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KPR Institute of Avinasthi Road, Arasur,

Conbatore -641407
Engineering and Tamitnadu - India
Technology Tel:0422-263 5600
Learn Beyond (Autonomous, NAAC "A"y






1) Defnitions: In the following:

a) Regulations' will mean Regulations of SPIC MACAY Heritage Club, KPRIET
b) 'Heritage Club' will mean SPIC MACAY Heritage Club, KPRIET
c) 'Executive Committee' will mean Executive Committee, SPIC MACAY Heritage Club,

2) Short Title: This set of regulations will be known as the "Regulations of SPIC MACAY

Heritage Club, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology" and will come into force on the
date approved by the appropriate authority or the date on which it is notified thereafter.

3) Background about Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture amongst
Youth (SPIC MACAY): The chief objective of SPIC MACAY is to help disseminate the very
best of India's classical heritage in educational institutions. It is a voluntary movement of the

youth and, being primarily educational in nature, is located in schools, colleges and other
educational institutes. The following excerpt from the SPIC MACAY Handbook of Guidelines
summarizes what SPIC MACAY is all about:
"SPIC MACAY is an affirmation of A priceless cultural heritage rooted in what is
essentially Indian.

i) The pulsating and dynamic vitality of young person.

i) A solid value-based education, which involves the absorption of aesthetics and
spirituality in an increasingly technical, mundane and competitive world.
ii) The spirit of 'Nishkam Karma' (service without expectation of rewards, selfless
NBA Accredited Affiliated to DSIR Certified
(CSE, ECE, EEE, Anna University Scientific and Industrial 75488 88555
MECH, CIVIL) Approved by AlCTE Research Organization
Avinashi Road, Arasur.
KPR Institute of Coimbatore -641407
Engineering and Tamilnadu - India

Technology Tel:0422-263 5600
Learn Beyond (Autonomous, NAAC "A")
flooded by too much information.
1) The need for a more inspired perspective ina world
gentle human
V) All that is beautiful, lofty and wholesome of the sensitive, kind and
being who is inspired and in turn inspires."

4) SPIC MACAY at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology: Objective:

i) To expose the students of KPRIET to the rich and diverse heritage of India
ii) To enrich the community by making its members experience the subtle values of
Indian and World heritage
iii) To act as nodal Centre for schools, colleges and educational institutes for SPIC
MACAY activities in the neighborhood.
iv) To coordinate with SPIC MACAY Chapters in the neighboring cities and the central
body in Delhi so as to further the goals of SPIC MACAY.
v) To coordinate activities at the Campus in sync with the core values of the SPIC
MACAY movement.

5) Activities: Subject to the provisions of the regulations, Heritage Club will carry out the
following activities:

a) Classical and Folk Arts

i) Lecture-Demonstrations by well-known exponents of classical and folk-art forms (Lec
Dem series)

ii) Concerts by renowned artists (FEST series)

iii) Workshop-Demonstrations by relatively younger and accomplished artists
iv) 5-10-day long intensives (Workshops) by accomplished artists (appreciation activity)
v) Workshops of longer duration of 15- 30 days with an artist and her disciples (initiate
learning and deeper understanding)

b) Crafts
i) 3-6-day long eraft workshops

c) Baithaks: Intimate presentations and interactions with an artist in informal setting

NBA Accredited Affiliated to DSIR Certified

(CSE, ECE, EEE Anna University Scientific and Industrial 75488 88555
MECH, CIVIL) Approved by AICTE Rescarch Orgarnization
KPR Institute of Avinash Road, Arasur,
Cornbatore -641407
Engineering and Tamilnadu - India
Technology Tel:0422-263 5600
Learn Beyond
(Autonomous, NAAC "A")
d) Cinema Classics

i) Screening of Classical movies of world cinema by renowned Directors followed by

ii) Cinema Classic festivals

e) Talks: Talks by enlightened individuals on Performing and visual art forms including:
i) Cinema
ii) Literature
iii) Nature and environment
iv) Development and Philosophy

) World Heritage Programs

g) Virasat: Be a part of and coordinate Virasat - a festival comprising performances and

workshops in folks and classical arts, literature, crafts, talk, theatre, cinema arnd yoga in
different educational institutions in and around the city or a region over a period of 5 -10
days with multiple modules at Campus.

h) Yoga/Holistic Camps

i) Heritage walks and heritage tours

i) Scholarship: Select students from the Institute who will stay with Gurus for a mnonth
during summer to imbibe the ethos of an alternate system of education. The Gurus are
masters who inspire and are not restricted to classical art forms or spirituality.

Rural School Intensives: A 5-6-day program for the rural schools' children from a district
I region /state with workshops and performances in folk and classical forms, talks, movie
screening and interactions.

I) Conventions: Participation and organization of conventions at State, Zonal and National


DSIR Certified

NBAAccredited Affiliated to
(CSE, ECE, EEE, Anna University Scientific and Industrial 75488 88555
MECH, CIVIL) Approved by AICTE Rescarch Organization
Avinashi Road, Arasur,
KPR Institute of Coimbatore - 641407
Tamilnadu - India
Engineering and
Technology Tel:0422-263 5600
Learn Beyond (Autonomous, NAAC "A")

m) Other Activities

i) Workshops, publication, exhibition, celebrations of local/national festivals,

environment and nature care, study tours to places of cultural importance, quizzes,
talks, debates, panel discussion and other culture related activities.
i) As nodal Centre, coordinate the SPIC MACAY activities in educational institutes in
and around Coimbatore

n) Weekly Meetings: Beside planning for the regular activities and working towards the goal,
the weekly meetings enrich and bind the members together in fellowship. New and
dedicated members are drawn to the movement and a sense of belonging results. Weekly
meeting activities include planning and coordination, talks, audio-visual programs,
discussions and interactions,

6) Membership and Participation:

a) Any student of KPRIET can bea member of SPICMACAY and
participate in its activities.
b) Since SPIC MACAY is voluntary in nature, any campus community member is free
participate in and attend its programs.
c) Students and teachers from neighboring schools and educational institutes and,
volunteers from the city may also attend the programs, However, they will not be
members of Heritage Club.

7) Operational Structure:
a) SPIC MACAY Heritage Club Executive Committee constituted as per the regulations will
be responsible for the overall supervision and management of the activities of the Club
b) The Executive Committee will function from tlhe Campus with the Office Bearers and
Coordinators notified from time to time by the Head of the Institute by way of .
separate letter.
c) The Chief Staff Advisor and the Staff Advisors will be nominated by the P'rincipal on the
recommendation of the Dean of Students' Welfare.

NBA Accredited Affiliated to DSIR Certified

(CSE.ECE, EEE. Anna University Scientific and Industrial 75488 88555
MECH, CIVIL) Approved by AICTE Research Organization
KPR Institute of Avinash1 Road, Arasur.
Engineering and Combatore - 641407
Tamilnadu - India
Technology Tel:0422-263 5600
arn Beyond (Autonomous, NAAC "A")
d) The student office bearers, coordinators and joint coordinators wvill be nominated by the
Chief Staff Advisor in consultation with the Staff Advisors and outgoing Executive
e) The term of office of student members of the Executive Committee will be 1 year.
However, the Coordinators of Programs and Accounts, and Joint Coordinator of
Programs may continue for one more term.
) The Executive Committee will meet as often as required and at least once a month except
the vacation period. The meetings will be chaired by the Chief Staff Advisor or the Staff
Advisor if the former is not available.

8) Finance and Accounts:

managed from the annual grants
a) The regular activities of the Heritage Club will be
available from competent authority of the Institute.
School Intensives and State /Zonal
b) For holding programs like 5-7-day long Virasat, Rural
special efforts to generate
/National Conventions, the Executive Committee will make
additional funds / donations from:

i) Some suitable grant of the Institute

ii) Appropriate Government Departments / Agencies
iii) Private Industries and Corporate Houses
iv) Trusts, Banks and Public Sector Undertakings
v) Businesses and well-meaning individuals
of Heritage Club under active
c) The Coordinator of Accounts will maintain the accounts
supervision of one of the Staff Advisors.
and help
d) For administrative support for the Heritage Club - office work, correspondence
faculty /staff
in maintaining the books of accounts, suitable volunteer from student/
should be designated. However, if the Chief Staff Adviser thinks that the work
required more time than possible through volunteer effort part time support could

NBA ACcredited Affiliated to DSIR Certified

(CSE, ECE, EEE, Anna University Scientific and Industrial 75488 88555
MECH, CIVIL) Approved by AICTE Research Organization
KPR Institute of Avinashi Road, Arasur,
Coimbatore- 64 1407
Engineering and Tarnilnadu - India
Technology Tel:0422-263 5600
Learn Bevond (Autonomous, NAAC "A")

9) Amendments to Regulations: The Executive Committee may propose amendments to the

Regulations for approval of the appropriate and competent authority when necessary.

CRE 07

NBA Accredited Aftiliated to DSIR Certified

Aina University Scientific and Industrial 75488 88555
MECH, CIVIL Approved by AICTE Rescarch Organization

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