed
Cal:(smiling)how am i support to sleep when you do
this to me?
He touched my butt with his hand and squeezed it a
little.I smiled and kissed him
Me:as much as i want to i feel..
Cal:(interrupt)its okay good night
Me:i love you
Cal:i love you more
I woke up the next day feeling tired,he was already
dressed up and brought me coffee in bed,he kissed
my forehead
Cal:good morning sunshine
Cal:are you writing today?
Me:no but i want to study the whole day
Cal:okay,see you tonight
Me:i am working tonight
Cal:okay bye,
He kisses my lips and left,he came back a few
seconds later,he took our 200 Pula and gave me
Cal:buy something to eat,don't cook and take the key
with you i have a spare.Bye i love you
Me:me too
Cal:you too what?
Me:i love me
I heard him drive off,i got off bed and wore his shirt
and took a tour around the house,it was clean but
not that much,he had dirty clothes in the bathroom.I
washed then and cleaned the house,after drying up i
ironed them for him and put then nicely.Around 12 i
cooked him some pasta and boiled chicken with soup
and dished up then put them in the microwave,i ate
mine and left.I used the 200 to buy vegetables and
meat at my house.I spent the whole day reading,my
phone was on silent.Found 2 missed calls from Calvin
and Ame.I called Ame and spoke to Ciara,she was so
excited about being with dad,the call was cut short
because i had run out of airtime.I did Cal a callback
and he called after a few minutes.
Cal:i love you
Me:i love you more,ne o reng i saw your missed calls
Cal:just wanted to hear that sexy voice
Me:aww you are sweet
Cal:so did you study?
Me:all day,now i want to take a nap before i go for
my shift
Cal:okay do that babe,later
He hung up and i took a nap,woke up later,bathed
and went to work.He called again to say thanks for
the laundry and food.He picked me up and we slept
at my place,i made him bathing water and breakfast
in the morning before he went to work
Cal:(mouthful)i can get used to this
Me:yoo am not your wife Mr
Cal:working again today?
Me:nope,am writing at 10 today
He finished eating and kissed my forehead
Cal: break a leg babe,do me proud
He left, i got into bed and scrolled down on our
photos,shem we made a great couple.My phone rang
Me: hey boo
Ame: Rragwe Lefika is late
Me: what?
Ame: Lefika o tsere Cici
Episode 15
Me:(angry)what? When?
Ame:just a few minutes back,he came with his
mother,they said you told them to
Me:mxm will talk to you in a few
I hung up and checked Lefika's number.The nerve of
him and his mother to take my child,did they forget
how they called me names and wanted nothing to do
with me and my child.I went outside and borrowed a
neighbour's phone,i called him and he answered
Me:(angry)bring my child back to my dad before i call
the police
Lefika:hey this is my child too,go ahead call them
He dropped the call,mxm i was beyond angry,i swear
if i didn't have a test i would take the next bus to
Maun and teach him a lesson.I called the police and
explained what Ame had told me,i never told Lefika
to go get Ciara,my baby didn't know him or his
mother,the only person she knew was Lefika's
dad,may his soul rest in peace.What Lefika did was
kidnapping.The police officer said he will inform the
ones at Maun and will get back to me before lunch.
I bathed and went to write my exam,i thank God it
was something i studied hard for or else i would have
failed because my mind was not with me,i kept
thinking about my child,what were they telling
him,mxm the thought made me sick to my
stomach.After the exam i walked home,the police
still haven't called.I got home a little late and got into
bed.I didn't have an exam in another 2 days so i
packed my bag and went to my boss,i borrowed 700
pula and went to the bus rank,i called Cal.
Me:ke ya Maun
Me:Lefika took my baby
Cal:am sorry,what about the exam?
Me:il be back Thursday morning
Cal:don't cry much okay i love you
Me: i love j more
I got in the bus, i received an SMS,Calvin had e wallet
me 1000 pula. Shem its like he knew how much i
could use the extra cash. I arrived in the morning, i
went straight to Lefika's place, there were a few
people around, i greeted them and got in the house, i
found Lefika's mother with some relatives, i greeted
them and sat down
Me: I've come to take my child
L's mum: she is still sleeping
Lefika came in holding Ciara, when she saw me she
started crying.I got her from him
Me:never ever come close to my child you hear me
Everyone was looking at me
Me:you have never contributed a single cent to help
your child and your mother insulted me infront of
everyone calling me all names so please if you don't
want trouble stay far from my child.I walked to the
door and left.No one said anything.I got home and
Cici started telling me how she never wanted to go
back there.
Episode 16
I found my Ame alone,she hugged me,my lil sister
was so grown up bathong,at 17 she looked so grown
up and too mature for her age.
Ame:hee how did you get her back?
Me:i don't joke around with people i don't like
We made breakfast then later went to the cattle post
where my dad was.We came back late,found Lefika's
car packed in our yard.
Me:what do you want here?
Lefika:I've come to get my child and i don't like how
you spoke to my mother this morning
Me:hey did you like how she spoke to me years
ago,nxa that was the last time you saw Cici and never
call her your daughter
Lefika:you know i can take you to court
Me:look at my face,do i look like i care,ftshek get out
of here i don't like you or your mother
I picked a brick
Me:get out of here
He got in his car and left.We made supper and Cal
Cal:how are you?
Me:a lot better il be there tomorrow evening
Cal:i miss you
Me:i miss you more
Cal:i miss those lips and ass
Me:(laughing) ijoo we will talk later am cooking
Cici:mama i want to speak to him
Me:(to Cici)you want to speak to who?
I gave her the phone
Cici:hello...i miss you too...really?...okay i can't wait..i
love you too
She gave me the phone
Me:what did you say to my daughter?
Cal:i asked her if she wants to move in with me in my
big house and she said yes
Me:Calvin wee
Cal:akere wena you are refusing
Me:we will talk later
Cal:babe are you angry at me?
Cal:am sorry
We said goodbye and i finished cooking.The next day
Cici and i took the 6 am bus to Gaborone,there was
no way i was leaving my baby behind.Ee arrived
around 4 and Calvin came to pick us up,he dropped
me at home and went back to work,he came back
around 5,we ate and went to his house,we spend the
night,Cici slept in the other room.I woke up before
everyone and made breakfast,Cal and i showered
together,okay am not gonna lie,the feelings were too
strong,as much as i wanted to wait a few more
weeks i couldn't hold myself,Cal and i have been
together for 2 weeks and a few days now.I kissed his
chin and he picked me up,i wrapped my legs around
him and closed my eyes as i felt his dick become hard.
Cal:(breathing heavily)babe
Me:make love to me
Cal:you sure?
He carried me to the bed,he kissed my stomach and
played with my nipples.He took out a condom and
gave it to me,i put in on and he got ontop of me
Me:i love you
He penetrated,i gasped for air,i closed my eyes.It felt
so great
Cal:I've never felt like this before

Episode 17
After our steamy love making we showered again
and had our breakfast.Cal left for work and i took
Ciara to my friend's house because i had no one to
take care of her.After my exam i went to work.We
closed at 10 and Cal picked me up,he was with Cici.He
kissed me on the lips and opened the door for me.
Me:Thanks for picking her up
Cal:you welcome babe,about this morning
Me:kgm babe Cici wa phapha kana
We got in the car and went home,Cici was already
asleep so i put her on the mattress and i took a
bath.Cal and i slept on the bed
Cal:(whispering)babe lets talk about this morning
Cal:i have never tasted someone as sweet as you are
Me:haha ijaa robala rra
He started kissing my neck and i felt his hand
touching my boobs
Me:you want round 2
Cal:(laughing) can't believe you just said that
Me:haha what ke a ronwa? So do you want some?
I got ontop of him
Me:you know i haven't been in the game for long but
i know my game
I kissed his tummy going down to his D and took it all
in my mouth,i almost puked.He started roaring like a
mad Lion.After a few minutes i took a condom from
his wallet and put it on him and directed in my
treasure.I rode him like i was paid to,he roared and
pressed me harder on him.
Cal:Shh babe Cici is sleeping
He turned me over and took it from behind,Gawd i
can't even explain how i felt.After a few minutes he
went faster and stopped.
Cal:babe the mma o monate ekare ke ka paka kuku ee
We laughed so hard,he kissed my lower lip
Cal:i have never lived someone like i do you
Me:me too
Cal:one day am gonna marry you
Me:am waiting for that day
We slept and woke up the next day,we had our quite
morning glory before he went to work.I made him
bathing water and ironed his clothes while he had
breakfast.After he left i went back to sleep.Woke up
late around 10,i bathed Cici and went for my exam.I
left her with my friend again
After the exam i went to work,knocked off around
8,Cal picked me up with Cici and we went to his place.
I made us something to eat and took a long
shower.After we cuddled in the sofa and watched TV.
Cici:mama why don't we move here?
Cal:yeah mama why don't you move here
Cici:this house is much cooler than ours and the TV is
big please mama
Me:(looking at Cal)did you put her up to this?
Cal:am innocent,and we can visit my parents this
Me:moving too fast
Cici:please mama
Me:okay i will think about it
My phone rang
Me:hey friend
Naomi:did you see what Lefika posted on Facebook?

Episode 18
Naomi:log in right now
Me:he blocked me akere
Naomi:Mma he put a picture of Ciara and wrote how
you wont allow him to see his child and that you are
not allowing Ciara to go to her grandfather's
funeral,mma the comments are bad
Me:tsalame Lefika is childish,i won't allow him to
spoil my mood,he can say all he wants to say and his
friends can insult me all they like but nothing is going
to change.
Naomi:Mma are you are living in a shack but you
won't allow him to move his daughter to a better
Okay that was even low for Lefika,i laughed so hard,i
think Naomi's airtime ran out because the call was
cut.Ijoo Lefika is something else.
Me:babe borrow me your phone
Cal:just don't call him with my phone
He gave me the phone,i logged into my fake
account,he was online,him and i were still talking
with the fake account but not like before because i
had refused to meet with him.I read the post and
commented "you always told me you didn't have a
child now you claim to be a father of a 5 years old
girl,that girl does you right you don't deserve to be a
father Lefika,she suffered alone and now that the
child is older you want to claim her,sis man"
20 people liked the comment,he didn't even bother
to reply me.I logged out and gave Cal his phone back.
Me:babe Lefika needs a slap
Cal:don't fight him or reply his madness he is just
looking for attention
Me:where were you years ago when i was young and
Cal:i was doing my first year chasing girls
Me:(laughing)i can't believe i once loved that lunatic
He moved me closer to him and hugged me
Cal:don't let him get to you
Me:i won't babe
He took Cici to the bedroom then we went to bed
too,i didn't sleep thinking how much i hate
Lefika,thinking about how he made me lie to my
parents.Nxa i wished something would kill him so i
can live in peace.I was not writing so i spent the next
day with Ciara at Calvin's house,we cleaned and
cooked a heavy meal,after eating we watched TV.Cal
came around 5,i gave him his food.He kisses my hand
Cal:i love you
Me:i love you
He finished eating and went to bed,he had a slight
headache.Around 7 i went to check on him,his
temperature was a bit high,i gave him Panado and
massaged his nerves.
Me:babe what's stressing you
Cal:i couldn't sleep last night thinking how much i
hated Lefika for what he said about you
Speaking of the devil he called
Lefika:my uncles want to see Pelo
Me:mxm i regret naming my daughter that,i will bring
her when i feel like it
Lefika:i still love you

Episode 19
Me:excuse me
Lefika:ka re i still love you
Lefika:i think we should make things work between
us for Pelo's sake
I hung up before he could continue with his
nonsense,i couldn't stop laughing bo Lefika ba
brave,a re he still loved me.The guy who abandoned
me while pregnant and young,the guy who denied his
own child,the guy who just told the whole world i
was a bad mother.Nxa
Cal:what did he say?
Me:a re he still loves me
Cal:he is getting on my nerves
Me:me too,don't worry baby i want nothing to do
with him,am so over that stupid boy
Cal:i trust you
We slept,woke up a bit late the next day,he was
feeling a lot better,we had breakfast and washed his
laundry then had lunch at Nandos.Around 4 we drove
to Mochudi,i wore a nice knee length dress and
sandals,didn't want to look like a child infront of my
future in-laws LOL.We found them all home,the men
were watching soccer while Calvin's mum was with
her friends in the garden,we said hello to them,she
picked up Cici and kissed her cheeks,she introduced
me as her future daughter in-law
Mrs:bo mma ngwetsi yame e ntle
Woman:she is and they make a lovely couple
Mrs:they are going to make beautiful babies,just look
at this one
We went inside leaving Cici with them,i felt so
welcome,tota its every girl's dream to have loving in
laws.I watched the match with the men and made
them snacks,we left around 7
Mr:why didn't you bring the kid's clothes akere they
still on holidays
Mrs:ebile i heard she has no one to take care of her
when you at school
I gave Cal an evil look,he looked down
Me:she will come visit next time
Mrs:ao mma,don't you feel sorry for me living alone
with this men?
Me:i just feel its too early to bring her here,it just
doesn't feel right.
Mrs:i understand,next time my girl
Cici:mama can i please stay
Me:you will visit next time nana
She frowned and hugged Cal's mum then ran to the
car,we said goodbye and left.I kept quiet on the
way,Cal and Cici were singing to some Taylor Swift
Me:can you please drop us at my place
Cal:i thought we were spending the weekend at my
Me:change of plans
Cal:are you angry because i told my mum Cici had no
one to stay with when you at work?
Me:yes (angry) i leave her with my friend
Cal:it would be nice if you left her with my mum
Me:wow so you are calling me a bad mother
Cal:don't put words in my mouth,are we having our
first argument,wow this is nice
Me:(laughing)mxm you are stupid
Cal:am sorry i overstepped my boundery
Me:its okay,love you
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Episode 20
We spent the night am my place,next day i forced Cal
to go to church with us.After church he went to his
place.Spent the next week without seing each other
because we were both working late,Friday afternoon
i took Ciara for ice cream to celebrate my birthday,i
received a happy birthday message from Lefika,i
didn't even bother to reply him,i was serious when i
said i wanted nothing to do with him.He called
Lefika:happy birthday princess
Me:thank you
Lefika:can i take you guys out?
I hung up and blocked his number.I bought Cici some
snacks for school,without Lefika's dad i knew i had to
do everything for my child,ifs so funny Lefika wanted
to be present in Cici's life but he never sent a cent
towards his daughter's school fees or anything.Later
Cal picked us up and we had dinner at Masa and went
to his place,he blindfolded me.
Cici:mama don't peek
Me:i won't
Cal:okay open your eyes now
Oh God,it was so beautiful,a cake with my face on it
and some snacks and champagne.
I kissed him on the lips and Cici closed her eyes
Me:(emotional)i love you,thank you so much
Cal:aww babe don't cry
Me:(crying)no one has ever done this for me,thank
you guys
Cici:(giving me a gift)happy birthday mama
I hugged her and opened the present,it was a hand
made card and a set of ear rings.
Me:aww Cici this is so pretty
Cici:i made it specially for you
Me:you guys,i can never ask for a better daughter
Cal:(handing me a big box)here is my present but i
want you to open it in the bedroom
Me:(blushing)mmmh babe
Cici:can we have the cake now
I cut us small slices and poured us glasses of juice
Me:babe the champagne is for later
Cal:i can't wait
They sang for me and we watched TV afterwards,Cici
fell asleep and i took her to the bedroom,I sat on Cal's
lap and kissed him
Me:tell me what's in the box?
Cal:open it
I opened the box,it was a beautiful pink and black
I took off my clothes and put in on,i helped him up,i
stood on my toes and kissed him,i pulled him to the
Cal:now that's what am talking about
Me:shhh babe
He picked me up and pressed me against the wall.He
kissed my neck and cleavage.
Cal:i missed you
Me:just shut up
We made passionate love,it felt so great and too
emotional.Before i slept i knelt down and thanked
God for the life and wounderfull man.It was not
every woman who meets a nice caring man like i did.I
looked at Cal as he slept,i kissed his forehead,he
looked so cute.He opened his eyes
Cal:what are you doing to me
Me:i love you

Episode 21
A month later
I just came back from dropping Cici at school,i
noticed a car packed infront of my house,i had never
seen it before,i knocked on its window and the
person opened the window.Mxm it was Lefika
Me:what do you want?
Lefika:not even a hello
He tried to hug me but i pushed him away
Me:what do you want?
Lefika:i want my daughter
Me:do i have your daughter?
Lefika:(giving me an envelope)yes you do
Me:what's this?
Lefika:read or do you want me to read it for you?
I opened the envelope and read the papers,
Me:you are kidding me right
Lefika:(straight face)do i look like am kidding?
Me:(angry)you bastard,after all this years,you denied
Ciara infront of your parents and mine,you have
never contributed a single Thebe,after full five years
you want to take my child away from me? Who do
you think you are?
Lefika:I am Lefika Mmuso girl,that should ring a bell
Me:yes it does,you are the guy who left me while i
was young and pregnant,you are the guy who
promised me the world but failed to deliver a
village,you are the guy who called my baby
ugly,come hell or high waters you will never take my
baby away from me.
Lefika:you know if we got back together none of this
would happen.We would move into my big house and
send Cici to a fancy school,i can even buy you a car.
I looked at him as he said all those things and
laughed,wow he was still the same Lefika who liked
to Bragg about how rich they were,he hasn't grown
even a little.Now i wonder how i kept up with all that
when we were dating,sies i felt like throwing up.
Me:you are still the same old Lefika,you will never
change waitse,i don't need your car,house or money,i
can have all that on my own,those are things your
dad gave you Lefika,don't try to act like you worked
hard for them.I have a man who can give me all of
that if i wanted to,i don't need you,get that through
your thick head.
I got inside the house and locked the door,i called Cal
Cal:hey babe
Me:do you have time?
Lefika kept banging the door
Cal:babe what's that?
Me:ke Lefika
Cal:what does he want? Call the police
Me:he gave me a letter from court,he wants custody
of Ciara
Cal:has he ever supported him anyhow?
Me:no,never only his dad did
Cal:babe i will talk to my friend don't stress okay
Cal:i wish i could come there right now but i have a
meeting in 10 minutes
Me:its okay
Cal:i love you,don't stress okay
Me:i love you more
He hung up
Me:am calling the police
Lefika:Phats just open this fucking door or i will kick it

Episode 22
Me:just go away Lefika please
I heard people's voices outside,i looked by the
window and saw Lefika talking to my landlord,i
opened the door and went to them
Me:Lefika please leave now you see you have caused
a commotion
Landlord:Phatsimo when you moved here i told you
gore i don't want noice and police here,now o wake
up to this
Me:am so sorry it will never happen again
Landlord:From what this young man told me this is
far from over,please am sorry to say this but you will
have to leave
Landlord:you know there are many foreigners
here,what if you call the police and instead they
arrest my tenants,you know i survive by their rent
Me:what did he say to you?
Landlord:am sorry but you will have to move before
She walked back to her house,mxm what had just
happened,i looked at Lefika with n attitude
Me:what did you say to her?
Lefika:i just told her the truth
Me:what truth?do you even know the meaning of
the word.
Lefika:(playing with his car keys)tick tock tick
tock,you have to find another shack before weekend
He said that walking to his car,i searched for
something i could hit him with,i hate Lefika with all
my heart.I picked up a stone and aimed for him but
instead it hit his window,it made small crack,he
looked at me like i had killed his mother,he came
closer,i stepped back
Lefika:you whore
Me:real recognize real
Lefika:(angry)do you know how much that's gonna
cost me
Me:its always about the money for you,i don't care
how much its gonna cost you
Lefika:well you will care when the police come for
He took out his phone and dialled a number..
Lefika:hello you are talking to Lefika Mmuso,my baby
mama just smashed my car with a
broadhurst..yes...yes..near number 27.
I almost peed on myself,i was helpless,i ran into the
house and called Cal
Me:(crying)am in trouble i hit his window now he has
called the police they are on their way
Cal:babe calm down,whose window did you hit
Cal:coming right now,stop crying now
I waited for about 10 minutes and the door opened,i
hugged him
Me:he called the police
Cal:i saw window am sure we can talk something
Me:babe you don't know Lefika
We went to him,he was sitting inside the car,he rolled
down the window
Cal:can we talk
Lefika:(attitude)do i know you
Cal:(attitude)you don't but i know you
He stepped outside
Cal:she really didn't mean to smash it,i promise i will
pay for the damages
Lefika:look man i don't want your money

Episode 23
Cal:i didn't say i want to give you my money,i just
want to repair the window my woman smashed
Aww bathong,he called me his woman,i could tell
Lefika was offended.
Lefika:look dude i have lots of money i can repair this
Cal:ao?i thought you didn't have money since you
called the police on her
His face turned red and he got in the car and drove
off,for the first time in my life i was glad the police
where taking their time.I hugged Cal
Me:you got to him
Cal:i could tell
Me:thanks babe
He picked me up and we went into the room
Cal:you welcome but i want something in return
Me:mmh tell me
He slowly unbuttoned my top and kissed my neck
Cal:how long has it been?
Me:just a week babe i was on my period
Cal:you finished?
Me:mmh yesterday
Cal:then you on your safe period
Me:no no no i don't want another baby
Cal:(kissing my neck)did i say i want one?I will pull out
Me:babe wait..(he stopped and looked into my
eyes)what if you don't pull out?
Cal:(taking out a condom in his wallet)let's do this
Me:(laughing)you crazy
We had a quicky then he left for work,i cleaned the
house and cooked lunch.I woke up around 2 to
someone shouting my name outside,i went out
Landlord:(angry)what did i tell you about the police?
Me:(confused)what are you talking about
Landlord:i want you out of my house tonight,you
brought the police here when i told you what could
It was only then that i remembered that Lefika had
called them in the morning.
Me:you can't just kick me out,i have to find a room
Landlord:i said i want you out tonight or else you will
find your things out when you come back from work
Mxm Lefika was slowly getting on my nerves,i went
next door to check for a room and found nothing,i
packed my stuff into boxes,later i went to pick up
Ciara from school.She helped me back our things.
Cici:mama why don't we move in with Cal?
Cici:but we have nowhere to go
Me:we will find something
Cici:Mama are we poor now
Me:(annoyed)we were never rich
She kept q8t and packed the bags i heard sobbing
Me:am sorry
Cici:it's okay
Me:do you want us to move n with Cal?
Me:okay i will call him
I dialed his number,
Cal:am on my way there
Cal:i love you
Me:me too
He arrived with Pizza
Cici:we are moving in with you
He looked at me and i looked down
Cal:wow i have never been happier,when?
Cici:tonight,Lefika made the landlord chase us out,we
have to move as in now
He took out his phone and dialed
Cal:hey man you buisy?..i want you to help me move

Episode 24
He hung up and helped us pack the boxes,i was so
embarrassed,i wanted to move in with Cal at my own
terms not because i was desperate.His friends
arrived and loaded everything in the truck,we came
behind them in Calvin's car.They helped unload
everything and pack a few things,after we had pizza
and they left,i bathed Cici and tucked her in.
Cici:mama we are rich now right
Me:(laughing)Cici stop talking about being rich or else
people will think we are gold diggers.
Cici:Mummy Cal is a very kind man,he is rich too
Me:i know
Cici:I love him
Me:(laughing)ofcourse you do
Cici:if you don't marry him i will
Me:ijoo mma you are too talkative,goodnight
Cici:night i love you
Me:me too
I took a long hot shower after,i heard the bathroom
door open
Me:oh okay i thought it was Cici
He sat down on the toilet seat and looked at me
Cal:you have nice ass
Cal:babe why didn't you tell me?
Me:i..i was embarrassed tota to be honest
Cal:i would do anything for you and Ciara,i thought
you knew that
Me:(crying)now i know,thank you so so much i don't
know what we would have done today
Cal:never be embarrassed around me,everything you
need tell me no matter how embarrassing it is
Me:i will
Cal:thank you,so are you working tomorrow?
Cal:atleast i will see you everyday
I wrapped myself in a towel and hugged him,Men like
Calvin are one in a million.
Me:i love you
Cal:i love you more
Tomorrow after everyone has left i packed
everything and cleaned the house.I received a call
from court that i should come the next day with my
lawyer if i had one.Mxm Lefika.I cooked lunch and
watched TV.Later on i logged into Facebook incase
anyone posted anything about a job.I replied a few
inboxes,noticed Lefika had unblocked me,i went
through his timeline,talk about bragging about
money and cars,He did live a lavish lifestyle to be
honest,vacations ko bo Mozambique and Durban,its
so sad he lived like that when his daughter was
behind on school fees.His cover photo was a picture
of Ciara when she was only a few months old,wonder
where he got that from.mxm calling himself a father
when he didn't know if his daughter slept with a full
stomach or not,i wanted to comment something bad
but my heart didn't allow me to stoop that low.I
searched Cal's timeline,just a few photos and silly
posts.Both of them were online,o decided to change
my profile photo and added the one with Ciara when
we were at a party and put Calvin's photo as my
cover photo.Lefika reacted

Episode 25
He reacted with a heart on my profile photo and
commented "My baby is so grown up and
cute,looking like daddy"
I ignored his comment and logged out,an unknown
number called.
Me:mmh why are you calling me with private
Lefika:because you blocked my number
Me:what do you want?
Lefika:i want my family back
Me:did i take them somewhere
Lefika:i want to see Ciara
Me:not if am still alive
Lefika:well that can be arranged
Me:(pissed)are you threatening me?
Lefika:i just want to spent the weekend with my
I hung up on him,Cal made arrangements with his
lawyer friend to accompany me to court,we waited a
few minutes then Lefika arrived with his lawyer,we
sat down.
Magistrate:As you have already read in the letter Mr
Mmuso wants custody of his daughter
My lawyer:yes,we would like him to explain why
Lefika:(attitude)explain why o want my child?are you
listening to yourself?
My lawyer:Yes we want to know your sudden
interest because you have never shown any in 5
years until now.
We all looked at him
Lefika:i was young and stupid and made irrational
decisions,now am a grown up man and want to be
responsible for my daughter.
Woow,i could tell from the magistrate's face that he
believed him,he was fooling everyone but not me.
Me:(to my lawyer)can i say something
Me:Lefika we were both young when we had Ciara,i
was 16 but i took care of her from day one,i never
neglected her,i am still struggling with her till date
but you are here claiming to be responsible,no
actions speak louder than words,you should have
stepped in when your father died,now Lefika your
child is behind with school fees,its almost winter and
she doesn't have warm clothes but you say you want
to take care of her,so tell me if the court doesn't give
you custody what are you going to do with Ciara?
He kept quiet and his lawyer stepped in
Lawyer:this doesn't have to go this far,my client just
wants his daughter that's all,he is willing to show this
court that he can be a great father.
Magistrate:is that so Mr Mmuso?
Magistrate:then i give you a month,come back with
something that will convince me to give you custody
because now i just see a boy who is in it to make the
life of this young lady miserable.(to me)I want you to
allow Lefika to take Ciara on weekends,that's a
trial,we will see if you are what you claim to be Mr
Mmuso.See you next month
Lefika gave me one of the evil smiles ever and walked
out with his head held high.I was okay with the
judge's decision.
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Episode 26
Lefika came to get Ciara Friday around 5.I packed her
just a few clothes and pyjamas,am not gonna lie i
hated seing him with my baby,the baby he wanted
nothing to do with,i could tell Cici was not happy too
but her mood changed the moment she saw Lefika's
Cici:Lefika is it your car?
Lefika:yeah,where do you wanna go?
Cici:can we have pizza tonight and go to the movies?
Lefika:(looking at me)anything for you princess
Cici:mummy we gonna have so much fun,see you on
Sunday,i love you
Me:(giving Lefika Cici's bag)take care of her
I kissed Cici and said goodbye.She got in the car and
waved at me.I got inside the house,Cal was waiting
for me by the door,he hugged me.
Cal:she will be back before you know it
Me:i hate him
Cal:i know but its good for Cici to know both her
parents,let her see Lefika for who he is,its all an act
he will be tired very soon.
I looked at him and smiled,he was right.He picked me
up and put me on the sofa and we watched
KUWTK.He made us supper and we ate in silence.
Cal:babe mma wa mbora
Cal:wanna go out?
Me:not in the mood
Cal:okay am going to bed
He went to shower and slept,kept thinking what if he
poisones my daughter against me.I went to bed
around 10,found Cal on his phone playing candy
Me:i thought you said you were coming to sleep
Cal:got buisy with this game gape just that you were
boring me
I kissed him and he pulled me to the bed,we
kissed,forgot all about Lefika.Damn did i mention
that Cal is a great kisser,his lips are so soft and
yummy like strawberry cheese cake,LOL.He took off
my clothes and kissed my stomach downwards,tota i
don't know who came up with that idea but whoever
you are thank you,this is our little heaven on earth.I
opened my legs more wider,he played with his
tongue on my clit and i almost screamed by dead
mother's name.I wanted him so badly inside but he
was taking his time.Finally i felt his D touch my
cookie,he penetrated and i reached cloud 77
haha..Incase you are woundering how big he was,he
was that big,lol yeah.He turned me around and
started pounding from behind clapping my but
cheeks,turn on,his other hand reached down and
played with my clit.Yeah women know what am
talking about.He went a little faster,mxm don't you
just hate those fart like sounds when doing doggy.He
pulled out and splashed his cum on my back,that's
when i realised we were not using a condom,no
wonder i almost peed myself.Boloto bo monate but
please don't do with everyone.He wiped me

Episode 27
I didn't want to spoil the mood so i kept quiet about
having unprotected sex,atleast we have both tested
and we were negative,nna i fear HIV and STI's more
than a baby,i would be terrified if i didn't know "Bae"
status.Woke up the next morning to Cal kissing my
back and playing with my nipples,i pretended like i
didn't notice,he slowly got ontop of me and i opened
my legs,i felt his hard D slowly enter,i gasped and
opened my eyes.
Cal:(smiling)good morning
Me:i love you
Cal:i love you more
He kissed my neck while he did the magic,bathong
there is just something about morning glory,its so
different from all sexes,it has that thing you
know..can't even explain what .He picked me up
and carried me to the bathroom,he pinned me
against the wall as hot water plashed our bodies,it
was like a scene from a romantic movie.He went fast
then withdrawed,his cum splashed on my tummy.We
showered and brushed our teeth then went back to
Cal:o monate
Me:(shy)haha ijaa is that why you didn't use a
Cal:yeah i wanted to know how it tastes like without
a condom.
We both laughed
Me:mmh how was it
Cal:out of 10 it was 12
Me:(laughing)really,well for me it was a 15
Cal:mmh ne ke iphelleditse kana
Me:haha i could tell
Cal:i felt like crying and screaming telling the whole
world how sweet you are
Me:haha stupid,scream then
Cal:(screaming)hle banna kuku ya ga babe e monate
We laughed so hard,it was the best day so far,he
made me breakfast in bed,after we cuddled and
watched movies on his laptop.Got a call from a
Voice:hey mummy
Me:hey baby how are you?
Cici:mama am having a great time,daddy took me
shopping and bought me a phone
Me:he did what?
Cici:yeah this is my number,and he bought me a big
Teddy bear i named him Fiks.
Me:okay where is he,let me talk to him
Cici:okay..daddy mummy wants to talk to you.
Me:(calm)a phone,really!! She is 5
Lefika:Am spoiling my daughter please don't be
Me:we will talk tomorrow bye
He have the phone to Cici and we said goodbye
Cal:don't let him spoil our day babe
Me:a phone?? She is 5
Cal:i know,just let him spoil her babe,material things
matter most when she is this young,and maybe the
only way Lefika knows how to express his love is
through gifts and money
Me:(kissing him)my very own psychologist
We continued watching the movies I'm bed,later i
made us a light lunch and played a few
games.Around 8 we bathed and went out to have
some stronyana stuff.

Episode 28
Lefika brought Cici Sunday evening,je had brought
her lots of clothes and stuff not that i was
complaining,Cici deserved all that.He wrote me a
check for Cici's school fees.
Me:thank you
Lefika:anything for my daughter
He said goodbye to Cici and left,Cal helped us carry
the bags inside
Cici:eish mama i like Lefika,he buys me everything i
Me:money is not everything Ciara,why do i keep
thinking the apple didn't fall far from the tree?
Cal laughed and looked at me
Cici:what apple mama?
Cal:aah mma don't say that she is a child
Me:one who likes money just like someone i
know,Cici give me your phone
She handed it to me,i switched it off and put it in my
Me:you won't be needing this when you are with me?
Cici:(frowning)what if daddy calls?
Me:who is daddy?
Ciara:Lefika,he said i should call him daddy
Me:then he will call on my phone
She ran to her bedroom with the big Teddy bear
Cal:you are giving Lefika permission to call you
anytime now
Me:no am not
Cal:then give Ciara he phone its not like she is on
social media or something its just for communicating
with her dad.
Me:babe are you jealous when i talk to Lefika?
Cal:(serious face)should i be?
Me:(kissing him)you don't have to be,he is my past
and you are my future
We prepared dinner and ate,after we watched a bit
of TV and went to bed.The next morning after
everyone had left i went to cash the check at the
bank and had lunch with an old friend.
Naomi:so how is life after school?
Me:mma the day i find work,even if its temporary am
gonna be so happy am tired of living off Calvin.
Naomi:Tsala you are better you found someone so
caring,if he doesn't complain then its good.
Me:Nnyaa mma am used to doing things on my
own,Cal is just too good to be true,the time things go
wrong i dont want to be left with nowhere to stay
not even a single Thebes to my name.
Naomi:Don't say that what do you mean when things
go wrong,trouble in paradise?
Me:(smiling)no,just saying,this past weekend mma..
Naomi:(smiling)heee continue why are you stopping
Me:mmh tsala it was just...words can't explain it
Naomi:(laughing)heee banyana tswa ka DATA
Me:nnya le tricky you want to steal my man after i
tell you how good he is in bed
Naomi;(laughing)hee i never thought i would hear you
say that,so he is that good?
Me:Tsala i just can't get enough waitse,he is just..eish
you know
We laughed out loud like love sick teenagers
Me:Mme gone i love him mma,ke fa ke sa batla Cici a
Naomi:hee ijoo bo gal....

Episode 29
After lunch Naomi and i did a bit of window shopping
then i went to pick up Ciara and went home,we found
Calvin cooking.
Me:(kissing him)i missed you
Cal:i misses you too,where did you go?
Me:in town and had lunch with my friend then went
to pick up Cici
Cal:why don't we hire here a combi you can't take her
to and from school everyday.
Me:okay i will tell Lefika
Cal:am offering to pay on your behalf
Me:thanks babe but...
Cal:(interrupt)you know what its cool Phatsimo
everytime i offer my help wa gana
Me:its not like that
Cal:okay explain to me then
Me:am just use to doing things on my own
Cal:but babe you are not working,the money you
make at the bar is not enough
Me:thats why am trying to find work
Cal:but i an help you,you know if it was other girls
they would jump to an opportunity like this
Me:(offended)then am not like other girls
I walked out of the kitchen and he followed me
Cal:am sorry
Me:just let me do things my own way please
Cal:okay fine i respect that
The door opened and his parents got in with his little
brothers.What a lovely surprise.We exchanged
greetings and sat down,Cici came in and hugged Cal's
Cici:i missed you
Mrs:then you should come visit me this weekend
Cici:this weekend i will be with my dad
Me:Cici go brush your teeth before we eat
Bo Ciara talk too much i was avoiding a situation
where she will be telling everyone how rich her
father is.I helped Cal finish cooking and we ate,after
Cal went into the study room with his dad and
brothers.His mum and i watched TV.It was so
Mrs:so what course where you doing?
Me:Risk Management
Mrs:mmh good
Mrs:so tell me when are you too planning on getting
Me:(almost chocked)marriage?
Mrs:Yes don't tell me its too early when you already
live together
Me:i don't think anyone of us is ready for marriage
yet,maybe in 5 years
Mrs:why waste time when we can get you married
Me:well personally i think am still young to get
married,i want to make something for myself first
Mrs:mmh i can see you are one of those independent
women,you can still make something for yourself
when you married
Me:(pretending to laugh)hhhm
Thank God Ciara came to my rescue before she
started talking about kids.She sat between me and
Cal's mum.
Cici:Mama daddy said you should find me a combi so
you don't take me to school everyday
Me:mmh i will
Cici:and he said..
Me:(interupt) ee i heard you Ciara
Mrs:ao let her finish speaking hle
Cici:Mama are you working tonight?
Mrs:you work at night?

Episode 30
I looked at Ciara and felt like pinching her small
cheeks,i hate bananyana ba go phapha.
Me:yes its a partime thing
Cici:she works at a bar
Mrs:bar?does Calvin know this?
The men got I'm the room before i could answer her.
Mr:Honey lets go its late
Mrs:(hugging me)you and i need to talk
We said goodbye and they left,i looked through the
window to check if they were really gone.Cal:babe
am gona take a shower
Me:mmh Ciara come here..what did i tell you about
telling people where i work?
Cici:sorry mama
I pinched her thighs,she cried so loud you would
swear i was cutting her skin.
Me:hey shut up,wa phapha wena
Me:wa tena,go to your room
She ran to her room screaming,Cal came wrapping
himself with a towel
Cal:was that Ciara?
Me:mmmh ke mo ngapile,wa phapha she told your
mum i work at a bar
Cal:well you do
Cal:be proud about it,its your work my independent
Me:this is not funny,now your mum is going to think
less of me
Cal:well you can always quit
Me:no,i need the money
Cal:i can give you the money,more than you earn,you
can start a small buisness o rekise meriri like girls
do,baby tota nna i don't like you working at a bar
Me:am not having this conversation with you right
Cal:ofcourse you are not,agg
He went into the room and came back with my
phone,he gave it to me and went back
Me:Lefika do you know what time it is?
Lefika:(furious)why did you beat her
Me:eish so she told you,ofcourse,she is just like
you,like father like daughter
Lefika:never raise your hand at my daughter
I hung up before he finished talking,i went into Cici's
Cici:mmh am not talking to you
Me:am sorry
Cici:mummy it hurts
Me:yeah its supposed to hurt baby,but never tell
anyone my business okay
Cici:okay mama,am sorry
Me:(hugging her)am sorry too,sleep you will feel
better tomorrow.I love you
Cici:i love you too
I switched off her light and went to our room,Cal was
taking press ups
Me:baby join me for a shower
Cal:i just showered
Me:am trying to apologize here
Cal:(standing up)am listening
Me:i thought about what you said,i accept your offer
to help me financially
Cal:okay then we can shower together
Me:(laughing)no you just showered babe
Cal:you invited me akere
Me:on a serious note babe you are right i should be
proud of where i work so i might as well quit because
the job embarrasses me
He picked me up and kissed me
Cal:babe its so sad your disappointments are to my
advantage,first the house now the job.
Episode 31
I gave a notice at work before weekend,it was the
kind thing to do,my boss had been more than just a
boss she was like a mother to me.Friday around 4 i
received a call from Cici's school
Teacher:Cici said her father was picking her up but its
almost time up now everyone has gone home
Me:i am so sorry i will be there in less than 20
Mxm Lefika,i picked her up and went to buy a few
things at the mall,got home a bit late,Cal was not
back from work yet
Cici:mummy daddy is taking me to Lion's park
Cici:do you want to come with us?
Me:no thanks
She ran to her room in a happy mood,Lefika called
Lefika:Sorry i got held up at work,am on my way
He hung up,after a few minutes he picked up
Ciara,was not in the mood to ask him anything.
Lefika:(to Cici)am sorry i forgot it was a half day at
school today
Cici:its okay
Lefika:don't be mad at daddy
Me:Lefika put on her seat belt
He did that and we said goodbye.Cal arrived around
8,i warmed his food and watched him eat.
We kept quiet until he finished eating
Me:what were you discussing with your dad maloba
Cal:men stuff
Me:okay,your mum asked me when we are getting
Me:i told him not anytime soon
Me:is that what you want too?
Cal:am in no hurry to marry
Me:same here,gape nna am still young i want to
explore other things first before i become a wife and
have more kids
Cal:you are so different,some girls would kill to get
Me:yeah some girls,not me
Cal:i hear people who cohabitate never get married
Me:(laughing)hee i will kill you,wasting all my energy
and time for a breakup
Cal:akere le nna i would have wasted my time
Me:its different,monna ga a hele
Cal:le mosadi
Cal:mmmh,lets go out,i feel like getting drunk tonight
gape i promised my friends i will come with you
Me:going somewhere fancy?
Cal:Cigar Lounge
Me:what should i wear?
Cal:just be you babe you are perfect the way you are
Me:aww you sweet but i dont want to look like ke
tswa magaeng.
We showered together,i put a bit of make up,not too
much and styled my weave.I put on a short military
green dress and black heels,i admired myself on the
Cal:nxnx babe,too much sauce
Shem he looled so handsome in black jeans and a
black golf T-shirt and a black baseball jacket.Truth is
men look yummy in black.We arrived and his friends
waved at us,it was packed and everyone was having
a good time,we joined them and ordered

Episode 32
Cal's friends where in his league,you know the ones
who spent money how they wanted,who didn't have
responsibility to build their parents better houses
and send money for food every month,how i wished i
was them.The girls annoyed TF out of me,nnya bo
mma you might have known Bae from birth but
please when he is with his partner respect that and
stop wanting all his attention.
Neo:(drunk)so Phats Calvin told us you have a
Me:(pretending to smile)mmh
Botho:how old is she?
Neo:wooh so you had her when you were how old?
Mxm this bitches were getting on my nerves,I
whispered into Cal's ear that i wanted to go to the
ladies.He escorted me and waited outside,i did a re
touch on my makeup and we joined them.
Lucas:Cal hle mona your woman is hot,the whole
crowd was looking at her when she stood up
Cal:ae BA nyela jaanong
Everyone laughed,the DJ played my favourite black
Coffee song and i pulled Cal's hand
Me:babe lets dance
We danced to the dance floor and did our thing,the
DJ then played a boring song and we sat down
enjoying our drink.A girl wearing a black dress came
to our table all smiles
Lucas:ijoo let me go dance
All the guys left,i could tell there was some bad
energy around,i held Cal's hand and whispered in his
Me:lets go to the car
The girl approached before we could leave,she
hugged Cal
Girl:oh God how long has it been?
Cal:Hi Khumo,long time indeed
She looked at me up and down and joined the girls
Me:babe who is she?
Me:mmh she is ugly
Cal:(laughing)ao mma
Me:fake hair,fake nails,fake lashes,too much make
up and an ugly nose.
Cal:(laughing)what are we going to do at the car?
Me:sex in the car
We both laughed going outside,okay don't call me
names but do you guys know sex in where you are
not 100% comfortable is the best,like in the car or in
the park or just somewhere where someone might
walk in.LOL
I didn't even have to take off my dress,i just pulled it
up and we did our thing then went back like nothing
Karabo:where have you guys been?
Cal:none of your business dick head
Lucas:(opening his hand to Karabo)i told you,give me
my money
He gave him 100 pula,we continued drinking and
having fun,we left around 2,Cal drove slowly since
we were both drunk,just a few blocks away from
home a car came speeding up,it bumped into ours,we
got off road and hit something like a tree then it
rolled into the main thing i remember my
head hit something hard and i heard Cal calling my
name then blacked out.

Episode 33
I opened my eyes for the first time and the eyes hurt
me,i could feel that someone was holding my hand,i
turned my head and looked at her.She had on a red
jacket and her hair made into a bun.I held tight her
I pointed a glass of water besides me,she helped me
to drink in,she ran outside and called the nurse.They
came running in,they checked my pulse,temperature
and all that stuff.
Doc:you are a fighter Miss
I gave a fade smile,my leg was hurting
Doc:wait your leg has been broken,you will have to
take it easy
Me:thank you,how long have i been here?
Doc:3 days
Me:i came here alone?
Doc:let me go and check,will come back in a few
Ame came back in the room and sat holding my hand
Ame:mma you almost gave dad a heart attack,we
came here as soon as we heard,Cici is still with
Lefika,we haven't told her anything yet.
Me:and Calvin so sorry he did'nt make it gatwe he lost
lots of blood before anyone could come to your
Me:what?he didn't make it what do you mean?
Ame:aah gatwe he died on the spot
Me:(crying) give me your phone
I dialed Cal's number and it went to voicemail,i logged
into Facebook,was meet by his photos all over my
timeline.Everyone wrote how they still couldn't
believe he was no more,i gave Ame her phone back
and buried my head in the pillow,everything started
spinning around in the air,everything became blur,i
saw his face when i closed my eyes,all this was a long
horrible dream that i wanted to wake up from.Ame
left,i cried so much my head hurt,not Cal,not my
Calvin please God make it a dream.I think i finally fell
asleep because i woke up to Cal's mum holding my
hand,she was not her bubbly self and i could tell
something was wrong
Me:where is he?
She burst into tears and hugged me,that's when it all
sink in,Calvin was no more,he was gone,he was
dead.That's the day i lost all hope,that's the day my
world crashed.
Mrs:Cal..Calvin died on the spot
I just looked at her and said nothing..tears were
flowing non stop,i wanted him to jump in and say
"We got you" but that didn't happen.I spent the
whole week in hospital,not talking to anyone,not
eating anything,i kept thinking about Calvin,the love
of my life,he was my everything how was i going to
face another day without him.Friday his parents took
me from the hospital,he was to be buried the next
day,it hurt so much when i remembered our last
conversation,kiss and how happy we were.Around 5
a Lynn's mortuary car reversed in..
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Episode 34
People stood up like its normal done,i was sitting
right infront of the room where the coffin was going
to be put,Cal's mother held my hand more
tightly,everyone was crying as the pastor said some
words from the Bible leading the coffin in.My heart
started beating fast,the coffin was put inside and
people sat down,everyone was looking at us
whispering.Cal's little brother pushed me inside,i
couldn't stand it no more.The next day Lefika came
with Ciara,Ame and my dad.The MC asked his friends
to say a few words.Khumo was the first,hee re ta di
Khumo:Calvin and i knew each other way back to our
college days..he was..(crying)he was..i am sorry
She ran at the back of the house,Lucas stepped in
looking pale and drown
Lucas:Calvin was my brother,he was my best
friend,re lahlegetswe i remember our last day
together (crying)he was so happy telling me how
happy he was made me happy,we were having fun
and making jokes,when i heard he was no more i
cried and laughed at the same time because his last
statement was "if i die today am gonna die a happy
I couldn't stop myself remembering that he did say
that..i let out a small smile thinking how crazy he
was,thinking how he always teased me calling me
Lucas:and though we are no longer together he will
forever live in our hearts
He sat down,his mother asked if i wanted to say
something and i said yes,i wnted to say a lot.
Cici:mummy can i say something too,i wrote him a
Lefika's mum held her hand to the stage and gave her
a Mike
Cici:To my lovely dad
We cry but God is smiling
He is so happy
Your wings have long been prepared
He has asked other Angels to prepare a feast in your
Today a handsome angel has reached home
Heaven is celebrating
Rest in peace daddy Cal
We will always love you
And miss your cooking
She put the Mike down and went to her seat,bathong
my baby was all grown up,everyone was crying,i
thought i could do this but i couldn't
Me:i don't think i can do this anymore,am hurting so
Mrs:its okay
The program continued as the uncles and other
family members said their words,we drove to the
Cici:mummy don't cry
Me:okay i won't cry
The program continued and they put the coffin
down,they said a few words then the pastor asked
the undertaker's to lower it down.Everyone was
crying,i didn't,my eyes had dried out,i felt my soul
leaving my body for a few minutes,i started
hallucinating because i saw Calvin smiling at me
wearing the exact same clothes he was wearing.

Episode 35
Everything was finished at the grave site and we
went home.We had our food but i just took a bite and
gave away the food.After everyone left Calvin's
parents called me in with my dad.I was still using a
wheelchair because of the broken leg.They
introduced themselves to my dad
Mr:We want to do things right by your
daughter,Calvin spoke highly of her and we are doing
what he would have wanted us to do.
Dad:ee rra
Uncle:Calvin had a house,the one they are staying in
and another one at Phakalane that he rented out,he
had 3 cars unfortunately the other one is the one is
the one that he lost his life to.
Mrs:Calvin also told us that you were pregnant
Everyone laughed
Dumi:yeah you are
Me:no am not..i way..why would he tell you
Mrs:have you done a pregnancy test?
Me:no need to i mean...
I counted secretly with my i mean i
would have known if he ejaculated in me..that time in
the shower..i mean i did see his sperms on my belly...
Everyone was starring at me,i always thought we
were he did it intentionally
Uncle:so if what je said about the baby is true then
we will give everything that was his to his child and
Phatsimo being the mother will have to take care of
They continued talking,i was not listening,i wanted to
eish to the clinic and check if i was really pregnant.As
much as i didn't want a baby,i wanted this one,it's like
he knew something like this would happen.Everyone
started laughing and stood up,i called Dumi(his lil bro)
after everyone left the room
Me:how come i don't know am pregnant
Dumi:he knew you were going to be mad at him if he
told you he ejaculated in you
Me:he did,when i mean...haha sorry
Dumi:the first time you had unprotected sex
Me:hee he told you that
Dumi:mmmh,i think you are 3 weeks or a month
Me:heee Calvin ke senokwane
For the first time in a long time i laughed out loud,like
how does a woman not know a man has cum inside
Naomi left with my dad and Lefika,Ciara,Ame and i
stayed behind for a few days then left.First thing i did
was go to the doctors,i wanted to be sure i was really
pregnant,that baby would be my hope in life,i wanted
so much to be pregnant with his baby.The doctor did
an ultrasound
Doc:yes you are pregnant
Me:(happy)thank you God,how far?
Doc:i can't tell yet but it's less than 6 weeks
Me:wow i can't believe this
Doc:make sure you eat right and tle care of this
I came from the doctor's with a smile on my face.
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Episode 36
When i heard Cal was gone i had lost all hope in
life,but here i was rubbing my big tummy enjoying
life,only if we could experience this together,he
would have been the best father ever.I was so glad
the whole accident thing was behind us,the man
whose car bumped into us had lost a leg but he was
okay,lesson learnt "don't drink and drive".
Cici came in with a packet of chips followed by Ame.
Cici:mama you want some?
Me:no thanks
Ame:mma you look ready to pop,how is your back?
Me:i feel better sitting like this
My phone ran,it was Cal's mum.
Mrs:ao i thought i would hear babies crying first
Me:its not time yet i guess,my back hurts so much
when are you coming?
Mrs:i will come today after church,mma you are
tired,di twins ga se a child's play.
Me:they are the last ones,ke ikutlwetse
Mrs:(laughing)okay i will see
You later
She hung up and i looked at my tummy bigger than
any tummy I've ever seen,i was now 8 months and
the doctors told me i might go into delivery early
because most twins are born at 8 months.Kept
thinking how would have things turned out if Cal was
still alive,i had spent months without entering our
room,it had so many memories.I kept thinking how
kind his family was to me,how kind he was to
me,how i thought we were going to grow old
together.Yeah life neh.He left me when i least
expected.Lefika called that he was on his way to pick
up Cici,you know sometimes i wished it was Lefika
who had died but that would have been hard on Cici
since they just meet,now we shared custody of
Ciara,she was to go stay with Lefika until i gave
birth.He arrived around 8,Cici hugged him and went
into the car
Cici:bye bye mama
Lefika:how are you feeling?
Me:am fine,bye bye nana
I went back into the house,remembered how i always
found Cal waiting for me by the door everytime
Lefika picked up Ciara.I sat on the sofa going through
channels,i felt a slight pain in the lower abdomen.I
stood up to go yo the kitchen,that's when i realised
my water broke.
She came running,she noticed my water broke
Me:call Dumi
Ame:okay okay
She ran to theroom to get my phone.We waited for
Dumi while she massaged my foot,i kept pacing in
the house until he arrived.We got the bags and went
to the car,we arrived at the hospital when i could no
longer speak,child birth is no child's play.The midwife
rushed me to the maternity Ward,they checked my
Midwife:she is ready,don't push until i tell you to
After a few minutes they asked me to push,

Episode 37
After pushing for so long i heard a baby crying.The
midwife ased me to keep pushing because the next
one was on the way,i gave if my all,they showed me
the babies and placed them on my chest,o started
crying so hard,they reminded me so much of how
much i wished Cal was alive.After they finished their
stuff they took the babies away to bath them.
Me:i still don't know if they are both girls
Midwife:Its a boy and a girl
Me:(crying)Calvin and Chanel
I fell asleep and woke up to the midwife asking me to
breast feed them.They were so tiny and cute,Cal's
parents walked in,they were so emotional,they took
the babies from me and blessed them.
Mr:which one was born first?
Me:Calvin was
Mrs:so you already gave them names
Me:am sorry did you want to name them?
Mrs:well i can always give them Tswana names
I let out a small smile,kana old people like naming
babies ugly names.
Mr:And wat is her name?
Mr:Do you realise all your kids names start with C
Me:i didn't now that you have mentioned it Ciara
Calvin and Chanel
They stayed for a few minutes then left,after i was
released from the hospital i went to Mochudi so Cal's
mum could help with the babies,they really didn't
look like anyone at first but as time went on Calvin
Junior started looking like his father,it was so
heartbreaking looking at him with his dad's big
ears.He would have been happy if he was here i kept
thinking.He would have made a great dad.We stayed
for a full 3 months then i was called for an interview
at the bank.I left the twins with Cal's mum and went
for the interview,i won't lie it was difficult,had no
hope at all that i would work there so it came as a
surprise that they told me i was shotlisted.By the
Grace of God i got the job and had to move back to
Gaborone,finally i could be the independent woman
that i had always dreamt of being,Cal would have
been proud of me,i knew wherever he was he was
looking down at us and smiling.I left the babies with
Cal's mum since i was no longer breastfeeding them.
First day t work was okay,just basics,actually the
first week was okay until i started getting SMS es
from an unknown number telling me i had to sleep
with him because he made sure i got the job,like why
would i do that,nxa some men are trash.I never
replied to the SMS es,i was so not going to waste my
time with relationships,i still loved Cal and so not
ready to move on,it was just too soon plus i was a
new mother.After work a colleague offered me lift
and i agreed.
Episode 38
I showed him where i leave and he dropped me off
and we said goodbye.Sunday evening on my way
back to Gaborone from Mochudi i received another
SMS reading "Just give me a chance to love you
please Phatsimo" bathong who is this person.Only
Lefika came into my mind,he is someone who can
pull this stunts.That night i didn't sleep because i had
this weird feeling someone was watching me,i went
to where Ame was sleeping,she was on Facebook.I
got into bed with her
Me:mma i feel like someone is watching me
Ame:(scared)you are scaring me now
Me:are you sure the locks are logged?
Ame:i thought i locked them yes lets go check just to
be sure.
We tiptoed to the sitting room,i looked outside and
realised a BMW packing infront of our gate.We
watched it for a full 30 minutes,an SMS got in "I love
your ass"Okay this was going too far,i phoned Dumi
who didn't live far from us,i told him everything,right
after hanging up the car left.Dumi arrived after a few
minutes with his girlfriend,i was literally shaking,kept
woundering who he was.
Dumi:anyone in mind?
Dumi:would he really do that?
Me:i don't know really
Bone:(giving me a glass of water)here
I was shaking,it dropped down breaking into pieces
and water splashing all over.
Bone:babe why don't we sleep over until we report
the whole thing tomorrow
Dumi:do you want us to spent the night?
Ame prepared them The guest room and she and i
slept in Cici's room.That night i had the scariest
dream ever.I was holding Cal's hand that night during
the accident,someone pulled me away from the car
then walked away leaving Cal to bleed to death,i
couldn't see the face properly but it was someone i
have seen before.I woke up breathing heavily,my
heart beating fast.I looked at the time,it was half
past 3 in the morning.
Ame:Phatsimo are you okay?
Me:something is not right,Cal didn't just die he was
Ame:mma what are you saying
Me:everything keeps coming back now,someone
pulled me out of that car and left Cal do die,i
remember now i heard him calling my name before
he blacked out
Ame:Aah mma you are scaring me,lets just go back to
I tried to sleep but my mind was all over,who would
want to kill Cal,he was the most kind person
ever,Lefika kept coming into my mind but no,he is a
lot of things and i still don't like him but i know he
was not capable of that,no way.Finally i fell
asleep,woke up around 8.I took a quick shower and
went to work,on the way i received a photo of me in
the shower.
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Episode 39
I screamed out loud,some people are sick so they
have planted cameras in my house.The combi driver
stopped everyone looking at me.
Driver:k eng nnana e-wallet e repotile?
I would have laughed so hard if i was not freaked out
Me:stop right there
I gave him 10 pula and rushed into the crowd
forgetting my change.I reached the police station out
of breath.As usually the police took their time before
helping me.Finally i got help,told them everything
starting from the day i got the SMS.They
accompanied me home with their technical team to
search for the cameras,indeed they were there.In
every room.God knows how long the person has
been watching us.
Me:can't you trace them to their server?
Officer:we don't have those technicians and it would
probably take time
Me:okay so what's next?
Officer:we will investigate at your work,people
responsible for hiring and you have any
Me:no..i mean i would suspect my baby daddy but he
has never took even 5 minutes in the house
Officer:anyone else who visits?
Me:its just me and my sister here most times,really
have no idea who it is.
Officer:maybe your sister brought friends here
Me:i will ask her when she comes back,thank you
Officer:i will keep untouched
They left,called in sick at work then i went to
Mochudi to see the babies.CJ was a copy of
Cal,Chanel had a bit of both of us.After they slept i
sat down with Cal's mum
Me:so you never told me how Cal really died
Mrs:why are you opening old wounds my child,just
move on
Me:did he die on the spot?
Mrs:yes,he was burned all over i hardly recognized
Me:what?so how did you know it was him?
Mrs:his watch and it was just the two of you on the
Me:is that why you didn't want m to see him in the
Mrs:(crying)yes i could hardly recognize him myself
Me:then what if it was not him?
Mrs:what are you trying to say?
Me:i guess m just day dreaming,Cal is gone
Mrs:May his soul rest in peace
Okay i think all this is creepy,no one knew for sure
that the dead person was's either am going
crazy or something.Okay am going crazy,Cal is
dead,we buried him,i was there.
I left around 6,going back to the creepy house.Found
Ame cooking
Me:did anyone visit you sometime when i was at
Me:because someone installed cameras all over the
Ame:well the only people who are always here are
you and me
Me:exactly,who could have done it
Ame:mma this is starting to creep me out,i don't
think i will sleep here tonight
Me:me too,its haunted house
Episode 40
I watch lots of movies,i guess i just wanted Cal's
death to be one crazy scene where i find out he is not
dead and we live happily ever after.But life is real,we
can't rewind or forward we live in the present and my
present was without Calvin,had to accept and move
on.We spent the night at Naomi's.Next day after
work i picked up Ciara,it had been long since i spent
quality time with my baby,i felt like i have been
neglecting her.We went for ice cream them home,i
had asked Naomi yo move in with is for a few weeks
until we got to the bottom of whatever was
happening,the more the merrier.We all slept in one
bedroom,no one wanted to be alone.Friday Lefika
came to pick up Cici
Me:can't she spend the weekend,i miss her
Lefika:(attitude)i miss her too
Cici came running with her Teddy bear.
Cici:mummy i will see you on Sunday okay
Me:okay bye i love you
Lefika started the engine and reversed into the
road.We made supper and Dumi and Bone joined
us.After dinner we played cards them my phone
ran,an unknown number.
Me:its a private number
Dumi:let me answer
Me:no i will do it
Dumi:put it on loudspeaker
I answered without putting it on loudspeaker
I threw the phone down and screamed,okay call me
crazy but o know Cal's voice.It was him.Bone and
Naomi rushed to me as i was shaking
Bone:who was it,what did they say? its him,i know his voice
Dumi picked up the phone and answered it
Dumi:he cut the call (hugging me)Phats Cal is gone,he
is not coming back stop hurting yourself okay
Me:(crying)are you sure?did you do a DNA to check if
it was really him?
Dumi:Phats it was him,believe me,i saw him,Cal is
Me:he is not,Cal is still alive i can feel it in my heart
Everyone was looking at me like i was crazy,Ame
hugged me
Ame:(crying)its okay sis i felt the same way when
mum died
Me:(crying)i never saw his body
Ame:its okay sis please don't cry
Dumi gave me pills and i fell asleep right away.Woke
up feeling tired and dizzy the next day,it was
noon,Kept thinking about that voice,bathong i knew
Cal like the back of my hand,it was him,i know it,call
me crazy but that was my Calvin,he always called me
babe.Or someone was messing with my mind.An
international number called me
Voice:stop looking for things you are not ready to
The person hung up,i saved the number and searched
it via Facebook.Him and i had two mutual friends.Cal
and Dumi,i swear there was more here..I decided to
do my own investigation.
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Episode 41
I didn't tell anyone about the call i could see they all
thought i was crazy.Wednesday after work i went to
Mochudi to check on my twins,they were growing up
everyday.I arrived very late around 8 home,from a
distance i saw the BMW,i tiptoed around it and wrote
the plat number.As i opened the gate the car ran off
into the darkness.The next day i gave the officer who
was incharge of my case the number.
Officer:Okay i will get back to you before the end of
the week
Saturday morning we woke up to the police banging
on the door,i put on my gown and opened the door.
Police:we have a warrant to search your house for
He gave me the warrant and he and his men
searched everywhere,turning everything upside
Police:thanks you mam
Just like that they left,okay what just happened
Ame:heee ijoo
Naomi:its like we are in a movie or something
We cleaned the house and i called Cal's mum telling
her what just happened.
Mrs:Waitse i heard one of Calvin's buisness partners
was a drug lord
Me:jaanong what did they want here kante Cal was a
drug lord too?
Mrs:no.not my son he hated drugs they almost
ruined his life.
I kept quiet,bathong did i even know Calvin,he hid
that he used to do drugs from me,what else did he
hide.I hung up and went to his study,i knew he had a
safe behind the computer stand.It had a password,i
tried everything but it didn't open.My officer friend
called that they had a name of the BMW owner and
should come to the police station.I waited as he was
Me:this morning your men just barged in my house
looking for drugs,what kind of drugs were you
looking for?
Officer:(surprised)my men
Officer:they searched your house
Officer:did they have a warrant?
Me:yeah one of them gave me the paper i didn't even
bother reading it
Officer:they were not our men,we don't search
houses on weekends and i haven't heard anything
about any tip off about drugs
Okay this was weird,they wore uniforms
Officer:let me ask around
He went outside for a few minutes then came back
Officer:nothing,those people obviously pretended to
be the police,maybe they were putting back the
cameras that we took.
I started shaking and feeling dizzy,nothing in my life
made sense right now,the SMS,the
BMW,international calls,drug searches,unknown
numbers,Cal's death,me thinking he is alive..nothing
made sense.
Me:wa re who does the car belong to?
Officer:this is actually kinda funny,it belongs to you.
Me:(laughing)okay funny

Episode 42
Me:(surprised)how?i don't have money to buy a BMW
i don't even know how to drive
Officer:(showing me)here you see,it belongs to you
You know that time when you laugh instead of
crying,that's wat happened.I left the police station so
scared like someone was watching my every move.I
received another SMS "i got you that job when are
we hooking up"Hee ayyy people of this world,was i
going to hook up with a ghost now,why the hell
didn't he just tell me who he was.I took out my
simcard and chewed it then threw it in the bin,was
tired of all this.For the first time i believed Lefika was
not behind all this.I sent him am SMS with my new
number that he keep Cici until next week,i didn't
want my baby caught in the middle of all this
Shamanism.When i got home i found Ame and Naomi
watching TV,i went straight to my room and took a
long warm shower.I took a nap,felt like someone was
watching me in my sleep,woke up to someone's hand
on my mouth,i tried to scream but no voice came
out.I felt an injection in my hand and blacked
out.When i woke up i was in a room,a dark room,the
light brightened and i closed my eyes,a tall masculine
guy sat before me.
Man:where are my drugs?
Man:(angry)where did your stupid man hide my
Me:(crying)i no nothing about drugs i swear
Man:where is Calvin?
Me:he is...(crying)Calvin is dead
Man:you think am stupid girl,why would he die a day
before my men get robbed
Me:(crying)please all i know is Calvin is dead,i know
nothing about the drugs
Man:(furious)you think i came all the way from
Mexico for this shit,those drugs are worth 50 million
dollars..(shouting)Jay...come here..Go get me that
video camera
Jay came back with the camera and started
rolling,the man hit me and kicked my stomach while
Jay was taking a video.
Man:this will bring Calvin back to life,you say he is
dead huh.
He continued kicking me until i felt my soul leaving
the body,i swear i died for a few seconds,i kept
thinking about my babies and cursing the day i meet
Calvin.I blacked out again,or maybe i was dead i don't
know,woke up to find myself chained to a bed,my
eyes hurt and my whole body.The man with weird
accent stood before me
Man:now tell me where are my drugs
I kept quiet
Man:(shouting)where are my drugs
Me:just kill me already told you i know nothing
Man:(laughing)oh that would be easy,am gonna kill
your babies and sister first
Me:no no no please we know nothing about the
drugs i swear to God
Man:(evil laugh)then am gonna kill you last

Episode 43
My God what has Calvin done now,this things with
money and drugs never end well,i saw my life flash
before my eyes like i knew he was serious about
killing my babies and sister.
Me:if i knew anything i would tell you but i know
nothing,believe me
Man:where do you think Calvin got all that money
huh!you think business was going well?
Me:i know nothing please believe me
Immediately the door fell down,2 men got in and
beat up the man,the other one removed the chains
from me,i swear i knew him,i could feel it.He picked
me up and threw me at the back of the van and drove
away,last thing i remember is gun shots,i was a bit
dizzy and couldn't see or hear right but i swear i
recognized those voices from somewhere.There was
a knife between me and the other guy,i picked it up
and stabbed his thigh,not much though.He took the
knife and threw it at the back without fighting me,he
injected me and i fell asleep again.I woke up at
GPH,some ribs were broken and my face was
bruised.Cal's mum was besides my bed..
Mrs:(exited)Phatsimo,God look at you what
Me:i don't remember much really
Mrs:am so sorry you had to go through this
Me:(serious face)me too,i want to tell you guys
something,all of you can you set up a meeting
Mrs:ofcourse,will do when you get out of here
She left,i spent the next week in hospital,a day
before i left a colleague came to visit..
Me:can you please borrow me your phone i can't find
He hesitated at first but eventually gave it
Rob:Phats wait i have to tell you something
I called my phone,guess what it was a private
number,i looked at him,he had guilt in his face.
Me:why is your number private
Rob:Phatsimo iv always wanted to tell you
Rob:please it was a joke at first then i fell inlove with
Me:(angry)get out before i report you to your boss,so
you are the one who has been sending me those
messages,wow get out
Rob:please Phatsimo i love you
Me:ftshek the last man i loved..(crying)he...he...get
out now
Rob:i fell inlove with you at your first interview and i
knew you just had to get the job
He left and i buried my head in the pillow,remind me
never to trust anyone again.Cal's parents picked me
up the next day and we went to mochudi.Everyone
was there,we sat around the table
Dumi:so you still don't remember what
happened,how you got out?
Me:nothing really
Letso:you will get your memory eventually
Mrs:and then wena what happened to your leg,i saw
you limping?!
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Episode 44
Letso:nothing major mum chill
Mrs:(worried)how do i relax when you are hurt
Me:what happened
He looked at Dumi
Mrs:eish make sure you get that checked on
Letso:mum am not a baby okay,just..just chill
Mr:Ee Phatsimo what did you want to say?
Me:after what i have experienced so far i don't think
am no longer safe here,i want to go home and leave
everything behind,everything including the
twins,they belong here with you guys,i can't give
them the protection you guys give them.
Mrs:(sad)but why?
Me:am almost 22,should be enjoying my life having
fun and worrying about what am gona wear not
worry if some man is following me or if some fake
police are going to barge in looking for drugs.I can't
handle all that.
Mr:well if that's how you feel then you have our
blessing,you can leave the kids behind
Me:thank you
Dumi:so where are you going and when?
Me:am going back home,first i have to apply for
transfer at work
I was sitting next to Letso so i asked him to help me
stand up,i touched his thigh in support and he
Me:am so sorry
Letso:(in pain)its okay
Cal's dad came to the rescue,i couldn't stop
smiling,they knew i knew their little secret,i told you i
knew the people who rescued me,i stabbed him
intentionally because i wanted to be sure it was
Letso and Dumi,but how did they know where i
was?Was what that man said true about Cal stealing
his drugs,did Calvin and his family fake his death?If
so then who did we bury?Where was Cal now,was he
enjoying margaritas somewhere on an Iceland with
hot half naked girls or was Calvin really dead..I looked
at his mother,remembered how she cried so
much,did she know any of this?Now that i think of
it,what was Calvin and his brothers and dad
discussion that day in the study!!
Ijoo..they dropped me home after i tucked in the
twins.I no longer felt safe,i knew there were still
hidden cameras in the house so i had to act
smart,Ame and Naomi where happy to see me,i told
them everything and how i was all confused if Cal
was dead or not,that i knew nothing about the
drugs,tota i just wanted to prove to whoever was
watching us that i knew nothing,i was innocent and
needed to leave me the hell alone.
2 weeks went by so quickly and i went back to work,i
noticed the BMW was back,it would pack infront of
the house until we all went to bed,i mean who was it
and what did they want?I knew it was not Lefika or
Rob,who was it,was it Calvin?No way,i can't be
him,he is dead,yes dead and buried.

Episode 45
The next few weeks went on normal,nothing really
happened,the BMW left,my transfer was taking
long,maybe it was time i started threatening Rob to
make things faster,lol.I got in his office and closed
the door.
Me:(serious)why did you make my life such a living
Rob:i am so sorry,am just not confident enough to
approach a woman
Me:and where did you get my new number?
Rob:your little sisters called around asking if we
knew where you were with it,they said you had left
your phone behind and they were using it
Me:wow you are sick,you think you are the only man
who doesn't have confidence to talk to a lady
tell me how is my transfer request going?
He kept quiet and looked down
Me:(clamping hands)wow you are something else
waitse,just that am not a bad person or else i would
report you now.
I left the office angry,i needed to get out of here as in
yesterday before i get abducted again or get caught
up in the cross fire.Sunday the girls and i went to
church,i strongly needed God right now.When the
pastor was preaching he stopped where i was sitting
and asked me to stand up,see now why i always
hated church.
Prophet:How are you?
Prophet:God wants you to be happy
I kept quiet
Prophet:Keep coming to church and God will reveal
your husband
Uhu,bathong nna i don't want a man,well for
now,Men deceive,they lie and lie more.Well if God
said it then who am i to question him.The prophet
touched my head and continued preaching.After
church a young fine man stopped us and offered
lift.We politely said no.
Man:please ladies i am the prophet's son i won't steal
Me:thanks but we are actually going to the mall right
Man:okay thanks,am Jacob by the way
Me:nice meeting you Jacob
We arrived home a bit late because we did some
window shopping first.
Ame:Mma Jacob is obviously interested in you
Naomi:i thought i was the only one who noticed
Me:nna am not interested in him
Ame:he is fine
Naomi:very fine
Me:very not my type
We all laughed
Naomi:ehe you have types now
Me:ee ao Calvin was above my league but he was my
We laughed so hard,the door opened and Ciara came
running to me,we hugged.
Cici:happy birthday mama
Me:awww its my birthday.(crying)its my birthday
I ran to the bedroom and cried my eyes out,i
remembered my last birthday with Cici and Cal and
when they sang me happy birthday.I broke down,he
was really gone,Cal was gone.The door opened and
Ame called me into the sitting room
Ame:you have to see this

Episode 46
I wiped my tears and went into the living room,there
was a big cake,a box and flowers.I ran outside and
saw the BMW in the highway,i ran towards it but it
got away,call me crazy but the guy in the BMW was
Calvin,i knew it,i knew he would remember my
birthday,why didn't he just come in.I sad down on the
brick and cried my eyes out,why did i have to suffer
so much in the name of love.Ame helped me stand up
and we went into the house.
Cici:mummy should we cut the cake?
I took the flowers and box and went into the
bedroom and locked myself in.I cried so much i fell
asleep,i woke up around 3,tired and hungry.I
switched on the lights and went into the kitchen to
make something to eat.I noticed the BMW was
packed outside.I put on my gown and went
outside,as i approached the gate the person started
the engine.The car didn't move,i heard the doors click
open and i took 5 steps back,that's when reality hit
me.Calvin was dead,here i was in the middle of the
night about to face a complete stranger.I ran to the
house and closed the doors and set the alarm,i was
crazy,completely crazy.Calvin was dead,dead and
buried.I switched off the lights and went to
bed,couldn't sleep and no longer hungry.I had kept
the box in under the bed,i wasn't ready yo know
what was inside.The next day was a public
holiday,woke up before everyone and made
breakfast.My heart wanted to open the box but my
head didn't.After breakfast i took Cici out for
shopping,wanted to spoil my baby after we had
Me:so do you like living with daddy
Me:its just the two of you?
Cici:and his girlfriend
Me:is she pretty?
Cici:(laughing)she always asks me if you are
pretty,she is but not much
Cici:mama can i tell you something
Me:mmh what?
Cici:i don't think daddy is dead
Cici:i think i see him sometimes
Cici:sometimes i see him after school at the gate
when he sees me he goes without saying hello
Me:did you tell anyone?
Cici:dad says i am hallu..hall..hall
Me:(emotional)when did you last see him?
Cici:well yesterday i saw his car when dad dropped
me off
Me:what kind of a car?
Cici:a BMW
Okay i rest my case,Calvin is alive even Cici saw him.
Me:baby Calvin is dead okay,dad is right you are
We finished eating and went home.I locked the
bedroom door and opened the box,there was a pink
and black lingerie,a diamond necklace and a note.My
heart stopped beating for a few was Cal's
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Episode 47
"I am sure you are asking yourself how and why but
am still alive,me pretending to be dead am trying to
protect you and our children,i have seen how much
weight you have lost and its killing me,i miss you,i
miss your smile which i rare this days,i miss playing
with that fine ass and i miss making love to you,just
know that you are not crazy babe,i am
alive.Yesterday i saw Cici,she has grown so much,the
twins are adorable,Chanel has my nose but looks like
you,CJ is my son,a copy of his fine ass daddy.I still
can't believe we made twins,man i wish i could bragg
about it to Lucas and Karabo.Now babe i want you to
live a normal life,go to work,come home,go to church
but don't fuck anyone,i will be back when the mission
is complete,don't tell anyone about this,no one babe
please because if my enemies find out i am dead,if
you don't hear from me in 3 months i will b dead.Oh
by the way i hired the guy in the BMW to watch you
though i sometimes use it to spy on you.Bye the way
am the one who set cameras in our house,i am
watchin over you babe.Now wipe off those
tears,take a shower and wear something sexy for
daddy.Happy birthday my love,you are everything i
have ever wanted and more"
Love Cal
I cried and laughed as i read the letter,my Cal was
really alive,i had so many questions but they could
wait,what mattered is my babe was alive.Cal was
I looked all over for the cameras but didn't see any,i
slowly took off my clothes and walked to the
bathroom naked,it was such a turn on to know bae
was watching me.After i put on the lingerie and laid
on the bed smiling.Cici knocked on the door and i
kept quiet,she eventually left.I fell asleep and woke
up around 5.For the first time in a long time i was
happy.I helped Naomi cook while we danced amd
sang along to Taylor Swift songs like Cal used to do
with Cici.
Naomi:hee someone is in a good mood
Me:(happy)yes my mood is on level 100
Naomi:care to share?
Me:nope,i don't kiss and tell
Naomi:hee did you kiss Jacob
Me:who is Jacob?
We laughed and finished cooking,they sang me a
happy birthday song and we had the cake.I felt so
alive again,couldn't stop laughing and smiling.I called
Cal's mum to check on the twins
Me:you know what am canceling my transfer
Mrs:ao what changed
Me:i need to be here for my babies all the time
Mrs:Makoti wame batho you need to find yourself a
man now
We laughed at the idea
Me:(loud)you are right its time i found myself a man
I said it intentionally because i knew Cal was listening
Episode 48
2 weeks later
I had a light headache so i asked for the afternoon
off,no one was home.Made myself something to eat
and took a nap on the couch,i felt like someone was
watching me in my sleep.When i opened my eyes,our
eyes meet,he was standing infront of me,he looked
different,lost weight but he was still the same old
Calvin,my heart beat fast and he picked me up from
the sofa.Like it was finally happening,he was here in
the flesh,he passionately kissed me,how long has it
been since i kissed a man,i had so many questions
but they could wait.We were both hungry for each
Me:(emotional)tell me am not dreaming
Cal:(smiling)you are not
He picked me up and we went to the bedroom,we
helped each other undress so quickly.
Cal:i missed you
Me:just shut up and make love to me
He dropped me on the bed and took out a condom
from the drawer,lol he still remembered.
Cal:put it on
I was shaking so bad,like this was happening.I think
he got impatient because he took it from me and put
in on himself.He cupped my breasts while i directed
his dick into me.I felt a slight pain first but after a few
seconds i felt the most joy i have'nt felt in a very very
long time.He made me forget all the questions i
had.He went so fast i could tell he hadn't had any in a
very long time.He turned me around and took it from
behind.Am gonna repeat myself.Sex with someone
you love is addictive.I was on another planet.He kept
whispering my name.After a few minutes he turned
me over and laid on the bed,i got ontop of him and
did my magic,i could feel it touching my Gspot,the
walls of my vagina tightened and we both screamed
in pleasure.We laid there no one saying
anything,listening to our loud heartbeats.I slowly got
off him and sat on the bed whipping myself,he took
the condom off and looked at me.
Cal:i love you
Me:tell me you have come for good
Cal:i will come,not today
Cal:i can't put your lives in danger
Me:(crying)i don't understand why you didn't tell me
in the first place,do you know what i went through
thinking you are dead
Cal:babe i will tell you one day when everything i
cleared out
Me:why Calvin why did you have to make me suffer
so much
He hugged me while i cried
Cal:just know that i love you babe and i will always
love you,if some people find out i am alive they will
kill you to get back at me
Me:did you steal their drugs?
Cal:i can't tell you that babe
Me:there is clearly a lot i don't know about you,who
else knows you are alive
We heard a car pack outside

Episode 49
Cal looked through the window,
Cal:shit go into the bathroom
Cal:(angry)just do what i tell you dammit
I picked up my clothes and tiptoed to the bathroom.I
heard noise outside and a gun shot,was so scared i
sat down on the floor and buried my head between
my legs.I stayed like that until i heard someone
screaming in the living room,i was still shaking.
I put on my gown and went to the sitting room,the TV
was down,broken into pieces,the table and there was
blood on the floor.
Ame:(scared)are you okay?
Me:(crying)whose blood is that?
Ame:how would i know i just got here
The door opened,Dumi and his father got in
Dumi:what happened?
I sat down on the sofa,my mind was all over,where
was Cal,was it his blood,can i trust his father with
this secret..There was only one way i could know if it
was Cal's blood,DNA.
Mr:Ame got get me a mop and water,warm water
Me:i will do it
Mr:its fine,go and rest we will take care of everything
I went into the kitchen,there was a little blood there
too and a note written in blood 'DO YOU BELIEVE IN
GHOSTS?I threw the paper away screaming,Ame
came running
Ame:what happened?
I pointed at the paper,she picked it up and threw it in
the bin,she looked scared but i could tell she was
being strong for me
Ame:exactly what happened here?Who was here?
Me:(crying)i don't know,the whole thing happened so
fast i was in the bedroom then i heard gun shots..
Ame:aah i think we should move out,its either this
house is haunted or someone is trying to kill us
She made me remember what Cal said about
protecting us,did he steal the drugs now the Mexico
people where after him,what did he do and why
didn't he just tell me the truth?
We found the sitting room clean like nothing had
happened there.
Mr:i will get you a new lock
Dumi:(hugging me)what happened?
Me:(serious face)i don't know it happened so fast,i
was in the bedroom
Dumi:maybe the robbers thought there was no one
Ame:and the blood,and the note?
Mr:what note?
Ame:there is a note written in blood in the kitchen,i
threw it in the bin
They both went into the kitchen,i stood by the door
to eavesdrop,whatever they were saying they were
saying it very low,i heard the footsteps and i hurried
back to where i was.They left and i went into the
bedroom,there was a receipt a hotel bill on the floor,i
think they fell from Cal's pocket,i put on jeans and a
t-shirt.I had to know if he was alive or not and the
Episode 50
I told Ame i was going out for some fresh air,took a
combi to the hotel.The receipt had his room number,i
didn't even ask the receptionist anything,i went
straight to the room,before i could knock i heard
familiar voices
Voice:i told you he loved her too much
Voice 2:(angry)He is stupid,stupid stupid
Voice:what do we do now dad?
Voice 2:lets wait a few days then we can burry his
My legs could no longer support me,i fell on the
floor,shaking and feeling dizzy.I crawled to the
reception before Dumi and his Dad saw me,my mind
was not working right so they knew Cal was alive all
this time,whose body were they going to burry?
The receptionist helped me stand up and i sat on the
chair,she gave me water
Receptionist:Mam are you a guest here?what
I saw Dumi and his dad coming from the stairs,i took
a newspaper and hid my face,there were in such a
hurry they wouldn't have seen me even if i didn't
cover my face.
Me:am feeling a lot better now,actually i came here
looking for someone
Receptionist:do you know their room number?
Me:yes,room 18
Receptionist:mmh the hunky dude,is he your
Me:no he in his room?
Receptionist:well i saw him this morning,i don't think
he is back yet
Me:how long has he been staying here?
Receptionist:aah i can't disclose that kind of
information to you
Me:okay thanks,he is hot hey
Receptionist:tell me about it,when i saw him for the
first time he got rained on,he came in laughing,he
whipped his face with his t shirt,girl those abbs
Me:(faking a laugh)but he has lost weight
Receptionist:yeah,a few KG's but he is still hot
Me:yeah i better go now
Receptionist:Any message?
Me:tell him Khumo was looking for him
We said goodbye,lol girls though she gave me more
information without realizing it,it hadn't rained in
almost 4 months so that means he has been staying
there for that long.I found Ame cooking with
Cici,after eating i went back to the bedroom.My mind
was all over,what was happening and whose body
was it.I woke up early the next day and went back to
the hotel,a different receptionist was on duty,i asked
him if the guy in room 18 was back
Receptionist:Oh his brother checked out for him
yesterday evening
Me:(disappointed)ohh,the tall one with Afro?
Receptionist:yeah that one
Me:okay thanks
My mind was not at work that day,my boss called me
in his office.My transfer has been approved after
such a long time.Maybe this was a sign from God,i
needed to get out of here ASAP..
Boss:report in next week..
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Episode 51
After work i asked Lefika to meet with me at
home.He came late as usual,we sat outside by the
lawn.I offered him drink but he refused,mxm ever
looked at your ex and wondered if you had been a
fool the entire relationship,okay Lefika had the
swagg and looks but bad attitude and manners,if i
had no manners i would say he was raised in a test
Me:my transfer has been approved
Me:i am taking my daughter with me
Lefika:(attitude)ka you have 2 other kids why don't
you take them and leave my daughter alone
Me:me telling you is me being polite
Lefika:you can't just pack and take Cici with you
Me:watch me,kante why can't we come to some
agreement like grown ups?
Lefika:you are not taking my child am not agreeing to
anything you say
Me:am still her legal guardian incase you forgot
He kept quiet,i took the glasses and went into the
house,after a few seconds i heard his car reverse into
the road.We went to the Chinese shops to buy
boxes,we were all exited about going back home,new
beginnings far from Calvin,Lefika and all the
drama.The next day i went to take Ciara's
transfer,Ame also transferred her BOCODOL classes
to Maun,we packed everything that belonged to
us,Friday morning i went to Mochudi to say bye to
the twins and Cal's family.Also gave them the keys to
the house,ke gore i was done with that lying
manipulative family,our only connection was my
babies that i was leaving behind not because i
wanted to but because i felt they were safe with the
family and because i had no one who would help with
them.The furniture and clothes left in the afternoon
and we took an evening bus that Friday.Arrived in the
morning,we cleaned the house and took a nap.Woke
up around 10 and continued cleaning then went to
the cattle post to check on my dad,i could feel some
difference in me,finally fresh air and no drama.We
cleaned for my dad and went back to maun in the
evening.Monday i found Cici school,thank God the
term had just started,Lefika was not talking to me
because i took Cici with me,mxm Lefika ene is going
to be one of the reasons why i wont go to heaven
after i die.Tuesday i reported for duty.Bathong my
life was where i wanted to be,the biggest question
that i still had that kept me awake at night was
Calvin,was he dead or not and what did his father
and brothers know?Whose blood was at the
house?and how did they know,for them to show up
just like that and clean the house. Hee that family
though, always thought they were too good to be
Episode 52
3 months later
I had just come back from seing my twins,they had
grown up so much,CJ could crawl and Chanel
attempted to stand up,they looked so much like
Calvin now.
His family had a memorial dinner a few weeks back
unfortunately i couldn't attend because it meant
nothing to me,Cal didn't die that day,ke gore i was
not even sure if he was dead or not and i didn't care.
Calvin and his family were a bunch of lying
criminals,well except for his mother,i know s knew
nothing about the whole staged car crash,i spent
months in a wheelchair mourning someone who was
alive,i bet he was hiding somewhere looking at me
crying and thinking what an idiot.
Mxm but i made an excuse ofcourse for not going to
the dinner,i told Cal's mum my dad was not feeling
well.During their dinner i was on a boat with my
special friend i meet at church few weeks back,he
was the groomed pastor,a well mannered Tawana
man,just what i needed.
My head told me i was moving fast but the heart
wants what it wants gape its not like we were
sleeping together or anything,oh by the way i was an
usher at church so our little union was more like a
courtship than a relationship.
He said he wanted to marry me,this reminded of that
Prophet i once visited his church,well i guess i had to
give a prophesy confirmation..We had settled in
well,no stress waitse just living a normal life just like
everyone else.
Friday after work i took Cici to the saloon to wash her
kinky hair,while waiting i received a call from Dumi
Dumi:hey long time
Me:yeah but i was there just last weekend to see the
Dumi:yeah mama told me,how i everything?
Me:can't complain really,i have my life figured out at
the moment
Dumi:nice so anyone special
Me:(faking a laugh)hee i don't kiss and tell
Dumi:so there is someone?
Dumi:he better not hurt you or he will have me to
deal with
I heard someone coughing in the background,all of a
sudden i had this feeling like someone was listening
on our conversation
Me:il get back to u in a few seconds
I hung up,i had goosebumps all over my arms,mxm
why was i letting this bastards back in my life?
We went home and i took a long bath listening to
music.My phone ran,an unsaved number,i lowered
the volume of the radio
I heard people breathing heavily like they were
making love,ijoo i dropped the call,it called again,i
answered,the girl was shouting Kabelo's name.I hung
up again and saved the number.Later i logged in
watsapp and went through my contacts,bastard!!!!
Episode 53
I called the number and a girl answered.
Me:you tried to call me earlier
Girl:sorry the phone might have dialed itself
I hung up,mxm some men are dogs,he tells me about
no sex before marriage while he is buisy sleeping
around.The girl's dp was her and Kabelo and her
status was a photo of her and Kabelo in bed,she
wrote "situation right now".I called Kabelo and he
answered on the second ring
Me:o kae?
Kabelo:what do you mean?
Me:just so you know i know you are sleeping with
that girl from the choir
Kabelo:who told you that?
Me:she did,you know what i dont need that kind of
drama in my life,if you can't be faithful when we still
dating i will be a fool to expect you to be faithful
when we are married,am done.
Kabelo:baby wait what do..
I hung up,more and more lies,was starting to
question my choice of men,i seem to pick the lying
manipulating ones.Thanks God i found out earlier,i
bet he was sleeping with the whole church,i was
probably the laughing stock.I blocked his number.I
saw him at church,he waved at me and i gave him a
mean look.After church i saw the girl he was sleeping
with,i walked towards her,she notice me and did a u
turn,i followed her into the toilets
Me:how long have you been sleeping with him
Girl:i don't know what you are talking about
Me:okay then i will show the Pastor the photos i have
maybe you will explain better to him
Girl:wait..wait look he and i we are not dating it was
just a once off thing
Me:ehe..okay..i will not forget to tell the pastor
that..nxa ke gore you know Kabelo and i are in a
courtship still you slept with him
Girl:am not the only one sleeping with him
Me:(attitude)are you trying to justify yourself?
I left her standing,took a taxi home.You know to be
honest i was not hurt,like i was just cool,Calvin had
made my heart ice cold,bo Kabelo had nothing on
him.I found him sitting on our stoop
Me:(folding arms)and then
Kabelo:i can explain
Me:(attitude)am listening
Kabelo:it was a mistake,wont happen again
Me:hey i dont care ka re its over
Kabelo:Ao mma my first mistake
Me:(laughing)you think i don't know you are sleeping
with half of the girls at church?
Kabelo:ao baby kana am going to marry you
Me:mxm ftshek get out of here,am tired of men who
lie to me,next thing you will be faking your own
Kabelo:please just sleep on it
I got on the house and went straigt to my room,la
bona now i was having trust issues,i thought every
man was like Calvin,whereer you are Calvin i hate

Episode 54
22 years and already fed up with men,first it was my
first love Lefika,then my soul mate Calvin now this
stupid church boy Kabelo.Yeah neh maybe i was
destined to be single all my life.Next Sunday i told the
pastor i was calling off the courtship reasons being
that i wanted to focus on my kids,he suggested
counseling for me and Kabelo but it didn't help,i had
set my mind straight this time around,was tired of
being used by men,you know maybe i should be like
other girls and find me a friend with benefits
lol.Months passed by since i broke up with
Kabelo.One day as i was with Cici in Jet we bumped
into Lefika
He picked her up and kissed her
Lefika:I missed you
Me:i didn't know you were home
Lefika:i arrived this morning,went to your house and
heard you were in town,saw you coming in here
Mmh he looked fine,no no don't get any ideas,its just
a compliment,we went around the shop looking for
Cici's clothes,he paid then we left.
Cici:daddy can we have milkshakes
Lefika:(looking at me)if mummy is okay with it
Me:sure i will take the plastics with me,make sure
you bring her before 4 because we going to check on
my dad
Lefika:you can join us
Me:no thanks
Cici:please mama
Me:(annoyed)no thanks
Mxm i hated how Ciara acted around Lefika,she
would suddenly change into this spoilt brat,she will
even throw tantrums if she didn't get her way.I said
goodbye and went into Spar,bumped into my old
crush Kitso,ijoo i had a big crush on the guy way back
when i was still a teen,we exchanged numbers and
went our separate ways.When i got home i found his
inbox mo watsapp.We talked and talked,ijoo a re he
also had a crush on me but was afraid of Lefika,nxa
damn you Lefika,he asked if i was seing anyone and i
said no,he said he was single too.We decided to do
lunch the next day.Hee didn't sleep that night,lunch
with my old crush.He picked me up around 12 and we
had lunch at Makoro Lodge.We had so much in
common hey,he dropped me at home around
smile..i wanted to kiss him so bad but you know what
they say about first dates right.We set another date
for Friday,while we were having lunch a girl came
storming at our table,an old class mate.Kitso stood
Bame:ehe Kitso so this is work
Kitso:babe not here
Bame:so Phatsimo is work now
I stood up and grabbed my purse
Me:Bame him and i were just catching up nothing
I hurried outside because people were taking videos
and photos.Hee bo Kitso,talk about tricky,didn't he
say he was single?Men though...
Episode 55
Waitse the way i was dick hungry i was planning on
giving it to Kitso that night,ladies have you ever
reached that point in life where you just want to get
laid,nnyaa it has been long hle,before Calvin it was
nothing i mean after having Cici i spent full 5 years
without sex,now i think i had like almost a year and
my body was itching for a man's touch.Ebile from the
restaurant i went straight home,was so disappointed
gore.I got in my room and covered myself with the
blankets,Ame pulled them off
Ame:tell me how did it go?
Me:(laughing)He is Bame's boyfriend and baby daddy
she looked pregnant
Ame:hoo did she try to fight you?
Me:Actually no,gape i got out of there fast fast
There was a knock at the door,Cici got in holding
Cici:i brought lunch
We went to the sitting room,Lefika was sitting on the
Ame brought plates and juice,they ate,was not
hungry,after she took Cici to the river,was too tired
to go with him,Lefika stayed behind,we watched TV
in silence then i stood up and went to the kitchen,he
followed me,our heads bumped when i closed the
Me:want something?
I pointed at a bottle on the table,hee there was too
much chemistry there ebile i almost forgot how
much i hated him.He touched the bottle and went
outside without drinking the water.
Me:i thought you...
He interrupted me with a kiss,all of a sudden we were
helping each other undress
Me:go lock the door
He hurried and came back before i could finish the
sentence,he picked me up and we went to my room
Me:you got a condom?
Lefika:no you?
I shook my head..shit
Lefika:(putting on his clothes)give me 2 minutes
I heard his car engine start,i washed my vagina and
sat on the bed waiting,after a few seconds i heard
the main door open,that was quick.I laid on the bed
then i heard a familiar voice calling me.No no
dad.I put on a dress and went to the sitting room
Dad:tea hoo ngwanaka
You should have seen the disappointment on my
face.While i was in the kitchen i heard Lefika's car
outside then the door opened,i went into the living
room laughing,i showed him my dad,you should have
seen his erection,big tent.
Dad:mona you don't know how to knock?
Lefika:sorry i..
Me:he knocked,you didn't hear him
Dad:okay what do you want?
Me:ao papa..he came to pick up Cici (to Lefika)she i
not home at the moment i will call you when she is.
He understood me then left,i laughed while making
tea,so i was even considering sleeping with Lefika?
Episode 56
After Lefika i gave dad his tea and went to my
room,he sent an SMS asking if i will comfortable
doing it at his place.Hee ijoo my mood was
completely ruined gape nna am not the type of girl to
sleep with my ex,it was a moment,we had no condom
and that's all.I replied him that it was a mistake and
we should forget it ever happened.He didn't reply,bet
he was cursing me where he was.I went to sit with
my dad,so he had found himself someone and they
were serious,ijoo so my dad could find a steady
person and i couldn't.You know no matter how old i
was my dad still treated me like i was 15.I prepared
him something to eat and we sat down watching
TV.Ame and Cici arrived an hour later.
Dad:call Lefika akere Cici is back
Ijoo i almost gave myself away,totally forgot about
the little stunt i pulled with Lefika.I grabbed Ame's
hand and we went outside,we sat under the
mophane tree,couldn't stop laughing
Me:(laughing)mma kana after you left..Lefika...hee
Me:hee waitse,we kissed,kiss led to another,we
ended up in my room
Ame:(disgusted)eww you slept with him?
Me:no but if dad didn't come we would have done it
Ame:sis nopa e maswe you were going to sleep with
a guy who treated you like trash all this years
Me:hee mma it was a spur of the moment thing,its
not like we had sex
Ame:next time you make out with him don't tell me
She got up and went behind the house,i followed her
Me:so you angry with me now?
Ame:i just don't like him
Me:okay i told him we can't do it again
We filled the tank with water and went back inside
the house,i bathed Cici and we watched TV.Around 8
there was a knock at the door,i opened and my eyes
meet with a tall black guy wearing a Nike T-shirt.
Guy:hi my name is Potso am looking for Mr Morale
Dad:(shouting)who is it?
Dad:let him in
I led him to my dad,Ame stood up nd sat on the next
sofa,i made funny faces behind him and Ame
laughed.He greeted my dad like they have long
known each other
Dad:Phatsimo bring him something to drink
Me:tea or coffee?
Everyone laughed,ehe kana in Botswana tea and
coffee are one and same thing.
Potso: juice
Me:who said we had juice
Potso(laughing)sorry tea
I went into the kitchen and Ame followed,she looked
at me folding her arms
Ame:you want to get laid that bad,kana you are
throwing yourself at the poor guy
Me:uhu am just being friendly
Ame:agg wa bora,Calvin won't be proud wherever he
I looked at her without blinking
Me:excuse me

Episode 57
A week later
I walked in the grocery store with Potso,who
happened to be my dad's girlfriend's
son,disappointed i was,All the good men i know
where either taken or related to me,so technically
Potso was my step brother,after buying meat we
went to the bottle store and bought wines and
ciders. After Calvin's pretend death i had bowed
never to drink alcohol but after finding out he was
still alive and probably still alive now,what the hell.It
was festive and i was in the festive mood,the step
siblings and a few relatives and friends were having a
braai at our house.I had invited Lefika but he was still
not talking to me after that incident,lol.Potso had
invited a few of his friends,they were fine young men
but only one got my attention,lol he was not the
hottest of them all,actually he was the least cute of
the squad,he was hot and had that thing you
know,ke gore ladies you see how Burna Boy is,ugly
but just hotnyana and has that thing,or Kwaito of
skeem saam. You get me,good.
He walked in while we were making chakalaka,my
hands were dipped in the bowl
Jason:Potso a re o batla stick
Me:its in my pocket,left pocket
He hesitated to put his hand in but eventually he
took the memory stick,touching my but nyana 2
mins.He walked out and i smiled.They started playing
my kind of music,am a big fan of house music ebile
kana i can dance like seriously.They were doing the
braai so i walked to them holding a 440 of reeds
lemon vodka.We made small talk,people started
arriving,we had a good time to be honest,we danced
and drank and everything fun.Around 10 Potso asked
me to go with him to pick his girlfriend at her
house.Since my crush was going i hopped in,while
Potso went in we were left alone in the
Me:so are we picking up your girlfriend next?
Jason:so did you invite your boyfriend?
Me:i don't have any
I intentionally flirted with him,i looked him in the
eyes and blinked slowly,he touched my hand and we
kissed,the doors opened and we pretended like
nothing happened.The girl greeted us and we went
home,it was awkward nyana.When we got there,we
found them playing my favourite black coffee jamn.I
acted like i was drunk drunk and pulled Jason to the
dance floor,we danced them he pulled me behind his
car.He lifted me up and pressed me on the car bonnet
and we kissed,bathong his lips were so soft and juicy
and he smelled nice,the smell sa castle lite nyana
turned me on.How long has it been since i was kissed
that hot!!
Episode 58
We kissed so passionately for a very long time my
legs became week.Ke gore i was drunk where i could
see what i was doing so i pulled myself from him
before we did something we would both regret,yes i
was attracted sexual to him,yes i think i had some
little feelings and a big crush but i was not gonna
have sex with him that night,especially when am
drunk,the last thing i needed was another baby or
sexually transmitted infections.
Me:lets go dance
Jason:aah babe come on
Eish my mood went from a 100 down to 0.0005,just
how he said babe reminded me of Calvin,bathong will
i ever get over him?
I went to the crowd and he followed me,i sat down
and looked as everyone was having fun,he sat next
to me
Jason:am sorry if i was moving too fast
Me:its okay,we kissed its fine
Jason:can i have your number
Me:give me yours,i know you guys take long to reply
He said it as i pretended to dial it on my phone,i don't
know what had happened to the little crush i had
earlier,it was gone gone,maybe the kiss drained it
all.haha who knows.I went into the house straight to
my room,locked the door and slept.Woke up the next
day someone banging on my door,i had slept with
yesterday's clothes,i opened the door and Potso
stormed in
Potso:where did you disappear to last night,Jase and
i searched all over for you
Potso:ao i noticed the chemistry between you guys
Me:agg i just wanted to kiss him that's all,he is not
my type
Potso:(laughing)last night he was
Me:he looks like a fuck boy i don't do those
Potso:ao mma you got his hopes up for nothing
Me:he has a girlfriend
Potso:who told you?
Me:you did
Potso:me and my big mouth,when?
Me:(smiling)you just did,get out i want to sleep
Potso:its 11 am
Potso:you have to cook
Me:(closing the door)do i look like a maid or your
girlfriend,go home
I went back to bed,my phone ran
Lefika:am bringing Cici over
Me:what time am not home
Lefika:tell me when you are
I lied,eish Cici wa lapisa,i needed all the silence
because of this hangover.Woke up around 2 and took
a bath and fixed myself something to eat.I received
an SMS from an unknown number asking to meet at
Riley's hotel room number 5 at 7.Ijoo what if its a
serial killer,there is no way am going there,i called the
number and my heart stopped beating for a
second,what if its Calvin?was i ready to face
him,what if its the Mexican guy.I switched off my
phone but my heart was curious to know who it
was.Should i go or not??
Episode 59
Around 6 Lefika dropped of Ciara and left.I asked
Ame to babysit for me but she had other plans,my
dad and his woman had gone back to the cattle post
and Ciara thought she was better than everyone
there was no way she was going to agree to go to my
dad,aah gape it was a bit late.I switched on my phone
and called the number,it ran unanswered.Who could
it be,kana it was Jason,mmh no.I called Potso and
asked for his number,so it was not Jason.I really
wanted to know who it was,my heart kept telling me
it was Calvin,i think deep down i still thought he was
alive and would come back.I called Potso's little sister
and invited her over,she arrives at half past 7,i asked
her to look after Ciara and i will be back,to bribe her
we went to the mall and bought them ice cream and
Zimba chips,its so easy to bribe small kids.I arrived at
the hotel at exactly 8,a car passed by and my body
became cold and had goosebumps,it disappeared
into the dark.I asked the reception lady to show me
where room 5 was,she asked me if i was Phatsimo
and i said yes
Receptionist:you just missed him but here is the key
Me:him?how did he look like?
I ran outside,who could it be,just hope its not anyone
playing mind games on me.I ran back inside and took
the key,my heart stopped beating for a minute,the
lights were dim,petals on the bed and
roses,champagne,chocolates and sweet music
playing,sweet aroma from the candles.Bathong now i
have a secret admire.I called the number again and it
wasn't available.I sat on the bed crying,i knew it was
Calvin,i hate him but i still loved him,why was he
doing this to me or was i going crazy.I cried myself to
sleep,i woke up to someone touching my hand.I
opened my eyes and meet with his smile,you know
when you are angry at someone and when you see
them you start smiling and forgetting how angry you
We hugged for so long,if this was a dream i didn't
want it to end,i didn't want to let go of him.
I opened my eyes,so it was a dream,Cal didn't come
back,that morning i made up my mind gore i was
done getting my hopes up for nothing,if he was alive
he would have come back by now,he would have
waited for me in the hotel room because i knew he
was patient.I took my phone and left the cleaning
lady to clean the room,i gave the reception the key
and went home.Waitse gore am saying this for the
last time and i mean it,i am done with Calvin,whether
he is dead or alive or his memories,i was hurting

Episode 60
Months had passed since the whole hotel thing,my
birthday passes too without any surprise visit from
the dead,The twins were 12 months now still living
with Cal's family,shem they were so grown up and
cute,they could say a few words,they walked and
pulled everything they could get hold of.Cal's mum
threw them a big birthday party,i brought Cici with
me,it was just too fancy for a kid's first birthday.CJ
looked so much like Calvin sometimes it gets to
me.After the party we stayed for a few days and left
on Monday evening,the poor woman still didn't know
she was living with snakes,waitse when i saw Dumi
and his dad my heart skipped.We arrived in maun
Tuesday morning,we bathed and i went to work,it
was school holidays so Cici stayed behind with my
step sister who was also on school holidays.After
work i went to driving school,yes i was learning how
to drive,was so exited because that day i was going
to drive for the first time ever.We decided to drive up
to Maun north using the Shorobe road,my driving
was on point,right speed and everything.When we
got to the Moremi road we did a u turn back to
Maun,it was getting dark and cold,on our way the car
stopped,the fuck.
Me:(panicking)what's wrong now?
Botshelo got out and opened the bonnet,he took out
his phone and called someone,we were in the middle
of nowhere,i could hear the movement of elephants
from a distance,he got back in.
Botshelo:its the battery,its dead
Me:ao rra why didn't you check it before we drove
Botshelo:am so sorry i didn't think of that but don't
worry help its on its way
Me:how long should we wait gape nna am hungry
He got out and went outside to the boot and brought
a loave,drink and peanut butter.
Me:(smiling)you always have this in your car?
Botshelo:actually i just bought them today
Me:like you knew something like this would happen
We laughed
Me:you know i shouldn't be eating butter
Me:(mouthful)because am single,gatwe e bolaisa
Botshelo:(laughing)who told you that?
Me:is it true?
Botshelo:i don't know
An awkward moment passed
Botshelo:so you are single?
Me:yeah,i have been for a very very long time
Botshelo:why don't you want a man?
Me:the ones i want are taken or dead
We laughed
Botshelo:shem you will find Mr right very soon
Me:aah there is no such thing as the right guy
We continued talking about life until our rescue team
arrived,it felt so nice talking to someone for a
chance.They changed the battery and he drove me
home.We said goodbye and he left.
Episode 61
When i opened the door Ame came rushing
Ame:(exited)who was that?
Me:hello to you too
Ame:and you came this late..mmh comeon tell me
I went straight to my room and took off my shoes.
Me:that's my driving teacher
Ame:(disappointed)okay then why so late?
Me:we..our battery died we went driving out of maun
She just looked at me and shook her head
Ame:you know you deserve someone like Lefika
jaana,successful and pretty who drives a nice
car,quote me"someone like Lefika not Lefika"eseng
bo Botshelo
Me:uhu did i say him and i are dating gape mma the
heart wants wat it wants ao.If i meet someone i like
am gonna date them whether they are rich or poor
She stormed out of the room,girls though no wonder
they are always miserable in relationships they are
always looking for material things.The next day i
didn't go to school reasons known to me only,okay
let me just say it,i think i was startin to like
Botshelo,in a special way,I've always liked his
kindness,he was funny and sweet and a hard worker
but i never thought the day will come when i like like
him.He called around 6 to ask why i didn't come and i
told him i had a cold,we said goodbye and hung up.I
spent the whole week avoiding him,i was not ready
for a relationship yet and what if he didn't feel the
same way,agg am done falling for wrong men.
On Saturday morning i took Cici to the saloon and i
bumped into him,he cleaned out nicely.
Me:what are you doing here?
Botshelo:came to get a haircut
Me:mmh okay
Botshelo:how are you feeling?
Me:am fine why?
Botshelo:i thought you will be down in bed ke flue
Shit i forgot i told him i had flue.
Me:ooh aah am good now
He went to seat by the barber and smiled at me.Cici
finished and we said goodbye.He sent me an SMS
asking if we can have drinks later,i said i was buisy
and he understood.Monday after work i went to the
driving school
Me:today lets just keep it local please,don't want to
be stuck in the bushes like last time
Botshelo:can i tell u smthn?
Botshelo:i tempted with the battery last time..i
wanted us to be alone so i could tell you that i loved
Me:what?(angry)what if we got attacked by the wild
animals,don't you know that i have kids?
Botshelo:please forgive me,am telling you because
its killing me lying to you
Me:hee so the bread and drink?
Botshelo:it was for incase you got hungry,my boys
and i planned everything but i didn't get the chance
to tell you because..
Me:tell me.

Episode 62
Me:why do you say that
Botshelo:the way you spoke about him,you are not
over his death and you still need time to heal or else
if we get in this relationship it won't go anywhere
Me:(emotional)he is dead,i can't be in love with a dead
person,look i don't like the stunt you pulled,we could
have been eaten by lions or something but its
romantic,it would have been more romantic if you
told me that day
Botshelo:thanks,so today we using the Ghanzi
road,we gonna turn by masters valley and come
Me:okay i hope you haven't tempted with the car this
We both laughed and got in the car,we drove slowly
and made small talk then came back.
Botshelo:you know i just told you i loved you and you
didn't reply me
Instead of saying anything i baby kisses him,
Me:i hope this works,lets take things slowly
He pulled me towards him and kissed me slowly,he
was not the best but he knew what he was
doing,except he used more tongue.
He walked me home holding my hand,we sat on
some big rocks by the gate and said nothing for the
whole 5 minutes.I stood up and hugged him
Me:next time we kiss dont use too much tongue
We both laughed,am glad he found it funny if it was
someone else he would have been offended.
He kissed my forehead and we said goodbye.Hee
new love i already had butterflies in my
stomach.Kept smiling throughout the night that i
annoyed Ame.
Ame:mmh whoever it is i hope its not that boy
Me:well he is not your boy akere,just let me be
Ame:he is not even your type
Me:well nna i think we make a great match ebile kana
he is taller,mmh Iv always wanted to date a much
taller guy.
Ame:mmmh Nono,Cici lets go sleep
Cici:we are watching the TV all night
She looked at me to say something but i gave her a
cold shoulder,she went to her room mumbling
Ame:no one listens to me in this house
I took a warm bath and went to bed,he sent an SMS
saying goodnight.Aww some girls ga ba itire to start
practising wedding steps after the first date.Slept
with a smile on my face.
The next day while bathing i received an SMS from
bae saying good morning.In the afternoon he sent
me another SMS asking how my day was..heelang so
you guys didnt tell me love is this sweet.After work i
went straight to bae,we just chilled by his school and
talked and talked more.Bathong this was the best
thing to happen to me in a very very long time.Later
he walked me home and kissed my hand.
Botshelo:goodnight princess
Aww am princess now
Me:goodnight baby
I looked at him as he disappeared into the dark
Episode 63
A week later
So babe had asked me to go with him to their cattle
post on Saturday,it was just a few kilometers from
maun along the gantsi road.I wore just a simple dress
and machesa.Must say Botshelo was more than
what i have asked for from God,he was the perfect
guy,he let me drive them took over when i let the car
in the sand,we found only his parents,they were old
people and his father was blind,they offered us
madila(sour milk),we ate porridge with it and
they gave me 2 litters to take home.
Mum:Mboy tshwarela ngwetsi yame koko the
Hee she reminded me of Cal's mother,she was so nice
and down to earth.
Botshelo:come help me
We ran around the chickens like we were kids,finally
we managed to cache one,he killed it and his mum
cooked it,it took so long to be ready so we went into
the Forrest to collect firewood.We went hand in
hand,we came back with enough to last them a day
or two.His mum had cooked madombi and
chicken,how long has it been since i ate that,i myself
am not a bread kind of person,don't like it because i
don't know how to cook it.We ate so much to last us
the whole week,i didn't want the day to end but tota
was getting late and had to go back.We said our
Dad:next time you come bring that beautiful girl
Botshelo:dad how do you know he is beautiful
Dad:i just know you wont bring an ugly person here
We all laughed
Mum:drive safely,Mboy don't forget to buy us sugar
when you come
Botshelo:mama stop calling me that ao..i will bring it
We got in the car and drove back to maun,he
dropped me at home and kissed me goodnight on the
Me:ever since i told you you uses too much tongue
you only kiss me on the cheek or forehead
He kissed me on the lips,this time with less
tongue,mmh good boy so he heard me.
I smiled and kissed his cheek
He drove away and i got in the house,everyone was
home,everyone i meant the step siblings.
Potso:hee out of all this men and you had to date
that one
Me:(pissed)you know what guys your nasty
comments about my boyfriend are starting to annoy
Ame:(laughing)hee everyone is talking about you,a
hot sexy girl like you dating an ordinary girl,Botshelo
deserves someone who dances bo mahempe kwa
Me:(attitude)he is a million times a better man than
any guy you will ever date in your life,he might come
from a poor family but he has a rich personality more
than i can say about you all
I went into my room and slammed the door,mxm.I
went back to them..
Episode 64
Me:guys tell me what's so wrong ka Botshelo?
Potso:everything is wrong,he is not your type sis
Ame:look okay he is cutenyana but he has nothing
just that driving school
I laughed out loud,wow wow so there are girls who
still think like Ame,wow.I went to my room laughing,i
thought they would say something not the crap they
just told me.I sent him an SMS telling him i love him
and he called
Botshelo:i love you more,let me bath and i will call
you when am in bed.
Shem i have hit lotto this time around.He called after
a few minutes
Me:ao you already in bed?
Me:baby ga wa hlapa
Bae:(laughing)come on aah am a man,2 minutes is
enough for me
Me:mmh il bath you next time
Bae:looking forward to that,tell me what are you
Me:(laughing)still wearing that dress
Bae:okay go and bath princess good night
The smile on my face was priceless,i took a long hot
bath and called Cal's mum to check on the twins,i
spoke to them,they only knew a few words.We said
goodbye and i went to bed.Had a strange dream that
night Cal pulling me and Bae pulling my other
hand,woke up breathing heavily,it was around 2 and
there was noise at the living room.I called Bae
Me:are you sleeping
Silly question ofcourse he was tota was 2 am
Bae:no am listening
Me:just wanted to hear your voice
Bae:want me to come pick you up?
Me:sure that would be nice
Bae:okay il be there in 20 minutes
I changed into leggings and a big oversized T-shirt
and wore pumps,eish tota was too hot hey,Maun
bosigo just hot bathong.I went into the living
room,Cici was sleeping on the sofa,i took her to my
room,i could tell everyone was drunk
Ame:sisi wee,i have to tell you something
Me:(bored)agg ftshek monna
Ame:you know Botshelo..he is a nice guy and you
make a nice couple
Me:mxm tell me that when you sober
Potso:where are you going?
Me:none of your business
Bae called that he was outside,i got in the car and
drove to his house,i got to say he was doing pretty
well his room had everything nice,a new gas stove,a
big bed,plasma TV,fridge and was clean and smelled
nice.I took off all my clothes and got into bed,he did
too,aww bae had a 6 pack.We cuddled them after a
few minutes i kissed him,it was bound to happen one
day anyway we might as well do now.I slid my hand
in his boxers,hee let me just say banna ba maun got
that thing,its true.Haha
He cupped my breasts and kissed my neck,how i
missed that i let out a small moan.My body became
too exited hey.Finally
Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Episode 65
Woke up the next day feeling so alive,the love
making was on point if i had to rate it it was a 100
lol.Bae made me breakfast in bed and made warm
water for me to bath,i didn't want to go home but
had to think about my daughter.
Botshelo:babe am going to see my parents later so
incase you call and my number is off..
He dropped me off at home,the house was empty
but it was not even 11 yet.I called Ame ame she
didn't answer,i called Potso.
Me:where are you guys
Potso:oh we are home now,going to the beach later
Me:Cici and Lebo ba kae?
Potso:they are here with us,you can join us if you
want to
Me:no thanks,just bring the girls over
Potso:okay bye
I cleaned the house and washed Cici and I's laundry
then cooked lunch.They dropped off Cici and Lebo
around 1
Ame:so how was your night?
Me:(smiling)the best night of my life
Ame:(attitude)mmmh okay so did you
Me:obviously and it was amazing
Ame:ohh okay,see you later
Me:wait..kante why are you always judging
Ame:i am not just..well he is a nice person yes but he
is not your type
Me:and my type is?
Ame:bo Potso jaana and his friends you know
Me:Potso doesn't have his own room,he doesn't have
a plate,he only has that car and lots of expensive
clothes,he doesnt even give his mother 1 pula month
end,i take care of his mother for him,if i don't buy dad
food then his mum will starve to death and on the
other hand Botshelo has everything,he takes care of
his parents,...(pause)you know wht am not even
explain anything to you.I love him just the way he is,i
am 23 with 3 kids but he doesn't judge me so why
should i judge him,gape nna in my eyes he is perfect.
Ame just looked at me and said nothing,she went to
the car and they drove away.I bathed Cici and gave
them their lunch and we watched TV all day.Bae
came back around 5,we sat outside and i gave him
his food
Bae:i hope you haven't put some love potions in here
Me:(smiling)i have
Bae:then its working for you
He took my hand into his and smiled at me,he ate and
i took the plate back to the house,came back with a
glass of water
Me:i would offer you a drink but my step siblings and
sister finished it all
Bae:its okay,so babe about last night
Bae:thank you
Me:(smiling)i love you
Bae:i love you more,wish we could always be this
Me:me too
Bae:you know people seem to think they have an
opinion in our relationship
Me:you know what let them talk and see what they
get in the end
He kissed my hand and stood up
Bae:i should get going now
Me:doing something tonight?
Bae:no why?
Me:i was thinking maybe we can do some more of
last night
We both laughed
Bae:so what time should i pick you up?
Me:i will text you when my sister is home
Bae:i cant wait
I walked him to his car and went back to the
house.Wow can't believe how luck i was,its not
everyday you meet a nice caring man like
Botshelo.He might not earn a lot and not driving an
expensive car but to me he was everything.I took a
long bath until the squad was back,they went into
the kitchen and came back holding the pots.
Ame:ijoo we are so hungry
I went back to my room and changed into a dress and
sandals.I put my work clothes in the bag
Me:Amzo mind looking after Cici tonight?
Ame:hee so you are going back for round 2
Me:actually i come back tomorrow after work
Cici:mama are you going to sleep at your boyfriend's
Me:hey..who is my boyfriend?
Bae picked me up and we went to his place,he drove
while holding my other hand.When we got to his
place he took my bag and threw in on the bed and
picked me up..He kissed me while helping me take off
the dress.Heee it was about to get lit in here.We
managed to take it off eventually and i helped him
take off his clothes.He pinned me against the wall as
he put on the condom.Felt it slide slowly in,we both
gasped for air.Yph know a little rough sex now and
then is good,yesterday we made love,today we had
He put me on the bed and took it from behind,he
went in slowly to avoid hurting me,obviously he
knew he had a big dick.After a few seconds he went
fast and laid on my back.He grabbed a towel and we
both wiped ourselves.I was shaking,hee. Good sex
will make you shake,i couldnt fell my legs.He hugged
me as we cuddled listening to each other's heart
Bae:i love you
Me:me too
Bae:when i got my shit togetjer am gonna marry
you,have a baby or two
Me:no just one baby,i have a lot already
Bae:(laughing)a boy
Me:yeah one who looks like you
Bae:haha yeah
My phone ran,it was Cal's mum,i ignored it ah i didnt
want to spoil the atmosphere but then again
itvmight be important.
Mrs:(crying)Cal...Calvin is...
Mrs:Calvin is alive...

Episode 66
Mrs:yes..i just found out today (crying)i just dont
understand all this
I looked at Bae and got out of bed,i walked to the
door and noticed i was naked,he threw me his t shirt.I
think IV always known Calvin was not dead,well i
mean the second time around.
Me:where is he?
Mrs:he is still with the police maybe he will come
home tomorrow
Me:okay i will...(looked at Bae) i mean he has a lot of
explaining to do
Mrs:this just doesn't make any sense i mean i saw
him..he was dead
It hurts so much to hear her cry that much,that
woman had been nothing but kind to me since day
one and she was the one taking care of my kids until
this moment..I wish she knew the whole truth or
atleast half of it like i do.
She cut the call,i didn't call her back,she needed the
time and space to adjust to the whole thing.For the
past 2 years she has been living knowing that she
buried her son only to find out he was alive and
kicking.Hee how i wish i could see Calvin right now.
Me:ohhh eish this life
He came to where i was and hugged me,i was still
holding the t-shirt.
Bae:bad news?
Me:honestly i dont know if they are good or bad
Bae:what happened?
We sat on the bed and i told him everything,starting
from the day i meet Calvin until the day i found blood
in the sitting room and a note written in black,ohh
and the phone call and the whole hotel thing,i did'nt
want to leave anything behind
Bae:wow babe that sounds like a chapter from a
horror movie
Me:i know right
Bae:so now that he is back..
Me:(interrupt)it changes nothing,i mourned Calvin for
too long,i lost weight,i waited and waited for him
until i finally gave up,i deserve a happy ending and its
not with Calvin.
I meant everything i said,i had been through hell
because of Calvin,i almost died because of his shady
dealings,he put not only my life but my daughter and
sister's life in danger.The love i always thought i had
for him faded.Bae and i remained silent until i fell
asleep,the next morning i went to work,around lunch
time i received a call from an unsaved number.
My heart skipped for a few seconds then i regained
my breath,so he was really alive.
Cal:guess what?
Me:you resurected,wow nice
Cal:i am on my way there i want to explain everything
Me:(pissed)i don't need your explanations Calvin,just
stay the hell away from me
Cal:i will be in Maun in a few hours
I hung up on him,just when i found al the happiness i
could ask for them boom Calvin comes back to
life.The day went by so quickly,i no longer knew how i
felt about the whole thing,part of me was exited at
the same time angry,my heart still loved the idiot but
at the same time i hated him more than I've ever
hated anyone.When i knocked off i switched my
phone off and went to Bar's house.He was still at the
driving school,i borrowed his sister's phone and told
him to bring me the keys,was not in the mood to see
Ame,Potso and mostly Calving.Bae brougjt the keys
and left.After a few hours i heard a car outside,i
thought it was Botshelo.There was a knock then the
door opened,Botshelo's niece walked in
Niece:some woman and men are looking for you
Me:do you know them?
Niece: no
I wore the dress and went outside,my heart stopped
beating for a minute when i saw him,dressed in all
black and that bright smile almost made me fall
inlove with him all over again.He took 4 steps
towards me and stopped.If Botshelo's older sister
was not looking i would have jumped on Calvin and
kissed him,seing him standing infront of me made me
realise how much i loved the guy.
Dumi:just give her a moment to digest the whole
Calvin came a few steps closer and we meet
halfway,he hugged me so tightly i did'nt want him to
let go.Everyone was looking and i didn't care.He led
me to the car and we drove away,i did'nt even lock
the house,everything happened so fast,Ame kept
saying my name but i couldn't hear what it was she
was saying.We drove to Makoro Lodge that's when i
realised where i was,i pulled my hand from Cal's and
slapped him.He rubbed his cheek and laughed
Cal:damn babe
Me:(crying)do you know what i went through?
Cal:babe i will explain everything when we get to our
Me:(serious face)take me back to where you found
Cal:i need to explain to you
We got out of the car and went to the reception,He
took the keys and we went to the room.As soon as he
closed the door he kissed me,i wanted to stop him
but i couldnt.He picked me up and pressed me
against the wall.He smelt so nice and fresh.He kissed
my neck leaving love bites all over my neck.
His voice was so sexy and rough,the way he said
babe made me wet wet.He took off my dress and i
felt his dick slide in my vagina.God it was like the old
times.He thrust so hard his dick touched my womb,it
hurt a little that's when i came back to my senses.I
remembered how much Botshelo loved me and how
much i loved him,what i was doing was wrong on all
levels.I pushed Cal away and put on my dress,i picked
up the shoes and ran outside,for heaven sake we
were not even using a condom.I ran
downstairs,luckily a taxi had just dropped of a
guests,i got in and told him where i was going.When i
arrived i found Botshelo's car packed infront of the
house,When he saw me he came running and we
meet halfway,he hugged me so tightly i felt so bad
about what i just did with Cal.The driver whistled at
us,we walked to him and Bae Gabe him his money.We
walked back to the house..He closed the door and
looked at me with a serious face
Bae:you had sex with him did'nt you?

Episode 67
I touched my neck trying to cover the love bites..He
looked so calm and serious.
Me:(looking down)yes
Bae:do you still love him?
Me:i..he is the father of my kids
Bae:do you still love Lefika
Me:ofcourse not
Bae:he is also the father of your child,don't tell me
you love Calvin because he is your baby daddy,do you
still love him? Yes or no
I sat on the bed an Buried my head in my hands.Ke
gore Calvin has just came back to life 2 minutes back
nd he is already ruining my happiess.I didn't want to
answer Botshelo because my answer was going to
hurt him,yes i still loved Calvin,more now more than
IV ever loved him.
Bae:well i guess i already know the answer to that
question,i refuse to be the guy who stood between
you and your happiness.
He knelt before me and took my hand into his,he
looked me straight in the eyes.
Bae:i love you
Me:(crying)i love you too
Bae:(smiling)if its what you want then go back to
him,you have waited this long for this moment dont
let me be the reason why you cant b happy.
Bathong waitse i deserved Botselo he was too kind
and carrying thats why i fell inlove with him..I kissed
him on the cheek but he shifted his head and kissed
my lips.I didnt kiss him back.After a few minutes he
stood up,he went outside.My phone rang..
Cal:babe kana i didnt cum
Me:(smiling)you are stupid
Cal:get your ass here now i miss tag cookie
Me:i want so hard to hate you Calvin,but i can't
Cal:babe don't keep daddy waiting...
He hung up,it was so embarrassing leaving with my
bag.Botshelo was in his car,when he saw me walking
towards him he closed the doors and
heart broke into pieces.His sister came towards me
and looked me up and down.
Me:excuse me
Sis:waitse i know your type,now that you have got
what you wanted you are living him
Me:what is it that i wanted?
Sis:his money
Me:i didn't dump him he dumped me ebile nna i never
wanted his money.
I walked out of the yard,i got a taxi and went to
Makoro lodge,i knocked once and he opened.He
smiled at me and took the bag from me..He kissed me
but i pushed him away,i sat on the bed,he pointed at
his boner and smiled
Cal:babe lets finish were we left off
Me:(serious face)why?
Cal:you want me to mustibate while you looking?
Me:(serious face)everything is a joke to you right,you
die and come back to life as you wish then you want
to act like nothing happened,i suffered,i broke my leg
in that accident that we thought killed you....i..and
when i have finaly found happiness you re appear..
Cal:what do you want to know?
Me:why did you fake your death,where have you
He put on a jean and came to seat next to me on the
bed,i moved to the sofa and faced him
Me:am listening
Cal:i stole my Mexican business partner's drugs and
sold them.We made lots of money from them,i tipped
off the police..
Cal:yes me and my dad, brothers,Karabo and Lucas
I stood up,wow so during the funeral they all looked
at me crying like an idiot for someone who was nof
Me:wow Calvin
Cal:babe please don't force me to tell you
everything,i want you to look me like you used to not
like am some criminal
Cal:to cut the story short the guy is dead now he can
no longer hurt you that's why i came back
Me:(crying)that time,the note,the blood
Cal:everything was staged to make you believe i was
dead for good that time...

Episode 68
Me:you know what,the more you tell me about this
the more i start to question who you really are
Cal:babe its still me..the same man you fell inlove
with you are not,i fell inlove with..i..(crying)i
don't know who you are anymore
I sat down and started crying,my life was like a
chapter from a book or movie.I want a normal life
with a normal man,a man who wont fake his own
death God knows whatelse he has done in life.
Me:i think we should stay a few days apart,i need to
digest everything
Cal:babe don't do this to us
Me:(whipping my tears)you did this to us,not me
Cal:Phatsimo if you walk out that door there is no
coming back
Me:thats the best news IV heard come out of your
mouth today
I grabbed my bag and looked at him,the man i loved
so much was a monster.
Cal:if you walk out that door babe its over
Me:i dont take orders from you or anyone,stay the
hell away from me
Yes i meant every word i said,i want nothing to do
with Calvin,i suffered because of his greed,i was
beaten to a point where i broke ribs because he stole
the Mexican Guy's drugs,his family watched me cry
when yhey knew he was not dead,Calvin is still the
same guy who made me pregnant and told his family
before me.Tell me who in their right mind will walk in
a lion's Dean fully aware.
Calvin made me loose the most caring,nice,honest
loving guy IV ever meet.He made me question my live
for Botshelo,i gave up on us that easily because i
thought Cal and i had something.Now i was damn
sure i was done with Calvin.I opened the door and
walked out,i thought he would come running after
me but he didn't.I got in a taxi and went home,on the
way i texted Botshelo that i want us to try to make
things work between us.He asked about Calvin and i
told him he was a closed chapter.
5 months later
It was the twins second birthday,this time around we
had it at Lion's park.It was the first time i have seen
Calvin after the whole thing at Makoro Lodge.He
looked pretty built,with muscles here and there,i saw
a tatoo of the twins'names on his shoulder.Cici
jumped on him and hugged him
Cal:how are you baby
Cici:i missed you,when are you coming to visit
Cal:(looking at me)i dont know,make sure you give me
your number okay
Cici:okay..put me down i wanna go swim
He put her down and she ran to the pool,she was so
grown up bathong ngwanake,still loved money and
fancy things and spoke a lot.Cal put his hands in his
pocket and looked at me
Cal:long time
Cal:how have you been?
Me:am alive that's all thats important,life is life
My phone ran,it was Bae he had went to
Mogoditshane to buy a car to use as a taxi,got to say
things were looking up for him.
Me:(to Calvin)excuse me
Cal:we still talkin
I gave him an evil eye and went to the pool side
where there were few people.He followed me
Me:hey bae
Bae:i bought a Run X
Me:how much?
Bae:25 gran,brand new
Me:can't wait test drive it,guess we will leave sunday
evening then
Bae:yeah make sure you bring me some cake
Me:(laughing)which one
Bae:haha babe you dirty minded,i want them both
Me:okay you will have some tonight
Bae:babe hle mma ke fa gare ga batho o ntshwarisa
Me:(laughing)sorry,we will talk later neh,love you
Bae:i love you too bye
I hung up and found Calvin looking at me with a
straight face,i walked to his mum and picked up
Channel,she had big afro and a small pink ribbon to
tie it into a knot.Calvin picked up CJ and looked at
Cal:see what we created,this guys are diamonds,look
how cute they are
Me:yeah they look like their daddy
Mrs:let me take some photos
She took photos,the party was a success,the kids had
fun,i did too.Around 6 the hired combi came to pick
the kids up,Cal's mum left with Ciara and i had no
choice but to ride with Calvin in his car.Everyone left
before us
Me:we better hurry up
Cal:going somewhere
Me:am here with my boyfriend
Cal:did i ask you who you here with?
Cal:so you have started to disrespect me
He drove into the main road ,instead of taking the
Gaborone route he went south
Me:(angry)and then?
Cal:have to do something in Lobatse
Me:why didnt you tell me this before i agreed to ride
with you
Cal:you didn't ask
Me:wow this is so typical of you..if i had known i
would have gone with the kids.Just drop me here i
will take a bus,my battery is dying eish
Cal:i cant leave you in the middle of nowhere
Me:(shouting)just please please drop me here i don't
want to go to Lobatse with you my boyfriend is
waiting and my phone battery is empty..
Cal:he will have to wait a bit longer

Episode 69
Me:(shouting)Calvin stop this car right now
He hit on the accelerator and held my hand,i pulled it
from him.He smiled at me,before the Mogobane turn
he stopped the car and looked at me,i unhooked the
seat belt and grabbed my bag,the door was locked.
Me:what did i ever do to you?
Cal:you honestly want a future with that looser?
Me:actually i do,he is my looser
Cal:you know you and i will always have a bond
Me:you and i don't have a bond Calvin please let me
Cal:how could you say that,you still love me that's
why you didnt stop me that night
Me:that's when i thought i loved you truth is i dont
anymore,you and your family are a bunch of lying
thieves,you are criminals and i..i...don't want to mix
myself with that
He unlocked the doors and held my hand,he looked
straight into my eyes.
Cal:am not one to go back on my word but iv decided
to give you a second chance,if you get out of this car
we are done for good
Me:you said that the last time and here you are,i dont
need your second chance because i dont want
you,get that through your thick skull
I opened the door and went outside.After a few
minutes the car hit a u turn and went back to
Gaborone,wow so typical of him.After a few minutes
i got a ride back yo the city,the man tried to make
small talk but i was not in the mood,he dropped by
Game City,i took. Combi back to the hotel.Found Bae
taking a shower,i joined him and we showered
together and ordered room service
Bae:what happened to your phone?
Me:battery died
Bae:thought so,tell me how was the party?
Me:can we talk some other time am not feeling well
Bae:(checking my temperature)what's wrong?
Me:I think its all the food i ate
Bae:(massaging my tummy)sorry
After he ate finished eating he watched TV while i
took an early sleep.I was tired and angry at
Calvin.Later he joined me
Bae:(whispering in my ear)how are you feeling now?
Me:am okay
I felt his hand touching my cookie,to be honest i was
not in the mood,Calvin spoilt my mood.
Me:am not in the mood
Bae:what did i do?
Me:its not you
I kept quiet,he faced the other direction and i heard
him taking a short prayer.Woke up the next day to
Calvin's call,i ignored it and put the phone on silent.
Bae:ke mang?
Bae:why are you not answering?
Me:am not in the mood
Bae:so you angry at everyone because of Calvin?i
dont even want to know what he said or did
I kept quiet an went into the bathroom,i peed as he
watched me
Bae:what time are you going to pick up Cici?
Me:before noon,the sooner we leave
Bae:did you guys do anything?
Bae:i have to be sure
Me:mxm i didnt sleep with him
Bae:if you say so
I took a shower and put on a short jumpsuit,changed
and wore a shot dress.Arrived at Mochudi during
lunch time,we had lunch then Calvin called me to his
father's study room.He locked the door and picked
up,to be honest i wanted him so bad but couldnt get
myself to admit it.He put me on the table and took of
my panty,it was exiting,felt like naughty
teenagers.He spread my legs nd looked at my
"treasure"I closes my eyes.
Cal:babe open your eyes
I opened them and we looked into each other's
eyes.It felt wrong yet so right.He put one finger in
and licked it,it turned the shit out of me.He did all
that looking into my eyes,he picked the panty and
gave it to me.
Cal:get dressed
Cal:your boyfriend will finish off what i started
Okay what just happened here,he unlocked the door
and joined everyone outside,when i came out
everyone was looking at me like they knew what just
went down.He was standing with some nice looking
Me:can we talk,somewhere private?
Cal:am listening
Me:somewhere private
Cal:whatever you want to say you can say it infront
of her..

Episode 70
I was so embarrased,never thought the day will come
when Calvin will treat me like every other person,you
know i always thought i had him wrapped around my
little finger,i was wrong.The lady he was with
excused herself,am sure she felt bad for me.We
stood there without saying anything,he looked at me
like i disgusted him.
Me:what just happened in the study?
Cal:you have a boyfriend akere Phatsimo?
Cal:you made it fully clear you don't want
me..(serious face)i gave you two chances and both
times you left,i told you i don't like to beg,i never beg
He left me standing there like an idiot,did this mean i
have lost him for good,my thoughts were interrupted
by Lefika's Cal.
Lefika:where are you?
Me:(angry)since when do i answer to you?
Lefika:mxm kante aren't you supposed to bring Ciara
I had completely forgot why i was there in the first
place,i apologize and hung up.I said goodbye to Cal's
mum ad the twins.I drove slowly back to GC,my mind
was back at Mochudi,who was that lady with Calvin?
I dropped Cici at Lefika's and went back to the hotel.I
looked at Botshelo and he disgustes me.He smiled at
me and a fakes a smile back.
Bae:should we hot the road?
Bae:are you okay?
Me:yeah why?
Bae:you seem off
Me:(faking a laugh)am fine really,stop imagining
things and lets go
He took our bag and we checked out,we drove to
airport junction to buy a few snacks and water.He
played Naija Music along the way,i love that music
but not that day.I pretended to sleep,i was thinking
about Calvin,i didn't know why all of a sudden i
wanted him back.I opened one eye and looked at
Bae,he smiled at me
Bae:i know you not asleep
Me:how did you know?
Bae:yph sleep with your mouth open but this time its
We laughed,he looked so cute,he was funny and
everything IV ever wanted,he was not a criminal and i
enjoyed being with him,when we were together we
always talk like best friends and played like
teenagers.Apart from being kind i loved him,like
really,he was my destiny.For a second i forgot about
Bae:i love you
Me:i love you too
Me:ao you already doubting my love?
Bae:just that...ever since Calvin came back i..aah am
just being insecure,i trust you
Me:mmmh trust me,babe kana ke gore Calvin is
my..he is...we were so happy and inlove that's why i
still have unresolved feelings,i loved him so much and
my heart broke when i found out he lied about being
dead,i want so hard to hate him but...its like
everytime i see him i love him more,and today he,he...
Before i could finish the sentence i realised i was
telling Botshelo more than i planned to,who the fuck
tells their boyfriend how much they love their ex,i
was lost in my thoughts i said too much,i looked at
him and my heart broke.He was concentrated on the
road.I stopped talking.I took out my phone and
started taking a video.I faced the camera at him
Me:babe say something
Bae:(laughing)say what?
Me:(looking into the camera)this is me and bae's first
road trip together,babe hle rra say something
Bae:(laughing)this is so stupid babe aah i dont even
know what to say.
Me:tell me how much you love me
Bae:i love you so big,words can't explain how big
I switched the camera off when we reached a road
block,it was nothing major.I took out a bag of Zimba
chips and started eating,i fed babe since he was
driving.We parked at Majestic for a few minutes and
took lots of pictures.I was trying to take my mind off
Calvin but the heart wanted what it wants.I drove
until we reached Lehlakane,it was already dark so
Botshelo drove until Maun.He dropped me off at
home and went to his house,i could tell he was still
hurt about what i said about loving Calvin.
The next week passed by,i wanted to call Calvin but
what do i say?what about Botshelo?Thursday in the
morning i decided to call Calvin.He answered after a
few rings
Me:hi,how are you?
Cal:am good
Me:ohh okay just wanted to say hi
Me:how are the twins?
Cal:they are fine
Me:ohh,il call your mum to check in them
Cal:good idea
Me:okay bye....wait...Calvin wee
Me:i can't do this anymore,i love you and i want you
back,i want to hate you so much but i cant.When am
with Botshelo am always thinking about you,when
we make love,when he kisses me,its not fair on him
(crying)just give one last chance please
Cal:i have moved on babe,you should try to make it
with your boyfriend
Me:(crying)please babe i love you don't to this to us
Cal:there is no us Phatsimo
I heard a woman's voice talking in the background,i
looked at the time,it was not even half past 6.Did
that mean she slept over?
Cal:IV got to go,have a nice day
He hung up,i sat on the bed and cried myself to
sleep,woke up around 10,i called in sick at work.I
packed a few clothes in my bag and sent Botshelo
that i was going to GC,i switvhed off my phone incase
he tried to call.Lucky enough the 11am bus had not
We arrived before midnight,i took a cab to Calvin's
house.The security guy let me in,i knocked for a few
minutes with no reply.I switched on my phone and
called his number,he didn't answer.I received 8 SMS
es from Botshelo but i did'nt read any of them.I didnt
want to feel bad for what i was about to do.I sat
down on the stoop.The door opened,he stood there
only in his pyjama pants.I stood up and faced him
Me:i travelled a thousand kilometers to beg you to
take me back..
I kissed him before he could reply me,i dropped my
bag and hugged him.I closes the door with my leg,he
picked me up and threw me on the sofa..just when i
thought i was making progress i heard a woman's

Episode 71
I looked at Calvin expecting an explanation.He went
to the bedroom and i followed him,there was a
woman in his bed,she was completely naked,she
covered herself with a sheet when she saw me.
Lady:Calvin! !
Cal:She is my baby mama
Lady:Call Dumi please
Cal:no please you will leave in the morning
I went back to the sitting room and picked my
bag,nnyaa here i was fighting a loosing battle.It was
officially over between Calvin and I.I could see it in his
eyes,he spoke with no affection.I slowly opened the
door hoping i will hear him stop me.I called
Naomi,she was obviously sleeping.Cal and Naomi
were the only people i knew in Gaborone,well i mean
the ones i could call incase of emergency.
After calling Naomi many times i had no choice but to
call Lefika,i told him to come pick me up at Calvin's.I
hung up before he started telling me things.I sat
down and cried,you know you are really hurt when
you try to hold in but you end up crying out
loud.After 20 minutes Lefika called that he was at
the gate.I shamelessly walked to the gate,kept
hoping Calvin will open the door to check up on me.I
got in the car and started crying.
Lefika:do you know what time it is?
Lefika:bona i have a girlfriend next time you have a
fight with your boyfriend don't call me.You are lucky
because she is not around or else i wouldnt have
Hee bathong who told Lefika i wanted him
back,mxm.We drove to his place in silent.He showed
me the spare room,i didn't even sleep,my heart hurt
so much,i wanted to die.It was now around
2.Botshelo called and i hung up on him,he called
Bae:are you okay?
Me:(crying) am not
Bae:i will come get you
Me:(crying)no thanks i will take the next bus home
I hung up when someone knocked on the door,Lefika
got in,he sat on a chair and faced me
Lefika:what happened?
Me:(crying)i dont want to talk about it
Lefika:mme gone this wouldn't be happening if you
had gotten back with me that time
I cried out loud,it freaked him out and he left,i cried
myself to sleep,ke gore ke fila gore if you have never
been in the situation you wont understand.Woke up
hours later to Cici making noise.The room had a
shower so i showered before i went outside.Lefika
and Ciara where in the kitchen making breakfast.She
ran to me exited.
Cici:mama when did you get here
Me:this morning,just came to say hello am going back
Cici:aah mma i miss you
Me:i will come see you next week
Me:i promise babe
We hugged and she went back to what she was
Me:(to Lefika)can we talk
Me:thanks for last night it will never happen again
Lefika:it better not
Lefika:wait Tsitsi
Don't remember the last time he called me by that
name,i let out a fade smile remembering how much i
used to love the guy,kana he was my first and you
know what they say about your first.I turned around
Lefika:next time call me again
Me:believe me there wont be a next time..
Lefika:i never got the chance to apologize...i treated
you badly,you didnt deserve that.You had always
been kind to me.You deserve a loving guy..
I pinched myself a little incase i was dead or
dreaming,Lefika apologizing,hee i needed a film crew
to capture it all.He hugged me.Hee thusa..But he was
right i deserved a loving guy,i had one back at home
but was too blinded by lust.I felt bad about
everything bad i did to Botshelo.I sent him an SMS
that i was taking the 11 am bus back home and he
should wait for me.He replied with a "I love you".
Right after the bus took off before we passes sebele
Calvin called,one heart said to answer another one
said to ignore him.I ignored...
He sent an sms that he will be waiting for me at his
house until 2..mxm

Episode 72
I wanted to hear what Cal will say but then again..he
treated me like a nobody just this morning,he didnt
care where i slept or what happened to me after i
left.I wanted so badly to stop the bus my mind told
me that would be the most stupid thing IV ever
done.I looked at the time,it was quarter past 11.I
closed my eyes trying to forget Calvin.After a few
minutes i stood up and stopped the bus.I wanted to
get out but my heart told me not to.Eventually i got
off and took a taxi to Cal's house.The security let me
in,found him sitting on the sofa watching TV.
He turned around when he heard my voice,he looked
so serious it scared me.He showed me where to
seat,waitse gore Love is another thing,just minutes
ago i hated the man with all my heart,i wanted
nothing to do with him anymore now here i was,i just
wanted to get ontop of him kiss and make love to
him.I sat on the other sofa and faced him.
Cal:i told you to seat here
Me:i came here to talk,it doesn't matter where i seat
He went to lock the door and sat next to me,he
breathed down my neck,my whole body shivered.
Cal:(whispering)you know what i love most?
Me:mmh mmh
Cal:A woman who respects her man
He went back to were he was sitting and instructed
me to seat next him using sings.I went to seat next to
him.He knelt before me and took off my shoes and
took off my Jean.Okay..!!!
He undressed me without saying a single
word,waitse for the first time in life i felt so
cheap,just this morning he was sleeping with another
woman now he wanted to do me.Nnyaa hle i refuse
to be one of those women who loose themselves in
the name of love.
Me:Calvin stop
He stopped and looked into my eyes,waitse this was
abuse jaanong,Calvin knew he had me right where he
wanted me to be and was gonna go with everything
he did or said.Mme hela not now,nxa..I came here to
talk nothing else.I grabbed my top and covered my
Me:(serious face)i came here to talk
Cal:did i say we were going to talk,am the one who
called you here remember.
Me:you know what its fine calvin you can go around
sleeping with every girl and see if i care,you know can fuck yourself am done here..
He grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to him,my
heart was beating fast,he picked me up and pinned
me against the wall,i did mention that i was naked
right,he spread my legs and dropped me on the
table.He turned me around,if felt so right yet so
wrong,i wanted to stop him but my whole body was
shaking.It was so rough and exiting at the same
time.I felt his finger playing with my clit,damn it was
raining down there.He kissed my back while his other
hand cupped my boob.I wanted him so badly,i
lowered my upper body exposing my cookie
more.After a few minutes i felt his dick slide in.I let
out a small moan,he went faster until i felt like peeing
myself,my whole body was week,he pulled out and i
squirt all over him,that's so embarrasing on the lady's
side but on the man's side its an achievement,it was
the first time in my life to squirt and it felt so nice,he
turned me around to face him,i closed my eyes.
Cal:babe open your eyes
Me:(shaking my head)mmh mmh
Cal:Phatsimo open your eyes
I felt his dick slide in again,i opened my eyes and we
made eye contact.He let out a cute smile.Gawd..!! He
thrust in slowly then went faster while still looking
into my eyes,that shit is sexy.His cute face turned
ugly and i felt him become soft in me.Every guy
becomes ugly when they cum,wonder how the ugly
ones look,hahaha.He picked up and we went to the
shower his cum dripping down my thighs.
He put a shower cap on me and scrubbed my back.
Cal:i love you
Me:i love you too
Cal:are you on the pill?
Cal:don't take the morning after
I turned around and faced him,hee is this guy crazy
am not even 25 and i have 3 kids,nnyaa ao!! I didnt
even know where i stand with him.
Me:Calvin am not having another baby am sorry
Cal:that baby is what's gonna bring us together,its
either you keep the baby or you forget about me
Me:ae i already have 3 am not even 30
Cal:its your choice,and don't sleep with your
boyfriend while you carrying my child
Me:(shouting)we don't even know if am gonna be
Cal:it happened with the twins,you got pregnant the
first time we had unprotected sex..i told you i don't
like a woman who shouts at her man
Hee waitse this was a punishment from God
himself.That moment i regreted getting off that bus...
Episode 73
I left for Maun that night,had a terrible headache
because of what Calvin said,ke gore jaanong nna i
was his baby machine,agg if its love then fuck
love.Botshelo sent an SMS asking how far i was and i
told him the bus was stuck in Serowe and we were
probably going to arrive late.If there is anything i
hated about myself right now was how i was treating
Bae,the guy would go heaven and hell for me but
here i was choosing the most stupid man i know,one
who wanted me to be his subject.Waitse if i had
known this how my life was gonna turn out then i
would have never started dating.First it was
Lefika,then Calvin and i finally meet my Mr Right then
Calvin shows up from the dead.I was starting to think
God doesn't want me to be happy.
Arrived in the morning and took a taxi home,i had
switched off my phone.I left it home and went to
work,after work i passed by Botshelo's school.I tried
to hug him but he brushed me off.
Bae:tell me the truth,where did you go?
Bae:you know what just to make things easier for
both of us,its over.
Me:(confused)babe lets talk first before you make
drastic decisions
Bae:you know i looked like a fool waiting for you at
the bus rank yesterday,the 11 am bus arrived but
you where not inside,which bus did you take?
First rule about lying,cover all your bases.I didnt think
he would wait at the bus rank for me after i told him
the bus broke down,then again i did switch off my
phone,he couldn't reach me thats why he went to
wait for me.Eish bathong this demon i had in me that
made me make bad decisions had to be casted out.
Me:let me explain
Bae:please you dont have to explain yourself to me
Me:(crying)just listen to me please
Bae:what listen to you tell me how sorry you are,at
the end of the day you are going to go back to
Calvin,let me walk out while i still have my dignity.
He got in his car and left,okay i didn now it would
hurt this much waitse,i shamefully walked home.I
switched on my phone and found Botshelo's SMS
from last night,bathong waitse am a bad person.I
cooked and went into town to buy the morning
afters.Another child was just a no no.Came back
before dark and found Ame watching TV alone,we
were staying alone now that Ciara was not around.I
sat next to her,she took the plastic from me and took
out the pills.
Ame:so you and Botshelo le dira hela boloto
Me:he dumped me
Ame:when,what happened?
Me:Calvin happened
Ame:did you sleep with Calvin?
Me:mmh and i might be pregnant
Ame:hee,what happened to condoms kante?
Me:he wants me to keep the baby
Ame:ae mma he is crazy,you not even 25 and you
already have 3,technically they are 2 but they are
3,aniway my point is you can't have another baby its
just a no no.
Me:he says if i dont keep the baby then we can't be
Ame:e tricky jaanong,so you gonna take the pill
despite all..
Me:you just said it,i can't have another baby,how will
people look at me?
Ame:people don't know you have the twins
Me:i know...i lost a good guy because i was buisy
chasing after a good dick
Ame:(laughing)haha but you love Calvin,don't regret it
Me:i hate myself right now,Botshelo is the beat thing
after sliced bread..
We both laugjed,i was so hurt mostly because of
what i did to Botshelo.He had a valid reason to dump
me.I called Calvin and he didnt answer insteada
woman answered his phone.Girls who answer other
people's all's disgust me.
Lady:Calvin is still buisy
Me:and you are?
Lady:i am his woman
Me:ohh i didnt know he had one,i mean just
yesterday we made love and everything
Lady:well if you didnt know i am his fiancée and if
you are pregnant we gonna raise that baby together

Episode 74
Hee do you guys know Karma??this is karma,i got
served what i cooked,i lost Botshelo because of
Calvin kante ene he is getting married.I hung up and
cried myself to sleep,spent the whole weekend in my
room,i couldn't eat or sleep.
I was with Cici doing a little shopping when i got a call
from Calvin,i answered because i wanted him to go
and fuck himself.
Cal:are you pregnant?
Me:akere you said i should not take the pills how can
you ask me such a stupid question
Cal:(exited)are you sure?
Me:i am having an abortion
Me:Calvin i am not an incubator,go have more kids
with your fiancée i am done with you
Cal:(angry)i swear to God of you kill my child i will kill
you myself
Me:i guess then you will have to kill me,you made me
leave my boyfriend for you when you knew you had a
Cal:its not like you didn't know i had another woman
when you came here
Me:(sad)you are not even denying that she is your
I hung up and blocked his number.We continued with
the shopping and had lunch then went home.Just
after the taxi dropped us home i saw Botshelo's car
from a distance coming towards us,he packed at our
gate and took our an Edgar's plastic bag from his
boot.My heart broke into pieces when i saw
him,haven't seen him since he dumped me.
Botshelo:(giving me the plastic)your shoes
Me:(opening the plastic)aah they are not mine
Botshelo:i bought them as a surprise so i guess i
should give them to you now,i can't take them back
because i....
He kept quiet for a few seconds,eish Botshelo
Me:thanks they are beautiful
Botshelo:(playing with his car keys)bye
Me:wait,Botshelo i am sorry,i did things to you that
am not proud of,it turns out Calvin has a fiancée and i
was just another woman.
Botshelo:i hope you don't expect me to feel sorry for
Me:(hurt)no..i deserve it all,i let a good guy go if i
could turn back the time then...
Botshelo:(interupt)but we can't,i am just glad i got to
see you for what you really are..bye
Heee did he just say he got to see me for what i
am,what i am..i got in the house and sat on the sofa.
Me:(pissed)ke eng?
Cici:ijoo mma
Cici:did your boyfriend dump you?
Cici:Daddy's girlfriend dumped him too
Cici:maybe you should date dad
Me:maybe not,i don't think i want to date anyone
right now,men are complicated
Voice:kgm kgm
We turned around and found Ame looking at us and
Ame:ao sis is it that bad ebile o ja dikgang le Ciara
Me:am depressed
Ame:i can see,go tla siama
Me:Calvin is getting married
Ame:is she hot?
Me:i don't know
Ame:is she beautiful?
Ame:ijoo i thought Calvin loved you
Me:me too
Ame:what are you going to do?
Me:i told him i was pregnant
Ame:you are not right
Me:am not stupid
Ame:an when he funds out you are not
Me:i told him i was having an abortion
Ame:what do you hope to gain from lying to him
Me:nothing am just gonna make him suffer like he
did me,iketle hela he will cry for a baby thata was
never there
Ame:Calvin is turning you into something else,you
want to get back at the guy you are willing to fake a
pregnancy,mxm if its love then i dont wnt to fall
Me:(crying)you know what i lost because of that
man?i lost the only man who has ever loved me.He
deserves what's coming that criminal.
I took out my phone and sent him an SMS thaf i was
going to do the abortion next day,he didn't reply.
I woke up to his call around 3 am.
Cal:come outside
Me:(looking through the window)outside where
He hung up and brightened the lights,i put on my
gown and walked outside,he opened the door and i
got inside.
Cal:you want to kill my child?
Me:i already did
Me:you think m stupid Calvin,i have your kids while
you marry another woman
He kept quite for a few seconds then i felt the
hottest slap ever,one eye automatically closed itself.I
had neer seen him like that,hewas ready to kill.
Cal:(angry)you think i was kidding when i say you kill
my child and i kill you
Me:(crying)i was never pregnant Calvin,i lied
Cal:you took the pill
I kept quiet and he started the car engine,he Locked
the doors
Me:(crying)please don't kill me
Cal:we are goin to make another baby,akere you
don't listen to me when i talk,didnt i tell you not to
take the pill?
Me:(crying)no matter what am not having another
baby i would rather die,kill me if you want because if
you don't then am gonna kill that baby
Cal:(serious face)what's my name?
He held my mouth and stopped the car,he looked
straight into my eyes,i closed my eyes
Cal:what's my name?
Cal:(shouting)what's my fucken name? Say it
Cal:good girl,now be a good girl for daddy okay
Cal:Say my name
Cal:wrong,say it again
He looked at me with a serious face and bite his
lower lip
Cal:for the last time,whats my name?
Cal:good girl,now take off that gown,daddy wants to
see those boobs
I slowly took off my gown,i was left only un my panty
Cal:take it off that panty for daddy
I took off the panty and closed my eyes..I felt his
hand touching my cookie,his finger played with my
clit,i gasped for air,he picked me up from my seat and
put me ontop off him,i didn't even see when he too
off his trouser,i slid in and he started humping me.He
stood up with me ontop of him and kept me in
suspence whil he humped me harder and harder.He
make me kneel down on the driver's seat and took it
from behind.The weird thing is i was enjoying this,in
the middle of the night in the middle of the road.I felt
his dick become soft in me.We remained like that for
a few minutes.
Cal:now don't take those pills you hear me
Me:yes daddy

Episode 75
Ever thought everything is back in plan kante you
were just fooled into believing it?Ke gore have you
ever loved someone so much it hurts,so much you
loose yourself in the process,so much your goal is to
make then happy no matter what?Have you ever
loved someone that much?if you haven't then you
wont understand why i decided to keep the baby,you
wont understand why i gave up on the perfect
guy,you wont understand why i was submissive to
I walked naked from the bathroom to my bedroom
passing Ame in the passage,she just looked at me
and said nothing folding her arms.
Me:if you have something to say just say it
Ame:(attitude)believe me you don't wanna hear what
i want to say
Me:am sure i can take more insults,shoot am
Ame:i still can't believe you decided to keep the
baby,you are not even 25,Calvin is just using you its
so sad you can't see it,am sorry to say this but i wish
that baby dies,i wish you..
I interrupted her evil thoughts with a hot slap,she
pushed me and i fell on my butt.She stormed in her
room and slammed the door.I stood up and went to
my room,sat on the bed and tried Calvin's number.It
didn't go through,his phone had been off for a week
now.I packed an overnight bag and went to my
dad's.I needed fresh air from the whole thing and
from Ame.Found My step mother cooking,helped her
and went to lie down for a few minutes,she brought
me a watermelon.We sat under the tree and sliced it.
Mam:so how far?
Me:(mouthful)with what?
Mam:the pregnancy
Me:(surprised)you can tell?
Mam:its almost showing
Me:(choking on the watermelon)what?
Mam:i am a month pregnant i can't be showing
Mam:one??? Mmh let me see your breasts
I showed her my breasts and she shook her
head,elders and their theories.
Mam:if you are not 3 you are 4
Me:no,that can't be i am a month pregnant IV been
getting my period until last month
Me:i am serious,did you hear from someone,was it
Ame (pissed)ofcourse its Ame and her big mouth
Mam:Ame didn't tell me anything,i am a grown up i
can see things and no matter how much you deny it
that pregnancy is not a month
I changed the subject into livestock and weather but
my mind was not in it,there was no way i was more
than a month pregnant,i took the morning afters
that time,and i haven't had sex with Calvin in 3
months..i...Botselo? ? No way...we always used a
condom except for that one time but am sure he
withdrew,yeah he did withdraw am sure...or not!!
No this can't be happening right now,finally Calvin
and i were making things work and if this baby is not
his then...No way,it can't be Botshelo's baby.
I left for maun early the next morning and went
straight to a private hospital for a scan,had to make
sure.The doctor applied the jelly thing on my
stomach and did the ultra sound.
Doc:you can see the baby right
Me:its a baby already?
Doc:yes..i think you are 10 weeks or so
Me:(sitting upright)10 weeks thats like in 2 months
Doc:yes,almost 3 months
Me:but i have been getting my period it only stopped
last months
Doc:it can happen yes for the first 2 months that you
get your period,its called...
Me:(interruption)no please tell me you are joking
Doc:mam why would i joke about this?
Me:just last month i took the morning afters..
Doc:they work in 72 hours,obviously you were
pregnant by that time but i urge you not to take
anything that is not subscribed by the doctor
because it can harm the child.
Me:(nodding)i heard you
Doc:eat healthy and exercise
Me:i sure will
I whipped the jelly off my stomach and went
outside,my head was all over,if am 10 weeks then it
is Botshelo's baby.I sat down on the benches outside
and cried my eyes out.This can't be happening,not
now.I tried Calvin's number again and it didnt go
through.I walked to the taxi rank and tool a taxi
Spent the whole day in my room,the least i could do
for Botshelo was tell him,it was time i stopped acting
selfish about the whole matter,am sure Calvin will
understand,its not like i cheated on him or something
and i didnt know i was pregnant when i slept with
I sent Botshelo an SMS asking if we could meet
later,he didnt reply,i sent another one telling him it
was important,he still didnt reply.
Woke up from my nap to an international call.I didn't
answer the first time,it called againg and i answered.
Voice:hey babe
Cal:am away on business,am in Nigeria
Me:yeah i tried to call you a few times
Cal:how is my little man doing?
Me:(touching my flat stomach)little man?
Cal:yeah,my little man
Me:what if its a girl
Cal:no babe its a boy
Me:(long silence)do you love me?
Me:do you love me?
Cal:i heard you the first time,why do you ask me
that? You know i love you Phatsimo
Me:(crying)then why do i feel like i give up a lot for us
to be together?
Cal:what are you talking about?
Me:why another baby Calvin?why did yoy force me
into having another baby? I already gave you two
Cal:you will understand one day
Me:(crying)do you love me?
Me:how much do you love me?
Cal:babe are you okay?
Me:its not your baby
Me:(crying)i am 3 months pregnant
Cal:(shouting)what the fuck?
Me:do you love me?
Me:Well i have my answer then..i guess we cant be
together now that am not carrying your child
Cal:did you tell him?
Me:not yet
Cal:don't tell him
Me:are you crazy?he will figure it out aniway
Cal:then you will have to tell him we hooked up when
you were together
Me:(angry)i am not going to lie to him about the
baby,its his child
Cal:well then i guess we both know where that leaves
Me:(crying)i can't believe you right now,wow just
wow..bye Calvin
Right after i hung up my little step sister knocked and
told me a man was looking for me outside..I wore my
gown,found him sitting on the benches outside
Me:want something to drink?
Botshelo:no actually am in a rush my dad was
admitted at the hospital yesterday,am goung to
check up on him at 7
Me:oh am so sorry i hope he gets better soon,you
should go
Botshelo:you wanted to tell me something important
Me:oh yeah,i...i am....Ame wants to start taking
driving lessons and i recommended you
Botshelo:oh..okay thanks
Me:sure bye
I watched him get in his car and drive off,Gawd was i
doing the right thing..??

Episode 76
Few days later
The last time i spoke to Calvin was when he asked me
not to tell Botshelo about the baby,but what kind of
a person would i be denying a father his right to his
child,Botselo had been nothing but loyal and loving
to me the least i could do was tell him the baby was
his but how do i do that,i tried the last time but
failed.I so much wanted to tell him.I decided i will just
send him an sms its much simple that way.
"I am 10 weeks pregnant which is almost 3 months
now and the baby is yours"
He didn't reply,waited and waited until i went to
bed,still no reply the following day.I passed by his
school after work but he was not around.Days
passed without a reply,well if you tell someone
something that big and they don't reply or take long
the answer is obvious.
Tuesday around lunch time he sent me an SMS
asking to meet.I didn't reply him,akere le ene he took
his time.Found him waiting for me at home.I greeted
him and went inside,came out a few minutes later
and sat next to him.
Botshelo:are you sure its my baby?
Botshelo:you slept with Calvin too
Me:wow you really think i would lie about you being
the father?
Botshelo:i just want to know how sure you are
Me:i said i am 10 weeks,we were together 10 weeks
ago,we had unprotected sex
Botshelo:i pulled out
Me:what are you trying to say?
Botshelo:i am saying i pulled out,i didn't ejaculate in
Me:i slept with Calvin a month back if it was his child i
would be one month pregnant
Botshelo:that time in Gaborone?
Me:(offended)i didn't sleep with Calvin,i slept with
him a month back
Botshelo:i just hope you know this changes nothing
between us
Me:(attitude)did i say i want you back?
Botshelo:just putting it there
Me:(standing up)i don't need a man to be happy,every
relationship ends up with a baby or lies.I am tired of
all that i just want to focus on myself for once.
Me:just so you know too,its your child
Botshelo:my dad passed away
Me:what? Why didn't you tell me?
Botshelo:everytime i see you Phatsimo i...i want to
stay far from you as possible because no matter how
much i hate you i just can't.I still love you and it...
Me:(hugging him)am sorry no wonder i didn't see you
last week,when is the burial?
Botshelo:we buried him last saturday
Me:am so sorry he was a nice man,i remember that
time he...(paused)...i know how you feel,i lost a parent
Botshelo:IV got to go
Me:i am sorry i was rude earlier
Botshelo:its cool
He hurried to his car and drove away,shem poor
Botshelo.I tried calling the number Calvin called me
with but it was no longer in use.Called his number but
he didnt answer.Waitse sometimes i wonder if it was
all worth it,was Calvin worth it?
Still not a single call from Calvin,sometimes ga go
fedile go fedile you can't force things that are not
there,but i wonder what changed so instantly,i used
to say jump and he would say how hi,now he didnt
even care about me,mohlofo hela jalo,no way there
must be something that makes him act that way
towards me.No one changes that easily,it takes
months and years to get over someone.I called his
number and he answered.
Cal:am in a meeting i will call you back
Me:are you still getting married?
Cal:not now
Me:just answer yes or no
He hung up,mxm what i need in my life is a prayer
from powerful man of God.Why was i after a man
who didn't give a rat's ass about me?
He called back after hours.
Me:are you still engaged?
Me:what happened?
Cal:we are married
Cal:we are married..
Cal:2 months back
Me:Calvin wee tell me you are kidding me,please
Cal:hey i tried to make things work for us but you are
just too stuborn,if you didn't tell your boyfriend
about the baby i would be getting a divorce right now
but no Phatsimo you never listen to me
Me:(crying)i dont understand
Cal:i told you to trust me
Me:can you please tell me what's going on
Cal:Layla is my boss's daughter
Me:who is Layla?
Cal:my wife,i had to marry her to get at the top,she
was my ticket to the top but she always made it clear
that if i do something crazy then its over between
us,if you were carrying my child she would be
divorcing me right now.
Me:why didn't you tell me earlier?
Cal:you never listen to me
Me:(crying)so its reallyvover this time?
Me:you are giving up that easily?
Cal:there is nothing i can do now,its over
Top of Form

Episode 77
I sat on the sofa taking off my jacket,it was hot inside
but very cold outside,Cici had fallen asleep on the
couch,i threw the jacket at her and she woke up
rubbing her eyes.Shem my daughter was so grown
up hey,it felt like yesterday when i held her in my
arms forthwith first time.You know sometimes i felt
like i loved her more than the twins,i dont know
maybe its because i didn't see the twins often,i
havent seen then ever since the birthday party.She
knelt down and took off my boots
Cici:Mama when is the baby arriving?
Me:i don't know,am so tired wish she could come
Cici:i love you
Me:aww i love you too
Cici:promise me you wont love her more than me
Me:i promise i won't
Cici:she is going to stay with us right
Someone knocked and Cici ran to answer the door,i
heard her greeting the person and they came into
the living room
Botshelo:(giving m the plastics)here,everything
Me:(opening the plastic)thanks
Cici:what is it?
Cici:(happy)can we cook them now?
Me:am tired,Ame will cook when she gets home
Botshelo:i can cook now
Me:no thanks
He took out 5 pula from his pocket and gave Ciara to
go buy mabudula,she put on my jacket and ran
Botshelo:what have i done now?
Botshelo:come on i can sense some tention here
Me:its not what you have done its what you are not
Botshelo:tell me i hate to see you sad kana
Me:you are ne'er around when i need you,you come
here at your own time,i have asked for the fish last
week and you are only bringing them now.I wanted
them then not now
Botshelo:i was buisy the car...
Me:(interrupt)you know what i dont even want to
hear about it
Botshelo:i can't come here everyday you summorn
me kana Phatsimo ka bo ke le buisy
Botshelo:i am here now
Me:its not like am your girlfriend or anything its cool
you can go,i am just your baby mama
He stood up and took out his wallet,he put 600 pula
on the table and left,he came back.
Botshelo:(angry)stop acting all innocent here,this is
suppost to be the greatest time in our lives but you
messed up everything by going to Gaborone and
sleeping with Calvin.Its not my fault that we are not
together,you made your bed now lie in it.
Me:(shouting)i am carrying your fucking child can't
you just forget the past and focus on the present,are
you going to bring up kgang ya Gaborone everytime i
point out your mistakes?
Botshelo:Ee i also know you are not my girlfriend
stop bringing up kgang ya gore you are not my
girlfriend,i know.
I stood up and i felt a sharp pain in my stomach,i
walked to the kitchen but the pain wouldn't let me
move my legs.Botshelo helped me back to the sofa.
Botselo:did you just pee on yourself?
Me:mxm..(looking on the floor)my water broke
Botshelo:(panicked)is it a good thing?
Me:(calm)mxm wa peka the baby is on the way
Botshelo:then why are you not screaming?
Me:mxm go and get me my bag and the baby stuff in
the bedroom
He hurried and came back with the bags,everything
was packed.I walked to the car as he ran to the
tuckshop to get Cici.He drove us to the hospital.Okay
this is a bit weird,i mean the last time i gave birth the
pains started earlier before my water broke,now i
had only light pains and nothing more,no
1 hour later
The midwife checked how far i was with the
contractios,nothing.She took off her gloves.
Midwife:Mam am afraid we will have to perform a c
section or the baby will have an infection.
Me:can't you'll like inject me with that thing go
ntsenya mo dihlabing?
She went out without saying anything andcame back
with the doctor and the ultrasound machine,they
checked the baby
Doc:her heartbeat is very low and she is not moving
Me:(panicking)is she going to be okay
Doc:Nurse take her to the theater now
Me:(crying)tell me she is fine please
Doc:mam dont panic,we are going to sedate you and..
Me:(crying)is my baby okay?
Midwife:mam please if we dont perform the c section
the baby might not make it.
I kept quiet as they pushed me into theater,they
injected me with something and i felt calm.My eyes
were blury,kept hearing noice and seing lights.I woke
up to someone touching my hand.I slowly opened
mine,his eyes were red like he had been crying
Me:hey where is she?
Me:Botshelo please tell me my baby is fine
The midwife walked in and asked Botshelo to step
outside for a minute.
Me:(crying)please tell me she is fine please tell me my
baby is fine,tell me she is okay..
Midwife:Mam please your blood pressure is high
right now stop crying..
Me:(crying)no please tell me she is fine..

Episode 78
Midwife:I am sorry mam her heart beat was slow it
was too late
Me:(crying)no no please tell me she is fine please tell
me she is okay
Midwife:i am sorry will you like to see her?
Me:no please,please tell me my baby is okay
She went outside to call Botshelo,his eyes were
swollen and he looked tired.He held me as we bofh
cried.I know i did lots of bad things in life but God
didn't have to punish my baby for them.
The doctor came in with her wrapped in a blue
receiver that Botshelo's mother had brought for her.
Me:(crying)i don't want to see her
Botshelo:(taking the baby)she...she looked so cute
and tiny
Me:take her away from me
Doc:just hold her for a few minutes you will feel
Me:(crying)no i will only feel better if she wakes up
Botshelo tried to give her to me but i folded my
arms,i felt responsible for her death,how could she
live when i slept with Calvin and drank morning after
pulls while pregnant.This was all my doing,i killed my
baby by obsessing over a stupid married man.
Botshelo:I wanted to call her Lerato
Midwife:that's a beautiful name
Botshelo:she was created out of love
He gave the baby back to the midwife ame held me in
his arms,we kept quiet.
Me:(sobbing)i killed her
Botshelo:you didn't,you loved her when she was not
even born
Me:God is punishing me for what i did to you
Botshelo:no please don't say that,God has a bigger
plan ahead
Me:(crying)right now i feel like God hates me
Botshelo:don't say that please its not your fault,let
me go and drop Cici home,i will be back in less than
an hour.
He left and the doctor came in and sat next to me.
Doc:should we wait for the father?
Me:no just tell me whatever it is
Doc:the baby was not fully grown,her liver couldn't
function well and her heart was not beating at a
normal rateif she had lived she would have been put
in an incubator until she was grown.
Me:i dnt understand i was already 8 months and a
few weeks
Doc:yes but she was small
Doc:she didn't fully grow to be born,in medical term
call it...
Me:(interrupting)you mean she was a premature
Doc:no but if she was born maybe 2 or 3 weeks later
she would have been fine
Doc:i recommend you both go for counseling
Botshelo came back later,i told him exactly what the
doctor told me.I stayed in the hospiral for a few days
then went home to burry the baby.It was so
emotional and scary,i hate how we have to bury the
baby inside the house,that shit is scary,i mean how
do i sleep at night knowing there is a dead baby
besides me.The elders forced me to sleep next to
where she was burried on the floor for a whole week
while they gave me some sour bitter tasting
traditional medicine and they forced me to cut my
I got to say the whole baby thing brought Botshelo
closer together which was a good thing if i wanted a
man or a relationship but right now i felt like i wanted
to take a break from everything and focus on
myself.I wanted to re group and find peace.I had
made mistakes,lots of them and i felt like being single
will be best right now.
I stayed indoors for a full month with no contact with
the outside world.Thanks to social media i was not
bored to death.The day i was allowed to go outside
my dad slaughtered a goat for me,my step mum
cooked dikgobe and seswaa,Botshelo's mum came.It
was nice being outside and talking to
people.Botshelo took his mum home and came back
when it was late.He forced me to go for a ride with
him.He drove using the road we used the first time i
learnt how do drive.
Me:you want animals to come and eat us akere
Botshelo:do you know where we are?
Me:(smiling)we are still in maun right
Botshelo:you are a typical motswana waitse this is
where my car broke down that time when...hahaha
you remember?
Me:(laughing)no i dont remember continue
Botshelo:ae the mma ao
Me:oh i remember,that time when i thought we were
stranded in the middle of a forest,when i was
panicking kante wena you had planned the whole
thing so you talk to me which you didnt.(laughing)i
will never forget that day
Botshelo:(smiling)you narate it so bad,i thought you
will think it was romantic but it was going to be
awkward when we tell our grandkids how things
went down...(pause)....i am sorry
Me:(teary)no its cool,we will have another baby one
Me:yeah...well i dont mean us,not me and you..i mean
i will have mine and you will have yours.
Botshelo:(taking my hand into his)lets start afresh
Me:Botshelo this is not a movie,we can't start
afresh,those things dont work in real life
Botshelo:lets give us another chance to make things
work this time
Me:i love you,so bad but i am not the right woman
for you,you deserve someone who loves you whole
heartedly,someone perfect,me i am far from perfect,i
don't want to ever hurt you again.
Me:right now i want to focus on me alone,i want to
be single
Me:he is my past,he is married,i don't do married men
Botshelo:well i hope you find someone who deserves
your kindness
Me:me too
Botshelo:yeah(kissing my hand)if you ever need to
talk i am always here
Me:sure,me too
**awkward moment**
Me:we should go back
We drove back listening to some deep house
music,he kept smiling at me and i smiled back.He
droped me at the gate and drove away,i smiled
walking in the house.
Episode 79
I walked around the empty space,the neighborhood
was nice,it was a place one can call home,it has less
criminal records and they had a neighborhood watch
Me:the plot is big and the price is reasonable,lets do
the paper work.
Lady:yes please i need the money as in yesterday.
Me:you still haven't forgot pur arrangement right
Lady:yes,reasonable people are thieves this days,you
give them money for a plot that isn't even theirs
Me:yeah thank you
Lady:we will talk during the week,bye
Lady:do you want a lift?
Me:no i have to go somewhere from here,il take a
She waved at me as she reversed into the main road,i
looked around the plot picturing it built,me playing
on the green grass woth the twins and Ciara.Just me
and my kids,talking about kids the twins were
coming here for the first time for Christmas.I called
Cal's mum.
Mrs:how are you?
Me:am good,so when arethey coming?
Mrs:Their dad is not around at the miment but he
said he is coming back next week,i think next week
before friday.
Me:oh okay i cant wait to see them
Mrs:yeah am sure they miss you too
Me:they dont know me
Mrs:ofcourse they do
Me:we will talk again later,bye
I hung up and walked to the main road,receives a call
from Calvin and i ignored it,the last time i answered
him he shouted at me for wanting to take the twins
for christmas,i mean they stay with his mother,he
sees them everyoday and when i ask for a week with
my kids am a bad person,mxm that's the kind of
negativity i didnt want,its so funny everytime i call
his mum he calls right after,believe me she was with
Calvin on the mission of not wanting me to have the
kids,for heavensake i carried them for 9 months and
gave them life,i know i haven't been the best mother
to them and they probably dont know i am their
biological mother but i was trying to step up,they
should appreciate my efforts.
He called again and i answered
Calvin:how long are you taking the kids?
Me:hey wena am no danger to my kids stop asking
me stupid questions,they will be here until i fill like
sending them back.
Calvin:How long then,we are going to the falls maybe
i can come by when we get back to take them and
save you the trip of bringing them back.
Me:enjoy the falls Calvin and dont worry about me.
Cal:am trying to b nice here
Me:you know how Lefika was don't be that guy,am
just askin for a few weeks with my kids,i didnt say
iwas taking them for good,well i mean i am going to
take them one day but not now,maybe next year
around this time but not today.
Me:you heard me,they are my kids too ypu know
I hung up before he said anything,i was lying,was not
planning on taking the kids from his mum,she helped
me when no was,he took care of them from birth and
she loved them more than her life.Sometimes people
just dont understand,you can't hurt the person that
was always there for you through droughts and
floods.For me that was Cal's mum.
I arrived home a little late because i was doing some
window shopping,yeah my budget was tight this
days,its called growing up.I found Cici baking some
scones and Ame cooking.i sat on the sofa going
through channels.
Ame:so did you like the plot?
Ame:is it big
Ame:are you horny?
Ame:(laughing)you are not even listening to me mimd is not here
Ame:(sitting next to me)tell me what's wrong
Me:nothing really,i am just a bit down for no reason
Ame:did yph see Botshelo?
Ame:did yph speak to Calvin?
Ame:yeah that's the reason you are not in the
mood,what did he say?
Me:he really didn't say anything bad
Ame:he didnt have to say something bad,just him,he
makes you angry
Ame:yeah,do you still have feelings for him?
Me:do i? I don't know,he is one person i want to hate
so much but i cant
Ame:(standing up)you still love him
Me:i hate that i love him
Ame:waitse if you didnt dump pastor Bae you would
be married right now o leMmamoruti.
Me:(laughing)hee don't remind me of that man whore
Ame:(laughing)and Jason
Me:i regret kissing that fool,waitse that time i was so
horny i thought i will explode
Ame:and now?
Me:now what?
Ame:its been long since you had sex
Me:ohh my God its been long but i think IV lost
interest in sex,am never horny
Ame:(rolling her eyes)really?
Me:am telling you,am saving myself for my husband
Ame:you go girl but you are missing out
Me:i have had my fair share of good sex,with
Botshelo and Calvin
Me:aah we were young and it was just sex,but it was
okay.We loved eachbother thats wat made it fun
mma hela now when i think aboutvit it was the most
boring sex IV ever had.
We laughed out loud,my sister and i were back to
talking terms after our little fight.
Ame:Calvin ene?
Me:kante aren't the food going to burn while you
listening to my sex stories?
Ame:no gape Cici will call me,tell me about Calvin
Me:he is a good kisser,and when we made love it was
so emotional,and the sex was off the hook.This one
time we did it at his parents'house in the kitchen in
the middle of the night
Ame:sis Phatsimo
Me:mma he put me on the kitchen counter and
fucked the living out of me covering my mouth with
his hand.
Ame:heedu i need to try that
Me:just don't do it in our kitchen
Ame:Botshelo ene?
Me:(laughing)o rata dikgang
Ame:comeon tell me
Me:he..haha Botshelo is a good fucker gape he has
big dick that makes a little pain when he
penetrates.He is romantic and sweet,he used to bath
me and carry me to the bed,then he would...this
other time we had sex mo sekgweng hela ko
morakeng wa bone,it was adventuras dipodi le
dikgomo di heta re sena nako.
I kept going on and on abut Botshelo,we did have
some good times hey am not gonna lie,Cici called
ame that her pots were burning,i went into the
bathroom to take a leak.
We had our lunch then watched tv the whole
day,Potso came later that evening with his little
sisters.Eish to be honest the only person i liked from
that other side of the family was the youngest,Lebo
and then maybe Potso,the others,i just pretended to
like them,i hate people who come to our house and
make noice,go into the kitchen and eatvour
food,change channels while we still watching and
seat with their feet on the sofas,me,Cici and Ame
were the only ones allowed to do that.I went into my
I logged into Facebook and Botshelo was online,it
had been long since i posted something,i posted a
Photo taken some days back,got to say i was back in
health and looked super cute with short hair.
Botshelo was the first to comment then Kitso and
others,he reacted with a heart on my photo.I inboxed
him saying hi
Botshelo:long time
Me:yeah how have you been
Botshelo:i am ali e thats whats important
Botshelo:do you wanna hang out,il buy you pizza,just
as friends i promise you nothing funny
Me:i am on a diet
Botshelo:sis o rata dilo am coming over
I logged out and changed into shorts and a vest,it
was very very hot.
Me:Lebo are you sleeping here tonight
Cici:yeah se is
Me:okay you guys can sleep on my bed i will be back
Potso:you look hot
Ame:so have your feelings come back?
Me:(laughing)you are stupid,later
Botshelo had packed right at the gate,i got in and he
gave me a box of pizza.

Episode 80
We drove to his place,ijoo the last time i was
there..mxm i don't even wanna think about it.He
opened the door for me and closed it.,kgm he looked
fine,realy fine.I sat on the bed and he sat on the
couch facing me,i took out one slice and gave him the
Botshelo:juice or fizzy?
Me:fizzy,don't you have wine or something strong
Botshelo:i have red rose
Me:okay red rose it is
Botshelo:(standing up)are you okay with the pizza
Me:no am not,i just took out one slice
Botshelo:forgot you can finish the whole pizza by
Me:(smiling)never forget that
He gave me a glass and sat next to me on the bed,he
moved back to the couch.
Me:just because i said we can only be friends doesn't
mean we can't seat together on the bed
Botshelo:you are wearing shorts
Botshelo:comeon i cant contain myself
Me:(laughing)you will have to because i have pledged
to be a sister at church
Botshelo:(laughing)so thats what you have been up
Me:yeah,(taking a sip)you know am starting to enjoy
this single life thing,no stress,no drama
Botshelo:me too but hey nopa ya teng
We laughed out loud,he was right just that i didnt
want to admit to Ame earlier that i become horny
sometimes,she is just too much,i mean am a human
being and i have feelings so hell yeah i miss some
action now and then.
Me:so are you like single?
Me:yeah me too..mxm you know that already
Botshelo:(pouring me another glass)so how about we
become friends..
Me:dude i thougjt we were already friends
Botshelo:i mean more than just friends
Me:i told you am not looking for a relationship
Botshelo:i mean friends with benefits
Me:you could have said that in the first
place,...(thinking) benefits,what kind of benefits
Botshelo:well am single and you are single and we
are horny..
Me:(laughing)dude you ka gana
Botshelo:comeon just friend nothing more
Me:those things dont work in real life,we have sex
then develop feelings again,then we date and break
each other's hearts.No i dont want to go through
that route again
He took the glass and put it on the chest of drawer
and put his hand on my thigh.
Botshelo:i promise i wont develop feelings
Me:(looking into his eyes)promise?
Botshelo:(kissing my neck)yeah
Me:wait are we allowes to date other people?
Botshelo:(kissing my neck)yes
Me:just sex
Botshelo:hle mma stop talking,yes just sex
Me:okay this can work
He helped me take off my pants and i helped him
take off his.
Me:wait,do we stop when we meet other people
Botshelo:(sucking my nipples)mmh
He reached for his drawer and took out a condom,he
put it under the pillow.He kissed my breasts going
down to my cookie
Me:wait ga ka shaver
Botselo:i can see
He kissed my bellybutton while his index finger
played with my clit,shit this shit felt great.i opened
my legs wider and he went up kissing my stomach up
to my mouth.I played with his dick and balls,he took
the condom and gave it to me indicating that i put it
I got ontop of him and put it on,i sat on it ame
watched it slide in,we both let out soft moans.
He pressed me harder on the dick and pounded me,i
stopped because he was doing all the work,i hate it
when men do that,i mean am ontop of you,let me do
my magic wena just enjoy the show.
Me:lesa go nkunyapa
Me:let me do my shit okay
I turned around and did him a reverse
cowgirl,Gawd..he picked me up and made me kneel
down on the bed and took it from behind.He played
with my clit while he humped me.Shit did i mention
how i hate those fart like noises.We both cum at the
same time.We remained like that for a few seconds
then i slept on my stomach.He took out the condom
and wiped himself,he threw me the towel.
Me:wipe me
Botshelo:(wiping me)that was fun
Me:very,do we cuddle or something
Botshelo:(sleeping next to me)yeah we cuddle after
I put my head on his chest,he let down the mosquito
net,we kept quiet until we fell asleep.Woke up
around 4 to him kissing my back,we had our morning
glory and he took me home.
Botshelo:you didn't have to leave this time
Me:i dont want people all up in our business
Botshelo:we should do this again
Me:(kissing him)we should
Botshelo:i had a great time
Me:(opening the door)bye
Thank God the door was not locked,i opened slowly
and tip toed to my room.I threw myself on Cici's bed
and buried my head in the pillow screaming..
Top of Form

Episode 81
The door opened and Ame stood by folding her arms
like she wanted to say something.
Ame:(whispering) it's past 5
Ame:(smiling)why are you happy? (Sitting on the bed)
who did you meet and what did you do?
Me:(standing up)i met no one and we did nothing
Ame:that smile on your face says a lot,sale ka bona o
apere di hot pants,so who did you do it with?
Me:(smiling)seriously we didnt have sex but we had a
great time,i was with Botshelo?
Ame:you were with Botshelo the whole night and
you didn't have sex,what did you do play cards?
Me:mmh and eat pizza with wine
Ame:you can lie all you like but i can see it all in your
face,you fucked him.
Me:(laughing)actually its the other way round
Ame:(screaming)i knew it
Me:(whispering)heela you will wake up the kids
Ame:(whispering)tell me about it so are you guys like
back together or what?
I pulled her into the living room and we sat on the
sofa,she looked into my eyes as i told her what went
Ame:i think i should find myself a friend with benefits
too,less drama just sex
Me:you think its a good idea?
Ame:hell yeah,like you are still single but whenever
you want some you know he is always gonna be
Me:you make it sound so fun
Ame:it is fun,i once tried it with a friend of mine when
he made up with his girlfriend we stopped.
Me:that easy?
Ame:yeah we were sexually attracted to each
other,but we had zero feelings
Me:wow so people do this things in real life?
Ame:you and Botshelo are doing it
Me:(laughing)the sex was off the hook
Ame:so tell me why did you come this time,its not like
you are school kids
Me:i just dont want people all up in our
business,don't tell anyone please
Ame:(standing up)i wont,am off to bed
I watcjed TV and texted Botshelo on watsapp.
Botshelo:just thinking about you
Me:what about me?
Botshelo:nothing much
Me:stop thinking about me and sleep,nna am
watching TV
Botshelo:this time?
Me:yeah am not sleepy
Botshelo:okay,bye later
I fell asleep on the couch,woke up to Cici and Lebo
making noise
Cici:am telling the truth i baked this scones
Lebo:can i ask Phatsimo?
Cici:don't wake her up she just got home,you can go
ask Ame
Lebo:No i know she is going to say its you,Phatsimo
always tells the truth
Cici:okay ask her
Lebo:i will ask when she wakes up
Cici:she is goingvto wake up late,i think she went to
the bar
Lebo:(giggling)or maybe she went to her boyfriend's
Cici:she doesnt have a boyfriend
Lebo:what about your dad?
Cici:she hates my dad and he hates her so am cool
Lebo:my dad hates my mum too that's why she is
with your grandfather
Cici:when i grow up am gonna love my boyfriend
Lebo:me too,then we are going to build a big house
with a swimming pool and have 3 babies,a boy and
two girls
Cici:(laughing)you know how babies are made?
Lebo:(whispering)yeah,when am older am gonna do it
with my boyfriend
They ran to the kitchen and i heard them
laughing,this kids though,when i was their age i
thought babies were bought and here they were
talking about doing it.I went to my room and locked
the door,i woke up later,brushed my teeth and
cooked lunch after i took a long warm bath.I stayed
in the bath thinking about last night,it was so fun.I
kept playing with my clit,it didnt tickle like it does
when Botshelo touches me.
I pur on my panty,he hugged me from behind and
kissed my neck.
Botshelo:hle mma spend the night
Me:no am telling you Calvin is on the way with the
Botshelo:don't sleep with him
Me:(offended)he is married,stop sounding like a
jealous boyfriend
Me:(putting on my dress)so i will see you when i see
Botshelo:(kissing me)it was fun
Me:thanks friend
My phone ran,it was Calvin,we walked to Botshelo's
Cal:we just arrived at your house
Me:yeah i will be home in less than 5 minutes
Calvin:okay bye
We drove in silence,he dropped me by the gate and
took my hand into his.
Botshelo:i love you
Me:we talked about this!
Botshelo:i know but you cant deny that you love me
Me:i love you too but i dont want a relationship at
the moment,this is fun let us not complicate it
Botselo:(kissing my hand)okay
I got off car and walked to the house,Calvin and his
wife were sotting on the sofas,Cici on Calvin's lap
ame the twins were sitting on the matt eating chips.I
greeted them and picked up CJ
Me:hey boy,oh my you look just like your daddy
Calvin:(picking up Channel)and she looks like you
Me:no she doesnt
Cal:(smiling)yes she does,look at her eyes and cheeks
Wife:kgm babe we should go book a room am tired
Cici:daddy are you going to come here again
Cal:nope but i promise you am gonna take you guys
out when we come back
Wife:babe i thougjt we talked about this
Channel:(to me)am hungry
Me:(to Cal)they didn't eat on the way
Wife:(playing with her car keys)we don't eat in the car
Me:(pissed)so my kids travelled all the way from
Gaborone to Maun without eating anything because
you don't eat in the car??
Wife:its brand new
Cal:we stopped in Lehlakane for something to eat
Me:(shouting)they are 3 years old for heaven sake
Wife:babe lets go
Cal:babe can you wait in the car please
Wife:(walking to the door mumbling)baby mama
drama i hate
Cal:look its not like they starves to death
Me:(angry)you are something else,they are your kids
Cal:i know
Me:(crying)just go before i say something i might
regret later
Cal:i will come pick them up next week friday when
we come back from the falls
Me:dont,i will take them back,bye
He kissed the twins and Cici and left,i boiled water for
soft porridge,CJ's diaper was full.I bathed them and
fed them,they finished the whole basin of soft
porridge.Shem my babies bathong.mxm
Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Episode 82
I was buisy doing the twins laundry under the
mophan tree.I got a all from Calvin' mother.
Me:Lebo give me that top(i dried my hands and
picked up)hello
Mrs:hello ngwanaka how are you?
Me:am fine
Mrs:ame the twins?
Me:right now they are at the cattlepost with my dad
but they are okay
Mrs:oh its great that they know your side of the
family too
Mrs:Calvin just called tota they are on their way
there to pick up the twins
Me:no i will bring them after new year
Mrs:disappointed)oh okay no problem i will tell him
Me:gape i dont want his wife anywhere near my
kids,do you know that they starved all he way from
Gaborone to maun?
Me:yeah and she didnt even bother to chang their
diapers.A re ene food is not allowed in her car
Mrs:that so like her..eish that girl bathong,and people
call me evil because i don't like her
Me:i don't think i like her either,not with my kids,next
time she does something like this i will spend a night
in jail
Mrs:(laughing)she has a nasty attitude,she thinks she
owns Calvin and all the men here dance to her tune
Me:i could tell,am doing their laundry we will talk
Mrs:okay say hello to them for me,and Ciara.
Mrs:bye bye
I hung up and put the phon in my pocket,kept smiling
thinking about what Cal's mum said,it was good to
know she hated her,i could use this to piss her off.I
finished the laundry and cooked lunch.
Cici:Lefika is going to pick me up later,can i go with
Me:ask your dad
Cici:can you talk to him for me
Me:.o he is your father you talk to him
Cici:please mama
Me:(annoyed)i said no,if you don't want to go without
Lebo then dont go at all
Cici:(smiling)mmh thanks mum
They ran to the house and Ame acme to seat next to
Ame:when are we going to buy food?
Me:its your turn to buy grocerries
Ame:can you buy i will buy next months,am kind low
right now
Me:you know i am broke,i have to fuel up Botshelo's
car so he drives the twins back.
Ame:can we contribute then?
Me:how much?
Ame:since your kids and step sister eat a lot,you
contribute 400 and i 200
Me:(laughing)wow..can't believe you said that
Ame:eish mma i bought new clothes jaanong am
leftvwith a thousand bucks,400 for entertainment
and 400 for transport
Me:sena o botoka you hav entertainment
money,gape you don use 400 for transport.
Ame:(giving me 300)yph will see what to do
Me:kante doesnt your boyfriend ever give you
Ame:mxm what boyfriend
Calvin's car parked at the gate and he got out
alone,damn he looked fine hey.Ame stood up and
gave him a chair.
Ame:am gonna go take a bath now
Cal:so did you pack their clothes
Me:(pointing at the washin line)they are not going
back with you
Cal:it will cut you costs
Me:(attitude)no,last Time you travelled with my kids
they almost starved to death and their diapers were
full,they smelt like homeless people
Cal:(smiling)come on they didn't smell like homeless
Wife:(shouting from the car)babe lets go
Me:they are not going with you and my mind is set
Cal:can i atleast say goodbye and take them out for
ice cream
Me:they are at the cattlepost with my dad and step
Cal:okay then lets go tanki them
Me:are you sure you want your precious car to drive
through cow dung?
Cal:are we going or not?
Me:(pointing at the car)and she?
Cal:don't worry about her
He went to the car while i went back to the house an
changed into a dress and lechesa.I opened the
Backdoor and greeted her,she didnt respond back.
We drove into the main road going east
Me:where are we going i toldbyou we go north
Wife:i can't go to the cattlepost with you what if i get
bit by a snake or contact malaria.
Me:(rolling my eyes and thinking you v got to be
kidding me)mmh
He dropped her at Maun Lodge nd we drove about 5
km going to the cattlepost.She called that she has
changed her mind and wanted tobtag along.Cal did a
u turn
Me:(pissed)and then?
Cal:Boi wants to come with us
Me:but we are almost there
I kept quiet,he picked her up and we drove to the
cattlepost.She stayed in the car whil we got out and
greeted my parents and uncles.
I packed the twins clothes and went backbtobgje car.
Boi:(putting a hand on her nose)eww what's that
Boi: smells like..i don't know
Cal:o don't smell anything odd
Boi:(looking at the back)did you Gus poop
Me:(opening the door)i will hike
Cal:comeon its late
Me:you know what i can't b in the same car as Kim
Kardashian wanna be.
Boi:(attitude)am i wrong to say your kids smell like
I Wales over to the passenger door and opened it,i
dragged her out and she stepped on some cow dung.
Boi:do you know how much this shoes cost? They
cost more than your annual salary
Me:i don't give a shit about your shoes lady,say one
more thing about my kids nd i will strangle you
Calvin pulled me away from he
Boi:i contact believe you used to date this low life
Me:just so you know he loved this low life and was
not using her to get to the top.Mxm you are such a
bratt no wonder he drove all the way from Gaborone
to come and make love to me,you are so childish.No
wonder he doesnt want to have a baby with you,you
have bad genes.
I could see she wanted to cry,i only said that to hurt
her feelings because isaw her medical card in the car
that she had fertility problems.She got in the car and
started crying,i got at the back and we drove to
maun in silence.
Me:make sure you bring them back before 7 please
Me:are you going to pick up Cici?
Cal:i promised her ice cream
Me:okay drop me right after that turn
He dropped me along the way and i went to
Botshelo's place.I knocked once and opened the
door.He had a towel wrapped around him.
Botshelo:hey,you didn't tell m you were coming
Me:why do you look like you are dissapointe to see
Botshelo:(looking outside through the window)i am
Me:(taking off my dress)make love to me
Botshelo:(faking smile)now
Me:are you okay?
**Someone knocked on thedoor**
Girl voice:Life wee
Me:(putting on my dress)Life???
Botshelo:long story

Episode 83
Me:(whispering)if she is your girlfriend you can tell
me and stop whatever is happening between us
Botshelo:can i call you later
Me:wa nkoba?
Girl:(at the door)Life wee bula the rra
Me:(opening the door)hello
Girl:hello Life o teng?
Me:(opening the door wider)Life o teng
Shem she was too sweet,i walked out forgetting i
didn't have money for the taxi.It was so
embarrassing tovgo back so i decided to walk
home,it was not that far.A black Mazda stopped for
me,i continued walking and ignored the driver.
Driver:do you know where fresh exclusive is?
Me:(smiling)just go back to town and ask there,i cant
give directions here
Driver:which road do i take?
Me:go back straight,at the t junction take the west
road o ta goroga
I arrived home earlier than i hoped,had a long warm
bath,i had the house all to myself,Ame was out and
Cal took the kids for ice cream.I sat on the kitchen
counter only in my panty and bra.I sliced myself a
piece of cake while going through my Facebook
timeline.I went to my room and sat on the bed
eating.Botselo had been online 2 hours ago,kept
thinking who was that girl,she was young and
Calvin brought the kids an hour later,i wore a nighty
and went outside.
Me:thanks for taking them out
Cici:mama we had so much fun
Lebo:thanks malome Calvin
They went into the house with the twins and i walked
him to his car.
Cal:what you said earlier,you hurt Boi's feelings
Me:hey how do think i felt when she said my kids
Cal:she didnt mean it like that?
Me:well nna i meant it like that
Cal:you are heartless
Me:(attitude)ooh okay you know something about
being heartless,its so rich coming from your mouth
Cal:You can't blame her for our problems,how can
you kick a dog when its down
Me:(rolling my eyes)please am so over you,you and i
don't have problems and if she dare says something
bad about me or my kids i will skin her alive,am
Cal:we had something special
Me:once upon a time,you are married now and i am
happy where i am.
Cal:(opening the door)are you seing someone?
Me:how isbthat any of your business?
Cal:can't you just answer me with yes or no?
Me:its none of your business really,bye Calvin
Cal:you look nice
Me:i know
I walked back to the house wiggling my butt a
little,he got in his car and left.Lebo and Cici bathed
the twins and i tucked them in,i sent Potso an SMS
asking him to buy wine,he didnt reply.I sat watching
TV,the time had not moved a little,it was not even 9.
I checked Botshelo's last seen on watsapp,shit what
was so important that he didnt log in.I wanted to call
him but didnt want to seem like a jealous girlfriend
because i was not even his girlfriend.Fuck it i called
him and he didn't answer.
I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to Ame making
noise.She was dead drunk and with some guy
Ame:(drunk)oh hey sis,waiting for me
Guy:(sober)she is drunk
Me:you are?
Ame:you dont know my boyfriend,his name is
Owen,babe this is my one and only sister Phatsimo
Me:do you know what time it is?
Owen:am sorry the club just closed
Me:(pointing at Ame's room)that's her room
Owen:i know
Ame:(laughing)ofcourse you know babe this is your
Mxm alcohol though,i found 5 inboxes from
Botshelo,he was still online butvi didn't reply him
Botshelo:you are not talking to me
Botshelo:can i explain now?
Me:who is she?
Botshelo:oh you can talk now
Botshelo:she is just someone i know,she asked if she
can hang out with me and i said yes because i didnt
know you will come
Me:did you guys have sex?
Botshelo:i didn't expect it but yes,i mean i thought
we would just chill
Me:are you stupid,a man and a woman dont just
chill..last time i chilled with yph we had sex
Botshelo:when i said chill i didnt expect sex
Me:well i did why do you think i dressed short? Chill
means sex
Botshelo:are you angry?
Me:yes,i feel like you cheated or something
Botshelo:but we are not in a relationship cheated i think we should stop now that
you have a girlfriend
Botshelo:we are not really exclusive
Me:mxm you are stupid waitse,what did you think
will happen,play cards?
Botshelo:seriously o shy so i didnt think she will do all
Me:was it good?
Botshelo:it was okay
Me:are you going to sleep with her again?
Botshelo:should i?
I put the phone on charger and went to bed,kept
tossing and tossing thinking about Botshelo and that
girl.Agg hated how i felt at the moment,now i was
jealous and falling inlove with him again.
I was the first one to wake up,i made English
breakfast and soft porridge for the kids then cleaned
the house.I fed the twins and bathed them.
Ame woke up with her weave all in her face,she
drank lots of water and slept on the floor
Ame:(to Lebo)take the kids outside i dont want noise
Ame:a bad one
Me:where is your boyfriend?
Ame:he went home
Me:mmh i didn't sleep at all you guys kept me up all
Me:am telling you
Ame:(hiding her face)don't tell me its so embarassing
Me:(laughing)mmh it was so embarrassing listening
to my little sister moaning but i got to say you
moaned sexy
Ame:(covering her ears)no no please don't tell me
Me:(laughing)am joking
Ame:really i was so out of it yesterday ebile Owen o
I brought her a plate of eggs and Russian,she ate it all
and slept on the sofa.Someone knocked.
Me:come in
My eyes got to be deceiving me

Episode 84
Me:are you lost?
Girl:Can i ask you something
Girl:are you and Botshelo like dating or something
Ame:(attitude)why do you ask?
Me:nana how old are you?
Girl:i am 21
Ame:and you come here and ask my sister if she is
dating her boyfriend? A ko o mpolella when you left
home where did you say you were going?
Me:(laughing)Nana am older than you this better be
the last time you come here and ask me stupid
Ame:(to me)wa tallasega waitse
Girl:so you are still together?
Me:what did he say to you?
Girl:he said you are just friends
Me:did you sleep with him?
Me:do you love him
Me:he is not my boyfriend,we are just friends
Girl:thank you i though you were going to chase me
out,(happy)i just wanted to be sure you guys were
not an item because i..because he is my first and its
kinda of a big deal.
I let out a fade smile and walked her out,shem she
was just too sweet and brave,she would be a nice
girlfriend,just the kind that Botshelo needs and i
refuse to be in the way of his happiness.I sat on the
sofa and buried my head in my palms.
Ame:i wish i was a virgin when i was 21
Me:me too
Ame:where do you think we got this bad genes
Me:definately from dad's side of the family
Ame:(laughing)are you okay?
Me:no i just gave up on my sex mate how can i be?
Ame:and he will never come back no offence kana
jaanong he is eating a fresh one.
Me:why do people say no offence before they insult
us? So wa re am not fresh?
Ame:come on you know what i mean
Me:she is sweet
Ame:so you going to find yourself a new sex mate or
Me:i don't want to talk about it
I went to my room and threw myself on the bed,mxm
i should nt have agreed to the stupid idea in the first
place now my heart was torn into pieces.
Later on i bathed the kids and cooked lunch,being a
mother is not an easy job,people were going out and
enjoying festive while am stuck at home with 4
kids.Later on Lefika came to pick up Ciara and Lebo,i
watched TV with the twins until late,right after they
fell asleep someone knocked at the door.
Me(looking at the time)Ame?
Voice:no ke Botshelo
Me:(happy)what do you want?
Botshelo:bula hle mma before magodu ba Boseja ba
Botshelo:hle mma this thing is heavy please
Me:(smiling)what thing?
Botshelo:hle mma
I opened the door and he stormed in empty
handed,he smiled and kissed my cheek,i let out a
small smile
Me:your girlfriend was here
Botshelo:she told me
Me:so are youvguys like dating now
Botshelo:i need your blessings first
Me:you have them then
Botshelo:are you sure?
Me:i was once her,and its not like you and i were
dating it was just sex so fine.
Botshelo:(kissing my neck)are you sure
Botshelo:(looking into my eyes)i love you
Botshelo:we can be more than just friends if you
Me:(pulling myself away from him)i told you am not
looking for a relationship,you came here this time to
ask me all that?
Botshelo:i came here because i wanted to do this to
He lifted me up and kissed my neck,he pinned me
against the wall and the towel fell down.He laid me
on the sofa and kisses my tummy going down,i let
out a small moan.
Me:wait,i dont want to be the other woman
Botshelo:(playing with my clit with his tongue)mmh
Me:(moaning)just so you know i...
He tongue fucked me and i kept quiet,i felt the tip of
his penis knock on my treassure and i let out a loud
Me:did you lock the door?
Botshelo:(breathing heavily)mmh
Me:(breathing heavily)you got a condom?
Botshelo:no,should i stop
Me:(closing my eyes)you are stupid don't stop
He carried me to the door and locked the door while
his other hand supported me.He pinned me against
the door and penetrated.He went in slowly then
faster.He put me on the sofa and spread my legs
admiring my cookie.Ame's words came into my mind
that he tastes a fresh cookie.I closed my legs
Botshelo:are you uncomfortable?
Me:what's her name?
Botshelo:who? Are we going to talk about another
girl while we have sex
Me:did you enjoy?
Botshelo:not as much as i was enjoying a few
seconds back
Me:(smiling)i love you
Botshelo:i love you
He slid his dick back in and i closed my eyes,sex is an
emotional thing,if you don't like someone no matter
how good they are you wont enjoy but when you do
it with someone you love,no matter if they have a
small dick and cum after 2 seconds you are still going
to enjoy.I felt his dick become soft in me.He picked up
my towel and we wiped ourselves and cuddled on the
Me:can't believe you did that..
Botshelo:o tla reka di morning after akere princess

Episode 85
Me:(getting up and wrapping myself with the
towel)you should go
Botshelo:this time?
Me:Before Ame gets home and sees your car
Botselo:so what if she sees me?
Me:i don't want her to see you.
Botshelo:(putting on his boxers)okay
I walked him to his car and ran back to the house.I
locked the door and went to sleep.
Ame:did Botshelo come here last night?
Me:no why?
Ame:just askin
Meyou dont just ask,why?
Ame:i thought i saw his car coming from this side fa
ke tla
Me:maybe she was coming from his girlfriend's place
Ame:(looking at me)are you trying to prove a point
oor something?
Ame:you love him and he loves you back why dont
you just date
Me:(walking outside)i told you am not looking for a
relationship right now
Ame:(following me)are you trying to convince me or
yourself,i mean you already sleeping with the guy.
Me:(attitude)sometimes i feel like you forget that am
your older sister
Ame:ijoo mma i was trying to help you,its okay then
you want to be single i respect that.
On our way to Gaborone,we were sitting on a 3 seats
,the twins were sleeping and i was reading a
megazine.My phone rang and i ignored it,it ran again.
Me:i will call you back
Botshelo:are you avoiding me?
Botshelo:i thought you said we were taking the kids
back together
Me:its cheaper if we use the bus,sorry
Botshelo:and you didn't find it fitting to tell me?
He hung up on me,he was right i was avoiding him.I
was trying to protect me and him from what could
happen in the future.I hurt him once,now he got a
sweet nice cute girl that he deserved.
We arrived around 4,Calvin was waiting for us at
Pilane. They ran to him and he picked them both at
the same time.I looled in the car for his wife and she
was not in.
Cal:(hugging me)hi
CJ:Mama i want to pee
Cal:(putting him down)mmh you guys are so heavy
CJ:(ran to the side of the road to pee)daddy i rode a
Channel:Mama i want to stay with you
Me:(looking at Cal)i will come take you
We got in the car and drove in silence,the twins were
eating,i looked at Calvin to see if he would complain
about it.We found his mum and wife in the kitchen
baking.The twins ran to her and she picked up
Mrs:(happy)wow you guys are so grown up,look at
your hair you look so cute
Channel:mama made my hair
Mrs:(put down Channel and picked up CJ)Are you
really my baby?
Me:ijoo this kids eat a lot bathong
Cal:i will put the bags in their room
Wife:they look fat
Me:(offended)they are young they are suppost to be
She went outside and i sat down with Cal's mum,she
came back inside and stormed to the bedroom calling
Me:i think she is angry because the kids ate in the car
Mrs:agg a tsamaele koo
Me:(laughing)but i cleaned up the mess
Mrs:she finds fault in everything the kids do i dont
know how she will handle hers
Me:she is pregnant?
Mrs:no i mean one day when she has one
Me:wai she will come around,a child will bring her
down to earth
We heard them arguing in the other room then Calvin
picked up the car keys and went outside,he came
back inside
Cal:are you leaving today?
Me:yeah i will take the 7 bus back to Maun
Mrs:ao come on aren't you tired,spend the night
Me:no please its not fair in Boi,i dont want to make
her feel uncomfortable.
Mrs:Am sure she wont mind,you are always welcome
Me:okay il stay the night
Cal:okay i will see you later then
We continued talking about this and that,she called
Dumi that they should come for dinner.I took a long
shower and wore my dress that i left there,it was a
bit short now that i had bigger hips,bit not too
short,just above knees.
I logged into watsapp while they were buisy with
dinner.Botshelo hadsent me asonfg,i didnt listen to it
because i didn't have my headsets with me,i bumped
into Calvin on my way to the bedroom forthwith
Cal:sure..(he followed me into the bedroom and
closed the door)how are you?
Cal:aren't you goint to ask me how i am?
Me:honestly i dont care
Cal:you still hate me?
Me:(rolling my eyes)hate is a strong word,i don't hate
Cal:(sitting on the bed)sometimes i feel like...shit
I took out the headsets in my bag and went outside,i
bumped into Boi in the passage,i put my headsets on
and ignored her,Botshelo called
Botshelo:o gorogile shapo?
Me:yeah thanks
Botshelo:when are you coming back?
Botshelo:don't sleep wih him please
Me:(offended)ee akere am a loose panty
I hung up and went to the dining table,everyone
arrived,it was a little awkward.After eating i excused
myself and went to sleep.
Calvin dropped me off at the bus rank in the morning.
Cal:have a safe journey
Cal:i still love you Phatsimo
Me:i know you do,bye
My phone ran
Me:ke mo Mahalapye, my baytery is low
Botshelo:okay i...
The battery died,the journey was long,when we
reached Makalamabedi we got off at the gate.I saw
Botshelo waiting with the officers,i let out a smile
Officer:is she the one?
Botshelo:(smiling)yes this is her
Me:(confused)am i the one what?
Officer:This young man has been waiting for you for
you here all day
Me:(smiling)he is stupid
He held my hand and we walked to his car,he opened
the door for me and baby kissed me.
Me:you came all yhe way here to pick me up,this is so
Botshelo:akere ko maun wa ndoja
He took out a box of pizza and gave me,we drove in
silence listening to this other song on repeat mode..
Me:chencha pina the
Botshelo:do you hear what it says?
Me:ehe am suppost to listen to the lyrics ne k sa itse
He increases the volume and held my hand driving
with one hand..
if you need me anytime
You know am always right by your side
You see i never felt this love
You are the only thing that's on my mind
You don't understand how much you really mean to
I need you in my life you are my nessesity
Oh believe me you are everything that just makes my
world complete
My love is clear
You the only thing that il ever see
You are all i ever need
Baby you are amazing
You are my angel come and save me

Episode 86
**on the way to Maun**
Botshelo:wa e utlwa pina ee
Me:yeah,the words are..(pause)..mature
Botshelo:(laughing)ao abo o ka re mature,say
something else
Me:aah nna i don't know what to say rra
Botshelo:i love you kana Phatsimo..
**his phone ran and he looked at the caller id,he put
in on silence
Me:aren't you going to answer it
Botshelo:its your girlfriend
Botshelo:Akere you told her gore nna le wena we not
dating jaanong o ntshetse morago
Me:(laughing)ga o swabe you broke the poor girl's
Botshelo:what? Haha she was not a virgin motho
Me:she told us she was a virgin and stuff,still i like
her,she is nice.You guys should date
Botshelo:kante why dont you want us to try again?
Me:you know why
Botshelo:atleast this time you know gore Calvin is
alive and married,you know where you stand with
Me:honestly i just dont want to date amyone
now,maybe ine day we can try not now
Botshelo:can't believe drove this distance and waited
in the sun for all this,ga o mpate akere.
I kept quite,we drove in silence and he dropped me
off at the gate.
Me:(hugging him)thanks hey,ame for the pizza
Botshelo:sure..(holding my hand)i just want you to
tell me there is no chance for us then i will back off
for good
Botshelo:just say it
Me:o am sorry but we cant date
Me:we can still be friends
He got in his car and i went to the house.
I was having a glass of milkshake at KFC with Naomi.
Me:so how old is she now?
Naomi:6 months and she looks like her father gore
Me:yeah ke gore you carry a child for 9 months then
she comes out looking like her father.Nna kana none
of my kids looks like me,ebile Channel ka
Naomi:heela they must be so grown up,its been long
ke ba bone
Me:mmh ba jetse christmass mo maun took them
back maloba
Naomi:mmh o kae daddy?
Me:(laughing)yoo o fraa his wife controls him,he is
not the same old Cal o ntse maswenyana
Naomi:ao,you still love him?
Me:aah maybe
Naomi:you still love him,i can tell
Me:aah mma no matter what he did to me i still love
him,maloba at his house he followed me into the
room,erile a sa dire sepe k fa ke boregile gore,i
wanted him to kiss me or just say something
Naomi:(laughing)wifey a le kae?
Me:i meet her in the passage looking for him,am sure
she thinks we did something because at dinner ke fa
a budulugile hela
Naomi:ao bathong,she can sue ypu waitse
Me:no she wouldnt even if i slept with Calvin,se has
lots of pride.
Naomi:girls..mme gone dont you miss the sex?
Me:no..okay maybe sometimes,that rough sex wa
bona.just a little
I saw someone passing by the window,i focused on
them until they got inside,they qued up and bought 2
boxes of streetwise then walked outside.My heart
beat a little faster.
Naomi:did you hear a thing o said?
Me:sorry..what did you say
Naomi:(looking behind)you still love him too?
Me:mma motho yole was the father of my child
kana,yes i still love him
Naomi:are they dating or something?
Me:aah they look like they are fucking
Naomi:(choking on the shake)gatwe fuckin? Hahaha
she is cute
Me:yeah and sweet too
Naomi:wena mma if you had to choose between him
and Calvin who would you choose?
Me:(thinking)umm Botshelo is sweet,romantic,he is
not criminal,not married,h s funny and has a bigger
dick.Hahaha and Calvin is..he is romantic,wa becha
and he knows how to have good time.?mmmh who
would i choose..I would choose Botshelo because he i
just a simple guy with no drama
Me:ee ao dont you believe me?
Naomi:deep down you know you still want Calvin
thats why you dont want to date Botshelo
Me:(looking at my watch) tsalame i have to go cook
for my daughter,Ame kana this days o nna hela mo
Naomi:you are lying you are just avoiding this topic
Me:(standing up)maybe i am afraid of admiting it to
myself gore you are telling the truth.
We said goodbye and i went home.To be honest i was
in no rush just that i was bored the minute i saw
Botshelo with the girl,yes am the one who gave him a
o ahead to date her but i didn't know it would hurt
that much.
I cooked us pasta and chicken then took a nap,woke
up to a call from you know who.
Cal:hey am in Maun
Cal:i know if i had asked you if i can come you would
have said no,i need to tell youvsomething
Me:okay am listening
Cal:can we meet,i didn't come here so i can tell you
overt the phone i need to see you
Me:promise me you wont try anything funny with me
Cal:i can't promise you that
Me:then am not coming
Me:no o batla go ta go njela koo
Cal:(laughing)i wont
Me:I swear if you try anything funny am gonna
I took a quick bath and dropped Cici of at Potso's and
took a taxi to the hotel,I knocked at the door and
there was no answer,i opened the door,i heard the
water running in the shower.
Me:(sitting on the bed)Calvin wee
I saw his phone on the bed,it didn't have a
pattern.okay i wanted to look at the photos but my
fingers opened his messages, next thing i know i
found myself reading hi conversation with the
wifey.shem bathon he was not having it easy hey.
Cal:cant we just work out our marriage without
involving your father
Boi:he is the one who can deal with you nna i just
cant Calvin,we havent had sex in almost 2 months
and you think its okay,you think am a robot kante?
Cal:and whose fault is it that we are not having sex,o
mborisa sex because we dont do it for fun you are so
obsessed with having a baby.
Cal:Hey i didn't hear you come in
I threw the phone down,shit i was so caught up in the
messages i didn't see him.
Cal:is that my phone?

Episode 87
Me:hey i was just looking at your photos
Cal:(picking up the phone)really? Why o i think you
were reading my texts?
Me:(faking a laugh)please,i would never do that
**awkward moment**
Me:so am here
Cal:(unwrapping the towel)its not something you
haven't seen before
Me(looking at his dick)mmh
Cal:(putting on his pants)should i order something for
Me:no thanks am in a hurry actually
Me:something like that yeah
Cal:you still with that Botshelo guy?
Cal:you can do better?
Me:says a man who married a spoilt bratty..(rolling
my eyes) please
Cal:you know our arrangement
Me:still she is your wife,you can do much better
Cal:(smiling)i missed you
He took my hand and placed it ontop of his dick.He
looked into my eyes and breathed down on me,he
smelt fresh lemon mixed with mint.
Me:i am uncomfortable
Me:(shaking)because are married Calvin
Me:i will never sleep with you Calvin even if you were
not married
Cal:you are the best thing that has ever happened to
me waitse Phatsimo,you were faithfull even when
you thought i was dead.
Me:ee wai you only realising that now?
Cal:(touching my vagina)if i could turn back the time i
Me:wena you can akere you died twice and came
back to life
I pulled my hand from him a sat on the stool facing
him,shem he looked a little pale,he let out a fade
smile then touched his abdomen,he had blood in his
Me:are you okay? Is that blood?
Cal:(sitting on the bed)no..shit...!!
Me:(sitting next to him)oh my God this is blood,where
is it coming from where you shot or something?
Cal:I came here because i wamted to tell you
Cal:i am dying
Me:(shaking)what? What are you talking about? Do
you have your medicine with you? (Panicking)oh God
why is there so much blood
He stopped talking,i placed his head on my chest and
felt his temperature.He was burning.I made him lie
comfortably on the bed and ran to the reception.
Me:mam friend in room 23 is sick he
collapsed,he is bleeding
Reception Lady:mam breath please i will call an
ambulance in the mean time i will call our nurse to
attend to him
Me:(crying)please hurry
I ran back to the room,he was not breathing fine and
he was burning up.I put a cold towel on his head and
on his stomach until the nurse arrived.
Nurse:(chewing gum)what's wrong with him?
Me:(pissed)i should be asking you,why didnt you
bring your equipment?
Nurse:i thought it was one of those incidents lekgoa
le kgamilwe ke tapole a bo gotwe emergency
Okay i would have laughed if we were in a different
situation but right now i wanted to strangle the
lady,she was making jokes while Calvin might be
dying.The door opened and a tall black good looking
man burst in followed by 2 paramedics with a
Doc:(checking his heart beat)he is breathing
Me:we were just talking then he started looking pale
and then i saw all this blood but he was okay a few
minutes back
Doc:(checking his BP)was he in an accident recently?
Do you have his medical cards?
Me:(searching his bags)there is no card in here
They put him on the stretchers bed and pushed him
outside,we got in the ambulance to the
hospital.Everything was happening so fast.They took
him to the emergency room
Doc:is he your husband?
Me:no he is my baby daddy
Doc:okay can you please inform his family
Me:(crying)what's wrong with him?
Doc:i domt know at the moment,i will get back to you
in a few minutes
The doctor came out and took off his mask.I stood up
and meet him halfway
Me:how is he?
Doc:did you call his family?
Me:yes i called his mother,is he going to be okay?
Doc:i am afraid we will have to transfer him to
Me:(crying)is he going to live?
Doc:he will be fine please but you know i can't
disclose some information woth you.He lost lots of
Me:(sitting down)oh my God..please save him
Doc:am doing everything i can
Me:please please you have to save him,his kids need
I saw Dumi,Letso and his father at the reception,i
waved at them.They hurried to us
Dumi:Doc is he okay?
Doc:he lost lots of blood
Mr:we are taking him to Gaborone with us
Doc:we were actually about to send him off
Mr:we bougjt a chopper we are taking him with us
but we need someone with medical experience with
us,money is not a problem
Dumi:how soon can we take him?
Doc:follow me and sign some forms please
Dumi and his father followed him,i sat down on the
banches and burried my hands in my palms.Letso
hugged me
Letso:i will take care of him for you Ausi Phatsimo
Me:what's wrong with him? Was he shot or
Letso:He was...
He saw Dumi then stopped talking,mmh waitse i
don't know whats wrong with me,here i was back
getting involved in Calvin's lies and secrets again.I
looked at Dumi and saw it in his face gore he didnt
want Letso to tell me.I took my bag and walked out
without saying goodbye.
I dialed Botshelo's number,it ran twice and he
Me:(crying)can you come pick me up ke fa
Botshelo:(worried)are you okay?
Me:il wait by the gate
I sat on the stoop waiting for Botshelo.That moment i
realised just how much i lived Calvin and Botshelo.I
didn't know whom i loved the most but what i knew
was i didn't want to loose any of them.
He arrived a few minutes later with his girlfriend,agg
she was starting to bore me.I got at the back and
askes him to drive me home.We drove in silence until
i got home,Botshelo followed me to the house.
Botshelo:(hugging me)what's wrong? Oh my God did
you take the pills maloba?
Me:just a friend of sick
Botshelo:sorry,how bad?
Me:problem is i don't know how bad,he was bleeding
Me:yeah and...
Botshelo:(interrupting)who is he?
Me:you dont know him
Me:i don't know if he is going to be okay,his family..
Botshelo:shit Phatsimo kante why are you giving this
guy more chances to hurt you
Me:(pissed)mxm just go kante just because i was with
him go raa gore i slept with him,agg ftshek tsamaa
Calvin is fighting for his life wena o bua matakala.I
care about the guy because he is the father of my
children,seriously u want me to stop caring because
we are no longer together,that man was once my
world,you dont just give up like that,yes i love him
but i dont want to get back with him
Botshelo:yeah akere nna my child died,sapo i knew
gore you didnt want us to get back together because
you still want him,i hope he dies waitse gongwe i will
have peace..

Episode 87
Me:wow i cant believe you just said that,you are so
Botshelo:am sorry obviously i don't wish him dead i
was just angry
Me:yeah that's why its important to keep quiet when
you are angry,you should leave
He waped out,i stood by the door looking at his car
disappear into the dark.I called Calvin's mum
Me:hello,they are on their way there
Mrs:Thank God you were there imagine what could
have happened if he was alone
Me:kante has he been in an accident recently?
Mrs:aah i dont know,i will keep you updated though
Me:how are the twins?
Mrs:they are okay,poor souls don't know their father
is fighting for his life
Me:yeah please do tell me if there is any change,bye.
Voice:you talking to Boipelo
Me:(adjusting my seat)yes
Boi:i want you to come here so we can talk woman to
Boi:i want us to talk
Me:you and i have nothing to talk about
Boi:yes we do,i want to know what you were doing in
a hotel room with my husband that night
Me:that's a question you should ask your husband
not me
Boi:do you know that i can sue you if i want,this is
evidence that you are sleepung with my husband
Me:(pissed)bona ha ausi am so done with your
husband,he is the one following me like a sick puppy
Boi:not that i need the money but expect a lawsuit
very soon
Me:bring it on,you know what no wonder Calvin
doesn't want you,you are so spoilt and stupid
Boi:If he doesnt want me then why did he marry me?
Me:he is using you,just incase you didn't know he had
vasectomy,he doesnt want to have kids with your
stupid ass
She hung up,okay that was rude of me considering
that i was lying,i called her back and she didnt
answer.I sent an SMS saying that i was sorry and i
Am not a rude person,just don't know why i felt the
need to always step on the poor girl's toes.
I had not gotten any report about Calvin since the
day his family took him.His mother's phone was not
available,i didnt have Dumi or Letso's numbers.
I heard people talking outside,they knocked and i
ignored them.Was not in the mood for people,it was
Potso and his sister.I went into my room for a nap.
I woke up to Ciara pulling my toes,i let out a small
smile,she wasall grown up bathing ngwanake
Cici:do you wamt me to sing for you?
Cici:which song?
Cici:(laughing)mommy you know i dont know how to
sing but il sing for you,just to cheer you up
Cici:kgm kgm...(dancing her small flat butt)work work
work work work
I started laughing until she finished what sounded
like Rihanna's work but with different lyricks.She
threw herself on the bed and hugged me
Cici:are you feeling better?
Me:(smiling)a lot
Cici:(kissing me)so mama can i go spend the weekend
at Lynn's house,she invited me for a sleep over
Cici:(happy)yey i love you mama you are the best
Me:i know baby
Cici:so mama have you found a boyfriend yet??
Me:(standing up)no..and am not telling you about my
love life
Cici:(laughing)daddy wont tell me about his too,are
you guys going to get back together some day?
Me:would you like that?
Cici:yeah,everyone at school has both mum and dad
together except for me and Nelly..oh mum you can
date Nelly's dad then Nelly and i can become
sisters,aww that would be so cool
Me:(laughing)seriously sometimes i feel like i dont
know you
Cici:(laughing)please mama can you please date him,i
promise he wont hurt you or make you cry like daddy
does he is a good man
I ignored her and cooked us lunch after we bathed
and watched tv.Botshelo called and i ignored his
call,yes i was still upset about what he said maloba
about wishing Calvin dead.He sent an sms
Botshelo:still mad at me?
Botshelo:i really ddnt mean what i said,i am sorry
Me:tell me kante why get angry if i fucked Calvin or
not akere you have a girlfriend Botshelo
Botshelo:i love you Phatsimo,you letting the guy
back in you are giving him the chance to finish you
off,akere he missed you the first time
Me:He is just my baby daddy nothing more,i told you
gore i dont want to date,i meant it.Am tired of you
always thinking gore am gonna sleep with guy
everytime i see him,just cut me some slack.
Botshelo:i am sorry can we go for a ride later
Botshelo:just around Maun
Me:ride or chill?
Botshelo: you know what i mean
Me: no i dont just say it
Botshelo:can we chill in my car later?
Me:what about your girlfriend?
Botshelo:she is at her place
Botshelo:what time?
I packed Cici's overnight bag and took her to Lynn's
house.I found Ame back home with her boyfriend.
Ame:how is he?
Me:i dont know,no one is talking to me but if he was
dead am sure his mother would have called.Waitse i
went through the same road that time i thought
Calvin was dead am so done with them.I could see in
Dumi's eyes gore they didn't want me to know what
was wrong so m gonna respect that the less i know
the better
Ame:Cici o kae?
Me:sleepover,don't leave the key in the lock am
gonna come late
Ame:(smiling)mmh booty call
Me:(looking at Ame's boyfriend)we have guests hle
Ame:he knows
Me:wow ofcourse you told him
I washed my vagina and changed inyo a short skirt
and vest.Don't ask me why i washed it,we all know
anything is possible especially when a man and a
woman are alone.
Botshelo picked me up exactly at 7,we drove to KFC
and bought one family meal.We drove in silence until
we passed the last fueling station using the Ghanzi
Me:re ya kae?
Me:ae tell m ekare we going out of Maun jaana
He turned left using a gravel road,there was a full
moon,he parked in the middle of a football ground.He
opened the door for me,aww he is sucj a gentleman
He took out a blanket and a cooler box from the
car,we sat on the blanket enjoying the chicken and
chips.He gave me a bottle of beer and we drank from
if litsening to Jordin Sparks' No parade...
Botshelo:hle mma lets have a baby
Me:(splashing out the beer)what?
Botshelo:you heard me
Botshelo:maybe if Lerato was alive you would love
me like you love Calvin..
Me:(teary)ao rra?

Episode 88
Botshelo:its the truth gore you have never stopped
loving him,only if you can love as much,i can prove to
you that am a better man than Calvin
Me:i love you and if we are going to get back
together it wont be because o feel sorry or because
of the baby,i just want my space right now,lately i
have made some bad decisions IV hurt you and am
not proud of it,i can't do that to you again.
Botshelo:am asking for one last chance hle ma if it
doesn't work out then atleast we would have tried.
I kept quiet as i looked up to the sky and sipped my
beer.We remained silent listening to the birds and
the music from the car.It was awkward nyana
because its like we didnt know what to say to each
Me:so if we get back together what about your
Botshelo:i will handle her
Botshelo:dont worry how,she is too childish she will
Me:and she has been good to you,she is the kind of
girl you deserve
Botshelo:you are right?
Me:i am?
Botshelo:i deserve her but i don't love her as much as
i love you
Me:ohh okay
Botshelo:(touching my thigh)Are we going to have
sex? mood is a bit down now
Botshelo:(kissing my neck)i can put you back in the
mood again
Me:no..its not working
Botshelo:come on
Me:(laughing)that tickles
Botshelo:am trying to get you back in the mood lady
Mrs:hello dear,i have been out of the country and my
phone wasn't roaming that's why i have been out of
touch are you?
Me:(looking at Botshelo)been great,how is he?
Mrs:he is fine now,brought him back home with us
Me:what was the bleeding about?
Mrs:its a long story,i think he should tell you himself
but the wound was open and he had an infection
Me:that's so sad am glad he is okay now
Mrs:you can come visit if you want
Me:no..i hate to intrude thats a family matter and am
sure Boi wont like it,am glad he is okay
Mrs:okay,have a lovely evening my daughter
Me:thanks you too,bye
Botshelo:(starring at me)how is he?
Me:he is fine and at home
Botshelo:yeah we should her back before magodu
attack us
Me:i dont think they come here this late,lets chill for
a few minutes
Me:(kissing him)where were we?
Botshelo:(fade smile)really we should go
Me:you okay?
Me:(folding my arms)are you mad that am happy
Calvin is okay?
Botshelo:did i say that?
Me:then whats wrong?
Botshelo:i sais nothing
Me:(opening the car door)we should go its late
Botshelo:good idea
He dropped me at home and did a u turn,none of us
said a word on the way.
I walked out of shoprite and bumped into someone
who looks familiar,my plastic bag fell down and he
helped me pick up the vegetables
Him:i am so sorry
Me:its fine,i bumped into you
Him:you know you should always look where you are
Me:was texting my daughter sorry
Him:(handing me the plastic)here
I looked as he got into the shop,he was wearing a
black Jean and a white Nike T-shirt.He was fun and
exiting to look at.He disappeared into the crowd and i
took a taxi home.
Ame:(opening the bags)did you bring the cheese?
Ame:where is the bread?
Me:the other plastic bag
Ame:(licking her lips)mmmh can you do for me like
you always do for Cici
Me:are you 5?
Ame:Cici is not 5
Me:you are pregnant not disabled mma,do it for
I made her toast with cheese and polony se sat on
the sofa enjoying it.
Me:i bumped into this tall hunk fa ke tswa shoprite
Ame:(exited)mmh so..????
Me:so nothing,he looked familiar (thinking) wonder
were i saw him first!!
Ame:Maun is big
Me:no him and i have had a conversation
before,kante i saw him at work..mmh maybe
Ame:can we go out today?
Me:go where?
Ame:anywhere,its not like am showing we can even
go to the bar
Me:are you crazy? What would your boyfriend think
of me,kana am suppost to be the older one here
Ame:do i look like i care what he thinks?
Me:you have to care
Ame:agg wa mbora this days
Me:its the hormones
Ame:so did Botshelo call you today?
Me:no why?
Ame:he was passing here earlier i think he was
checking up on you
Me:did you talk to him?
Ame:no he was passing ko tseleng
Me:he hasn't spoken to me since that day
Ame:you guys are cute,its obvious you are going to
end up together
Me:mmh am gonna die alone
Me:what about him?
Ame:has he ever called and thank you for saving his
Ame:ungreatful pig
**We both laughed**
The following week went by slowly,just work and
home.The next week i spent the weekend at my
plot,the men were fancing it and building a
toilet.After i went with Potso out,people of maun
never disappoint,the place was packed and it was
lit,the music was on point and my beer was cold.
Potso:(shouting)are you having fun?
Potso:good am gonna talk to that girl she has been
checking me out all night
I leaned on the car door and watched people dancing
on the stage.I opened another bottle.
Voice:you bored?
Me:(turning around)are you stalking me?
Me:i should report you
Him:(extending his hand)i am Bokang
Me:i guess you already know my name
Bokang: Rose?
Bokang: Pretty?
Me:(laughing)were do you get those names,no
Bokang:okay i give up now,whats your name,i have
been watching you from a distance ke tshaba your
boyfriend and when i saw him leave i thought thats
my chance
Me:oh,thats my brother actually
Bokang:am so glad he is your brother,so arent you
going to tell me your name?
Bokang:you are kidding right
Bokang:wow you are indeed a diamond
Bokang:lets go dance
Me:no am not much of a dancer
Bokang:(pulling my hand)come on

Episode 89
Potso was so sloshed that night i had to drive us back
home.He slept on the couch while i slept in my
room.When i woke up the next morning i found him
Me:(knocking on Ame's door)Amza are you awake?
Ame:i am awake now,what do you want?
Me:can i come in
Ame:no we are naked
Me:where did Potso go his car is still around
Ame:i don't even know he slept here
I walked intothe kitchen and made myself something
to eat,i had a bad headache from last night.My phone
Voice:hey you
Bokang:slept okay?
Bokang:am alive that's all that matters,so my family
is having lunch wanna tag along?
Me:dude i hardly know you
Bokang:just as friends,you can even pretend to be
my girlfriend i will pay you
Me:why don't you take your girlfriend instead?
Bokang:i don't have one,comeone free meal and
being paid to be the pretend girlfriend of one hunky
Me:(laughing)okay,how much?
Bokang:50 pula an hour
Me:deal,what time,what do i wear?
Bokang:wear something sexy and screaming classy
Bokang:lunch is exactly 1 so am coming to pick you
up in an hour
Me:i haven't bathed yet
Bokang:bath then its almost 11,send me directions
I drank lots of water and soaked myself in the bath
for a good 20 minutes.Ame got in and sat on the
Me:what are you doing?
Ame:i wont take a dump while you bathing you idiot
Me:you have a a fat vagina
Ame:(smiling)bae said that too
Me:i hope its not..(smiling)..fat downthere too
Ame:you are so stupid sometimes i feel like i dont
know you
Me:bitch you don't know me
Ame:how was last night?
Me:remind me neer to go out with your brother slash
drink buddy again,he was so sloshed embarrassing
me infront of a potential boyfriend
Ame:(laughing)thats Potso for you,who is the guy?
Me:(playing with my tits)the shoprite hunk
Ame:mmh so did you kiss him?
Me:because i dont go around kissing people i hardly
Ame:but you wanted to
Me:if i want to i will kiss him today,he invited me to a
family lunch thing,he is picking me up
Ame:that's a little sudden,you just meet
Me:so? We are just friends ebile he is paying me to be
his pretend girlfriend,50 bucks an hour
Ame:he is gay
Ame:the way you describe him,him not having a
girlfriend is because he is gay or a serial killer
Me:there are no serial killers in Botswana and he is
definitely not gay
Ame:(standing up) or maybe he has a desease that
has no cure
Me:(splashing her with water)you are so stupid
I did my make up and styled my weave into small
waves.I wore a short military green dress and black
heels.Bokang called that he was outside,Ame
followed me because she wanted to see him. Had in a
white shirt and black jeans and white all star
converse.He opened the door and kissed me on the
Me:Bokang this is my little sister Ame
Ame:(handshake)you really are handsome hey
Me:(getting I'm the car)bye Amza
Ame:have fun and don't do anything i wont do
Bokang:(smiling)we wont (to me)you look hot
Me:(smiling)thanks but my name is Phatsimo not
Bokang:(laughing)o tricky
Bokang:its cool
His family lived in a very big house,you could tell gore
he gre up well,there were only a few people.He
introduced me as his girlfriend and i went along,we
held hands and whispered stupid things.He was the
only boy in his family,he had 2 little sisters,both
younger than me.We sat by the table and said Grace
before we ate.
His mom:So tell me where do you work?
Me:i work at a bank
His mum:ohh nice,do you have kids?
Me:yes 3
Everyone looked at me like i was joking
Me:i had my first child when i was really young,the
youngest are twins,a boy and a girl
His sister:oh nice
His father:same father?
His mother:oh..okay
Bokang:and i want to marry her
Me:(chocking on the food)marriage??
Bokang:(giving me an eye)yes honey we talked about
this and you said you were not ready
Me:yeah maybe in 5 years
His young sister:so how long have you guys been
Bokang:7 months
His mum:and you already discussing marriage
His dad:its a good thing you brougjt her here,we have
never meet any of his girlfriends before
Me:am the first?
His mum:yes i was starting to think my only son was
Bokang:(holding my hand tightly)gay?? Haha
His dad:no man wants their son to be gay,proud of
you son
Bokang:thanks dad
We left around 5,we ent to the beach and chille for a
few minutes then he took me home.
Me:i had a great time
Bokang:me too
Me:(leaning in)yeah
Bokang:(starting the engine)i will see you around
Me:sure (opens door)..ummm you dont hapen to be
gay do you?
Bokang:you have problem with gay people?
Me: no not at all,if you are its cool i can pretend to be
your girlfriend for free
Bokang:(smiling)do i look gay?
Bokang:am not gay
Me:(getting out of the car)okay
Bokang:so how is your baby daddy?
Bokang:the one that i savd his life
Me:ohhj that's here i saw you,you arethe doctor who
saved Calvin's life
Bokang:yeah he almost died,i don't get how a rich
man like him could go under an unauthorized surgery
like that
Me:(curious)me too
Bokang:so sad,the doctor who performed his first
operation must be jailed,he was unprofessional
Me:how old was the wound?
Bokang:a few months
Me:(closing the door)see ya
He drove off and i got in the house,what he said left
me curious.I dialed Calvin's number,i wanted to know
at the same time i didnt want to know..

Episode 90
Me:hi,how are you?
Cal:am good and you?
Me:am fine,so you never told me what you wanted to
tell me that night
Cal:ohh its all in the past now don't worry
Me:you almost died and you tell me not to worry,i
deserve an explanation
Cal:look IV got to go we will talk later
Me:kante why do you always do that? You didn't
even to call and tell me you were fine and your wife is
here accusing me of having an affair with you
Me:next time don't call me when you have shity
marriage problems,you almost got me in trouble
Cal:i promise it will never happen again
Me:it better not,bye
I put my phone in the charger and went into my
room,i took off my clothes admiring my body.I ran
into the living room for my phone,i took a few
selfies.Every girl has nudes in her phone but wise
enough not to post them on social media.
The following week i didn't hear a word from
Bokang,to be honest i didn't have the hots for the
guy but he was cute yes and had a nice body,he is
someone i can kiss but he looked like a fuck boy.He
called Friday evening and i didnt answer him,he sent
me an SMS that he was out of town and will see me
the next day.I watched TV alone until 3 am.
I logged into watsapp and Botshelo was online,how i
wished we could go back to how things were.I sent
him an inbox sayin hi
Me:i miss you
Botshelo:i miss you too
Me:we should hang out someday
Me:buisy now?
Botshelo:no why?
Me:i am home alone,we can hang out now
Botshelo:i don't want to get my hopes up for nothing
Me:ao rra you know...
Botshelo:(interrupt)yeah i know you dont want to
date anyone right now but am asking myself if
anyone is me or everyone including Calvin and your
new boyfriend
Botshelo:yeah o saw him dropping you off yesterday
Me:him and i are just friends,nothing more kante i
camt be friends with men and not fuck them,am tired
of you always assuming that am sleeping with every
guy i meet
Botshelo:sorry mma
Me:that's not an apology,goonight
I went to bed angry.Woke up and did my laundry
then went to check on my dad.I came back in the
evening,Ame was still not home and was not in the
mood to go out with Potso.I was free so i called
Naomi,she answered the second ring
Naomi:(breathing heavily)hey can you call me after
20 minutes
Me:are you having sex?
Me:sies why did you pick up when you having sex,bye
I hung up,waitse girls do things where do you get the
time to answer a phone when you buisy doing all
I sat here thinking about the last time i had sex it has
been almost 3 months now.There was only one
person i wanted to have sex with but he annoyed the
hell out of me.Calvin and Bokang were out of the
question.I called Lefika
Me:hi when are you bringing Cici?
Me:umm can i ask you something?
Me:would you have sex with me?
Lefika:we have had sex before so yeah
Lefika:you want us to have sex?
Me:no i was just asking
I just wanted to be sure he still found me attractive
thats all.Bokang called that he was on his way over.I
checked if my breath was fine.He came with his other
friend,a male one.
Bokang:this is my best friend Nigel
Me:(extending my hand)nice to meet you
Nigel:likewise,you are much hot in person
Me:aww thanks
Nigel:i have heard a lot about you
Me:pitty i cant say the same
Bokang:oh there is nothing to say really he and i are
just friends
Nigel:we should go out
Me:you should have brought your girlfriend along
Nigel:(looking at Bokang)oh she is not around at the
moment,next time
Me:okay where are we going?
Nigel:where do you want to go?
Me:am not in the mood for a crowd
really,somewhere quiet
Bokang:okay i know just where
Me:okay let me go and change
I changed into a summer dress and sandals.Before i
got in the car my phone rang
Botshelo:am coming to your place,you home?
Me:i was just on my way out
Botshelo:can you give me two minutes of your time
Me:(looking at Bokang)okay
Bokang:we are going to the lodge,you will find us
Nigel:don't be in a rush
Me:(laughing) he is just a friend
Nigel:(looking at Bokang)that's what they always say
I wet back to the house,Bogshlo arrived after a few
minutes,he had a bucket of chicken from KFC and a 2
litters fanta pineapple.
Botshelo:Ame o kae?
Me:i dont know
Botshelo:(locking the door)good we have the whole
house to ourselves.
He French kissed me
Botshelo:i love you
Me:(smiling)m too
Botshelo:lets start over
He interupted me with a kiss
He picked me up and walked to my room,he opened
the door with his foot and threw me on the bed.

Episode 91
**A month later**
Bokang:would you marry me?
Me:yeah i heard you the first time! I mean we hardly
know each other,we habe never went on a real date
alone or kissed,this is too sudden
Bokang:so what if we haven't kissed or had sex? It
makes this exiting
Me:(confused)i don't know,i mean you are nice ame
everything but i want my first marriage to be my only
Bokang:are you saying no?
Me:am just not ready and am not sure we habe
reached that stage
Bokang:i don't want to sleep with you before we get
married because i want our first time to be special
I moved up and down,he was still on his knee,okay as
much as i wanted to get married one day i didn't
think i would be this soon gape nna i didnt know
Bokang ame i were dating,don't get me wrong mme
hela who in their right mind marries someone they
have never kissed,i always felt like i was a third wheel
whenever we went out because Nigel was always
with us.
He stood up and sat on the sofa and looked at me
Bokang:you can say no you know,i can't force you to
do anything you don't want to...
Me:umm..okay i like you,a lot but this is a bit sudden
Bokang:so its a no
Me:(holding his hand)maybe next time i will say yes
Bokang:no its cool
Me:you sure am sorry
Bokang:(disappointed)its cool
Me:(smiling)maybe we should try dating before we
Bokang:(smiling) i though we have been dating
Me:aah we are always with Nigel
Bokang:(smiling)okay we should go out just the two
of us
Me:that would be nice
Bokang:want something to eat?
Bokang:okay give me 20 minutes
Me:we can not have sex but you can still kiss me
Me:i don't have a bad breath do i?
Bokang:(putting on am apron)no you don't
He fixed us something to eat while i went through
the channels,i ama big fan of Keeping up with the
Kardashians,well am a big fan of reality shows.
We sat on the Matt watching
Me:(mouthful)nice,you are a great cook
Bokang:thanks,what are we watching?
Bokang:i fund nothing exiting with watching people
live their life
Me:they have exiting lives
My phone ran and i put it on silent
Bokang:aren't you going to answer?
Bokang:who is it?
Me:my ex
Bokang:what does he want?
Me:i dont know
Bokang:maybe its important
Me:no,i will call him back
We finished eating and he drove me home,he kissed
me on the cheek and we said goodbye.
I hardly slept kept thinking about the
proposal,maybe Bokang was my mr right,i mean he
was everything i was looking for in a guy but i didn't
love him.Love is the most important thing in a
I spent the whole week woundering if i was ready to
be someone's wife,what about Botshelo?He was a
big part of my life,if i agree to the marriage that
would kill him.Eish how i was 15,no kids and no
stress sa bo men.After work i took a taxi to his work
place,he had moved his driving school closer to the
Me:(hugging him)hey stranger
Botshelo:akere ee you are not answering my calls
Me:phone yame e senyegile touch pad
Botshelo:(laughing)i have used that excuse
before,nna i thought you heard something jaanong
you were angry at me..
Me:something like what?
Botshelo:something like I have impregnated
Me:you would have told me akere
Botshelo:(looking down)i dont know how it happened
Botshelo:Kaone is pregnant
Botshelo:i dont know how...
Me:(interrupt)let me tell you how,you put your penis
in her vagina
Botshelo:i know but we have never...
Me:(interupt)you know what save it,its not like you
and i are dating or something,you don't have to lie to
Botshelo:(shouting)can you listen to me just once
Me:(crying)i thought we were making us work,why
did you do it?
Botshelo:you know none of this would have
happened if you had given us another chance
Me:(angry)did i send you to go sleep with her without
using protection? Botshelo you know we have been
having unprotected sex,what if you had infected me
with STI's or HIV,what's wrong with you?
Botshelo:can we talk when you have calmed down
Me:(whipping my tears with the back of my hand)we
have nothing to talk about,congratulations on the
baby,you have always wanted one
I walked to the road and took a taxi home,i couldnt
stop the tears,i didnt know it would hurt that much.
Taxi driver:men problems?
Taxi driver:sorry
Me:its fine thanks
I locked myself in my room and cried myself to
sleep.He sent an SMS that he was outside.I looked
throught the window and saw him sitting in the
Me:what so you want?
Botshelo:i love you
Me:am mad at you
Botshelo:i know you are,open the door
I opened the door and he hugged me,we sat on the
sofas silent.After a few minutes
Botshelo:i am sorry
Me:don't be
Botshelo:i always thought i was extra careful
Me:how far is she?
Botshelo:3 months
Me:mmh congratulations
Botshelo:i hope this baby changes nothing between
Me:this baby changes everything,i am a mother,i can
never put another woman what i went through ka
Lefika just go be a good father and boyfriend.
Botshelo:(looking into my eyes)i wish i could turn
back time,i would turn it back to when you first came
for your driving lessongs
Me:(smiling)i hate you
Botshelo:you are just angry
Me:why does it hurt so much?
Botshelo:sorry princess
Me:i wish we could have gotten back together ra
togela di game
Someone knocked at the door and got in before i
could answer them,it was Bokang,i introduced him as
my friend and Botshelo as my friend too.
Botshelo:we will talk later,bye
Bokang:you don't have to leave on my account
Botshelo:no i have to get back to
work,(handshake)nice to meet you
Me:sooo what brings you bye?
Bokang:(kissing me on the lip)i missed you
Me:(smiling)someone is in a good mood
Bokang:am still waiting for my answer,are we doing
this or not?
Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Episode 92
Me:just give me a little time to digest this,but
seriously why are we in a rush to get married?
Bokang:because i want to make an honest woman
out of you
Me:you haven't even meet my kids
Bokang:because you don't want me to meet them
Me:(smiling)no its not like that,am just careful not to
introduce every guy i date to my kids.
Bokang:so you have been around a lot?
Me:not really,IV only slept with 3 guys in my life
Bokang:not bad
Bokang:(smiling)IV slept with a lot
Me:ofcourse you have
Ame walked in holdings big plastic,she threw it on
the chair ame rested on the sofa
Ame:God am so tired,my back hurts
Me:you don't even know how to greet?
Ame:(looking at Bokang)am so sorry i didn't see
Bokang:(smiling)how far?
Bokang:you should take plenty of rest
Ame:please tell that to my sister,she works me hard
Me:comeon just washing the plates,dude i do your
Bokang:(to Ame)i asked your sister to marry me and
she refuses to
Bokang:you can ask her
Ame:Phatsimo this opportunity comes up once in a
lifetime,o tsoga o re o loilwe when no one wants to
marry yph and all your age mates are married
Me:am just saying its early,maybe later yes not now
Ame:(to Bokang)will you marry me instead?
Bikang:(laughing)id be honoured
Bokang left around 8,it was nice hanging out and
getting to know him without Nigel around.He called
me when he got home and later on to say
goodnight.Atleast he was trying to be a good
**2 weeks later**
I bumped into Botshelo and Kaone doing some
grocery shopping.
Kaone:(rubbing her visible tummy)hello
Botshelo:(hugging me)how are you?
Me:(looking at Kaone's big tummy)am fine hey,you
look big how far?
Botshelo:3 almost 4
Me:ao when i was carrying my twins at 3 months my
tummy was not that big,or is it twins
Kaone:haha babe let me go to the megazines
Me:are you sure.....never mind
Me:don't get me wrong mme hela if she is not
carrying twins that's not your baby,she is big almost
Botshelo:(offended)maybe you should'nt have said
Me:am sorry,i guess you have a big guy in there
Botshelo:Il see you around
Me:(holding his hand)i am sorry..
I continued doing my shopping but Kaone's big
tummy kept appearing in my mind.Nnya i have been
pregnant twice and that stomach was not of a
almost 4 months foetus.Legale i should learn to mind
my own business.
Bolang picked me up after i finished everything,we
drove to my house first then went to the beach.We
chilled with his colleagues.
Wabo: Mona BK i never thought we would ever meet
your girlfriend
Tshepo:i always thought Nigel was your girlfriend
Bokang:(laughing)i hope this puts the rumors that am
gay to rest,(kissing my hand)as you can see i have a
beautiful fiancée..
Wabo:ga o die nako Mr
Me:(smiling)he doesnt
Tshepo:Congrats man,you caught a pretty one
Wabo:ke gore i cant even get a text back ame wena
you getting married,i need the muti that you used
Tshepo:o skhokho skeem saam
We continued with the drinks until it was late,i drove
us home because Bokang was drunk,i took off his
shoes and made him lay on the bed
Me:you buisy anouncing our engagement when i
didnt even say yes
Bokang:(drunk)please marry me i cant go on like this
Me:(confused)go on like what?
Bokang:i wish i can be honest be with you,you are
such a nice person and i hate that am doing this to
you but you have to marry me please
Me:mxm you are drunk,don't puke on my bed
He pulled me closer to him and French kisses
me,okay i didnt see that one coming.I kissed him
back.He took of my top an i helped him get
undressed.He kisses my stomach going up to my
neck,okay he was a good kisser and turned me on.I
put my hand in his boxers and he was hard,i gave him
a hand job,its such a turn off to give someone all your
best job and they don't respond.
I got ontop of him kissing his stomach up to his lips,i
reached for the drawer and took out a condom,i put
it on him,as i was about to he stopped me,WTF
BK:i don't want you to be one of those women babe
BK:can we wait until our wedding night
Me:(getting of him)yeah its cool
BK:thanks for understanding babe
Me:(smile)its fine
We cuddled and woke up late the following day,we
bathed together and he went home,no one
mentioned what had happened the previous night,it
was so embarassing.
Ame:sooo did you do it?
Ame:how was it?
Ame:just fine,come on tell me hle
Me:i camt discuss my sex life with you anymore kana
am about to get married
Ame:(exited)so you said yes
Ame:awww cant wait,better do it after i give birth i
dont want to look far in the photos
Me:haha okay
Ame:so tell me how is hubby to-be in bed?
Me:he is okay
Ame:i don't buy it,i think he is the worst sex you have
ever had
Me:actually he is the best,mxm waitse i saw Botshelo
and his girlfriend maabane ko spar,that girl's
stomach e kana ka ya gago
Ame:heela i saw her too,or maybe its twins
Me:if its not twins o yakela Botshelo its not his child
le ene he is stupid,gatwe 4 months a bo a dumela
Ame:did you talk to him about it?
Me:he didn't want to hear a thing mma so i said
nothing more
Ame:poor Botshelo bathong,i bet that girl knows
deep down who the father is
Me:ofcourse..i hate her for doing that to my man
Ame:(laughing)uhu gatwe my man
Me:ee aah kana nna le ene we are soul mates just
Ame:did you tell him about Bokang?
Me:no ka tshaba..
Ame:tell him before he hears from people outside
Me:o don't want to loose him forever
Ame:then dont marry Bokang if you are still inlove
with Botshelo
Me:am so confused,what if Bokang is my true love i
don't want to look back and regret
Ame:what if Botshelo is? By the time you get
divorces tla bo a setse a movile on
Me:eish wish i could see the future waitse..

Episode 93
A passed at Botshelo's house after work,found him
sleeping under the mophane tree.
Me:hi,you sick?
Me:(feeling his temperature with my hand)you don't
look well
Botshelo:(shouting)i said am fine
Me:uhu sorry rra,was just checking you because you
didn't go to work and i thought you were sick or
something but its cool if you are not
He kept quiet,after a few minutes i said goodbye and
left,he slowly walked to his room and i followed him.
Me:you are not okay
Botshelo:(loosing breath)why do you care?
Me:because i love you
Botshelo:you forgot to tell me you were getting
Me:Botshelo am not getting married whoever told
you that got their facts wrong
Botshelo:you don't have to lie to me Phatsimo
Me:(sitting next to him)i am taking you to the hospital
Botshelo:did you ever love me?
Me:i still love you babe,now more than ever
I put a towel in cold water because he was burning up
and wrapped him with it,i helped him to the car,there
was no one around so i drove him to Maun General
Hospital.The doctors attended him immediately
while i called his mother
Mother:what i cant hear you
Me:Botshelo is in the hospital now,i don't know
whats wrong with him
Mother:okay i will be there...Maun General akere?
Me:ee mma
I buried my hands in my palms,i took a short
prayer.Someone tapped my shoulder
Me:(standing up)how is he?
Doc:his blood pressure is high and so is his
temperature,we are referring him to Letsholathebe.
Me:okay i will be right behind you
Doc:are you related?
Me:yes...he is my fiancée
Doc:did you inform his family?
I called his mother again informing her about the
changes.I followed the ambulance.I waited for an
hour then his mother came.
Mother:what did they say?
Me:his blood pressure and temperature is high
Mother:(crying)my poor son or God dont forsake me
he is my life my only hope.
I hugged her,shem bathong it broke my heart to see
her like that,i kinds knew how she felt,being a mother
i would never want to see my baby no matter how
grown up they are in a situation that Botshelo was in.
Have you ever in your life questioned your
faith?After two days with no change in Botshelo's
situation i started doubting God's existence because i
prayed day and night for his recovery.After work i
checked up on him,he looked so helpless connected
to the machines.
I went to his place to dust and do his laundry,as i was
about to leave i bumped into Kaone who looked
heavier than ever,she was with some girl about my
Kaone:re adima key
Me:i am returnung it to his mother so i think its best
you go and borrow it from her
Other girl:(looking at her watch)we wont steal
anything hle mma we just want to watch skeem
Me:(to Kaone)have you went to check up on him?
Kaone:ga ke na madi
Me:(took out 20 pula and gave her)check up on him
tonight or tomorrow morning
Other girl:o gana ka key neh mma?
I walked out leaving them standing there like idiots.I
checkes up on him again the next morning.I found
Bokang checking his BP,he was awake,thank God.
Me:can he hear me?
Bokang:yes at Bokang)..i have been
worried sick about you
Bokang:give him a glass of water i think his throat is
still dry
Me:can you excuse us for a few minutes please
He finished writing whatever he was writing and left i
gave him a glass of water,he held on tight to my hand
and smiled.I couldnt hold back the tears.
Me:i love you
Botshelo:(smiling)me too
Me:you scared me
Botshelo:i should have listened to the
doctors..(pause)...if it was not for you... i would be
Me:Malaria is a serious case but you guys take is so
lightly,(kissing his hand)ne'er do that to me
Botshelo:(smiling)you are so selfish babe i almost
died wena you are thinking about yourself
Me:(laughing)can we make things right between us,IV
learnt something from this experience,life is short
and no one is perfect but love comes only once,i have
loved before but i have never felt like this about
anyone,yeah am afraid one day i might suddenly
have feelings for Calvin again but that's a bridge we
will cross when we reach it.You have been nothing
but nice and loyal to me,i thought me staying away
from you i will be protecting you from me but i have
just realised i am the only one who can ever love yph i hope when you get out of here you man up
and tell that little whore to tell you the truth about
the baby,if it's not yours which am sure of them we
will make our own baby.
Botshelo:(smiling)babe who wrote that speech for
Me:(laughing)tswa ha the..
Botshelo:she long told me the baby was not mine,she
got pregnant before we meet but she only found out
Me:then you will have to tell her to go tell her babby
daddy the truth..did she come to see you?
Botshelo:i don't know
Me:so will you tell her or should i?

Episode 94
A week later
I put the phone on silent for the fourth time.I
warmed up the water and sat on the bed next to my
Botshelo:why dont you get it over and done with?
Me:k fila gore il be hurting him,he really wanted to
marry me kana
Botshelo:are you sure you want to do this?
Me:do what?
Botshelo:do us
Me:i am sure,the thing is Bokang is more of a friend
than he was as a lover.He never kissed me hela mo go
serious or did something to make me go
crazy,otherwise he is a good friend
Botshelo:babe just answer him the mma please nna i
get irritated by your phone ringing
I poured the water in the bath and poured a little
foam bath
Botshelo:don't you want to bath me babe?
Me:my eldest kid bathes herself and she is only 9
Botshelo:she doesnt give you what i give you
Me:and what exactly do you give me Mr?
He put his hand in my thigh and looked into my eyes.
Me:go and bath i want to go home
Botshelo:you are not spending the night?
Me:Lefika is bringing Cici any minute from now
Botshelo:Ame o teng akere
Me:i have to discuss something with him concerning
school fees sa ngwana.Seriously i don't know why i
have to beg him every month to pay when it was him
who wanted to send Cici to a private school.
Botshelo:babe kana if we have a child...(long silence)
Botshelo:i should apply for youth business yame e
gole or else our baby will be your only child yo
tsenang Tswana medium.
Me:ao rra why do you talk like that? He or she will be
blesses because he will grow up raised by both
parents not the excuse of men i have as baby dadies.
Botshelo:(taking of his clothes) tomorrow you will be
calling me that
Me:you are honest and have a heart you will never be
like them,believe me money is not everything.
Botshelo:(standing before me completely naked)say
that again in 5 years
Me:(covering my eyes)babe your dick is big waitse
Botshelo:i know
Me:have you drank moporora?
Botshelo:nope o was born like this babe (getting in
the bath) babe can i tell you something
Botshelo:i used to sleep with a different woman
almost every weekend,so one day this girl told me
gore her friend told her about my big dick so she
wanted to come see for herself.Ka mo ja gore ke
iphelleditse a bo a tsamaela ruri i never saw her
I laughed so hard that was the last thing i expected
out of Botshelo's mouth.He continued telling me
about his sexual experiences,i got to say bae has
been around the block more than i expected.
After eating he drove me back home,Lefika called
that they would be comimg the next morning.I took a
taxi back to bae's,found him buisy on facebook.I got
ontop of him,he let out a smile.
Botshelo:you are back
Me:yeah,Lefika a re they are coming tomorrow
My phone ran,i looked at Botshelo and pucked up
Me:hey you
Bokang:can we meet i need to tell you something
Me:(looking at Bae)you want to meet,when?
Bokang:tomorrow if possible
Me:okay,look i..we will talk tomorrow
Bokang:good night
I hung up and put the phone under the pillow taking
off all my clothes
Botshelo:its much fun when i undress you
Me:(smiling)did ypuvtake your medication?
Botshelo:yes mama
Me:good now make love to me
He tossed me around and i helped him take of his
boxers.Gosh it looked much bigger now,God does
wonders hey.
I got ontop of him and did what i knew i was good
at,yeah when you are good you are good,IV reached
that point in my sexual life where i no longer needed
a man to tell me i was good,am bursting my bubbles
Woke up the next day very tired,yeah the 3 rounds
did me wounders.Bae made me breakfast in bed,yes
it was a one roomed but its the thought that
counts.We spent the whole day in the house
watching TV and playing games.
Around 5 Bokang called,he picked me up near
Botshelo's place,we drove to the lodge ame had a
few drinks.
Bokang:yph have been ignoring me
Me:because.truth is i am inlove with someone else
Bokang:me too
Me:(surprised)oh i don't know if i should be happy or
sad,tell me about her
Bokang:its a him...
Bokang:truth is am gay,my parents don't know and i
dont want to dissapoint them that's why am asking
you to marry me,its not like we will be living
together,just to get my parents off my back.
Bokang:please please am begging you,you can
continue seing your boyfriend and even have kids as
long as my parents dont find out about our fake
Me:(pissed)you were going to let me marry you when
you knew deep down inside you are gay,why didn't
you tell me this when we first meet.Wow
Bokang:please i will pay you if you want me to
Me:i don't want your money but pretending to be
married wont help you its best you tell your parents
now that you are gay
Bokang:my dad would die
Me:i am sorry but i cant,pretend to date you yes i can
consider that but marriage,that's crazy and absurd
Bokang:(looking down)you don't know how its like..
Me:they are your parents they will be angry and
dissapointed at first but they will accept you as time
Bokang:i tried everything,i have no reason to live
Me:(scared)don't say that
Bokang:(standing up) IV got to go,bye Phats

Episode 95
I followed him to his car,the waitress followed me
because we didn't settle our bill.
Me:Bokang wait
Waitress:Mam you didn't pay
Bokang:(giving her the money)am sorry,keep the
She walked back happy,i held his hand ame hugged
him,yes i felt sorry for the guy who wanted to use
me.Kana ke gore if you haven't been through
something you will never understand it.I remember
how scared i was to tell my mother i was
pregnant,jaanong imagine telling your parents yph
are gay,this is Botswana not some Hollywood
film,you will probably get disowned but at the end
they will accept you.
I have had lunch and a few dinners at Bokang's place
and meet his parents so i kinda know how they
would react,his dad especially because he was one of
those men respected by the community and wanted
his family picture perfect.
Me:want me to go with you when you tell them?
Bokang:no its cool
Me:no its not cool,am not leaving you alone
Bokang:i need to go for a drive alone to clear my
head,promise i wont do anything stupid
Me:(smiling)i can use some fresh air too,let me drive
Me:you are my friend i hope you know that
Bokang:don't hate me please
Me:(starting the engine)i will never do that,you are a
nice person plus iv always wanted to have a gay
friend,why are you nor like somgaga chomma?
Bokang:(laughing)am a man
Me:and Nigel is the woman?
Bokang:(laughing)he is a man too,dude can't we be
gay and act like men too??how did you know it was
Me:he was always with us andnow that i think about
he always dropped some hints that you guys were
together.Ypy are a boring gay,you should be all girlish
right now o tsentse fake nails and fake lashes.
Bokang:please,being gay..i think i was born gay,i
mean i never acted like a girl even when i was young,i
tried to date girls just wasn't going right.I tried
to ignore my feelings but..eish
Me:i know someone who would be glad to be your
baby mama,you can help her with the baby and tell
your parents its yours.
Me:yeah let me talk to her first and i will get back to
Bokang:can we talk to her together?
Me:no you will scare her
Bokang:where is the real father?
Me:o gatilwe ke terena
We laughed and did a u turn,i packed infront of the
house and said goodbye,i noticed Lefika's car was in
the yard.I openes the door slowly,Ciara was busy
singing while Lefika was on his phone.Cici ran to me
and Lefika turned around
Me:(trying to pick her up)you are so heavy and so
cute,i love the hairstyle
Cici:daddy chose it for me
Me:(to Lefika)hi
Lefika:(buisy on his phone)hi
Cici:i bought you something,you gonna love it
She ran to her room and i sat next to Lefika,he put his
phone down.
Lefika:i want you to change Ciara's birth
certificate,my name should be in it
Me:i will when i have the time
Lefika:i want her to use my surname
Me:then you know what to do ebile you will have to
pay me too kana you...ijaa
Lefika:my uncles will talk to yours
Me:did you bring the money school opens next week
Lefika:i will start depositing directly to the school
Me:and the combi?
Lefika:kante wena you want me to do everything?
Why don't you buy her mopako and pay for the
Me:you know i don't have money because ke a aga.I
buy her clothes le mopako you are the one who
wanted her go tsena sekolo kgakala you pay for the
Lefika:(standing up)this is why i want to take my
Me:i bought the pampers and milk alone with
student allowance ke duela rented and sending her
to school.I was forced to work at a bar to take care of
your child o ska bata go ntena.
He walked out without saying goobye,Cici gave me a
box of chocolates
Cici:(looking around)where is dad?
Me:he left
Cici:(sad)without goodbye? What did you say to him?
Cici:(shouting)dad was right i hate you
I followed her to her room,she slammed the door in
my face and i opened it.
Me:(pissed)do you know who i am?
Me:i am your mother,learn to respect me
Me:what did you say?
Cici:i want to go live with my dad
Me:then go did i stop you?
Cici:i am going and am never coming navk here
Me:thank God i can't deal with a female version of
Lefika anyway
She packed her clothes back in the bag and went out
calling her father,mxm i hate spoilt kids and Ciara ene
she was rotten.She came back crying and i ignored
I sat down watching tv and later cooked us supper,i
called Bae and told him how it went with Bokang
Bae:so you want him to use Kaone?
Me:no am just saying its a win win situation for both
of them,or else Kaone is gonna suffer ka ngwana all
alone,Bokang can step in akere
Bae:ijoo mma dont tell me more wena le Bokang wa
gago ga la tala
Me:bae this is me trying to help out both of them,am
sure Kaone wont mind,gape she is cute am sure
Bokang wont mind her too,send me her number
Bae:okay bye
I heard Ciara crying and i ignored it,i called Kaone
Kao: yes
Me:O bua le Phatsimo can we meet?
Kao:am not feeling well at the moment
Me:what's wrong?
Kao:eish mma i ate nama ya podi jaanong ka
sellega,we will meet kamoso
Me:okay bye save my number neh
Bathong waitse some people are born humble nna
kana if my ex boyfriend's girlfriend called me asking
to meet i was going to refuse.But Kaone was just
down to earth,ahh honestly speaking i hate people
like that,when you do them wrong you end up
beating yourself for it for the rest of your life.
Right after bae hung up Lefika called.
Me:do you know what time it is?
Lefika:Cici o kae she is not answering my calls
Me:she is in her room crying a river
Lefika:i told her i wont come take her until she learns
to respect you and she hung up on me.
Me:(surprised)Sid you really say that?
Lefika:yeah when she is here she always wants to
come there,ga a bate go kgalemelwa.
Me:o bata thupa o ka re senyegela
Lefika:o bodipa IV tried it

Episode 96
At Lefika s place
Ntebo;babe who was that?
Lefika;it was Phatsimo,Cici is acting up again
Lefika;come on i know you want to say something
Ntebo;i dont want to sound like a bad step parent but
Cici is just a lot to deal with
Lefika;(smiling) i know babe,and so far you have been
the best mother and girlfriend (kissing her) i love you
Ntebo;i love you more
Lefika;(touching Ntebo`s tummy)how is she?
Ntebo;(standing up)she is draining out all my babe the doctor said its okay if we do it
Lefika;okay..let me cook you something delicious
Ntebo;am one lucky nwoman
AT my house
I put the phone on charger an sat on the couch
thinking about Kaone and the whole Bokang thing
Me;i hope am doing the right thing
i went into the bathroom to take a leak and came
back,Cici was sitting on the couch flipping throuhg
the channels
Cici;am not talking to you
Cici;i hate you
Phats;its still okay
Cici;i wish i was adopted or something,i hate you and
Phats;(pissed)whatever Ciara
She slammed the door of her room and screamed
The following day i meet with Kaone and Bokang,he
packed his car and walked to where we were sittin,he
lloked damn fine and was in a white doctors coat.H e
smilled at me as i waved my hand
Bokang;(hugging me)hey you
Me;you look nice
Bokang(looking at Kaone)hi (to me)thanks
we sat down and said nothing,it was a bit awkward
its like we were planning murder or something
Me;i have explained everything to her so incase you
want to add or something
Bokang;i want you to tell your parents its my baby i
will tell my parents the same thing,am sure Phatsimo
already told you i am gay and i dont want my parents
to find out.I promise i will take care of the baby and
Kaone(emotional)this sounds wrong from all angles
but i will do it for my baby,this is for her so lets do
Me;(smiling)am glad i could be of help
Bokang;(taking out his wallet) can you buy yourself
some good nice maternity dress and do your hair i
want us to go see my parents tonight
Kaone;(taking the money)thanks you
Bokang;iv got to go back,i will get your number from
We got into the shops and bought a few
dresses,leggins and tops.She cut her hair and a bob
cut.I got o say she looked nice and glowing.We had
lunch at KFC and went our seperate ways.
At Kaone`s place
Her mother saw her carrying big heavy plastic
bags,she stood up and meet her halfway
Kaone;the baby`s father asked me to meet today
and he gave me money for all this
Mother;ohhh i serve a living God.Nna fa ke bonea o
didimese ka rragwe ngwana i though gore wa bo a
nole pheho..ohh my baby come and tell me
She took the bags from her and they sat down on the
Kaone;he is a doctor
Mother;ohhh ngwanake is he handsome?
Kaone;(smiling)he is okay
Mother;i should call your uncles ba ise mafoko
Kaone;mama,he and i are no longer together it was
just a once off thing thats why i havent told him
about the baby until now i thought o tsile go gana
mme he surprised me because now he wants to
introduce me to his parents but please dont get your
hopes up him and i are not together.
Mother;i hear you my young people le dira
dilo tse di senang maina,you meet someone ebile
gone hoo you sleep with him without a condom,ga le
tshabe malwetsi mme hela am glad gore he is bein a
man about it and taking responsibility.Lnana people
were already talking gore you dont know your
baby`s father..hoooo ba tsile go swaba ga ba ka utwa
gore monna wa gago ke ngaka..
She took the bags and went into the house smiling
and happy.She kept woundering which doctor her
daughter hooked up with because she knew almost
all the doctors at the hospital.
At Botshelo`s
He lifted up the cement and put it behind his room.He
whiped the sweat with the back of his hand and sat
down on another cement.He saw Phatsimo from a
distance.He smiled,this was the woman that stole his
heart,the woman who at one point wanted so badly
to hate her but kept loving her even more,she looked
tired from walking amost 500 meters in stiletoes.She
looked innocent,only if people knew what a freak she
was. He meet her halfway
Me;(smiling)babe am so tired ntsholetse
Botshelo; love you
he picked me up
Me;babe people are watching ikete pele mpholose
Botshelo;its not my problem if they dont give their
women love
Me;o nkga sethitho monna ntogele
Botshelo;(opening the door with his foot and threw
me on the bed)i love you
Me;i love you more
Episode 97
A week later
I woke up to someone knocking on my
was a minute after 2 am.
Me:ke mang?
Voice:babe bula
I put on my gown and went to open the
door..Botshelo was sitting on the stoop with his head
buried between his legs.
Me:(worried)hey what's wrong?
Bae:I love you came here around this time to tell me
Bae:I did something stupid babe and u will
understand if you don't forgive me but..
Bae:I kissed someone...babe before o omana I blame
the alcohol she kissed me not..well I kissed her happened so fast..
Me:mxm get inside o tla mpolelela sentle phakela
Bae:(drunk)babe please o seka wa lala o nkgamile
I closed the door and pushed him to my room,he was
dead drunk and smelled awful.
Next morning at Calvin's house
He went through his gallery and let out a fade
smile,he kept thinking about her,the love of his
life,he had everything he ever wanted,well all he ever
wanted was money,he had more than enough,it
could secure his and his family's life until death but
his soul was empty,he longed for her touch,her kiss
and her smile, he missed the way she used to boss
him around. He laughed out loud thinking about the
good old times.
Boi:what's so funny?
Boi:(taking his phone)this is not nothing,kante am I
ever going to be woman enough for you?
Cal:am looking at my children's photos
Boi:we are still on for tonight?
Cal:am not feeling well
Boi:everytime I ask you to accompany me to my
friend's parties wa gana.Am always there looking like
an idiot, they have never meet you.
Cal:they are your friends not mine,I never force you
to go out with me
Boi:you never ask me to,we are a couple we should
make public appearances together
The twins opened the door and jumped on the bed
hugging their dad
CJ:daddy call mama
Channel: daddy when are we going to see mummy?
Cal:(looking at Boi) we will call mummy later guys,go
eat your breakfast
The walked back outside without saying a word to
Boi. She continued applying lotion on her legs.She
wondered how long she was going to stay in this
loveless marriage. All she ever wanted was to please
her father,he has always loved Calvin like his own son
that's why she had agreed to marry him,plus he was
very good looking and she has always had a little
crush on him.
She sat at the edge of the bed and slowly touched
her tummy,a tear fell town on her hand.Only if she
could have seen the future,her child would have been
2 years now.
She took out her phone and sent him a watsapp
Boi: I miss you
He was online,he left her on read,she sent another
one asking how he was and he still didn't reply.How
she wished she could turn back the time..
At my house
I looked at Botshelo sleeping, he looked so cute,I
slapped his cheek and he opened his eyes.
Me:ke reeditse who did you kiss?
Me:you came here drunk last night o re you kissed
someone ko maitisong
Bae:aah wa nkgolega babe..
My phone rang,I picked up without looking at the
caller I'd
Cal:we miss you
Me:(looking at Bae)hey Cal
Cal:when can we visit you?
Me:well ka di holiday but am damn broke akere
wanitse gore ka aga
Cal:o utlwile gore ka re we miss you akere
Me:I miss you too
Cal:I still love you kana Phatsimo
Me:(faking a laugh)ha-ha yeah I know,will call you
guys later
Cal:are you with him?
Cal:think about all the good times we had please,I
know I have done you wrong just find it in your heart
to forgive me
Me:re tla bua fa le ta
Cal:we can come this Friday if its okay with you
Me:okay call you later
I looked at Bae and felt a little guilty. He was sleeping
with his mouth wide open.I pulled his leg
Bae:babe ne ke yaka I just didn't want to sleep ke sa
go bona

Episode 98
I prepared Ame's bedroom for the twins arrival.Bae
helped me clean the house because I was only
notified of their arrival an hour back,I think Calvin
thought it was cute to tell me he was in
Lehlakane.Now I was working under pressure
preparing where the twins will sleep.
Bae:babe so Calvin ene wa go robala kae?
Me:I think he is going to rent a room
Bae:how long are they going to be here?
Me:I think a week tops
Bae:all that time ta bo a robala ko hotel?
Me:what are you trying to get at?
Bae:just asking
Along the way to Maun,Cal parked under big mowana
tree to take a leak,his phone ran and he ignored it.CJ
got out of the car and stood next to his dad taking a
leak too.
Channel: (head out the window) daddy how far am so
Cal:just an hour baby,we will be there when you
wake up
CJ:daddy are we going to go to the zoo with mummy
like I'm that movie?
Cal:I don't know
Channel: daddy lets go
Cal got in the front and reversed back into the road
playing Justin Bieber music while the twins sang
2 hours later
Cj got our of the car to open the gate,Channel was
fast asleep.Phatsimo peeked through the window
and smiled.Cal was one fine man,he was back to his
old body,except that he lost the six packs and now
had a small belly.He looked so damn hot in black.I
opened the door and meet CJ halfway,he jumped on
me,and I kissed his forehead.
CJ:(happy) I missed you mama
Me:I missed you too babe where is El?
CJ:she is sleeping in the back
I put him down and walked to the car,Cal extended
his hand while I was ready for a hug,ir was a bit
awkward and we laughed
Me:you look nice
Cal:you too
Cal:so you can tell me the nearest hotel or guest
house so that you can bring over the twins over
Me:ohh,Mokoro lodge is not far from here
He walked to the house with channel on his shoulder,
I smiled looking at his flat bum.
He put her in the sofa and sat next to her.
Cj:mummy where is Cici?
Me:she is in her room
Cj:there is no one in the room
Me:maybe she is behind the house
He ran outside while I took Channel to the bedroom.
Came back and sat next to Cal
Me:if there was a spare room you would spend the
night mathata my boyfriend wa boulela he won't like
Cal:(fade smile)its cool
Me:you look nice
He took my hand into his and kissed it,okat I didn't
expect that
Cal:I still live you
Cal:can't we just forget the past and focus in the
future,as a family
Me:(stuttering) I...I...boyfriend
Cal:I am willing to make things right if you meet me
Me:no I have a boyfriend
Cal:that's your excuse?
Me:I don't need an excuse Cal I have moved on and so
have you
Cal:I am getting a divorce
At Boi's house
She opened the gate and a white BMW got in the
yard,she fixed her hair and closed the gate
The driver stepped out,he had not changed a
bit,same old Kaelo.He took off his sunglasses and
smiled hugging Boi.
Boi:long time
Kaelo:I hope your husband won't kill me a mpithela
mo jaraten ya gagwe
Boi:wai he us not around,he went to see his baby
mama ko maun
Kaelo:(looking at Boi)you look..young
Boi:(smiling) I am nothing but young,if someone had
told me being married to a man who doesn't love you
go sorla jaana I would have never got married,lets go
into the house
Kaelo walked behind her,she still had that big ass,he
laughed out loud thinking about all the naughty
things they have done while they were still together
Boi:o tshegang?
Kaelo:you still have that scar ?
Boi:(smiling) o kgona go gopola dilo hela tse di maswe
Kaelo:am sorry,kana o ka bo o le swimwear model ha
ne ke sa go bolaisa legong lele mo leragong
Boi;(laughing)ha-ha heela ke ha mama a sa omane
Kaelo:tla ke bone
She lifted up her skirt exposing her bum,Kaelo
kneeled down and took a good look at the scar.
Boi:can I cover up now?
Kaelo:sorry hle MMA
Boi:this scar is nothing compared to the scar you
have because of me
Kaelo:she would have been 2 this year
Boi:(emotional) I know
Kaelo:I have long forgiven you,we were both young
and still at school re ka bo re dirile jang ka ngwana
Boi:but still ke ka bo ke go boleltse instead of taking
the decision alone.
Kaelo:if we could turn back the time
Boi:(giving him a glass of juice) we are getting a
Kaelo:is it that bad?
Boi:we haven't had sex in almost 7 months, gone
jaana he took his kids to their mother,he is always
talking about her.Tota it was not working so we
decided to save ourselves from the misery.
He stood up and put the glass on the table and
hugged her,he felt her heartbeat on his chest.He
looked straight into her eyes and kissed her.She felt a
hot sensation goin down her spine,it had been long
since someone kissed her with so much love.

Episode 99
At Boi's house the next day
She tiptoed into the bathroom and locked the
door.She smiled at the mirror and covered her face
with her hand..She splashed cold water on her face
and breathed heavily.
Kaelo:Pelo bula
Boi:(smiling) sheee you still call me that?
Kaelo:(laughing) hle mma Onyana bula
Boi smiled and opened the door,Kaelo picked her up
and pressed her against the wall looking into her
Kaelo:this us wrong but it feels so damn good
Boi:I still... (Embarrassed) you are so cute
Kaelo:just say it
Boi:find it in your heart to forgive me maybe one day
we will continue where we left off
Kaelo:(kissing her neck)talking about finishing off
where we left..mmh where were we?
He threw her on the bed and looked at her naked
body,she was still pretty but a little slim.She bit her
lower lip and touched her breast seductively, he
jumped on the bed and pulled her legs to him
exposing her vagina.He swallowed hard
At Mokoro lodge
I knocked on the door four times with no
reply,eventually he opened the door.Shit he looked
yummy with a white towel wrapped around his well
built torso.
Cal:(drying his hair with another towel)sorry I was in
the shower
Cal:so I was thinking in case you want to take the kids
out you can use my car,nna il be in my room for the
whole day
Me:(looking at his abs)okay
Cal:don't destroy my car
Me:I won't
Cal:so will you need cash?
Cal:(waving his hand in my eyes)heela am talking to
We both laughed and I got inside the room
Cal:what were you looking at?
He put his hands around my neck and breathed down
on me,his breath was fresh.He leaned over for a
kiss,as much as I wanted him so badly I couldn't.
Cal:if you don't tell I won't just give me the keys and money ke
I pulled myself from him and his towel fell,we both
looked down to his dick,he put my hand in it and
made me stroke it a little. God why are the wrong
things so fun.
I closed my eyes and gave him a hand job while he
kissed my neck playing with my butt..
Cal:I missed this
Me:(breathing heavily)just this once
Cal:I can't promise you anything right now
He picked me up and pinned me against the wall
spreading my legs apart.He put his middle finger in
my cookie and I breathed heavily enjoying.His thumb
played with my clit.He walked to the bed still holding
me and put me on the bad spreading my legs.He took
off my pantie and went down on me as he tongue
fucked me.Gosh...I closed his head between my legs
almost choking him..He lifted his head looking at me.
Cal:open your eyes
Me:(eyes still closed)mmh
I opened my eyes and he smiled at me.I bit my lower
lip and smiled
Cal:I missed this
Me:me too
Cal:should we use a condom?
Cal:so you are having unprotected sex with that guy?
Me:he is my boyfriend
He put me on the bed and went into the bathroom, I
took off my dress and adjusted myself well on the
He came out and sat on the bed putting on his
boxers..ooookaaay what just happened here?
Me:(embarrassed) and?
Cal:if we are going to sleep together we are going to
do it the right way
Me:and the right way is?
Cal:how we used to do it
Me:(putting on my dress)I guess then we are not
going to do it because I don't want another baby or
an sti .
Cal:(putting on his pants)okay(took out his card)don't
use more than enough
Me:(taking the card)thanks...
I walked out..
At Botshelo's place
He put the calculator down and rested his head on
the pillow,he took out his phone dialing my
number..Before it rang his older sister busted in with
a plate of food,she put them into of the fridge and
looked at the mess on the bed.
Sis:everything adding up?
Botshelo:yes and I have made enough to but a
second taxi but am thinking of buying a combi,what
do you think?
Sis:di combo ga di expensive?
Botshelo:if I save for another 5 months am sure il be
able to buy it
Sis:(happy)then save and buy a combi ebile there are
few combies mo maun..Ke go tsholetse o le one
akere you didn't tell me if Phatsimo is coming.
Botshelo:if she is coming she will make herself
something to eat then
Sis:(smiling)o dire o nyale ngwana wa batho eseng
jalo ba mo phamola ntse o shename..O lekgarebe
thata rra le lerago le letona.
They both laughed and she closed the door on her
way out..Botshelo took his phone and dialed her
At Mokoro lodge
I put my phone on silent and knocked on the door
twice then he opened..
Cal:(smiling) I take it you know what you came for
Episode 100
Me:just this once
Cal:still can't promise you that, and please while you
are here don't talk about your boyfriend.
Me:okay the same goes for you
Cal:do I ever talk about her?
Me:(taking off my shoes)are we talking about her
He picked me up and threw me on the bed,he stood
by the door looking at me seductively
Me:are we doing this or not?
Cal:take off your dress...slowly
Me:(smiling) whaaat?
He looked at me as I took off my dress,he came closer
and helped me take off the panty,he picked me up
and we went into the bathroom. He opened the
shower and I tried to cover my hair.
Cal:it's so damn sexy
Me:what is?
He answered me with a kiss,He lete down and I knelt
before him taking his whole dick in my mouth,he
fucked my mouth until I almost lost all the air in my
lungs then he pulled out and I caught my breath. He
made me face the other way as he slowly penetrated
taking out all the space,I let out a small moan,He
grabbed my hair and started spanking my butt,the
shit turned me on,Ladies I feel like once in a while we
need that kind of sex,you know the 50 shades kinda
Cal:shit babe...your white cum is all over my dick
Me:aaah...spank me more
He spanked me harder as he went more fast ,he
picked me up still in that position and made me kneel
on the bed,for about 0.3 seconds Botshelo came into
my mind but the spanking and deep Penetration
distracted me.
After a few minutes I felt his dick become soft in
me,he rested on my back,we laid like that for a few
minutes without anyone saying anything. He pulled
out and whipped his dick with the towel and whipped
me then slowly penetrated again.He held my waist as
he went in circles.He turned me around as I laid on
my back and he looked at my cookie,he penetrated
Cal:babe open your eyes
I opened my eyes and I found him looking at me with
a serious face..I started playing with my boobs and
he played with my clit as he destroyed my vagina.
After the second round we took a shower then laid
down,we fell asleep because I woke up around 6.Shit
I had left Cici with the twins only.I switched on my
phone and called her.
Me:hey babe,how are things?
Cici: mama I hate this kids when are you coming?
Me:give me an hour
Cici:(shouting) Cj stop choking that cat,mama please
hurry or else am gonna kill your babies,ohh by the
way your boyfriend came over and I told him you
went to see daddy Calvin
Me:(heart pounding faster)okay bye
I switched the phone off again and put on my dress,I
put the panty on top on Calvin's bag and kissed him
on the forehead.
Me:I have to go
Cal:okay,see you later
I took a taxi to the mall,I even forgot I had his car keys
with me.I bought a few things and went home.
Just as I got off the taxi I saw Botshelo's car
approaching. I paid and walked faster into the yard,
Channel came running and hugged my legs
Channel: mummy Cici did my hair
Me:is it painful?
Channel: nope
Me:it's cute
I put the plastic down and picked her up admiring her
little knots.Botshelo packed under the tree and
Channel raised her hands wanting him to take her.
Botshelo:she still remembers me
Me:(faking a smile)yeah she does
Botshelo:(kissing my cheek)I came here earlier o seo
Me:yeah Cal wanted us to discuss something
Botshelo:at the hotel,why didn't he come here?
Me:I don't know,but we are done now.How are you?
Botshelo:(put Channel down and helped me take the
plastics in the house)I have some good news,and
after that I want a reward..(kissed my neck)all night
Me:(faked a smile feeling guilty) tell me
Botshelo:you have to seat down first
Me:(laughing) babe you scaring me now
Botshelo:(laughing) nothing major just that our lives
are about to change,ke ta simolola go go bechetsa
Me:(smiling) did you win the lotto
Botshelo:(laughing) ha-ha no but something to do
with money yes
Me:did you Rob a bank
Botshelo:(laughing) funny babe
I sat down and he held my hands
Cici:(interrupt) mama daddy is in the phone (to
Botshelo)hello again
Me:(to Botshelo)let me take it outside
Me:hey Lefika
Cal:switch on your phone
Me:(smiling) ha-ha ke wena,did you see the little gift I
left you
Cal:I sent mine
Me:(smiling) okay,bye
I gave Cici her phone and switched mine on,I sat on
the other chair facing Botshelo
Me:babe you were about to tell me
Botshelo:(smiling) so I want your opinion on
something, I made lots of money this year,about 60
gran so babe should I buy a taxi or combi?
Me:(exited)wow that much? Mmh why don't you buy
two other cars,maybe di vitz a bo o di tsenya mo
renkeng gape.Imagine how much 3 taxis will make
you in a year,you will even be able to afford a mini
Botshelo:(smiling) the bathong nna ke bolaile,that's
why I didn't decide on anything until ke bua le wena.
Me:so how much are you paying me for this good
advise ne Mr money money in the bank
Botshelo:am gonna marry you and build you a
mansion and buy you that jeep you made your DP.
Me:ha-ha wa yaka the moment cash starts rolling in
ta bo o sa nkitse o ja ma 14
We both laughed, he wanted to kiss me but I brushed
him off,I mean I had just kissed Cal not even an hour
Botshelo:babe how about I get my reward for
working so hard while the kids are still outside,then
we can come cook for them.
Me:(trying to avoid his words)A kiss will do for now o
ta bona the big reward after you buy the cars.
He picked me up and my phone fell,he picked it up
and we went into the bedroom.A message reported
and he opened it,I tried to reach for the phone before
he could read it because God knows what Calvin
could have written. He read the message and after a
few seconds threw the phone on the bed.
Me:ke mang?
Botshelo:Mascom ebile ke deletile
We playfully wrestled on the bed,truth us I didn't
want to sleep with him right after I just had
unprotected sex with Calvin.
After a long wrestle he managed to take off my
Botshelo:mmmh babe I love it when you don't wear
panties,such a turn in ebile ga re die nako..
We both laughed
He kissed my boobs and fingered me,my heart was
beating more than normal.
Me:(panicking) wait
Me:(couldn't breath)the kids are outside
Botshelo:don't worry I locked the door he
Botshelo:(serious) he what?
Me:(gathering my breath)nothing..
He continued finger fucking me then opened my legs
wider and penetrated.To be honest that was the
most long boring round of all rounds in the world.He
splashed his sperms on my stomach and looked at
Botshelo:(seriously) why?
Another SMS reported and he took the phone,after
reading if he smashed the phone against the wall and
pulled by the leg I almost fell.
Botshelo:(angry)you know I believe God does
everything for a reason,for the first time in my life I
am glad our child died,she would have tied me to
you,why would you sleep with me right after
sleeping with Calvin?.. This is so low for you.Or what
you didn't think I would feel that your vagina is a bit
stretched from the last time we had sex.(putting on
his boxers)I regret ever loving you and thinking I can
make a wife out of a whore.(putting his jean)you even
left your panty at his hotel room,he us married and
you are just his baby mama that he smashed
whenever he is horny.(putting on his t-shirt)I am glad
I found out what you are before I made a fool out of
myself by marrying you.If you can sleep with a
married man nothing can stop you from sleeping
with him again when we are married,i am so done
with you.O te go tsaya masepa a dilwana tsa gago at
my house.
He took his shoes and slammed the door while I cried
myself to a headache.I got off bed and tried to repair
my phone but it was damaged beyond repair.
I wrapped myself with a towel and ran outside but
his car had already left,I took Ciara's phone from the
charger and paged Calvin. He called
Me:(crying) what did you send?
Cal:are you crying?
Me:what did you send?
Cal:did he hurt you? I swear to God
Me:(crying) everytime I let you in my life Calvin you
always destroy my happiness,now I lost a man who
loved me more than life itself because of you.Why
can't I ever say no to you?why do I keep letting you
between my legs,why why..
I hung up and threw the phone on the sofa and went
into my room.I wrote a letter and slid if under the
door for Cici to see..
4 years later..

Episode 101
2 Years later
At my house
I put my phone under the pillow and got off bed
stepping on the baby's toy.I picked it up and tiptoed
to his pram.He was fast asleep.
I took a long shower and went back to bed.It was
almost 11 PM and Botshelo had not come to pick up
the baby.I paged his again, after a few minutes he
Botshelo:hey the mma I dont think I will come pick
him up one of my drivers was in an accident so we
are still at the police station.
me:(rolling my eyes) if I didn't page you when where
you going to tell me?
Botshelo:am sorry I was about to call you, if you have
plans I can come over fa ke tswa fa
Me:no shapo you will come pick him up tomorrow
Botshelo:sure thanks
I hung up and faced the celin, I wipped my eyes with
the back of my hand and cried myself to sleep.
He took out his Liverpool t-shirt and threw himself
on the bed next to her.
Lone:(sleepy) what time is it babe?
Botshelo:to twelve
Lone:how bad was the accident?
Botshelo:not bad, he is fine but we still have to repair
the lights and the mirror
Lone:(putting on her gown) I thought Donah was
spending the weekend with us?
Botshelo:eish I got held up babe will pick him up
Lone:if you had asked I would have picked him up for
Botshelo:no shapo is there hot water I want to take a
long hot shower and sleep
Lone:(putting his food in the microwave) I cooked
Macaroni again
Botshelo:(smiling) aah babe mma
Lone:(smiling) akere I know Donah loves macaroni ne
rra I cooked his favourite
Botshelo:(pulling her into his arms)thanks for loving
my son the mma, I am at peace everytime he is with
you I know you love him more than anything and that
makes me love you even more (baby kissed her) I love
you babe
Lone:(overwhelmed)I love you too babe, now go take
that long shower your foodvis ready
Botshelo:(kissing her neck) and whats for dessert?
Lone:(blushing) haha babe rra ijaa
Botshelo:(going into the bathroom) joumg me the
Lone:ae nna ka robala
Botshelo:(taking off his pants)babe ga ke fetsa go ja
ke ja wena
Lone laughed and got into bed..
The next day after bathing Motheo I put him im his
walked and watched tv while he walked all over the
house, my phine rang from the bedroom.I closed the
living room door and went into the bedroom.
Cal:good the twins ba re they wamt to come over for
the hoildays
Motjeo started crying and I went into the living room,
Botshelo's car packed outside.I fixed my dress and
picked him up meeting Botshelo halfway
I opened before he knocked, our eyes meet and I
smiled.He let out a fade smile and took Motheo from
Botshelo:hey (paying attention to Donah) missed me
big boy?
Me:he has a running stomach so I packed him lots of
Botshelo:maybe ots because he is growing some
me:yeah I think so too
Botshelo:where is his bag Lone is waiting in the car
me:(giving him his bag) here, please keep him for as
long as you want am so tired I need my beauty sleep
Botsjelo:(smiling) haha okay will bring him on
Thursday Lone is not working this week
He tool the bag and they waved goodbye at me and
got in the car.I went back in the house and closed the
door behind me, I sat down behind the door wiping
away my tears..

Episode 102
a week later
after work I went to the mall to do a little grocery
shopping. I put the basket in the trolley and moved to
the food section, I picked a few things amd someone
touched my shoulder. I turned around and our eyes
meet.I let out a big smile and he hugged me
Me:hey u
Bokang:how a re you?
Me:am good but I can see you are doing better than
me, you habe gained nicely
Me:how are Kaone and the baby doing?
He took out his phone and showed me photos of the
babe, he was so grown up and looked cute
Me:whats his name?
Me:(smiling) and Nigel?
He frowned and pushed my trolley around the shop
avoiding my question, we talked about general
things and he helped me take the grocery to the car,
we said goodbye and I drove home.
At Calvin's house
He picked up Channel and put her on her car seat, his
phone ran and he ignored the call
Chanel:daddy are you not going to answer?
Cal:its not important
The phone rang again and he picked up annoyed
Cal:Linda I thought I made myself clear
Linda:so it was just a one night stand?
Linda:I love you Calvin
Cal:I am sorry the feeling is not mutual
Linda:(sounding sad from the other end of the line)
okay bye Calvin
He put the phone in his pocket without hanging up
Cal:(shouting) CJ hurry or else we are leaving without
CJ came running and he helped him in the car, he
buckled up and looked at then through the driver's
mirror, he smiled and hit the brakes.
Cal:are you guys exited?
Channel:(happy) yes
CJ:yey dad are we going to go fishing again?
Cal:yes babe
Chanel:dont argue with mummy okay
His heart broke into pieces, he stopped the car and
looked at them
Cal:you guys and your mum are the most important
people in my life and I promise she and I will never
argue again.I am so sorry we did it infront of you
He continued driving
At Botshelo's place
Lone helped him unload the plastics from the boot
Lone:babe you bought size 5 he uses size 4
Botshelo:eish kana mme I was holding size 4, got
Lone:what distracted you?
Botshelo:I saw Phatsimo
Lone:ehe rra
Botshelo:I didnt mean it that way
Lone:what way?
Botshelo:sorry babe
Lone took the last plastics to the house Botshelo
came apologizing behind her, she sat on the bed and
looked at Donah as he sucked on his thumb
Lone:I dont like that I always feel like I compete with
her, she is more pretty and educated and you guys
have a history I cant change or compete with that
but I just want you to assure me that I have nothing
to worry about.Just love me and alow me to be more
woman to you than Phatsimo was ever..
Botshelo knelt before her and took her hand in his
and looked straight in her eyes..
Botshelo:I cant hate her, believe me I tried she is my
son's mother but I dont love her not after what she
did to me.You are more tjat what I am looking for in a
woman, you take care of me and my son, you respect
me, thats more than enough for me.You are my angel
babe, just give me a little while to show you just how
much I love you please Phatsimo is just my baby
Lone:(emotional)I love you
At my house, later that night around mid night
The door opened and I smiled, the ywins ran to me
and Cal entered holding their bags..
Me:(smiling) hey
CJ:(hugging me) mummy
I picked him up, put him down then picked up Chanel
Me:Cici will be here tomorrow tonight its just you
guys and me
Chanel:and daddy?
Cal and I looked at each other..
CJ:mummy where is Chris?
Me:he went to his daddy's place we will go take him
tomorrow, go put your bags in your room il be right
They ran to their bedroom and Cal hugged me, it was
a long and awkward hug.We sat down
Me:you must be tired
Me:you can sleep in my room I will sleep in Cici's room
Cal:(took my hand into his) how long are we going to
do this?
Me:(smiling) for as long as it takes..
Cal:its so funny when you were with Botshelo you
jumped to every opportunity of sleeping together
but now you are single and you wont sleep with me
Me:(standing up) dont remind me of how I messed up
my happiness, you are just not the Cal I fell inlove
with.Now I want a guy to settle down with get
married and live happily ever after.
Cal:I am that guy atleast do it for the sake of our kids
Me:no.I have 4 kids with different fathers, everyone
one of them wants me with their dad so am just
gonna do me.
The twims ran in the room putting on their pyjamas
Chanel:Daddy come tuck us in
CJ:mummy tuck us too
After tucking in the twins Cal took a shower, I got in
holding clean towels.
Me:(shouting) clean towels on the bed
I turned around and my jaws fell, he smiled as he
rubbed his hair with the towel.
Cal:its nothing you haven't seen before

Episode 103
I closed my eyes and took few steps towards him.I
felt his breath on my skin,I opened my eyes and
looked into his.
:we are older and much wiser now,if we do this we do
it the right way,no sneaking arond like we are
teens,we set rules and boundaries.
Cal:I can follow rules
Me:prove it by sleeping here alone without
disturbing me
cal:I can do that
He opened a space between us and I slowly walked
outside hoping he changes his mind.
I made breakfast and took a long hot shower while
everyone enjoyed their food.After breakfast
everyone helped me clean the house then we
cuddled on the sofa watching Disney channel.
cal:this is what I watch everyday,its toure
Chanel:daddy sometimes you watch it alone
Cal:Nel are you telling everyone our secret now?
Chanel:sorry daddy
I laughed outloud,Cal gave me an evil look and kept
quite but could no longer hold it in.He quickly got
ontop of me and pinned my hands down.
cal:so its funny akere
:seriously I didn't take you for the type that watched
CJ:(screaming)its war
he jumped ontop of us,Cal pushed him to the other
side of the sofa as he started to tickle me.I laughed
so hard I could no longer breath then he tickled the
someone knocked and CJ ran to open,
:mum Chris is here
I greeted Botshelo and took the baby from him,Cal
came behind me and the smile on Botshelo vanished
Botshelo:sorry to bring him this early we are going
out and he seems to have fever so...
Me:its cool
CJ took Dobah from me and I walked Botshelo out,he
gave me his bag and said goodbye
:he just brought the twins
Botshelo:its not my business
Me:okay bye
He got in his car and drove off,it hurt so much when
someone you truely love ignores you like that.I went
backinside and put the bag on the sofa and went into
the kitchen,Cal followed me,he hugged me from
Cal:he Will come around
me:he hates me
Cal:a man doesn't get jealous over a woman he
hates,believe me
Me:(smiling)are you trying to score some points with
Cal:(kissing my neck)maybe
I turned around and kissed him fully on the lips,he
picked me up and put me on the kitchen counter
looking straight into my eyes
cal:I want to rip off this dress and make love to you
so badly,I wanted to do that the moment I walked in
last night
I smiled and kissed him again as he slid his hand
under my dress,his thumb rubbed on my cookie.It
had been years since I had some little action,his
middle finger slowly entered me and I gasped
opening my legs more wider.
Cal:shit bab...look into my eyes..I want you to look at
me as I eat this pussy
Okay nasty talking turns the fuck out of me,I slowly
opened my eyes and he pulled closer to the edge still
fingering me.His other hand rubbed my breasts
me:baby lock the door
he picked me from the counter and pinned me
against the door then locked it..i could feel his boner
on my stomach,i took it out.

Episode 104
Someone knocked softly trying to open the door.we
both stopped and looked at each other
Chanel:mummy Donah is crying
Me:okay I will be there
Chanel:mama open the door I want water
Me:(fixing my dress) I am coming
Chanel:mama what are you doing? why did you lock
the door?
Me:(annoyed) I said I am coming
After a few seconds I heard her talking outside, I got
off the counter and fixed my hair
Cal:Chanel is always a distraction of progress
Me:(smiling) mmh you can say that again
I went outside leaving Cal standing still with his hard
dick out.
At Botshelo's house
He slammed the door and threw himself on the bed,
Lone came from the bathroom wrapped in a
towel.She got ontop of Botshelo and started kissing
Lone:just a quick one for the road
Botshelo:I am not feeling well
She got off him and applied lotion on her legs,
Botshelo swallowed hard looking at her round firm
ass, he got off bed and kissed her back going to her
neck.He put his hand on her thighs.
Lone:I am not in the mood
Botshelo:I can bring back your mood
Lone:(smiling) really?
He picked her up and threw her on the bed and
opened her legs wider looking at her shaved
cookie.He baby kissed her vagina then slid his tongue
in and cupped her breasts while she moaned.
Later that afternoon
After crying for so long finally Donah slept,the twins
were eating and playing with their food, I layed on
the bed and let out a loud breath. The door opened
Cal:(whispering) is he sleeping?
Me:yeah, hey this one wa ntapisa but I miss him
when he is sleeping ekare ke ka mo tsosa
He laid next to me and kisses my forehead,we
cuddled and fell asleep.
Woke up to some flash lights in our faces, I covered
my face
Cici:(smiling) you guys look cute together
She jumped on the bed between us and hugged Cal
then me.
Cal:(kissing her forehead) hey chocolate how are you?
Cici:I misses you guys, lets take a selfie
Me:no no I just woke up
Cici:(taking out her phone) Daddy your girlfriend is
such a bore, comeon mum I wont post in on
Facebook I promise
We made silly faces as she took some selfies, she got
off bed and looked in Donah's court
Cici:awww he is so cute, mama I hate that I am the
only dark one here, daddy thats why you call me
chocolate right
Cal:(playing with her hair) but you are the cute one
Me:hey CJ is the cutest
Cal:Honestly speaking Donah is, the rest of you are
just spiders
We all laughed waking up the baby, Cici picked him up
and went outside we followed her, Cal held my hand
and pulled me towards him and passionately kissed
Cal:I guess I should go book a room at the hotel then,
Cici is here and you are coming back to your room
Me:(smiling) mmmh I have a mattress you can sleep
on the floor or on the couch in the living room
Cal:(kissing my neck) or we can sleep on the bed
together I promise I wont do anything you dont want
me to do.
Me:I will think about it
We went into the living room, Cici was feeding Donah
youghut and the twins were going through her bags
Me:where is your dad?
Cici:I came alone
Me:by bus?
Cici:hell no(she covered her mouth) sorry no dad
booked a flight for me
Chanel:daddy can we fly too?
CJ:yes dad please
Cal:okay, babe can we talk in the kitchen
Cici:(smiling) babe!!! does that mean we are going to
be a complete family now?
Me:Ciara mind your own business
I followed Cal into the kitchen
Me:(seriously) everything okay?
Cal:as much as I am enjoying this its not fair on the
kids, they want us to get back together and how
things are right now we are giving them false hopes,
we are just gonna crash and they will get burnt, so I
wamt you to be straight with me whether we are
doing this or not..
Me:if we are going to do this Calvin I wamt you to be
honest with me all the time, I dont want you to pull
all those stunts you pulled last time, you hurt me, I
moaned you, I lost weight and people thought I was
crazy but I still forgave you because I love you, I hurt
the one person who ever loved me unconditionally
because of you.I always went back to you no matter
what? just dont make me regret this..
Cal:(smiling) I promise you, you wont..I love you
Me:(hugging him) I love you too
At Boi's place
She put the baby down and dialed her friend
Friend:speaking about the devil
Boi:(smiling) ne o ntsheba o reng?
Friend:so tell me are the results back?
Boi:(looking at the baby) yes and they are as I
Friend:So what now?
Boi:I will tell him at my own time I ow him nothing

Episode 105
A month later
I just finished hanging the laundry when a silver
range rover packed by the gate.A tall masculine guy
stepped out and took off his shaded.He put one hand
in his pocket and looked at the time.
Him:hello i am looking for a guy named Tepo,he says
he lives around here
Me:(wiping my hands with my skirt)um Tepo..i am
new around here but you can ask next door
Him:nice house,i can tell you are new here
Him:your house and yard are too clean gape the
house looks new.
Me:ehe rra
Him:yeah (looking at Donah)he looks like daddy
Me:hahaha do you know his dad?
Him:i know he doesnt look like you
Me:haha touché
Him:(extending his hand)Kitso
Me:(extending my hand)Phatsimo
Kitso:i guess i will see you around
He walked out and got in his car,he stayed for a few
minutes in the car then waved goodbye as he drove
away.I picked up Donah and went into the
house,changed his diaper and feed him..
At Calvin's place
His mum put the clothes in the washing machine as
he checked the pockets.
Chanel:Mama what are you always searching our
Her:searching for money,tp and other important
The door bell rang and Chanel ran outside.She
opened the door as Calvin followed her
Cal:(serious)whatdid i tell you about answering the
Chanel:sorry daddy
Cal opened the door and came face to face with his
ex wife holding a baby..
Cal:hi,(looking at the baby)long time
Boi:are'nt you going to invite me in?
Cal:(still looking at the baby)yeah where are my
manners,please come in
She stepped in and looked around.Cal followed her to
the sitting room.She sat down and put the baby
down as she crawled to the table wanting to pull
down the table cloth,Calvin's eyes were still fixed on
her,Boi noticed
Boi:her name is Nicole
Cal:she looks...but how..i mean
Boi:she looks like Chanel right!
At Lefika's place
Cici put the glass in the zink and went outside
humming to the song she was listening on her
headsets.Her father's girlfriend came in and washed
the glass.
She took off her right headset and Cici turned around
Cici:(starring at her with an attitude)excuse me what
do you think you are doing?
Her:cant you just wash a glass after you finish with it
Cici:this is not your house you dont make rules here.I
am not going to do anything unless my dad
complains about it
She rolled her eyes and walked away.Lefika came in
with his glass and put it in the zink then walked
out.She clicked her tongue and went outside dialing
her mother's number.She answered on the second
Mother:hey baby how are you
Her:(pissed)mama i am fed up with Ciara (crying)i feel
like choking her
Mother:be patient my baby please.dont let her get to
Her:(crying)i am coming home tonight i am giving
Lefika and his daughter space kana even when i
complain to him he does nothing,he spoils her too
much i cant handle
Mother:heela wareng neh?dont think about coming
here,a bo e ka re o bone monna a bo o re wa mo
togela because of his spoilt child.stop being such a
cry baby and be a woman.
Her mother hung up on her,she wiped her tears with
the back of her hand and got back inside.Lefika was
watching tv,he noticed her red eyes
Her:i am fine
He pulled her into his lap and looked into her eyes
Lefika:did i do something wrong?
Her:(forcing a smile)no i am fine i think am coming
down with flue.
Cici walked in wearing a short dress and sleepers
holding a sleepover bag.
Cici:dad lets go
Lefika:babe lets drop of Cici at her friend's
Cici:daddy can it be just the two of us
Her:no its cool
At Botshelo's
He finished counting the money and put it in his save.
Botshelo:babe am going to pick up Donah
Lone:okay let me put on my shoes
Botshelo:am gonna take long i want to discuss
something with Phatsimo
Lone:i can wait in the car
He pretended not to hear her and got in the car and
drove off.
Lone:(pissed) no longer taking the pill
Phatsimo thinks she is the only woman who can have
Botshelo's kids

Episode 106
At Calvin's house
Cal's mum walked in drying her hands with a dry
cloth,she panicked a little seing the little baby
crawling her way.She smiled at Boi and picked up the
Cal:Mah can you please excuse us,take the baby with
She walked back still staring at the baby..
Cal:is she mine?
Boi:(taking out a piece of paper)i always thought she
looked like Chanel but again we tried for so long
without any luck.
Cal:how long have you known?
Boi:a month now
Cal:(smiling)how old is she?
Boi:she is a year old,i cant believe just the last time
and we made a baby
Cal:haha you practically raped me
Boi:(laughing)dude please
Cal:does your boyfriend know?
Boi:he doesnt know that we hooked up after the
divorce,i am afraid to tell him what if he leaves me?
At my house
Someone woke me up from my sleep knocking on the
door.I wrapped myself with a towel and opened
slowly before i opened the buglar door.
Me:(yawning)hey what time is it?
Botshelo:past five
Me:(unlocking the door)he is still sleeping,the bath
did some magic kana he didnt want to sleep nna ke
Botshelo:(laughing)but then you miss him when he is
Me:i love him..he is my last born kana
Botshelo:(sitting down)you seriously tied your tubes?
Me:yeah i will never have more kids even if i meet
someone and get married,i am not even 30 and i have
4 kids all different fathers
Botshelo:so you are looking for a potential husband?
Me:i never said i am looking
Botshelo:have you found someone?
Kago:comeone it has been almost 2 years o bata go
nthaa o re no one has touched you in all that time
Botshelo:so you are a secondary virgin
Me:(laughing)wai kae tota
Botshelo:then i must check for myself..
An awkward moment passed,i went into my room
and came out with Donah's bag.
Me:please keep him until,ke lapile
Botshelo:aah wai dont be surprised if we bring him
back tonight.
Me:then i am not sleeping here tonight,you will find
an empty house
Botshelo:(taking the bag)o cheka potential husband?
Me:i told you gore there is no one
Botshelo:ke rile ta ke cheke
I dismissed what he said by laughing,i carried Donah
who was fast asleep to the car,he put him on his car
seat,he opened his eyes and started crying.
Me:(taking him)hey bathong
He took him from me and rocked him until he fell
asleep again..They drove away and i got in the house.
At Cici'friend's house
The girls laid their blankets on the floor and slept on
their stomaches selecting a movie on the laptop
Cici:i got my period today
Jenny:really? How is it like?
Cici:its like blood flowing out of my vagina you idiot
They all laughed
Brie:did you tell your mum?
Cici:not yet i stole my dad'stupid girlfriend's tampons
Jenny:does it hurt?
Cici:(rolling her eyes)no dummy its just
They selected an old chick flick movie and watched
eating ice cream and chips.
At Botshelo's
Lone hung up the call as soon as the door
opened.Botshelo came in carrying Donah who was
playing with his phone and eating it,he smiled as
soon as he saw Lone.As much as she wanted to
ignore him she couldnt,she took him from Botshelo
and spinned him around as he laughed hard.She
stopped and put him down.
Lone:i am going home
Botshelo:ao mma why didnt you say earlier akere ke
ka bo ke sa ya go tsaa Donah
Lone:(packing her bag)mmuse ee
Botshelo:when are you coming back?
Lone:when i feel like it,ke lemogile gore you dont
appreciate me wena Botshelo fa o ntebile you see
your nanny akere.
Botshelo:you know thats not true
Lone:maybe you will appreciate me when i am gone
Donah started crying,he scrached his forehead
Botshelo:Donah the o matepe
Lone:he hit the table with his forehead,give me the
He handed her the vaseline and she applied it softly
on his forehead blowing soft air on his forehead.He
stopped crying
Lone:sorry nnana wame kana mme that table always
hits you mme ga o bake..sorry papa
Botshelo took his phone from the table and sent
Phatsimo an sms
Episode 107
"about what i said earlier i was joking,hope you didnt
think i was coming on to you or something"
I put the phone down and continued watching my
At Botshelo's
Botshelo put the phone down and took his food from
the microwave.He looked as Lone played with
Donah,they laughed and giggled,he felt bad that he
still had feelings for Phatsimo,Lone was the second
best thing to ever happen to him.Her phone ran and
she looked at him before she answered.
Lone:hey...yeah...Donah is here...okay tomorrow..bye
She hung up and continued playing with the
baby..Botshelo put down his plate and went to seat
next to them.
Botshelo:group hug?
He hugged them,Lone rested her head on his
chest,Donah pushed Botshelo,they all laughed
Botshelo:dude this is my woman aah not ours
Lone:(smiling)ga a batle tota mo go nna
Botshelo:le nna ga ke bate babe,hle mma i am sorry
for being such an ass.What can i do to make it up to
Lone:just stay away from Phatsimo,i am tired of
feeling like i am your second choice.Ga ke gane ke
mmagwe Donah but thats all she should be.
Botshelo:thats all she is mme kana
Botshelo:promise,So are you still leaving?
Lone:i cant leave you with Donah alone but i want to
go see my mum kamoso
Botshelo:(scratching his head)what time?
Botshelo:eish ne ke..anyway its cool
Botshelo:wanted to go somowhere tomorrow
morning,i will just go with Donah
Lone:i can take him with me if its okay with Phatsimo
Botshelo:okay let me ask her
He dialed her number and put on loudspeaker
At my house bone sms ska wara i...
Botshelo:(interrupting)Can Lone take Donah with her
kamoso o cheka her mum
Me:okay..ummm i didnt put in his cap mme kana he
likes running mo letsatsing
Botshelo:he left the other one ya spider man
Me:sure bye
He hung up and i continued applying nail polish..
At Calvin's
After Boi left he switched off his phone and laid on
the sofa..The twins came running and he sent then to
their room,he switched off the lights and laid in the
dark thinking..A few minutes later he went into the
bedroom and came out with Castle lite 440..he drank
it all and went to take another one..he switched on
hIs phone and dialed Phatsimo..
Cal:i love you
Me:babe is everything okay?
Cal:i love you
Me:(worried)i love you too babe
Cal:Boi came here today with our daughter
Cal:yeah..she is a year old her name is Nicole and she
looks just like Chanel..
Cal:i hope this changes nothing between us
Episode 107
Me:babe..ofcourse it changes nothing
Cal:I am booking a flight I am coming there tomorrow
Me:(exited) okay babe..I love you
Cal:thanks for understanding babe
Me:its not like you knew or you cheated akere babe
Cal:see you tomorrow
Me:can't wait
The following day
At Botshelo's
Lone put Donah on his car seat and went back inside
to get her handbag.She sat at the front and Botshelo
reversed into the gravel road.They drove in silent
until he reached Lone's house.She took Donah as
Botshelo reversed outside the yard.
She got in, everyone was sleeping. She knocked on
her mother's door and got in before she
responded.She put Donah down and he pulled down
the blankets.Lone's mum opened one eye and smiled
seing her daughter
Her:so early
Lone:morning mama
Her:how are you (looking at Donah) he is so grown up
Lone:(smiling) he calls me mama
Her:(getting off bed) o kae Botshelo?
Lone:he had to rush somewhere...ummm mama
(sitting on the bed) can we talk
Her mum sat on the sofa near the bed and looked at
her daughter
Her:talk to me
Lone:do you think its soon for me and Botshelo to be
having a child?
Her:are you pregnant?
Lone:no but I am planning on getting pregnant
Her:if you are going to bring a child in this world it
has to be because you wamt to not because of any
other selfish reasons.
Lone:(teary) aah mama am afraid he is going to leave
me a boela mmagwe Donah..they have that thing she says jump amd he asks how high
Her:haha ao? maybe you are imagining things
Lone:aah wena you dont know..i wish he could just
dump already ke lle ke hetse nako yone ye.I love him
mama.a lot and I love Donah mma like he is mine..
At my house
I finished cleaning and rested on the sofa still in my
shorts..The door opened and I pretemded to ne
Ame:mmh clean house
I opened my eyes dissapointed,
Me:wrong timing nnaka
Ame:(putting the baby on the sofa) ke eng you
expecting someone?
Me:Cal is on his way
Ame:Cal who?
Me:Calvin hela yo mo itseng..its not like am chasing
you out nnaka but he will be here any minutes
Ame:(picking up her baby) uhu mme segolo ga o mphe
metsi ka nwa
She went into the kitchen amd I went to my room,
gave her 50 pula.She looked at me and smiled.
Ame:you still haven't slept together
Me :yes and I am planning on doing it but not with
you here
She took the money and walked out, We waited for a
taxi together, after a few minites it came and they
waved goodbye at me.Cal called that he just arrived. I
rushed back inside and took a quick shower..I put on
a short dress and a g-string.. waited for him outside.I
got impatient and went back inside.I ended up falling
asleep on the sofa.Woke up to someone breathing
heavily on my neck his hand tracing on my butt,eyes
still closed I smiled.The door opened again and I
opened my eyes..
Me:(looking at the door) aaah, its not what you think
Cal:explain then..fill me up why I fimd you cozy with
another man..
Still working at the site today..hectic day sorry for
crop tops.Am so tired and its so hot feel like sleeping
Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Episode 108
Kitso fixed his shirt and i pulled down my skirt
Kitso:i was fixing her skirt its not really what you
Me:babe you know me better than that i can never
do that
Kitso:i will take my leave now
He walked out and closed the door behind him
Me:nothing hapened i swear
Cal:who is he?
Me:just someone i know,we are not even that close
am sure he was just innocently fixing my skirt and i
thought it was you..
He sat down and buried his head in his palms..I sat
next to him and rubbed his back
Me:that baby changes nothing between us
Cal:are you happy?
Me:(surprised by the question)ofcourse why do you
even ask that?
Cal:do i make you happy?
Me:whats going on why are you asking me all this
Cal:(looking into my eyes)just
He hugged me tightly and i rested my head on his
chest..He smelled nice.I moved my head into his face
and kissed him,he had a taste of alcohol in his
mouth,you know the kind of smell that turns
on,mostly its a little bit of Castle Lite.He picked me
and put me on his lap taking of my top,kissing my
neck and his other hand cupping my breast.
Me:babe let me go close the door
Cal:mmh mmh
At Botshelo's place
Lone put down the bowl and Donah ran outside,she
washed it and folded his t-shirts.Botshelo walked in
holding the baby,he put him down and french kissed
Lone,Donah pushed him away and they both
Lone:he doesnt like it when you do that
Botshelo:he should get his own a tswe mo mosading
Lone:i think we should send him to school next year
so i can find a full time job
Botshelo:is'nt he young?
Lone:he is but he has no one to look after him during
the week days akere,i think its high time i found work
that i studied for,i want to rock di stiletto le nna and
do all those make up tsa banyana ke tsenya
expensive weaves and nails..
Botshelo just looked at her without saying a word
while she went on and on about how she wanted to
transform into a version of Phatsimo.It hurt him that
she still felt threatened by her.
Botshelo:(pulling her into his arms)you dont need all
those tings you are beautiful just the way you are.
She blushed as he went on telling her how pretty she
At my house
We both laid on the carpet sweating.I put my head on
his chest and we both kept quiet for a long time.My
phone rang and he reached for it,looked at the caller
ID smiled then gave me.
Me:hey baby
Cici:(crying)i want to come there
Me:babe whats wrong?
Cici:mummy please get me out of here please mama i
cant stay.

Episode 109
Me:(sitting properly)baby whats wrong?Lefika o kae?
Cici:(crying)mama please
I hung up and called Lefika,he answered on the third
Me:hey Cici o llelang she just called
Lefika:she is just being a drama queen,let her be
Me:what hapened?
Lefika:she was disrespecting my girlfriend and i
scolded her
Me:define disrespect
Lefika:she called her a bitch
Me:ijoo ke mathata just deal with her,Cici can be
disrespectful sometimes bye
Cal:what was that all about?
Me:agg you know Ciara is a handfull
At Lefika's house
He opened the door to Cici's room,she was sobbing
under the blankets,he sat on the bed and puled up
the covers.
Cici:i dont want to talk to you
Lefika:if you are going to live here under my roof its
going to be under my terms and conditions and you
are going to respect everyone of my guests and
mostly you are going to respect my girlfriend.
Cici:(rolling her eyes)watever dad its not like am going
to be staying here for long am moving to my mum's.
Lefika:(standing up)another thing you are to young
what i say goes you dont tell me what to do,the only
time you are going to your mum's its going to ne on
Cici:i wish i was never born,you should have aborted
me or atleast used a condom.
Lefika slapped her across the face and she covered
her face and blinked fast.He raised his hand again
and she dodged the clap.
Lefika:(angry)never talk to me like that i am your
He slammed the door on his way out.Cici got off the
bed,took her bag under the bed and started packing
her clothes.She wrote a letter and put it on the bed
and quietly sneaked through the back door.
At my house
Cal came back from the kitchen still naked holding
two empty glasses and a bottle of wine.His big dick
looked so innocent
Me:(smiling)you should wear your boxers ga ke
twaele to see your dick like that
Cal:(laughing)you should get used to it coz we are
spending the whole day naked,drinking wine and
Me:(kissing him)mmmh i like that but am hungry
Cal:ga o na number ya pizza
Cal:i guess then i will have to make something to
eat,what do yoy feel like eating
Me:(smiling)i should be cooking for you not the other
way round
Cal:mmh mmh today ke fa love babe its been so long i
dont want this day to end.
He took the phones and switched them off and
poured me a glass of wine
Cal:just me and you against the world today babe
Me:(smiling)i love you Calvin i dont want this to end
Along the road a Vitz stopped for Ciara

Episode 110
The car slowed down and the man rolled down the
window.He looked at the little girl carrying heavy
Man:where are you going?
Man:i am headed to the bus rank incase you going
Cici:(stopped and looked at the man making her eyes
thin)do i look like i need a lift?leave me alone before i
The man hit the accelerator and dissapeared into the
empty road.Cici took out her phone and called her
mum for the forth time and it still didnt ring.She put
down the bag and sat on it,it was almost dark now
and she had nowhere to go but one thing she knew
was there was no way she was going back to her
dad's.She tried Calvin's and it went into voicemail and
finished her airtime.
She searched her bag and she only had a hundred
and twenty.She pulled her bag until she reached the
combi stop.Two guys approached her and she
brushed them off getting into the combi.
Cici:(about to cry)shit my battery is only 25 percent
At my house
His fingers played with my nipples as i sipped on the
last drop of the wine..
Me:i wish we could turn back the time to the time we
first meet
Cal:(smiling)haha why
Me:i just wish we could erase all the bad
memories,we used to be so happy babe..i dont know
if things will ever be the same again but what i know
is i dont want this moment to end..
I kissed his hand as his other hand rubbed my sculp
his fingers pulling my hair,he turned my head around
and fully kissed me on the mouth then he stood up
and lifted me up,his hands on my butt as he walked
into the kitchen with me,he placed me on the kitchen
counter and spread my legs apart getting between
Cal:what do you feel like eating babe?
Me:whatever you want babe its cool
Cal:(kissing my neck)i just want to eat you for
breakfast,lunch,snack,dinner all day long
I felt blood rushing through my body as he kisses my
neck his hands rubbing my boobs.I wanted him so
He let go of me and took out the eggs from the fridge
and some green salad,he mixed this and that and
made the most delicious meal i have ever eaten in my
whole life.Everything felt so right as we played like
kids and he feed me..
At Botshelo's
He put the baby in his court amd tiptoed to the
bathroom,Lone was almost finished,he hugged her
from behind and softly bit the lower part of her ear.
Botshelo:(whispering)he is sleeping
Botshelo:(taking off her towel)i miss you
Lone:but am always here with you
He knelt down and took off her towel and threw it
down,he spread her legs apart and played with his
middle finger on her entrance,she opened her legs a
bit wider as she went week on her knees..
Noticing how unstable she was he picked her up and
went into the bedroom,she covered her face with her
hands.He removed them and went down on her
playing with his tongue on her clit and her warm
She kept thinking 'Thank God i always keep no hair'
He fingered her as she pulled down the sheets and
screamed into the pillow.Her legs became weak and
she felt the need to urinate,next thing she knows she
splashed Botshelo with urine,it was no ordinary urine
it was too strong she could tell it hurt his face..
She was so embarrased she covered her face with
the pillow,Botsheli removed it and smiled.
Botshelo:(smiling)babe is my tongue game that
strong i made you squirt
She threw the pillow at him and covered her face.He
rolled on the condom and spread her legs apart,he
slowly penetrated as she gasped for air..
At the bus rank
Cici got on tje bus and sat by the window looking
outside as the bus left the rank.The conductor came
checking everyone's bus tickets.She searches
through her bag as the conductor waited..After a few
minutes she started sobbing.
Cici:(crying)i cant find mine but i swear i had it with
me a few minutes ago
Conductor:(looking at her from head to toe)how old
are you?
Cici:i am 10 years
Conductor:traveling alone?
Conductor:tell me where your ticket is or else we are
leaving you here
Conductor:should i stop the bus
Cici:no no please my mum will pay for me when we
arrive i tried calling her but she is..her phone is not
going through
Conductor:if she doesnt pay up when we arrive i am
taking your shoes ebile they look new
Cici:(attitude)this shoes cost two thousand dude
Conductor:you should have thought about that
before o palama bus o sena madi..
He walked back to the front,Cici took out her ipad
and plugged on headsets listening to music..

Episode 111
Later that night
At Lefika's
He knocked twice then opened the door,the bed was
not made.
Lefika:Cici..!! (Stood by the bathroom door)Ciara..
He opened the door and the bathroom was empty,he
noticed the note on the drawer.He sat down reading
"Everytime you have a new girlfriend you love her
more than me,we no longer go out like we used to,i
hate being second best daddy it used to be just you
and me now its just you and your girlfriend,you uses
to be my best friend nowadays you hate me so i think
its best if i leave you and your girlfriend alone.Bye
daddy i will always love you"
His legs where numb and he swallowed a big
lump..Finally he stood up and searched her
clothes,they were gone.He ran to his room and called
her number,it was off..he called Phatsimo and it was
off too.
Lefika:(looking at his girlfriend rubbing his head)Cici
Lefika:Ciara left and she wrote this note(handed her
the note) my baby is out there all alone what if
something bad happens to her?
Her:Wai she is just being a drama quin she will come
Lefika:(looked at her annoyed)my child is missing and
you tell me she is being a drama quin..mxm
He grabbed his phone and car keys then left..
Along the A1 road
Ciara switched on her phone and two messages
reported..The firstbone was an E-wallet from her
dad,she smiled the other one was from her dad..
"Baby please come back home i dont think i can live
without you,i know i havent been the best dad lately
but we can work on it,i sent you money please dont
ask for lifts from anyone,book a room i will come
collect you in the morning"
She smiled and switched off her phone again..
At Maun Bus Rank
Conductor:where is your mother?
Cici:(showing her the E-wallet sms)i told you i can
afford to pay you,i dont normally take the bus..wait
here..hold my bag i will be back
She handed him the bag and went to the nearest
ATM..She cashed and gave the conductor his money.
She rolled her eyes and waved for a taxi..
At my house..
Someone knocked on my window waking us up..
Me:(sleepy)what time is it?
Cal:(looking at the time)its past 6
I put on my gown and went to the door..
Me:who is it?
Voice:Mama open
I opened the door,Cici looked at me with a serious
Me:you are alone?
Cici:should i be with someone?
Me:(opening the door wider)Lefika o kae?
Cici:how should i know mama akere he doesnt have
time for me..i think he is with his girlfriend (threw her
bags on the sofa)are you alone?
Cici:are you with daddy Calvin?
Cici:why did you switch off your phone i tried to call
you what if something happened to me if dad didnt
send me money i would be walking bare footed right so tired from siting i want t o lay down..
Me:i will call Lefika and tell him you arrived safe
Cici:(standing up)he doesnt know i am here
Me:(eyes wide opened)you ran away from home
what if something had happened to you..waitse gore
wena ga o utlwe ngwanaka but you are not even a
teenager.If you dont listen to us who are you going
to listen to..A ko o itsee sentle mma
Cici:(attitude)its so rich coming from you
Me:(pissed)dont give me attitude young girl and
never talk to me like that i am your mother..
Cici:(walking to her room)you want me to listen to
you but you didnt listen to your mother..if you had
you wouldnt have been a teen mother..
She slammed the door in her room and locked it..I sat
down and buried my head between my legs..
Me:(looking up)hey
Cal:you okay?
Me:(faking a smile)mmh am fine
He knocked on Ciara's door,she opened after a few
minutes she opened.
Cal:i want you to apologise to your mother right now
She blinked fast and walked to where i was sitting..
Cici:i am sorry i was being rude and disrespectful
Cal:say it like you mean it
Cici:(crying)i am sorry..(snifing) you dont deserve
what i said to you because you are the best mum in
the raised me all alone and i should
apreciate that.
Just that i feel like evr since you and dad had other
kids you forgot me you dont love me
anymore..(crying)i am sorry
I hughed her as she cried her eyes out..
Cal:group hug..!??
Lone opened her eyes and their eyes meet,he smiled
at her and babykissed her..
Botshelo:i love you

Episode 112
At Botshelo's house
He brought her a tray with fried eggs and toast with
orange juice.Lone smiled admiring his toned
body,she felt special.
Botshelo:you can get used to this babe
Lone:Donah o kae?
Botshelo:he is still sleeping
Lone:(worried looking at the time)this time babe
what if something is wrong with him?
Botshelo:(smiling)babe chill i checked up on him he is
Lone:okay whats the special occasion?
Botshelo:i dont need a special occasion to spoil my
woman,you need this food especially after
perfomance ya bosigo babe..haha that was...
Lone:(embarrased covering her eyes)ae ga ke batle
Botshelo:but babe am honoured
Lone:ae..lets not talk about that ke hlabiwa ke
Botshelo:(laughing)sorry ee
At my house
We said goodbye and i went into the kitchen.Cici as
having her brakfast.
Me:was talking to Lefika and he told me everything
Cici:and the part where he slapped me?
Me:yes and i am not saying it was okay but you
crossed the dont speak to your father like should never repeat that again
Cici:i dont want to go back
Me:tough because i am going to bok the ticket myself
and make sure you get on the have to go
to school on monday there is no time for
transfer..and please Lefika's girlfriend as much as
you respect Calvin
Cici:Calvin is my dad and who is she to me aag..(rolling
her eyes)now am forced to be friends with that
stupid woman
I let out a little laugh
Me:please dont say those things infront of me go
toga gotwe ke nna ke go rutang thoko botho..
She stood up then sat down again..she held my
hand.. guest came a little early
Me:you got your period kante how old are you?
Cici:seriously thats what you going to say to me
Me:(laughing)i was being sarcastic
Cici:(annoyed)funny did your dad take it?
Cici:i stole his girlfriend's tampon i havent told him
Me:(sitting down)so i guess its time for the talk
Cici:not the sex talk please
Me:i wish my mother had the talk with me..i wouldnt
have become a teen mother.I would have waited
until i was mature and knew what i was doing..Baby
just dont have sex any time soon please.atleast wait
until you finish your form five.
Cici:mum am not stupid...sorry i didnt mean..
Me:no its cool i was stupid butvi learnt a lesson..i
dont want you to make the same mistakes i made
lets not make history repeat itself..
Cici:i promise i wont have sex until i am old mama can i ask you a question?
Cici:did you love him?
Me:yeah..everyone thought we were dating long
beforr he asked me out..he was cute and tall..athletic
and popular..haha and very interligent everygirl
wanted him and it was a priviledge when he asked
me out..i didnt know any better so i thought the only
way to keep him was to give myself to him..(got lost
in my thoughts) we loved each other very much and
would plan the future together
(((13 years ago)))
I knocked twice on his door and he opened pulling me
inside and french kissed me.
Me:your mum ne a tswala gate fa ke tsena..i think
she saw me
Lefika:ska wara
He kissed me pining me against the wall his hand
going down my skirt,i stopped him.
Me:promise me nothing will change if we do this..and
promise me you wont tell anyone
Lefika:i promise i wont..i love you kana sunshine
Me:(happy)i love it when you call me that
Lefika:thats because you are my sunshine in the rain
He kissed my neck and took off my top exposing my
well rounded firm breasts.he picked me up and put
me on the bed..i closed my eyes as he took off my
skirt and panty..i felt his middle finger in me and i was not that painfull i thought to myself..i
was beyond wet when i felt the tip of his dick in me..i
stoped him
Me:go bothoko
Lefika:ke eme??
Me:ae..might as well get it over and done with
The following day a school he sent someone to give
me a rose and a monsterpop.After school we walked
hand in hand everyone admiring was a dream
com true )))
Me:haha was just thinking how young we were..
Cici:thanks for not abondoning me
Me:you are my everything..i will always love you
Tje door opened and Cal came in holding two boxes
of pizza and wine
Cal:a day in with my two favourites what do you say?
Cici:just like the good old times..just the three of us

Episode 113
Two weeks later.
I put Donah on his car seat and buckled him
up.Botshelo called
Botshelo:have you left already?
Me:not yet but in a few minutes..
Botshelo:drive safe the bathong,call me if you need
help mo tseleng
Me:thanks will do that
Botshelo:i miss him already
Me:hah but you are always with him
Botshelo:this is going to be one long week
Me:go shapo rra ta ke emelle
Botshelo:put him on the phone
I put the phone on loudspeaker and put it on his ear.
Botshelo:hello good to mummy okay.i love
Female voice:a re papa (they laughed)hey dog dong
we miss you
I took the phone and said bye he cried for it.I gave it
to him and he put t on is ear talking baby language
then he pu t in his mouth.
At Botshelo's
Lone:you miss him
Lone:its just a week hle
Botshelo:its seven days
(They both laughed)
Botshelo:i am a bit jealous though..i dont want my
son around any man except me
Lone:but you are okay with me around him..stop
being selfish ao.
Botshelo:yeahi am being selfish.nna kana i only have
him..he is my first and probably last
Lone:(low voice)ehe
Lone:so nna what if i want a baby ke dire jang..kante
nna am not fit to be the mother of your child..agg
wena wa bora kana nako tse dingwe
She stood up and went outside..Botshelo followed
Botshelo:i didnt mean it like that
Lone:dont worry i understood you well
At Calvin's
Channel combed Nicole's hair pulling it so hard she
started crying.Cal picked her up, put her on the sofa
and gave her the remote.
Cal:Nel dont comb her again
Channel:daddy when is she leaving?
Cal:she is going to be staying with use i your sister
Channel:okay..when is mummy coming?
Cal:tomorrow now be good to granny okay i am going
to meet her halfway so we drive back together.were
is you brother
He went outside and found him shooting the trees
with his short gun..
CJ:dad look i aimed at that gonna shoot it
and destroy it
Cal:shoot let me see
He aimed at the leaves and shoot them..He rolled on
the grass pretending to be a soldier
CJ:tush tush..i destroyed it daddy
Cal:(picked him up)yey thats my soldier now lets go leaving in a few minutes.
He walked with him on his shoulder his head hanging
down..He gave him his food then feed Nicole.
Someone knocked on the door.He picked up Nicole
and opened the soor.
Cal:(surprised)i thought you said tomorrow
Me:i decided to to book a plane ticket and surprise
you..i hope you chased you side chicks because ke ka
ba clapa
He hugged and took Donah from me holding him on
the other hand..i loked at Nicole an she looked like
Me:(extending my hands to her)hey you
She refused and clung to her dad tightly..
We walked in and the twins came running to me..
As soon as he closed the door we heard gun shots
I hugged my kids and took Donah from him..He gave
me Nicole and went into his room.He came out with a
gun and went outside.
Cal:babe stay down il be back and dont open for
Top of Form
Episode 114
The kids held on tight to me crying,i was so confused
and the shooting outside brought back lots of brought back things that i wanted so
hard to forget.Seing his facial expression i knew it
was war..and this time i didnt want to get in
between,as much as i loved Calvin and wanted us to
be together i still wanted to live a normal life and i
didnt want to die living my kids alone.
After about two hours
I heard the kitchen door open,the kids had fallen
asleep behind the couch where we were hiding.
I heard the footsteps coming towards us and i closed
my eyes.
Me:(standing up)i am taking my kids and leaving
Cal:(whispering)babe lets go outside toga o tsosa
Me:no am not going to listen to maaka a gago..i went
through this 5 years ago and i refuse to go through it
Cal:i think you should take the twins for a short
while..i can buy you a house whereever you want as
long as its not in botswana
Me:(laughing in disbelief)heee waitse kana..haha know what i dont blame you..i blame
myself..i am stupid after everything you made me go
through i still came back for more.You know i beat
myself everyday..i lost the best..the only person who
loved me unconditionally..(crying)but its cool..if
moving away means that my kids will will be safe
then i will.but let me make it and i..i dont
think we will ever go back to how it was
destroyed that when you staged and faked your
deatht but my love for you didnt change..but
now..(shaking my head) i cant keep moving in
circles..bankane ba nyalwa nna ke ineeletse
Cal:(serious face)no matter what you never get to call
me that okay
I looked at him without blinking..
Cal: will call my friend he has a will buy
everything when you get i am going to
pick up Cici we cant leave any loop holes
Me:kante ebile you want me to pack and go just like
that..what do i say to Botshelo..what do i say to
Lefika? What about my work?what about my family?
Cal:you dont have time for goodbyes...i will fix
everything..dont worry about that..anything might
happen anytime..we dont have time to waste.
He took out his phone and headed to the bedroim..
Cal:Stick my man....
Somewhere around town in an abandoned
building..A man walked holding his bleeding arm
followed by two others.
Tall guy:(russian accent)did you get he dead?
Mascular guy:no..he shot Ace and got away boss
Tall guy:(furious)you stupid..he got away again
Bleeding guy:i saw his wife get in with his son..the
whole yard has security..we shot two and there wad
still more..we cant get to him unless we have a man
Tall guy:find someone and offer something he cant
say no to or threaten to kill his family
Short guy:i dont think anyone of them would want to
cross him
Tall guy:i dont pay you to think
At Cal's place
In his room..he opened his safe and took out
cash..american dollars and put the money in the
bag..his phone ran
Cal:talk to i need the chopper as in in now..okay look man thanks the mexican
and russians are after me i need to get my family out
of here as in yesyerday....yeah man i fucked up with
their stash..(laughing)almost 2 billion money
is never a problem..sure my man bye..
He hung up and went to the living room..
Cal:babe my friend will come pick you go pick up
Cal.i will explain everything when its all over
Me:the less i know the better..just get me out of here
Cal:babe one last favour..can you please take Nicole
with you..

Episode 115
A week later
I packed their lunch boxes and put them in their
school bags..Cici dragging her feet followed by the
Me:Cici hle mma go wear your uniform we are living
in 10 minutes
Cici:(rolling her eyes)i dont like the uniform mama..its
too long
Me:okay we will take it to the taylor later
Channel:(biting an apple)am done mommy,finished
breakfast now am having my fruit
CJ:am done too..mum why cant we take the school
bus it seems kind of fun
Me:maybe next term baby..its full now
Nicole cried from their bedroom,i gave CJ his fruit
and went into the bedroom.I picked her up together
with Donah and went into the kitchen.I kept looking
at the watch on the wall..the door opened.
Mary:I am sorry madam the taxi..
Me:(giving her Nicole)its okay..she hasnt eaten
anything..she just woke up..and..ummm....Donah is
allergic to cheese..just give him his bottle i will be
back in 30 minutes
Mary:okay madam
Me:but i told you its okay to call me by my name
Mary:(smiling)okay madam..i mean Tsitsi
Me:(shouting)Ciara...lets go..CJ go wait for me at the
car..wait..where is your tie..eish la ntapisa
Ciara:(frowning)am done
Channel:(giggling)hey your dress is so long
CJ:you look like an old person
Cici:Mama stop them before i slap one of them
Me:guys please..lets go..and be kind to your sister
We got in the car and the security guy opened the
gate for us
Me:(smiling)good morning Patrick
Pat:morning mam
I drove into the main road..i looked by the driver's
mirror and noticed a car was following me..i changed
lanes but still..
I parked at the school parents parking and the car
parked besides mine..A petite woman stepped out
with a young boy and girl practically same age..Cici
fixed her uniform..i let out a long breath..thought
maybe Calvin's men had found us.
Woman:(smiling)i see you have your own pair..(looked
at the twins)they are so cute
Me:thank you..(looked at the boy and girl) didnt
notice they were twins but now that you have
mentioned it..
Woman:(extending her hand)Alison
Me:(hesitating looking at the kids)Faith
We exchanged greetings and walked into the school
together..I said goodbye and left.
At Botshelo's
He threw the phone on the bed and hit the wall with
his fist..
Botshelo:(angry)mxm waitse gore Phatsimo wa
ntena..why is her phone off ntse a itse gore o
tsamaile ka ngwanake..
Lone:maybe she lost her phone
Botshelo:she knows my number..why dont she
borrow her boyfriend's a ntekodise ngwana
Lone:akere mme she called that they arrived fine..a
ko o lese yo mongwe gongwe ba timile diphone ba
fana lorato wena kwano o itsentse stress.
Botshelo:ba hanele maratonyana a bone kwa nna ke
bata go go bua le ngwanake.
Lone:i think i will go sleep at home tonight
At Calvin's place
He loades his gun and put it on the table drinking
whiskey..The door opened and his father and
younger brother walked in.
Father:any new information?
Letso:are you okay?
Cal:i am fine
Father:and the kids?
Cal:they are safe
Father:the money?
Cal:(turned around)what about the money?
Letso:dad i dont think its the right time to talk about
the money
Cal:Listen to your think i gave up my kids
and girlfiend so i can give you half of my
dad we agreed on 50 million
Father:thats before i knew the stash was worth
Letso:what do you mean you gave them up? Cal
where is Phatsi and the kids?
He walked to the kitchen to pour another glass
Later that home
I locked the garage and went in taking off my
sweater..Donah came running to me..i picked him up
and kissed his cheek
Me:(smiling)i know you miss him baby (to marry)you
can go home now or else you will arrive late
Mary:thsnk you..bye everyone
All:bye auntie Mary
Cici:mum can i please go to the beach on
saturday..Princess invited me so obviously Prince is
going to come
Me:who are they?
Cici:the twins that you lied to their mum o re o bidiwa
We all laughed

Episode 116
"Happy birthday to you"
All:yey blow the candle baby..
Donah blew the candles and we clapped hands for
Me:(giving him a table knife)cut the cake
He cut a small piece and feed me..
Me:okay cut for your sisters then
Nicole:mama i want to wi-wi.....
Me:(knelt before her)there are no monsters at the
toilet baby..just go bye yourself please
Nicole:(shaking her head)no scared
Channel:Nicky there is a big blue monster in the toilet
if you go alone he is going to bite your butt
Cici:(laughing)Nel stop it
Donah:mummy is daddy going to come today?
CJ:mum is he coming today?
Channel:(sad face)i miss him
Cici:mama why hasnt anyone visited?i miss my dad
Me:he will come
Cici:or can we atleast visit them..
I picked up Nicole and went to the bathroom leaving
all their questions unanswered.I was tired of lying
and making up excuses for Calvin.He was the only
person who knew where we were but he never
bothered to come check on the kids..or even tell me
what he said to Lefika and Botshelo and my family.
At Botshelo's
He looked at the toy truck without blinking..his eyes
filled with tears then he loked down.The tears fell on
his hands.He wondered how he looked now..he
smiled at the thought of him..his only son..just like
that was taken away from him without an
explanation just a letter saying their lives where in
danger and if he contacted them something might
happen to his son.
At first he thought it was a joke until Calvin called and
told him Phatsimo had taken the twins too along
with Ciara.He knew Phatsimo would never up and
leave just like that but he questioned her
involvement with the wrong who were
this people after her and what business did they
have with her?He thought about all illegal things but
that was not Phatsimo..she is a lot of things but not a
criminal..but calvin on the other hand..he was a
hardcore criminal who once faked his own death..this
whole dissapearing had his name writen all over
it..but for his son 'safety he was not going to say
anything..he had made up stories that Phatsimo had
found a job in the states and took the kids.
But was his son'second birthday,only if he
could hear his voice or see his photo..
He put the truck back in the box and laid on the
bed.someone knocked, he wore his vest and went
Botshelo:(faking a smile)sure Chief.lets seat outside
heela its burning in here
Chief:wai i just came to drop this file..i deposited the
money this morning i take it you saw the message.It
was supost to be fourteen thousand jaanong Zuma
has been bringing ma 150 and renke
sente..but i talked to sure once his mother is
released from the hospital he will get back to normal
Botshelo:whats wrong with his mother?
Chief:gatwe cancer
Botshelo:(scratching his head)eish
Chief:let me bounce..but i want to talk to you about
that mini bus..its a great deal and you can afford it.
Botshelo:ema pele i want to buy a house monna and
save up for school fees sa donah..wa gola kana
Chief:and when he gets back he will be speaking
english only..monna do you know english kante ke go
batele tuitor..
He said yhis laughing and running to his car,Botshelo
smiled and got inside the house picturing Donah
speaking english.
Hevdid his calculations and smiled..He had 10 taxis
now..each made him a thousand and four hundred in
a week..all made fourteen thousand in a week..fifty
six thousand in a month.How he wished he could
share all this with his son and Lone .
"Somewhere in Africa"
The kids made small sand castles..CJ was flying his
kite and Cici was in her own world laughing and
eating ice cream with Princess.
Channel:look mummy this one didnt we
are going to look for sea shells
Me:okay..dont go too far .look where i can spot you
Channel:okay..lets go Nicki..Mama make sure Donah
doesnt destroy our house
I looked at him as he destroyed the house
Me:can you please lent me your phone..i left mine in
the car
Alison:(gave me the phone)sure let me go aply more
I took a few pictures of him and sent to Botshelo's
number via watsapp captioned..birthday boy..took a
selfie with him behind me and sent then wrote not to
reply..i deleted everything....

Episode 117
I gave the phone back to Alison..I helped Donah build
the castle again..Just then i noticed i havent been
paying attention to the girls.
I looked around..i started panicking..i have heard sat
stories about kids being abducted especially at the
beach.I left Donah with
Me:have you seen two little girls looking for sea
shells..the eldest is wearing a pink short jumpsuit and
the little one is wearing yellow bikinis..
Woman:not now but a few minutes ago..they went
this way
She got up and helped me look for them..Alison also
helped call them..still there was no reply..The life
guards came to us
Guard:do they know how to old are they?
Me:(crying)the...eldest is 6 and the little one is two
years..and yes they know how to swim..
He blew his whistle and the other guards searched
around while we looked the other part..everyone
started shouting their names..My legs could no
longer carry me..i sat down.
Cici:(patting my back)mama we will find them am
sure they are not that far
Alison:the life guards have found two little girls
I stood up and ran to them..the tall masculine guy put
down Channel as the lady guard did the mouth
mouth thing on Nicole..everyone was looking.I
pushed them away and knelt before Channel..
Guard:please give us some space
Alison pulled me away as the guard did their thing.I
took Donah from her and went back to the car..
Two ambulances passed by and they carried them passed by and the guard came to us.
Guard:follow us
Alison:okay we are right behind you
Guard:(to me)they are going to be fine
He got on his scooter and followed the Ambulance.
Alison:I just called my husband to come pick up the
kids..We will leave as soon as he arrives
After a few minutes her husband arrived and tool the
kids to their house..She drove me to the hospital.We
found the guard waiting in the hospital reception
area.He smiled at us as we walked it..It was at that
moment that i realised i was still in my swim
wear.Thank God we lived in an island or people would
have thought i was crazy.
Guard:(smiling)they are fine
Me:where are they?
We all walked to their beds..Channel was still
sleeping and Nicole was playing with a doll.As soon
as she saw me she started crying.I picked her up and
kisses her..just the thought of loosing her brokr my
Nurse:This one is fine..she can go home but the elder
one she still needs medical attention..dont disturb
Me:is she going to be okay?
Me:thank you
Alison:i will take Nicki with me the kids will spend the
night at my place,you sleep here with Nelly
Me:thank you,a lot (to the guard)thank you for saving
my babies lives
Guard:its my job..iltake my leave now
The following day
I opened my eyes and found Nel staring into my face
Me:(happy)hey baby..
Channel:(crying)i am so sorry..Nicki got in the water
to look some some shells then i told her to...(pauses
sobbing)i tried to pull her out but she...where is she
Me:its okay baby she is fine..she is at home
Channel:(soft voice)she is not dead?
Me:(laughing)no she is not but never look for shells in
the water again okay..
The door opened and the guard walked in,he smiled
at us
Guard:i am glad to see you both awake and smiling
Me:good morning..Nel this is the man who saved
your life..he is the one who got you out of the water
Channel:thank you uncle
Guard:cal me Martin
Me:(laughing)a lot has been happening i forgot to ask
for your name..(extended my hand)Tsitsi
Martin:i thought that since you dont have a car i can
take you home
Me:(hesitating)oh thanks but Alison will be here any
Martin:okay..(to Channel)what were you loking for in
the water?
Channel:(looked down)sea shells know i hapen to have a lot at my place
and i know a great place where you can find
them..away from the water
Channel:(exited)mummy can we go look..i promise we
wont get in the water
Me:(smiling)one day
Channel:(duck face)please please mama
Martin:please please mama
Me:(laughing)okay okay next weekend then
Martin:its a date
Me:with me or Channel
Martin:with both of you..i better go i am duty in an
Me:i almost didnt recognise clean up nice
Martin:i get that a lot
He left,after a few minutes the doctor got in and
examined Channel then we signed the release form
and waited for Alison by the reception.She came with
all the kids with balloons
Cici:(hugging Channel)i am glad you are okay
Princess:never play in the water again
CJ:you scared me i thought i was going to be left
without a twin
Channel:am good guys
Alison:lets go
They ran to the car and we followed.She dropped us
at our house and she left.I tried Calvin's number and
it was still not available.
At Botshelo's...
He woke up with a heavy heart..seing his son happily
playing tore his heart into pieces..he had grown so
big..he missed him so much the photo only brought
pain more than hapiness..He took his phone from
under the pillow and dialed Lone
Botshelo:i miss you
Lone:i miss you too
Botshelo:hle mma come back home..its not the same
without you and Donah..
Lone:is he back?
Lone:i will only come the day you realise gore you
need me not because you miss me..waitse gore i was
so hurt o neela Phatsimo ngwana a ya mahatsheng o
sa nthee sepe mme i was the one taking care of your
child since he was a toddler.That showed me where i
really stand with you..
Botshelo:as much as i want to tell you everything i
Lone:well then i will be waiting..take your time..but
dont be long because i get approached everyday..i
might get interested in someone le nna.
Botshelo:babe dont say that
Lone:just telling the truth..bye

Episode 118
A few days later
I droppes the kids at school and i was about to
reverse out i saw a familiar face.He knelt down to the
little girl's height ans kisses her cheek.
I got out of the car and looked at his fine self..i got to
say he looked sexy no matter what he is wearing.I
waved at him and he smiled coming to my side.
Me:you never told me you had kids
Martin:we never got to talk..i have one
Me:she is cute
Martin:yeah i know am planning on buying a gun to
chase away all those boys in the future
We both laughed
Martin:you look nice
Me:thank you
Martin:we should do if you dont mind
Me:i am droping off my CV's i will tell you when i am
Martin:dis i mention that you look prettt
Me:(shy)thanks you look sexy and allegant
ekare you stepped out of a megazine
Martin:haha thanks,i have to be at the office in 30
minutes..see you at lunch time
We exchanged numbers and both got in our cars.I
droped off my cv's and went back home.
At home..
The aroma meet me at the door..
Me:(taking off my shoes)it smells delish in here
Mary:your favourite
Me:aww thanks Mary but i will eat later..i have a date
Mary:(surprised)date as in date?
Me:(smiling) as in i am going out on a date
with theee hotest guy ever
Mary:ohhh whats his name?
Me:Martin..the lifeguard who saved the girls
Mary:Martin Fernandos asked you out?
Me:(surprised)you even know his last name
Mary:everyone does..oh my God
Me:whats the fuss about?
She opened the cupboards and took out
megazines..she paged through and gave me one..My
eyes opened wide and my jaws fell.
Mary:do you now see why i made such a fuss
Me:Mary i dont have something to wear.i cant go out
looking like this
Mary:i will find you an allegant dress..take a bubble
bath i will be back..
She took the car keys and i gave her some cash.I
made myself a bubble bath.
At Martin's office
PA:i re schduled all your meetings and booked you
for a after the saloon you go home for a dont eat anything sothat you an finish your
food..and i repeat dont slee with her.
Martin:(laughing)what if i cant resist her and she also
feels the same way
PA:then dont book a hotel.take her home and the
fllowing morning make her breakfast in bed..dont
make her feel like it was a one night stand.I will pick
up Tess from school and take her to my place..i will
only bring her when you call.
Martin:noted and thanks
Her phone rang and she went outside to answer
it..Martin took out hs phone and dialed
At my house..
I got out from the tub and and wraped myself wiyh a
towel.My phone ran
Martin:how about you pick the restaurant?
Me:umm how about the Sea Side..we have had lunch
there once and the food and hospitality was on point
Martin:okay..should i pick you up or we will meet
Me:i will use my car
Martin:okay i will make resevations,one o'clock
Me:okay bye
I threw myself on the bed screeming.i felt like a
teenager.Mary walked in with a plastic and took out
a nude little banddage dress.
Me:oh my gawd its so beauiful Mary you have great
Mary:(taking out the purse)and it came with this
Me:oh God i feel like a million dollar already
I applied lotion and a bit of makeup.I styled my weave
and looked at myself in the mirror..I went into the
Me:how do i look?
Me:will pick up the kids?
Mary:yes and dont worry have fun..i will stay until
you come back even if its tomorrow..
Me:(laughing)we hardly know each other come on.
I took my car keys and said goodbye.I parked my car
behind his.He opened the door for me and smiled.
Martin:i love your time management(looking at his
watch)its five minutes to...
I stepeed out of the car and his jaws dropped.He
stopped talking and looked at me.
Me:i hope i am not over dressed
He took my hand and we walked hand in
hand,everyone turned and looked at us.
Waiter:this way Mr Fernandos
He led us to the VIP section..there were other two
couples.They stood up and greeted us then we went
tobour table.
Martin:i havent been on a date in almost five years i
hope everything is to your liking
Me:yes..its not what i epected its more
Martin:i am glad
The waiter came and we ordered wine and food.he
brought the wine first
Me:(siping on the wine)it tastes great
Martin:after my wife passed away i used to come
here and drink wine by myself
Me:i am sorry what happened to her?
Martin:she drowned..thats why i volunteer at the
beach on weekends
Me:i dont know if i thanked you enough.but thanks
for saving my kids
Martin:its my job and you..where is the ring?
Me:never been married before.i am 28 am single with
five kids
Martin:same father?
Me:no..the first born has her father..the second are
twins and different father then the last born has his
own father.Um the other one..Nicole..he is my
ex's..long story for another day.
Martin:my daughter is 7,she is lovely..her name is
We talked and talked about ourselves until lunch
arrived..after eating we went for a drive then ended
up in his boat.
Martin:i am a great sailor
Me:(taking off my shoes)iv always wanted to be on a
boat and take sexy pictures
Martin:i brought my camera and you look sexy
I stepped on the board and did some silly poses as he
took the photos.We took some together then sat
down enjoying the cold breeze while we enjoyed
some grapes.
Me:i havent felt like this in a long time,i messed up all
my life..the last time i enjoyed like this was years
ago..thank you
Martin:after my wife died i stopped dating..but there
is just something different about you,you saw me as
a lifeguard but you still treated me with
dont look like the woman who is after money.
Me:haha why do you think that?
Martin:i can feel it in my heart..
Me:true i love being independent
I turned round and and baby kissed him,he french
kisses me and i got ontop of him.His hands traced
through my body..we kissed for a few minutes then
Me:(swallowing hard)kgm um..
Martin:do yo have someone to look after the kids?
He stood up,took off his shirt and prepared the
sail.he fixed everything an the boat started moving..
Martin:i think the food can last us until tomorrow
Top of Form
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Episode 117
The next morning
I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee.I opened my
eyes slowly because I could feel that someone was
watching me.I found his staring at me smiling with a
cup in his hand.
Me:(shy) good morning
Martin:(smiling) good morning sunshine you still look
Me:(taking the cup from his hand) thanks and so do
Martin:this is all I could find for breakfast
Me:am not really hungry. .thanks for last night I
needed it..I am glad I meet you
Martin:thank you too..its a fresh start
He got up and went outside the little bedroom, he
was in his breefs only and his butt in was well toned.I
drank the coffee slowly then wore his shirt and went
up.He was sitting at the far end of the boat with his
hand in the water while he spoke on the phone.
Martin:no daddy will be home soon before dark..haha
no aunt Sady is lying. .okay baby I love you
good okay..okay..dont forget to have your
He hung up and looked at me.He was handsome. .the
kind of guy you never dream would approach you.He
has a beautiful nose and soft lips that curved cute
when he smiled.He stood up and walked to me with
his hands open.He hugged me squeezing my butt.
Martin:is it too early to say I am falling for you?
Me:(smiling) no
Martin:I am falling hard..everything feels so right I
don't want this moment to end.
Me:me too
He let go of me and jane me the phone..
Martin:check on the kids
I dialed Mary's number..
At Botshelo's
He parked the car in the yard and hurried to the
house.He noticed the door was not locked but he was
sure he did lock it.
Botshelo:(picking up a brick) Hello
He peeked and saw Lone sleeping on the bed.He
threw the brick and tiptoed in.She was fast asleep
only in her panty.The house smelled and looked
clean.Thats when he realised the curtains and
bedding matched. He opened the drawer slowly and
took out his wallet. He put a 100 pula note on the
table and wrote something on the paper besides
it.He tiptoed outside, got in his car and drove away.
At the boat..
Me:(smiling) okay bye guys will talk later..I love you
I hung up and gave Martin his phone back..
Martin:everything okay?
Me:yeah..they are all fine
Martin:should we head back now?
Me:not yet I am loving it here
Martin:can I make you somethingto eat?
Me:no I will cook for don't you have an extra
Martin:in the drawer. .um..not sure let me check for
He went inside as I stood admiring the view..I could
see other boats from far away and the ocean looked
so beautiful..He came back and handed me the
After a quick shower I cooked him a little something
while he showered too..We ate in silence..
Me:this is awkward
Martin:you are probably thinking you are not
attractive enough because I didnt sleep with you
Me:(fake smile) not thinking that
Martin:I want us to get married first
Me:(almost choking on my food) what?
Martin:unless you don't feel the same way I do about
Me:believe me I do..yes one day I want to get married
to the man of my dreams but..isnt it a bit early.?
Martin:(smiling) I didn't say we getting married
Me:(laughing) okay..I would love to get married to seem decent and you are well respected
and you are practically my bestie I am willing
to wait for as long as it takes.
Martin:(kissed my hand) I want everything done right
with you i feel like you are my second chance at
happiness. (Took a bite) this is delicious
At Botshelo's
Lone woke up exhausted..the fan was still on but it
was still hot..she looked at the time..she had slept for
almost three hours.She wrapped herself with a towel
and went into the bathroom.She washed her hands
and opened the fridge.She heard a car outside.
Botshelo:(knocking) hello
Lone:(sitting on the couch and noticed the money
and note)tsena
Botshelo:(smiling) hey
Lone:(reading the letter and smiled) you are so
stupid..I am hungry rra
Botshelo:(handing her the plastics) I knew you would
be hungry..
Lone:so you but all the food but still eat takeaways
Botshelo:I never have the time to cook..akere o
Lone:mxm and your house was so dirty..thank God I
came by today
Botshelo:(sitting next to her) thank God you
hasn't been the same without you
He slowly pulled down the towel as she covered her
eyes shyly.
Lone:babe tswala lebati
Martin dropped me off at the gate and kissed me
fully in the lips.
Martin:my driver will bring your car
Martin:(kisses my forehead) will I see you later?
Me:definitely. .bye
Martin:(held my hand) last kiss
Me:(kissed him) tonight
We said goodbye and I walked un taking off my shoes
with a smile covering my whole face.I heard the kids
laughing outloud as I opened the door.
Channel:tell us another story daddy..(saw me)
He turned around and smiled..

Episode 118
Cal:(stood up)you look nice
Cici:guys lets go to my room I want to show you
They followed her to her room and I put my shoes
down.Cal followed me to the kitchen
Cal:you look pretty
Me:thanks I know
Cal:is it serious?
Me:(attitude)what is serious?
Cal:whatever you have with the guy you dressed up
this sexy for
Me:so what if its serious?
Cal:just answer my question
I took the meat from the fridge and put it in a bowl
then walked to my room.He followed me
Me:kante what's your problem,you abandoned us
here then you disappear,you never called or at least
send an sms now dont come here and try to act like
everything is fine..we are not you know the
girls drowned and almost died?
Cal:I know
Me:do you know I had to lie to them everyday saying
you were abroad?
Cal:I know
Me:do you know how hard it has been for
you...wait what did you say?
Cal:I know everything
Me:how do you know everything?
Cal:I...we have cameras in here
Me:(covered my mouth)oh God..ofcourse you do..this
is why all of a sudden you rocked up here..because
you knew I was going on a
came here out of just so you
know even if I was offered internal life to take you
back I wouldn't..
My phone ran
Me:(to Cal)please excuse me...hello
Martin:I miss you
Me:me too..
Martin:I had a great time
Me:so did I..(closed the bathroom door)I can't wait for
Martin:you look damn fine when you are naked
Me:(blushing)I know I work hard to maintain this
Martin:(laughing)I love that figure
Me:you have to..and I love those abbs too
Martin:I love you
Me:I love to you too babe
Martin:so am babe now?
Me:yes you are my babe..let me cook
Martin:okay babe..bye
At Reeds Restaurant
Waiter:what would you like to have?
Botshelo:just wine at the moment..we would order
Waiter:okay sir
Lone:babe rra I feel so special I have never been on a
date before
Botshelo got on one knee and took out a ring
Lone:(looking around)babe batho ba re lebile
Botshelo:Lone Mosweu would you please marry me?
Lone:(overwhelmed)oh my God babe..yes yes
(crying)yes I would live to be your wife
The people cheered for them.Botshelo stood up and
hugged Lone as she admired her ring on her finger.
At my house
Later that evening
Me:come on guys finish up
Nicole:Mama I don't want this peas
Channel:that means no dessert for you
Nicky put the whole full spoon almost choking.
Cal:Nicky slowly
CJ:mummy are you going out again
Cici:(rolling her eyes)again??
Me:I can go many times in a row if I want to
Cici:you are going with the lifeguard
Me:I don't discuss my private life with anyone
especially you..make sure the kids go to bed
early..guys don't forget to brush your teeth
Cal:I got this
Me:(attitude)I am surprised you are still here
Cal:I came to take you home
Kids:we going back to Botswana?
At Botshelo s
He opened the door with his foot carrying Lone in.
Botshelo:babe le wena you are heavy mma
He put her on the bed
Lone:if its a dream I don't want it to end
Botshelo:we are forever babe
Lone:wait..I want you to be honest with me..I want
the whole truth why you gave Phatsimo the baby
without talking to me

Episode 119
At Botshelo"s
Botshelo stood up and put his hands on his head..
Botshelo:babe..I am only telling you this because I
don't want us starting our new life together with
secrets..when you left it showed me how much I hurt
you..I wanted to tell you the truth so bad but I
couldn't..because I was protecting my son.
Lone:(calm)protecting him from what?
Botshelo:I don't know..I dont even know where my
son is..the last time I saw him was when they went to
Gaborone..I haven't spoken to his mother in almost
half a year now..but she sent me a photo of him on
his birthday..(smiles)he is grown up and looks neither
like me or his mum..he was smiling making sand
castles..thats all I know
Lone:(covering her mouth)it feels does
she up and leave the country just like that?is she in
some kind of trouble?
Botshelo:we will never know the truth until she
herself tells us
Lone(hugged Botshelo)I am so sorry,if I had known
Botshelo:if I had told you but I was so
scared..everything happened so fast
Lone:I hope he is okay..I know she is not my favourite
person but she is a wonderful mother..
Botshelo:yeah..(taking out his phone)look he is so
cute..bona his hairstyle
Lone:(smiling)awww..he is all grown up
Botshelo:I pray that he doesn't forget me
At my house..
Me:Calvin can we speak in private
Cici:(happy)can we pack our bags daddy?
Me:(annoyed)Ciara go to your have school
Cici:but mum..we are leaving anyway
Me:(serious face)we are not going anywhere
CJ:(happy)yey we are not going I love it here mama.
My phone rang,I ignored it pulling Cal into the
Me:wow..just like want the kids to
leave..they have adapted to this place..they have
friends here..they love it here..why do you want to
take that away from them?
Cal:Can you stop being selfish and think about Ciara
and Christian..dont you think their dad's miss
them?Stop thinking about yourself for once..
Me:Look they can visit their dads during the spring
break..but we are not leaving
Cal:okay they are your kids,I don't know what their
dad's would think but i am taking my kids..Everything
is fine now so I don't see a reason why they should
stay here.
Me:no you are not taking my kids away from
me..they are used to staying together..
Cal:well then you know what to do.its either we all
leave or you stay behind with only two of them
I sat on the bed and buried my head between my
legs..he left the room..My phone rang again.
Me:hey sound a bit down watsap
Me:(crying)can you come pick me up
Martin:okay give me five minutes
I took a cold shower and put on shorts and a vest..I
passed everyone in the living room and waited for
Martin at the gate.A few minutes later he arrived and
I got in the car.
Me:Can we go somewhere quiet..just the two of us
Martin:babe you are not okay..ha have you being
Me:(holding his hand)I don't want to talk about it
now..right now I want you to kiss me and tell me you
love me
Martin:haha okay..should we go to my house?
He drove slowly until we reached his house.It was big big one of those you see on MTV my crib
or top billing.
Me:wow your house is so beautiful
Martin:Do you want a tour?
Me:yes please i would love one..first let me send an
At Botshelo"s
He wrapped his lower body with a towel and grabbed
his phone.He smiled reading the sms.He tried calling
the number but he didn't have airtime.
Botshelo:(shouting)Babe Donah is coming home..
I put my phone in my back pocket and held Martin"s
hand as we walked around the house and ended up
in the tv room.
Martin:I am going to get snacks you pick a movie..
Me:okay..bring lots of icecream
Martin:okay babe
He came back after a few minutes with lots of
Martin:what are we watching??
Me:a walk to remember

After the movie we talked about life..and fell asleep
in the TV room in his hands.I woke up around 4 and
asked him to take me home because I had to prepare
the kids for school.
We drove in silent and he parked in front of the yard.
Martin: babe I can tell something is wrong,what is it?
Me:(holding his hand)I love you..a lot and I feel so safe
with you but I am afraid I won't be around for long..
My..we are leaving soon if not this week next week
and I wanted tonight to be memorable but it only
brought me pain thinking I might never see you
again..I am not good with long distance things so..I
want you to find someone you like and learn to love
her..I want you to be happy because you deserve to
be happy.
Martin:why are you leaving all of a sudden,
something wrong at home?
Me:no..its a long story..there are some things I can't
share with you yet..long story cut short..whatever
we were running away from at home is gone now.
Martin: but that doesn't mean its the end of us..I will
no e to your country if it means being with you
Me:(smiling)I would never ask you to leave everything
behind all for me
Martin: babe don't do this to us please
Me:(crying) I am letting you go..its not easy but I have
kids i can't think about myself only.
Martin: I love you sunshine..please we just got to
know each other don't break off the start of
something special.Let's try the long distance thing if
it doesn't work at least we would have tried.
Me:(smiling)I don't deserve you,you are too perfect
Martin: (smiling)I know,now go prepare the kids then
sleep I will come pick you up for breakfast around
Me:(smiling) okay
We kissed and I went inside the house,the kids were
sleeping and Cal was sleeping on the couch.I
prepared their uniforms and lunch boxes then went
to bed.I woke up to bath the little ones.
Cici:Mum are we leaving or not?
Me:we are going
Cici:yes..I miss dad and aunt Ame
Channel: Mum will we ever come here again?
Me:(looking at Cal)I don't know baby
Cal:No baby we won't come back
CJ:can't you leave me behind with aunt Mary
Cal:no we are all going we are a team right
CJ:yeah..I guess
I dropped the kids at school and went back home.Cal
was on the phone so I ignored him and went to my
I woke up to someone calling my name.I opened my
eyes meet with Cal in his briefs only.
Cal:your boyfriend is here
I put on my gown and went to the living room.Martin
was sitting on a stool.
Me:(yawning)hey never told me you lived with your baby

Episode 120.5
Me:he doesn't live here he came yesterday..
Martin:okay..but it feels weird seeing him in his
boxers only..I mean it's just the two of you here..
Me:don't worry about him..I think you should wait in
my room while I take a shower..just a few minutes
and I will be done.
Martin: okay
He waited for me as I took a shower.I wore a simple
dress and heels then we went out.
Everyone looked at us,I was starting to get used to
being stared at when I am with Martin.
The owner of the restaurant came specialy to greet
us.After he left..
Me:why is everyone always looking at us?
Martin: I haven't been with a woman in almost 5
years so am sure everyone is surprised.
Me:you make me feel so special..thank you
Martin: no thank you..for being everything I've ever
Me:so the fact that I have four kids doesn't turn you
Martin:I think seing you with your kids is what turned
me on the first first I didn't think they were
yours until I heard all of them calling you mama.
Martin:then I saw that killer body then I got to know are exactly as I thought. kind friendly sweet
and full of life.I would love for Tess to get to know
your kids..she has always wanted a little brother or
Me:its a pity we are leaving so soon
Martin:can I do anything to change your mind?
Me:its not my call..(held his hand)I want to stay
here..with you believe me.
Our order came and we started eating.
At the house..
Cal dialed his father's number and he answered on
the second ring.
Cal:yeah..its me
Him:how is everything?
Cal:she found someone and I think she loves him
Him:don't you think she deserves to be happy after
everything you put her through?
Cal:I love her dad..I have always loved her..I always
had the confidence that no matter what or how long
she will always come to me but not this time dad..I
can see through her she wants nothing to do with
Him:then stop crying and fight like a man.
Cal:I am afraid I might do something stupid..I can't
loose her again
Him:then you know what to do
Cal:but it will break her dad
Him:then she will come cry in your arms
He hung up..Cal went up and down the house then
put on his clothes and went out.
After eating Martin dropped me off at home and
went back to work.
Me:(over the moon)hey Mary
Mary:it makes me so happy to see you happy
Me:oh my God I think I found the one..I am inlove..I
have butterflies in my stomach and when I think
about him my heart skips a little..

Cal returned home right after I picked the kids up
from school.He headed straight to the guest
bedroom without saying a word.
Me:guys we are going out for dinner today so go
change quickly.
Cici:is daddy coming?
Channel:mum can we order anything we want?
CJ:(looking down)mum I don't feel like going
Me:what's wrong baby?
CJ:I don't want to leave this place
Me:I am sorry baby there is nothing we can do
CJ:I wish dad never came back
Me:(murmured) you and I both
The kids changed and we went for pizza.We returned
a bit late,Cal was still in the room.
At Botshelo's place
He woke up to his phone ringing.
Botshelo: (sleepy) hello Phatsimo
Botshelo:(sat upright) hi..hey how is Donah,when are
you coming?
Me:he is here,(gave him the phone)talk to daddy
Botshelo:(emotional) hey..hey big boy I miss you
He put the phone on loudspeaker and woke up Lone..
Botshelo:hey hey don't cry..okay..
Lone:Hey Donah
I took the phone from Donah,
Me:he is crying he misses you
Botshelo:ofcourse he does,you better pray that he
remembers me or else you will know me well,and you
better have a very good reason why you took my son
just like that..
Me:we are coming next week
Botshelo:if you are not here with my son next week I
will trace this number and God better help me or else
I will do something bad
Me:don't threaten me..I said we are coming next
Botshelo:Its not a threat its a promise
Me:mxm,ska mbora please
I hung up and prepared the kids for bed.
A week later
We packed our clothes and all our belongings into the
truck.Later we went to the airport.
Cici:mama look
I looked up and saw Martin,he was with his daughter
holding flowers. He hugged me and gave me the
Me:(emotional)awww thanks babe
Martin:(got on his knee)babe
Me:(covering my mouth)babe..(looked around) babe
Martin:My sunshine,you complete me and make me
appreciate life,for the past week you haveade me the
hapiest man in the world,you make me look foward
to everyday,i want to spend the rest of my life loving
you if you would honor me by being my wife..
He took out the biggest rock iv ever seen..I covered
my mouth with both hands and the flowers fell
Me:yes..yes yes (crying) yes I would love to be your
He put the ring on my finger,everyone cheered then
all of a sudden I saw people running and
blood.Confused I looked around for my kids.
Me:(panicking) cici..donah..cj..cj..Nicole

Me:(shouting) Cici..where are your brothers
Martin:I have been shoot
Everything froze for a moment,that's when I realized
the blood and I remembered the gun shots,I spotted
Cici with the kids,they were hiding behind some
bags,I knelt down,Martin had been shoot on the arm
and he was bleeding. I took of scarf and attended to
stop the blood.The security came and called an
Me:(crying)oh my God,you are hurt
Martin:(smiling)please look for Tessa I can't see her
anywhere,its not that bad I'll live.
I went to where the kids where and found Tess with
Me:everyone okay
Cici:mama is he going to be okay?
Tess:I want to see my dad
Me:(hugging her)he is going to be fine.
The police came in and asked us to remain behind
while they searched the whole area and escorted
everyone out.We went to a back room as they asked
us a few questions.
At Botshelo's
He put the cake in the fridge and the scooter behind
the door.
Botshelo:they are going to be here tomorrow
morning.I can't wait
Lone:me too..
Botshelo:I never thought this day will come
Lone:I glad they are coming back,I wish she could
bring the child and go back to wherever she has been
hiding.Kana ha a ta jaana was bo a ya go go
thakathakanya thaloganyo.
At the airport
Officer:thanks mam,we will keep your fiance in our
Me:thank you
Cici:Mum we are going to miss our flight if we don't
Me:baby I can't leave now,not when Martin has been
shoot, I will talk to Cal to pick you up at the airport
Cici:(attitude) so you are seriously choosing a guy you
hardly know over your own kids,how nice
Me:not now Cici,if you don't want to leave without
me then you will have to stay a few days
Cici:no I already told dad we are coming
Me:(furious) jaanong ke dire hang..nxa you want me
to leave him alone a lwala..wa loiwa neh..
Cici:(rolling her eyes and sat down)I knew it agg
I called Cal but he didn't answer,a few minutes later a
tall walked towards us.
Guy:I am Martin's brother,he called from the
hospital..(picked up Tess)I came to pick her up
Me:I can't let you take the child,you didn't even tell
me your name.
Me:I will go with her to the hospital,I need to see him
Marvin: he is a strong guy,don't worry..I brought my
car we can leave
Me:give me a few minutes
Me:Cici can we please stay for a few days until he is
okay,I promise we will go home.
Cici:but we packed everything
Me:I will make a plan
We headed towards the exit when I saw someone
like Cal.

Me:can you guys wait for me here I think I saw
I huried towards the exit door,the person was no way
to be found, my mind was probably playing tricks on
me,Cal was back home.
I caught up with the others and Marvin drove us to
the hospital, it was so quiet in the car,even Channel
was quiet.
The doctor asked us to go in two's to his room so I
waited as Marvin took Tess in.
I looked at my engagement ring, it was beautiful. I
went into the ladies room and locked myself in.I cried
my eyes out,I cried for every pain I went through in
my life,I cried so much my head hurt.After that I
washed my face and went back to the kids.
Cici:its just an arm he won't die
Me:(smiling)I know baby but today was suppost to be
my happy day,the man of my dreams proposed then
got shot.I didn't even have time to be happy and
She hugged me and the rest of the gang followed.
Marvin: you can go in now
Me:(wiping my tears)okay
I went alone in,he was sitting on the bed,his arm had
Me:I want to hug you but I am afraid I might hurt
your arm
Martin:babe my arm is fine,they took out the bullet
and sterilized it. Come give me a hug
We hugged for a long time,I didn't want to let go.
Me:I never wanna feel like this again
Martin:me too
Me:I love you
Martin:I love you more
At Cal's house
Cal:is it done?
Voice:yes but,I only got his arm boss
Cal:shit Bruce I told you I want him dead not with an
injured arm,shit..
He hung up and dialed a number on his phone..
At the hospital..
Cal:hey,when is your boarding time?
Me:we can't come today
Cal:what?why? Everyone is here already we are
planning a little something for the kids..
Me:where are you?
Cal:what do you mean I am home
Me:oh,..I think we will come in a day or two
Cal:shit Phatsimo I hope you are not planning on not
coming,you said today now you saying in three
days,should I come pick up my kids myself?
Me:mxm stop being a drama queen I said we are
coming.. Agg not today calving.
Cal:whats so important that you can't come today?
Me:none of your business
Cal:bona stop playing happy families with my kids I
want them.
Me:mxm tota gatwe ke bati ya eng gompieno..
I hung up and sent Botshelo an SMS them switched
off my phone.
Me:ready to go?
At Botshelo's
He read the SMS and smashed the phone on the
ground,he sat furiously on the sofa.
Lone:what happened?
Botshelo:(angry)you see that Phatsimo,I will learn
how to beat a woman with her,she is full of shit

Lone:what they are not coming?
Botshelo:(red eyes)yeah
Lone:sorry babe
Botshelo:she better enjoy it while it lasts because I
plan on taking full costody of my son.
At Cal's place
Cal:good job,yeah I want her mind to play tricks on
her,I called her with a local number so she will never
think I was envolved..okay man I will deposit your
money now..bye..
He hung up and poured himself a glass of whiskey
and sat down watching the game.The thought that
she stayed behind because of him irritated him,he
took two gulps and poured another glass..
Cal:you are lucky this time Fernandez but not next
At Martin's
The car parked outside and the kids ran inside
admiring the house.
Cici:wow mum this house is so big and pretty
Me:feel free to look around but don't touch anything
Me:don't run
We said goodbye to Marvin and went to the
bedroom. I helped him lay on the bed.
Me:more pillows?
Me:anything to eat?
Martin:bane come seat here
I sat on his left side which was not injured,he hugged
me and I rested my head on his chest,we remained
silent for a few minutes..
Me:are you somehow involved in some drugs or
Martin:not ones I know of why?
Me:I feel like I am re living my past,I no longer want to
live in fear and if you are involved I don't think we can
be together.I want a normal man with no shady
businesses, I man with an honest living.
Martin:(smiling)then you are stuck withe forever
Me:(smiling) I want to believe that you were not the
target but somehow deep down inside I feel like my
ex is envolved,I don't know why I feel like...anyway it
can't be him because he called me with his house
landline,he can't be in two places at the same time.
Martin:the police will get to the bottom of everything
babe okay, we will find out what really happened
very soon.
Me:I never got to celebrate my engagement, it happens that you are the only man who
saw me fit to be a wife,the rest saw me as an
We both laughed
Martin:their loss is my gain
Me:yeah,let me go prepare you something to eat
Martin:(held my hand)not now
Me:okay let me go check on the kids, I'll be right back.
I found them in the TV room going through channels.
Me:everything okay
Channel:I wish we could stay here forever
Cici:me too
Cj:me three
Me:okay haha I'll get you guys something to eat,don't
touch anything okay.
I have them the snacks and went back to Martin.He
was sweating, I checked his temp with my hand and
he was burning.
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Episode 123
Me:you are burning, I think you have an infection..
I dialed the emergency number and they arrived in
less than five minutes.The paramedics took him to
the hospital while I followed them in his car.
He was rushed to the theater. After what felt like a
lifetime the doctor came out taking of his coat.
Doc:Mrs Fernandez?
Me:yes...but we are not married just engaged
Doc:um can you please follow me to my office
Me:(shaking) no please you might as well tell me here.
Doc:no please it would be unprofessional
I slowly walked behind him.
Doc:please seat down
Doc:it looks like the bullet went far than we saw first
time we treated him,it cut his nerve and he lost lots
of blood,since he said he was okay we took out the
bullet and cleaned the wound but he had an infection
already that's what caused him that fever,we have
managed to repair the nerve but his hand won't be
working any time soon.He is stable now..the fever
has gone down.
Me:(smiling)thank God
Doc:if you would like to see him..
Me:thank you for saving his life
Doc:and congratulations on your engagement.
I opened the door,he was connected to the oxygen
machine.I sat next to him and took his hand in mine.
Me:I love you..God knows I do and you better pull
through because I want us to start planning our
wedding and go on a honeymoon on your boat.I feel
like you are my last chance at happiness too..(kissed
his hand)get well soon babe
At Botshelo's
Botshelo:babe are you okay?
Lone:yeah why wouldn't I be?
Botshelo:you have been quiet all day
Lone:ke ga ke shapo,so when were you
planning on telling me gore you want full custody of
your son?
Botshelo:I was thinking out loud
Lone:I hope you don't expect me to drop everything
and be home all day with him
Botshelo:(surprised) that's why you have
been quiet all day..nnyaa mma I will send him to my
mum or at daycare
Lone:I didn't mean it like that
His phone ran
Me:I am bringing Donah tomorrow,we are leaving
this evening.He will be staying with you because I will
be coming back here
Botshelo:okay can I talk to him?
Me:am not with him at the moment,make sure you
find him a place at a creche soon because I don't
want him staying at home.
Botshelo:isn't that something we should discuss
when you arrive?
Me:I won't have time that's why I am telling you now
I hung up and called Lefika then Calvin..
Lefika:Cici is coming back tomorrow
Gf:(dissapointed)ohh will she be staying here?

Gf:can't she stay with her mother?
Lefika:look don't make me choose between you and
my daughter,this is her home.
Gf:well then I will leave because I not going to seat
here and be insulted by that spoilt brat.You will come
to my place when you want to see me
At the house..
Me:thanks for allowing me to use the jet,I feel like I
can't fully take care of him while the kids are
here,there is lots of them
Marvin: yeah,thanks for doing this for him,we have
no family its just us and..
Me:(smiling)I hope I am family now
Marvin:you are
Me:(shouting)guys let's go..
They came running
Cici:mummy we really going on a private jet?
The following morning..
We found Cal waiting for us at the airport.
Cal:aren't you atleast going to explain why you are
suddenly going back?
Me:like I said its none of your business
Cal:so when are you coming back?
Me:the kids will visit on the holidays
Me:Cici hurry I want to drop you off
Cici:wait mama I am still taking selfies
Me:(annoyed)but you took thousands already
Cici:mum please I want to show off at everyone at
school when I get back
After waiting and waiting she put the phone in her
Cici:okay let's go
I send Botshelo an SMS that we arrived..
At Lefika's
Cici pushed the door and ran to her dad.she jumped
on him crying.I came following with Donah and her
Cici:I missed you daddy
Lefika:(happy)look at you,who are you and where is
my baby girl?(looked at me)Phatsimo
Lefika: (back to Cici)I misses you, you are so big
Cici:I hope I am not fat
Lefika:you are
Cici:(punching him)daddy
Lefika:I am kidding princess
Me:Cici,we will talk right
Cici:e everyday, bye Donah
Cici:(hugging us)love you mama
She walked us to the gate..she came back and
hugged her dad.
Cici:yes now I get to be the only child,I missed you
Later that evening
I looked through the window as the plane was slowly
landing.God Maun is so pretty..It was good to be
Just stepping out I saw Botshelo from a distance,I
showed Donah and he ran towards him,Botshelo
picked him up and hugged him tightly. They remained
like that for a few minutes then he let go.
Botshelo:he is so grown up
Botshelo:thanks for bringing him back
At Cal's..
Cal:did you get the package?
Voice:yes boss
Cal:finish him off tonight, you better not dissapoint
me like you did last time
Voice:I won't boss,I know his room number

Episode 124
A tall man wearing a black hoodie got in Martin's
room,he locked the door behind him and sat next to
him,he was sleeping.
He took out a syringe from his pocket and injected
him on the hand. Someone tried to open the door,he
put it back in his pocket and got out the window.
The police officer kicked the door and looked
around,he noticed the window was open,he looked
around and saw no one,he called the nurse and told
her what happened.
Nurse:okay I will get the doctor
At Cal's
He got away from the screaming kids and answered
his call outside.
Voice:it's done boss
Cal:no one saw you
Cal:(looking at the time)he has only a few minutes to
live,god job
Voice:thanks boss
He hung up and went back in the house exited.
Cal:pizza anyone?
At Botshelo's
Lone picked up Donah and put her on the bed.
Lone:he looks like you
Lone:yeah, look at his hair haha he is so cute
Botshelo:I never though I will see him again,I never
want to sleep without him by my side.
Lone:yeah..I am glad he is back maybe we can start
planning the wedding now.
Botshelo:(kissing her)I love you
Lone:I love you too
At the hospital
Doc:his temperature has gone up again and his heart
beat is low
Nurse:but he was fine minutes back
Doc:take his blood sample and check for anything
something is not right here,he is loosing his breath
Nurse:right on it
Outside the door
Officer: when I came back from the toilet I found the
door closed,I thought it was the nurse,after a few
minutes I tried to open and noticed it was locked.So I
kicked it open and noticed the window was open
Captain :I want all the reception footage of today
Officer:yes sir
The doctors passed them pushing in big
machines,they close the door.
Doc 1:we are loosing him,clear
Doc 2:its not working,he has no heartbeat
Doc:clear... Again and again until we get a heartbeat
The nurse walked in
Nurse:sir he was injected with chlorobyn,we found it
in his blood
Doc:what do we do now?
Nurse:charcoal will lower his blood flow which means
it won't spread fast
Doc:good get on it right away
At home
I cleaned the whole house then the door opened,Ame
came in with her baby.
Ame:(hugging me)I missed you
Me:me too,(picked the baby)aww she is so cute
Ame:yeah..(sat down)you never called
Me:its a long story,hey I have been trying to call
dad,his number is off
Ame:(looked down)yeah I know
Me:I think we should go see him
Ame:and mum too..
Ame:Tsitsi dad is gone..
Me:(covering my mouth)what?
Ame:stroke,a month back
I sat down in disbelief, I covered my mouth crying.
Me:nooo please tell me you are kidding
Ame:(hugging me)I am so sorry
Me:what happened?
Me:but dad was always healthy, how..I...I didn't even
come to my father's funeral what kind of a person
am I? He was the only parent we have..
Ame:its okay sis if you had known you would have
come,don't punish yourself for things we can't
change,it's well
I ran to my bedroom and closed the door behind
me,it hurt so much that I couldn't be there for my
sister when she needed me the most, I am the only
family she has,I couldn't even attend my father's
I woke up to someone playing with my toes,I opened
my eyes slowly and Titi was smiling at me.I put her on
the bed and we cuddled..Ame came in holding a bowl.
Ame:was she pulling your toes?
Ame:she loves doing that,I'd get so annoyed when
she pulls my toes ke otsela.
Me:I am sorry I wasn't there for you
Ame:it's okay
Me:no its not
Ame:I know you Tsitsi,you would never miss our
dad's funeral
Me:I am such a bad person, I should seat down ke
itshekatsheke.I haven't made dad proud of me when
he was alive I don't want to dissapoint him
anymore..(waving my hand)I got engaged
Ame:its nice I have been looking at it
Me:so ntha you didn't say anything
Ame:I've grown up mma ,iv learnt to wait and that am asking who is the lucky guy?
Me:haha i missed you (took out my phone and
showed her his photos)his name is Martin
Ame:mmmh and I always thought Cal was hot
Me:hey never mention that creature in front of me.
Ame:he is handsome
Me:and rich
Ame:mmh girls,the ring says a lot
Me:he has been single for more than 5 years now,he
is everything,sweet,caring,loving and honest.I love
him more than I have ever loved any man.He
completes me
Ame:I am glad you found someone,you look healthy o
can tell you are happy
Me:he was shot,he is in a critical situation right now
that's why I brought the kids back.I know people will
judge me and think I don't love my kids but I do.But
Martin has no one,just his brother and daughter and
his PA.He is my fiance and I want to be there for him.
Ame:hey,you know the saying"until you carry your
bucket of water then you will realize the importance
of every drop"
Me:thanks,I needed to hear that
Ame:(looking at the baby)she fell asleep
Me:we should organize a play date with her and
Donah,I think I will stay for a few days and meet with
the family
Ame:good idea
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Episode 125
Ame spent the night,the following day we went to
see our parent's graves.It was so hard for me to hold
tears back I some how felt like it was all my fault.My
father died without even knowing where I was,he
didnt get the chance to say goodbye to his
grandkids,how was I going to explain that their grans
was gone.How was I going to look at people,who
doesn't attend their parent's funeral?
As soon as I got home I got a call from Marvin.
Marvin:(down)hey how soon can you be back
Me:(exited)he is awake?
Marv:cant discuss it over the phone
Me:(scared)what?is he okay did anything happen to
him(panicking)please if something is wrong tell me
Marv:he didnt make it
Marvin:He died this morning
Those were the last words I heard from Marvin,I dont
know what happened next what I know is I woke up
in the hospital,Ame was sleeping next to me.
Me:(shaking her)Ame
Ame:(waking up)hey..hey you are awake
Me:(dry throat)what happened?
Ame:I should call the nurse
Me:(crying)tell me I was dreaming please tell me it
was a bad dream
She went outside to cal a nurse,she checked my
blood pressure and eyes
Nurse:you are okay but I am keeping you o overnight
She walked out and I tried to get off bed but my legs
couldn't carry me,I fell down when everything re
played in my mind,I remembered the last person I
talked to was Marvin,he told me something about
Martin not making it,I cryed my eyes out because I
didn't want to believe even for a bit that he was
telling the truth,it was just his arm,the doctors
assured me he was going to be okay but then again
Marvin had no reason to lie to me.Who lies about
death,well apart from Calvin and his family.
Ame walked in and helped me stand,my eyes were
swollen and my head hurt.
Me:he is gone isnt he?
Me:God is punishing me for all the bad things I did in
my life.He took away my happiness,I...(crying)I loved
him,he made me feel special,he loved me no matter
what..(crying louder) he loved me even when I told
him I had 4 kids..
She hugged me while I cried my pain
hurt..more than anything I have ever felt.
We had our life planned out and now he was gone,I
was never going to see his smile again or hear him
I fell asleep in Ame`s arms
Marvin called to tell me about the funeral
I got released a day later,that evening I took a plane
to Mauritius with my little sister,she was the only
family I had apart from my kids.
Marv meet us at the airport,just one look at him and I
broke down,it was the first time I realised they
looked alike.
Ame helped me get in the car,everything reminded
me of him.
Ame:I wish we didnt have to meet like this
Marv:me too
Ame:I was looking foward to coming here for my
sister's wedding.
Marv:only God knows why it happened but I am glad
my brother died happy,I had never seen him that
happy.His soul will rest in peace
Me:where is Tessa?
Marv:she has been staying at my place,I took her to
Me:does she know?
Marv:it is all over the tv and radio so I thought its
best I tell her
Me:how is she?
Marv:a bit mature about the whole thing,she cried
then said she was glad her dad was not alone he
would be with her mum.
Me:(smiling)she is so sweet,so are you going to be
staying with her?
Marv:I am moving back to the states so I was
thinking of taking her with me
We arrived at home,there were a few people in the
house,they all passed on their condolences.After the
sermon they left.
Tess came back from school,she looked pale.
Me:how was school?
Tess:everyone was looking at me
Tess:because daddy is dead
I looked at Marvin,I didnt know what to say next
Priest:would you like to say your last goodbyes
before we creminate him?
Episode 126
Marv:would you like to see him?
Ame:be strong
At the mortuary
They opened his cofin,the first thing I noticed was he
was blue,okay I have seen a few dead people but I
have never seen a blue one,well maybe its because I
have never seen a dead white person. He looked
peaceful like we was sleeping, I couldn't hold back
the tears.I touched his face,he was so cold.
I ran outside and vomited,Ame came behind me with
a bottle of water.
Me:I can't,I can't see him like that,please if its a dream
wale me up now
Ame:(hugging me)I am so sorry sis I wish I can tell you
its a dream but it's not..but hey you heard what his
brother said, his last days he was happy,you made
him happy.
Me:(crying out loud)no I want him to wake
up..please..God why me
Ame helped me to the car,after a few minutes we
left,I went straight to his bedroom,it was the last
place we talked,the last place we kissed and hugged.I
threw myself on the bed and cried my eyes out.
The following day we held a memorial service at the
city hall,almost everyone was there to pay their last
respect.Everyone talked about how nice he was,a
role model to many.
After the service everyone came to say their
condolences then we went home.I spent the night
with Tess in Martin's room.
The next morning at breakfast
Marv:The priest brought the ashes
Me:where do we scatter them?
Marv:I was hoping you can have them
Me:what? In my culture its unlike for to criminate
someone,let alone live in the house with them.
Marv:okay, the lawyer will be here this afternoon the
sooner we read it then Tess and I can leave
Me:I don't need to be present
Marv:you were his fiance
Me:I appreciate everything but whatever he had
belongs to you and Theresa. I will keep the ring..
Marv:but I would love you to be there
Me:okay.. Can I ask for a small favor?
Marv:sure no problem
Me:I will like to change my last name to his
Ame:(surprised) what?
Me:thats if you don't mind
Marv:(looking at Ame)I don't mind not at all
After breakfast I gave Ame a tour around the house
then we cooked something before the lawyer
We sat in the dining room as he read all their legal
boring stuff.
Lawyer:Martin leaves half of his asserts to his
daughter, that is his company,the house, all his
businesses in the united kingdom,also he left for her
amount of 21 million $ which she will only have
access to when she is 18 years.
He leaves all his cars to his brother and the cleaning
company .The rest of his money goes to..

Lawyer:the remaining goes to charity organizations
he has been helping.
Marv:and the boat?
Lawyer:he came to see me last week,he wrote a note
for Sunshine as he said.(took out the note)should I
read it?
Me:yes please
Lawyer:"I don't know why I am even writing this
letter when I know I am going to be here for a long
time to annoy you,you love me now but trust me
when you get to know my insecurities and that I
sometimes don't brush my teeth twice in a day you
will start hating me,I am such a baby at heart,I will
want all your attention and force you to cuddle with
me and talk about the future when you want to go
shopping.I guess you are going to read this letter in
50 years and everything I said would have
happened,you are probably laughing now thinking
God this man was stupid.
**I smiled**
But if I die sooner know that I leave April(the boat)to
you,that's where we spent our first night together,
that's where I first saw your flawless body,that's
where we shared our first kiss.She is all yours
baby,please don't sell it if you ever need cash you can
always ask Marv.
One more last thing,I know you told me you don't
want any more kids but I would love for you to carry
my child,if its not 50 years later you are probably
thinking how because I am gone"
**he was right I was thinking how**
"I have banked some of my sperms,I was going to ask
someone to have my kid in the future but you came
along,there is no better person than you,imagine a
little mini me running around to remind you of our
love,if its a boy I want you to name him Andre or
Andrea for a girl"
**I started crying**
"But this is a useless letter because I am not going
anywhere anytime soon,love you always Mrs Martin
I stormed out of the room headed to the bathroom,I
let out all the food,that letter just made things worse
for me. Someone knocked,I rinsed my mouth and
opened the door.
Marv:are you okay?
Me:(shaking my head)no..
Marv:(hugging me)you can talk to me
Me:I miss much..we never had the time to
celebrate our engagement or tell him how much I
loved him,we just got to know each other
Marv:I know I know
Me:why me? Why why (crying)
Marv:the lawyer was not done
Me:I don't want to hear more of that letter
Marv:its something else,hospital report
Me:okay I'll be there let me wash my face
I washed my face and joined them.
Lawyer:the hospital brought in the results of his
death,this i can only disclose to the family until police
investigation are done..

Episode 127
Marv:We are all ears
Lawyer:He had a deadly poison in his blood,it stops
the heart from beating and shuts down all
organs.The police
I stood up and ran to his room,okay it was bad when I
cried that he died from the shooting but to hear that
someone actually killed him was too much for me.It
made me question if I really knew Martin,was he
hiding some bad evil things beneath that cute smile?I
mean no one kills you for nothing, was he involved in
some illegal things like Calvin was that the reason
they shoot him and went to finish him at the
Ame walked in with a glass of water.
Ame:You know its okay to cry right
Me:(crying)I don't know why I attract the bad guys in
my life,first it was Calvin now Martin
Ame:(surprised) what do you mean?
Me:they...he was...he was killed intentionally, they
went to finish him off at the have hospital.
Ame:you are not making any sense now,the police
said the guy who shot at him said he was..
Me:he didn't die from the wound, they poisoned him
at the hospital
Ame:(covering her mouth)oh my God
Me:what if he was involved in some shady business
who knows the people might come after us.
Ame:Hey stop thinking avery man is Calvin,I didn't
know him that much but from the respect and love
he got from his community I can tell he was a decent
Me:after all this it makes me question my choice in
men,what if..
Ame:(interrupt) no,he is nothing like Calvin don't you
compare them.There is a reason why you fell for him
out of all this fine men out here,its because he was
different. Not every rich person is a criminal and
whoever killed him might be a business rival.
Me:thanks because I don't want to destroy the
memories I have of him.I want to always be
remember him as my prince charming.
Ame:(handing me the glass of water)here
She left,I opened his drawer and took out his tie,it
smelt like him.I opened the drawers and took all his
stuff out and put on the bed,I laid on top of them
until I fell asleep.
I woke up to Tess calling my name.
Me:(sleepy) yeah
Tess: I want to sleep in dad's room with you tonight
Me:okay,did you brush your teeth?
Me:let me see
She smiled revealing her white teeth
Me:wait did you have your fruit?
Me:open your mouth I want to see
Tess:see what you can't tell if I had my fruit or not
Me:I have special powers,now open
She got off bed and stood at the far end smiling and
opened her mouth
Me:nope,you didn't, go take one so we share okay
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She came back with an apple,she took a bite and
handed it to me.
Tess:teach me your special power
Me:okay I will teach you when you have babies of
your own
Tess:okay (lowered her voice)can I ask you
Tess:so are you my mum now?
Me:(surprised) do you want me to be your mummy?
Me:okay starting from today I am your mum okay
Tess:(smiling)I've never had a mum before,should I
call you mum or mummy?
Me:which one do you like?
Me:okay you can call me mummy
Tess:(hugging me)I love you mummy
Me:I love you too
The next morning Marv took us to the boat before
we left,all the memories came back,I remembered
the photos,the breakfast in bed and the making out.
We sailed just a few miles then came back to the
house,he and Tess were leaving in a week's time so
he was buisy handling and apointing new positions at
the companies.
We left in two days,things were much harder for me
at the airport because all I remembered was him
proposing, the next minute everyone is running for
their lives,me looking for my kids and him telling me
he had been shot.
We arrived home early in the morning the next
day,the first thing I wanted was to see my son.After
Ame left I called Botshelo to bring him over.
Am hour later I saw his car packing outside.I meet
them halfway taking Dinah from him.
Me:hey baby I missed you
Botshelo:I thought you said you were not coming
back anytime soon
Me:(avoiding eye contact)change of plans
Botshelo:(joking)or maybe Calvin messed up for you
Me:(furious)never mention that man's name in my
Botshelo:oh you mean the same Calvin who made
you dissapear without a trace with my son
I ignored him because I could tell he was provoking
Botshelo:let me tell you because it looks like you
haven't realized it yet.As long as Calvin is alive you
will never find happiness with another man,you
belong to him,he controls your life so you might as
well stop hating him because in a week or two you
will be back in his bed.
I threw Donah's spiderman figure toy at him,it hit his
forehead and scratched him.
Me:so you think I am a whore right, fine think
whatever you want .Just so you know the reason
why I came back is because (waving my hand)I just
buried my fiance,he was the reason why I was going
back because he was sick.Now I am back because he
is dead,I have no other reason to stay in
Mauritius.mxm who is Calvin kante who can control
me that much,he is not God he doesn't control my
happiness just so you know...

Episode 128
Botshelo:(scratching his head)I am sorry your fiance
Me:please I will like to be alone with my son if you
don't mind
Botshelo:when should I come take him?
Me:I will bring him back
He walked out looking at the little blood on his
hands,okay I felt bad that I hit him hard but I didn't
like the way he talked to me.
At Lefika's house
Cici came out of the bedroom only in her panty and
walked into the kitchen,she found Lefika and his
girlfriend kissing,she rolled her eyes,took a bucket of
I e cream from the fridge and stood looking at them
Cici:(attitude)I need the spoons,you are standing in
front of the drawer
She moved back,Cici took out two spoons and closed
the drawer.
Lefika:I didn't know you had a guest
Cici:me too
Girl:you always walk around the house naked?
Cici:(attitude)do you see my vagina?
Lefika:(laughing) Cici go to your room
Girl:I can't believe you just laughed?
Cici:you wanted him to cry?
Girl:little girl mind how you talk to me,if your parents
didn't teach you manners I will gladly teach you
Cici:(attitude)and who are you again?
She walked away then turned back
Cici:daddy my friends are coming over please make
sure you and your girlfriend are not here, she is not
invited but you can stay in your room
She walked away,the girlfriend looked at Lefika
Girl:I think am gonna go home now
Lefika:hey babe,where were we?
Girl:your daughter's nasty attitude just ruined my
mood(grabbed her bag)you know where to find me
At Botshelo's
He walked in with a plaster on his forehead,Lone was
in the shower,he took of his clothes and opened the
door joining her.
Lone:babe what happened to your forehead?
Botshelo:nothing major babe (kissed her neck)its
been long since we did in here
Lone:(concerned) babe you have a lump,it must have
been something big,what is it?did you get in a fight?
Lone:where did you go to after you dropped of
Botshelo:(impatient) are we doing this or not?
Lone:did you fight?
Botshelo:mxm (stepped out of the shower) you just
ruined the mood
Lone looked at her as he put on his boxers and sat on
the couch switching on the TV
Lone:(crying)you were fighting over her weren't you?
Lone:(crying) wow,you still fight over her even when
you are engaged..(covering her mouth)wow
Botshelo:look she threw Dinah's toy at me and it hit
me okay, it wasn't a fight
Lone:(furious)she did what?
Botshelo:I said some pretty hurtful stuff to her
okay,she lost it
Lone:(putting on her jeans)mxm

Lone:am so fed up with Phatsimo waitse agg
Botshelo:where are you going?
Lone:I need fresh air
She waited outside for the taxi
At my house
I woke up to someone banging the door,I tiptoed
outside the bedroom,Donah had just fell asleep
Me:(opening the door)hello
Lone:(stormed in)you know what,you are a good
mother and I tried to keep my peace and respect you
as Donah's mother but you keep pissing me off,first
you dissapeared without a trace with the baby,do
you know how much that affected our relationship?
Now you come back, not even a day passes ebile
Botshelo is already fighting for you?
Me:are you done?
Lone:and you make him lie to me about some stupid
stories that you hit him with Dinah's toy,kante can't
you find your own man and leave mine alone?can't
you leave us to be happy?
Me:was mbora I am not some rachet who comes into
peoples homes and cause them of things they don't
know,before I say some hurtful stuff please leave my
Lone:I came here...
Me:(attitude)to do what?threaten me?do I look like I
want your boyfriend back?(waving my hand)doesn't
this ring say anything to you?
Lone: stay away from him
Me:just go eat my leftovers o tswe mo nna,now get
out before you wake up my son.
She walked back to the door,I slammed it on her face.
My phone rang
Tess:hey mum
Me:oh hey you,i miss you
Tess:me too,uncle says I can come visit on holidays
Me:I would love that
Tess:okay say hello to everyone,I love you
Me:I will..I love you too
At Calvin's
He turned the girl around and Inserted his long fat
snake in her,she breathed heavily.
Girl:please not so fast, you are hurting me
Cal:I am paying you good money for this
He went faster and faster more deeper,he held her
shoulder to avoid her from moving away.
Girl:ahh fuck please stop...
He inserted his middle finger in her ass,reached for a
lubricant and massaged it on her tiny whole..
Girl:we didn't agree on the ass
Cal:shut the fuck up
He slowly inserted his dick in her..She screamed out
loud then bit the pillow as the pain went through her
He went in slowly then took it off,he shoved it
back,after a few minutes he took it out and shoved it
in her vagina.She moaned a as it made noise from all
the litttle air getting in and out
Cal:say my name
Cal:yeah that's more like it,now come suck this dick
till I cum in your mouth
She knelt before him and took it all in her mouth,he
started throat fuckin her.She reminded him of her
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He splashed his cum all over her mouth,she
swallowed a bit and felt disgusted,Cal grabbed a
towel and wiped his dick then threw it at her.
Cal;(taking out cash from his wallet)here now get
dressed and get the fuck out of my house
Girl;(getting dressed)i hope you rot in hell for what
you did to my body
She took the money and walked out of the
bedroom,she couldnt walk properly and she was
thirsty but there was no way she was wasting time in
that house.
Lone walked in with a plastic of mangoes,she washed
them and sat down watching tv with Botshelo in
silence.A few minutes later his phone rang and he
stood up walking outside.
Botshelo;hey should i come pick him up
Me;i will bring him on monday morning...Botshelo r
can i ask you something
Me;do you still love me?
Botshelo;(scratching his head)where is that coming
from,you and i have a history,no matter how things
ended i can just wake up and decide to hate you
Me;i want a clear answer,yes or no
Botshelo;yes,i still love you
Meanwhile Lone who was evesdropping on their
conversation walked back slowly,tears filled her
eyes.What she has always being afraid of was finally
happening,with Phatsimo back it was only a matter
of time before they got back together,she went into
the shower and opened the water then sat down.
Me;i want you to stop loving me and love Lone,the
girl is insecure and she loves you,you and can never
happen because i already gave my heart to someone
Botshelo;how do you know that she is insecure?
Me;i can tell by the way she always looks at me,rata
ngwana rra and make her feel like she is the only girl
in the world,she loves you and takes care of your son
like he is her own.
Botshelo;i try my best kana ke wena o itseng gore ga
ke rata ke a rata,just that Lone o childish and always
jumps to conclutions mme ene i love her
Me;then never make her feel any less,valentine is
aroumd the corner pamper her and shower her with
gifts,take her fot those drives we used to take nna i
will take care of Donah
Botshelo;(smiling)a mme gone go shapo to be taking
dating advices from my ex?
Me;ga ke bue ka mokgwa ope gape
Botshelo:thanks...and thanks for taking Donah this
weekend ta ke fe my woman lorato
Me;haha go shapo...wait...what you said earlier you
were right,the old Phatsimo would be in Calvin's bed
right now but this new one wont be in anyone's bed
anytime soon if not ever.I really loved Martin and i
want to take all the time ke godise banake pele
before ke ka bua ka tsa marato
Botshelo;i like the new Phatsimo
Me;haha me too,Cal is in the past nna le ene we share
kids nothing more to that
Botshelo;i am gladd
Me;and i am sorry i hurt you,in the past and today i
hope its not that bad
Botshelo;wai nna sale ke go itshwaretse because i
knew the old Phatsimo ne w laolwa ke Calvin..about
today i am sorry too,i deserved that hit
Donah started pulling my dress
Me;ijoo rra let me hang up your son is awake
Botshelo;say hello to him
Me;will do
Botshelo hung up and went back inside the
house,Lone was not in,he heared the water from the
shower,he took off his clothes and stepped in,to his
surprise Lone was sitting down on the floor crying
Lone;(took off her engagement ring)O bona nna
Botshelo i am still young,i can find someone who will
love me unconditionally not someone who is still
hung up on their ex,i hope you have a happy life le
Phatsimo,i know she called you a go bolella gore i
went to her house,mxm that whore
Botshelo;(furious)you did what?
Lone;you heard me
She stormed out of the shower and started packing
her clothes in her handbag
Botshelo;Wa re you went to Phatsimo's house wa go
dirang teng?
Lone;she already told you o seka wa ntopa maaka
Botshelo;she didnt tell me anything,how could you
do that mme gone
Lone;thats when i thought she was after you.thats
before i heard you confessing your love for her so
now i am giving you space le ratane sente
Botshelo;(pulled her closer to his chest)the poor
woman just lost her fiance wena o mo latela o ya go
seka manasa ekare you are some highschool brat,she
just called me a re ke simolle to appreciate you,nxa
thats because ne o ile go mo sekisa,,o itiga seriti you
are probably not the woman that i thought you
were.Leave Phatsimo alone she is going through a
lot,and yes i told her i still love her because i do,ke
mmagwe ngwanake and we have a history,loving her
doesnt mean i want her back,i proposed because i
love you and want to spend the rest of my life with
you not because i feel sorry for you.If i wanted
Phatsimo back i would have gone back long ago but i
choose you,not her because i love you jaanong ha e le
gore o simolotse mekgwa ya banyana ba masimo
then i am not so sure i know you or want to marry
He put the ring in the drawer and put on his
clothes,he grabbed his car keys and left..
Botshelo;if you are still going put the keys at the
usual spot
He slammed the door and got in his car,Lone sat on
the bed crying
Loud rnb music was playing on the speakers
outside,some of her friends were in the pool,Jaden
pulled her by the hand going inside the house
Jaden;where are your parents?
Cici;my dad is out of town and my mum too
Jaden;do you want to go to your room
Cici;ive never done it before
Jaden;i know,you are few of the sweet ones
Cici;do you have the thing?
Jaden;we dont need them,its your first time right
Cici;what if i fall pregnant?
Jaden;babe trust me
Cici;(hesitating)okay my room is this way

Episode 130
At Lefika"s
Jaden`s phone ran when they entered the bedroom.
Cici:aren't you going to answer
Jaden:its no one
Cici:(snatched the phone from his hand) hello
Voice:who are you?
Cici:I am his girlfriend
Dave tried to take it back but she ran in the
bathroom and closed the door.
Voice:I am his girlfriend too,who are you?
She hung up,unlocked the door and threw the phone
at Jaden who was sitting on the bed.
Cici:(teary)you should leave
Jaden:babe Rita and I have long been over she is the
one always calling me
Cici:(attitude)I said leave
Jaden:you are not as cool as I thought you were
Cici:do I look like I care what you think about me,get
the hell out of my room you two timing man whore
Jaden:(puting on his shoes)I am going to tell everyone
we did it anyway
Cici:(moved loser to Jaden)then you will have to face
my dad and the police and my other dad,he will rip
out your heart while you watch
He took his jacket and ran out of the room,Cici closed
the door and laid on her bed crying,she dialed my
Me:hey baby
Me:(worried)baby are you crying
Cici:promise you wont shout at me?
Me:Ciara if this is about you disrespecting your
father then dont expect me to be cool about it
Cici:I almost had sex tonight
Me:(covering my mouth)you what?
Cici:I know its stupid mum and I am young but I felt it
was the only way he and I can be together
Me:what happened?
Cici:there is this other girl Rita everyone knows she
sleeps around so when she called Jaden claiming to
be his girlfriend I realised that even if I sleep with him
he will never like me like I like him,to him sex is no
bigie but to me it is,I've never done it
Me:I am glad you realised that before you slept with
him but I am very disappointed in you,you are only
thirteen,you should have learnt a lesson from your
own parents,didn't I tell you what happened?I too
thought sleeping with Lefika will tame him but no,I
ended up being a single teenage mother.Please just
focus on your studies and stay away from boys
Cici:I will mama,please don't tell dad
Me:I wont if you promise me to stay away from that
boy,you are too young to be having a boyfriend.
Cici:I promise I will stay away from him
Me:okay then I won't tell your dad too,wait where
are you now and where is he?
Cici:he went out,I had a small party,I will go tell
everyone to go home
Me:okay I love you
Cici:love you too...and mum...thanks for being my
mum and always putting up with me I know I am not
the sweetest daughter
Me:(smiling)you are my everything,you made who I
am today I thank God for you everyday
At Lefika`s house
He searched for the key where Lone always puts it
when she leaves,it was not there,he noticed the door
was a little opened and the tv was on.He pushed it a
little and got in.Lone was sitting on the bed in her
lingerie,her nipples were showing from the lacy bra
she was wearing.
Lone:(stood up)I don't know if you want dessert now
or after your shower
Botshelo:(smiling)I haven't eaten anything all day
Lone:(pouting sexily)are you hungry?
She slowly took off her braa walking to the stove,she
bended a little and took a plate from the oven.She
handed him a small bucket and washed his hands,she
smelt nice,Botshelo noticed she was wearing the
engagement ring.She gave him the food and sat next
to him.
Botshelo:(taking a bite)mmmg nice
Lone:I love you
He put the plate on the table and baby kissed her.
Botshelo:I think I am ready for my dessert now
He kissed her neck then french kissed,she tasted
sweet.He slowly helped her take off her panty then
she helped him take of his clothes,she looked at his
hard abs going down to his dick,she smiled a little,not
every woman is lucky to find a good guy with a big
dick.She gave him a few strokes as he kissed her neck
while his left hand played with her clit and the other
hand cupped her small breast,she moaned a little and
adjusted her body on the sofa before she fell off.He
picked her up and put her on his lap,she gently sat on
it,she could feel it slowly stretching her small cookie.
Lone:(closing her eyes)aah babe shit...aaah
She humped a few times before he helped her,it
went all in
Lone:aah babe
Botshelo:(held her waist)oh shit babe I love you
Lone:babe the door
He stood up and supported her,he walked to the door
and pinned her against the wall while his hand
reached for the door handle and locked it.
He started humping faster,he felt her cum all over his
dick but he was far from cuming.He put her on the
edge of the bed and made her face the wall,he looked
at her small whole as it acomodated his big
anaconda.He went all in
After a few sweet moans from both of them he went
faster and faster,her vaginal walls contracted
tightening his dick in.
He went faster then rested his head on her
back,after a few seconds he pulled out,Lone fell
down on the bed with her tummy.

Episode 130.5
Weeks later
I knocked twice and Lone opened the door..
Me:hi,Botshelo said I will find you home,I am going
for a family meeting and you know Donah o gana
Lone:yeah he told me you were bringing him over
Me:(handed her Donah's bag)I'll pick him up
Me:Donah be good to aunty okay,kiss mummy
He kissed me on the lip and ran inside the house
Me:thanks for taking care of my son,he adores you
Lone:you are welcome
Lone:Phatsimo wait,are you in a hurry?
Me:(looking at my time)I have an hour before the
Lone:I was baking muffins you want some
I got inside the house,it looked different, I could see
the shower and there was lots of space.
Me:your house is nice
Lone:thanks when we extended the one room Life
thought I was crazy.
I sat down and looked at Donah riding his
scooter,Lone came back with muffins and a glass of
orange juice.
Lone:(smiling)please be honest with me,ga di le bad
tell me
Me:(took a bite)mmmh...mmmh wow
She sat down looking at me..
Lone:I am sorry about me going to your house
Me:(mouthful) forgotten
Lone:seriously it was inappropriate and I
embarrassed myself.
Me:believe me I know how you were feeling, just that
I never act on them
Lone:I was insecure but he ensured me everything is
okay I don't have to worry about you and him.
Me:you don't have to,he and I are over,am glad we
being civil to each other, he is the father of my son
and I still love him but not in that way.So you don't
have to feel insecure about me
Lone:thank you,more muffins?
Me:please,they are delish
At Calvin's house
He took out two two hundred pula notes and gave
the girl.
Cal:use the back door my kids are in the living room
Girl:thanks,call me when you need me
He put on his sweatpants and went into the living
room.The kids were watching TV.
CJ:hey dad
Channel:daddy i miss mummy can you call her please
CJ:when are we going to see her?
Cal:I don't think mummy wants to see you
Cal:because ever since she came back she hasn't
come to see you
Channel:call her daddy
Cal:(dialed my number)..
Me:(rolled my eyes looking at the caller ID) hello
Me:hey,what's wrong why are you crying?
Channel:why don't you want to see us?
Me:who said I don't want see you
CJ:ever since you came back you haven't come to see
Me:okay how about you come here on the holidays?
Channel:no why don't you come here?if you don't
come then you don't love us mummy..

Me:But Nel I am doing something here
Channel:daddy was right
She hung up
Lone:everything okay?
Me:Calvin is poisoning kids against me,okay I know I
haven't gone to see them but that doesn't mean I
don't love them..agg I swear one day I am going to
strangle that man
Lone:they miss you,maybe you should go see them
Me:the thought of seing Calvin makes me puke a
little in my mouth but you are right I should go see
them and Cici,she is a bit older than her age,let me
get going before the meeting starts..thanks for the
Lone:sure,tell me when you are going
Me:sure let me have your number
She walked me to my car,Donah waved at me as I
drove off
After the meeting Ame and I went shopping,it was
nice seeing people and spending the day out.
Ame put Pearl on the baby chairs and gave her the
Me:she is so cute
Ame:I know right nna ke mala mante
*we both laughed*
Me:wait till she is older a simolla basimane and even
think about sex
Ame:are you serious Cici said she almost did it
Me:nxu..waitse I can't handle her,like I never know
what to say to her because she always has a reply for
Ame:Lefika spoils her too much that's why a sena
Me:gape ga ke gopola go mo tsaa a ta go tsena
kwano eish I can't handle
Ame:have you considered the whole baby thing..
Me:Martin's baby?
Me:Maybe years later not now
Ame:I can have it for you?
Me:you are kidding right?
Me:(surprised)you would do that for me?
Ame:I know how much you loved Martin,the reason
you are holding back is because you are afraid of
what people might say,so since I love you and you
are my only family I can do it for you
Me:(emotional)please I can't expect you to..
Ame:I want to,iv thought about it since the day you
told me,I'd be happy to
Me:(covering my mouth)oh my God I don't know what
to say,(took her hands into mine)thanks but what
about Pako?its 9 months and
Ame:we discussed it ga a na bothata,what we can
still have sex right?
Me:(smiling)you are stupid,how soon can we do it?
Ame:well I am just waiting for my graduation day
then I'll be set,that's like in 2 months
I stood up and hugged her,it was the best news I have
received in a long time,the thought of having his
child,I smiled and kissed her.
Ame:okay stop it now
Me:oh my God I can't believe next year around this
time I will be holding our baby..I don't k ow how I will
repay you
Ame:that smile,that makes me happy
Me:I love you sis
Ame:love you more sis,let's eat

Got home a bit late that evening,I poured myself a
glass of wine and sat on the sofa watching TV,I
wasn't really concentrating my mind was all over.I
dialed Cici
Cici:hey mum
Me:hey,are you sleeping?
Cici:no I am watching TV
Me:promise me one thing baby
Me:promise me you won't have sex anytime soon
Cici:(rolling her eyes)are we really having a sex talk
Me:yes we are
Cici:okay I promise I won't
Me:if I find d out you are having sex them I am
sending you to boarding school
Cici:don't they have boys at boarding schools?
Me:(smiling)a girls only
Cici:(laughing) okay I won't, you don't have to
threaten me
Me:okay I love you,good night
Cici:night mama,I miss you
Me:see you next week
I hung up and went into the bathroom,I heard some
noise outside,I grabbed a pepper spray and tiptoed to
the door.Someone grabbed me by my hair and hit me
with something hard on the head.My eyes became
blurry,I could only see the person's feet.
I woke up in the middle of the night still on the
floor,my head was heavy,I looked around the room
and there were only sofas left,the TV was gone and
the home theater.I managed to stand up feeling dizzy
I fell on the sofa,my phone was still in the charger,I
dialed Ame.
Me:I have been robbed,they took everything
Ame:what?oh my God are you okay?
Me:yeah but my head hurts they hit me with
something hard
Ame:call the police we are in our way
I went outside,my car was gone.After calling the
police I called Calvin.
Me:my car has been stolen
Cal:what? When? Are you okay?
Me:you once said you put a tracking device on it
Cal:yeah,are you okay?
Me:I am fine,I think they have been watching me all
along,they know I stay alone,they stole my electrical
devices and car
Cal:I am on it,I'll make sure they bring it back
Me:thanks who knows criminals better than one of
Cal:(laughing) fuck you
Me:please make sure you bring back my car,I haven't
enjoyed it gape its expensive.
Cal:okay will talk to you tomorrow
Ame walked in followed by Pako and the baby,she
looked around.
Ame:its someone who knows you stay alone,imagine
if Donah had been here
Me:I don't even want to think about it
Pako:The police are going to be here kamoso,mxm
the criminals are probably still around with the car.
Me:segolo if they bring back my car,I called Cal coz he
once put a tracking device on it
Ame:why did he put it in the first place?
Me:for safety measures
Ame:what if he did all this to get your attention?

Me:I know Calvin okay he would never do this,I also
know that you hate him..
Pako:so babe don't you think you are over thinking
the whole thing
Ame:aah Calvin nna ga ke mo tshephe
Me:the police are here
We went outside,the neighbors were awake
watching from their fences.
I answered all their questions, they went around the
yard looking for whatever they were looking for then
I packed a few clothes and went to our old house
where Ame now lived.
The following morning I got a call from Calvin
Cal:good morning
Me:any luck?
Cal:the car is in Lehlakane now,I think the people are
coming to gabs
Me:what are you going to do about it?
Cal:call the police when they get here,have you
reported it?
Me:yes,thank you and thanks for installing the
tracking device maybe I'll get my TV and home
theater too
Me:yeah..bye..thanks again
He hung up and went back to bed.Someone knocked
softly on his door
Cal:who is it?
Maid:there is a gentleman here looking for you
Cal:okay I am coming
He put on his pants and walked to the living room.
Cal:long time man
Paul:long time man
They fist bumped and sat down.
Cal:(to the maid)please get him something to eat
Paul:(looking at the maid)man tell me you have hit
that ass
Cal:(laughing) no
Paul:you have lost your touch?
Cal:no man she is not my type
Paul:bru she is everyone's type,have you seen that
Calvin:am kinda still hung up on someone so I hardly
notice this things
Cal:(knodded with his head)yeah
Paul:what did she feed you man?
**they both laughed**
Cal:she is amazing,and loved me with her whole heart
man but you know me,I fucked up not once not
twice,now I don't think we still have a chance,you
should have seen my smile when she called me last
night but she just needed my help some stupid kids
stole her car and wanted me to trace it
Paul:Bru you in love you should see you face,so tell
me how have you been?how is business,arrived this
morning and thought I should check my guy
Cal:business is okay, lots of money coming in but its
not fun when you have no one to share it with
Paul:I hear you man..just apologize, eventually she
will forgive you?
Cal:(breathed out loud)I don't know
At the house
Me:Calvin says the people are in lehlakane now
driving to gabs
Ame:still think he is involved,akere jaanong you are
talking o bata go ntse jalo next thing you will be
waking up in his bed
Me:sometimes I think you forget that I am the eldest
Ame:you are so blind waitse mma ao...
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Me:so every bad thing happening in my life is Cal's
Ame:when was the last time you spoke to him before
Me:when I dropped off the twins
Ame:and yesterday he calls them boom you get
robbed then guess who you have to call for
help,him.Tell me have you ever heard gotwe magodu
stole everything and left the phone,why would they
leave it when they know you can wake up anytime
and call the Police,and they hit you lightly on the
head to cover up everything. Ke gore Calvin thinks re
dimata,those men could have raped you or killed you
but no ba go shapile hela ka feisi a bo o idibala.
Pako:(laughing) I think you are on to something babe
Ame:I am babe,just that Tsitsi is blind when it comes
to that man,who knows what else he could have
Me:what do you mean?
Me:what about him?
Ame:what if Cal ordered the whole thing,you said you
saw someone like him ko airport what if...
Me:(grabbed my bag)I have to go somewhere,don't
wait up for me
I got a taxi to the mall,on the way I smsed Lefika
about what happened yesterday and that I won't
come to pick up Donah. I withdrawed enough for a
plane ticket and booked one leaving at 1 pm.
I wanted to be there when the police catch the
thieves,I wanted to be there with Calvin and get to
the bottom of everything, I hate to think such bad
about Cal but Ame made sense,not about Martin
The plane landed at half past three,I called Cal on the
way to his house.
Me:I want to be there when they arrest the thieves
Cal:okay I am home,let me have a quick shower
At Cal's
A young girl opened for me,she was wearing a short
dress and sleepers
Her:hi I will call him for you
Cal came out zipping his pants,he smiled at me and
grabbed his keys
Cal:you look nice,the kids are at a friend's party
Cal:should we?
He kept looking at his phone
Cal:they have been at airport junction for over an
hour now,I already called the police we will meet
We drove in silence until we reached the mall,I could
see the car from a distance,we waited with the police
over a few minutes until the men got in the car,the
police stopped them.
Officer:step out of the vehicle
They all stepped out
Officer:put your hands where we can see them,we
believe you are driving a stolen car
I looked at Cal,there was nothing, no facial
Cal:I think I have seen this guys somewhere?
Me:really? Where?
Cal:I don't remember
Me:are you sure you didn't plot this whole thing?
Me:you heard me

He walked away from me,I followed him
Me:now it makes sense,oh my God how could I be so
stupid you planned the whole thing,I am afraid to
even think you could go to that extend,who are
you?what did you do the the man I fell in love with
years ago?
He just looked at me without saying a word.One
officer walked towards us
Officer:Man we want to thank you,this men are
hardcore criminals they have been all over the news
lately, ba utswa dikoloi,they were probably on their
way out of the country.
Cal:yes I saw them on the news I knew they looked
Officer:please follow us to the police station
Me:right behind you
They arrested the men and the other officer got in
my car and followed them. I had never been that
embarrassed, just seconds back I accused Calvin of
being involved with them,he walked to his car and I
followed him.The drive to the police station was
awkward,I wanted to apologize but didn't know
where to start.
At the station
I did the formalities and agreed to stay for a few days
for the Court procedure.
Me:I am hungry should be grab something to eat?
Cal:I am fine
Me:please I know you want to
Cal:(playing with his car keys) why do you want to eat
with someone who ordered people to rob you?
Me:I am sorry just that..can I explain later right now I
am so embarrassed
Cal:(looking at his watch)I have a meeting in an hour
so if you don't mind you can use the combies after
your lunch.
Me:why are you being like that?
He left me standing there like a fool,got in his car and
drove away.I ordered pizza and went to his
house.Channel came running to me and CJ followed
Me:(picked her up)hey pumpkin
Channel:where is Donah?
Me:he is with his dad,hey CJ I love your hair
I put her down and picked up CJ,I kissed his cheek
and he rubbed it off
Me:oh I see you are no longer my little man
Channel:he has a girlfriend
Me:oh really?
CJ:her name is Thato she likes playing with my hair
Me:oh so she is your girlfriend because she plays
with your hair
We sat down as they told me about school and
everything, it was nice seeing them.The pizza arrived
and we had some slices and drink
Ah hour later
Me:guys I have to go find accommodation then I will
come pick you so we spend the night
Channel:but we have a spare room mummy or you
can sleep with me
Me:am not sure that's a good idea,I haven't spoken to
your dad yet
Channel:he wont mind
Cal:actually I do
We all turned around
Me:I'll see you guys later
Channel:please daddy let mum stay

Cal:Nel go take the groceries from the car
Channel:then mummy can stay for dinner
Me:(knelt before them)I am going to book a big room
with a big TV,bye the pool then we can order
anything we want and watch TV all night,how
awesome is mummy?
CJ:(excited) awesome
Channel:mummy can we go take Cici
Me:okay,be prepared in half an hour okay
They ran to their rooms excited. Cal went into his
room and I followed him
Me:can we talk?
Cal:(sat on the bed)I am listening
Me:I am sorry for accusing you earlier,I know you
better I shouldn't have let Ame influence my
thinking,you are a lot of things I don't like but I know
you will never put my life at risk like that. Please find
it in your heart to forgive me
Cal:I thought out of all this people you were the only
one who knew me but I guess I was wrong, you stay
with an infant why would I be so cruel to your son
when you took care of my daughter like she was
yours.You are right I am a lot of things but I don't
stoop that low,if I wanted your attention I would
have long done something, aren't you asking yourself
why I no longer call you?its because I have moved on
and so should you,stop thinking I am behind
everything bad happening to you.
Me:you are right,I should move on, I am glad you
did.Can I spend tomorrow with the kids?
Cal:you can use the spare room I'll go sleep at my girl
Me:thanks plus I didn't have enough money for the
whole week
Cal:(grabbed his car keys)bye
Me:wait...can I get a hug?
He closed me between his big broad shoulders,I
rested my head on his chest, we remained like that
for a few minutes no one saying anything.
Me:I hope we can be friends for the sake of our kids
Cal:me too,as long as you stop accusing me of
Me:(smiling) I won't.. Can I ask you something?
Me:do you love her?
Me:your girlfriend
Cal:yeah why?
Me:just asking
Cal:can I ask you something too?
Me:as long as its not stupid
Cal:(laughed)did you love him?Martin
Me:(freed myself from him)yeah I did why?
Cal:just asking
Me:no come on tell me why you asked me
Cal:I asked you for the same reason you asked me
Cal:you are cocky,don't burn my house okay,see you
guys tomorrow
I walked him to the door,I leaned over it after he left.I
smiled thinking of all the things him and I went
through, I was glad he found love but my other heart
was jealous, jealous that maybe he loved her more
than he ever loved anyone.
Me:God please help me fight this feelings I have for
this man...
Episode 134.5
We watched movies,eat junk food then I tucked them
in.I went into the guest bathroom and had a hot
shower,I washed my clothes and dried them since I
didn't come with any clothes.I applied lotion and
went in Cal's room looking for some of his T shirts I
could wear.His clothes were nicely packed,I took out
his Liverpool T-shirt and wore it,it covered enough
skin.I sat on the bed and looked around the room.It
was beautiful, he had a big frames photo of him and
the twins wearing all white,it was so cute,I opened
his lower drawer,I knew he always kept the photos
there,I went through the album, it made me realize
how much I have missed on the twins lives,they were
raised by Cal's parents then Cal.They didn't know my
side of the family.I put the album back in the drawer.I
laid on the bed and called Ame
Ame:don't make calling me this late a habit
Me:you were wrong, he was not involved
Me:Calvin was not involved in the whole robbery
thing,he helped me get back my car.
Ame:where are you?
Ame:at his house?
Me:no I booked into a hotel
Ame:send me a picture on watsapp
Me:I don't have to explain myself to you kana if I sat I
am at a hotel then believe me ga ke ngwana
Ame:you are right, ga o ngwana
Me:what's that suppost to mean?
Ame:you are not a child so you know exactly what
you are doing
Me:I will be back in a few days
Ame:If you get back with Calvin then I won't go ahead
with the surrogacy
Ame:good night
She hung up on me,I looked at the time it was 00:30.
As I opened the door I almost bumped into Cal.
Cal:(looking at me from head to toe)it looks great on
Me:I am sorry I had nothing to wear, I'll go buy a few
dresses tomorrow
Cal:its okay, you can keep it
Me:I thought you said you were spending the night at
your girlfriend's
Cal:long story
Me:okay,good night
Cal:wait,how about a nightcap?
I sat on the kitchen counter as he poured two glasses
of red wine.
Me:(took a sip)mmmh nice
Cal:very,I had it specially made for me when I was in
Me:you lie
Cal:look at its name
Me:(read the name)wow,its nice you should think
about going into wine business
Cal:nah..not for me
Me:(took another sip)mmh you should give me two
Cal:I will
Me:so you still not going to tell me why you came
Cal:I found her with another man
Cal:its fine though,it was just sex
Me:Come on you can talk to me,I can see you are hurt
Cal:its karma
Me:haha what do you mean
Cal:for all the bad things I did to u

Me:(took a sip)probably
**we both laughed**
Cal:want something to eat?
Me:something salty yeah
Cal:can i make grilled chicken?
Me:yeah,are you still good at it?
Cal:yeah,that's the only thing I am good at.. Ohhh and
fucking up
Me:(took another sip)haha you are a great dad
Cal:I try...don't you ever wonder how things would
have been if I didn't fake my death?
Me:I used to..not anymore..I realised you and me..can
never work
Cal:yeah me too
I poured myself another glass and walked outside
while he marinated the meat..He put it in the griller
and joined me by the pool
Cal:10 minutes
Me:o bata go njesa nama e tala
Cal:haha okay I'll add other minutes
I put my feet in the pool and looked at the moon,this
was the life everyone dreamt of.
Cal:still don't know how to swim?
Me:Before Martin died he was teaching me,I felt so
stupid all the kids can swim except for their mum
Cal:I am sorry
Me:(rubbed of my tear)its fine,ke life I'll get over it
Cal:you really loved him didn't you?
Me:yeah,(splashed him with water)hey we are not
gonna waste this awesome wine over sad stories.
Cal:you are right,so tell me something exiting
Me:Donah knows how to count from one to ten,he is
only two but he knows his alphabets and can
understand a little when watching cartoons, I don't
mean to brag but..
Cal:haha okay let me brag too,Channel...oh my God all
she knows is to talk loudly
Me:haha wonder who she gets it from
Cal:don't start I am quiet
Me:o hithile bonokwane
I put the glass down and dived into the pool,he took
off his clothes and remained in his boxer briefs,my
eyes stuck on his anaconda, damn talk about being
pretty downstairs.
Cal:take of the t shirt
Me:I am not wearing anything under
Cal:even better,you can stop looking at my dick now
Me:(embarrassed) I was not
He dived in and swam towards me,I took off the t
Me:I don't think we should swim I am drunk
Cal:don't worry you won't drown I am here
Me:this feels wrong but I am having so much fun
Cal:me too,you look nice by the way
Me:I want to do something
Me:I want to blame it on the alcohol whenever I
remember it and I want you never to remind me of it
Cal:can't agree to something I know nothing about
I got out of the pool and walked to the kitchen,came
out with the bottle of wine and sat on the chair
pouring my glass.
He got out and I poured him another glass.Couldn't
keep my eyes off his hard dick.
Cal:you being naked makes things very difficult for
I got up and kissed him

Episode 136
He picked me up,I wrapped my legs around him as we
french kissed,his breath smelt of the wine.He
pressed my butt as we walked towards the kitchen
He went back and grabbed the bottle,he put me on
the kitchen counter and spread my legs apart.He
kissed my neck going down to my breasts,his thumb
played with my clit,I put my hand in his boxer and
took out the big fat thang,gosh women are indeed
very strong.He gasped for air as I stroked it,his
middle finger was inside my had been so
long,more than a year actually.
He picked me up again and pressed me against the
wall then directed himself in.
Me:(out of breath)aah aah,cal aah
Cal:shit babe
He went in slowly as I scratched his back with my
nails,his mouth pressed on to mine as we both
breathed heavily.
Me:tomorrow...tomorrow I want to forget this...aah
shit babe..I want to forget this ever happened
He went in deeper,ladies have you ever been
penetrated so deep you feel like the dick is poking
your interstines,you know the kinda pain that you
He held my butt in suspense and moved from the
wall,I could hear the sound of my thighs on his.He
turned me around and made me touch the
counter,he folded my knees and and held on to them
as he humped faster.
Okay that position I didnt know,I wasnt comfortable
kept thinking what if he enjoys too much and let go
of my knees I was probably going to loose a tooth or
After a few seconds before I could tell him I wasn't
comfortable he let go of my one leg,I stood on one
leg and he put the other on his chest,I looked down
my vagina and saw his dick going in and out.
Cal:babe are you okay?
He picked me up as we walked to the bedroom
kissing,he kicked the door open and laid me on the
bed and got ontop of me,he looked straight into my
eyes as he slowly penetrated again.He went slowly
still maintaining eye contact.
Cal:I dont want you to ever forget this day
Me:(closed my eyes)...
He went a little faster then I felt the walls of my
vagina contract
He laid ontop of me both of us breathing heavily.We
remained like that for a few minutes then he pulled
out and wiped himself with a towel.He sat in front of
me and spread my shaky legs,he wiped me.
Cal:I missed you
Me:(pretending to be asleep)mmmh
Cal:(shaking me)babe
He got up and put a cover ontop of me,he slept
behind me and cuddled.
I was feeling quilty and ashamed at the same
time,okay truth is I wanted to cuddle with him but
my mind told me otherwise.Actually the truth is I was
not feeling guilty,I was just thinking what would
Botshelo and Ame think of me if they ever found out I
slept with Calvin after telling them how much I hated
him,I guess Botshelo was right,no matter what he
put me through I was always going to end up in his
bed,it made me question if I really loved Martin.
I fell asleep my mind still asking questions I had no
answers to.
I woke up to the kids making noice,Cal was not in
bed,he opened the door and got in with a tray.
Me:that looks delish
Cal:the meat from last night
Me:last night,mmmh my head hurts
Cal:its the wine
I took one fried potato chip and dipped it in the
nandos sauce.
Me:mmmh just what I need
Me:thanks,make it strong
I continued eating then the door open,Cici was
standing at me surprised.
Cici:(attitude)really mum?
Me:(covering my breasts)what?
Cici:stop confusing us if you guys are back together
then just be,we are tired of your silly break ups.Make
up your mind already
Me:what I do with whoever is none of your business
okay and don't forget I am the adult here
Cici:(mumbling)sometimes I wonder if you know what
an adult is
Me:what did you say?
The door opened wider and Cal came in with a cup of
Cici:mummy enjoy your coffee while its still hot
I swallowed a big lump and smiled,waits Ciara could
take the award for the most annoying ungrateful
unkind disrespectful little spoilt brat.
Cal:what was that about?
Me:nothing she was just saying hi
Cal:should I lock the door?
Me:yeah I don't want the twins find me in here,they
will get confused
Cal:yeah,they are having their breakfast in the
Cal:are you sure you are okay?
Me:yeah(took a sip of the coffee)I am awesome
My phone ran,Ame was video calling
Me:do you mind?
Cal:(moved further)no
Ame:hey,did you sleep okay?
Ame:I am sorry about last night,I know you are not
stupid enough to go back to Calvin.
Me:its okay you are just being a sister
Ame:I love you
Me:I live you too sis
Ame:later akere
I hung up and looked at Cal
Me:I am sorry you had to hear that
Cal:(took the coffee from me)it makes everything
He got ontop of me and covered us with the duvet

Episode 137
After our quicky we showered together,he brought
my clothes and I joined the kids.
Me:I want to buy a few clothes can you please lent
me your car?
Cici:can we take the German machine?
Me:the BMW is okay
Cici:(puppy face)daddy
Me:guys finish up and bath,I am giving you 30
Channel:I don't want to go
Me:come on you will buy too
Cal:whats wrong baby?
He got off her chair and ran to the house,CJ followed
Me:did I say something?
Cici:(gave me an evil eye)may e you did something
Cal:just let her be (stood up)I am going to work
Me:okay, have a nice day
Me:(took a bite of strawberry) mmmh
Cici:do you think you are a good role model?
Me:do you think I am?
Cici:I think we both know you are not,stop confusing
us for Christ sake we are just kids,we need stable
homes not parents who act like love sick teenagers.If
its not you its dad don't you think it hurts us when
our friends talk about going out with their parents
and visiting relatives,we don't have anything to brag
about because the moment i start talking about you
and daddy by the time am finished you guys have
already broken up,same with dad.
She left me and walked to the house,I followed her.
Cici:(crying)can't you see what you are doing to
us,you never consider us,if you are happy its
okay,poor Ciara,poor CJ,poor Channel.
Me:of course I care about you guys don't say that
Cici:I wish I was born to more mature parents, do you
know why your daughter is sad?
Cj:because she knows you and dad are going to break
up again
We both turned around and looked at him,his face
was red.
Me:your dad and I are not back together I am sorry if
we gave you the wrong impression
CJ:what were you doing in his room?
Me:and that's none of your business, go call your
Cici:(grabbed her bag)not gonna sit here and be lied
Me:I might not be the best but I am still your
mother,seat down I want to talk to you
Cici:you mean lie more and more mum?
Channel and CJ sat down,Cici banged the door on her
way out.Shem my kids were really hurt,I hate to
admit it but Click was right.
Channel:are you and daddy getting back together?
Me:we agreed to be just friends,he will find someone
and I will find someone too but we will still be your
CJ:why are you not getting back together?
Me:because...because I am a married woman
Channel:but he is dead mummy
My phone ran
Me:give me a moment...hello

Ame:when are you coming back?
Me:maybe on Friday
Ame:you are going to hate me for this but I just had
to,I took you panty to a traditional doctor this
Me:(pissed)you what?
Ame:I had to,I know you slept with Calvin, when we
were video chatting I saw pictures of the twins on
the wall
Ame:I just had to make sure gore ga wa loiwa,nothing
is going right for you so..
Me:mmmh tell me what did the witch Doctor tell
Ame:he is not a witch doctor,ke moruti wa eloyi
Ame:and you think taking my underwear to a priest
will change my fortune?
Ame:he told me lots of scary things,you have to get
out of there as in yesterday
Me:(rolling my eyes)what did he say?
Ame:I can't tell you over the phone please come back
Ame:who is Lerato?
Me:how am I support to know which Lerato you are
talking about,I know many
I hung up and switched of my phone
At Lefika's
Cici opened the door and hugged her friend.
Aden:where is your dad?
Cici:(closed the door)he is out of town,was support to
stay with my mum till weekend but hey..I am here
Aden:what happened?
Cici:I don't wanna think about it or talk about it
Aden picked her up,she wrapped her legs around him
and they French kissed.
Aden:what are we watching?
Cici:mean girls two
Aden:okay I brought snacks
Cici got down and walked to the kitchen while Aden
went outside.he came back with a plastic full of junk
Cici:I am glad we are deciding to wait
Aden:me too
Cici:I love you
The door opened slowly,Lefika got in buisy on his
Lefika:whose car is that outside?
Aden:its my mum's
Lefika:and what are you doing alone with my
daughter in my house?
Cici:we are watching a movie
Lefika:weren't you supposed to be with your mum?
Cici:dad its just movies its not like we will be making
Lefika:I am counting up to five and you better not be
here when I finish
Aden:bye Cici
Cici:(embarrased)bye I will call you
Lefika:no you won't I am taking your phone
Cici:you want to act like a parent now?
Lefika:I was you age once I know what you were
Cici:(walked away)you and Phatsimo deserve each
other, just because you were stupid doesn't mean we
are too.
She banged her bedroom door
Later that afternoon
The twins ran to their bedroom carrying their plastic
bags,I went into the guest room.I tried on a bandage
dress,it reminded me of Martin and i'first date.I took
out the ring in my handbag and put it on.
Me:(jumped)hey I didn't see you
Cal:you look absolut
Me:we need to talk

Cal:(sat down)let me quess you want us to stop
whatever is happening between us
Me:yes,we are confusing the kids,one moment we
are on the next we are off its not good
Cal:you are right,let's do this,(held my hands)let's be a
family lets get married
Cal:yes babe,please let's show them we are serious
this time around
Me:(smiling) are you proposing?
Cal:am I?
Me:its boring you should have made it romantic, I
would love to but..I already changed my surname to
Me:yes,and he asked me to carry his child
Cal:I thought you tied your tubes
Me:its a reversable procedure, Ame volunteered to
be my sarogate and she has terms and conditions
Cal:wait wait,Martin is dead how do you carry his
child unless he..
Me:(knodded) mmmh
Cal:wow its like he knew he was going to die
soon..sorry that's a bit insensitive
Me:its okay I am glad he did,if I could I would carry
the child but I can't so I have to obey Ame or else she
won't do it
Cal:let me guess,she won't do it if we are together
Me:yes..but my heart wants this (kissed his hand)this
feels right
Cal:(hugged me)I love you Phatsimo
Me:me too
Cal:I quess if we are going to do this then we will have
to be discreet
He kissed my neck and traced his hands on my but..
At Botshelo's
He checked his time and opened the door
Botshelo:hey,this time is everything okay?please
come in
They sat on the sofas,Lone came from the bathroom
holding Donah, she greeted Ame and sat down
applying lotion on Donah
Botshelo:you still haven't told me why you..
Ame:(interrupt) its Phatsimo
Botshelo:what about her?is she okay?
Ame:she is back with Calvin
Botshelo:that's not something new we all knew it
was just a matter of time before she went back to
Ame:Calvin is not a god man,we have to make her
realize that before its too late
Lone:what do you mean before its too late?
Ame:we went to a traditional doctor, well ke moruti
and he told us very bad things about Tsitsi,Botshelo
he even mentioned some Lerato,do you know her?
He stood up and paced around the room scratching
his head.
Ame:who is Lerato?
Botshelo:what about her?what did he say about her?
Ame:who is she?
Botshelo: our daughter
Ame:(covered her mouth in disbelief) what?
Lone:you have a daughter?
Botshelo:she died when she was little
Ame:(stood up)please talk to Phatsimo a tswe mo
Botshelo:you still haven't told me about Lerato
Ame:I am sorry but I think I should tell Tsitsi first
before you
Botshelo:I don't understand
Ame:me neither

A week later
I opened the door,it was dusty inside,I opened the
windows and curtains. The police had recovered all
my devices was just waiting for them to arrive.My
phone ran
Cal:i miss you
Me:me too,just got home now
Cal:I wish I could come there
Me:you know the plan babe don't mess up
Cal:I know don't worry
Me:okay let me lay down for a few minutes,call you
Cal:I love you
Me:me too
I hung up and threw the phone on the sofa..
At Lefika's
He knocked for the forth time on Ciara's door still no
Lefika:okay fine I'll just go alone them
Cici opened the door
Cici:where are you going?
Lefika:(laughing) I was kidding baby,come I made
lunch,just you and me
Cici:just me and you?
As Cici closed the door he noticed something on the
floor,he pushed open the door and got it,he picked
the pills
Cici:(stuttering) its not what you think daddy
Lefika:for crying out loud you are thirteen Cici you
shouldn't be having sex
Cici:aren't you glad that atleast I will be on the safe
Lefika:does this mean you and that stupid boy are
having sex?unprotected sex?
He threw the box on the bed and grabbed Cici's hand
Cici:daddy you hurting my arm
Lefika:you are going to show me that boy's house
and I will deal with him
Cici:mum got them for me
He let go of her arm and looked at her,
Lefika:she bought them for you?
Cici:she took me to the doctors
Lefika:(dialing on his phone)nxa you and your mother
will understand me today
I took off my glove and answerd the phone.
Lefika:(shouting)she is 13,13 fucking years and you
are encouraging her to have sex?
Lefika:I can't believe that you have been hiding this
from me
Me:she told you she is having sex?
Lefika:you can say that
Me:she promised me she won't do it after last time
Lefika:there is a last time?is that why you bought her
the pills?
Me:those pills are meant to balance her hormones
and regulate her period they are not contraceptives
Lefika:what are you talking about I know this pills
Me:do they have the red ones at the last line?
Lefika:(looked closer)no
Me:I cant believe you thought I would encourage our
daughter to have sex
Lefika:what did you mean about the last time?
Me:ask her
I hung up
At Botshelo's
Lone read the instructions again and looked at the
two lines in the pregnancy test stick.She smiled and
dialed Botshelo, it ran unanswered, she took a photo
and sent to him.
Good morning

Episode 139
At Botshelo's
He slowly opened the door without making
noise.Donah was sleeping in his court and Lone on
the bed,he took of his shoes and put the phone on
Botshelo: (shaking Lone) babe
She woke up stretching her arms, Botshelo hugged
her and kissed her forehead.
Lone:o bone SMS
Botshelo: yeah,can't believe we are having a baby,I
hope its a girl,I love you
Lone:(smiling)I love you too,your food is in the oven
Botshelo:(took off his shirt) I don't have the appetite
Lone:haven't you spoken to Phatsimo?
Botshelo: I am afraid of knowing what made Ame so
terrified when I said Lerato was our baby
Lone:le nna I keep thinking about it
He got under the sheet and faced the other direction.
Next morning at my house
I prepared myself oats and sat down lazinly on the
sofa looking into the open space.The door opened
and Pearl rushed in holding her barbie doll.
Me:hey you,looking pretty
Ame:(walked in)I did it myself
Me:you should teach me ke nne ke dira Channel
Ame:(sat down)how are they?
Me:good,they grow up so fast mma,she likes hitting
me gore,o bua ka diata
Ame:(laughing) ao
Me:mmh and was balabala,she speaks her mind and
o rata go ngala
We both laughed
Me:kante wa re the doctor or pastor whatever he is
Ame:he said gore Lerato is alive
Me:Lerato ke mang?
Ame:(swallowed hard)Botshelo a re she is your
My throat dried and my whole body became cold.
Ame:I think you should go see the doctor,why would
he lie about something like this?
Me:(shaking)oh my God
Ame:and if this man is telling the truth you surely
won't like to hear what he said about Calvin
Me:please I don't want to talk about Calvin now,tell
me what he said about the baby being alive
Ame:he just said that Lerato is alive and you have to
find her before is too late
I stood up and paced around the house
Me:let's go to him
Ame:(looking at the time)he sees people at 1 pm
Me:come we will wait akere,let me change
Ame:wait...are you sure you want to know the truth
Me:(crying)if he is right my child is out there God
knows if she goes to bed hungry or sleep on a cold
floor,I don't believe in all his vood oom but I have to
know what he means by my child is alive
I changed into a long blue dress and wrapped my
head with a black scarf.
Ame drove as I shakily dialed Botshelo
Me:where are you?
Me:Ame is taking me to Moruti wa Eloyi,gatwe a re
Lerato is still alive
He dropped his phone
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

I hung up and sent his directions to the place.We
found only two people waiting.
We sat for over three hours then the doctor started
helping, the que was so long, I nervously stood up
Ame:(whispering)were are you going?
Me:no where
Ame:seat down there is only one person before us
Me:I am afraid
Ame:you are afraid?
Me:mmmh,what if he is right?
Ame:look around you, everyone here came because
they know how powerful he is
Me:wa re me a reng ka Calvin?
Ame:you don't want to know believe me
Our turn came,we took off our shoes and went inside
the dark room.
Doctor: Ame wait outside
She squeezed my hand and went outside
Doc:Finally you came,(washed my hands with cold
water)put your hands in that bowl
I put the hands and he poured a red liquid inside and
asked me to take my hands out.
Doc:Do you want to know the whole truth about the
man you love?
Me:(heart beating fast) know he has
probably killed people before,he is a thug I think
that's all I should know,if I get to know more I don't
think I will love him the same.
Doctor: if you say so but know that as long as you
don't know the whole truth you will never have
peace of mind
Me:right now I want to know about my daughter
Doctor:put one hand back in the bowl and look into
that mirror,look attentively
I looked into the mirror until my eyes hurt,I started
feeling dizzy,I saw a little girl running around wearing
shorts and a pink vest, I think it was Pearl but she
was a bit older.Then I saw my room back home,I was
sleeping on the mattress crying.The little girl
appeared again coming towards me,she was so
pretty and looked like my late mother.
Little girl:Mama
I closed my eyes and took out my hand from the
Doctor:that's your daughter
Me:(crying)but but we burried her,how come?
Doctor:you buried someone's child
Me:I don't believe this
Doc:They call her Warona now,she lives at Mopipi at
the Pilane family.If you want her and what really
happened to go Mopipi before its too late
Me:what do you mean before its too late?
Doctor: go before dawn tomorrow
I struggled to stand up,his assistant helped me walk
out,okay this felt unrealistic i mean how.
Ame drop us to Botshelo's.We sat outside while I told
him everything.
Botshelo:so you are telling me you saw her?
Me:yes,I am sure its her she looked like pearl when
she came closer she looked like my mother,I think we
should go,(crying)he said before its late.
Botshelo: okay we will leave tonight

Episode 140
We drove in silent until Makalamabedi.
Me:what if its her?
Botshelo:then whoever made us go through crying
for someone else's child will pay..
Me:all of this doesn't make sense but I want closure,
that chapter was closed but now I feel like crying at
the thought that my baby is out there, what if she
wants nothing to do with us
Botshelo:(smiling) come on she is a baby, how old 5
Me:(smiling)no she will be 5 in June
Botshelo: Warona!!
Me:(laughing)mxm its a nice name,and if its really her
I saw she is cute,for the first time one of my kids will
look like me
Botshelo:I don't know how we are going to handle
two kids Donah a lapisa jaana.
Me:you will take Donah and I will stay with her
**we both laughed**
Botshelo: I guess she will have to go to school akere
she is old enough
Me:yes and don't forget gore nna am unemployed
Botshelo:paying two school fees is going to kill me
Me:if you don't ha e money to send her to a private
school she can still go to Letsholathebe kids will also go to private schools I
can afford it
Me:(smiling) War on a
Botshelo: its nice akere
Me:very,I love it
I fell asleep and woke up when we reached Mopipi,it
was already midnight.
We booked into a guest house and slept just a few
Before 8 we went around the village asking for the
Pilane family.One lady who was going to the same
place showed us the yard, it had three small
traditional huts and a segotlwana.
We parked outside and greeted the old woman who
was seating outside.
Granny:(looking closer to me)dumela mma
Botshelo: dumelang
Granny:dumela ngwanaka(shouting)Pona!! Bring the
A little girl brought the bench and we sat down.
Granny:(to me)who are you?
Me:my name is Phatsimo,we are from maun
Pona:(shouting from the house)Mme Wawa ga a yo
My heart skipped,I looked at Botshelo
Me:(teary)I hope we are not late
Granny:(shouting)tsamaya o ye go mo thola ko
Granny: she goes there every morning on weekends..
Granny:she picks up bottles so we can sell and buy
Botshelo:how far is the bar?
Granny:(pointing) this side just a few meters from
We both stood up
Granny:la re le bo mang?
Me:we are her biological parents
Granny:(held her mouth) mmeee wee sale ke di buile
gore ngwana yo ga se wa rona akere..Mme wee re
elang teronkong
The gate opened,she walked in holding a plastic with
bottles inside,she bent her knees greeting us.
I looked at her dirty clothes...

I felt my heart break into pieces,her feet were dusty
and her head was dry with patches,she was wearing
and old dress.
She put the plastic down,she smiled at us
Botshelo:hey nnana
Wawa:ke nna Warona
We both tearfully smiled at each other,I wanted to
pick her up and hug her but I didn't want to scare her.
Botshelo:how much are those bottles
She looked at her fingers and smiled.
Wawa:a le 10 ke cabbage,a le 20 ke nama
Okay that was it, growing up poor does make people
clever,I mean she was bearly 5.
Botshelo:(took out his wallet)how much do you have
with you?
Wawa:7 I guess people don't have money to buy
alcohol now,last week I picked up 60 and we bought
meat and tomato sauce and I gave granny to buy me
I fell down on my knees crying, there are just some
things that you can't digest.She looked
happy,Botshelo gave her 50 pula and she gave it to
the old woman who was silently crying in her scarf.
Wawa:Mme Malome ga ntsietsa akere
Granny:no,say thank you
Wawa:thank you
She gave Botshelo the bottles and ran to the house.
Granny:(crying)please seat down
Me:(crying)where is her so called mother?
Granny:please don't report me,I long suspected
something about Warona but I swear if I knew you I
would have brought her to you.
Botshelo:le rona we just found out about her
Granny:please take her,I will die peacefully
Me:please tell us where her mother is we need
answers,because we cried for her dead baby while
she took ours
Granny: I don't know where she is,she dumped her
here a le a week old and never came back,as you can
see she is the only dark one here,she is different
from all the kids,even when I held her for the first
time I doubted she was ours.
Me:(angry)we just need answers please,our daughter
has been struggling so much re le teng,why would
she steal our baby if she knew she wouldn't take care
of her
Granny:tota le nna I know nothing about what
happened,all I know is my daughter came here with
this baby carrying lots of money...She gave me 100
pula then in the evening she dissapeared until
today.She told me to take care of her because she
was her meal ticket.(shouting)Wawa!!! Wawa!!
She came running and knelt before her grandmother.
Granny:go greet your mother
Wawa:(looked at us confused)who?
Granny:your mother?
Wawa:are you my mother?
Wawa:are you taking me to Gaborone?
Me:do you want to go with us?
Wawa:because no one will look after granny
Botshelo:(smiling)so mature

Episode 141
Me:we will buy granny lots of food and meat
Wawa:(smiling)where is the money?
Botshelo: its in the car
Wawa:are you my father?
Wawa:(crying) will you buy me shoes and plait my
hair like Tumi's?
Me:yes and yours will look much prettier
Wawa:will I come visit granny?
Botshelo: and you can go to school
Wawa:iyoo teacher will beat me if I come late
We both smiled at each other
Me:ga ke na ngwana yo sa tshabeng sekwele
Botshelo:okay then I will drop you at school everyday
so that you won't be late
Wawa:(looking at her granny)mama can I go?
Granny:go pack your clothes
She ran back to the house
Granny:bo ngwanaka my daughter have wronged
you, I have no doubt in my bones that she is yours
because she looks exactly like her mother.Please I am
giving her to you quietly because I dont want people
knowing what just happened,we will be shamed by
the community.
Me:thank you, I didn't expect it to be this easy
Botshelo:(took out 2 two hundred pula notes)you will
buy food and seshabo,thank you for the hospitality
we will take care of her and she will come visit on
Granny:thank you my son,God bless you both
Wawa came back with a plastic with her clothes
in,she had changed into a short dress and wore
We stood up and said goodbye,it felt like a
dream,Botshelo picked her up,we hugged her as she
We got in the car and she sat at the back
Wawa:will you buy me sandals?
Wawa:and ice cream
Me:everything you want
Wawa:yes yes..are we going to Gaborone?
Me:no we are going to maun
Wawa:is it far?
We checked out at the guest house and bought
snacks on our way.Wawa fell asleep before we even
got out of Mopipi.
Me:if this is a dream its a long one
Botshelo:(held my hand)its not, our daughter is here
all thanks to Ame
Me:yeah,I didn't believe that prophet but after this I
wonder how much he knows about Calvin and what
he meant by if I don't know the truth I will never have
Botshelo:maybe you should go back to him and find
Me:I don't think I am ready to find out yet,some day
right now I want to focus on knowing my child.
Botshelo: I wish..never mind
Me:what tell me
Botshelo:I wish we were a family so we can enjoy
raising our kids together
Me:oh..yeah me too
Botshelo:maybe God is saying something
Me:haha what?
Botshelo:I don't know but you know things happen
for a reason right
Me:yeah..look at her,I hate those shoes
Botshelo:we will buy her new clothes when we get at

We arrived at maun just in time before the shops
closed, we bought a few clothes at Ackerman's and
some at Pep.
Wawa:Phatsimo you said you will buy me ice cream
Me:let's go and bath then we will come buy
everything you want
Wawa:(exited) everything?
She hung on Botshelo as we went back to the car,it
felt so unreal like 24 hours ago I didn't know my
daughter was alive now here she was,talkative as Cici
and Channel but more pretty and mature.
Wawa:Papa you said you will take me to school right
Botshelo:(smiling)she just called me papa
Me:yeah,she did
Botshelo:yeah I will take you to school princess
Wawa:will you buy me a bag le mopako?
Wawa:(exited)I will learn how to count and read
We got in the car,she wanted to seat on Botshelo's
lap so I ended up driving.
I bathed her and she changed into barbie top and
leggings,she put on a pink ribbon and sandals.
She ran to the bathroom as I followed her
Wawa:how do I look?
Me:hahaha real indeed
Wawa:I don't look beautiful?
Me:of course you do.
We drove to the mall and bought everything she
wanted and she literally wanted everything. She
helped me put the food in the cupboard and fridge
while Botshelo made us something to eat.
Me:did you call Lone and tell her we are back?
Botshelo:I will tell her tomorrow, today let's just
enjoy this
Me:yeah I was thinking the same,it kills me that she
calls you dad while I am Phatsimo
Botshelo: haha jealous?
Me:wouldn't you be?
Wawa:you don't have TV?
Me:at the moment yes,maybe it will be here
tomorrow but I have a laptop and it has movies.
Wawa:can we watch?
Me:sure,Life bring us the food we will be in the
After a few minutes he came in with a big plate with
sandwiches and drinks.
We watched the movies until 2 am,Wawa fell asleep.
Me:you can use the other room if you want to
Botshelo:no I am fine here,I want her to be the first
thing I see when I wake up
I put Warona between us,Botshelo held my hand.
Me:she makes me want to be a better person
Botshelo:I never want to sleep without seeing her
Me:me too,I want her to stay with me
Botshelo:yeah you have enough space here
Me:I love you
Botshelo: I love you too for giving me so much joy
Me:(looking at Warona)she looks like Pearl
Botshelo:ditsebe tsone tsa ga daddy
Me:haha o ntshenyeditse baba with this ugly ears
Botshelo: she has been through a lot ngwanake
bathing at such a young age.Seing her earlier broke
my heart a ta ka mabotele
Me:(teary)me too

Episode 142
I woke up to Wawa making noice with Botshelo in the
kitchen.I tiptoed and found her sitting on the kitchen
counter,Botshelo was tickling her.
Me:(smiling)its not a dream
Wawa:(looking at Botshelo)hello mama
Me:awww she called me mama
Wawa:Dad said if I call you Phatsimo the teacher at
school is going to beat me
Me:haha he is right, you should call me mum
Wawa:where is your friend?
Me:which friend?
Wawa:who always came to Granny and gave her
money, he said he was your friend
Me:(confused and looked at Botshelo)what's his
Wawa:I don't know
Me:will you tell me when you remember?
Botshelo:what did I say about mmh?
Wawa:(covered her mouth)sorry
Botshelo:good girl,now let me go bath you so that we
go see your little brother
Wawa:does he bite too?
We both laughed
Me:no he doesn't
After bathing her she stood in front of the mirror
trying on clothes.
Me:I have a weird feeling
Botshelo:about what?
Me:its probably nothing,should I go with you?
Botshelo: sure
Me:I have never been this happy waitse rra.
She sat at the front seat and I sat at the back,she was
singing along to ATI
I laughed so hard, kids sing whatever comes to their
Botshelo picked her up walking to the house, I
remained in the car for a few minutes,I dialed Cal
Cal:hey,I called and called yesterday with no luck
Me:I was buisy with something
Cal:something important than me
Cal:I am jealous, what is it?
Me:you should ask who?
Me:I found my daughter, the one I thought was dead
Cal:what?where how?
Me:some prophet located her
Cal:are you sure is your daughter?what did her
grandmother tell you?
Me:yeah I am sure she is mine she looks just like me,I
can feel it she is mine
Cal:ohh,look I will get back to you
Me:wait.. You know I love you right
Me:I need you to be honest with me before I go back
to the prophet
Cal:since when do you believe in those things
Me:since he told me my baby was alive and I actually
found her,please tell me you were not behind this
Me:(crying) tell me you didn't swap my child with
some girl and gave her money to look after her,tell
me you didn't make me cry so much for a baby that's
not mine.
Cal:I I told you to always believe your instincts about
me not what people say
Me:no Calvin this is all me,I can't shake off this
feeling. Do you know that that woman left my baby
to suffer,do you know that you have robbed my child
5 years of her life?
Cal:we will talk in a few minutes
Me:just tell me the truth please...
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Cal:can I come there so we can discuss this face to
Me:discuss what?can't you tell me whatever it is
Cal:I found out your daughter was alive a year back,
that time I drove with the twins to Maun I meet this
little girl who looked like you in Mopipi,she was with
an old woman,I asked about her mother and they
said her mum was in gabs,I brushed the idea of her
being your daughter off so I would go visit her once
in a while and bring them money and food,eventually
the old woman told me what her daughter did, that's
when I became sure she was yours,I took her blood
sample to test with the twins's I am still waiting for
the results
Me:(crying)did you kill Martin?
Me:did you have something to do with his death?
Me:thank you for your honesty
I hung up crying out loud,my whole body was
shaking,I guess I was the most stupid person on
earth,I slept with my fiancé's murderer a man who
kept me from my daughter all this years..
Lone came to the car,she found me crying I couldn't
even stand.
Lone:are you okay?
Me:can you please ask Botshelo to drive me home?
He came with the kids,I wiped my tears with my hand
as they ran inside the car.
Warona:Phatsimo look what dad gave me,ene he has
a tv
Me:(smiled)okay drop me home then you can come
watch TV with dad akere
Wawa:(exited) yes
Botshelo:(looked at me)what's wrong?
Me:nothing much just this migraines
He looked at me and shook his head,we drove home
in silence,only Wawa and Donah were talking.
He dropped me at the gate and I said bye to the kids.
Me:I will come take you tomorrow okay
Wawa:dad said we are going to school tomorrow
Me:(to Botshelo)will you manage?
Botshelo:yes,just go lay down and drink pain killers.
Me:come take some of her clothes
He followed me to the house,I packed a few clothes
and shoes.
Botshelo:(hugged me from behind)you know you can
talk to me right
I turned around and looked into his eyes.
Me:you are my greatest mistake,I regret everything
bad I ever did to you,seeing Warona with you makes
me happy.I want you to always be happy because
you are the greatest in the whole world.
Botshelo: thanks,if I could turn back the time I would
I baby kissed him on the lips and rested my head on
his chest.
At Botshelo's
Lone:(on the phone)tsalame you won't believe what I
am about to tell you
One:what?tswa ka Data
Lone:if its not enough that I am taking care of her son
she has brought their long lost daughter
here,ngwana was teng o dikwaba
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Episode 143
One:haha gatwe dikwaba where has she been?
Lone:no one is saying anything, they left maliba and
when they came back ba ta ka ngwananyana go go
sesanenyana ka hlogo e tshweu,nnya friend I am not
taking care of this one agg she looks like she is sick or
something,ekare bananyana ba ba jetsweng
One:hahaha iyoo friend send me a photo
Lone:they left here back isitse Phatsimo home and
sengwananyana sa teng sa phapha se bitsa babe se
re papa I bet Phatsimo has been hiding her waiting
for the moment I fall pregnant then bloom,lost baby
One:hahaha sorry friend I will come bye tomorrow ke
tlo bona the little girl
Lone: mmmh let me cook mma,bye
At my house
I removed my head from him and gave him the bag
Me:there is this hair old ya ma India,its green please
buy it for her it helps hair grow fast and those
patches on her head will dissapear.
Me:and make sure she takes a fruit before
bed,preferably apple or banana
Botshelo: noted
Me:and don't...
Botshelo: (smiling)hey I got this just rest
Me:take care of our babies please
Botshelo:why are you being weird
Me:haha sorry,now go I want to rest
Botshelo:I love you
Me:I love you too
He kissed my forehead and left.
I locked the door and laid down,minutes later I
switched off my phone.
At Cal's
Cal:guys I will be back tomorrow okay, be good to
Channel:where are you going?
Cal:its work related
Mrs:guys let's go prepare something to eat
Cal:(got his bag)bye I love you guys
Channel:love you too
Mrs:are you sure you should be driving such distance
in this weather?
Cal:the planes have been canceled due to the storm
but I have to be in maun as in yesterday
Mrs:Gob bless you my son, drive safely
He stayed in his car for a few minutes before he
reversed out of the yard.
He buckled up and joined the mahalapye road,he
played country music as he kept thinking how he was
going to make Phatsimo explain everything, he tried
her number and left a voice message.There were no
cars along the road.It was raining heavily so he went
on 60.Along the way before Dibete he stopped for a
few minutes.The rain was too much.
Minutes later he hit the accelerators, he didn't see
the car coming in front of him,he tried to dodge it,the
other driver hit his windscreenand his car rolled
three times out of he road and hit a brunch.His head
hit the airbag,he smelt petrol and saw flames inside
the car.He tried to take off the seat belt but his other
arm was broken.
He reached for his gun under the seat
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He shot the window and rain water got in,with one
working hand he tried to take off the seat belt but it
was stuck and the fire was increasing.The driver of
the other car finally regained consciousness and
looked around, he saw a car from a distance and
flames covering it, he dragged his injured leg to the
car calling 911.
The next morning at Botshelo's
Wawa pulled Lone's toes thinking they were
Botshelo's,she kicked her,Wawa continued pulling
them and she kicked her harder, she started crying
and woke up Both Botshelo and Lone.
Botshelo:(sleepy)hey what's wrong
Wawa:you kicked me
Botshelo:(confused) sorry baby where did I kick you?
Wawa:(touching her forehead) here
He got off bed and picked her up blowing soft air on
her forehead,she laughed a little.
Lone:I felt something touching my toes am sorry I
kicked you Nana
Wawa:(clung on to her dad)..
Lone:babe it was a mistake
Botshelo: go shapo but Donah always pulls your toes
why kick this time around?
Lone:akere me ke bona Donah still sleeping I forgot
we had a visitor
Botshelo: it breaks my heart seeing you cry
nana,what did you want?
Wawa:I want to go to school
Botshelo: (looked at the time)haha okay let me switch
in the gyzer
Wawa:are you going to buy me uniform?
Botshelo:yes after I drop you at school
Wawa:with your car?
He felt her wet panty and looked in her eyes
Botshelo:baby did you wiwi on your blankets?
Wawa:(shameful) mmh it was dark and I didn't see
the bucket
Botshelo:should we keep the lights on?
Wawa:mmh I am afraid of the dark
Botshelo:okay when you feel like wiwi you wake me
up and I take you to the toilet okay
Later that afternoon
I switched on my phone to check on the kids,a
government number called.
Voice:Is this Phatsimo
Me:depends on who is asking
Voice:you are talking to Doctor Patel from Sekgoma
memorial hospital
Me:(heart beating fast) yes
Doctor:your husband has been admitted here he is in
a critical condition, Mr Calvin
Me:I don't have a husband bye..
Doctor: Mam please
Me:when it comes to that man please don't ever call
me,his mother's number is 7499#### please call her.
Doctor:thank you
Mxm he was obviously faking or staged the whole
thing,when it comes to Calvin never say never.His
mother called after a few minutes
Mrs:(crying)he he left here coming to you..he..he..oh
my son..we are leaving Gaborone now we are going
to serowe..he was in a car accident
Me:I know the doctor called me first
Mrs:okay what time are you coming?

Episode 144
Mrs:aren't you coming down here,he needs you now
more than ever
Me:I am sorry I just found out your son hid my
daughter from me for five years,he let me cry and
bury a child thd was not mine so I am sorry if I am
being a little insensitive but I don't care what
happens to him,if he dies please let me know ke too
tsaa my kids.
I hung up and threw the phone on the bed,it was no
coincidence gore the day I cut all ties with him he has
an accident and becomes bed ridden. Agg he can go
meet his father Satan for all I care.
Someone knocked softly on the door,I looked
through the window and saw Botshelo's car.
Me:(opened the door fixing my gown)hey
Botshelo: I bought ma fresh
Me:please I am trying to look as young as I can,can't
let 5 kids show on my face so keep your food,I had a
Botshelo:(got in)seriously you are turning down fresh
Me:I am afraid I am
Botshelo:(placed the food on the table)but you look
nice,someone who doesn't know your kids would
think you don't have any
Me:(smiling) ao?
Botshelo: mmh,I just dropped of Wawa at school,we
ran all over maun looking for the uniform,she is so
happy you should have seen her
Me:aww,I missed out on her first day at school
Botshelo: akere you said I should bring them back
Me:yeah and I better clean room ya do twin so they
sleep in in,Cici will use the guest to when she comes
Botshelo:you have done well for yourself
Me:with five kids I had to,I am sorry you are paying
for everything but I promise as soon as I find a job I'll
Botshelo: yeah you should find a job and stop moping
around all day
Me:haha mxm true
He helped move the beds around and clean the
house.After we sat down tired eating the chips.
Me:kante don't you work?
Botshelo:perks of being your own boss
Me:you are blessed I wish I could get money without
doing anything
Botshelo:hard work my love
Me:I am sorry...for everything dilo tse Calvin a di
ntirang just show me how blind and stupid I have
been,my biggest regret is giving up on us.
Botshelo:you followed your heart
Me:my heart deceived me
Botshelo:is if that bad?
Me:yeah,I don't think I'll ever look at Calvin the same,I
know I said this probably 100 times but this time i
mean it,its coming from my heart
Botshelo:the same heart that deceived you?
Me:hahaha mxm just leave I want to take a shower
and call Cici
Botshelo:I am dirty too,can I join
Me:believe me you don't want to, I am a bad
chapter,don't re visit it
Botshelo: what if I want to?
Me:believe me I am bad news
A few days later
I parked the car under the tree,the twins ran to the
house while Cici remained behind
Me:aren't you coming?you hardly said one word to
Cici:I said hi
Me:what did I do now?
Cici:you told Dad about the Jayden incident
Me:not really, I thought he knew
Cici:you sold me out mum and I don't get what's so
important that we had to come here,I hope you not
pregnant or getting married
Me:I swear one day I am going to spend the night in
I made pasta and chicken,the door opened as soon as
I finished cooking. Wawa and Donah ran
inside,Channel picked up Donah
Cici:why does she look like Pearl?
Me:(smiling)because she is your sister
Channel:(eyes wide open)you adopted her?
CJ:is she Pearl?
Cici:is she your sister?
Botshelo sat down as the endless questions
Wawa:I am not Pearl, my name is Warona.
Cici:who is your mother?
They all turned and looked at me
Me:she is my daughter
Cici:what?how many kids do you really have?
Channel:you adopted her?
Cici:no you stupid,can't you see she looks like mum
Channel:she is my little sister?
Channel:(exited)I have a little sister yes,mum why did
you cut her hair?
Cici:is there another we should know about?
Me:Her name is Warona,some people took her when
she was small we just found her last week.
Channel:yes,come seat on my lap Warona
Cici:wow,as if we weren't many already.I am glad
where I stay its just me and daddy
Me:well I am glad too
CJ:I know her
Me:(looked at Botshelo) you do?
CJ:I think so
I brushed off the conversation to avoid for Botshelo
to know Calvin was behind the whole thing,not
because I loved him or anything but because I didn't
want my kids to grow up hating each other because
of what one's dad did.But I decided eventually I will
tell Botshelo, I had to but not now.
The introduction went well with the small ones,we all
know how Cici.
After lunch she went to her room while the kids
played outside.
Me:about the other day
Botshelo:don't mention it
Me:yeah it was a mistake
Me:why do I have a feeling you are being cold
towards me?
Botshelo:I am sorry just that I have a lot on my mind
Botshelo:does Wawa ever cry for petty things?
Me:no,I have never heard her cry
Botshelo: I think Lone secretly beats her a bo a re o
llela botete
Me:she what?
Botshelo:its just a feeling I have never seen her beat
her or scold her but when she is with us she is always
crying,when I ask she says nothing.
Me:she better no beat my child
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Episode 145
Botshelo: I want then to stay here full time
Me:even on weekends?
Me:(concerned) should we ask her?
Botshelo:she always says nothing
I went outside and called Warona inside,she sat on
her dad's lap
Me:aunt Lone says you trouble her
Wawa:(teary)are you going to send me back to my
Me:of course not baby,we will never do that
Wawa:she beat me with a spoon on my head
Me:(angry)she did what?
Wawa:(crying) she said if I tell you she will send me
back to granny
Botshelo:(sad)what else did she do?
Wawa:she beat me
Me:(pased around the room)Botshelo you will handle
her because God knows what I will do to her
Botshelo:baby go play outside
Botshelo: yeah
Wawa:can you come stay here with us so we don't go
there again
Botshelo:okay babe
She ran outside
At Botshelo's
Lone gave her friend a chair and sat under the
Morula chair
One:where is everyone?
Lone: they have gone to Phatsimo's place to
introduce the little rachet to the team
One:haha kante how many kids does she have?
One:ijoo all different fathers,I was in the same class
with her at primary a didimetse gore kante o
didimaditse boaka
Lone:haha and all her baby dadies are rich gore,she
targets rich men
One:mxm I heard she wears a big diamond ring, am
Lone:hey..that one died and left her riches that's why
she is not working, o ja boswa
One:I wonder which witch Doctor she uses re ye teng
le rona
Lone: and I hate it when Botshelo goes there who
knows what she might put in his food
One: girl if you want your man to stay and listen to
you I know just the right person
Lone:nnyaa nna I know Botshelo loves me,I don't
have to use those things on him
One:you will remember my words one day
They continued talking when Botshelo's car parked
behind them
He went inside the house,One looked at Botshelo
with her jaws down.
One: friend Botshelo is so fine gore,ebile he has
gained a little, business must be going well,I heard he
bought a mini bus e yang ko Kareng
One:mmh no wonder you love him,so much money
Lone: I loved him when he didn't have money so
Botshelo:(serious face)Lone can we talk
The doctor took off his jacket and rested on the chair
Doc:my patient is stressing me so much,he refuses
his medication,councelling,everything
Nurse:have you called the number he gave you I think
whoever it is is the only one who can get through to
Doc:the number is not available since last week

At Botshelo's
One sat outside while Lone walked to the house
Lone:are you okay?
Botshelo:have you ever hit Wawa?
Lone:(held her chest)what?
Botshelo:(louder)have you ever hit Warona?
Lone:of course not,did she say something to you?
Botshelo:I think you should move back to your house
until my parents ba isa mafoko ko galona
Lone:(teary)are you chasing me?
Botshelo:no,I just want to give my kids attention and
love, I can't do that while Warona is scared to come
here because you hit her mo thogong ka maswana.
Lone:(crying) so I can't discipline your daughter,ke a
bo ke motshwenya?
Botshelo:if it was discipline you would have admitted
to hitting her,descipline her from what Wawa is
always watching TV,ga nke a senya sepe and she told
us gore wa re if she ever told us you would send her
to her grandmother, my daughter has been through
a lot please if you feel like you can't accept her,there
is the door.
Lone:so you are choosing to believe her over me?
Botshelo:she has no reason to lie to me,and the other
day I noticed gore you intentionally kicked her a bo
ke itidimalla.
Lone:(crying)are you breaking up with me?
Botshelo:no I am giving you time to think if you will
accept my daughter or not,pack I will drop you
home,I will talk to my uncles ba tisa mahoko,its not
good for us staying together while we prepare for a
wedding akere.
Lone:are you sure you are not breaking up with me?
Botshelo:yes I am sure
Lone:I am sorry for hitting her but I never said I will
send her back
At my house
Cici came out typing on her phone, Warona bumped
on her
Cici:hey watch it
Me:and then?
Cici:your daughter bumped into me,imagine if my
phone fell,this is the latest
Me:Warona is your sister as much as Channel is
Cici:(rolling her eyes)whatever
I took the phone from her hands
Me:you don't hey me I am your mother,and as long as
you are in my house you are going to treat my kids
equally and respect me or else there is the door.
Cici:give me my phone
Me:you will get it when you leave
Cici:give me my phone back
I walked in the house and felt something heavy fall
on my back,I turned around and found Ciara holding
her other shoe.
Me:get out of my house
Cici:(shouting) with pleasure,I hate it here anyway
Me:until you learn manners don't ever set your foot
Cici:oh believe me I wont,have a happy life with your
thousands kids.I hate you all
5 Months later
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Episode 146
At the hospital
Dr:Calvin please you can't give up on yourself
now,you have made progress
Cal:I hate that I can't remember anything about my
Dr:it happens most time when one has been in a
coma for a long time,you will slowly start to
Cal:(buried his head in his hands)I scare my kids,they
are afraid of me,I hate this
Dr:then they should be the reason you take your
medication,be strong for them and exercise those
legs or else you will never work
Cal:I feel like something is missing, or someone I don't
know why
Dr:you will remember of its that important
At Lone's
She poured the water in the bath and sat on the bed
looking inside the bath
Mother:its getting cold
Lone:hey,I didn't head you get in
Mother: you still wont tell me why Botshelo has
never come here since you moved back,if you have
broken up just tell us
Lone:no we just had a misunderstanding,I will move
back when I want to
Mother:okay please finish up I want to bath
Lone: Mama
Lone:I tested positive to a pregnancy test a while
ago,ko spatela ba re it was false what could have
caused it?
Mother:maybe your hormones were high at the
time,iv heard people say that
Lone: Botshelo thinks I was lying about the
pregnancy but I sent his a photo right after the test
Mother:ngwanaka you know we are cursed in this
family,show me anyone who is happily married in our
family, it was bound to happen to you
Lone:your words are not encouraging
Mother:its the truth,please bath I want to bath
She took out her phone and started typing.
At my house
I put the last clothes in the washing machine and
went into the kitchen.Warona came running in
carrying a big jet plastic followed by Donah.
Me:(picked her up)hey look at your hair
Wawa:I am beautiful?
I put her down and picked up Donah looking at his
nicely shaved haircut.
Botshelo:(put down another plastics)I am officially
broke please don't ever take Warona shopping with
Me:haha you always say that,le mpolaisa washing
Botshelo:this time I mean it she bought the whole
He took out his phone and read the message,he
clicked his tongue and put it back in his pocket.
Botshelo: I have to run,they need me at the office
Botshelo: you look nice
Me:thanks,you too
Botshelo: you never told me how your new job is
Me:boring but they pay okay so
Botshelo:okay bye
My phone ran,I looked at the caller I'd and put it back
in my pocket. An SMS came through
"Mama I need your help please,its urgent"
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I called her back
Cici:mum can I come there?
Me:I told you you can't come here until you learn to
respect me
Cici:I...I its fine watever
Me:you what?
Cici:you are giving up on me when I need you the
Me:and if you don't talk to me how would I know how
to help you?
Cici:can you ask someone to but me morning after
Me:(jaws dropped)what?
Cici:this is no time to judge me now
Me:okay I'll ask someone,when did you ha e sex?
Cici:mum TMI
Me:I should know which ones to buy
Cici:it happened last night
Me:did you have unprotected sex?
Me:wow,after all the talk you went and did it
anyway, why?
Cici:mum please you won't understand, will you help
or not?
Me:no,you should take responsibility for your actions
Cici:you want me to end up like you?
Me:when I was fourteen I didn't know a thing about
sex,I had no parent who seat me down a mpolella
dangers of sex,you are lucky to have such a parent
who seats you down a go kgapha mo dilonyanemg
but you don't listen to me or your dad,o mosadi akere
o ka le monna ebile you are having sex,I guess you
can take care of your child
Cici:(crying)I am sorry please help me
i hung up and dialed Lefika,I told him everything.
At Lone's
Botshelo parked at the gate and Lone walked to the
car,she got in
Botshelo:(gave her 300 pula)I hope its enough
Lone: really Botshelo, you gonna act like this
Botshelo:yes until you tell me the truth gore what
really happened to the baby
Lone:it was a false alarm
Botshelo:okay shapo I have to run somewhere
Lone:bona if its over just say it ke tswe mo wena
Botshelo: it has been over the day you hit my child
with a wooden spoon and threatened her
Lone:okay, when should I come get the rest of my
Botshelo:we can go now
Lone: okay let me go get my phone
Inside the house
She dialed One,if ran twice then she answered
Lone:wa re where can I find that witch doctor?koore
Botshelo o ntsaa mothofo o akanya gore o ka njela
kuku ka lebaka jaana a bo a mphuaganya
One:haha bring his underwear I will take you to him
Lone:okay how much do I pay?
One:you pay when you are satisfied with his work
Lone:ijoo ebile broke I even asked for madi a toiletry
from him,I'll come bye
She walked back to the car
At Lefika's
He pushed open Cici's door and furiously threw her
the morning after pills at her.
Lefika:after drinking them pack your bags you are
going to a boarding school,an all girls bording school.
Cici:(took the pills)....
Lefika:and its not a private school

Episode 147
Cici:but dad
Lefika:(furious)no buts you are going start packing
Lefika:I swear to God Ciara o ta nkgolega,you are
14,14 years and you are already having sex
He slammed the door on his way out
At the hospital
A short nurse walked in holding Cal's food,she put
them on the table and sat on his bed.
Nurse:(smiling)how are you today?
Cal:better now that I have seen you
Nurse:(blushing)I am glad,the good news is you might
get released on Friday
Cal:oh man I was hoping to see you more
Nurse:I'll come visit you everyday
Cal:won't your boyfriend mind?
Nurse:(waving her hand)single lady
Cal:(slowly waved his)me too
The laughed and continued chatting, a few minutes
later the twins opened the door holding balloons and
Channel:happy birthday daddy
CJ:happy birthday dad
Cal:(covered his face with both hands) ohh you guys I
forgot its my birthday today
Nurse:(smiling)happy birthday
They put the balloons on his bed and he sliced the
cake while they sang him a birthday song.
At Botshelo's
Lone slowly packed her clothes in her bag,Botshelo
sat on the bed going through his phone,she looked at
him as she slid his boxers under her clothes.
Lone:I am done
Botshelo: okay let's go
Lone:do you think you can ever forgive me?
Botshelo:if you told me the truth yes
Lone:well since you don't want to believe the truth I
guess we are done
He played with his keys going outside,Lone sent her
friend a text that they should meet.
Later that evening at the hospital
The nurse walked in Cal's room wearing a bandage
dress's and black heels,she looked a bit taller,her long
hair was neatly made into a bun.Cal stared at her
wide hips and small breasts,it was obvious she was
not wearing a bra,she handed him a small plastick
Cal:you look different
Nurse:my shift is over,I am going home,open the
He slowly opened it,there was a small gift box inside,
he opened it,it was a small chocolate.
Nurse:(smiling)happy birthday I realized you didn't
eat the cake earlier,everyone has to have something
sweet on their birthday and that's all I could afford
Cal:they don't pay well?
Nurse:I am a student nurse
He pulled her arm and made her seat on the bed
Cal:no wonder I am not getting well,you are a student
Nurse:yeah,my name is Kelly
Cal:lovely name,I love the gift,I will eat it
Nurse:(stood up fixing her dress)if you were not so
old I would definitely ask you out
Cal:hey I am not that old ao
Kelly:(walked out)good night Cal

Cal:what did you say?
Kelly:(turned around) I said good night
Cal:say it again like the first time
Kelly:good night Cal
He sat on his butt and put his on his head
Kelly:are you okay?
Cal:someone used to say that to me,I can remember
her face but not clear
Kelly:(smiling)you are getting your memory
back,anything else?
Cal:(closed his eyes)no..nothing else
Kelly:do you want to go out for a walk in the garden?
Cal:dressed like that?
Kelly:(took off her shoes)yes
She helped her stand up,he put on his sweat pants
and they walked slowly in the garden talking about
general stuff
At my house
Warona put her head on my lap watching TV,Donah
was playing with his puzzle.
Someone knocked on the door and they ran to the
door,I followed them and opened.
Me:you literally live here now
Botshelo:my life is here (picked up Donah)big boy
He closed the door and walked in holding Wawa's
Me:how was your day?
Botshelo:nothing interesting, yours?
Me:nothing interesting
My phone ran
Cici:I can't take my phone with me I just called to
remind you its daddy's birthday today,I know you
guys are not talking but wishing him a happy
birthday won't hurt,he is a mess,he doesn't even
know us,he forgets his name sometimes please call
him,maybe you will do a difference, he is not the best
but to us he is the best, if you can't do it for yourself
do it for your kids,bye.
She hung up before I could say a thing,I hated myself
for a second for feeling sorry for a man who destroys
my happiness every chance he gets, I excused myself
and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and
sat on the toilet.
I dialed his number,it ran two times and went into
voicemail, I called again
Me:hello,sorry its wrong number
Voice:the owner went to take a shower can I take a
Me:tell him Phatsimo said happy birthday
Voice:okay I will tell him
Me:and tell him I said get well soon
Voice:will do
Kelly hung up,deleted the number and put the phone
on the table.
Cal:(looked around)where you talking to someone?
Kelly: no I was singing
Cal:then you suck,you were talking kana
Kelly:that's the thanks I get for being so kind on your
Cal:but you are really bad hey
Kelly:haha I have to go please before i the combies
are finished, can I get a hug
Cal opened his arms and she dissapeared in his big
shoulders,she rested her head on his chest and
looked up to him, she loosed up and french kissed
him,he kisses her back.

Episode 148
A week later
Kelly reversed the car out of Calvin's home,she put
on headset and called her friend.
Mic:hey chomi
Mic:bitch you hurting my ear,what tell me
Kelly:I am driving to your house right now
Mic:driving?bitch please you don't know people with
Kelly:haha oh my God I meet the hotest guy ever,he is
so handsome and sweet,he has a nice smile and a
dimple,he has two adorable twins,a girl and a boy oh
my God I am in love
Mic:how far are you ke a diega waitse ka data so
Kelly:just five minutes away, have a quick shower we
are going to buy food
She hung up and ran to the bathroom
At Botshelo's
I parked the car in front of the house and knocked
Me:I think he is sleeping,let's go we will come back
after we drop of Pearl
We drove out of the yard then I saw Lone opening
the gate
Lone: hi
Me:is Botshelo around?
Lone:I don't know I just came to get something
Me:you have his keys?
Lone:I know where he puts them
Me:okay I wanted Warona's jacket too
I stepped out and followed her to the house,she
searched for the keys under the big rock and didn't
find them.
Me:I guess he has them,need a lift?
Lone:no thanks
I got in the car and buckled up,she closed the gate
waving at us.
Wawa:what did she want?
Me:I don't know
Wawa:I am afraid of her
Me:she won't hurt you okay,no one will as long as I
am alive
Wawa:Thebe pulled my hair at school
Me:koore thebenyana wa bone ke ta mo duba
seborotho ga a nkitse,don't worry my girl I will deal
with him
Donah:mummy should I beat him too?
Me:no no baby don't fight okay, always report the
bulies to the teacher
Wawa:okay,look that woman is sneaking in the
Me:uhu,ga se gore wa low a jaanong
I drove away dialing Lefika
Me:hey,have you talked to her?
Lefika:they are only allowed one phone call during
the weekend,she didn't call
Me:she is still angry
Lefika:I don't care,she went too far this time.
Me:I hope she learns something there,anyway bye
Lefika:wait,can't we have a decent talk, ask how I am
Me:haha you never call me and ask that
Lefika:how are you?
Me:I am okay,you?
Lefika:I think about you sometimes,kana I am your
Me:haha mxm what are you drinking this time of the
Lefika:nothing haha but its true,I wonder how things
would have turned out if I was not such a dick
Me:me too,I'd probably still have Ciara only
Lefika:no we would have had a boy,maybe last
year,and married you

Me:mxm Lefika I don't have time for your madness
Lefika:I am coming for the class re union this
Me:I have important things that to go to those fake
reunions were every girl pretends they live the life
Lefika:we are going together Mme kana
Me:forget it,bona I am driving go shapo
Lefika:go shapo babe
Me:hahha sis wa ntwaela
I hung up and gave Warona my phone.
Me:take selfies baby
Wawa:(exited)Donah come closer
At Botshelo's house
Lone took Botshelo's toothbrush and put it in her
pocket then walked out,she pumped into Botshelo
Botshelo:(surprised) Lone
Lone:(heart beating fast)hey,I came to check if my
medical card was here
Botshelo:you took it with you last time
Lone:but I can't find,I guess its not here either,bye
Botshelo:wait,where did you get the keys?
Lone:I always had a key
Botshelo:then you should bring it back
She took it out of her back pocket and gave him,she
walked slowly outside while Botshelo stared at her.
At Calvin's
Kelly got in holding plastics followed by Mic,Cal was
sitting on the couch watching TV,Kelly baby kissed
him and went into the kitchen,Mic said hello and
followed her
Mic:friend he is hot
Kelly:I know right
Mic:is this like his house,he is not renting
Kelly:nope,to you want a tour
Mic:(rolled her eyes)are you kidding me hell yeah
They walked to the living,Kelly introduced one
another and gave Mic the tour.She prepared a little
snack and they all ate.
She took Mic halfway to the bus stop
Mic:(hugging her)I'll visit again soon
Kelly:ao mma it's not like I stay with him,jusf making
sure he settles in well till his mother a tla,he has no
Mic:are you sure?
Kelly:what's that suppost to mean
Mic:just saying babe,the combi is here,bye
She ran to the combi,Kelly walked back,she found
him in the kitchen,she sat on the kitchen counter
looking at him
Kelly:have you ever loved someone with all your
Cal:I think so
Kelly:who Phatsimo?
Cal:who is Phatsimo?
Kelly:the mother of your kids?
Cal:I can't remember her,maybe its her
Kelly:well I feel that way about you
Cal:(got between her legs)really?
Kelly:(wrapped her legs around him)yes
He slowly took off her top and her firm breasts poked
him,he kissed her neck as she put her hand in his
trouser,she gasped a little
Cal:(kissing her neck)mmmh
Kelly:I am a virgin
Cal:(looked in her eyes)you are kidding right
Kelly:(shaking her head)no
Cal:this makes it more special
He carried her to the bedroom and laid her down,he
smiled and took of his pants.

Episode 149
Two days later
At Botshelo's house
He crawled out of bed into the bathroom, he sat on
the toilet seat, quickly grabbed a bucket and vomited
in it, he checked his temperature with the back of his
hand. He was burning.He vomited so hard he felt like
his intestines were on the way.
At my house
I buckled up Donah and Warona came running
holding her school bag, she got in and buckled up.
Me:Rona where is your jacket?
Wawa:its dirty
Me:okay we will pass by at your dad and take the
black one
Wawa:but i am not cold mama
Me:for now yes(looked out at the clouds)its going to
I drove out of the yard to Botshelo's place. I knocked
twice with no reply. I dialed his number and his phone
ran inside, his car was outside which meant he was
Me:(knocking) wee i know you are inside
bula i want to take jacket ya ga Warona, i could hear
that he was inside.
I waited for a few minutes and he opened, he looked
pale and sick
Me:(panicked)whats wrong?
Botshelo:i dont feel well.. I have been vomiting since
I checked his temperature,he was burning. I grabbed
a blanket and dipped it in cold water then wrapped it
around him and helped to the car.
At Lone's house
She drank the last drop of the black concussion the
witch doctor gave her. She ran to the toilet and
vomited in.She was feeling dizzy,her mother knocked
at the door.
Mother:(worried)Lone are you okay?
Lone:please call an ambulance i think i am dying
Mother:whats wrong?
Lone:One took me to a... She... Mama please call an
She ran to the house and called an ambulance.They
waited for over an hour then it arrived
Paramedics :what did she take?
Mother:i dont know but she has been drinking from
this bottle a day back
He took the bottle and put it in a plastic, they took
Lone by the stretcher and put her at the back of the
van, neighbors were watching as her mother got in
the van too.
Neighbour:eish i think its an abortion gone wrong
Friend:me too
Neighbor:ee o bakile i hope she dies, my daughter
told me that business boy she has been dating
dropped her like a hot potato
Friend:is that why she did the abortion?
They walked back to their house
At the hospital
I parked the car and ran inside after dropping off the
kids at school.
Me:hello i dropped my friend here earlier. Botshelo
Nako which room is he in
Receptionist :are you related?
Receptionist :please wait here for the doctor
Me:is he okay?

The doctor called me in his office,i sat down trying to
read his facial expressions but nothing.
Doc:(looking at my ring)Mrs Nako??
Me:something like that,how is he?
Doc:his fever was sky high but apart from that there
is nothing wrong with him,we managed to get it
down a little but he will have to stay a few days here
until his temperature is back to normal
Me:but is he okay like i dont understand what could
have caused the temperature rise
Doc:we did some blood tests we will get back to you
with the results,i saw his medical record maybe its
Malaria again
Me:(teary)i will go get him toiletry,thanks
He opened the door for me as i walked out, the
paramedics pushed in someone who looked like
Lone, the person was on conscious.One of the
paramedics was holding a bottle with red liquid
inside.An old woman followed them holding her
At Calvin's
Kelly laid on the bed naked, her phone ran and she
put in on silent, Calvin walked in holding a tray with a
rose and breakfast.
Kelly(got up covering her face)awww iv never had
someone do something so sweet for me
Cal:and i have never meet someone like you (kissed
her cheek)eat up your shift starts in(looking at his
watch)an hour and half
Kelly got the food and ate looking at the man who
stole her heart, her phone ran
Voice:(furious)where are you?
Kelly:chill mum i will be there after my shift
Voice:Eric has been calling non stop a re you are not
answering him
Kelly:Tell Eric to find someone who loves him at their
stupid church a tswe mo go nna
Kelly:tell him i am calling the whole thing off there is
more to life than being MmaMoruti and faking
perfection,mama please just let me be i meet
someone and for the first (looked at Cal)for the first
time i am inlove, he loves me too for who i am i dont
have to pretend around him.
Voice:please come home so we can talk
Kelly:no,my decision is final, bye Mama i love you
She hung up and threw the phone on the bed.
Kelly:i am sorry you had to hear that i know i wasnt
honest with you from start. My step dad is a pastor
so they.. I have been in a courtship but i dont love the
guy, he doesnt love me either so
Cal:(took her hand into his)i love you
Kelly:you are not angry
Cal:no but a little dissapointed you didnt tell me in
the first place
Kelly:i am sorry
At the hospital
Doc looked at the blood results gor the third time,he
shook his head and dialed on the office phone.
Doc:hey you need to see this man...
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Episode 150
A few minutes later the other doctor walked in and
sat down typing on his phone, he put it down and
looked at the results, he pushed them back and
looked at the doctor
Doc:do you know what this is?
Doctor:do you think he tried to kill himself?
Doc:yes otherwise why would he drink it?
Doctor:he should have shot himself or hung himself if
he wanted to die,why choose a painful slow death,if
we dont operate on him he wont see the next day
Doc:his temperature is up again, we cant operate on
him now
Doctor:(stood up)lets take our chances because if we
dont he is as good as dead.
Doc:(rubbing his head)i will get back to you in an hour
The Doctor walked out and the lab assistant walked
in holding a paper
Assistant:the results for the young woman in ICU
Doc:(took them)thanks
He looked at the results and shook his head
Doc:what the hell is wrong with this people
At the office
I typed in the last figures and leaned on the chair,i
looked at the ceeling,someone knocked on the door.
Me:come in
Ame walked in holding a plastic bag and sat down
Me:did you get everything?
Ame:he will be fine
Me:i am so scared, the last time i saw him he was pale
and sick, i have been through enough he needs to
survive and help me raise our kids, i cant loose him
Ame:i am sorry sis
Me:i saw someone like Lone at the hospital, she
looked sick
Ame:it cant be her i saw her yesterday and she was
completely fine
Me:so was Botshelo yesterday
Ame:(stood up)i will collect the kids after i drop this
off, did you call his mother?
Me:yes i called her and his older sister
At the hospital
Botshelo's mother held his hand crying
Mother:i cant loose you my son please be strong
She kissed his hand and applied anointing oil on his
She walked outside wipping her tears with her
headscarf, she bumped into Lone's mother.She
looked at her from toe to head with disgust
Mother:and then?have you come to finish off my son
you witch
Lone's mum:i dont have time for this my daughter is
fighting for her life in ICU
She walked away, Ame looked at them confused.
Mother:hello Nana you look like Phatsimo
Ame:haha dont you remember me i am her little
Mother:ohh,Botshelo is still sleeping
Ame:what is Mmagwe Lone doing here?
Mother:who is she?
Ame:that old woman you bumped into
Mother:(covering her mouth)Lone hela wa ga
Ame:yes thats her mother
She sat down and covered her mouth
Ame:are you okay?
Mother:oh my God
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Mother:did you just sat that old woman i was talking
to ke mmagwe Lone who used to date Botshelo?
Mother:that woman is...she..and she said her
daughter was fighting for her life in ICU o raa ene
Ame:i think so
Mother:(stood up)i have to go somewhere my child,
his sister will be here in a short while
Later that afternoon at the office
Me:(Putin the laptop in its bag)hey
Ame:there is something major going on between
mmagwe Life and mmagwe Lone, when i assured her
the woman was mmagwe Lone ke ha a roroma a
pallwa ke go bua
Me:what could it be?
Ame:i dont know but i plan on finding out, i picked up
the kids i am at your house now
Me:okay i am on my way
At Saint Elisabeth Boarding school
Cici threw her bag on the bed and sat down taking of
her shoes.Her room mate walked in in her sports gear
Ami:we are going to play softball
Ami:join us
Cici:(smiling)i am not feeling well
Ami:(sat next to her)whafs wrong?
Cici:promise me you wont judge or tell anyone
Ami:i promise
Cici:i have been noticing some yellow stuff coming
out of my vagina and it smells should have it checked out maybe its
yeast infection
Cici:or maybe an STI
Ami:you had unprotected sex?
Cici:yes just that one time
Ami:comeon put on your clothes, we should see the
school nurse
Somewhere in the forest, in an abandoned
house.One walked in naked and sat on the matt, she
spread her legs as the witch doctor came closer
rubbing her thighs.
Doctor:it is done,i gave her the wrong medicine she
will vomit blood
One:will she die?
One:(smiling)yes and Botshelo will be all mine
The witch doctor spread her legs further and looked
at her flappy vagina, he took out his knee size penis
and rubbed the head on the vagina.One frowned as
he penetrated, if was so painful her heart ached.
Doctor:mmmh yeeees
Doctor:nothing comes easy in life, this little pain for
your long life happiness
One silently cried as he went more and more deeper.
Later at the hospital
I walked in his ward, he was sitting in his bed eating
an apple. He smiled waving at me
Me:(hugged him)you scared us
Botshelo:sorry i inhaled some strong stuff and it got
into my system
Me:what stuff
Botshelo:some battery powder
Me:i am glad you are alive,i cant imagine life without
you,stay away from caes just for a week, you are not
a mechanic leave the job to people who are qualified
Botshelo:(serious face)i am dying, my organs are
shutting down
Me:stop exaggerating

Episode 151
Botshelo:(serious face)i am serious
Botshelo:if i dont make it
Me:(stood up)no,you will fight this you wont die
Botshelo:Tsitsi please let's be realistic
Me:no,i am (crying)i am going to come here tomorrow
and find you better than you are today
Botshelo:can you please bring the kids tomorrow i
want to see them incase
Me:(sad)stop saying that,visiting hours are over i will
bring the kids in the morning before school
Botshelo:okay..can i get a hug?
Me:(hugged him)bye
At school
Cici laid on the stretcher and spread her legs while
the nurse inserted her finger in her, she frowned a
little.The nurse looked at her glove and removed it.
Nurse:Amira do you mind waiting outside?
Cici:no ifs fine sha can stay
Nurse:you have an STI,its yeast infection so i will give
you antibiotics then you will be okay, dont mix it with
alcohol or have sex in two weeks
Cici:believe me i wont be having sex anytime soon
Nurse:i am glad, il have to give you an injection
She pulled up her skirt as the nurse injected her
butt.She took the pills and walked out, Ami held her
hand tightly
Cici:i am glad you are my friend
Ami:me too
Cici:i want to be a better person for my...for my
At Calvin's place
Kelly put Channel on her lap and slowly combedher
long hair.Calvin walked in with CJ and Nicole
Kelly:(looking at Nicole)i cant wait to havea mini me
one day cute as this two.
Cal:id definitely want a boy
Kelly:awww we are already discussion babies
Calvin:(kisses her cheek)yes
Channel:daddy when are we visiting mum?
Cal:i dont know, i will ask granny
Cj:why hasnt she come to see you?
Cal:it beats me,however we parted must have been
Kelly:sad..(tied Channel a little bun)mmh you look
cute,come guys for a selfie
Cal:i hate selfies
Kelly:come babe i want to brag to the whole world
The kids sat on the couch with Kelly as Cal stood
behind them, they made silly faces capturing every
At the Hospital
Doc:(checked his temperature)oh God..i thought it
would never go down
Botshelo:are you still going ahead with the
Doc:yes the chemical ate half of your kidney and little
of your liver
Botshelo:but i will live right
Doc:yes,i was sad that i would loose two patients in
one day,your recovery is a miracle.
Botshelo:my mum was praying for me in tongues
anointing my whole body
Doc:power of a prayer my guy
Botshelo:so il be fine right like my dick will work just
Doc:haha yes after a while though
Botshelo:i thank God haha
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Two days later
At the hospital
The kids ran inside the room making noice
Botshelo:(low voice)hey baby
Wawa:will you be okay?
Me:i thought you said you were dying
Botshelo:i thought i was..have you heard?
Me:yeah i am sorry how are you holding up?
Botshelo:(teary)i dont know how i feel,i blame myself
i drove her to that point.
Me:comeon you guys have been over long time ago if
she wanted to killed herself because of you it woud
have been long back,believe me its something you
and i dont know
Botshelo:i cant even go to her funeral because i cant
leave this place, please take Donah to say goodbye
he loved her
Me:i will, stop blaming yourself okay
Botshelo:my bank cards are in the chest of drawer,
withdraw five thousand and give her family thats the
least i can do
Me:you know its okay to cry
Botshelo:i know
At Lone's place
One walked in the yard wearing a long skirt, she
covered her face sobbing.
One:i cant believe she didnt tell me she was having
Friend:shem i never thought Lone would do that i
guess the breakup really broke her
One:no it was not the break up, she got pregnant
from a one night stand thats why she killed herself
the man wanted nothing to do with him.
Friend:i thought you said you didnt know she had
One:(Stuttering)i...well.. I didnt know it was that
She walked to the crowd leaving One wondering
Later that evening
I parked the car outside the yard and got in,i joined
the other women at the fire.We prepared tea then
later served everyone.After the vigil i went in the
house and sat next to Lone's mother
Me:(extending my hand)my name is
Phatsimo,Donah's mother
Her:how is he?
Me:he is growing up fast, i am sorry for your loss
Her:its God's will my child,only God knows what was
going on in her mind
Me:(gave her the parcel)from me and Botshelo, he is
on the hospital he cant make it, 5000 is from him the
rest is from me.Lone was my son's second mum
Her:(accepting the parcel with both hands)thank you
my child
Me:you are welcome.. I will come for the funeral
Her:thank you
I bumped into One
Me:long time how are you?
One:i am fine please excuse me
She got in the house walking funny, i got in my car
and dialed Botshelo.
Me:hey she accepted the money
Botshelo:how is she holding up?
Me:she will be okay,i know how she feels i have been
in her shoes before
Botshelo:it feels so unreal i feel like its all a lie
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Episode 152
A few days later
At Lone's house after the funeral
I helped the other women give out food.
Ame:(handing me a plate)waitse God will forgive me
mme hela Lone ne e le leherehere how come we
never knew she had a baby
Me:i dont know and i dont care why she hid it
Ame:legone her daughter is a teen kana
Me:so..akere le nna i have a teen daughter
Ame:but everyone knows
Me:mma and the poor child cried her heart out, shem
she made me realise that i haven't been the best
mum to Cici and the twins,ha re tawa ha i am calling
Calvin hela and put my differences aside ke bue le bo
Me:yeah neh but Lone ene she surprised me
Me:i think they should come over ka Christmas amd
enjoy as a family
Ame:you are seriously going to ignore me ke bua
about a girl who hid her child from the world
Me:to be honest i really dont care, she had her
reasons,did you get the programme?
After eating we said goodbye to the parents and
went home.
Me:(payed her)thanks for looking after them
Lebo:no big deal where is Cici i miss her and she is
never online
Me:she is at a boarding school
Lebo:okay bye you never visit us this days
Ame:we will bye
She walked out,Ame sat down and i went into the
bedroom to make a phone call
Cal:how are you?
Me:i am okay can i speak to the twins
Cal:they went out with Kelly
Me:okay call me back when they are home can i ask you something?
Cal:ever since i was in a car accident you never came
to see me, i was in a coma for almost half a year with
every bone in me broken,everyone came to see me
but you never did.From what i hear you are the
mother of my kids and your eldest child even came to
see me, she calls me daddy, that makes me wonder
what i did to you that made you so cold towards me
Me:(swallowed a big lump)cut the crap i know you are
faking the whole thing Calvin, i know you but since
you want me to remind you i will.You faked your own
death, you killed my fiance, you kept my child away
from me for almost 5 years should i go on
Cal:now i understand why you never visited.I am
sorry i put you through so much
Me:God will forgive you
Cal:please forgive me
Me:(crying)will forgiving you bring Martin back?huh?
Cal:please find it in your heart to forgive me please
Me:call me when the twins are back bye
I hung up and threw the phone on the bed
distracted.It ran again and i picked without looking at
the id
Me:what do you want
Me:sorry i thought it was someone else
Botshelo:wa jola
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Me:haha mmh ka jola
Bofshelo:ehe you never told me
Me:i am kidding you know i am celibate
Botshelo:how was the funeral?
Me:it was okay, did you know Lone had a teenage
Botshelo:yeah she once told me she was molested as
a little girl and had a baby
Me:ehe now i understand why everyone was
shocked gotwe she had a baby
Botshelo:did you see her?
Me:yeah she is cute o tshwana le Lone
Me:il bring the programme tomorrow
Botshelo:okay,how are the kids?
Me:they are okay, will talk later let me cook for them
Botshelo:okay bye
I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling until i fell
At the school
Cici ran to the matron's office and grabbed the phone
from her.
Lefika:hey nana
Lefika:i miss you princess
Cici:(sobbing)i miss you too daddy, when are you
coming to see me?
Lefika:i am currently out of the country,see you in a
week's time
Cici:okay,i made friends and i joined the softball team
Lefika:thats my girl i am proud of you
Cici:dad i am sorry i wasnt the perfect child
Lefika:and i am sorry i wasnt the perfect dad
Cici:i forgive you,so where are you and what are you
going to buy me?
At Calvin's
The kids ran inside the house followed by Kelly with
Nicole on her waist, she put her down and sat on
Cal's lap hugging him
Kelly:misses us?
Cal:(forcing a smile)i enjoyed the quietness
CJ:dad guess what
Channel:we held a snake in our hands a big anaconda
Cal:haha really?
Cj:yeah then we had rainbow ice-cream
Nicole:then we played in the water
Channel:its called swimming Coco remember we
used to swim at the beach with mum when we lived
in Mauritius and made sand castles
Cal:you used to stay Mauritius?
CJ:yes then you came and we had to move back
Kelly:it must have been nice do you have pictures.
I little flashbacks came into Cal's mind, he
remembered Phatsimo's face, she was beautiful,she
was blowing candles on her birthday cake, she
hugged and kissed him...
Cal stood up, he held Kelly before she fell down.
Kelly:babe whats wrong?
Kelly:are you having other flashbacks
Cal:yes,can you please bring me the family album
Kelly:(stood up)okay
She gave him the album and he paged through
looking for any photo of Phatsimo.
CJ:(pointing)this is mummy
Cal:where werw yoy?
Channel:our first birthday party
Cal looked at him and her laughing and making cute
faces for the camera, he smiled a little.
Cal:who wants to talk to mummy?
Nicole:i do

Episode 153
At my house
Warona came running with the phone,she threw it on
my lap and ran back outside.
Channel:hey mama
Me:my chocolate how are you?
Cj:hey mum
Me:my prince
Nicole:hey mummy
Me:awww Nicki hey nana how are you?
Cj:we want to visit you
Me:yes you can come over ka di holiday i miss you
Channel:i am giving daddy the phone
Me:but i want to talk to you guys
Channel:he misses you mummy can he come too
Channel:can daddy come over with us?
Me:i was hoping it would be just us guys
Channel:you don't like daddy?
Me:did you do your hair?
Channel:yes aunt Kelly did it we will send a selfie
right daddy.. Mummy where is Wawa and Donah?
Me:they are outside playing i bought you guys a pool
Cj:is it big?
Me:not bigger than yours
Cj:yes then i will teach Donah how to swim
Me:aww i love you guys okay?
Channel:love you too mama
Nicole:can i come too?
Me:if mummy and daddy are okay with it then yes
you can come
Nicole:yes can i go daddy
Cal:(from the background)yeah its fine
Me:okay i cant wait to see you guys,bye
All:bye mummy
I hung up and put the phone on charge.It ran again
and i ignored it.
At School
Cici put the phone down and walked outside.
Ami:did you talk to her?
Cici:no she is not answering
Ami:i guess she is buisy
Cici:i think she doesn't want to talk to me
Ami:(hugged her)come on dont say that,come lets go
before they finish hot water
The ran to the dormetries
Later that day
At the hospital
We walked around the hospital garden talking about
not really important stuff
Me:i can see your mind is not here
Botshelo:i cant believe she is gone
Me:i know you loved her,you have every right to cry
and mourn her
Botshelo:i now know how you felt when you lost
Me:(smiled)i still miss him till today, you know he was
sweet and honest.He...he was just amazing and i
loved him more than i have ever loved any man
Botshelo:that hurts
Me:haha but its true, there was something about him
that made him special..he was the love of my life
Botshelo:and Calvin?
Me:he is a closed chapter,he did the unthinkable to
me,he took away my happiness,you know he was in a
car accident months back,and as he claims he lost his
memory but i dont buy it,he is faking the whole
thing,part if me feels bad for him but when i think
about all the bad things he did to me i wish he died
that day.
Botshelo:whatever he did must have been hectic
Me:yeah,he made me realise i don't need a man to be
happy,i have my kids and iv never been happy
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Two weeks later
I waited for their flight while doing a little window
shopping.I heard their noice as they ran towards
me,Cici followed behind them pressing her phone.
Channel:(hugged me)mummy
We did a group hug and went to the car,Channel
couldn't stop talking and Cici was quiet.
Me:buckle up guys
Cici:(put the phone down and wore her seat belt)i
missed you
Me:me too,i wanted to scream and hug you then i
remembered you are not a baby anymore
Cici:(smiling)it would have been nice
Me:who are you and what have you done to my
Cici:(crying)i love you mama and i am sorry i let you
down i promise to be a better person
Me:(whipped her tears)hey dont cry, its all in the past
iv never stopped loving you
We had lunch at KFC then went to pick up Pearl and
went home.Everybody settled in their room, we
cooked supper and watched movies.
The following day
I woke up to a call from an unsaved number.
Vouce:hello you are talking to Kelly, i want to know if
the kids arrived well
Me:hi yes they did
Kelly:okay have a lovely morning and happy holidays
Me:thank you, you too
Cici walked in and got into bed with me,she hugged
me tightly without saying a word.
Me:you look pretty
Cici:thanks mama
Me:are those extentions allowed at school?
Cici:no just for the holidays i cut my hair
Me:oh why?
Cici:i cant afford long her so as i was trimming my
ends dad said i was starting to look like you so he
asked the lady if she could put my hair back and she
suggested this extentions
Me:haha did you really look like me?
Cici:yeah,well a little,Warona looks like you
Me:i know right
Cici:and she is pretty because you are pretty
Me:awww i love this sweet Cici, i can get used to this
Cici:can we sleep together till i go back
Later that afternoon
Botshelo slowly got in the front seat and closed the
door.He had lost weight and looked tired
Me:are you okay?
Botshelo:yeah just that it feels weird when i pee
otherwise i am great
Me:soo that means..
Botshelo:(smiling)yes santse ke ka betsa hela a bo go
We both laughed and i started the engine, i dropped
him at his mother's place and went home.
I saw a big car parked infront of my house,i parked
behind it and ran inside,the kids were making noise
behind the house and could hear a familiar voice.
Cj came running in his summer pants and Wawa
followed carrying a stick.
Me:Warona what did i tell you about running in the
Me:who is the man outside?
Wawa:its dad...

Episode 154
I walked to the back still wondering if it was Calvin or
Lefika,i smiled seing him with Nicki on his
shoulders,Cici was taking selfiesin the pool while
Channel chased after him.
Lefika:(running around)hey mummy
Cici:look who decided to follow me here
Me:Lefika o ta diga ngwana wa batho rra,put her
He stopped running and put Nicole down
Lefika:we will play again later okay let me talk to
Me:i saw the wheels
Lefika:i decided go ipechetsa akere ga ke na mosadi
Me:o dira sentle..Cici put your phone down and
watch your sisters
We walked inside the house, he followed me into the
kitchen,he sat on the counter while i made snacks
Me:are you going to look at me without helping?
Lefika:dont you ever wonder how things would have
turned out if i was not an ass?
Me:you would have still cheated on me with Fifi, we
would not be together anyway but it would have
saved me the headache and heartbreaks
Lefika:(came closer)lets try this if it doesn't work then
atleast we would have tried not ready for a relationship
Lefika:ao mma it has been almost a year since your
finance died, please
Me:(smiling)you know i loved you at one point in life
Lefika:i still love you gape i never got the time to spoil
you ke go fa love
Me:you once bought me a rose and teddy bear ka
valentines day
Lefika:hahaha and you bought me chocolates tsa P.S
Me:haha mxm
Lefika:so are we doing this or not,i already asked Cici
how she would feel if we got together and she said
she couldn't care less because she is team Calvin
Me:and i am team no one
Lefika:Tsitsi we are not growing any younger and we
should be married by now eseng diketo tse o batang
go di tshameka..
Me:i am not going to lie, part of me still loves you but
you hurt me,so much ne ke sokola ka ngwana wena o
ja madi a boswa, i forgave you but.. Ke a go itse
Lefika sooner or later ta bo o setse o jola mo o
ntsenya matho a batho gape nna i am bad with long
distance relationships
Lefika:(moved away)ohhh..(scratched his head)ke a
go utlwa and i understand what i put you through ke
kopa one last chance please Phatsimo
Me:i am sorry..
Lefika:(smiling)it would have been fun you know,ka
bo re tsweledisa ha neng re eme teng
Me:haha yeah neh i hope you understand where i
come from
Lefika:i guess i do, i wont lie i am dissapointed but
hey..i still love you
Cici walked in and took a juice from the fridge,she
looked at us
Cici:you guys dont even think about it
Me:you know we never really had a family hug
We hugged for a few minutes then Cici went outside.
Lefika:let me go home
Me:sure i hope this doesn't make things awkward
between us
Lefika:ska wara ifs not the first time you turn me
down remember
Me:haha wa bo o ka bua ka dilo tsa almost 15 years
Lefika:still haha
I finished making the snacks and joined the kids
Cici:so are you guys getting back together
Channel:do you have a boyfriend?
Me:do you?
Cici:i dont
Me:me too
Channel:me three
Me:can we all stay single forever
Me:haha akere
Cici:mum i wish we can be besties
Me:and i thought we were friends
Cici:we are just that i want to share everything with
Me:(hugged her)i love you bestie
At Cal's house
His brothers sat down,Kaelo took the remote and
went through the channels.Kelly came in holding a
tray with bottles of beers and grilled meat.
Kelly:hey guys sorry i cant stay long i have to go to
the salon
Kelly:(kissed his cheek)bye
She took her handbag from the sofa and walked out
dialing on her phone.
Kaelo:shit man she is fine
A:damn fine,Cal can i date her when you dump her?
Cal:why do you think i will dump her
Kaelo:(looked at A)because you always compare
every woman with Phatsimo
Cal:i do?
Kaelo:(worried)you know i thought you were faking
the insomnia but now i believe you are really sick,
you still dont remember her
Cal:just a little flashbacks not a single memory
A:have you spoken to her?
Cal:she called the other day, i could tell i was the last
person she wanted to talk to
A:(sipped beer)you know i dont blame her,she loved
you man and like always you messed up,she gave
you so many chances
Kaelo:i think the whole Martin thin was the last straw
A:she knows about that?
Cal:is Martin the ex fiance?
Kaelo:seriously you cant remember shit
A:i hate that we remember all your shit and yoy
dont,you sleep on a clean conscience while we see
ghosts of people you killed
Kaelo:thats harsh man
A:(stood up)aah fuck u man
He slammed the door on his way out
Kaelo:just let him continue being a little bitch
Me:i want her back man,i like Kelly but there is
something missing i dont know what but something
Kaelo:then fill up your tank and go get your woman
Cal:aaah i am too chicken to do that what if.. She
really wants nothing to do with me
Kaelo:atleast you have Kelly
Cal:well better i try than just give up right
Kaelo:yeah plus Phatsimo has a soft spot for you
Cal:tsenya supersport ke bone di highlights
Kaelo:mmh and team yame letse e jelwe boatla
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Episode 155
Two days later at my house.
Cici helped me hang the clothes on the line when
Botshelo's car parked outside,the kids ran to him, he
picked up Channel them everyone of them.
Me:(drying my hands with my apron)you look nice
Botshelo:thanks so do you have plans for tonight
Me:no why?
Bofshelo:i was thinking i can take you out,just the
two of us for a drive like old times
Me:okay il ask Ame to come sleep over
Botshelo:okay sure i will pick you up ka 7
He said goodbye to everyone and went back to his
Cici:you should go
Me:ehe so you were listening on our conversation
Cici:i couldn't help it, seriously you should go have
fun nyana,drink a little and act your age
Cici:yeah stop acting like you are fourty,you are 29
mum and only a few weeks then you will be 30
Me:you are right,will you look after your siblings?
Cici:yeah i will call Lebi and tell her to spend the
night,you can sleep out too
Me:haha ijoo ee mma but i wont be sleeping out
We finished the laundry and cooked lunch,around 4
we baked scones and muffins,i took a little nap.I
woke up to an international number.
Marv:hey you, long time
Me:oh my God you guys
Tess:hey mummy
Me:(covered my mouth)i am such a bad mum how are
you guys?
Tess:oh God its freezing here we might come visit in
Me:that would be nice
Tess:uncle Marv is having a baby
Marv:thanks we will skype tommorow
Me:okay bye
Tess:love you
Me:love you too
I smiled and headed to the shower,i took a long warn
shower,applied a little make up and stood infront of
the mirror looking at my body,i had lost a few kg's.
I think hearing Tess and Marv that happy wanted me
to to be happy too, we had both lost someone we
loved but they managed to move on,they sounded
happy so why shouldn't i be?i slowly took off the ring
and placed it on the table.
I wore a sexy panty and bra then a short floral
summer dress wigh pumps, i looked younger and
Ame got in eating a muffin
Ame:ulala whats the occasion?
Me:Botshelo and i arw going for a drive
Ame:you look like my little sister
Me:in a sexy way right
Ame:hell yeah,so is it just a ride or la go ba tsaa?
Me:re ba isa kae?
Ame:haha sies,but you look pretty,he wont resist you
Cj came running in tje room and stood by looking at
CJ:you look beautiful mama
CJ:Wawa's dad is oufside
Me:i am coming.. (to Ame)does it scream kiss me
Ame:(fixed my cleavage)now it screams fuck my
brains out lol

Me:haha mxm
Ame:have fun
Me:thanks,i plan on having some little funyana wa
bona,a few drinks go lebaka ke kile ka nwa
Ame:make sure you use a condom
Me:(walked out)if i get any haha
Cici:you look nice
Lebo:hey Tsitsi
Me:hey,i love your hair. Please make sure they brush
their teethe and
Cici:have a fruit before they go to bed,yeah yeah
mum we know the routine
Me:haha okay bye guys
They were glued on the tv to realize i was leaving.
Botshelo was leaning on his car typing on his phone.
Me:hey so where are we going?
Botshelo:(opened the car door)i was thinking we can
have pizza then go on a drive outside maun
Me:(got in)i hope your car ga e kake ya swela ka rona
mo tseleng
Botshelo:haha seriously you will never make me
forget that day
Me:haha kana i was so scared ke utwa go lela ditau le
Botshelo:(reversed out of the yard)haha nnyaa mma
my car is fine
Me:how far out of maun?
Botshelo:Shorobe is fine did you bring the condoms?
He looked at me like he expected me to say i was
joking,i kept a serious face until he answered me
Me:jaanong why did you look surprised?
Botshelo:(smiled looking into the road)i didnt expect
Me:then why did you buy the condoms?
Botshelo:i mean the question
Me:but thats what you had in mind when you bought
them right
Botshelo:(looked at me through the mirror)haha why
are you questioning me?you also had the same thing
in mind when you wore that dress
Me:haha well..yes..maybe..hey this dress is just okay
so are we going to your house?
We had pizza and bought a few beers at a local bar
then drove slowly out of maun,i was drinking and he
was having little sips.It felt great to be out and
about,the fresh air and no kids reporting on each
other every second.
We stopped under a mowana tree,there were
benches and tables,i sat on the table as he got
between my legs and kissed me.I dont know about
you but alcohol tinded breath turns the fuck on me
no matter how drunk i am.
He squezed my but a little as he passionately kissed
me.I wrapped my legs around him,we kissed for a
few minutes then i unzipped his jean and took out his
dick,it was fully erect poking on my stomach,i
breathed heavily remembering how good it was.I
slowly got down and put it all in my mouth looking
straight in his eyes.He closed them a little and
grabbed my head,i squezed his balls a little while i
circled my tongue on his dick head.
He opened his eyes and found me looking straight
into his.

Episode 156
He helped me stand up,i sat on the table and he
stretched my legs apart,his moved my g-string to the
side and his middle finger touched the entrance on
my vagina,i was dripping wet,his hands moved to my
He took out a condom and gave it to me,i put it in his
hard thing as he kissed my neck.I directed the thing
in me,i moaned as he slowly stroked me slowly.I
hugged him tightly as he went a little faster,he made
me regret why i stayed a full 7 months without sex.
He picked me up by my butt and kept me in suspence
while he drilled me,he slowly moved to the car and
pinned me against it.I felt my body tighten and
become ticklish.He went a little to fast then i lost
control of my body, i let go of his shoulders,he held
me tighter then leaned over kissing me,we remained
like that breathing heavily,he took it out slowly
looking into my eyes.
Botshelo:that was...amazing
Me:(smiling)yeah ebile i have sobered up
He wiped himself and me then pulled my dress
down.We sat in the car silently drinking our beers.
At Calvin's house
He switched off the lights and laid in the dark trying
hard to remember more about Phatsimo.He logged
into facebook and searched her in her friends list,
there she was, he went through her photos.There
were no recent ones but one photo caught his
attention.It was a photo of them almost 6 years
back,she was leaning on his shoulder with her tongue
out.She looked young and happy.He smiled and
downloaded a few of them.
On our way back to Maun
Me:(drunk)you know iv always had bad taste in men
Botshelo:i am so offended
Me:haha you and Martin are the only guys who
treated me well but i treated you like dirt,you know i
uses to think it was because i had kids with him but
no iflt was because of his penis..i loved it more than i
loved him
Botshelo:haha i am going to remind you this
Me:i am not drunk,but let me tell you something,okay
o ska wa ipoka but o monate le wena,a lot more than
Calvin and Lefika,agg that one ene i dont remember
him well akere we were young i i didnt know
anything about sex
Botshelo:hahaha Tsitsi hle mma youare drunk
Me:i love it when you call me that, i love you Botshelo
now more than ever i know you think i am saying this
because i am drunk but no..i can even say it when i
am sober..but i am not good for you,i dont deserve
you,you deserve someone better who has never
treated you badly.You know...i..
Botshelo:are you crying
Me:no..i am fine just that when i think of all the
things i gave up
He parked at the gate and we remained silent for a
few seconds
Me:let me go in
Botshelo:i heard you
Me:what i said, it took me 5 beers to say it without
worrying that you might reject me
Botshelo:actually you rejected yourself before i could
say anything.Believe me iv tried to fight this feelings
because i know the moment Calvin comes in the
picture its over for us.Truth is i love you Tsitsi,there
was never a point in life when i stopped loving you
even when you hurt me to the core,i still loved you
when you chose him over me,i wanted to hate you
for sleeping with right after you had unprotected sex
with him,believe me i have tried hating you for taking
my son without telling me a word.But my feelings
couldn't change.The past couple of months with you
and our kids were the best,i realised you have grown
and also that you hate Calvin which in a weird way
makes me happy
We both laughed
Botshelo:(took my hand)i believe you have grown and
can trust you with my heart.
We starred into each others eyes without saying a
word,i was still digesting what he just said.He
changed the song that was playing and played Austin
Mahone's All i ever need
We smiled holding hands
Botshelo:our song
Me:(smiling)i still remember the first time i heard it re
tswa makalamabedi o ntheketse pizza o nkopella and
forcing me listen to the lyrics ..haha mxm i love you.It
took me many years to realize you the best thing to
ever happen to me.
Botshelo:i will send it to you ka app listen to it all
Me:come sleep over
Botshelo:i dont want to see me and the twins it
might confuse them
Me:you are right(opened the door and stepped
out)call me before you sleep
Botshelo:(kissed my forehead)i will
Me:ga ke go direla phoso tell me so that i correct it
Me:(let go of his hand)i love you
He waited for me until i got inside,i leaned on the
door and smiled biting my nails
Me:huh..oh you haven't gone to bed yet
Cici:why are you so happy?details details
Me:haha has Ame gone home?
Cici:she is sleeping in your room
Me:dont stay up till morning hle mma.goodnight
Cici:i thought we shared everything
Me:haha but i am still mum
I got in the room and threw myself on the bed waking
up Ame.
Me:(smiling)hle mma i love Botshelo,oh my God a bo
re ba tsaa ko sekgweng kwa,God he is amazing,he
picked me up like i was nothing and kept me in
suspense while he teard me up,i looked at him biting
his lower lip.. Ahhhh i am inlove and he says he loves
me too.

Episode 157
Me:and i pretended to be like really drunk then told
him gore i still love him,well incase he decided to say
he didn't want me i waa going to pretend like it never
happened ke itatola hela ke ipaa mosehla.
Ame:heee haha banyana,look at you smiling and
happy,tell me about the sex ya sekgwa..
Me:haha so we had pizza then bought a few beers,he
only had one nna i finished 6 wame akere i was on a
mission.So we parked mo tseleng hela mo difaung le
**my phone rang**
Me:(smiling)ke Bae
Ame:haha ijaa la tuka
Bae:hey i sent the song ko app
Me:you arrived safe?
Botshelo:yes..i can't stop thinking about what
happened earlier
Me:(blushing)haha me too
Bae:i want round 2
Me:haha kamoso
Bae:log into watsapp i want to show you something
I moved to the couche and put on my headsets.I
downloaded the song then he sent me a picture of
his dick,i laughed outloud
Bae:you want?
Bae:i am on my way
Me:its late
Bae:for who?o robetse le mang ke tlo tsaa round?
Me: with Ame
Bae:mo kobe
Me:haha i love your wild side, come in 5 minutes i am
taking a shower
Bae:on my way
The following morning
I washed the plates listening to "our" song
Cici:mum we are going out
Me:(took off one headset)you were saying
Cici:Lebo and i are going to the mall
Me:you have money?
Cici:dad gave me money but if you want to give me
Me:go and get my bag
Me:do you want the money or not?
She ran to the bedroom and gave me the bag,i took
out 600 and gave her
Cici:whatever made you this happy i will pray that it
becomes a regular.(hugged me)thanks mama
Me:have fun
She ran outside
Channel walked in with a long face
Nel:mum why is Cici happy?
Me:i dont know ask her
Nel:she says you gave her money,i want some too
Me:how about you and your sisters bath then we can
ho out and have pizza(smiled)pizza then we can go to
the river
Channel:(exited)yes love you mama but tell me how
much did you give her?
Me:hundred pula
She ran outside screaming.A phone call from an
unsaved number got in
Voice:how are the kids?
Me:ke bua le mang?
Voice:its Calvin
Me:the kids are fine they will call you later
Cal:um can we talk
Me:not today Satan ska nteka
I hung up
At Botshelo's
He smiled and gave the taxi driver five pula
Bae:haha she really hates him a re Satan.. Haha she
made my day
Driver:haha sure boss
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On Christmas morning
Ame,Cici and Lebo helped me clean the house and
cooked up a storm,we had invited our step siblings.
Me:So Potso still hasnt settled down?
Ame:he will never settle down re mo senya ka go raa
re re monte
Me:haha nna tota next year i want to get married
waitse and move in with my husband and kids,all of
them its so fun ba le mmogo
Ame:aah nna i don't want to get married yet santse
ke bata go nwa bojalwa ke twerke
Me:(put the desserts in the fridge)you can still drink
while married things have changed
Ame:wai they will still talk about you..
Me:ee gone, (looked at the time)iyoo we cooked early
i know they gonna come late bo Potso
Ame:did you invite Botshelo?
Me:whg are you asking me an obvious question
Ame:(walked out)haha le sure gore wa bo a toga a
bowa Calvin a bo a thakathakanya
Me:who is Calvin?
Ame:if you say so
We finished arranging the chairs under the shade.Cici
bathed the kids and they wore their Christmas
Wawa:how do i look?
Me:you look pretty this is our first Christmas
Channel:mum did you invite dad?
Me:he said he had plans with your granny and Kelly
Me:okay guys i paid lots of money for the
photographer so don't get dirty
Ame:i love the matching clothes reminda me when
mum was still alive
Me:do you think we would have turned out this way?
Ame:(teary)no we would have become better
Me:i am sorry i haven't been the best sister in the
We hugged each other silently crying.
Cici:why are you crying?
Me:just missing our mum
Cici:i bet she was a nice person
Ame:yeah she was and she used to carry you on her
back a kgweetsa baesekele a ya morakeng
Me:haha she loved Ciara a mmitsa Onyana
Cici:she did
Me:yeah,i wish she was here today
CJ:mum they have arrived
We greeted each other and sat down saying grace,i
dished for the kids and we ate.I kept looking at the
gate expecting to see Botshelo.
Potso:So Tsitsi how is life?
Me:i have a house a car soo i guess God is blessing me
Ame:good for you
Lame:when are you getting married?
Me:sometime next year
Potso:we will be waiting
Me:talking about marriage when are you settling
We all laughed
At Botshelo's house
He paced around the house with his hands on his
One:i am telling you the truth
Botshelo:you just had to destroy every good memory
i had of Lone by telling me those lies, i knew Lone she
would have never done that.Please leave because i
have to be somewhere and Phatsimo has been calling

Episode 158
One:you and Phatsimo are back together?
Botshelo:no we are not its Christmas and she invited
me for lunch
One:okay anyway here is my number incase you get
lonely Botshelo:okay
He took the small piece of paper and put it in his back
pocket.They walked out of the yard
One:ke kopa lift hle rra
She opened the door and got in,she dropped a little
something inside the car and closed the door.
He dropped her at the main road
At my house
I saw his car park at the gate while we were taking
photos.Donah ran to the gate followed bye Wawa.He
picked up Donah and held Wawa's hand
Me:(meet them halfway)you missed lunch
Botshelo:i will explain everything to you later
He kissed my cheek,Nicole ran towards us
Nicki:hey dad
Botshelo:look at you guys twinning,you look pretty
Me:if Calvin hears his daughter calling you daddy he
will kill you
Botshelo:manxhaxa a gagwe
Me:(laughing)heela ijaa guys go take more photos
and tell Cici to change you into your swim wear
The whole family was taking photos,some where in
the pool.Botshelo followed me in the kitchen.He
rubbed his boner on my butt,i turned around and
kissed him.
Me:i came to get your food wena?
Botshelo:i came to get my food too
He picked me up and put me on the table,he locked
the door and got between my legs kissing me.
I unzipped his jean and took out his anaconda,i gave
him a little hand job.He closed his eyes his thumb
tickling my clit,i could literally feel my heartbeat from
my vagina.I remember that we were in the kitchen
and had no condom with us.He parted my legs and
rubbed the head of his dick on my wet paradise.
Botshelo:shit babe i wont penetrate then
He inserted a little then it went all in.
Botshelo:shit babe i missed you
He went a little slower then faster,he took it out for a
sec and stared into my eyes.
Botshelo:i love you
Me:i love you too
He inserted it and went deeper i had to move back a
He held me tighter.Someone knocked but we
pretended not to hear then.He withdrew and
splashed his cum on my skirt.
We remained like that without saying a word just
breathing heavily.We looked at the cum stain on my
skirt and laughed.
Botshelo:that was irresponsible of us
Me:very and we haven't tested
Botshelo:you tubes are still tied right
Me:haha yes
He helped me down and we went to my room.We
whipped ourselves and i changed into swim wear.
Botshelo:babe i forgot to tell you what One just told

Me:(fixing my hair)you are friends with One
now,gatwe her mother is a which o ipasope
Bae:haha ne a bua zero hela a re Lone went to a
traditional doctor a re wa go mpolaa but she ended
up dying
Me:now you see why i dont have friends,they can
even bad mouth you o sule,lets go have your food
We sat at the table outside as we talked about
nothing really just telling each other how much we
loved each other.
The kids ran to the gate screaming,i stood up to see
what the hell was happening.
My smile faded when i saw him,i sat down as
everyone stared at him.Botshelo held my hand
He picked up Nicole and Channel,Warona was looking
at everything confused,he went to where the rest of
the family was sitting and bent his back greeting
He put Nicole down and picked up Donah
Cici:(happy)this is a surprise daddg you came at the
right time we are talking photos.
Calvin:(fixed her hair)did you grow or you are fat
Cici:(clung on to him)daddy that's not funny
Cal:i am kidding
He sat on the chair and extended his hand to
Botshelo then looked at me
Botshelo:(shook hands)hello
Cal:i was just passing by and i thought i should come
say hello
Cici:where are you going?
Cici:cam we tag along i promise i will take care of the
CJ:please mummy
I noticed Warona still standing far looking at
everyone,my heart beat fast because i knew
anything could happen at that moment,Wawa
recognizing Cal and Botshelo putting one and one
together.As much as i hated Calvin i didnt want
Botshelo finding out he was behind the Warona
Channel:Wawa come meet my dad
She pulled her hand and Cal picked her up.
Cici:can we go with daddy?
Me:(looking at him)i am sure he made plans without
you guys
Botshelo:(stood up)Babe i will see you later let me go
check on the boys i want them to knock off early
Bae:(to Cal)nice to finally meet you
He said goodbye to everyone and i walked him to his
Bae:see you later?
Me:(lost in my mind)yes
Bae:are you okay?
Me:i didnt expect to see Calvin i guess seing him has a
big effect on me
Bae:realised that you guys have unresolved issues,
talk to him
Me:i will,drive safely
Botshelo:(baby kissed me)i will
I went back to the kids and sat in the chair facing
Calvin,that moment i hated myself for still having
feeling for the man.
Me:hi..can we talk in private?
He Followed me into the house,he sat down and
looked at me.
Cal:can i start?
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Episode 159
Cal:from what i have realised the past two months is
that i have hurt you,o don't remember everything
about the person i used to be but i know i made
terrible decisions and destroyed lives yours
included.(knelt down)i want you to find it in your
heart to forgive me for everything,i mean
everything.From the pictures,what my family told me
and the little i remember i know you loved me
regardless,you took me back even when you had no
reason to (held my hand)i will never disturb you or
call you.I will leave you in peace but i just need to
hear one thing from you.I want to know if beyond
everything there is a little feeling left inside you..
I pulled my hands from him and stood up,his words
sounded genuine and i could see the change on his
face but that was Calvin,a man who died twice and
came back to life,i mean even Jesus had nothing on
the guy.
He stood up and folded his arms looking at me.I
swallowed hard and looked into his eyes.
Me:i am sorry that you went what you went
through,i would never wish it on my worst enemy
but i am glad it happened because i can see that you
are a changed man,i am not going to remind you of
the pain you caused me because it will delay your
heeling process.What i can tell you is i loved you,with
all my heart (swallowed a lump)you are the father of
my kids and Ciara adores you more than she does her
own father.Hate is a big word and so is love,i am with
someone now and to declare my undying feelings for
you would be disrespectful to him.
Cal:i hear you
Me:thank you..and you will collect the kids on your
way back i still want to spend time with them
Cal:thank God because i had only made reservations
for two and the lodge is fully booked
Me:haha yeah
Cal:i better go
Cal:bye the way you look much prettier in person
Me:thanks you...never mind
He said goodbye to everyone and left.I locked myself
in my room and sat down,i smiled and brushed the
thought off.I took my phone and dialed Bae,it ran
unanswered six times.
Somewhere in the bush
One took off her shoes and got in the hut,the witch
doctor instructed her to seat down.She sat and he
instructed her to spread her legs
One:i thought we were done with that stage
Doc:we are not finished until i say so
One:(swallowed a painful big lump)okay
Doc:if you dont want Botshelo the door is open,did
you do like i told you?
One:yes i threw the stick in his car
Doc:good now lets wait he will be running after you
Doc:yes now come here..

I dropped of Potso's mum at her house then passes
by Botshelo's house.His car was not there and the
gate was locked.I tried calling him again and he didn't
answer.I went to his garage,there was no one there.
At home
I went straight into my room and locked the door,i
called him again and again until his phone no longer
went through.Ame opened the door and sat with me
on the floor.
Ame:are you okay?
Me:Botshelo is not answering his phone,i went to his
place and his garage he was not there
Ame:maybe wa renka
Me:no he said he was going to the garage maybe sein
Calvin pissed him off
Ame:talking about him what where you talking about
Me:he lost his memory blah blah he wants
Ame:ijoo o can imagine not remembering anything
about my past life
Me:was i being weird around Cal,what if Botshelo
picked up something and thinks i still want Cal
Ame:well you were being weird but in a good way
Me:(stood up)ijaa i am getting a headache just
thinking about all this,where are the kids?
Ame:watching tv
At Botshelo's house
He charged his phone and laid on the bed,he looked
up thinking about a lot.The door opened
Botshelo:(eyes closed)Babe
One:its One
He got up and looked at her
Botshelo:what are you doing here
One:i came to check on you
Botshelo:i am fine as you can see
One:can i have some water?
He came with a glass and gave her,she drank it and
handed him the glass.
One:thanks i was just passing by
Botshelo:are you okay you look pale
One:i am fine,bye
Botshelo shook his head smiling as she walked
out.He switched on his face then he started feeling
He opened the door and ran after One.
Botshelo:can i drop you off at home?
He got his car keys and opened the door for her as
she smiled getting in,two girls passed by looking at
them smiling and laughing.
Girl:Sies One is already after Life but Lone hasn't
been dead for two months
Friend:maybe they are just friends
At home
I called his number again,his phone was on but he
didn't answer.I grabbed my car keys and went to his
I sat by the stoop for over an hour then he came
Me:why haven't you been answering my calls?
Botshelo:(opened the door)did you die from me not
answering your calls
Me:haha mxm seriously why
He blocked the door before i got in
Me:what are you doing?
Botshelo:i think we should stop whatever is
happening between us
Me:(surprised)what?if this is about Calvin i swear..
He slammed the door in my face..
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Episode 160
I was left feeling like a fool,i smiled and knocked
twice,i tried the door it was locked. the damn door
I waited and waited for over hours,a taxi packed at
the gate and someone got off,when they came closer
i realized it was One
Me:(stood up)what are you doing here?
One:babe bula
Me:wa re bay what?
One:if he doesn't have a finger on his finger then i can
call him bae too.
I slapped her so hard my hand hurt,her bag fell down
and she pulled my hair.
Me:(choked her)you bitch
One:bitch ke mmago
I kicked her and she fell down on the soil,i grabbed
the dustbin before i could empty it on her Botshelo
grabbed it and pulled me from her.
Botshelo:(slapped me)why are you beating her i am
the one who called her here
Me:(held my cheek and spat blood on the floor)so
when you were late ne o diilwe ke lone leswe le,wow
One:dont call me dirt
Me:(tried to grabb her with her top)bitch my teenage
daughter looks better than you will ever
Botshelo:(picked one'bag and gave to her still holding
my hand)get inside
One:monna ga a pagollwe ha godimo ga sethare o
tsewa mo go ba bangwe
I kicked the bin and it her butt,Botshelo let go of me
and got in the house.I hit the door countless
times,the hot slap left me with a bleeding nose and
heavy headache.
I sat on the stoop listening to them laughing
inside.Around 12 they switched off the lights,i
banged on the door screaming his name crying.
I finally gave up and drove home slowly,the kids were
sleeping.I went into the bathroom and locked myself
crying,never in a million years did i think Botshelo
would ever do that do me.It hurt so much that he hit
me infront of One.
Ame:open the door
I struggled walking due to the dizziness.She noticed
my red eyes and swollen lips.
Ame:(angry)who did this to you?
Me:o jola le One
Ame:who is One?
Me:One hela One yo boatla,i was fighting One then he
slapped me and locked me out of the house
She put on her jean and wore a loose T-shirt.
Me:ba tlogele
Ame:masepa a bone ke a bona gore ga ba nkitse
She pulled me and grabbed the car keys,she drove to
Botshelo's house breathing heavily.
Ame:waitse gore you are too soft wena
Phatsimo,how do you let that loose dirty whore in
the house,ga wa mo clapa i will do it for you.
She parked at the gate and banged on the door, they
ignored us
Ame:(picked a brick)this will make them wake up
She smashed the windscreen on Botshelo's car.The
alarm went on
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Botshelo opened the door,One followed wearing a
Ame:wow what a degrade Botshelo she was Lone's
friend for heaven sake
Botshelo:(dialed on his phone)i am not going to say
anything to you ke a bona this is what you came here
to do
I snatched the phone from him,Ame jumped on
One,she fell down and she started punching
her.Botshelo removed Ame ontop of One,he slapped
her and she fell down.
Me:(helped Ame up)lets just leave them alone Ame
lets go
Ame:i am not going anywhere until i teach this bitch a
One:(dustin herself)wa nyela
Ame:(picked a brick and threw at them)go nyela lona
The brick hit Botshelo on the chest,we went inside
and came out with a baseball bat,Ame was already
on the floor beating the hell out off One
I was standing looking at everything like i was
stupid,my legs were jelly.
I managed to hold the bet before he hit Ame with
it,everything happened so fast,i remember lightly
hitting Botshelo with it,he fell down and i helped Ame
beat the life out of One,surprisimg thing is no
neighbors were watching.
One'nose started bleeding then we left her, to be
honest i am not a violent person it was my first fight
if not second.
Ame:(spat on One)you two deserve each other
She kicked Botshelo who was lying helplessness on
the ground.
One:i am going to report you
Ame:tsamaya i will finish you off seaka ke wena you
have messed with the wrong person,just because
Tsitsi is quiet you think you can take advantage of
her well no more.
We sat in the car for a few minutes then drove home.
Ame:One o jesitse Botshelo i am telling you
Me:those things don't work
Ame:heee you think like that o ta ipona
That night i could'nt sleep,i had weird dreams of me
locked up in a cage.
I woke up to Ciara shouting in my ear
Me:(opened my eyes)Cici monna
Cici:there are police outside
Cici:they are looking for you
I put on my gown and went outside.
Officer:Ms Phatsimo
Officer:you are under arrest for the attempted
murder of Botshelo Mooketsi (cuffed me)anything
you say will be held against you in the court of law.
Me:can you not do this infront of my kids please
Officer:If you can't afford a lawyer the state will
appoint you one
They dragged me to the car, my kids were crying and
running after the car.I looked down and silently
cried.Never in my life did i ever think something like
that would happen to me.
I looked back and they were still running after the
van.My heart broke into pieces,i burried my head
between my legs crying.
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Episode 161
At home
Cici dialed Calvin'number crying.The kids were crying
making noise.
Cici:(crying)daddy the police took mum they..they
said she killed someone
Cal:what?where are you now?where is Ame give her
the phone
Cici:Ame is not here
Cal:i am on my way but i wont be there in while,lock
yourselves inside and comfort your siblings okay
Calvin hit a u-turn going back to Maun
At the police station
I sat in the dark room thinking if i really killed
Botshelo,did i hit him hard on the head?
The thought made me wish i never went to his house
in tje first place,i kept seing his lifeless body on the
ground,he was not moving and Ame spat on him then
kicked him,had he been dead the whole time?
The door opened and the officer got in,he took off
my handcuffs and i stretched my arms sitting down.
Me:is he dead?
Officer:i am the one asking questions
Me:i have to call my lawyer
Officer:(stood up and looked at me)a beautiful
woman like you?Beauty does fool us motho ga a go
lebile o bona a sweet person kante wena o Rambo
I swear if i was not under arrest i was going to
He walked out
I guess dreams do come true because just the
previous night i dreamt being locked in a cage little
did i know i was going to be locked in a cell.
At home
Ame knocked twice
Cici:who is it?
Cici opened the door,Ame hugged her and the kids.
Ame:i heard what happened,please dont cry its not
Channel:when is mummy coming back?
CJ:is she going to jail?
Cici:i told you guys daddy will help mum stop crying
Ame:did he agree to represent her?
Ame:your dad?
Cici:not Lefika,Calvin he is on his way here
Ame:tell me everything
Cici:well i was watching TV and..
At the police station
Not having a lawyer is one of the bad decisions
anyone can make.I called Lefika because he was the
only lawyer i knew but he didn't answer.
Me:ask me whatever you want to ask
The door opened and a tall masculine guy walked
in,he put his briefcase on the table and looked at me
extending his hand.
Guy:I am her lawyer,Odirile Moathodi
Me:(shook his hand confused)hi
Officer:just in time
Odirile:did they handcuff you?
Officer:its procedure
Odirile:and what have you accused her with?
Officer:attempted murder
Odirile:Phatsimo don't answer anything until i tell you
He stood up dialling on his phone
Odirile:hey,they have charged her with attempted
Cal:i am paying you a lot man don't dissapoint me
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Odirile:I won't i owe you big time
Cal:how is the case looking?
Odirile:i don't know id the guyis dead or not and the
only person who can tell us what really happened is
him and Phatsimo
He hung and sat next to me
Officer:(switched on the recorder)tell us what
Odirile:i would like a word with her please
The officer switched off the recorder and went
Odirile:what happened?
Me:who are you?
Odirile:your lawyer,dont ask many questions tell me
what happened
Me:we were dating,i went to his house and he chased
me away,thats when i found out he was dating this
other girl i fought the girl, Botshelo hit me then
locked himself in the house with the girl,i stayed up
then finally went home.My little sister noticed the
bruises then she got angry and we went back to his
house,she my sister broke Botshelo's
windscreen.Botshelo woke up and there was a
fight,he tried to beat my sister with it, i grabbed it an
hit him on the head he fell down (crying)we left him
and went home
Odirile:(looking into my eyes)did you intend to kill
Me:ofcourse not i would never do that to him
Odirile:but you knew hitting him on the head with a
bat could kill him
Me:i didn't hit him hard okay
Odirile:what did you do when you realised he was not
Me:i thought he had passed out not dead
Odirile:but you still did nothing,whats the first thing
you do when you realize someone has passed out
Me:(crying)why are you interrogating me i thought
you are on my side
Odirile:the prosecutor is going to ask you this this is what i want you to tell the
At the house
The kids were sleeping on the carpet Ciara on the
sofa.Cal slowly opened the door,he looked at the
innocent faces sleeping.He sat on the other chair and
took pictures.Ame walked in holding a washing
Cal:how long have they been sleeping?
Ame:less than an hour
She put the basket down and sat on the other chair.
Cal:you look like Tsitsi
Ame:i know we sisters
Cal:i can tell..i asked a lawyer friend of mine to
represent her
Ame:thats the least you could do after you made her
suffer like that
Ame:she loved and worshipped you
Cici opened her eyes and saw Calvin
She hugged him and cried telling him what happened
At the police station
Officer:thank you for the statement unfortunately
its a holiday and the judge is not in so you will have to
sleep here until Monday.
Me:you still haven't told me if Botshelo is alive or not

Episode 162
Officer:i can not share that information with you
He walked out
Odirile:its a holiday afterall i am sorry you have to
spend your holidays here
Me:its okay maybe i will get time to think about what
i really did,can i ask for a favour
Me:can you please check if he is still alive or dead
Odirile:i will
He closed the door and i sat down on the floor.The
officer came and took me to the holding cell.There
were other two women inside.
I sat at the far end corner and the officer threw me a
blanket.The women looked at me.
Woman:what did you do?
Me:i hit my ex with a baseball bat
Woman:haha you will be out soon
Woman 2:(Zimbabwean accent)i bit my boyfriend'a
Woman:haha nna i set my boyfriend'a house on fire
the bastard was not even inside what a waste of my
At home
The kids gathered around Calvin taking selfies,his
phone ran and he went outside.
Cal:talk to me
Odirile:she is weak and doesn't know how to lie..
Cal:well then teach her how to thats the mother of
my kids and i don't want her spending a night there
Odirile:today is a holiday the judge is not in
Cal:tomorrow is not a holiday right
Odirile:Yea i will get her bail tomorrow
Cal:whatever they charge her is okay money is not a
Odirile:ok shapo
Cal hang up and went inside the house
Cal:how about we go out for pizza and ice cream
Wawa:i want mama
Cal:(picked her up)she will join us tomorrow i promise
Cici:guys go put on your shoes
Donah stayed behind,Cici picked him up.
Cici:mummy will be home tomorrow okay
Donah:i want daddy
Ame:(took him from Cici)if you don't smile i am not
taking you to daddy
He curved his lips a little
Ame:aah i don't see the smile
He started laughing
Ame:good boy now go get your shoes
Ame:yes hurry up
He ran to the bedroom,Cici followed him
Cal:you are good with them
Ame:stop talking to me Calvin,everyone who hurt my
sister is my enemy o tla latela Botshelo
Cal:whats that supposed to mean?
The kids came running showing of their matching
white converse.
Cal:okay lets go,you going
Ame:i keep my enemies close
She grabbed her phone and walked behind them.
The kids sat at the back squeezing each other,Wame
sat at the front.
Wawa:(whispered to Channel)ask your dad do drop
us at dad's house we want to say hello
Channel:didnt you hear what the police said, mum
killed your dad
Everyone looked at her
Cici:Warona whats wrong?
Channel:i told her

Cici:you told her what?
Channel:(looking down)that..that mommy killed her
Cal stopped the car and everyone looked at
Channel,Wawa opened the door and ran towards
Botshelo's house.
CJ and Ame ran after her
Cici:Nel how could you say that to her?
Cal:mummy didn't kill anyone okay
Channel:(crying)i am sorry
Cal:(got out of the car)how far is the house?
Cici:they are coming
Ame sat with the kids at the back,Warona was
sobbing she made Donah cry.
Cal:i think we should go back home i will order pizza
Ame:good idea
He hit a u-turn.
At the Hospital
Doc:(took off his telescopes)he was in here not even a
month back
Nurse:poor guy, i saw the MRI's and if he survives it
would be by the grace of God.
Doc:he is a fighter..he and the girlfriend looked happy
i am surprised to hear she did this to him
Nurse:God knows what he did to her to push her to
doing this..
They walked out and bumped into One,she had a blue
eye and scratched lips.
Doc:its not visiting hours yet
One:(sobbing)please i need to see him
Nurse:are you family?
One:his girlfriend
Doc:(looked at the Nurse)sorry we can't allow you
inside only family can see him
The following day
I laid on the rack and looked at the roof,never in a
million years did i think i would sleep in a prison cell.
The officer opened and called me out.I found Otsile
outside,he greeted me with a smile,i smiled back.
Otsile:i hope you get bail
Me:me too i can't spend another night in there
The judge granted us bail and said a few terms and
conditions.I signed a few forms and left.
Otsile drove me home.
Me:(looking outside)is he alive?
Otsile:oh i forgot to tell you,he is under critical
condition but he is alive,you have to pray hard for his
recovery he is the only one who can save you
Me:and if he dies?
Otsile:you will be charged with murder
Me:you know me to my parents'house..i
don't think i am ready to see the kids,turn to your
Otsile:maybe this is the last time you will spend as a
Me:arent you supposed to assure me i won't be going
to jail!
Otsile:i am sorry the truth hurts..
Me:you are so cruel and you havent told me who sent
Otsile:you know who did
Me:well i guess iv always known..i hope he knows
this changes nothing between us
Otsile:he knows
Me:good,turn to your right
Otsile:you have to go home
Me:i don't know what to say to the kids..i am scared
We drove in silent until we reached home.We said
I knocked twice then opened the door.Cici saw me

Episode 163
Everyone turned around,the kids came running to
me,i knelt down hugging them.
Me:(crying)where is Warona and Donah?
Ame:(hugged me)they are sleeping
Me:this time? Are they sick?
Cici:no miss big mouth here told..
She kept quiet,our eyes meet and he smiled
Cal:welcome home
Cici:mum you smell awful
Me:(smiling)i know
Channel:i am sorry mama
Me:i know you are baby.. Let me go shower i am so
Cal:i will make you your favourite
I went to shower and took a nap,i woke up to the
feeling of someone starring at me,i slowly opened my
Me:(rubbing my eyes)hey
Cici:did you kill him?
Me:no i didn't,we got in a fight,he fell down and hurt
his head
Cici:i know you can never do that to him you love him
way too much
Me:i wish everyone knew that
She laid next to me and we cuddled in silence.Warona
opened the door and stares at us
Me:Wawa come here
Wawa:i want daddy
Wawa:why did you kill him i hate you i hope someone
kills you too
I felt a sharp pain in my heart and i couldn't breath
for a few seconds..
Me:(touched my chest)get me a wet cloth
Ame and Cal came running,Ame sat next to me
Ame:Tsitsi whats wrong?
Cal:i think she is having a panic attack,go start the car
i am coming behind you
Cici gave me the wet cloth...i started seing black then
went blank..
I woke up to a room full of bright lights,i covered my
eyes with my hands.Someone touched my legs..
Me:(pulled them back)Wawa
Cici:its me
Me:(smiling)do you all pull people's legs ba robetse?
Cici:Wawa and Nel always do that to me when i am
sleeping..are you okay?
Me:yeah i am feeling better
Cici:i thought you were dead you have been sleeping
for over 8 hours
Me:haha where is Warona?
Me:(sat up looking at her)i am sorry i have to be this
Cici:(crying)its so sad what you have to go
is embarrassing yes but you are innocent until
proven guilty
Me:haha you are right..when did you become this
The door opened and Cal got in
Cici:i will wait outside..(to Cal)dont take long
Cal:i won't
He sat on the bed and looked at me.
Cal:i did it because i know you would never try to kill
the guy.. You love him
Me:i hope you don't finish off where i started akere
thats how you roll
Cal:i am trying to be nice here
Me:i dont need you being nice to took away
my happiness if Martin was still alive so would
Botshelo..none if this would have happened

Episode 163.5
Cal:are you going to blame for everything happening
in your life?
Me:yes because you keep interfering in my life
Cal:i apologized a lot and if you cant forgive me then
Gid will
Me:mxm get out of here i don't care if you are paying
for my lawyer or ruined my life
He stood up and walked out dialing on his phone
Kelly:hey babe can we talk i am in the saloon
Cal:i miss you
Kelly:aww you are so sweet when are you coming
Cal:yeah will you come i want to spend the night with
Kelly:everything okay?
Cal:yeah i am coming with the twins
The doctor walked in and checked my pupils and
blood pressure.
Doc:what made you so sad?
Doc:will you be able to rest at home or you want to
spend the night?
Me:i want to go home..i dont know about resting but
i know i dont want to spend the night in here
Doc:haha okay
Me:can i ask you something?
Me:is he okay?
Doc:i am sorry i cant discuss other patients with you
Me:i just want to know if he will live
Doc:(wrote something down)only God knows
Me:you know i would never harm him right i was
there for him when he was sick,i know i hurt him but i
didn't intend to kill him
Doc:i know
Me:thank you
He walked out then Cici came to say bye.
The doctor discharged me then Ame came to pick me
up.We drove home in silent.
I found the kids packing their bags in Calvin's car.
Me:whats going on
Nicole:we are going home with daddy
Me:(walked in the house)Calvin?
Cal:(helping Channel zip her bag)yeah
Me:they are supposed to leave next week
Cal:who is going to take them to Gaborone?you?
Me:is thus some sort of revenge?
Cal:get over yourself not everything is about you
Me:Nel go helo your sister pack the bags in the car..
She ran ourside
Me:please this is the last chance i have with my kids
before trial,i need to spend evert second with them
Cal:and i have to go i cant leave them behind
Me:they will go back with Ciara please dont do this to
Cal:my decision is final Phatsimo i am going with the
kids, if you really are innocent then you have nothing
to worry about you will see the kids again unless you
are hiding something from us
I sat down while he zipped the bag and went outside
pushing the bag.Warona came in,she looked at me
and started crying.
I went into my room and locked myself inside,she
banged the door until she gave up.I could hear her
sobbing outside the door.
I switched off my phone and laid in the bed covering
my face.
Episode 164
I came out if the room a few munutes later and said
bye to the twins and Nicole.I watched as the car
disappeard in the road.
Ame:Wawa ne a llela eng?
Me:can you take them to mmagwe Botshelo?
Ame:are you okay?
Me:i just want time to think go sena bananyana ga
thoko game.Warona probably hates me Calvin le ene
o tsere bana i thought this was going to be our time
before trial jaanong ga gona mosola.
Ame:Cici ene?
Me:i will call Lefika a tle go mo tsaya
Ame:okay..dont kill yourself
Me:i hope i don't too
Ame:i cant leave you thinking like that..what if you
hurt yourself?
Me:i won't,il be in my room dont say bye when you
Ame:you are acting and sounding weird
I went back to my room and switched on my phone,
Odirile called that he will come see me in the evening.
Cici went to Lebo's that evening,i made myself
something to eat and sat watching TV,i wasnt even
paying attention,someone knocked.
Me:(opened the door)hey
Odirile:hey so i thought we should go over your case
Me:something new?
Odirile:no just that i am afraid the judge will crush
you on stand
Me:but i would be telling the truth, the truth will set
me free
Odirile:do you know how many innocent people are
behind bars?
Odirile:you dont want to know
Me:you want me to lie under oath?
Odirile:you have to because it looks like you did
intend to kill Botshelo.So your former lover whom
you have dumped Botshelo multiple times to go back
to pitches out of the blue,you dont know how to end
things with Botshelo so you plan to kill him,you claim
he was cheating and ended things between the two
of you instead of accepting it and going home,you
stay until night then...
Me:(covered my ears)i didnt plan all of this i didn't
even know Calvin would come here
Odirile:The prosecutor is going to say exactly what i
am telling you,i mean you did come home then went
back to his house..why? How sure are we that you
didn't bring the bat?
Me:its his he plays softball everyone knows that
Odirile:the judge doesn' you have anything of his
in your house?
Me:just his clothes
Odirile:any sports clothes?
Me:yeah his soccer boots are here
Odirile:which means he could have left his bat here
like he left the boots
Me:yes but i am being honest with you here he went
inside the house and took it,i blocked him when he
tried to hit Ame with it
Odirile:problem is you dont have eye witnesses apart
from your sister and Botshelo's lover.Look i am
trying to help you here ga ke go sekise i am on your
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I spent the whole two weeks in the house,no social
media nothing and my phone was switched
off.Friday evening my boss came to check up on
me,we talked about the case and if i will still have my
job if found not guilty.
Odirile came everyday to prepare me for the
following week.
Monday morning at court
I walked in as everyone turned and looked at me.I
took my seat and buried my head in my hands.
Odirile:(held my hand)dont show them that you are
Me:(took a deep breath)mmmh
The judge walked in and we all stood up,i looked
behind me and Ame smiled at me,Potso's mum
They started with the whole court thing.
Prosecutor:This is the case of the state versus Miss
Phatsimo Fernandez on charges of attempted
I took a deep breath
Judge:Mrs Fernandez do you find yourself guilty?
Me:(looked around the court room)no your honour
People started mumbling and the judge ordered
them to keep quiet.
Prosecutor:i would like to call up my first witness to
the stand Miss One Smith who is the victim's
One took the stand
Judge:do you swear to tell anything but the truth?
One:(put her hand on the Bible)i swear to tell
anything but the truth
Prosecutor:tell us about your relationship with the
One:he was my boyfriend
Prosecutor:how long have you knows him before you
started dating?
One:for over five years, he was dating my friend
before she passed away
Prosecutor:and when did you start dating?
One:begining of December
Prosecutor:Tell us what happened on that fateful
One:(looked at me)I came over to a sleep over at
Botshelo's place i found Phatsimo arguing with
Botshelo,when i tried to get in the house she pulled
me and started beating me and insulting
me.Botshelo locked her out of the house then we
went to bed.Around two we woke up to the sound of
a car alarm,we went outside and found Phatsimo and
her little sister smashing Botshelo's car windscreen
with bricks.Botshelo rushed in and got a bat trying to
scare them.Phatsimo got hold of it and hit him in the
head with it multiple times then they beat me till i
was unconsious,i dont know what happened after
Prosecutor:So Miss Fernandez left then came around
two with her sister?
Prosecutor:how many times do you say she hit him
on the head?
One:i don't know three times maybe.
Prosecutor:no further questions your honour
Odirile stood up and fixed his tie.
Odirile:Miss Smith you say the victim was your
Odirile:define "was"
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Episode 165
One:i dont understand
Odirile:"was"is a term used to describe the past so i
want ti know if you and the victim had broken up or
One:no we are still together
Odirile:then why did you use the term "was"?
One:i guess i wasn't paying attention to what i was
Odirile:(smiling)are you saying you haven't been
listening to yourself?
Prosecutor:(stood up)objection
Odirile:i will take that as a yes so you haven't been
paying attention to everything you said.
One:it was just a slip of the tongue
Odirile:(looked at the judge) you say you have
known the victim for five years right
Odirile:but my client says you all went to school
One:yes i mean we had started being friends five
years back
Odirile:but the prosecutor wasnt asking about
friendship he was asking how long you had known
the victim.So does that mean you have lied under
One:(attitude)i didn't think it was important
Odirile:okay...thank you no further questions your
Judge:Thank you Miss Smith you may step down,
Court will be back in half an hour
She looked at me as she walked out.Odirile held my
hand smiling.
Me:are we winning?
Odirile:i will tell you after the doctor's report.
Me:she was lying i swear i only hit him once
Odirile:i know
30 minutes later
The doctor took the stand looking at me,he
introduced himself and took oath
Prosecutor:Tell us about your relationship with the
Doc:he is my patient
Prosecutor:when did you first meet him?
Doc:about two months back when he was admitted
to my ward,he had inhaled a toxic battery powder
which made his fever rise up and his kidneys did not
work for a few days.
Prosecutor:tell us about his condition now
Doc:he has been in a coma for 16 days now and
under life support
Prosecutor:what is the real reason for him being in
that situation?
Doc:(took out MRI results and scan)he was hit with
something heavy on the head multiple times and he
has brain swelling thats what has caused his coma.
Prosecutor:(sat down)thank you
I whipped my tears with the back of my head.Odirile
stood up and looked at the MRI's
Odirile:you say he was hit multiple times in the head?
Doc:yes three times if not four
Odirile:(looked at me fixing his tie)where you on duty
when the patient was admitted?
Doc:yes. He was admitted around 7 in the morning
Odirile:thank who came with him?
Doc:An old man and his wife
Odirile:thank you no further questions
He sat down..

Episode 165.5
Judge:Thank you Doctor you may step down
now.Court will continue tomorrow.
Odirile:I think there is more to this than we thought.
Me:(crying)Brain swelling will he live?
Odirile:(packed his bag)maybe
Odirile:even if he does he might loose his memory or
We walked out and paparazi started taking
pictures.He places his blazer on my head to the car.
At home
I made homemade orange juice and poured a little
whiskey in it.My phone ran
Cal:hi how was your first day at court?
Cal:be strong
Me:i am trying to be
Cal:i know some neurologist from Brazil,i was
thinking of flying here a tle go bona Botshelo and if
he can help.
Me:i am not in contact with his family but i have his
mother's number.Call her and dont tell her who you
are ir else she will think we want to finish off her son
Cal:send me the number i will see what to do
Me:thanks how are the kids?
Cal:Nicole isn't going to school o dule rash all over
gatwe its contagious
Me:i hope she gets better soon
Me:thank you.. For Odirile he is good and even if i go
to jail i dont think it would be for a long time
Cal:you are wont go to jail i promise
Me:haha you gonna bribe the judge?
Cal:should i?
Me:haha no.. Look Odirile is here we will talk
I threw the phone in the sofa,Odirile opened the door
and put his bag down.
Odirile:you have something strong?
Me:should i be worried?
Odirile:how much do you know about Botshelo's
Me:(gave him a glass on whiskey)he owns a taxi
business and a garage..
Odirile:is that all? and a driving school,he also has a mini bus
and a combi
Odirile:anything else?
Me:thats all i know
Odirile:is he financially stable
Me:he is rich..with all those things ofcourse he is
financially stable
Odirile:does he carry cash with him?
Me:i know you are a good lawyer but how is
Botshelo's finances going to help us
Odirile:i told you to always trust me,so tell me
Me:his manager collects money from the taxi boys
and deposits it then o neela Botshelo di receipt
Odirile:when was the last time his manager
deposited the money?
Me:bathong..everyday because guys ba di taxi ba
tlisa 200 everyday before 10 pm
Odirile:and when does the manager bring the
Me:in the morning ka bone bo 7 or 8 because they
deposit the money through the ATM
He stood up smiling..
Odirile:now it all makes sense why he was brought in
by passing strangers not her
Odirile:Oh God

Episode 166
The following day at court
Odirile:Your honor i am bringing to stand the man
who accompanied the victim to the hospital.
The old man walked in,he took oath and introduced
Odirile:Please tell us where you were coming from
when you found the victim.
Man:i was coming from the cattle post
Odirile:what time?
Man:i normally leave around 6 and arrive in maun ka
Odirile:what made you suspicious when you saw the
victim on the ground,it could have been some drunk
man too tired to get in the house
Man:that young man is a very respectful person he
always gives me lift and buys madila from me.I was
surprised to see him laying there,actually i went
there to give him a mouth full but only to find out he
was unconcious
Odirile:was there anyone around?
Man:no because i screamed for help and only
neighbors came to my rescue
Odirile:thank you.. Thats all
The prosecutor stood up and looked at the old man.
Prosecutor:Did you get in the house?
Prosecutor:then how sure are you that there was no
one inside?
Man:i shouted for over 2 minutes asking for help and
if there was someone in tho house they would have
heard me.Those new yards are far apart but the
neighbor could hear me,wouldnt whoever was in the
house heard me?
Prosecutor:thats all thank you
Judge:thank you Mr Moalosi you may step down.
Odirile:The next person to the stand is the victim's
manager Mr Noko.
He walked in,took oath and introduced himself.
Odirile:how long have you been working for the
Him:its been 4 years now
Odirile:tell us what is it exactly that you do for the
Him:I pay the workers,make sure the vehicles are in
right condition and collect money everyday then
deposit it.
Odirile:is that all?
Odirile:do you also work on holidays?
Him:no i don't,on holidays he collects the money and
deposit it himself.
Odirile:where were you on the 25 of december?
Him:i was at Motopi thats where i always spend my
festive holidays.
Odirile:no further questions thank you
The prosecutor stood up and looked at Mr Noko..
Prosecutor:have you ever stole from the victim?
Him:no i will never do that
Prosecutor:not even once?
Him:no Mr Botshelo gives us lunch money everyday
and loans without interest, when we have family
crisis he takes money from his own pocket and helps
why would i steal from such a kind person?
Prosecutor:and now? Do you still deposit the money
and keep receipts?
Procecutor:thank you no futher questions
He sat down frustrated..

Episode 166.5
Judge:Court continues in two hours
We all stood up as the judge left,the prosecutor
wrote something on a piece of paper then gave to his
Me:whats going on?
Odirile:we are winning
Me:really?explain everything to me
Odirile:you will figure everything out yourself,come
lets grabb something to eat
Me:i am not ready for all those people outside the
court house
Odirile:come on you cant hide forever
We used the back door and got in his car before
paparazzi saw us.
At the hospital
Botshelo's mum walked in with the kids,they sat in
the benches as he sprayed anointing water all over
the room praying,he rubbed his legs with the living oil
and prayed holding his hand.Her phone ran.
Voice:hello you are talking to Doctor Parsons in
Voice:we heard about your son and we would like to
sent someone to look at him
Her:shouldnt you be speaking to the doctors?
Voice:we would like your permission before talking
to his doctor
Her:its okay you can send the doctor,it wouldn't hurt
to look if he cant help him
Voice:thank you and please dont mention this to
anyone because we usually want payment but this
time we are doing for free
Her:thank you,if the doctor is fine with it then i am
good too.
Voice:thank you have a good day
She hung up and looked at Warona rubbing her
father's palms with the living oil.
Wawa:what do i say?
Her:ask God to heal him
Wawa:(closes her eyes)God please heal my dad if you
do i promise i will be a good girl and wont be angry at
mum.. Please God
At court
Judge:from all the statements and evidence this
makes this case difficult.It is the state verses Mrs
Fernandez but the prosecutor has not given much
evidence that shows that indeed she wanted to kill
the victim.I now give the defendent the opportunity
to give her side of the story you may now take the
Odirile:Your honor before my client takes the stand i
will once more like to question our eyes witness.
Judge:yes you may,Miss One Smith
She walked to the stand and took oath once
again.Odirile stood up and fixed his tie
Odirile:you say the defendent arrived what time?
One:around two
Odirile:you also say she and her little sister beat you
until you fell unconscious
Odirile:and what time did you regain conscious?
One:i didnt look at the time?
Odirile:and where was Botshelo at that time?
One:he was laying on the ground
Odirile:and what did you do?
One:i tried to wake him up and realised he was not
waking up
Odirile:and then
Top of Form

Episode 167
One:and i tried calling the ambulance but my battery
was low
One:then i ran home to call my uncle because he had
a car
Odirile:how far is your home from the victim's house
One:two kilometers maybe
Odirile:such a long distance why didnt you wake up
the neighbors?
One:it was dark and i was afraid to wake them up
Odirile:so i guess you gained conscious around bo 4
and 5 right if not earlier
Odirile:where you not scared i mean you grew up in
maun and you know how dangerous it is to walk
alone at that time
One:i needed to get to my uncle
Odirile:if it was the car you really wanted you could
have used his right i mean you do know how to drive
One:(shaky voice)Phatsimo and her sister had broke
the windscreen
Odirile:but it could still take you to the hospital
because it was an emergency instead of you
traveling almost two kilometers to get your tell me what time did you get back to the
victim's house.
One:i dont know
Odirile:was the victim still there?
Odirile:do you realise that if you could have used the
victim's car or called the neighbors you could have
saved his life..
Odirile:can i tell you a short story?
Odirile:So you visited the victim,after my client hit
him once on the head and left you took the bat and
hit him more.But why?because the victim had more
than 10 thousand pula with him in the house,he
didnt deposit the money that the drivers gave him
that day,you stole his money and went to your house
to hide it
Odirile:and when you came back you didnt find him
right,you messed up the house and went to report
my client that he tried to kill the victim..
Everyone kept quiet listening to Odirile,i was even
surprised but everything he said made sense.
Odirile:you hit the victim on the head with a bat
Odirile:you even stole his money...
Odirile:my honor we are persecuting the wrong
person,the real killer is on the client is
guilty for assault not attempted murder, she slightly
hit the victim on the head protection her sister,she
knew it would knock him down for a few seconds
thats why she and her sister flee the scene because
they knew he could wake up any minutes and beat
them,the witness here saw that an as an opportunity
to steal the money and blame everything in my
client.Her statement doesn't make sense from all
angles which means she has been lying under oath.
One whipped her tears and looked at me.

Judge:order in court..Lawyer Odirile do you realise
you are making some serious allegations against the
Odirile:yes your honour but i have all my facts
right.The time the incident happened and the time
the victim was admited to the hospital was a long
time.Who walks around Maun around 4 and 5 to go
look for a car 2 km away when she could have calles
the neighbors or used the victim's car? The victim's
manager did say that the victim was collecting tje
money on holidays,i checked with the bank and he
had not deposited the money in two days which
means he still had it,the witness used the assault to
her advantage,she tried to kill him so that she steals
his money.If you can give a search warrant now your
majesty i guarantee you will find the money.
One:i didnt try to kill him..(screaming)Phatsimo and
her sister did not me..he gave me that money
because he loved me,we can even ask him when he
wakes up.
Judge:quiet Miss Smith
One:since you all think i tried to kill him then its fine i
will go to jail for nothing.
Judge:Mrs Smith
One:yes i hit him on the head but Phatsimo caused
more damage because she hit him first,and when he
woke up he started saying her name,thats why i hit
him more.What does she have that i don't,i didnt
sacrifice everything for him to mumble her name
everytime.I only finished what Phatsimo started.
Odirile looked at me as i cried silently,i had never
been that happy,the police cuffed One,the was lots
of noice in court and the Judge ordered them to keep
Judge:court will continue in two days,the court drops
charges of attempted murder againt Mrs
Fernandez.She will appear before court in two days
for her case of assault.
Everyone stood up and i hugged Odirile
Me:thank you so much
Odirile:you are welcome
Me:so do you think he will sentence me to jail
Odirile:3 months tops or community service
Me:i dont care,can i see Botshelo now?
Odirile:not yet
Odirile:until after the case
We walked out of the court room,people started
taking pictures and Odirile gave them and interview.
Reporter:How is the case going sir?
Odirile:we are winning
Reporter:please tell us in details
He ignored them and we got in the car,i buckled up
and looked outside.
Odirile:are you okay?
Me:the whole thing made realise one thing..
Me:i will tell you one day..can we grabb a bite?
Me:i want something spicy and some alcohol.
Odirile:celebrating too early i see
Me:haha if i had known you were this good..
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Episode 168
Later that evening
I sat alone in the dark drinking my wine.I smiled and
took out my phone.
Me:thank you
Cal:once again, i heard the good news
Me:yeah Odirile is good and thanks for paying him.
Cal:no big deal
Me:how is Nicole?
Cal:she is good
Me:okay so do you still have lots of money?
Cal:haha yeah why?
Me:you know money makes people forgive easily
Cal:how much do you want?
Me:10 thousand
Cal:haha seriously how much do you want?
Me:how much do you have
Cal:a lot
Me:okay i will send you my banking details you will
see how much you can send
I hung up and switched on the lights going into the
bedroom.I noticed the window was half open and the
wind was blowing the curtain in.My whole body got
Me:hello..anyone..i heard the main door slam..,i ran to
bedroom door,someone opened from outside while i
tried to close it,i screamed loud then bit their hand,i
fell down and a big fat man walked in.He took out a
knife and stabbed me on the stomach,he took it out
and stabbed me again.He took it out again and
stabbed my chest.I could feel my soul slowly leaving
my body.
Man:die bitch you messed with the wrong people. I
saw his boots as he walked out of the room.I crawled
to the bed and took my phone,i tried to call Ame..the
last thing i remember is dialing her number.
At Cal's place
Nicole:dad when are ee going to see mum?
Cal:during the holidays
Channel:i miss her
Cal:go get my phone so you call her
She ran to the bedroom and came with the phone.He
dialed me and it rang unanswered,he called again.
Cal:but we were just talking minutes back
He dialed Odirile
Cal:you over at Phatsimo's?
OD:no we are meeting tomorrow..why?
Cal:i am trying to call her she is not answering
OD:i will try to call her
OD:mxm the alarm keeps going on but there is
nothing outside..will call you back
Cal:be careful magodu a malatsi a can even rob you
around this time.
OD:haha okay i will call you in a few minutes
He went outside and took out his gun,he noticed
some movements in the trees.
He took out his phone and switched on the flash
light,he noticed a man boots hiding behind the
mango tree.He aimed at the boot and shot, the heavy
man fell down on the ground.He touched his leg
crying like a goat being killed.
He ran to the man and noticed he was carrying a
bloody knife.
He ran to the house and took his car keys calling the
police.The man tried to escape and he shoot him on
the other foot.

He got in his car and opened the gate leaving it
open,he put on a headset and dialed his girlfriend,it
rang unanswered until voicemail.
OD:babe..dont go to the house today,i am on my way
to Phatsimo's i have a bad feeling something bad is
going to happeng if not yet..
He hung up and took a left turn,he could see from a
mile away that the living room door was not
closed.He dialed the ambulance before getting in the
yard.He took out his gun and slowly walked in.
OD:Phatsimo..(got in the kitchen)Phatsimo...
He opened the bedroom door slowly and stepped in
the flowing blood.He looked at the lifeless body on
the floor and held his chest before he vomited all
He carried my body to the car and dialed Cal in the
OD:she has been stabbed,she is still breathing but i
am afraid
Cal:(stood up)Stabbed?
OD:i will call you when i reach the hospital,i am
At Cal's house
He took his laptop and booked a ticket for the next
plane,he silently walked to the pool amd sat down
with his legs in the water.
Kelly:are you okay?
Cal:OD just called a re she found Phatsimo in a pool of
blood she has been stabbed.
Kelly:(covered her mouth)oh my God,do you think its
the same person whi tried to kill her boyfriend
Cal:(stood up and looked at Kelly with redish
eyes)whoever did this will pay,big time.
He walked to the house dialing his friend.
Cal:hey man i need your help with something..
At the hospital
Ame ran inside and looked around,she saw OD.
Ame:(looked at his bloody T-shirt)what happened
where is mg sister?
OD:she is in theater they say she lost lots of blood
Ame fell down on her knees crying.OD pat her back
while she cried her heart out.
Ame:she is all i have i can't loose her too oh please
The police walked in with the fat guy,OD noticed him
from a distance and shook his head.
Officer:(wrote down)do you know him
OD:yes i represented his sister not a long time back.I
think he is the one who stabbed Phatsimo.
Officer:we will match the DNA on the knife woth that
of your client.I would like you to come down to the
station for a clear statement.
OD:i will
Officer:thank you
He walked away and Ame stopped crying.
Ame:how do you know that man
OD:its a long story
The nurse took off her gloves and washed her hands.
Nurse:Mrs Fernandez's family please
Ame followed her to the office
Nurse:please seat down
Nurse:because ..please
She slowly sat down and looked at the nurse.
Ame:is she dead!?
Nurse:no but

Episode 169
Doc:she has lost a lot of blood and the knife went a
little deeper she will need surgery thats why we are
transferring her to Marina.
Ame:(crying)will she live?
Doc:please i cant say yes or no..
Outside at the waiting room
OD:yes the man had the same tatoo on the hand..but
after so long
Cal:dont worry i will deal with is Tsitsi?
OD:i dont know the Doctor called Ame in..i will update
Cal:i am trying so hard to be the man my kids will look
up to one day but people keep poking me.
OD:haha man once a ganster always a gangster you
will never change.
Cal:i was willing to for Tsitsi..Pablo knows better than
to mess with me.. I will call you back
OD:i will talk to the police to place an officer outside
her door before Pablo sends someone to finish her
Cal:believe me he won't live to make one last call,he
can mess with my money and drugs not family
He hung up and dialed his brother.
Cal:Pablo sent one of his men to kill Phatsimo
Dumi:what?how is she? How did he know about her?
Cal:the media people exposed her life all over..OD
rushed her to the hospital she lost lots of blood he
says she was stabbed in the chest and stomach
Dumi:will she live?
Cal:she has to..can you lent me your laptop?
Dumi:what do you want to do?
Cal:will you or not?
Dumi:just dont do stupid shit because if Pablo traces
it back to me i will meet with my ancestors.
Cal:i am gonna hit him where it hurts the most his
money and drugs.He messed with the wrong woman
Dumi:i will bring it after work..
At the hospital
Ame sat on the bench her mind all over,she saw
Botshelo's mum carrying Donah and Warona
following them smiling.
She imagined how they would handle the whole
thing,flashbacks of her mum in a coffin came back
instead she saw her sister in it.
Ame:(came back to earth)yeah
OD:how is she what did the doctor say?
Ame:she is going to die
OD:he said that?
Ame:not in so many am i going to live
without her?she is my everything,my mum, dad,
sister,friend..she takes care if me and my child..
(crying)i cant loose her
Mmagwe Botshelo:Dumelang what are you doing
here this time (noticed OD's bloody T-shirt)everything
Ame:(looked at Donah)they are still young they wont
remember her.
Mmagwe Botshelo:(confused)what is she talking
OD:(pulled her aside)Tsitsi has been shot, we just
brought her in
They both turned at looked at her.
At Pablo's house
Three men went around the house carrying guns.

The power went off..One man fell down then the
The third man fired the gun up waking up Pablo.
Wife:(sleepy)was that? Aaah a gun?
Pablo:dont go anywhere.. Stay here..
He tried to switch on the lights but there was no
power.He put in his gown and went outside.He
opened his drawer and took out his gun.
He heard noise in the garage and saw light..
The lights came on
He turned around slowly..
Pablo:The mighty Calvin has risen,i thought you were
a good guy this days
Cal:(pointed a pistol at him)you sent your goons to kill
the mother of my kids..
Pablo:(mexican accent)she is not dead yet..(looked at
the time on the wall Watch)well atleast for now.. I see
you came to do your dirty work this time..
Cal:(pounted at his forehead)not messed
with the wrong one
Pablo:now you know how it feels like to loose a loved
one failed to protect her. .i knew she was
the most precious thing to you..i want you to feel
how i felt 20 years ago when you killed my wife and
your fraud of a lawyer proved your innocence.
Cal:i didnt kill her..she killed herself..i see you want ti
join her right
Pablo:how many times have you pointed that gun at
me Calvin?you don't have what it are a
coward your father and brothers always doing your
dirty deeds
He pressed in the trigger and hit Pablo in the
forehead,he fell in his back.
He opened his safe and took out all the money and
Pablo's wife sat quietly in the bedroom expecting her
husband to walk in any minute.She heard a car
outside,she watched as it drove into the mainroad.
She opened the door and meet with his husband's
lifeless body.He screamed outloud..
At the hospital
Wawa:is mum dead too?
OD:no she is not,she is just stressed thats why she is
Wawa:you said they stabbed her
OD:you heard wrong come lets go get candy
He walked behind them
Mmagwe Botshelo:eish i feel sorry for the poor kids..i
dont mean to sound negative but how would they
survive without both parents?
Ame:what do you mean?
MmagweBotshelo:Botshelo's condition is still the
same..even if he wakes up he won't be able to do
anything for himself.I am a positive person but the
truth is always the truth we have to face it..Botshelo
no longer has life in him.Its just the grace of God that
he is still breathing
Ame:we have to be positive
MmagweBotshelo:and hopefully but if God says yes
no one can stand before him.. Orebotse

Episode 170
At Cal's
He walked in the house quietly closing the door,he
switched on the lights and saw Kelly sitting on the
Kelly:its past two
Kelly:so?? So?? Cant you atleast tell me where you
coming from?
Cal:Kelly i wasnt out with women i was with my
brothers okay.You can call my mum or dad and ask
Kelly:(hugged him)i was worried sick okay,you could
have called.I have an early shift come lets go to bed.
Cal:(picked her up)how much do you love me?
Kelly:more than you can think
Cal:would you do everything for me
Cal:i love you
Kelly:i love you too
He walked to the bedroom kissing her neck..
Two days later
At court
Judge:Mr Odirile i expected to see your client with
Odirile:Your honour my client has been shot,she is in
a coma and has been transferred to Marina.
Judge:you were supposed to report this to the court
in less than an hour
Odirile:I was scared for my life that i was afraid to
leave the house until the police assured me the
criminal wont be getting bail but your honour my
client finds herself guilty of assault of mr Botshelo.
Judge:i will give sentencing when your client is back
to health.Court dismissed.
Odirile walked out loosening his tie,he sat in his car
and dialed Cal.
OD:hey how is she?
Cal:she will live i went to see her yesterday
OD:the judge will give sentencing for assault when
she is back to health..did you deal with Pablo
OD:its funny how you pretend to have lost your
memory but remembered Pablo
Cal:i got my memory back its just none of people's
OD:so you remember everything?
OD:haha welcome back ganster..i missed you
Cal:thats gay man
OD:fuck you i am flying down there tonight,drinks are
on you
At Letsholathebe
Botshelo's mum held her son's hand praying for
him,she felt him grip her hand.She opened her eyes..
He held her hand tighter and started mumbling.She
ran outside calling the nurse.The nurse checked his
pupils and buzzed the doctor.
Nurse:Mam can you wait outside for a while
Her:(happy)has he really woken up?
He looked up and the light hurt his eyes.The nurse
gave him a glass of water.
The doctor walked in and smiled at him.He touched
his legs and he moved them,he slightly hit his arms
and he pulled them back.
Doc:its about time you woke up man,Nurse go get
the MRI ready we want to do a scan
Doc:haha thats how you ended up here in the first
place,saying the woman's name when you wake up.

At Letsholathebe
Botshelo's mum walked and sat on the chair looking
at his son.
Her:i had lost all hope for the first time in life i was
starting to question my God
Botshelo:(let out a fade smile)how are the kids?
Her:they are okay they have been staying with me
for the past month
Botshelo:(looked the other way)Phatsimo ene?
Her:Phatsimo is at Gaborone
Her:i think you should get better before i tell you
Botshelo:has she went back to her ex?
Her:no..she is sick.. You should stand up and strech
your legs.. Let me help you
She helped him stand up but his legs were weak.He
fell down then she helped him stand up and he sat on
the bed.
Her:you will get better as time goes, i will cook your
favourite food
Botshelo:i want to see the kids
Her:okay i will bring them after school
Botshelo:okay can you cook me madombi and koko
ya setswana
Her:haha ao my son you have been hungry all this
time..i will let me hurry home,this rain wont stop and
its starting to annoy me
Botshelo:did you plough?
Her:yes but my plants will rot in the soil because of
this rain..let me hurry home.Bye
After his mum left he tried to stand up again then
fell,he started remembering what had happened that
fateful night.He tried to stand up again and fell,he
tried multiple times.
At Princess Marina Hospital
The surgeon took of his gloves and mask.He washed
his hands and took off the coat.
Nurse:its a success?
Surgeon:Yes the bleeding has stopped she should
wake up any time.
She walked to the visitors room and called Cal.
Nurse:you can go see her now
Cal:okay i will like to transfer her
Nurse:if its okay with the surgeon then we will do the
paper work
Cal:ok i will be with her if you are looking for me.
He went in the room and sat down holding my hand.
Cal:you have to wake up babe..our kids need you..i
need you.. Your sister needs cant leave us
now when we need you the most...Botshelo needs
you..oh i forgot to tell you he woke up..He loves you
wake up..if not for me do it for him.
I slightly squeezed his hand and slowly opened my
Cal:i know i was not the best boyfriend in the world,i
have started remembering all the emotional and
physical abuse.the mental abuse and its so sad how i
claimed to do it in the name of love.I want you to
wake up so i can apologise..i messed up i know..but
you always forgave me and gave me another
chance,many will think you are stupid but i think its
true love.It cant be explained so please wake up
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Episode 171
I squezed his hand a little tighter.
He stood up and called the nurse.He held my hand
while the nurse checked my pupils and blood
Cal:is she okay?
Nurse:she has woken up
Cal:(kissed my hand)babe can you hear me?
Nurse:let me go get the doctor
I slowly opened my eyes,i put a hand on my forehead.
Cal:you gave us a scare
He helped me drink the water.He looked at me and
smiled squeezing my hand.
Me:Is he really awake?
Cal:(smile faded)Botshelo?
Cal:yeah yesterday Ame called
Me:is he okay?
Cal:yeah from what she said he is fine just a little
We remained quiet for a long time until i fell asleep.
At Letsholathebe
The doctor walked in and found Botshelo on the
floor,he rushed to his side and helped him stand up.
Doc:you are pushing yourself too hard please take
your time you will be able to walk in no time
Botshelo:i feel hopeless,i don't even know if i will
ever walk.
Doc:yes you will..your mind is working slowly now
because you have been in a long coma,i guarantee
you you will be fine next week.
His mother walked in with the kids,Wawa jumped on
the bed hugging her dad.Donah smiled shyly hiding
behind his grandmother.
Botshelo:Dodo come here
Wawa:i missed you daddy
Botshelo:(pinched her cheeks)i missed you too..Dodo
the rra come here
He walked over with his thumb in his mouth,he got in
the bed and smiled hugging his dad.
MmagweBotshelo:he has started sucking his thumb i
tried to stop him but wa gana
Botshelo:he normally does that when he is sad i think
the whole thing affected him.
Wawa:when are we going home?
Doc:let me excuse you
Wawa:dad you are no longer sick?
Botshelo:(looked at Donah)yes..Mum when did they
last see their mum?
MmagweBotshelo:about a month back?
MmagweBotshelo:eish its a long story
Botshelo:the whole thing has affected my son,first
he stopped seing Lone now his mum and dad that's
why he looks this pale and sucking her thumb.He is
sad i think ee should take him for counselling..well
both of them.
MmagweBotshelo:i was thinking the same thing and
you should start going to church tota nothing will
work out for you without God's intervention.Look
what just happened you left Phatsimo for some buisy
girl,its the work of the devil if you are not careful you
will loose everything.
At Ame's
She went through her contacts and came across his
number.She hesitated to call him at first but did
Ame:hi..its Ame Tsitsi'sister

Marv:hi..i remember you
Ame:yeah so..Tsitsi is in the hospital i was asking if
you cant come down here.
Marv:well i was going to bring Teresa for the Easter
Ame:cant you come a little earlier?
Marv:is everything okay?
Ame:yeah..well maybe if she sees you guys she will
come to her senses..i am afraid she might make some
mistakes thinking she is following her heart
Marv:i dont follow but if its an emergency we can
Ame:thanks please keep in contact
Marv:i will keep her in my prayers
She hung up and sat down looking at the family
album.Her phone ran and she answered on the
second ring.
Cal:hi she is awake
Ame:(stood up exited)what?
Cal:yeah maybe an hour back..You have to come
down here
Ame:i will be on the next bus thanks
At Letsholathebe.. Later that night
Botshelo took a few steps from the bed then walked
back to the door,the door slowly opened.
Ame:(stuck her head in)i had to see for myself
Ame:(closed the door)hey..i am not supposed to be
here..its past visiting hours..i am actually on my way
to gabs.
Botshelo:how is she?
Ame:(happy)she woke up
Botshelo:she did..? you want to talk to her?
Botshelo:no..i will call her not now
Ame:okay..look my bus leaves in 15 minutes,see you
when i get back
Botshelo:okay..tell her i am sorry
Ame:you will tell her yourself
Botshelo:i dont know if she will even talk to me
Ame:(opened the door)see you..just apologise okay
The following day
I woke up to people making noice,i opened one eye
and sat upstraight.
Channel:(hugged me)mummy
Me:hey you guys
CJ:we brought your favourite cake
Channel:and your favourite megazines
Me:awww you are so kind..where is daddy?
Channel:he is outside with Kelly
Me:okay..hey Nicky why are you quiet?
Nicole:i was afraid you will die
Me:haha guys dying is such a big word..i am fine
come here..
We did a group hug,Cal came in holding hands with
Kelly,she smiled greeting me and i smiled back.
Cal:guts go wait outside please i want to talk to
They ran outside, Kelly sat on the chair and Cal stood
behind her.
Cal:how are you feeling now?
Me:i am alive that's all that matters
Kelly:and emotionally?do you have flashbacks or
Me:no i am fine,i keep thinking about the man like
why me,who was he?
Cal:dont think about that now,focus on getting
Me:yeah..but i cant stop thinking about it
Cal:i know..but please be strong for yourself and the
kids..we want you out of here walking
Kelly:yeah we need you

Episode 172
After they left i stretched my legs going to the
bathroom.I came back and found Ame sitting on the
Ame:heee haha i thought you were dead
Me:(hugged her)not just like that girl i am a die hard
ga o bona ke paletse dithipa jaana
Ame:haha yeah neh
She sat down and talked about this and that.
Ame:Botshelo is awake
Me:yeah Cal told me
Ame:you guys are civil to each other this days
Ame:getting back together anytime soon?
Me:i don't know he has a girlfriend now
Ame:and she adores your kids
Me:you know being here made me realise
something..i made a decision to follow my heart you
know i was always afraid to go back to Calvin
thinking what would people say?what would Ame
say?What would Botshelo say? I am done with the
negative thinking.i always went back to Calvin even
when i knew he was a criminal, when i knew he killed
people.I still loved him even when i knew he kept
away from my child and when i knew he...he... Had
something to do with Martin's death.I never hated
him..truth is he did everything in the name of love.His
love for me is more than what words can describe.I
want him back,i know you don't like him but i do..i
love him.I have made up my mind..i am going to give
him one last chance ke kgotsofatse pelo yame.I
decide to ignore everyone and go for what the heart
Ame looked at me like she wanted to strangle me.
Me:i am sorry for being such a dissapointment Ame
but thats the truth..i will be 30 in a few weeks and i
don't want to play games anymore,i am going for
what i want even if the whole world hates me.
Ame:ehe mma
Ame:i guess you needed the heartbreak, the crying
and stabbing to realise you loved him
Me:i always knew i loved him just cared a little gore
what will people say.
Ame:but you said he has a girlfriend
Me:so..he was married before..Kelly is not a threat
Ame:Ehe mma i don't know what to are right
o motona and i hope you wont regret your decision.
Me:whats life if we don't take risks?
Ame:yeah neh

Me:i hope you respect my decision
Ame:you already made your decision Phatsimo my
opinion doesn't matter but always remember how he
treated you..he controlled your life he took away
your happiness but if you want round two then go fo
it..but since we making life changing decisions let me
tell you this.If you go back to Calvin then i am done
with you like done done done..i cant believe you
could be this stupid but hey... Botshelo loves you,he
makes one mistake and you go back to the guy who
wronged you more than i can count.
She grabbed her bag and walked a fee steps to the
door, she looked back and shook her head.
Me:it wont kill you to be happy that...
Ame:(shouting)that what? That you are ruining your
life agg man
She slammed the door.I sat down on the bed and
dialed Calvin.
At Letsholathebe
The doctor pushed Botshelo outside in a wheelchair.
Doc:man i hope i never see you here again
Botshelo:believe me you wont..
He helped him get in the car then his manager drove
Botshelo:you know this whole thing just made me
realise that God indeed is alive, if it wasnt for my
mum's prayers i would nt be alive.
Manager:i am just glad you are okay boss
Botshelo:this was a lesson.. I want to make life
changing decisions focus on my kids and God basadi
ke stress hela.
Manager:haha you are really giving up on Tsitsi?
Botshelo:i cant believe i am saying this but yes..nna le
ene whenever we try to make things work there is
always something..thats a sign,this time it wasnt her
fault, God knows we tried and i love her so much but
re batona we can't keep going in circles.
At Cal's house
Cal grabbed his phone and went outside
Me:hey can we talk.. Can you come here?
Cal:everything okay?
Me:yes i just want us to talk about something
Cal:cant it wait till you feeling better
Me:no it cant wait
Cal:will be there in a few
30 minutes later
Cal Walked in holding a bunch of flowers,he smiled
hiding his face behind them.
Cal:(gave me the flowers)you look better
Me:i feel how have you been?
Cal:better than you
Me:haha i want to tell you something
Cal:me too
Me:okay go first
Cal:i want you to knoe that i still love you..i respect
you a lot..believe me i would give up everything to go
back to the time when you loved me but hey we cant
turn back the time.From the day i found out you
were stabbed i promised myself i will stay away from deserve better than i can ever give you..

Cal:Botshelo makes you happy..he is the perfect man
for guys have been through a lot and you
still found a way to get back together,all i want from
you is your forgiveness nothing more.I believe God
has given me a second chance at happiness,Kelly
loves me more than i can ever explain he makes me
want to be a better person,she is my second chance
at love.So i just want you to know that you dont have
to worry about me acting like a jerk behind you, i will
respect your relationship.
Okay thats was not what i was expecting,his words
had torn my heart into Pieces.
Cal:so what where you going to say?
Me:i forgive you for everything and thanks for
everything you have done for me and for Botshelo.If
it wasn't for you i would be in jain right now and
Botshelo would be dead thank you.
Cal:i did everything because i love you Tsitsi and we
need you.
Me:yeah you did say that.. Anway thats all i wanted
to say
Cal:you sounded a bit serious over the phone.
Me:(faked a smile)so my forgiveness is not important
Cal:it is..can i get a hug?
He hugged tightly and let go.
Me:bring the kids tomorrow
Cal:oh we are going to some church thing..Kelly's dad
invited us
I sat in the bed going through My facebook pictures.I
deleted my account and deleted the app.
I dialed Botshelo's number,he answered on the third
Me:hey you know i am not supposed to be talking to
Botshelo:i am getting you arrested
Me:haha i am glad you are okay
Botshelo:its good to hear your voice again..
Me:me too..haha i mean its nice to hear your voice
Botshelo:i am sorry about what happened
Me:me too
Botshelo:i think we should start going to church
Me:yeah..everyone is going to church this
are the kids?
Botshelo:they are okay..i will call you later
Me:you buisy?
Botshelo:no i get a headache when i talk for long
Me:oh..i am sorry
Botshelo:me too bye
At Cal's house
He tiptoed to the kitchen and hugged Kelly from
Kelly:hey you almost gave me a heart attack
Cal:(kissed her cheek)i love you
Kelly:you do?
Kelly:i love you too
Cal:(knelt down)marry me
She covered her mouth as he took out a big diamond
Kelly:(crying)Calvin..yes..yes i would marry you
He placed the ring on her finger and french kissed
Kelly:thank you
Cal:no thank you for loving me
He picked her up and fully kissed her putting her on
the kitchen counter,she looked at her ring and
Kelly:you are the best

Episode 173
A week later
At the hospital
Cal helped me wear my seat belt,he smelt nice and
his alcohol tinted breath made me get butterflies.
Cal:are you happy?
Me:(smiling)yes..i cant wait to sleep on my own bed
and see the kids,i haven't seen Warona and Donah in
a long time.
Cal:we prepared the guest room for you,you still
have your counselling sessions right!!
Me:yeah but i dont want to intrude,we have a history
i can't stay at your house while Kelly is there?
Cal:she doesn't mind..come on you have no where to
Me:or you can drive me back to maun..
Me:please i can't..i have to respect your relationship.
Cal:if you insist you want something at the
mall or should we pass
Me:yeah chocolate and chips..
Cal:how about we book you into a guest
can stay for as long as you want,i can fly the kids
down here
Me:you don't have to
Cal:i insist..
Me:okay since you have lots of money then fine i will
stay for a week
Me:haha okay.. So you and Kelly are really serious
Cal:i asked her to marry me
I almost choked on my breath
Me:you what?
Cal:we are engaged
Me:ohhh congrats
Me:um and your memory?
Cal:slowly coming back
Me:ohhh..i am sad you never proposed to me
Cal:haha i know,i was busy being a jerk ass
At Botshelo's
His mum gave him water to wash his hands then
gave him the food.
Her:are you okay? Your mind seems far away?
Botshelo:i am fine..i enjoyed church on Sunday
Her:i could tell,i have never been this happy kana you
have always been the odd one o gana kereke
Botshelo:haha ao i was young.. You know the
pastor's words have been on my mind all week.You
should lent me your Bible
Her:which words
Botshelo:when he said nothing works without God in made me realise gore nna le Phatsimo have been
rushing things,forcing things.We have never knelt
down and praid as a couple thats why it never
worked out everytime.Ne re fa the devil chance go re
Her:thats very true if you still want to try mo kope le
tsene kereke.
Botshelo:aaah am not sure anymore,if its meant to
happen it will happen kana gongwe irs a sign from
God gore we are not meant for each other.
Her:ee gone..but always have peace she is the
mother of your kids..
Botshelo:we talk.. We are fine
She stood up and went behind the house, she called
Wawa who was playing behind the house with
Her:come get your food
Wawa:(stood up dusting herself)when is mum coming
Her:i dont know
Donah:i want Mummy

At Sedibeng lodge
The receptionist gave me the keys to the back family
Receptionist:You are welcome enjoy your stay here
Me:i hope i will
I helped Cal with the grocery bags,he walked behind
me whistling,i opened the door and he put the
plastics in the floor.
Cal:(massaging his shoulder)i thought we were
getting chocolate and chips only
Me:that was before you forced me to stay here for
two weeks,what time are you bringing the kids?
Cal:later..can i say something?
Cal:you still have the ass through everything and it
still stands
Me:haha is that why you were whistling behind me?
Cal:haha no
Me:okay,let me shower and take a nap before the
kids arrive
Cal:okay i better go,i am a phonecall away
Me:yeah i know
Cal:okay bye
He put his hands in his pocket walking to the door.
Me:um Cal
Cal:(turned back)ya
Me:last time..i wanted to tell you something..
Me:um before you told me you were planning on
marrying Kelly..i wanted to tell you that.. I was willing
to give you another chance..another chance to be a
family again
Me:but it doesn't matter now,you are engaged and
Kelly means the world to you i wouldn't want to get
in between that.
Cal:(held both my shoulders)you wanted to give us
another chance?
Me:(looked down)yes
He let go of me and sat on the sofa his head burried
in his hands.
Me:i am sorry i came on to you like this but it won't
be fair on me if i don't tell you how i feel before you
get married.
Cal:why didn't you tell me that time?
Me:after you said you would stay away from me..i...i
lost all hope of us ever getting back together raising
our kids together.
He stood up and paced around the room,i sat down
and he knelt before me.
Cal:i want you to get better..then we can talk about
Me:no..i... I want to move on.. Forget the past..i hate
to do this but i want you to choose between me and
Cal:Tsitsi you can't expect me to tell her am sorry
Kelly Tsistsi and i are getting back together that
Me:you think it was easy for me to give up on
Botshelo that easy? No it wasn't but i had to do what
i want without worrying what people would think of
me.My sister gave me an ultimatum.You or her and i
choose you..Actually i am not asking you to choose i
am telling you to let go of her,i have sacrificed a lot
for you before and still doing that.
Cal:you can't make that big decision without talking
to me first,i would never allow you to choose me
over your sister..
Me:(looked away)well its done..

Episode 174
Later that evening
At Botshelo's
He laid on the bed and dialed my number.
Me:hello are you?
Botshelo:much better..still haven't been discharged?
Me:um..yes maybe next week
Botshelo:we survived hey
Me:i never apologised about the whole thing
Botshelo:yes me too i am sorry how i treated you..i
still cant believe i did all those things,i mean One..i am
so ashamed
Me:let bygones be bygones.I forgive you for
everything,it doesn't make sense but still i forgive
Botshelo:thanks i forgive you for hitting me in the
head too
Me:haha ao rra did you have to say that?
Botshelo:sorry okay..but am glad it happened it made
me grow closer to God and see things with a
different eye..
Me:ohhh how so?
Botshelo:our relationships never worked because
love was not the main focus but pity and obligation.
Me:pity?i loved you
Botshelo:but not more than Calvin,you felt pity for
me because everytime you went back to him i was
hurt the most.
Me:thats not true..i made mistakes.. I always went
back to you because you made me feel like i was
worth it,you respected me and loved me
unconditionally,i never forced myself to love you
Botshelo:well..i guess the love triangle had to come
to an end..this time i am the one letting go of my end.
**i swallowed hard**
Me:its okay..we are adults,i hope you find someone
who deserves you
Botshelo:i am sorry it had to end like this
Me:its cool
Botshelo:hold for Warona and Donah
Wawa:hello mama
Me:hey wawa
Donah:Mama when are you coming back?
Me:soon..i miss you guys
Wawa:i miss you too..Mama teacher says ke gate
Me:haha ao wena nnana o tsamaya jaaka mosimane
Wawa:haha ke lekgarebe the mma mama..daddy
says he will buy me a dreas and shoes then i di my
Me:haha gals tell him to take lots of photos okay
Donah:mummy teacher also says i am Bolt.
Me:haha waitse i am missing out,why Bolt?
Wawa:he was number one ne a seile everyone.
Me:ijoo waits ngwanake ke Bolt tota..haha did you
win anything?
Donah:i got a trophy..
Me:i am so proud of you guys
Wawa:please come back home soon mama we miss
Me:i will babies i love you..
Wawa:we love you too
The door opened and the twins ran in holding a box
of pizza.
Me:i am talking to Wawa
Chanel:(took the phone)Wawa
She ran to the kitchen laughing and CJ followed
her.Kelly walked in and closed the door.
Kelly:hey..Cal went to drop Nicole at her mum's.
Me:ohh..its fine
Kelly:i have to go..have a lovely weekend
Me:okay bye

2 Weeks later
I gave the receptionist the keys back and waited by
the reception,i called Cal for the firth time without
Dumi walked in and looked around,he saw me and
Me:so he sent you this time?
Dumi:he is buisy
Me:sure he is,he made me stay here for full two
weeks and he never even once came here after he
dropped me off.
Dumi:he had been busy they are working on an...
Me:save it,he is not man enough to face you
have the plane ticket with you?
Me:(grabbed my handback)can you help me with the
big back?
I walked outside to his car..I got in and wore my seat
belt.Dumi put the bag at the back and drove to the
airport in silence.He gave me my plane ticket and we
said goodbye.
At Botshelo's
The truck unloaded the sand then he paid them,his
phone ran and he moved far from the noise.
Anna:hey i want to know what you had decided.
Botshelo:hehe i decided i won't buy the bricks
instead the builders will make them here
Anna:good because its cheaper that way..anyway i
have to go re ta bua later
Botshelo:okay shapo
He hung up and put the phone in his back pocket.
Botshelo:Wa re how many cements will you need?
Builder:60 is fine
Botshelo:60???but we are using bricks fa pele
Builder:the garage is big so..
Botshelo:aah 60 is too much ekare re aga stadium
jaana..i trust you so ke ta ya go reka gompieno
kamoso ke bata basimane ba simolla go foroma
Builder:sure said you will bring them food
Botshelo:yes i have a friend yo apayang do she said o
ta ba apeela.. Banna ke bata gore in two months a bo
le heditse lebotana
Builder:haha dont worry my man two months is two are building a big house le wena swaar
Botshelo:yeah i have two kids and plan in having
maybe two more so i want everyone to have their
own bedrooms
Builder:Mosadi ene o teng?
Botshelo:haha God will give me one,bona i have to
rush somewhere re ta bua.
He got in his car and reversed out,he dialed her
Botshelo:on my way
Anna:where to?
Botshelo:ra go reka dijo tsa baagi akere
Anna:uhu i forgot ebile ke mo mmolong o ta
mphithela ha choice
At the mall
I walked in the burning sun of maun holding my
handback and my clothes bag.I got in choppies and
bought water and fruits.Ame sent a text that she had
parked at the back.Someone tapped my shoulder and
i turned back.
Me:(looking at the woman he was with)hi
I looked at the food in the trolley and at her again
Her:(extended her hand)Anna

Episode 175
Me:(extended my hand)Phatsimo
Anna:(to Botshelo)ta ke ye go tsaa di drink ne ke di
lebetse..Nice to meet you Phatsi
Botshelo moved the trolley closer to the till.
Botshelo:you look good ekare ga o tswe mo spatela
Me:thanks i heard what you did Odirile called me
Botshelo:we don't want you in jail do we?
Me:haha no thanks,ka re a ke girlfriend ya gago?
Botshelo:is she ugly?
Me:o montle
Botshelo:haha ehe..
Anna:Nna ke rekile di wild island rra oros ya tura
I paid and said goodbye..
Anna:Ke mmagwe bo nnana?
Anna:o tshwana le Warona gore now i know where
she gets the beauty.
Botshelo:ehe nna ke maswe?
Anna:i didn't say that ao ijaa hahaha..i think she
thinks we are dating
Botshelo:i dont care what she thinks akere mme rona
ga re jole
At Home
Ame parked the car at the gate and i got out.
Ame:i will bring the car maitseboa
Me:i wont be using it for a few call you
Ame:okay..i hate the awkwardness
Me:me too
Ame:i am sorry i said those awful things, you are my
sister and i love you, you make crazy decisions and i
have to accept that thats who you are.
Me:haha mmh thanks gape you don't have to worry
about Calvin him and i are not happening.
Ame:ao?what happened?
Me:he is engaged..he loves Kelly not me.
Me:its fine..haha you know i saw Botshelo with some
girl ba taditse trolley dijo monna ba tshega go le
monate and i wasn't jealous,k imakaletse.
Ame:uhu he has moved on already?
Me:looks like that
Ame:hee i wont be surprised if ne a ntse a le teng
monyana wa teng nna i no longer trust men..and the
sweet innocent ones ke bone ba ba borai, is she
Me:yeah,o mosesane nyana
Ame:is she from around?
Me:ga k was first time ke mmona
Ame:okay tla k tsamae aukwa will come sleep over
Me:okay bring food
Ame:okay bye sis i love you
Me:i love you more
At Anna's
She helped Botshelo put the food in the house,she
sat down and breathed heavily.
Anna:hey ke lapile gore rra
Botshelo:ao o lapisitswe ke kgetsana tse pedi hela
tsa ditapole?
Anna:heela nna kana ke mosadi ao haha
Botshelo:so you never miss church huh
Anna:i will never miss church.. And wena you
dissapoint me gore o ta ka di chance
Botshelo:Nna kana ke a bo ke le busy at work ke dira
madi akere every woman wants a rich man
Anna:not every woman.. Nna i want a faithful man
who is romantic
Botshelo:a le broke?
Anna:as long as a se setshwakga then a hustla am ke bate yo broke and lazy
Botshelo:ehe mma..
Anna:mmh..i think every woman does ke gore hela
you hurt us to a point where we no longer look for
love but for survival
Botshelo:ee gone let me go.. I take it dijo di shapo
Anna:mmh if go shota sengwe then il tell you
Botshelo:okay..have a good day
Anna:you too..can i get a hug?
Botshelo:a hug?haha okay i didn't expect that
Anna:what?its just a hug hle rra ao
Botshelo:i didn't say anything ka re i didn' know
what.. Come here
They hugged for a few minutes,Anna rested her head
on his chest and she got butterflies in her
stomach.She let go of him and smiled looking into his
Anna:have a good day
Botshelo:i will you too
She walked him to the car..She waved at him and
went back to the house.She closed the door and
leaned on it touching her chest,she smiled and threw
herself on the bed then screamed in the pillow.She
took out her phone dialing her mother.
Her:hello Bella
Anna:mama..i am i love
Her:with who?
Anna:He just started going to church 2 sundays was love at first sight for me,we grew closer
and i volunteered to cook for his builders, he is so
down to earth, he is handsome and has a great smile,
he has been through a lot mama but he is so positive
about life.
Her:wow..but does he feel the same way?
Anna:i dont think kills me
Her:he will once he gets to know that you are an
Anna:you think so?
Her:i know so..when are you coming to see me?
Anna:i will come on friday..i love you mama get well
soon please
Her:i will baby..bye
At Botshelo's
Wawa got out of the car and ran to the house
carrying her big teddy bear,Donah slowly got out
carrying the heavy bicycle.
Botshelo:Dodo if you play mechanic with this one i
wont buy you a new one
Donah:i wont.. When are we going to see mummy?
Donah:is she going to live with us at our new home?
Botshelo:no she will be staying at her house
Donah:why cant she move in with us?
Botshelo:because she already has a house
He helped him ride his new bicycle.
Later that Evening
At my house
I made myself fruit salad and sat on the sofa
watching tv,i kept scrolling on the channels.I heard
voices outside.
Someone knocked on the door
Wawa:no its us
I opened the door and she jumped on me hugging
me,i put her down and lifted Donah up.
Me:you guys.. I missed you
Wawa:(hugging me)missed you too mama
Donah:i love you
Me:awww i love you more..
Botshelo walked in smiling and typing on his phone
he almost bumped into me.

Episode 176
Me:whats so funny?
Botshelo:(looked up)nothing someone just sent me a
funny video
Me:ehe..where are their bags?
Botshelo:(consentrated on his phone)they are not
sleeping over..
Me:why?i just got back i miss them.
Botshelo:they wont be staying here until we find out
who sent that man that almost killed you ba toga ba
ta go go helletsa a bo ba bolaa bo ngwanake.
Me:mxm you are so insensitive akere ne ba
rometswe ke girlfriend ya gago One
Botshelo:i can only stay for an hour
Me:you can leave you will come back kgantele
Botshelo:no..what if.. No il wait
Me:am sure whoever is making you laugh so hard can
use some company
He sat down while the kids told me all about the
sports and beauty contests.
Wawa:Daddy tisa phone i want to show mama
Botshelo:just a minute
Me:so where is the crown?
Wawa:its at home..i will bring it kamoso
Donah:Mama will you visit us at our new house
Me:new house?
Wawa:yes daddy says i will have my own room and a
tv room
Wawa:me too and a swimming pool
Me:(looking at Botshelo)wa aga
Botshelo:(consentrating on his phone)mmmh
Me:at your new plot or where you stay?
Botshelo:new plot
Me:ke tshaba new love,i have never seen you so
consentrated on your phone before
Botshelo:maybe its because iv not ver had such an
interesting convo before neele phone hle re bone dinepe
He went to the gallery and handed it to me..Wawa
explained every photo then a watsapp message from
Anna came through,i could only read the first part.i
gave him the phone back then he gave it back to me.
Me:did you choose this dreaa for her?
Me:wow its so pretty and the shoes
Donah:mama am hungry
Me:want hotdogs?
At Cal's house
Kelly applied lotion on her leg and Cal hugged her
from behind cupping her boobs.
Kelly:hey babe..your food is in the microwave
Cal:can we skip to dessert already
She turned around and hugged her,their lips meet
and he slowly laid her on the bed.
Kelly:babe i want to tell you something..
Cal:(kissing her neck)cant we talk later?
Kelly:i am off the pill
Kelly:i am pregnant
He stopped kissing her and looked into his eyes.
Cal:you are pregnant?
Kelly:(smiling)yes..well i thought it would take me
some time after i stopped the pill but i guess you are
very powerfull.. I missed my period
Cal:wow thats nice.. I am going to be a dad again
He laid in the bed and Kelly sat ontop of him taking
off his trousers.
Kelly:i love you

The following day
Ame woke me up and sat on the bed looking at me.
Me:(rubbing my eyes)good morning
Ame:lets go for a jog
Me:what time is it?
Ame:half past 5
Me:i don't have my clothes with me
Ame:tsoga i will lent you mine,today is the first day
of the rest of your life
I stretched my back and changed into leggings and a
We jogged along the road until Maun Sports Complex
then we went back home.
At Cal's
He put the tray on the table and slowly shook
Kelly,she yawned stretching her arms.
Cal:i made you breakfast
Kelly:(smiling)aww i am going to enjoy this..thanks
Cal:i want us to go to the doctors
Kelly:okay..i haven't had any morning sickness
though,well every woman differs akere
Cal:(gave her a bowl of warm oats)dont forget you
are eating for two now
He kissed her cheek and her flat tummy
At Botshelo's
Donah pulled Warona's braids then she hit him on the
head with her tedy bear.
Botshelo:(placed two plates of fresh potato chips on
the matt)hey lona..Wawa don't beat your brother
Wawa:he pulled my braids
Botshelo:Donah how many times do i tell you not to
do that? Now eat we have to be somewhere in 2
Wawa:no bread today?
Botshelo:Warona just eat monna agg bread bread ga
boyo ee
They both turned and looked at him surprised,he
knelt before them and apologised,they ate their food
in silence.
He dialed Annah and went outside,she answered in
the second ring
Anna:Good morning ya ko setsheng what time will you be
done with breakfast?
Anna:ka bo 10
Botshelo:kante wena ga o bereke?
Anna:kea bereka why?
Botshelo:akere ke bona o ithaopile go apeela baagi,i
think i should pay you
Anna:if you want to then its cool i mean i can use the
extra cash mme nna legale ne ke ithaopa hela
Botshelo:sorry..its hard work and i don't want you go
emisa di tiro tsa gago for nna
Anna:okay..bina we will talk ke apeile magwinya
Botshelo:save some for me
Anna:okay i will bye
Botshelo:sure..and thanks for everything you are the
At home
We hung the clothes in the line and i sat down
massaging my legs.
Me:last time i had a jog ne ke le ko legs
ga a twaela a bothoko gore
Ame:mma we have to maintain di figure kana re a
gola jaanong..i wish i went to Mauritius go le monate
Me:mmh me too..(stood up)i wish you would have
meet Martin he was awesome..he looked like Marvin
but ene he was handsomer
Ame:haha se teng sekgoa se se rialong?
Me:haha in my vocabulary yes
Ame:dont you ever miss him
Me:all the time.

Episode 177
Me:i miss him more this days..kana we could have
been married now
Me:its fine ke know i didn't sleep last night
ke akantse hela ka botshelo
Me:haha no not him i mean life,my life..iv always
bounced from Cal to Botshelo..iv never gave myself
chance to see how things would be like without both
of them in my life..Botshelo kana ene he is trying to
convince himself he is over me mme ke mo lebile hela don't just move in just like that from
someone you allegedly loved,he needs "me time"
nyana hela ngwaga a sa jole.. Calvin ene kana he is a
cowars sale ke rile re boelane a bo a nyamela..ene he
is over me..after he killed my fiance ke ipotsa gore o
bata gore nna ke ratane le mang but its fine..because
iv decided if i will ever fuck anyone its so not one of
them,i am so over the love triangle.Am gonna give
myself a year or two ke sa jole and when i do ke
lenyalo hela.
Ame:haha ao?
Me:am telling you..the mma wena am done with
Ame:i am glad le nna ne ke setse ke lapisega
Me:haha ao sorry nnaka
Ame:am glad you are moving on,they dont deserve are kind and sweet.
Me:awww really?
Ame:yes mathata o setshwakga ema mma and help
Me:(opened my arms)hug?
We hugged for a few minutes then continued
hanging the clothes.
At Botshelo's plot
He leaned on the tree and looked at his kids running
around the yard,the men where buisy.He could see
the house already up to roofing level.The gate
opened and Anna got in holding a bucket and a big
temblor with fatcakes inside.
He went to help her then she went back to the taxi to
get the last pot.She paid the driver and waved
goodbye putting the pot down.
Botshelo:you could have called me ka ta go go tseisa
Anna:ne ke sena air ke tshaba go dira di call back
Botshelo:ao mma..what were you afraid of?
Anna:nothing really..i made fatcakes le soup and
drink..lunch i will bring ka bo 2
Botshelo:okay tanki the mma..(shouting)hey guys
food is here.. So o mpeetse akere?
Anna:yes ask one of my taxi drivers gore a
nne a go ntseela when am busy
Anna:okay no problem
The guys washed their hands and started eating.
At Home
Ame put the bowl on the table and dished for us.
Me:i never thought the day will come ke ja green
salad le boiled chicken breasts ke re k mainteina body
Ame:haha we have to look young if re bata nyalo
Me:can i ask you something?
Me:you still want to be my surrogate?
Ame:you want his baby?

2 Years Later
At Letsholathebe Hospital
I parked the car and stepped out running inside to
the maternity ward.I waited outside for a few
seconds then peeked inside.
Ame was holding our son,he was so tiny,she looked
up and saw me them smiled.
Me:(overwhelmed)he is cute
Ame:(crying)he is adorable
He gave him to me and i smiled touching his little
face,he had not yet opened his eyes.
Me:i donk know how to thank you..i feel like the
space that has been empty in my heart is filled
now,our son is lekgoa tota bona nko
Ame:your son teared up my vagina i am so never
having kids again.
Me:haha ke ene Bofelo
Ame:aww such a cute name.. Me:I dont know what to
say..Tess would have loved him pity she left before
he arrived.
Ame:you will send photos..i am super tired..the
midwife said we can go home tomorrow he is fine
and me too.
I kissed his little cheeks and put him in his court.Ame
fell asleep while i sat there looking at our son,my last
born.I took a photo and sent to Cici.
At Botshelo's house
He parked his car in the garage and closed the door
playing with his keys.His phone ran,he smiled picking
Anna:Husband..i miss you what time are you going to
be here?
Botshelo:Re a emella ka 2
Anna:i cant believe tomorrow this time ke ta bo ke le
mo lesireng sitting to the love of my life
Botshelo:le nna i cant believe tomorrow this time il
be a married man
Anna:we are technically married babe..kante why do
black people think white wedding ke lone lenyalo..
Botshelo:haha wena kana babe ijaa.. Okay mma we
are married.. Kamoso maitseboa i will finally get to
see whats beneath those clothes.
Anna:haha we did it babe,i thought you will give up
on me ga ke gana to sleep with you but you proved
me wrong.O monna gareng ga banna Botshelo.You
are a diamond amongs rocks and i love you and our
kids..i can never ask for better because you are the
best.You make me happy motho wame.
Botshelo:i love you too babe
Anna:The kids ba ta le Mme kana le wena?
Botshelo:Ba ta le mme..they at school so she will pick
them up.
Anna:And Phatsimo?
Botshelo:what about her?
Anna:ga a te?
Botshelo:i dont know,she got the envite if she is not
coming it would be because she didn't want to.
Anna:i hope she comes she is a nice person ke bata
batho ba bone gore there is no bad blood between
Botshelo:yeah..bona i will call you ga ke emella ta ke
ipankanye my love..You know what made me fall
inlove with you?
Botshelo:Your pure heart and honesty....
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Episode 178
At Cal's house
He opened the door slowly and tiptoed in,he took off
his clothes and got in bed,his naked cold body
touched Kelly and she woke up.
Kelly:(yawning)what time is it?
Cal:shh babe you will wake up the baby
Kelly:you are cold..where have you been?
Cal:(kissed her back)making money..
Kelly:you never answer me hela sentle ka re o tswa
kae this is the forth night in a row o tla mo lwapeng
bosigo you don't even eat the food that i cook.
Cal:wa omana jaanong?
She got up and looked at him then she held her waist
shaking her head.
Kelly:ke a omana ee i am your wife i should know
your business.Now answer me o tswa kae?
Cal:(serious face)since when do you talk to me like
that,i am your husband not boyfriend.
Kelly:then start acting like one..if you are cheating
know two can play the game
Cal:i dont cheat..
Kelly:(rolled her eyes pouting)just so you know..
She looked inside the court and fixed the baby's
blanket.She put on her sleepers and went into the
kitchen,Cal followed her.
Cal:i cant tell you where i was..
Kelly:i dont care
Cal:but i promise you i am not having an affair
Kelly:I really dont care,do you and i will do me.
He pulled her towards him then picked her up putting
her on the kitchen counter.
Cal:i hate it when you angry at me so il just ruin
everything and tell you i have been planning a
surprise graduation party for you.
Kelly:(smiling)what? never got to celebrate it because of the
baby and wedding so i was planning it jaanong ka
wena o kgeleke ya puo..its no longer a surprise.
Kelly:(hugged him)awww i love you babe i am sorry i
accused you of are so sweet.
The Following day
At Letsholathebe
I pushed Ame to the car,she got at the back holding
Bofelo then i returned the wheelchair and drove us
Ame:Bo Warona ba setse ba ile?
Me:yes..yesterday it means you not going
Me:and leave you with a newborn by yourself?
Ame:is that really the reason?
Me:yes what do you mean?
Ame:are you sure you are not jealous?
Me:that Botshelo is getting married?please i have
been over him for over a year now.
Ame:ehe mma.. The truth e itsewe ke wena
Me:i am serious mme kana i am not jealous..i am not
going to the wedding because of the baby eseng ka
ape mabaka gape.
Ame:if you say so ke tlogetse Pearl at Mmagwe Potso will
pick her up after dropping you at home.
At Serowe
Everyone was buisy at the kitchen preparing the
food,Anna's cousin were making salads and
At Serowe
Anna was inside the house with her bridesmaids
doing their make up, she smiled while the artist did
her lips.
Anna:i am not a make up person tota i look weird.
Friend:haha but you look pretty mma waitse i cant
believe you are finaly getting married.
Anna:me too..Its by the grace of God,self respect as a
woman brought me where i am today..if i could have
been one of those girls who party every weekend
drinking alcohol i would'nt have found
Botshelo..Banna ba bonwa ko kerekeng eseng ko
dibareng banyana.
Friend:haha wena mma you are judgemental..i saw
his kids they are beautiful gore..the boy looks like
Botshelo i guess the girl looks like her mum
Anna:yes..she does you will see her
Friend:(surprised)she is coming?
Anna:yes..nna le ene we talk and smile and laugh.
Wawa knocked and entered,she smiled at Anna and
sat on the bed.
Anna:you want to di makeup?
Anna:okay you will after me..
Wawa:Mummy called that she is not coming,she says
my little brother arrived yesterday.
Anna:(opened her eyes wider)little brother?
Wawa:Yea his name is Bofelo
Anna:go get me water outside nana
Wawa ran outside and she turned looking at her
Anna:i dont judge but 6 kids with no ring on your
finger and no stable relationship..ijoo i didn't even
know she was pregnant.
Friend:kante why do people like saying no offence
before they offend someone?
Friend 2:you are being judgemental kana Anna,if she
wants 20 kids its fine as long as she takes care of
Anna:atleast she has a big house and works a paying
job..bye the way i wasn't being judgemental ne ke
Wawa got in and gave her a bottle of water then she
sat down doing her makeup.
Later that afternoon at Serowe
The cars hooterd in a line going to the park to take
photos,Donah and Warona sat between Anna and
Botshelo who was looking fine in his royal blue
tuxedo and Donah looked cute with a neat haircut in
matching outfit,Warona smiled as they took selfies.
Back at Home
Anna's mum inspected the food and dishes.
Her:Wame wee this plates ga di sekono sente
bathong..kana the whole of Serowe will be here i
dont want people laughing at us..
She went into the tent and looked around..
Her:hey boyboy come here.. Bona the groom's family
seats this side and the bride's family this side
She walked to the DJ
Her:ke kopa go bona list ya dipina
Dj:i didn't write it down but k utwisitse banyadi le tse
ba binang ka tsone.
Her:you better not play bo mahempe wautwa Mr Dj

Episode 179
Later that afternoon
The car hooters made everyone in the tent stand
up,they all looked at the gate as a red carpet was laid
down,the chauffeur opened the well decorated BMW
and Botshelo stepped out and held Anna's hand.Her
best lady and the other bridesmaids walked behind
them until they reached the gate.Donah and Wawa
walked before them.
Everyone ululated,the dj played Heavy K'celebration
and they started dancing until they reached the tent.
They all sat down,The MC introduced everyone from
both families then food was served.
At Home
Ame laid on the mattress in the living room waving
her feet in the air,i gently laid Bofelo down and
tiptoed to the living room.
Me:hee ka re o motsetsi wa secheki the mma..
Ame:haha so i guess after 6 weeks i can get back to
having sex?
Me:if you do then don't come here because o ta gata
ngwanake mma.
Ame:haha ke raa ke robalana le mang tota,nna
rragwe Pearl wa mbora o seaka themma mosimane
Me:hehe spare me dikgang tsa boaka jwa o
bine nna ke sa jole,le sex ga nke ke e akanya.
Me:mmh i robegile maikuto
Ame:haha..kana go raa gore e buile mona saese ya
phatha ya nnale.
I stood up laughing going to the kitchen.I took out
meat from the freezer and put it in a bowl on the
kitchen counter.
Me:whoever is going to have the privilege wa go
idibala hela..
We both laughed
Ame:nako tse wa bina Warona o huhutse
Me:haha ijoo heela ko a teng go lebilwe ene hela ka watch the video
Ame:so o ile Botshelo,kana now there is no chance of
you guys ever getting back together
Me:i am happy for him,there is no bad blood between
us and my love for him is slowly fading.Go setse 5%
Me:haha serious,After sein my baby i stopped loving
Calvin le Botshelo.
Ame:but you saw him yesterday
Me:ee jaanong?
Ame:haha so all along you still loved them?
Me:yes i did,kante why do people always judge me
for being me?ke pretende and lie gore i don't have
feeling for them?
Ame:iyoo mma sorry,i wasn't judging you
Me:sorry for going on at you like that just that am
sick and tired of some people.Cant wait to fall
inlove,get married and live happily ever after.
Ame looked at me then on her phone.
At Serowe
The bride changed into a blue Africa attite and her
bridesmaids wore similar dresses.They danced again
and sat down leaving only the maids and flower girl
to dance.They made a circle dancing to Vee's I
do.Wawa got in the circle and started dancing gwara
gwara,everyone stood up cheering

At Serowe
Botshelo laughed taking a video and sent it to me on
whatsapp.Donah got in the circle too and danced
Everyone stood up cheering and laughing "ngwana
wa monyaaadi" he danced even more holding a chair.
Botshelo:haha waitse nna ke bolaile gone hale
Anna:haha they can dance,i love dance spirit sa ga
Botshelo:haha thats my a re eme re ba
bontshe gore ga re ba youth.
They stood up and joined the circle,they got in
between and danced gwara gwara,everyone cheered
having fun.
At Home
I waited anxiously for the video to load,i wondered
what it was that Botshelo sent to me on his wedding
Ame:o tshegang?
Me:Botshelo sent me a video e santse e loader,haha
ke belaela bo ngwanake ba itshota ko serowe
Ame:haha come lay here re bone
I played the video and we watched as Wawa danced
And Donah joined him,we laughed so hard and played
the video over and over again.
Ame:they are having fun
Me:thata mma..hey this kids aekake
At Cal's
He sat on the sofa and went through the sports
channels,his brothers opened the door laughing and
making noise holding bottles of alcohol.
Cal:heee just what i needed
Dumi:where is everyone?
Cal:Kelly took them shopping,akere she enjoys
spending all my money gape ke mo bolopeng gore a
lebale kgang ya gore ke tsile phakela
Letso:haha wena o tricky you should have been a girl
Cal:wa swaba..go grill some meat mona re lebe game
Dumi:i talked to the party organiser,though it was
last minute she agreed to organise the graduation
Cal:ne ke sena maano a mangwe laitaaka..she looked
happy and even apologised for suspecting i was
Letso:(shouting from the kitchen)only if...
Cal:wa swaba
Dumi:o kae Tsitsi?
Dumi:that easily?
Cal:k dire jang?
Dumi:i never thought the day will come when Calvin
gives up on Phatsimo,i loved you guys together.
Cal:i hurt the poor girl its enough she deserves to be
Dumi:do you follow her in instagram?
Dumi:she is fucking really hot i saw her
pictures a palame a yatch a ntshitse leragonyana.
Cal:Kelly i na le lerago
Letso:We are talking about real ass mona,havent you
seen the photos?
Cal:i don't follow her
Dumi:i do.. Ke go bontshe?
Cal:haha mxm fuck you guys re yatch.. Ya ga
mang ene a le kae?
Dumi:she captioned "private island"..o na le madi
Cal:mmh i deposited 1 mil in her account a year back
They both looked at him expecting him to say he was
Dumi:1 mil
Cal:yeah..that's nothing to me you should know that

Episode 180
A week later
At Home
Botshelo's car parked at the gate and the kids ran
inside the house making noise.
Me:shhh guys the baby is sleeping
Wawa:(whispering)why is he always sleeping?
Me:babies sleep all day thats how they grow up.Go
take off your uniform.
The ran to their bedroom,Botshelo walked in with
their sleep over bags.
Botshelo:so we will get them next week sunday
Me:going on a honeymoon?
Botshelo:still wont let me see your baby?
Me:he is small gape wena maoto a gago a molelo rra
o toga o okama ngwanake.
Botshelo:haha bana ba makgoa le bone ba okamiwa?
Me:akere nna am black so he is half black,he is still
young you will see him next week,i will send you his
Botshelo:okay..(shouting)Kids i am going
I walked him to the gate and leaned on the wall as he
got in his car.He waved at me then reversed back and
stuck his head out.
Me:forgot something?
Botshelo:you look young,stop wearing shorts or else
bananyana ba Maun Senior ba ta go phosha.
Me:haha i just wear them when am home..gape nna i
am young ijaa.bye
Cici sat on the bench and dialed her friend.
Ami:hey girl
Cici:hey i have been waiting for your brother for
almost an hour now i am getting impatient
Ami:sorry friend,just come back he will bring the
papers its already dark
Cici:i am sleeping at my dad's il come tomorrow..
Ami:okay bring me chocolate please
Cici:okay..oh he is here.. Bye
She hung up and stood up,she smiled at him and he
smiled back.
Him:i am sorry i kept you waiting for long..i was
writing a test
Cici:no biggie
Him:let me walk you out..o jele or we can grab
Cici:i am dad is picking me up so..
He gave her the papera amd walked her to the
gate.Cal was parking there dialing her number,she
said bye and got in the car.
Cal:is that the brother?
Cal:are you sure
Cici:dad if he was my boyfriend i would have told
you..i am old enough to have one right?
Cal:hell no maybe after you graduate.
Her phone ran and she placed the phone looking at
the screen.
Cici:hey mum..
Me:where are you going at this time?
Cici:i am with dad he picked me up from UB i was
picking up something for Ami.
I moved to the bed and showed her Bofelo.
Me:he is cute right
Cici:aww he is so cute..i want to hear him cry
Me:haha wa poka.. Coming next week?
Cici:yes..aren't you going to say hi to dad
Me:give him the phone.
Cici:dad say hi
I didn't expect to see Cal's face
I moved away from the baby and smiled awkwardly.
Cici:arent you going to show him the baby?
Me:can i call you later..
Cici:mum..why are you being rude?
Me:sorry i thought you said you were with Lefika?
Cici:he is out of the country..
Me:hi Calvin
Cal:hey..can i please see the baby
I moved closer,before it showed his face i cut the call
intentionally and threw the phone on the bed.
Cici video called again and i didn't answer.
At Cal's
Cici walked in and threw her bag on the sofa.
Cici:hi Kels
Kelly:(buisy on her phone)hi
Channel:we are going to see the baby next week
Cici:yeah me too
Cal:(baby kissed Kelly)hey babe i am sending out invitations for the
graduation party..can i invite Phatsimo?
Cal:you have never spoke more than 100 words with didn't want me to invite her to the wedding
why now?
Cici stood up and went to the bedroom,the twins
followed her.She sat on the bed and they sat on the
sofa facing her.
Cici:so how is the plan working out?
CJ:Nel is backing out
Cici:Nelly what?
Channel:(looking down)i like Kelly he makes daddy
Cici:but daddy loves mum you idiot..all we have to do
is talk about mum all the time when Kelly is
around..and show her that difficult
CJ:i always talk about mum
Channel:but dad loves Kelly too
Cici:are you in or out?do i have to do everything by
myself here
CJ:i am in
Cici:Nel where does your loyalty lie?
Channel:i am in
Cici:good..(gave her her smartphone)go show her this
Channel slowly walked out holding the phone.She
put it on the table and sat down watching tv.
The following home
I baked us some scones and fatcakes then made
potato fries.It was raining outside,after eating we
cuddled on the sofa watching tv.My phone ran and i
went into the bedroom.
Me:hee no wonder its raining this heavily
OD:haha what are you saying?
Me:when was the last time you spoke to me?
OD:i was trying to keep things
have you been?
OD:not good
Me:whats wrong?
OD:i cant stop thinking about you
Me:(surprised)thinking what about me?
OD:i fell inlove with you during the were
going through a lot so after everything i tried to
distance myself from you but go a pala tota..i stalk all
your social media.
Me:heee.haha nna serious you are Calvin's friend
Me:i cant date you
OD:says who?
Me:dont you have a guy code or something?
OD:i love you kana Phatsimo..are you single?
Me:no..i am seing someone sorry

Episode 181
OD:is it serious?
Me:i dont know..maybe it will be
OD:kana you can let a god guy slide hela o yaka o re
you in a relo.
Me:haha o good guy wena?
OD:a fucking good one..give me a chance hela to
show you.
Me:but i have a boyfriend
OD:no you dont
Me:and i have 6 kids
OD:and i cant have kids
Me:what? the kids are a bonus i get to be a dad
Me:we can't go out because i have a newborn..
OD:i can come over
Me:the kids are here and the rest of the gang is
coming next week
OD:good then the eldest will look after the baby..we
can go for a drive to my farm
Me:so you believe me ke re i have a newborn?
OD:i have no reason not to believe you
Me:haha i forgot i once mentioned the whole sperm
bank thing
OD:then we can raise our son together
Me:haha i never saw this side of you
OD:because i didn't want you to fall inlove with me ha
gare ga trial
Me:haha ohh tswa the..nna am not looking for a
man..maybe in two years
OD:ga o bolawe ke nopa
Me:haha nopa ke eng ne wena..haha mxm ijaa
OD:wa yaka ya go bolaa
OD:haha okay mme wa starring but am serious about
us..we can go far,i know your history and i dont judge
you..i will tell you mine a bo re bona where we will
end up..I really love you Phatsimo regardless..just
give me a chance hle mma
Me:ke ta bona..the baby is crying we will talk
OD:okay sure
I hung up and dialed Ame..she answered on the third
Me:you sleeping?
Me:OD kana wa mpata mma
Ame:(screaming in my ear)OD..hela Odirile hela wa
Me:mma wena iyoo bathong my man crush everyday
o supile sign..
Ame:haha so wena wa reng?
Me:aah mma he is Calvin's friend
Ame:Calvin is married,heela who says no to Odirile ne
wena..the way that guy is hot o ka nna wa rota hela a
go tshwere ka lebogo.
Me:haha..i want to say yes but not now..hle mma
come look after the kids tomorrow.
Ame:are you paying me? know i have money right..
Ame:haha blood money
Me:ao mma
Ame:sorry i was being sarcastic
Me:not funny..shapo
Ame:you mad at me?
Me:no..shapo we will talk
I hung up and laid on the bed..I had not touched a
sindle thebe from the money Cal gave me because i
felt bad about it,Ame saying it was blood money
made me want to give it back but who in their right
mind returns a million,working for peanuts??
I checked on the baby and sat on the sofa watching
tv.The kids had fallen asleep on the matt,i took a few
I sent Od a whatsapp inbox..
Me:so you cant really have kids?
Me:tell me about your last relationship

OD:what do you want to know?
Me:last time i checked you had a girlfriend
OD:we broke up..she now has a baby with some guy
she works with. you not being able to have kids is what
broke you two up?
OD:water under the bridge
Me:mme nna kana Odirile i want a man who will love
me and all my kids ebile a man who is going to marry
me.If you are not ready for that then..
OD:i am ready to love your kids amd marry you..akere
ka re mphe chance ne mma
Me:come pick me up kamoso maitseboa around
6..for that drive wa re how old is our boy?
Me:he is a week old
OD:whats his name?
Me:Andre Bofelo
OD:okay..I guess God answered my prayers,go jola le
motsetsi hela nnana a sena daddy..thats my sin right
Me:nna kana if you say that ke toga ke simolola go go
bata madi a mashi le di pampers
OD:haha iv always wanted stress nyana sa teng
waitse..if you give me a chance i will step up as the
father,i dont care if he is white..i just want to be
called dad.. Akere all your kids have fathers konteng
ga gagwe.
Me:please stop selling me dreams a bo o tsoga o ile
OD:then report me for wasting your time
Me:haha mxm.. Tomorrow okay
OD:yeah..i wish we can talk all night
Me:me too..njele dikgang ee
OD:mmh where do i start?I come from a family of
two.. Me and my little sister..
At Kasane
Botshelo walked hand in hand with Anna,he unlocked
their room and put their bags down.Anna threw
herself on the bed tired from the drive.
Botshelo:let me make a phone call
She went into the bathroom and opened the shower
tap..she checked the water temperature and
Botshelo came in taking off his T-shirt,he admired
her african figure as she stepped into the shower.He
took off his trouser and joined her,he kissed her neck
massaging her but,she felt his dick poke her butt and
she turned around.They kissed under the shower
then he picked her to the bed.He laid her gently on
the bed and got between her legs,he looked at her
shaved nanana..she covered her face with her handa
and tried closing the legs but he opened them wider
and went down on her..
At my house..Around 1 am still in the phone with OD
Me:haha waitse wena rra you are such a liar
OD:heela ha re ke bua nnete the mma..hee waitse
kana i will never forget that day
Me:(yawning)aah haha haekake.. You killed me
OD:we have been talking mma go and sleep i can hear
wa otsela
Me:am in bed ebile..continue
OD:so when i got home i found her
parents..hello..Sunshine.. Babe...Haha asleep

Episode 182
I woke up to the baby crying,i checked up on him,fees
him amd changed his wet diaper.He looked so cute..a
little white with soft hair and looked like me a little
and a little of Martin more of Tess.I picked him up and
sang for him, he was on a mission not to sleep..i
bathed him.. Geed him again and he still cried when i
tried to put him down.
I dialed OD, i know it was too soon to be playing
happy families but mh reason for calling again was to
check if he was sleeping alone.
He answered right before i was about to hung up.
OD:do you know what time it is?
Me:your son o gana go robala akere
OD:thank you
Me:for?ka re o gana go robala when i put him down
he starts crying
OD:thanks for saying "your son" want me to
come over
OD:akere i can hold him while you sleep
Me:its almost 5..go back to sleep he will sleep
OD:if he doesn't call me again
Me:i will
OD:i love you
He hung up.Bofelo was sleeping i put him in his court
and laid on the bed.I took my phone and took photos
and sent OD.
At Cal's home
Kelly woke up before everyone and made
breakfast..she ironed the twins church clothes and
woke them up.Cici came dragging her feet and joined
them for breakfast.
Cici:good morning
Kelly:morning Cici
Cal:what time are you going back to school
Cici:before five..its a two hours drive so we have to
leave early
Cal:i cant take you..i have a meeting around 1
Cici:i am taking the bus?
Cal:something wrong with the bus?
Cici:(teary)no..but i will have to walk almost 1 km
from the road to school..carrying heavy plastics
Kelly:church ends at 12 i can take you
Cal:problem solved
CJ:i miss mum
Cici:Not now CJ
Channel:mmh mum always makes us delicious
Cici:but Kelly's tastes awesome
CJ:no mum's
Cici gave the twins an evil smile wanting them to
stop.They got the memo and stopped.After breakfast
she went to her room and they followed her.She
closed the door and started packing her clothes
CJ:why did you want us to stop?
Cici:because she is nice i felt bad okay..
CJ:do we stop talking about mum now?
Cici:yeah and we should always compliment Kelly and
help with the baby.
CJ:but she makes horrible muffins
Cici:haha i you guys go bath we are going
to church
Channel:but you never go to church
Cici:i am today don't annoy me..go bath
She went to the kitchen and washed the glass she
was drinking from.
Cici:your hair is nice
Kelly:really thanks Cici
Cici:i am going to church with you,i am team Kelly

At OD's farm
We walked hand in hand,the room was dark and he
switched on his tourch and lit around the room.He
gave me the tourch and took a matches from his
pocket.He lit the lamp,i switched off the tourche and
sat in the single bed..the room was cleaner than i
Me:i thought i would find a small traditional hut with
lots of flies inside.
OD:haha i have one where we keep the food and will see it mum lives here you
will see her tomorrow too
Me:you already want to introduce me to your mum
aren't we rushing off things
OD:are we?
Me:i don't know.. Are we?
OD:haha no we are not..Let me go check if there is
something to eat
Me:i am not hungry
OD:are you sure?
Me:yes..come seat here.. Amme re ta lekana mo
bolaong re le 2 nna ke mokima kana.
OD:ehe o mokima goriana?
Me:wena ga o bone?
OD:ke bona marago hela.. Haha ta ke bankanye
Me:no i will do it..go check if there is something to
I spread the sheets on the bed and took off my
clothes and put them on the chair,he walked in with a
Me:what is it?
OD:maraka a apeilwe ka mashi
Me:mmmh i love a kopa
OD:you said you not hungry akere babe
Me:wa ntima?
He drank from the bowl and gave me,i ate with my
finger and he smiled shaking his head..
OD:o ja sekgarebe hela
Me:mme kana i want to dip my whole hand in ke gore
hela o toga o nthoboga
OD:haha ja babe..let me check on the kids..
He dialed Ame,they spoke for a few minutes and said
bye.He took off his clothes and put them nicely on
the chair.
We got in bed..we cuddled talking about work and
the kids.
Tomorrow morning
I woke up to the sound of people talking outside.OD
was not by my side. I put on my leggings and top
them went outside.Two women where pounding
beans while the other was buisy cooking something
at the fire.I checked if my breath was okay,i bent my
knees and greeted them.
Mother:Dumela mma..tsaya saka ke yeo o nne ha
batshe o re thuse
I sat on the sack and helped them pound the beans..
Woman:ke wena mang ngwanaka?
Mother:o ngwana wa ga mang ko maun?
Me:My father is the late Mmirwa Mothaba
Mother:(looked at her friend)Mmirwa ne ke
kgaitsadie Sebaga? masimo a Korong?
Me:ee mma..
Mother:(smiling)haha you come from a good
family..Odirile o dule le Badisa ba ile go senka kgomo
ye nngwr re bata go thaba re ja go diega..
Motogo o mo pitseng le maraka le mmidi..wa dija
Me:haha ee mma
Mother:okay..o rwale tukwi re te re boe ha tshimong
Episode 183
I spent the whole day with the ladies helping then
pound the beans and cooking.Later we went to the
farm to take watermelons.
When we got home we found Odirile and the guys
sitting on the sand tired.
Mother:Guys your food in the kitchen,Phatsimo wash
Odirile's hands and give him his food,lona bo rra ga le
na basadi akere.
They all laughed and went to get their food,i bent
down and washed his hands,he looked into my eyes
and k smiled shyly.I gave him his food and he ate like
he was paid to.
Mother:le bone dikgomo?
OD:yes..e mo sakeng..aah mme nna ke lapile tota
Mother:Phatsimo do you know that he is lazy?
Sister:haha mme ao lesa go sota Odirile the..
Mother:mo tshelle metsi a thape o ta lapologa
Bathong ba Modimo acting like a wife made me want
to become his wife,i felt so big waitse.I prepared his
bath and we sat outside.
His mother took her friend halfway and i sat with his
sister and her kids,the eldest was 15 the youngest
was 2 maybe.
OD:a re tsee walk
Me:i thought you said you were tired
OD:the bath did wonders
Sister:ska la tsamaela kgakala gatwe go bonwe
maroo a ditau ko morago ga sediba
He tried to hold my hand but i refused,his sister was
looking at us.
OD:how was your day?
Me:ke lapile gore rra magetla ame a bohloko ke go
photha dinawa.
OD:haha sorry babe..i promise you won't come here
Me:i am not come your sister is so
older than you?
OD:aah my mum a re she couldn't have kids after her
so she kept on trying then after 20 years she had me.
Me:they are nice people..babe maybe ga se gore ga o
tshole le will have a baby sometime in the
OD:ke ta itse jang jaanong ka o gana go robala le nna
Me:haha 90 days ga a ise a wele..i promise you i am
worth the wait.
OD:i know.. Ke gore tsatsi la bo 90 am not going to
work ke thola hela ke robetse
Me:haha la go bolaa kgomo leng ke bata
OD:kamoso phakela.. We will get magapu le mmidi
kamoso re ele bana.. Le nama
Me:okay..i love you thanks for everything
We walked around while he showed me their
livestock,we ended up at the main road,we took
selfies then went back home.We walked hand in
hand, he got some motsentsela and moretologa for
Okay iv got to admit i have never been in that kind of
love, ne re thaya sekutwane hela waitse everything
seemed right.
When we got home i called to check on the kids
Me:we will come kamoso maitseboa
Ame:having fun akere.. O re tele magapu
Me:i will.. Kiss Bofelo for me

Episode 183.5
He sat on the bed and i sat on the chair with his leg
massaging his foot.
Me:do you really love me?
OD:yes..a lot why?
Me:just asking..
OD:you are talking to a lawyer kana.. Bua whats
wrong babe
Me:dont leave me..i haven't been this happy in a long
time..if i did something wrong telle and i will do the
OD:okay..i won't leave unless you push me
Me:i promise i won't..
I let go of his feet and took off my clothes,i sat on his
lap and kissed him fully on the lips.
Me:i love you
OD:i love you more
I helped his take off his clothes and he laid me gently
on the bed..he was a bit heavy yes for my tiny
body..He squatted begore me and pulled me by the
leg bringing me closer to him.I wanted him so
badly..fuck the 90 days challenge,atleast i did more
than 60 days.
He kissed my neck while his hand played with my
clit..i was wet from just one touch..
Me:when was the last time you tested?
OD:3 months back you?
Me:a week maybe.. I am a regular..negative
OD:same here
He picked me up like i was some light feather and
stood up with me in his hands.He slowly penetrated
looking into my eyes..Ohhhh God..his eyes were so
sexy and seductive.He drilled me whipe looking into
my eyes..I didn't shy away either,eye contact is good
in a healthy sex.
Still standing he turned me around and made me
touch my toes..i could literally feel his dick down my
throat.My vaginal walls closes and he pulled out
breathing heavily.
He picked me up again, my legs were shaking and i
was thirsty.He put me on the edge of the bed and
squatted looking into my vagina,he kissed my clit and
tongue fucked me..i screamed into a pillow while he
did his magic..the guys was not good only in the
court room but bed room too..He slowly slid his dick
inside and played with my breasts..
I was shaking,couldnt control my feet no more,he
places them on both his shoulders and went
deeper..thats the best sex position of all times..doggy
takes nothing on it.
He went faster and deeper then i heard him roar like
a big animal..He closes his eyes and smiled a little,he
laid ontop of me for a few seconds then pulled
out.We both breathed heavily next to each other.He
wiped both of us and put his hand around me
bringing me closer.He kissed my forehead and we
both listened to the birds amd animals outside.
OD:i love you.. O monate the mma
Me:(shy)i love you
OD:ka re o monate
He held me tighter not wanting to let go,squizing my
little body.
At Botshelo'

At Botshelo's
He switched off the tv and went into the
bedroom,Anna was reading a megazine with her
glasses on.She took them off and placed them on the
Anna:Match o fedile
Anna:are you okay?
Botshelo:yeah why?
Anna:just asking..
He took off his clothes and got in bed,he faces her
and pulled her closer to him.He rubbed her vagina
and tried to take off her panty but she moved back a
Botshelo:(kissing her neck)mmh
Anna:we can't have sex almost everyday..
Botshelo stopped kissing her and looked into her
eyes,he got turned off and turned giving her his back.
Anna:babe..we have to discuss our sex life.. Like
when we have sex
Botshelo:okay write the timetable and il abide by it
Anna:ga se timetable..
Botshelo:whatever you call it then
The next morning
Odirile's mom and i went to get watermelon for the
kids at the farm while they killed the cow.
Mother:Phatsi..let me tell you a little secret..o bona if
you want to get married don't wait for him to pop tje
question,go to his house and wash his clothes,clean
his house and cook him a good meal then go home
leaving him to enjoy his meal alone.Do that but never
spend the week don't come to wash his
clothes,he will think about you while Washing them
himself..i promise you my daughter if he is man
enough two months he would have already
Me:haha thanks.. Il do just that
Mother:good because i want him to marry you..i liked
you the moment i saw you walk out that door,o
mosadi tota you are helping me in the farm but you
have expensive hair and long nails.
Me:hahaha..thank you
We found them done with the cow,his sister was
cooling the mogodu and sebete.
We put the sacks down and sat down massaging our
legs and shoulders.OD stood behind me massaging
my shoulders and i shyly stopped him.
His mother laid a blanket under the tree and sat
eating soft porridge.
Mother:come lay here
Me:nnyaa ke siame
Mother:Odirile ke ene a go diyang ka maaka ta o
rapame ha
I laid next to her..i fell asleep while talking about
small general things.
I woke up to rain drops,everyone was at the fire hut,i
ran inside and sat on the stool..OD gave me my food
and water.It was delicious serobe and bogobe..
Later we put the watermelon,mmidi and meat at the
boot and said goodbye.
We drove in silence because of the heavy raindrops
making noice,we went to his place first then went to
mine.Ame helped is take the food inside, she kept
giving me evil smiles.

Ame:you did it right?
Me:did what?
Ame:you slept with him
Me:haha why do you say that?
Ame:i can see it written all over your face
I took the last watermelon and went inside the
house.OD was holding Bofelo taking selfies.
OD:My boy is so grown up..he looks like you more
Me:i know right..he is cute o tsoga a re golega
OD:(to Bofelo)wa go ja banyana boy
Me:haha stop saying that..Ame is taking my car so
pick me up tomorrow morning
OD:or i can sleep over
I thought about what his mama said..
Me:babe go sleep at your house ao
OD:you chasing me?
Me:no babe if we spend everyday together we gonna
bore each other
OD:okay fine il go sleep at my house alone on my big
Me:haha jaanong ya bih bed where does it come
OD:i can't wait for my son to grow up so we can
spend some time alone.
At Botshelo's
Wawa sat down with her food on the matt and
started eating.
Anna:Wawa go seat at the table with everyone
Wawa:Mummy says..
Anna:Botshelo waitse nna i can't take it anymore,ga
kere ke bua le Warona a re mama this..
Botshelo:Warona come seat here
She picked her plate and put it on the table,the table
was a bit high for her so she tipped the plate with her
elbow and it fell down breaking.She looked at her
dad with teary eyes.
Botshelo:why did you do that?
Wawa:(crying)the table is high
Botshelo:mxm wa go ja eng jaanong.. Come seat here
She ran to her room crying.
Anna:nna i can never discipline them akere ba
matebe ga o ba kgalemela ba lela
Botshelo:o dirile time table?
Anna:ya eng?
Botshelo:our sex timetable
Anna:kante why do you say that..i didn't say we
should do a timetable jusg thaf we can't have sex
Botshelo:dont you enjoy the sex?
Anna:i do but..
Botshelo:tell me when you are in the mood maybe i
will be too
He pushed his plate and went to the bedroom,she
followed him.
Anna:okay if you want sex everyday then we will
have sex everyday
Botshelo:(put on his jacket)i forgot my phone at the
Anna:i love you
Botshelo:yah me too
Anna:il dish up for Warona..
At Home
OD fell asleep on the couch with Bofelo ontop of his
chest,i took a selfie and made my Whatsapp status.
Someone knocked softly at the door and i tiptoed to
the door.
Me:who is it
Botshelo:its me
I opened the door softly and he got in playing with
his car keys.His eyes fell on the heavy man with a
baby on his chest who were sleeping on the couch.
Botshelo:oh i thought you bought a German machine
Me:no ke ya ga rragwe Bofelo
Botshelo:oh..i see
Episode 185
Me:yeah..(looked outside)i thought you were with the
Botshelo:no..was just passing by and thought i
should come say hello but i see you have company
Me:(smiling)but thanks hey..want to come inside
Botshelo:oh no i don't want yo intrude
I closed the door,took the baby and woke up OD..
Me:you have to go home
I went to lay the baby down in his crib..OD came in
stretching his body
OD:Letsapa la moraka ke gone le ntlelang..
Me:take of your clothes o robale ee
OD:no il go home i dont have my clothes here
Me:you will change tomorrow,you are tired you can't
OD:(kissed my cheek)i love you
He took off his clothes and got in bed..
At Cal's
He went through the whatsapp statuses,he paused
on mine and zoomed the picture.
Kelly:(combing her weave)what?
He put on his sleepers and went outside dialing OD.
At Home
I switched off the living room lights and OD's phone
ran in my hand.I hesitated to answer but he kept
Me:OD is sleeping
I hung up and put his phone on silent.
The following day,Bofelo's nanny came in and OD and
i left,he dropped me at work and went to his house to
At OD's Office
His secretary dropped his files on the table and
looked at him.
Her:i have never seen you smile so much
OD:i don't smile often,close the door on your way
His phone ran and he rested on his chair.
OD:(smiling)what do i owe the pleasure?
Cal:you are sleeping with Phatsimo?
OD:(serious face)so what if i am?
Cal:thats the mother of my kids..
Cal:you cant be fucking her man
OD:(angry)never use the word fuck in one sentence
when you talking about my woman
Cal:fuck man you know i loved her
OD:and you hurt her,you hurt a good woman for
what a few millions?look man we friends and all but
Phatsimo and i's relationship doesn't need your
Cal:you know what this means right?
OD:what you gonna kill me like you killed her
fiance,what you gonna do huh?
Cal:i thought you know what i am capable of
OD:and i thought you knew what happened to the
last man who made me angry.dont try me Calvin stay
the fuck away from our relationship,the poor woman
has trust issues because of your stupid ass.You failed
her now its our turn to show her that real men
exist.A man who is going to love her even at her
lowest,who wont abuse her,who is going to make her
feel like she is the only woman in the world..You lost
a wife right there.Turn Kelly into a version of her

At OD's office
He hung up and threw the phone on the table
frustrated.It ran again and he picked up without
looking at the caller ID.He kept quiet
Me:why did you pick up and keep quiet?
OD:i will tell you later
Me:are you okay?
OD:(smiling)i am fine..zup?
Me:the nanny just called a re mashi a hedile nna i
thought there was a can left kante ga gona..hle rra
ask your PA to buy a ise before he wakes up
OD:okay..i will
Me:thanks..i love you
OD:i love you more
At Botshelo's
A few minutes after he left for work Anna woke up
and sat on the sofa going through the
channels.Everything was repeats she dialed her
Her:hello nnana
Anna:(down)hey tsoga?
Her:yes..and you?
Anna:i don't think Botshelo wants me anymore
Anna:aah mma our relationship is sex sex sex hela ga
ke gana wa ngala and goes out bosigo then comes
home late.
Her:aah..but baby you don't deny your husband sex
or else he will go look for it outside.
Anna:but mum we were doing it after every two days
isn't that enough?
Her:if he wants it everyday give it to him, tjats your
duty as his wife..who do you want him to sleep with
Anna:aah i will try mme hela nna ke bona e le
kgokgontsho kana even when we in the kitchen he
wants it,maloba we went for a drive and he wanted
us ti do it mo sekgweng like i am some loose girl..nna i
want dilo tse di thamaletseng in the bedroom on the
bed.. Di kitchen le dikoloi is for loose girls,thats not
my style.
She heard his car park outside and said goodbye.She
stretched herself and opened the door.
Botshelo:hey..can you prepare the guest room my
mother is coming.
She wrapped her arms around him and kisses his
Botshelo:i came to get my blue book..
Anna:we don't need a timetable to have sex you
Botshelo:i am running late can we discuss this later?
Anna:do you still love me
Botshelo turned back and looked at her,she had on a
serious face.
Botshelo:ofcourse i love you
Anna:i don't feel so loved anymore
Botshelo:same here..
Botshelo:maybe because you refuse to sleep with ke bata go go ha space hela we will have sex
on your terms
Anna:its not that i don't want to..i feel like doing it in
the car or the kitchen and di styles tse dingwe that
you want us to do are not..aah ke tsa diaka hela..
Botshelo:its called spicing our sex life.. Jaanong o
bata ke dira all the work alone?
Anna:no..nna dont feel comfortable sucking you or
being ontop of you..
Botshelo:haha okay mathata

Episode 186
In the evening
I made us some green salad and grilled chicken.Babe
put the baby to sleep and tiptoed out of the room.
Me:(whispering)he is sleeping?
He sat down and i dished for him,i could tell from his
mood that he was bothered by something.
Me:tough case?
OD:its Calvin
Me:a reng?
OD:babe i need to tell you something
My heart beat faster and i choked on the water that i
was drinking.
OD:i love you
OD:and i want you to know that i would never hurt
you the way Calvin did..i know he killed your fiance..i
know a lot of things about Calvin some he doesn't
even know that i know them..
Me:please tell me you are not a ganster.. Tell me you
are nothing like Calvin
He knelt before me and took my hands into his..
OD:i promise you i am nothing like Calvin..
Me:what did he want?
OD:apparently he found out we were dating and he
called me telling me to stay away from you..
OD:do i look like i take orders from anyone?Calvin ga
a ntshose..i respect that he is the father of your
kids..but if he ever tries to pull stunds between us i
swear i will blow up his mind.
OD:i am dead serious
Me:o mo thuntshe babe..the world would be a better
place without the likea of him..kante ka gore he is
married why does he care who i date..mxm always
trying to spoil things for me..he killed Martin jaanong
a re go eng mxm iv lost my appetite jaanong.
OD:dont..dont let him spoil your day babe..o ta nna a
ipona..he knows better than to mess with me..if he is
wise he will never call me a bua matakala..whoever
told him he ownes you better go and tell him i am in
town,you are mine now,mine alone..
I smiled and he gave me a small piece of meat to eat,i
opened my mouth.
OD:lets get married
Me:(eyes wide open)what?
OD:i want to marry you
Me:couldnt you have done it like in the movies going
on one knee in a romantic dinner?
OD:i guess i am not romantic then
Me:i cant mary a man yo seng romantic
OD:haha but i am serious babe..marry me
Me:(smiling)this is the most boring proposal ever but
yes.. Yea i will marry you
He helped me stand up and we kissed,He kissed me
passionately and pined me against the wall looking
into my eyes.
OD:you have made me a father and now i get to be a
husband, i finally got to know what love is ka wena..
Okay that was touching,i was literally crying,he put
me down and took a box from his pocket.He opened
it and took out the ring
OD:i was going to do like in the movies but fuck..(he
put it on me)

I couldn't wait to show off my ring at work..i wanted
everyone to envy me bathong last time someone
asked me to marry them...its a sad story.
I walked into the office in a good mood,greeted
everyone smiling waving my hand.My two colleagues
followed me into my office.
Abi:is that a ring?
Me:(waving my hand)yes..he asked me to marry him
Lolo:(hugging me)congradulations chomi
wow..Odirile is such a catch kana..
Me:(smiling)i know right
Abi:so did he go on one knee like in tv
Me:its was...not what i expected i will never forget
yesterday.I need di number tsa the wedding planner
who planned lenyalo la ga was of the
hook everything in place
Abi:i will call her and ask she is on maternity leave
Me:okay..le ipankanye banyana because le ta bo le
bina siwelele
Lolo:hooo ijoo ke simolla go thuba mpa mma..tsala
congrats mma finally you get married i always
thought you gonna marry Lefika
Me:uhu gatwe Lefika..get back to work bo mma i
need to admire my ring and smile alone
Abi:haha kante OD ga a na monnawe kana twin
They laughed walking outside,i admired my ring and
took a photo.I sent to Ame vua watsapp.
Ame: you kidding me right?
Me:nope..last night
Ame:oh my God am so happy for you..ijoo bathong i
finally get to dance at my sister's weeding.
Me:i finally get married,OD is my happy ending
nnaka..i swear he is better than Cal le Botshelo ba think i wasted my time obsessing over
Calvin ekare ke ka ikomanya ka ipetsa.
Ame: dead.. Now you know how i felt
Me:yeah now i know you were not jealous of me
Ame:you thought i was jealous?
Me:sometimes yes
Ame:i am offended
Ame:i can never be jealous of you, you my sister, my
only sister and i am protective of you because i love
you gape wena o mothonyana wa Modimo hela you
can't speak for yourself. come for dinner kgantele we
Ame:i can't today rragwe Pearl o teng and we
catching up
Me:di stich di hodile?
Ame:ke shapo mma aah..will come ka
At Botshelo's house
He spinned his chair eating the back of his pen
looking at his financial report.Anna opened the door
and stood looking at him.
Anna:you spent the night here
Botshelo:dibuka di gana go balancer babe..i dont
think i will be able to pay school fees sa bana next
Anna:Phatsimo can always pay
Botshelo:she cant afford to pay 4000 every belaela accountant e dirile phoso golo
Anna:Mosola wa ga Phatsimo ke eng kante ka her
kids ba nna fa ba ja fa?
Episode 187
Botshelo:she pays transport o reka diaparo and o
reka mopako..i think accountant e dirile phoso get to the bottom of it
Anna:i made breakfast
Botshelo:babe don't you want to start business?
Anna:ya eng?
Botshelo:you tell me
Anna:you think about it..kante you can continue
selling food like you did before
Anna:ke nne ha thoko ga tsela ke rekise dijo?
Botshelo:you made lots of money maybe this time
you can hire someone to help had lots of
customers akere
Anna:mmmh..i am going to a church meeting..later
Botshelo:no goobye kiss?
She leaned over and baby kissed him,he pulled her on
his lap and French kissed her his hand going in her
dress,she shyly closed her eyes breathing heavily.
He unzipped her dress at the back,cipped her breasts
and took of the bra.He sucked her nipples his middle
finger playing with her clit.She wanted more..right
there at that time.He picked her up walking out of
the study room,she kicked the door closing it.
Surprised Botshelo pinned her against the wall
kissing her neck,she wrapped her legs around him.
He lowered her a little,moved her panty to the side
amd penetrated.
He went in slowly in circles,her bean was vibrating
and sje lost control of her legs.She hated how much
she enjoyed it,she never imagined in a million years
would she behave like a slut and have sex with her
husband in his study room.
He put her on the table and put her legs on his
chest,she screamed in pleasure,he had touched her
gspot..she felt the need to urinate,he went faster
and faster,he pulled out splashing his cum on her
tummy as tje same time she splashed her urine all
over him.Embarrased she covered her face..
At Church
She locked her car and walked in fixing her skirt..She
took off her shades and sat down apologising for
being late.
Anna:so what have i missed?
B:well nothing much we were waiting for you i was thinking maybe we can sell lunch
every sunday..Plate 20 sure after 2 months
ta bo re setse re kokoteditse a lekane
B:ee gone its a good idea.. Le di hot dog re ka rekisa
Anna:good idea
They finished the meeting and she said goodbye.
B:heey she is a good mood today she didn't critic
anything we said
Tsaone:e tsamaya sentle nyalo wa glowa ebile
B:haha she was all smiles she couldn't even
Tsaone:haha maybe she had a wipd night
B:ago le ha o mo lebile jaana ene Bella o na le wild belaela a bora Botshelo gore..kana Botshelo
ne a jola le Tsitsi

Tsaone:(locked the door)Tsitsi ene o rileng?
B:haha that girl is wild kana ke kile ka mmona a
tweka mona ko clubong a tagilwe a bo ke bona hela
gore..yo ke banyana ba ba ha ba ba ka jang monna
gore a mo he pin ya karata ya banka.
Tsaone:haha heedu gongwe ga go na le ha e le sepe
hale..o itse go twerka ko clubong hela o pallwa ke
B:haha nnyaa wena kana you don't know what am
talking about
Tsaone:wait wena what were you doing at the club?
During lunch time
OD and i were having lunch at Nandos.He was busy
on his phone.
Me:maybe i should have just came alone
OD:(put the phone down)sorry babe..i am expecting
evidence from someone she said she will send me
senepe jaanong ke yo ga a bue sepe. i want us to go 50 50 on the wedding
Me:i want to hire a wedding planner
Me:i want my own designed dress i don't want to
wear people'bad luck on my wedding day..divorce
rate is high
Me:gape i want us to go on a honeymoon
Me:i was thinking we could set it together..but it has
to be dikolo di tshwetswe because i want all my kids
to be here
Me:babe stop saying okay o bue sengwe
OD:do we have a theme?
Me:ae theme ya eng..i want a classy wedding..invite
OD:ao babe mma
OD:dont you want people to see you o
many people are we inviting?
Me:500 or less
OD:are we inviting Cal?
Me:are we?
OD:he is my associate plus he is practically family
Me:tell me..what your relationship with him?
OD:we do business and we go a long way
Me:have you ever killed anyone?
OD:no why? back to the wedding..i know you love
white and i was thinking you could wear a
white tuxedo then change to black..
OD:babe it looks like you have everything figured
Me:i dont know i will think about it.. I called your
mum and told her the good news.
Me:she is happy..babe...there is something else
OD:arent you going to eat?i think you should be the
wedding alreadg doing the job anyway you want him to use your last
He stopped eating and looked at me.
OD:i would love that but i can't expect you to..he..
Me:he can use them both
OD:(held my hand)i love you..i dont know what to say
Me:you are his dad..he loves you and you love him..
OD:(kissed my hand)i don't know what i did to
deserve you..thank you Phatsimo
Me:(smiling)you are welcome.. Now lets eat i have to
get back to work..
OD:babe are you sure you have such money?
Me:yes..i do

Episode 188
OD dropped me of at work and went to his office..i
drafted everything i wanted for the wedding,from
the theme colour to the decorations and cake..the
music and tent, OD was right i didn't need the
wedding planner but a financial advice,i was planning
on spending a quarter of the money i got from Calvin
in the wedding but how the hell was i going to explain
it to OD?
And a quarter was a lot..i am not a selfish person but i
wanted my big day to ne talk of the year i was even
planning on inviting big musicians,yes thats how
exited i was.
After work i went to see the florist,the roses and
flowers were pretty.I bought a few things and waited
by the stop for a taxi..I saw Botshelo's car from a mile
away..the kids were at the back and i waved at them.
Anna stopped and waved at me.
Me:hey babies,hello Anna
Anna:hello are you waiting for a taxi?
Me:yes my little sister is using my car
Anna:lets go
I hesitated but finally got in,atleast she would drop
me at the gate and save me the walk.
Wawa:mama what did you buy?
Me:just ice cream and chips
Donah:can we have ice cream
Wawa:please mummy
Me:okay..when we get home you can't be eating in
the car
Anna kept looking at my hand, i pretended like i didn't
see her.My phone rang and i answeres smiling.
Me:Rragwe Bofelo
OD:hey..i came to pick you up and you already left
Me:i went to see the florists i am on my way home
OD:okay see you
Me:i think you should just bring all your clothes so
you don't have to go home every morning because
we practically living together
OD:haha okay i will
Me:i wasnt being serious bit you can spend the week
here plus we still have to come up with a date far?
Me:5 minutes??
OD:okay bye i love you
Me:me too
I hung up and put my phone in the back.
Anna:your ring is beautiful
Me:thank you
Anna:when is the big day?
Me:we haven't decided on it yet
Anna:oh..okay congradulations
Me:thank you
Anna:i still remember the day Botshelo proposed..oh
it was magical
I looked through the window as she talked amd
talked,i wasn't really listening to her because i was so
not interested in what she was saying.
She dropped me off at the gate and the kids went
with me inside,i gave them ice cream in their cups
and they ran to the car.
Me:thanks for the ride
Anna:no problem
Me:is the school bus not working again?i really don't
know why i am paying so much money instead of
taking them to school myself kana Botshelo a ba ise.
Anna:talking about money..we need to talk
Anna:get inside
I opened the door and sat inside with my legs out.
Anna:Dilo tsa ga rragwe Wawa kana ga di tsamae
sentle..he can't afford to pay 4000 wa school fees
every month
Me:(surprised)but he didnt tell me anything
Anna:because he thinks you are broke..but now that
you have a man i am sure he wont mind to help you
pay the school fesa while Bofshelo is down akere
Me:i can afford to pay the whole year's school fees i
don't know why Botshelo sent you to tell me all this
when just last year i offered to pay school fees a bo a
gana..i will go pay tomorrow tell him
Anna:thank you
I said goodbye to the kids hiding my angry face..mxm
all the respect i had for Botshelo was gone,he could
have just told me he was broke i would have paid my
kids's fees.
OD got in right after they left,he parked in the garage
and took out the plastics from his boot.
OD:ne ke diilwe ke go tsena mo dishopong..i bought
this track suit at an affordable price.. Ne e le mo
He took out the Nike track suigs and showed me.I
smiled and went inside the house.
OD:they will look great on Bofelo but the track top
looks a bit bigger
Me:yeah it is
The nanny came out of the room with the
thermometer and gave it to me.
Her:he is okay.. See you tomorrow
OD:o na le madi a taxi?
Her:(looking at me)i am fine
Me:if you don't have you can just say so
Her:(embarrassed)i dont have..i was going to ask
madam to loan me 200 my daughter is going for a
sports trip ko Gaborone tomorrow and i don't even
have 1 pula to give her gore a reke sweets mo
Me:but we paid yoh last week
Her:we are extending our two bedrooms jaanong
madi a tsamaya ohle
OD took out 250 from his wallet and gave her..she
bowed her legs taking the money.
Her:thank you so much you will take it from my
OD:its a small loan we will deduct 50 pula every
month,if you ever need help talk to us, we can't
thank you enough for taking care of our son
Her:thank you so much.. Bye
OD closed the door and made me stand up his hands
squizing my butt.
Me:babe i am not in the mood Botshelo o ntenne
OD:what happened?
I told him the whole story while he listened
OD:you know i can pay for the while wedding and you
pay the school fees
Me:no shapo i can manage
OD:babe you earn how much? 7 gran you cant have
so much money to pay foe half of the wedding and
school fees for the whole year.
Me:can we sit down..i have to tell you something
Me:i have 1 million Calvin gave it to me

Episode 189
Me:yes..i once asked him to give me money and after
i was released from the hospital he gave me the
OD:for what?
Me:nothing really..when i asked for the money i
wanted to go on a vacation
OD:so thats the money you were going to use for our
Me:yes..what do you mean where??
OD:we are not using Calvin's money for our
wedding..i am not going to ask you to take it back but
not our wedding.
Me:okay..but apart from it ga ke na madi..i am still
paying loan ha ntlo and water bills, food,electricity.
OD:then i will pay for the whole wedding
I sat on his lap and put my arms around him.
Me:but what i want is roughly hundred thousand
OD:i can afford it..i work hard and mh companies are
doing great plus i would do anything for you.
OD:(kissing me)yeah anything
We helped each other get naked and he carried me to
the shower.
At Cal's
He took out his shoes and loosened his tie,he walked
to the wine Celle and poured himself a glass of
whiskey.He took out his phone and dialed Dumi.
Dumi:heh man am on traffic..everyone has a car
malatsi a
Cal:Odirile o jola le Phatsimo
Cal:yes..he iw dating my baby mama i think he has an
agenda he is trying to get back at me for something
Dumi:OD is not petty if he had a problem he would
have told you man to man you know how he
is..maybe they fell inlove ka nako ha
technically introduced them to each other
Cal:you are not helping
Dumi:you are married why do you care who she
Cal:because..i love her..OD is pushing me
Dumi:do you really want to mess with Odirile?man if
you strike war with him don't count me in your side.
Cal:i am not afraid of him
Dumi:lucky did you find out?
Cal:Phatsimo is always puting him and her baby as
her app status and its getting to me
Dumi:man you said you will leave her alone a ko o mo
tlogele she deserves to be happy
The twins ran inside followed by Kelly he said
goodbye and hung up.
Channel:daddy look how much i got today
She took out her book and showed him
At Botshelo's
He parked the car in the garage and got in through
the kitchen door,Anna was cooking and the sweet
aroma got to him.
He hugged her from behind kissing her neck, it tickled
her a little and she turned around and kissed him
fully on the lips.
Anna:how was your day
Botshelo:eish my accountant o dirile matakala hela
Anna:(interupting)dont worry about that i took care
of it
Anna:i spoke to Phatsimo about paying school fees
sa bana.

At Botshelo's
Botshelo:(serious)you what?
Anna:a re she will pay..babe i..
Botshelo:(angry)who sent you to Phatsimo
kante?why couldn't you wait for me to see if i can't
really pay the school fees..eish agg am not going to
talk to you right now because i might say more..
He grabbed his keys and went back to the
garage.Anna suprisenly watched his car drive out of
the yard.She could'nt understand what she did
Wawa came in and took an apple from the fridge.
Anna:good girl no sugar before dinner akere
Wawa:(smiling) yes,can i go play outside
Anna:done your homework?
Wawa:yes i am done and i washed my socks
Anna:good.okay go
At my House
OD slowly pulled out and laid next to me,we were
both breathing heavily,i put my shaking leg on his
and we kept quiet catching our breaths.Someone
knocked at the door,i looked at him amd smiled.He
put on his sweat pants and went into the living room.
Botshelo:hi (looked at his sweaty face,his dick was
still a little hard and showing on the pants)Tsitsi
I came out of the bedroom wearing my gown,my hair
was a mess.
OD:come in
OD:il excuse you
Botshelo:oh too have to hear this
Botshelo:no thanks
I went into the kitchen and poured me a glass of
juice,OD water.I sat down next to him,i kept playing
with my ring as Botshelo told us how his finances
were okay and didn't have to pay the school fees
Me:i don't understand why you couldn't just tell me
instead you sent your would you feel if..
OD:babe.i dont think he sent him you know how
women are
Botshelo:Anna thinks it was okay..i came to apologize
if i have financial crisis i will tell you myself
Me:its pay this month anyway you will pay
OD:you know it would be nice if they used your taxis
instead of the school bus,you will make extra cash
Botshelo:yes but ba gana apparently school bus se
Me:haha Warona kana ene ga a gana selo wa gana
OD:ohh o sentse ngwana
Me:haha rra
OD:o senyeditse Botshelo bana..and Donah took
after his dad
Botshelo:haha true and he looks like his mother
Me:he had to all my kids ba tshwana le bo
rraabone..the last three ke bone hela bame
Bofelo startes crying and OD went to get him
Botshelo:i finally get to see him
Me:haha but he is still young rra
Me:thank you
Botshelo:he is a nice person..but if he hurts you i will
blow his brains out
Me:i will tell him
OD gave me Bofelo and i showed him to Botshelo.He

Episode 190
Botshelo:haha he is cute
Me:ohh he likes you he doesn't smile often
OD:with you
Me:haha i am so jealous he loves you more than me
OD:babe everyone loves me
Bofelo:can i hold him
Me:o ska roba ngwanake the rra wena ke ene wa
Botshelo:haha i wont i have two kids remember
OD:must have one more
Botshelo:haha i don't see that happening any time
I gave him the baby and he smiled at him as he made
funny faces.OD held my hand tighter and smiled at
me.To ne honest men are so different from women
his friendliness to Botshelo surprised me.
Bofelo started crying and he gave him back to me
Botshelo:Wawa ga aka re Bofelo ga o kake wa mo re
OD:oh she adores him
Botshelo:(stood up)ta ke tsamaye,i am glad we sorted
OD:(exted his hand)please if you are not busy join us
on friday evening we are having a small
dinner..celebrating our engagement
Botshelo:i will ask Anna you know how women
I went into the bedroom to change the baby's
diaper.OD leaned on the door looking at me.
OD:you don't look like someone who gave birth to 5
Me:but i did..just that i am taking care of myself
OD:i love you
Me:i love you too..i cant believe you invited
Botshelo..does that mean i can invite your ex too?
OD:i don't have an ex..i have nothing to prove divorce,baby nothing
Me:haha sies o simolotse dikgang tsa batho ba
OD:if she was a nice person like Botshelo i wouldn't
mind you inviting her
Me:i wont..i wasn't even going to invite Botshelo
OD:oh i see
Me:nothing personal i just don't like Anna she is so
judgemental and too holy for herself
OD:wa yaka you jealous gore she is Botshelo's wife
Me:haha loved Botshelo but am glad he has
moved bad blood between us..gape i wouldn't
have meet you akere
I gave him the baby and he followed me to the
OD:so you mean o shapo hela if i hang out with
Me:yes..i dont love him anymore am sure he feels the
same way so you can become besties think he noticed gore we had just had
Me:i dont care akere le ne he has sex..i think o
OD:babe you could have fixed your hair le
was a meas o le mohuhutso kana
Me:haha heela talking about hair,stop pulling my
weave kana go ta somoga rra and this is expensive
OD:heh mma wa bo o ntshwere sente kana..i swear
one of this days il scream hela waitse and when you
bend your back a bit lower gone..shit babe
Me:hahaha iyoooo stop Bofelo is listening
At Botshelo's

He found Anna sitting on the bed applying lotion on
her leg,her mind was far away.He looked at her for a
few seconds smiling as she rubbed the same spot a
million times.
He knelt before and and took the lotion in his hand
and applied it on her knees,she smiled and he smiled
Anna:i am..
He interrupted her with a kiss,okay she didn't expect
that she though he would be super angry at her.She
closed her eyes and slowly kissed him back but he
was not in the slow motion.He parted her legs and
went down on her,she remembered what had
happened yesterday.She had never been so
embarrased,he tickled her bean with his tongue
while cupping her firm small breasts,she opened the
legs wider and wanted more than the tongue.
He took off his trouser while still buisy.He stopped
and walked to the bathroom.She followed him.
Botshelo:i am sorry i forgot we can't have sex
She walked back while he smiled enjoying the warm
water from the shower,she turned back and joined
him.She knelt down,closed her eyes and took the
anaconda in her mouth.She could feel her liver
mixing with her large intestines,it was disgusting buf
she had to do what she had to do.Botshelo grabbed
her head and mouth fucked her,she wasn't good but
atleast she was going deeper.
She gagged ready to vomit and took it out,Botshelo
helped her stand up and picked her up in suspence as
he directed his big dick in her wet whole.She held on
to his as he drilled her,she lost control of her legs
which made her a bit heavier.He carefully took steps
out of the shower and pinned her against the wall.
At Cal's
Kelly tucked in her son and joined Cal on the bed.She
touched his soft dick.
Cal:babe i am not feeling well
She got ontop of him and kissed his stomach.
Kelly:i can make you feel better
Cal:(annoyed)Babe stop it
She slowly got off him and slept facing the other
direction.His phone received a whatsapp inbox from
OD.He sat on the bed looking at the picture of my
hand with a ring on it.
OD:i want you to hear about it from me first
Cal:congrats man
OD:thanks i thought you would be a bitch about it
Cal:no man.. I hit it first after how many years..five..
OD:it doesn't matter who hit it first,it matters who is
hitting it now
Cal:so you down to being a step father all your life?
OD:you starting to annoy me
Cal:oh i hit a nerve
OD:oh no..i have a daughter and a are raising
OD switched of his data and pulled up the covers.
OD:mmh where were we?

Episode 191
The following day
At Botshelo's
He kissed Anna's back squeezing her breasts,she
smiled and moved her butt closer to his dick.He
slowly parted her legs and slid in,she moaned softly
as he went in slowly in circles.
At Cal's
The kids ran to the car,Kelly walked behind carrying
her son.She put him in his car seat and fixed her
lipstick looking at herself in the car mirror.
Cal:will you pick them?
Kelly:i am meeting a friend after work
Cal:which friend?
Kelly:someone you don't know
She reversed outside and Cal went into the house
dialing my number.
At Home
I applied mascara while OD fixed his tie.
Me:i will ask Ame to help me cook on Friday..your
mum and sister should come.
OD:okay il tell them
Me:i love them
My phone ran and i answeres putting on lipstick.
Cal:i want to change the twins last name into mine
Me:you know i have to talk to my uncles its a long
short procedure
Cal:mmh i want to do it as soon as possible before
your fiancee gets any ideas
Me:oh so you heard..
Cal:i am not going to allow you to play happy families
with my kids
Me:so its okay when Kelly posts them all over social
media akere..mxm aka mbora please go phakela
I hung up and looked at OD who was smiling.
Me:you told Calvin we are engaged
OD:its not a secret akere
Me:what else did you say a tenegile jaana
OD:agg Cal wa bora he was telling me gore il always
be a step father talking about he hit it first
Me:Odirile wee next time you want to annoy Calvin
don't use my name ke rate dikgang tsa
lona hit if first ke eng mo go nna wena what did you
say after he said that?
OD:i told him what matters is who is hitting it now childish.. Pasa me my bag il take the taxi
OD:Phatsimo you don't talk to me like that
Me:akere o ngwana wena le Calvin le bua bo who hit
if first,le raa eng gape?
OD:(gave me my bag)i am sorry ke gore hela Calvin wa
tena sometimes
I kissed my son and left..he followed me with his car
to the taxi stop.
OD:a reye
Me:ae..i am still angry
OD:ke dire jang i apologised akere babe
I got in the car
OD:sorry you are right i acted like a child
Me:forgiven never do that again..Calvin o bitter ga a
bua such things ignore him
OD:yes mam
Me:(smiling)mmh..a re he wants to change surname
ya bana
OD:i guess i really got to him
Me:what did you say
OD:i told him he was raising my kids
Me:haha waitse gore Odirile ga o masisi ga o itse gore
Calvin o bogale ne..he will kill you
OD:he knows not to mess with me
1 Month Later.......

Episode 191.5
At Cal's
He sat in the dark,he looked at the time again and
clicked his tongue.Kelly slowly opened the door and
tiptoed to the guest room.
He switched on the lights,she slowly turned around
and dropped her shoes.
Cal:o tswa kae?
Kelly:i am..was working night shift
Cal:(calm)get everything that belongs to you and
leave my house before i kill you
Kelly:oh so nna ke molato but you are not ga o
tsamaya o robala with every girl in town
He came close to her as she slowly moved back,he
breathed down her neck.
Cal:i will kill you and bury you at the mountains
where no one will ever find woman cheats on
me now get out before i do something i will regret
He moved back and she ran to their bedroom and
locked herself in.He went back to the sofa,sat down
and drowned his beer..He went through my
instagram and looked at the Magadi and Pholoso
pictures.Frustrates he threw the phone against the
At my house
I tucked in Warona and switched off the lights.
OD was skyping his client so i silently got in bed.
OD:okay shapo see you tomorrow in court
He took off his gown and got in bed.
OD:i think we should rent both houses and buy a
bigger one..wa bona gore Cici ga a rate sharing with
Channel akere. are right
OD:are you okay..?
Me:i want to untie my tubes..just incase something
OD:you don't have to..
Me:never say never..maybe you and your ex were
not competable
OD:babe..i wish i had my own but you dont have
to..Bofelo is enough to deal with anyway
Me:i already spoke to my doctor..i am doing it..i don't
care if people say i have lots of kids atleast i can care
for them by myself.We are doing it..if it doesn't
happen its still okay.. We would have tried
OD:i dont want to get my hopes babe please don't do
Me:i am sorry babe..just so you know i would have
loved to have your baby
He kissed my forehead and switched the side lamp.
OD:i love you wifey
Me:i love you too..night babe
The following morning at Botshelo's
Anna ran into the bathroom and threw up.She rinsed
her mouth and went back to bed.Botshelo walked in
carrying a plastic.
Botshelo:hey how are you feeling?
She fan back to the bathroom and Botshelo followed
Anna:i am positive i am pregnant
Botshelo:me too
Anna:but we just got married..
Botshelo:so..we are married no one will be surprised did you get it?
Botshelo took out the home pregnancy test and gave
Botshelo:i wish...never mind
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Episode 192
At my house
OD helped me fold the baby's clothes.
Me:have you thought about what i said
OD:babe i feel don't understand how painful
it is.. Knowing that i can't have kids..why do you..why
do you want..
Me:i am sorry..(hugged him)i know how you feel..i am
OD:iv accepted that i can't have kids..i don't want to
get my hopes up
Me:i am sorry i brought it up..(kissed his cheek)i love
At Botshelo's
Anna came out of the bathroom with the test stick
amd put it on the table.Botshelo looked at it for a few
minutes smiling.He hugged her and picked her up
pinning her against the wall.
Botshelo:thank you babe..
Anna:am so scared
Botshelo:dont be..(kissed her neck)i love you so much
babe..thank you so much..i hope it's a boy
Anna:but i want a girl
Botshelo:maybe ke di twin
Anna:haha a boy and a girl
He hugged her for a few minutes then knelt before
her kissing her flat stomach
Botshelo:hey there big boy
Later that evening
At Ame's
I took off my shoes and sat on the sofa
Ame:The mma thanks for taking Pearl for the
holidays nna kana wa ntapa gore
Me:haha o tapiiwa ke just one baby you should try 7
Ame:heee never gatwe 7 kids nnyaa mma..
Me:i am untying my tubes
Ame:(eyea wide open)what?
Me:i want to give OD a baby
Ame:i thought you said he said he was infertile
Me:i dont think he is..his mum had his sister a le
motona and she is 20 years older than OB,her first
child is 15 but ene she is 56 akanya hela..OB is not
infertile just that his time hasn't come yet
Ame:are you sure you want another baby..Tsitsi i
know you love him but
Me:no..iv made up my mind so..dont try to talk me
out of it
Ame:okay..if it makes you happy then
Me:but i haven't told him i am still untying them..i
mean if ga tshole he wont know we have been trying
Ame:what if you fall pregnant how are you going to
explain that?
Me:i will cross that bridge when i get there
Ame:eish..if you say so
Me:please don't tell anyone hle mma..
Ame:i won't..
Me:mmh i trust you
At Cal's
He locked the door and threw the keys on the
sofa.Someone knocked at the door.
Cal:who is it?
Voice:Officer Gabo
He opened the door loosening his tie..
Officer:i am officer Gabo and this is
Cal:i am not interested in your namea what do you
Officer:your wife...
Cal:(interrupt)oh so now the police are involved in
people's martial problems
Cal:get the hell out of my yard.. This better be the last
He closed the door and switched on the lights.He
dialed OD

Episode 192.5
At home
OD put on his head sets while he rocked the baby.
Cal:i want to file for divorce
OD:i am listening
Cal:we are not married in community of property
so..she is cheating on me and she is not hiding it
OD:do you have proof?
Cal:not yet but i am going to have it next week
OD:i just hope you wont come back to trouble us
after your divorce
Cal:you know i can have her whenever i want right
OD:you still wante to represent you?
Cal:you the one poking me..look man i want custody
of my son,i want her to walk out with nothing..make
that happen i am paying you a the way i want
my money back..akere she is your fiancee now
OD:oh we can afford that..your one million is helping
He hung up and gently put Bofelo in his bed.I walked
in talking on the phone and he shushed me.
I hung up and baby kissed him.
Me:the house is clean
OD:everyone knows their roles..Cici took them out
for ice-cream
Me:you gave her your key?
OD:yeah she is a good driver
Me:Odirile she doesn't have a licence
He walked outside ignoring me..
OD:chill il pay okay..i just wanted an alone time with
my woman i spoke to my uncle..a re wedding date
ke leng
OD:talking about wedding,Cal is getting a divorce
OD:(pulled me closer)but we are not going to talk
about Calvin..come here
Me:i need to take a shower ke lapile gape we walked
mo letsatsing re bata matsela
OD:can i join you
I walked to the bedroom wiggling my butt a little.He
followed me
At Botshelo'
He put the tray on the table and sat on the bed
looking at her.
Botshelo:wa go lwatsa boy boy
Anna:haha i cant wait for it all to pass
Botshelo:you know Phatsimo never got sick like a lwala bekenyana hela then a bo a siama
Anna:go shapo..can you make me a bath?
Botshelo:okay babe..(kissed her forehead)i love you
mmagwe mfana
Anna:me too
She took the bowl of oats and started eating..
Later that evening
Cici helped me set the table
Cici:so mum.. I am about to write my finals is it okay if
i start dating?
Me:yeah..i trust you to make good decisions are much cooler this days..i am glad
Odirile came into your life
Me:haha me too..he is such a nice person right?
Cici:yeah..i like him.. A lot.. He makes you happy that's
whats important right
Cici:i am sorry dad hurt you..and deserve
Me:thanks baby..this is my happy ending
Cici:at found your mr right

Episode 193
A week later
At the hospital
I laid on the hospital stretcher and stretched my legs
as the doctor inserted a tube like thin in my vagina.
Doc:are you sure this is the best choice?
Me:yes..positive about it..i hope you won't mention
this to my husband
Doc:i know doctor patient confidentiality when will i be able to start trying?
Doc:2 weeks is enough..
Me:good for me
At OD's office
He went through his notes once more and closed the
laptop leaning back on the chair looking at the roof.
He grabbed his phone and dialed his mother.She
answered on the third ring..
OD:hello mum.. How are you?
Her:i am good my son, wena?
OD:i want to ask you something
OD:before you had mmagwe Lala where you and dad
trying for a baby
Her:are you okay my son?
OD:Phatsimo a re we should try for a baby,she thinks
that i can have kids
Her:but i always told you that in our family we all had
our first kids late in life,not by choice but God's will..i
had your sister when i was 30 years,i had lost all
hope then thinking i can't have kids that's why i
allowed your father to take a second woman..then
20 years later i had dilo tsa Modimo hela
ngwanaka..try people mocked me for having a baby
ke le 50 but the joy it brought me..try my son
OD:thank you..maybe you are right
Her:mmmh so how is it going with the wedding?
OD:everything okay,when are you coming to maun
for your fitting
Her:on friday.. How are the kids?
OD:just Bofelo around everyone has gone back..ene
he is fine,growing everyday
Her:okay sale ke rile a nwe mashi a tonki le mo
OD:re taa bona kae mashi a teng mme.?
Her:kana makgoa ga anwe mashi a tonki
OD:hahaha go siame re ta bua
He hung up laughing..
At Botshelo's
He put the ice cream back in the fridge and sat on the
kitchen counter going through his timeline.He came
across some of our pictures,he opened the album
and smiled looking at the kids.
Anna walked in holding a glass of juice.He quickly
switched apps
Anna:what has you smiling so much?
Botshelo:ohj i was just looking at this video
Anna:ta ke bone
Botshelo:battery is low il show you later let me
Anna:oh..i think we should go to the doctors kamoso
after the kida leave for school
Anna:can i ask you something?
Anna:can they go live with Phatsimo until i feel
better? I cant bath Donah every morning and make
them breakfast, some of the food makes me
Botshelo:i will talk to her
Anna:do you mind if i tell her?

Botshelo:no its cool
Anna:she might take it that i don't want them here
Botshelo:she is not like that..she has been through
this am sure she will understand
She poured herself a drink amd went back to
watching tv.
At Cal's
Kelly walked in and went straight to the bedroom,she
parked her clothes and walked out pushing the
bag,she bumped into Calvin who was waiting for her
in the hallway.
Kelly:(scared)babe..i didn't see you there
Cal:i misa you please dont leave
Kelly:you chased me away
Cal:come back home,i misa you,the kids miss you,its
not the same without you here
Cal:(hugged her)yes..please babe we botha made
mistakes lets correct them
Kelly:do you forgive me? you forgive me?
He picked her up and kissed her pinning her against
the wall.
Later that evening
I put the plates in the cupboard and bent down
putting the pots in the lower board. OD stood behind
me holding my waist,he pulled down my pyjama
pants exposing my vagina,he put his finger in his
mouth and played with it on my hole,okay how the
hell was i going to explain to him that i could'nt have
sex for a week.I felt him slowly slide in and thrust
slowly holding my stomach,for the first time in my
life i didn't want to have sex and i had to fake enjoy
it,truth is he was going a bit deeper.
He turned me around kissing my neck taking off my
He went a bit deeper and i screamed,he stopped and
looked into my eyes.
OD:are you okay?
He put me on the kitchen counter and spread my legs
looking into my vagina as he went in and out.
Someone knocked at the door and we ignored
them.At last we heard the car drive away.
He went in deeper faster then i felt his dick become
soft in me.My legs were shaking not because of the
steamy sex but because of the pain,i faked a smile as
he carried me to the bedroom.He laid me on the bed
and wiped both of us.We cuddled for a few minutes
without saying a word.
OD:i think we should go see a doctor and untie your
Me:(got up)huh??
OD:i spoke to my mum,even if it doesn't happen we
would have tried akere want to go with me?
OD:yeah them we can test for all the diseases I have to tell you something
Me:i did it today..i went to see my gynaecologist and
untied my tubes
He got off bed and looked at me..
Me:babe you don't know how much it hurts me
everytime you..
OD:we are a team..we make decisions together

Episode 194
Me:babe..i did it..
OD:(calm)do you know what team work is,how do i
marry someone who do such things without
consulting me
Me:what are you saying?
He grabbed a pillow and walked out,i tried to stand
up and the pain wouldn't let me.I cried silently until i
fell asleep.
The next morning
He was sleeping peacefully on the sofa,i knelt down
amd shook him.
He slowly opened his eyes and pulled over the cover.
Me:Rragwe Bofelo
OD:Mmagwe Bofelo
Me:i am sorry,i am sorry i untied my tubes without
talking to you..i am sorry i make decisions without
you..iv never been married..i don't know how this
works,i am used to making things on my own..please
forgive me babe..i don't want to call off the
wedding..i love you
He pulled the cover down the cover and baby kissed
OD:did i hurt you?
OD:i am sorry,you should have told me the truth from
the start.
Me:i am sorry
OD:i am sorry i even thought of calling off the
Me:understandable,i promise starting from today i
will be 100% honest with you
OD:me too..i love you
Me:i love you more
He pulled me ontop of him and kissed me while he
played with my boobs.
At Botshelo's
He put the bowl of oats on the table and went into
the bathroom.He bathed Donah while Wawa put on
Wawa:are you going to do my hair?
Botshelo:i can try
Donah:why is mama not bathing me
Botshelo:she is sick
Wawa:arw you going to bath us everyday?
Botshelo:no you are going to your mum's after
Botshelo:get out
He dried him while he stood on the corner of the
bed,Wawa brushed her teeth and wore her school
uniform while Botshelo helped Donah.
In the bedroom
Anna slowly ate the oats and went into the
bathroom,she noticed some small blood stains on
her panty.
Botshelo rushed to the bathroom.
Anna:(crying)i am bleeding
Botshelo:any pains?
Anna:no..we should rush to the hospital
He helped her put on her gown and she took her
Anna:God please save my baby
Botshelo:babe..i don't think its nothing big..
Anna:(angry)heeey..don't you ever try to compare me
to that woman she has a million kids and this is my
first child, i have every right to panick
She got in the passenger seat and he went back to
pack the kids's lunch packs.
She hootered for him and he picked up Donah.
Botshelo:Warona lets go
Wawa:daddy we haven't had breakfast
Botshelo:lets go.. Grab an apple
She stood in the middle of the room and folded her
Wawa:i am hungry..
Top of Form

Anna blew the hooter once more,Botshelo pulled
Wawa by the hand,he lifted her up and put her in the
car and closed the door.He looked at her through the
driver's mirror,her hands were still folded and she
was teary.
Botshelo:Warona Aunty is sick,we can't wait for you
to eat first she has to be at the hospital.She kept
quiet as he drove out of the yard,Anna silently cried
touching her stomach.
At the hospital
OD held my hand as we walked to the parking lot
laughing,i saw Botshelo's car and i waved at the kids.
Me:wonder why they here
OD:you should check out,let me go say hi to my uncle
he is the gate man here
I walked to the car pressing my phone.Botshelo
opened the door for Anna and helped her inside.
Me:(concerned)is she okay?
Botshelo:yeah she...
Anna:(interrupt)this is no place to catch up i need to
ne inside
Botshelo gave me the look amd they went
inside,honestly speaking i was concerned,i opened
the door for Donah and he hugged me.
Me:how are you?(fixed his tie)look at you looking so
cute..hey Wawa
She kept quiet looking down.
Donah:Dad was yelling at her and Aunt was yelling at
dad,she was crying.
Wawa:i want to live with you and uncle
Donah:can i come too
Me:whats wrong with living with daddy?
Wawa:he always yells at us..
Donah:and he starves us..
OD came towards us,i wiped off my tear,never in my
life would i have thought he would do that,Donah to
say that meant it was true,if it was Wawa i would
have thought she was lying.
OD:everything okay..?
Me:Did you guys have breakfast?
Me:we can find fried chips and fatcakes akere..come
guys lets go.
At the doctors
Anna closed her legs and the nurse took off her
Nurse:the placenta was attaching the
foetus..nothing major,everything is okay
Anna:the baby?
Nurse:its okay..its called spotin and its normal in first
trimester but if it continues for a few days come
Botshelo:nurse are you sure?
She put on her gown and hugged him..
Botshelo:you are fine
Anna:we are fine..
Botshelo:lets go..
At the car
I took out the kids's lunch boxes and closed the
door..i leaned against it as Anna and Botshelo came
smiling holding hands.
Botshelo:about earlier
Me:i am taking my kids,o ba bolaisa tala
Anna:o raa jang?
Me:hey i don't have kids le talking to could you starve the kids o na le dijo?
Botshelo:would i starve the kids hela ke na le
Me:i starting to question if you have a mind.(walked
Episode 195
My mind was unsettled all day at work,i so much
didn't want to believe Botshelo would do that,like he
was all but not heartless.I dialed his number and he
didn't answer he called back after a few minutes.
Me:Donah kana a re you don't give them food,ha ne
go buile Warona i would think she is lying but could you?
Botshelo:just because i didn't give them breakfast
doesn't mean i starve them.
Me:if ga o kgone bana ba buse,i dont expect Anna to
take care of them like me,ha ke santse ke tshela i will
care for my kids no matter how many they are.
Botshelo:i have been taking care of the kids for many
years ke le 1 ba ka mpalla jang ba godile.
Me:ke hoo ga ba je,le uniform ya ga Warona ne e na le
di stain a ntse leswenyana hela. Look ga ke batle go
omana coz ke tloga ke bua thata,ke adima bana for
the weekend ke ta ba busa.
Botshelo:okay but just so you know it was today
only,Anna was sick and had to rush to the hospital
before i could make them breakfast,that stain ga ke a
se bona,i am sorry you feel gore i don't care for them.
Me:cool..i am sorry le nna ga ke a bua sente phakela..i
was angry ta bua
I hung up and burried my head in my hands,the door
opened and the receptionist walked in holding a big
box, she placed it on the table smiling.
Her:your husband just dropped them,a re he was in a
Me:(opened the box)my call him and say
I dialed his number as the chocolate melted on my
OD:i had to rush somewhere i knew o ka ntia
Me:seat belt on?
OD:yes mam and i am using a headset
Me:good,thanks for the chocolates
OD:arw you smiling?
OD:good i hate seing you sad like in the morning and
babe i dont believe Botshelo would starve the kids,
call him o utlwe gore a reng
Me:(smiling)i love you and i will call him
OD:good,i am going home early today ke go apeele
Me:madombi le koko..kana toga gotwe ke go
hemisitse babe
OD:we don't listen to negative people
Me:our motto my love.. Bye
At Botshelo's
Anna walked around the house naked dialing on her
Anna:hey mama
Mother:hello baby,any news yet?
Anna:haha i am pregnant
Mother:(exited)iyooo ililili..oh you have worked hard
ngwanaka how far? Botshelo a reng? O mo diretse
mojaboswa kana
Anna:he is excited a re he wants a boy
Mother:yes it has to be a boy a tswelledise sefane
Anna:but i want a girl
Mother:o ta dira a girl after this one, don't tell anyone
and especially that woman.

Anna:Only Botshelo and i know about it
Mother:good ka gore if she finds out o ka go ema ko
pele a bata bana ba gagwe ba nna bone hela ba le 2
Anna:mmh il keep it a secret ke ta kopa Botshelo gore
a seka a bolella ope gape
Mother:mmh even his mother ga ke mo kgore sente
o lebega boloinyana hela
Anna:haha but she is nice,she is coming over kamoso
Mother:okay,take care eat well and dress well you
are now responsible for Mojaboswa kana
Anna:haha let me fix me something to eat,will call
She hung up and fixed herself something to eat.
At Cal's
He leaned on the chair looking at the roof talking on
the phone.
OD:i need a strong case kana you know i have a
Cal:i told you i will give you everything you need next
week,Kelly is easy she will crack sooner or later
OD:can i advise you as a friend
Cal:we stopped being friends when you hit on my
baby mama
OD:i think you should fix things with Kelly,we not
getting any younger man,you cheated and you
Cal:if i needed advise i would have asked for one,just
do what i pay you to do. me when you have something.
He hung up and threw the phone on the table
Later that night..
OD sat on the corner of the bath tub scrubbing my
Me:sometimes i feel like i am dying
OD:haha why?
Me:i cant believe how happy i am, like if re na le
mathata re a bua and solve everything,iv never been
this loved mo botshelong ke repang hela
ke itse gore you got my back,kana phakela ne ke re
ke clapa Anna babe,ke bua le Botshelo ene o nnetse
go sinalla.
OD:haha i would have held her hands a bo o mo clapa
and made it look like ne ke kgaoganya
Me:haha wena o skeem same for days,ka go rata
wautwa Odirile
He kissed my neck and breathed some hot air on my
OD:my mum is coming so il be moving back this
weekend ke ta boa Sunday
OD:or we can all go there for the weekend
Me:the kids are coming over ka weekend,your house
is small ga re kake ra lekana re ka gatana
OD:ohhh..we can share because we won't be doing
anything considering...
Me:haha..just coz we can't have sex doesn't mean we
can't do other things
OD:i am listening
I stood up and wrapped myself with a towel,he
followed me to the bedroom.I checked if the baby
was sleeping okay.
OD:babe you didn't answer me
Me:or maybe i can show you..
OD:(biting his lip)i love the sound of that
Me:haha...(i dropped down the towel and smiled
seductively at him)sooo i waa thinking maybe weee

Episode 196
3 Months later
At church
Everyone sat quietly listening to our vows
OD:i promise to always be your sunshine in the
rain,your smile,your laughter your best friend but
mostly the best husband.
He placed the ring on my finger
Pastor:with that said i now pronounce you husband
and wife you may kias the bride.
He removed my bail and baby kissed me.Everyone
stood up cheering as we walked down the isle.We got
in the well decorated car and went to Amour
gardens,the tent was set,everything looked
beautiful,we took photos as everyone took their
The deejay played our dancing songs and we danced
to our seats then sat down.
Ame:(whispering)o bone Calvin?
I turned my head to OD who was still chatting with
his best man.
Me:finally i can eat
Everyone came to congratulate us shaking our
hands, it was mostly our relatives,family and mates.
The DJ played Mafikizolo's kucheza and the kids took
their places dancing,i don't mean to bragg but i have
beautiful babies,the girls' red and royal blue dresses
matched with the boys'bow ties,Nicole,Tess and
Pearl were also dancing and some of my sister in-
law's kids.Everyone looked pretty.
The DJ played Hlomela after and Wawa went
crazy,she made a circle amd got in dancing on the
chair,he dancing skills really made me want to keep a
close eye on her.
After lunch i changed into a royal blue bandage dress
that had red laces on the neck and the kids changed
into blue jeans and Red of shoulder tops and blue
We danced for a few minutes and i went to sit down
while Cici was taking the lead with her gwara
gwara,seing all my babies there made me smile, like i
had people calling me names for having many kids
but the joy they brought me overshadowed the
Me:Bofelo fell asleep,wa borega kana o bata go
gogoba ene
OD:haha he doesn't even know he is wearing
expensive clothes,go gogoba go mo tsene
Me:haha..i loved your vows
OD:i loved yours even more,i love you Phatsimo
Me:mmh you getting me emotional,i love you more
The MC gave us a chance to thank everyone who
came to our wedding and for the lovely presents.
Cal and Kelly sat at the back tables,they were
laughing at something,also spotted Botshelo, he was
with his mother and sister, no sigh of Anna,i turned
my head and looked at Odirile,he smiled back at me
squeezing my hand.I looked at my kids who looked
bored now,Cici was busy taking selfies.At the far end
was Cal's parents next to Lefika's table.

Later that night
OD and i danced slowly to Antony Hamilton.The
parents had gone home with the kids,it was adults
We sat down at the big table and did cheers.
Tiro:(OD's best man)when OD told me he is getting
married after only 2 months of dating i thought he
was joking like who gets married that quickly.But
when i got to know Phatsimo,i understood why the
sudden rush,she is pretty,she is calm,respectfull,the
list is endless,i feel pity for those who lost her
because amongst rocks she is a diamond.
OD:(stood up)ae monna lesa go boka mosadi wame
thata.. (held my hand)when i meet you..i had my
doubts am not going to lie,i was afraid to give my all
but as time went by, i couldn't imagine life without
you, i didn't want to sleep without you by my
side,(smiling)i even moved to her house, thats how
much i love her.Phatsimo o don't know what to
say,you have changed my life,i trust you with my life
and the life of my mother,my whole family.I am just
waiting gore reception e fele so that i can show you
more how much i appreciate you.
**everyone laughed**
At Botshelo's house
He took off his gown and threw himself on the bed.
Botshelo:so tired
Anna:was it fun?
Botshelo:very..hey Warona wa itshota ha ho
lebilwe ene hela a thomela hoo.
Anna:(yawning)ao? The food?photos?
Botshelo:phone is on charge, everything was
expensive,the food ne go itsholelwa amd the telling you OD o berekile golo hale,legale ka
he is one of the biggest lawyers in Botswana he could
afford it.
Anna:am sure Phatsimo didn't contribute a single
Botshelo:she paid for the kids' clothes and some of
the guest's accomodation
Anna:hey ka re o di itse tsohle, ke eng did she tell
Botshelo:ne o mpoletsang if you didn't want me to
tell you?
Anna:she seems to attract rich men,look at her baby
dadies..poor OD when she finds a richer guy than OD
ebile o pega divorce.
Botshelo:She had a baby le Lefika when they were
both young,i was not rich when we meet i was infact
poor.the only rich guy she has a kid with ke Calvin.
Anna:wa mmuella neh?i personally think she is a gold
Botshelo:kante what has she done to you,you alwaya
negative about her,she works hard,she built her
house on her own,wa iperekela and knows how to
save,she is a nice person i hate how people always
judge her.
Anna:(angry)oh so we are seriously discussing
Phatsimo in the bedroom now
Botshelo:you started it
Anna:why are you getting so defensive?
Botshelo:i am not...
He looked the other way.

Episode 197
The following day
I opened my eyes and meet with my husband's.Oh it
was awesome saying husband,it somehow felt
unreal like i was married,yes finally i was married to
the most awesome person i know.
I stared at him as he smiled revealing his white
teeth,he baby kissed me.
OD:good morning wifey
Me:good morning husband
OD:i love you
Me:i love you
OD:last night was beautiful
He kissed me again laying me slowly on my back,he
rubbed the head of his dick on my vagina and slowly
At Botshelo's
He sat on the sofa going through pictures and videos
of the wedding,he laughed outloud looking at his kids
dancing.Anna came behind him and watched too.
Anna:i thought you said the tent was expensive
Anna:it looks cheap to me and ba segetse bana
mesese hela e maswe,bona the...
Botshelo stood up and went to the kitchen,she
followed him.
Anna:you are not talking to me?
Botshelo:i have nothing to say
Anna:ehe my mum is arriving later around 3
will you pick her up or should i?
Botshelo:you will pick her up
Anna:babe are you angry at me?did i say or do
something wrong?
Botshelo:no,il be late, ke ya morakeng ra go tshuba
manamanyane if ga re fetse i might sleep over.
Anna:oh okay but my mum would love to see you
Botshelo:ke ta boa akere glad she is coming
because i know how much you hate moraka
Anna:ei too many flies gape the water ga a sekono
hela sente.
Botshelo:when is your next appointment,maybe it
will show if its a girl or a boy
Anna:next week Friday,then we can start talking
about baby names.
Botshelo:(sipped on his drink)mmmh
At Maun Lodge
Cal came in taking off his T-shirt,he threw it on the
bed answering his phone.
Cal:yo D
Dumi:i was expecting your face all over social media
o ragile cake ya lenyalo ka phoso
Cal:haha i so much wanted to do that
Dumi:was it fun?
Cal:it depends on your definition of fun..for me it was
just a wedding
Dumi:someone is jealous
Cal:haha i have every reason to be,she looked
pretty..when she walked down the isle i hated OD for
being the one waiting to marry her..i lost a diamond
man,she loved me..
Dumi:its okay you can always turn Kelly into a
version of Phatsimo
Cal:no man she is a one in a million..OD got himself a
queen right there..
Dumi:hardy laitiake banna
Cal:haha fuck you..look i just came back from a jog let
me shower
Dumi:sure mmane..
He hung up and wrote a text..
At the hotel
I read the sms,i smiled a little and showed Hubby.
OD:Calvin o ta swaba kana

The following day we went for our honeymoon at
Zanzibar,the kids were with Ame.
We had the best time the whole 2 weeks,OD made
me feel like i was the only woman in the world,he
treated me like royalty its a pity i caught a stomach
bug just as we got back home.
I stayed in bed the whole day while OD went back to
work.I scrolled down the photos of our honeymoon
and posted one as my whatsapp status.
At Botshelo's
Anna's mum put the plate of food on the table as she
scrolled on her phone.
Anna:heee wa bo a tsile go re tena
Anna:(gave her the phone)Thats Phatsimo
Mother:oh,mmagwe Wawa,you say she has 6 kids?
Mother:she has a great body for someone who had 6
Anna:ke gore she is going to be updating status every
Mother:when are the kids coming ,am i going to leave
without seing them?
Anna:mma ba nne kwa bekenyana nna ke lapile tota
by the time my child arrives il be tired.
She put her phone down and took the plate and
started eating.Botshelo walked in dialing on his
phone.He greeted them and went to the bedroom to
At Home
My phone ran and i put on loudspeaker.
OD:feeling better?
Me:no,i haven't eaten anything ga ke na appetite
OD:i thought maybe we can go see the house
today,ke duetse deposit
Me:which one, the white one or casstle?
OD:the white one akere ne o re you loved it more..i
was thinking we can take the kids along so they can
choose rooms and colours.
Me:okay go pick them up il be waiting
OD:i love you
Me:i love you
I had a cold shower and changed into a short summer
dress and sandals.
I made myself scrambled eggs,toast and black
coffee.I only drank the black coffee,i felt like
throwing up after.
I dialed my doctor and made an appointment.
OD arrived with the kids and i sat at the back with my
little soccer team,yeah thats what people called
them akere.
Cici:i choose my room first
Channel:i share with Wawa
CJ:can i have my own i don't want to share with
Donah or Bofelo,i am grown now
OD:unfortunately everyone is Sharing apart from Cici
Cici:yes thanks OD
CJ:not fair
Wawa:Mama i..
Me:nana i have a headache can we not argue and
make noise
Channel:yes Warona we going to paint our room pink
Cici:eish lona la hlodia,so i was thinking you guys buy
me a queen bed and a big mirror..
Me:you will have to buy them yourself akere you will
be getting allowance next year
Cici:umm about that.. I was thinking of taking a gap
year,stay at home and do nothing..
OD:or you can come work for me

Episode 198
Cici:career change i think i want to do music
Me:Ciara you think we paid all that money gore o nne
DJ and take a gap year sitting home o sa dire sepe o
thola o ja hela le nto e le leswe ka ga o na mabogo
Me:wa tshega akere.. Ga ke bate go utwa meleko yeo
Channel:can i take a gap year too
Me:babe kgalema
The landlord opened the gate for us as OD drove
in,the kids ran inside as we exchanged greetings with
Her:here are the keys
OD:thanks..will pay the remaining balance after we
pay the whole paperwork
Her:thank have a big family
OD:yes and we are planning on having one more
Her:kids are blessings,i regret having 3
We made small talk and she left,we got inside,it was
beautiful and clean, 7 beds all mastered.
Me:babe are we going to afford to pay this house?
OD:yeah..iv saved a lot plus madi a manto.
Me:about that..cant we rent them,i can take a loan to
help pay up
OD:i was thinking the same thin..its a good idea,we
will have money coming in every month to help pay
school fees buy food and pay water and electricity.
Me:mmh..lets see the bedroom.
OD:babe..about the 1 million you got from
can start spending it and spoil the kids.
Me:thanks babe but ke bata go a busa
OD:mmh mmh,spend it ga k minde serious
Me:i love you
After seeing the house we had lunch at debbonaise
then drove back home.
The following day
Cici looked after the kids when i went to the doctors.
At the doctors
Me:i think i am pregnant
Doc:any symptoms?
Me:all of them are there?i don't want to get my
hopes us can we do an ultra sound.
Doc:shouldnt your husband be here?
Me:i want to know first incase its a false alarm
I laid down as she applied the jelly like thing on my
tummy and traced around it.We both looked at the
Doc:do you see anything?
Me:nothing really,should i?
Doc:i see a baby
Me:(excited)you are kidding me right?
Doc:7 weeks
Me:oh my God..oh my God let me call my husband.
She wiped the jelly off and i grabbed my phone.
Doc:first baby with him?
Doc:do something?funny and
send him a picture of a bun in the know be
Me:haha oh My God he is going to be do
I sent him a picture of a bun in the oven
Me:(sent of a kangaroo with its baby)
OD:you kidding me right?
Me:(sent a photo of the ultra sound)
OD:Babe you know you can't play like that right
Me:(sent a photo of my flat tummy)
OD:i am coming home right now
Me:at the doc's,come see your baby

Episode 198.5
I waited in the waiting room until he arrived.
OD:babe you are lying right?
Me:(smiling)congradulations daddy
He hugged me and kissed my flat tummy,he was so
overwhelmed,he kept laughing and smiling.
The doctor called us inside and we did the ulta sound
Me:you can hear the heart beat akere
OD:(crying)i hate that i am crying,i don't like anyone
sein me like this.
Doc:do you want a photo or video?
OD:you can do that?
OD:(crying)this is so embarrassing..
Doc:i will wait outside
He knelt down and kissed my tummy again.
OD:i will worship the ground you walk on,i will love
you more and appreciate you gave me the
most precious gift of them all,i have waited my whole
life to be a father and you made me one.Thank you so
Me:i love you
At Botshelo's
He parked the car outside and hurried in,Anna and
her mum where seating on the sofas laughing.He
greeted them and went to the bedroom,Anna
followed him.
Anna:you forgot something?
Botshelo:(waved his licence)i forgot it again
Anna:are you okay?
Botshelo:yeah why?
She walked him to his car,he got in and tried to kiss
her then saw her mother looking through the
Anna:not even a kiss?
Botshelo:babe kante when is your mum going back?
Anna:you want her to go?
Botshelo:no(faked a laugh)haha just asking
Anna:o tsile go mpaa botsetsi but she will go month
end,ema pele ke mmatele madi a sepalamo
Anna:i was hoping you can... (his phone rang)
Botshelo:(started the engine)bye..hello
He reversed out of the yard,she went back inside.
Mother:a reng?
Anna:ke tshabile go mmotsa..will talk to him
Mother:Mariam a re wa tsamaya kana next week, ke
ene a itseng Zambia akere.
Anna:will talk to him
At Botshelo's office
He went through the financial report and leaned over
the chair eating the back of his pen.The door opened
and the kids ran inside.
Botshelo:my little dancing star
Botshelo:hello..what brings you guys by?
Wawa:Cici is taking us shopping we just passed by to
say hello..i miss you
Donah:dad did you see me dancing?
Botshelo:i saw you all,le itse go bina about i
take you out for lunch then you go shopping after?
Cici:can we go to nandos please
Botshelo:okay..i am right behind you.. Who wants to
ride with me?
All:me go with Bofelo alone.
They ran to Botshelo's car,they had lunch at
Nandos,took photos then they went shopping while
he went back to work.
Later that evenin

Episode 199
Botshelo walked in holding a big bottle of sour
milk,he put it in the fridge and sat down.
Anna came in from the bedroom tying her robe.
Anna:your food is in the microwave
Anna:can you lent me your phone i can't find mine
He handed her the phone and she called hers,she
went into the kitchen and found it.
Anna:haha it was ontop of the fridge,ke a lebala tota
Botshelo:haha le nna..the kids went to my office
today then we went for lunch,ba gana go ta kwano
akere ba bone bo mogoloabone
Anna:ne ba na le Phatsimo?
Botshelo:no with Cici she was driving
Anna:you took them all out for lunch
Botshelo:yeah..hey bana bale ba ja gore haha
She looked at him with a serious face.
Anna:o ne o tsere turutu ele yohle o ile go ba rekela
Botshelo:ne o bata ke tsaya Donah le Warona hela
ntse ba na nabo?
Anna:ijooo o mohumi akere,o tsamaya o ota bana ba
banna ba bangwe mo..o se go jesitse Phatsimo..o he
mama 8000 hoo rra o bata go rekisa diaparo tsa
Botshelo:(stood up)sometimes i ask myself
questions..i am going to bed
At Home
The kids just touched their food without eating.
Me:guys eat please
Wawa:we are full..daddy took us for lunch ko nandos
OD:okay di khurumeleng le ipeele,ga di fiwe the dog
Me:Cici hle mma nthapisetse Bofelo le Donah
Cici:and i even thought of taking a gap year..hetang
lona le ye go hlapa..
OD cleaned the table and tucked in the kida while i
took a shower and got in bed.
Me:done? tired ke kopa massagenyana hoo babe
Me:i need one too mokwafa wame wa uba
OD:its probably a boy
Me:haha no ga se ke kukile dilo tse di
bokete kgantele
OD:babe don't over work youself ga go good for the
Me:i know
He sat behind me and i got in between his legs while
he massaged my back and neck.
OD:maybe i should hire maid
Me:no..a nanny and a maid..we can't afford them
OD:we can..look il pay for the house kamoso..madi a
Me:but you said..
OD:ne ke a beile e le just pay wena don't
stress please.
Me:Odirile so you had money all along o itira yo
OD:babe ka re ne e le for security but il use it to cover
the ke a rw ke na le madi
Me:how much do you really have? Ntlo yele kana its 2
OD:i can afford the house..i have enough,the firm is
doing great plus the car dealership..o raa gore ke ka
pallwa ke 2 million
I turned around and looked at him
Me:is it clean money..dont you dare lie to me..i know
you have businesses tsa sephiri le Calvin

The following morning..
OD woke up before me and made breakfast for the
kids and bathed Bofelo.
Me:(hugged him from behind)hey
He turned around and kissed me on the forehead..
Me:(hugged him)sorry about last night
OD:the reason why ke robetse ke sa go replya is
because i am trying to keep peace,i didnt like your
accusations.I am not Calvin wa nkutwa sorry
OD:i forgive ya morakeng will be back
Me:mmh..I love you..can I get a long warm hug please
He hugged squeezing my little butt.
At Botshelo's
He took a few press ups then sat down wiping the
sweat of his face with his vest,his phone ran,he
closed the door and sat on the bed.
Voice:hey..can we meet,brunch maybe
Botshelo:i can't I am busy
Voice:ohh,next time then
Anna walked in and he hung up.
Anna:ke mang?
Botshelo:(stood up)yo dirang?
Anna:on the phone
His phone ran again and she reached for it,she shook
her head and answered.
Anna:dont you think its a little early to be calling my
Me:i am sorry but its urgent
Anna:does your husband know you are calling other
women's husba...
Botshelo took it from her and walked out,she
followed him
Me:i am so sorry for calling this late,ke hithela Wawa
a dule rash all over could it be something you ate
maabane se a sekeng a se ja?
Botshelo:ahhh nothing really because we ordered
the usuals.Are you at the doctors?
Me:no but we are ta go bolella..please call
me because ga ke bate gore your wife a omane a re
ke letsa thata
He hung up,took off all his clothes and went into the
shower.She followed him shaking her head.
Anna:so wa letella gels gore Phatsimo a learn makuku
Botshelo:if it concerns my child then yes.
Anna:what about the one I am carrying akante don't
you care about him or her?
Botshelo:waitse gore ke bata go go bolella
sengwe..wa ntapea Anna..thata le gone..your
obsession ka Phatsimo e nkeme mo kopa
o ikgalemele before i loose interest..your jealousy is
not sexy
Anna:so its okay gore a gi lletse anytime she wants?
Botshelo:ke past 9,Warona gatwe wa lwala ne o bata
a seka a mpolella?
Anna:am sure ha a lwale just an excuse go bua le
She walked to the guest room where her mother was
sleeping.She sat on the bed crying.
Mother:whats wrong?
Anna:aah nna ga ke kgone Botshelo,he is so obsessed
ka Phatsimo hela mo go tenang..i cant take it..i want
out of this loveless marriage
Mother:are you married in communion of property
Episode 200
Mother:are you crazy..o bata batho ba ntshota ba re
ngwanake ke a divorcee?itsolopanye mosadi o lese gona divorce epe hoo..
She covered her head with the blankets.
At the clinic
The nurse gave Wawa an injection and pills then we
went to the car,i bumped into someone from long
time ago,she was carrying a little girl and heavily
pregnant.I waved at her and she smiled walking
towards us.
Me:(smiling)small world..hee tsalame look at you
Leah:how long has it been?
Me:more than 10 years
We hugged each other
Leah:o lekgarebe mma..bona hela
Me:wa ntshota akere..kgarebe ya kae ya bana ba
Leah:haha o kae Ciara she must be grown e le mosadi
Me:ke mosadi hela yo ratanang..(picked up her
baby)she is cute gore
Wawa got out of the car and greeted her like they
knew each other.
Leah:she looks like you gore
Me:o itsetse kae ngwanake mma?
Leah:we go to church together,i dont see them
malatsi a
Me:i go to a different how have you been?
Leah:am great..what happened to us we used to be
besties malatsi a ke utlwa magatwe hela ka wena..
Me:haha la seba hle..magatwe a eng?
Leah:Sister Bella a re you got married
Me:(waved my hand)yes
Leah:ta re sebe tsala..haha how do you handle her
nna kana o ntapeya judgemental ebile sale a
ima go worse o setete mooo
Me:haha Bella ke mang?
Leah:aah your kids's step mum..anna
Me:haha ehe..nna i dont know her that well..she
looks like a nice person
Leah:ao?ga o mo itse sentle..le bohumi bo a ratega
Me:haha we should do lunch o njele sente dikgang..
We exchanged numbers and went our separate
At Home
I laid a blanket on the matt and Wawa slept on it
Me:guys go play outside,Warona is not feeling okay
She picked Bofelo and they went outside..Cici came
in typing on her phone.
Me:can we talk
Me:seat down..gatwe gap year ke ya eng?
Cici:to relax and be lazy the whole year
Me:and where are you going to get madi a
moriri,diaparo and make up?
Cici:from you and dad
Me:i have other kids and...i cant be taking care of you
also when you could be going to school
Cici:but i dont want to..dont force me to go to varsity
Me:ijoo mma nna ga ke kake ka go kgona maybe your
father will knock sense into you..
Cici:not changing my mind
My phone ran,it was a landline
Voice:hello is this Mrs Odirile?
Me:(heart beating faster) bua le mang
Voice:its constable Leruo of Maun Police,can you
come down the station please we need you to
identify something

Episode 201
I stood up and felt dizzy for a few seconds.
Caller: hello
Me:identify what?
Caller:Please mam come to the police station we cant
discuss over the phone.
I hung up and dialed OD..his phone was off,network
reasons ofcourse..i dialed his mother...she answered
on the secind ring..
Me:(breathing heavily)hello..o kae OD?
Mother:sale a tswa le badisa phakela..are you okay?
Me:the police just called ba re ke ye go identifya
something ko police..i am so scared nna kana ke bati
mme..everytime i find little happiness something
always comes up..please tell OD gore am going to the
police station..
Mother:o seka bua jalo the gongwe ga se sepe hela
mapodisi kana ba rata go tshosa us when
you hear what they called you for
Me:ee mma
I changed into a maxi dress and sandals..I was
shaking..what if it was OD or Ame..i cant leave
without them kana..the thought made me cry.
AT the Police Station
I parked and sat in the car fir a few minutes taking a
short prayer.i walked in and sat while waiting for the
officer to call me inside.
First thing i saw when walking in was Ame's jacket on
the chair,i looked around,she was standing by the
corner..She hugged me crying.
Ame:tell them you gave me that ring
Me:whats going on?are you okay?
Ame:i know you said not to sell the ring but..
Officer:Mam please seat down..
I sat down and Ame sat on the other chair..
Officer:(put my engagement ring on the table)is it
Officer:it was registered under a certain deceased
Me:he was my fiancee yes ge bought it for me
Officer:thank you thats all that we needed to know..
Me:(pissed)kgang ke eng golo ha!
Officer:your sister here was trying to sell this ring we
got a tip off..this is an expensive ring..a few
thousands over 100
Me:so?does she look like she cant afford it?
Me:ae..i was worried sick mo tseleng ke re something
bad has happened kante le mpiletsa manasa a di
ring!?agg am so angry right now
Officer:Mam i was...
Me:save it..Ame lets go
I took the ring and we walked out holding her hand..
Me:if you needed money you should have told me
Ame:sorry ke gore hela am sick and tired of always
asking from you
Me:mxm..agg ga o na kgang..o ta kopa mang if not
me?am your only relative
Ame:you wont understand...
She got in the car and started crying..
At Botshelo's
Ame put the food on the table and sat down serving
Botshelo,he put away his phone and they all ate in
Mother:Rragwe Lefa Anna o go boleletse ka madi?

Botshelo:(serious face)no
Anna:babe i..maloba i mentioned gore mama o ya
Mother:ne ke kopa gore o ntlaletse ka 8000 wa
Botshelo:how much do you have?
Mother:ke na le 1.5 wa transport le accomodation
Botshelo:aaah right now i dont have money..i pay
school fees sa bana and they are going to gabs for
school trip i have to pay air tickets le accomodation
ya bone.
No one responded
Botshelo:maybe if you spoke ka january 2000 o ka bo
o mmone.
Anna:ke gore ga e ke wena o duelang everything
Phatsimo ene o dirang..didnt you say her husband is
rich a famous lawyer?why do you have to pay
everything bana e le ba lona lothe??huh?
Anna:(stood up) sick and tired of you always
doing everything Phatsimo e le lekgarebe mo
instagram a sa itse gore bana ba jang ba aparang..
She slammed the table and went to the bedroom..
Mother:let her cool down pele..
Botshelo:kana its not like i am doing everything..just
last month Phatsimo paid school fees sa bana sohle
for the year,she buys them clothes and pays
transport ya bone,she willingly does that but Anna ga
a lemoge seo..right now i am saving up for school
fees sa next ke ba madi..i have to pay school
trip coz i cant expect their mother to do it,ga a
berekele a na madi..why should i be a bad
person for taking care of my kids?She is always
talking about Mmagwe Warona and i am not
comfortable with it..she is always...aaah ga ke kake
ka kgona tota
Mother:i hear di hormone tsa a
Botshelo:i want to understand at the same time..she
was like this even before we got married .
She kept quiet tracing her fork around the
plate..Botshelo finished eating and took his plate to
the kitchen..He took out his phone and sent a text..
"busy tonight?"
"it depends on what you have in mind"
"will be there ka 7"
He put his phone in the back pocket and went to the
bedroom.Anna was packing her clothes..
Anna:i am going home le mama for a few weeks
He grabbed his car keys and left
At Home
OD parked right behind us..he stepped out with his
dirty boots and overalls..
OD:babe i was worried sick
Me:(hugged him)you so dirty..i am fine..i was worried
ke re something happened to you
OD:ke letapa babe..what happened
Me:aaah will tell you later..right now i just want you
to hold me and not let go.
OD:(smiled)ne o sa re i smell?
Me:i love you still
He squezzed me in his big arms,i rested my head on
his chest

Episode 202
At Ali's house
She slowly opened the door fixing her towel..He
smiled walking in,he sat on the sofa and took of his
Ali:i was came early i didnt cook
Botshelo:ke jele..can i have some water please
She went into her bedroom and changed into a short
summer dress then he brought him water,she sat on
the other chair looking at him.
Botshelo:women change after marriage..why?
Ali:(smiling)iv never been married before so...i dont
Botshelo:i am starting to regret everything...
She sat on his lap and shushed him with a kiss..He put
his hands inside her dress cuping her boobs..She put
both her hands behind him..
Botshelo:i hate how this feel wrong yet so right
At Botshelo's
Anna's mum unpacked her clothes back in the
Mother:kante who told you marriage is that
easy?you dont pack and go ha dilo tsa gago di sa
tsamae sente,when you leave another woman moves
in..he will divorce you a tsaa ene mosadi yoo..itsee
jaaka mosadi..lesa bongwana..
Anna:(crying)mama Botshelo ga a ntsee sente..not at ke bua gatwe ke tshele nna i dont care if he
brings another woman here,i will sue her
thousands..Botshelo still loves Phatsimo kana cant
you see?
Mother:Tshele yone ye ke yone e dirang gore monna
a nne mo nageng..o kae jaana?o ile..o lapisiwa ke
dipuo tsa gago..emisa go bua ka Phatsimo
everyday..wa bo o iponetse monna hela yo stable a
go thokomela o bata go dira nyabese akere.
She kept quiet,she dialed his number but it rang
unanswered three times.She hung up and went to
take a bath.
At Home
I put my leg on the chair applying lotion on my leg,OD
touched my butt massaging it,he bent me down a
little massaging my clit breathing on my back..
OD:you know whats the best medicine to a
He played with the tip of his dick on my vagina and
slowly penetrated.I let my foot down and touched
my was tiring but so enjoyable.He went in
circlea making me moan a bit louder.
OD:babe o shapo
He turned me around and picked me,he carried me to
the bed and threw me down.
The following Morning
At Ali's
Botshelo woke up to breakfast in bed,he smiled and
took a bite.
Ali:good morning
Botshelo:hey..thank God Anna left or else ne ka go
hithela fire hela kwa
Ali:i made you a o ye go thapa
Botshelo:i wish i meet you before everyone
Ali:me too..dira ka pela nna i want to go somewhere i
cant leave you in my house alone
He pulled her in bed and kissed her,he put his hand in
her pyjama pants..

At Botshelo's
Anna tried his number again and it was off,he called
his mother and confirmed he was not with her.She
made breakfast and ate,she and her mum went out
to the mall.
Botshelo came a few minutes after they left,he
noticed the warm brrakfast and her clothes were still
there,he switched on his phone and read her
countless messages.
At Home
Wawa and Nel washed the plates while i made
Bofelo's soft porridge.
Channel:Mama when are we moving to our new
Me:soon..maybe 2 months
Wawa:are we going to live together,all of us?
Me:you want to move in with us
Channel:i do
Wawa:me too
Cici:(walked)whatever it is,me too
Me:awee really you guys?
Cici:whats going on?
Channel:we are moving in with mum and OD
Wawa:we going to live together as a family right
Cici:right mum
Me:yeah i mean if you want be happy
OD walked in with his headsets on,he took one off
and kissed my cheek..
OD:why you so happy
Me:the kids want to move in with us
OD:ohhh let me think about it..will you wash my car
every weekend?
OD:will you shine my shoes?
OD:(to Cici)no parties and sessions right?
Cici:i cant promise anything
Me:haha you got will clean your rooms
everyday right
OD:deal you can permanently move in
The girls high fived and OD whispered sweet
nothings in my ear..
Me:haha behave
OD:i am going out neh
Me:seat belt on all the time
OD:yes later anyone?
At Botshelo's
He sipped on his drink watching the game,the door
opened and Anna and her mum walked in laughing.
She stood infront of him and took out a babies
hoodie in the plastic.
Anna:(smiling)its for both a boy and a girl..its cute
Botshelo:yes..did you buy more?
Anna:yeah..i am so exited..i spent 300 pula hela ke sa
lemoge everything was so cheap.bona hela this vest
ke 7 tshabile go reka pink incase its a boy..or
Botshelo:they are pretty..we should go together next
Anna:yeah..let me go change..did you eat?
Anna:so my bump ya bonala ebile?
Botshelo:yes..are you tired..o bata massage?
Anna:thanks,my feet hurt ebile..we went from shop
to shop.
Botshelo:ohhh so i guess you decided to stay
Anna:ntwa kgolo ke ta sorry i always
bring her up..(smiling) her name is prohibitatooo..its
spanish haha
Botshelo:i am sorry i slept out,slept at my mum's
Anna:its matter what i know you dont you

Episode 203
At Botshelo's
Botshelo:(faking a smile)yeah..thanks for trusting me
She smiled and went to the bedroom,she changed
into her maternity dress and sat in the sofa putting
her feet on his lap.He massaged them,his phone
received a text
"just got home,i want repeat of yesterdat"
" wifey is home talk later"
He put his phone down and continued watching the
Anna:how is your mum?why didnt you bring madila?
Botshelo:because i thought you left..had i known you
home i would have brought it
Botshelo:i missed this..
Anna:my mum is leaving tomorrow
Anna:ke mo kopela transport money..200 is enough
Botshelo:you have the other card akere,give her 500
Her politeness made him regret making love to
Ali,she looked so cute and innocent,the same woman
he fell inlove with..he kissed her toes and she
laughed as he tickled her.
Anna:babe no toga ke ithotela kana..
Botshelo:haha sorry babe..
At Home
I laid on the bed on my back watching our wedding
video..Aww we looked so happy,my little sister
looked so cute..I took my phone and dialed her,it hurt
me so much that she was going through stuff and
couldnt talk to me,we had always been close,she was
more of a big sister than a little sister to me,she had
matured before me despite the 4 years difference.
Me:hey so i am bored,Cici took the kids swimming,OD
went to watch the about some little
Me:o shapo?
Ame:yeah why?
Me:(crying)i feel like we are distant this days..we dont
talk and you stopped insulting me i am worried.
Ame:haha mxm i am sorry about yesterday..i needed
the money..i hope you understand
Me:how much?
Ame:15 000 i want to buy something
Me:okay il give you
Ame:you dont even know what i am buying
Me:because i trust its not drugs
Ame:i want to buy a plot..will explain everything later
when you come to pick me
Me:okay..i love you sis
Ame:i love you more sis
I hung up and put the laptop down.I took a quick
shower then drove to Ame's.
We did a little window shopping then had lunch at
Nandos.I couldnt help listen to the woman who was
sitting behind us,mxm waitse some women are
trash,how do you brag about sleeping with
someone's husband.She was telling her friend that a
certain man slept at her house because he and his
wife had a misunderstanding,blah blah..okay she was
not bragging but still i am married i dont condone
such behaviour.
I turned around to see her clearly,wait i had seen her

At Nandos
I waved at the woman and she waved back,well i just
did it because she noticed i was starring at her.
Ame:you knoe her?
Me:iv seen het in Botshelo's car not once..i cant help
think she is talking about him..agg but Botshelo is not
the cheating type
Ame:ke ene Ali..we did an internship together ko
Thuso..a reng?
Me:bragging about sleeping with a married man..cant
shake off the feeling gore o raa Botshelo
Ame:like you said,he is not a cheat and if he did that
Anna pushed him..nna ga k mo kgore
Me:haha we are not talking about her..lets enjoy our
meal..ummm i have something to tell you
Ame:eheeee...tell me
Me:so OD and i..
Me:we are pregnant
She stared at me in disbelief,she smiled.
Ame:ga o tshole o dira story..really but am guys need that baby..OD has been
nothing but the best
Me:i know..i wont having one last more after this ta bua hela mme they dont contribute a cent
towards my kids's babe a bata 4 more
ka mo neela
Ame:haha kuku ya gago e ta sala e le makgasa
Me:haha ka tshameka the mma..i dont regret any of
my kids..maybe the Cici when i was young but now ga
ke mo leba jaana..talking about mme yoo..a re o tsaa
gap year
Ame:o e tseela ngwana hela..
Me:haha baby ga a dire dilo tseo..ahhh dont
even wanna think about it.
At Botshelo's
He dished up for Anna and gave her..
Anna:thanks..bring sauce
He put it on the table and sat down eating his,he
looked at her pouring sauce all over the potatoes,she
tasted smiling and started eating.
Botshelo:babe o ja dilo
Anna:haha i know its the cravings
Botshelo:go monate
Anna:so much..
He felt quilty just looking at her,he lost his
appetite.He sat on the sofa next to her and smiled
kissing her neck rubbing her bump.
Anna:last night..i was
Botshelo:(interrupt)about last night..i feel bad and i
promise it wont happen again..i made a
kills me that i cheated on you o le pregnant,our first
baby..(knelt down)please babe forgive me
Anna:(calm)i long forgave you..i called your mum
phakela and she said you were not with her..
Botshelo:i am sorry
Anna:you dont love her right?
Botshelo:no i was a was the first
Anna:then dont do it again..i feel i somehow pushed
you into her i forgive you
Botshelo:we used protection
Anna:good..(teary)you dont love her akere..its not
someone i know?
Botshelo:no i dont love dont know her
Anna:okay(touched her tummy)aww it just
kicked..tshwara babe..utlwa

Episode 204
A week later
At Botshelo's office
He sat on the table and reading his diary..his phone
rang and he answered on the third ring.
Ali:hi stranger
Botshelo:(smiling)i know i have been skarse
malatsinyana have you been
Ali:i miss you
Botshelo:I miss you know i love you
Ali:haha is this a break up
Botshelo:something like that..but dont hesitate to
call me when you need something
Ali:its someone is knocking let me attend
She hung up and breathed heavily like someone had
been choking her,she dialed her friend.
Her:hey boo
Ali:i...(breathing heavily)he...broke up with me..i know
he is married but she treats him bad..
Her:breath in and out..bua le nna what happened
*there was a long silence*
Ali:he is such a nice person,he deserves someone nice
like him..i know i shouldnt have loved him in the first
place but..i cant help it..we broke up
Her:but you guys were never together..
Ali:(smiling)still he said its a breakup which means we
were together
Her:haha you really love him akere
Ali:so much it hurts
Her:dont will find someone who loves you
Ali:ke leohile ke robala with a married going
to hell
Her:haha we all are..bona we should go out tonight
and meet new treat
Ali:no i think il just watch tv and sulk over my lost
lover..hey segolo ha a ne a mborile in bed..jaanong
mma he was so damn good,a nturnisa turnisa hoo ke
phinya phinya.aggg aaah i feel like screaming
Her:haha shapo mnyana wa diphinya
At my House
I unlocked the door as OD followed carrying
Bofelo.The house was so quiet,i missed the kids and
the noice.
Me:il cook you bath him
OD:mmh..are you okay?
Me:eish cant eat ke nkgelwa ke sengwe le sengwe lapisitswe ke borotho
OD:i feel bad for not pulling out
Me:haha tswa the..
OD:il cook after i bath him,take a bubble bath and
watch your reality shows..dinner in 10 minutes
Me:hahaha ke dinner ya skae yeo..thanks babe i love
OD:the house is looking great,they finished painting
the bedrooms go setse garage and kitchen hela
Me:i wish i could go there jaanong nna pente ga e
nthate tota.
OD:sorry the motho wame..
He put Bofelo down and gave him his phone then sat
next to me massaging my feet.
Me:mmmh..mmmh right there
OD:you like want more
I stared at him smiling..
Me:haha do you have to make everything sexual
kante wena
OD:i miss you..
Me:am here
OD:akere wa shia this days
Me:haha no nna ka bo ke lapile but my mouth is not
Top of Form

Episode 204.5
After dinner i tucked in the baby and tiptoed to
bed,OD was busy on his laptop,after half an hour he
closed it and kissed my cheeks massaging my butt.
Me:(sleepy)mmmh babe am tired
OD:babe il everything all you have to do is enjoy
Me:(opened my eyes)haha mara wena babe..i am
sorry i have been starving you maybe if we still had a
nanny to help with Bofelo but now i do everything..
OD:we can take him to my mum's tomorrow
Me:wont she mind?
OD:i am sure she will undersrand if i explain
Me:explain what?
OD:that you always tired and its affecting our sex life
Me:haha seriously you gonna tell your mum that?
OD:(got ontop of me)not if we do it..babe the mma
wena my balls will explode,i cant keep sleeping next
to this hot body everyday without getting any
Me:what happens when the baby is know
we cant have sex in like 6 months right
OD:(kissed my neck)thats why we have to overdose
on it now..(he parted my legs)mmh i misse
feels like a million years
At Botshelo's
He slowly pulled out and laid besides her both
breathing heavily.He placed his hand on her tummy.
Botshelo:i love you guys
Anna:we love you too
Botshelo:how about we go shopping for baby clothes
tomorrow after the doctor's appointment..cant wait
to see if we are having a girl or boy
Anna:that sounds nice..can you get me a glass of
orange juice please
He wrapped himself with a towel and went out,she
reached for his phone and checked his messages and
call logs,there was just one odd number that was not
saved,she copied it to her phone and put the phone
back,Botshelo walked in and gave her the glass.
Botshelo:anything for the queen
She sipped on the juice slowly thinking who Ali
was,he had muttered her name when they made
love..did that mean he was still seing her,was she
good in bed?or worse did he love her?
Botshelo looked at her as she was lost in her
thoughts,he wondered if she had heard him,he just
found himself thinking about her while making love
to his wife,what the hell was wrong with him?he
prayed that she didnt hear him.
She finished the juice and gave it to him.
Anna:then massage my back..
Botshelo:yes mam
He put the glass down and sat behind her massaging
her back with snail jell.
The following morning
At the doctors
He smiled as they all looked at the scan..
Doc:you see our little champ if fine right
Botshelo:oh yes. So grown up from last time..can you
see if its a boy or girl
He traced the thing again and stopped
Doc:its a boy

Episode 205
Doc:you can see the penis right?
Anna:wow..i dont know how i feel right now..9
months le ene is too long..cant wait till he is here.
Botshelo:me too
After the doctors they went to the mall.
In Ackermans
Ali walked in with her niece,she tried on a few
uniform trousers while she went to the baby
section.The shop assistant walked to her smiling.
Assistant:what are we looking for?
Ali:a baby shower present for a baby girl..something
cute but not expensive about this dress its a 0 to 3
Ali:awww its so cute..i want that pink one.
Meanwhile Botshelo walked in hand in hand with
Anna,they went to the baby section and stood by the
boy section.
Anna:i want to take everything..
Botshelo:he will outgrow them..we will buy more
when he is here
Anna picked a blue romper and put it on her chest
Anna:aww he would look cute in here
Anna turned around,her eyes meet with
Botshelo's.She smiled and walked to the fitting room.
Botshelo:(snapped out of it)yeah..(looked at the track
suit)its beautiful
Anna:you havent been listening to me
She looked all around the shop and her eyes fell on
the lady walkung to the fitting rooms.
Botshelo:are we done?
Anna:you want to go?
Botshelo:no..(took a pair of shoes)i love this..
Anna:babe i feel like am boring you
Botshelo:no i was distracred because i saw someone
from long ago..
Anna:ehe..lets go that side i want a matternity dress
The little girl walked out of the fitting room with the
Girl:Aunty Ali i want this shoes
Ali:take them
Anna looked at her and looked at Botshelo,she
wondered if she was thee "Ali".
Anna:(to Ali)hi
Botshelo's heart skipped a little,Ali smiled and
greeted them.
Anna:i love your hair..whats its called?
Ali:(secretly looked at Botshelo)ke Peruvian..12
Anna:it looks expensive gore i love it..please give me
your suplier's number ke reke.
Ali:okay..tell her i recommended you..
Anna:and your dresser's look pretty
She gave them and they said goodbye.
Anna:she looks pretty
Botshelo:lets try in this dress
Anna:okay..hold my bag ke itekanye
As soon as she got in the fitting room he ran outside
to Ali.
Ali:that was awkward i am so sorry
Botshelo:its think she suspects anything?
Ali:no but she will be if she sees us together
now..(smiles)bye Babe
She got in her car and drovr off,he smiled walking
back in.
Anna:(turning around)and?
Botshelo:beautiful..i love it..a re duele re tsamaye

At home
I put the clothes in the washing machine and sat on
the other one going through my facebook
timeline..agg nothing interesting,i visited Ciara's
timeline,just photos of almost everyone in the family.
OD walked in with Bofelo crawling behind him.
Me:babe when did you start having sex?
OD:is it a trap question?
Me:no..just answer
OD:i think i was 15
Me:Did you enjoy?
OD:wena did you enjoy?
Me:haha we are not talking about me akere..tell me
OD:yeah i enjoyed..but not more than now
Me:haha am just scared for my kids,i dont want then
to make same mistakes i 3 years kana the
twins will be doing form 1..what if Channel or Wawa
become teenage moms..nna am scared tota
OD:they wont if you become their best friends,when
they become sexually active teach them about safe
Me:(hugged him)thanks..Cici kana once gave me a learning to trust her again..haha babe kana
o mmona godile,she used to be so
day ke mo omanya she told me"you should have used
a condom that night" haha i almost died ne ke re ka
mo kgama
Me:you think its funny ne wena..mxm Ciara..
He got between my legs and kissed me.Bofelo looked
at us
Me:what are we showing the baby ke gore?
OD:haha aah he will understand as time goes..he
kissed me and his phone rang.
OD:hello..sure we can meet...okay no
are the kids...? Okay sure thing bye man.
*he hung up*
Me:a reng?
OD:he wants to talk to me
OD:i dont know
Me:maybe its guy stuff..when?
OD:he said to call him when i am free
Me:okay..(hugged him)so where were we?
At Botshelo's
He locked the door and got inside..
Anna:ne o diilwe ke eng?
Botshelo:was telling Mme to bring the kids
Anna:i am tired i am going to lay down
Botshelo:okay..want something to eat?
Anna:haha ao rra am full,i ate the whole chicken
Botshelo:(received an sms)i am going out..back in an
As soon as he left she got in a taxi and asked the
driver to follow him.Botshelo drove to the nearest
bar,she watched him seat in the chairs under the
shade and ordered a drink..a few minutes later a tall
guy walked to him,they fist bumped and he sat
Driver:mam i want to go
Anna:wait il pay you 50 pula..
She watched them talk and ordered another drink.
Anna:take me back home
On the way she sent him an sms"babe ne o re o ya
"meeting a friend ha bareng for drinks i promise i
wont drink"
She smiled and paid the driver walking in the house
At the bar
Episode 206
OD:eish i hear you man..i dont know what to say
tota..because you love her it makes everything
complicated..i mean if she is understanding as you
say then you can just hook up without any promises
Botshelo:eish man married life ke maaka hela..i dont
want to hurt Anna but i am inlove with Ali..not that i
dont love Anna..maybe i love them both but man Ali
is sweet..she is submissive..she listenes to me
OD:yeah this things happen..if you going to cheat
man be clever about it..dont sleep out..always eat at
home and have sex with your wife she wont notice
anything if you dont change schedule
Botshelo:haha okay..thanks for listening please dont
tell Phatsimo about this..
OD:i wont..ska wara..let me get back home
Botshelo:okay shapo
Later that night
I got in bed and put Bofelo in between us
OD:babe kana as soon as we start sleeping with him
we wont ever have sex
Me:haha mxm is that what you always thinking
about..akere o gana go robala
OD:hela when he falls asleep am taking him to his bed
Me:(sleepy)mmh..waitse i cant believe Botshelo is
cheating..heee things change..
OD:babe please he asked me not to tell you
Me:i wont tell anyone..just surprised
OD:(pulled the cover over him)ke a phapha
Me:haha so arent you going to tell me who she is
OD:he didnt tell me
Me:i know her
OD:how did you know?
Me:heee haha and they say you are a good lawyer,i
tricked you into a confession he told you her
OD:haha mxm you learn from the best akere..babe
please dont go around spreading this..basadi kana
Me:dude i knew before you..maybe people know
too..if it ever comes out it wont be me..
OD:the baby is sleeping..move him
Me:you move him..ka otsela
He put Bofelo in his court and got ontop of me.
Me:you know if you ever pull a Botshelo on me il cut
OD:haha cut what?
Me:your dick and feed it to the dogs
OD:am so scared now
Me:you should kiss me
At Botshelo's
He tucked in the kids and sat down massaging Anna's
Botshelo:ke kopa go leba game le the boys
Anna:what time will you be home?
Botshelo:o simolla ka 10
Anna:okay drive safe please
Botshelo:(kissed her cheek)i love you thanks
He got his jacket and car keys and left.
At Ali's
She switched on the lights rubbing her eyes and
opened the door.
Ali:(yawning)do you..
He interupted her with a kiss..picked her up and
pinned her against the wall.
Botshelo:(looked in her eyes)i love you.
He kissed her neck rubbing his boner again her

At Ali's
Ali laid her head on his chest and he played with her
Ali:can i talk now sorry i didnt give you the chance
to speak..i wanted you so bad babe
Ali:i love you
Botshelo:i love you too..can we have an arrangement
Botshelo:i cant sleep over..and you cant send me an
sms unless i send you first
Ali:i heard you
Botshelo:do you agree with me?
Ali:yeah its cool..i mean i wish things were different
but it is how it is..
Botshelo:(turned her around)thanks for
The following morning
I prepared hubby and Bofelo's church clothes,yes
ladies and gentlemen we do church.
Me:I missed Cal's call around 7
OD:wonder what made him call nako eo
Me:ijaa me too..kana you never told me if he forgave
Kelly or not
OD:babe now am gossiping about my friends with
you? your friend too akere..gape who are your
friends?ene Botshelo?
Me:is it okay if i become friends with your ex?
Me:ee so dont be friends with mine..
OD:we never talk about you..
Me:still..i slept and have kids with them
OD:can we agree to disagree on that babe..
Me:mmh tell me about Kelly and Cal..whats going on?
OD:looks like he forgave her and she forgave
him..they are cool ga wa ba bona at the wedding?
Me:i hope they okay and did sort things out..she is
good to my kids and they adore her..gape she knows
how to deal with Cal ga se wa nonsense
OD:haha yeah ene wa mo chukumisa mma..mxm
babe so now am a gossip now..gape we going to
church lets stop talking about people.
Me:haha tsaa shirt ke eo..wear the black tie
At Cal's
Kelly put their son on his seat belt and the twins and
Nicole got in.
Kelly:babe after church we going to my parents's.
Kelly:why you so down?
Cal:so now OD wants to take my kids from
sure he is the one who influenced them gore ba batle
go nna le bone..that man is after everything i
have..first Phatsimo now my kids
Kelly:ehe..(baby kissed him)later i love you
Cal:bye ke a bona you dont care about anything i am
Kelly:babe i care..i dont want the kids to go but its
what they re they want to stay with
Warona and Donah..i dont think OD o na le seabe
Cal:have a good cook
Kelly:(started the engine)bye
At Botshelo's
He helped Anna unload the food from the car..
Anna:you came late maabane
Botshelo:ao it was before 12
Anna:kante match o tsaa how long?
Botshelo:2 hours i was thinking ke ye to see your mum ta boa ka Friday
Episode 207
Botshelo:(smiling)didnt you say ga o rate moraka?
Anna:i dont..haha
Botshelo:okay will drop you kamoso
Anna:o ta kgona bana o le 1?
Botshelo:mmh yeah..stay as long as you want
Anna:haha ekare wa nkoba jaana
Botshelo:no i feel like its a good ides..gape you need
to bond with my mum and you could use phefonyana
outside will be good for our baby
Anna:i thought so too
They put the food in the kitchen,Wawa came in
typing on her phone..she looked at Anna then at
Wawa:did you eat all the food?
Botshelo:haha she did
Wawa:aunty what did you eat?
Anna:whole chicken and chips..but i brought you
Botshelo took the phone from her..
Botshelo:this is for emergencies only
Wawa:i was texting mama..
Botshelo:emergencies Warona..that was not an
She sulked going outside then came back in,Anna
gave her the food and she went outside calling out
Anna:let me go rest
Later that evening
I laid my head on OD's lap going through my
instagram.My phone ran.
OD:put on loudspeaker
Cal:hi..can we talk
Cal:the twins ba re they want to stay with you
Me:yeah they told me too
Cal:why sudden changes..what did you say to
them..they are happy here
Me:heela aah aah they just want to stay with me i
didnt say anything
OD:maybe because the other kids are here
Cal:Phatsimo you put me on loudspeaker
Me: yes we have nothing to hide akere
Cal:bona dira bana le OD le tswe mo go bame
Me:haha ijoo..and i thought we were adults here
OD:Cal if they want to come its okay..they will visit
during holidays
Cal:o bua you have a child wena?i have been
with them since day one..
Me:(pissed)day one ya eng do you forget that you
faked your own death when they were born..o ska
Cal:they are not gonna let you play happy
families with my kids..akere le na le ngwana wa
lekgoa play with him..these ones are mine its not my
fault your husband doesnt have sperms.
He hung up..i was boiling..the nerve of that man.
Me:only if he knew i was pregnant
OD:aah just let him be..he is being Calvin..maybe id be
hurt if you werent carrying my child..(rubbed my
tummy) but here..proves that i have sperms afterall
Me:haha am sorry babe..ebile fa a bua jalo end of
term ke tsaa bana a bake..o ta nteohisa i just came
from church
OD:haha babe dont stress ka Cal..nna ke mo twaetse
Me:(hugged him)i love are everything..more
man enough..i am are awesome
OD:i know right(baby kissed me)
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Episode 207.5
The following week was okay..Cal didnt call about the
kids moving,we went to see the house preparations,i
was so happy about the kids moving in with us and
raising my kids with a man who treated them
right,who treated me like royalty.
Thursday after work i went to Botshelo's concerning
the kids's school trip.It was just him and the kids.I
walked in and admired the house,it was so clean and made me wonder many things..oh no
dont get me wrong i love my husband
would have things turned out if we didnt break
up?would he had married me?mxm..i hate how we
cant be in control of what we think about.The kids
ran to me smiling,i picked up heavy.
Wawa:have you come to take us?
Me:not yet but your room is so pretty..we should go
see it
Wawa:(happy)yes yes..mum you should buy us bunk
beds..Nel said i will sleep up and she down
Me:haha baby madi ga a lemiwe..they are expensive..
Wawa:daddy you will buy for us akere
Botshelo:mmmh..homework done?
She ran to her room and i put Donah down,he
followed Warona.
Botshelo:so you really want to take my kids away
from me?
Me:they want not forcing anyone
Botshelo:the house is going to be so quiet..kana
Wawa o Modumo always shouting and
Me:and Donah is so quiet..ngwanake bathong aah..
Botshelo:takes after daddy..
Me:he is too quiet for a man..girls will hurt him
kana..mxm ke ka bolaa motho nna
Botshelo:haha cut the cord down
We discussed the trip..and expenses..i wanted to pay
for the flights but because Botshelo thought i was
using OD's money he refused..and to tell him i had
almost a million pula was not going to happen.
I kept secretly looking at him as he spoke..haha he
had indeed i was not surprised he was
cheating,he had so much confidence compared to
back then.
Me:so where is your wife?
Botshelo:out..ko Morakeng
Me:mmh she is so lucky you not the cheating
type..kana o ka bo o le mo christmaseng now
Botshelo:haha..let me walk you out ke apee
Me:mmh..ka re you are glowing
I got in my car and we said bye,i watched him walk
back to the house..hee so he just dismissed me when
i was talking about him glowing and not being a
cheat..mxm made me wonder if he ever cheated on
me..oh yeah he did with that slut One.I guess all men no they dont because mine doesnt..yes
ladies and gentlemen i say husband is not
the cheating type but then again i thought Botshelo
was not..eish life.never say never
Top of Form
Episode 208
At Home
I found OD feeding Bofelo..i baby kissed him and
went to the bedroom to change.
Me:it smells nice
OD:your favourite
Me:i went to see Botshelo about school trip sa
bana..a re he has everything covered
Me:ebile he is glowing..a re mosadi o ko Morakeng
OD:mmh..i am going for a business trip ko gabs
Me:when?mxm kante why did you dismiss me ke go
bolella ka Botshelo?
OD:haha because you make me regret telling you
gore wa jola
Me:sorry ee..seems like i talk about him a
when are you going?
Me:what?you shouod have told me maabane or last
OD:its an emergency
Me:case you working on?
OD:yes..can you pack my bag..a few clothes ka go boa
ka monday
Me:you will be working ka weekend?
Me:since when do you work on weekends?
OD:are you interogating me?
Me:ae..i hope you are really going in a business trip..
At Cal's
He went through his financial report and put the
papers down.His brother called and ge answered
going up and down.
Dumi:man OD just emailed me di finances..what
Cal:heey i dont know i did my share..he is the one
giving orders a le ko maun instead of coming here a
tle go bona mechandise before we distribute it..he is
responsible for this
Dumi:he is on his way..a re he will be here tomorrow
morning i hope you have answers
Cal:eh fuck he doesnt scare me..this is all his fault
Dumi:Cal man you know better than to cross
dont mess with his woman or his stuff..
Cal:what is he?God?
He hung up and looked at the finances again,he
dialed his associate.
Cal:yo Steve..its Cal..OD is on his way down here like i know what to do..yeah sure make it
messy..yeah..okay tonight..bye.
Somewhere in Gaborone
The door bell ran and the man opened the door,a
man in black clothes shot him on the forehead and he
fell down dead,a woman came out holding a baby.
Woman:babe ke mang?
She froze almost dropping the baby when she saw
her husband's body down in the floor.He shoot her
too and she fell down dead,the baby started
crying..He hesitated to shoot the baby,he dropped
something on purpose,closed the door and left.
At Home
I got in the car as OD put his bag in the boot..Bofelo
started crying non stop.
OD:but he is bring the thermometer
Me:ebile o ntse red..
His temperature was normal but continued crying..
Me:babe i think we should take him to the hospital
OD:am gonna miss my flight..
Me:babe ngwana wa lwala you want to leave me
alone le ene.
OD:okay shapo lets go

Episode 208.5
At the hospital
The doctor checked his temperature again and his
Doc:but he is fine i thought i could be because he is
growing teeth but no..he is fine his temperature is
Me:eish..i dont know now..can you give him
something to cool him down nna selelo sa gagwe se
ntsena mo pelong.
Doc:yes..i will..or maybe he can sense something
bad..bana have a 6th sense kana
Me:ee gongwe
OD:or o mo boteteng hela ga a bate ke tsamaya
On our way back home
We drove home in silent,i bathed Bofelo then he fell
asleep on his dad's lap.I took him to the bedroom and
sat on his lap.
Me:i am sorry you missed your flight
OD:just how sorry are you?
Me:really sorry..can i show you how sorry i am
I knelt down and took his pipe from his jean,can i just
point out the importance of eye contact when you
give your man blow job?LOL
I looked at him as he relaxed on the sofa and i did my
magic.He grabbed my head and made me choke on
his dick,my throat hurt..i gasped for air as he picked
me up and put me on his dick.
OD:wait babe it wont hurt the baby right?
I rode him until my feet hurt,i was sweating so bad
and breathing heavily.
He picked me up and pinned me down on the floor,he
put my legs on his shoulders and drilled me.
The following day
Somewhere in Gabs
A concerned neighbour opened the gate and walked
in,she has not slept the whole night ngwana a lela.
Her:Mmagwe Jay...(opened the door)iyoooooo
She ran outside and screamed asking for help..her
husband came running.
Her:i...i...mmagwe Jay..and her husband..he..he
dead..blood (crying)i dont want to go back in
He ran to the house,there was blood all over,he
checked the baby who was wide awake..he took him
and dialed the police,he stepped on something and
picked it up,a gold pin,initials O N..he put it in his
pocket and left with the baby..
The police came and closed the house asking
questions to everyone who was around.
Officer:did they have enemies?
Lady:aah i dont know tota..i know they are witnesses
mo kganyeng nngwe..
Officer:kgang efe?
Man:aah some murder di witness maybe the
suspect came and destroyed evidence by killing
Officer:(wrote down)thank you
They took the bodies and left..
OD took the next plane to gabs..he arrived around 9
am and went straight to the warehouse.Cal,his other
business partner and his brothers were there.
OD:gentlemen..i want a full report
Dumi:looks like there was a mix up..everything is
under control sir

Episode 209
Dumi:we mixed di numbers tsa last month le tsa this
month sir
OD:so i flew down here for nothing..
Dumi:not really,i was thinking maybe you can see the
new rings and bracelets before we distribute them
They went to the factory, Cal called Steve and he
didnt answer.
Call:(text)TF you at?
Steve:home..see you later mission accomplished
Cal:OD is here with me they should have taken him
the moment he lands in maun
Steve:but i did drop his gold pin..maybe they dont
know what O N stands for
He followed them to the factory..
Cal:so how is everything?
Cal:i thought about the whole thing the kids
moving..if they really want to then its fine
OD:(not paying attention)mmh
Cal:and what i said about you not having sperms..i
am sorry
OD:water under the bridge..
Cal:we cool? are we still supplying Jakie's Jewells?
Cal:yeah..they have always been our best buyers
OD:okay..handle the accounts now..i dont like di mix
up now i flew here for nothing my son a lwala..i am
taking the next plane back
Cal:sure..i will
OD:say hi to the kids
At Ali's
Botshelo pulled out slowly breathing heavily and laid
next to her,they both looked at the ceeling saying
nothing.He put his hand on her stomach and tickled
her nipples a little.
Ali:haha..that was great
Botshelo:great inspiration..i need this every morning
Ali:mmh you can have all of this everyday all day
Botshelo:haha..i better go to na le meeting
ka 11
He had a quick shower and put in his clothes.He took
out 1000 from his wallet.
Botshelo:you will buy yourself something
Ali:thanks but i am covered for now
Botshelo:kante why dont you ever eccept anything i
give you?
Ali:its just how i am..i am sorry ke ta simolla go
Botshelo:tsaa ee
Ali:when i am down and am
He put the money in her drawer and took his car
Botshelo:monna wa becha no matter if you are
independent or not..i want to spoil you wena wa
Ali:i am sorry..
Ali:(grabbed his hand)tanki..i need the extra money ke
gore hela i want you to see gore relationship e is not
a material thing..k a go rata even if you were down
and broke
Botshelo:thanks..i meant it when i said i wish i meet
you before are different
Ali:(baby kissed him)i love you
He left.
OD's phone rang as he was about to board the plane.
Voice:hello Mr Odirile
Voice:detective Arnold in Gaborone..we would like to
see you in questioning to a homicide..
Episode 211
At home
Me:babe wa ntshosa..please dont tell me you are into
the drugs thing.
OD:(knelt before me and took my hand into
his)babe..Cal and i...we do illegal mining..we sell the
jewelry across the world at a cheeper price..the
reason why i had to go to gabs is because madi ne a
sa balance..apparantly Calvin's secretary made a
mistake a mixa madi a last month imstead of a this
year..i thought we had lost millions only to find out
everything se shapo
Me:so you are a criminal?
OD:babe everyone is corrupt..ra ithusa making extra
money wa itse gore goromente ga a duele
Me:wow..i sure know how to choose that
your defence?do you know gore ke kgona to report
you right now,why did you tell me all this huh..o bata
ke nna part of it?nna rra ke na le bana..wena kana
you only habe your mum ga o na ngwana yo go
hlokang mo lwapeng o se ko teronkong..
He kept quiet and stared at me,okay i went a little
too far about the baby thing,i hit him where it hurt
the most,i was angry that i was dating another
criminal and said things i shouldnt have said,he
grabbed the car keys and left..
Me:babe..babe i am sorry..
OD:you are right i am iresponsible because ga ke na
ngwana..i heard you
I ran to the door and closed it..
Me:that came out wrong..i am sorry ke gore hela ke
tenegile..i dont want to live that life again..Calvin o
ntshotile ke shiana mahatshe mo ke tshaba his
OD:i am not calvin,i dont make enemies,i love you and
the kids,i know they are not mine but they are part of
you,i love them as much as i love Bofelo and our
unborn baby,you saying i..
I had to do what any woman would have done,pissed
as i was i hurt his feelings.I shut him up with a kiss
and put my hand in his trouser..I could feel his lips
curve as he smiled.
Me:(knelt down)i am sorry
At Botshelo's
He parked the car in the garage and stayed in for
over half an hour,he could hear Anna and the kids
making noice inside,he deleted Ali's messages and
number then went in the house through the kitchen
door,Donah came running to him holding a big maize.
Donah:papa look what mama brought for us
*their eyes meet and he lowered his embarrased*
Wawa:and she brought motsentsela and want some?
Botshelo:hi..guys go play in your room i want to talk
to aunty..
Anna:Warona make sure Donah doesnt swallow
Wawa:(running to her room)yees
Botshelo sat down and looked at her,her face was
Botshelo:i can explain..i...i...
Anna:mmh ke reeditse

Botshelo:i..i went to explain to her gore...

Anna:you cant even lie through your teeth..mxm
Botshelo:babe i can explain..
Anna:bua ee o lese go inanatha..ebile you leave the
kids alone o ya bonyatsing,you know Warona wa
phapha she could have burned the house or herself
trying to cook,next time you go see your side chick
leave the kids something to eat.
Botshelo:i am sorry
Anna:agg man you are not sorry you are just
embarrased because you got caught,just so you
know...(touched her stomach)awww...just so you
know Botshelo what goes around comes back
around,karma is a bitch
Botshelo:(came closer)babe are you okay? better be using a condom because
i am not going to be one of those stupid women ba
ba thokomelang bana ba dinyatsi tsa banna ba bone.
She slammed the bedroom door,he took out his
phone typing an sms.
At Ali's
Her mother sat on the sofa and noticed a man watch
in the table,she smiled standing up and inspected
it,Ali came from the kitchen holding a glass of
water,she gave it to her.
Mother:so who is the lucky guy?
Ali:oh no i got it as a present,i want go e chencha ke
tsee a ladies watch.
Mother:okay,i thought wa ratana mono
Ali:(fake smile)haha..mum next time you come call
Mother:why akere wa re you not seing anyone
Ali:(phone received sms)yeah i am not..(read the
Ali sat down and her mother took it reading the
sms,she frowned looking at her daugher
Mother:Aliya..i raised you better than to be sleeping
with married men..
Ali:(sobbing)i know mama but i...
Mother:he doesnt love you,he loves his wife,just
because a man cheats doesnt mean ga a a rate
mogatse,why are you settling for second best
ngwanaka when you can have any man you want?
Ali:he is different
Mother:nnyaa my girl,dont say can do
better,togela monna wa batho le ene you can see
gore ga a sa go bata,kana this is a break up sms.
At Home
I slowly got of him and sat on the towel for a few
seconds then i wiped him.
OD:huu...babe o njele today
Me:apology accepted?
OD:hell yeah,must o nkgopise more
Me:haha you are stupid..can we like talk about the
whole illegal mining thing next time,i dont want to
look at you differently,i want to look at you and see
the hot sexy cute charming lawyer that i fell inlove
with,i dont want to see you as Calvin's partner
because just the thought of it makes me throw up a
His phone was a private number
Caller:i know what you did
OD:who is this?
Caller:your worst nightmare

Episode 212
At home
OD opened the door and went outside,I put on my
gown and followed him
OD:(covered his phone`speaker)babe can you please
go inside
Me:(worried)you okay
I went back in the bedroom,my heart skipped a little
like something bad was about to happen,I
eavesdroped on his conversation.
OD: who the hell are you?
Caller:someone you need to be nice to because I
know what you did
OD:I am tracking this call,God help you that I dont
find you because you just threatened the wrong
He hung up and I heard his foot steps come back in
the bedroom,I quickly jumped on the bed and
pretended to be sleeping.
OD:(putting on his jean)I will be back
Me:o ya kae?
OD:I want to do something,dont worry il be back in an
hour or two.
Me:Odirile who were you talking to?
OD:someone I need to take care of
Me:what do you mean take care of?are you going to
kill him?or her.. me I am not a killer
He grabbed his phone and car keys
OD:lock the doors..I love you
Me:why does this sound like a goodbye?
OD:its not,always keep the doors closed,kiss Boy Boy
for me..I love you Phatsimo
He slammed the door almost waking up the baby,I
sat on the bed,his words had a lot of message behind
them like he was saying bye..Gosh..
I woke up the next day to Bofelo crying,OD was still
not back,I tried his phone and it was off,I bathed the
baby and prepared him for school,I drove to his office
and he was not there,I was embarrassed to ask
people where my husband was I mean what kind of a
woman doesn't know where her husband is I mean
even if he is with his side chick we always know.
My day went slower than a snail,after I knocked of I
picked up Bofelo and went home,I think he could
sense something was off too because he was not
himself,he didn't even cry,the house was quiet,God
knows I didn't want to become a young widow,I
hated how selfish he was,who in their right minds
leaves their pregnant wife all alone.
I heard a car park outside..I picked up Bofelo and ran
outside,mxm never in my life was I disappointed to
see Botshelo and the kids.
Wawa:mummy we missed you
Me:me too,what brings you bye
Botshelo:hi..OD o teng iv been trying to call him his
number is off
Me:he went out ne o reng..come inside
Wawa took Bofelo from me and they went into the
Botshelo:ke na le mathata,I feel OD is the only person
I can talk to..aah Tsitsi I fucked up so bad I dont know
if Anna will ever forgive me
Botshelo:iv been cheating..
My phone rang
Me:let me answer this call
I went into the bedroom and closed the door.
Me:Odirile wee you must think gore ke semata
akere,you dissapeared maabane without saying a
word and you are still not home now.
Caller:hello mam ke setse phone ye by the road and
thought i should call whoever was on speed dial.
Me:oh sorry its my husband's,where did you find it
Caller:mo old mall hela ga pele ga Bimbos,where are
you ke go neele.
Me:il be there in a few minutes,il call
Caller:thank you
I hung up,mxm waitse my tongue was itching for
Odirile the nerve of that man.
I found Botshelo waving Bofelo in the air.
Me:can you wait for me for 10 minutes am going to
collect something ha mmolong
Botshelo:okay dont be late
I drove to Bimbos my mind all over,where the hell
was OD,the look on his face last night and his words
made me worry..what if Calvin had killed him,mxm.
I meet the young lady infront of Shoppers and she
gave me the phone,i was still surprised there are
people who can find your phone and give it back,i
mean it was an IPhone,who does that,i gave her 100
pula and she didnt take it.Something just didnt add
up,when she called she said o e setse now she said a
customer left it at Bimbos,she even claimed she
worked at Bimbos but she was not wearing the
uniform..i said thanks and went home,it was deja
When i got home i sat on the sofa while the kids
played.Botshelo was in the kitchen talking on the
phone.He came out,his face was red.
Me:you okay?
Botshelo:yeah,look iv got to go
Me:ne o re o mpolella sengwe.
Botshelo:mxm agg nothing..Anna is getting on my
last nerve jaanong
Me:you think we rushed into marriage?
He sat down and looked at me.
Botshelo:i never cheated on you
Me:and you were the most honest,loving and kind
person iv ever gongwe mo ke maaka
hela..OD is a thug..ene le Calvin same watsapp group
Botshelo:and Anna is a nagging wife,first she didnt
want to sleep with me,ne a nna mo go nna ka dipuo a
re ke ratana le found comfort in the
hands of another woman..i love her like iv tried to
convince myself gore its just sex but..aah i cant stop
thinking about her..she is everything..more woman
than any woman iv ever been with
Me:(smiling)i am offended
Botshelo:haha sorry..mxm maybe we should have
just stayed together
Me:i blame One
Botshelo:Moloi yoo
*we both laughed*
Me:aah ga gona ka di happy ending waitse..
Botshelo:kaha ke imisitse gape,ka se dira le nna
Me:le nna kana ke se shikere ka bo ke ithwele

Episode 213
At Home
Botshelo:(surprised)you are pregnant?
Me:yeah..hey dont judge me..ha ne o sa nthala nkabo
ke se ha
Botshelo:akere le wena you agreed so easily go raa
gore ne o bata
Me:haha..mxm life neh
Botshelo:I better go..we should talk more..raya OD a
nteletse when he gets back
Me:if he comes back
I picked up Bofelo and walked them to the car,the
kids waved at me as he drove away,I went back in
and made us something to cook,I couldn't believe
how all of a sudden I was cool,like I didn't even care
OD left without a word.
Later I laid in bed going through my Facebook
timeline,I received an sms from Calvin.
Cal:hey,the kids will be coming next weekend,I am
going to Russia for a year or two,I know its sudden
but you wanted the kids anyway so..I will transfer
money into their accounts every month..
Uhu,ke mathata..
Me:shouldn't we have sat down ra bua ka bana eseng
Cal:or maybe I can take them with me
I continued scrolling my timeline and then visited
Anna`s timeline.Nothing interesting really just
quotes and scriptures,I went through her photos,she
wasnt really the prettiest woman but she was
beautiful I loved her nose though.
I put my phone under the pillow and slept.
At Botshelo`s
He took of his sleepers and got in bed,Anna was on
her phone watching something that made her laugh
like a nice retard.
Botshelo:(smiling)whats funny
Anna:(took of her headset)huh
Botshelo:let me see
Anna:its nothing interesting..(she put her headset on)
Botshelo:babe..can we talk
She ignored him,he took his phone and logged into
The following morning
I bathed my baby and took him to the doctors for his
monthly checkups then went to work.After work I
went to check on Ame then went home.
For the sake of my unborn baby I wanted to avoid
stress,OD is a grown up man he knew what he was
doing and what was at risk..
Time flew by without me realising it,so he had been
gone for almost a week now,no call no sms
Saturday morning I went to see his mother,I told her
everything well except the part of illegal mining.
Her:ke gore ngwanake o kae bathong..thats unlike
him what if one of the criminals he fights in court
have killed him?
Woooo I never thought about that,what if...oh my
God like I have been so angry without
heart beat so fast and I was sweating.
Me:(crying)what if..oh my God
Her:when he gets back he better have a good
Me:kana he deals with criminals everyday..what if he
is dead..

That night I didnt sleep a wink,his mother made total gore so much bad luck for one
person,kante nna was I ever going to get my happy
The following day I went to file a missing persons
report,mxm waitse I hate how the police officers look
at us when we ask for help.
Officer:mam maybe he went to his side chick`s house
Me:he is still missing mme akere
Officer:kana mam we have lots of cases tsa missing
children,jaanong gatwe re die nako re senkana le
monna a ile bonyatsing
Me:Do you know who you are talking to?
Officer:nnyaa I was just saying
Me:koore ha o pallwa ke tiro jaana o ba ba tseneng ka
back door akere you skipped training
Officer:ke kopa re.buisane sente please
Me:(attitude)ee now do your work
Officer:What was he wearing when you last saw him
Me:all black,black jeans and a black hoodie and black
Officer:(wrote down)is he mentally stable?
Officer:is he on drugs?
Officer:thank you mam we will keep you posted
Me:(stood up)thanks
2 days later
After checking up on the progress of the report i
picked up the kids at the airport,waitse everything
was so odd,I haven't heard from Calvin ever since
those smses,been communicating with his mother
about the kids.
From the airport we had pizza and went home.
Channel:mummy when are we moving to our new
Wawa:we are going to go to the same school?
Me:mmh,Nel where is daddy?
Nel:I dont know I haven't seen him since last week we
have been staying with granny
CJ:granny said he went on a business trip
Me:to russia? when are we.moving?
Me:when OD gets back..
My phone ran,the kids were making noise so I went
into the bedroom,it was an unknown number.
Me:(heart skipped)Odirile? Babe are you okay?
OD:yeah..I am coming home tonight
Me:(crying)babe you sound sick,where are you ke te
go go tsaya?
OD:dont worry I am on my way now..I love you
He hung up before I could say I love you too..I sat on
the bed shaking my heart beating fast..Waitse what
happened for the past week didnt make any sense to
me at all,Cal left,OD went missing..
Around midnight
The kids were asleep,I sat in the dark staring in the
dark my mind was blank,I was just waiting for the
door to open and see my husband.
After what felt like a year if waiting there was a
knock at the door,
I ran to the door and opened for him,he fell on me,he
was heavy so I fell down too.I managed to stand up
and switch on the lights.
Me:(covered my mouth crying)Oh my

Episode 214
Me:(covered my mouth)oh my what
I helped him stand up,he was heavy,the blood oh his
t-shirt was still wet which meant he was still
bleeding.I put him on the sofa and took of his shirt,I
don't know much about wounds but I know a gun
wound when I see one,he was grey and his heart beat
was slow.
Me:babe I have to take you to the doctor's doctor Amida she does house calls are bleeding I can't take risks what it
she is attending another patient.
I grabbed my phone and called her.
Me:a re she will be here in 10 minutes
OD:can you please get me water
I ran into the kitchen,helped him seat and drink from
the glass.I put hos head on my lap as we both
helplessly waited for the doctor.
After what felt like a decade she arrived,we moved
him to the bedroom and she asked me to step
I leaned on the door listening to him screem like a
small baby,my man was in pain bathong.I couldn't
help cry too,this had Calvin written all over it,koore
what did I ever do to that man apart from loving him.
I dialed his number and it ran unanswered the whole
time.I left him a voice note.
"You are evil and I hope you rot in hell for what you
did to Odirile,Satan"
CJ opened the door rubbing his eyes.
Me:hey..go back to sleep
CJ:I want water
I gave him the glass and he took two sips,I tucked him
in,mxm I hated how much my son looked like
Calvin,that Satan's advocate.I watched him sleep,I
kissed his cheek and switched of the lights.
After almost an hour Amira came out taking of her
Me:how is he?
Doc:he will be okay..I washed the wound
Me:its a gun wound?
Doc:he will tell you everything,he is sedated for
now,give him liquids for the next 72 hours..I will
come again in the morning.
I walked her outside to her car,I made him soft
porridge incase he woke up.
I sat on the chair looking at him,he was pale.He
looked so handsome sleeping.I held his hand and
kissed it.
Me:I love you..God knows I do..please be
different,dont hurt me iv been through enough.
I woke up to the kids making noise outside and
banging on the door.OD was still sleeping.
I opened the door and closed it so they couldn't see
him like that.
Wawa:mama we are hungry
Me:How old are you?
They both looked at me confused
Me:you know when I was your age I made myself
breakfast,fried eggs and tea or juice its not
difficult,mummy is not going to be here all the time
you have to start learning this things.

Channel:mummy are you dying?

Me:no..I am just saying
CJ:are you going somewhere?
Me:haha go make yourselves breakfast
Wawa:(crying)I a not hungry
Nel:me too
Me:okay then il make you breakfast..but this is the
last time you must learn to do things for yourselves
CJ:can you make pancakes?
Me:okay then you guys go bath because I am taking
you to aunt Ame`s
Wawa:but we want to stay here and swim
Me:Warona wee o molomonyana ka re go bath you
are going to Ame`s.
I picked up Bofelo and put him on his chair then feed
him soft porridge.Donah was sitting infront of the tv
watching cartoons silently,my poor baby always
Me:ta o je motogo papa
I feed them both,our bedroom door opened and OD
walked out tying his gown.I supported him to the
Me:babe you could have called me.
OD:(smiling)I am fine,I am a strong man after all
Me:(kissed his cheek)I love you,I made soft porridge
last night you want kana you want oats?
OD:how about a heavy meal I haven't eaten in a few
Me:ao?but you lost your phone ko wimpy.
OD:its a long story..I will tell you everything
Me:did Cal do this to you?
OD:we can't talk about this with the kids in the house
Me:good because they are going ko go Ame after oats or motogo?
Me:haha wa loiwa
OD:mpha Bofelo I missed him
Me:you have an open wound o ta go ronkgela
OD:ga a kake
Me:am not taking chances,go back to bed il bring
OD:(tried standing)help me
Me:(walked to the kitchen)ga wa re you are a strong
After breakfast I drove to the kids to Ame`s and went
grocery shopping,its easier without the kids.
I cooked us a light lunch and we ate in the patio.
Me:dont forget to take your painkillers
OD: thanks
Me:you are welcome
OD:Calvin framed me,the day I was supposed to leave
for gaborone a bo Bofelo a lwala..I could have been a
suspect in a homicide,he left my gold pin at the
scene,by God's grace monna wa next door a bo a e
sela before the police came,I asked him about it and
he didn't deny anything,I left here ke re I am going to
make peace between us,I knew he did it because o
bitter that we are together,he was still not over you..I
wanted to overlook everything and forgive him
because we had been friends for a long time and he
was one hell of a good business partner but ene he
wanted war,I wanted peace but he choose war,he
knew better.. are scaring me
OD:he shoot me twice and left me to die..
Me:but he said he was going to Russia
OD:I sent that sms
Me:what?where is Calvin?

Episode 215
Me:(covered my mouth)did you kill him?
OD:he is somewhere he wont bother us again
Me:oh my God you killed him?
OD:would that be a bad thing?
Me:yes..he is my kids father,they gonna want to
know where their father is,Kelly is going to want her
OD:if this makes you feel any better,I didn't kill him
I stared at him for over five minutes,he smiled at me
and held my hand.
OD:and I thought you would be happy Calvin is out of
our lives
Me:I am but I wouldn't want you to be the one to kill
him,he is evil and I hate hom for what he did to you
but he is still my kids father,they love him,he is daddy
and he is awesome I wouldn't want to take that away
from them.
Somewhere in Gaborone
In a Hotel
Cal packed his back and wore his sunglasses,he
looked around the room,he had left nothing.He
picked his bag and opened the door,it was a bit
freezing outside,winter was already here.He locked
the door and got in his car,he took out his phone and
went through his kids photos,by the time he comes
back the twins will be teenagers and Nicole a pre
teen,Zayn would be 7 years by then,he would have
missed a lot.
He took outs his simcard and destroyed it,hit the
brakes headed to the airport.
At Botshelo"s
He followed Anna in the house,she took off her shoes
and put her bag on the table.He sat next to her and
took her hand into his.
Botshelo:therapy does help
Botshelo:I am glad you forced me to go to marriage
counseling..I had mixed feelings about us..I am sorry I
hurt you
Anna:I am sorry too,what you made me realise
I am my mother's child,I've always blamed my dad for
leaving kante he couldn't take dipuo tsa ga mama le
ene..I am sorry..I dont want to be my mother,you
cheating made me realise how unfair I have been to
you,my obsession le Phatsimo got the best of me..
Botshelo:I am glad re ipone diphoso and are fixing
our marriage.
Anna:me too
Botshelo:(touched her belly)and thanks for giving me
another son..
Anna:and thanks for making me a mother..I love you
At Ali"s house
She folded her clothes with her mind miles
away,Botshelo hadn't called in almost a week
now,her mother's words kept repeating in her
mind.She looked around the house,she had almost
everything,a well paying job and a nice house,she
was debt free and could afford to spoil herself what
the fuck did she want in a married man,she stood
infront of the mirror and touched her her belly.She
had never been a mother before,was she going to
handle being a single mum?

2 Weeks Later
At Doctor Amira"s clinic
OD laid on the table as Doctor examined his wound.
Doc:you are okay now,you can get back to your
normal life
OD:hear that babe now I can make love to you o sa
tshoge gore I am hurting.
Me:haha..thanks doc il make sure this never happens
Doc:please do..
He got dressed and we went outside to the car.
Me:we are picking up Cici at the airport in two hours
OD:maybe we can book into a hotel and do what ever
we want,we never get that chance ko lwapeng
Me:haha I wont say no to ripotetse ruri
hela..(touched my stomach)am so not having more
kids ever..
OD:haha we have a soccer team already..
We drove to Mokoro lodge and booked a room,we
showered to gether and made love for the first time
in a long time.haha
We dozed off and woke up to Cici"s call.
Cici:mum I have been waiting for almost an hour
Me:(looked at the time)oh sorry baby we are on our
Cici:I am waiting
I woke OD and we drove to the airport.
At Home
OD parked in the garage as we all stepped out,Cici ran
inside the house straight to her bedroom.
Cici:wow mum this house is room is so
beautiful(hugged me)thank you (hugged OD)thanks
for being so awesome
The kids ran in and we did a group hug.
OD:you know if you study well you guys can also
afford this house
Cici:I wont need a big house because I am not having
Wawa:me too
I looked at OD and he held my hand tighter.
OD:speaking of kids..(picked up Bofelo)he is having a
little sister
The kids all kept quiet and looked at us.
Cici:you kidding right
Wawa:a little sister,iv always wanted a little sister
CJ:really..will she be cute and white like Bofelo?
Me:haha no..she will be black
Channel:whats her name
Cici:about taking a gap year..I am so is
having a baby and you also having a baby and there
is already this big babies.
We all laughed
Wawa:dad is having a baby too
Channel:thats awesome
OD:pizza anyone?
I ordered it as everyone went into their rooms,we
went into ours and cuddled on the bed,he played
with my hair.
Me:thank you..for everything
OD:you are welcome
Me:I got my happy ending
OD:haha I did too..(rubbed my tummy)I can never ask
for better,you are theideal best
Me:I love you
OD:I love you have you thought of a name
Me:no I was thinking your mum can name her..or
you..I did a lot of naming..haha
OD:how about Omatla?
Me:Matla a Modimo
OD:or Omogolo
Me:I love them..I love Omatla more or just Maatla

Episode 216
A few days later at the women's clinic
I was busy typing on my phone when I bumped into
someone,my phone fell down and we both reached
for it.
Ali:I am so sorry I hope ga ya thubega
Me:(looked at it)ga ya sorry ne ke
sendela my daughter an sms
Ali:okay..thanks bye
She looked familiar,I swear I saw her somewhere..I
got in my car and left..
At lunch time
OD brought me lunch and we sat in my office eating..
Me:I think Botshelo got his side chick pregnant
OD:and its none of our business
Me:akere ke go jela dikgang hela..I dont judge raa gore mme he has been careless to get
a side chick pregnant,babe nako e o simollang go jola
o ska dira jalo
OD:ee mma
Me:I cant believe you just said ok
OD:haha ne o bata ke reng babe..akere you were
telling me
Me:you were supposed to say babe il never cheat in
OD:haha okay nna ne ke sa itse akere..
Me:haha..the kids are driving Cici crazy she has been
sending di sms all day complaining
OD:she will get used to it..babe ja the mma o lese go
At Botshelo"s office
He typed on his laptop with his headsets on,his door
opened.He took them off looking at Ali who was
standing on the door smiling.She closed it and locked
Ali:(sat on his lap)hi
She french kissed him and took his hand into her
dress,he cupped her boobs as she breathed a little
They kissed for a few minutes and he took off her
panties amd played with her bean,she breathed
heavily as she opened her legs wider,he fingered her
and she unzipped his jeans and took out his big
anaconda,she was going to miss this.
She directed it her and started humping him,she
went slowly in circles,Botshelo didn't realise she was
crying.He picked her up and put her on the table,she
looked at him looking as he went in and out of her.He
went faster and stopped,he looked at her innocent
face and he pulled out,he penetrated again and she
opened her mouth breathing slowly.
He went faster...she moaned softly as she wrapped
her legs around him,there was no way he was going
to pull out now.He relaxed his body and cum inside
her,they remained like that for a few minutes,she
relaxed her legs and he pulled out.
They both kept quiet,as they wiped themselves and
she stood up putting in her panty liner on her pad.
Ali:I guess this is goodbye
Botshelo:I love you
Ali:(crying)I love you too
They hugged and she pulled her dress down,put on
her shoes and grabbed her bag.
Ali:thank you..

At Botshelo`s
Anna sliced the vegetables,her pgone rang and she
wiped her hands with the dish cloth and answered it.
Botshelo:mmagwe nnana how are you?
Anna:I love the sound of that,how are you?
Botshelo:good,o jele?
Botshelo:yeah I had serobe le mangwinya
Anna:haha okay,so am cooking your favourite come
home early
Botshelo:about that,ke cheka bana,we going out for
pizza you can come
Anna:you know I hate pizza..have fun
Botshelo:I will..bye I love you
Anna:I love you more
He hung up and grabbed his jacket.
At Home
Cici changed Bofelo`s diaper and put him on his
chair.The twins ran outside,Donah followed them
then Warona.
Cici:hey lona stop running you will fall and break your
Wawa:no we wont..guys this way..
Cici`s phone ran and she went to lock the kids
outside.She feed Bofelo while answering.
Cici:hey babe I just arrived in maun
Cici:(smiling)thats great,my parents are not going to
be home in another 3 hours,come bye,il send
Him:okay,il be there in a few
She hung up and took Bofelo from the chair,she
unlocked the door and called the kids.
Cici:guys look after him,I am going to bath and dont
go to the pool side because if the kids fall in and
drown I will drown you too myself
Channel:you scaring me
Cici:you should be..go in the tv room or in the play pool okay
She went into her room and fixed her weave.
Later that evening at Ali"s
She cuddled on the sofa watching KUWTK eating fruit
salad,her door bell ran,she looked at the time,she
wasn't expecting anyone.
Ali:who is it?
Botshelo:ke nna
She fixed her gown and opened the door.
Botshelo:(leaned over to kiss her)hey
She pulled her head back and closed the door,he
followed her to the sofa.
Botshelo:did you get the morning after pill?
Botshelo:okay..can we talk
Botshelo:the past two weeks..
Ali:dont bother,I found someone too,he might come
here anytime so you have to leave
Botshelo:are you know?
Ali:are yoi.and your wife sleeping together?
Botshelo:babe like that..
Ali:(sat down)my dad left my mum for another
woman,I just realized I dont want to be the other
woman..I want a man all to myself..if you cant give
me that,there is the door
Botshelo:babe I thought..
Ali:you thought wrong tsamaya Botshelo before my
boyfriend a ta,I am trying to have something le ene
and he wont like it o le ha..
He came closer to her and she stood up taking steps
Ali:please babe..just go its over

Episode 217
At Botshelo`s
He walked in and left the door open,his mind was
miles away,he sat down and looked at Anna who was
also looking at him.
Anna:babe its cold close the door
Botshelo:(looked at the door)oh
Anna:are you okay?
Botshelo:have you ever wished you never meet
Anna:no..even if they did me bad,its a lesson
Botshelo:no..have you ever wished you meet
someone later or earlier in life?
Anna:(smiling)I wish I meet you earlier
Botshelo:(smiling)yeah..let me go change,we are
going out..wherever you wanna go
Anna:mmmh..but I cooked
Botshelo:I just want to spoil you babe,then we can go
watch a movie..or whatever you want.
Anna:hehe babe why are you being so kind and
sweet,o dirile eng?
Botshelo:I haven't been the best husband lately,I
want you to know that I am fully committed to you
and our son.
Anna:(blushing)I love you too,bring my jacket its cold
outside kana ke chenche?
Looked at her big tummy in her pink maternity
dress,her nose and lips were a bit bigger now and her
feet were swollen but she still looked pretty.
Botshelo:o shapo my love
He went into the bedroom and changed into black
jeans and a Liverpool t-shirt.He looked hella fine.
At Home
The twins prepared the table while I finished
cooking.Cici came in touching her stomach.
Me:you okay?
Cici:I am having an early night my tummy hurts
Me:il bring your food in the room cime take up mo gontsinyana I
haven't eaten since phakela
Channel:you had cornflakes
Cici:(annoyed)is that food you idiot?
Cici:ae Nel wa me when you finish eating
Me:okay go rest..
Chanel moved closer to me smiling.
Nel:how much will you give me if I tell you?
Me:it depends
Nel:this is expensive I want 50 bucks
Nel:her boyfriend is...
Cici came back and pulled her by the hand..
Me:Ciara you hurting her
Cici:(whispering)if you tell mum then I will kill you
Chanel:I won't
Cici:you know I am serious right
Cici:good girl
Chanel walked in and continued setting the table.
Me:you were about to tell me something
Chanel:oh...Cici was facetiming her boyfriend
Me:is he cute?
Chanel:yeah..a lot more than dad and other dad
Me:haha ok,finish up..go call your brothers re te go
ja..and call Cici
Botshelo and Anna waited in the line to order,they
were focused on the menus,meanwhile Anna walked
in with her friend,she sat at the table.
Anna:I want chicken nuggets and chicken sauce le
Botshelo turned around
Friend:hee di cravings tsago ke tsa sekgoa,nna
bata madila kana..
Ali and Botshelo`s meet,she didnt even hear what
her friend said,Anna turned around laughing at their
conversation,the part about English cravings killed
Ali:(came back to life)huh..oh yeah and lots of fries,or
I can go buy ko shoprite,di monate am sure il be back
before order e ta
Friend:(noticed what was going on)oh okay..o reke le
drink gone kwa
Ali stood up and left,Her friend qued behind Anna.
Botshelo:babe ga ke itse gore a ke lotetse koloi
Botshelo:order whatever you want il be back
He ran after Ali who walked faster when she saw
Botshelo:(pulled her by the hand)look into my eyes
and tell me you are not pregnant
Meanwhile Anna looked at them,Botshelo pulled her
closer and hugged her.She felt a sharp pain below
her abdomen.She touched her stomach in tears.
Botshelo:is it mine?
Ali:no..I was seing someone..
Botshelo:o maaka,you would never do that
Ali:why,ke kgonne go ratana with a married man
what makes you think I wouldn't see two men at the
same time.
Botshelo:I didn't but the whole boyfriend thing
earlier I knew you were hiding something from
me..where you just going to keep my child away from
Ali:(crying)its not yours..I swear
Botshelo:(furious)o maaka
Ali 's friend walked behind Anna,she watched her
cradling her stomach,she looked at Ali and
Botshelo.Anna fell on her knees,she rushed to her
side and helped her up.
They both turned around,Botshelo rushed to Anna,he
noticed she was crying and cradling her stomach,he
looked at Ali then at Anna,he picked Anna up and put
her in his car,he looked at Ali again before he got in
the car and drive off.
Ali sat down crying,everyone passing was looking at
her,her friend helped her up and hugged her
Friend:tsalame you know this things never end well
am sorry I talked about di cravings,I didn't see them I
Ali:take me home
Friend:let me go get the order,il be back
At home
Cici dished up a full plate and took the food to her
OD:and then?did you fight?
Me:no a re wa lwala
OD:haha but she looks okay..
Wawa:her boyfriend is in the room
OD and I both looked at each other
Chanel:Wawa she is going to kill you
OD:how old is she again?
OD:haha I did far worse when I was 17
Me:but not in my parents house
OD:at his house akere..lets just embarrass her re ba
bitse to join us
Me:no..we have to be strict about this..Cici

Cici came in the dining room tying her robe touching

her tummy,OD couldn't hep laughing,the rest ot the
tea joine him,okay it was so funny.
OD:you know you can join us for dinner
Me:(looked at him)instead of eating in the bedroom gi
bitsa mafele
Cici:oh no I feel like eating ke patame
Everyone laughed,she looked at us confused.
OD:am sure swaar same ene.he wont mind joining us
Chanel:I swear it wasn't me
OD:kana jang?
She walked to her room embarrassed,after a few
minutes they came out,he greeted us and sat next to
OD:le teng?
Me:Warona go get an extra plate
Cici sat down and buried her head in her arms.
At the hospital
Botshelo waited in the visitor's room,his phone ran
and he switched it off.
After what felt like a life long,the doctor came out,he
took his mask of.
Botshelo:how are they?
Doc:I am sorry,the baby didnt make it
His whole world crushed,it brought back memories
to when the doctor told them their ba y girl had
died,he sat down.It was all his fault,he killed their
Doc:your wife is awake,you can go see her,the
midwife will explain everything I have to see another
He walked in her room slowly and closed the
door,she was facing the wall,he could hear her
crying.He sat on the chair and said nothing.
She turned around and looked at him.
Anna:get out
Botshelo:I am sorry
Anna:(crying)sorry for what akere you have another
baby on the you killed mine..get
out..(shouting)get out
She reached for the water bottle on the table and
threw it at him,he blocked it with his hands.
Anna:get out..go to and I..we are done..get
out I never want to see you
Botshelo:babe I know you are hurt please
Anna:the only reason I stayed was because of my
son..not love..he is gone so please..
She threw the side lamp at him,it hit his head and cut
his forehead.
Anna:get out
He walked out his eyes blury and blood on his face.
At home
Cici put new sheets in the guest bedroom and clean
OD:(to Theo)if I hear you sneaking to Cici s room at
night ke dire jang
Theo:it wont happen I swear
OD:good give me your parents number,they
should know where you are.
OD:what ga ke bate molato..mpha numbara
Cici:oh my God you guys I cant handle you..mum
Me:nna ne ke re Theo a tsamaye but since o sa.bate
then cooperate
He gave OD the number..
Me:dont stay up late
We went to our room,I got in bed.OD got ontop of
Me:no..the kids will hear us
OD:(kissed me)they won't
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

In the tv room.
Cici closed the door and sat ontop of Theo wrapping
her arms around him.
Theo:your parents are cool
Cici:they are embarrassing
Theo:haha still cant believe I have the whole week
with my bae,your house is big and beautiful,you
never told me you were rich
Cici:I am dad is..well he is my step dad but I
call him dad
Theo:I thought you said that one was your step dad
Cici:yeah..aah he broke up with mum but I still call
him daddy,he is awesome mathata he is gangster he
would have sent you home.(kisses him)enough about
them...I missed you
He tossed her on the sofa and kissed her neck
putting his hand in her gown.the door opened and
Theo got of her faster than lightning.Chanel walked
in with Warona.
Cici:o bona lona..what are you doing here
Wawa:we came to watch repeat ya di awards
Cici:did you watch them?
Cici:then get out..le nna ke lebile sengwe
Chanel:(looked at the tv)cooking channnel?
Cici:,yes..I am making hime made pizza tomorrow,go
to sleep il record them for you
Wawa:night Theo
Cici locked the door and sat on the sofa.
Cici:so where were we?
At the hospital
Botshelo sat in the visitor's room until morning,he
had had his wound checked out by the nurse.
In the morning his mother was the first to come.He
went in to see Anna.
Her:I am sorry ngwanaka this things happen
Anna:I wonder where he got it from
She looked at her surprised,did she just say that?She
took her handbag and left.
Botshelo:how is she?
Her:I have never been insulted in my life,ga ke itse
gore ke reng..le wena Botshelo togela go shiana mo o
nyoboka nyoboka ke wena o re rogisang ka batho..ha
ne o sa mmate why didn't you set her free?wa tena
kwa le wena,now you lost your son,ke wena o
ipolaetseng ngwana ka go tsenya ngwana wa batho
She walked away,he went into her room and found
her putting on her dress.
Botshelo:what did you say to my mum
Anna:ne ke mmotsa gore o gotsitse mang ka
bobelete,(attitude)did she get offended..ohhh so the
shoe did fit..askies tell her I was just asking.
He slapped her across the face so hard she fell on the
bed,she got up and slapped him,she kicked his balls
and slapped him again.
Botshelo:you can say whatever you say to me but
never speak to my mother like that
Anna:I can and will say whatever I want
Botshelo:o ta nyela kana Anna
Anna:go ta nyela wena pele seo ke wena o bolaileng
ngwanake,ga ke tswa ha ke latela Ali nyana wa
gago..wa ntwaela..

Episode 218
At the hospital
Anna stormed out as Botshelo followed her,everyone
was looking at them.
Botshelo:Anna wait
Anna:(stopped and looked at him)Botshelo we are
done for killed my baby,I can.forgive you
cheating on me but I will never..never forgive you for
killing my baby
She took the car keys from him and got in the car,she
drove off almost hitting him,he ran outside and got
into a taxi,thank God it was one of his boys.
Botshelo:drive me to Ali's house..or just follow my car
At home
We woke up to the sweet aroma,the kids were
making noise while Cici and Theo were making
breakfast,it was weird and unculturely..if ther is a
word like that..
OD:are you okay
Me:babe ke fila gore we are setting a.bad
example.for the girls,they gonna feel its okay to bring
boys over
OD:it is okay,then we can talk to them about safe sex
and the need to wait until they are older.
Me:aah nna ga ke rate,now they are playing happy
families in our house with our babies.
Me:(punched him a little on the chest)no
We sat around the table and said grace,the food was
delicious and Theo turned out to be talkative more
than the day before and OD was entertaining
After breakfast we did laundry,showered and went
to check on my mother-in-law at the cattlepost.Cici
and her boy...I cant even say it..Cici and Theo
remained behind.
At Ali's house
The door opened and Anna stormed in followed by
Botshelo,Anna grabbed her by her expensive weave
amd got ontop of her punching her face and
stomach,Botshelo took her off Ali and she kicked
her,Ali fell on the floor.
Anna:(crying)ntogele Botshelo
Botshelo:are you crazy,she is pregnant you can't be
kicking her stomach
Ali:Botshelo please take your wife and leave me in
peace,I told you this is not your baby
Anna:wareng?huh..(kicked in the air)o ta nyella go
robala le monna wame,that baby ga a kita a tsholwa
akere you killed mine so I will make sure you feel the
pain of loosing a baby you whore.Koore ne o ipona
hela o bulela a married man mapara sies shame on
Ali ran into her bedroom crying,she locked the door.
Botshelo:bona I know you are hurting but to attack
her like that,thats not you.Ke kopa re ye ko lwapeng
and mourn our baby,go for therapy and fix our
marriage then we can try for another baby
Anna:(attitude)fix what?le mang?o njela le makapi
akere,we are done..
She pushed the plasma tv and it fell down and
cracked,she went into the kitchen and broke every
glass she found.

Botshelo dragged her out of the house,she got in the

car and they drove off in silence,no one said anything
to one another,just before they arrived home,Anna
took off her seat belt and opened the door and
jumped outside,she fell down on the tared road
scratching her knees and elboys.
The other drivers stopped before hitting
her,Botshelo panicking,got out of the car and knelt
before her checking her pulse,she was still breathing
but unconscious.
The other driver came to them,he checked her pulse
again and helped Botshelo carry her to the car before
people started taking photos and videos.mxm its so
sad how people instead of helping decide to take
photos and videos to share on Facebook.Can I
personally say I hate those kind of people.
With the man behind with Anna Botshelo drove to
the hospital.
At Ali's house
After the car left she got out of her room and looked
at her tv on the floor,all her glasses were on the floor
smashed.She got a broom and swept them.
At the hospital
The doctors took Anna into the emergency
room,Botshelo followed them and they stopped him.
Doc:sir wait here we will update you
Botshelo:will she be okay?
Doc:(closed the door)pray for her
Around noon,at the cattlepost
The kids finished eating and washed the
plates,Mmagwe Odirile was feeding Bofelo.
Mother:so since go na le Bofelo what are you going
to call that one?
Me:haha we were thinking you can give her a name?
Mother:its a girl?
Mother:mme kana you know how exiting it is not to
know if your baby is a boy or so look foward
to seing them,jaanong lona bana le tabogela go itse
bong hwa ngwana.How about Koketso?
Okay..I was so not naming my baby that..OD and I
looked at each other,I could tell he didn't like the
name too.
OD:aah we want something modern..eseng Koketso
Mother:its nice gape it goes well after Bofelo
OD:I love Omatla or Omogolo
Me:me too..
Mother:Nice names,eseng a mpallang a bo Cha..kana
gatwe chaeng ga ke itse
Me:haha its Channel..Shanele
Mother:haha..Omatla is beautiful
Me:I guess Omatla it is.
Mother:when are you due?
Me:December or late November..I would love it ha le
ka mpaa botsetsi
OD:but then you will have to move to maun
Mother:and leave my livestock le tshimo le
she will come here kana jang.
Me:okay..thank you
My phone rang and I excused myself.
Botshelo:(crying)Hi are...are you home?
Me:no..hey whats wrong why are you crying?
Botshelo:Anna..she...she jumped of a moving car
and..she is...(crying)we lost the baby..

Episode 219
Me:wareng ne Botshelo I cant hear you?where are
you now?Anna o siame?
Botshelo:she is in the hospital
OD looked at me expecting some explanations..he
raised his eyebrows.
Me:we will be there
I hung up
Me:Botshelo a re Anna is in hospital..
OD:what happened?
Me:aah she lost the baby,I told him we would come.
OD:Mme can we leave the kids,re ta ba tsaa kamoso
Mother:okay,but its cold
Me:di jesi di mo koloing,and Bofelo's diaper
Mother:ae nna ga ke rate dilo tseo,ke ta sala ke mo
ruta go ithoma ha a tshwaregile,le ruta bana boata.
I brought the jackets and hos milk then we left
without saying bye because we knew there would be
chaos,tantrums and crying.
At home
Cici put the glasses down and poured wine.
Cici:(raised her glass)happy anniversary baby..
Theo:I love you
Cici:lets not finish it or my dad will freak out,its
expensive akere wa bona
Theo:yeah plus they will chase me out if they find us
Cici:yeah..(got ontop of him)lets take selfies
He took out his phone and opened the camera,he
clicked a few photos as they made childish faces.
Cici:I wish I could see the look on your girlfriend's face
when I post them
Theo:haha she is not my girlfriend,ex girlfriend
Cici:whatever,I am gonna post them anyways
At the hospital
We searched the.visitors room and Botshelo was not
there.After a few minutes he came in drinking
coffee,he greeted us and sat down,he looked tired
and worn out.
Me:ga o ise o je?
Botshelo:I cant eat,it all just came to me,I killed my
son and I put Anna in hospital,Ali will never talk to me
or allow me to see my child,its fucked up.
Me:(hugged him)we learn from out mistakes,dont
beat yourself too hard
OD:how is Anna?
Botshelo:she is in a coma
Me:will pray for her,there is nothing you can do
here,lets go home il cook for you.
OD:who is her doctor?
Botshelo:Doctor Omar
OD:I will talk to him gore a re fe any update on
her,babe take him home,you should sleep bona
matho a gago there is no use sitting here crying.
Me:lets go..(kissed his cheek)I love you
We got in Botshelo's car and drove to his house.He
was looking outside,his mind was far away.
Me:kana ke wena yo itseng my mistakes in life,ne ke
nyoboka everything in the name of Calvin,I lost a lot
but look at me now..Anna will forgive you,she loves
Botshelo:will she?
Me:she will..I promise ke ta bua le ene..she is hurt
now because of the baby,when she wakes up shower
her with love
Botshelo:my life is a mess Phatsimo.
Me:I know,you will bounce back,le wena tswa mo go
Ali akere wa re a re the baby is not yours
Botshelo:she is lying
Me:what if she is not,akanya gore ta bo o lositse
Anna for what?come on
At his house
I made him a hot bath and cooked for him while he
was bathing,we ate together then he went to bed.It
was painful seing him like that.I called OD
Me:babe,did you speak to the doctor?
OD:yeah,she will be fine
Me:okay,le ene he is sleeping come pick me up
Me:babe..thanks for being so understanding,kana ha
ne e le yo mongwe ne a tsile go gana because
Botshelo is my ex.
OD:you are welcome,I am on my way
Later that evening
We could hear the music from our house two houses
away.Cici and Theo were dancing drunk all over the
house.I looked at OD and he looked at me,we were
both not in the mood,I switched off the radio.
Cici:oh hi,I didn't think you would be home in another
OD:I hope you didn't drink my scotch
I went into the bedroom and Od followed.
Me:nna kana ke gana tsone tse,Theo has to go
OD:I agree
Me:(smiling)haha what?
OD:they drank my scotch I could smell it ke tsena mo
ntong,he has to go
Me:you deal with them,I dont want to be the bad guy
OD:(laid on bed)I think Anna is depressed..I mean she
just lost her baby its right she acts like that,she is
Me:I would be hurt too,mme go ja Botshelo more
OD:(kissed my hand)I promise I would never do that
to you
Me:thank you
We showered and went to bed.
The following day we checked o. Botshelo,he was not
home.We went to the hospital,Anna was awake and
he had fallen asleep on her side.I shook him.
He streched his arms and put his finger on his mouth.
Botshelo:she is awake,o robetse lets talk outside
OD:how is she?
Botshelo:broken ribs and a few bruses,she will be
Me:am glad,did you eat something ne ke go tetse
Botshelo:thanks,il give it to her ga atsoga am sure
she is starving
Me:love her right,this is your last choice
OD:and stay away from Ali,when the baby is born you
will do a paternity test,right now focus on Anna and
her forgiveness
Botshelo:(smiling)haha monna kana if ne o sa ntseela
mosadi none of this would have happened
Me:haha mosadi ohe rra?
OD:Tsitsi kana ene she would have killed you o mo
Botshelo:I wouldn't do that,ka mo tshaba wa betsa
yo..good luck
We all laughed then we left.
He got back in holding the Tupperware.He sat down
and geld her hand,she turned her head to him,tears
flowing on her cheeks.
Anna:my baby..

Top of Form
Episode 220
At the hospital
Anna:my baby
Botshelo:(crying)I know..I am so sorry
Anna:(crying)I want my baby..I want my son
Botshelo kept quiet,she tried to seat but the pain
wouldn't let her.
Botshelo:babe dont seat santse o ise o hole
Anna:I just want my baby please
Botshelo:we can always have another one
She faced the other way crying.The room became
silent for a long time until the doctor came in
followed by the social worker.
Doc:(smiling)how are we?
Anna turned around looking at him without blinking.
Doc:This is our hospital psychologist Mrs Molefe,she
is going to be helping you heal from your loss and the
emotional trauma.
Anna:will she bring back my baby?
Mrs:Mam,I am here
Anna:(interrupt)if you cant bring my baby then I dont
need your help,you are going to tell me everything is
going to be okay that my husband will stop cheating
and that we going to be okay and live happily ever
after.Life is not like that.
Mrs:thats a good start,will you like your husband to
seat in?
Anna:no..and I am not doing whatever you want me
to do.Doc can you call my mum,I need her to come
take me.
The doctor took the number and walked
out,Botshelo followed him.
Botshelo:is she okay?
Doc:she is depressed and hurting she just lost a baby
so you can imagine what she is going through.
Botshelo:yeah,thanks il call her mother
After we picked up the kids we had pizza.
OD:who wants to make money?
All:I do
OD:I want you guys to make sure Theo leaves,make
his stay miserable
OD:what babe you want me to be the bad
guy?anyone in?
Wawa:I am in,they watched tv the whole night
Channel:and they laugh a lot its annoying
CJ:he has to go
Me:haha you are so evil guys..Donah do you like him?
Donah:yes,he played ball with me,he is awesome
OD:come on buddy where is your loyalty?
Me:mmh mmh togela ngwana they cant all be bad.
CJ:so what do you want us to do?
OD:we will discuss it when they (pointing at me and
donah)are not here
CJ:can we discuss payments?
We finished eating and went home,the house was
clean and the aroma of fresh baked muffins,lunch
was ready too.
Me:aww,you guys
Cici:we are sorry about yesterday
Theo:(gave me a muffin)my apologies I know I am a
guest here,please dont chase me away I promise
from now on I will be hands on in the house and
Me:(took a bite)mmmh nice you can bake?
Theo:yes my sister taught me
Me:mmh what else can you bake?
Theo:almost anything..(took Bofelo from me)hey big
guy,let me change you.

He took Bofelo to the bathroom,Cici followed

him,everyone looked at me.
OD:he has to go
Me:he can bake
Wawa:mum focus,focus he has to go
OD:(took a bite)he is good
OD:(mouth full)but he has to go
In the bathroom
Cici changed Bofelo's diaper and put on a fresh one.
Cici:see it worked,they wont say anything
Theo:babe should I be scared?
Cici:no I just know how to deal with my parents
Theo:haha yeah..(baby kissed her)I love you
At the hospital
Botshelo's mum helped Anna bath then she
massaged her and helped her eat.
Mother:I will come back tomorrow,I cooked tor you I
know hospital food sucks
Mother:I will pray tor you,this is a test,its the work of
the devil.One day your test shall become your
Anna:(crying)thank you,I am sorry I said..
Mother:you were hurt,you wanted to hurt me for
raising a cheat,I know that,from day one you have
always been an ideal daughter in law.Let it all pass,I
forgave you,forgive yourself and forgive Botshelo.
Anna:he doesnt love me,I forced myself on him for
long,I want to set him free now.
Mother:he loves you,he got lost he will come around
if not yet.
Anna:you should have seen how he looked at Ali,he
loves her,she is expecting his baby so they will be a
complete family.
Mother:do you love him?
Anna:yes..a lot..more everyday even when he hurts
me and cheats.(crying)but I can not force him to love
me,when I get better I will go get my stuff and go
back home,one day il be okay.
Mother:dont you want to fix things?
Anna:fix things with a man who is inlove with
another woman?
Mother:pray,fast on your marriage ngwanaka.Ta ke
tsamaye I will come kamoso
After she left Anna took the Tupperware and
opened,the aroma made her smile,Botshelo knocked
stucking his head in,he was carrying a big teadybear
and a plastic.
Botshelo:he wants to cuddle with you
Anna:(took it)tanki
Botshelo:want to give him a name?
Anna:(whiped her tears) ene nnana
Botshelo:wena Nnana take care of my girl...
Anna:(smiling)he better
Botshelo:go ipereka go monate kana,so iv decided to
take a whole month off ke go thokomele until o hola.
Anna:ke bata go ya Serowe
Botshelo:I can do this,mphe chance we will talk about
us ga o pressure
Anna:did you call my mum though? a ta kwano we wont have time to
bond again re bankanya dilo tsa rona.
Anna:and Ali?
Botshelo:a re the baby is not mine so..
Anna:wena wa reng?
Botshelo:I don't know but ga a re its not mine ke ta
dira jang?

Episode 221
The following day
I took the kids to school and went back to work after
I made sure they settled in well,I know how tough it
was to be a new student,thank God I didn't have to
worry about the twins because they were both
outspoken people and not antisocial.
At the Hospital
Botshelo pushed Anna's wheelchair to the car and
helped her get in then put in her seat belt.
Botshelo:o shapo?
Anna:ke shapo
He got in the driver's and they drove out of the
At Ali's house
She put her legs on the table applying nude nail
polish,someone knocked.she tiptoed to the door.
Ali:who is it?
Voice:ke nna
She opened the door as her friend followed her,they
sat down.
Friend:how have you been?
Ali:apart from the morning sickness I am awesome
Friend:Ao thats nice..Botshelo?
Ali:he hasnt called ever since that day mosadi wagwe
a nthubela dilwana,I told them the baby is not his..
Friend:are you sure o ta kgona to raise a baby
alone?its expensive
Ali:I will manage,milk and pampers its nothing really
Friend:okay,was just passing bye,cant wait till you
back at work go a bora o seyo
Ali:haha I am enjoying my rest mma
At Home
Cici sat on the sofa going through the channels.
Theo:aren't you going to clean the kitchen?
Cici:no I am not the maid,just leave it mama will clean
when she comes back
Theo:I promised I will be hands on,she cant find the
house this dirty.
Cici:I hate those little spoilt brats,they never make so
much dirt gompieno there is food everywhere and ba
kwadile on the floor now I have to mop this.
Theo:they are just kids,all kids do this
Cici:well they are not my kids,ba inketele
At Botshelo's
His mother helped Anna to the bedroom,she sat in
the bed and took off her jacket.
Mother:you should sleep in the spare room,kana o
motsetsi ka setswana.
Mother:you will use your own dish and cup and dont
cook for Botshelo I will
Anna:ee mma
Mother:okay I made the bed a reye
She helped her to the guest room,she laid down on
the mattress and Botshelo's mum massaged her feet.
Mother:o boge mpa eo gore e boele ko mannong,o
thape gararo ka letsatsi o je o sale o nonne o nne
Anna hela yo ke mo itseng.O seka wa omanya
Botshelo,o nne boikobo ngwanaka ene o ta
ikomanya,ga o tswa fa find work or start a
business.Dont be a stay at home wife,monna wa
gago e re a go bona phakela o ntse monte o kgabile a
bo a jalasa wa nkutwa?
Anna:(crying)ee mma,thanks for being a mother iv
never had one like you,my mum is always criticising

Mother:dont cry ngwanaka,rest now

Anna:thank you for everything
She walked out and bumped into Botshelo carrying a
tray with fruit salad and mango juice.
Mother:she is resting
Mother:seat down I want to talk to you
They sat down,she looked at him
Mother:the poor girl loves you,she is giving you a
second chance don't mess up.
Botshelo:I won't
Mother:And Ali yo wa gago keep her away from Anna
if you cant keep away from her
Botshelo:I will,ke ta mmolella gore its over,gape she
long tild me so..
Mother:good,if you ever doubt your feelings for
Anna then tell her and set her free.
Botshelo:I love her,I know people might doubt it but I
love her,I married her because I love her.
Mother:good,ta ke tsamaye masimane bale kana ba
bereka ka dipuo
Botshelo:okay bye
Later that evening
I parked in the garage and the kids got out running to
the house.Cici was sitting on the sofa on instagram
with her headphones on.
I went into my room and changed into my
tracksuits.The kitchen was a mess,there was leftover
pizza from yesterday in the microwave,the zink was
full of dirty plates.
Me:(took of her headsets)Cici
Me:and then,kitchen e leswe and you were home the
whole day
Theo came out of the bedroom putting on his hoodie.
Theo:hello mam
Me:hi..Cici go clean the kitchen
Theo:I am leaving
Me:you are?
Theo:yes,I just realised I cant stay with Cici o
matepe,she wants to spend the whole day on
Facebook and watch tv she wants me to do
Me:amme o ta nyalwa ngwanaka?
Cici:(walking to the kitchen)who said I want to marry
a man who wants to control me?
Theo:I am going ka bus ya 6,I have to go thanks for
the hospitality mam
Me:you are welcome,safe journey nana
Theo:thanks please thank your husband for me.
Me:I will
He went into the kitchen,I could hear them arguing
then he stormed out,went into the room and came
out with his bag.
Theo:go siame
The kids waved at him as he left.
CJ:do we still get paid?
Me:shh..she will hear u
The kids helped me prepare supper while the Miss
sulked all evening,OD came around 8 while I was
showering,he sat on the bed taking off his tie
Me:Theo is gone
Me:he got tired of the girlfriend's laziness
OD:haha good
Me:CJ a re a are they still getting paid
OD:yeah ma 5 pula akere they didn't do anything
Me:okay..but they gonna be angry
OD:they will be fine,ba rata madi bana ba
Me:ba ska gotsa rraabone,kana o kae Calvin
OD:miss him?
Me:tswaaa kii?miss who
5 months later
Episode 222
5 Months Later
At the hospital
In the maternity ward
OD held my hand tighter as I pushed one last long
push,after a few seconds we heard a soft cry.OD
looked at me smiling overwhelmed,am telling you he
was about to cry.
Midwife:(gave me the baby)you did well your baby
girl is here
OD:(crying)she is cute
Midwife:whats her name?
OD:Omatla Orefile Odirile
Midwife:(smiling)haha nice names
OD:Odirile ke sefane
Me:she is adorable
The Midwife took her and put on her name tag on her
hand and left.
OD:(knelt down)I love you more today than I did
yesterday,thank you
Me:ke lapile gore..
OD:I better go mme a ise a te or else ya go nna
dikgang kgang.
Me:I wouldn't have done it without your help.Thank
He kisses my hand and left,the doctor cleaned me up
and I laid on my stomach and fell asleep.
I woke up to Omi crying sleeping in a bed next to
mine,she was adorable and she looked like OD.Haha
no I am serious,I know people always say the baby
only shows who they look like after a few weeks but
mine looked like daddy.
She was sucking her thumb so I took her and
breastfeed her.
At Home
OD parked in the garage and staid in the car
crying,remembering all the pain a woman goes
through to bring a baby in the world,he wiped his
tears smiling thinking about his baby girl,she was
He dialed my number
OD:babe nna I dont think ke ta kgona just a day
without seing you
Me:haha you will come see us ha khujwana.e sena go
OD:I love you
Me:babe are you crying?
OD:I am not so tough after all am I?thank you the
mma for giving me this gift,you believed in me when I
gave up
Me:(smiling)you are welcome,I love you too..I will
send you a video,wa nyanya
OD:okay I am hanging up
At the hospital
I clicked on the camera and took a video as she
sucked on my nipples,I sent OD.
His mum walked in and sat on the chair looking at us.
Mother:how are you feeling?
Mother:O motona jang ngwana wa lona
Me:4.2 kg
Mother:heela,so when will you be going home?
Me:the doctor a re we are fine to go,gape I didn't get
stiches so I am fine.
Mother:you did well,OD o ta re isa akere,where is he?
Me:he went to get diaparo tsame at home and the
Mother:okay,I hope he was not in here when you
gave birth kana basha le dira dilo.
Mother:I know he is happy but he will have to wait
until khujwana ya ngwana e wa
Me:ee mma
At Botshelo's house
Anna took off her heals as she got in the house,she
threw her handbag on the sofa and went straight to
the kitchen,she fixed herself a sandwich and sat in
the counter stool eating it.
After she took out chicken from the fridge and put it
in the microwave to defrost.
Her phone rang and she smiled answering.
Anna:o utwa ke reng?
Caller:o makgakga hle mma,ka re lets go rohle ko
macheng kamoso
Anna:ke gore the ring on my finger ga e go tshose?
Anna:I am hanging up gape stop calling me o ta
nkomantsha ka monna wame.
She hung up and unbuttoned her top going into the
At New Mall
Ali and her friend came out of Pep store carrying big
plastics,her tummy was a soccer ball big,she wore
leggings and a black maternity top.
Botshelo came out of choopies,he was looking down
typing on his phone,he bumped into her,her plastic
fell down and they both reached for it.
They both looked up
He looked at her stomach,it was big,her nose was fat
too,she was glowing and looked pretty.
Friend:il wait for you in the car..(she took the plastic
She left,Ali and Botshelo stared at each other
without saying a word.
Ali:it was nice seing you
He got in his car and left,he was all he thought
about,it killed him that she said the baby was not his
when he damn well knew it was his.
At the Car
Friend:Hey Botshelo hle ke lekau
Ali:mmh,shobe le ene she was kicking gore ekare o
utwile gotwe ke ene daddy yo
Friend:haha the chemistry is still there
Ali:(got in the car)wai ga gona,ne a le mono
hela..(opened a packet of sour worms)a reye
At Botshelo's
The yummy aroma meet him at the door,he loosed
his tie and went into the bedroom to change.He sat
on the bed lost in his thoughts.
After a few minutes he went to the kitchen,Anna was
putting on headsets,she was swinging her hips going
with the rhythm of the song.He tapped her shoulder
and she turned around taking one earphone off.
Botshelo:someone is happy
Anna:life is short tsalame,iv decided to be happy
Botshelo:haha akere..
Anna:so o na le di plan for tomorrow?
Botshelo:ke cheka olady,ra go tshuba manamanyane
Anna:wa go boa what time?
Botshelo:you want to go with me?
Anna:no..just asking
Botshelo:ka sunday
Anna:(smiling)okay,are the kids coming over?
Anna:nice ke bata go ya macheng wa Sankoyo le
Anna:kana wa minda?
She put her headset on and continued with her pots.
Anna:(singing)I like your waist in particular..ohh
Botshelo took an apple from the fridge and left.
Later that evening
I carried the baby in the house,OD came with the
bags and his mother followed with Bofelo.He put
them down and kissed my cheeks.
OD:you will send photos akere
Me:I will,baby the rra dont cheat on me
OD:I promise I wont,I love you
Me:make sure the kids do their homework before
dinner,take the girls to the saloon ka saturday ba
loge cornrows,eseng di style.
OD:haha babe you are telling me for the hundredth
time now
Me:haha sorry..
He laid down the mattress for me and I put the baby
and laid down.His mum walked in and put the rest of
the bags.
Mother:five minutes
OD:ee mma
Me:babe I know you might get tempted,ke a go kopa
for the sake of our kids use protection.
OD:you know I think men who cheat are men who
have never been in the delivery room,shit babe I
could feel your pain ke go lebile hela jaana,women
are strong and precious.I promise ke ta ithokomolosa
nopa gore e helle e nyamela.
Me:haha good,now go..ska lebala soccer practice ya
ga CJ kamoso ka 1
OD:ee mma
Me:babe can you do me one last favour
Me:o seka wa adima Ciara koloi
OD:ee mma,come boy lets go
Bofelo:I want to stay with mama
OD:(picked him up)we going to the stadium tomorrow
Bofelo:(happy)yes yes
They got in the car and left
Somewhere in France
Call switched on the bedroom lights and threw
himself on the bed,his wife walked in behind him,she
was a beautiful slender with blond hair.
Anita:baby why you sleep,lets go club
Anita:(sulking)not fair..I go alone
Cal sat on the bed and looked into her eyes smiling.
Cal:wa ntapisa babe
Anita:(smiling)I go
She put her heels back on and french kissed him.
Anita:I come back and give blow job
Cal:or you can learn how to cook no no babe..I cook no..I rich husband
Her English always killed him,he laughed and pulled
her to him
Cal:je't aime
He pulled her dress up and tickled her small vagina
and got ontop of her,he slowly penetrated.

Episode 223
The following morning at home
The twins made breakfast while Warona set the
table,Donah and Bofelo were still sleeping,Cici was
on the sofa busy on her phone laughing with her
headsets on.OD had gone out to buy milk.
In the Kitchen
Wawa:I am finished
Channel:go wake up the boys and brush their teeth
OD walked in with the milk and fruits,he looked
around the kids were busy,he put them in the fridge
and sat on the kitchen counter.
OD:you guys are doing okay,CJ dont dry the eggs
Channel:mummy.said we should learn to do things
for ourselves because she wont always be here
OD:and she was right,akere niw she is gone and you
are making breakfast for everyone,so we gonna do
this..everyone who works extra hard scores some
They both turned and looked at him showing interest
in what he was saying.
Wawa walked in with the boys,OD picked up Bofelo
OD:so I am going to make a timetable for everyone
on chores,after doing your chore you sign then
month end everyone gets rewarded.
Wawa:(happy)yes..what do you reward us with?
OD:something you have always wanted
Channel:can we even visit dad in Russia?
OD kept quiet and looked at the twins,he could see
the pain in their eyes,they did miss their dad.
OD:so how about later we video call dad
Channel:(jumping up and down)yeees
Donah:and mum?
OD:yes and lets finish up and eat we are
going to watch soccer
CJ:I have soccer practise at 1
OD:I am sure missing practice one day wont hurt.
CJ:yeah plus I am the best
OD:okay,lets eat,Donah tsamaya o bitsa kgaitsadio
He ran into the living room,he shook Cici and she took
off her headsets.
Donah:lets eat
At Masimo
In the hut,I laid on my stomach eating the soft
porridge while my mother-in-law bathed the baby
then she wrapped her in her receiver and applied
lotion on her then she rubbed a black stuff on her
bellybutton.She laid her next to me and I breastfed
her.She poured the bathing water in a bucket and
closed it.
Mother:ke ta tsholla metsi a ngwana bosigo,batho ba
mono ba lowa kana
Me:haha my mother used to say that,she even hung
the baby's clothes inside the house until she was a
week old.
Mother:yes that gore baloi ba seka ba.tsaya
diaparo tsa nnana,kana.I am.sure they thought
Odirile will never have kids,ba bakile they wont see
this precious diamond until she is 4 months.
OD's niece walked in holding a big bowl with tswii and
fatcakes,she sat next to us.
Mother:go eat outside o bata go tswisa Mmagwe
Bofelo pelo akere yoi know she cant eat that
Kao:haha I am sorry I thought we could eat together
She took her bowl and left,I swallowed a big lump,I
looked at my bowl full of soft porridge mixed with
sour milk and the flask full of tea and I wanted to die.
Mother:you will eat nnana a thuthugile akere
ngwetsi yame
Me:ee mma
Mother:okay get rest now ke ye go thatswa matsela
a khumagadi ya rona.
Me:(smiling looking at Omi)ebile she is sleeping
She walked out and I called OD,he answered the
second call
Me:babe nna I want to come home
OD:haha matsalago wa go tshwenya?
Me:ba apeile tswii le mangwinya nna ke ja motogo
wa madila le tee
OD:haha sorry babe,il come steal you bosigo
Me:she sleeps here with us
OD:hahaha ke dire jang babe?
Me:aah I dont know,segolo ha ba ka ntekedisa hela.
OD:sorry motho wame,il bring you wings next week
Me:ba ga o na mosola waitse,how is everything,did
you eat?
OD:house is clean,we ate now i am taking the kids to
the saloon
Me:nice,o kae Cici?
OD:in her room,she is not talking to anyone
OD:I dont know and I dont care,probably boy stuff
Me:ijoo ke mathata,il send a photo ya ga khumagadi
ya gago,heela she has big eyes.
OD:haha senda ke bone baby..I miss you
Me:I miss you more,we love you
OD:we love you too
Outside the hut
OD's mum hung the baby clothes,she saw someone
coming from a distance and she wiped her hands.
The little girl came running
Mother:thategela rrago tee ke yole o eta
Dondo:(exited)yes o tshotse sekupu?
The little girl ran to the fire place.
Somewhere in France
Anita was sitting on Calvin's six pack busy on her
phone,Cal was also busy on his,he received an sms
and he hesitated reading it but eventually opened it.
"The kids miss you,we will video call you maitseboa
which will be morning there please answer,for your
He smiled a little
Anita:what you read?
Cal:nothing babe
Anita:why smile with phone?
Cal:just a meme
She snatched the phone and checked his
messages,she read the sms over five times to
understand it then she smiled.
Anita:we have babies?
Anita:(happy)we talk babies tonight?
Cal:haha mmm
Anita:cute babies?
Cal:very cute
Anita:yes..babies visit us okay,I tell people I am a
Cal:(sat on his butt and hugged her)I love you
Anita:I love you too babe
He let go of her and smiled
Cal:you say that very well
Anita:(baby kissed him)you teach me baby and I good
Later that afternoon,Botshelo parked his car in the
garage and went in through the kitchen door,he
grabbed an apple and went to the bedroom to
change,there were lots of clothes on the bed,he
changed and grabbed a beer,he sat on the sofa and
switched on the tv to BTV.
The match has not started yet but it was live.The
camera showed people at the stands,one certain
person caught his eye,Anna was with some guy
laughing but the camera moved before he could see
the guy,it had been long since he saw her laugh like
that,last time he saw that smile was before they got
married.Did he really destroy her that much,what did
the guy say to make her laugh and smile like that?
Botshelo:(text)are you happy?
Anna:are you okay?
Botshelo:I just saw you mo tv o tshega,its been long
since I saw that smile
Anna:well I haven't had anything to laugh or smile
about lately
Botshelo:,can we make things work?
Anna:the ball is in your court..
Botshelo:okay,I am home il make dinner o seka wa ja
He changed the channel to Action movies
At Maun Sports Complex
OD and the kids were seating at the Sankoyo stands
wearing their green and white t-shirts.Cici was
chatting with some guy who was busy pointing at
the field.
OD:guys let me go buy more hotdogs
Channel:lots of mustard for me
Wawa:and lollipops
As he walked outside he saw Anna and some guy
holding hands,she quickly let go of the guys when
she saw OD.The guy grabbed her hand again.
Guy:babe you are getting a divorce why do you care
what people think?
OD said hi and passed before they could respond.
In the evening after dinner
OD put his laptop on the table and everyone
gathered around it,Cal's face showed and all the kids
rejoiced making noise.
OD left them and went to his room
Channel:(crying)daddy I miss you
CJ:when are you coming back?
Channel:you never call us
A woman figure appered behind Cal and the kids kept
Anita:is this babies?
The kids laughed?
Cal:how are you guys I miss you too
Cici:we miss you more,we want to visit
Cal:if OD says yea then you can come,I live in france
Cici:wow france
Anita:(smiling)baby good student,she speak french
Cici:comment ca va?
Anita:(happy)ca va,j'm apelle Anita
Cici:Ciara..guys say your names
Anita:ohh I have channel bag,husband buy for me
The kids laughed
Cici:Wawa bua
Cici:(pointing at Donah and Bofelo)and this is
Christian and Andre
Anita:Andree is beautiful baby,you come visit okay
Cici:we will,show us you designer bag
Anita:I go get it
The kids laughed so hard,Cal laughed too
Cal:I am teaching her english
Cici:oh she is hilarious,we cant wait to visit
Cal:me too
Cici:she is pretty is she a model
Anita came back with the bag,she showed the kids
then they continued laughing at her engrish.
OD could hear them laughing from his room while he
was talking to me.
OD:ba itumetse ditshego tsa bone
Me:thanks for doing that for them,I love you
OD:I love you more
Around midnight
At Botshelo's house
He blew the candles and took the food to the
kitchen,he switched off the lights and went to bed,he
looked at the time again,it was five minutes past one.
Sub yame ya fela ka 5 pm,have a lovely
weekend.Much love

Episode 224
At Botshelo's
In the morning around 5 AM,Botshelo heard the
bedroom door open slowly,Anna took off her clothes
and went into the bathroom,he heard the shower
on,after a few minutes she stepped out wrapping a
towel around her body,she put on her panties and
head scarf and got in bed.
His heart beating fast and a lump on his throat he
decided to keep quiet.
At Masimo,later that morning
After bathing I bathed Omi and put her romper on,I
took a few photos of her then breast feed her,she fell
asleep then I slept on mu stomach and ate my soft
porridge.My phone ran..
OD:good morning my queen,le robetse jang?
Me:we are fine,mathata ke motogo babe nna I want
something salty or else am gonna die
OD:haha,sorry my love,I promise il bring in something
when we come to visit
Me:you better,did you sleep okay,uniform e clean
and the shoes?did the girl go to the saloon?
OD:haha Cici just put their uniform in the washing
machine,they are polishing their shoes as we speak
and yes they did their hair.
Me:thank you,you are a star I love you
OD:I love you too,how is my girl doing?
Me:I am.okay...haha kidding she is fine,she is sleeping
now I will send a photo
OD:okay,thanks for the photos at least I get to see
her grow everyday.
Me:yeah,let me drink my tea re ta bua
OD:okay babe,kiss her for me.
Me:I will
I hung up and put the phone down,I poured the tea
from the flask into my cup,the door opened and OD's
mum got in.
Mother:good morning
Me:good morning
Mother:your father-in-law is home so ne re
phakeletse ko bo kgaitsadie ba a nyadisa
Me:ee mma and we are fine,I bathed and feed her,I
bathed too
Mother:okay let me go prepare lunch kana ke motho
wa go ja ka bo 11
Me:ee mma,I wish I could help jaanong la bona le
lona,I dont think you should be cooking at your
age,after the baby is a week old il start cooking for
Mother:haha no ngwanaka I will manage,this is how
we exercise akere we can't run so we exercise ka go
bereka mo gae..Rrago ne a re re go bolaele podi o je
serobe,we will next week am sure o lapile ke motogo
Me:(exited)ee mma
She took off her shoes and went outside,she cut the
meat and put the pot in the fire,I watched through
the window as she sat down with her husband,they
smiled laughing abour something then she bent over
to him and he took out something from her
head,they smiled then she stood up and went to get
him a cup of water,she bent her knees and gave
him,he took with both hands then she stood like that
until he finished drinking,he gave her the cup and she
took it back,she came back with their Omega Radio
and gave him.
I watched them smiling and laughing,thats the kind
of love I want,they were so my relationship goals.
Me:(text)bae have you ever seen your mum and her
husband are happy
OD:do you envy them?
Me:yes,I kinda want us to be like that,it shows gore
they still love each other and she respects him so
OD:we will be like that one day babe,I am sure we are
some couples relationship goals too
Me:hopefully,she doesnt allow anyone to cook for
him,only her
OD:you know you can start hela gone hoo..babe mma
Cici is such a bad cook her vegetables ithele di ntibile
hela jaana ekare di ta buwa
Me:haha I am going to tell her,gatwe ke bolaelwa
podi next week ke je serobe
OD:thats nice of them..babe I am driving re ta buwa
Me:o ya kae?
OD:I am going to pay for DSTV ya kgaolwa ka 2
Me:okay shapo
At Botshelo's
He made himself scrambled eggs and a glass of
homemade milkshake.He sat on the dinning table
tracing the fork around the plate,Anna came in
putting on her earrings her dress unzipped.She
turned her back to him
Anna:nzipe hoo
Botshelo:(zipped her dress)sure
Anna:I am going to church
Anna:dont cook we will eat tsa maabane
Botshelo:(laughing)dont cook?
Anna:(walked out)see you later..
He heard her shoes echoing out of the house then he
looked out the window,she was fixing her hair and
applying lipstick looking at herself on the car mirror.
He put his plate in the microwave and went into the
bathroom,he showered and brushed his teeth and
put in his black jeans and a rollers t-shirt.He grabbed
his car keys and left.
At Home
The kids sat down watching tv,OD came in with pizza
and a bucket of KFC.
Wawa:atleast today we will eat real food
Cici:ungrateful brats
Donah:Cici your food is bad
CJ:and the meat is always salty
OD:haha ga le na tanki,bring plates re je
They all sat at the the dining table and everyone ate.
Channel:(mouthful)I miss dad' friend's english is beautiful
They all laughed
CJ:babies visit us
They laughed louder
Cici:can we visit him?
Cici:pretty please..I would love to go to France
OD:in this house everyone ears a impress me
Wawa:can we go too?
Channel:yeah..we always visit your dad so you can
come too
OD:start off by being nice to everyone,Cici..
Cici:il try..but this kids are so annoying but for france
I will,Channel can you close your mouth ga o ja
Channel:(closed her mouth)mmmh
OD:good now lets eat,Bofelo come seat here ke go
Cici:I will,come seat here boy
At Ali's house
She yawned and opened the door,Botshelo smiled at
her and walked in holding a big plastic bag.He sat
down and took out the clothes
Botshelo:(smiling)nna ke rekile hela,if its a boy o ta
ipona he will just wear pink
Ali:(surprised)whats going on?
Botshelo:ke reketse Mmaoratwa diaparo
Botshelo:yeah thats her name
Ali:(sat down)are you on drugs?
Botshelo:hahaha no..I decided to follow my heart,I
know you said o na le boyfriend I will respect him,nna
I am here for my baby
Ali:(walked to the kitchen)drink?
He followed her in and stood by the door..
Botshelo:how about I take you out for lunch
Ali:and your wife?
Botshelo:I am sure o busy le her boyfriend to even
Ali:can we order in nna tota ga ke bate go betswa ke
Botshelo:okay,o bata eng?
Ali:mmmh,fried chicken,pizza with extra cheese and
chicken sauce..
Botshelo:okay bath I will go buy
He grabbed his phone and left,she went through the
plastics smiling.
After church
Anna walked out with a tall masculine guy,they were
practically matching with the royal blue tie and her
royal blue blazer.They were laughing then he got in
his car,Anna followed in her car.
Some choir girls were looking at them as they drove
Girl:heee o jola hela ntse a rwele ring
Girl 2:wa se dira monyana yo,hey monna wa teng le
ene mma o monte kwa..and his height
Girl:mmh me ga a gaise Botshelo kana
Girl 2:mmh gone,yo ke gore hela o tshwere di height
nyana..a reye mma..mxm I forgot to tell you kana
gatwe Hazel wa batiwa..a le maswe jaana
At Old Mall
Botshelo got out of the shop typing on his phone,He
saw Anna's car from a distance,a man opened for
her,they walked towards him hand in hand..Their
eyes meet,she walked past him like she didn't know
him,he got in his car and drove off..

Episode 225
At Ali's
Botshelo knocked once and got in,he closed the door
behind him and put the plastic bag on the table,Anna
came out of the bedroom tying her braids into a bun.
Ali:what took you so long?
Botshelo:line,bananyana ko Debbonaise
She sat down and went through the
plastics,Botshelo went into the kitchen and came
back with two plates and glasses.He put them on the
table and looked at Ali who was already eating.
Botshelo:aren't you scared living alone?
Ali:when it rains I am,otherwise I am good
Botshelo:who is going to help you with the baby?
Ali:she will go to school,my mum is sick so
Ali:(smiled rubbing her tummy)its a girl,she better not
have your big head
They both laughed
Botshelo:aah and that ugly forehead of yours,babe
bona nko hela gore e kahe..
Ali:haha its because I am pregnant nna I have a
beautiful nose kana,and this forehead e sexy,you
used to say you love it
Botshelo:I lied sekopo seo se setona,she will be
perfect,she will be beautiful just like mummy
Ali:(smiling)thanks..a re je or I will finish everything
Botshelo:let me go wash my hands
He went into the kitchen
At the restaurant
Anna and Will were seating at the far end of the
restaurant,they were smiling holding hands.Their
order came.
Will:thank you
Anna:(pulled the plate to her)mmh I am starving
Will:jaa motho wame o kgore
Anna:(smiling)how long has it been since anyone
called me that?"mothl wame"
Will:ke tsile go go topela love babe
Anna:(shy)thanks,so I spoke to my lawyer phakela he
will send the divorce papers kamoso
Will:good,because I want to marry you ASAP,I want
you to become Mrs Kaelo
Anna:Annabelle Kaelo..mmh I love for
coming to church with me,yole kana ene o bina
kereke but we meet at church
Will:di fuck boy di tetse ko kerekeng,its so sad gore
women think good guys ba ko kereng.I am not a
church person but I know how to respect and treat a
lady,I am not perfect but I will never get my side chick
pregnant ,Botshelo wa go talla
Anna:can we not talk about him,I am sure after he
saw us together he ran to Ali,mxm a ba jole and see if
I care,e ta re divorce ya go fela a bo ebile ke batilwe.
Will:mmmh,a re je babe.
Later that evening
At Ali's
Botshelo put on his jacket and took his car keys,Ali
walked him to the door.
Botshelo:lock the doors
Ali:I will,thanks for today I needed it,and Mmaoratwa
needed some bonding with daddy
Botshelo:any day,let me go
He kisses her cheek,they both looked into each
other's eyes awkwardly for a few seconds.
Ali:(looked down)bye
Botshelo:can I get a second chance?
Ali:(touched her stomach)maybe if you were like
single and stuff,I am done being second best tota
Botshelo:this time I want us to make things
work,maybe we can talk more after my divorce
Botshelo:yeah,it has long been over ke gore hela we
have been in denial,we haven't had sex in almost 7
months and she is dating this giant guy,ke ba bone in
town and she didn't give a fuck gore ke ba bone,she
pretended gore ga re itsane and I did the same,I dont
blame her,I mean I wouldn't want to be married to a
woman who doesn't love me.
Ali:I hope you dont regret it
Botshelo:I wont,we both wont..
Ali:I guess re ta bua
Botshelo:ke solohele sengwe?
Ali:you know I love you
Botshelo:thanks babe..I love you
Ali:I love you too
He got in his car and waved at him,she waved back
and got in the house.
At Home
OD stired the pots while the twins sliced the
vegetables,the bell door ran and Warona opened
it.She smiled and jumped on her dad.
Botshelo:my princess,I missed you
Wawa:I missed you too daddy,(shouting)Donah
daddy is here
He came running,he put down Warona and picked
him,OD came out of the kitchen wiping his hands
with the apron.
OD:hello man
Botshelo:(picked up Bofelo)hey mona what are you
feeding this kids ba nonne jaana?
OD:haha aah ba ba ja thata,le mopaki ba o ja hela mo
They sat down,the twins greeted him and went back
to the kitchen,Cici greeted hin and went back to her
OD:and you came just in time for dinner.
Botshelo:aah ke shapo I was just passinv here to see
the kids,and can we talk..Wawa take your brothers to
the bedroom and want to speak to your dad
Wawa:adult talk?
Botshelo:yes baby
Wawa picked up Bofelo and Donah followed them.
OD:yeah,whats up?
Botshelo:hey man,ke lekile,infact we both tried but
go padile,I want a divorce..Anna wa jola and I cant
blame her,o dida hela mponeng and batho ba setse
ba simolotse go bua,I want our marriage to end
well,we didn't sign a prenuptial but ke bafa go mo ha
koloi and sell our house,we will devide the money..I
think thats reasonable
OD:but you dont owe her that much,koloi e shapo
Botshelo:no ke bata go mo ha,I owe her that much,I
treated her badly
OD:wa re wa jola?
Botshelo:mmh ke kopane le bone in town
OD:so o ha monna yole madi a gago bra yaaka?waitse
ga o akanye..bona if you want to gi e her
something,epa dipata dont sell your house,infact nto
ele ya bana ba gago,lesa bomata monna
Botshelo:I dont want to start over le Ali in thaf house
I used to share Anna,she wont like it too.
OD:haha ohh so thats why?bona rent it ee,let her
take the bed and buy a new one just dont sell the
house,a friend of mine ebile is transferring here ka
june,he has a big family so ba ka tsena mo teng
Botshelo:okay but what if her lawyer a bata re rekisa
nto and stuff
OD:ae ta bo a poka,il draft dipampiri kamoso,(stood
up)nna ke apeetse bana mr,come to my office
kamoso.Kana ha o bona people decide on divorce o
itse gore go hedile.
Botshelo:mmh go hedile,sale go hedile gone mme I
guess I had to see for myself gore its really over.let
me go,tell the kids I said bye
He walked him to the door
At Kelly's
She laid on the carpet waving her legs in the air,her
son was sitting on her back.She was waiting for Cal
to answer.His face showed on the screen
Kelly:nana come see daddy
Cal:hey babe
Kelly:hey,how are you,nana daddy
Cal:hey big guy,haha ngwanake o maswe jang ne
Kelly:wa swaba,this is the cutest baby in the
world,we miss you
Cal:I miss you too,yoi should come visit
Kelly:I cant travel with the baby for so long,come
back home
Cal:I cant now,tiro e ntsi
Kelly:kana your French girlfriend ga a batle o tla?
Cal:mmh mmh
Cal:she went out
Kelly:where to?
Call:ga o itse Paris babe why would you want to know
where she went
Cal:o ngadile jaanong?
Kelly:so (yawning)ka otsela..bye..boy say bye to
Him:bye tata
Cal:he still cant speak?
Kelly:no,am getting worried now,kana he is almost 3
Cal:don't stress he will speak a bo a re lapisa
Kelly:haha akere,I miss the twins and Nicole,kante
they can't visit o seo?
Cal:ke tla bua le OD,I am sure they miss you too
The door opened and Anita walked in,she saw Kelly
on the laptop screen.
Anita:(smiling)oh hello,is country wife?
Kelly:ijaa wa asimolla ka sekgoa se se bohloko,shapo
Cal:haha shapo country wife
Kelly:wa swaba
Anita:oh baby is sleeping,he not speak even today?
Kelly:he speak yesterday
Anita:ohhh you call us when he speak,I want to hear
baby,he is ugly but cute sleeping
Kelly cut the call
Anita:ohh..she disappear
Cal:you were being rude,you dont call the baby ugly
Anita:I am sorry..but he is cute when sleeping
Cal:(looked at the bags)you went shopping again?
Anita:yes..smiling)I buy lots of clothes,my dad give
me money
Cal:(kissed her cheek)okay
At Botshelo's
Anna slowly closed the door busy concentrating on
her phone,she smiled and went into the bedroom,she
changed into a summer dress.Botshelo was sitting on
the sofa busy on his phone,she sat down.
They kept quiet for about an hour,both smiling with
their phones.Anna stood up and went into the
bedroom,she wore her cardigan and pumps.
Anna:I am going out
Anna:dont wait up
She opened the door and got in Will's car,she baby
kissed him and put her arm on his head they they
drove off.
In the house
Botshelo:(text)haha robala mma go bosigo
Ali:akere ke wena o ntiileng ka maaka,ebile kana
Mmaoratwa o raga gore ekare ba go itse,ke
sehakgale mnyana yo
Botshelo:haha yeah o itse daddy,good night
Ali:we love you
He switched off his mobile data and put the phone on
charge,he took off his gown and went into the
guest's bedroom,got in bed and switched off the
At Home
OD yawned and closed his eyes.
OD:mmh shapo my love,kiss my princess for me
Me:mmh I will,night we love you
OD:and we love you too bye
He hung up and put the phone under the pillow.
The following day
Botshelo walked out of OD's office with the divorce
papers,he dialed Anna.
Botshelo:can we meet I want to give you something
Anna:good le nna I want to give you something
Botshelo:I am on my way home
At Botshelo's
After waiting for almost an hour Anna walked in
holding an envelope,she threw it on his lap,he smiled
and gave her his.
They both opened them and read,Anna smiled
shaking her head,Botshelo laughed out loud.
Botshelo:you are kidding me right
Anna:50 thousand and a car?seriously?
Botshelo:ke gore o loiwa ke mang ne wena,you found
me ke na le business,I built this house re sa jole,wa
tsenwa I am not giving you half of anything..ebile ha
ne go bua Phatsimo because I was starving and broke
ke nna le ene,wena you found everything se le shapo.
Anna:its all for the pain and suffering
Botshelo:aggg tsamaela koo,nna you think I wasnt
suffering ke go bona o ronka le monna mo
mmolong,will you compensate me for that pain?
Anna:I am just giving you a taste of your own
medicine,how do you think I felt o ratana le Ali?
Botshelo:I never published our dirty laundry,ne ke
iphitha,wena o dira do rata akere o bontsha motse
othe..mxm ebile you are not getting a cent from
me,ne ke dira botho.
Anna:mxm..just so you know William o ntsha magadi
yaana end of June
Botshelo:I dont even know who William is,why would
I care?
She took the envelope and stormed out..

Episode 226
At Botshelo's
Botshelo followed her outside
Botshelo:Anna wait
She turned around and looked at him like she was
Botshelo:can we talk about this like grown ups?
Anna:Botshelo wee I
She walked back to the house,they sat down and
looked at each other.
Botshelo:remember how inlove we were ga re
Botshelo:I still love you,maybe not like before but I
still love you,we did not sigh a prenuptial so ga gona
mosola to contest against me,the judge will rule to
my favour so just accept madi le koloi,I mean even
that car is in my name so a re seka ra dira dilo thata
for both of us,lets part go le monate,stop
disrespecting me because I am still your husband,I
know gore o bone motho but be discreet until the
divorce is finalised,lesa go ratanela mo mathong a
batho,you know batho ba gore o paletswe ke lenyalo
and blame you because ba go bonetse sephiri,iphihle
so that when everyone finds out we are divorced ba
ipotse what happened not for you to be called
maina.I know you are trying to hurt me but you can't
hurt someone who doesn't care,ratana hela o iphitha.
She kept quiet
Botshelo:accept koloi le madi please,if you feel like
you want more tell me hela re bue re iketile,wa bona
gore ntse o ratana hela ke sa bue sepe,o lala nageng
ke sa bue sepe its because I know Iv done you worse,I
hurt you,you gave me your heart and I broke it,I saw
how hurt you were when we lost the baby,I never
want to see you cry that much or be unhappy
because of me.
Anna:I am sorry I wasn't the best wife,I was insecure
and wanted to control you,I always felt like I drove
you into cheating by my nagging,you did me wrong
ka go imisa Ali,I feel like you didn't mourn our baby
because you knew gore you had another one
coming,it hurt me more.You never even wanted to
touch me after the baby,yoi kept your distance and I
could see gore you were miserable,there was no love
between us,I started seing you like a brother and
then I meet Will,he is not perfect,he is not the most
handsome,he is not rich but he worships the ground I
walk on,he loves me more than you ever did.He
understands me and makes me want to be a better
person.He is everything I ever wanted from you but
you gave all that to Ali,you are right I wanted to hurt
you but o bua nnete you really dont care,ke lemogile
Botshelo:I am sorry I am such a disappointment,you
deserve better
Anna:thank you
Botshelo:and congrats on your engagement
Anna:(smiling)haha mxm engagement ya eng ne
wena,I was lying ga gona sepe hoo
Botshelo:haha,I am glad he makes you happy,it was
great but ke life akere..
Anna:yeah and take care of Ali
Botshelo:if she takes me back
Anna:wa yaka le boelane
Botshelo:no we are just friends
Anna:okay,il move out kamoso then come get the
rest of the stuff after ke bona nto
Botshelo:you can take anything you want,from bed
to tv
Anna:I was going to take them anyway,and thanks
for the car and the money,let me go
Botshelo:can I get a hug
They stood up and hugged then he moved his lips
closer to hers,he softly baby kissed her,with her eyes
closed she wrapped her arms around him and kissed
him back,he picked her up and walked to the door,he
locked the door and walked to the bedroom.
Two weeks later
At Masimo
OD got in the house and closed the door,the kids
were.playing outside.
He sat next to me and took Omi from me, she was
already asleep. He laid her down on the mattress and
leaned over kissing meshed placed my hand on his
boner and continued kissing me. I put my hand in his
boxers and played with his balls, he closed his eyes
then I took out his big hard eggplant, with his eyes
still closed I put it in my mouth, he breathed heavily
and pressed my head on his dick choking me with it, I
went on for a full five minutes then took a breath
while giving him a hand job, I continued again for a
full six minutes then he started humping my head, I
felt his shots down my throat, lol sperms are salty.
I removed my head and spit on the towel, he looked
at me smiling wiping himself.
OD: thank you
Me: mmmh
OD: arw you okay?
Me: pass me that bucket
I threw up in it, ewww like I swallowed a little,he gave
me a glass of water and I rinsed my mouth.
Me:I am okay now, ta ke ye go tsholla
OD: okay
I walked out and bumped into Cici,she gave me the
Cici: Theo wants to talk to you
Me: hello
Theo: Hello mam,I was just calling to ask if Cici can
visit us
Me: are you having sex?
Cici quickly took the phone from me
Cici: mum thats gross…babe il talk to you later
Me:are you?
Cici: what if we are?
Me: the I want you to get on the pill ASAP
Cici: mum I have been on the pill for over a year now
Me: (surprised)a year?
Cici: so can I go?
Me:are you using a condom?
Cici:eww mum thats private
Me:are you
Cici:yes we are
Me:okay if its okay with OD you can go
I went to the toilet and emptied the bucket,I found
Cici and OD outside talking
Cici: eww you guys…stop with the questions
OD: you can go if you are using a condom
Cici: (embarrassed) yeah
Me: yeah what?
Cici: we are using a condom
Channel: haha you are what?
We turned around and looked at her
OD: you can go
Channel: can we go too?
Cici: are you using a condom?
She ran away screaming, Cici hugged OD.
Cici: thanks
OD:so that means you are not going to France
Cici:we are going in a week

Episode 227
Cici: we are going next week
Me: are you excited?
Cici: mum its France,they speak french and eat
french loave wouldn't you be exited?
I walked into the house, Omi was awake,with all the
screaming and shouting outside,she was eating her
fists.I picked her up and breastfed her.
OD: she is beautiful
Me: she is, and she looks like you, but has my lips, she
is cute, I think she is the most cute baby here, o gaisa
Channel le Cici
OD: ga ba ka go utlwa, let me kiss her before re
tsamaya, ga go a aeniwa uniform
Me: okay, next week I am going back with you,ke fila
gore matsadi a fedile jaanong mo mmeleng
OD: I cant wait to have you home,its not the same o
Me:thank you for taking care of mu kids,I know gore
ba lapisa but thanks,you are the best husband in the
whole wide world
OD:(kissed my cheek)thanks babe,you are the best
wife too
Me:i wish it ended well for Botshelo and Anna
OD:talking about those two,haha waitse nna
Botshelo wa mmakatsa,he called me bosigo hela ka
bo 1 a re ke gone a lemogang gore he loves Anna
OD:haha le nna ke maketse,it took them this long go
lemoga gore ba ratana
Me:and Ali?
OD:a re she wont take him back,apparently she has
some daddy issues,he left them for another woman
so she feels like deja vous
Me:ijooo but just last week ne a re wa divorsa
OD:ga a itse se a se batang..babe let me go o ka ntia
He kisses Omi and left,the kids said goodbye from
outside,I watched as they reversed and the car
disappeared into the big bushes.I sat down and
smiled looking at Omatla,my baby,my happy ending.
At Botshelo's
The truck loaded Anna's things while she carried the
boxes to her car,Botshelo helped her.The truck left
and she wiped the sweat of her forehead and smiled
looking up in the sky.
Anna:I think its going to rain
Botshelo:it is,wa.utwa go nkga pula
Anna:I better go,bye
Botshelo:bye,um about what happened last time
Anna:(smiling)friends right?
Botshelo:friends (opened the door)bye
She drove away then he went back in the house,he
looked around,he already missed her presence.He sat
in the middle of the room with no furniture,she had
taken everything even the bed,he smiled.His phone
got an sms
"I lied,Will is not everything,after we made love last
week I realised I dont love Will,he is a self centered
man,he loves money and his mother,I mean he still
calls her mama,a grown up like him,I heard he has
been married over five times,he is the one who said
ke bate half of everything,it was just a fling and I
mistaken it for love,he is a fraud,a black widow.I
wanted to tell you this but I didn't want to see your
reaction,for the first time in a long time I want to
come back home"
Botshelo read the message over five times,his phone
ran,he looked at the caller and hesitated answering.
Ali:hi,I was wondering what happened to you
Botshelo:sorry,I was helping Anna move her stuff
Ali:you let her go?
Botshelo:she is gone..
Ali:I didn't let you go so that you can let her go,go get
your woman,fix lenyalo la lona,you both made
mistakes,am telling you she doesn't love that guy ne
gotwe o betisiwa pelo hela.
The heavy rain started pouring outside,it cut the
electricity and the room became dark.
Ali:Mmaoratwa is gonna be si dissapointed in you
waitse,a man who...
He cut the call and searched for his car keys,he went
outside and ran to his car,he reversed out and joined
the road.
At Home
OD laid on the bed with Donah and Bofelo,they
covered their eyes with the blankets as hte thunder
hit,the door opened and Cici,Channel,CJ and Warona
all walked in the room.
Cici:ra boifa
Wawa:can we sleep with you?
He smiled and made space for them on their big king
bed,they all got in the warm bed cuddling with each
other,he slept at the far end almost falling
down,after a few minutes he fell and they all
laughed.He got back on the bed and Bofelo cuddled
with him.Cici took out her phone and opened the
flash camera.
Cici:a re tswise mama pelo
She clicked and took a few photos.
At Masimo
MmaOdirile was sleeping on the bed while I cuddled
with Omi,it was raining cats and dogs outside,my
phone received an sms.I opened and smiled at the
photo of all of them sleeping on the bed.
Me:(text)I love you guys
I opened my front camera and toom selfies and sent
In France
Cal took off his jacket and brushed the snow on his
boots,Anita came out of the bathroom tying her
He kissed her
Anita:today I cook for husband
Anita:yes come seat
He sat down and she took the lid of the plate,it smelt
good and looked good.He took one bite and smiled.
Cal:mmmh whats this?
Anita:its frog legs
He spat the food on the napkin and left rinsed his
mouth,Anita laughed her lungs out
Cal:(laughing)not funny
Anita:I am kidding its chicken,look chicken not frog
Cal:haha mxm
Anita:haha I prank husband
They both laughed,his app received a message
OD:you can come back home,the kids miss you
He smiled and looked at Anita
Cal:you want to go to Africa?
Anita:yes yes,I see elephant and monkey
Cal:(kissed her)pack your bags babe we are going on
an adventure
At Kelly's
She tucked in her son and kissed her goodnight,Dumi
walked in applying lotion on his elboys,he got in bed
Kelly:Cal is coming back,we can't do this anymore
Dumi:when is he coming?
Kelly:they will be here on tuesday
Dumi:(kissed her)so this is it?
Kelly:yes,I know we have an open marriage but you
are off limits
Dumi:I understand
He kissed her and laid her on the bed.
At Botshelo's
He parked the car in the garage,it was almost 9pm,he
had waited where she was moving to and she had
not arrived,he took off his shoes and tried on the
lock,it was not locked,he opened the door
slowly,there were candles on the floor and she was
seating there on the floor.
She stood up and hugged him,they both cried.
Anna:I am sorry
Botshelo:no I am sorry..I..
She interrupted him with a kiss.
Botshelo:it took us all of that to realise we love each
Anna:I love you...(screaming)bathong I so fucking love
They both laughed
Anna:I waited and waited ne o ile kae?
Botshelo:I was at your house..I was going to get my
woman,ne ke ta ke re ke tsile go apara jesi
Anna:haha,I never left..(covered him with a blanket)I
love you,re robala kae go sena bolao?
Botshelo:new beginnings babe,re robala mo floor
They laughed and continued kissing,his phone ran.He
put on loud speaker
Botshelo:(smiled)I got my woman
Ali:haha..good you made your daughter proud,shapo
He hung up and kissed Anna
Botshelo:I love you,I love you and I promise I will
never fail you
Anna:I love you,in sickness and in health,poor or
He kissed her and laid her down softly on the
floor.The electricity came back,he smiled and
brushed the hair in her face.
At Masimo
OD:ba thulametse on our ned babe nna ke robetse ka
Me:haha sorry my love,good night
OD:good night my love
I hung up and changed Omi,she faced me then I
kisses her forehead.
Me:the grace of God is indeed sufficient for all of us..
THE END..!!!!

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