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Nguyễn Phượng Tuyền

Hồ Thị Kim Thúy

Bùi Thị Cẩm Vân
Nguyễn Thị Nhã Thơ
Topic: The effects of food hygiene and safety issues in Vietnam in recent years.
I. Introduction
Thesis: Food safety is a significant concern nowadays and has numerous detrimental
effects, particularly on consumer health and the country's economy.
II. Body
1. Paragraph 1: Consequences of food insecurity affecting consumers' health
Supporting points:
Food poisoning is mild gastrointestinal or neurological disturbances or
acute symptom
- Explanation: The body will manifest under the condition of mild diseases of the
gastrointestinal tract and nerves ( nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea….
or neurological signs include pain, nausea, disorientation, nausea, and headache….)
- Example: According to a report from the Ministry of Health, in the 11 months of
2022, there were 46 cases of food poisoning in the whole country with 601 people being
poisoned, of which 14 died. (Khanh, 2022)

Dirty food causes poisoning, leading to dangerous diseases such as cancer,

and infertility, ...
- Explanation: Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and are
caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemicals that enter the body through
contaminated food. Many foodborne illnesses can lead to long-term disability or death.
Dirty food causes chronic disease. This may be due to the sequelae of acute poisoning.
(Become carcinogenic and infertile for an extended period of time.)
- Example: The Vietnam Cancer Association's data, which were released on March
26, 2016. One of the nations with the greatest cancer mortality rates worldwide is
Vietnam. where 35% of the reason is attributed to typical dirty food. Accordingly, 550
new cancer cases will be diagnosed daily, and 205 people will pass away from the
disease. (Eurofins)

2. Paragraph 2: The consequences of food insecurity are having an impact on

Vietnam's economy, especially on tourism development and the agricultural economy.
Supporting points.
The choice of both local and international tourists is impacted by the rising
number of food poisoning cases, which is slowing down the expansion of the
tourist sector.
- Explanation: Reduced food quality affects tourists' choice of destinations, thereby
reducing the number of tourists.
- Example: “According to an investigation by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam
on street food in 11 localities, most of the hands of people dealing and processing street
food are contaminated with E.coli bacteria. In Hanoi, this rate is 43.42%. These are some
worrisome numbers for visitors to Hanoi.” (Tienthan)

A number of economic sectors, including agriculture, the processing

industry, import, and export, can be impacted by violations of food safety
 Agriculture & processing industry
- Explanation: Agricultural production with high post-harvest losses; many
agricultural products are not of high quality, there is a potential risk of food insecurity;
high production costs, and low selling prices; The investment in harvesting and
preservation technology is still low, leading to unequal products in both specifications
and quality;
- Example: Although fertilizer plays a very important role in determining the quality
of agricultural products, it only needs to be sufficient and balanced to achieve the best
quality. If there is excess or deficiency, it affects the quality and quality of agricultural
products. (Giang, 2017)
- Example: For manufacturers, these are costs due to recall, product retention,
product cancellation or rejection, loss of profits due to advertising information, etc., and
the biggest damage is the loss of trust of consumers. In addition, there are other damages,
such as investigating, surveying, analyzing, testing maliciously, dealing with
consequences, etc. (Khuyên, 2022)
"The situation of using chemical fertilizers and pesticides incorrectly increases
production costs, affects the environment, and leads to the risk of food insecurity."

 Import & Export

Explanation: The race for productivity and output for too long leads to rampant and
uncontrolled use of fertilizers and pesticides. Trading, buying, selling, and using
pesticides in Vietnam is easy and arbitrary. As a result, the quality of Vietnam's
agricultural products declined, and many countries returned goods or banned imports.
- Example: When consumers are seriously losing faith in domestic food products,
the demand for imported clean food sources will increase sharply. This will push the
agricultural sector to face stiff competition from countries. This will greatly affect the
country's economic development. (Tran MAnh, Cong Trung, 2017)

III. Conclusion

Eurofins. (n.d.). Thực phẩm bẩn - Giải pháp nào cho thời kỳ "bùng nổ"? Eurofins VietNam. Retrieved

Giang, M. (2017, 04 12). Lạm dụng phân bón hóa học và thuốc bảo vệ thực vật trong sản xuất nông
nghiệp. Điện Biên TV. Retrieved from

Khanh, N. (2022, 12 09). Toàn quốc xảy ra 46 vụ ngộ độc thực phẩm trong 11 tháng năm 2022. VTV
News. Retrieved from

Khuyên, N. N. (2022, 11 01). Bài tuyên truyền tác hại của thực phẩm bẩn. Trang thông tin điện tử xã Hà
Sơn. Retrieved from

Song, V. (2020, 11 03). Ảnh hưởng của phân bón đối với cây trồng. Ngựa Vàng Phân Bón. Retrieved from

Tienthan. (n.d.). Đề tài Vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm cho khách du lịch tại Hà Nội. Luanvanco. Retrieved

2). Lạm dụng phân bón hóa học và thuốc bảo vệ thực vật trong sản xuất nông nghiệp. Điện Biên TV.
Retrieved from

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