Case Study

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ANALIZA CHIP 12/01/2023

Case study
The PCT2075 is a temperature sensor, and its pins are typically connected
to a microcontroller for communication and data reading. The PCT2075 uses the
I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) communication protocol.
ANALIZA CHIP 12/01/2023

PCT2075 VCC (Power): Connect to the microcontroller's power supply

PCT2075 GND (Ground): Connect to the microcontroller's ground
PCT2075 SDA (Serial Data): Connect to the microcontroller's I2C data
line (SDA).
PCT2075 SCL (Serial Clock): Connect to the microcontroller's I2C clock
line (SCL).
The PCT2075 uses the on-chip band gap sensor to measure the device
temperature with the resolution of 0.125 °C and stores the 11-bit two’s
complement digital data, resulted from 11-bit A-to-D conversion, into the device
Temp register. This Temp register can be read at any time by a controller on the
I2C-bus. Reading temperature data does not affect the conversion in progress
during the read operation.

To initiate communication with the PCT2075 device, the controller must

address the target device by sending a target address byte. This target address
byte comprises seven address bits and a direction bit, indicating whether the
controller intends to execute a read or write operation. The PCT2075 is designed
to accommodate multiple devices on a single bus interface, allowing for a total
of up to 27 devices to be addressed.
The device is equipped with three address pins, labeled A0, A1, and A2,
providing flexibility in assigning unique addresses to individual devices. These
pins enable the controller to address different devices on the same bus. The
combination of logic levels on these address pins determines the specific address
assigned to each device.
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The PCT2075 temperature sensor supports auto-incrementing of the

register address during sequential reads. This means that once the controller
initiates a read operation and specifies the starting register address, subsequent
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reads will automatically increment the register address, allowing for the
continuous retrieval of data from consecutive registers.
In the context of the PCT2075, if you are reading temperature data from
multiple registers, you can perform sequential reads without explicitly
specifying each register address for subsequent reads. This feature simplifies the
reading process when retrieving data from consecutive registers, such as when
reading the temperature data stored in multiple registers.

In the PCT2075 temperature sensor, there are several registers, some of

which are used for configuration settings, while others store temperature data.
Temperature Data Registers:
The temperature data registers store the actual temperature readings
obtained by the sensor. These readings are in digital format after the analog-to-
digital conversion.

Configuration Register:
The configuration register contains various bits that control the behavior
and settings of the PCT2075.
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This register is used to set parameters such as the temperature resolution,

thermostat mode, and other configuration options.

The configuration settings in the PCT2075 temperature sensor directly

impact how the device measures and reports temperature in real-life
Temperature Resolution:
The configuration register typically includes bits that allow you to set the
temperature resolution. Higher resolution usually means more accurate but
slower temperature measurements. The choice depends on the specific
requirements of your application.
Thermostat Mode:
The PCT2075 often includes a thermostat mode in its configuration. This
mode allows you to set temperature threshold values. The sensor can then
generate an alert or take specific actions when the measured temperature crosses
these thresholds. This is useful for applications where you need to monitor
temperature levels.
Shutdown Mode:
Some temperature sensors, including the PCT2075, offer a shutdown
mode. This mode allows you to put the sensor in a low-power state when
temperature monitoring is not needed. This can be useful for battery-powered
applications to conserve energy.
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Fault Queue and Alert Polarity:

The configuration register may also include settings related to the fault
queue and alert polarity. The fault queue determines how many consecutive out-
of-limit measurements are required before triggering an alert. The alert polarity
determines whether the alert pin is active-high or active-low.
In real-life applications, you would configure the PCT2075 according to
the specific requirements of your use case. For example, if you need precise
temperature measurements with high resolution, you might choose a higher
resolution setting in the configuration register.
For basic temperature monitoring applications, you might be able to use
the sensor with default settings. However, for more specialized or customized
requirements, configuring the registers allows you to optimize the sensor's
performance to meet those needs.

|-- Initialization --------------------------------|
| Configure I2C communication settings

|-- Configure PCT2075 ----------------------------|

| Write to Configuration Register (Device Address: 0b1001A2A1A0):
| - Set TEMP_RES bits for temperature resolution (bits 9 and 8)
| - Set THERMOSTAT bits for thermostat mode (bits 3 and 2)
| - Set other relevant configuration options

|-- Read Temperature --------------------------------|

| Write to Temp Register Address (Device Address: 0b1001A2A1A0,
Start Conversion)
| Poll Status Register (Read CONFIG register):
| Check BUSY bit to ensure conversion is complete
| Read Temperature Data (Device Address: 0b1001A2A1A0, Read TEMP

|-- Process Temperature Data ----------------------|

ANALIZA CHIP 12/01/2023

| Convert raw temperature data to meaningful values

| Use temperature data in your application

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