The Perception of Grade 11 Humss Students of Felix Amante Senior High School To Gender Inequaluity of The Young Generation School Year 2022

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A Research

Presented to

Faculty and Staff of







The Problem And Its Background


“It is time we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”

- Emma Watson

Perceptions about a certain topic, issue, or even someone so important in life. Having a

perception on these things would leave you with either a good or bad impression about it.

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order

to understand a certain topic.

Gender inequality is the social phenomenon which people are not treated equally on the

basis of gender. The treatment may arise from distinctions regarding biology, psychology, or

cultural norms prevalent in the society. Gender inequality is something that’s been happening

worldwide for centuries. It shows the superiority complex of men over women, and how there’s

been a mindset that women are the weakest people in the world, and men are the standards.

Gender inequality is the discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex or gender to

be routinely privileged or prioritized over another, as well as a feeling or superiority over one


In a school setting, gender inequality has been common in students, especially in terms of

academic performances and/or physical performances. At this point, it had became a mindset of

both the students and the teachers that there’s a stereotype between girls and boys according to
their genders. The researcher can confirm, as one of the researchers have experienced gender


Background of the Study

The nature and causes of gender inequality is multifaceted and complex and beyond

reduction to a few core factors, but in this section we’ll review some of the key moments in

history that contribute to this story, addressing various manifestations of inequality, and briefly

consider their effects.

Research on the origins of gender inequality is valuable for the scientific debate and

important for raising the awareness of the subtle processes enlarging the gender gap. While

important, it is only the beginning of closing the gender gap. In order to reach sustainable

solutions to enhance gender equality in the many facets of life and society, strategies should be

multi-faceted. Sustainable solutions to reduce the gender gap should stimulate full autonomy and

independence for women and men, by stimulating education and lifelong learning, equal rights to

participate in society, equal sharing of family care and not in the least a paradigm shift in the

stereotypical private and public images on the role of gender.

According to an article from FutureLearn, women had suffered from being

underprivileged, from being not able to vote, to being forced into marriage, and even parental

rights and education.

In the past centuries, education privileges were only given to men, as many people

believed that men should be the only ones to have education and that women belong in the

kitchen, serving men as housewives and bearing children for them. It has been unfair for women

and men to have gender stereotypes, creating inequality in the society. Years passed and

feminism happened. Women started protesting for equal rights for both genders, to let women

have privileges on education, jobs, and life in general. Up to this day, gender inequality is still

happening, and the researchers are conducting this topic as they want to bring possible solutions

for these type of topics in public places like schools.

Theoretical Framework

According to Klasen and Lamanna (2009) Using cross-country and panel regressions, we

investigate to what extent gender gaps in education and employment (proxied using gender gaps

in labor force participation) reduce economic growth. Using the most recent data and

investigating an extended time period (1960–2000), we update the results of previous studies on

education gaps on growth and extend the analysis to employment gaps using panel data. We find

that gender gaps in education and employment considerably reduce economic growth. The

combined “costs” of education and employment gaps in the Middle East and North Africa, and

South Asia amount respectively to 0.9–1.7 and 0.1–1.6 percentage point differences in growth

compared to East Asia. Gender gaps in employment appear to have an increasing effect on

economic growth differences between regions, with the Middle East and North Africa, and South

Asia suffering from slower growth in female employment.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the Perception of Grade

11 students of Felix Amante Senior High School to Gender Inequality of the Young Generation

School Year 2022-2023.

Specifically it sought to answer the following:

1.What is the demographic profile of the Grade 11 Students:

1.1 Section

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

1.4 Gender Preference

2. What are the experiences of the Grade 11 students regarding Gender Inequality and their

feelings about this case?

3. What do the Grade 11 students think are possible solutions for the gender inequality in Felix

Amante Senior High School S.Y 2022-2023

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be of great to the students, parents, LGBTQIA+, and future



The study will be beneficial for the students for they will obtain primary knowledge about

gender inequality of the young generation. They will understand the significance of gender

inequality as a result of this study.


The study will benefit the parents who are willing to open their minds about this certain

topic, and could help them guide their children in terms of gender equality and the lessening of

discrimination in terms of sex/gender.


This study will be useful for other people to understand the impact of gender inequality to the

members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and to also address this issue to lessen the inequality

and biases.

Future Researchers

The result of this study will provide related information about Gender Inequality and the

perceptions of students to this particular topic. This may serve as their reference or guideline for

their future research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will be limited to the Perception of Grade 11 students of Felix Amante Senior

Highschool to Gender Inequality of the Young Generation School Year 2022-2023.

To Determine the Grade 11 Perception, interviews will be given to 30 students of Grade

11 students in Felix Amante SHS

. The respondents will be consisting of Grade 11 students who experiences gender inequality.

The study is limited to; A. Perception of Grade 11: Profile, Family, Religion, and


B. Gender Inequality of the Young Generation.



This chapter is a detailed discussion of the methods and procedure used in the study on

the Perception of Grade 11 HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior Highschool to Gender

Inequality of the Young Generation School Year 2022-2023. The discussion covers the research

design, population and samples, respondents of the study, research procedure, research

instrument, and statistical treatment applied in processing and analyzing data.

Research Design

The study will use qualitative researched design as research design. With this method, the

researchers could gather information from individuals that experienced gender inequality, and

can state how they feel about it. The research will also use the Focused Group method, and

Ambush Interview as a tool for the research surveying. It is simpler because it will give certain

facts that are going on in the researcher’s target respondents.

The research will include all related studies that will present facts regarding the

perception of the perception of grade 11 HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior High School

to gender inequality of the young generation school year 2022-2023. The forgoing research is

predictable in the study since the general objectives of the study is to determine the outturn

among the variables of the study. The research is bound to determine the perception of grade 11
HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior High School to gender inequality of the young

generation school year 2022-2023.

Population of the Study

Felix Amante Senior High School is a public school comprising the level of senior high

school (Grade 11 – Grade 12), containing three strands namely; Arts and Design, Accounting and

Business Management, and Humanities And Social Science. The researchers will focus on grade

11 students in the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences, Arts and Design, and Accounting

and Business Management who experience gender inequality.

The study was composed of 30 individuals from different sections and strands of Grade

11 who knows a thing or two about Gender Inequality.

Research Instrument

In the primary data collection of this study, the researchers have conducted an interview

with different grade 11 students who experienced gender inequality throughout their days in

Felix Amante Senior High School. The respondents of this research were from different Grade 11

sections in Felix Amante Senior High School.


The researchers use this research instrument to gather our primary data from students that

have experienced gender inequality. We personally ask them and used collect data from those

persons that are really experiencing gender inequality.

Published Thesis

This research instrument helps us to gather secondary data from other researches and

studies in the past. We used the authors work to get information and connect their findings to our

study. This helps us to understand and learn more about gender inequality.


This research instrument is also used to gather secondary data. We used this to get

information from some professionals and experts and know their opinion about gender inequality

Research Procedure

Before the researcher conduct an interview they make a request letter. Upon approval

researchers retrieves the request letters. After that they started preparing the tools and the

research questions, and they search their participants to answer the questions. They ask there

participants if they are willing to give extra time for a short interview then giving the request

letter as a proof. After the participants approval the researchers start asking questions related to

the topic of the study, then they start listing all answers of their participant while the others are

asking questions.

Data Analysis

The data gathered were interpreted in an orderly manner. This was done using coding.

The data were grouped according to their common pattern.





This chapter describes the analysis data followed by a discussion of the research findings.

The Findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were analyzed to

identify the cause of gender inequality, the effects and ways to minimize the gender equality.

Causes of Gender Inequality

Theme 1: Stereotypes

Our respondents stated that the current stereotype of our community which says

that boys are better than girls is one of the reason to cause gender inequality. This

stereotype affects the perspective of others, which may cause them to engage gender

Our respondents stated that the current stereotype of our community which says that boys

are better than girls is one of the reason to cause gender inequality. This stereotype affects the

perspective of others, which may cause them to engage gender equality, for example is when

boys think that they're superior to girls and uses this superiority to assault them.

Theme 2: Discrimination
Another answer was discrimination, people's perspective to a certain or different genders

may lead to discrimination. The LGBTQIA+ community are most likely to be the center of

discrimination when it comes to gender inequality. Others see them as shame to the society, even

their families do, discrimination may also come or start with your family.

Theme 3: Perception

Our respondents answered that one’s perception to one’s gender may be the start of

comparing genders and eventually ends up to gender inequality.

Effects of Gender Inequality

Theme 1: Shame

Respondents had answered that shame is one of the effects of gender inequality that hits

them through their experience. Because of other people's perspectives and comments about them

or their gender they to feel ashamed and loses self confidence.

Theme 2: Stress

Almost all of our respondents stated that stress is the most commonly effect of gender

inequality. Being part of the young generation means that there are lots of people around you and

each perspective from those people about your gender may stress you out.

Theme 3: Depression
Like stress, depression is also one of the most answer of our respondents. From shame

and stress, depression may build up. Depression is a tough thing to deal with, being depressed

because of your gender may lead you to the thought of not being born that way. To get through

this you just needed to cope up your feelings.

Ways to Minimize Gender Inequality

Theme 1: Raise Awareness

Our respondents had stated that raising awareness may greatly help to minimize gender

inequality. Being concious to a problem or issue can make someone to act or response fast to

help and solve it to prevent it from spreading and causing furthermore problems.

Theme 2: Programs

All of the respondents are convinced that programs that promo gender equality would

lessen the outgoing gender inequality. These kinds of programs thought people in general to learn

how they should interact, react, and see other people through their gender.

Theme 3: Educate

Respondents stated that education would greatly be the most effective way to minimize

gender inequality. Being educated about different genders would help someone know on how

their perspective should be when looking at someone's gender, education could help someone to

understand the situation a certain gender is going through.




This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusion and

recommendation based on the data analysis in the previous chapter.

Summary of findings

Based on the results that we discussed, there were 3 objectives that this study

wants to answer. First of all the cause of gender inequality in the young generation. Our

respondents said that the primary cause of gender inequality is stereotypes. Second, the effects of

gender inequality in the young generation. Our respondents said that they eventually felt stress

and depression and started having poor performance in their studies. And lastly, their ways on

how to minimize gender inequality. The respondents stated that by attending programs and being

educated about gender inequality would eventually end up someone being able to know how to

interact and see someone’s gender.


Based on the study, we learned that it is important to understand someone’s

gender .in order to know how to interact, see, and treat them to show them respect.

There are many ways how to prevent or minimize gender inequality. After

conducting study among the thirty(30) respondents in Felix Amante Senior High School, These

are the few suggestions that can be used to improve this study:

1. The students must respect one’s gender.

2. The students should know how to act when they encounter this problem or issue.

3. The students should attend seminars and programs about how to gender equality.

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