03 Intelligent Tiering Archive Configuration

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Lesson 4 Demo 3

S3 Intelligent-Tiering Archive Configuration

Objectives: To create Intelligent-Tiering Archive configuration

Prerequisites: AWS account with an S3 bucket created

Steps to be followed:

1. Creating a new configuration for Intelligent-Tiering Archive

Step 1: Creating a new configuration for Intelligent-Tiering Archive

1.1 Go to the Properties tab of an already created S3 bucket

1.2 Under the option Intelligent-Tiering Archive configurations, click on Create

1.3 Under Archive configuration settings, add a name under Configuration name, select
Limit the scope of this configuration using one or more filters under Choose a
configuration scope, add test under Prefix, and select Enable under Status
1.4 Under Archive rule actions, choose Archive Access tier and add any number greater
than 90 under Days until transition to the Archive Access tier
1.5 Click on Create to save the changes

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