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I.Questions 1–7

Complete the sentences with need, should or mustn’t.

1. You should to do warm-up exercises before you do sport.

2. We shouldn’t eat too fast or we’ll get

stomach ache.
3. Your legs ________ need be straight, and your
arms, too.
4. You _______ mustn’t wear dirty shoes near the
swimming pool.
5. I need to stop now because my leg hurts.
6. We should try to eat healthy food.

7. You need …………need……… warm up your upper body.

II. Questions 8–14

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form to make sentences in the first conditional.

8. He doesn’t feel well tomorrow unless he gets enough sleep tonight.(not feel)

9. If we leave now, we’ll get to school on time. (leave)

10. You won’t be able to concentrate this afternoon unless

you ate a healthy lunch! (eat)

11. If you help me with my maths homework, I will help you with your
English homework! (help)

12. Bruno will be very happy if we gave him a football for his birthday.

13. Unless you pay attention, you will not remenber the

story. (not remember)

14. If I finish my work earlier, we ………could………………….. go to the restaurant.

III. Questions 15–20

Complete the table. One example has been done for you.

Direct statement Reported statement


‘I like dancing.’
15.My sister says that she

likes dancing.

16. ‘I am good at hockey

My brother says that he’s

good at hockey.

17. My mother says that

‘I don’t like apples.’

she dosent like apples

18. ‘I I know lots of famos

My friend says that she
knows lots of famous actors.

19. My father says that he
‘I enjoy swimming in the sea.’
enjoy swimming

20. ‘I haven’t got a bicycle

My cousin says that he

.’ hasn’t got a bicycle.

V. Write a short presentation script about “responsibility”; using the guidelines outlined below.

⮚ Greetings

⮚ Welcoming

⮚ Introducing yourself/ the topic

⮚ Objectives

⮚ Outlining

⮚ Question policy

⮚ Beginning the main body

⮚ Ending

⮚ Summary

⮚ Ending phrases

⮚ Gratitude

Good morning everyone my name is Hiruy Metsihafe and its a pleasure to talk to all of you

To day I am going to present about responsibility by the end of this presentation you will know about responsibility

My presentation will be in 3 parts

The first part will be about what is responsibility, the second part will be about how to be responsible ,the final part will be
about how it helps people fell free to ask me in the middle of the presentation responsibility is a duty is a commitment or
expectation to perform some action in general or if certain circumstances arise that’s all I want to say for now on
to the second part how to be responsible make your body awake don’t be lazy a phrase of my own “I wont be lazy
I live for a reason and this may be it I wont accomplish it if I don’t do it know” say it with a loud voice and that’s my
advice moving on to the last but not the least part how it helps people they feel productive they feel awake their
mind will be much more productive and will be convertible taking things out off your mind to summarize my
presentation be responsible and tell the truth that’s my presentation for today have a nice day.















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