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Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

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Method for energy optimization with reliability analysis of a

trigeneration and teleheating system on urban scale: A case study
Ferdinando Salata a,∗ , Andrea de Lieto Vollaro a,1 , Roberto de LietoVollaro b,2 ,
Lorenzo Mancieri a,b,2
DIAEE, Area Fisica Tecnica, Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
DIMI, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, via Vito Volterra, 62, 00146, Rome, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Understanding if a technologic solution satisfies the energy demands of a residential neighbourhood,
Received 30 July 2014 and whether it is financially a benefit or not, cannot be determined by the only amount of energy that
Received in revised form can be saved. Technologies such as CCHP could represent the perfect answer to this problem, on one
19 September 2014
condition though: it must be taken into consideration the reliability parameter as well. The plant config-
Accepted 29 September 2014
uration should guarantee a service without any interruptions. Redundancies must be evaluated and the
Available online 8 October 2014
consequences of the installation costs they imply.
This study presents a method to make the right choice about an energy system characterized by: energy,
reliability and economic services which satisfy power supplying to a polygeneration grid in a residential
Teleheating context. The case study is the area of Arci, near Rome, Italy.
Reliability Our purpose is to realize a teleheating network and create a system able to satisfy the electric demands
Energy optimization of the area. The first step is an accurate estimation of the electrical and thermal demands. Then we
Urban scale compare the optimized energy solutions with the traditional ones. Some changes have been introduced
Design methodology to improve the system’s availability. All these steps take to an economic evaluation able to give some
H.O.M.E.R. useful information about the feasibility of the technical choices previously made.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction house gases), development of the energy market and by an always

increasing necessity of safety for what concerns the supplying (in
In the past few years the energy industry has been charac- order to reduce the vulnerability of the energy system). There is no
terized by several innovations, determined by different factors: a doubt that facing the threat of a climatic change and the need to
fast technologic development, higher demands and the constant respect the agreements reached by several countries, through the
problem represented by the supplying furnished by traditional Kyoto Protocol (and the agreements that followed), represent other
sources. This force pushing towards the propagation of new energy important factors determining the change of the energy industry
systems is caused by the development of technologies that are [1].
efficient both economically and energetically; together with the A decentralized and distributed energy planning (DEP, decen-
stimulus of the regulations controlling the energy production, the tralized energy planning) is meant for an efficient use of the
necessity to exploit renewable resources, more sustainable solu- resources. Obviously the traditional centralized production of
tions for the environment (with lower levels of emissions of green energy cannot catch up with the changes of the socio-economic
and ecological factors of developed countries or countries whose
growth is booming. The introduction of energy supply and demand
∗ Corresponding author at: via Eudossiana, 18, 00184, Rome, Italy. of new settlements in the current energy system must be reported
Tel.: +39 0644585661. at the same map scale [2]. A higher efficiency cannot be determined
E-mail addresses: (F. Salata), by an increase of the generative capacity any more, but rather by (A. de Lieto Vollaro), smaller units arranged near the areas where energy is required [3]. (R. de LietoVollaro),
Distributed generation systems are smaller, less subjected to the
lorenzo (L. Mancieri).
Postal address: via Eudossiana, 18, 00184, Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 0644585720. area where they are placed and mass-produced (profiting by the
Postal address: via Vito Volterra, 62, 00146, Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 0657333505. economy of scale).
0378-7788/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 119

The distributed generation of electric energy, that is the pro-

duction of electricity in self-generating/self-producing small units,
spread and decentralized in several spots of the territory and
directly connected to the electric distribution network, is an engi-
neering solution that allows a better exploitation of the traditional
energy resources, in this way satisfying simultaneously the thermal
needs of the final user, connecting the units directly to the distri-
bution system [4]. The local energy regulations imply the planning
and design of efficient solutions for the community. The polygen-
eration [5,6] is a promising concept, whether if we are dealing with
a single building or a whole district [7,8], especially when we have
at the same time different types of energy demands. For what con-
cerns the district, an adequate energy consumption in the territory
explains smart grids investments, district heating and refrigeration
networks [9,10]. This is the sort of challenge that the energy indus-
try must face in the future: such paradigm goes beyond the one
characterizing the “Thermoelectric and centralized production”,
and “Efficient renewable” meant for the decarbonisation which is
already executing the distributed generation.
The distributed generation paradigm is recognized as the energy
paradigm for the future [4,11,12] and is a benefit for the fields of:
finance, engineering and environment. Such change of the energy
systems must be supported, globally and locally, with a strict set of
rules helping the development of modern technological infrastruc- Fig. 1. Division of the examined area into allotments. Zone A and B: residential,
tures, of new financial strategies and a different “energy education” Zone C: services. The part with a dark grey colour represents buildings that are not
constructed yet; light grey colour represents buildings already constructed.
of the final user [13].
The European Union is deeply involved in this “Third Industrial
Revolution” [14] with the main goal to expand infrastructures able these energy systems must be always calculated and compared
to increase enormously both in efficiency and productivity, creating with availability and service continuity values characterizing more
new companies and new jobs [15]. traditional systems. The final users, especially in industrialized
The development of smart grids is one of the pillars of this Euro- countries, will hardly accept an interrupted service, even if it is
pean project and they are considered the evolution of the electrical more ecological and less expensive.
grid able to solve many problems affecting the energy systems of This last consideration represents the starting point to deal with
today since they can manage the production, the transmission and the problematic aspect of making choices about the exploitation
distribution of the electricity furnished by modern technologies of traditional energy resources which energetically could seem the
[16]. most convenient (both economically and ecologically), but actually
A smart electrical grid should be able to integrate all the they could cause problems of service continuity and reliability [22].
parties involved, whether producers or users, in order to sup- Our purpose is to use a method able to melt energy analysis (for
ply energy in an efficient, sustainable way which is safer and financial savings) and a probabilistic study based on the analytic
economically profitable. The main goal of a smart grid is to evaluation of the main reliability factors (together with all the costs
promote the active participation and the decision-making pro- determined by the exertion and the management/maintenance of
cess of the consumer to facilitate the creation of an operating the system) [23]. When both these aspects are satisfied it can be
environment where public services and users of electric energy possible to perform a global financial analysis which takes into
present a mutual influence on each other. As a matter of fact consideration every aspect (from energy savings to management
users can affect managers by adding sources of distributed and maintenance expenses). Then it will be possible to make an
generation. Public services are able to improve the reliability evaluation of the feasibility of some plant-engineering choices [24].
level with question-answering programs, by adding distributed
generation or energy storage in substations and furnishing an 2. The case study
automatic control to the grid [17]. High reliability standards and
service continuity are the elements that make a grid, a smart one. The present study is part of the regeneration plan for the district
Urban areas present a limited diffusion of multi-generation sys- of Arci, in Tivoli. Tivoli is placed not far from Rome, with a housing
tems, even though they could be exploited in a better way, probably population density of 773.2 inhab./km2 and it is located at 235 ms
because of the regulatory restrictions for local emissions of spe- above sea level. Arci (Tivoli) is the area examined in this case study
cific pollutants causing the deterioration of air quality. It cannot be and it stands on the left bank of the river Aniene, about 4 km South-
stated without absolute certainty that the distributed generation, East from the centre of Tivoli.
applied on urban areas, represent a danger in terms of pollution Our starting point is the urban texture and the new urban
[1]. Some studies show that such technologies can furnish a reliable framework to realize, we take into consideration the new energy
electric energy [18–20]. demands (determined by the growth of the resident population)
What we want to stress is that all those uncertainties con- that must be fulfilled in the future.
cerning the reliability of these technologies could represent Fig. 1 shows how the area is divided and this configuration will
one of the causes delaying the development of these energy be our point of reference to study all the polygenerative solutions
systems. In a specific type of context, the preliminary evaluation here examined.
of the good quality of energy of these systems, hence of the possi- The surface of the area is about 3 km2 . The three zones have an
ble savings as well, cannot be the only problem to be solved during estimated population of about 2523 inhabitants. 35% of the build-
the decisional phase concerning their feasibility (from a financial ings are not constructed yet (Table 1). 90% of the inner surfaces
and engineering point of view) [21]. The reliability parameters of of the buildings is formed by residential buildings (Table 2). This
120 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

Table 1 difference of 25 ◦ C between the inside and outside, with 0.6 W/m2 K
Division of the surfaces of the buildings in the examined area.
for thermal transmittance of the walls, 1.9 W/m2 K for the trans-
Surfaces [m2 ] mittance of windows, and a minimum amount of air changes (in
Already constructed 44,975 65%
accordance with EN 13779:2004) and heat recovery if the ventila-
Not constructed yet 24,349 35% tion airflow exceeds 10,000 m3 /h. The refrigeration is calculated by
taking into consideration an outside temperature of 35 ◦ C and an
Total 69,324 100%
inside temperature of 26 ◦ C, a relative indoor humidity of 50% and
an air change of 20 m3 /h per person. The electric power showed in
Table 2 the table takes into consideration the whole amount of power used
Intended use and surfaces of the building. simultaneously (lighting load as well).
Total (amount) of the surfaces The evaluation of the peak demand for electricity takes into con-
sideration the lighting of the spaces outside the properties, streets
Intended Use Area [m2 ] %
and public spaces, in accordance with UNI 10439 (about the streets
Residential 62,712 90 lighting requisites regulating streets with motorized traffic) and
Other 6612 10
UNI 10819 regulation. Those values are included in Table 2 in the
sections “public spaces” and “streets”.
is a factor that will affect deeply the daily trend of thermal and Table 3 shows the size of the surfaces characterizing the exam-
electrical demands. ined area and divided according to their intended use and the
specific powers evaluated.
3. Valuation of the specific powers demanded Hot water demands change according to the number of users.
We assume that for the residential area, there is a 55 L daily con-
In order to reconstruct the electrical and thermal requirements sumption of sanitary hot water (SHW) for every person with a
of the area, we must determine the electric power demanded from typical life standard. For what concerns different types of intended
the buildings and the outside lighting, together with the thermal use characterizing the examined area, the consumption of hot
power necessary for heating, cooling and the energy needed for water in other environments is represented in Table 3. Energy
sanitary hot water production. demands are not satisfied immediately, because the SHW required
We decide to produce, through cogeneration systems, the entire every day is produced when there is a thermal energy surplus pro-
electrical requirements and part of the heat necessary to the area. duced by cogenerators. This surplus will be stored.
According to the type of technology characterizing the machiner- Table 4 shows the valued power to produce sanitary hot water in
ies, used for the refrigeration production, the refrigeration load every building. The choice is to produce sanitary hot water by using
will be added either to the electrical or thermal load. If the cool- the heat recovered from cogeneration systems. The kW required for
ing is produced through a compression cycle, the power needed this production will be added during winter to those characterizing
for its production will be added to the electric demand. If we use the thermal load, and during summer to those of the refrigeration
absorption machines that exploit heat to generate “cool”, the ther- load (only if it is produced by an absorption refrigerator).
mal requirements increase. For compression cycles we consider a
coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.2, whereas for the absorption 3.1. Outlines of daily load
cycles we assume a COP of 0.7.
Depending on the intended use of the buildings, we take into An accurate estimation of the thermal and electrical demands is
consideration all the values showed in Fig. 2 [25]. vital for a right sizing of the cogeneration systems that will supply
Values characterizing the thermal load for every surface the studied area. In the future, thanks to an always better imple-
unit are calculated by taking into consideration a temperature mentation of the smart counters for the users, the data collection

Table 3
Required powers and sanitary hot water demands according to the surface and the intended use.

Intended use Surface [m2 ] Electric power [W/m2 ] Thermal power [W/m2 ] Refrigerant SHW (ACS) [litres per
power [W/m2 ] day for each

Residential 62,712 30 78.5 100 55

Schools 2546 40 120 160 10
Extraresidential 2270 25 100 160 25
Church 618 20 0 0 20
Senior centres 213 40 100 160 40
Library 430 20 110 160 20
Multipurpose centre 535 40 150 180 40
Public spaces 572,768 0.2 0 0 0
Streets 69,594 0.12 0 0 0

Table 4
Estimation of the required power to produce hot water.

Production of sanitary hot water

Intended use Number of users Liters/day per inhabitant Energy [W h] Power required [kW]

Residential 2523 55 6776,820 1129,470

Schools 570 10 278,369 46,395
Commercial 54 30 79,115 13,186
Senior centres 40 55 107,441 17,907
Multipurpose centre 120 10 58,604 9767
Sports centre 50 100 244,183 40,697
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 121

Fig. 2. Daily load outlines: A. Electrical; B. Thermal; C. Refrigeration.

phase will be more specific and accurate, thus allowing a more A valuation of electrical and thermal demands of the area,
truthful estimation of electrical and thermal power demands. The according to the typology of the building, the values reported
trends are estimated thanks to the data furnished by the CESI (Cen- in Table 2 are multiplied by the relative lengths metra-
tro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano), [26], the department of ture.
Electrical Engineering of Università di Bologna, the department 90% of the buildings of the interested area are residential: the
of Industrial Engineering of Perugia [27–29] and from REMOD- outlines of the daily load are typical for these kind of users. Fig. 2
ECE (Residential Monitoring to Decrease Energy Use and Carbon shows the qualitative trends of the daily requirements of electrical,
Emissions in Europe), an European database about residential con- thermal and refrigeration power standardized respect the maxi-
sumptions [30]. mum value. The time interval chosen to represent the tables of the
122 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

Table 5 While studying the scenarios we have the possibility to under-

Price of the electric energy purchased.
stand the distribution of all the different demands in the area and
Electric Energy Price (net of VAT) [D /kW h] the typology of “cool” produced which is more compatible with
electrical and thermal outputs of the cogeneration system (thus
Domestic user buying from the grid (single hourly) free market 0.140
System manager selling to Until the expenses to 0.116 optimizing gas consumption). In particular, Scenario 6 suggests the
the grid withdraw energy are use of systems supplying electricity, that is a less invasive action
covered to avoid a heavy intervention on the existing buildings. Whereas
Surplus 0.039
for the new buildings it is possible to produce cool with absorption
machines located in the single building (supplied by the teleheating
net) and supplied by a hydronic grid placed in every single building.
daily load is of an hour (it coincides with the one required by the
software HOMER for the input data).
The trend of the daily electricity load is reported assuming that 3.3. Costs of electric energy and fuel
the trend changes during the weekdays and the holidays with
different peaks in every month of the year. By substituting the max- 3.3.1. Cost of the electric energy sold
imum value showed in Fig. 2A, the total of the values reported in In Italy authorities promote self-production of electric energy
Table 2, of the electric power multiplied by the relative lengths, through cogeneration processes. Hence it is important to keep up to
we can reconstruct the outline of the daily electricity load. The date with the current legislative and regulatory framework, paying
maximum power required is of 2214 kW. attention to those rules concerning net metering.
The thermal load required changes with the changing of months In a liberalized energy market, the final consumer is free to chose
and tend to reduce during summertime. Considering January as the their own electric energy supplier (Grid Manager). The Net Meter-
coldest month of the year, in the examined areas [26,31], where the ing, regulated from resolution ARG/elt 74/08, is meant for a better
thermal power is higher, we reproduce the “typical” daily trend of exploitation of electric energy allowing the system manager to real-
the thermal load with a peak in the morning and maximum val- ize a typology of private self-consumption strategy by injecting
ues during the night. Once passed the month of January, which is into the grid the electric energy produced, not directly consumed
when the peak of thermal consumption reaches 5604 kW, the col- though, and then use it when necessary [32–34].
dest months are February, December, November, March, October In Italy the GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici), as stated in
and April whose peak demand decreases until reaching 1602 kW. Resolution ARG/elt 74/08, manages all those activities connected
From the month of May to September thermal power demands for to net metering and the net metering contribution (CS ) supplying,
heating is almost equal to zero. These consumptions are considered a mechanism guaranteeing a repayment (“solace”) of part of the
to have the same values during every day of the week. user’s expenses due to the electric energy withdrawn from the grid.
The refrigeration load will be added to the electrical or thermal The GSE has an important role and it takes into consideration every
load depending on the way the “cool” is produced (absorption or characteristic of the system and the contractual conditions between
compression machines). We assume that the “cool” is required dur- the single user and his supplier and everything is calculated accord-
ing the summer months only from June to September, with peak ing to the data, the grid operators and suppliers are required to
demands from July to August. The difference between weekdays report periodically.
and holidays is not taken into consideration. The net metering contribution (in euros) is:
We assume that the sanitary hot water, necessary for the every-
day use, is produced in a time interval of 6 h. The thermal power reti
CS = min[OE ; CEI ] + CUSf × ES (1)
needed to produce such amount of water is of 1257 kW, and will be
added to the one of the thermal load previously examined. The idea,
CEI is the equivalent of electric energy injected, equal to the
for what concerns hot water production, is trying not to increase
hourly summation of the quantitative of electric energy injected
the thermal loads when we have a peak demand. We choose the
into the grid every year in the year “a” multiplied by different prices
time interval to produce hot water according to the month, to be
according to the zone and the hour (Art. 30, paragraph 30.4, letter
conformed with thermal and electrical load curves.
b), of the resolution n. 111/06 filed in the same year.
Hence the electric energy injected will be multiplied by the
3.2. Examined scenarios price (determined by the zone and the hour), that is the guaran-
teed minimum price for 2014, in accordance with the resolution of
The plant solutions suggested to satisfy the energy demands of the Authority for electric energy and gas on November 6th, 2007,
an entire area, need to self-produce completely the amount of elec- n. 280/07. The higher is the amount of energy injected into the
tric energy demanded. For what concerns thermal demands, every grid, through/“precious” sources, the more this energy will have
building is connected to the teleheating net (specially realized). For higher values from a financial point of view. CEI here is determined
the cooling during the summer we suggest six scenarios, where the by the product of the electric energy injected into the grid for the
refrigeration demands are satisfied as showed: guaranteed minimum cost multiplied by “other sources”, that is
38.9 D /MW h.
(1) Zone A, B and C: compression machines; OEl represents the user’s expenses (expressed in euros) to pay
(2) Zone A, B and C: absorption machines; for the electric energy withdrawn, and it is the electric energy with-
(3) Zone A and B: compression machines + Zone C absorption drawn multiplied by the PUN (National Single Price). As a matter
machines; of fact in the electricity market, during every hour of the day, on
(4) Zone A: compression machines + Zona B and C absorption every day of the year, the price of the energy gets defined. In the
machines; examined scenarios, this cost is of 65 D /MW h.
(5) Zone B: compression machines + Zona A and C absorption Common net-metering fixed contribution, or CUSf reti , of highly-
machines; efficient cogeneration systems is exclusively the one concerning
(6) Zone A and B: existing buildings: compression machines, the grids, that is the algebraic addition rounded off to the third dec-
buildings not constructed yet: absorption machines + Zone C: imal according to the commercial principle of variable cost per unit,
absorption machines. expressed in cD /kW h, of the prices of: transmission, distribution of
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 123

the dispatching equivalents and of UC3 and UC6 components. Such Table 6
Price of the gas purchased.
value is of 7.1742 cD /kW h.
Finally the electric energy exchanged ES has the lowest value Natural gas price (net of VAT)—D /Sm3
among the values of the energy withdrawn and injected into the
To the average consumer (domestic users) 0.673
grid. Basically GSE wants to repay the user with an equivalent of To the manager of the suggested system 0.423
the price he paid to withdraw energy from the grid.
Moreover there is a valorization of the surpluses that will be
given back during the future solar years (“on credit”), or in the form the Authority reports the gas price for the location-based protec-
of a “payment”. The possible credit which can be settled CRL,j for tion service. The net of VAT establishes a gas price of 0.4226 D /Sm3 .
the generic year “j”, that is the amount paid out from the GSE to the In order to fully understand this concept, we can say that for the
producer is: average domestic user (a family with an independent heating and
  an annual gas consumption of 1400 m3 ) the financial conditions for
CRL,j = max 0; CEI,j − OE,j (2)
energy supply expects a total cost of 0.6729 D /Sm3 [35–39].
In other words, if there is a surplus having the same value of the The price is determined by the grand total of the following frac-
difference between the energy injected into the grid multiplied by tions:
the guaranteed minimum price (previously seen), and the expenses
of the user to withdraw the same amount of energy of the energy • Retail services: raw natural gas, retailing commercialization,
withdrawn for the National Single Price. additional expenses, GRAD component;
The energy injected back into the grid, through the net-metering • Grid services: distribution and measurement, expenses, trans-
mechanism, is less than the one possibly withdrawn (because the portation.
main purpose is trying to track the electrical load without pro-
ducing an unused surplus of electricity) it will be sold back at the
Table 6 sums up the values that we will be used as input data
price of 0.071742 D /kW h. Such value will be added to the guaran-
during the simulations.
teed minimum price previously said of 0.0389 D /kW h, for the total
amount of 0.11642 D /kW h.
Moreover, if while selling energy to the grid there is a surplus of 4. Machineries and maintenance costs
the money spent to withdraw energy, the manager of the system
receives an income of 0.0389 D /kW h. In order to make an evaluation of the energy demands and
the specific consumptions of the whole polygeneration system,
3.3.2. Cost of the electric energy purchased we collect some data from some European producers. A particular
The price of the electric energy purchased from the grid must attention is paid to the costs of every single component.
be defined in order to make an evaluation of the repayment of the We set the localization of the spaces hosting the cogeneration
suggested scenarios respect to the classic way of consuming energy plant and the teleheating net layout, to calculate and optimize the
(that is by purchasing it from the electric national grid). total cost of the grid.
Besides the fixed quota, that is the fixed annual prices to pay We choose to use superheated hot water production systems.
for the connection (a minimum portion of the final price), the costs On the other hand, a configuration with steam systems would be
of the “Energy quota” (that is the cost of every kW h consumed) even more complex and expensive. It can produce water until 140◦
involves: and this is why it is possible to connect and activate the absorption
refrigerator systems necessary to produce cool.
• Retail services: energy (PE), dispatching (PD), commercialization For what concerns the installation cost, that takes into consid-
sales price (PCV), equalization (PPE) and dispatching (DISPbt) eration all the necessary components (control panel, transformer
components; room, silencer, flue, NOx demolisher, container, etc. . .), the smaller
• Grid services: distribution, transportation and measurement (1, the plants are, the higher the generated power kW for the plant
2, 3); installation will be. Table 7 shows the specific costs for plants
• General expenses. ranging from 500 kW to 4000 kW. Table 8 shows the average fuel
consumption of the cogeneration system.
Price categories are: Service life of the components refers to those machines with an
uninterrupted service. It is difficult to have an uninterrupted service
• Weekday daytime slot: from 8 am to 7 pm, from Monday to Friday, in a teleheating net, hence we can say that the life service of the
except national holidays; components we are taking into consideration reaches a maximum
• Weekday nighttime slot and weekend: from 7 pm to 8 am, from value of 30,000 h.
Monday to Friday and every hour on Saturday and Sunday, and The cogenerator needs a standard maintenance service for its
national holidays. right functioning. This has a cost of 150–200 D /kW. Once the cogen-
erator service life reaches its end, a “maxi overhauling”, that is the
Otherwise it will be a single-hourly rate. Thanks to the compar- replacement of some important parts of the machine. The cost is
ison between different retailers’ offers, it is possible to notice that 4/5 of the initial cost (Table 9).
the competitive average price of energy for domestic users is about
0.14 D /kW h for a single-hourly rate (Table 5). Table 7
Cogenerator installation and maintenance costs.
3.3.3. Cost of the gas purchased
Cogeneration system costs
We choose to supply with natural gas the cogeneration system
and a possible backup boiler for heat production. Installation (D /kW) Machine replacement Maintenance and
The energy Authority provides different data of gas price during (D /kW) operations (D /h)

a three-month period. Our starting point: the first three-months 900–1100 150–200 30–35
in 2014. The gas necessary to supply the cogenerators is about 700–850 (End-of-life
more than a million cubic metres per year. Every three months
124 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

It is important to manage the daily load profiles in a way that

the ratio between thermal load and electrical load is constant in
time, and able to smooth the energy peaks when unnecessary. It
is possible to manage sanitary hot water production; the system
manager can control its generation. Since it can be cumulated in
boiler/water-heater. We can decide to have a production based on
the most convenient hours of the day, by heating the water with-
drawn from the waterworks/aqueduct when there is not a high
exertion of the heat generated by the engines previously involved
in the tracking of the electrical load (Table 10). The purpose is to
reduce the heat surplus or the possible overproduction of electric
After taking into consideration a heat power lower than the
natural gas, 9.875 kW h/m3 , we make an evaluation of the most
advantageous combinations between powers and number of the
cogenerators at the users’ service.
The simulations show how (if the total nominal power is the
same) it is better having more cogenerators with different powers
than just one cogenerator with a higher power. In this way it is
easier to track the electrical load and let the cogenerators operate at
their maximum speed. For example, during the night, when there
is the minimum electrical load, the only cogenerator that will be
functioning is the smallest one, the others will be switched off.
In every scenario we examined, the heat production produced
by cogeneration systems fit for tracking the electrical load, is never
enough to cover completely the thermal load of an entire year.
Thus, to cover every thermal demand of the area during the hardest
periods of the year, it is necessary to arrange boilers together with
Fig. 3. Example of cogenerator efficiency curve.
cogeneration systems and size their maximum power (Table 11).
The perfect situation, for the functioning of the entire cogener-
5. Energy analysis ation system, is when the thermal load is slightly higher than the
electrical load demanded. In this way, cogenerators produce the
The energy is analyzed thanks to the software HOMER Energy. electrical load required by the area and the whole amount of heat
What is evaluated is the best configuration possible of a cogenera- produced during the generation of electric power is exploited in
tion system able to self-produce electric energy necessary to satisfy the teleheating net. As far as possible, the perfect situation is when
the demands of the examined area. we have a constant ratio between thermal load and electrical load
We enter, in the simulation software, the hourly and monthly during the whole year. Obviously, it is hard that such circumstance
trend of electrical and thermals load profile typical of that specific occurs because of the daily variability of heat and cool demands, and
type of users. Electrical and thermal demands are simulated every because of the instability determined by the changing of the sea-
day of the month through an implemented Random variability of sons. Anyway it can be possible to make some plant-engineering
the software. For what concerns this specific case, we set a 10% of decisions to come close as much as possible to this “ideal” situation.
standard curvature in the daily sequences and a 10% of standard Scenarios 1 and 2 do not satisfy this necessity. While analyzing
curvature in the difference between the hour and the average of the different solutions concerning the production of cool (Scenar-
the daily profile. ios from 3 to 6) we notice that it can be possible to have a slight
All the technical characteristics and the costs of the cogeneration improvement of the exploitation of the cogeneration during the
system are inserted into the software, as follows: summer, thus helping during the decision-making phase. In Sce-
nario 6, as showed in the picture below, during the months of July
• The service life of the cogeneration system, before demolish- and August, the trend of thermal load follows properly the one
of the electrical load. In this way the cogeneration can be better
ing/scrapping, is set at 60,000 h (a reachable value thanks to
exploited during the two hottest months, without an extra high
ordinary and extraordinary maintenance);
• The cost of all the overhaulings will be added to the machinery heat demand to satisfy the peaks.
The most convenient solution, in order to optimize energy, is
installation cost;
• The cogenerators heat recovery ratio is 77%; Scenario 6 which suggests the exploitation of absorption refrig-
• The output of the backup boiler is set at a value of 90%. erators in all the buildings (not constructed yet) because of the
redevelopment of the area examined, and the exertion of condi-
tioning compressors in all the existent buildings. The ratio, between
Cogeneration efficiency curves, generated by the software once the lengths of the buildings requiring a service involving absorption
the output data are inserted, can be analyzed in Fig. 3. and compression machines and a higher electric demand (due to
Here is how the simulations are set: compression machines) determine a heat recovery which has the
same value of the heat necessary to cover all the heat demands of
• The time-step for the analysis is of 1 h; the absorption machines.
• The software tries to find a better solution from an energetic point This is how we minimize the surplus of heat production of the
of view and with as many cogenerators working simultaneously cogenerators, by reusing as much as possible the heat produced by
as possible; the machines involved in the production of electricity.
• All the solutions where the production system efficiency is not at Hence, the best solution is the one with a system formed by three
least the same as the peak load must be excluded. cogenerators with different nominal power values (respectively:
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 125

Table 8 conclusion, in one year 43% of the thermal energy produced is fur-
Average fuel consumption of the cogeneration system.
nished by boilers, and less than 9% of the recovered heat, thanks to
Average fuel consumption of the cogeneration system [m3 /h] the cogeneration, is not valorised by the trigeneration process.
Maximum power 75% of the 50% of the Minimum of If we take a closer look to the way the three cogenerators work,
(per kW) maximum maximum the generated we can see how Cog. 2 (with a higher power, 2000 kW) is more
power (per power (per power (per used, about 2000 h per year. The minimum power generated by
kW) kW) kW) this cogenerator is of 1377 kW: this means that this machine works
0.253 0.190 0.133 0.051 often at the maximum speed, and it is exploited, as much as pos-
sible, once it starts working. The average output of Cog. 2 is of
1836 kW.
Cog 1 = 1500 kW, Cog 2 = 2000 kW, Cog 3 = 750 kW) and backup Cog. 3 (750 kW) is the only one working during the night: in this
boilers to cover the thermal demand with a total power of 5670 kW way the big machines do not work at low speed (in other words,
(when the cogenerators are not enough) and both are connected to they do not work at their full capacity) and the energy resource is
a teleheating net with a circular shape whose length is of 10,350 m exploited as much as possible. In the simulations this cogenerator is
and that is able to give its service to all the users in the area. The used for almost 4000 h per year: its function is to cover every min-
suggested system must be connected to the electrical grid, with the imum demand of electric power of the area; it is used less during
possibility to collect a maximum of 2000 kW of electric power. the daily peaks. Cog. 1 (1500 kW) covers all the average daily loads.
Table 12 shows in detail how the electrical and thermal pro- The cogenerators total efficiency, thanks to these three different
duction are divided. We can notice that the suggested system is amount of power, is about 87%.
able to self-produce the entire annual electricity demand required As we expected, while observing the graph in Fig. 4, the highest
by the area. The production obeys the requirements, and thanks to amount of electric energy purchased from the grid is during spring
the buying and selling mechanisms of energy (net-metering) the and summer months (in the morning in particular), when the ther-
amount of electricity wasted is minimum. When the heat demand mal load has the lowest values per year and the cogenerators do
is lower (the month of May in particular, followed then by June not work, in this way the recovered heat will not be wasted.
and September), thanks to the simulations, we can notice how it is While examining the simulations we can notice how, from an
better to exploit even more the electric grid and the energy with- energetic point of view, is more advantageous to use a cogenera-
drawn in order to avoid heat surplus that will inevitably increase tion system for the self-production of electric energy working with
the heat waste and how using the cogeneration process is more parallel processes respect to the electric grid.
advantageous (Table 13). In the simulations backup boilers are used for 5896 h per year
While observing the data obtained from the simulations, for (Fig. 5). In May, June and September the boiler is almost always
the monthly average of heat produced, we can notice that the inactive/idle, whereas from March to October its exertion is for
use of boilers is really important during the coldest months. The supplying an average power of 2000 kW. During winter months its
boilers are not used frequently during the summer months. In exertion is vital to cover the thermal demands of the area, to fulfil

Table 9
Costs of the components of the cogeneration system.

Costs of the polygeneration grid

Item Unit price Quantity Total cost

Teleheating net 119 D /m 10,350 m 1231,650 D

Digging and backfill 8.23 D /m3 5175 m3 42,590 D
Energy transfer stations MT/BT 75,000 D /each 3 units 225,000 D
Backup boilers 11,145.47 D /plant + 36.26 D /kW 3 plants of 2800 kW 338,020 D
Operators specialized in maintenance services 33.50 D /h per operator 2 operators 12 h/d–6 d/w 231552 D /year

Table 10
Energy fluxes of the scenarios examined.

Scenario Electric energy [MW h/yr] Thermal energy [MW h/yr] Boiler

Produced Consumed % Retail Produced Consumed % Disposed kW

1 11,159 10,779 3 18,917 14,697 27.7 5488

2 9600 8834 8 22,590 22,590 4.4 11,019
3 10,601 10,382 2 18,721 18,721 16.2 5670
4 9989 9729 3 19,808 19,808 7.4 5515
5 9754 9487 3 20,511 20,511 6.2 5660
6 10,296 10,048 2 18,978 18,978 9.7 5670

Table 11
Power of the cogenerators used, used resources and costs of the scenarios examined.

Scenario Cog 1 Cog 2 Cog 3 Initial capital Operational cost Total NPC Natural gas Grid
kW h/yr kW h/yr kW h/yr kD kD kD m kW

1 1500 2367 2500 2261 1000 3622 7734 1725 32,051 34,42,471 2500
2 1250 5200 2000 2554 – – 6025 1817 31,650 36,74,573 2000
3 1500 3075 2250 2302 750 3513 7225 1697 31,152 33,67,875 2250
4 1250 2972 1750 2556 750 4237 6478 1714 30,663 34,25,994 1750
5 1000 4684 2000 2069 500 4543 6259 1740 30,792 34,80,692 2000
6 1.500 3447 2.000 1928 750 3913 6987 1686 30,750 33,51,804 2000
126 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

Table 12
Recapitulatory outline of the energy.

Production Thermal production Electrical production

MW h/yr % MW h/yr %

Cog. 1 4681 25 4463 43

Cog. 2 3692 20 3539 34
Cog. 3 2297 12 2157 21
Boiler 8174 43 – –
Excess thermal 1538 8.89 – –
Grid purchases – – 133.4 1.3
Excess electricity – – 2.31 0.02

Total 18,846 100 10,293 100

Table 13
Fuel saved in the suggested solution and a traditional supplying of electric and thermal energy from a grid.

kW h Production method Production Fuel used (m3 )

Electric energy required 10047,718 National grid 41% 2464,994

Thermal energy required 17308,286 Boilers 90% 1947,486
Tot. 4412,481
Fuel saved while using Scenario 6 24%

those demands that the cogenerators did not cover. The average for energy content of fuel per unit is 44.1%. Once deducted the
thermal power supplied in one year is of 1386 kW. value of the grid losses, due to transmission and distribution of
Such considerations must be analyzed keeping in mind the envi- electric energy, of 6.4% [41], the result is a total production, until
ronment as well. Examining the amount of natural gas/methane the consignment, of 41%. And we also assume a heat generation
saved we can understand how green house gas emissions are with boilers with an output of 90%.
reduced in the atmosphere due to combustion phenomena. Then Through the simulations it can be noticed that the exertion of
follows a comparison between the saved fuel by exploiting the the suggested solution (Scenario 6) guarantees a better exploitation
trigeneration respect to the electric energy withdrawn from the of the energy resource respect to the case we just described, saving
national grid added to the methane/natural gas consumption to the 24% of fuel (Table 13).
satisfy the same thermal demands and burning methane/natural The analysis carried out, which is connected to the suggested
gas in boilers placed in the buildings. The average production of case study, can be considered valid for residential urban con-
the Italian national energy system: the Institute for Environmental texts characterized by buildings with a similar total volumetry and
Protection and Research (ISPRA) [40] analyzing the data furnished similar energy requirements for what concerns heating and cool-
by the Terna, states that in the Italian system the net production ing. The analysis started with the hypothesis of buildings with a

Fig. 4. Daily trend (monthly average) of the electricity withdrawn from the grid.
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 127

Fig. 5. Daily trend (monthly average) of the exertion of the backup boiler.

certain type of constructional characteristics, that is with high importance of such problem is given from the fact that an insuf-
energy classes (class A for new buildings, class C for existing build- ficient reliability implies higher maintenance costs and more
ings that must be redeveloped). This hypothesis, together with the frequent breakdowns, and also a low security level for the users.
hypothesis of electrical consumptions similar to those examined If the most efficient energy systems are less reliable, we should not
(typical of an European country), leads to considerations which can take for granted that the amount of energy saved is enough to cover
be used in other similar situations as well. The whole Mediter- the higher maintenance expenses [21].
ranean coast presents energy requirements expressed through While keeping in mind all those information about the energy
precise and real numbers. Different energy realities can be exam- optimization of the examined systems, we go on by analyzing
ined by using the same evaluation method (see Section 9), but the reliability of the system suggested in Scenario 6. In order to
together with numerical data of the realities taken into consider- reconstruct the reliability of the suggested systems we use the
ation. reliability parameters (MTBF and MTTR) of the system compo-
nents, combining the components according to their arrangements,
6. Reliability analysis whether in parallel or in series [48]. The data required are taken
from the previous works [23] and the exploitation of the data,
The reliability theory of the mechanical components is based already present in the maintenance database of energy plant-
on the concept of a chain whose strength is represented by its engineering (of big structures such as: hospitals, office districts
weakest link [42,43]. Hence, according to the total-quality prin- and residential complexes) grids, allow a statistical analysis of
ciple, all the components with a low reliability must be reduced to the data of breakdown and reactivation of the system compo-
the minimum. The complex systems quality is determined by sev- nents.
eral properties, and these qualities, which in turn are defined by a Hence we reconstruct the reliability block diagram (RBD) of the
certain number of quantitative indexes. With the time passing by systems, where the components are represented through blocks
properties and quality level of the system change, and they usu- properly connected with one another according to the dependence
ally tend to have lower values than the initial ones. When we talk logic between the system breakdowns and the breakdowns of a
about the reliability of a system we are referring to the capacity of subsystem or present component.
the system to keep in time and in the expected conditions of exer- Through the case study examined it was possible to explain a
tion the initial qualities. Thus the reliability is strictly connected to useful method for the numerical evaluation of the MTBF and MTTR,
the capacity that the system had once installed, before its exertion typical parameters of the reliability analysis concerning trigener-
[44,45]. ation plants used in residential urban areas. It was carried out a
Nowadays the problem derived from the improvement of the numerical evaluation of the best plant configuration useful for the
quality and the increasing of reliability is even more important and optimization of the reliability system and the minimization of the
existing because of an always higher mechanization and autom- time intervals of out of service plants characterized by accidental
atization of the systems used. What derives is one of the main damages. The results provided by this analysis can be decontex-
contradictions concerning the development of modern technique: tualized and examined through a general perspective if we have
on one hand, the complexity of the systems determines a decrease the same energy requirements, on one condition: the hypothesis
of their reliability [46]; on the other hand the demands connected assumed during the study must be considered valid in other case
to their right functioning are always more compelling [47]. The studies as well.
128 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

If we generalize it can be stated that a right distribution of the part of a set of components that have a constant failure rate.
total of the energy requirements on more productive units leads The average service life of a component depends primarily on
to an increase of both the global energy efficiency of the systems, phenomena of wear and aging. While evaluating the average life,
thus always working at their best, and the reliability system, since the accidental failures are not that relevant; it can range from ten
it presents parallel machines with an adequate redundancy. If the to hundreds of thousands hours. The MTBF is a statistical feature of
evaluation is made according to combination of the energy opti- the set of components whose aging phenomena are excluded (the
mization meeting the general control of the system reliability, the substitution will occur once it worked for the 80–90% of its average
number of the calculated redundancies implies benefits that can be life).
bearable from an economic point of view. The mean time between failures, depending on the accidental
The method here used can be certainly applied to different breakdowns which do not occur very often [54], can reach higher
plants with different service requirements, on one condition: a values than the average service life of the system from which
database with numerical data of the reliability parameters must be the single component was separated; what we usually have is
considered valid for every single component of the plant examined a MTBF of hundreds of thousands hours and sometimes of mil-
(see Section 9). lion of hours. Moreover knowing the MTBF does not mean that
we can activate a component and find a failure after MTBF hours.
6.1. Reliability theory The statistical nature of the failures can determine a higher num-
ber of failures in a short time interval of the service life followed
The reliability theory is used: in plans elaboration, in the def- then by a long period without the occurrence of any damage or
inition of productive processes and in methods for the exertion failure [47].
and maintenance of the components of a system (meant to guar- If the components are repairable the parameter indicating the
antee the highest efficiency) [49]. It finds an engineering solution average time interval between the failure and the repairing time is
to the problems determined by an unexpected random breakdown important; it is called “mean time to repair” (MTTR). In the com-
in complex systems requiring an uninterrupted service. plex systems, that can be divisible in components, as for example
To increase the reliability of a complex system: the systems producing energy, the low costs of exertion is based on
the evaluation of the unavailability of the system, once the unavail-
• Improve the quality of every single component of the complex ability of the components are known.
system; If the systems/components are repairable their reliability and
• Develop different methods meant for reliable systems planning another function called availability, A(t), are defined.
and optimized maintenance methods for the systems during the The availability is a function which takes into consideration the
exertion. reliability of the system and the maintenance factors; those prob-
lems determined by the reliability can be managed as peculiar
The procedure to get the system more efficient reliabilistically availability events that once the failure occurs it is impossible to
must determine what can go wrong, how a breakdown can be get back to the state of right functioning.
avoided, and if a breakdown occurs what kind of intervention The availability is the probability that the system is able to work
should be performed to restore/re-activate the system [50,51]. The at a certain time from a starting point T0 . It can be defined as the
model used for these purposes is the Markov process which states ratio between the functioning time (uptime) and the total time
that the condition of the system at a certain time “t” depends on (Uptime + Downtime):
the latest condition considered [52].
The result is that the reliability estimated numerically is a A= (3)
probability and not a deterministic quantity whose value can be
anticipated only through statistical considerations. The evaluation of the reliability of the system can be determined
Even though we do not have the certainty whether a breakdown by the analysis of the distribution of the failure probabil-
will occur or not, the reliability theory, applied in a systematic way ity for every single component of the system and through
to a system, has more useful results that can help making important the identification of the procedures to make it function at
choices about the different methods to make a system work, for its best. The reliability parameters of the components, evalu-
example choices concerning the security [23]. ated in series or in parallel, determine the reliability of the
The reliability theory defines the MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) whole system. Some examples of these relations are showed in
parameter as the value of expected time of reactivation, that is the Table 14.
time interval characterized by the unavailability of the system, and The reliability analysis examined in this article is meant to
it is an important parameter for the evaluation of the efficacy of the guarantee to the suggested systems an uninterrupted service in
maintenance service, in particular for what concerns the logistic accordance with the prerequisites defined by the authority for
organization [53]. electric energy and gas. For what concerns the Italian normat-
The evaluation of the reliability of the existing systems can be ive, Resolution ARG/elt 198/11 (Consolidated text of the quality if
obtained by using an evaluation model based on the essential block the distribution services and electric energy measurement for the
schemes generated from the general layouts of the working sys- regulation period 2012–2015) [35,37], defines the whole annual
tems. The failure rate values of every single block and the repairing duration of the breakdowns without warning for electric energy
time interval are available in the historical data. supplying; those highly concentrated territories (the district we
Once the solutions for energy saving are assumed, system after are examining) is of 25 min/user. Operators unable to respect these
system we can calculate reliability/availability parameters of the annual goals are obliged to pay economic sanctions which are
modified system. directly proportional to the difference between the effective level
The MTBF (Mean time between failure) is the time interval and the required standard. The cogeneration solution must respect
between breakdowns for those components whose failures follow these parameters as well.
a Poisson distribution. In this work, we are going to compare the availability param-
In this context the difference between the average service life eters obtained through the reliability analysis with the service
of an actual component and the MTBF is important, that is the time continuity standards required by the regulation, transforming the
interval between the breakdowns affecting components which are “availability” into uninterrupted hours of service.
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 129

Table 14
Relations for in series/parallel components.

Series Parallel
␭ S = i 12 = 1 2 1/1 + 1/2 / 1+ 1 /1 + 2 /2 (Parallel 1 of 2)
n n   n
␮ S = i / i /i (Series of n elements) P = i
i=1 i=1 i=1

6.2. Electric power system Table 15 shows the recapitulation of the results obtained
from the simulations performed to reach the final solution here
For what concerns the electric power system, we already spec- suggested, formed by three cogenerators (Cog 1 = 1500 kW, Cog
ified that Resolution ARG/elt 198/11 defines it as the entire annual 2 = 2000 kW, Cog 3 = 750 kW) with a connection to a medium volt-
duration of the interruptions without warning for the low voltage age electrical grid with a collectable amount of power of 2000 kW.
user, corresponding to 25 min. With such configuration it is very easy to organize and manage
What we want to analyze is the availability of the suggested sys- both ordinary maintenance and the possible extraordinary main-
tem transforming it into the total of hours service in order to make a tenance of the machines: the only thing to do is to operate while
comparison with the maximum total duration of the interruptions the cogenerator is not working and the energy is supplied by the
estimated by the regulation. other two cogenerators and the electrical grid.
The system suggested in Scenario 6 is schematized as in Fig. 6.
The reliability chain is formed by three cogenerators supplied by 6.3. Thermal system, winter air conditioning and sanitary hot
the gas net, which through the alternators transforms the mechan- water
ical energy produced into electric energy. In the transformation
stations the electricity is converted into low tension and once it Cogenerators, during the summer and winter, function in two
passed through the electrical panel reaches the final users. different ways. In winter, through the energy simulations per-
Generally two cogenerators out of three are used for the pro- formed, we can notice that even during the hardest situations, two
duction of electricity and heat and only during the hardest times cogenerators out of three are used together with a “boilers block”.
of the year (summer months) the three cogenerators work simul- During the phase of energy optimization we are able to evaluate
taneously. The 3/4 parallel placed between the cogenerators and the total power necessary to the boilers and make an estimation
the connection to the electrical grid is such only if it is possible to of the energy generated every year, without taking into consider-
withdraw from the electrical grid an amount of power able to make ation their actual number and the system redundancy. Thanks to
up for the deficiencies of the most powerful cogenerator. the reliability analysis we can examine their best configuration by
The connection to the grid is more expensive, but it gives the distributing the total power to several units and furnishing the sys-
possibility to reach a high reliability level of the system. tem with a redundancy that can modulate their functioning and
The presence of three cogenerators guarantees a good reliability manage the maintenance issues.
level. If the demands of the area depended on one machine only, What we want to analyze first is the system reliability with
the availability of the suggested system would collapse. reliability chain showed in Fig. 7.
While comparing the suggested system with the traditional one, In order to optimize the system management instead of using
(for domestic users) formed by the power grid distribution con- just one big boiler, we prefer to install 3 of them with a redundancy
nected to the low tension panel, it can be noticed an improvement of 2/3 (simultaneous functioning of two boilers out of three). Thus
determined by the suggested solution. now it is possible to take care of the maintenance, both ordinary and

Fig. 6. Reliability chain of the suggested electrical system.

130 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

Fig. 7. Reliability chain of the suggested thermal system.

extraordinary, for what concerns boilers and cogenerators, without heat pumps are connected to the domestic electrical grid to produce
provoking a service interruption. The final configuration is a ther- cool.
mal system with three boilers (each one of 2800 kW) with a mutual These two configurations are going to be compared with a tra-
ratio of 2/3 set in parallel with three cogenerators of 1500 kW, ditional electrical system formed by the electric grid connected to
2000 kW and 750 kW. The following picture shows a block diagram low voltage panels and a split heat pump.
of the suggested system. Reporting the results of the analysis summed up in the following
The availability of the system must be compared with the tra- table we can notice a different reliability level between the sug-
ditional thermal system which is formed by the gas grid connected gested systems and the one we are using as a point of reference.
to the boilers of the final user. Table 16 shows the results of such As we expected the cooling system, with a compression chiller,
comparisons. The teleheating net suggested has a high reliability presents a higher availability than the traditional one, because the
level, which in hours of interrupted service means that it doubles availability of the block for the electric production is higher than
respect to the values characterizing the reliability of a traditional the one of the electric grid. For what concerns the cool produced
system. by the absorbers we can notice that the level of the availability
characterizing the system is slightly lower than the traditional one,
comparable though (Table 17).
6.4. Summer cooling systems

For what concerns the system for the cooling process in the sum- 7. Financial sustainability
mer, we must distinguish two cases, whether if the cool is obtained
through absorption machines (Fig. 8) or a compression cycle (Fig. 9). HOMER software compares the different energy scenarios sim-
In the first case the absorbers are placed at the end of the thermal ulated and classifies them according to the NPC (Net Present Cost,
system, to exploit the heat to produce cool. In the second case the or NPW Net Present Worth that is the total of the present value

Table 15
Availability and time intervals of inefficiency due to unexpected breakdowns for electric energy supplying.

Electric system MTBF [h] MTTR [h] A Interruption [min]

Reference – – 0.999934486 25.00

Traditional 116,756 3.34 0.999971436 15.01
Suggested 169,328 1.00 0.999994069 3.12

Table 16
Availability and inefficiency time intervals due to unexpected breakdowns for the supplying of thermal energy.

Thermal system in winter MTBF [h] MTTR [hours] A Interruption [min]

Traditional 22,035 8.22 0.999627145 3.27

Suggested (3 boilers) 62,316 12.14 0.999805157 1.71
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 131

Fig. 8. Reliability chain of the suggested cooling system during summer—absorption machines (new buildings).

Fig. 9. Reliability chain of the suggested cooling system during summer—compression machines (existing buildings).

of all costs during the examined period) which sums up all costs MT/BT of the electric energy produced at a medium voltage by the
and benefits characterizing the life cycle of the project in one fixed cogenerators. We assume that the expenses of the machines for the
sum, whose value is expressed in money of the investment (in year cooling process (both compression and absorption) are not charged
zero), with future cash flows updated through the discount rate. on the production system costs: they are charged on the system
We take into consideration the cost of every macro component manager, but they are paid by the final users.
of the cogeneration grid examined and besides the cogenerators The management cost takes into consideration the expenses
we calculate as well: the used boilers, teleheating net with all the of the fuel and management and maintenance costs of the sug-
diggings and the necessary work, the transformation stations gested systems. Buying and selling electricity respect the regulation

Table 17
Availability and inefficiency time intervals due to unexpected breakdowns for supplying cooling during summer.

Cooling system during summer MTBF [h] MTTR [h] A Interruption [min]

Traditional 28,384 13.95 0.999508743 4.30

Suggested (absorption) 16,207 8.84 0.999454651 4.78
Suggested (compression) 30,701 14.39 0.999531355 4.11
132 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

Table 18 Table 19
Energy prices/costs. How the inaccuracy of the input data affects the plan feasibility.

Domestic user (cost of System manager Input data Data variability NPC [%] Breakpoint
purchase) (production costs) [%] [%]

Electric kW h 0.14 D /kW h 0.102 D /kW h Installation, maintenance +10 3.48 13.79
Thermal kW h 0.076 D /kW h 0.023 D /kW h and replacement costs −10 −3.47 −10.34
Fuel costs +10 6.51 19.31
−10 −6.50 −13.79
Selling and buying of +10 0.09 1.03
the electrical grid −10 −0.08 −0.69
controlling the net-metering, observing the legislation that the Electrical and thermal 0 −1.96 −10.34
profit obtained from selling energy to the grid must not be higher load variability 20 1.27 10.34
than the price for purchasing energy from the grid. The ordinary
maintenance cost of the systems coincides with the wages expenses
determined by the constant presence of two skilled workers for 12 h • Electric energy selling price of 0.14 D /kW h;
per day, 6 days per week and 4 weeks per month. Cogeneration sys- • Thermal energy selling price of 0.076 D /kW h;
tems are always located in a single technical space (to optimize the • Selling price of thermal energy used for cooling of 0.031 D /kW h;
management and labour and to perform the ordinary maintenance • An interest rate of 5%.
of the systems).
We assume a 5% interest rate, determined by the service life of
the project (of 25 years) and the return of the Italian Treasury long- Every cost is net of VAT.
term bonds (BTP: “Buoni del Tesoro Poliennali”) with a deadline of Besides the financial benefit experienced by the manager, we
25 years have a net profit of 3.75% [55]. must take into consideration that in the suggested scenario every
If we take into consideration the cost of one cubic metre of natu- final user will be relieved from any kind of extra payment for
ral gas, we know that for the system manager to produce electricity maintenance, heating systems managing and sanitary hot water
will have a cost of 0.102 D /kW h. To make an evaluation of the final production.
price of the thermal kW h produced we make an estimation of the After all these assumptions, Fig. 10 shows that Scenario 6, thanks
costs for heat production through boilers, keeping in mind that all to energy optimization, allows a costs of capital recovering in the
the heat produced from the cogeneration system is free of charge. 14th year thus experiencing financial profits until the end of the
The heat produced for the system manager will cost 0.023 D /kW h. systems service life and keeping the reliability level of the sys-
For what concerns the final user we can say that if they have tems higher than the traditional one whose energy requirements
a normal national electrical net connection and buy natural gas to are supplied directly by the net.
burn it up in a boiler, the cost of the electric kW h for a hourly tariff The good quality of the inputs furnished to simulate the scenar-
of a domestic user would be of 0.14 D /kW h, whereas the thermal ios analyzed depend on how accurately the study of the feasibility
kW h would be of 0.076 D /kW h (Table 18). (energy, reliability, economic) of an energy system can calculate
If we want to know the cash flow of the suggested system, we the input data required. In the previous paragraphs a wide bibliog-
need to choose the prices for selling the produced energy, update raphy stressed the importance of defining, with as much accuracy
them and sum them up to the annual costs. Thus we evaluate the as possible, data such as: electrical and thermal loads required by
financial advantage of the suggested system from the point of view the users, the prices of the installation and maintenance of the
of the manager whose purpose is to have the largest margin of technological systems examined, the costs of energy sources and
income between the selling price of the energy and the expenditure. the economical data concerning the buying and selling of electric
The final user living in the district does not want to pay for a energy process involving the grid. Every data provided implies the
higher price than the one he would have paid if he had been an possibility to insert a certain type of error (due to errors and inac-
ordinary user of the national electric and gas grid. Hence the cogen- curacies) in the analysis carried out, thus affecting the reliability
eration system manager of the district will sell at these costs both of the output results. This is why in the analysis, all the estimation
electrical and thermal energy. of the input data took a long time to be determined and needed
Moreover it is important for the final user that in order to accurate sources for their calculation (see Section 3).
produce “cool” there are not cost differences whether we use Hence what it is examined is how a numerical uncertainty of
absorption machines (supplied with thermal energy) or compres- ±10% (with a maximum deviation range analyzed by taking into
sion machines (supplied with electric energy). Hence the system consideration the single data provided) on the input data can vary
manager must calculate a price balance, in this way the final user the output data examined. Table 19 shows the variation, expressed
does not face a price difference. If we decided to act in a different in percentage, of the costs estimated and the return on investment
way, the risk would be that the user decides to stop any connection (breakpoint).
to the teleheating net to supply the compression machines through We can notice how, the variations in percentage of the buying
a compression chiller installation to reduce the expenses on sum- and selling prices of the electric grid affect about 1% of the reliabil-
mer conditioning: this situation would change once again every ity characterizing the output data. The variation of the installation,
prediction about energy consumptions in the area and nullify the maintenance and replacement costs imply a higher incidence (a
economy management of the whole cogeneration system. maximum of 14%), whereas a 10% variation of the fuel cost affects
We have to make a distinction between the price of the thermal the output results with percentage values that can reach 20% of
kW h used for heating and sanitary hot water production respect the return on investment and thus furnishing the reliability of the
to the prices of thermal kW h for air conditioning during summer. evaluation of the economic feasibility of the systems examined. In
Especially for the thermal kW h for the refrigeration production, it order to have a correct valuation it is necessary to concentrate on
is important to assign a price lower than the price that the refrig- the right numerical estimation of these input data.
eration kW h would cost if we used compression cycles. For what concerns the calculation of the electrical and thermal
What follows is a summary of the selling prices of every different load and their fluctuation during a period of time, the software sim-
type of energy that the system manager conjectured for the final ulates randomly their variability. The simulations carried out take
user: into consideration a 10% variation of these values. If such variability
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 133

Fig. 10. Cash flow for Scenario 6.

fluctuates between 0% and 20%, the output results would be subject While analyzing Fig. 11, we can notice how in every European
to a 10% variation of the return period.” country, where the energy price has a competitive cost respect to
It should be kept in mind that the financial benefit of a polygen- the gas price (such data are deeply affected by the energy policies
erative system like this, cannot be applied to every situation, but it adopted by every nation), the cogeneration system here suggested
is strictly connected to the market prices of electricity and gas net is not so advantageous after all. The gas price must be low and
and their mutual relation. the exertion of electric energy must be less advantageous for the
For this case study we compare the financial sustainability final user, in this way we make the cogeneration systems more
which varies everytime the costs of electric energy and gas change. advantageous despite their high installation costs.
By taking into consideration, for several European Community
Countries, the costs of electric kW h and natural gas we make a 8. Influence of the political environment
list of those Countries where the suggested solution is financially a
sustainable choice. In Italy, the effects of the directive 2009/29/EC [57] to improve
The energy prices are different according to the different and extend the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme
national energy markets in Europe, keeping in mind though that of the Community are observed through the trade of “white cer-
the main purpose is to cover the demands of our case study; thanks tificates” for the energy streamlining (TEE—“Titoli di Efficienza
to the data furnished by Eurostat [56] about electricity and gas costs Energetica”, in English “energy efficiency credits”). These docu-
in 25 different countries of the EU. We study the payback period of ments certify that a certain reduction of energy consumption has
the investment of Scenario 6. been attained. The white certificates are given to the producers
The result is a list of nations based on payback periods of the whenever an amount of energy is saved whereupon the producer
cogeneration system. can use the certificate for their own target compliance or can be

Fig. 11. Comparison of investment payback periods according to the electricity and gas tariff in different European countries.
134 F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136

Table 20
CO2 emissions: economic incentive.

CO2 [kg/yr] CO2 White certificates incentive

Standard case Suggested plant [kg/yr] [TOE/yr] [D /yr]

9094,702 6443,267 2651,435 941 94,126

sold to (other) unable to meet their targets. White certificates con- two compression machines. In this way, thanks to the production
sist in purchasable stocks that can be sold in the future. The original of a certain amount of electricity, the thermal requirement is the
value of these certificates was fixed at 100 D /TOE. same of the heat recovered from the cogenerators.
In our study, we compared the suggested plant with the case By applying the reliability theory, the configuration chosen for
where all the electricity is supplied by the electrical grid, and where the system, thanks to its redundancies, do not damage the service
the heating system is formed by residential gas boilers. As emis- continuity respect to more traditional solutions, despite the fact
sion factor for the grid power, 529 g/kW h of carbon dioxide [58] that a more complex system can lead to availability problems.
has been put as input in HOMER. For what concerns the boilers, For the production of electricity, the presence of the electric
0.05 g/m3 of fuel of carbon monoxide has been inserted. This values grid as a backup to the self-production system furnishes an extra
are in compliance with the Italian legislation 311/06 concerning the security for what concerns the availability of the system; for the
maintenance, the certification and the emissions of boilers. More- thermal system, the suggested 2/3 parallel, both for cogenera-
over a carbon monoxide rate of 0.5 g/m3 of fuel is the emission tors and boilers, is a successful solution permitting to perform
factor for the cogeneration, furnished by the technical papers of extraordinary maintenance without damaging the service conti-
the analyzed CHP plants. nuity. For what concerns the cool production during the summer,
Comparing the two different scenarios (as it can be seen in the solutions we showed are in line with the reliability of a tra-
Table 20) 2651 t of CO2 are saved with the teleheating system ditional system, emphasizing how the cool production systems
suggested, bringing an economic benefit of about 94,000 D /year with absorbers are slightly less reliable than those exploiting heat
whether converted into white certificates. This benefit would pumps.
switch the breakpoint of our financial valuation to about 13 years. Financially speaking we can notice how the realization of a
suggested system of distributed generation is an advantageous
9. Conclusions investment, since it allows the production of low electrical and
thermal energy cost to sell to the users living in the urban area
We studied the financial feasibility of a plant-engineering examined. With an initial expense of about 7 millions D , the pay-
solution based on the trigeneration process for the area of Arci back period valued is of 14 years with a total net profit of about is of
(extent/size of 3 km2 ) in Tivoli, north of Rome, characterized by a 50,00,000 D after 25 years. These economic flows allow an invest-
predominant residential use of the new building cubature expected ment in new technologies to optimize the demand, thus having the
for the territory. possibility to store electric energy or smooth electric energy peaks
The best configuration suggested from the simulations per- through the exertion of renewable energy resources such as solar
formed through the HOMER software is formed by three thermal or photovoltaic.
cogenerators with three different nominal powers (750 kW, For what concerns the environment, we showed how the real-
1500 kW and 2000 kW) tracking the electrical load assisted by ization of the suggested grid guarantees a better exploitation of the
three backup boilers (each of 2800 kW) to cover the peak ther- energy resource with a 24% of fuel (natural gas) saved respect to an
mal demand. The thermal energy is distributed on the whole area ordinary centralized production.
thanks to a teleheating net of 10,350 m. The most convenient solu- In order to suggest proper plant-engineering solutions giving
tions, among those suggested, to satisfy the cool demands of the the possibility to the cogeneration to be applied, on an urban scale,
buildings during the summer, is the one with absorption machines with positive results, we specify the importance of data collection.
for the buildings still unconstructed and compression refrigeration It is complicated though to identify the actual demands. Apply some
machines for the buildings already present on the area. aspects of the “smart grid” can help the design engineers/planners
To optimize the fuel consumption of the cogeneration we put while making choices about energy on an urban scale. The substi-
side by side the electrical requirements of the users living in the tution of old gas or electric energy meters with electronic models
area together with a certain thermal demand able to minimize the able to monitor gas and electricity consumption and report the
waste of heat during the generation process of electric energy. That data to the managers every hour could be helpful to anticipate his-
is why the daily sanitary hot water was properly produced and torical data for the trend of the demand and organize the energy
stored during the time intervals when the electrical demand was production to adapt it to the conditions required by the users.
higher than the thermal one. In conclusion, a cogenerative smart grid on an urban scale must
The trigeneration process must be applied (use heat to sat- be able to manage automatically the energy production, manag-
isfy the air conditioning requirements during the summer as well) ing energy flows in a bidirectional way with the grid, purchasing
only when we have a heat surplus that we can recover in a time electricity from the grid rather than producing it and choosing
interval originating from the cogenerators used to furnish electric randomly how to produce the energy necessary and managing
energy [59,60]. As a matter of fact it would be counter-productive the demands in a dynamic way. Anyway it is not less important
if, in a cogeneration context, we increased heavily the thermal load gathering tickets of the breakdown of the machines and the com-
demand without an increase of the electrical demand, because ponents of the cogeneration grid: it is possible to evaluate the weak
of the tax discourages purchasing quota of energy exceeding the points of the energy system, organizing the managing and ordi-
requirements of the electrical national grid. nary/extraordinary maintenance of the cogeneration system in a
In the urban context we studied (characterized by a residential way that it will observe the reliability standards required. The sug-
use), for the production of the cogeneration used to keep a constant gested grid must be a smart one: one of the main points is the use of
ratio between the electrical and thermal demand during the sum- digital technologies integrated with electric grids, and the manage-
mer, we tried to balance the energy requirements for: every three ment of information flow of the processes and systems in service.
buildings that had to be cooled, one used absorption machines and The addition of a “digital shell” typical of a smart grid and the
F. Salata et al. / Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 118–136 135

optimization of business processes are necessary for the financial of traditional low-costs energy resources will always decrease)
return of the technological investments. without compromising the safety and the continuity of the service
It is also important the exertion of technologies which are able demanded by modern energy grids.
to improve the identification of the damages and allow a self- We want to conclude our case by paying attention to the future
diagnosis of the net to guarantee an energy supplying which is more studies that can derive from it. Here our purpose was to face the
reliable, thus reducing the service vulnerability. The redundancy of problem of the return on investment for what concerns trigener-
its components reduces the risk of a service interruption. ation plants improving on an urban scale, relying on the energy
Thus the suggestion involving the cogeneration process is more optimization of the resources (”objective function”) and how sav-
advantageous than a traditional centralized production. This solu- ing energy, thanks to the exertion of new technology systems, can
tion is valid as far as the cost of the Italian energy resources are affect the service continuity (hence the system reliability, that is the
concerned [61]. The energy issue needs new and more efficient “control function”). In this study we did not take into consideration
solutions and energy and reliability optimization. We noticed how the environmental sustainability of these decisions concerning
the distributed generation, the cogeneration in particular, in an plants from the perspective of greenhouse gases. Such a perspec-
urban context which is mostly residential can be a solution to this tive affects deeply the idea of the plant feasibility going beyond the
problem. mere economic analysis, also facing ethical and ecological issues
Generalizing this case study, we can stress how a right evalu- that nowadays, not only a design engineer, but the “society” as
ation of the financial feasibility of such project cannot be limited well cannot ignore [63]. Many first industrialized Countries, at an
to financial returns which are the result of a better exploitation international level, signed an agreement for the respect of the envi-
of the energy resources only. The savings obtained, without a reli- ronment which led to taxation policies to reduce CO2 emissions
ability analysis of the energy systems suggested could be absorbed (the so called Carbon Tax [64]). Every Country, in an autonomous
by higher maintenance demands. Hence what follows is the a way way, decided to start a distinctive taxation policy which inevitably
of thinking that an energy manager should have in order to face affects the economic feasibility of plants producing energy, penal-
properly the problem of making the right energy choices: izing (by taxing) those countries with the highest pollution values
and rewarding with “green certificates” (by lifting taxes) those
• Step 1: analysis of energy requirements in relation to the type of showing more respect for the environment. In a future case study,
users and cost items estimation; characterized by a more extended analysis, we would like to intro-
• Step 2: energy analysis of the most performative technical solu- duce a second “control function” based on both the emissions
tions and considered more innovative than traditional solutions; considered harmful to the environment and all the economic issues
• Step 3: identification of the necessities of uninterrupted service deriving from that.
of the users involved;
• Step 4: a critic analysis of the solution reliability is better from an
energetic point of view.
• Step 5: comparison between energy and reliability necessities,
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
preferring those solutions assuring an uninterrupted service not
in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
inferior to the requirements or with reliability performances
A special thanks to Mrs. Flavia Franco for the help she provided
lower than more traditional energy systems;
in the preparation of this paper.
• Step 6: financial analysis of the energy solution and optimal
reliability, that takes into consideration the installation costs
(redundancies included), achievable energy savings and the man- References
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