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A Thesis
Presented to
Faculty and Staff of
San Pablo, Laguna

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Senior High School

Practical Research 1



The Problem and its Background

“It is time we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals”

-Emma Watson
Perception about a certain topic, issue, or even someone is so important in life. Having
a perception on these things would leave you with either a good or bad impression about it.
Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order
to understand a certain topic.

Gender inequality is the social phenomenon in which people are not treated equally on
the basis of gender. The treatment may arise from distinctions regarding biology, psychology, or
cultural norms prevalent in the society. Gender inequality has been something that’s been
happening worldwide for centuries. It shows the superiority complex of men over women, and
how there’s been a mindset that women are the weakest people in the world, and men are the
standards. Gender inequality is the discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex
or gender to be routinely privileged or prioritized over another.
Background of the Study
The nature and causes of gender inequality is multifaceted and complex and beyond
reduction to a few core factors, but in this section we’ll review some of the key moments in
history that contribute to this story, addressing various manifestations of inequality, and briefly
consider their effects.
Research on the origins of gender inequality is valuable for the scientific debate and
important for raising the awareness of the subtle processes enlarging the gender gap. While
important, it is only the beginning of closing the gender gap. In order to reach sustainable
solutions to enhance gender equality in the many facets of life and society, strategies should be
multi-faceted. Sustainable solutions to reduce the gender gap should stimulate full autonomy and
independence for women and men, by stimulating education and lifelong learning, equal rights to
participate in society, equal sharing of family care and not in the least a paradigm shift in the
stereotypical private and public images on the role of gender.
Education has also been gendered, with less educational opportunities afforded girls
when compared to boys in some countries. Education is also heavily influenced by the societal
context, and the wealth of the parent where education requires payment. The overall global
picture demonstrates that women exceed men in completing the most tertiary (bachelor, and
masters-level) education. This is reversed when looking at doctorates, and those who go on to
undertake a career in research, according to UNESCO. However, this obscures ongoing
inequalities, such as unequal access to primary school education for girls. According to
UNESCO, in Africa 9 million girls between the ages of 6 and 11 will never attend school,
compared to 6 million boys. Historically, educational needs were perceived to be different, with
girls in Britain, where educated, more likely to receive a home education focused on their
prospective roles as future wives and mothers, or given a range of accomplishments, such as
learning music. In contrast, subjects such as mathematics and science were typically reserved for
boys who were anticipated to take on a profession. Education was also related to class, with girls
of the working class receiving an education (if at all) commensurate with her anticipated future,
such as taking on domestic work. Girls were not encouraged academically, and it was even
considered that they were not suited to certain subjects by not having the appropriate minds.
Although in most countries access to education is gender equal, and legally mandatory, some of
the legacies remain, particularly in relation to subject matter, with women more likely to take on
Social Sciences and Humanities subjects and being underrepresented in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics. It remains unclear to what extent this is due to their preferred
choice or socialization and expectation management on the part of others that shapes their
perceptions and choices. There are also still those who argue that women are not well-suited to
science, as articulated in 2018 by a senior scientist. Education is also influenced by health
inequalities, such as the treatment of and support for menstruation. In circumstances where there
is a lack of sanitary products, girls are often effectively barred from attending school. A recent
UNESCO report estimates this affects one in ten of girls in Sub Saharan Africa.
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
The focus of this study is to determine the Perception of Grade 11 HUMSS Students of
Felix Amante Senior Highschool to Gender Inequality of the Young Generation School Year

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile
- Gender

Perception of Grade 11 HUMSS

Students Gender Inequality of the Young
- Family
- Religion
- Beliefs

Figure 2. The Research Paradigm of the Study

Figure 2 shows the Independent Variables comprising of Perception Grade 11 HUMSS
Students which includes Demographic Profile; Gender, Family, Religion, Beliefs and Dependent
Variables comprising of Gender Inequality of the Young Generation.
Statement of the Problem
The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the Perception of Grade
11 HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior High School to Gender Inequality of the Young
Generation School Year 2022-2023.

Specifically it sought to answer the following:

1.What is the demographic profile of the Grade 11 HUMSS Students:

1.1 Gender

2. What is the perception of the Grade 11 HUMSS Students to Gender Inequality of the Young
2.1 Family
2.2 Religion
2.3 Beliefs

3. Is there a significant relationship between the perception of Grade 11 HUMSS Students of

Felix Amante Senior High School to Gender Inequality of the Young Generation School Year

Research Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the perception of Grade 11 HUMSS Students
of Felix Amante Senior High School to Gender Inequality of the Young Generation School Year

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be of great to the students, parents, LGBTQIA+, and future

The study will be beneficial for the students for they will obtain primary knowledge about
gender inequality of the young generation. They will understand the significance of gender
inequality as a result of this study.
The study will benefit the parents who are willing to open their minds about this certain
topic, and could help them guide their children in terms of gender equality and the lessening of
discrimination in terms of sex/gender.
This study will be useful for other people to understand the impact of gender inequality to the
members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and to also address this issue to lessen the inequality
and biases.
Future Researchers
The result of this study will provide related information about Gender Inequality and the
perceptions of students to this particular topic. This may serve as their reference or guideline for
their future research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will be limited to the Perception of Grade 11 HUMSS students of Felix
Amante Senior Highschool to Gender Inequality of the Young Generation School Year 2022-
To Determine the Grade 11 Perception, questionaires will be given to some students of
eleven (11) Grade 11 HUMSS sections. The respondents will be consisting of Grade 11 students
who experiences gender inequality.
The study is limited to; A. Perception of Grade 11: Profile, Family, Religion, and
B. Gender Inequality of the Young Generation.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were used and defined operationally for clearer and better
understanding of the research content.
Beliefs -
Gender Inequality
This chapter is a detailed discussion of the methods and procedure used in the study on
the Perception of Grade 11 HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior Highschool to Gender
Inequality of the Young Generation School Year 2022-2023. The discussion covers the research
design, population and samples, respondents of the study, research procedure, research
instrument, and statistical treatment applied in processing and analyzing data.

Research Design
The study will use descriptive as research design. This method will involve the
representation, recording, and analyzing of relevant data and reports that is to be gathered from
the respondents of the study. The research will also use a descriptive method to formulate
questionnaires that will employ as the main tool in data gathering. It is simpler because it will
give certain facts that are going on.

The research will include all related studies that will present facts regarding the
perception of the perception of grade 11 HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior High School
to gender inequality of the young generation school year 2022-2023. The forgoing research is
predictable in the study since the general objectives of the study is to determine the outturn
among the variables of the study. The research is bound to determine the perception of grade 11
HUMSS students of Felix Amante Senior High School to gender inequality of the young
generation school year 2022-2023.

Population And Sample

Felix Amante Senior High School is a public school comprising the level of senior high
school (Grade 11 – Grade 12), containing three strands namely; Arts and Design, Accounting and
Business Management, and Humanities And Social Science. The researchers will focus on grade
11 students in the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences who experience gender inequality.
The researchers applied purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling
that is selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.

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