The New Extensionist 2013

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The “New Extensionist”:

Roles, Strategies, and Capacities

to Strengthen Extension
and Advisory Services
Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services
November 2012
SERVICES. GFRAS is made up of various stakehold-
ers worldwide who have an interest and role in rural This document benefitted immensely from the
advisory services (RAS). The mission of this forum comments and suggestions offered on the previ-
is to provide advocacy and leadership on pluralistic, ous versions of this paper by many. We would like
demand-driven rural advisory services. GFRAS does to thank everyone who commented on this paper
this in the context of the global development agenda, and among them we would like to specially acknow­
with a goal of promoting sustainable growth and ledge Jon Daane, Magdalena Blum, Riikka Rajalahti,
reducing poverty. Jeff Mutimba, Javier Ekboir, Roy Murray-Prior, Myra
Wopeirus-Pura, David Dolly, and Emilo Ruz for com-
The “New Extensionist”: Roles, Strategies, and menting on the full paper. Special thanks go to Sue
Capacities to Strengthen Extension and Advisory Canney Davison for leading and reporting on the
Services face-to-face and e-discussions and survey. We also
thank all those (more than 200 people) who read the
summary and recommendations of this paper and
participated in the online survey and e-discussions
on this topic. Comments and suggestions on this
AUTHORS paper from the participants at the 3rd GFRAS Annual
Meeting at Manila (26-28 September 2012) and the
Rasheed Sulaiman V GCARD–II meeting at Uruguay (29 Oct-1 November,
Kristin Davis 2012) are also kindly acknowledged.



Page 1: Zoonar/chrisw
Page 3: Vincent Long/TechnoServ
Page 9, 12: CRISP
Page 6: Nile Sprague/TechnoServ
Page 10: Zoonar/Elke Dehmel
Page 16 & 20: Eric McGaw
TechnoServe is an international nonprofit
that promotes business solutions to poverty.

Design by M. Knipfer using photos from CRISP,
K.Davis, M. Haque, IFPRI, Vincent Long and
E. McGaw

November 2012
Roles, Strategies, and Capacities to Strengthen Extension and Advisory Services

Table of Contents




2.1 New demands on EAS  3

2.2 AIS and implications for EAS roles, strategies, and capacities  4


3.1 Individual level  9

3.2 Organisational level  10

3.3 Enabling environment level  10


4.1 Supporting capacity at the individual level  13

4.2 Supporting capacity at the organisational level  14

4.3 Supporting capacity at the enabling environment level  14


5.1 Actions and actors at the national level  17

5.2 Actions and actors at the regional level  18

5.3 Actions and actors at the global level  18

ADB Asian Development Bank IFAD International Fund for Agricultural
AFAAS African Forum for Agricultural Development
Advisory Services IALB International Academy of Rural
AfDB African Development Bank Advisors
AIAEE Association for International Agri­ IFDC International Fertiliser
cultural and Extension Education Development Centre
AIS Agricultural innovation system INCAGRO Peru Agricultural Research and
ANAFE African Network for Agriculture, Extension Programme
Agroforestry and Natural Resources KHDP Kerala Horticulture Development
Education Programme
APAARI Asia-Pacific Association of Agri­ MANAGE National Institute of Agricultural
cultural Research Institutions Extension Management
APEN Australasia-Pacific Extension MEAS Modernizing Extension and
Network Advisory Services
APIRAS Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory MoFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Services Network NAADS National Agricultural Advisory
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Services
Nations NI Neuchâtel Initiative
ATI Agricultural Training Institute OECD The Organisation for Economic
ATS Agricultural Technical Schools Co-operation and Development
CARICOM Caribbean Community RCBP Rural Capacity Building Project
CGIAR Consultative Group on International RELASER Latin American Network for Rural
Agricultural Research Extension Services
CRS Catholic Relief Services RUFORUM Regional Universities Forum for
CTA Technical Centre for Agricultural Capacity Building in Agriculture
and Rural Cooperation SAARC South Asian Association for
EAS Extension and Advisory Services Regional Cooperation
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction SADC Southern African Development
and Development Community
EU European Union SEARCA Science and Education for Agri­
EWB Engineers without Borders culture and Development
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization TAP Tropical Agriculture Platform
FARA Forum for Agricultural Research in UWI University of the West Indies
Africa UWI-CARICOM University of the West Indies
FAS Farm Advisory Services (Mona Campus), Jamaica and
FOs Farmers’ Organisations the Caribbean Community
GCARD Global Conference on Agricultural
Research for Development
GCHERA Global Confederation of Higher
Education Association for the
Agricultural & Life Sciences
GDPRD Global Donor Platform for Rural
GFAR Global Forum on Agricultural
GFRAS Global Forum for Rural Advisory
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Inter­
nationale Zusammenarbeit
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
1. INTRODUCTION Meanwhile, the extension landscape has also
undergone changes, becoming more pluralistic
While much has been discussed during recent years with the increasing participation of the private
on strengthening extension and advisory support to sector (dealing with agro-inputs, agribusiness,
rural communities less is known about how to build financial services), non-governmental organisa-
the needed capacities within extension and advisory tions (international as well as local); producer
services (EAS). Not enough is known as well about groups, cooperatives and associations; consult-
the role of EAS within the agricultural innovation sys- ants (independent and those associated with
tem (AIS). This paper intends to fill this knowledge or employed by agri-business/producer asso-
gap by articulating a new vision for EAS within the ciations) and ICT-based services. All these
AIS, which we call the ‘New Extensionist’, recognising brought additional manpower and resources
that this is not just individual roles and capacities but for EAS and also brought new knowledge,
also those at organisational and system levels. The skills, and expertise. However this plu-
paper discusses ways of developing capacities ralism also brought additional chal-
needed for operationalising this vision at these levels. lenges of ensuring quality, provi­-
ding technical backstopping, and
The urge behind the development of the ‘New Exten- ensuring collaboration and syn-
sionist’ comes from the increasing realisation that the ergy between diverse EAS pro-
existing EAS need new capacities to respond effec- viders.
tively to the new challenges in agricultural develop-
ment such as declining water availability, increasing Though research on communi-
soil degradation, and changing and uncertain climate cation and innovation during the
and markets. The past few years have also witnessed last decade brought better under-
erosion of capacities in EAS to perform their tradi- standing on the innovation process, this has
tional roles such as training and communication of not influenced the underlying paradigm and
technical information. While EAS has to deal with the practice of EAS in most countries. At the
old as well as new challenges, political and financial same time there have been few initiatives
support for extension has been on a decline in many that tried to experiment with new ways of
countries. Many started questioning EAS relevance developing capacities for extension and inno-
and competence to deal with the above contemporary vation. This paper builds on the new insights
challenges. Governments responded to these criti- from communication and innovation research,
cisms by downsizing public extension, decentralising lessons learned from extension experiences
public extension to local administrative units, with- over the past decades, the current debates
drawing from funding and delivery, and promoting around AIS and experiences with developing
privatisation (mainly cost recovery and outsourcing). capacities for extension and innovation.

The main intention of the paper is to clarify the role to perform traditional roles, and develop new capaci-
of EAS in AIS and to discuss potential ways for devel- ties to deal with new challenges.
opment of capacities to better serve rural producers
(including livestock keepers and fisherfolk), espe- The current discussion on the ‘New Extensionist’ is
cially the large number of small farmers and entre- expected to clarify the roles of different actors in
preneurs. enhancing capacities at different levels and contrib-
ute to operationalising the GCARD Roadmap. It
The GCARD (Global Conference on Agricultural should however be noted that all these capacities
Research for Development) Roadmap emphasized mentioned in this document do not necessarily have
actions to enhance capacities to generate, share, and to be developed everywhere, and even when they
make use of agricultural knowledge for development are required they must be developed in stages
among all actors involved in agricultural innovation depending on the challenges and opportunities spe-
and create effective linkages for research to contrib- cific to each location. The intention of GFRAS as a
ute to developmental change4. EAS are crucial for global network of EAS is to provide a menu of ideas
linking not only research to farmers, but all other and opportunities through this position paper, so that
actors (involved in delivery of credit, inputs, training, for all those who are interested in strengthening EAS
value chain links, and in policy development) who are provision can consider and prioritise these options.
also equally critical for agricultural innovation. But to
play this bridging role effectively, EAS need to
broaden their mandate, strengthen their capacities

Box 1: Some key terms defined

Extension and Advisory Services (EAS): This paper uses the definition of extension or rural advisory
services articulated by GFRAS ‘as consisting of all the different activities that provide the information and
services needed and demanded by farmers and other actors in rural settings to assist them in developing
their own technical, organisational, and management skills and practices so as to improve their livelihoods
and well-being’ 1. It recognises the diversity of actors in extension and advisory provision (public, private,
civil society); much broadened support to rural communities (beyond technology and information sharing)
including advice related to farm, organisational and business management; and facilitation and brokerage
in rural development and value chains.

Agricultural Innovation Systems: An innovation system is defined as a network of organisations,

enterprises, and individuals focused on bringing new products, processes and forms of organisations into
economic use, together with the institutions and policies that affect their behaviour and performance 2.As
per the innovation systems understanding, innovation is an interactive process among a large number of
actors through which knowledge generation, adaptation, and use happens. Institutions (rules, attitudes,
routines, and practices) and policies form the enabling environment that largely determines the capacity
of the system to innovate. Improved interaction among the large number of actors in the AIS is critical for
innovation and this process often has to be facilitated.

Capacity Development: OECD has defined “capacity” as the ability of people, organisations, and society
as a whole to manage their affairs successfully and “capacity development” as the process whereby peo-
ple, organisations, and society as a whole unleash, strengthen, create, adapt, and maintain capacity over
time 3. It means that capacity development is needed not only at the individual level, but also at the organisa-
tional and system level. This might involve several activities including improving individual skills and abili­
ties, strengthening an organisation’s vision and mission or its organisational capacities, developing more
effective and dynamic relationships among the actors, and helping to promote collaboration and alliances.

2. ROLE OF EAS of agricultural markets has further increased the vulner-
IN AGRICULTURAL ability of poorer countries and small farmers who have
weak bargaining power and limited political voice. Cli-
INNOVATION SYSTEMS mate change has made agriculture more vulnerable to
extreme weather events and managing scarce water
2.1 New demands on EAS resources will be an increasing challenge.
Historically public extension services were established
and strengthened to disseminate new information and These new challenges also mean that EAS need to
technologies generated by agricultural research to tackle a diversity of objectives that include, but go
farmers. The assumption was that new knowledge gen- well beyond, transferring new technologies. This
erated by research once transferred to farmers by encompasses the need to: link more effectively and
extension agencies would lead to adoption of that responsively to domestic and international mar-
knowledge and thereby contribute to improved produc- kets5 where globalization is increasingly competi-
tivity and increased incomes. In other words, the role of tive; reduce the vulnerability and enhance the voice
EAS was about communicating and disseminating of and empowerment of the rural poor6,7 promote
information on new and better agricultural practices. environmental conservation8; couple technology
While this kind of approach has value in promotion and transfer with other services relating to credit, input
application of simple technologies by individual farmers, and output markets9,10 and enhance the capacity
it is not sufficient to deal with many of the new chal- development role that includes training but also
lenges. strengthening innovation processes, building link-
ages between farmers and other agencies, and
Since the early 1990s, the nature of agriculture began institutional and organisational development to
to change rapidly. Though agricultural production and support the bargaining position of farmers11,12 .
productivity have generally increased, poverty (includ-
ing nutritional insecurity) is widespread in many of the Addressing these global challenges require gen-
less-favoured agricultural regions. For maintaining and eration, adaptation, and use of new knowledge.
improving land productivity, the natural resource base This involves interaction and support from a
needs to be sustainably managed. There has been an wide range of organisations in the agricultural
increase in women’s participation rates in the agricul- innovation system. Moreover solutions for
tural sector, either as self-employed or as agricultural most of the new challenges would require
wage workers during the last two decades. This has ‘new forms of interaction, organisation,
further necessitated the development and implementa- and agreement between multiple
tion of gender-sensitive extension approaches. Opening actors’13.

2.2 AIS and implications for EAS roles, 2.2.1 Role of EAS: In the AIS, the specific role of
strategies, and capacities each EAS system would essentially depend on a diag-
The agricultural innovation systems concept is increas- nosis of the roles and functions and activities of other
ingly recognised as useful to identify interventions, EAS providers and all other actors in the AIS.
design investments, and organise complementary
interventions that appear most likely to promote agri- The role of public sector extension in each country is
cultural innovation and equitable growth14. Agricultural shaped to a large extent by the national agricultural
research, extension, education, and training are key development goals. These could be achieving national
components of an AIS (Figure 1) though their role and food security, improving rural livelihoods, empowering
importance vary across production environments in farmers by building social capital, or improving natural
different countries. Application of the innovation sys- resource management25. As public extension is only
tems concept in different agricultural settings provided one important intermediary actor among the many
several useful insights on innovation and the potential other actors in the AIS, its comparative advantage lies
role of extension in the AIS. The great value of the AIS in its transformation as a “bridging” organisation, link-
concept for extension is that it allows the role and ing the different bits of knowledge held by different
organisation of extension to be understood as part of actors by promoting platforms and networks, and
a wider canvas of actors, processes, institutions, and facilitating their application and use, thereby facilitat-
policies that are critical for innovation (Box 2). ing innovation. Public sector extension should also
strive to develop the capacities of other EAS providers
As evident from Box 2, EAS can better contribute to so that they are able to contribute better to the larger
the process of innovation if they could play new roles, national goals.
undertake new functions, devise appropriate strate-
gies, and build new capacities. It also means that com- In the case of other EAS providers (outside the public
municating new knowledge and information, the tradi- sector), their roles are often shaped by the business
tional task of public extension alone is not sufficient to interest (private sector), donor priorities and local
bring about innovation. EAS has to play several other interests (NGOs), member concerns (producer organ-
roles, if it has to enable innovation. isations), and demand for specific services (consult-

Figure 1 An Agricultural Innovation System


Agroprocessors National agricultural

research system
Producer Bridging and coordination
organizations organizations
Input suppliers
Standards National extension and National education and
agencies business development training organizations

Land agencies
Credit agencies

Government policy and regulatory framework

Informal institutions, practices, behaviors, and attitudes.

Source: Adapted from Rivera, M.W., Alex, G., Hanson, J. and R. Birner. 2006. Enabling Agriculture: The Evolution and Promise of Agricultural
Knowledge Frameworks. Paper Presented at the Conference of the Association for International Agricultural Education and Extension
(AIAEE) in Clearwater Beach, Florida, May 14-18, 2006.

Box 2: Insights from research on AIS and implications for EAS

1. Innovation is an interactive process through which knowledge is generated, accessed, and put into use.
It is not a linear process of science developing new knowledge and transferring it on to extension for
wider dissemination15.
2. Central to this process are the interactions among a large number of actors having complementary
knowledge and expertise. This process quite often needs to be facilitated as actors often need an initial
push or opportunity to break barriers against joint discussion, action, sharing, and learning (increas-
ingly referred to as innovation platforms)16.
3. Intermediation activities (increasingly referred to as brokering) aimed at creating, maintaining, and
strengthening one to one relationships within organisations and among wide range of actors have to be
organised to promote innovation17.
4. Institutions (the attitudes, habits, rules, laws, norms, practices, and ways of working) shape how indi-
viduals and organisations interact. Similarly policies and the nature of the policy environment also affect
innovation18. Advocating for change in institutions and policies is therefore critical for innovation.
5. Innovation requires a combination of technical, organisational, and institutional adaptation. New invest-
ments and partnerships are required to couple technological innovation with organisational and insti-
tutional change19.
6. Traditional interventions such as support to research, extension, and education and creation of links
among research, extension, and farmers are not sufficient to bring about innovation. This should be
supported by complementary interventions including professional skills, incentives, and resources to
develop partnerships and businesses, improving knowledge flows and learning; and ensuring that the
conditions that enable actors to innovate are in place20.
7. Putting new knowledge into use is not a post-research, information dissemination task per se. Innova-
tion often needs further research support, sometimes as a source of expertise, sometimes to adapt
existing techniques and sometimes to solve a new problem or learn how to do something new21,22.
8. Innovation involves a wide range of functions, activities, and tools (performed by several agencies that
work through platforms, alliances, or partnerships) that are collectively referred to as innovation man-
agement. While facilitating access to technology is important in putting research into use, it has value
only when it is bundled together with other innovation management tasks such as development of
networks, organising producers, communicating research needs, mediating conflicts, facilitating access
to credit, inputs and output services, convening innovation platforms, advocacy for policy change, and
other negotiated changes in practice and action23.
9. Innovation is a process of constant learning and adaptation. Capability to learn to work in new ways and
to incrementally build new competencies is an important part of innovation capacity at the organisation
and sector or systems level24. The focus of capacity building should therefore include not only improving
technical expertise but also strengthening the capacity for interaction, learning, and adaptation.

ants). Thus their roles and capacities vary signifi- isational development and/or train farmer
cantly. Most of them have been working in isolation leaders and other EAS providers, including
focussing their initiatives in specific geographical the public sector staff, in approaches to
niches and among specific types of farmers. In all building social capital. Similarly, private sec-
these cases, their roles should expand from imple- tor agribusiness companies should partner
menting specific set of activities to supporting other with public sector extension and NGOs to initi-
actors in the AIS and collaborating with other EAS ate joint activities to link small farmers to high
providers. For instance, NGOs with knowledge and value markets. Some organisations (that can
experience of building social capital should collabo- do brokering) are better placed to develop rela-
rate with the public sector extension in joint imple- tionships between the different actors and enable
mentation of programmes dealing with farmer organ- collaborative action.

2.2.2 Functions of EAS In an increasingly pluralistic extension environment,
As the role of EAS within the AIS is more about shar- public sector EAS should (ideally in collaboration with
ing and facilitating access to information, knowledge, extension platforms) take a lead in identifying gaps in
and expertise, and working with others to bring service delivery and in ensuring that these gaps are
about innovation, EAS should perform a wide range addressed through public delivery or funding for
of innovation management functions mentioned extension and promoting capacity development, col-
above (Box 2, point 8). However, it is important to laboration and synergy across the different EAS pro-
note that all EAS providers do not have to perform all viders. It may also take a lead in coordinating activi-
these functions. Actual functions performed by each ties of diverse EAS so that the resources are used
will depend on farmer demands for services, the local most efficiently. Coordination is also important to
context, the organisational mandate, the availability ensure that the poor, small farmers, women, and dis-
of resources, and capacity. advantaged farmers are also served well. Coordina-
tion is facilitated when potential partners share a
One way of arriving at the specific functions is to common vision of their problems and opportunities.
convene platforms that bring different stakeholders Similarly, interaction and collaboration thrive only if
together and enhance their interactions to change they are based on trust, which fosters greater com-
the way their organisations function and collaborate mitment, through more knowledge sharing and bet-
with others (’innovation platforms’)26. For instance, ter conflict resolution32.
the national innovation platform for the agricultural
sector in Benin representing seven stakeholder 2.2.3 Reform strategies
groups (farmers’ groups; agri-processors; academics As performance of EAS (or for that matter the per-
and researchers; NGOs; policy makers from different formance of other organisations in AIS) depends on
ministries; and international organisations) is involved the technical skills and how each actor behaves or
in conducting innovation needs assessments, facili- interacts with its clients and other AIS actors and
tating public-private partnerships, and encouraging contributes its knowledge and expertise to the inno-
regular consultation of different stakeholders27. To vation process, reforms should not be limited to only
make sure that multiple actors in the system interact extension. Ideally reforms should target the whole
and enable innovation, other communication func- range of actors in AIS based on the findings from the
tions such as network building, supporting social innovation systems diagnosis (see Section 2.2.5).
learning and dealing with dynamics of power and Reforms should also explicitly address institutional
conflict are critical28. These functions are also called and policy changes that enhance the ability of the
‘boundary work’29, ’intermediation,’30 and recently different actors, especially those who have the capa-
‘innovation brokering’31. bility of exerting the biggest influence on the AIS, to
work as a system.

The innovation systems concept emphasises the ing this broader capacity for innovation in the AIS is
importance of learning and adaptation. As innovation important. In other words, diagnosis of existing
is a process of incremental adaptation, new exten- capacity within EAS should follow from this broader
sion arrangements have to evolve based on demands diagnosis of capacity within the AIS. Moreover
from clients and markets, local conditions, constraints capacity assessment should be organised as a con-
and opportunities. In other words, reforms should be sultative process. This is essential for ensuring
based on experimentation and learning (see section ownership of actions and reducing resistance to
4.2.3) which could be piloted by innovation platforms change. However, developing capacities at the
or national networks of EAS. Considering the wide individual level without broadening the organisa-
variation in actors, development objectives, chal- tional mandate and developing new capacities at
lenges, constraints, and opportunities as well as the the organisational and the enabling environment
lessons learned from past experiences, implementing level have never had the desired impact. Capac-
a single model of extension or pursuing one reform ity development has to therefore focus on all
strategy across the whole country, province or state, three dimensions in an integrated manner. The
should not be the way to go about reforming EAS. next session discusses these dimensions.

2.2.4 New capacities for EAS

EAS need new capacities considering the evolving
challenges in agriculture, and the new roles, func-
tions, and reform strategies envisaged. EAS should
have capacities to perform the range of innovation
management functions discussed earlier (Box 2).
Apart from this, they should also have technical and
functional capacities to promote appropriate agricul-
tural technologies, apply participatory approaches,
help organise producers, understand markets and
value chains, and address changing forms of climatic
social and economic vulnerability.

2.2.5 Diagnosing existing capacity

As the existing context influences the organisation(s),
it is essential to focus on organisations in their con-
text. The context provides incentives to the
organisation(s), stimulating them to act in a certain
manner. Diagnosing the existing capacity for innova-
tion of the AIS is therefore a good starting point for
initiating capacity development. The ‘Four Element
Tool’33 developed for diagnostic assessment of inno-
vation capacity could be a good starting point. Its
elements are:

1. Actors/stakeholders and the roles they play

(including their expertise, skills and interests,
and demand for support);
2. Patterns of interaction between actors;
3. Institutions (rules, laws, norms, habits and
practices); and
4. The enabling policy environment.

Keeping in view the increasing pluralism in EAS as

well as extension’s interdependence on other actors
in the AIS to facilitate or enable innovation, diagnos-

3. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT commitment and vision; policy, legal and regulatory
LEVELS IN EAS and economic frameworks; national public sector
budget allocations and processes; governance and
FAO’s corporate strategy on Capacity Development34 power structures; infrastructures; incentives and
provides a useful framework for approaching capac- social norms.
ity development and this is equally relevant for
capacity development in EAS. The FAO framework Some of the following functional capacities as identi-
talks about functional and technical capacities across fied by FAO are required at all these three levels.
three levels: individuals, organisations, and enabling These include:
environment. The capacity requirements across
these three levels are as follows: a) Policy and normative capacity: Capacities
to formulate and implement policies and
 he individual level relates to: knowledge, skills lead policy reform
(technical and managerial), and attitudes that can b) Knowledge capacity: Capacities to access,
be addressed through facilitation, training, and generate, manage, and exchange information
competency development. and knowledge
 he organisational level relates to: public, private c) Partnering capacity: Capacities to engage
and civil society organisations and networks of in networks, alliances, and partnerships
organisations in terms of: a) strategic management Implementation capacity: Management capacities
functions, structures, and relationships; b) opera- to implement and deliver programmes
tional capacity (relationships, processes, systems, and projects, from planning to monitoring, and
procedures, sanctions, incentives, and values; c) evaluation.
human and financial resources (policies, deploy- d) Implementation capacity: Management capaci-
ment, and performance); d) knowledge and infor- ties to implement and deliver programmes and
mation resources; and e) infrastructure. projects, from planning to monitoring, and
 he enabling environment level relates to: political evaluation.

Table 1: Capacities required at the individual level in EAS

Technical Functional

Good understanding Community mobilisation (organising producers and ru ral women into
about different types of interest/activity groups)
appropriate/relevant/new Farmer organisation development (organising, sustaining and federa­ting farmer
technologies/practices/ organisations to take up new extension and advisory service tasks in agriculture
standards/regulations/ and linking them to new source of knowledge and services)
policies in agriculture Facilitation (facilitating discussions, enabling consensus building and
and natural resource joint action, accompanying multi-stakeholder processes)
management Coaching (guided self-reflection and expert advice for improvement)
Some of these technical Reflective learning (organising experience sharing workshops and facilitating learning)
areas include: Mediating in conflicts (by improving dialogue and helping to reach agreement)
Technical options to Negotiating (helping to reach a satisfactory compromise or agreement between
support climate change individuals or groups and developing negotiating capacity among other stakeholders)
adaptation; Brokering (creating many-to-many relationships among the wide range of actors)
agri-business, value Networking & partnership development
addition and value chain Advocating for changes in policies and institutions
development; Leadership- capacity to inspire and motivate
improving resource use Managing resources (human and financial)
efficiency; Critical thinking
application of Problem solving
biotechnology; Self-reflection and learning from mistakes
intellectual property and Service mindedness
farmer rights; Accountability
use of new information Responsibility
& communication Dedication/commitment
technologies (ICTs) Working in multi-organisational and multi-sectoral teams
Working with rural women and using gender sensitive extension approaches

3.1 Individual level agement, policy advocacy, learning and evaluation,
Effective advice is no longer a matter of simply provid- capacity development, troubleshooting, and link-
ing messages about set technological packages. EAS ing up with organisations at the meso and higher
should have individuals with a good understanding of level. In many cultures, it is unacceptable for male
appropriate technological options, how to access and extension agents to address women in the vil-
analyse markets, and standards and regulations. Staff lages. In such cases, there is a need to increase
with capacities to manage organisational and social the number of women extension advisors and
processes required to facilitate innovation are also also enhance their capacities35. It is estimated
important (Table 1). that only 15% of the world’s extension agents
are women and only 5% of women farmers
This long list of hard and soft capacities in Table 1 will benefit from extension services36.
never be found or developed in one person or even one
organisation. Moreover all these capacities are not Specialists could also be hired on a
required in all situations. Therefore, extension agents part-time basis depending on the
with diverse profiles, multi-disciplinary teams, and part- situation. In some organisations,
nership with other organisations in the AIS are critical. such as consultancy firms that
Capacity development at the individual level therefore may have a flatter organisa-
has to be organised as follows: tional structure, mostly special-
ists, who can solve or advice on
Staffing: EAS need a combination of generalists and specific technical or managerial
specialists with different backgrounds. For instance, in issues, are found. Similarly, if a pro-
big organisations (public sector, private agri-business, gramme is working on linking farmers to high
international NGOs etc.) employees at the lowest level value markets, it needs specialists on value
of the hierarchy (who are directly dealing with the cli- chain development. The point is that the
ents) could be generalists (who have generic under- mandate of the programme/organisation
standing about technologies related to agriculture and and the challenges in the specific context
skills related to needs assessment, communication, should determine the right combination of
training, facilitation, networking, and gender sensitive generalists and specialists.
approaches). These competencies need to be inte-
grated into their training curricula. They should however Targeting capacity development to the
be supported by a team of specialists who have nature of the task: The nature of technical and
expertise in different aspects of production, business functional capacities required at different levels in
and markets, building social capital, relationship man- the organisational hierarchy vary depending on the

types of functions performed at different levels as well If organisations do not reflect critically on their mis-
as the special features (constraints, opportunities) of sion, services, products, cultures, and procedures on a
the location where the organisation is working. For regular basis, they may well become dysfunctional and
instance, staff working at the middle and senior level go bankrupt or abolished39. Many organisations do not
management in EAS needs more or superior compe- have a culture of learning. Creating platforms to share
tencies in management, partnering, facilitation, and success, mistakes and failures and reflect upon them
policy advocacy aspects than those working at the is essential. There should also be space to experiment
field level. Similarly the nature of the ecosystem, farm- with new approaches. EAS need visionary and inspir-
ing system, or enterprise (commodity, farm size and ing leadership to continuously learn from experience
management, socio-economic status) also determines and creating a culture of excellence. Swanson and
what aspects of technical and functional capacity Rajalahti (2010) have developed a simple survey
should be enhanced. In a similar vein, EAS specia­lising instrument to collect data and information on many of
in providing media support in agriculture may need these aspects from major EAS providers40.
only capacities in use of media and communicating to
different audiences. 3.3 Enabling environment level
Enabling environment relates to political commitment
3.2 Organisational level and vision; policy, legal, and economic frameworks,
Organisational level capacity includes individual organ- national public sector budget allocations and proc-
isations, systems, procedures, and institutional frame- esses, governance and power structures, incentives
works which basically allow an organisation to operate and social norms that facilitate (or hamper) develop-
and deliver demand-driven services to their constitu- ment of an organisation41. Performance of EAS
ents by capitalising the individual capacities of its depends crucially on these conditions that prevail in
workforce37. The institutional setting and organisa- the environment in which they are embedded. For
tional relationships within an EAS largely determine example, poorly conceived agricultural policies would
this capacity and therefore having the right institutions create a disabling environment with significant conse-
(routines, habits, practices, rules, and laws) that favour quences for the extension programmes. Appropriate
or support interaction, learning, and sharing is impor- regulatory frameworks are essential in pluralistic
tant. extension system to ensure fair competition, offer a

As institutions shape innovation processes, institu-

tional change is a crucial element of capacity develop-
ment. The current ‘institutions’ in public extension
may include: a rigid hierarchy and centralized modes
of planning; a tradition of assessing performance in
terms of technology adoption; a history of rewarding
only success and thus a reluctance to report and ana-
lyse reasons of failure; a history of working independ-
ently; a mistrust of other agencies; and a tradition of
upward accountability for resource utilization rather
than output achievement and client satisfaction38.

These institutions need to change if public extension is

to play a wider role. There is also a need to identify
and address similar habits and practices in other EAS
organisations and actors in the AIS that constrain pro-
ductive interactions among the various actors at dif-
ferent levels.

To perform the roles and functions envisaged under

the AIS properly in terms of quantity and quality, EAS
should also have the following capacities at the
organisational level (Table 2).

level playing field and enable collaboration among solving collaboration between different EAS provid-
different EAS providers. Some of the conditions in the ers and between them and other organisations in
enabling environment include: the AIS, rather than constraining organisations to
formal mandates
•M  acroeconomic policies, incentives for increasing • C apacity of policy making process to adapt poli-
production, market reforms, and access to credit cies based on lessons learned from policy imple-
•P  olitical commitment to agricultural development mentation and for defining policies in multi-
and recognition for EAS stakeholder processes involving all parties
•P  olitical and fiscal decentralisation and clearly demar- concerned
cated roles and responsibilities of local government • F inancing arrangements that stimulate client-
in agricultural development including support to orientation, demand- responsiveness, and col-
EAS laboration among EAS providers
•A  vailability of a policy framework or policy for EAS • L evel of literacy as well as education in the
and ways in which such policies shape behaviour of country/province/region
different organisations in the sector and AIS • I nfrastructure (roads, telecommunications,
•C  apacity and willingness of other actors in the AIS markets, etc.)
(research, education, private sector, NGOs) to share • A vailability and access to financial services
resources and expertise and engage in joint action • A vailability and access to inputs
with EAS and farmers/farmers’ organisations • T raining institutions that can provide tailor-
• I nstitutions that facilitate and stimulate problem- made training and learning support

Table 2: Capacities required at the organisational level in EAS

Broad areas Specific areas to support capacity strengthening

Strategic management Leadership (inspiration and motivation), vision building, change management, capacity to respond to
functions emergencies, policy relations, advocacy

Structures Ability to structure the organisation as different units in the organisational hierarchy and ensure
the different units relate and are flexible

Relationships Clearly defining authority, roles and responsibilities, and resources among different units within
an organisation and across organisations within the AIS; building trust; creating time and space
for learning from each other

Processes, systems, Planning, organising, leading and controlling methods used in internal communication, performance
and procedures assessment, human resource development, financial management, learning, monitoring and evalu-
ation, ensuring accountability to different stakeholders and the range of approaches used to deliver
extension and advisory support

Values, incentives/rewards Integrity, science-based knowledge, inclusion, partnership, learning, mechanisms to reward and
incentivise good performance, acceptable standards which govern behaviour of individuals in an
organisation, opportunities for feedback and reflection, reputation

Human resources Ability to provide adequate number of staff and access to experts in other organisations to comple-
ment and supplement its expertise; clear job descriptions, well defined roles and tasks, career
development and incentives, access to new knowledge, mechanisms to mobilise, nurture and retain
human resources

Financial resources Ability to provide adequate budget for staff salaries, other operational expenses and investments
and to develop and implement programmes benefiting smallholders; or a sustainable business
model that keep the organisation in business

Knowledge and Knowledge management including relationship management to access skills and knowledge to deal
information resources with new challenges and opportunities

Infrastructure Ability to support EAS in terms of mobility, telecommunication, ICT, buildings and training facilities,
roads, market infrastructure

Having all these enabling conditions is not necessary e) Generating adequate data that are required for
for a successful AIS, but having many of these condi- evidence based policy advocacy and decision
tions improve the opportunities for innovation and making
therefore a strategy is needed to influence these f) Sharing information on the activities of the EAS
conditions. The enabling environment could be influ- with farmers and their organisations, researchers,
enced by building the following capacities: policy makers and politicians who are interested to
address constraints through policy changes (use
a) Capacity of policy making bodies to adapt policies of websites, policy briefs, social networking sites)
based on lessons learned from policy implementa- g) Managing relationships with the media (communi-
tion, for reflective learning and adaptive change cation and media management)
b) Initiating joint activities and collaboration between
organisations in the AIS and the actors of the
agricultural sector
c) Supporting organisation of workshops, seminars,
joint research, commissioned studies, and joint
evaluation that would bring out major areas that
needs policy attention
d) Organising sector coordination mechanisms and
multi-stakeholder working groups to develop and
manage relationships among multiple actors and
collectively develop strategic directions and poli-
cies for the sector

4. SUPPORTING CAPACITY efforts have been on developing technical skills
DEVELOPMENT related to production of crops/enterprises and func-
tional skills related to social mobilisation, participa-
Capacity development is a long term investment and tion, communication, linking farmers to markets,
change process. It should go beyond strengthening and so forth.
capacities needed to produce technical results to
building more effective and dynamic relationships Some organisations also organise programmes for
between different actors within a system (be it an enhancing various capacities of other providers
organisation, sector, country, or region)42. It should (e.g. for input dealers in India by the National
build on existing capacities and requires on-going Institute of Agricultural Extension Management
learning and adaptation, long-term strategic partner- (MANAGE), agro-dealer development by Interna-
ships, effective coherence and coordination between tional Fertiliser Development Centre (IFDC) and
the actors offering capacity development and those local government staff in the Philippines by the
whose capacity is being enhanced43. The question of Agricultural Training Institute (ATI). In India, the
roles and how they are negotiated is centrally impor- government reimburses the fees of extension
tant in capacity development. staff in the public sector enrolling for the Post
Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension
A broader range of approaches is required to develop offered by MANAGE.
capacity at the three levels. The following section
discusses some of the ways in which support for Several efforts have been made during recent
capacity development is currently organised by vari- years to address the poor quality of training in
ous agencies. The purpose of this section is to mainly these centres. For instance, strengthening
illustrate the diversity of different approaches in sup- capacity for vocational and extension training
porting capacity development and some of the inter- has been one of the components of the recently
esting initiatives. concluded Rural Capacity Building Project
(RCBP) in Ethiopia. In Vietnam, CIAT, Helvetas,
4.1 Supporting capacity at the individual level and SDC jointly developed a guide to ‘agri-
Competence in areas such as market development, cultural marketing extension’ to support
business management, adaptation to climate change, extension officers to provide effective,
and application of ICTs can be learned through market-oriented farmer advisory serv-
courses at different levels (from vocational to aca- ices44. USAID-Egypt is supporting
demic). This requires that schools, universities and reform of Agricultural Technical
training units develop curricula for these. The new Schools (ATS) in Egypt by way of
soft skills needed by EAS professionals and by organ- curriculum revision, provision of
isational leadership require new and unconventional improved teaching aids and
approaches to learning (action learning). These are training teachers in its use45. In
not currently offered through schools and universi- Ghana, the Engineers without
ties, and would require important changes in the way Borders (EWB) and the Ministry
schools and universities design and implement of Food and Agriculture (MoFA)
courses. Hence, development of separate training staff have jointly created and imple-
organisations, less constrained than academic insti- mented courses on agri-business and enter-
tutions would be appropriate. Implementing modular prise development to strengthen the delivery
system for training and developing course materials of these skills among students in agricul-
to impart as distance education can go a long way in tural colleges46. In Europe, IALB (The Inter-
enhancing the capacity of those who are already on national Academy of Advisors in Agriculture,
the job. Home Economics and Rural Development)
offers certificate course for advisors to enhance
4.1.1 Setting up training centres and strength- their methodological, communicative and social
ening their capacity: Over the years, many coun- knowledge and skills. While vocational, induc-
tries set up their own training centres attached to the tion, and in-service training continue to remain
Ministry of Agriculture/Education for organising con- important; there is a need for more ‘on the job’
tinuous capacity building of staff. Most of these capacity development for EAS providers.

4.2 Supporting capacity at the organisational was another attempt at empowering farmers to
level demand and control advisory services.
EAS need mechanisms to ensure technical backstop-
ping from organisations involved in research, educa- 4.2.3 Action learning: Action learning is a learning
tion, and training. Apart from these, developing new and problem-solving strategy to increase employees’
organisational capacities requires action learning and learning capacity within an organisation and between
learning by doing, including such services as: coaching organisations. Though this has not been used much in
for leadership in strategic and change management, in capacity development of EAS, it promises to be of
managing learning organisations towards high per- great potential in developing functional capacities in
formance; facilitation of self-reflection within the EAS. This approach takes advantage of staff mem-
organisation and with its partners and clients on expe- bers’ tacit knowledge and experiences and creates
rience, aimed at enhanced performance (based on opportunities to experiment, reflect and share their
lessons from implementation); facilitation of organic learning while solving real problems in the organisa-
development of structure and self-design of participa- tional context. For instance, the EU-funded Kerala
tory planning and implementation processes; facilita- Horticulture Development Programme (KHDP) in India
tion and coaching to improve communication, staff approached implementation of its activities as a series
motivation and performance assessment; and career of small experimental projects in partnerships with
planning. This kind of coaching and facilitation service others and assisted staff to reflect on their meaning
will probably need to come from management consul- and outcomes48. In this process, it developed new
tancy firms and business schools. This may in some capacities for experimentation, learning and adapta-
countries require developing the capacity of such firms tion to evolving circumstances. Action learning needs
and business schools in designing programmes rele- facilitation and an outside facilitator can often help in
vant for the rural sector. this process. Organisations do need a culture of learn-
ing to appreciate this strategy. Action learning can suc-
4.2.1 Establishment of agricultural advisory ceed in organisations that provide flexibility to lower
services: Donors have played an important role in and middle level staff to experiment with different
supporting the establishment of agricultural advisory approaches.
services in central and eastern European countries
during the transition phase (post-1991). For instance 4.3 Supporting capacity at the enabling
the US Department of Agriculture supported Russia in environment level
establishing information and advisory services mod- A supportive enabling environment is critical for the
elled on the US extension system. Many US Land- development, sustainability and effectiveness of EAS
Grant universities also participated in this programme. and it requires a wide range covering political, finan-
Advisory systems in new member countries of the EU cial, organisational, institutional and infrastructural
are still evolving. The EU Rural Development policy support. This section discusses developing the needed
supports Member States in setting up Farm Advisory capacities at the organisational and institutional levels,
Services (FAS) where needed. The existence of a which is mainly a matter of action learning jointly with
national FAS guarantees that each farmer can seek other actors in the AIS. This requires coaching and
and receive advice on at least the basic cross-compli- facilitation support from high quality management
ance requirements in the field of the environment, consultancy firms specialised in multi-actor platforms
public health, and animal and plant health. and partnerships, change management, and policy
advocacy. Again, this will probably require developing
4.2.2 Demand side strengthening: In the case of the capacity of such firms. Perhaps universities may
INCAGRO (Innovación y Competitividad para el Agro also be interested in developing special schools for this
Peruano), competitive bidding was used to increase service that are attached to universities, but not sub-
the demand and supply of extension services47. An ject to the normal academic constraints. Universities
important aspect of the Agricultural Technology Fund can also play a major role in reviewing EAS offered by
of INCAGRO is that farmers own the project and they different agencies, conducting action research in part-
contract extension providers to complete a specified nership with EAS, developing new frameworks for
number of activities. This helped farmer groups to gain organising EAS as well as integrating this approach in
organisational and project development skills. NAADS the existing curricula.
(National Agricultural Advisory Services) in Uganda

4.3.1 Action learning in innovation platforms: extension reforms50. GFRAS has taken over these
This is another approach that is increasingly used in functions of the NI since 2010. Regional networks of
promoting agricultural innovation, especially in Africa EAS such as AFAAS and RELASER are also bringing
and Latin America. Innovation platforms were set up out several useful knowledge products related to
to provide space for negotiation, planning, and action reforms in advisory services and frameworks to
learning by bringing together different stakeholders deal with new challenges.
working towards a common goal. To play their appro-
priate roles in innovation platforms, different actors MEAS (Modernising Extension and Advisory Serv-
require capacity strengthening in multi-stakeholder ices) is another global initiative that is trying to
interaction, trust building, conflict resolutions, team define and disseminate good practice strategies
building, listening skills, and mediation. But more and approaches to establishing efficient and
importantly, working in platforms contributes to effective EAS. NGOs are also involved in develop-
developing many of these new capacities by way of ing new training modules for their extension
action learning. If sufficient opportunities are built in staff. For instance, the Catholic Relief Services
to document and reflect on the processes, institu- (CRS) developed training modules to develop
tional changes and outcomes of this approach, it can capacities among its extension agents in their
contribute to development of new capacities and work with farmer groups51. FAO recently devel-
their institutionalisation. oped a training module for senior extension
managers, policy makers and students on differ-
4.3.2: Networking and policy advocacy: Lack of ent aspects of extension reforms and new and
space for advocacy and leadership at different levels emerging challenges in EAS delivery. More
for EAS has also contributed to poor recognition and efforts are required to link these knowledge
declining interest among policy makers (politicians products to curricula reforms and changes in
and senior bureaucrats) involved in agriculture. policies and practice at the regional and
Establishment of regional and global networks of EAS national levels.
in recent years has been partly a response to this
situation. GFRAS currently has been playing a cata- Donors have played an important role in
lysing role, promoting and stimulating interactions developing capacities of EAS in several
between and within the global policy level and the countries by way of providing technical
regional and national levels. This is expected to ena- and financial assistance. Donor engage-
ble a supportive environment for investments in ment still continues across many
EAS49. Similarly regional networks of EAS such as countries and this varies from set-
AFAAS (Africa), RELASER (Latin America); APEN ting up new extension arrange-
(Australasia-Pacific Extension Network), APIRAS ments in Eastern and Central
(Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services Net- Europe to promoting demand-
work), and PIEN (Pacific Islands Extension Network) driven and decentralised
also play an important role in influencing policies in approaches to extension in
the respective regions. More efforts are needed in Asian countries and piloting
this area to develop regional and national networks new institutional innovations in
and promote sharing of experiences within and extension in Latin America and Sub-
across countries and regions. Saharan Africa. These contributions are still
critical for developing capacity of EAS. How-
4.3.3 Documentation and development of new ever much could be achieved through
frameworks: Apart from FAO and the World Bank, enhanced and sustainable investments and
other development partners during the last decade efforts in capacity development by national
have also started valuing the importance of docu- governments and all actors engaged in EAS
menting experiences with EAS reforms and develop- and other organisations in AIS. This process
ing new frameworks for guiding investments and should be informed by lessons from the past
reforms. Most important among them was the Neu- efforts in capacity development (Box 3).
châtel Initiative (NI), a platform funded by European
donors. Over the last 15 years, the NI has produced
several useful publications on different aspects of

Box 3: Emerging insights from capacity development initiatives

Capacity development efforts in general have a long history. So far, several billion US dollars have been
spent on building capacities by way of technical assistance/cooperation in developing countries. Reviews of
the effectiveness of technical cooperation revealed that “technical co-operation has been less effective at
developing local institutions or strengthening local capacities; and that it was expensive, donor-driven, often
served to heighten dependence on foreign experts and distorted national priorities”52. Cherry-picking of
more visible activities (that appeal to the home constituency of the donors) and their preference for tangible
outputs led to less emphasis on host country priorities and less tangible capacity development activities53.
Capacity development has also suffered from lack of clear definitions, coherent conceptual frameworks, and
effective monitoring of results54.

The last decade saw improved understanding of how to develop capacities and some of the insights that ema-
nated from reviews and evaluations on this theme are as follows:
1. Diagnosis: Assessing capacity is a pre-requisite for deciding if and how support to capacity development is
feasible. Diagnosis should start at the AIS level and the challenge is to identify and strengthen the weak-
est links. Much of this diagnosis should be self-diagnosis. Try to understand why a system work as it does,
rather than just seeing why it does not work55.
2. Ownership: Unless developing countries fully own technical cooperation programmes, having already agreed
on their objectives and shaped their content, they will never have the commitment needed to make such
programmes work56,57.
3. Sustainability: When new and innovative approaches are being introduced in capacity building, sustainability
issues need to be considered early in the introduction of initiatives58. Project design should be founded on
realistic assessment of the domestic resources to sustain project activities59. Apart from material resources,
sustainability is also dependent on institutional, cultural, and motivational factors.
4. Not necessarily through formal projects: Capacity development shouldn’t be conceived as necessarily involv-
ing outside support to EAS with specific capacity development objectives. Capacity development also takes
place through learning by doing, participation, observation, and comparison of experience. It can be an
important spin-off or by-product of the way in which development, extension or research is done60.
5. Long term process: Capacity development is a lengthy process, particularly where initial capacity is very
weak. Improvements often require commitments beyond the customary time limits of donor projects61.

5. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR Actions and actors
5.1 National level
Diagnosis and Reforms
Extension and advisory services (EAS) play an impor- N1. Diagnose roles and functions in the agricultural
tant role in agricultural development. However, these innovation system and synthesise and share
services need new capacities to address the current existing studies (Action by: Specialist agencies/
challenges in agriculture and to contribute better to consultants in consultation with different
agricultural innovation – a process that requires inter- stakeholders)
actions and knowledge flows among a wide range of N2. Undertake survey of EAS providers in the
actors in the agricultural innovation system (AIS). The country and analyse existing models of EAS
extension landscape has become more pluralistic with provision and undertake further research to
increasing participation of the private sector (agro- support evidence-based reforms and policy
inputs, agri-business, financial services), non-govern- advocacy on EAS (Action by: Government
mental organisations (international and local); pro- through the Ministry of Agriculture; EAS plat-
ducer groups, cooperatives and associations, forms and networks, universities, research
consultants (independent and those associated with councils and other policy research centres,
agri-business/producer associations), and ICT-based farmer organisations, FAO and CGIAR)
services. To better contribute to agricultural innova- N3. Undertake capacity self-diagnosis of EAS
tion, EAS should collectively perform a wide range of (Action by: EAS management, country EAS
roles. These include developing networks, organising networks; EAS fora and platforms supported
producers, facilitating access to credit, inputs and out- by facilitator)
put services, convening innovation platforms, promot-
ing gender equality, and disseminating new knowledge Partnerships and Networks
through training and demonstrations. To perform N4. Create innovation platforms, undertake
these roles, EAS need new capacities at the individual, needs assessments, and initiate pilot
organisational, and enabling environment (system) projects to expe­riment with new
levels. approaches and promote learning
from these (Action by: EAS and
At the individual level, EAS need staff with good other actors in the AIS especially
understanding of technical knowledge plus skills to universities and research cen-
manage social processes. At the organisational level, tres)
EAS should have capacities to put in place systems
and procedures to manage human and financial N5. E
 stablish collaboration and
resources, institutions to facilitate partnerships and partnerships with different
learning, and frameworks to deal with institutional, actors in the AIS, as well
legal, and regulatory issues. At the enabling environ- as actors in the commodity
ment level, capacities for interaction, learning, and value chains in action
adaptation are important. Similarly, reform strategies research and learning by doing
should explicitly address institutional and policy (Action by: Research and extension coun-
changes that enhance the ability of the different actors cils, training centres in collaboration with
in the AIS to work as a system. At all levels there EAS)
should be mechanisms to look at gender representa-
tion and equal access to services by both men and N6. S
 upport establishment of national net-
women; mechanisms to promote the involvement of works of EAS providers at different levels
youth in agriculture; and opportunities to apply ICTs to and look for synergies among networks
enhance the performance of EAS. To develop new (Action by: Extension division in the Minis-
capacities in EAS, actions must be initiated at the try of Agriculture, EAS providers, profes-
national, regional, and global levels by different actors. sional societies in extension, regional net-
These actions and actors are suggested below. works of EAS, and private foundations)

Technical Backstopping ings such as regional economic communities e.g.
N7. S
 trengthen technical backstopping to EAS by SADC in Africa, ASEAN in Asia and Pacific, SAARC
organisations involved in research through joint in South Asia)
research-extension initiatives (Action by: R2. C ollect and synthesise evidence on different
Research councils, universities, private sector, aspects of EAS in the region and support the
NGOs) development of synergies and partnerships
(Action by: Regional EAS networks; FAO; CGIAR;
N8. F
 ocus on farmer institutional development by regional university, education, and research net-
working through producer organizations at vari- works e.g. ANAFE, RUFORUM in Africa, AGRI-
ous levels (Action by: Extension Division in the NATURA/Agreenium in Europe, APAARI, and
Ministry of Agriculture, EAS providers) FARA; regional farmer organisations)
R3. D evelop policy briefs and position papers to influ-
Monitoring and Learning ence policy process to support EAS (Action by:
N9. Create mechanisms for regular monitoring, Regional networks of EAS in collaboration with
reflection, learning, and evaluation; review of regional policy bodies, regional farmer organisa-
systems and processes; create arrangements for tions, researchers in the region in universities
coordination and collaborative action among and research centres)
EAS (Action by: EAS platforms and networks R4. D
 evelop and promote new knowledge, frame-
supported by facilitator) works and methodologies related to EAS and
support up-scaling and out-scaling these (Action
Training and Education by: Regional EAS networks in collaboration with
N10. Establish and strengthen training centres; con- farmer organisations, researchers and practition-
tract in specific competencies required for sup- ers; regional universities and academic centres
porting capacity development; encourage man- (e.g.: RUFORUM in Africa; SEARCA in Southeast
agement training centres and business schools Asia, UWI-CARICOM in the Caribbean)
to organise tailor-made capacity development R5. Organise regional and sub-regional consultations
programmes for EAS on coaching, facilitation, and training programmes to share experiences
leadership, vision building (Action by: Ministries and influence conditions in the enabling environ-
of Agriculture and EAS in collaboration with ment (Action by: Regional networks of EAS sup-
training/management institutions) ported by other actors in the AIS)
N11. Develop curricula for vocational and continuing
education and skill up-gradation of individuals 5.3 Global level
in EAS and farmers and undertake curriculum
revisions at least once every five years (Action G1. Support GFRAS and other international actors to
by: Universities, research centres, training cen- lead and guide networking and capacity develop-
tres and NGOs in collaboration with EAS, FOs ment and policy advocacy for EAS at the global
and organisations such as FAO, GIZ) level (Action by: Donors and intergovernmental
bodies engaged in agriculture and rural develop-
Funding ment such as World Bank, EU, FAO, CTA, GIZ,
N12. Enhance public funding for promoting EAS pro­ IFAD, MEAS, World Farmers Organization,
viders (Action by: National, provincial, and local GCHERA, GFAR, and others; universities and train-
governments, EAS networks) ing centres)
G2. Strengthen, support, and coordinate regional net-
5.2 Regional level works of EAS to achieve their respective goals
(Action by: GFRAS, FAO, CTA, MEAS, international
R1. S
 upport establishment of regional and sub- and regional development agencies)
regional networks and engage them in design, G3. Develop frameworks, tools, training modules,
implementation, and evaluation of EAS interven- investment sourcebooks, discussion papers to
tions; strengthen similar existing networks at the shape the evolution of EAS and share these out-
regional and sub-regional levels (Action by: puts widely (Action by: GFRAS in collaboration
Regional lending organisations such as ADB, with donors, researchers, and practitioners linked
AfDB, IADB, EBRD etc.; regional economic group- to EAS; FAO, World Bank, CTA, MEAS, CABI, CRS)

G4. L iaise with donors at the global and regional lev- FAO, World Bank, and other development partners)
els engaged in EAS (Action by: GFRAS, GDPRD) G7. P
 rovide longterm financial and technical support
G5. Conduct policy advocacy on strengthening the to EAS to manage change and develop new
role of EAS in agricultural development and pov- capacities; use new investments to experiment
erty reduction, enhanced funding support, and with new approaches and promote institutional
institutional and policy reforms in AIS (Action by: reforms (Action by: Donors and intergovern-
GFRAS in collaboration with regional networks mental bodies engaged in agriculture and rural
and other bilateral and international develop- development such as World Bank, FAO, IFAD,
ment agencies, international research and devel- and others)
opment organizations, G8 and G20) G8. Develop a research programme on extension
G6. Promote inter-regional sharing of experiences with and capacity strengthening (Action by: AIAEE,
reforms and new approaches in EAS (Action by: GCHERA, TAP, GFAR, CGIAR, and universi-
GFRAS in collaboration with regional networks, ties

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