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Jade Arnela D.


B. Prose
The prose works of the Spanish period consisted mostly of didactic pieces
and translations of religious writings in foreign languages.
The most important piece of didactic literature of this period is Urbana
and Feliza written by Fr. Modesto de Castro. Published in 1855, it took the
form of the epistolary novel with the full title of Pagsusulatan ng Dalauag
Binibini na si Urbana at Ni Feliza na Nagtuturo ng Mabuting Kaugalian. It is an
exchange of letters between two sisters: Urbana, who is a student in college in
Manila, and Feliza, who lives in the Province with their parents. Urbana’s
letters are full of advice to her sister on proper behavior at hom, in church, at
parties, while receiving a suitor in her parlor and on other occasions.

C. Drama
1. The Religious Dramas
a. The Panuluyan- literally means, “seeking entrance”; it is the tagalog
version of the Mexican Posadas. Held on the eve of Christmas, it dramatizes
Joseph’s and Mary’s search for lodging in Bethlehem. It is also called
Pananapatan or Panawagan; Gagharong or Pagharongharong in Bikol.
b. The Cenaculo- was originally the dramatization of the passion and
death of Jesus Christ presented during Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
c. The Salubong- an easter play the dramatizes the meeting of the risen
Christ and his mother.
d. The Moriones- refers to the participants dressed as Roman soldiers,
their identities hidden behind colorful, sometimes grotesque, wooden masks.
The pugutan or beheading climaxes the Moriones festival.
e. The Tibag or Santacruzan- performed during the month of May
which is a period of devotion to the Holy Cross. It depicts St. Elena’s search for
the cross on which Christ died. The tagalog tibag comes from the act of
excavating or leveling the mounds.
f. The Pangangaluluwa- an interesting socio-religious practice on All
Saints’ Day which literally means “for the soul”. The practice is based on the
old belief that the souls in the purgatory are “released” on the night of All
Saints’ Day to go begging alms on earth.
2. The Secular Dramas
a. The Karagatan- which means “open sea” comes from the legendary
practice of testing the mettle of young men vying for a maiden’s hand.
b. The Duplo- a forerunner of the Balagtasan. The performers consist of
two teams; one composed of young women called Dupleras or belyakas and the
other of young men called Dupleros or Belyakos.
c. The Comedia- one of the earliest forms of stage drama whoch took on
a particular aspect that of a particular play which had for its main theme courtly
love, usually between a prince and a princess of different religions one a
Christian, the other a muslim.

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