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MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

Last Class

• Free Body Diagram

• Problems on Equilibrium of a Coplanar Force System

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I Lecture 5

3-D Particle Equilibrium

- Forces in Space

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

3-D Cartesian Vector Terminology

• The vector A can be defined as

A = (AX i + AY j + AZ k)

• The magnitude of the position vector

A can be obtained as

A = (AX2 + AY2 + AZ2)½

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

3-D Cartesian Vector Terminology

• Using trigonometry, “direction cosines” are

found using the formulas

• The unit vector of any position vector:

or, Written another way, uA = cos  i + cos  j + cos  k

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

Unit Vector

For a vector A with a magnitude of A, an

unit vector is defined as UA or λAB = A / A
Characteristics of a unit vector:

a) Its magnitude is 1.
b) It is dimensionless.
c) It points in the same direction as the original
vector (A).

• The unit vectors in the Cartesian axis

system are i, j, and k. They are unit
vectors along the positive x, y, and z
axes, respectively.
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

A position vector is defined as a fixed vector that locates a
point in space relative to another point.

• Consider two points, A & B, in 3-D

space. Let their coordinates be A
(XA, YA, ZA) and B ( XB, YB, ZB ).

• The position vector directed from A to B, rAB , is defined as

rAB = {(XB – XA) i + (YB – YA) j +( ZB – ZA )k} m

• Note that B is the ending point and A is the starting point. So ALWAYS
subtract the “tail” coordinates from the “tip” coordinates!
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I


If a force is directed along a line, then

we can represent the force vector in
Cartesian Coordinates by using a unit
vector and the force magnitude.

So we need to:

• Find the position vector, r AB , along two points on that line

r AB = {(XB – XA) i + (YB – YA) j +( ZB – ZA ) k}

• Find the unit vector describing the line’s direction,

uAB or λAB = (rAB/rAB)

• Multiply the unit vector by the magnitude of the force,

F = F uAB or F λAB
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

3-D Particle Equilibrium

When a particle is in equilibrium, the vector sum of all the forces acting
on it must be zero ( F = 0 ) .

This equation can be written in terms of its x, y and z components.

This form is written as follows.

(Fx) i + (Fy) j + (Fz) k = 0

This vector equation will be satisfied only when

Fx = 0
Fy = 0
Fz = 0

• They are valid at any point in equilibrium and allow you to

solve for up to three unknowns.
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I


Given: Two forces are acting on a pipe as shown in the figure.

Find: The magnitude and the coordinate direction angles of

the resultant force.
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

FCA = 100 {rCA/rCA}
FCA = 100 (-3 sin 40º i + 3 cos 40º j – 4 k)/5
FCA = {-38.57 i + 45.96 j – 80 k} lb

FCB = 81 {rCB/rCB}
FCB = 81 (4i – 7j – 4k)/9
FCB = {36i – 63j – 36k} lb

FR = FCA + FCB = {-2.57 i – 17.04 j – 116 k} lb

FR = (2.572 + 17.042 + 1162) = 117.3 lb

 = cos-1(-2.57/117.3) = 91.3°,  = cos-1(-17.04/117.3) = 98.4°

 = cos-1(-116/117.3) = 172° 10
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I


The weight is supported by three cables as

shown. Two are attached to the ceiling. One
is attached to the wall and is horizontal.

Find the tension in each cable.


MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

Solution: Find rPA, rPB, rPC

λAB = (rAB/rAB)

F = F λAB
MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

Fx = 0
Fy = 0
Fz = 0

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I


MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

Example: 03

The bucket is supported by three cables as shown.

Find the tension in each cable.

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I

Solution: Find rOA, rOB, rOC Free body diagram

MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I


MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I


MEE 105: Engineering Mechanics I



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