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BASF Report 2022

Integrated corporate report on

economic, environmental and
social performance
BASF Group
2022 at a Glance
Greenhouse gas
emissions Capital expenditures Employees
(million metric tons of
Sales EBIT before special items ROCE CO2 equivalents) (capex) at year-end

€87.3 billion €6.9 billion 10.0% 40.1 €4.1 billion 111,481

(2021: €78.6 billion) (2021: €7.8 billion) (2021: 13.7%) (2021: €3.4 billion) (2021: 111,047)

Sales by segment and Other 18.4
Research and development
Surface Technologies expenses Personnel expenses
€21.3 billion
€14.9 billion (2021: €22.7 billion)
(2021: €13.6 billion)
€2.3 billion €11.4 billion
Nutrition & Care (2021: €2.2 billion) (2021: €11.1 billion)
Materials 1990 2018 2021 2022
€87.3 billion €8.1 billion
€18.4 billion (2021: €78.6 billion)
(2021: €15.2 billion) (2021: €6.4 billion)

Industrial Solutions Agricultural Solutions

€10.0 billion €10.3 billion
(2021: €8.9 billion) (2021: €8.2 billion)

€4.4 billion
(2021: €3.7 billion)

Sales and employees by region (by location of company)

We are driving the transformation

EUROPE NORTH AMERICA ASIA PACIFIC SOUTH AMERICA, Innovations based on chemistry can help to overcome many of
EAST the challenges of our time – from climate change and resource
scarcity to feeding the world’s growing population. Products,
solutions and technologies from BASF enable and accelerate
the transformation to a sustainable future in all these areas.
We as a company are also undergoing major changes: the shift

Sales (billion €)
Sales (billion €)
Sales (billion €)
Sales (billion €)
­toward climate neutrality and circular business models. Our
corporate purpose is our mission and motivation: We create
chemistry for a sustainable future.

For more information on our strategy and our strategic action areas,
see page 28 ­onward
BASF Report 2022 

Our integrated corporate
report combines financial and
­sustainability reporting. It shows
how we are developing as a
company and how we create
value for our stakeholders.

On the cover and this page:

BASF aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030
compared with 2018 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. A key
lever on this path is the gradual conversion to energy from renewable
sources. As part of our make & buy approach, we are building and
expanding our own renewable power assets worldwide, and we are
securing renewable energy sources by entering into long-term supply
agreements. The photos on the cover and this page show Rebecca
Kuo. Together with Javier Cuellar (left) and Christopher Dorow (right),
she helped to expand BASF’s green power supply in North America in
2022 – for example, with power purchase agreements for solar energy
totaling almost 300 megawatts. One of the recipients will be BASF’s
Verbund site in Freeport, Texas, where we will be able to meet the site’s
entire expected demand for purchased power with renewable sources.
For more information on energy supply, see page 137 and
BASF Report 2022 4

To Our Shareholders
Management’s Report
Corporate Governance
Consolidated Financial Statements

About This Report 5

1 | To Our Shareholders 7 3 | Corporate Governance 168 5 | Overviews 291

Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors 8 Corporate Governance Report  169 Ten-Year Summary  292
The Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE  11 Compliance  179 Selected Key Figures Excluding Precious Metals 294
BASF on the Capital Market  12 Management and Supervisory Boards  182 Glossary and Trademarks  295
Report of the Supervisory Board  186
Declaration of Conformity Pursuant to Section 161 AktG 193
Declaration of Corporate Governance  194
2 | Management’s Report 16

Overview  17
4 | Consolidated Financial Statements 195
The BASF Group  20
Our Strategy  26 Statement by the Board of Executive Directors  196
The BASF Group’s Business Year  52 Independent Auditor’s Report  197
Sustainability Along the Value Chain 100 Statement of Income  203
Forecast  151 Statement of Income and Expense Recognized in Equity 204
Balance Sheet  205
Statement of Cash Flows  207
Statement of Changes in Equity  208
Notes  209
BASF Report 2022 About This Report 5

About This Report

GRI 2, 305

The information on the financial position and performance of the gives us the opportunity to share our experiences of integrated
At a glance BASF Group comply with the requirements of the International ­reporting with stakeholders and at the same time, give and receive
­Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and, where applicable, the inspiration for enhancing our reporting.
▪ Integrated BASF Report serves as U.N. Global Compact progress
German Commercial Code (HGB), German Accounting Standards
(GAS) and the guidelines on alternative performance measures Material topics along the value chain form the focal points of our
▪ Financial reporting in accordance with IFRS, HGB, GAS and ESMA
from the ­European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). Inter- reporting and define the limits of this report. In identifying, prioritizing
▪ Nonfinancial reporting in accordance with HGB and additional nal control mechanisms ensure the reliability of the information pre- and validating material topics, we are guided by the principle of
sustainability reporting in accordance with GRI
sented in this report. BASF’s Board of Executive Directors double materiality, taking into consideration financial materiality and
▪ External audit by KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft ­confirmed the ­effectiveness of the internal control measures and impact materiality. General information on the materiality analysis
▪ Editorial deadline: February 20, 2023 compliance with the ­regulations for financial reporting. can be found under “Our Sustainability Concept” from page 46
onward. The material topics are explained in this report in the
We have reported on our sustainability performance in accordance ­“Material Topics in F
­ ocus” sections.
with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and standards since For more information on the results of operations, net assets and financial position,
see page 56 onward
Integrated reporting 2003. The information contained in this report also serves as a
For more information on our sustainability reporting, see from page 45 and 100 onward
progress report on BASF’s implementation of the 10 principles of the
The 2022 BASF Online Report can be found at
This integrated report documents BASF’s economic, environmental U.N. Global Compact. The GRI and Global Compact Index can be
The GRI and Global Compact Index can be found at
and social performance in 2022. We show how we as a company found in the online report. It provides an overview of all relevant The SASB index can be found at
create value for our stakeholders and how sustainability contributes ­information to fulfill the GRI indicators and shows how we contribute
to BASF’s long-term success as an integral part of our corporate to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
purpose and our strategy. the principles of the U.N. Global Compact. KPMG AG Wirtschafts-
prüfungsgesellschaft has performed an independent limited assur-
ance of the disclosures in the GRI Index. The results of this assur-
Content and structure ance are also available in the online report in the form of an assurance
statement. We also publish online additional information on sustain-
The BASF Report, which is published each year in English and ability in accordance with the industry-specific requirements of the
German, combines the major financial and sustainability-related Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
­information necessary to comprehensively evaluate the company’s
performance. We select the report’s topics based on the following BASF’s Report addresses elements of the framework of the former
principles: materiality, completeness, sustainability context, balance International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). This framework
and stakeholder inclusion. In addition to this report, we publish and the SASB’s industry-specific requirements are now being incor-
­further information online. The relevant links can be found at the porated into the work of the International Sustainability Standards
end of each chapter. Board (ISSB) to develop internationally recognized standards for
sustainability reporting. The frameworks help us illustrate the
­impacts of our actions and explain how we create value for the
­environment, society and business (see page 24). Our involvement
in networks and in national and international standard-setting b
­ odies
BASF Report 2022 A
 bout This Report 6

Data joint ventures in which we have authority in terms of safety Forward-looking statements and forecasts
­management are compiled worldwide regardless of our interest
All information and bases for calculation in this report are founded and reported in full. Unless otherwise indicated, data on social This report contains forward-looking statements. These statements
on national and international standards for financial and sustain­ ­responsibility and transportation safety refers to the BASF Group’s are based on current estimates and projections of the Board of
ability reporting. The data and information for the reporting period scope of c
­ onsolidation. ­Executive Directors and currently available information. Forward-­
were sourced from the expert units responsible using representative For more information on companies accounted for in the Consolidated Financial Statements, looking statements are not guarantees of the future developments
see the Notes from page 214 onward
methods. Due to rounding, individual figures may not add up ­exactly and results outlined therein. These are dependent on a number of
The list of shares held can be found at
to the totals shown and percentages may not correspond exactly to factors; they involve various risks and uncertainties; and they are
the figures shown. based on assumptions that may not prove to be accurate. Such
risk factors include those discussed in Opportunities and Risks on
The reporting period is the 2022 business year. We include relevant External audit ­pages 157 to 167. We do not assume any obligation to update the
information made available up to the preparation of this report by the forward-looking statements contained in this report above and
Board of Executive Directors at the accounts meeting on Febru- Our reporting is externally and independently audited by third ­beyond the legal requirements.
ary 20, 2023 (editorial deadline). ­parties. KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft has audited the
BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements and the Manage-
BASF Group’s scope of consolidation for its financial reporting com- ment’s Report and has approved them free of qualification. Symbols
prises BASF SE, with its headquarters in Ludwigshafen, Germany,
and all of its fully consolidated subsidiaries and proportionally con- The limited assurance of the sustainability information contained in You can find more information in this report.
solidated joint operations. Shares in joint ventures and associated the Management’s Report was conducted in accordance with
companies are accounted for, if material, using the equity method in ISAE 3000 (Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews   You can find more information online. The content of these
the BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements and are thus of Historical Financial Information) and ISAE 3410 (Assurance links are voluntary disclosures that were not audited by the
not included in the scope of consolidation. Engage­ments on Greenhouse Gas Statements), the relevant assur- auditor.
ance standards for sustainability reporting. KPMG conducted a
The section “Employees” refers to employees active in a company reasonable assurance of all disclosures on the most important  The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit but
within the BASF Group scope of consolidation as of December 31, nonfinancial key performance indicator “CO2 emissions.” KPMG has undergone separate limited assurance by our auditor.
2022. also conducted a limited assurance of the nonfinancial group
s­ tatement (NFS).  The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information,
Our data collection methods for environmental protection and safety which was critically read by the auditor.
are based on the recommendations of the International Council of The captions, links, QR codes and additional content p ­ rovided on
Chemical Associations (ICCA) and the European Chemical Industry linked i­nternet sites are not part of the audited ­information.
Council (CEFIC). In the section “We Produce Safely and Efficiently,” The Independent Auditor’s Report can be found from page 197 onward
we report all data of the worldwide production sites of BASF SE, its An assurance statement on the sustainability information in the BASF Report 2022 can be found at
fully consolidated subsidiaries and proportionally consolidated joint
An assurance statement of the NFS can be found at
operations. BASF SE subsidiaries that are fully consolidated in the
Group financial statements in which BASF holds an interest of less
than 100% are included in full in environmental reporting. The emis-
sions of proportionally consolidated joint operations are disclosed
pro rata according to our shareholding. Work-related accidents at all
sites of BASF SE and its subsidiaries as well as joint operations and
BASF Report 2022 7

To Our
To Our Shareholders
Management’s Report

Corporate Governance
Consolidated Financial Statements

Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Executive

Directors  8

The Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE 11

BASF on the Capital Market  12

BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors 8

incredible efforts of the BASF team, we were able to significantly reduce our gas
consumption in Europe. Now, we would still be able to operate our largest site in
Ludwigshafen even if we only had around 30% of the average gas volume that we
consumed in 2021.

Our economic performance in 2022

Not only in Europe did 2022 turn out to be funda­men­

tally different than had been expected at the b­ eginning
of the year. In addition to the volatile global economy BASF’s business
and high inflation, China’s strict zero-COVID policy
also had an adverse impact on markets. Neverthe- proved robust
less, BASF’s business proved robust. In 2022, sales in 2022.
rose by 11% to €87.3 billion (2021: €78.6 billion).
Our ­ employees demonstrated exceptional dedica-
tion. We were able to implement price hikes in nearly all segments. Income from
operations (EBIT) before special items amounted to €6.9 billion, down by
€890 million compared with the €7.8 billion recorded in 2021, but within our
forecast range.

Russia’s war against Ukraine destroyed the political, economic and social ties
between Russia and the West that had been built up over decades. We therefore
decided to wind down our business in Russia and Belarus in 2022. The sole
The past year has been a brutal wakeup call that peace and economic stability exception is our business that supports food production, as the war also
cannot be taken for granted. Since February 24, 2022, a war has been raging in ­increases the risk of a global food crisis. Wintershall Dea, in which BASF owns
Ukraine – in the middle of Europe. This is a catastrophe for the people of Ukraine, the majority of ordinary shares, will also cease its activities in Russia. Due to the
and it marks a new era for all of us. We absolutely condemn Russia’s invasion. developments there, BASF had to write down its stake in Wintershall Dea by
several billion euros. For the BASF Group, this resulted in negative net income for
There are considerable consequences for the global economy, and future the year.
­developments are very uncertain. The past year was characterized by rising
­energy prices, inflation and fears of far-reaching economic turmoil. The considerable slowing of the global economy also impacted the stock
­markets. After reaching its 2022 high of €68.69 on February 11, BASF’s share
Natural gas is one of our most important energy sources and a key raw material. price fell over the course of the year. At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, we
The gradual reduction of Russian gas deliveries and the associated increase in want to propose a dividend of €3.40 per share, equal to the prior-year level. This
energy prices in Europe presented us with immense challenges. Thanks to the would represent a payment of €3.0 billion to shareholders. Based on the 2022
BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors 9

year-end share price of €46.39 and the proposed dividend, the BASF share Our production – New technologies for the Verbund of the future
would thus offer a high dividend yield of around 7.3%.
We are also breaking new ground in terms of how we produce, for example, in
Our transformation – Important steps toward ­climate neutrality Zhanjiang in southern China, where we are building a new Verbund site. Once
completed, Zhanjiang will be our third-largest Verbund site after Ludwigshafen

Despite the tense global economic situation, our priorities with regard to climate and ­Antwerp. It is an ambitious project in the chemical industry’s most dynamic
protection have not changed. The energy transformation is still at the top of growth market. In Zhanjiang we will deploy the newest
our agenda. As the industry leader, we continue to make great strides here. We and most innovative technologies, making the site a
are working hard to significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Our goal is to role model for sustainable production – in China and
achieve net zero emissions by 2050. This transformation r­equires endurance, worldwide.
resources and – most importantly – our combined knowledge. It is an enormous
We are also charting new
undertaking, but we are making good progress. I am very proud that teams at all We are also transforming our existing sites. Our territory when it comes to
our sites are pursuing this goal with great passion. ­Verbund site in Antwerp aspires to be the first petro-
chemical site to approach net zero emissions by
our production methods.
This includes the colleague shown on the cover of this report. She and many 2030, in part thanks to new, energy-efficient tech­
others are working to further expand our supply of green electricity in North nologies. The Ludwigshafen site is also forging ahead, and we are testing many
America. As one example, our Verbund site in Freeport, Texas, is already trailblazing approaches in pilot projects there. One of these is the steam cracker
­benefiting from new purchase agreements for solar energy. We want our future of the future that we are developing with our partners SABIC and Linde. It will be

energy purchases to come from renewable sources and are pursuing this­ heated with electricity from ­renewable sources instead of natural gas. This project
strategy worldwide. is being supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
­Climate Action. Over its more than 150-year history, BASF’s raw material base
We are also investing in our own capacity to has changed again and again – from coal tar, to oil, to natural gas and now to
produce green electricity. At the Schwarzheide site renewables. I am therefore confident our transfor­mation will be successful this
The energy transformation in G
­ ermany, for example, our new solar park that time, too.
is still at the top of we operate with a partner went online at the end of
­August 2022. In the North Sea, work is progressing Our strength – We are close to our customers
our agenda. as planned on the offshore wind farm Hollandse
Kust Zuid, a joint project with Vattenfall and Allianz. The transformation toward value chains and products with low or zero carbon
Last July, the first volumes of green electricity arrived at the Ludwigshafen site. footprints will give us a competitive edge. In 2022, we further expanded our
This wind farm is slated to become fully operational in 2023. portfolio of products with a ­certified reduced carbon footprint. In this way, we
help our customers to achieve their own sustainability goals.

We are stepping up our investments in growth regions because a more balanced

regional portfolio makes us more resilient in a multipolar world. We are focusing
BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors 10

on organic growth and are planning capital expenditures of €28.8 billion world- We want to shape the transformation. But industry can only provide a
wide by 2027. Not having a presence in large growth markets, such as China, stable ­foundation for prosperity when it operates in a competitive framework.

would be a major risk for BASF. Of course, we also assess our investments from Most ­recently, the war in Ukraine has made it clear
various perspectives. We are therefore watching developments in China very that many urgently needed ­ modernization efforts
closely and continuing our open dialog. in G ­ ermany and Europe have been delayed for
too long – digitalization, the sluggish expansion of
We are expanding MDI production at our site in Geismar, Louisiana. Our aim is ­renewable energy and the necessary i­nvestments in Competitive industry is
to grow together with our MDI customers in North America and around the infrastructure. We can no longer afford for approval
world, whether in the construction sector, the automotive industry or in shoe processes to take a decade or for projects to be a stable foundation for
and ­furniture manufacturing. The total investment volume of around $1 billion endlessly ­debated. In Germany in ­particular, we are prosperity.
makes it BASF’s largest single investment in North America to date. still slamming on the brakes even though now is the
time to accelerate.
We also further expanded our global business with battery materials in 2022. This
includes investments to increase our production capacities for cathode materials Moreover, the European Commission’s Green Deal will unleash a flood of
and to establish innovative recycling concepts in the three key regions E­ urope, ­regu­lations on the chemical i­ndustry, putting an additional burden on us. We
North America and Asia. therefore urgently need to reset priorities. This will ­require that policymakers,
society and industry work together t­oward a common goal: a competitive
Our operating environment – 2023 to remain challenging ­industry that is strong enough to be the motor of change. We also continue to rely
on the support of our many shareholders. I appreciate your trust and I am glad
The year 2023 will also bring significant chal­lenges. The high level of ­uncertainty that you are joining us on this journey. Thank you!

will continue. Unlike the beginning of 2022, there will no longer be momentum
from pent-up ­demand following the coronavirus Yours,
pandemic. The difficult global economic situa-
tion will ­dampen demand worldwide.

The year 2023 will also We are prepared for what lies ahead and we Martin Brudermüller
bring significant challenges. have put ourselves on the right track. We will
continue to reduce our dependency on natural
gas. This is particularly a matter of urgency in
Europe, as we expect prices to remain significantly above pre-­crisis levels in the
long term. We are making our sites leaders in climate-­neutral ­production. And
we are strengthening our competitiveness. One contribution here will be from a
cost-savings program with a focus on Europe and ­especially ­Germany.
BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – The Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE 11

The Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE

Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel,

Vice Chairman of the Board
of Executive Directors

Michael Heinz Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner Dr. Markus Kamieth

Dr. Martin Brudermüller, Saori Dubourg
Chairman of the Board
of Executive Directors
BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – BASF on the Capital Market 12

BASF on the Capital Market


In 2022, the stock markets were characterized by a significant weakening of the global economy. This was primarily attributable to the Russian war of
­aggression against Ukraine, the drastic increase in energy prices, high inflation, increased interest rates and pandemic-related lockdowns in China.
These developments dampened demand in many sectors and had a negative impact on economic growth, especially in Europe. BASF will nevertheless
­propose a dividend of €3.40 per share to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Based on the year-end share price for 2022, BASF shares offer a high dividend
yield of around 7.3%.

BASF share performance In addition, high inflation and increased interest rates weakened
At a glance ­demand in key customer industries, especially in the second half of
BASF’s share price reached an annual high of €68.69 on Feb­ the year.
▪ BASF share price declined by 24.9% in 2022
ruary 11, 2022, before declining over the remainder of the year. This
▪ Proposed dividend of €3.40 per share at prior-year level was mainly attributable to the Russian war of aggression against Assuming that dividends were reinvested, BASF’s share
▪ Dividend yield of around 7.3% based on the 2022 year-end Ukraine and the associated risks to natural gas supplies in Europe. ­performance declined by 19.7% in 2022. The benchmark indexes
share price The resulting higher energy prices negatively impacted the com­ of the G
­ erman and European stock markets – the DAX 40 and the
petitiveness of energy-intensive companies in Europe in particular. EURO STOXX 50 – fell by 12.3% and 9.5% over the same period,

Change in value of an investment in BASF shares in 2022 Long-term performance of BASF shares compared with indexes
With dividends reinvested; indexed Average annual increase with dividends reinvested

120 120 2017–2022 –8.0%

110 110 4.0%

100 100
2012–2022 0.1%

90 90

80 80 8.1%

▪ BASF share ▪ DAX 40 ▪ EURO STOXX 50 ▪ MSCI World Chemicals

70 70

Weighting of BASF shares in important indexes as of December 31, 2022

60 60
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
DAX 40 3.6%

BASF share –19.7% DAX 40 –12.3% EURO STOXX 50 –9.5% MSCI World Chemicals –15.5% EURO STOXX 50 1.5%
MSCI World Chemicals 4.1%
BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – BASF on the Capital Market 13

Dividend per share Broad base of international shareholders

€ per share

3.30 3.30 3.40 3.40

3.10 3.20 With over 900,000 shareholders, BASF is one of the largest publicly
2.90 3.00
2.70 2.80 owned companies with a high free float. An analysis of the s­ hareholder
structure carried out at the end of 2022 showed that, at around 1 ­ 9%
of share capital, the United States and Canada made up the largest
regional group of institutional investors. Institutional investors from
Germany accounted for around 6%. Institutional investors from the
United Kingdom and Ireland hold 7% of BASF shares, while ­investors
from the rest of Europe hold a further 11% of capital. A ­ pproximately
45% of the company’s share capital is held by private investors,
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 nearly all of whom reside in Germany. BASF is therefore one of the
DAX companies with the largest percentage of private ­shareholders.

respectively. The global industry index MSCI World Chemicals Share buyback program Shareholder structure
By region, rounded
lost 15.5%.
On January 4, 2022, the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE 7%
United Kingdom/Ireland
resolved on a share buyback program. The program has a volume 51%
Proposed dividend of up to €3 billion, started on January 11, 2022, and shall be 11%
­concluded by December 31, 2023, at the latest. Rest of Europe

It is to be proposed to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that a 3%

Rest of world
­dividend of €3.40 per share, at the same level as previous year, and As of December 31, 2022, BASF SE had acquired ­24,623,765
thus €3.0 billion1 be paid out to the shareholders of BASF SE. company shares for a purchase price of €1.3 billion. This ­corresponded 9%
Not identified
to 2.68% of outstanding shares. The repurchased shares were
With this proposed dividend, BASF shares offer a high dividend yield ­canceled and the share capital was reduced by the corresponding
United States/Canada
of around 7.3% based on the year-end share price for 2022. BASF pro rata amount (€31,518,419.20).
is part of the DivDAX share index, which contains the 15 companies
with the highest dividend yield in the DAX 40. By way of a resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on
­April 29, 2022, the Board of Executive Directors is authorized to buy Employees becoming shareholders
back company shares in an amount of up to 10% of the share
­capital. In many countries, we offer share purchase programs that turn our
employees into BASF shareholders. In 2022, for example, around
In addition to dividend payments, share buybacks are another tool 27,100 employees (2021: around 23,600) purchased BASF shares
that BASF uses to create value for its shareholders. worth €92.8 million (2021: €38.2 million).
For more information on employee share purchase programs, see page 101 onward

1 Based on the number of outstanding shares as of December 31, 2022 (893,854,929)

BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – BASF on the Capital Market 14

BASF – a sustainable investment BASF achieved the top rating of A in the CDP assessment for BASF participated in the CDP’s “Forests” assessment for the third
­sustainable water management (previous year: A–). The assessment time in 2022 and was ranked A–, as in previous years. BASF is
takes into account how transparently companies report on their committed to ending deforestation in the relevant businesses in
At a glance water management activities and how they reduce risks such as which it is active. As such, BASF is one of the companies with
water scarcity. CDP also evaluates the extent to which product Leader­ship status in this area as well.
▪ CDP again awards BASF Leadership status ­developments can contribute to sustainable water management for
▪ BASF again achieves “Prime” status in ISS ESG rating customers of the companies assessed. BASF continues to BASF again achieved Prime status in the ISS ESG rating developed
­implement its sustainable water management target at all relevant by Institutional Shareholder Services and is among the top 7% of the
production sites. companies assessed. BASF received special recognition for
BASF has participated in the program established by the interna- addressing key sustainability issues such as environmental
tional organization CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) for
reporting on data relevant to climate protection since 2004. CDP
represents over 680 investors with over $130 trillion in assets and
more than 280 major organizations with $6.4 trillion in purchasing Key BASF share data
power. In 2022, BASF again scored A– on CDP’s Climate List, giving
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
it Leadership status. Among other things, the assessment considers
Year-end price € 60.40 67.35 64.72 61.78 46.39
the transparency of emissions reporting, the handling of risks and
opportunities arising from climate change, the climate protection Year high € 97.67 74.49 68.29 72.61 68.69

strategy and CO2 reduction measures. Year low € 58.40 56.20 39.04 57.88 38.85

Year average € 80.38 64.77 53.31 66.20 49.90

Daily trade in sharesa

million € 229.6 187.6 219.2 170.8 183.0

million shares 2.9 2.9 4.1 2.6 3.7

Further information on the BASF share

Number of shares December 31 million shares 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 893.9

Securities code numbers Market capitalization December 31 billion € 55.5 61.9 59.4 56.7 41.5

Germany BASF11

United States (CUSIP number) 055262505 Earnings per share € 5.12 9.17 –1.15 6.01 –0.70

ISIN International Securities Identification Number DE000BASF111 Adjusted earnings per share € 5.87 4.00 3.21 6.76 6.96

Dividend per share € 3.20 3.30 3.30 3.40 3.40

International ticker symbols
Dividend yieldb % 5.30 4.90 5.10 5.50 7.33
Deutsche Börse BAS
Payout ratio % 63 36 . 57 .
Pink Sheets / OTCQX BASFY (ADR)
Price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio)b 11.8 7.3 . 10.3 .
Bloomberg (Xetra trading) BAS GY
a Average, Xetra trading
Reuters (Xetra trading) BASFn.DE b Based on year-end share price
BASF Report 2022 To Our Shareholders – BASF on the Capital Market 15

­ anagement, energy efficiency and business ethics with a compre-

m Close dialog with the capital market In November 2022, Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner offered analysts and
hensive set of measures and processes. investors insight into the BASF Group’s research and ­development.
At a glance Various BASF research projects and products from the fields of
In Sustainalytics’1 ESG Risk Ratings, BASF belongs to the best white biotechnology, alternative carbon sources and the develop-
­category for “diversified chemicals” with a medium ESG risk and ▪ Continued use of virtual formats complemented by physical ment of biodegradable products were presented in a w ­ ebcast titled
was recognized for its risk management, for example, in the areas of ­investor events “Driving sustainability with microorganisms.”
CO2 emissions, wastewater and waste, as well as occupational ▪ Investor Update in March 2022 and R&D Webcast in
­health and safety. ­November 2022 Analysts and investors have again confirmed the quality of our
­financial market communications. In the annual survey conducted
BASF is participating in a pilot project on the U.N. Global Compact’s Regular and transparent communication with the capital market is by Britain’s IR Magazine, we placed first in the category “Best IR
new reporting format. We consistently support the U.N. Global key to increasing long-term value. We continued to use mainly ­virtual Website (Large Caps).” At the Investors’ Darling awards ceremony,
Compact and its 10 principles of responsible business conduct and formats such as video or conference calls for dialog in 2022. We Manager Magazin presented BASF with the special prize for
the Sustainable Development Goals. engaged with institutional investors and rating agencies in numerous ­sustainability communications. In addition, NetFed, a consultancy
For more information on the key sustainability indexes, see one-on-one meetings, as well as at roadshows and conferences specializing in digital communications, awarded the BASF Investor
For more information on energy and climate protection, see page 135 onward worldwide. In the second half of 2022 in particular, we again Relations website second place in the IR Benchmark 2022.
For more information on emissions to air, waste and remediation, see page 142 onward ­recorded increased interest in investor visits to the Ludwigshafen For more information about the BASF share, see
For more information on water, see page 144 onward
site in Germany. We gave private investors an insight into BASF at For more information on the 2022–2023 share buyback program, see
For more information on the procurement of certified palm oil and palm kernel oil,
see page 117 ­onward
virtual and physical informational events. For more information on the Investor Update 2022, see
For more information on the R&D Webcast 2022, see
Register for the newsletter with current topics and dates at
In a virtual Investor Update in March 2022, Dr. Martin Brudermüller
Contact the Investor Relations team by phone at +49 621 60-48230 or email
Analysts’ recommendations outlined BASF’s progress on its journey toward the medium-term
reduction target by 2030 and toward net zero CO2 emissions2 by
Around 30 financial analysts regularly publish studies on BASF. The 2050.
latest analyst recommendations for our shares as well as the a
­ verage For more information on our climate protection targets, see page 27
target share price ascribed to BASF by analysts can be found online

1 Sustainalytics provides institutional investors and companies with ESG research, ratings and analytics.
2 Based on the BASF Group’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions; other greenhouse gases are converted into CO2 equivalents in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
BASF Report 2022 16

To Our Shareholders
Management’s Report
Corporate Governance

Consolidated Financial Statements

Overview  17 The BASF Group’s Business Year  52 Sustainability Along the Value Chain  100
Nonfinancial Statement Disclosures  18 Economic Environment  52 We Value People and Treat Them with Respect  101
TCFD Recommendations Index  19 Results of Operations  56 We Source Responsibly  114
Net Assets  61 We Produce Safely and Efficiently  123
The BASF Group  20 Financial Position  63
How We Create Value  24 Actual Development Compared With Outlook for 2022  67 Forecast  151
Business Review by Segment  69 Economic Environment in 2023  151
Our Strategy  26 Chemicals  72 Outlook 2023  154
Our Strategic Action Areas  28 Materials  76 Opportunities and Risks  157
Our Values and Global Standards  31 Industrial Solutions  79
Business Models of the Segments  32 Surface Technologies  82
Targets and Target Achievement 2022  35 Nutrition & Care  85
Material Investments and Portfolio Measures  37 Agricultural Solutions  88
Our Steering Concept  41 Other  91
Our Sustainability Concept  45 Non-Integral Oil and Gas Business  92
Innovation  49 Regional Results  94
E.U. Taxonomy  95
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Overview 17

Overview Within the scope of the annual audit, KPMG checked pursuant to
section 317(2) sentence 4 HGB that the NFS was presented in
­omprises the Corporate Governance Report, including the
­description of the diversity concept for the composition of the Board
­accordance with the statutory requirements. KPMG also conducted of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board (excluding the
The Management’s Report comprises the chapter of the a limited assurance of the NFS. An assurance statement of the disclosures required by takeover law in accordance with section
same name on pages 16 to 167, as well as the disclosures ­limited assurance can be found online at 315a HGB), compliance reporting and the Declaration of Conformity
required by takeover law and the Declaration of Corporate The assurance was conducted in accordance with ISAE 3000 pursuant to section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act.
Governance. These are presented in the Corporate Gover- (­Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Pursuant to section 317(2) sentence 6 HGB, the auditor checked
nance chapter. The Nonfinancial Statement (NFS) is inte­ Financial Information) and ISAE 3410 (Assurance Engagements on that the disclosures according to section 315d HGB were made.
grated into the Management’s Report. Greenhouse Gas Statements), the relevant international assurance
standards for sustainability reporting.
Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related
NFS in accordance with sections 315b and 315c of the ­Financial Disclosures
­German Commercial Code (HGB) Disclosures required by takeover law in accordance with
section 315a HGB BASF supports the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-­
The NFS disclosures can be found in the relevant sections of the related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Disclosures recommended by
Management’s Report and have been prepared in accordance The disclosures required by takeover law in accordance with section the TCFD are presented in a number of places through­out this
with the appropriate frameworks: the Global Reporting Initiative 315a of the German Commercial Code (HGB) can be found in the ­report. The table on page 19 shows the sections and s­ ubsections in
Standards and the reporting requirements of the U.N. Global
­ Corporate Governance chapter starting on page 168. They form which the relevant information can be found. The table is divided
­Compact. The table on the following page shows the sections and part of the Management’s Report, which is audited as part of the into four key areas in line with the TCFD recommendations: gover-
subsections in which the individual disclosures can be found. In annual audit. nance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
addition to a description of the business model, the NFS includes
disclosures on the following matters, to the extent that they are
required to u ­ nderstand the development and performance of the Compensation Report Symbols, captions and QR codes
business, the Group’s position and the impact of business
development on the following matters: environmental matters,
­ The Compensation Report in accordance with section 162 of the   You can find more information in this report.
employee-­related ­matters, social matters, respect for human rights, German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) is publicly available on the
anti-­corruption and bribery matters. BASF website together with the assurance statement of the sub-   You can find more information online. The content of these
stantive and formal audit issued by the auditor. links are voluntary disclosures that were not audited by the
In accordance with the E.U. Taxonomy Regulation and the supple- The Compensation Report is available online at auditor.
mentary delegated acts, the NFS includes the proportion of the
Group’s taxonomy-eligible and, for the first time, our Group-wide  The content of this section is not part of the statutory audit but
taxonomy-aligned turnover, capital expenditures (including acqui­si­ Declaration of Corporate Governance in accordance with has undergone a separate limited assurance by our auditor.
tions and e
­ xcluding goodwill in accordance with the E.U. taxonomy) section 315d HGB in connection with section 289f HGB
and ­ operating expenditures for the 2022 business year. This  The content of this section is voluntary, unaudited information,
applies to the environmental objectives of climate change mitigation The Consolidated Declaration of Corporate Governance in accor- which was critically read by the auditor.
and adap­tation to climate change currently addressed in the E.U. dance with section 315d HGB in connection with section 289f HGB
­taxonomy. can be found in the Corporate Governance chapter from page 194 Captions, links and the information contained on linked websites,
onward and is a component of the Management’s Report. It and QR codes are not part of the audit.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Overview 18

Nonfinancial Statement (NFS) disclosures in the relevant chapters of the integrated report

NFS disclosure Topics Concepts and results

Business model BASF Group Pages 20–23

E.U. Taxonomy E.U. Taxonomy Pages 95–99

Environmental matters Process safety Page 36 (targets) / pages 123–124 and 125–127 (targets, measures, results)
Biodiversity Pages 147–150 (targets, measures, results)
Energy and Climate Protection Page 36 (targets) / pages 27 and 135–141 (targets, measures, results)
Emergency response and corporate security Pages 128–129 (targets, measures, results)
Supplier management Page 36 (targets) / pages 114–116 (targets, measures, results)
Emissions to air Pages 123–124 and 142–143 (targets, measures, results)
Product stewardship Pages 123–124 and 132–133 (targets, measures, results)
Resource efficiency Pages 43–44 and 142–143 (targets, measures, results)
Steering of product portfolio Page 45 (targets, measures, results)
Transportation and storage Pages 123–124 and 134 (targets, measures, results)
Management of waste and contaminated sites Pages 123–124 and 142–143 (targets, measures, results)
Water Page 36 (targets) / pages 123–124 and 144–146 (targets, measures, results)

Employee-related matters Occupational safety Page 36 (targets) / pages 123–124 and 125–126 (targets, measures, results)
Dialog with employee representatives Page 106 (targets, measures, results)
Inclusion of diversity Page 36 (targets) / pages 107–108 (targets, measures, results)
What we expect from our leaders Pages 102–103 (targets, measures, results)
Health protection Pages 123–124 and 127 (targets, measures, results)
International labor and social standards Page 110 (targets, measures, results)
Learning and development Pages 103–104 (targets, measures, results)
Supplier management Page 36 (targets) / pages 114–116 (targets, measures, results)
Employee engagement Page 36 (targets) / page 102 (targets, measures, results)
Competition for talent Page 103 (targets, measures, results)
Compensation and benefits Page 105 (targets, measures, results)

Social matters Societal engagement Pages 48 and 112 (targets, measures, results)

Respect for human rights International labor and social standards Page 110 (targets, measures, results)
Supplier management Page 36 (targets) / pages 114–116 (targets, measures, results)
Responsibility for human rights Pages 109–111 (targets, measures, results)

Anti-corruption and bribery matters Compliance Pages 179–181 (targets, measures, results)
Supplier management Page 36 (targets) / pages 114–116 (targets, measures, results)
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Overview 19

Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in the relevant chapters of the integrated report

Topic Recommended disclosures Section/explanation Page

Governance Describe the board’sa oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities. Corporate Governance Report – Direction and management by the Board of Executive Directors Pages 169–170
Report of the Supervisory Board Pages 186–192
Disclose the organization’s governance around Our Sustainability Concept – Our organizational and management structures Page 47
climate-related risks and opportunities.
Describe management’sb and senior executives’ role in assessing and Our Sustainability Concept – Our organizational and management structures Page 47
managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

Strategy Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has Opportunities and Risks – Operational opportunities and risks Pages 160–163
identified over the short, medium and long term. Opportunities and Risks – Financial opportunities and risks Pages 163–164
Disclose the actual and potential impacts of Opportunities and Risks – Strategic opportunities and risks Pages 164–167
­climate-related risks and opportunities on the
­organization’s businesses, strategy and financial Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on Energy and Climate Protection – Strategy and governance Pages 135–136
planning the organization’s businesses, strategy and financial planning. Material topics in focus: Climate Change Page 27
Our Sustainability Concept – Our organizational and management structures Page 47
Our Strategic Action Areas – Sustainability Page 29
Opportunities and Risks – Operational opportunities and risks Pages 160–163
Opportunities and Risks – Financial opportunities and risks Pages 163–164
Opportunities and Risks – Strategic opportunities and risks Pages 164–167

Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into Opportunities and Risks – Tools Pages 159–160
­consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower Opportunities and Risks – Strategic opportunities and risks Pages 164–167

Risk management Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and assessing Opportunities and Risks – Risk management process Pages 158–159
­climate-related risks. Opportunities and Risks – Tools Pages 159–160
Disclose how the organization identifies,
assesses, and manages climate-related Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate-related risks. Opportunities and Risks – Risk management process Pages 158–159
risks. Opportunities and Risks – Strategic opportunities and risks Pages 164–167

Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing Opportunities and Risks – Tools Pages 159–160
­climate-related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk

Metrics and targets Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related Energy and Climate Protection – Global targets Page 136
risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management Energy and Climate Protection – Energy supply Pages 137–138
Disclose the metrics and targets ­process.
used to assess and manage relevant
climate-related risks and opportunities Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) Energy and Climate Protection – Corporate carbon footprint Pages 139–140
where such information is material. ­emissions, and the related risks. Energy and Climate Protection – Global targets Page 136

Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related Energy and Climate Protection – Strategy and governance Pages 135–136
risks and opportunities and performance against targets. Energy and Climate Protection – Energy supply Pages 137–138

a Refers to the Supervisory Board

b Refers to the Board of Executive Directors
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – BASF Group 20

BASF Group

At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility.
Around 111,500 employees contribute to the BASF Group’s success worldwide. Our business is divided into the Chemicals, Materials,
­Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions segments.

Sites and Verbund The BASF Group’s segments in 2022

As one of the world’s largest chemical companies, BASF is present

in 91 countries. We operate 239 production sites worldwide. The
foundation for the Verbund concept was laid in 1865 at the Ludwigs­
hafen site in Germany and is still one of BASF’s great strengths
­today. Intelligently linking and steering our Verbund plants creates
efficient value chains – from basic chemicals to high value-­added
solutions such as coatings or crop protection products. The ­Verbund Chemicals Materials Industrial Solutions
The Chemicals segment supplies BASF’s other The Materials segment offers advanced The Industrial Solutions segment develops and
enables us to manage our production in a resource-­ efficient, segments and customers with basic chemicals ­materials and their precursors for the plastics markets ingredients and additives for industrial
carbon-­optimized and reliable way. By-products from one facility are and intermediates. and plastics processing industries. applications.
used as feedstocks elsewhere, for example. This saves us raw ▪ Share of sales: 17% ▪ Share of sales: 21% ▪ Share of sales: 12%
­materials and energy, avoids emissions, lowers logistics costs and ▪ R&D expenses: €93 million ▪ R&D expenses: €201 million ▪ R&D expenses: €172 million
leverages synergies. ▪ Investments including acquisitions:1 ▪ Investments including acquisitions:1 ▪ Investments including acquisitions:1
€1,701 million €880 million €322 million

In addition to Ludwigshafen, BASF operates five other Verbund sites

in Antwerp, Belgium; Freeport, Texas; Geismar, Louisiana; Kuantan,
Malaysia; and Nanjing, China. Another Verbund site is being built in
Zhanjiang in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong.

We also use the Verbund principle for more than production, apply-
ing it to technologies, the market and digitalization as well. Research
expertise is bundled globally.
Surface Technologies Nutrition & Care Agricultural Solutions
For more information on the Verbund concept, see
The Surface Technologies segment offers The Nutrition & Care segment produces The Agricultural Solutions segment is an
For more information on our segments’ investments, see page 37 onward chemical solutions for surfaces and automotive ­ingredients and solutions for consumer ­integrated provider of seeds, crop protection
coatings, as well as battery materials and ­applications such as human and animal and digital solutions for the agricultural sector.
­catalysts. ­nutrition, and home and personal care. ▪ Share of sales: 12%
▪ Share of sales: 24% ▪ Share of sales: 9% ▪ R&D expenses: €944 million
▪ R&D expenses: €335 million ▪ R&D expenses: €172 million ▪ Investments including acquisitions:1
▪ Investments including acquisitions:1 ▪ Investments including acquisitions:1 €414 million
€740 million €642 million
1 Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – BASF Group 21

Organization of the BASF Group BASF’s regional and national companies represent the Group locally Procurement and sales markets
and support the growth of business units with local proximity to
The BASF Group consists of eleven operating divisions, which are customers. For financial reporting purposes, we organize the BASF supplies products and services to around 82,000 customers2
grouped into six segments as follows: ­regional companies into four regions: Europe, North America, Asia from various sectors in almost every country in the world. Our cus-
Pacific, as well as South America, Africa and Middle East. tomer portfolio ranges from major global customers and small and
– Chemicals: Petrochemicals, Intermediates medium-sized enterprises to end consumers.
– Materials: Performance Materials, Monomers To strengthen our innovation capabilities, we reorganized our global
– Industrial Solutions: Dispersions & Resins, Performance research activities in 2022 and aligned them even more closely with We work with over 70,000 Tier 1 suppliers3 worldwide. They supply
­Chemi­cals the needs of our customers. As part of this, we integrated down- us with important raw materials, chemicals, investment goods and
– Surface Technologies: Catalysts, Coatings stream research into the divisions and bundled activities with broad consumables, and perform a range of services.
– Nutrition & Care: Care Chemicals, Nutrition & Health relevance for our customers in a research division. This division is For more information on customers, see page 26; for more on suppliers, see page 114
onward; for more on raw materials, see page 117 onward
– Agricultural Solutions: Agricultural Solutions globally positioned with research centers in Europe, North America
and Asia Pacific.
This segment structure enables us to steer our businesses in a dif- For more information on the reorganization of our research activities, see page 49 onward
ferentiated way according to market-specific requirements and the BASF sales by industry 2022
Direct customers
competitive environment. We provide a high level of transparency Five service units provide competitive services for the operating
around the results of our segments and show the importance of the divisions and sites: Global Engineering Services, Global Digital
> 20% Chemicals and plastics | Transportation (respectively)
Verbund and value chains to our business success. The operating ­Services, Global Procurement, European Site & Verbund Manage-
divisions, the service units, the regions and the corporate center are ment and Global Business Services (finance, human resources, 10%–20% Agriculture | Consumer goods (respectively)

the cornerstones of the BASF organization. This organizational environmental protection, health, safety and quality, intellectual
­ < 10%
Construction | Electronics | Energy and resources |
Health and nutrition (respectively)
structure lays the foundation for customer proximity, competitive- property, communications, procurement, supply chain and in-house
ness and profitable growth. BASF aims to differentiate its businesses consulting services).
from their competitors and establish a high-performance organiza-
tion to enable BASF to be successful in an increasingly competitive We have driven forward the bundling of services and resources in BASF sales by region 2022
Location of customer
market environment. the Global Business Services unit, making greater use of the digi­tali­
For more information on the products and services offered by the segments, see pages 72, 76, 79, 82, zation of processes. This aims to achieve annual savings of more 9%
85 and 88 onward South America, Africa,
than €200 million from 2023.1 Middle East
For more information on the segment structure, see Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements 39%
from page 219 onward
The Corporate Center supports the Board of Executive Directors in
€87,327 million
The divisions bear strategic and operational responsibility and are steering the company as a whole. These include central tasks from 25%
organized according to sectors or products. They manage the the following areas: strategy, finance and controlling, compliance Asia Pacific
52 global and regional business units and develop strategies for and law, tax, environmental protection, health, safety and quality, 27%
72 strategic business units. human resources, communications, investor relations, corporate North America

audit and the Net Zero Accelerator unit.

1 Part of these savings is included in the €500 million cost savings program announced in October 2022.
2 The number of customers refers to all external companies (sold-to parties) that had contracts with the BASF Group in the business year concerned in which sales were generated.
3 BASF considers all direct suppliers of the BASF Group in the business year concerned as Tier 1 suppliers. These are suppliers that provide us with raw materials, investment goods, consumables and services. Suppliers can be natural persons, companies or legal persons under public law.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – BASF Group 22

BASF’s production sites


Geismar South Korea

Greater Shanghai




The map shows the BASF Group’s production sites according to the
scope of consolidation for this report. Sites not shown on the map include
pure research and development sites, office and warehouse locations as
well as sites of companies outside the scope of consolidation.

Verbund sites / planned Verbund site

Production sites
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – BASF Group 23

Business and competitive environment The war in Ukraine has significantly changed the economic environ- parallel, we are developing further measures to structurally adjust
ment in Europe. Above all, reduced gas supplies from Russia led to BASF’s Production Verbund in Europe.
BASF’s global presence means that it operates in the context of much higher and volatile commodity and energy prices and excep­ For more information on how BASF is reducing its natural gas consumption, see page 118
local, regional and global developments and a wide range of
­ tion­ally high uncertainty, especially surrounding the gas supply. As a
­conditions. These include: result, the European gas price peaked at a monthly average of
– Global economic and political environment €235.94 per MWh ($69.84 per mmBtu) in August 2022. In Decem- Corporate legal structure
– Legal and political requirements ber 2022, it was significantly lower, averaging €118.25 per MWh
– International trade agreements ($36.74 per mmBtu), but still more than five times the U.S. gas price As the publicly listed parent company of the BASF Group, BASF SE
– Industry standards (Henry Hub). European gas prices averaged €124.16 per Mwh takes a central position: Directly or indirectly, it holds the shares in
– Environmental agreements (such as the E.U. Emissions Trading ($38.01 per mmBtu) for the year, more than double the prior-year the companies belonging to the BASF Group, and is also one of the
System) level and more than ten times the 2020 level. The consequences largest operating companies. In the BASF Group Consolidated
– Social aspects (such as the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human of the gas price increase are manifold: In addition to strong cost ­Financial Statements, 248 companies including BASF SE are fully
Rights) ­pressure, it is driving inflation, weakening the economy and slowing consolidated. We consolidate nine joint operations on a proportional
demand from our customer industries. This development made basis and account for 23 companies using the equity method.
BASF holds one of the top three market positions in around ­80% production adjustments necessary in Europe’s energy-intensive For more information, see Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 214 onward
of the business areas in which it is active. Our most important ­industries. BASF took a variety of measures here. For example,
global competitors include Arkema, Bayer, Clariant, Corteva, ammonia production was temporarily scaled back and partly offset
Covestro, Dow, Dupont, DSM, Evonik, Huntsman, Lanxess, SABIC, by higher plant utilization at non-European sites and through pro-
Sinopec, Solvay, Sumitomo Chemical, Syngenta, Wanhua and curement. BASF also reduced its consumption of natural gas in
many hundreds of local and regional competitors. We expect com- European production by switching to alternative fuels wherever
petitors from Asia and the Middle East in particular to continue to technically possible and economically viable. Even though European
grow in significance in the years ahead. gas prices were already higher than U.S. prices before the outbreak
of the war in Ukraine, they are expected to decline again with the
­targeted substitution and diversification of gas procurement sources
Challenging market conditions in Europe and the shift to other energy sources, but to remain well above
pre-crisis levels.
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a war against Ukraine.
BASF strongly condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine. As a con- Another factor leading to generally challenging conditions for the
sequence, the company announced on April 27, 2022, that it would European chemical industry include planned regulations under the
wind down its existing business activities in Russia in accordance European Green Deal. These will have far-reaching consequences
with international law. Exempt from this decision is b ­ usiness to for the regulation of chemicals in Europe. All of these headwinds are
support food production, as the war risks triggering a global food weakening the competitiveness of European chemical production.
crisis. The decision to withdraw from Russia led to ­special charges
in EBIT of €72 million, including impairments on property, plant and Against this background and given the significant decline in earn-
equipment of €14 million. In 2021, Russia and Belarus accounted ings in our European market, we have announced a cost-cutting
for around 1% of the BASF Group’s total sales. program focusing on Europe and above all Germany. Concrete
measures are currently being developed. The program will be imple-
mented in 2023 and 2024 and is expected to generate annual
­savings of €500 million in non-production areas upon completion. In
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – How We Create Value 24

How We Create Value 1


The following overview shows how we create value for our stakeholders. It is modeled on the model

framework of the ­former International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The content of the 5 4
Discover the interactive
graph has been audited within the scope of the relevant sections of the Management’s Report. How We Create Value graphic Impact Outcomes
in the BASF Online Report at

Financial Innovation Operations Environment Employees Partnerships
Our aim is to ensure solvency We develop innovative Safety, quality and reliability We use natural resources to Everything we do is based Trust-based relationships
at all times, limit financial risks solutions for and with our are key to excellence in our manufacture products and on the expertise, knowledge, are crucial to our license to
and optimize the cost of capital. customers to expand our production and plant operations. solutions with high value added motivation and conduct of operate and our reputation. We use a wide range of
leading position. for our customers. our employees. resources to implement our
customer-focused strategy

48.4% ~10,000 €4.1 billion 1.2 MMT 111,481 >70,000

Equity ratio R&D employees Capex Renewable raw materials Employees around the world Suppliers

>900,000 €2.3 billion 16% 1,590 million m3 €11.4 billion ~82,000

Shareholders R&D expenses Electricity from renewable sources Total water abstraction Personnel expenses Customers

Business model

Corporate purpose Our targets How we operate 2

We create chemistry ▪ Profitable growth ▪ Our customers are at the core of our strategy. We have a global, customer-focused presence and strive to
▪ Effective climate protection achieve a leading position in our markets and business areas.
for a sustainable future ▪ We build on a broad and diversified investor base. We implement our
▪ Product portfolio geared to innovation and sustainability corporate purpose
▪ Responsible procurement ▪ Sustainability and innovation are at the center of everything we do and a driver for growth and value.

▪ Resource-efficient and safe production ▪ BASF’s Verbund structure is the backbone of our efficient and reliable production.

▪ Employee engagement and diversity ▪ Our segments address customer needs with differentiated solutions and business strategies.
▪ Safety is always our number one priority.
▪ Effective corporate governance ensures responsible conduct.
▪ We value our employees and stakeholders and treat them with respect.
Outputs 3

Financial Innovation Operations Environment Employees Partnerships

€6.9 billion ~1,000 ~45,000 >1,000 81% 1,042 We focus on material

sustainability topics and
EBIT before special items New patents worldwide Sales products Mass balance products based Engagement index according to Suppliers screened through evaluate the opportunities and
on alternative raw materials 2022 employee survey Together for Sustainability risks of our actions

€3.0 billion ~€12 billion 6.2 MMT 79% 27.2% ~60

Proposed dividend payment Sales of products that have been CO2 avoided through Verbund and Water demand recirculated Women in leadership positions Strategic customer networks
to shareholders1 on the market for up to five years combined heat and power generation

Economic Environmental Social
We aim to increase our positive
We make positive contributions by We make positive contributions by creating products that We make positive contributions because we contributions, minimize negative
impacts and carefully assess
▪ Driving forward growth, progress and value creation ▪ Contribute to climate protection ▪ Offer products that improve people’s quality of life
conflicting goals
▪ Strengthening our customers’ competitiveness and innovative ▪ Conserve resources, avoid waste and strengthen circularity ▪ Provide attractive jobs and promote diversity
strength ▪ Pave the way for climate-smart mobility ▪ Pay taxes and competitive wages and salaries
▪ Accelerating the digital transformation of the industry ▪ Are environmentally friendly and safe to use ▪ Promote integration and help overcome social challenges
▪ Offering our investors an attractive dividend yield
Potential negative impacts Negative impacts Potential negative impacts
▪ Weaker growth stimulus as a result of the slowing economy, the war ▪ The emission of CO2 and other gases that affect the climate ▪ Risk of violation of labor, environmental and social standards in the
in Ukraine, the coronavirus pandemic and global trade conflicts ▪ Resource consumption and non-recyclable waste production of the raw materials we procure
▪ A weaker share performance ▪ Potential misuse or spillage of products ▪ Personnel adjustments

Our countermeasures Our countermeasures Our countermeasures

▪ Disciplined implementation of our corporate strategy ▪ Carbon management ▪ Careful selection, evaluation and development of suppliers
▪ Systematic cost management ▪ Circular Economy Program ▪ Projects to improve sustainability in the supply chains
▪ Active portfolio management ▪ Sustainable water and energy management ▪ Compliance Program and Code of Conduct
▪ Optimizing the cost of capital ▪ Responsible Care management (including product stewardship) ▪ Employee training programs

We achieve long-term business success by creating value for our shareholders, our company, 5
the environment and society (see

1 Based on the dividend proposed by the Board of Executive Directors and the number of outstanding shares as of December 31, 2022 (893,854,929)
2 The outcomes category shows examples of positive contributions as well as negative impacts and the measures we take to mitigate them.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Strategy 26

Our Strategy In this section:

Strategic Action Areas
GRI 203
Values and Global Standards
Business Models of the Segments
Chemistry is our passion. We want to be the most attractive partner for our customers to overcome challenges that can
Targets and Target Achievement 2022
be solved with chemistry. Our customers are at the center of everything we do. With our products and technologies, our
innovative and e
­ ntrepreneurial spirit and the power of our Verbund integration, we want to grow profitably and at the Investments and Portfolio Measures
same time, create value for society and the environment. This is our goal, which is embedded in our corporate purpose: Steering Concept
We create chemistry for a sustainable future. Sustainability Concept

Humankind is facing enormous challenges. The climate is c­ hanging, Both long-term trends and short-term developments in an environ-
natural resources are becoming scarcer, pressure on ecosystems is ment characterized by volatility and uncertainty are challenging for Good to know
increasing and our growing world population needs to be fed. More the chemical industry. At the same time, they also open up n
­­ umerous
and more urgently than ever, solutions are needed for a sustain- opportunities for new business areas and innovative products.
able future. Chemistry plays a key role here. In almost all areas of
life, it can pave the way to greater sustainability with innovative We want to lead the way in the chemical industry and responsibly
products and technologies and accelerate the change needed to shape the change – with ambitious targets and a concrete road-
achieve this. This belief is expressed in our corporate purpose: We map: We are gradually switching our energy and raw materials
create chemistry for a sustainable future. ­supplies from fossil to renewable sources. We are adapting our
Verbund structure to the new circumstances as the basis for Our customers in focus
Our mission and motivation is to grow profitably and make a positive ­resource-efficient, safe and reliable production. We are developing
BASF supplies products and services to around 82,000 custom-
contribution to society and the environment. For example, BASF’s new, pioneering carbon-free and low-carbon production processes
ers from almost all sectors and countries around the world. Our
solutions help to protect the climate, avoid or recycle waste, ­use for our products. We are accelerating our innovation processes and
customers are mainly global and small and medium-sized
resources more efficiently, produce healthy and affordable food, and deepening cooperation with customers, suppliers and other ­partners
­companies, but also include end consumers. We are continually
enable climate-smart mobility. to develop high-performance products with a lower carbon f­ ootprint.
refining our organizational structure so that our operating
We are developing recycling technologies for various waste streams
divisions can flexibly address specific market and customer
At the same time, we are undergoing profound changes. We need to strengthen the circular economy. We are harnessing the many
­requirements and differentiate themselves from the competition.
to transform our company, as we have done repeatedly in the more ­opportunities of digitalization across all areas of the company. We
The operating divisions pursue different business strategies –
than 150-year history of BASF. This time, we are moving toward are systematically aligning our portfolio with growth areas and future
from cost leadership in basic chemicals to tailored system
climate neutrality and the circular economy. This involves managing technologies, and are integrating sustainability into our value chains
­solutions for specific customer applications. Above and beyond
long-term policy decisions like the European Green Deal, ­overcoming even more strongly. We create a working environment in which our
this, we are intensifying cooperation with our customers to ­jointly
the consequences of current geopolitical conflicts such as the war employees can thrive and contribute to BASF’s long-term success.
leverage innovation and growth potential. For instance, we have
in Ukraine, and driving forward digitalization. All of this requires a For more information on our strategic action areas, see page 28 onward
established around 60 strategic customer networks to address
clear vision as well as a high degree of creativity and flexibility.
the needs of our most important customers even better and
more quickly.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Climate Change 27

Material topics in focus:

Climate Change
GRI 3, 302

Climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. Swift and resolute action is needed to ensure that the
targets agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement can be achieved. We stand by this r­ esponsibility. In many areas, products
and i­nnovations based on chemistry are the key to a climate-­neutral future – from insulation foams for energy-efficient
­buildings, lightweight construction c
­ omponents and battery materials for e-mobility to sustainable agriculture.

At the same time, we are working intensively to significantly reduce a ­political and regulatory environment that promotes innovation in
the carbon footprint of our production and thus of our products. Our ­climate protection, makes it possible to develop new processes
target: Net zero emissions by 2050.1 We have set ourselves an that are competitive internationally and, above all, resolutely drives
ambitious milestone on this path. By 2030, we want to reduce forward the expansion of renewable energies. Initial estimates
greenhouse gas emissions by 25% compared with 2018 – while ­suggest that at the Lud­wigs­hafen site in Germany alone, we would
growing production volumes in parallel. Compared with 1990, this need three to four times more green electricity than in 2021 to fully
would translate into a reduction of around 60%. We are intensely implement new, low-carbon electricity-based production processes.
pursuing our climate protection targets with investments of up to To meet this d ­ emand, we are investing in our own power assets and
€4 billion by 2030. Our focus here is on five strategic levers: are increasingly buying green electricity on the market (make & buy
– Grey-to-green: We are increasingly meeting our electricity needs
from renewable sources. In 2022, the share of green power We are also addressing the question of how climate change affects
was 16%. our sites. In Ludwigshafen, for example, we have been ­implementing
– Power-to-steam: In the future, we will increasingly rely on electri- a range of climate resilience measures for dealing with low water
fication and energy recovery in steam generation, for example, levels on the Rhine River since 2018, including an early warning
through the use of heat pumps or e-boilers. system, multimodal transportation concepts, smarter management
– New technologies: We are developing pioneering carbon-free of cooling water and the development of an innovative type of barge
and low-carbon production processes, especially for emis­ sion- for very low water levels. These measures already proved successful
intensive basic chemicals such as hydrogen, olefins and ­aromatics. during the dry period in summer 2022.
– Bio-based feedstocks: We are increasingly replacing fossil For more information on energy and climate protection, see page 135 onward
­resources with alternative raw materials. In 2022, for example,
we procured around 1.2 million metric tons of renewable raw Our global climate protection targets
– Continuous opex: We are working to further improve the energy –25% Net zero
Renewable energy is a central building block on BASF’s journey to and process efficiency of our plants. In 2022 alone, BASF Reduction in our greenhouse gas Greenhouse gas emissions by
climate neutrality. To enable us to meet our growing demand in the ­implemented more than 500 operational excellence measures.­
future, we are gradually switching our supply agreements to green
emissions by 2030 compared 20501
power and investing in our own plants. One example is the Hollandse with 20181
Kust Zuid offshore wind farm currently under construction, which has We want to play an active and responsible role in shaping the
a total capacity of 1.5 gigawatts.
­transformation toward a climate-neutral society. This also requires 1 Scope 1 and Scope 2 (excluding the sale of energy to third parties, including offsetting)
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Strategic Action Areas 28

Our Strategic Action Areas

GRI 203

BASF’s strategic orientation is founded on a comprehensive

analysis of our markets, competitors and the economic Good to know
environment. We continuously monitor global trends and
short-term developments and anticipate the resulting
oppor­tunities and risks. The following six strategic action
­areas enable us to focus on our customers while strength­en­
ing our leading posi­tion in a competitive environment.


Innovation is the bedrock of our success. BASF is a leader in the

chemical industry with around 10,000 employees in research and
development and R&D spending of around €2.3 billion. We want to
expand this position by strengthening our research activities,
­especially in battery materials, polymer technologies and catalytic
and biotechnological methods (see box on the right). In addition, we
are expanding our cooperation with customers, universities,
­research institutions and other partners. Driving sustainability with microorganisms
We reorganized our global research activities in 2022. Business and With its broad technological expertise, BASF is well positioned ­ompounds into energy, water, carbon dioxide and biomass.
application-driven units that were previously part of three research to develop innovative solutions for a sustainable future. One of A fundamental understanding of such biological processes is
divisions were integrated into the operating divisions, aligning them our key technologies is white biotechnology. White biotechnology ­needed to use this natural method and develop biodegradable
more closely with the needs of our customers. For greater efficiency ­enables us to produce a wide range of products using a variety products. In addition, digital tools are an important component of
and effectiveness, we have bundled research activities that are of feedstocks in an efficient, resource-conserving and flexible the research work to predict the properties and biodegradability of
­relevant to several operating divisions in the new cross-functional ­manner: biopolymers, essential ingredients for human and animal molecules and materials at a very early stage of product develop-
and cross-regional Group Research unit. This global research nutrition, crop protection products, flavors and fragrances, or ment, enabling their structures to be adapted accordingly. This is
­division supports our operating divisions’ customer-specific R&D ­ingredients for cosmetics. We also produce enzymes from fungi important for products that end up in wastewater treatment plants
activities. It also drives forward cross-divisional projects on topics and bacteria for use in detergents. One example is BASF’s protein-­ at the end of their life cycles, such as cosmetics, laundry d
­ etergents
relevant to the entire Group, such as avoiding CO2 in chemical pro- cleaving enzyme Lavergy® Pro, which removes tough stains even and dishwashing products. Another example is our certified
cesses and products, energy efficiency and recycling technologies. at low temperatures and in short wash cycles, thus saving energy ­biodegradable biopolymer ecovio®. This can be used to produce
and water. mulch films that can be plowed under after use in the field and
Our innovation pipeline is geared to sustainability – especially completely metabolized by microorganisms.
­climate protection and the circular economy. This lays the ­foundation Microorganisms are not just used to manufacture products, but
for future growth: We are working intensively on fundamental at the end of the product life cycle as well. We are working to
innovations for products, processes and business models, for
­ understand how microorganisms metabolize complex organic
­example, for the chemical recycling of plastics, battery and catalyst
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Strategic Action Areas 29

technologies, low-carbon production of basic chemicals, and digital, In the future, we want to align our product portfolio even more prospects in individual markets within the BASF Group. This
climate-smart farming. At the same time, we are developing product strongly with climate protection, carbon neutrality and circularity in ­currently applies to Europe and especially Germany, where high
improvements in all business units that offer our customers order to meet the growing sustainability demands in our markets natural gas prices and a challenging regulatory environment are
­sustainability and competitive advantages. These include surface with innovative solutions. That is why we are updating our Sustain- negatively impacting our competitiveness and our growth.
solutions for the aviation and wind power industries, bio-based and able Solution Steering methodology for steering the product For more information on our production sites and the Verbund structure, see page 20 onward
bio­degrad­able active i­ngredients for the cosmetics, detergent and ­port­folio based on sustainability criteria (see page 45). We will ­apply
cleaner industries, and engineering plastics based on renewable the new methodology for the first time in the 2023 business year. In Digitalization
raw materials. addition, a digital solution enables us to calculate the carbon foot-
For more information on innovation, see page 49 onward print of our approximately 45,000 sales products – from raw We want to leverage the diverse growth potential of digitalization,
materials extraction to the factory gate (“cradle-to-gate”). This
­ seize the associated opportunities to the benefit of our customers
Sustainability ­creates transparency around the carbon intensity of our products and strengthen our competitiveness. To achieve this, we promote
and at the same time provides important starting points for reduc- digital skills among our employees, cooperate with partners and
We believe that the economy, environment and society are inextri­ ing ­greenhouse gas emissions along our value chains. make digital technologies and ways of working an integral part of
cably linked and interrelated. We want to create value in all three For more information on energy and climate protection and our carbon footprint, see page 135 onward our business.
­areas with our products, solutions and technologies. We pledged For more information on the circular economy, see page 43 onward

our commitment to sustainability in 1994 and since then, have Digitalizing our plants and systematically analyzing data enables
system­atically aligned our activities with the principles of sustain­ Production us to further automate processes and in this way, manage the
ability. We want to further strengthen our position as a pioneer for ­capacity, availability and efficiency of our plants in line with market
sustainable solutions. We see sustainability as an integral part of our Our core business is the production and processing of chemicals. conditions, for example, by simulating value streams within our
strategy as well as our targets, steering processes and business Our strength here lies in the Verbund and its integrated value chains. ­Verbund structure or through predictive maintenance. Linking data
models. In d­ oing so, our aim is to be a responsible and attractive This enables us to achieve efficient, reliable and CO2-optimized from different sources and using artificial intelligence for smart data
partner for our customers, develop new growth areas and lay the production and leverages synergies in the development and applica­ analysis opens up numerous opportunities for us to manage our
foundation for the long-term success of our company. Our approach tion of new technologies and the use of digital solutions. At the business more ­efficiently and improve our processes, for example,
covers the entire value chain – from the responsible procurement of same time, the Verbund is the foundation for meeting the increas­ in logistics.
our raw materials and safety and resource efficiency in production to ingly ­diverse needs of our customers and markets with a differenti-
sustainable s­ olutions for our customers. ated offering. Our comprehensive product portfolio ranges from The combination of products, services and digital offerings also
basic chemicals to custom system solutions. creates new business models and advantages for our customers,
Protecting the climate is of central importance for us here. Since such as in agriculture or the personal care industry. In addition,
1990, we have more than halved our carbon emissions while simul- Our strategy is to produce locally for local markets, close to our digitalization enables us to further strengthen our innovative power.
taneously doubling sales product volumes. By 2030, we want to customers. We plan to invest €28.8 billion worldwide between now BASF has one of the most powerful supercomputers in the chemical
reduce our absolute CO2 emissions by 25% compared with 2018 and 2027 to expand our capacities based on market demand and industry – Quriosity. We use it to accelerate complex computing
and will invest up to €4 billion to this end. By 2050, we aim to to further increase the availability, efficiency and flexibility of our processes such as the simulation of molecules, for example. At the
achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from our production plants. In particular, we want to benefit from the strong growth of the same time, we are working on groundbreaking technologies such
sites and our energy purchases. We are pursuing ambitious ­climate chemical market in Asia (see “Portfolio”). Our global production as quantum computing, including as a founding member of the
protection targets with our carbon management. This comprises footprint contributes to the regional diversification of our sales and ­Quantum Technology and Application Consortium (QUTAC). We are
five strategic levers that we are systematically driving forward to earnings distribution, making it part of our risk management. It helps also involved in other digitalization initiatives such as the Catena-X
­reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (see page 27). us to compensate for economic weaknesses and a lack of growth
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Strategic Action Areas 30

network, where we are working with partners to develop a system also underway to c ­ omplete a plant for thermoplastic polyurethanes ­ anufacturers in all relevant markets even more extensively with
for standardized data exchange in the automotive value chain. and to build a plant for neopentyl glycol. In addition, the expansion tailored and sustainable solutions.
of our Verbund site in Nanjing, China, operated together with For more information on material investments and portfolio measures, see page 37 onward
Portfolio ­Sinopec, started o
­ peration in 2022. New plants for products from
the Petrochemicals and Intermediates divisions will be built there by Employees
We are orienting our portfolio even more strongly toward innovation-­ the end of 2023.
driven growth areas with high Verbund synergies. Following Our employees are key to BASF’s success. That is why we believe
major acquisitions (battery materials, engineering plastics, farming We also further expanded our global battery materials business in that it is important to have an attractive total offer package and an
solutions) and divestitures (pigments, construction chemicals, paper 2022. This includes investments to increase our production inspiring working environment that fosters and develops employees’
and water chemicals) in recent years, we continued on this course capacities and to establish innovative recycling concepts in the
­ individual talents and enables them and their teams to perform at
in 2022 with divestitures and division-specific partnerships. As three key regions of Europe, North America and Asia. At the their best. We are pursuing three action areas to make our high-­
planned, we divested the kaolin minerals business to KaMin and the Schwarzheide site in Germany, we started the multi-step com­mis­ performance organization even more so: empowerment, differentia-
attapulgite business to Clariant. sion­ ing process for a new production plant for cathode active tion and simplification of structures and processes. At the same
­materials1 at the end of 2022, as planned. We are also building a time, we encourage and promote a leadership culture that e ­ mpowers
At the same time, we are strengthening the basis for our organic prototype plant for battery recycling in Schwarzheide,1 which is our employees to respond to customer needs quickly and efficiently
growth with investments. In North America, for example, we scheduled for startup in 2023, as well as a plant for the production with a solution orientation. We value diversity in people, opinions
launched the third and final phase of the MDI expansion at the of black mass from batteries on a c ­ ommercial scale (planned start- and experience as being crucial to creativity and innovation. We
Geismar site in Louisiana in 2022. Examples in Europe include the up: 2024). We are working on the integration of our production site embrace bold ideas, help our employees to implement them and
construction of a new hexamethylenediamine (HMD) plant at our site in Harjavalta, F­ inland,2 which s­ upplies precursors for cathode active learn from setbacks. This is founded on an open feedback and
in Chalampé, France, and the expansion of our polyamide 6.6 materials. Alongside our ­existing sites in North America, we are leadership culture based on mutual trust, respect and dedication to
­production in Freiburg, Germany. A new world-scale production looking into investing in a new production site for cathode active top performance.
plant for alkylethanolamines will be built at the Verbund site in materials and battery recycling in Bécancour, Canada. The new site For more information on employees, see page 101 onward
­Antwerp, Belgium, by 2024. The Asian market will play a key role in allows for ample space to expand up to 100 kilotons of cathode
our future growth. With a share of more than 45%, China is already active ­materials per year with potential for fully integrated precursor
by far the world’s largest chemical market and is a key driver of ­cathode active materials supply. We are also currently expanding
growth in global chemical production. We have a strong production, the capacity of BASF Shanshan ­ Battery Materials Co., Ltd. in
sales and innovation base in Asia, and in particular in China, which China to 100 kilotons per year. The multi-step commissioning
we will continue to expand. Our largest project is the new Verbund process for the new production lines at the C
­ ­ hangsha and
site in Zhanjiang in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. ­Shizuishan sites started in late 2022 as planned. In Onoda, Japan,
We granted final approval for its construction in 2022. Once work to expand production capacities for cathode active materials
completed, it will be BASF’s third-largest Verbund site after
­ at BASF TODA Battery Materials LLC has also been underway since
Ludwigshafen, Germany, and Antwerp, Belgium. Following the
­ the end of 2022. This is scheduled for startup in the second half of
successful startup of the first plant for the production of engineering 2024. Our production facilities in all key regions and growing
plastics in August 2022, the focus in Zhanjiang is now on the capacities enable us to serve battery cell and automotive
­step-by-step establishment of the Verbund structure, starting with
the construction of a steam cracker along with downstream plants
for the production of petrochemicals and intermediates. Work is

1 Our investment and research activities in Schwarzheide and Ludwigshafen, Germany, receive funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy of the German state of Brandenburg under the IPCEI on Batteries (funding code 16BZF101A/B).
2 The investment in Finland is co-financed by Business Finland, the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Our Values and Global Standards 31

Material topics in focus:

Our Values and Global Standards

We want to help change the world for the better. This is what drives us and is at the core of our
­corporate purpose: We create chemistry for a sustainable future. How we act is critical. BASF’s four
corporate values serve as a compass for us worldwide and are simultaneously an expression of our
ambitions and our shared identity.

Together with our Code of Conduct and our global standards, our – The Responsible Care® Global Charter
CORE values lay the foundation for responsible conduct and trust- – The German Corporate Governance Code
based relationships with our stakeholders. They define how we want
to work together – as a team, with our customers and our partners: We stipulate binding rules for our employees with our standards and
guidelines that apply throughout the Group. Our aim is to prevent
– C – creative: We make great products and solutions for our compliance violations from the outset through compulsory training
customers. This is why we embrace bold ideas and give them for all employees and special training for leaders. The Corporate
space to grow. We act with optimism and inspire one another. Audit department continuously monitors compliance with require-
– O – open: We value diversity, in people, opinions and experience. ments. We regularly assess our performance in environmental
This is why we foster feedback based on honesty, respect and protection, health and safety as part of our Responsible Care
mutual trust. We learn from setbacks. ­Management System. We realize our responsibility to behave in
– R – responsible: We value the health and safety of people above ­accordance with international and social standards largely in three
all else. We make sustainability part of every decision. We are ways: through our Compliance Program, including our Code of
committed to strict compliance and environmental standards. Conduct and compliance hotlines, through close dialog with stake-
– E – entrepreneurial: We focus on our customers, as individuals holders and through the global management process to respect
and as a company. We seize opportunities and think ahead. We ­international labor norms. We pursue ­sustainability-oriented supply
take ownership and embrace personal accountability. chain management and expect our business partners to comply
with prevailing laws, regulations and internationally recognized
Our standards are based on, and in some cases, exceed existing ­principles. Here, too, we have established appropriate monitoring
laws and regulations and take internationally recognized principles systems.
into account. We respect and promote: For more information on human and labor rights, see page 109 onward
For more information on compliance, see page 179 onward

– The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two U.N. For more information on responsible procurement and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act,
see page 114 onward
Human Rights Covenants
For more information on the Responsible Care Management System, see page 123 onward
BASF welcomes all talents regardless of gender, cultural, – The 10 principles of the U.N. Global Compact
religious or social background, sexual orientation or – The core labor standards of the ILO and the Tripartite Declaration
identity, origin or physical integrity. BASF also shows its
colors during Pride Month and raises the rainbow flag of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social
at many sites around the world as a sign of o­ penness, Policy
diversity, tolerance and respect.
– The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Business Models of the Segments 32

Business Models of the Segments

Our segments’ business models are aligned with their specific strategic action areas. Innovation and sustainability
are the cornerstones that will enable us to continue to be successful with our products and with our customers in
the ­future and to collectively master the challenges that lie ahead.

Chemicals Strategic alignment of the segments

Industrial Surface Agricultural

The Chemicals segment is at the heart of the Verbund. Its produc- Chemicals Materials Solutions Technologies Nutrition & Care Solutions

tion facilities reliably supply BASF’s other segments with chemicals Verbund synergies Catalysis
to produce higher value-added products and in this way, contribute Process technology
to the organic growth of the BASF Group. It also markets high-­ Automotive industry
quality basic c ­ hemicals and intermediates to customers in down-
Recycling and renewable raw materials
stream ­industries.

The segment creates value through process and product innovation Formulation

and invests in research and development to implement new, Digitalization and artificial intelligence
­sustainable technologies and make existing technologies even more
Strategic focus Economies of scale in High-performance Additives Surface technology Ingredients for Connected offer
efficient. Thanks to our integrated manufacturing processes, the basic chemicals and plastics platform platform consumer products across technologies
carbon footprint of some of our products is significantly lower than intermediates for farmers

that of our competitors. Technological leadership, operational Innovation and Emission-reduced Applications, recycled Polymer dispersions, Battery materials, Biotechnology, Active ingredients,
­excellence and a clear focus on individual value chains are among sustainability focus processes and bio-based resins coatings natural active seeds and traits,
­materials ­ingredients, ­digital solutions
our most important competitive advantages. We concentrate on the ­formulations
essential success factors of the traditional chemicals business:
­leveraging economies of scale and the advantages of our Verbund,
high asset availability, continuous optimization of access to raw chlorides plant in Ludwigshafen, Germany so that we can continue and by creating maximum value in our isocyanate and polyamide
materials, lean and energy efficient processes, and reliable,
­ to reliably support our customers’ growth with these products. value chains. Advanced material simulation capabilities are a unique
­cost-effective logistics. We are continuously developing our value selling point in the industry and enable us to meet customer require-
chains and are expanding our market position – especially in Asia – Materials ments individually.
with investments and collaborations in growth markets.
BASF’s Materials segment supplies high-quality plastics precursors To provide added value to our customers and society, we are
Furthermore, we are constantly improving our global production and develops new plastics applications, high-performance m ­ aterials, ­working on new circular economy solutions and more sustainable
structures and aligning these with regional market requirements. systems and digital solutions. Our product portfolio is unique in the production processes that use resources as sustainably as possible.
For example, we are modernizing our chloroformates and acid industry. We aim to grow mainly organically by differentiating BASF is active along the value chain for important durable plastics,
­ourselves with our application expertise and industry knowledge from monomers to polymers and their formulated specialties. With
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Business Models of the Segments 33

our specific technology knowledge, we are working to shape and relationships in key industries such as the automotive, electronics, Nutrition & Care
close cycles and convert plastics back into primary products for plastics and coatings industries.
the chemical industry. This is how we help to reduce plastic waste, In the Nutrition & Care segment, we strive to expand our position
save fossil resources and avoid carbon emissions in plastics pro- Surface Technologies as a leading provider for nutrition and care ingredients for
duction. Examples include Ultramid® Ccycled™, which is made ­consumer applications. We will continue to develop our capabili-
from raw material based on end-of-life tires, biomass balance prod- In the Surface Technologies segment, the focus is on the protection, ties in areas such as biotechnology and broaden our portfolio
ucts and certified compostable bio­plastics. With these solutions, modification and development of surfaces. Together with our with bio-based and biodegradable products. One example is the
we aim to meet ­growing demands in all key markets and help our ­customers, we develop novel products and technologies for cata- ­Verdessence™ product line launched in 2022, which offers sus­
­customers to meet their sustainability targets. lysts, coatings and battery materials. We also offer precious and base tainably sourced biopolymers for personal care applications. This
metal as well as surface treatment services. Our aim is to drive growth ­supports our ­customers in meeting the ever-growing consumer
We are continuously expanding the range of applications in our by leveraging our portfolio of technologies to find the best solution for ­demand for natural and organic cosmetics.
portfolio with tailor-made services and product offerings. Our our customers in terms of functionality and cost. This in turn helps
global production network enables us to provide our solutions our customers to drive forward innovation in their industries and Our enzymes business enables us to pursue a targeted, a ­ ccelerated
­wherever our customers are. contribute to sustainable development. marketing strategy and expand our portfolio for natural and
­biotechnological products. Furthermore, we are investing in natural
Industrial Solutions Key growth drivers for us are the positive medium-term development and biological substances. BASF supplies excipients for human
of the automotive market, especially in Asia, the trend toward therapeutic drug formulation. Our biopharma ingredients serve a
The Industrial Solutions segment markets and develops ingredients ­sustainable, low-emission mobility, and the associated rise in variety of markets, from b
­ ioprocessing and formulation of proteins
and additives for industrial applications. These include fuel and ­demand for battery materials for electromobility. We are developing to vaccines and ­antibodies.
­lubricant solutions, ingredients for paints and coatings, electronic customized, more sustainable solutions in these growth areas for
materials and plastic additives. We concentrate on research and battery materials, emission control, recycling and functional coatings In addition, acquisitions expand our business with new business
development with the aim of enabling more efficient resource use in close cooperation with our customers. Our specialties and system models and sustainability trends in consumer markets. Future
and developing more sustainable products and processes, for solutions in these areas enable customers to stand out from their growth in our markets will be driven by trends like growing c
­ onsumer
­example, in polymer dispersions, resins and plastic additives. At the competitors. awareness and the resulting demand for sustainable product
same time, this also enables our customers to contribute to solutions, natural and organic ingredients and their traceability.
­sustainability through their applications and processes. Other focus The automotive industry is currently undergoing a fundamental trans- Moreover, the shift toward individualization and local production
areas are efficient production setups, backward integration in our formation. As one of the largest chemicals suppliers to this industry, supports new players and business models. Digitalization, a
Production Verbund’s value chains, capacity management, and we will further strengthen our focus on battery materials and recycling ­focused technology and product portfolio, and close cooperation
technology and cost leadership. and pursue our ambitious growth plan. We are also establishing a with our customers is crucial to meeting these dynamic market
new entity (BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions) within ­requirements both now and in the future.
Our global presence enables us to operate close to our customers the Catalysts division for mobile emissions catalysts, automotive
and their industries. As a reliable partner, we offer high-quality catalysts recycling and associated precious metal services. The
­products at attractive prices. We work on new solutions together carve-­out process started in January 2022. The new organizational
with our customers and strive for long-term partnerships that create structure prepares the business for the upcoming changes in the
profitable growth opportunities for both sides. To achieve this, we ­internal combustion engine market and allows for future strategic
draw on our innovative strength and our many years of experience ­options.
and in-depth industry expertise. Through our in-depth application
knowledge and technological innovations, we strengthen customer
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Business Models of the Segments 34

Agricultural Solutions Good to know

In the Agricultural Solutions segment, we are working to achieve the We are committed to sustainable farming to help farmers not only
right balance between economic, environmental and social value produce more, but also better. We focus on four areas in ­particular:
creation for a sustainable and efficient agricultural sector. Efficient Climate-smart farming: We help farmers tackle the pressing
farming is fundamental given that the world’s population is e­ xpected challenges of climate change with the right combination of
to increase by about two billion1 people between 2022 and 2050. ­technologies designed to increase yield even under changing
While the demand for food, feed, fiber and energy is growing, natural ­climatic conditions, make farm management easier and more
resources are limited. Balanced agriculture is a key enabler in pro- effective, and at the same time, reduce the impact on the
ducing enough healthy, affordable food and responding to changing ­environment. Our technologies include products that enable
consumer behavior while reducing the impact on the ­environment. greenhouse gas emissions reductions, for example, nitrogen
management products to improve fertilizer efficiency, or h
­ erbicides
As one of the world’s leading agricultural solutions companies, we that facilitate conservation tillage. Moreover, we develop seeds
are making a positive impact on sustainable agriculture and food and traits for more stress-resilient crops and are working on using
systems. Our innovation-driven strategy for agriculture focuses on bacteria to improve nitrogen availability to plants.
selected crops and their appropriate cultivation systems in specific
regions. We integrate sustainability criteria into all business and Sustainable solutions: We systematically steer our innovation
portfolio decisions. In doing so, we help farmers achieve better yield, pipeline according to sustainability criteria from an early stage.
protect the planet and produce economically. This enables us to continually develop innovations that offer
­added value for farmers, the environment and society. We also
We leverage our expertise in research and development and our assess each product in our portfolio with respect to its ­contribution
deep understanding of the way individual growers manage their to sustainability. This is one of the levers we use to system­atically
farms to provide offers across technologies. These include novel steer our portfolio to increase our substantial contribution to
solutions for seeds, traits, crop protection and digital products ­sustainability.
­tailored to the farming needs of their region and crop systems. Digital farming: Digitalization will transform agriculture and make
it more resource-efficient and sustainable. Our digital farming
­solutions help farmers to produce more with less and grow their
business profitably while improving their environmental footprint.

Smart stewardship: Our tools and services are tailored to

­farmers’ daily work. Farmers get the support they need to use
our products safely: access to tools and services, protective
equipment, c ­ ustomized training, digital solutions and new and
future-­oriented application technologies such as drones.

1 Source: U.N. World Population Prospects 2022

BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Targets and Target Achievement 2022 35

Targets and Target Achievement 2022

For us, business success tomorrow means creating value for ­responsibly. We want to further improve safety in production. Fur-
the environment, society and business. That is why we ­pursue thermore, we aim to promote diversity within the company and Good to know
ambitious targets along our entire value chain. We report create a working environment in which our employees feel that
transparently on target achievement so that our stakeholders they can thrive and perform at their best. Most important KPIs
can track our progress.
The objective of these targets is to steer our business into a more BASF has set itself ambitious targets along the value chain. Two
Our objective is profitable growth: We want to grow sales volumes sustainable future, and at the same time, contribute to the United of these indicators are particularly important:
faster than global chemical production, further increase our profit- Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are focusing – Return on capital employed (ROCE)
ability, achieve a return on capital employed (ROCE) considerably here on issues that we as a company can influence – especially
– Absolute CO2 emissions
above the cost of capital percentage and increase the dividend per SDG 2 (Zero hunger), SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 6 (Clean water
share every year based on a strong free cash flow. and sanitation), SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy), SDG 8 (­Decent As our most important key performance indicators (KPIs), these
work and economic growth), SDG 12 (Responsible consumption two metrics are the main indicators used to steer the BASF
In addition to these financial targets, we have set ourselves broad and production) and SDG 13 (Climate action). Group. We also use ROCE for employee incentivization through-
sustainability targets. We want to significantly reduce our CO2 emis- For more information on financial indicators, see page 52 onward out the Group. The achievement of climate protection targets
sions in the coming years and align our product portfolio even For more information on sustainability along the value chain, see page 100 onward also ­influences the compensation of members of the Board of
more strongly with climate protection and the circular economy. To Executive Directors and senior executives.
achieve this, we are updating the methodology used to assess our For more information on the steering concept, see page 41 onward
product portfolio against defined sustainability criteria and will apply For more information on the compensation of the Board of Executive Directors,
it for the first time in 2023 (see page 45). We are also working to see

strengthen sustainability in our supply chains and use resources

Profitable growth
2022 2022
2022 2022 target 2022 2022
status status target
target target
10.0% 2022 3% – 5% 1
>9% status >2.2% €3.40 >€3.40

–7.0% –5.2%
Most important key performance indicator / reasonable assurance Reasonable assurance Reasonable assurance Reasonable assurance

Achieve aa return
Achieve return on
on capital
capital Grow sales
Grow sales volumes
volumes Increase EBITDA
Increase EBITDA Increase
Increase the
the dividend
employed (ROCE)
employed (ROCE) considerably
considerably above
above the
the faster than
faster than global
global chemical
chemical before special
before special items
items per
per share
share every
every year
year based
cost of
of capital percentage every
capital percentage every year
year production every year
production every year byby3% to 5%per
3%–5% peryear
year on
on aa strong
strong free
free cash
cash flow

For more, see Results of Operations from page 57 onward For more, see Results of Operations from page 56 onward For more, see Results of Operations from page 58 onward For more, see BASF on the Capital Market on page 13

1 Dividend proposed by the Board of Executive Directors

BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Targets and Target Achievement 2022 36

Effective climate protection Responsible procurement

2018 2022
2022 2025
2022 target
target 2022
2022 2025
2030 status
status target
21.9 status
status 90%
90% status
target 85%
million 18.4
18.4 76%
76% 80%
metric million
million 16.4
tons metric
metric million
million SDG
tons metric

Most important
important key
key performance
performance indicator
indicator // reasonable
reasonable assurance
assurance Limited
Limited assurance
assurance Limited
Limited assurance

Reduce our absolute CO2 emissions1

90% of90%
Cover our of
90% relevant
of our spend with
our relevant
relevant Have
Have 80%
Have 80% of
80% of our
of our suppliers
our suppliers
25% by 2030 (baseline: 2018)
spend withevaluations
with by 2025
sustainability improve
improve their
improve their sustainability
their sustainability
XX. evaluations
evaluations by
by 2025
2025 performance
performance upon
performance upon re-evaluation
upon re-evaluation

For more, see Energy and Climate Protection from page 135 onward For more, see Supplier Management from page 114 onward For more, see Supplier Management from page 114 onward

Resource efficiency and safe production

2022 2022
2022 2030
status status
status target
0.3 0.3
0.3 100%
a k t u
2025 2025
2025 61.6%
target SDG
SDG target
target SDG
<0.1 <0.1

Limited assurance
Limited assurance Limited assurance
Limited assurance Limited assurance
Limited assurance

Reduce worldwide
Reduce process
worldwide safety
process incidents
safety Reduce the worldwide
Reduce the lost-time
the worldwide
worldwide injury rate
lost-time Introduce
Introduce sustainable water management
sustainable water management
per 200,000 working
incidents per hours
per 200,000
200,000to working
≤0.1 by 20252
working per 200,000
injury working
injury rate
rate per hours
per 200,000
200,000to working
≤0.1 by 20252
working at our
at our production sites in
production sites
sites in water
in waterstress
water stressareas
stress areas
hours to
to ≤0.1
≤0.1 by
by 2025
2025 hours
hours to
to ≤0.1
≤0.1 by
by 2025
2025 and
and at
and at our
at our Verbund
our Verbund sitessites by
by 2030

For more, see Process Safety from page 126 onward For more, see Occupational Safety on page 126 For more, see Water from page 144 onward

Employee engagement and diversity

2030 2022
2022 2022
target status
status target
2022 33
status 30%
30% 81%
81% >80%

Limited assurance
assurance Limited
Limited assurance

Increase the
Increase the proportion
the proportion
proportion ofof women
of women in
women in
in More
More than
More than 80%
than 80% of
80% of our
of our employees
our employees
employees Reduction target
leadership positions
leadership positions with
positions with disciplinary
with disciplinary
disciplinary feel
feel that
feel that at
that at BASF,
at BASF, they
BASF, they can thrive
they can
can thrive
thrive 1 Scope 1 and Scope 2 (excluding the sale of energy to third parties, including offsetting). The target includes greenhouse gases according to the Greenhouse Gas
responsibility to
responsibility to 30%
to 30% by
30% by 2030
by 2030
2030 and
and perform
and perform at
perform at their
at their best
their best
best Protocol, which are converted into CO2 equivalents (CO2e). The baseline year is 2018.
2 We will update the safety targets and report according to a new system in 2023.
3 We regularly calculate the employee engagement level. The most recent survey was conducted in 2022.
For more, see Employees from page 107 onward For more, see Employees from page 102 onward
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Material Investments and Portfolio Measures 37

Material Investments and Portfolio Measures

Investments are an essential building block for driving our growth and at the same time, achieving our climate targets. That is why
we make targeted investments in modern and more sustainable technologies and processes. Our major growth projects help us to
reach this goal. We are continuously optimizing our portfolio through targeted acquisitions and divestitures.

We continued to drive forward our major growth projects in 2022 Additions to property, plant and equipmenta by segment in 2022
At a glance and further expanded our position in our three key regions: Europe,
Asia Pacific and North America. The Asia Pacific region and China in 13%
€4.1 billion €28.8 billion particular, which is expected to expand its share of the global
Nutrition & Care
Capex1 in 2022 Capex planned for 2023 to ­chemical market to well over 50% by 2030, will continue to play a €4,842 million 8%
2027 key role here. To serve the increasing needs of various growth Agricultural Solutions
­industries in this region, we are continuously expanding our market 18%
position in China, for example, with the construction of our new Materials 14%
By investing in our plants, we create the conditions for the profitable smart Verbund site in Zhanjiang in the southern Chinese province of Surface Technologies

growth we strive for and continuously improve the efficiency of Guangdong (see pages 38 and 39). In North America, we further 7% 5%
Industrial Solutions
existing production processes. Investments in new technologies
­ expanded our production capacities in the isocyanates value chain Others (infrastructure, R&D)

and in the transformation of our energy supply will help to achieve in 2022, for example (see page 38). We also continued to invest in
our growth targets and our ambitious climate targets. For the period Europe, especially in our battery materials business in S
­ chwarzheide,
from 2023 to 2027, we are planning capital expenditures (capex)1 Germany, and Harjavalta, Finland (see page 39).
totaling €28.8 billion, including €13.6 billion for our major growth Additions to property, plant and equipmenta by region in 2022
projects.2 In addition, we are refining our portfolio through acquisitions that
For more information on our investments from 2023 onward, see page 156 promise above-average profitable growth and help to expand our South America, Africa, Middle East
market position in a targeted manner. A key consideration is that
Investments and acquisitions 2022 these are innovation-driven, offer a technological differentiation, or 43%
€4,842 million
Million €
make new, sustainable business models possible. 33% Europe
Invest- Acquisi-
Asia Pacific
ments tions Total

Intangible assets 125 – 125

Investments in the segments and regions
of which goodwill – – – 21%
North America
Property, plant and equipmenta 4,842 – 4,842
Investments in property, plant and equipment amounted to
Total 4,967 – 4,967 €4,842 million in 2022 (2021: €4,078 million). Capex accounted for
a Including restoration obligations, IT investments and right-of-use assets arising from leases
a Including restoration obligations, IT investments and right-of-use assets arising from leases €4,148 million of this amount (2021: €3,363 million). Our ­investments
in 2022 focused on the Chemicals, Materials, Surface Technologies
and Nutrition & Care segments.

1 Additions to property, plant and equipment excluding acquisitions, restoration obligations, IT investments and right-of-use assets arising from leases
2 Major growth projects are the construction of our future Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China, as well as our battery materials activities.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Material Investments and Portfolio Measures 38

Chemicals Overview of material investments

Segment Location Project Start-up

Strategically, our investments concentrate on the growth markets Chemicals Antwerp, Belgium Capacity expansion at ethylene oxide plant 2023
like China to support the growth of our local customers. In 2022, we Construction of a new alkylethanolamines plant 2024
moved forward with the further expansion of the site in Nanjing,
Kuantan, Malaysia Capacity expansion at 2-ethylhexanoic acid plant a
China, together with our partner Sinopec to strengthen the joint
Ludwigshafen, Germany Modernization of chloroformates and acid chlorides plant 2025
production of chemical products in China. For instance, we are
Nanjing, China Capacity expansion at plants for propionic aldehyde, propionic acid, purified
currently expanding our production capacities for propionic ethylene oxide, ethanolamines and ethyleneamines, and construction of a new 2023
aldehyde, propionic acid, purified ethylene oxide, ethanolamines
­ tert-butyl acrylate plantb
and ethyleneamines, and are building a new tert-butyl acrylate plant. Zhanjiang, Chinac Construction of a new steam cracker and plants for ethylene oxide, monoethylene
glycol, polyethylene, oxo-C4 alcohols, acrylic monomers and neopentyl glycol
The new and expanded plants are scheduled to come onstream
in 2023. Materials Chalampé, France Construction of a world-scale production plant for HMD 2024

Geismar, Louisiana Capacity expansion at MDI plants 2026

We are building another Verbund site in Zhanjiang in the southern Zhanjiang, China c
Construction of an engineering plastics plant 2022
Chinese province of Guangdong. In July 2022, BASF granted final Construction of a new thermoplastic polyurethane plant 2023
approval for construction. The site will be constructed in several Industrial Solutions Huizhou, China Capacity expansion at acrylics dispersions plant 2024
phases. A steam cracker and several downstream plants for the
Jiaxing, China Capacity expansion at sulfuric acid plant 2023
production of petrochemicals and intermediates, among other
Jinshan, China Capacity expansion for synthetic esters 2022
­products, are currently being built. As part of the Verbund, these
Jurong, Singapore Capacity expansion for antioxidants (Irganox®) 2022
plants should be operational from late 2025.
Lampertheim, Germany and Capacity expansion for hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS)
Pontecchio Marconi, Italy
We are expanding the 2-ethylhexanoic acid plant in Kuantan,
Surface Technologies Chennai, India Capacity expansion at mobile emissions catalysts plant 2022
­Malaysia, with our partner PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad.
Harjavalta, Finland Construction of a precursor plant for cathode active materials 2023
Startup is planned for 2024.
Pinghu, China Construction of a new recycling facility for precious metals 2023

Schwarzheide, Germany Construction of a cathode active materials plant 2023

At our Verbund site in Antwerp, Belgium, we are significantly
expanding our ethylene oxide plant. The project also includes
­ Construction of a battery recycling prototype plant 2023

­several downstream plants, for example, to produce alkylethanol- Nutrition & Care Antwerp, Belgium Capacity expansion for alkoxylates 2023

amines and surfactants. The expanded ethylene oxide capacities Düsseldorf, Germany Gradual upgrade of production plants in accordance with the Good Manufacturing
Practice Standard issued by the European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (EFfCI)
are scheduled to come onstream in 2023.
Jinshan, China New production line for UV filters 2023

Ludwigshafen, Germany Capacity expansion at methane sulfonic acid plant 2022

Materials Capacity expansion at vitamin A plant 2023

Agricultural Solutions Beaumont, Texas and Modernization of site infrastructure

­Hannibal, Missouri
In the Materials segment, the expansion of the methylene diphenyl
diisocyanate (MDI) plant in Geismar, Louisiana, continued as Europed Traceability of agrochemicals based on digital identification 2024

planned. The final expansion will increase production capacity to Schwarzheide, Germany Reduction of organic waste 2023

approximately 600,000 metric tons per year to support the growth Singapore New formulation hub for crop protection products 2022

a Operated by a fully consolidated joint venture with PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad
b Operated by a joint venture with Sinopec
c The Vebund site will be built and commissioned in several phases.
d This project will be implemented in Genay and Graveline, France, in Ludwigshafen, Germany, and in Tarragona, Spain.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Material Investments and Portfolio Measures 39

of BASF’s North American MDI customers. Including the first and Surface Technologies 50,000 ­metric tons per year in response to growing ­cross-industry
second phases, the investment volume totals around $1 billion. demand, strengthening its position as a leading global producer.
We aim to expand our position as a leading and innovative provider
The first plant at the smart Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China, started of battery materials and recycling solutions and expect to benefit
up in August 2022. It has a capacity of 60,000 metric tons of from the strong growth in this market segment. A global, customer-­ Agricultural Solutions
engineering plastics compounds per year, bringing BASF’s total
­ focused production network for battery materials is crucial here.
­capacity of engineering plastics in Asia Pacific to 420,000 metric Construction of our production plant for cathode materials in The investment in a formulation hub for crop protection products in
tons. The new plant enables BASF to meet the growing demand Schwarz­heide, Germany, continued in 2022. It is scheduled to start Singapore, which started up in 2022, ensures that multiple formu-
from its customers, particularly in the automotive and electronics commercial production in 2023. We are working on the i­ntegration lation technologies are produced close to farmers in Asia Pacific. In
industries. The next startup in Zhanjiang is planned for 2023: a plant of our production site in Harjavalta, Finland, which will ­supply pre­ North America, we continued to modernize site infrastructure and
for the production of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU). cursors for cathode active materials. The two plants will initially completed this on schedule. We are also investing in the traceability
produce cathode active materials for around 20 gigawatt hours of agrochemicals based on digital identification in Europe. Further
In Europe, BASF is investing in a new world-scale production of cell capacity per year. With these investments in Finland and investments are being made to reduce CO2 emissions and organic
plant for hexamethylenediamine (HMD) at the Chalampé site in ­Germany, BASF aims to become the first cathode active ­materials waste in our plants. Between 2023 and 2027, we plan to invest
France. The new plant, which is scheduled to start operations in supplier with local production capacities in all of what are currently around €1 billion in developing and expanding our plants and infra-
2024, will increase BASF’s annual HMD production capacity to the main markets: China, Japan, North America and ­Europe. structure, including state-of-the-art R&D facilities, and in our pro-
260,000 metric tons. duction and formulation capacities for active i­ngredients as well as
In addition, the construction of our new battery recycling prototype for seed solutions to meet our continuing high demand for our
plant in Schwarzheide continued on schedule in 2022. Startup is ­innovative solutions in the future.
Industrial Solutions planned for 2023. The prototype plant will allow for the development For more information on our segments, see page 72 onward
of operating procedures and optimization of t­echnology to deliver
At the Jurong site in Singapore, we expanded global production superior returns of lithium, nickel, cobalt and manganese from end-
capacity for the antioxidant Irganox® 1010. With the completion of of-life lithium-ion batteries and unused process materials.
the project in 2022, BASF can now better serve the growing ­demand
from customers in Asia and the Middle East. In addition, BASF is
investing in production capacity for hindered amine light stabilizers Nutrition & Care
(HALS) at its sites in Lampertheim, Germany, and Pontecchio
­Marconi, Italy. As part of a multi-step investment plan, BASF aims to The expansion of the vitamin A acetate plant in Ludwigshafen,
serve the growing demand for light stabilizers used in durable ­Germany, was completed in 2021. BASF is now strengthening its
­plastics applications and increase supply security for customers market position for vitamin A for the animal nutrition industry with the
worldwide. expansion of its world-scale formulation capacities at its Verbund
site in Ludwigshafen, which began in 2021. Startup is planned for
To ensure the supply of high-quality dispersions solutions for the mid-2023. We also invested in the expansion of alkoxylate c ­ apacities
South Asian market, we are expanding our dispersions capacities in at the Verbund site in Antwerp, Belgium.
Huizhou, China, with an additional production line. Startup is
­expected in the first half of 2024. In the second quarter of 2022, BASF started up the new methane
sulfonic acid plant at its Verbund site in Ludwigshafen. This­
increases BASF’s methane sulfonic acid capacities from 30,000 to
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Material Investments and Portfolio Measures 40

Acquisitions On October 31, 2022, BASF closed the divestiture of its Quincy,
Florida site and corresponding attapulgite business to Clariant
We did not make any acquisitions in the 2022 business year. Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky. The Quincy site produces
clay-based mineral products for a wide range of industrial applica-
tions. Until its sale, the site was part of the Dispersions & Resins
Divestitures ­division and employed around 75 people. The purchase price was
­$60 million.
On April 12, 2022, BASF completed the sale of a 51% share in HKZ
Investor Holding B.V., Arnhem, Netherlands, the holding company
for the investment in the Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) wind farm, to Agreed transactions
Allianz Capital Partners, Luxembourg, acting as party to the contract
on behalf of Allianz Insurance Companies. BASF had acquired On July 19, 2022, BASF and ASC Investment Sarl, Luxembourg,
49.5% of HKZ from Vattenfall in the third quarter of 2021. BASF will signed an agreement on the sale of BASF’s production site in
receive most of the power produced by its originally acquired share De Meern, Netherlands, to ASC. The site produces nickel-based
of 49.5% of HKZ under a long-term fixed-price power purchasing ­catalysts and is part of the Catalysts division. The transaction m
­ ainly
agreement. covers production facilities, including the associated infrastructure
For more information on this divestiture, see Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from and inventories, as well as the employees working at the site. The
page 216 onward
transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2023.
For more information on this transaction, see Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from
page 216 onward
On September 30, 2022, BASF completed the divestiture of its
kaolin minerals business to KaMin LLC./CADAM S.A., a global
­performance minerals company headquartered in Macon, Georgia.
The divestiture comprised the production hub with sites in D
­ aveyville,
Toddville, Edgar, Gordon and related mines, reserves, and mills
in Toomsboro and Sandersville in Georgia. The refinery catalysts
­operations located at the same site were not part of the divestiture.
Until the divestiture, the kaolin minerals business was part of
the Performance Chemicals division. The purchase price was­
€225 million.
For more information on this divestiture, see Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from
page 216 onward
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Steering Concept 41

Our Steering Concept

For us, creating long-term value as a company means generating earnings that consistently exceed the cost of capital employed.
We encourage and support all employees in thinking and acting entrepreneurially. Both financial and nonfinancial aspects are an
integral part of our value-based ­management. That is why we have established most important key performance indicators that
cover both areas: return on capital employed (ROCE) and CO2 emissions.

Our financial targets follow a steering concept that is aligned with The cost of capital basis is calculated using the month-end figures Calculation of CO2 emissions
our values. The return on capital employed (ROCE) is used as the and consists of the operating assets of the segments. These
key target and management indicator for the BASF Group. In line ­comprise the current and noncurrent asset items of the segments, We calculate the BASF Group’s absolute CO2 emissions on the
with our strategic targets, we aim to achieve a ROCE considerably including tangible and intangible fixed assets, integral investments ­ asis of greenhouse gas emissions, which are the sum of direct
above the cost of capital percentage every year. With ROCE, the accounted for using the equity method, inventories, trade accounts emissions from production processes and the generation of steam
same data is used for our value-based management, external receivable, other receivables and other assets generated by core and electricity (Scope 1), as well as indirect emissions from the
­communication with the capital markets and variable compensation. business activities and, where appropriate, the assets of disposal purchase of energy (Scope 2). Direct emissions from the generation
This means we use the same yardstick for internal management, groups. The cost of capital basis also includes customer and of energy for third parties are not considered here. Relevant
employee incentivization and our shareholders’ expectations. ­supplier financing. ­emissions include other greenhouse gases according to the Green­
house Gas Protocol, which are converted into CO2 ­equivalents.
As part of our corporate strategy, our target is to reduce our ­absolute We have integrated the cost of capital percentage into our ROCE For more information on our CO2 emissions and climate protection targets, see page 135 onward
greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030. We aim to achieve net target as a comparative figure. This is determined using the w
­ eighted
zero emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 2050. Consequently, CO2 cost of capital from equity and borrowing costs (weighted average
emissions are defined as a steering-relevant indicator, and we report cost of capital, WACC). To calculate a pre-tax figure similar to EBIT, Value-based management throughout the company
on them as the most important nonfinancial key performance i­ndicator. the cost of capital is adjusted using the projected tax rate for the
BASF Group for the business year. In addition, the projected net The target agreement process is an important part of our ­value-based
expense of Other is already provided for by an adjustment to the management. It aligns individual employee targets with BASF’s
Calculating ROCE and cost of capital cost of capital percentage. The cost of equity is ascertained using targets. The most important financial indicator in the operating
the capital asset pricing model. Borrowing costs are determined business is ROCE. The other units’ contribution to value is also
ROCE is calculated as the EBIT of the segments as a percentage of based on the financing costs of the BASF Group. The cost of capital ­assessed according to effectiveness and efficiency on the basis of
the average cost of capital basis. percentage for 2023 is 9% (2022: 9%). quality and cost targets. To assess this, we use metrics such as
BASF’s internal service score in the service units.
To calculate the EBIT of the segments, we take the BASF Group’s
EBIT and deduct the EBIT of activities recognized under Other,
which are not allocated to the divisions.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Steering Concept 42

For the BASF Group, we use EBIT before special items and capex
(capital expenditure) as key performance indicators that have a
­direct impact on ROCE and as such, support its management.
– EBIT before special items is used to steer profitability at Group
and segment level. This is calculated by adjusting the EBIT
reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements for special
items, making it especially suitable for assessing economic
­development over time. Special items arise from the integration
of acquired businesses, from restructuring measures, certain
­impairments, gains or losses resulting from divestitures and sales
of shareholdings, and other expenses and income that arise
­outside of ordinary business activities.
– Capital expenditures (capex) are used to manage capital
employed in the BASF Group. These comprise additions to
­property, plant and equipment excluding additions from acquisi-
tions, IT investments, restoration obligations and right-of-use
­assets arising from leases. Capex is not just relevant to ROCE
management but also supports our long-term goal of increasing
our dividend each year based on a strong free cash flow.

Furthermore, we comment on and forecast sales at Group and

segment level in our financial reporting as a significant driver for EBIT
before special items and thus ROCE.
For more information on the development of these indicators, see page 56 onward
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Circular Economy 43

Material topics in focus:

Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency
GRI 3, 301, 304, 306

As the world’s population grows, so does demand for limited natural resources. At the same
time, many valuable m­ aterials end up in landfills or in waste incineration. New concepts are
needed to decouple growth from resource ­consumption. Reduce, reuse and recycle are the
keywords of this transition to a system of more sustainable product cycles with less resource
consumption and lower carbon emissions.

The concept of conserving resources, recycling and feeding waste t­arget: By 2030, we want to double our sales of solutions for the
back into the system has been firmly anchored in our company circular economy to €17 billion (baseline: 2020). These include:
since BASF was founded in 1865: At that time, Friedrich Engelhorn
pursued the idea of producing synthetic dyes from coal tar – a waste – Products based on renewable or recycled raw materials:
product – and organizing production as efficiently as possible. We These include products manufactured in whole or in part from
have stayed true to this tradition to this day and are aligning our renewable resources instead of fossil raw materials. The a
­ lternative
actions with circularity more systematically than ever. For example, raw materials are allocated to the end product using what is
BASF’s Verbund structure presents numerous opportunities for a known as the mass balance approach. This is verified and certi-
circular economy: By intelligently networking our plants, we can use fied by independent third parties (see box on page 121). We use
by-products from one plant elsewhere as feedstocks or energy, this approach for selected ingredients for the cosmetics, deter-
which reduces our overall resource consumption (see pages 135 gent, cleaner and food industries, for example (see page 118).
and 142). Other examples are products that contain mechanically recycled
raw materials (Mcycled) or products based on chemically recycled
We want to further reduce our resource and carbon footprint, which pyrolysis oil (Ccycled products, see page 120).
is why we are aligning our feedstock base even more strongly
with non-fossil alternatives such as bio-based or renewable raw – Products that close material cycles (“close the loop”): These
­materials. To expand our supply base, we are also d ­ eveloping include products that enable and improve the recyclability of
additional waste-based sources of raw materials and suitable
­ valuable resources. Our first focus area here is the value chain
­recycling processes, often with partners (see page 120). Our target for plastics (see page 51). Examples include our certified com­
here is to process 250,000 metric tons of recycled and waste-based postable plastics ecoflex® and ecovio®, plastic additives for
raw materials – such as pyrolysis oil from mixed plastic waste or ­improved mechanical recycling, or catalysts and adsorbents for
used tires – in our production plants annually from 2025. the purification and treatment of recycled raw materials. The
More and more electric vehicles are being registered worldwide. second focus is recycling mineral raw materials. For example,
At the same time, the raw materials for their batteries are limited. Many of BASF’s products and technologies are already helping to ­together with partners we are driving forward innovative tech­
That is why BASF teams are working on innovative processes to
­recycle lithium-ion batteries. This produces a substance known close loops at many points along the value chain. Together with our nologies and solutions for recovering metals such as lithium,
as “black mass” (see photo), from which high-purity lithium salt customers and other stakeholders, we want to further accelerate nickel, cobalt and manganese from spent lithium-ion batteries
as well as nickel, cobalt and manganese can be recovered.
the transformation from linear to circular business models. Our (see page 120).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Circular Economy 44

– Products that increase the resource efficiency or lifespan of Good to know

materials (“extend the loop”): These include products that
­reduce resource consumption and environmental impact along
the value chain. One example is Oxsilan®, an innovative thin-film
technology for protecting metals from corrosion, for example
­before painting. The process not only enables higher productivity
with lower material use, but also offers a favorable safety, health
and environmental profile compared with conventional
phosphating processes. This category also includes products
that extend service life and/or reduce maintenance intervals.
Tinuvin® light stabilizers are one example of this. They extend the
lifespan of products such as agricultural films by providing reliable
protection against UV radiation, heat and agrochemicals.

One of the steps we have taken to meet our targets and accelerate
the transformation is establishing a company-wide Circular Econo-
my Program. As part of this program, BASF teams are currently Rethinking electromobility: the oli concept car
developing new approaches within three main action areas and over
45 initiatives: alternative raw materials pathways, innovative material The oli [all-ë] co-creation project from Citroën and BASF shows and recycled raw materials. The hood, roof, and trunk are made of
cycles and new business models for the circular economy – which how electric vehicles can save weight and conserve resources panels combining the Elastoflex® ­polyurethane system and the
also include digital and service-based concepts. We also cooperate through elimination, reduction and the use of innovative materials. Elastocoat® spray paint system. The panels are lightweight and
with partners along the value chain and are involved in numerous Teams from both companies worked together to put various com- extremely stable thanks to a honeycomb sandwich structure.
networks, such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the World ponents and materials into new contexts for the concept car,
­Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Global Battery which was unveiled in September 2022. Many of the components The car body was coated using R-M® AGILIS®, a water-based
Alliance and the Alliance to End Plastic Waste. Through this, we are designed and manufactured from materials from the same coating with a very low content of volatile organic compounds
want to better understand needs, trends and growth ­opportunities, chemical product family. This makes them easier to recycle at the (VOCs). BASF CathoGuard® 800 protects the battery housing from
and contribute to the development of standards. One example is end of their useful life. corrosion. The electrocoating enables resource-efficient processes
the mass balance concept, which we believe is key to the circular and stands out for its eco-friendliness: It is tin/HAPs-free with low
­economy and the use of alternative raw materials in the chemical For example, the complete backrest is made of Ultrasint®, a flexible solvent content.
industry (see page 121). 3D-printed plastic material from BASF. The open lattice structure
also provides natural air flow, replacing all ventilators in the seat. Capping the top speed at 110 km/h (68 mph) and limiting accel­
Engineering plastics from BASF replace conventional materials eration significantly improves oli’s range and battery lifespan.
such as metal in many other parts of the vehicle interior and exte- Discover the oli concept car at
rior, which significantly reduces weight while opening up a wide
range of design options. The accelerator and brake pedals are
made of Ultramid®, for example. The center console is made of
Elastollan®. BASF also offers both materials based on renewable
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Sustainability Concept 45

Our Sustainability Concept

GRI 2, 3, 203, 304, 413, 415, 416

We implement our corporate purpose – We create chemistry for a sustainable future – by systematically incorporating sustainability
into our strategy, our business, and our assessment, steering and compensation systems. We secure our long-term success with
products, solutions and technologies that create value added for the environment, society and the economy.

Our strategic approach ­ ctivities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions include using renew-
a concerns, we classify these as “challenged.” We develop and
able energies for both electricity and steam production, developing systematically implement action plans for all products in this
At a glance and applying new low-carbon production processes, using renew- ­category. These include research projects and reformulations to
able raw materials, and ongoing measures to further increase energy optimize products, or even replacing the product with an alternative.
▪ Sustainability aspects integrated into corporate steering and resource efficiency in our production (see page 135). We have To rigorously align our portfolio with contributions to sustainability, in
▪ Targets for climate protection, circular economy, procurement, also set up a project organization to achieve our climate protection 2018 we started phasing out all Challenged products within five
safety and employees targets. The Net Zero Accelerator unit concentrates on implement- years of their initial classification as “challenged” at the latest. A
▪ Strategic guidelines on stakeholder management and our ing and accelerating projects on low-carbon production technolo- particular focus in the continued development of our product
­societal engagement gies, the circular economy and ­renewable energies. portfolio is on products that make a substantial sustainability
▪ Chief Human Rights Officer appointed to further embed human ­contribution in the value chain. These include products that make
rights aspects in decision-making processes In addition to this climate protection target, we have set further positive contributions to areas such as health and safety, reducing
sustainability targets, for example, on responsible procurement, emissions and the circular economy.
resource-efficient and safe production, engaged employees and
Sustainability is at the core of what we do and a driver for growth ­diversity. Our target of generating €22 billion in Accelerator sales by 2025,
and value. Analyzing our contributions to sustainability also enables which was based on our corporate strategy, was already achieved
us to manage risks effectively. We pursue a holistic sustainability We want to offer our customers innovative products and solutions in 2021 with sales of €24.1 billion. In order to address the growing
approach that covers the entire value chain – from our suppliers and that support their sustainability goals. That is why we ensure that the sustainability requirements in our markets with innovative solutions,
our own activities to our customers. We have formulated business units continuously monitor and evaluate relevant we want to align our product portfolio even more strongly with
­commitments for our conduct along the value chain and ­underpinned ­sustainability aspects. These evaluations are taken into account in ­climate protection, climate neutrality and the circular economy going
these with corresponding targets and measures (see page 36). strategies, in the implementation of research projects and in forward. That is why we are updating our methodology and our
­innovation processes, among other things. product portfolio steering target and will introduce a revised method
Based on our corporate strategy, we steer the global sustainability in 2023.
target for climate protection via the most important key ­performance A significant steering tool for the product portfolio, based on the
indicator (KPI) “absolute CO2 emissions”1 (see page 35). To this end, sustainability performance of our products, is the Sustainable As a co-founder of the U.N. Global Compact, we contribute to the
we have established the necessary steering mechanisms and con- Solution Steering method. This rates our products’ applications in implementation of the United Nations’ (U.N.) Agenda 2030. Our
trol systems at Group level, for example, by intensifying training the relevant markets and customer industries. If, during r­ eassessment products, solutions and technologies help to achieve the U.N.
and providing further support for decentralized implementation. Our of our portfolio, we identify products with significant sustainability ­Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 2 (Zero

1 The target includes Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Other greenhouse gases are converted into CO2 equivalents in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Sustainability Concept 46

hunger), SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 6 (Clean water and Identifying and assessing sustainability topicsa
­sanitation), SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy), SDG 8 (Decent
Topic identification
work and economic growth), SDG 12 (Responsible consumption Qualitative trend review
and production) and SDG 13 (Climate action). To prioritize the SDGs
relevant to BASF, in 2022 internal experts again assessed the
­impacts and positive contributions of our products, our corporate Topic prioritization
Semi-quantitative scoring by industry materiality and
targets and strategic action areas.
stakeholder expectations based on big data analysis

In 2022, we carried out an improved materiality analysis that

already focuses on the double materiality required by future
­ Key topic selection and validation
­regulations. This identified both sustainability topics on which we Qualitative assessment by
internal and external experts
have a potentially positive or negative impact through our business
activities along the value chain, and those topics that have or could
have a positive or negative impact on the company’s performance.
Double materiality assessment
The graphic on this page illustrates our approach and the d
­ imensions Qualitative assessment by internal experts based on
of double materiality.
Impact materiality Financial materiality
Actual and potential impacts of our Financial impacts of ESG topics on
In the first step, external developments and data were evaluated in our performance
activities along the value chain
order to prioritize topics. These included competitor and customer
activities, relevant standards and regulations, and other trends ECONOMY ECONOMY
­relating to sustainability. The 48 topics identified in this step were ENVIRONMENT BASF ENVIRONMENT BASF
then evaluated based on their importance for the chemical industry PEOPLE PEOPLE
and the requirements and expectations of our stakeholders (such as
customers, suppliers, competitors, investors and NGOs) using big
a Material within the meaning of section 289c HGB or relevant within the meaning of the Global Reporting Initiative
data tools and further prioritized as the next step.

The core topics identified were then assessed in terms of their BASF Group, or our reputation. The results help us to better business ethics, occupational health & safety, climate change
double materiality for BASF. Each sustainability aspect was
­ understand the complex and sometimes diverging requirements
­ ­mitigation, circularity and resource efficiency, plastic waste, human
­considered from two perspectives: To assess sustainability r­ elevance and expectations that our stakeholders have of us and to define rights and labor rights, product stewardship, diversity, inclusion &
(“impact materiality”), both the actual and the potential positive and strategically relevant topics for our long-term business success. equal work, and water & wastewater.
negative impacts of our company’s activities were considered along For more information on our materiality analysis, see
three stages of the value chain (upstream, own operations, down- A sustainability aspect is considered material in the sense of double
stream). Here, we assessed the scale of impact, its scope and materiality if it has been classified as material both at the level of
­likelihood of occurrence. The individual topics were classified based sustainability relevance and at the level of financial relevance. Under
on their potential financial impacts on BASF as part of the financial the Global Reporting Initiative, a sustainability aspect is additionally
materiality analysis. Specifically, we analyzed how each s­ ustainability already considered material if it has only been classified as material
aspect affects us geographically, for example, whether a local at the level of sustainability relevance. On this basis, the following
­business unit or entire regions are affected, whether it impacts our 12 topics were identified as material and confirmed by the C ­ orporate
production, our employees, meeting the targets we have set for the Sustainability Board: waste, climate change adaptation, ­biodiversity,
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Sustainability Concept 47

Our organizational and management structures We systematically evaluate sustainability criteria, including the Measuring sustainable value added
effects of climate change, as an integral part of decisions on
We are constantly working to broaden our contributions to key ­acquisitions and investments in property, plant and equipment or We are aware that our business activities can have both positive
sustainability topics and to reduce the negative impact of our financial assets. In this way, we not only assess economic and negative impacts on the environment and society. We aim
­business activities. Together with decentrally organized specialists, ­dimensions, but also the potential impacts on areas such as the to ­increase our positive contributions and minimize the negative
the Corporate Strategy & Sustainability unit in the Corporate Center environment, human rights or the local community. We evaluate ­impacts of our business activities. To achieve this, we need to
is responsible for integrating sustainability into core business both the potential impacts of our activities here as well as which ­measure how our actions and our products impact the environment
­activities and decision-making processes. The unit is also r­ esponsible ­effects we are exposed to. and society.
for the global steering of climate-related matters. Since January
2022, the Net Zero Accelerator unit has been driving forward new If we identify potential negative impacts or previously untapped We already have many years of experience in this area from
and existing projects, focusing on further acceleration and ­opportunities to make a greater contribution, for example in planned evaluating our products and processes using methods such as
­implementation to achieve CO2 reduction targets worldwide. Both investments, these are presented transparently in the internal Eco-Efficiency Analyses, the SEEbalance® Socio-Eco-Efficiency
units report to the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors. ­decision-making process and possible mitigation measures, such Analysis, our Sustainable Solution Steering portfolio analysis,
as changes in water management, are proposed. BASF’s corporate carbon footprint or the calculation of Product
The Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board are Carbon Footprints.
regularly briefed on the development of individual sustainability In our Sustainable Finance Roundtable, we discuss topics relating to
­topics. The Board of Executive Directors incorporates the results sustainable finance. Here, experts from departments such as
and recommendations from sustainability evaluations of business ­Finance, Corporate Strategy, and Investor Relations and Communi- Our stakeholder management
processes into its decisions, for example, on proposed investments cations discuss new legal or capital market-driven requirements.
and acquisitions. It makes decisions with strategic relevance for the The ­interdisciplinary group analyzes the steadily growing require- Our stakeholders include customers, employees, investors,
Group and monitors the implementation of strategic plans and ments, assesses the impacts on BASF and drives forward the ­suppliers, the communities surrounding our sites, and r­ epresentatives
­target achievement. The global climate protection target is linked to ­necessary change processes as well as the concrete implemen­ from industry, academia, politics and society. Parts of our business
the compensation of the entire Board of Executive Directors and tation of ­measures. activities, such as the use of certain new technologies or our
senior executives via the most important KPI “absolute CO2 For more information on our financial and sustainability targets, see pages 35 and 36 ­environmental impacts, are often viewed by stakeholders with a
­emissions.” The Corporate Sustainability Board, which is composed For more information on our risk management, see pages 157 to 167 critical eye. We take these questions seriously, initiate dialogs and
of heads of business and Corporate Center units and regions, For more information on the organization of our sustainability management, participate in discussions. We are in ongoing exchange with our
­supports the Board of Executive Directors on sustainability topics stakeholders through a variety of formats. This helps us to even
For more information on compensation structures, see the compensation report at
and discusses operational matters. It is chaired by Board of better understand what matters to groups of society, what they
­Executive Directors member Saori Dubourg. expect of us and which measures we can pursue in order to
establish and maintain trust, build partnerships, and increase
In 2022, BASF appointed a Chief Human Rights Officer to further societal acceptance for and the sustainability of our business
embed human rights aspects in decision-making processes. He activities. For important topics, we systematically identify key
reports directly to the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors ­stakeholders at an early stage to discuss critical questions with
(see page 109). them. Relevant considerations here include their topic-specific
­expertise and willingness to engage in constructive dialog.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our Sustainability Concept 48

We already established an external, independent Stakeholder Stakeholder demands and expectations of BASF
­Advisory Council (SAC) in 2013 and the Human Rights Advisory
Council (HRAC) in 2020. In the SAC, which is led by the Chairman Customers Investors
of the Board of Executive Directors, international experts from – Innovative and sustainable solutions – Attractive dividend yield
­academia and society contribute their perspectives to discussions – Reliable partner – Transparency and risk minimization
– Attractive prices – Strong long-term share performance
with BASF’s Board of Executive Directors. Focus topics in 2022
were climate protection and the energy transformation, as well as
the significance and aspects of the societal dimension of sustainable Society: politics, NGOs, media Suppliers
development. The HRAC is an advisory body comprising external – Responsible and trustworthy partner – Fair and reliable business relationships
human rights specialists and internal experts. It helps us critically – Production of safe products in compliance with – Support in complying with our Supplier Code of
­environmental and social standards Conduct (environmental and social requirements)
reflect on our positions and address potential for improvement. – Jobs and taxes

We have a particular responsibility toward our sites’ neighbors. We

promote open exchange between residents and our site manage- Community Employees and management
– Safe, disruption-free operations – Attractive and fair employer
ment and strengthen trust in our activities with established
– Attractive jobs – Health protection
­community advisory panels. Our globally binding requirements for – Support for local communities – Opportunities for professional development
community advisory panels are based on the grievance mechanism
standards in the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights. We keep track of their implementation through the
existing global database of the Responsible Care Management
System. federally registered employee association founded in 1998. It Our societal engagement approach
­collects donations from employees for political purposes and inde-
Our political advocacy is conducted in accordance with t­ ransparent pendently decides how these are used, in accordance with U.S. law. Our societal engagement is an important part of the implementation
guidelines and our publicly stated positions. The same applies to For more information on dialog with stakeholder groups, see page 113 of our sustainability strategy and our corporate social responsibility.
our activities in associations. Our Industry Associations Review For more information on our guidelines for responsible lobbying, Our activities are bundled in three action areas globally across all
­compares the energy and climate protection positions of BASF and levels of the BASF Group. We want to improve people’s quality of life
For more information on the Industry Associations Review, see
the most important associations of which we are a member, with by preventing and combating disease (health), promoting e ­ ducational
For more information on the Human Rights Advisory Council, see
explanations on our approach. For more information on the Stakeholder Advisory Council, see
equality, employability and economic participation (skills), and ­conserving natural resources (resources). We want to foster societal
BASF does not financially support political parties, for example, For more information on our stakeholder activities, see cohesion with our portfolio and our competencies. In accordance
through donations in cash or in kind. This is codified in a global with our societal engagement policy, our actions are in line with
guideline. In the United States, employees at BASF Corporation our compliance policy, BASF’s strategy and our sustainability
have exercised their right to establish a Political Action Committee ­commitments.
(PAC). The BASF Corporation Employee PAC is an independent, For more information on our societal engagement, see page 112
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Innovation 49

Innovations based on chemistry play a pivotal role in overcoming the greatest challenges of our time. Our activities are
aimed at developing new products, entering new markets and further increasing our productivity. That is why we are
working together with our customers on innovative processes, technologies and products for a sustainable future.

same time, play a role in decoupling growth from the consumption development units in our operating divisions, Group Research forms
At a glance of limited resources. the core of our global Know-How Verbund.

€2.3 billion ~1,000 In 2022, we generated sales of around €12 billion with products Research and development expenses by segment 2022
Research and development New patents filed launched on the market in the past five years that stemmed from 4%
research and development activities. In the long term, we aim to Corporate research, Other Chemicals

further increase sales and earnings with new and improved products 9%
▪ Close cooperation between research and business units
– especially with products that make a substantial sustainability €2,298 million Materials
▪ Innovation focus on developing sustainable products and contribution in the value chain (see page 45). 7%
­processes for our customers 41%
Industrial Solutions
Agricultural Solutions
▪ Close cooperation with universities, research institutes and We reorganized our global research activities in 2022 to further 15%
­companies strengthen our innovation performance and respond to our Surface Technologies

­ tom­ers’ industry-specific requirements even better and more 7%
Nutrition & Care
Innovation has always been the key to BASF’s success. The quickly. Business and application-driven units that were previously
­knowledge and skills of our highly qualified employees is our most part of the research divisions were integrated into the operating
valuable resource here and the source of our innovative strength. ­divisions, aligning them even more closely with the needs of our
We had approximately 10,000 employees involved in research and customers. This further shortens the time to market for new We continue to use corporate funding to finance research of broad
development worldwide in 2022. ­products and ­accelerates BASF’s growth. relevance to the BASF Group that goes beyond the industry-­
specific focus of the individual operating divisions. We strengthen
Our research and development expenses amounted to We have bundled research activities relevant to several divisions – existing research focus areas and develop new technologies that
€2,298 mil­ lion in 2022 (2021: €2,216 million). Research and such as chemical synthesis, process development, biotechnology, are of central significance for our business units and their ­cus­tom­ers,
develop­ment activities in our operating divisions, which is mainly catalysis, analytics and digitalization – in a central research d
­ ivision, such as digital tools, polymer technologies, catalyst processes or
application and customer-related, accounted for 83% of this figure. Group Research. biotechnological methods.
Corporate research, in which we bundle cross-divisional and
­long-term topics, was responsible for 17% of these expenses. This new research division supports all operating divisions and We promote creative research approaches and drive forward the
drives forward projects that address major sustainability topics like development of new business areas. For example, we are d ­ eveloping
Our innovation focus is on developing new products and solutions reducing emissions from chemical processes and products, energy innovative coating technologies and materials that make innovative
that help our customers achieve their sustainability goals. By helping efficiency or recycling technologies. surfaces and functions possible. Functional films can be used to
them reduce their carbon footprint, use resources more efficiently, reduce the frictional resistance of surfaces or improve UV protection
or manufacture products in a more environmentally friendly way and The unit is globally positioned with research centers in Europe, and weather resistance, for example.
recycle them, we ensure our long-term competitiveness and at the North America and Asia Pacific. Together with the research and
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Innovation 50

As part of our Carbon Management R&D Program, we are carrying The number and quality of our patents also attest to our power
out intensive research into pioneering, low-carbon production of innovation and long-term competitiveness. In 2022, we filed Academic Research Alliances
­processes for basic chemicals such as hydrogen (see page 141). 1,013 new patents worldwide, of which 39.2% were for innovations
Access to scientific expertise, talented minds
This will enable us to offer our customers products with a lower with a particular focus on sustainability. The Patent Asset Index, a
and new technologies
carbon footprint in the future. method that compares patent portfolios, once again ranked us
among the leading companies in the chemical industry in 2022.
For more information on innovation, see Teams at the inter­disciplinary CARA research center are working on
Employees in research and development new ­functional materials, formulations, digital methods, catalysis,

chemical ­synthesis, and in engineering sciences and biosciences.
Global network
The Joint Research Network on Advanced Materials and Systems
Our global network of top universities, research institutes and (JONAS) is active in Europe and concentrates on supramolecular
­companies forms an important part of our Know-How Verbund. It chemistry, polymer chemistry and sustainable technologies. We
Our global research and development presence – and its gives us direct access to external scientific expertise, talented minds are working on innovative components and materials for electro­
­effectiveness – is vital to our long-term success. This enables us to from various disciplines as well as new technologies. Our academic chemical energy storage with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
­respond to the needs and requirements of the regional markets in ­research alliances bundle partnerships with several research groups (KIT) at the Battery and Electrochemistry Laboratory (BELLA). At the
a differentiated way, establish new customer relationships and in a region or with a specific research focus. joint ­Catalysis Research Laboratory (CaRLa), BASF is researching
­leverage growth potential. Scientific collaborations give us access to homogeneous catalysis in cooperation with the University of
talent, strengthen our Research and Development Verbund and The Northeast Research Alliance (NORA) and the California ­Heidelberg. BasCat is a joint laboratory operated by the UniCat
make BASF an even more attractive partner and employer. ­Research Alliance (CARA) are located in the United States. NORA cluster of excellence and BASF at the Technical University of Berlin,
focuses on materials science and biosciences, catalysis research, where new heterogenous catalysis concepts are being explored
The largest and most important site in our research network is digitalization and cooperation with startups. ­together with the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society,
Ludwigs­hafen in Germany. Investments there include a combined also based in Berlin. The iL (Innovation Lab) in Heidelberg, Germany,
laboratory building for cleanroom and elemental analysis. The new focuses on functional printing, printed sensors and IoT (internet of
building’s modern digitalization and automation solutions set new things) a­ pplications. Our most important partner in the U.K. is
standards in safety and efficiency. The state-of-the-art laboratory ­Imperial College London with thematic clusters in chemical engi-
building took three years to build and was was put into operation in neering (flow c
­ hemistry) and digitalization (crystallization, corrosion).
October 2022. In addition, we will build a new Catalyst Development
and Solids Processing Center in Ludwigshafen, Germany, by 2024 At the Network for Asian Open Research (NAO) in the Asia Pacific
to bring process innovations and new chemical catalysts to market region, research focuses on polymer and colloid chemistry, c
­ atalysis,
faster. machine learning and smart manufacturing. The Academic
­Research Alliances are complemented by cooperative partnerships
We want to continue advancing our research and development with around 220 universities and research institutes as well as
activi­ties, especially in Asia. For instance, we completed the third ­collaborations with a large number of companies.
expansion phase for the BASF Innovation Campus in Shanghai, For more information on our collaboration initiatives, see
China, at the end of 2022, with new laboratories for advanced
­materials and systems as well as for chemical engineering.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Plastic Waste 51

Material topics in focus:

Plastic Waste

Plastics are part of modern life. Whether in clothing or shoes, in mattresses or furniture, in
­smartphones or cars, in medicine or construction – they are used in almost all areas of life
because of their beneficial properties. But plastics also come with challenges: Only 20% of
the a
­ pproximately 250 million metric tons of plastic waste generated worldwide each year is
currently r­ ecycled. At BASF, we are working to increase this number.

Plastics are an important part of our product portfolio. This includes cleaning solutions, help to separate and then process different types
engineering plastics, polyurethanes, biopolymers and styrene of plastics.
foams. Our products are mostly used in durable and demanding
applications, such as automotive engineering, medical technology, Since not all waste streams are suitable for mechanical recycling,
electronics and electrical engineering, and building insulation. BASF is also driving forward the chemical recycling of plastics as a
complementary technology. In this process, plastics are broken
As a responsible player in the value chain, we want to further ­improve down into their building blocks using various methods, which can
the sustainability performance of plastics throughout the entire life then be used again in production as recycled feedstocks (see
cycle – from the production and use of renewable and recycled raw page 120).
materials (see page 43) through the use phase, where ­innovative
plastic materials ensure greater sustainability in areas such as We are involved in numerous initiatives to advance new ideas
­mobility, construction or energy, to the handing of plastics at the ­together with partners. For example, BASF is a founding member of
end of their life. the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW), which is active in four
­focus areas: developing infrastructure for waste collection, ­promoting
For many years, we have been conducting research into soil-bio­ innovative recycling methods, education and ­engagement of various
degradable and compostable plastics and their biodegradability in stakeholders, and cleanup of areas heavily impacted by plastic
­different environments. With ecoflex® and ecovio®, BASF has two waste. The initiative aims to invest up to $1.5 billion by 2023. Further
certified bioplastics on the market that can biodegrade ­under the examples of our commitment to greater sustainability in the plastics
conditions in the recognized standards according to which they are value chain include the World Plastics Council, Operation Clean
certified. Sweep and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
For more information on plastics, see
At the same time, we are developing solutions for improved For more information on the AEPW, see

­mechanical recycling. These include additives that extend the use For more information on the World Plastics Council, see
For more information on Operation Clean Sweep, see
Mixed plastic waste is very difficult or impossible to phase of plastics and help address quality problems of recyclates.
recycle ­mechanically. As part of the ChemCyclingTM project, For more information on the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, see
The use of BASF stabilizers also makes it possible to keep plastics
BASF is working with partners on innovative recycling
technologies and their ­implementation on a commercial in circulation not just for one cycle, but for several. Technical
scale to enable these resources to be fed back into solutions from BASF, such as NIR spectroscopy or sustainable
the system in the future, too.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment 52

The BASF Group’s Business Year In this section:

Economic Environment
GRI 201 Results of Operations
Net Assets
Economic Environment1 Financial Position
Actual Development Compared With Outlook for 2022
Business Review by Segment
Global economic growth in 2022 was impacted by the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and rising inflation and
interest rates worldwide. Increasing energy and raw materials prices made many products more expensive
Non-Integral Oil and Gas Business
and dampened consumers’ purchasing power. European chemical production fell sharply due to drastic
Regional Results
­increases in regional gas prices.
E.U. Taxonomy
For the outlook on the economic environment in 2023, see page 151 onward

Trends in the global economy in 2022 Despite the crises and the weak growth momentum in the course
At a glance of 2022, many countries still reported comparatively high annual
Global economic development in the course of 2022 was excep- growth rates in their statistics.
+3.0% +2.2% tionally volatile and characterized by strong regional differences.
Global GDP growth Increase in global chemical Macroeconomic developments were driven by a number of key, The global economy fluctuated over the course of 2022 and saw
overlapping factors: the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the recovery significant regional differences. Gross domestic product in the Euro-
from the coronavirus pandemic in the advanced economies, China’s pean Union initially increased significantly, while the United States
▪ Energy price shock and drop in chemical production in Europe
long commitment to a zero-COVID policy and the repercussions of started the year with a technical recession. This reversed in the
▪ High interest rates and weak economic data in the United States the strong fiscal stimuli in previous years. The spike in energy prices, second half of the year. The European economies grew only weakly,
▪ Volatile economic development in Asia especially natural gas prices in Europe and prices on the inter­­na­ and macroeconomic activity in the United States accelerated
▪ Drastic increase in European gas prices and rising oil price tional LNG markets, significantly impacted the development of ­slightly. In the emerging markets of Asia, economic development
indus­trial activity. Overall demand was also dampened by the sharp was volatile throughout the year. This was mainly driven by gross
rise in inflation rates and rising interest rates in almost all countries domestic product in China: A solid start to the year was followed by
Global gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.0% compared (with the exception of China and Japan). The upturn in inflation rates a decline in the second quarter, and, after a renewed recovery in the
with the previous year (2021: +6.1%). Global industrial production was mainly driven by higher energy prices, with bottlenecks on the third quarter, there were again strong braking effects toward the end
added 2.5% (2021: +6.2%), while global chemical production labor and goods markets also playing a role. The strong U.S. dollar of the year.
­expanded by only 2.2% (2021: +6.1%). The average price for a drove up inflation in all countries that imported goods and raw
barrel of Brent crude oil increased to $101 per barrel (2021: $71 per ­materials from the dollar area.
barrel). Gas prices in Europe averaged €124.16 per MWh ($38.01 per
mmBtu) for the year, more than double the prior-year level and more
than ten times the 2020 level.

1 All information relating to past years in this section can deviate from the previous year’s report due to statistical revisions. Where available, calendar-adjusted macroeconomic growth rates are reported. Figures for 2022 not yet available in full are estimated.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment 53

Gross domestic product In the United Kingdom, sharp increases in the cost of living damp- Recurring waves of coronavirus infections also impacted growth in
Real change compared with previous year ened private consumption. Industrial production declined in the Japan (+1.2%) and South Korea (+2.6%). Industrial production
2022 2021 course of the year and investment was impacted by the sharp rise in was also depressed by supply problems in the automotive and
World 3.0% 6.1% interest rates. Thanks to a dynamic recovery in the services sector, electronics industries and weaker foreign demand.
European Union 3.6% 5.3% the economy nevertheless grew by 4.1% (2021: +7.6%).
In South America, growth picked up in the first half of the year,
United States 2.1% 5.9%
Developments in Russia were strongly influenced by the interna- supported by high raw materials prices and catch-up effects in
Emerging markets of Asia
excluding China1
5.5% 6.3% tional sanctions imposed as a result of the Russian attack on ­private demand. Private consumption in Brazil was also boosted
Ukraine. GDP sank by an estimated 3.1% in 2022. Negative eco- by government transfers and tax cuts ahead of the presidential
China 3.0% 8.4%
nomic effects in the wake of the trade and financial sanctions ­elections. In Argentina, private consumption also continued to grow
Japan 1.2% 2.2%
­imposed by the United States and the E.U. were partly offset by strongly despite high inflation and interest rates. However, eco­nomic
South America 3.7% 7.7% rising raw materials prices and the substitution of goods imports by activity in the region weakened significantly in the second half of the
­domestic production. year. Overall, South America’s GDP grew by 3.7% (2021: +7.7%).

Economic trends by region In the United States, GDP fell in the first two quarters of 2022
compared with the second half of 2021. Goods consumption Trends in key customer industries
In the European Union (E.U.), GDP grew by 3.6% in 2022 (2021: and housing investment declined. Foreign trade also had a strong
+5.3%). In the first half of the year, the catch-up effects of the ­negative impact on growth in the first quarter. By contrast, services Disruptions in global supply chains gradually eased in 2022. How­
corona­virus pandemic had a positive impact on the services sector consumption made a consistently positive contribution. The U.S. ever, due to the zero-COVID policy in China and the lockdowns
and on traditional vacation countries. GDP rose by 3.9% and 5.5% economy picked up in the second half of the year, mainly due to there in the second quarter of 2022, supply bottlenecks remained in
in Italy and Spain, respectively, and by 2.7% even in France. In a stronger foreign trade surplus and solid private consumption. global supply chains, for example, in the automotive and electronics
Germany, by contrast, GDP increased by only 1.9%. German indus- ­Overall, the U.S. economy grew by 2.1% in 2022 (2021: +5.9%). industries. At the same time, demand for consumer durables in
trial production was down slightly overall. In the energy-intensive particular weakened over the course of the year. Industries such as
industries, production actually declined sig­ nifi­
cantly due to the Economic developments in the emerging markets of Asia were furniture had seen frontloading effects here in recent years due to
drastic rise in energy prices. Due to high service imports from foreign mixed. In China, growth was repeatedly weighed down by restric- the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, declining purchasing power
tourism and weaker growth in demand for goods from abroad, net tions under the government’s zero-COVID strategy. A positive first caused by inflation reduced demand from end consumers. In the
exports did not contribute to growth. Investment also remained quarter of 2022 was followed by a drop in GDP in the second construction sector, the continued dynamic upturn in construction
weak. By contrast, private consumption grew by more than 4%. quarter as a result of lockdowns in many Chinese cities. By contrast, costs and rising interest rates had a negative impact.
This was mainly due to catch-up effects in the services sector. the third quarter saw a dynamic recovery. In the fourth quarter, rising
­However, consumer and business sentiment b ­ ecame increasingly infection rates and the abrupt change of course in the zero-COVID Global industrial production expanded by only 2.5% overall in
­clouded by rising energy prices and economic uncertainty resulting policy again led to a weaker economic performance. Overall, GDP 2022 (2021: +6.2%). At 0.9%, growth in the advanced economies
from the war in Ukraine. growth in China remained well below its medium-term growth path was significantly weaker than in the emerging markets, which
at 3.0%. The weak economy and ongoing travel restrictions in China ­recorded growth of 3.8%. Despite the generally subdued economic
The Eastern E.U. countries recorded comparatively strong growth also dampened growth in many other countries in the region, which environment in Asia, more than 60% of the growth in global indus­
of over 4% (2021: +6.1%). However, economic activity slowed have close trade relations with China. Nonetheless, the other trial value added was generated there. Over 40% of growth came
considerably in the course of the year as a result of weaker export emerging Asian economies achieved overall growth of 5.5%. from China in 2022. Industrial growth was 3.2% in Asia as a whole
and consumer demand and double-digit inflation rates. and 3.8% in the emerging Asian economies. In the E.U., by contrast,

1 We define the emerging markets of Asia as the ASEAN countries (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam), India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment 54

industrial growth was slightly lower than the global average at 2.0% grew significantly faster than residential construction and other Agricultural production declined from 3.5% in the previous year to
(2021: +7.0%) and in North America, it was even considerably lower building construction. In China, investment in residential c
­ onstruction 2.3% in 2022. The slowdown was mainly due to the war in Ukraine
at 1.2% (2021: +2.1%), mainly due to the weak construction sector. declined, while infrastructure investment again posted considerable and a long dry spell in some regions over the summer. As a result of
growth. In the E.U., by contrast, residential construction activity was the war, production in Ukraine fell by an estimated 35% and by 4.5%
Growth in key customer industries still comparatively strong, although demand began to cool in the in Eastern Europe as a whole. Production also declined slightly in
Real change compared with previous year course of the year due to rising interest rates. In the United States, Western Europe and in the Americas. In Asia, by contrast, agricul-
2022 2021 all construction segments declined as a result of high interest rates tural production grew by 3.7%.
Industry total 2.5% 6.2% and restricted public budgets.
Transportation 5.7% 3.8%
Consumer goods production grew by 3.1%, much slower than Trends in the chemical industry
Of which: automotive industry 6.2% 3.5%
in the previous year (+8.8%). Demand weakened for consumer
Energy and resources 3.7% 3.6%
­durables in particular. Production in the furniture and textile indus- Global growth in the chemical industry lagged behind the industry as
Construction 2.2% 2.4% tries declined after having grown by more than 8% and around a whole in 2022 and at 2.2%, was significantly weaker than in the
Consumer goods 3.1% 8.8% 5%, respectively, in the previous year. Production of chemicals used previous year (+6.1%). In the E.U., production fell considerably by
Electronics 5.9% 12.4% to manufacture care products grew at about the same rate as 5.8% due to the sharp rise in natural gas prices. In Germany, this
Health and nutrition 2.3% 5.9%
­global GDP. even dropped by around 12% as a result of shutdowns in the
­production of gas-intensive basic chemicals. The United Kingdom
Agriculture 2.3% 3.5%
Growth in the electronics industry also weakened significantly also saw a strong decrease in chemical production.
(2022: 5.9%, 2021: 12.4%). In electronic components, computers
Global automotive production was still impacted by supply bottle- and peripherals, communications electronics and consumer elec- By contrast, chemical production in the United States increased by
necks for semiconductors in 2022. Overall, however, automotive tronics, growth declined sharply compared with 2021. Double-digit 2.3%. However, base effects due to weather-related production
production grew by around 4.8 million in 2022 to 82 million (+6.2%) growth rates were recorded in all segments in the previous year. losses in 2021 played a major role here (2021: +1.7%). In South
manufactured passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. All America, production grew by 2.6%, slightly slower than in the
markets grew except Eastern Europe (around 700,000 fewer vehi- Production in the energy and raw materials sector increased by ­previous year (+3.6%).
cles produced). The strongest volume growth came from Asia. The around 3.7% in 2022, slightly more than GDP. Weaker growth in
world’s largest vehicle market added 3.3 million vehicles, an increase Russia was offset by stronger production in the Middle East and the Chemical production in Asia expanded by 4.2% overall. However,
of 7.7%. Of this figure, China accounted for around 1.5 million vehi- United States. Oil and gas production again saw strong growth after this varied widely by country. In China, the world’s largest chemical
cles and India for over 900,000. In China, sales were boosted by a stagnating in 2021, while the production of other raw materials grew market, production grew by a very volatile 6.6% overall. Production
reduction in sales tax. Almost 700,000 more vehicles (+5.7%) were at a slightly slower rate than in the previous year. also increased significantly in India (+4.6%). By contrast, in Japan,
produced in the E.U. and around 1.3 million more (+9.7%) in North South Korea and Taiwan, production fell by 3.0%, 7.4% and 12.9%,
America than in the previous year. In South America, the increase Growth in health and nutrition was considerably weaker, declining respectively.
was around 200,000 vehicles (+8.5%). Around 75% of the total from 5.9% to 2.3% in 2022. At 1.9%, production in the food industry
market growth of 4.8 million vehicles was attri­ but­
able to purely grew at a slightly slower rate than the longer-term average and was Chemical production in the Middle East increased by 4.0%, slower
battery-­electric vehicles. Consequently, electric vehicles’ share of all significantly weaker than in the previous year, which was character- than in 2021. Growth was stronger in Saudi Arabia and the United
vehicles produced rose from around 6% in 2021 to around 10%. ized by catch-up effects. In the pharmaceutical industry, growth fell Arab Emirates but declined significantly in Iran and especially in
sharply after the 2021 vaccine boom (+12.9%) but was still positive Turkey.
Production in the construction industry was impacted by rising at 1.9%.
­interest rates and construction costs. At 2.2%, overall growth was
weaker than in the previous year (+2.4%). The infrastructure ­segment
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment 55

Chemical production (excluding pharmaceuticals) Price trends for crude oil (Brent) and naphtha
Real change compared with previous year $/barrel, $/metric ton

2022 2021 $/t $/bbl

World 2.2% 6.1% 1,100 130
European Union –5.8% 6.3% 1,000 120
900 110
United States 2.3% 1.7%
800 100
Emerging markets of Asia
–1.1% 6.5% 700 90
excluding China
600 80
China 6.6% 7.7%
500 70
Japan –3.0% 3.8% Naphtha Crude oil
400 60
ø 2022: $770/t ø 2022: $101/bbl
South America 2.6% 3.6% 300 50
ø 2021: $635/t ø 2021: $71/bbl
200 40
100 30
0 20
Price trends for key commodities

June 22

Sept 22
May 21

Sept 21

Mar 22

Apr 22

May 22
Nov 21

Feb 22

Dec 22
Mar 21

Apr 21

June 21

Dec 21
Aug 21

Oct 21

Oct 22
Jan 21

Nov 22
Feb 21

July 22

Aug 22
Jan 22
July 21
The Russian war against Ukraine and the associated tensions led to
significant price increases on the international commodity markets
and high price volatility.
Due to low gas storage levels in Europe at the end of the heating
Overall, oil demand grew at a slightly weaker rate than global GDP season in the second quarter of 2022 and the ongoing reduction in
in 2022. The increase in travel in the advanced economies boosted Russian gas supplies, gas prices on the Northwest Euro­pean spot
demand for oil, while demand in China declined slightly due to market rose sharply through August. At its peak, the monthly aver-
­continued travel restrictions and temporary lockdowns. Crude oil age price reached €235.94 per MWh ($69.84 per mmBtu) in August.
prices rose from $71 per barrel of Brent in 2021 to $101 per barrel The lowest monthly average price was €75.87 per MWh ($21.79 per
in 2022 due to growth in demand for oil, war and sanctions-related mmBtu) in October. The annual average gas price in Northwest
constraints and an OPEC+ production cut agreed in October. The ­Europe in 2022 was €124.16 per MWh ($38.01 per mmBtu) (2021:
price of oil fluctuated over the course of the year between around €46.88 per MWh / $16.02 per mmBtu).
$122 per barrel in June and around $81 per barrel in December.
Over the course of the year, the average monthly price for the The average price of gas in the United States was $6.36 per
chemi­cal raw material naphtha ranged between $1,012 per metric mmBtu, likewise well above the prior-year level ($3.89 per mmBtu).
ton in March and $594 per metric ton in December. At $770 per Gas prices in China averaged around $12.21 per mmBtu nationally
metric ton, the annual average price of naphtha in 2022 was higher (2021: $11.96 per mmBtu).1
than in 2021 ($635 per metric ton).

1 This report references the retail price for industrial end users. The 2021 Report cited wholesale prices in the gas market in China. This reference is no longer published.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Results of Operations 56

Results of Operations Materials Co., Ltd. as of ­August 31, 2021, also contributed to the segments. The Agricultural Solutions segment increased EBIT
sales increase. This more than compensated for negative portfolio ­before special items considerably, in particular as a result of the
Global economic development in 2022 was exceptionally effects in the Industrial Solutions segment, mainly from the sale of positive sales performance. The Nutrition & Care s­egment also
volatile and characterized by strong regional differences. the global pigments business as of June 30, 2021. Significantly achieved a considerable increase here, mainly due to price-driven
Especially the war in Ukraine, rising raw materials and energy lower volumes overall dampened sales growth in the BASF Group. margin growth. The Surface Tech­
­ nologies segment recorded
prices, high inflation and interest rates, as well as China’s ­Volumes development was primarily driven by lower sales volumes ­con­sid­er­ably higher earnings, especially due to i­ncreased earnings
prolonged and strict zero-COVID policy took their toll on the in the Surface T
­ echnologies and Chemicals segments. contributions from the automotive c ­ atalysts and battery m
­ aterials
­markets. In this market environment, growth in the global businesses. Higher prices and volumes in the Coatings division
economy, worldwide industrial production and chemical
­ Sales ­additionally supported the segment’s earnings performance. The
Million €
production were significantly weaker than we had expected Industrial Solutions segment slightly increased EBIT before special
at the begin­ning of the year. BASF’s business was neverthe- items as a result of price-driven margin growth. EBIT before special
2022 87,327
less robust: Sales increased considerably, while EBIT b ­ efore items attributable to Other improved slightly.
­special items was €6.9 billion, within the forecast range. At 2021 78,598 For an explanation of the indicator EBIT before special items, see page 42
10.0%, ROCE was considerably below the prior-year figure. 2020 59,149
2019 59,316
Exceptionally high impairment losses on the shareholding in 2018 a
EBIT before special items
Million €
Wintershall Dea AG negatively affected the BASF Group’s net
a Sales for 2018 were reduced by the share attributable to construction chemicals activities due to their
­income from shareholdings. ­presentation as discontinued operations.
2022 6,878
Business reviews by segment can be found from page 69 onward
For more information on the development of CO2 emissions, see page 135 onward 2021 7,768

Factors influencing sales of the BASF Group 2020 3,560

2019 a 4,643
Change in
Change in %
At a glance million € 2018 a, b 6,281
Volumes –5,498 –7.0 a EBIT before special items for 2019 has been restated to reflect the reclassification of income from non-integral
▪ Sales considerably higher than previous year Prices 9,350 11.9
companies ­accounted for using the equity method to net income from shareholdings. Figures for 2018 have
not been ­restated.
▪ EBIT before special items and ROCE down sharply Currencies 4,765 6.1
b EBIT before special items for 2018 was reduced by the share attributable to construction chemicals activities
due to their presentation as discontinued operations.

▪ Net income from shareholdings down by –€4,939 million

Acquisitions 790 1.0 Special items in EBIT amounted to –€330 million in 2022 c ­ ompared
▪ Earnings per share of –€0.70; adjusted earnings per share
Divestitures –564 –0.7 with –€91 million in the previous year. Special charges for restruc­
of €6.96
Changes in the scope of consolidation –114 –0.1 turing measures were €249 million, mainly in connection with the
carve-out of the newly established BASF Environmental Catalyst
Total change in sales 8,729 11.1
Compared with the previous year, sales rose by €8,729 million to and Metal Solutions unit within the Catalysts division, the dis­con­
€87,327 million in the 2022 business year. Sales growth was mainly tinuation of our business activities in Russia and restructuring
driven by higher prices across almost all segments due to an At €6,878 million, income from operations (EBIT) before special ­measures. In other charges and income, the impairment loss on a
increase in raw materials and energy prices. The Materials and
­ items was €890 million below the prior-year figure. The earnings plant in the C ­ hemicals segment in particular led to total special
Chemicals segments implemented the highest price increases. development was attributable to a strong decline in earnings charges of €222 million (2021: other charges of €27 million). Integra-
Currency ­effects considerably supported the positive sales develop- ­con­tribu­tions from the Chemicals and Materials segments. Both tion costs amounted to €32 million compared with €85 million in
ment. Portfolio effects in the Surface Technologies segment from the ­segments ­recorded lower margins and volumes as well as higher the previous year; in both years, these were primarily related to the
­acquisition of a majority shareholding in BASF Shanshan Battery fixed costs. By contrast, EBIT before special items rose in all other ­integration of the BASF Shanshan companies acquired in 2021.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Results of Operations 57

Special income from ­divestitures totaled €174 million, mainly from EBIT ROCEa
Million € Million €
the sale of 51% of our share in the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore
2022 2021
wind farm. This was partly offset by impairments in connection
2022 6,548 EBIT of the BASF Group 6,548 7,677
with the planned divestiture of our production site in De Meern,
­Netherlands. 2021 7,677 – EBIT of Other –523 –759

For the definition of special items, see page 42 2020 –191 EBIT of the segments 7,070 8,435

2019a 4,201 Cost of capital basis of segments,

70,982 61,664
average of month-end figures
2018a, b 5,974
Special items ROCE% 10.0 13.7
Million € a EBIT for 2019 has been restated to reflect the reclassification of income from non-integral companies
­accounted for using the equity method to net income from shareholdings. Figures for 2018 have not been
2022 2021 ­restated.
b EBIT for 2018 was reduced by the share attributable to construction chemicals activities due to their
Restructuring measures –249 –99 ­presentation as discontinued operations.
Capital employeda
Integration costs –32 –85 Million €
2022 2021
Divestitures 174 120 We use the indicator return on capital employed (ROCE) to
Intangible assets 13,576 13,143
Other charges and income –222 –27 ­measure our rate of return. ROCE declined to 10.0% (2021: 13.7%)
due to a significant increase in the cost of capital basis and a simul- + Property, plant and equipment 21,374 19,280
Total special items in EBIT –330 –91
taneous decrease in earnings.1 + Integral investments accounted for using the
2,052 1,767
equity method
For more information on the calculation of ROCE, see page 41
At €6,548 million, EBIT for the BASF Group in 2022 was consider- The calculation of EBIT as part of our statement of income is shown in the Consolidated Financial + Inventories 15,608 11,459
Statements on page 203
ably lower than the previous year. This figure includes income from + Accounts receivable, trade 13,919 11,588
integral companies accounted for using the equity method, which + Current and noncurrent other receivables
4,309 3,908
declined by €289 million to €386 million. This was mainly attributable and other assetsb

to the €196 million lower earnings contribution by ­BASF-YPC + Assets of disposal groups 144 520
Company Ltd., Nanjing, China. Cost of capital basis of segments,
70,982 61,664
average of month-end figures

+ Deviation from cost of capital basis at

–3,300 2,717
closing rates as of December 31

+ Assets not included in cost of capital 16,791 23,002

Assets of the BASF Group as of December 31 84,472 87,383

a The polyolefins and styrenics businesses of the joint venture BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China, which
were previously reported under Other, were allocated to the Petrochemicals division as of January 1, 2022.
The prior-year figures have been adjusted.
b Including customer/supplier financing and other adjustments

1 For more information on net assets, see page 61 onward.

BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Results of Operations 58

Net income from shareholdings, financial result and income BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, ­Malaysia. to sales revenue, enabling operational performance to be compared
after taxes This was partially offset by higher earnings contributions from the independently of the size of the underlying business.
BASF Shanshan companies.
Net income from shareholdings amounted to –€4,939 million in EBITDA before special items in 2022 was €585 million below the
2022, after €207 million in 2021. The significant decline was due to Net income was –€627 million compared with €5,523 million in 2021 figure at €10,762 million; EBITDA decreased by €607 million to
special charges of around €6.3 billion, mainly from non-cash-­ 2021. €10,748 million. The EBITDA margin was 12.3% in 2022 ­compared
effective impairment losses on the shareholding in Wintershall Dea with 14.4% in the previous year.
AG. These were especially due to the deconsolidation of Wintershall Earnings per share amounted to –€0.70 compared with €6.01 in
Dea’s Russian exploration and production activities, which subse- the previous year. EBITDA before special items
Million €
quently resulted in a revaluation of Wintershall Dea’s Russian For more information on the items in the statement of income, see the Notes to the Consolidated
­Financial Statements on page 203 2022 2021
shareholdings. ­Furthermore, write-downs were performed on the
For more information on the tax rate, see Note 12 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from EBIT 6,548 7,677
company’s European gas transportation business, including a com- page 237 onward
plete impairment on the shareholding in Nord Stream AG and the – Special items –330 –91

financing of the Nord Stream 2 project. Wintershall Dea’s operating EBIT before special items 6,878 7,768
earnings contribution for 2022 rose to approximately €1.5 billion, Additional indicators for results of operations + Depreciation and amortization 3,827 3,534
after €335 million in the previous year.
+ Impairments and reversals of impairments on
We also use alternative performance measures (APMs) to steer the property, plant and equipment and intangible ­ 57 45
assets before special items
The financial result improved by €17 million to –€418 million. This BASF Group. Investors, analysts and rating agencies use them to
was mainly attributable to the €136 million improvement in the other assess our performance. These are not defined by IFRS. As such, Depreciation, amortization, impairments and
­reversals of impairments on property, plant and
­financial result. This predominantly resulted from higher net interest the methods of calculation can differ from those used by other 3,885 3,580
equipment and intangible assets before special
income on income taxes and lower net expense in connection companies. Alternative performance measures for the results of items

with bonds in foreign currency and related hedging instruments. operations are EBIT before special items, EBITDA before special EBITDA before special items 10,762 11,348
By contrast, the interest result decreased by €119 million to items, EBITDA, the EBITDA margin and adjusted earnings per share.
–€433 million, especially driven by higher interest expenses for Other APMs are net debt,1 free cash flow1 and capital expenditures
­financial i­ndebtedness due to increased interest rates and a higher (capex).2
­financing volume.
Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and
Overall, income before income taxes amounted to €1,190 million special items (EBITDA before special items) and income from
in 2022, after €7,448 million in the previous year. Income tax opera­tions before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) are
­expenses were €1,581 million (2021: €1,430 million). Given the high indicators that describe operational performance independent of
impairment losses in net income from shareholdings, which do not age-related depre­ciation and amortization of assets and any impair-
have an impact on tax expense, the tax rate was 132.9%. ment or r­ eversal of impairment. Both figures are therefore p
­ articularly
useful in cross-company comparisons. EBITDA before special items
Noncontrolling interests amounted to €236 million compared with is also highly useful in making comparisons over time. The EBITDA
€459 million in 2021, primarily due to lower earnings contributions margin is a relative indicator and is calculated as the ratio of EBITDA
from BASF TotalEnergies Petrochemicals LLC, Houston, Texas, and
1 For more information on these indicators, see the Financial Position from page 63 onward.
2 For more information on capex, see Our Steering Concept on page 42 and Material Investments and Portfolio Measures on page 37.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Results of Operations 59

EBITDA Compared with earnings per share, adjusted earnings per share
Million €
is firstly adjusted for special items. Amortization, impairments and
2022 2021
­reversals of impairments on intangible assets are then eliminated.
EBIT 6,548 7,677
Amortization of intangible assets primarily results from the purchase
+ Depreciation and amortization 3,827 3,534 price allocation following acquisitions and is therefore of a temporary
+ Impairments and reversals of impairments on ­ nature. The effects of these adjustments on income taxes and on
property, plant and equipment and intangible ­ 373 144
noncontrolling interests are also considered. This makes adjusted
earnings per share a suitable measure for making comparisons over
Depreciation, amortization, impairments and
­reversals of impairments on property, plant and 4,200 3,678 time and predicting future profitability.
equipment and intangible assets

EBITDA 10,748 11,355 In 2022, adjusted earnings per share amounted to €6.96 compared
Sales revenue 87,327 78,598 with €6.76 in the previous year.
For more information on the earnings per share according to IFRS, see Note 6 to the Consolidated
EBITDA margin % 12.3 14.4
­Financial Statements on page 226

Adjusted earnings per share

Million €
2022 2021

Income after taxes –391 5,982

– Special itemsa –6,637 –181

 mortization, impairments and reversals of impairments on
652 614
intangible assets

–A mortization, impairments and reversals of impairments on

0 0
­intangible assets contained in special items

– Adjustments to income taxes 372 116

–A djustments to income after taxes from discontinued

− –36

Adjusted income after taxes 6,526 6,695

– Adjusted noncontrolling interests 248 483

Adjusted net income 6,278 6,212

Weighted average number of outstanding shares

901,754 918,479
(in thousands)b

Adjusted earnings per share € 6.96 6.76

a Includes special items in net income from shareholdings of –€6,307 million for 2022 and –€90 million
for 2021.
b Due to the current share buyback program, the weighted average number of outstanding shares in the
2022 business year was 901,754,219.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Results of Operations 60

Sales and earnings Sales and earnings by quarter in 2022a

Million € Million €
2022 2021 +/– Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Full year

Sales 87,327 78,598 11.1% Sales 23,083 22,974 21,946 19,323 87,327

Income from operations before depreciation, Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 3,743 3,293 2,325 1,401 10,762
10,762 11,348 –5.2%
amortization and special items
Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 3,709 3,396 2,255 1,389 10,748
Income from operations before depreciation
10,748 11,355 –5.3% Depreciation and amortization b
924 1,046 960 1,270 4,200
and amortization (EBITDA)

EBITDA margin % 12.3 14.4 − Income from operations (EBIT) 2,785 2,350 1,294 119 6,548

Depreciation and amortizationa 4,200 3,678 14.2% Special items −34 11 −53 −254 −330

Income from operations (EBIT) 6,548 7,677 –14.7% EBIT before special items 2,818 2,339 1,348 373 6,878

Special items –330 –91 –263.9% Income before income taxes 1,878 2,658 1,239 −4,585 1,190

EBIT before special items 6,878 7,768 –11.5% Income after taxes from continuing operations 1,321 2,179 952 −4,843 −391

Income before income taxes 1,190 7,448 –84.0% Income after taxes from discontinued operations − − − − −

Income after taxes from continuing operations –391 6,018 . Net income 1,221 2,090 909 −4,847 −627

Income after taxes from discontinued Earnings per share € 1.34 2.31 1.01 −5.42 −0.70
− –36 100.0%
Adjusted earnings per share € 2.70 2.37 1.77 0.09 6.96
Net income –627 5,523 .

Earnings per share € −0.70 6.01 . Sales and earnings by quarter in 2021a
Million €
Adjusted earnings per share € 6.96 6.76 3.0%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Full year
a Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments
and reversals of impairments) Sales 19,400 19,753 19,669 19,776 78,598

Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 3,181 3,217 2,771 2,179 11,348

Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 3,176 3,199 2,729 2,250 11,355

Depreciation and amortization b

865 883 907 1,023 3,678

Income from operations (EBIT) 2,311 2,316 1,822 1,227 7,677

Special items −10 −39 −43 1 −91

EBIT before special items 2,321 2,355 1,865 1,227 7,768

Income before income taxes 2,247 2,189 1,777 1,235 7,448

Income after taxes from continuing operations 1,810 1,794 1,424 990 6,018

Income after taxes from discontinued operations − − −43 7 −36

Net income 1,718 1,654 1,253 898 5,523

Earnings per share € 1.87 1.80 1.36 0.98 6.01

Adjusted earnings per share € 2.00 2.03 1.56 1.17 6.76

a Quarterly results not audited.

b Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Net Assets 61

Net Assets

Assets Assets

December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Million € % Million € % At a glance

Intangible assets 13,273 15.8 13,499 15.5

Property, plant and equipment 22,967 27.3 21,553 24.7

▪ Decrease in total assets to €84.5 billion, mainly due to
­impairments on the shareholding in Wintershall Dea AG of around
Integral investments accounted for using the equity method 2,356 2.8 2,540 2.9
€6.5 billion
Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method 4,645 5.5 9,843 11.3
▪ Current assets up €2.4 billion, primarily as a result of higher
Other financial assets 1,120 1.3 575 0.7 ­inventories
Deferred tax assets 880 1.0 2,600 3.0

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets 1,810 2.2 1,722 2.0 Total assets amounted to €84,472 million as of December 31, 2022,
Noncurrent assets 47,050 55.7 52,332 59.9 €2,910 million below the prior year-end figure.

Noncurrent assets declined by €5,282 million compared with

Inventories 16,028 19.0 13,868 15.9
Decem­ber 31, 2021, to €47,050 million. This was largely attributable
Accounts receivable, trade 12,055 14.3 11,942 13.7
to the €5,198 million decrease in the carrying amounts of non-­
Other receivables and miscellaneous assets 6,591 7.8 5,568 6.4 integral shareholdings accounted for using the equity method,
Marketable securities 232 0.3 208 0.2 mainly due to impairments on the shareholding in Wintershall
Cash and cash equivalents 2,516 3.0 2,624 3.0 Dea AG totaling €6,531 million. These primarily related to Winters­
Assets of disposal groups − − 840 1.0
hall Dea’s Russian activities and its European gas transportation
Current assets 37,422 44.4 35,051 40.1

Total assets 84,472 100.0 87,383 100.0

Deferred tax assets declined by €1,720 million, mainly due to lower
pension provisions.

Intangible assets amounted to €13,273 million, €227 million below

the prior year-end figure. This largely reflected amortization of
€648 million, which was partially offset by additions of €125 million.
Currency effects increased intangible assets by €330 million. Good-
will rose by €176 million to €7,696 million, mainly from currency
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Net Assets 62

Compared with the end of the previous year, the carrying amounts Trade accounts receivable increased by €114 million year on year.
of integral investments accounted for using the equity method
­declined by €184 million to €2,356 million. The addition of the inter- The assets reported as disposal groups as of December 31, 2021,
est in the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm following the sale of shares were divested in 2022: BASF sold 51% of its interest in the
was offset by decreases at Lucura Versicherungs AG due to the ­Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm in the second quarter and the
transition to full consolidation and at BASF-YPC Company Ltd., divestiture of the kaolin minerals business was completed on
Nanjing, China. ­September 30.

The €1,414 million increase in property, plant and equipment At €2,516 million, cash and cash equivalents were €108 million
was mainly due to additions of €4,842 million, which exceeded ­below the figure as of December 31, 2021.
­depre­ciation by €1,273 million. Currency effects of €286 million also For more information on the composition and development of individual asset items, see the Notes to
the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 209 onward
contributed to the increase.

Other financial assets were €545 million higher than the prior year-
end figure, in particular from the first-time inclusion of Lucura
­Versicherungs AG in the consolidated financial statements as a fully
consolidated company.

Noncurrent other receivables and miscellaneous assets amounted

to €1,810 million, up €88 million from the previous year, largely as a
result of higher defined benefit assets.

Current assets rose by €2,371 million compared with Decem-

ber 31, 2021, primarily from the €2,159 million increase in inven­
tories; the Agricultural Solutions segment in particular recorded
­inventory growth.

Other current receivables and miscellaneous assets rose by

€1,023 million, mainly due to higher precious metal trading items,
higher positive fair values of derivatives and higher tax refund claims.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Financial Position 63

Financial Position

Equity and liabilities Equity and liabilities

December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Million € % Million € % At a glance

Subscribed capital 1,144 1.4 1,176 1.4

Capital reserves 3,147 3.7 3,106 3.6

▪ Equity ratio of 48.4% at prior-year level
Retained earnings 35,453 42.1 40,365 46.2
▪ Net debt rose to €16,268 million
▪ Rated A by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch
Other comprehensive income –171 –0.2 –3,855 –4.4
▪ Cash flows from operating activities above previous year
Noncontrolling interests 1,350 1.6 1,289 1.5

Equity 40,923 48.4 42,081 48.2

Equity declined by €1,159 million compared with the previous year

Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2,810 3.3 6,160 7.1 to €40,923 million. Retained earnings were €4,912 million below
Deferred tax liabilities 1,543 1.8 1,499 1.7 the figure as of December 31, 2021. This was due to the negative
net ­income, share buybacks in the amount of €1.3 billion and divi-
Tax provisions 330 0.4 415 0.5
dend payments for 2021 of €3.1 billion. By contrast, other compre-
Other provisions 1,650 2.0 1,782 2.0
hensive income rose by €3,683 million, mainly from actuarial gains
Financial indebtedness 15,171 18.0 13,764 15.8 and c ­ urrency effects.
Other liabilities 1,606 1.9 1,600 1.8

Noncurrent liabilities 23,110 27.4 25,220 28.9 At 48.4%, the equity ratio was at the prior-year level (48.2%).

Noncurrent liabilities declined by €2,110 million compared with the

Accounts payable, trade 8,434 10.0 7,826 9.0
2021 year-end. This was primarily attributable to the €3,351 million
Provisions 3,799 4.5 3,935 4.5
decrease in provisions for pensions and similar obligations, mainly
Tax liabilities 995 1.2 1,161 1.3 as a result of higher interest rates in all relevant currency zones.
Financial indebtedness 3,844 4.6 3,420 3.9

Other liabilities 3,368 4.0 3,679 4.2 The €133 million decrease in other provisions largely resulted from
lower provisions for interest on tax risks and for personnel expenses.
Liabilities of disposal groups − − 61 0.1

Current liabilities 20,440 24.3 20,081 23.0

In addition, tax provisions decreased by €85 million.
Total equity and liabilities 84,472 100.0 87,383 100.0

The €1,407 million increase in noncurrent financial indebtedness

primarily reflected the issue of new euro-denominated bonds with
a total volume of €3,484 million. This was partially offset by the
­reclassification of three bonds with an aggregate carrying amount of
€2,035 million from noncurrent to current financial indebtedness.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Financial Position 64

Deferred tax liabilities rose slightly compared with the prior year-end Net debt Maturities of financial indebtedness
Million € Million €
to €1,543 million.
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
2023 3,844
Other noncurrent liabilities were on a level with the previous year, at Noncurrent financial indebtedness 15,171 13,764
2024 1,300
€1,606 million. 2025 1,918
+ Current financial indebtedness 3,844 3,420

Financial indebtedness 19,016 17,184

2026 2,177
Current liabilities rose by €359 million to €20,440 million, primarily
2027 2,381
as a result of the €609 million increase in trade accounts payable. – Marketable securities 232 208

In addition, current financial indebtedness was €424 million above – Cash and cash equivalents 2,516 2,624
2028 and beyond 7,395

the figure as of December 31, 2021. This was attributable to the Net debt 16,268 14,352
above-­mentioned reclassification of three bonds in the aggregate BASF enjoys good credit ratings, especially compared with com­
amount of around €2.1 billion from noncurrent to current financial peti­tors in the chemical industry. Moody’s most recently confirmed
indebtedness, including interest and currency effects, as well as to its rating of A3/P-2/outlook stable on January 18, 2023. Standard &
the €406 million increase in commercial paper at BASF SE. This was Off-balance sheet obligations Poor’s confirmed its rating of A/A-1/outlook negative on Decem-
partially offset by the scheduled repayment of three bonds ­totaling ber 8, 2022. Fitch maintained its rating of A/F1/outlook stable on
around €2 billion. Off-balance sheet obligations mainly relate to long-term purchase November 30, 2022.
obligations for raw materials and long-term supply agreements
Other liabilities declined by €312 million year on year, mainly due to for electricity from renewable sources. In addition, obligations exist We have solid financing, both for ongoing business and for invest-
lower liabilities from precious metal trading and lower negative fair in connection with initiated or planned investment projects (2022: ment projects initiated or planned. Corporate bonds form the basis
values of derivatives. €13,982 million). In 2022, new obligations of this type arose pri­marily of our medium to long-term debt financing. These are issued in
in connection with the construction of the new BASF Verbund site in ­euros and other currencies with different maturities as part of our
Tax liabilities decreased by €166 million. Zhanjiang, China. €20 billion debt issuance program. The goal is to create a balanced
For more information, see Note 25 to the Consolidated Financial Statements on page 268 and the maturity profile, diversify our financing and optimize our debt capital
­forecast from page 154 onward
Furthermore, current provisions were €136 million below the prior-­ financing conditions.
year figure, largely as a result of lower provisions for bonus payments
as well as for restructuring; higher provisions for rebates had an
offsetting effect. Financing policy and credit ratings

Net debt rose by €1,916 million compared with December 31, 2021, Our financing policy aims to ensure our solvency at all times, limiting
to €16,268 million. the risks associated with financing and optimizing our cost of ­capital.
For more information on the composition and development of individual equity and liability items, We preferably meet our external financing needs on the i­nternational
see the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 209 onward
capital markets.
For more information on the development of the balance sheet, see the Ten-Year Summary on
page 293
We strive to maintain a solid A rating, which ensures unrestricted
access to financial and capital markets. Our financing measures are
aligned with our operational business planning as well as the com-
pany’s strategic direction and also ensure the financial flexibility to
take advantage of strategic options.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Financial Position 65

For short-term financing, we use BASF SE’s global commercial Our interest risk management generally pursues the goal of reducing Cash flows from investing activities totaled –€3,778 million in
­paper program, which has an issuing volume of up to $12.5 billion. interest expenses for the BASF Group and limiting interest risks. 2022, after –€2,622 million in the previous year. Payments made for
As of December 31, 2022, commercial paper with a carrying amount Interest rate hedging transactions are therefore conducted with
­ property, plant and equipment and intangible assets rose by
of €654 million was outstanding under this program. A firmly com- banks in order to turn selected liabilities to the capital market from €843 million to €4,375 million, mainly due to investments in the new
mitted, syndicated credit line of €6 billion with a term until 2026 fixed to variable interest rates or vice versa. Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China. Payments received from divesti-
covers the repayment of outstanding commercial paper. It can also For more information on the financing tools and hedging instruments used, see Note 21 from tures in the amount of €691 million resulted primarily from the sale
page 257 onward and Note 26 from page 269 onward in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial
be used for general company purposes. This credit line and another Statements
of shares in the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm and the sale
short-term credit line of €3 billion that was taken out in April 2022 of the ­kaolin minerals business. These were partially offset by cash
were not used at any point in 2022. Our external financing is there- outflows of €13 million for a subsequent purchase price adjustment
fore largely independent of short-term fluctuations in the credit from the acquisition of Solvay’s polyamide business. In 2021, pay-
markets. Statement of cash flows ments received for d ­ ivestitures amounted to €1,030 million and
mainly related to the sale of the global pigments business. An off­set­
Financing instruments Cash flows from operating activities amounted to €7,709 million, ting effect in 2021 was the €600 million payment made for the
Million €
compared with €7,245 million in the previous year. The improvement acquisi­tion of 51% of BASF Shanshan Battery Materials Co., Ltd. In
654 was primarily due to lower cash tied up in net working capital as well addition, the sale of our shares in Solenis led to cash inflows in the
Commercial paper as to higher depreciation and amortization. Net income declined previous year.
by €6,150 million year on year to –€627 million. The loss is mainly
3,273 attribut­able to the negative equity-accounted earnings contribution Cash flows from financing activities amounted to –€4,013 mil­lion.
Liabilities to banks €19,016 million from Wintershall Dea AG (–€4,853 million), which is eliminated as a In addition to the payment of dividends in the amount of
Bonds and other
liabilities to the capital market noncash effect in miscellaneous items. Depreciation and amortiza- €3,248 million (2021: €3,312 million), BASF bought back own
tion of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets was shares worth €1,325 million. This was partially offset by net additions
€514 million above the prior-year figure. to ­financial and similar liabilities of €565 million (2021: net disposal
of €3,145 million).
The €935 million decrease in cash tied up in net working capital in
BASF Group’s most important financial contracts contain no side 2022 is partly due to the reduction in trade accounts receivable, Free cash flow, which remains after deducting payments made for
agreements with regard to specific financial ratios (financial cove- which had increased significantly in the previous year. In addition, property, plant and equipment and intangible assets from cash
nants) or compliance with a specific rating (rating trigger). less cash was tied up in inventories in the year under review than in flows from operating activities, represents the financial resources
2021. Dividend payments from shareholdings accounted for using remaining after investments. It amounted to €3,333 million in 2022
To minimize risks and leverage internal optimization potential within the equity method and other shareholdings recognized under other after €3,713 million in the previous year.
the Group, we bundle the financing, financial investments and receivables rose by €946 million. By contrast, the reduction in other
foreign currency hedging of BASF SE’s subsidiaries within the
­ provisions led to an outflow of cash. In particular, bonus payments
BASF Group where possible. Foreign currency risks are primarily to employees in 2022 were significantly higher than in the previous
hedged centrally using derivative financial instruments in the market. year. Moreover, the increase in trade accounts payable in the year
under r­eview was not as strong as in the previous year.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Financial Position 66

Statement of cash flows Free cash flow

Million € Million €
2022 2021 2022 2021

Net income –627 5,523 Cash flows from operating activities 7,709 7,245

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 4,200 3,687 –P
 ayments made for property, plant and
4,375 3,532
equipment and intangible assets
Changes in net working capital –632 –1,566
Free cash flow 3,333 3,713
Miscellaneous items 4,767 –398

Cash flows from operating activities 7,709 7,245

Cash flow
Payments made for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets –4,375 –3,532 Billion €

Acquisitions/divestitures 678 430

Changes in financial assets and miscellaneous items –81 480 8
Cash flows from investing activities –3,778 –2,622 6
Capital increases/repayments and other equity transactions –1,331 −
Changes in financial and similar liabilities 565 –3,145 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Dividends –3,248 –3,312

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from financing activities –4,013 –6,457  Payments made for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
 Free cash flow

Cash-effective changes in cash and cash equivalents –83 –1,834

Changes in cash and cash equivalents from foreign exchange rates and changes in the scope of consolidation –25 123

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 2,624 4,335

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 2,516 2,624
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Actual Development Compared With Outlook for 2022 67

Actual Development Compared With Outlook for 2022

Sales, earnings and ROCE forecast for the BASF Group Forecast/actual comparison

Sales EBIT before special items ROCE

The BASF Group increased sales to €87.3 billion in 2022, signifi-
2022 forecast 2022 actual 2022 forecast 2022 actual 2022 forecast 2022 actual
cantly exceeding the range forecast at the beginning of the year of
€74 billion to €77 billion. However, sales were within the forecast Chemicals
range of €86 billion to €89 billion communicated in July 2022. The
Materials, Chemicals and Industrial Solutions segments outper-
formed initial forecasts with considerable sales growth. We had Industrial Solutions

originally anticipated only a slight increase in the Materials segment. Surface Technologies
We had expected a considerable decline in the Chemicals segment
Nutrition & Care
and a slight decrease in the Industrial Solutions segment. Sales in
Other also improved considerably instead of slightly as forecast. Agricultural Solutions
Growth in BASF Group sales was mainly driven by significant price
Other – –
increases in the segments as a result of raw materials and energy
price developments. Portfolio effects had a positive impact, as €74 billion– €6.6 billion–­
BASF Group €87.3 billion €6.9 billion 11.4%–12.6%a 10.0%
€77 billiona €7.2 billiona
­expected. We were only able to increase sales volumes as forecast
in the Agricultural Solutions segment. Contrary to our expectations,
At prior-year level: no change (+/–0.0%)
Slight increase/decrease: “slight” represents a change of 0.1%–5.0% for sales; 0.1%–10.0% for earnings; 0.1 to 1.0 percentage points for ROCE
we recorded lower volumes in all other segments as a result of | Considerable increase/decrease: “considerable” represents a change of 5.1% or higher for sales; 10.1% or higher for earnings; more than 1.0 percentage points for ROCE

a We updated our outlook in July 2022, forecasting sales of between €86 billion and €89 billion, EBIT before special items of between €6.8 billion and €7.2 billion, and a ROCE of between 10.5% and 11.0%.
weaker demand.

At €6.9 billion, EBIT before special items was within both the
forecast range of €6.6 billion to €7.2 billion from February 2022 and
the adjusted range of €6.8 billion to €7.2 billion from July 2022. The At 10.0%, ROCE was above the cost of capital of 9%. Our expec- CO2 emissions forecast for the BASF Group
Agricultural Solutions and Nutrition & Care segments considerably tations for ROCE materialized in all segments except Nutrition &
increased EBIT before special items, as expected. The Chemicals Care, where ROCE was slightly lower instead of considerably higher CO2 emissions amounted to 18.4 million metric tons, well below
and Materials segments recorded a considerable decline in earnings as forecast. Overall, ROCE for the BASF Group amounted to 10.0%, the range forecast in February 2022 of 19.6 million metric tons to
as forecast. The Surface Technologies and Industrial Solutions seg- below the range we had forecast in February of between 11.4% and 20.6 million metric tons and at the lower end of the adjusted range
ments did not develop as expected: The Surface Technologies 12.6% and below the revised range from July 2022 of 10.5% to from July 2022 of 18.4 million metric tons to 19.4 million metric tons.
segment significantly increased EBIT before special items, while the 11.0%. This reflected a significant increase in the cost of capital The main drivers here were the significant reduction in production
Industrial Solutions segment recorded slight earnings growth; we base amid lower earnings. volumes and the temporary shutdown of emission-intensive plants.
had assumed a slight deterioration in earnings in each case. EBIT One example is the ammonia plants, where production was curbed
before special items in Other improved slightly, also performing or temporarily shut down due to high natural gas prices. We contin-
better than expected. We had forecast a considerable decrease. ued to use electricity from renewable sources and purchase green
electricity certificates.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Actual Development Compared With Outlook for 2022 68

Capex forecast for the BASF Group In line with our forecast, sales in the Surface Technologies seg-
ment were considerably below the prior-year figure. EBIT before
In 2022, we invested a total of €4.1 billion in capital expenditures special items rose considerably; we had expected a slight decrease.
(capex), excluding additions from acquisitions, IT investments, The increase was due to considerable earnings growth in the Cata-
­restoration obligations and right-of-use assets arising from leases. lysts division as a result of higher earnings contributions from the
The figure forecast in February 2022 was around €4.6 billion. automotive catalysts and battery materials businesses. This mainly
reflected stronger growth in the automotive industry in 2022. ROCE
was considerably lower, as forecast.
Sales, earnings and ROCE forecast for the segments
In the Nutrition & Care segment, sales and EBIT before special
We considerably increased sales in the Chemicals segment in 2022 items rose considerably as expected. ROCE declined slightly, con-
after forecasting a considerable decrease at the beginning of the trary to our forecast of a considerable increase. This was mainly
year. Contrary to expectations, both divisions were able to signifi- ­attributable to higher net working capital due to the increase in
cantly raise prices following sharp increases in raw materials and ­energy and raw materials prices.
energy prices. At the beginning of 2022, we initially expected prices
to decrease. Volumes were lower than expected due to weaker The Agricultural Solutions segment recorded strong growth in
­demand, especially in the second half of the year. The segment’s sales, EBIT before special items and ROCE, as expected.
EBIT before special items and ROCE declined considerably, as
forecast. Sales in Other improved considerably due to much stronger-­than-­
forecast sales growth in commodity trading. We had originally
Contrary to our assumption of slight sales growth, the Materials ­assumed a slight sales increase. EBIT before special items was
segment increased sales considerably. Here, too, this was mainly slightly above the prior-year level; we had expected a considerable
due to significant price increases after we had assumed lower prices decline. This was primarily attributable to higher income from the
in February. Weaker demand reduced sales volumes in both divi- long-term incentive program, among other factors. Income also
sions. We had initially expected volume growth. EBIT before special arose from hedging transactions.
items and ROCE declined considerably as forecast. For more information on our forecast for 2023, see page 154 onward
For more information on investments, see page 37 onward

Sales in the Industrial Solutions segment rose considerably in

2022, despite our expectations of a slight decline. This was mainly
due to significantly higher prices than originally assumed. These
more than offset both the negative portfolio effects from the divesti-
ture of the global pigments business and lower sales volumes. In
February, we had assumed that volumes could be increased. The
segment’s EBIT before special items rose slightly, contrary to our
forecast of a slight decrease. The expected margin-driven earnings
growth in the Performance Chemicals division more than offset the
decline in the Dispersions & Resins division, which was mainly due
to the divestiture of the global pigments business. ROCE was ­slightly
above the prior-year level, as forecast.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Business Review by Segment 69

Business Review by Segment Segments:

Industrial Solutions
Surface Technologies
Nutrition & Care
Agricultural Solutions

Segment overview Contributions to EBITDA by segment in 2022

Million €
Income from operations
before depreciation and Income from operations (EBIT) Chemicals 26%
Sales amortization (EBITDA) before special items
Materials 24%
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Industrial Solutions 13%
Chemicals 14,895 13,579 2,771 3,882b 1,956 3,092b
Surface Technologies 12%
Materials 18,443 15,214 2,660 3,162 1,840 2,418
Nutrition & Care 10%
Industrial Solutions 9,992 8,876 1,443 1,344 1,091 1,006
Agricultural Solutions 18%
Surface Technologies 21,283 22,659 1,264 1,243 902 800
Other –3%
Nutrition & Care 8,066 6,442 1,055 967 618 497

Agricultural Solutions 10,280 8,162 1,922 1,358 1,220 715

Other 4,368 3,666 –368 –602b –749 –761b

BASF Group 87,327 78,598 10,748 11,355 6,878 7,768

Income from operations (EBIT) Assets Investments including acquisitionsa Contributions to assets by segment in 2022
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021

Chemicals 1,758 3,115b 10,481 10,482b 1,701 1,157 Chemicals 12%

Materials 1,776 2,345 10,864 11,286 880 709 Materials 13%
Industrial Solutions 1,097 965 6,318 6,302 322 361 Industrial Solutions 7%
Surface Technologies 612 761 14,899 13,769 740 1,469 Surface Technologies 18%
Nutrition & Care 605 554 8,038 7,231 642 654 Nutrition & Care 10%
Agricultural Solutions 1,221 696 17,071 15,305 414 347 Agricultural Solutions 20%
Other –523 –759 b
16,803 23,007 b
268 183 Other 20%
BASF Group 6,548 7,677 84,472 87,383 4,967 4,881

a Additions to property, plant and equipment (of which €332 million from acquisitions in 2021) and intangible assets (of which €392 million from acquisitions in 2021)
b BASF’s ethylene value chain was reorganized internally as of January 1, 2022. In this connection, the polyolefins and styrenics businesses of the joint venture BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China, which were previously
­reported under Other, were allocated to the Petrochemicals division. The prior-year figures have been adjusted. This reduced income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method, EBITDA before special items,
EBITDA, EBIT and EBIT before special items in Other by €28 million in the first quarter of 2021 and increased these indicators in the Petrochemicals division accordingly (rounding differences are possible). The effect was ­
€28 million in both the second and third quarters of 2021 and €34 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. The effect in full-year 2021 was €118 million. The operating assets were also reallocated as part of the reorganization and
­increased the Chemicals segment’s assets by €114 million as of December 31, 2021.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Business Review by Segment 70

Salesa Contributions to total sales by segment in 2022

Million €
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Chemicals 17%
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Materials 21%
Chemicals 4,004 2,736 4,349 3,419 3,793 3,693 2,749 3,731
Industrial Solutions 12%
Materials 4,821 3,447 4,862 3,743 4,715 3,973 4,045 4,052
Surface Technologies 24%
Industrial Solutions 2,493 2,108 2,643 2,359 2,687 2,205 2,169 2,204
Nutrition & Care 9%
Surface Technologies 5,457 5,947 5,446 5,892 5,333 5,631 5,047 5,189
Agricultural Solutions 12%
Nutrition & Care 1,971 1,533 2,074 1,584 2,123 1,598 1,898 1,727
Other 5%
Agricultural Solutions 3,397 2,846 2,459 1,963 2,142 1,593 2,282 1,760
Other 940 783 1,142 793 1,153 976 1,133 1,113
BASF Group 23,083 19,400 22,974 19,753 21,946 19,669 19,323 19,776


Income from operations (EBIT) before special itemsa Contributions to EBIT before special items by segment in 2022
Million €
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Chemicals 28%
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Materials 27%
Chemicals 858 586b 853 1,018b 323 878b –79 610b
Industrial Solutions 16%
Materials 751 672 668 792 277 631 144 323
Surface Technologies 13%
Industrial Solutions 348 266 323 307 299 262 120 171
Nutrition & Care 9%
Surface Technologies 267 360 227 289 239 119 170 32
Agricultural Solutions 18%
Nutrition & Care 244 218 213 138 180 104 –19 37
Other –11%
Agricultural Solutions 868 807 223 75 7 –90 122 –77

Other –518 –589 b

–168 –263 b
22 –39 b
–85 131b

BASF Group 2,818 2,321 2,339 2,355 1,348 1,865 373 1,227

a Quarterly results not audited

b Adjusted figures (see footnote b on page 69)
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Business Review by Segment 71

Income from operations (EBIT)a Contributions to EBIT by segment in 2022

Million €
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Chemicals 27%
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Materials 27%
Chemicals 857 633b 851 1,010b 322 877b –272 595b
Industrial Solutions 17%
Materials 749 648 650 762 272 620 105 315
Surface Technologies 9%
Industrial Solutions 343 259 310 340 309 229 135 136
Nutrition & Care 9%
Surface Technologies 260 356 81 289 197 104 75 12
Agricultural Solutions 19%
Nutrition & Care 246 215 209 194 178 105 –28 40
Other –8%
Agricultural Solutions 863 804 210 35 –1 –44 149 –99

Other –534 –604 b

40 –315 b
17 –68 b
–46 228b

BASF Group 2,785 2,311 2,350 2,316 1,294 1,822 119 1,227

a Quarterly results not audited

b Adjusted figures (see footnote b on page 69)
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Chemicals 72

The Chemicals segment consists of the Petrochemicals and
Intermediates divisions. It supplies the other segments
with basic chemicals and intermediates, contributing to the
­organic growth of our key value chains. Alongside internal
transfers, our customers mainly come from the chemical and
plastics industries. We aim to further expand our competi-
tiveness through technological leadership and operational
For more information on the Chemicals segment’s business model, see page 32 onward

Neopentyl glycol ZeroPCF

Since 2022, BASF has offered the versatile inter­me­
diate neopentyl glycol (NPG) as a ZeroPCF variant,
i.e., with a Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of
net zero.1 We achieve this through a production
process that combines our biomass balance
­approach with the use of renewable energies and
the advantages of our Verbund production system.
NPG ZeroPCF has the same quality as our con­
ventionally manufactured NPG and therefore
serves as a drop-in solution for our customers to
achieve their emission and sustainability targets. A
key application area for NPG is powder coatings,
primarily used in the construction industry and for
household appliances. There, they enable a reduc- €14,895 million
tion of volatile organic compounds (VOC) by up 2021: €13,579 million
to 50%. NPG ZeroPCF is currently produced at
the Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany, and is
EBIT before special items
available ­worldwide.
€1,956 million
Discover NPG ZeroPCF at
2021: €3,092 million

1 Cradle-to-gate calculation (from raw materials extraction to the factory gate)

BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Chemicals 73

Business review Segment data – Chemicals

Million €
2022 2021 +/–

At a glance Sales to third parties 14,895 13,579 9.7%

of which Petrochemicals 10,546 9,674 9.0%

▪ Sales in both operating divisions considerably above
Intermediates 4,349 3,904 11.4%
prior-year level
Intersegment transfers 4,860 4,269 13.8%
▪ Strong decrease in EBIT before special items due to lower
­margins and volumes as well as higher fixed costs Sales including transfers 19,754 17,848 10.7%

Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items a

2,774 3,842 –27.8%

Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)a 2,771 3,882 –28.6%
The Chemicals segment increased sales to third parties by
€1,316 million compared with the previous year to €14,895 million. EBITDA margin % 18.6 28.6 −

The Petrochemicals division recorded sales of €10,546 million, Depreciation and amortization b
1,013 767 32.1%
€871 million higher than in the previous year. The Intermediates Income from operations (EBIT)a 1,758 3,115 –43.6%
­division increased sales by €445 million to €4,349 million.
Special items –198 23 .

EBIT before special itemsa 1,956 3,092 –36.7%

Factors influencing sales – Chemicals
Return on capital employed (ROCE)a % 15.6 33.9 −
Chemicals Petrochemicals Intermediates Assetsa 10,481 10,482 0.0%
Volumes –10.6% –9.8% –12.7% Investments including acquisitionsc 1,701 1,157 47.0%
Prices 15.2% 13.6% 19.0% Research and development expenses 93 97 –4.1%
Portfolio –0.1% –0.1% –0.1% a BASF’s ethylene value chain was reorganized internally as of January 1, 2022. In this connection, the polyolefins and styrenics businesses of the joint venture BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China, which were previously ­
reported under Other, were allocated to the Petrochemicals division. The prior-year figures have been adjusted. This reduced income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method, EBITDA before special items,
Currencies 5.2% 5.3% 5.2% EBITDA, EBIT and EBIT before special items in Other by €118 million in 2021 and increased these indicators in the Petrochemicals division accordingly. The operating assets were also reallocated as part of the reorganization and
increased the Chemicals segment’s assets by €114 million as of December 31, 2021.
Sales 9.7% 9.0% 11.4% b Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
c Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

The positive sales development was primarily the result of signifi-

cantly higher prices. This was mainly attributable to sharp increases Sales growth was supported by positive currency effects, primarily
in prices for raw materials and energy. Price increases in the first relating to the U.S. dollar.
half of 2022 were also driven by strong demand and supply chain
disrup­tions, particularly in China as a result of the strict zero-COVID Sales in both operating divisions were reduced by significantly lower
policy. In this market environment, the Petrochemicals division volumes due to weaker demand, especially in the second half of the
raised prices in all business areas, especially for steam cracker year. The Petrochemicals division recorded lower volumes, espe­
products, styrene monomers and in the propylene value chain. cially for steam cracker products, in the propylene value chain and
­Intermediates mainly raised prices in the amines business. By con- for styrene monomers. In the Intermediates division, sales volumes
trast, following price increases in early 2022, the butanediol and declined in the butanediol and derivatives business in particular.
derivatives business ­recorded a significant decline in prices in the
second half of the year, particularly in Asia. This primarily reflected a
significant slowdown in demand.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Chemicals 74

Chemicals – sales Division sales by region

By division (Location of customer)
South America, Total
Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (million €)

Petrochemicals 60% 27% 8% 5% 10,546

€10,546 million €4,349 million Intermediates 40% 20% 37% 3% 4,349
Petrochemicals €14,895 million Intermediates
Share of sales: 71% Share of sales: 29%

Divisions, products, applications

Products Customer industries and applications

The segment’s income from operations (EBIT) before special Petrochemicals Ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, alcohols, solvents, Chemical, plastics, construction, detergent, hygiene, automotive, packaging
items declined by €1,136 million to €1,956 million. Both operating ­plasticizers, alkylene oxides, glycols, acrylic monomers, styrene and textile industries; production of paints, coatings, cosmetics, oilfield and
and polystyrene, styrenic foams, superabsorbents paper chemicals
divisions recorded a considerable decline in earnings compared
with the exceptionally strong previous year. EBIT before special Use in the BASF Verbund

items in the Petrochemicals division decreased mainly as a result of Intermediates Basic products: butanediol and derivatives, alkylamines and Chemical, plastics, coatings, construction, automotive, wind energy,
­pharmaceutical and agricultural industries; production of detergents and
lower margins and volumes, as well as a lower contribution from ­alkanolamines, neopentyl glycol, formic and propionic acid
cleaners, textile fibers, cosmetics, oilfield and paper chemicals
shareholdings accounted for using the equity method. The Interme- Specialties: specialty amines such as tertiary butylamine and
­polyetheramine, gas treatment chemicals, vinyl monomers, Use in the BASF Verbund
diates division’s earnings were below the prior-year level, primarily
acid chlorides, chloroformates, chiral intermediates
due to higher fixed costs. The main drivers here were higher energy
prices, inflation and currency effects.

At €1,758 million, EBIT was €1,357 million lower than in 2021. This
included special charges, mainly for the impairment of a plant in
Ludwigshafen, Germany.
For the outlook for 2023, see page 154 onward
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Chemicals 75

Production capacities of selected products in the regionsa

Product South America, Annual capacity

Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (metric tons)

Acrylic acid • • • • 1,510,000

Alkylamines • • • 250,000

Formic acid • • • 305,000

Benzene • • • 910,000

Butadiene • • • 680,000

Butanediol equivalents • • • 550,000

Ethanolamines and derivatives • • 440,000

Ethylene • • • 3,480,000

Ethylene oxide • • • 1,445,000

Neopentyl glycol • • • 255,000

Oxo-C4 alcohols (calculated as butyraldehyde) • • • 1,625,000

PolyTHF® • • • 350,000

Propionic acid • • 180,000

Propylene • • • 2,680,000

Styropor®/Neopor® • • 545,000

Superabsorbents • • • • 585,000

Plasticizers • • 595,000

a All capacities are included at 100%, including plants belonging to joint operations and joint ventures.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Materials 76

The Materials segment comprises the Performance Materials
and Monomers divisions. The segment’s portfolio includes
advanced materials and their precursors for new applica­tions
and systems such as isocyanates, polyamides and inorganic
basic products, as well as specialties for plastics and plastics
processing industries. We differentiate ourselves through
specific technology expertise, industry knowledge and
customer proximity, and create maximum value in the
­isocyanate and polyamide value chains.
For more information on the Materials segment’s business model, see page 32 onward

Fast-charging stations made from

BASF plastics
Together with our partner Ebusbar®1 we have developed a fast-charging station for
electric cars made of the BASF plastics Ultramid® PA, Ultramid® Advanced PPA,
­Ultradur® PBT and Elastollan® TPU. These high-performance materials are ideally
­suited for fast chargers as they exhibit excellent mechanical performance and high
­dimensional stability even under high current and elevated temperatures. To support €18,443 million
the rapid growth of the global electromobility market, expansion of the charging 2021: €15,214 million
­infrastructure is essential. BASF expects growth in this segment to outpace the global
electromobility market over the next five years and is targeting annual sales of more
EBIT before special items
than €30 million for performance plastics from 2027 onward.
€1,840 million
Discover BASF’s eMobility plastics at
2021: €2,418 million

1 Ebusbar is headquartered in Shenzhen, China and specializes in high voltage connection system solutions for new energy vehicles.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Materials 77

Business review Segment data – Materials

Million €
2022 2021 +/–

At a glance Sales to third parties 18,443 15,214 21.2%

of which Performance Materials 8,567 7,292 17.5%

▪ Segment sales growth of 21.2% mainly driven by higher prices
Monomers 9,877 7,922 24.7%
▪ EBIT before special items considerably lower in both operating
Intersegment transfers 1,742 1,250 39.4%
Sales including transfers 20,186 16,464 22.6%

Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 2,686 3,208 –16.3%
The Materials segment increased sales to third parties by
Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 2,660 3,162 –15.9%
€3,229 million year on year to €18,443 million in 2022, with both
operating divisions contributing. Sales in the Monomers division EBITDA margin % 14.4 20.8 −

rose by €1,954 million to €9,877 million. In the Performance Mate­ Depreciation and amortization a
884 817 8.2%
rials division, sales were €1,275 million higher at €8,567 million. Income from operations (EBIT) 1,776 2,345 –24.3%

Special items –63 –73 13.3%

Factors influencing sales – Materials
EBIT before special items 1,840 2,418 –23.9%

Performance Return on capital employed (ROCE) % 14.9 22.8 −

Materials Materials Monomers
Assets 10,864 11,286 –3.7%
Volumes –5.7% –2.3% –8.7%
Investments including acquisitionsb 880 709 24.1%
Prices 21.3% 14.1% 28.0%
Research and development expenses 201 193 4.0%
Portfolio –0.1% 0.0% –0.2%
a Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
Currencies 5.6% 5.7% 5.6% b Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

Sales 21.2% 17.5% 24.7%

Significantly lower volumes on the back of declining demand over Materials – sales
Sales growth was primarily driven by significantly higher prices as a the course of the year had an offsetting effect. In the Monomers By division

result of the jump in raw materials prices. The Monomers division ­division, sales volumes decreased mainly in Europe for methylene
raised prices in all business areas, especially in the ammonia value diphenyl isocyanate (MDI), propylene oxides and polyols, and poly-
chain. The Performance Materials division mainly raised prices amide 6.6. Volumes in the Performance Materials division decreased €8,567 million €9,877 million
for polyurethane systems and engineering plastics in Europe and in Asia Pacific and Europe in particular due to weaker demand from Performance Materials €18,443 million Monomers
Share of sales: 46% Share of sales: 54%
North America. the consumer goods industry. Customer demand from the ­Euro­pean
construction industry also declined.
Currency effects, mostly relating to the U.S. dollar and the Chinese
renminbi, had a clearly positive impact on sales development in
both divisions.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Materials 78

At €1,840 million, income from operations (EBIT) before special Division sales by region
(Location of customer)
items was €579 million below the 2021 figure. EBIT before special
South America, Total
items declined considerably in both operating divisions, especially Divisions
Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (million €)
in the Monomers division due to lower MDI and polyamide 6.6 Performance Materials 37% 23% 35% 5% 8,567
margins. The decline in earnings in the Performance Materials
Monomers 49% 21% 25% 5% 9,877
­division was driven by lower volumes and higher fixed costs caused
by currency effects, inflation and higher manufacturing costs. This
could only be partially offset by higher margins.
Divisions, products, applications
EBIT decreased by €569 million to €1,776 million. This included Products Customer industries and applications
special charges of €66 million, largely from changes to the ­production Performance Materials Engineering plastics, biodegradable plastics, foam specialties, Automotive, electrical engineering, packaging, footwear, sports and leisure,
network for thermoplastic polyurethanes and the discontinuation of polyurethanes furniture, household, mechanical engineering, construction, thermal insulation,
agriculture, medical technology, renewable energies
our business activities in Russia.
For the outlook for 2023, see page 154 onward
Monomers Isocyanates (MDI, TDI), ammonia, caprolactam, adipic acid, Industries such as plastics, woodworking, furniture, packaging, textile,
­chlorine, urea, glues and impregnating resins, caustic soda, ­construction and automotive
­polyamides 6 and 6.6, standard alcoholates, sulfuric and nitric acid
Use in the BASF Verbund

Production capacities of selected products in the regionsa

Product South America, Annual capacity

Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (metric tons)

Ammonia • • 1,765,000

Chlorine • 595,000

Urea • 545,000

Isocyanates • • • 2,700,000

Polyamides 6 and 6.6 • • • 925,000

Polyamide precursors • • • 1,420,000

Propylene oxide • 675,000

Sulfuric acid • 920,000

a All capacities are included at 100%, including plants belonging to joint operations and joint ventures.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Industrial Solutions 79

Industrial Solutions
Innovative chemistry at nanoscale The Industrial Solutions segment consists of the Disper­
Modern semiconductor nodes usually measure less than five nanometers. sions & Resins and the Performance Chemicals divisions. It
Shrinking logic chip size presents unique challenges for leading semi­ develops and markets ingredients and additives for industrial
conductor manufacturers to clean extremely thin metal layers in small applications, such as polymer dispersions, resins, additives,
three-dimensional structures. BASF is the first chemical company to ­develop electronic materials and antioxidants. We aim to grow
wafer cleaning products that make use of a new nanoscale kinetic control organic­ally in key industries such as automotive, plastics,
mechanism to solve this problem. In this way, we support our customers paints and coatings, electronics, and energy and resources,
in the mass production of three-nanometer integrated circuit chips. BASF and expand our position by leveraging our comprehensive
­expects these products to generate annual sales growth of over 15% ­industry expertise and application know-how.
between 2022 and 2027. The cleaning products are also recyclable,
­ For more information on the Industrial Solutions segment’s business model, see page 32 onward
­reducing chemical waste and packaging consumption by more than 50%
compared with traditional single-use solutions.

Discover innovative chemistry for semiconductors at

€9,992 million
2021: €8,876 million

EBIT before special items

€1,091 million
2021: €1,006 million
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Industrial Solutions 80

Business review Segment data – Industrial Solutions

Million €
2022 2021 +/–

At a glance Sales to third parties 9,992 8,876 12.6%

of which Dispersions & Resins 6,019 5,681 6.0%

▪ Considerable sales increase due to higher prices and currency
Performance Chemicals 3,973 3,195 24.3%
Intersegment transfers 507 420 20.7%
▪ EBIT before special items rose by €85 million due to earnings
growth in the Performance Chemicals division Sales including transfers 10,499 9,296 12.9%

Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 1,437 1,343 7.0%

Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 1,443 1,344 7.4%
Sales to third parties in the Industrial Solutions segment rose by
€1,116 million in 2022 to €9,992 million. This was attributable to EBITDA margin % 14.4 15.1 −

considerably higher sales in both operating divisions. The Perfor- Depreciation and amortization a
346 380 –8.8%
mance Chemicals division increased sales by €778 million to Income from operations (EBIT) 1,097 965 13.7%
€3,973 million. Sales in the Dispersions & Resins division rose by
Special items 6 –42 .
€338 million to €6,019 million.
EBIT before special items 1,091 1,006 8.4%

Factors influencing sales – Industrial Solutions Return on capital employed (ROCE) % 16.0 15.2 −

Assets 6,318 6,302 0.2%

Industrial Dispersions & Performance
Investments including acquisitionsb 322 361 –10.8%
­Solutions Resins Chemicals
Research and development expenses 172 175 –1.5%
Volumes –3.4% –5.2% –0.3%
a Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
Prices 16.0% 14.1% 19.3% b Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

Portfolio –5.9% –8.5% –1.5%

Currencies 6.0% 5.5% 6.9%

In the Dispersions & Resins division, portfolio effects in particular Industrial Solutions – sales
Sales 12.6% 6.0% 24.3%
had a significant offsetting effect, primarily from the disposal of the By division

global ­pigments business as of June 30, 2021. The Performance

Sales growth was mainly due to higher prices in all business areas Chemicals division recorded slightly negative portfolio effects, m
­ ainly
and regions, passing on increased prices for raw materials. due to the divestiture of the kaolin minerals business effective €6,019 million €3,973 million
­September 30, 2022. Dispersions & Resins €9,992 million Performance Chemicals
Share of sales: 60% Share of sales: 40%
The positive sales development was also supported by currency
effects, largely from the U.S. dollar and the Chinese renminbi. The segment’s sales development was also dampened by slightly
lower volumes. Lower demand reduced volumes in both operating
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Industrial Solutions 81

The segment’s income from operations (EBIT) before special Division sales by region
(Location of customer)
items rose slightly compared with the previous year. This was attri­
South America, Total
but­able to earnings growth in the Performance Chemicals division, Divisions
Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (million €)
largely from higher margins due to price increases. By contrast, Dispersions & Resins 38% 26% 29% 7% 6,019
EBIT before special items was slightly lower in the Dispersions &
Performance Chemicals 36% 26% 26% 12% 3,973
Resins division. This was mainly attributable to the sale of the global
pigments ­ business, lower volumes and higher fixed costs. This
could only be partially offset by price-driven margin growth.
Divisions, products, applications
EBIT rose by €132 million compared with 2021 to €1,097 million. Products Customer industries and applications
This included special income from the divestiture of the production Dispersions & Resins Polymer dispersions, resins, additives, electronic materials Paints and coatings, construction, paper, printing and packaging, adhesives
site in Quincy, Florida, and the associated attapulgite business. and electronics industries
Special charges resulted mainly from the discontinuation of our Performance Chemicals Antioxidants, light stabilizers and flame retardants for plastic Chemicals, plastics, consumer goods, automotive and transportation
business activities in Russia. ­applications ­industries, as well as energy and resources

For the outlook for 2023, see page 154 onward Fuel and refinery additives, polyisobutene, brake fluids and engine
coolants, lubricant additives and basestocks, components for
­metalworking fluids and compounded lubricants

Process chemicals for the extraction of oil, gas, metals and

­minerals; chemicals for enhanced oil recovery

Kaolin mineralsa

a The kaolin minerals business was sold on September 30, 2022.

Production capacities of selected products in the regionsa

Product South America, Annual capacity

Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (metric tons)

Acrylics dispersions • • • • 1,839,000

Formulation additives • • • 69,000

Polyisobutene • • 265,000

a All capacities are included at 100%, including plants belonging to joint operations and joint ventures.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Surface Technologies 82

Surface Technologies
The Surface Technologies segment comprises the Catalysts
and Coatings divisions, which offer chemical solutions for
surfaces. Its portfolio serves industries such as the auto­
motive and chemical sectors and includes automotive OEM
and refinish coatings, surface treatment, catalysts, battery
materials and precious and base metal services. We improve
our customers’ applications and processes with tailored
products, technologies and solutions, and support them
­through geographical proximity across all regions. The aim
is to drive BASF’s growth by leveraging our portfolio of
­tech­nolo­gies and expanding our position as a leading and
innovative provider of battery materials and surface coatings
For more information on the Surface Technologies segment’s business model, see page 32 onward

StarBloc® is a continuously developed thin-film primer technology from BASF that can make a ­significant
contribution to more efficient, sustainable and profitable automotive coatings. StarBloc® enables paint
to be applied with a reduced film thickness of just 20 μm instead of 30 μm. It also offers advantages in
the application process, such as a reduced number of application robots, which also saves solvents
and cleaning efforts. This means that automotive manufacturers can save a third of the materials
­required compared with a standard series primer. For OEMs, lower material consumption also leads €21,283 million
to a reduction in their CO2 emissions and lower logistics costs. These environmental and process 2021: €22,659 million
­advantages are convincing automotive manufacturers around the world to switch to StarBloc®. BASF
therefore expects annual sales of this product to increase fivefold to more than €20 million as early as
EBIT before special items
2023 compared with baseline 2021.
€902 million
Discover StarBloc® at
2021: €800 million
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Surface Technologies 83

Business review Segment data – Surface Technologies

Million €
2022 2021 +/–

At a glance Sales to third parties 21,283 22,659 –6.1%

of which Catalysts 17,062 19,219 –11.2%

▪ Considerable sales decrease due to lower volumes and prices
Coatings 4,220 3,440 22.7%
▪ Considerable growth in EBIT before special items in both
Intersegment transfers 198 171 15.6%
­operating divisions
Sales including transfers 21,481 22,831 –5.9%

Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 1,464 1,277 14.6%

Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 1,264 1,243 1.6%
Sales to third parties in the Surface Technologies segment
declined by €1,376 million compared with the previous year to
­ EBITDA margin % 5.9 5.5 −

€21,283 million. Sales growth of €780 million to €4,220 million in the Depreciation and amortization a
651 483 35.0%
Coatings division was unable to compensate for the considerable Income from operations (EBIT) 612 761 –19.5%
decrease in the Catalysts division, where sales declined by
Special items –290 –39 –637.1%
€2,157 million to €17,062 million.
EBIT before special items 902 800 12.7%

Factors influencing sales – Surface Technologies Return on capital employed (ROCE) % 3.9 5.6 −

Assets 14,899 13,769 8.2%

Investments including acquisitionsb 740 1,469 –49.6%
­Technologies Catalysts Coatings
Research and development expenses 335 296 13.1%
Volumes –13.0% –16.2% 5.1%
a Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
Prices –2.7% –5.4% 12.4% b Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

Portfolio 3.4% 4.1% –0.8%

Currencies 6.3% 6.3% 6.0%

The sharp decline in precious metal prices had a negative impact Portfolio effects in the Catalysts division following the acquisition of
Sales –6.1% –11.2% 22.7%
on sales. At €12,336 million, sales in precious metal trading and a majority shareholding in BASF Shanshan Battery Materials on
­precious metal sales in the automotive catalysts business1 were August 31, 2021, also had a positive impact on sales.
The segment’s sales decrease was mainly attributable to signifi­ considerably below the prior-year figure (€15,726 million) due to
cantly lower volumes in the Catalysts division’s precious metal trad- lower volumes and prices. ­ Significant price increases across all
ing business. Volume growth in the chemical and refinery catalysts business areas in the Coatings division, particularly in Europe and
businesses was unable to compensate for this. Sales volumes were in the region South America, A ­ frica, Middle East, were unable to
significantly higher in the Coatings division, mainly due to improved ­compensate for this.
supply chain conditions in North America and the government
­stimulus program in China. Currency effects, largely relating to the U.S. dollar and the Chinese
renminbi, had a positive impact on sales.

1 Sales, volume growth, EBITDA before special items and the EBITDA margin before special items excluding precious metals for the BASF Group and for the Surface Technologies segment are presented under Selected Key Figures Excluding Precious Metals on page 294.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Surface Technologies 84

Surface Technologies – sales Division sales by region

By division (Location of customer)
South America, Total
Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (million €)

Catalysts 26% 33% 36% 5% 17,062

€4,220 million Coatings 30% 25% 27% 18% 4,220

€17,062 million
Catalysts €21,283 million Coatings
Share of sales: 80% Share of sales: 20%

Divisions, products, applications

Products Customer industries and applications

Catalysts Automotive catalysts, process catalysts and technologies, Automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, refineries, battery
Income from operations (EBIT) before special items rose by battery materials, precious and base metal services ­manufacturers
€102 million to €902 million. This was driven by considerable earn- Solutions for the protection of air quality as well as the p
­ roduction of fuels,
ings growth in both operating divisions. The increase in EBIT before chemicals, plastics and battery materials, battery material recycling

special items in the Catalysts division was largely attributable to Coatings Coatings solutions for automotive applications, technology and Automotive industry, body shops, steel industry, aviation, aluminum
system solutions for surface treatments, decorative paints ­applications in the architecture and construction industries, household
higher earnings contributions from the automotive catalysts and
­appliances, painting businesses and private consumers
battery materials businesses. In the Coatings division, EBIT before
special items increased mainly as a result of higher prices in all
regions and higher volumes, especially in the automotive OEM
coatings business. This more than offset increases in raw materials
prices and fixed costs, primarily due to inflation and higher energy

At €612 million, EBIT was €148 million below the prior-year figure.
EBIT in 2022 included special charges, mainly for impairments in
connection with the agreed divestiture of the production site in
De Meern, Nether­lands. Other special charges mainly related to the
carve-out of the newly established BASF Environmental Catalyst
and Metal Solutions unit within the Catalysts division and the inte­
gra­tion of the acquired BASF Shanshan companies.
For the outlook for 2023, see page 154 onward
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Nutrition & Care 85

Nutrition & Care

The Nutrition & Care segment, consisting of the Care
Chemicals and Nutrition & Health divisions, serves the
growing needs of food and feed producers as well as
the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, detergents and cleaners
industries. We offer solutions for the increasingly sophis­
ticated demands of fast-moving consumer goods, as well
as for technical applications, crop protection and nutrition.
We strive to expand our position as a leading provider of
­ingredients for consumer goods in the areas of nutri­tion,
home and personal care. Our goal is to drive strong organic
growth. We focus on growth markets, ­sustainability trends,
and digital business models in consumer ­markets.
For more information on the Nutrition & Care segment’s business model, see page 32 onward

Texapon® SFA
Texapon® SFA is a very mild, innovative and sustainable anionic surfactant. It is 99% derived from
­renewable feedstocks, certified as sustainable according to the RSPO mass balance standard, readily
biodegradable and suitable as an alternative to sulfate-based surfactants. The product is extremely €8,066 million
gentle on the skin and eyes, making it especially suitable for delicate baby skin and formulas for tear-free
2021: €6,442 million
shampoo products. When added to polymer-free shampoo formulations, for example, Texapon® SFA
makes it easier to comb hair. It has also been proven to reinforce the b ­ eneficial effect of formulations with
EBIT before special items
cationic polymers. BASF aims to achieve annual sales of over €20 million with this product.
€618 million
Discover Texapon® SFA at
2021: €497 million
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Nutrition & Care 86

Business review Segment data – Nutrition & Care

Million €
2022 2021 +/–

At a glance Sales to third parties 8,066 6,442 25.2%

of which Care Chemicals 5,619 4,439 26.6%

▪ Sales increase of 25.2% mainly driven by higher prices
Nutrition & Health 2,447 2,003 22.2%
▪ EBIT before special items 24.3% higher due to considerable
Intersegment transfers 588 491 19.8%
­earnings growth in the Care Chemicals division
Sales including transfers 8,654 6,933 24.8%

Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 1,067 909 17.4%

Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 1,055 967 9.1%
Sales to third parties in the Nutrition & Care segment rose by
€1,624 million to €8,066 million in 2022. This was primarily attribut- EBITDA margin % 13.1 15.0 −

able to the Care Chemicals division, which recorded sales growth of Depreciation and amortization a
450 413 8.8%
€1,180 million to €5,619 million. In the Nutrition & Health division, Income from operations (EBIT) 605 554 9.3%
sales rose by €444 million to €2,447 million.
Special items –13 57 .

EBIT before special items 618 497 24.3%

Factors influencing sales – Nutrition & Care
Return on capital employed (ROCE) % 7.5 8.2 −
Nutrition & Care Care Chemicals Nutrition & Health Assets 8,038 7,231 11.2%
Volumes –1.4% –4.1% 4.7% Investments including acquisitionsb 642 654 –1.8%
Prices 23.3% 27.9% 13.1% Research and development expenses 172 172 –0.3%
Portfolio –1.2% –1.2% –1.3% a Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
b Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Currencies 4.5% 4.0% 5.7%

Sales 25.2% 26.6% 22.2%

The Nutrition & Health division i­ncreased volumes, especially in the Nutrition & Care – sales
The segment’s positive sales performance was mainly due to higher animal nutrition and pharmaceutical business areas. Lower volumes By division

prices in all business areas, primarily resulting from cost increases in the aroma ingredients business had an offsetting effect.
for raw materials and energy.
Portfolio effects from the sale of the production site in Kankakee, €5,619 million €2,447 million
Positive currency effects, largely relating to the U.S. dollar and the ­Illinois, as of May 31, 2021, had a negative impact on sales in both Care Chemicals €8,066 million Nutrition & Health
Share of sales: 70% Share of sales: 30%
Chinese renminbi, had a positive impact on sales. operating divisions.

Volumes were slightly lower overall, dampening the segment’s sales

performance. This was driven by the decline in volumes in the Care
Chemicals division. Here, higher volumes in the personal care
solutions business only partially compensated for the volumes
­decrease in the remaining business areas.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Nutrition & Care 87

Income from operations (EBIT) before special items rose by Division sales by region
(Location of customer)
€121 million to €618 million year on year. This was due to the strong
South America, Total
increase in earnings in the Care Chemicals division, mainly from Divisions
Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (million €)
price-driven margin growth. Higher fixed costs, largely as a result of Care Chemicals 53% 18% 20% 9% 5,619
inflation and currency effects, was an offsetting factor. By contrast,
Nutrition & Health 37% 19% 33% 11% 2,447
EBIT before special items in the Nutrition & Health division was
considerably below the prior-year level. This was primarily attribut-
able to higher costs, largely from increased energy costs and Divisions, products, applications
­turnarounds. Products Customer industries and applications

Care Chemicals Ingredients for skin and hair cleansing and care products, such as Cosmetics, detergent and cleaner industry, agrochemical industry, technical
EBIT rose by €52 million compared with the previous year to emollients, cosmetic active ingredients, polymers and UV filters applications for various industries
€605 million. It included special charges for the restructuring of the Solutions and ingredients for detergents and cleaners in household,
Nutrition & Health division and for the discontinuation of our busi- institutions or industry, such as surfactants, enzymes, chelating
agents, water-­soluble polymers, biocides and products for optical
ness activities in Russia. In the previous year, EBIT included special effects
income from the sale of the production site in Kankakee, Illinois.
Chemical ingredients and processing additives, for example for
For the outlook for 2023, see page 154 onward crop protection, excipients for chemical processes such as
­emulsion polymerization, metal surface treatments or textile
­processing, as well as products for concrete additives, biofuels
and other industrial applications

Nutrition & Health Additives for the food and feed industries, such as vitamins, Food and feed industries, flavor and fragrance industry, pharmaceutical
­carotenoids, sterols, enzymes, emulsifiers, omega-3 fatty acids ­industry and bioethanol industry

Industrial enzymes for bioethanol and food production, natural and

synthetic flavors and fragrances, such as citral, geraniol, citronellol,
L-menthol and linalool, Isobionics® Santalol, valencene and

Excipients for the pharmaceutical industry and selected, high-­

volume active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as ibuprofen and
omega-3 fatty acids

Production capacities of selected products in the regionsa

Product South America, Annual capacity

Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (metric tons)

Anionic surfactants • • • • 550,000

Citral • • 78,000

Chelating agents • • • 170,000

Methane sulfonic acid • 50,000

Nonionic surfactants • • • 650,000

a All capacities are included at 100%, including plants belonging to joint operations and joint ventures.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Agricultural Solutions 88

Agricultural Solutions
In the Agricultural Solutions segment, we aim to further
strengthen our market position as an integrated provider.
Our offer comprises seeds and seed treatment products,
as well as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and biological
solutions, complemented by digital farming solutions to
help farmers achieve a better yield. Our strategy is based
on innovation-­driven organic growth and targeted portfolio
­expansion through acquisitions. Customer needs, societal
expectations and reducing environmental impacts are what
motivate us to innovate.
For more information on the Agricultural Solutions segment’s business model, see page 32 onward

Tirexor® is a new type of PPO (protoporphyrinogen oxidase) inhibitor herbicide specifically designed
to control resistant weeds, including those resistant to other PPO inhibitors. To date, herbicide
­resistance has been discovered in 21 of the 31 herbicide sites of action1 available to growers
worldwide. Tirexor® has successfully been launched in Australia and Canada and is currently in the €10,280 million
­registration process in other major markets. The herbicide contributes to the success of corn, soy
2021: €8,162 million
and wheat farming and has an expected peak sales potential2 for conventional uses in the low
three-­digit million euro range. Its value is expected to grow substantially with the launch of PPO
EBIT before special items
herbicide ­tolerant crops.
€1,220 million
Discover Tirexor® at
2021: €715 million

1 International herbicide-resistant weed database

2 Peak sales are the highest sales value to be expected from one year. For more information, see the Glossary on page 295.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Agricultural Solutions 89

Business review Segment data – Agricultural Solutions

Million €
2022 2021 +/–

At a glance Sales to third parties 10,280 8,162 25.9%

Intersegment transfers 40 40 1.4%

▪ Sales of €10,280 million, considerably above the prior year due
Sales including transfers 10,320 8,202 25.8%
to higher prices, positive currency effects and volume growth
Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special items 1,928 1,375 40.2%
▪ EBIT before special items of €1,220 million, 70.6% above the
2021 figure Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 1,922 1,358 41.6%

EBITDA margin % 18.7 16.6 −

Depreciation and amortizationa 701 662 5.9%

Sales to third parties in the Agricultural S­ olutions segment were
€10,280 million in 2022, €2,118 million above the previous year. Income from operations (EBIT) 1,221 696 75.5%

Higher prices in all regions contributed most to the positive develop- Special items 1 –19 .
ment. Sales growth was also driven by exchange rate ­effects and EBIT before special items 1,220 715 70.6%
higher volumes.
Return on capital employed (ROCE) % 7.1 4.5 −

Assets 17,071 15,305 11.5%

Factors influencing sales – Agricultural Solutions
Investments including acquisitionsb 414 347 19.0%
Volumes 5.7%
Research and development expenses 944 904 4.4%
Prices 12.4%

Portfolio –0.6% a Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
b Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

Currencies 8.4%

Sales 25.9%

Sales in Asia amounted to €1,130 million, an increase of €172 mil- Agricultural Solutions – sales
In Europe, sales rose by €302 million year on year to €2,430 million. lion compared with the previous year. This was mainly due to By indication and sector

This was mainly due to significantly higher price levels. Sales devel- higher volumes, especially of herbicides. Sales were also positively
€1,872 million €2,977 million
opment was supported by strong volume growth, especially in ­impacted by currency effects and significantly higher price levels. Seeds & Traits Fungicides
­fungicides and herbicides, while negative currency effects, mainly Share of sales: 18% Share of sales: 29%
from the Turkish lira, had a dampening effect. Sales in the region South America, Africa, Middle East amounted €806 million €10,280 million

to €2,712 million, €722 million above the previous year, and were Seed Treatment
Share of sales: 8%
In North America, sales rose by €922 million to €4,007 million. This driven by significantly higher prices and positive currency effects, €3,568 million
was primarily driven by significantly higher prices and positive both primarily in Brazil. Slightly higher volumes, especially for €1,057 million Herbicides
Share of sales: 35%
currency effects. Sales were also boosted by higher herbicide
­ ­herbicides and seed treatment products, also contributed to the Insecticides
Share of sales: 10%
­volumes in particular. positive development.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Agricultural Solutions 90

At €1,220 million, income from operations (EBIT) before special Agricultural Solutions sales by region
(Location of customer)
items was €505 million above the 2021 figure. The increase was
South America, Total
primarily due to strong sales growth. This more than compensated Division
Europe North America Asia Pacific ­Africa, Middle East (million €)
for increased raw materials and energy prices and higher fixed Agricultural Solutions 24% 39% 11% 26% 10,280

EBIT amounted to €1,221 million, €525 million higher than in the

previous year. Products and applications
For the outlook for 2023, see page 154 onward Indications and sectors Applications Selected products

Fungicides Protecting crops against harmful fungal diseases, improving plant health, Boscalid, dimethomorph, F500®, Initium®, metiram,
­s­ecuring yield and harvest quality with chemical and biological solutions ­metrafenone, Revysol®, Serifel®, Xemium®

Herbicides Reducing competition from weeds for nutrients, water and sunlight to secure Dicamba, dimethenamid-p, glufosinate, imazamox, Kixor®,
yield and harvest quality Luximo®, pendimethalin, Tirexor®, topramezone

Insecticides Chemical and b

­ iological solutions to combat insect pests in agriculture and Alpha-cypermethrin, Broflanilide, chlorfenapyr, fipronil,
beyond, such as in the areas of public health, professional pest control and ­Inscalis®, Interceptor®, Nealta®, teflubenzuron, Termidor®
landscape maintenance

Seed Treatment Improving seeds’ potential with chemical and biological protection as well as ILEVO®, Integral® Pro, Poncho Votivo®, Relenya®, Seperit®,
inoculants Systiva®, Teraxxa™, Vault® HP

Seeds & Traits Seeds and traits for key field crops such as canola (oilseed rape), cotton, Credenz®, FiberMax®, InVigor®, LibertyLink®, Nunhems®,
­soybean and wheat, as well as vegetable seeds Stoneville®
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Other 91


Sales in Other amounted to €4,368 million, €703 million above the Financial data – Othera
Million €
prior-year figure. The increase was mainly due to sales growth in
2022 2021 +/–
commodity trading.
Sales 4,368 3,666 19.2%

EBIT before special items improved by €12 million year on year to Income from operations before depreciation, amortization and special itemsb –594 –607 2.2%

–€749 million. This was primarily attributable to higher income from Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)b –368 –602 38.9%
long-term incentive programs, among other factors. Income also Depreciation and amortizationc 155 157 –1.4%
arose from hedging transactions.
Income from operations (EBIT)b –523 –759 31.1%

Special items 226 3 .

EBIT improved by €236 million to –€523 million. This included
EBIT before special itemsb –749 –761 1.6%
­special income from the partial divestiture of the interest in the
­Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm in April 2022. of which costs for cross-divisional corporate research –325 –355 8.5%

costs of corporate headquarters –258 –255 –1.2%

other businesses –43 62 .

foreign currency results, hedging and other measurement effects 33 –62 .

miscellaneous income and expenses –156 –151 –3.3%

Assetsb, d 16,803 23,007 –27.0%

Investments including acquisitionse 268 183 46.8%

Research and development expenses 381 378 0.7%

a Information on the composition of Other can be found in Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 219 onward.
b BASF’s ethylene value chain was reorganized internally as of January 1, 2022. In this connection, the polyolefins and styrenics businesses of the joint venture BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China, which were previously ­
reported under Other, were allocated to the Petrochemicals division. The prior-year figures have been adjusted. This reduced income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method, EBITDA before special items,
EBITDA, EBIT and EBIT before special items in Other by €118 million in 2021 and increased these indicators in the Petrochemicals division accordingly (rounding differences are possible). The operating assets were also ­
reallocated as part of the reorganization and increased the Chemicals segment’s assets by €114 million as of December 31, 2021.
c Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including impairments and reversals of impairments)
d Includes assets of businesses recognized under Other and reconciliation to assets of the BASF Group
e Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Non-Integral Oil and Gas Business 92

Non-Integral Oil and Gas Business

BASF holds 72.7% of the ordinary shares in Wintershall Dea AG; Wintershall Dea conducts production, development1 and explora- WIGA Transport Beteiligungs-GmbH & Co. KG, as well as the
27.3% are held by LetterOne. The preference shares previously held tion activities in the following countries: loan to Nord Stream 2 AG – the special charge in income from
by BASF were converted into ordinary shares on May 1, 2022. – Egypt (production, development, exploration) ­non-­integral share­holdings accounted for using the equity method
– Algeria (production) amounted to €6,517 million. On January 17, 2023, Wintershall Dea
– Argentina (production, development) announced its full exit from Russia in compliance with all legal
Macroeconomic environment – Denmark (production, exploration) ­requirements.
– Germany (production, development, exploration)
The price of a barrel of reference Brent crude oil averaged $101 in – Libya (production)
2022 (2021: $71 per barrel). Gas prices on the European spot – Mexico (production, development, exploration) Wintershall Dea’s activities in 2022
­markets averaged €124.16 per MWh ($38.01 per mmBtu) for the – Netherlands (production, development, exploration)
year, more than double the prior-year level and more than ten times – Norway (production, development, exploration) Wintershall Dea produced 218 million BOE (barrels of oil equivalent)
the 2020 level. The sharp increase in gas prices was driven by the – Russia (activities deconsolidated in Q4 2022) in 2022 (2021: 231 million BOE), of which around 157 million BOE
extremely tight European gas market in 2022 due to the significant – United Arab Emirates (development) of gas (2021: 165 million BOE of gas). This corresponded to a daily
reduction in gas supplied by Russia to the E.U. – United Kingdom (production, development, exploration) production of 597 thousand BOE (2021: 634 thousand BOE).

Wintershall Dea is also active in gas transportation. This includes Several development projects were successfully completed in
Equity-accounted income of the oil and gas business interests in GASCADE Gastransport GmbH and OPAL Gastransport 2022, including the Norwegian projects Nova, Dvalin and Njord.
GmbH & Co. KG held by WIGA Transport Beteiligungs-GmbH & Production at Nova and Njord started in July and December 2022,
Wintershall Dea AG contributed –€4,853 million to net income from Co. KG, and the interest in Nord Stream AG held directly by respectively; Dvalin is scheduled to come on stream in early 2023.
shareholdings in 2022 (2021: –€344 million). This included special ­Winters­hall Dea AG.
items totaling –€6,307 million, primarily resulting from impairments Field development permits for the Dvalin North and Maria Phase 2
on Wintershall Dea’s Russian assets, the financing of Nord Stream 2, projects in Norway were applied for at the end of 2022. To further
Wintershall Dea’s participating interest in Nord Stream AG, and on Current developments in the Russian business develop CMA-1 in Argentina, the CMA-1 consortium reached a final
assets in the German gas transportation business. In the previous investment decision for the Fénix gas project in October 2022.
year, lower oil and gas price forecasts and a divestiture of assets in Due to increasing restrictions on its ability to influence its invest-
Argentina led to impairments of €581 million. ments in Russia, largely as a result of government interference, Wintershall Dea drilled 14 exploration wells in 2022, half of which
Wintershall Dea deconsolidated its Russian segment in the fourth were successful. The result of one well is still pending.
BASF received dividend payments of approximately ­€1 billion from quarter of 2022 and subsequently recognized it as a financial asset
Wintershall Dea in 2022. In the previous year, d
­ ividend payments measured at fair value in accordance with IFRS 9. This figure is At the beginning of 2022, Wintershall Dea reached an agreement
from Wintershall Dea amounted to €488 million. materially impaired by interference by the Russian government, on the sale of its 50% interest in the unconventional oil blocks
­especially in the second half of 2022. This significantly burdened it ­operated in Argentina and decided to terminate its operations
earnings at Wintershall Dea and the BASF Group. Together with in Brazil.
further impairments on assets relating to the Russian business –
Wintershall Dea’s participating interests in Nord Stream AG and

1 Development activities include projects before and after the FID (final investment decision)
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Non-Integral Oil and Gas Business 93

In February 2022, Wintershall Dea announced that it had divested Wintershall Dea and its partner CapeOmega, Bergen, Norway, have
its interest in the Gulf of Suez concession to the Egyptian General been awarded a CO2 storage licence in the Norwegian North Sea
­Petroleum Corporation, Cairo, Egypt, with retroactive effect as of by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Wintershall Dea will be the
January 1, 2022. ­operator of this licence, which is estimated to hold a CO2 storage
injection capacity of up to 5 million tons per year.
In October 2022, Wintershall Dea signed an agreement with Hokchi
Energy, the Mexican subsidiary of Pan American Energy, to acquire An initial public offering (IPO) of Wintershall Dea AG would be
a 37% participating interest in the producing Hokchi Block. ­virtu­ally impossible in the current environment since the start of the
Russian war against Ukraine. BASF stands by its strategic goal of
In November 2022, Wintershall Dea sold its o ­ perated Brage oil field, divesting its share in Wintershall Dea AG and accordingly, continues
its full interest in the Ivar Aasen oil field and a 6% interest in the Nova to target an IPO of Wintershall Dea.
field development project to OKEA, Trondheim, Norway.

As part of its climate strategy, Wintershall Dea aims to achieve net

zero emissions1 from upstream activities by 2030. In addition, the
company is investing in various projects that aim to contribute to
global decarbonization.

Wintershall Dea and several partners have initiated the BlueHyNow

project on the German North Sea coast in Wilhelmshaven, which
aims to produce hydrogen from natural gas. CO2 separated during
the production of hydrogen will be shipped by sea to offshore
­locations in Norway and Denmark and stored under the seabed in
underground reservoirs.

Together with Equinor, Stavanger, Norway, Wintershall Dea plans to

pursue the development of an extensive and safe Carbon Capture
and Storage (CCS) value chain connecting continental European
CO2 emitters to offshore storage sites on the Norwegian Continental
Shelf (Nor-Ge project).

1 Scope 1 and 2 emissions from upstream activities operated and non-operated by Wintershall Dea at an equity basis
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Regional Results 94

Regional Results

Regions North America Sales growth in the region was driven by positive ­currency effects
Million €
and portfolio effects following the formation of BASF Shanshan
Sales by location Sales by location
of company of customer Sales at companies based in North America rose by 11.0% to Battery Materials in the Surface Technologies ­segment. Higher
2022 2021 +/– 2022 2021 +/–
€24,343 million compared with 2021. In local currency terms, they prices, mainly in the Industrial Solutions, Nutrition & Care and
were 1.0% below the prior-year figure. The positive sales develop- ­Materials segments, also contributed to the sales increase. Recur-
Europe 35,821 31,594 13.4% 33,922 30,531 11.1%
ment was mainly attributable to considerable sales growth in the ring production and supply chain disruptions resulting from the
of which Germany 15,170 12,722 19.2% 8,977 7,300 23.0%
Materials and Agricultural Solutions segments. Sales were also long-­running, strict zero-COVID policy in China hampered sales
North America 24,343 21,935 11.0% 23,869 20,867 14.4% considerably higher in the Industrial Solutions segment, in Other and development in the region and led to a considerable ­decline in
Asia Pacific 21,309 20,632 3.3% 21,823 21,234 2.8% in the Chemicals and Nutrition & Care segments. Only the Surface ­volumes, especially in the Surface Technologies and Chemicals
of which Greater China 11,850 12,018 –1.4% 11,624 12,036 –3.4% Technologies segment posted a strong decrease. segments.
South America, Africa,
5,854 4,437 31.9% 7,712 5,965 29.3%
Middle East In addition to positive currency effects, substantial price increases
BASF Group 87,327 78,598 11.1% 87,327 78,598 11.1% in almost all segments contributed to sales growth. This more South America, Africa, Middle East
than compensated for significantly lower precious metal prices in
the Surface Technologies segment. Sales were reduced by lower Sales at companies located in South America, Africa and the Middle
­volumes, mainly driven by the decline in precious metal trading in East rose by 17.0% in local currency terms and by 31.9% in euros
Europe the Surface Technologies segment. Slightly negative portfolio effects to €5,854 million. All segments recorded strong sales growth,
also impacted sales performance in the region. This mainly resulted ­especially Agricultural Solutions.
Sales at companies located in Europe rose by 13.4% compared from the divestiture of the global pigments business in the Industrial
with the previous year to €35,821 million. This was primarily the Solutions segment. The positive sales development was primarily due to significantly
­result of strong sales growth in the Materials and Chemicals seg- higher prices and clearly positive currency effects in all segments.
ments. The Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions segments Sales growth was supported by slightly higher volumes overall,
and Other also recorded considerably higher sales. Sales rose Asia Pacific mainly driven by the Industrial Solutions, Nutrition & Care and
slightly in the Industrial Solutions segment but declined considerably ­Surface Technologies segments.
in the Surface Technologies segment. Sales at companies headquartered in the Asia Pacific region were
3.3% above the prior-year figure, at €21,309 million. In local c
­ urrency
The sales increase was mainly attributable to higher prices in all terms, sales declined by 2.8%. This was mainly due to considerable
segments. Sales growth was supported by currency effects. Lower sales growth in the Materials, Nutrition & Care, Industrial Solutions
sales volumes in all segments except Agricultural Solutions had an and Agricultural Solutions segments. The Surface Technologies
offsetting effect. Sales performance was also impacted by negative segment achieved slightly higher sales. The Chemicals segment
portfolio effects, particularly in the Industrial Solutions segment ­recorded a considerable decline in sales. In Greater China, sales
­following the divestiture of the global pigments business in the decreased by 1.4% to €11,850 million.
­previous year.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – E.U. Taxonomy 95

E.U. Taxonomy included under another activity. BASF products also enable the r­ecorded under the climate change mitigation objective. Secondly,
production of technologies for renewable energy or low-carbon in accordance with the notice issued by the E.U. Commission, a
In accordance with the E.U. Taxonomy Regulation and the mobility. However, since the E.U. taxonomy focuses on the manu- prerequisite for taxonomy eligibility under the adaptation objective is
supplementary delegated acts, the Nonfinancial Statement facture of technologies and thus excludes precursors, we have the submission of an investment plan for implementing adaptation
includes the proportion of the Group’s taxonomy-eligible and, classified these activities as non-eligible under the E.U. taxonomy. solutions. BASF has not prepared any such plan.
for the first time, taxonomy-aligned turnover, capital expen­
ditures and operating expenditures for 2022. This applies to In addition to our core business, the production of chemical Taxonomy-eligible turnover, capital expenditures and
the environ­mental objectives of climate change mitigation ­products, we have identified further BASF activities that can be ­operating ­expenditures
and climate change adaptation currently addressed in the ­allocated to the following activities presented in the E.U. taxonomy: We assessed the taxonomy eligibility of our turnover based on sales
E.U. tax­onomy. BASF activities that are not yet covered by afforestation; electricity generation using solar photovoltaic tech­ as defined and reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements
the E.U. tax­onomy, and as such, are not relevant under the nology; production of heat/cool from bioenergy; production of heat/ of the BASF Group. Taxonomy-eligible turnover accounted for
­taxonomy, are ­generally reported as taxonomy-non-eligible cool using waste heat; electricity generation from fossil gaseous 13.3% of total sales in 2022. The largest contributions were from the
in accordance with the delegated acts. These include large ­fuels; high-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from activi­ties “manufacture of plastics in primary form” and “manufac-
parts of BASF’s activities that may nevertheless be in line fossil gaseous fuels; production of heat/cool from fossil gaseous ture of ­organic basic chemicals.” Taxonomy-eligible capital expendi-
with the E.U.’s ­environmental objectives. fuels in an efficient district heating and cooling system; close to tures (including a ­ cquisitions and excluding goodwill in accordance
market research, development and innovation. These activities with the E.U. taxonomy) accounted for 18.6% of the total invest-
made no material contribution2 and were therefore generally classi- ments reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Capital
In order to derive the financial indicators, an analysis of our product fied as taxonomy-non-eligible. For the purposes of the templates set expenditures on the “­manufacture of organic basic chemicals” and
portfolio identified the following economic activities within the out in Annex XII to the Delegated Regulation 2021/2178, we would in the “manufacture of batteries” made the greatest contribution.
­meaning of the E.U. taxonomy under the environmental objective of like to point out that we conduct activities in the areas of electricity Operating expenditures include non-capitalized costs that relate to
climate change mitigation as relevant for BASF: generation, co-generation of power and heat/cool, and production research and development,3 maintenance and repair, and short-
of heat/cool from fossil gas. However, as presented above, these term lease expenses. They are not reported in the Consolidated
– Manufacture of batteries1 are not material. Furthermore, we would like to point out that we do ­Financial Statements in this form. All of the capital expenditures
– Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings1 not conduct any nuclear energy activities. and operating expenditures of a ­ production facility with a tax­
– Manufacture of hydrogen onomy-­eligible activity are counted as taxonomy-­eligible. Taxonomy-­
– Manufacture of soda ash Buildings constructed and operated by BASF, traffic facilities and eligible operating expenditures ­accounted for 10.4% of t­ otal oper­at­
– Manufacture of chlorine central water supply and wastewater management systems may ing expenditures. The largest contributions were from the ­activities
– Manufacture of organic basic chemicals also fall under the E.U. taxonomy’s description of activities in the “manufacture of organic basic chemicals” and “manufacture of
– Manufacture of anhydrous ammonia areas “Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remedia- plastics in primary form.”
– Manufacture of nitric acid tion,” “Transport,” and “Construction and real estate activities.”
– Manufacture of plastics in primary form ­Potential contributions from such infrastructure-related activities that Taxonomy-aligned turnover, capital expenditures and
supported production were likewise immaterial and were generally ­operating ­expenditures
Compared with 2021, the activity “manufacture of carbon black” classified as taxonomy-non-eligible. The taxonomy-eligible activities identified by BASF can be classified
was no longer relevant in 2022 due to a plant shutdown. as taxonomy-aligned if they make a substantial contribution to
BASF does not report any taxonomy-eligible activities under the ­climate change mitigation and do no significant harm to other envi­
To avoid double counting, assignment to an enabling activity is only environmental objective of climate change adaptation. This is ron­mental objectives and, at the same time, ensure minimum social
made if a taxonomy-eligible product or project had not already been firstly to avoid double counting with economic activities already safeguards. The contribution to climate change mitigation and harm
1 Enabling activity within the meaning of the E.U. taxonomy
2 The production of heat/cool using waste heat was also partially covered by other activities.
3 The criteria for the activity “close to market research, development and innovation” (for example, a technology readiness level of at least six) were used to determine taxonomy-eligible research and development costs.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – E.U. Taxonomy 96

to other environmental objectives were reviewed in a three-step Finally, in the third step of the process, it was assessed whether the total investments reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements.
­process. The first step involved a two-part analysis based on products identified cause significant harm to the other envi­ron­mental The “manufacture of soda ash” contributed significantly here with
BASF’s internal product databases: objectives. This included an analysis of risks arising from climate 0.3%. Taxonomy-aligned operating expenditures accounted for
change using climate risk and vulnerability assessments. At sites 0.9% of total operating expenditures, with the largest contribution
– The manufacture of products is analyzed with respect to the with material climate risk, the existence of adaptation solutions was from the economic activity “manufacture of plastics in primary form”
use of critical substances in accordance with Annex C1 of the additionally analyzed and evaluated. The avoidance of significant (0.5%). It is not possible to provide information on changes
E.U. Commission’s Delegated Regulation 2021/2139 to ensure harm to water and marine resources,2 biodiversity and ecosystems,3 in taxonomy-­aligned turnover, capital expenditures and operating
­significant pollution prevention or control according to the E.U. and pollution prevention and control were taken as given for produc- ­expenditures as these are being reported for the first time in 2022.
tax­onomy. This also includes use in the production process. An tion plants in Europe based on comprehensive and uniform regula-
assessment of the “essential use” of the critical substances used tory requirements and additionally ensured through data queries. The taxonomy-aligned figure is significantly lower than the tax­
in the sense of the opening clauses according to Annex C, The conformity of non-European plants was assessed on a case- onomy-eligible figure due to various factors. Only a small proportion
­letters f) and g) has not been performed. The E.U. Commission by-case basis. This was based on joint assessments by local and of plastics in primary form contain a share of renewable raw m­ aterials
announced further regulations on this in 2023. central experts using the evidence of local production requirements above the threshold value. In many production processes, sub­
– Plastics in primary form are analyzed with respect to the share of submitted. stances that fall within Annex C1 are used to prevent or reduce
renewable raw materials in the product. They are only considered ­pollution. As a result, these processes are no longer taxonomy-­
further if this share is at least 5% and thus potentially make a The criteria for the minimum social safeguards as a further pillar aligned, even if the substances are not released into the environment
substantial contribution to climate change mitigation through of taxonomy alignment in accordance with Article 18 of the E.U. (for example, because they are exclusively used in a closed system
partial or complete production from renewable raw materials. Taxonomy Regulation were reviewed for all activities across the in the production plant) and are used in accordance with existing
Shares allocated using mass balance approaches (see page 121) BASF Group, independent of the step-by-step process for the chemicals legislation. This means, for example, that all production
are not taken into account here because their acceptance under “contribution to climate change mitigation” and “harm to other processes for the manufacture of battery materials must be
the E.U. taxonomy has not yet been definitively clarified. For this ­environmental objectives” criteria. ­assessed as not taxonomy-aligned. The proportion of taxonomy-­
reason, BASF products based on chemically recycled raw mate- aligned activities is also reduced by the fact that many plants
rials are not considered further in the assessment at present The recommendations of the E.U. Platform on Sustainable Finance exceed the benchmarks used by the E.U. taxonomy, such as the
­either. Mechanical recycling does not play any role for BASF here. of October 2022 on the four core topics of human rights (including E.U. emissions trading scheme. In addition, plants that are not
labor rights), corruption/bribery, taxation and fair competition were subject to emissions trading and thus cannot be assessed using the
In the second step, it was assessed whether the potentially tax­ taken into account here. Minimum social safeguards are to be specified criteria were generally classified as not taxonomy-aligned.
onomy-aligned products make a substantial contribution to climate ensured by a systematic, integrated and risk-based approach
­ For more information on sales revenue, see Note 7 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from
page 227 onward
change mitigation in accordance with the activity-specific criteria. to safe­guarding our human rights due diligence obligations (see
For more information on investments, see Notes 14 and 15 to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Among other things, the greenhouse gas emissions of European page 109), by global labor and social standards (see page 110), and from page 242 onward
and non-European plants to produce soda ash, organic basic by the Supplier Code of Conduct (see page 115), among other things.
chemicals and nitric acid were compared with the average values of
the most efficient plants under the E.U. emissions trading system. Taxonomy-aligned turnover accounted for 0.4% of the total sales
For the production of hydrogen, chlorine, ammonia and plastics in revenue defined and reported in the BASF Group’s Consolidated
primary form, the comparison was against activity-specific quantita- Financial Statements in 2022. The “manufacture of organic basic
tive criteria, such as the energy or emission intensity of a product. chemicals” made the largest contribution (0.3%). Tax­onomy-aligned
This was based on a digital solution developed by BASF to deter- capital expenditures (including acquisitions and excluding goodwill
mine product-specific carbon emissions (see page 140). in a
­ ccordance with the E.U. taxonomy) accounted for 0.5% of the
1 Generic criteria for DNSH to pollution prevention and control regarding use and presence of chemicals
2 Protection of water and marine resources is taken as given at sites that do not use or treat water.
3 A radius of 3 km around production sites was defined for the analysis of biodiversity-sensitive areas.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – E.U. Taxonomy 97

E.U. taxonomy indicators: 2022 turnover

Substantial contribution DNSH criteria
criteria (“do no significant harm”)
Climate Climate Climate Climate Water and Biodiversity of taxonomy-­ Category Category
Proportion ­change ­change ­change ­change marine Circular and Minimum aligned (enabling (transitional
Economic activities Turnover of turnover ­mitigation ­adaptation ­mitigation ­adaptation ­resources economy Pollution ­ecosystems ­safeguards ­turnover ­a­ctivity) activity)
Million € in % in % in % Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no in % Yes/no Yes/no
A. Taxonomy-eligible activities
A.1. Environmentally sustainable activities
3.05 Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment
63 0.1 100.0 – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.1 Yes –
for buildings
3.12 Manufacture of soda ash 6 0.0 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.0 – Yes
3.14 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals 249 0.3 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.3 – Yes
3.17 Manufacture of plastics in primary form 20 0.0 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.0 – Yes
Total taxonomy-aligned activities 339 0.4 100.0 – 0.4 0.1% 0.3%

A.2. Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally

sustainable activities
(not taxonomy-aligned)
3.04 Manufacture of batteries 1,423 1.6
3.05 Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment
3 0.0
for buildings
3.10 Manufacture of hydrogen 25 0.0
3.12 Manufacture of soda ash 6 0.0
3.13 Manufacture of chlorine 1 0.0
3.14 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals 2,931 3.4
3.15 Manufacture of anhydrous ammonia 296 0.3
3.16 Manufacture of nitric acid 217 0.2
3.17 Manufacture of plastics in primary form 6,374 7.3
Total not taxonomy-aligned activities 11,277 12.9 –
Sum A.1. + A.2. 11,616 13.3 0.4 0.1% 0.3%

B. Taxonomy-non-eligible activities
Turnover from taxonomy-non-eligible activities 75,710 86.7
Total 87,327 100.0
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – E.U. Taxonomy 98

E.U. taxonomy indicators: 2022 capital expenditures

Substantial contribution DNSH criteria
criteria (“do no significant harm”)
of taxonomy-­
Proportion Climate Climate Climate Climate Water and Biodiversity aligned Category Category
Capital of capital change change change change marine Circular and Minimum ­capital (enabling (transitional
Economic activities ­expenditures ­expenditures ­mitigation ­adaptation ­mitigation ­adaptation ­resources economy Pollution ­ecosystems safeguards ­expenditures ­activity) activity)
Million € in % in % in % Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no in % Yes/no Yes/no
A. Taxonomy-eligible activities
A.1. Environmentally sustainable activities
3.05 Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment
1 0.0 100.0 – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.0 Yes –
for buildings
3.12 Manufacture of soda ash 15 0.3 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.3 – Yes
3.14 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals 6 0.1 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.1 – Yes
3.17 Manufacture of plastics in primary form 5 0.1 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.1 – Yes
Total taxonomy-aligned activities 27 0.5 100.0 – 0.5 0.0% 0.5%

A.2. Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally

sustainable activities
(not taxonomy-aligned)
3.04 Manufacture of batteries 310 6.2
3.10 Manufacture of hydrogen 30 0.6
3.12 Manufacture of soda ash 6 0.1
3.13 Manufacture of chlorine 0 0.0
3.14 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals 378 7.6
3.15 Manufacture of anhydrous ammonia 5 0.1
3.16 Manufacture of nitric acid 3 0.1
3.17 Manufacture of plastics in primary form 163 3.3
Total not taxonomy-aligned activities 895 18.0 –
Sum A.1. + A.2. 922 18.6 0.5 0.0% 0.5%

B. Taxonomy-non-eligible activities
Capital expenditures on taxonomy non-eligible
4,045 81.4
­ ctivities
Total 4,967 100.0
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – E.U. Taxonomy 99

E.U. taxonomy indicators: 2022 operating expenditures

Substantial contribution DNSH criteria
criteria (“do no significant harm”)
of taxonomy-­
Proportion of Climate Climate Climate Climate Water and Biodiversity aligned Category Category
Operating operating change change change change marine Circular and Minimum ­capital (enabling (transitional
Economic activities expenditures ­expenditures ­mitigation ­adaptation ­mitigation ­adaptation ­resources economy Pollution ­ecosystems safeguards ­expenditures ­activity) activity)
Million € in % in % in % Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no in % Yes/no Yes/no
A. Taxonomy-eligible activities
A.1. Environmentally sustainable activities
3.05 Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment
4 0.1 100.0 – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.1 Yes –
for buildings
3.12 Manufacture of soda ash 4 0.1 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.1 – Yes
3.14 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals 15 0.3 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.3 – Yes
3.17 Manufacture of plastics in primary form 23 0.5 100.0 – – Yes Yes – Yes Yes Yes 0.5 – Yes
Total taxonomy-aligned activities 45 0.9 100.0 – 0.9 0.1% 0.9%

A.2. Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally

sustainable activities
(not taxonomy-aligned)
3.04 Manufacture of batteries 14 0.3
3.10 Manufacture of hydrogen 40 0.8
3.12 Manufacture of soda ash 6 0.1
3.13 Manufacture of chlorine 35 0.7
3.14 Manufacture of organic basic chemicals 186 3.8
3.15 Manufacture of anhydrous ammonia 18 0.4
3.16 Manufacture of nitric acid 19 0.4
3.17 Manufacture of plastics in primary form 139 2.9
Total not taxonomy-aligned activities 457 9.4 –
Sum A.1. + A.2. 502 10.4 0.9 0.1% 0.9%

B. Taxonomy-non-eligible activities
Operating expenditures for taxonomy-non-eligible
4,336 89.6
Total 4,838 100.0
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Sustainability Along the Value Chain 100

Along the Value Chain
We want to contribute to a better world with enhanced quality of life for everyone. That is why we have firmly anchored the three pillars of sustainability –
the economy, environment and society – into our corporate purpose, our strategy, our targets and our operations along the value chain. They are at the core
of what we do, a driver for growth and an element of our risk management.

We value people and treat them with respect We seek dialog with our stakeholders to discuss critical issues
and, if necessary, develop solutions together. Through our societal
SUPPL IERS BAS F CUSTOMERS engage­ment, we want to create a positive impact, particularly in the
communities surrounding our sites, and help solve global ­challenges.
We source responsibly We produce safely and efficiently We drive sustainable solutions
We are involved in numerous sustainability initiatives to drive
­forward sustainability in general and, specifically, as this relates to
We contribute to sustainability and to the United Nations’ Sus- apply throughout the Group. In doing so, we ­consider, respect and our value chains. These include the World Business Council for
tainable Development Goals (SDGs) in many ways (see page 46). promote internationally recognized principles such as the 10 princi- Sustainable Development (WBCSD) as well as networks with
For instance, our innovations, products and technologies help to ples of the U.N. Global Compact and the Core Labor Standards of ­thematic focus like the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) or the
use natural resources more efficiently, meet the demand for food, the International Labor Organization (ILO). Global Battery Alliance (GBA). In addition, we realize a wide range of
enable climate-smart mobility, reduce emissions and waste, and projects – often together with partners – for example, to improve
increase the capabilities of renewable energy. Alongside these We want to ensure that we act in line with the applicable laws sustainability in the supply chain or to promote a circular economy.
positive contributions, our business activities also have negative
­ and uphold our responsibility to the environment and society with For more information on how we value people and treat them with respect, see page 101 onward
impacts. For example, we create CO2 emissions, use water and our comprehensive management and monitoring systems. Our For more information on responsible procurement, see page 114 onward

procure raw materials from suppliers, which may involve a potential ­Responsible Care Management System does this for environmental For more information on safe and efficient production, see page 123 onward

risk of violating labor, environmental or social standards. This is why protection, health and safety (see page 123). We meet our
we are constantly working to broaden our positive contributions to responsibilities with respect to international labor and social
key sustainability topics (see page 46) along our value chain and ­standards chiefly through three elements: the Compliance Program
­reduce the negative impacts. (see page 179), close dialog with our stakeholders and the guideline
on compliance with international labor norms, which applies
We are committed to doing business in a responsible, safe, ­Group-wide.
­resource-efficient and respectful way. We are guided here by our
corporate values and our global Code of Conduct. Our actions are Our business partners are also expected to comply with prevailing
based on the applicable laws and regulations. Some of our v­ oluntary laws, regulations and internationally recognized principles. We have
commitments go above and beyond these. We stipulate globally established appropriate management and control systems, for
binding rules for our employees with standards and ­guidelines that ­example, for working with our suppliers (see page 114).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – We Value People and Treat Them with Respect 101

We Value People and Treat Them with Respect In this section:

Inclusion of Diversity
Employee engagement and empowerment are key to our success. We build networks across our business
Responsibility for Human Rights, Labor and
and industry to establish good relationships with our partners and stakeholders. With our solutions, our
Social Standards
­responsible business conduct and our societal engagement, we want to contribute to a better quality of
life for everyone. Societal Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement

Employees products and services tailored to their needs. We promote a working ­ emographic change and the digital workplace. Continuous ­learning
GRI 2, 3, 201, 401, 402, 404, 405 atmosphere based on mutual trust with attractive working and individual employee development lay the foundation for this.
­conditions, in which employees can develop their individual skills Compensation and benefits as well as our commitment to ­supporting
and potential. We want to further strengthen our innovative power a balance between personal and professional life complete our
Our employees make a significant contribution to BASF’s through the inclusion of diversity. This also positions us to meet comprehensive package. In order to continue to attract and retain
success. We want to attract and retain talented people the challenges of an increasingly rapidly changing environment, talented people for our company in the future, we work c
­ ontinuously
for our company and support them in their development.
To do so, we strive to cultivate a working environment that BASF Group employees by region
inspires and connects people. It is founded on inclusive
­ (Total: 111,481, of which 26.4% women, as of December 31, 2022)
leader­ship based on mutual trust, respect and dedication to
top ­performance.
Europe 1
At a glance North America
16,036 Female Male

(14.4%) 25.0% 75.0%
Female Male
Employees around the world 28.0% 72.0%
South America,
▪ Global targets on employee engagement and promotion of Middle East Asia
­women in leadership positions 7,035 20,452
▪ Focus topics: promoting diversity, inclusive leadership,
Female Male
­continuous learning 34.3% 65.7%
Female Male
26.9% 73.1%


Our employees are key to the successful implementation of BASF’s

strategy. That is why we rely on our employees and leaders. We give 1 Of which Germany 51,703 (46.4%) 24.8% Female 75.2% Male
Of which BASF SE 34,705 (31.1%) 22.1% Female 77.9% Male
them the tools and skills necessary to be able to offer our customers
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Employees 102

on BASF’s attractiveness as an employer. Our employees play an Overall, more than 75,900 employees worldwide participated in the In order to further anchor the CORE Leadership Values in ­day-to-day
important role here as ambassadors for BASF. 2022 survey (participation rate: 68%2). The survey revealed an life, two focus topics were defined for our leadership training in
­engagement index of 81%, which can be seen as stabilization at a 2022: Continuous Meaningful Conversations (see page 106)
high level (2020: 82%). Our aim is to keep this score above 80%. and ­Inclusive Leadership (see page 107). These virtual training
Number of employees We support our leaders with a range of measures to ­decentrally courses comprised a series of modules that provided senior execu-
address individual action areas and in this way, help to further
­ tives with opportunities for self-reflection, global exchange, and
As of December 31, 2022, the number of employees increased to strengthen employee engagement together with their ­employees. practicing and consolidating competencies and skills. Since sum-
111,481 employees compared with 111,047 employees as of mer 2022, we have also offered other management levels training
­December 31, 2021. The rise was primarily due to staff increases in and information on Continuous Meaningful Conversations and a
Asia Pacific, especially for the new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China. What we expect from our leaders deep dive into the CORE Leadership Values.
Furthermore, the Global Business Services unit contributed to a rise
in Germany, Asia Pacific and South America. In addition, the Our leaders and their teams should contribute to BASF’s success. Regular feedback also plays an important role in leadership
­investment project to expand infrastructure and production plants This is why we promote high-quality leadership and regularly ­development. In order to better reflect the anchoring of leadership
for battery materials at the Schwarzheide site in Germany led to a ­measure its impact. We understand impactful leadership as leaders values in daily leadership conduct, we have enhanced and refined
rise in the number of employees. The divestiture of the kaolin that serve as role models by having a positive influence on the our global feedback tool, FEEDback&forward. In 2022, more than
minerals business and the suspension of business activities in
­ ­engagement and development of their employees, and by develop- 69,700 employees took advantage of the opportunity to provide
­Russia had an offsetting impact. We employed 3,049 apprentices1 ing and implementing business strategies in line with our corporate feedback to their leader on topics such as trust, empathy,
(2021: 3,028). 2,468 employees were on temporary contracts (of values. These aspects are part of the standard global nomination ­empowerment, innovation and priority setting. Employees were also
which 47.4% were women). criteria for leadership positions. able to give feedback to their supervisors on the type of leadership
behavior they would like to see in the future. In 2022, the majority of
Our leadership culture is based on BASF’s corporate values: our leaders again received positive feedback, which shows that
Employee engagement creative, open, responsible and entrepreneurial – CORE. Our
­ they also meet the high standards BASF requires from them in their
­specific expectations of leaders’ conduct are derived from these: ­day-to-day leadership behavior. The fact that 70% of our leaders
BASF can rely on the engagement of its employees. This is shown The CORE Leadership Values serve as the guiding principles for all have, in the eyes of their employees, further improved their leader-
by a passion for the job, a dedication to top performance and a leaders and set out our expectations of leadership conduct. They ship over the past year also points to a clear positive trend. In
strong commitment to BASF. Employee surveys and pulse checks are aligned with BASF’s strategic goals and reflect our company’s this way, ­FEEDback&forward promotes regular and open dialog
are used as feedback tools to actively involve employees in leadership vision. ­between employees and leaders and encourages them to reflect
­shaping their working environment. The results are communicated on ­themselves and their own performance. This enables teams to
to employees, the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory We offer our leaders a wide variety of learning and development drive forward change together.
Board, among others. We have performed regular global employee opportunities for each phase of their career as well as various
surveys since 2008. We aim to keep the high level of employee ­formats that enable them to learn from one another and external
­engagement determined by these surveys. As part of the BASF experts. Global and local offerings are optimally coordinated. We
strategy, we therefore set ourselves the following goal in 2018: More aim to develop leaders who lead their teams with professional
than 80% of our employees feel that at BASF, they can thrive and ­competence, optimism, empathy and trust, and in this way, create
perform at their best. We regularly calculate the employee a competitive advantage for BASF.
­engagement level as an index score based on five questions on set
topics in our employee surveys.

1 At BASF, the apprenticeship program trains students for technical, scientific and business vocations as well as for trade and craft professions.
2 Scope of employees surveyed goes beyond the scope of consolidation. However, there are exceptions for companies that represent joint ventures and joint operations, as well as companies held for sale.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Employees 103

Competition for talent To combat the shortage of skilled workers in production and BASF Group new hires in 2022
­technical areas in Ludwigshafen, Germany, we used channels like 2022 Of which women (%)
Attracting and retaining the best employees is crucial to our ­success. social media to alert qualified specialists to career prospects at Europe 4,809 30.2
Having an attractive and compelling total offer package for ­employees BASF in 2022. We also cooperated with the German employment
North America 2,422 28.6
is becoming increasingly important given the strong global agency, for example, to target skilled workers at informational
Asia Pacific 2,606 30.6
­competition for the best qualified employees and leaders. This is events and to recruit suitable candidates for BASF who are ­currently
why we are constantly working on measures to increase BASF’s available on the labor market or will be in the near future. South America, Africa, Middle
1,056 43.8
attractiveness in the global labor markets and are increasingly using
Total 10,893 31.2
digital platforms such as our country-specific career websites as In addition, we are working on implementing a digital onboarding
well as global and regional social networks. This enables us to process for new employees and their leaders in the period up to the
­appropriately address different target groups. first day of work and beyond. The plan is to roll out the Enboarder As of December 31, 2022, the BASF Group was training 3,049 peo-
digital tool globally in 2023. ple in 11 countries and around 50 occupations. We spent a total of
Our talent search activities in 2022 were based on a mix of around €131 million on vocational training in 2022.
­face-to-face events as well as digital offerings. We are continually We offer a dual vocational training model at numerous sites. At For more information on careers at BASF, see
enhancing and refining these offerings to be able to respond to production sites in the United States, for example, we provide up to
current developments and the changing needs of applicants, and three years of dual-track vocational training under the North
additionally, to be able to provide the best possible information ­American Apprenticeship Program (NAADP). We work with local Learning and development
about BASF as an employer virtually. For example, we are repre- colleges to ensure that apprentices receive comprehensive and
sented at digital trade fairs and conferences. This virtual contact ­integrated tuition, in addition to the practical experience they gain at Learning and development are essential success factors for a
enables a demand-oriented, flexible and location-independent BASF’s sites. The program was expanded to additional U.S. sites in strong and future-oriented company culture. The skills and compe-
­approach. As a result, we were able to continue to attract and 2022. tencies of our employees are critical for profitable growth and lasting
­recruit talented ­employees. success. For this reason, we want to further modernize our learning
We once again achieved high scores in a number of employer culture and step up our efforts to promote continuous, self-directed
We are also involved in long-term projects to promote talent, such ­rankings in 2022. For example, in a study conducted by Universum, learning and learning from others. Employee development at BASF
as a pilot project run by the Royal Society of Chemistry to help young scientists ranked BASF as the seventh most attractive is underpinned by the principle that development opportunities and
­ethnic minorities in the U.K. and Ireland pursue careers in the ­employer in Germany (2021: second). In North America, DiversityInc support are open to all employees.
­chemical industry. The launch event for the three-year program was named BASF as one of the top 50 companies for diversity in
held in London in September 2022. ­recruiting for the tenth consecutive year. In Asia, Top Employer We understand development as continuous learning by building
recognized BASF China as one of the best employers for the
­ ­individual experience and skills, further training or changing jobs.
In addition, we consistently take part in specific career events to ­thirteenth time in succession. A trust-based relationship between employees and leaders as well
­directly reach and attract talent from various disciplines, especially as regular feedback are crucial to employee development. Continu-
female candidates. We focus in particular on our female employees The BASF Group hired 10,893 new employees in 2022. The ous Meaningful Conversations are regular conversations between
as role models with various initiatives such as career fairs and ­percentage of employees who resigned during their first three years leaders and employees and cover topics such as feedback,
­networking events aimed specifically at women, or on our social of employment – the early turnover rate – was 1.9% worldwide ­reflection, development, performance, collaboration and well-being.
media channels. In 2022, we also added a new page to the global in 2022. This turnover rate was 0.8% in Europe, 4.0% in North These conversations can be initiated by both leaders or employees
career website that highlights our strategic targets on gender parity ­America, 3.8% in Asia Pacific and 2.8% in South America, Africa, and take different forms depending on individual needs – leaders
and on women in leadership positions. Middle East. and employees can agree on this in the annual employee dialog.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Employees 104

Employees also define their individual learning objectives together 5,200 employees are active in the Ways of Working community on
with their leader in these discussions. These are to be adapted to our social network. Good to know
the specific requirements of the position concerned and future
needs. Learning can take place in various formats and at different Alongside formal learning opportunities, the “project marketplace”
locations – at work, as social or formal learning – depending on social platform offers further agile development opportunities.
current individual and workplace demands. ­Employees are able to grow professionally by taking on new tasks
without having to change jobs internally and benefit from the
Our learning offerings are available for a variety of employee devel­ experience they gain from working on digital projects. Over
op­ment needs: starting a career, expanding knowledge, personal 600 ­employees took up this offer in 2022.
growth and leadership development. In addition, the many
­academies in the divisions and service units offer training on specific
professional content.

To achieve our ambitious digitalization goals, we are focusing on Agile learning formats
digital skills development in the leadership team and among our
Agile learning formats are characterized by a high degree of
employees, as well as on agile transformation. Learning offerings
self-organization on the one hand and cooperation on the other.
cover not only typical, IT-related fields of competence, but also
At BASF, they are primarily applied directly in a working context,
production and sustainability topics, for example. Agile leadership
for example in the form of design thinking, learning circles or
training plays just as important a role as development activities that
hackathons. With the regular Climathon initiative, for example,
help employees and leaders navigate a digitally-enabled working
BASF aims to find and nurture solutions that advance ­digitalization
environment, analyze data for more targeted decision-making or
and sustainability together. In 2022, BASF also participated in the
improve automation processes. BASF uses the concept of digital
HerHackathon 2022, where 250 female digital talents from
competence profiles. These describe digital skills, tasks and
across Europe worked on seven challenges from multiple
behaviors and help harmonize digital skills requirements across
­companies. Participating in events of this kind helps us to be
perceived as an attractive digital employer and to attract new
Additionally, we offer our employees a variety of self-learning
opportunities to enhance their digital skills. The global Ways of
­ Citizen development is an important pillar of BASF’s digitalization
Working portal was launched in 2021. Over one-third of our strategy. In IT jargon, citizen developers are the opposite of
employees have already taken advantage of this offer. In 2022,
­ ­professional software developers – interested users who, after a
around 28,600 employees participated in events such as the global short learning phase, independently create digital applications.
collaboration weeks, “open house” question and answer sessions There are now more than 10,000 citizen developers at BASF,
on new ways of working, and workshop series on virtual who have access to various platforms to develop simple digital
­collaboration. In addition, 600 colleagues volunteered as change solutions themselves and strengthen BASF’s digital t­ ransformation.
agents and served as contacts on virtual collaboration topics. This
enables social learning directly in the workplace. In addition, over
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Employees 105

Compensation and benefits ­incen­tivizes the achievement of strategic growth, profitability and Balancing personal and professional life
­sustainability targets. To take part in this program, participants must
We want to attract and retain engaged and qualified employees, hold BASF shares, the amount of which is based on their individual Our identity as an employer includes our belief in supporting our
and motivate them to achieve top performance with a total offer fixed compensation. In 2022, around 94% of the people eligible to employees in balancing their personal and professional lives. We
package that includes market-oriented compensation, individual participate in the LTI around the world did so, holding between 30% want to strengthen their identification with the company and our
development opportunities and a good working environment. and 70% of their fixed annual compensation in BASF shares. The position in the global competition for qualified personnel. To achieve
Our employees’ compensation is based on global compensation share price-based compensation program (BASF Option Program, this, we have a wide range of offerings aimed at employees in
­principles according to position, market and performance. As a BOP), which had existed since 1999, was offered for the last time in different phases of life that accommodate – as far as the job allows –
rule, compensation comprises fixed and variable components as 2020. the growing demand for flexibility in when and where they work.
well as benefits that often exceed legal requirements. In many For more information on share price-based compensation programs and BASF’s share programs, see These include flexible working hours, part-time employment, remote
the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 285 onward
countries, these benefits include company pension benefits,
­ working, and time off options that provide the necessary flexibility to
For more information on the compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory
­supplementary health insurance and share programs. We regularly Board, see the Compensation Report at
care for children or family members, for example. We are continually
review our compensation systems at the global and local levels. working to expand these options and increasingly support the
­effective use of digital solutions here.
We want our employees to contribute to the company’s success. Personnel expenses
This is why the compensation granted to the vast majority of our We have formulated guidelines for more flexibility in where, when
employees includes variable compensation components, with which Expenses for wages and salaries, social security contributions and and how employees work. These opportunities have become an
they participate in the success of the BASF Group as a whole and assistance, as well as for pensions totaled €11,400 million in 2022. integral part of our employees’ day-to-day work, job permitting.
are recognized for their individual performance. The same ­principles In the previous year, these amounted to €11,097 million. The rise
essentially apply for all employees worldwide. The amount of the was mainly attributable to a higher wage and salary level, currency At the Ludwigshafen site in Germany, for example, teams can draw
variable component is determined by economic success as well as effects, particularly from the U.S. dollar, as well as a higher average on many tools to live more flexibility and at the same time, s­ trengthen
the employee’s individual performance. We use the BASF Group’s number of employees. Declining bonus provisions and lower teamwork. Many BASF units have hybrid work models, working
return on capital employed (ROCE) to measure e ­ conomic success ­pension expenses had an offsetting effect. partly on-site and partly remotely. Desk-sharing concepts support
for the purposes of variable compensation. This links variable the new form of collaboration and create areas to withdraw as well
­compensation to our ROCE target.1 Individual ­ performance is BASF Group personnel expenses as new interaction spaces for sharing ideas and being creative
Million €
­assessed as part of a globally consistent performance management ­together. There are also external and internal co-working oppor­
2022 2021 +/–
process. In numerous Group companies, our “plus” share program tunities that employees can take advantage of.
Wages and salaries 9,102 8,847 +2.9%
ensures employees’ long-term participation in the company’s
­success through incentive shares. In 2022, for ­example, around Social security contributions and assistance Our Work-Life Management employee center in Ludwigshafen,
1,598 1,519 +5.2%
27,100 employees worldwide (2021: around 23,600) participated Germany, (LuMit) offers a number of services under one roof:
Pension expenses 701 732 –4.2%
in the “plus” share program. ­childcare, fitness and health, and the Employee Assistance Program
Total personnel expenses 11,400 11,097 +2.7% with social counseling services offered by BASF Stiftung.
BASF offers senior executives the opportunity to participate in a
long-term incentive (LTI) program2 in the form of a performance Other BASF sites also have a wide range of services to foster a
share plan. The LTI program has a term of four years and takes balance between personal and professional life and promote health
into account the development of the total shareholder return. It and fitness. For example, the Münster and Frankfurt sites in Gemany

1 In calculating compensation-relevant ROCE, adjustments are made for negative and positive special items resulting from acquisitions and divestitures (for example, integration costs in connection with acquisitions and gains or losses from the divestiture of businesses) when these exceed a corridor of +/–1% of the average cost of capital basis. An
adjustment of the compensation-relevant ROCE (in the first 12 months after closing) therefore only occurs in cases of exceptionally high special items resulting from acquisitions and divestitures.
2 The LTI program referred to here is aimed at management levels 2 to 4 as well as individual employees who have attained senior executive status by virtue of special expertise.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Employees 106

offer mobile and hybrid working, childcare options including emer- Mutual respect and open dialog
gency care, and psychosocial support and counseling ­services.
Openness is one of BASF’s corporate values. That is why our
In Germany, the Employee Assistance Program with social stakeholder dialog is based on honesty, respect and mutual trust.
counseling services has been offered for 100 years under the
­ This also applies to dialog with our employees.
­organizational umbrella of BASF Stiftung: It provides an anchor and
supports people in difficult life situations in Ludwigshafen and at All employees have the opportunity to form, join and support legally
three other German locations. In addition, BASF Stiftung promotes recognized trade unions or employee representatives. These are
projects around the world to permanently improve the living entitled to represent employees and their interests in collective
conditions of people in need and to help people affected by
­ ­bargaining. BASF upholds these rights and has anchored this in the
­emergencies and natural disasters. Examples include the year-end Group-wide guideline on compliance with international labor norms.
donation campaign “#HornOfAfrica – Children need water and food”
and the major donation campaign “#ColleaguesForUkraine”. The Trust-based cooperation with employee representatives is an
site in Lemförde, Germany, also hosted an aid campaign for important component of our corporate culture. Our open and
Ukrainian refugees, organizing a leisure program for a total of around ­continual dialog lays the foundation for balancing the interests of the
45 refugee children and their mothers as part of summer holiday company and its employees, even in challenging situations. In 2022,
care. this underpinned our efforts to manage the effects of the war in
Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic, for example. In the case of
We have also offered our South American employees numerous organizational changes or if restructuring leads to staff downsizing,
support services for many years now. For example, there is a team for example, or in the case of other codetermination-relevant topics,
that coordinates activities to promote employees’ emotional, we involve employee representatives at an early stage to develop
physical and social well-being. The portfolio is continuously
­ socially responsible implementation measures. Our actions are
­enhanced and refined to optimally meet current local needs. One aligned with the respective legal regulations and the agreements
focus topic in 2022 was burnout and illness prevention. reached, as well as operational conditions.

In Asia, too, many countries have specific support programs By focusing our discussions on the local and regional situations, we
designed to help employees with personal and professional
­ aim to find tailored solutions to the different challenges and legal
­problems. These include a wide range of offers, for example on conditions for each site. The BASF Europa Betriebsrat (European
mental health and on preventing and dealing with stress. Thanks to Works Council) addresses cross-border matters in Europe. In South
employees’ voluntary efforts, employees in need were provided with America, we foster continual dialog with employee representatives
special assistance such as food packages during the lockdown in the Diálogo Social.
triggered by the coronavirus pandemic in 2022.
For more information on BASF Stiftung, see We are also committed to social dialog with employee ­representatives
where freedom of association is not guaranteed under national law
to the same extent as in European legal systems.
For more information, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Inclusion of Diversity 107

Material topics in focus:

Inclusion of Diversity
GRI 3, 404, 405


BASF strives to foster a working environment based on mutual respect, trust and appreciation.
­Promoting and valuing diversity across all hierarchical levels is an integral part of our strategy
and is also embedded in our corporate values.

For us, diversity means, among other things, having people from into their respective target agreements and implementation is
different backgrounds working at our company who can draw on reviewed. Market regions and countries in Europe developed
their individual perspectives and skills to grow our business. As a ­individual diversity and inclusion roadmaps in 2022. The focus was
global company, we serve many different customer needs. We on identifying the relevant topics in each country. In addition, since
also want to reflect this diversity in our workforce. By valuing and 2022 we have also been using the inclusion index to measure our
­promoting employee diversity, we boost our teams’ performance employees’ sense of belonging as part of the regular employee
and power of innovation, and increase creativity, ­motivation and survey (see page 102).
employees’ identification with the company.
Integrating different perspectives is very important to BASF and we
We expect inclusive conduct from all employees. By this, we mean want to create a greater awareness of diversity in our organization.
creating an environment in which different aspects of diversity and For instance, we have created a digital learning format on
individual strengths are valued. That is why in 2022, we focused ­unconscious bias for all employees. There are also a number of
on the topics of inclusion and our employees’ sense of belonging Employee Resource Groups around the world dedicated to different
at BASF. aspects of diversity. For example, the LGBTQ+ network in
­Ludwigshafen, Germany, celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2022.
Our leaders play an important role in promoting diversity and c
­ reating
an inclusive work environment. We support them with various
­offerings, for example as part of leadership development. In 2022,
our leaders had the opportunity to deep dive into inclusive leader-
ship in a training series on the CORE Leadership Values (see
page 102). The training supported our leaders in what they can
­specifically do to make the work environment more inclusive for all
employees and how they can live up to their role model function and
Our Diversity and Inclusion programs promote develop further.
a workplace that w­ elcomes everyone and
strengthens the sense of belonging at BASF.
This allows us to perform at our best together
To fulfill their responsibility for creating an inclusive workplace, all
and work to be the world’s leading chemical leaders in North America have been required since 2022 to set goals
company for our customers.
for the inclusive leadership of their teams. These are incorporated
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Inclusion of Diversity 108

BASF Group employee age structure To enable our management to monitor progress toward this target,
(Total: 111,481, of which 26.4% women, as of December 31, 2022) we have developed a global dashboard that is used to regularly
review the status of implementation. The systematic advancement
Men Women
42,268 of women is an integral part of our process for selecting senior
27.0% ­executives and is regularly addressed in strategic dialogs with the
21,558 divisions at the level of the Board of Executive Directors and in the
18.3% Board’s strategic talent discussions. We also offer various programs
8,119 69.8% 73.0%
26.4% 81.7% to help female ­executives strengthen their network and increase
73.6% their visibility at senior executive level.
Up to and 26–39 years 40–54 years 55 years
including 25 years and up Leaders and specialists in the BASF Group

December 31, 2022 Of which women (%)

(Senior) executivesa 9,329 27.2

Diversity also relates to the company’s demographic profile, which
Specialists b
41,333 32.5
varies by region within the BASF Group. Our aim is to create a
suitable framework to help maintain the employability of our
­ a With disciplinary leadership responsibilities
b Without disciplinary leadership responsibilities (previously “professionals”)
­personnel at all stages of life and ensure the availability of qualified
employees over the long term. As a signatory to the United Nations’ Women’s Empowerment
­Principles (WEPs), we are committed to promoting gender equality.
We also promote diversity in the selection and development of our We are also involved in other external initiatives to promote inclusion
leaders. We have set a global target to promote female leadership of diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace, such as the
and aim to increase the proportion of women in leadership positions Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) initiative.
to 30% by 2030. For more information on diversity in the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board, see
page 169 onward
For more information on diversity and inclusion, see

2030 target

Proportion of women in
­leadership positions with
­disciplinary responsibility

We have made important progress toward this and continually

review our target. In the BASF Group, the global proportion of
­female leaders with disciplinary responsibility was 27.2% at the end
of 2022 (2021: 25.6%).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Responsibility for Human Rights, Labor and Social Standards 109

Material topics in focus:

Responsibility for Human Rights, Labor and
Social Standards
GRI 2, 3, 406, 407, 408, 409, 411, 413


BASF acknowledges its responsibility to respect internationally recognized human rights. For many years
now, we have engaged in constructive dialog on human rights with other companies, nongovernmental
­organizations, international organizations and multi-stakeholder initiatives to better understand different
­perspectives and address conflicting goals. BASF is a founding member of the U.N. Global Compact and
a member of the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights (GBI).

are committed to complying with international labor and social

At a glance ­standards.

▪ Human rights due diligence as a Group-wide task

We rely on a systematic, integrated, risk-based approach and
▪ Systematic and extensive anchoring of human rights topics in ­established monitoring and management systems. BASF is also
company processes and culture
active in initiatives such as Together for Sustainability (TfS) and
▪ Commitment to respecting international labor and social ­Responsible Care®, which promote sustainability in the supply chain.
­standards enshrined in our global Code of Conduct
Our measures and criteria for monitoring and respecting human
▪ Chief Human Rights Officer appointed to oversee human rights rights are integrated into supplier assessment processes and our
risk management
global monitoring systems for environmental protection, safety and
security, health protection and product stewardship (see page 114).
They are also part of the evaluation of investment, acquisition and
Strategy and organization divestiture projects, assessments along the entire product life cycle,
and systems to monitor labor and social standards. In addition,
We see human rights due diligence as an important, a­ll-encom- ­aspects of human rights topics are part of the global qualification
passing task that we can only perform by working together as a requirements for security personnel and are incorporated into
team throughout the entire organization. That is why we have ­standard agreements with contractors.
embedded our responsibility for human rights into our Code of
Conduct and set this out in our Policy Statement on Human Rights. Our compliance unit is responsible for steering human rights topics
Projects such as the Pragati project on sustainable We uphold our standards worldwide, including where they exceed and coordinates cross-unit collaboration. As Chief Human Rights
castor bean ­farming, founded by BASF together with local legal require­ments. All employees and leaders are responsible Officer, the head of our legal and compliance organization is
Arkema, Jayant Agro-­Organics and implementation
partner Solidaridad, start on the ground to build for ensuring that we act in accordance with our Code of Conduct ­responsible for overseeing human rights risk management. In our
specific expertise for sustainable and responsible and our Policy Statement on Human Rights. In everything we do, we Human Rights Expert Working Group, representatives from various
supply chains.
areas of our company work closely together to holistically assess
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Responsibility for Human Rights, Labor and Social Standards 110

and refine our approach to human rights governance. It includes in which BASF operates and evaluate our adherence to international measures, compliance with international labor and social standards
employees from specialist departments – Corporate Compliance labor and social standards. If the national law contains no or lower is an integral part of the standard questionnaire in the compliance
(coordination), Global Procurement, Corporate Legal, Corporate requirements, action plans are drawn up to successively close these management audits conducted by the Corporate Audit department.
Human Resources, Environmental Protection, Health, Safety and gaps in a reasonable time frame. If conflicts with national law or For more information on corporate governance and compliance, see page 168 onward
Quality, Corporate Strategy & Sustainability, Corporate Security, practices arise, we strive to act in accordance with our values and For more information on labor and social standards, see

Digital and Procurement Governance, Corporate Communications internationally recognized principles without violating the law of the
and Governmental Relations – and our operating divisions. The country concerned. As part of the management process, we regu-
­expert working group provides support and advice in challenging larly follow up on and document the results of the comparison Cooperation along our value chains
and critical situations, on the development of internal processes, ­between national law and our guideline, as well as measures to
and on the creation of information and training offerings, among ­implement the guideline. This is part of our central due diligence As an international company, we are a part of society in the coun-
other things. In this way, we want to ensure that we approach our system. tries in which we operate and have business relationships with
human rights responsibility holistically and that we can continually partners around the world. We are confronted by the fact that there
improve our performance. We monitor our voluntary commitment to international labor and are states that do not honor their obligation to protect human rights.
social standards as part of our management process. As before, People are particularly at risk in such countries, and companies’
individual elements of the guideline are also reviewed as part of ability to act is often very limited. Here, too, we are committed to our
International labor and social standards internal control processes such as Responsible Care audits at
­ values and contribute to the respect of human rights.
BASF Group companies. In addition to these quality assurance
Our aim of acting responsibly toward our employees is embedded in We have trustful working relationships with our partners (customers,
our global Code of Conduct through our voluntary commitment to suppliers, joint venture partners, contractors), expect them to
respecting international labor and social standards. This encom- Good to know comply with internationally recognized human rights standards
passes internationally recognized labor norms as stipulated in the and to expect the same of their partners further along the value
United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD chain. We work to ensure that our partners meet their respective
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Tripartite Declara-
Human Rights Advisory Council ­responsibilities.
tion of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social We established a Human Rights Advisory Council in 2020 to
Policy of the International Labour Organization (ILO). In order to ­integrate external expertise. Its members include independent We can only achieve our goal of strengthening respect for human
meet the requirement to comply with these standards worldwide, international human rights experts. The trust-based dialog on rights along our value chains if we work together. We have clearly
we mainly approach our adherence to international labor and social human rights topics helps us to better understand different defined our expectations in our Supplier Code of Conduct. We are
standards using three elements: the Compliance Program (including ­perspectives and to deal more openly with critical situations. in close contact with our business partners, especially in higher-
compliance hotlines), close dialog with our stakeholders (such as The meetings held in 2022, which were chaired by our Chief risk areas and regions, and monitor the implementation of relevant
with employee representatives or international organizations) and ­Compliance Officer, were attended by representatives from the standards and necessary measures for improvement. We use
the BASF guideline on compliance with international labor norms, Corporate Compliance and Corporate Strategy & Sustainability recognized assessments and audits to verify this. In 2022, we
which applies Group-wide. This guideline concretizes the topics in departments as well as other experts from the operating divisions ­continued our work with our upstream supply chain, where we
our global Code of Conduct under “Human rights, labor and social or procurement as required. We maintained our dialog with the usually have no direct contractual relationships, less transparency
standards” as these relate to our employees. In 2022, an additional Human Rights Advisory Council in 2022, both with the body as and less influence. Here, we seek to increase our influence through
guideline specified that these topics must also be considered and a whole and in small groups. The Council provided an external collaboration with partners and stakeholders, and place importance
applied when working with temporary employees and freelancers. perspective, for example, on the further development of our on certifications such as the LBMA certificate for gold, the LPPM
­human rights position, on due diligence in challenging circum- certificate for platinum group metals, and the Responsible Minerals
It forms the basis for our global, risk-based management process: stances, and on the limits of corporate governance. Initiative’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process.
We regularly monitor changes to the national law of all the countries
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Responsibility for Human Rights, Labor and Social Standards 111

We work together with partners, civil society and in cross-sector Further development of our organization and processes Information and awareness-raising measures, grievance
initiatives. These include the Global Battery Alliance and the Round- mechanisms
table on Sustainable Palm Oil. Projects often start on the ground to We again initiated various measures to further strengthen our
build specific expertise for sustainable and responsible supply ­organization and processes in 2022. These measures are also Promoting awareness of human rights was again a focus topic
chains. Examples include the Sustainable Castor Initiative – Pragati ­important against the background of new regulations, especially the in 2022. Workshop programs on this were held in our operating
in India, the Responsible Lithium Partnership Initiative in Chile, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCA). These include the ­divisions. In addition, employees in all regions were informed about
Responsible Mica Initiative in India and the Cobalt for Development appointment of BASF’s Chief Human Rights Officer and the further and sensitized to human rights topics through presentations and
pilot mining project in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2022, development of our Policy Statement on Human Rights, including discussion formats for specific target groups.
BASF, Syngenta and Arisa also worked together on a multi-stake- further explanations of our approach to human rights due diligence
holder initiative in the vegetable seeds business in India. The initia- and priority risks for our company. Both of these measures were Our grievance mechanisms, which we already improved in 2021
tive, WISH (Wage Improvements in Seed Hybrids), addresses the ­approved by the Board of Executive Directors in November 2022. with the introduction of a standardized global hotline and reporting
issue of child labor and compliance with minimum wage. system, were also used in 2022. A total of 151 human rights-related
For more information on standards in our supply chain, see page 114 onward To strengthen due diligence in the supply chain, we have also complaints were received by phone as well as by post and e-mail
For more information on raw materials, see page 117 onward ­enhanced and refined a range of measures, including supplier risk (2021: 206). All complaints were reviewed and forwarded to the
analysis as well as preventive measures such as the systematic relevant departments for in-depth investigation. If justified, appro­
business partner due diligence for new suppliers, our Supplier Code priate measures were taken. The 65 closed and justified cases were
of Conduct, and the requirements to be embedded in suppliers’ primarily harassment cases, followed by cases of discrimination.
contracts. We continue to expect our suppliers to enforce our Our grievance channels did not identify any instances of child labor
­standards at their suppliers and subcontractors, too. Furthermore, or forced labor.
the rights of third-party workers in high-risk countries will be even
better protected in the future through additional due diligence steps. We report on our global targets, monitoring systems and measures
These include risk-based controls and measures that promote to integrate human rights topics into our business activities in publi-
transparency and awareness of human rights issues. cations such as this report and online.
For more information on our production standards, see page 125 onward
We have also been able to analyze and confirm BASF’s compliance See for more information on the Policy Statement on Human Rights and a
­comprehensive report on the implementation of due diligence in accordance with the requirements
with the specific environmental treaties covered by the SCA of the National Action Plan developed by the German government, and in accordance with the
(­Minamata, Stockholm, Basel) in countries that have not yet ratified U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

these conventions. For more information on the Human Rights Advisory Council, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Societal Engagement 112

Societal Engagement Since 2011, they have been complemented by the Virtual Lab,
GRI 203, 413 which has been used by around half a million children to date. BASF Group expenses for societal
engagement activities1

~€30 million
At a glance BASF aims to contribute to more education for sustainable
­development with the Young Voices for a Sustainable Future
▪ BASF wants to be a responsible neighbor around the world ­project. More than 1,000 young people across eight countries were
▪ BASF with a long tradition of commitment to science education empowered to recognize and address the consequences of climate
change in their communities. With their project proposals, partici-
pants used their potential to draw attention to challenges and help In the area of international development cooperation, we support
Societal engagement is a cornerstone of our corporate social to eliminate them. The young people were supported by more than the independent charitable BASF Stiftung with donations for its
­responsibility. Through our activities, we want to strengthen the 80 BASF employees. projects in cooperation with various organizations. The 2022 year-
communities surrounding our sites worldwide, help achieve the end donation campaign in favor of BASF Stiftung supported the
SDGs, and have a positive long-term impact on the environment We aim to create long-term value for BASF and society with United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, to provide children and
and society. Based on our business model and competencies, we new business models and cross-sector partnerships. Our Starting their families in the Horn of Africa with access to food and water.
aim to support and protect health, skills and resources, ­contributing ­Ventures program helps people from low-income areas to improve BASF topped up the donations made by employees of participating
to a sustainable future for individuals and society. their economic opportunities and their quality of life. The program German Group companies to a total of around €458,000.
also provides access to new markets and partners and contributes
One example of our contribution to public health is our coopera- to achieving the SDGs. Eight new Starting Ventures projects were In 2022, BASF also made donations to support people affected by
tion with the non-governmental organization (NGO) Beyond Sun- selected for implementation in December 2022. BASF is tackling the Russian attack on Ukraine. To this end, BASF initially provided
care, which aims to protect people with albinism from skin cancer, challenges on the ground together with local partners and contribut- €1 million in emergency aid to the German Red Cross in February
discrimination and attacks. The NGO has a long history of working ing to the SDGs with entrepreneurial ideas, technical expertise and 2022. In April, BASF additionally doubled the amount donated as
with BASF to develop and provide sunscreen products that address time resources. One project under our Starting Ventures program is part of the global employee fundraising campaign “#Colleagues­For­
the specific challenges of people with albinism in the sub-Saharan the Waste-2-Chemicals project in Lagos, Nigeria. In the project, Ukraine” (€2,110,156 in total) to around €4.2 million. The donations
region. BASF provides its know-how and ingredients free of charge. plastic waste is collected by local residents, sorted and then con- benefited BASF employees from Ukraine through BASF Stiftung
Together, Beyond Suncare and BASF developed an innovative verted into pyrolysis oil. This pyrolysis oil is available as feedstock for and Ukrainian refugees through the U.N. Refugee Agency.
­sunscreen product that reduces the risk of skin cancer among the the production of high-quality chemical products. In cooperation
vulnerable population. This is just one example of how this initiative with nonprofit organizations, this enables local waste collectors and In addition, BASF supported those affected by natural disasters. For
is improving the quality of life, safety and dignity of people with their families to earn a regular income. example, we support the National Disaster Management Authority in
­albinism in Africa. Pakistan with mosquito nets and pest control products to protect
the population in flooded areas.
Education is key to personal success and the future viability of For more information on Starting Ventures, see
­society. That is why BASF is committed to working with partners at For more information on societal engagement at our sites, see

numerous sites to achieve greater educational equality, especially For more information on our societal engagement around the world, see

for ­
disadvantaged children and young people. BASF has been
foster­ing curiosity and stimulating an interest in science for 25 years
now with BASF Kids’ Labs. The experimentation programs have
since reached approximately 1.2 million children in 45 countries.

1 We report a total figure for our societal engagement activities. The figure includes all consolidated companies with employees, including joint operations.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Stakeholder Engagement 113

Stakeholder Engagement
GRI 2, 3, 413

At a glance

▪ Dialog with various stakeholder groups with a focus on

­contributing to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
▪ The Stakeholder Advisory Council’s focus areas: climate
­protection, the energy transformation and social responsibility

We leverage the expertise of our stakeholders in our own advisory

bodies, global networks and worldwide initiatives and actively
­engage in dialog, contributing our expertise.

For instance, we have been a member of the U.N. Global Compact

since its establishment in 2000. BASF consistently supports the
U.N. Global Compact’s 10 principles of responsible business
­conduct and the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we
are participating in the pilot phase of the U.N. Global Compact’s
new reporting format and are active in 13 local Global Compact

In 2022, we again discussed relevant sustainability topics with our

Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC). Based on this joint dialog,
BASF’s sustainability management is critically reviewed and
­systematically enhanced and refined. The tenth meeting focused on
the significance and aspects of the societal dimension of sustainable

Topics discussed by the Human Rights Advisory Council ­included

particular challenges in the battery materials value chain.
For more information on our stakeholder dialog, see
For more information on our stakeholder activities, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – We Source Responsibly 114

We Source Responsibly In this section:

Supplier Management
Raw Materials
As a global business, we have a responsibility to manage our supply chains carefully. We connect with our
suppliers to source raw materials responsibly. Our partnerships with suppliers are based on mutual value
creation, as well as a reliable supply of raw materials, technical goods and services at competitive prices.

Supplier Management Strategy and governance Code of Conduct or the systematic risk-oriented assessment and
GRI 2, 3, 204, 304, 308, 403, 407, 408, 409, 414 auditing of suppliers, remain important elements and have been
SUPPLIERS BASF CUSTOMERS Our procurement organization ensures a reliable supply of raw updated accordingly.
materials, energy, precursors, technical goods and services to
BASF sources many raw materials, precursors, technical BASF. Alongside economic and qualitative criteria, we also take Procurement guidelines and targets are set centrally by the
goods and services. Our suppliers are an important part of environmental, social and ethical aspects into account in ­cooperating ­responsible Corporate Center unit and are binding for all employees
our value chain. Our objective is to create competitive with our suppliers.2 with procurement responsibility worldwide. We use a multi-stage
­advantages through our professional procurement ­structures, control process to ensure compliance with these requirements.
to establish stable and reliable supply chains, and at the Our sustainability-oriented supply chain management is an integral
same time, meet high ethical and environmental standards. part of our risk management. We have defined our standards in a Our risk-based approach aims to identify and evaluate sustainability
Together with our suppliers, we want to improve ­sustainability global guideline. We are continually refining and optimizing this matters in our value chains as best possible to improve s­ ustainability
in the supply chain and minimize risks. guideline and our structures and processes in response to changing performance together with our suppliers. We regularly review and
conditions, such as the new obligations arising from the German document progress based on the risk level. Procurement employees
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCA), which requires large receive regular training in sustainability-oriented supplier manage-
At a glance ­companies to conduct due diligence on human rights and certain ment and responsible procurement. In 2022, around 1,400 ­employees
environmental standards in their supply chains from January 1, received such training, covering the requirements arising from
€54 billion 85% 2023. In principle, this applies both to our own business operations the SCA.
global procurement spend of relevant spend1 covered by and to direct and indirect suppliers. Based on a gap analysis of the
­sustainability evaluations
new statutory due diligence obligations, we have further s­ trengthened We depend on reliable and long-term supply relationships.
existing structures and processes and summarized our human Our ­ expectations of our suppliers are laid down in the global
▪ Sustainability-oriented supply chain management
rights positions in a policy statement (see page 109). The head Supplier Code of Conduct. We support suppliers in improving their
▪ Global targets to increase sustainability in the supply chain of the legal and compliance organization was appointed Chief sus­tainability performance, for example, through joint projects (see
▪ Supplier Code of Conduct creates transparency ­Human Rights Officer in 2022 and is responsible in this capacity page 119) or by helping them to address shortcomings. Another
▪ Risk-based evaluation with clearly defined follow-up processes for ­overseeing the supply chain risk management system. Our example is our Supplier CO2 Management Program launched in
­established supply chain management tools, such as our Supplier 2021, with which we aim to increase the transparency of upstream

1 We understand relevant spend as procurement volumes with relevant suppliers. We define relevant suppliers as Tier 1 suppliers showing an elevated sustainability risk potential as identified by our risk matrices, our purchasers’ assessments or other sources.
2 BASF considers all direct suppliers of the BASF Group in the business year concerned as Tier 1 suppliers. These are suppliers that provide us with raw materials, investment goods, consumables and services. Suppliers can be natural persons, companies or legal persons under public law.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Supplier Management 115

greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) and reduce the carbon What we expect from our suppliers Selection and evaluation of our suppliers
footprint of our value chain together with our suppliers (see
page 141). Together with our suppliers, we want to improve sustainability in the New suppliers are selected and existing suppliers are evaluated not
For more information on suppliers, see supply chain. Consequently, we require our suppliers to comply with only on the basis of economic criteria, but also ESG standards. As
the applicable laws in full and to adhere to internationally recognized such, selection, evaluation and auditing is an important part of our
environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. We also sustainable supply chain and risk management. Processes and
Global targets expect our suppliers to make an effort to enforce these standards at ­responsibilities are defined in a global guideline. Due to the large
their suppliers. In addition, we ask our suppliers to support and number of suppliers, they are evaluated based on risk. We take into
We actively promote sustainability in the supply chain with our comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct – or to demonstrate and account both country and industry-specific risks and the materiality
­ambitious targets: By 2025, we aim to have conducted s­ ustainability ensure their commitment to the principles specified in the Code of of the supply relationship. We also use observations from our
evaluations for 90% of the BASF Group’s relevant spend. In ­addition, Conduct, for example in their own code of conduct. employees in procurement and information from internal and
we aim to have 80% of suppliers improve their sustainability perfor- external databases, such as Together for Sustainability (TfS)
mance upon re-evaluation by 2025. In 2022, 85% of the relevant Our global Supplier Code of Conduct is founded on internationally ­assessments (see box on page 116).
spend had been evaluated. Of the suppliers re-evaluated in 2022, recognized guidelines, such as the principles of the United Nations’
76% had improved. Both global targets are embedded in the target Global Compact, the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and We have suppliers with a high potential sustainability risk ­evaluated
agreements of persons responsible for procurement. ­Human Rights, the International Labor Organization (ILO) conven- by third parties, either through sustainability evaluations or on-site
tions, and the topic areas of the Responsible Care initiative. Topics audits. The list of suppliers to be assessed is updated every year.
2025 targets covered by the Code of Conduct include compliance with human Sustainability evaluations and on-site audits are mainly conducted
rights, the exclusion of child and forced labor, safeguarding labor according to the TfS framework. A total of 79 raw materials supplier
90% 80% and social standards, antidiscrimination and anticorruption policies, sites were audited on sustainability standards on our behalf in 2022.
and protecting the environment. The Code of Conduct is available in We received sustainability evaluations for 963 suppliers. We also
Share of the BASF Group’s Percentage of suppliers with
the most relevant languages for our suppliers and ­integrated into take into account other certification systems and external audits,
­relevant spend covered by ­improved sustainability
electronic ordering systems and purchasing ­conditions across the such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, when assessing
­sustainability evaluations ­performance upon re-evaluation
Group. In 2022, we expanded our Supplier Code of Conduct to our suppliers. Depending on business requirements, we additionally
­include requirements from the German Supply Chain Due Diligence conduct our own Responsible Care audits at selected suppliers (see
Act. Around 5,400 new suppliers committed to the Code of Con- page 123).
Global procurement duct in 2022.

Our more than 70,000 suppliers make an important contribution to BASF conducts audits and assessments to ensure that suppliers
our value creation. They supply us with raw materials, energy, comply with the applicable laws, rules and standards. BASF ­reserves
­precursors, investment goods and consumables, perform a range of the right to discontinue business relationships for non-adherence to
services and are innovation partners. We acquired raw materials, international principles. The same applies to failure to correct
goods and services for our own production worth approximately ­violations, or for displaying patterns of non-compliance with these
€54 billion in 2022. Of this, around 90% was procured locally.1 There standards. Our Code of Conduct expressly points out that potential
were no substantial changes to our supplier structure. violations of laws, rules or standards can be reported – including
anonymously – to our compliance hotlines. Each case is d­ ocumented
and investigated, and appropriate measures are taken as necessary.

1 “Local” means that a supplier is located in the same region (according to BASF’s definition) as the procuring company.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Supplier Management 116

Audit results out at Nornickel’s site in Polar, Russia, in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The results of these audits were discussed with Nornickel and Good to know
We carefully analyze the results of our assessments and document ­follow-up measures were evaluated. Nornickel continues to seek
them in a central database. Over the past few years, we have membership in internationally recognized industry initiatives that Together for Sustainability (TfS)
­identified some need for adjustment at our suppliers with respect provide third-party verification of mining and responsible ­procurement
to environmental, social and governance standards, for example standards, such as IRMA or the International Council on Mining and BASF is a founding member of Together for Sustainability. The
in waste management, or deviations in occupational health and Metals (ICMM). However, this is only possible to a limited extent in initiative was established in 2011 to improve sustainability in the
safety measures and standards under labor law. Follow-up audits the current e­ nvironment. supply chain. The focus is on the standardization, simplification
­performed in 2022 identified improvements in these areas. Again in and mutual recognition of supplier audits and assessments.
2022, none of our audits identified any instances of forced labor, Suppliers are evaluated by independent experts either in on-site
child labor or dangerous work and overtime performed by persons Supplier development audits or online assessments. The latter are conducted by
under 18. EcoVadis, a ratings agency specialized in sustainability
If supplier assessments identify deviations from standards, we ask ­evaluations. At the end of 2022, TfS had 40 members with a
We maintained close dialog with our South African platinum supplier suppliers to develop and implement corrective measures within a combined procurement spend of around €400 billion. A total of
Sibanye-Stillwater1 in 2022 on the results of the audit from 2020, reasonable time frame in a clearly defined follow-up process. We 378 audits and 8,386 online assessments were performed in
the implementation of the resulting action plan, and other relevant support them in their efforts. In South America, for example, over 2022. As a TfS member, BASF itself is assessed and in 2022
topics. This includes working with stakeholders to take a unified 300 employees of suppliers participated in a webinar on compliance was again ranked among the top 1% companies worldwide in
approach to local community development. All the needs for and human rights in the supply chain. Together with Mercedes-Benz, the sustainable procurement category. BASF is involved in the­
­adjustment identified in the 2020 audit had been addressed by the we also organized a workshop in the region focusing on gender further development of TfS, for example, in ­activities to ­stan­dard­ize
end of 2022. BASF and Sibanye-Stillwater have agreed that future equality, which was attended by 22 logistics service providers. An the calculation of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions in the
audits will follow the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance important part of supplier development in 2022 was also the supply chain (see page 139).
(IRMA) mining standard. Sustainability topics are discussed on a ­sustainability webinars held by TfS together with EcoVadis in various
quarterly basis. Sibanye-Stillwater is a member and supporter of the languages, with a total of over 1,900 participants. In addition, the
International Platinum Group Metals Association (IPA) sustainability new TfS Academy online learning platform is aimed at buyers and
initiative that was co-founded by BASF. Measures include c
­ onducting suppliers. It covers the entire spectrum of ESG topics. There are
comprehensive sustainability audits and sharing factors for success. currently over 335 courses available in 10 different languages.
The regular dialog with stakeholders continued in 2022. In addition,
Sibanye-Stillwater has directly involved relevant stakeholders in We review our suppliers’ progress according to a defined time frame
Germany and South Africa in its own stakeholder dialog. based on the sustainability risk identified, or after five years at the
latest. In the case of serious violations of the standards defined in
In 2022, the war of aggression in Ukraine also impacted the our Supplier Code of Conduct or international principles, we reserve
business relationship with our Russian raw materials supplier
­ the right to impose commercial sanctions. These can go as far as
­Nornickel. This could not be continued to the extent planned. We termination of the business relationship. In 2022, this happened in
nevertheless maintain regular dialog with Nornickel, are monitoring one case.
the situation and events from a sustainability perspective, and are in
contact with civil society groups. Topics addressed include the
findings from the mining-specific TfS audits. TfS audits were carried

1 In 2012, an extended strike at a platinum mine in Marikana, South Africa, culminated in a violent confrontation between mine workers and armed South African police. Employees of the former mine operator, Lonmin, were among the fatalities. Ownership of the Marikana mine was transferred to Sibanye-Stillwater in 2019. For more information on
the supplier relationship with the Sibanye-Stillwater mine, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Raw Materials 117

Raw Materials by specific internal requirements, for example, on sourcing also improve resource efficiency and sustainability at many points
GRI 3, 203, 204, 301, 304, 308, 413, 414 ­palm-based raw materials or certain mineral raw materials. We use along the value chain. For example, BASF additives increase the
a multi-stage control process to ensure compliance with these service life and mechanical recyclability of plastics, which saves
­requirements. fossil resources, reduces CO2 emissions and enables a circular
In 2022, BASF purchased a total of around 35,000 different economy.
raw materials from more than 6,500 suppliers. We want to Alongside economic, environmental and social criteria, we also For more information on our supplier management, see page 114 onward
use these resources efficiently and responsibly. The BASF consider aspects such as product safety and supply security when For more information on the circular economy, see page 43

Verbund and our focus on the circular economy are key

­ selecting suppliers and raw materials. Our expectations of our
strategic building blocks here. We expect our suppliers
­ suppliers are laid down in our Supplier Code of Conduct (see
to source and produce raw materials in line with environ­ page 115). We take a closer look at suppliers in critical supply Fossil and petrochemical resources
mental and social requirements. We support them as part of chains, for ­example, mineral raw materials and renewable resourc-
our supplier management, for example, or with various es, a number of pigments and highly toxic substances. U ­ pstream BASF’s most important raw materials (based on volume) include gas
­sustainability projects along the raw materials supply chain. stages of the value chain are assessed for serious s­ ustainability risks and crude oil-based petrochemical products such as naphtha and
and, if ­necessary, suitable remedial measures are identified. In addi- benzene. We mainly use liquid gas and natural gas as a fuel to
tion, we develop and test approaches to make the supply of raw generate energy and steam, and as a raw material to produce key
At a glance materials more sustainable in joint initiatives with suppliers and other basic chemicals such as ammonia or acetylene. Naphtha is mainly
partners. ­Examples include our cooperative ventures and invest- fed into our steam cracker, where it is split into products such as
~35,000 1.2 million ments for r­ ecycling lithium-ion batteries (see page 120) and our joint ethylene and propylene – both important feedstocks for numerous
different raw materials
­metric tons activities on certified sustainable supply chains for renewable raw BASF value chains. We use aromatics such as benzene or toluene
renewable raw materials materials such as palm, palm kernel and ­castor oil. to manufacture engineering plastics, among other products. Thanks
purchased to a high degree of forward and backward integration, we can
BASF’s Verbund concept is key to making the use of raw materials ­produce feedstocks for our value chains efficiently while conserving
▪ BASF’s Verbund concept enables the efficient use of resources in our own processes as efficient as possible: Intelligently linking and ­resources within the BASF Verbund. This increases supply security
▪ Recycled and renewable raw materials are gaining in importance steering our plants and processes creates efficient value chains. and strengthens our resilience to fluctuations in the supply chain.
▪ Numerous projects to improve supply chain sustainability By-products from one facility are used as feedstocks elsewhere. We source key raw materials from different suppliers to minimize
This saves raw materials and energy. At the same time, the Verbund supply risks.
offers many opportunities to use renewable and recycled raw
­materials. We want to better leverage this potential going forward As part of our efforts to improve sustainability, we are continuously
Strategy and governance and gradually replace fossil resources with renewable energies and investigating whether fossil and petrochemical resources can be
alternative feedstocks, both in our energy supply (see page 137) replaced with non-fossil or recyclate-based alternatives. When
Our strategy covers the entire value chain – from responsible and in our production. making decisions, we take into account economic, environmental
procure­ment and the efficient use of raw materials in our own and social aspects, as well as other important criteria like supply
processes and recycling by-products to developing resource-­
­ Resource efficiency and stewardship are also becoming i­ncreas­ingly security, and process and product safety.
saving solutions for our customers. We want to decouple growth important for our customers. That is why we are constantly working
from r­esource consumption with process and product innovations to reduce the resources consumed in the manufacturing of our
and to accelerate the shift toward closed-loop systems. products, for example through more efficient processes and
­innovative technologies. This enables us to offer our customers
A Corporate Center unit sets binding, Group-wide purchasing solutions that make a greater contribution to sustainability, like a
guidelines for raw materials procurement. They are supplemented smaller ­carbon footprint or better biodegradability. Our products
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Raw Materials 118

Renewable resources
Good to know
In addition to fossil resources, we employ renewable raw materials,
mainly based on vegetable oils, fats, grains, sugar and wood. In
2022, we purchased around 1.2 million metric tons of renewable
raw materials. We use these to produce ingredients for the d­ etergent
and cleaner industry and natural active i­ngredients for the cosmet-
ics industry, for example. We also use renewable f­eedstocks such
as biomethane and bio-naphtha in our Verbund as an alternative to
fossil resources. The mass balance approach a ­ llows us to allocate
the amount of renewable resources used to a wide variety of end
products (see box on page 121). Examples i­nclude biomass balance
coating solutions for the automotive i­ ndustry such as
CathoGuard® 800 ReSource and iGloss® matt ReSource, various
biomass balance versions of Trilon® and S ­ okalan® products for the
detergent and cleaner industries, or biomass ­balance styrene as a
precursor for numerous styrenics, including the insulating materials
BASF’s natural gas supply in Europe Styropor®, Neopor® and Styrodur®.

Natural gas is one of BASF’s most important feedstocks. We use fuels wherever possible. In addition, we reduced production Our aim is to continuously increase the share of renewable raw
it as a fuel for energy supply as well as a raw material for the ­volumes at some plants with a high natural gas demand and materials in our value chains. As for fossil raw materials, we also
­production of basic chemicals. BASF’s natural gas demand in ­purchased raw materials such as ammonia. consider economic criteria, aspects of supply security, and process
­Europe was 32 terawatt hours in 2022. The Ludwigshafen site in and product safety, as well as the potential impact on s­ ustainability
Germany accounted for around 24 terawatt hours, with around We are continuously monitoring the market and political along the value chain. Alongside positive effects like reducing
50% used for central electricity and steam generation. ­environment and will decide what adjustments we may have to ­greenhouse gas emissions, these can also have negative effects on
make in supply and production depending on the situation. The areas such as biodiversity, land use or working conditions,
The supply situation for natural gas in Europe has changed same applies in the event of a potential gas shortage, which would ­depending on the raw material. This is why we carefully weigh up the
­significantly with the war in Ukraine and the progressive loss of result in national gas allocation in Germany. If this were to occur, advantages and disadvantages of using renewable resources, for
Russian gas supplies. Although all of BASF’s European sites could we currently assume that BASF would receive sufficient natural example with Eco-Efficiency Analyses. At the same time, we seek
be supplied from our Western European suppliers in line with gas to maintain operations at the Ludwigshafen site at a reduced dialog with our stakeholders to raise awareness of conflicting goals.
­demand in 2022, this was at significantly higher and volatile prices. load. We also take into consideration recognized certification standards
Compared with 2021, the additional cost of natural gas for BASF’s such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in our
European sites totaled €2 billion; compared with 2020, the ­increase We are doing everything we can to reduce our dependence on ­decisions.
was as much as €3.4 billion. fossil energy, especially natural gas, even faster. Our focus here is
on further increasing energy efficiency, a rapid switch to renewable As part of our commitment to greater sustainability, we concentrate
Since March 2022, we have reduced our natural gas demand in energies in the power supply, and new electricity-based ­production on value chains that are relevant quantitatively or that do not yet
Europe through various measures. These include technical technologies (see page 135). have certification standards. We are also working on product
­optimizations in BASF’s production network and switching to other ­innovations and on enhancing our production processes to improve
the profitability and competitiveness of renewable resources. For
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Raw Materials 119

example, we are developing innovative processes such as As part of our voluntary commitment, we also aim to procure the local government for the 2021/2022 harvest cycle. In addition to
­biocatalysis and fermentation for the production of vitamins and main derivatives1 based on palm oil and palm kernel oil entirely from SuCCESS, the Sustainable Castor Association (SCA), which was
enzymes, and driving forward white biotechnology for the produc- certified sustainable sources by 2025. launched in 2019 by the founders of the Pragati initiative, has also
tion of chemical components from renewable resources. developed a sustainability code for the wider supply chain. This will
We source most of our palm-based raw materials from Malaysia and allow castor beans obtained from the program to be further
Palm oil, palm kernel oil and their derivatives are some of our most Indonesia. Smallholders account for around one-third of the total processed into certified castor oil and derivatives and to be
important renewable raw materials. We mainly use these raw volumes produced there. We have worked together with The Estée ­introduced into the downstream supply chain. In 2022, we again
materials to produce ingredients for the cosmetics, detergent,
­ Lauder Companies, the RSPO and the non-governmental sourced certified sustainable castor oil from the program and
cleaner and food industries. We aim to ensure that palm-based raw organization Solidaridad in Indonesia since 2019 to expand our
­ ­became the first chemical company in the world to successfully
materials come from certified sustainable sources. We have been a supplier base for RSPO-certified palm oil products while complete the certification process at our Düsseldorf-Holthausen site
member of the RSPO since 2004 and are involved in other ­national strengthening smallholder structures and sustainable production
­ in Germany. The site supplies customers with the first certified
and international initiatives, such as the German Forum for Sustain- methods at local level. The project in the province of Lampung ­products based on certified sustainable castor oil.
able Palm Oil and the High Carbon Stock Approach ­organization. supports around 1,000 independent smallholders in improving their
Based on our Group-wide Supplier Code of Conduct (see page 115), livelihoods and the sustainable production of palm oil and palm We are also driving the market transformation toward certified,
we have outlined our expectations of suppliers in the palm-based kernel oil. The focus is on efficient and sustainable farming practices sustainably sourced oleochemicals for another renewable raw
value chain in an additional sourcing policy (BASF Palm Sourcing and health and safety standards. The goal is for at least one-third of ­material: coconut oil. We use coconut oil to manufacture ­ingredients
Policy). This addresses aspects such as forest and peat conserva- program participants to become certified according to the RSPO for products such as detergents, cleaning agents and cosmetics.
tion, respect of human and labor rights, smallholder i­nclusion, and Smallholder Standard in three years. Following the successful completion of a cooperative project
certification and traceability standards. As part of our supplier and ­between BASF, Cargill, Procter & Gamble and the German Agency
risk management, we have used the internet platform Also important for BASF, albeit at a much smaller scale, is castor for International Cooperation (GIZ) in 2019 to establish a certified
since 2021 to monitor deforestation activities and other possible oil. We use castor oil to manufacture products such as plastics and supply chain for coconut oil, our production site in Cassina Rizzardi,
breaches of regulations at our suppliers’ sites. The annual BASF ingredients for paints and coatings, as well as products for the Italy, became the first BASF site to successfully undergo certification
Palm Progress Report reports on our measures and progress cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. With the objective of under the Rainforest Alliance Mass Balance Coconut scheme in
­toward more sustainability and transparency in the value chain. ­establishing a certified sustainable supply chain for castor oil, we ­2022. This makes BASF the world’s first chemical company to offer
launched the Sustainable Castor Initiative – Pragati in 2016 together certified sustainable ingredients for personal care products based
We purchased 191,714 metric tons of palm oil and palm kernel oil in with the companies Arkema and Jayant Agro and with Solidaridad. on coconut oil.
2022 (2021: 242,946 metric tons). We again met our own voluntary The initiative aims to improve the economic situation of castor bean
commitment to source only RSPO-certified palm oil and palm kernel farmers in India and, at the same time, raise awareness of ­sustainable Plants also form the basis of many other products in our portfolio for
oil. This avoided more than 290,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions farming methods. Over 80% of the world’s castor beans are cosmetics. These include our biopolymers, which we have been
compared with the procurement of conventional palm oil and palm produced in India, mainly by smallholders. As part of Pragati,
­ offering under the VerdessenceTM brand since 2022, and our
kernel oil. We were able to trace 97% of our global palm footprint to ­smallholder farmers receive training on topics such as cultivation bioactives. Through sustainable sourcing practices, we aim to
oil mill level as of the end of 2022 (2021: 96%). In addition, we methods, efficient water use, health and the safe use of crop ­preserve ecosystems and enable sustainable management for the
maintained the RSPO supply chain certification of our sites for ­protection products based on a specially developed sustainability people whose livelihoods depend on them. For example, we have
­cosmetic ingredients. At the end of 2022, 25 production sites code, SuCCESS. Since the project was initiated, more than already been combining economic, environmental and social
­worldwide were certified by the RSPO (2021: 26). 6,200 smallholders and over 19,000 hectares of land have been ­aspects for several years in our holistic procurement initiatives for
certified for sustainable castor cultivation. Yields from this land were argan (Morocco), rambutan and galangal (both Vietnam). With the
22% higher than average amounts for the region published by the Responsibly Active program initiated in 2022, we are bundling our

1 Fractions and primary oleochemical derivatives and vegetable ester oils

BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Raw Materials 120

existing activities even more effectively with a focus on three pillars: Recycled feedstocks r­ecycle polyurethane rigid foam waste from refrigerators and
innovating products that protect natural resources; empowering and ­freezers. Polyurethane is used as an insulation material in these
respecting people along our value chain; and reducing our climate Recycling is playing an increasingly important role due to limited electrical appliances. The project focuses on the depolymerization
impact and operational footprint. For instance, the program focuses ­resources, growing sustainability requirements in the markets, and process and the challenge of recovering high-quality recycled
on climate-n­eutral production sites and product transportation or full regulatory developments. That is why we want to increase the use ­polyols despite high levels of impurities in the waste stream. Initial
traceability in the plant supply chain. of recycled feedstocks with our Circular Economy Program: From trials with regrind from discarded old appliances have already
For more information on biodiversity, see page 147 onward 2025 onward, we aim to process around 250,000 metric tons of ­produced positive results.
For more information on our voluntary commitment to palm oil products and the Palm Progress recycled and waste-based raw materials every year worldwide,
­Report, see
­replacing fossil raw materials. In addition, BASF continues to drive forward the recycling of foam
Learn more about the Responsibly Active program at
from used mattresses. Using a process developed by BASF,
A focal point of our activities here is the chemical recycling of ­monomers can be recovered from the flexible polyurethane and
plastics. This technology complements mechanical recycling and used to produce new mattresses.
can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste that is disposed of
in landfills or thermally recovered. Chemical recycling breaks down We have many years of experience and a high degree of ­specialization
plastics into their building blocks or converts them into basic in recycling precious metals such as platinum, palladium and
­chemicals. Different methods are used to achieve this. rhodium. They are used in automotive catalysts as well as in process
and chemical catalysts. We primarily use the precious metals
In our ChemCyclingTM project, our technology partners use the ­recovered in this way as feedstocks to manufacture new products
­pyrolysis process to extract pyrolysis oil from mixed plastic waste or for the automotive, chemical, electronics and green hydrogen
used tires, which are not mechanically recycled as of yet. We feed ­industries. The carbon footprint for recycled precious metals is up to
the pyrolysis oil into the BASF Verbund as a substitute for fossil raw 90% lower than for primary metals from a mine. In 2022, we
materials and manufacture new products from it using the mass ­established a joint venture with Heraeus to enable a local supply of
balance principle (see page 121). Our customers can process these recycled precious metals for the Chinese market. BASF HERAEUS
mass balance products in the same way as conventional products. Metal Resource Co., Ltd. is based in Pinghu, China, where a new
Our portfolio of CcycledTM products now comprises more than plant for recovering precious metals from spent automotive catalysts
200 products, which our customers use for a wide range of will also be built by 2023.
­applications – from transport cases for temperature-sensitive drugs
to high-performance plastics for the automotive industry and With the rapidly growing market for electric vehicles, there is also an
­functional textiles. In addition to our existing partnerships and to increasing need for recycling lithium-ion batteries. As a leading
further expand our supply base for pyrolysis oil, we concluded a producer of battery materials with local production capacities in the
framework agreement with Arcus Greencycling Technologies in three main markets – Asia, Europe and North America – BASF has
2022. The company is currently commissioning a process in-depth expertise in battery chemistry and process technology. We
­demonstration unit to produce pyrolysis oil from mixed plastic waste are utilizing these competencies to address battery recycling as an
that is not recycled mechanically on a commercial scale. The additional growth market in cooperation with partners along the
­long-term goal of the agreement is to support capacity growth and value chain (see page 30). In this way, we want to ensure that
enable offtake of up to 100,000 metric tons of pyrolysis oil per year. valuable metals remain in the production cycle for as long as
­possible. This conserves resources and significantly reduces the
In a cooperative project with KraussMaffei, Rampf and Remondis carbon footprint of cathode active materials compared with the
launched in 2022, we want to develop a process to chemically ­industry standard. A prototype plant for battery recycling will be
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Raw Materials 121

constructed at the Schwarzheide site in Germany in 2023. The

prototype plant will allow for the development of new operating Good to know
procedures and optimization of technology to deliver superior
­recovery rates of l­ithium, nickel, cobalt and manganese. The focus
is on both spent ­ lithium-ion batteries and products from cell
­manufacturers and b ­ attery material producers that do not meet
product specifications. In addition, a new plant for the production
of black mass from ­batteries on a commercial scale will be built in
Schwarzheide by 2024. The investments aim to establish the full
battery recycling value chain at BASF.
For more information on the circular economy, see page 43

Mineral raw materials

We procure a number of mineral raw materials, which we use to

produce automotive and process catalysts or battery materials for
electromobility, among other products. We are continually improving
The mass balance approach
our products and processes to minimize the use of primary mineral
raw materials. At the same time, we are driving forward the recycling Many BASF value chains start in syngas plants or steam crackers, Mass balance products are identical in quality to conventionally
of mineral raw materials, for example, by recovering and reusing where fossil resources, mostly natural gas and naphtha, are produced products but the use of alternative raw materials
valuable metals from catalysts and lithium-ion batteries (see ­converted into hydrogen and carbon monoxide or important basic contributes to sustainability, for example, through fewer CO2
“­Recycled feedstocks”). chemicals such as ethylene and propylene. These are used to ­emissions and lower demand for fossil raw materials. This method
create thousands of products in the BASF Verbund. has ­already been applied to over 1,000 BASF products including
Sourcing mineral raw materials responsibly is important to BASF. engineering plastics such as polyamide, superabsorbents,
We have implemented the E.U. Conflict Minerals Regulation. This Alongside fossil resources, we use bio-based and recycled raw ­dispersions and intermediates.
­defines supply chain due diligence for tin, tantalum, tungsten, their materials such as bio-naphtha, biomethane or pyrolysis oil as
ores and gold (3TG) imported into the E.U. from conflict-affected feedstocks in the Verbund. Alternatives like these are used in place We share our expertise in numerous stakeholder platforms,
and high-risk areas (CAHRAs). of fossil feedstocks for our mass balance products. As fossil, ­including the European Commission’s Circular Plastics Alliance,
­bio-based and recycled feedstocks are processed simultaneously, Together for Sustainability and nova-Institute’s Renewable Carbon
In addition, BASF is committed to responsible and sustainable the raw materials cannot be directly physically assigned to r­ esulting Initiative, to harmonize and standardize different attribution
global supply chains for other mineral raw materials. These include derivatives. However, with the help of monitoring and certification ­methods and certification schemes for mass balance products.
cobalt, a key component in the production of battery materials. We by independent third parties such as REDcert2 or ISCC PLUS, it For more information on the mass balance approach, see
have organized our cobalt supply chain according to established can be verified that an adequate amount of alternative raw
sustainability guidelines such as the OECD Due Diligence Guidance ­materials has been used for the amount of mass balance sales
for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals. Our goal is to not product. This ensures that fossil raw materials are saved with every
­purchase cobalt from artisanal mines as long as responsible labor, sale of these certified products.
­social and environmental standards cannot be verified.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Raw Materials 122

Together with BMW, Samsung SDI, Samsung Electronics, Volks­ multi-stakeholder platform on the water-related opportunities and
wagen and GIZ, we have been involved in the cross-industry Cobalt risks of lithium and copper mining and other economic activities
for Development initiative since 2018. It aims to improve working such as agriculture and tourism. The goal of the platform is to reach
and living conditions for artisanal miners in the Democratic Republic a common understanding on the status quo and to develop a vision
of Congo. To achieve this, the initiative offers programs such as for the future of the Salar de Atacama watershed together with local
training on important environmental, social and governance aspects interest groups. In addition, potential risks are to be minimized and
of responsible mining practices. Since October 2020, 14 mining opportunities promoted through the development and implementa-
cooperatives in Kolwezi have participated in training on topics such tion of joint action plans. BASF also participated in a study organized
as occupational safety and environmental management. Cobalt for by BMW together with experts from the University of Alaska and the
Development also works closely with the Good Shepherd University of Massachusetts to investigate hydrological conditions in
­International Foundation to create additional income opportunities the Salar de Atacama. The results of this study are now available
for families and improve access to education. and will be incorporated as an important component of the
­Responsible Lithium Partnership’s work.
We are also involved in various German and international initiatives
to strengthen sustainability and innovation in the value chain for Another mineral raw material that BASF processes is mica. As
batteries. For example, we are a partner in a consortium led by a base for effect pigments, it is mainly used in the production
Systemiq that has received funding of €8.2 million from the German of ­coatings and seed coatings. BASF is conscious of its social
Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action to develop a responsibility with regard to mica sourcing and applies high
digital product passport for batteries. This aims to address the standards, which, among other things, exclude child labor.
­requirements of the E.U. Battery Regulation and both capture data ­Suppliers are asked to source mica in accordance with our Supplier
that maps information about the origin of raw materials and form the Code of Conduct. As a member of the Responsible Mica Initiative
basis for an efficient circular economy. Close cooperation with the (RMI), we advocate for the eradication of child labor and unaccept-
Global Battery Alliance (GBA) will also ensure the global ­compatibility able ­working conditions, specifically in India’s mica supply chain.
of the digital battery passport. Co-founded by BASF in 2017, the The initiative f­ocuses on ­labor standards, strengthening local
GBA has over 120 members and promotes dialog between ­com­mu­nities and legal frameworks. As RMI’s most recent progress
business, governments and civil society. It aims to establish a
­ ­report shows, activities in the relevant regions of India have already
­sustainable and responsible circular economy for batteries by 2030 led to improved income and living conditions. These include
and is developing the tools to steer this. One of these is the Green- ­improved access to clean drinking water through the installation of
house Gas Rulebook, which the GBA unveiled in 2022. As the first pumps and filtration systems and improved access to health care
framework of its kind, it contains around 80 specifications and rules through doctors’ visits in villages and enrollment in public health
for the globally harmonized – and therefore comparable – measure- ­insurance plans.
ment of greenhouse gas emissions along the battery value chain. For more information on the Cobalt for Development project,
see and
For more information on the Global Battery Alliance, see
Together with BMW, Mercedes Benz Group, Fairphone and Volks­
For more information on the Responsible Mica Initiative, see
wagen, we have also been a member of the Responsible Lithium
Partnership since 2021. It advocates for the responsible use of
natural resources in Chile’s Salar de Atacama, home to the world’s
largest lithium reserves and a significant portion of global p
­ roduction.
As a first step, GIZ was commissioned to organize a local
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our EHSQ Management Systems 123

We Produce Safely and Efficiently In this section:

EHSQ Management Systems
Health and Safety, Emergency Response
Protecting people and the environment is our top priority. Our core business – the development, production,
Product Safety
­processing and transportation of chemicals – demands a responsible approach. We address environmental, health
Transportation Safety
and safety risks with a comprehensive Responsible Care Management System. We expect our employees and
partners to know the risks of working with our products, substances and plants and to handle these responsibly. Energy and Climate Protection
Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation

Our EHSQ Management Systems Responsible Care Management System i­ncidents at our sites as well as along our transportation routes. This
GRI 2, 3, 303, 403, 418 documentation helps us to continuously improve. Appropriate mea-
BASF is actively involved in the International Council of Chemical sures are derived according to specific cause analyses.
Associations’ global Responsible Care® initiative. Our Responsible For more information on Responsible Care®, see
Safety and quality are our number one priorities. That is why Care Management System covers the environmental protection,
we have established comprehensive management and con- health and safety aspects that we have identified as material at
trol systems. Our Responsible Care Management System ­different stages of our value chain – from the transportation of raw Quality Management System
comprises the global directives, standards and procedures materials to production at our plants, activities at our sites and
for environmental protection, health and safety (EHS). Our warehouses, and distribution of our products down to our cus­ Our Quality Management System comprises our EHSQ policy as
Quality Management System aims to ensure the high quality tomers’ application of our products. The Environmental Protection, well as further standards, guidelines and processes for quality man-
of our products, processes and services and enable our Health, Safety and Quality unit in the Corporate Center defines agement along the value chain. Our Quality Management System is
­employees to best meet our customers’ needs. Group-wide management and control systems and monitors risk-based, process-oriented and focused on customer satisfaction.
­compliance with internal requirements and legal regulations, while Its mandatory elements are set out in a Corporate Requirement.
the sites and Group companies implement these requirements These include core processes such as nonconformance manage-
At a glance ­locally. Our global network enables information and insights to be ment, the procedure for product recalls, change management and
shared across the BASF Group on an ongoing basis. the performance of internal audits. Local implementation of the
115 €270 million central requirements defined by the Environmental Protection,
environmental and safety invested in environmental Our policies and requirements are continuously updated. We also Health, Safety and Quality unit in the Corporate Center is the
­audits ­protection plants and facilitiesa
maintain dialog with government institutions, associations and inter- ­responsibility of our business units and sites.
national organizations for this reason. We set ourselves ambitious
▪ Global EHS guidelines and standards
goals for environmental protection, health and safety (see page 36).
▪ Quality management with a focus on customer satisfaction We regularly review our performance and progress with audits. We
▪ Risk-based site audits assess the potential risks and weaknesses of all our major activities
– from research and development and production to logistics – and
a Investments comprise end-of-pipe measures as well as integrated environmental protection measures.
the potential effects of these on the safety and security of our
­employees, plants, the environment and our surroundings. We use
databases to record accidents, near misses and safety-related
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Our EHSQ Management Systems 124

Responsible Care audits External certification

Regular audits help ensure that our safety, security, health and envi- We pursue a decentralized certification approach for our b ­ usiness
ronmental protection standards are met. We conduct regular audits units and Group companies. This takes into account local needs,
every three to six years at all BASF sites and at companies in which internal and legal requirements, and our customers’ requirements.
BASF is a majority shareholder. We take a risk-based approach
here. An audit database ensures that all sites and plants worldwide Our Responsible Care audit system complies with the ISO 19011
are regularly audited. We have defined our regulations for Respon­ standard and is certified according to ISO 9001. Worldwide,
sible Care audits in a global Corporate Requirement. The Board of 132 BASF production sites are certified in accordance with
Executive Directors is regularly informed about the results of the ISO 14001 (2021: 130). In addition, 59 sites worldwide are certified
audits. in accordance with ISO 45001 (2021: 54). Several BASF sites also
have an ISO 17020-accredited inspection body for user inspection
Newly acquired sites and companies are generally audited for the or an ISO 17025-accredited analytical laboratory for environmental
first time after the integration phase is complete, generally within one emissions analyses.
to two years depending on complexity and size.
Based on our customers’ requirements, quality management at our
During our audits, we create a safety and environmental profile that production sites is generally certified according to external interna-
shows if we are properly addressing the hazard potential. If this is tional standards such as ISO 9001, GMP, FAMI QS or IATF 16949.
not the case, we agree on corrective measures to be implemented
within a certain time frame depending on the identified hazard
­potential. We monitor this in follow-up audits, among other things. Costs and provisions

In the BASF Group in 2022, 115 environmental and safety audits We continually invest in reducing the impact of our actions on the
were conducted at 73 sites (2021: 143 audits at 71 sites). The sites environment. We also establish appropriate provisions for environ-
were audited based on their individual risk profile. Auditing of the mental protection measures and the remediation of active and
sites acquired from Solvay started as planned in 2022 but will need ­former sites.
to continue in 2023 due to local coronavirus restrictions. In addition, For more information, see Notes 9 and 23 on pages 229 and 266
16 sites were audited on occupational medicine and health protec-
tion (2021: 13). Online audits were conducted for four of these sites.
These remote audits focused on documented processes and Costs and provisions for environmental protection in the BASF Group
Million €
­management systems.
2022 2021
For more information on occupational and process safety and health protection, see page 125 onward
Operating costs for environmental
1,305 1,133
Investments in new and improved
­environmental protection plants and 270 239

Provisions for environmental protection

946 926
measures and remediationb

a Investments comprise end-of-pipe measures as well as integrated environmental protection measures.

b Values shown refer to December 31 of the respective year.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Occupational Safety, Process Safety and Health Protection 125

Material topics in focus:

Occupational Safety, Process
­Safety and Health Protection
GRI 2, 3, 403, 410, 413


For occupational and process safety as well as health protection, we rely on

­comprehensive preventive measures. We count on the active involvement of all
­employees and contractors here. Our safety concepts are designed to provide
the best possible protection for employees, contractors and our sites’ neighbors,
and to prevent damage to property and the environment.

Health, Safety and Quality unit in the Corporate Center performs

At a glance regular audits to ensure compliance with the requirements.

0.3 0.3 We pursue ambitious targets for occupational and process safety as
Lost-time injuries Process safety incidents per well as for health protection (see page 36). As part of our continuous
process safety incidents per 200,000 working hours1
improvement process, we regularly monitor progress toward our
200,000 working hours1
goals. We critically reviewed our occupational and process safety
targets and key performance indicators in 2022. As a result, we will
▪ Global health and safety standards
update our targets and report according to a new system in 2023.
▪ Strengthening risk awareness and mindful behavior
This will focus on high-severity work-related accidents and incidents
▪ Intensive dialog on safety topics and provide greater transparency. Our reporting continues to be
based on established industry standards, with a stronger focus on
people and our plants.
Strategy and governance
We document and analyze accidents and incidents as well as their
The safety of our employees, contractors and neighbors, and causes and consequences in detail at a global level to learn from
­protecting the environment is our top priority. That is why we set these. We see hazard assessments and the risk minimization
binding global standards for occupational and process safety as ­measures derived from them as an important prevention tool.
well as health protection. Our sites and Group companies are
Safety is always BASF’s number one priority. responsible for implementing and complying with Group-wide
­ With a culture of dealing openly with mistakes, systematic hazard
In addition to conventional precautions, we also guidelines and local requirements. They are supported in this task assessments, division and site-specific safety activities, ongoing
use digital plant safety technologies to identify
potential risks and further reduce the number by a global network of experts. The Environmental Protection, qualification measures and dialog across BASF’s global network, we
of process safety incidents through predictive
maintenance, for example.
1 Hours worked by BASF employees, temporary employees and contractors
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Occupational Safety, Process Safety and Health Protection 126

want to strengthen risk awareness among our employees and activities. BASF is assisting the authorities in determining the people and the environment. Our experts develop a safety concept
contractors, share examples of good practice and in this way, ­circumstances and cause of the accident. for every plant that considers the key aspects of safety, health and
­continually develop our safety culture. environmental protection – from plant design to the end of the
We do everything we can to prevent accidents and use our findings ­production phase – and that sets out specific safety measures.
Leaders are important role models for employees, which is why to take appropriate measures to prevent these from happening
­environmental protection, health, safety and security are discussed again, as far as possible. These include regular campaigns and In order to maintain the highest level of safety at our plants w
­ orldwide
with newly appointed senior executives. Senior executives with a ­informational events to raise employees’ awareness. across their entire life cycles, we carry out implementation checks to
particular responsibility for such topics, for example, in production, verify that our protection concepts, safety reviews and resulting
also receive specific further training to be able to meet their respon- safety measures have been carried out in all our plants at timely
sibilities. Other events and initiatives in 2022 also focused on the
2025 target1 ­intervals based on risk potential. We regularly update our plants’
high relevance of safety topics and dialog among our leaders. These safety and security concepts, taking into particular account new

≤ 0.1
Reduce the worldwide
included regular regional and global employee events and the findings, technological opportunities and regulatory developments.
lost-time injuries
­“Safety call to action” initiative in North America. per 200,000 working hours
We use the number of process safety incidents (PSI) per 200,000
working hours as a reporting indicator. We have set ourselves the
Occupational safety We actively share insights to further increase occupational safety goal of reducing process safety incidents to a rate of no more than
and continually improve our processes and methods. For example, 0.1 per 200,000 working hours by 2025.1 In 2022, we recorded
To prevent work-related accidents, we encourage and promote we evaluate trends in data, analyze accidents and potential 0.3 process safety incidents per 200,000 working hours worldwide
risk-conscious behavior and safe working practices, learning from ­incidents, and share knowledge and best practices within our global (2021: 0.3). We investigate every incident in detail, analyze causes
incidents and regular dialog. That is why we are constantly refining network of experts and as part of safety initiatives. We also seek and use the findings to derive suitable measures. We share the
and enhancing our global requirements and training. dialog with government institutions and are actively involved in findings in our global network in the interest of continuous
external occupational safety initiatives and networks around the
­ ­improvement.
In addition to the legally required briefings, BASF requires new world led, for example, by the European Chemical Industry Council
­employees and contractors to complete compulsory health and (CEFIC) or national associations such as the German Chemical
safety training. Employees at our production sites also receive ­Industry Association and the American Chemistry Council.
2025 target1
regular training on the safe handling of chemicals and the correct

≤ 0.1
For more information on occupational safety, see
Reduction of worldwide
use of personal protective equipment.
process safety incidents
per 200,000 working hours
We use the number of lost-time injuries per 200,000 working hours Process safety
(lost-time injury rate, LTI) as a reporting indicator. Our target is
to reduce lost-time injuries to a rate of no more than 0.1 per Process safety is a core part of safe, efficient and thus sustainable To reduce process safety incidents, we focus in particular on
200,000 working hours by 2025.1 In 2022, 0.3 work-related production. We meet high safety standards in the planning, ­technical measures, digital solutions (see box on the next page) and
accidents per 200,000 working hours occurred at BASF sites
­ ­construction and operation of our plants around the world. These on a leader­ ship culture that places even greater emphasis on
worldwide (2021: 0.3). The share of chemical-related accidents
­ meet and, in some cases, go beyond local legal requirements. ­process safety and dealing openly with mistakes. In addition, we
­increased to 8% (2021: 4%). Unfortunately, there was one fatal are ­continually refining and expanding our training methods and
work-related accident in 2022 (2021: 1). At the Dachangsha site in Our global requirements provide the framework for the safe offerings to increase risk awareness and strengthen our safety
China, an employee suffered fatal injuries while performing cleaning ­construction and operation of our plants as well as the protection of ­culture.

1 Hours worked by BASF employees, temporary employees and contractors. In 2023, we will update this target and report according to a new system.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Occupational Safety, Process Safety and Health Protection 127

We play an active role in improving process safety around the world In 2022, 38 work-related illnesses among BASF employees
in internal and external networks, through our involvement in ­worldwide were documented as recognized occupational diseases Good to know
organizations such as the International Council of Chemical
­ (2021: 36). The main recognized occupational diseases are
­Associations (ICCA), the European Process Safety Centre (EPSC) ­occupational asthma, hearing loss, skin diseases, musculoskeletal
and the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), and by foster- disorders and cancer.
ing dialog with government institutions.
For more information on process safety, see We successfully continued our proven activities to combat the
coronavirus pandemic in 2022, adapted in each case to local
­infection rates and the on-site risk. Measures included vaccination
Health protection services, for example with our own vaccination center at our largest
site in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
BASF’s global corporate health management serves to promote and
maintain the health and productivity of our employees. The BASF Another focus in 2022 was on influenza prevention. BASF employ-
health checks form the foundation of our global health promotion ees could be vaccinated against the seasonal flu at many sites Digitalization in production
program and are offered to employees at regular intervals. We also around the world. At the Ludwigshafen site in Germany, for example,
Numerous digital solutions and applications are used in BASF’s
raise employee awareness of health topics with offerings tailored to around 6,200 employees participated in the influenza vaccination
production plants to further increase safety, security, availability
specific target groups. One example of this is the annual Global campaign.
and efficiency. One example is creating virtual replicas of
Health Campaign, which in 2022 was dedicated to the motto “Good For more information on occupational medicine, health campaigns and the HPI, see
­production facilities using 3D modeling (digital twinning). This
morning – regeneration through sleep.” The program included a
enables us to carry out maintenance and servicing work more
wide range of virtual and in-person seminars and interactive events
efficiently and safely, for example, or further improve employee
on the different factors that influence restful sleep. Over 440 sites
training. More than 30 3D models are in continuous use at BASF
took part, offering events such as workshops, courses, lectures and
around the world, covering all phases of a plant’s life cycle.
Digital tools are also used to access large amounts of data from
We measure our performance in health protection using the different sources, intelligently link them together and prepare
Health Performance Index (HPI). This has five components: them for further analysis. This data is analyzed using methods
­recognized occupational diseases, medical emergency drills, first like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, for ­example, to
aid, preventive medicine and health promotion. Each component detect and rectify anomalies relating to the plant at an early stage
contributes a maximum of 0.2 to the total score, meaning that the (predictive maintenance). This ­reduces unplanned repairs and
highest possible score is 1.0. We aim to reach a value of more than downtime and optimizes the ­coordination of maintenance and
0.9 every year. With an HPI of 0.96, we once again reached this in production processes. Data can also be evaluated using AI
2022 (2021: 0.96). methods to improve the production process to reduce energy
use or emissions.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Emergency Response, Corporate and Cyber Security 128

Emergency Response, Corporate and Emergency response Corporate and cyber security
Cyber Security
GRI 2, 410, 413, 418 Incidents are initially handled by the local crisis organization or local We protect our employees, sites, plants and company know-how
emergency response team. We have implemented precautionary against third-party interference. Cyber security and information
organizational measures with clearly defined responsibilities and ­security plays an increasingly important role here. BASF applies the
We aim to avoid safety-related incidents as far as possible procedures at all sites for this purpose. The responsible persons “security by design” principle to critically review and optimize IT
with comprehensive preventive measures and clearly defined receive regular training. This includes safety and emergency drills, ­applications from a cybersecurity perspective as early as the design
responsibilities. Should an emergency nevertheless arise, which vary in scope and the number of people involved. Depending phase. We are continually improving our ability to prevent, detect
we have established structures and processes that enable on the situation, we also involve business partners and our sites’ and react to security incidents with various measures and training
­effective crisis management. communities, such as local authorities or neighboring companies, programs. Our global cyber security team is tasked with protecting
both in drills and in the event of an emergency. Additional teams our IT systems and the data and business processes they handle.
may be called in for emergencies, depending on the extent of the We cooperate with experts and partners in a global network to
Strategy and governance damage and how it develops. ­ensure that we can protect ourselves against cyber attacks as far as
possible. Our IT security management system is certified according
We want to be as prepared as possible for crisis situations at global, For example, the Global Crisis Management Support Team (GCMS), to DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017. It also supports, in particular, our
regional and local level – from process safety incidents and goods led by a member of the Board of Executive Directors, was most critical infrastructures in meeting additional compliance r­ equirements
spillages to pandemics and cyber attacks – through extensive ­recently activated in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. It such as DIN EN ISO/IEC 27019:2020, IT security catalog and
­emergency preparedness and emergency response regulations and provides the strategic direction for crisis management and is ­corresponding industry-specific standards (B3S).
measures. That is why our emergency and crisis management ­supported by issue-specific and specialist working groups.
focuses on the protection of our employees, contractors and Around the world, we work to sensitize our employees about
­neighbors, the safety of our plants and sites, and the protection of We are actively involved in external networks, which quickly provide ­protecting information and know-how. In 2022, we continued to
our intellectual property. To ensure rapid and effective crisis information and assistance in emergencies. These include the raise employees’ risk awareness with mandatory, regular online
management, we have defined appropriate structures and
­ International Chemical and Environmental (ICE) initiative and the
­ training for all employees and complementary offerings such as
­processes and laid them down in binding Group-wide guidelines. German Transport Accident Information and Emergency Response seminars, case studies and interactive training. These increasingly
Our sites and Group companies are responsible for implementing System (TUIS), in which BASF plays a coordinating role. In 2022, we addressed aspects of working practices that have changed as a
and complying with these internal guidelines and the legal provided assistance to public emergency response agencies and result of the coronavirus pandemic, such as cybersecurity when
requirements. The Environmental Protection, Health, Safety and
­ other companies in 131 cases (2021: 138). This included i­nformation working from home.
Quality unit in the Corporate Center conducts regular audits to on chemicals and their proper disposal, on-site operational support
monitor this. for transportation accidents involving hazardous goods, or Our global network of information protection officers comprises
­information on human biomonitoring. We apply the experience we around 600 employees. They support the implementation of our
Unusual incidents are recorded and reported centrally in accordance have gathered to improve our own processes and set up similar uniform requirements and hold events and seminars on secure
with a standard Group-wide procedure (e-Rapid Incident Report). systems in other countries. behaviors. Around 58,000 employees had been trained on the
This enables us to identify risks at an early stage and, if necessary, For more information on emergency response, see ­basics of cyber security and information protection in 2022. Our
initiate appropriate relief and communication measures. All incidents standardized Group-wide recommendations for the protection of
are carefully followed up on to identify potential for improvement, information and knowledge were expanded in 2022 and updated in
which is integrated into existing concepts as needed. line with current developments.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Emergency Response, Corporate and Cyber Security 129

Another cornerstone of corporate security is site security. The

tasks performed by our security teams range from access controls
at our sites to defense against industrial espionage. Aspects of
­human rights relevant to site security are a component of the global
code of conduct and qualification requirements for our internal and
external security personnel.

We analyze potential safety and security risks for investment ­projects

and as part of strategic plans, define appropriate safety and security
concepts. Our guiding principle is to identify risks for the company
at an early stage, assess them properly and derive ­appropriate

We inform business travelers and transferees about appropriate

protection measures prior to and during travel in countries with
elevated security risks. We continuously update our travel
recommendations, for example, as a result of the coronavirus
­pandemic. After any major incident, we can use a standardized
global travel system to locate and contact employees in the affected
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Product Safety 130

Product Safety protective measures and develop recommendations for safe Global chemicals regulations
GRI 2, 3, 416, 417 ­handling – from production to application and disposal.
Most of the products we manufacture are subject to statutory
We maintain and evaluate environmental, health and safety data for chemicals regulations. We are bound by the relevant regional and
We see product safety as an integral part of all business all of our substances and products in a global database. This national chemicals regulations, which continue to grow in number
processes, as an element of our risk management, and as an ­information is continuously updated. The database forms the basis worldwide. Examples include REACH in the E.U., UK REACH in the
important pillar of our commitment to Responsible Care®. We for communicating this information in our safety data sheets, which United Kingdom, KKDIK in Turkey, K-REACH in South Korea and
continuously work to ensure that our products pose no risk we make available to our customers in around 40 languages. These TSCA in the United States. BASF Group companies work closely
to people or the environment when they are used responsibly include information on the physical/chemical, toxicological and together with a global network of experts to ensure that BASF
and in the manner intended. ­ecotoxicological properties of products, potential hazards, first aid ­complies with the applicable regulations.
measures, measures to be taken in the case of accidental release,
and disposal. Our global emergency hotline network enables us to In Europe, the European Commission has developed a roadmap
Strategy and governance provide information around the clock. To ensure that people who that will bring about far-reaching changes to the regulation of
buy, sell, use, transport or dispose of our products can quickly find ­chemicals in Europe in the coming years: the European Green Deal
We are committed to continuously minimizing the negative effects of out about our products and the risks associated with them, we use and, as a part of this, the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
our products on the environment, health and safety and to the the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) to classify and label our (CSS). BASF supports the objectives of the Green Deal in principle
­ongoing optimization of our products. This commitment to product products around the world, provided this is legally permissible in the but sees a need for adjustment, greater clarity and predictability,
safety is enshrined in our Responsible Care® charter and the country concerned. We take into account any national or regional particularly in regulatory matters, to strike a balance between
initiatives of the International Council of Chemical Associations
­ modifications within the GHS framework, such as the E.U.’s achieving the ambitions of the CSS and safeguarding the long-term
(ICCA). Our products should not pose any risk to humans or the regula­tion on the classification, labeling and packaging of sub- competitiveness and future viability of the European chemical
environment when used responsibly and in the manner intended. stances and mixtures (CLP Regulation). industry. As part of the ongoing clarification process, we are
We aim to comply with all relevant national and international laws therefore seeking dialog with all relevant stakeholders and are
and regulations. If necessary, we advise our customers on product safety. We set ­advocating for a science-based and innovation-driven development
guidelines on the safe transport of dangerous goods for our logistics of the regulatory framework.
Our global requirements define rules, processes and responsibilities, service providers worldwide (see page 134). We also train our
for example, to ensure uniformly high product safety standards ­employees worldwide on the proper handling and use of selected
worldwide. Our sites and Group companies are responsible for products with particular hazard potential. Animal welfare in environmental and toxicological testing
implementing and complying with internal guidelines and legal
requirements. The Environmental Protection, Health, Safety and
­ In associations and together with other manufacturers, BASF Before launching products on the market, we subject them to a
Quality unit in the Corporate Center conducts regular audits to supports the establishment of voluntary global commitments to
­ ­variety of tests, including environmental and toxicological tests using
monitor this. BASF’s global network of experts shares information, prevent the misuse of chemicals. We are also involved at national state-of-the-art knowledge and technology. If these tests include
insights and best practices around product safety on an ongoing and international level in various initiatives to further develop risk animal studies, this is generally required by law and necessary to
basis. assessments, such as that of the European Centre for Ecotoxi­ reliably evaluate the safety and efficacy of our products. If we employ
cology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC). animal studies, we adhere to the specifications laid down by the
Before our products are launched on the market, they undergo German Animal Welfare Act as well as the requirements of the
various tests and assessments – depending on legal requirements ­Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal
and their application profile. Our aim here is to identify potential Care – the highest standard for laboratory animals in the world. We
hazard characteristics as well as health and environmental risks at develop and are continuously optimizing alternative methods to
an early stage. Based on these results, we derive precautionary and experimentally assess the safety and tolerance of our products
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Product Safety 131

without animal studies. In addition, we are involved in networks such

as the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal
Testing to further develop alternative methods across sectors.

Our aim is to replace, reduce or refine animal studies to minimize the

impact on them. For example, we use an OECD-certified alternative
testing strategy developed jointly with Givaudan for animal-free
testing of allergic skin reactions. We also use other alternative
­methods. In 2022, BASF SE’s Experimental Toxicology and Ecology
became the first institute in the world to be certified for Good In
Vitro Method Practices (GIVIMP). GIVIMP is a standard published
by the OECD. It increases the quality of data generated by in vitro
test ­methods and confidence in newly developed non-animal test

Management of nano- and biotechnology

Nanotechnology and biotechnology offer solutions for key societal

challenges – such as environmental and climate protection and
health and nutrition. For example, nanomaterials can improve bat-
tery ­performance and biocatalytic methods can improve process
resource efficiency. We want to harness the potential of both
­technologies. Using them safely and responsibly is our top priority.
Safe handling of nanomaterials is stipulated in our Nanotechnology
Code of Conduct, for instance. Two European Union-sponsored
projects on assessing nanosafety – GRACIOUS and PATROLS –
were completed with BASF’s assistance. The results were docu-
mented and communicated in 2022 in numerous publications with
BASF’s involvement.
For more information on the GRACIOUS project, see
For more information on the PATROLS project, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Product Stewardship for Crop Protection Products and Seeds 132

Material topics in focus:

Product Stewardship for Crop Protection
Products and Seeds


Around the world, farmers are facing enormous challenges: Under changing climatic conditions, they
are expected to produce healthy and affordable food for a growing world population – and at the same
time, reduce carbon emissions, minimize land consumption and preserve biodiversity. Our products and
technologies help them master this complex task.

As global demand for agricultural products and solutions grows, so Strategy

does the pressure on farmers. They need to produce more and are
expected to simultaneously reduce their environmental footprint. We are continuously improving our farming solutions. Alongside
With our integrated offer, we help farmers find the right balance ­aspects such as efficacy and productivity, this also includes safe
­between economic, environmental and societal demands. High­- application by our customers and impact on the environment.
performance seeds from BASF offer benefits such as a higher
yield, better quality and greater resilience against environmental Crop protection products and seeds are highly regulated at national
­influences like drought. Our innovative crop protection products and international level, which brings with it strict requirements for
reduce crop losses caused by insect pests, weeds and fungal
­ registering and re-registering active ingredients and crop systems.
­diseases. Our digital solutions enable, among other things, better Regulatory approval is only granted when extensive documentation
soil management and more targeted use of fertilizers and crop can be provided showing that our products are safe for people,
­protection ­products by taking important parameters such as plant ­animals and the environment when used in the manner intended.
health, weed density or weather data directly into account during
­application. As a member of the CropLife International industry association, we
are committed to complying with the standards on the research,
In 2022, we invested €944 million in research and development in registration and distribution of crop protection products set out in
the Agricultural Solutions segment, which represents 9% of seg- the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management issued
ment sales. Our well-filled innovation pipeline has a peak sales by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In our use of
potential of more than €7.5 billion for products launched by ­biotechnology, we are guided by the code of conduct set out by
2032. The main f­ocus here is sustainability, with four key areas: EuropaBio, the European biotechnology association, and adhere to
Drones can be used to increase safety and productivity climate-­
smart ­ farming, sustainable solutions, digital farming and the relevant standards and legal regulations governing production
in agriculture. The main advantages compared with smart stewardship (see box on page 34). and marketing.
conventional backpack spraying are optimized use of
crop protection products, reduced risk of product contact
and high efficiency in application and collection of field
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Product Stewardship for Crop Protection Products and Seeds 133

Potential risks of our products are assessed and minimized through- these changes and general recommendations on the safe use of Seeds
out the research, development and registration process, and on an our products through channels such as our Farmer Field School
ongoing basis following market registration. We regularly conduct ­initiatives in Asia and in training programs such as the On Target Our biotechnology activities and our research and development
scientific studies and tests, including on modes of action, Application Academy in the United States. capabilities comprise advanced breeding techniques, analytics,
­(eco)­toxicological properties and possible residues. This ensures technology platforms and trait validation. To offer tailor-made, more
that, as far as possible, our registration dossiers address all One of the ways we meet our commitment to product s ­ tewardship sustainable crop solutions, our gene identification work focuses on
­questions on potential environmental and health effects. is by offering a wide range of courses and training on the safe those plant characteristics that enable higher yield and better q
­ uality,
­storage, handling, use and disposal of our products. This ranges disease resistance and tolerance of environmental factors such as
We adapt our portfolio to the specific requirements of regional from on-site events to handouts and digital offerings and is aimed at drought. We apply state-of-the-art scientific methods here such as
­markets as customer requirements, crops, soils, climate conditions, farmers, retailers, consultants and other users. In India, for example, genetic engineering and selective genome editing.
plant diseases and farming practices vary around the world. BASF launched the Suraksha Hamesha program. Suraksha
Consequently, product approvals differ from country to country.
­ Hamesha means “safety all the time.” The program creates a
­ BASF is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship (ETS), a
Distribution generally requires registration and approval of our ­platform for educating farmers and other users of crop protection global industry initiative for seeds. This initiative promotes the
­products in accordance with the respective national regulations. products about the nine steps of responsible use of crop protection ­adoption of quality management systems for seeds and product
products and personal protection. Through Suraksha Hamesha, stewardship programs covering the entire life cycle. It also has
BASF has trained over 189,000 agricultural workers and around ­independent auditors verify compliance with its guidelines. In 2022,
Crop protection 39,000 users across India since 2016. BASF also involves BASF successfully passed ETS audits on laboratory operations,
­government agencies and the central government’s farm extension contained biotech facilities, general stewardship, incident response
BASF adheres to the International Code of Conduct issued by the teams in these meetings to support and promote farm safety. In management and product handling at the Research Triangle Park
World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture addition, digital initiatives reached around 17 million farmers in India and Pikevill sites in the United States, Trindade and Primavera do
Organization (FAO) for the distribution of crop protection products. and informed them about safety in agriculture. Leste in Brazil, and Bogotá in Colombia.
These are only marketed once they have been approved by the For more information on our Agricultural Solutions segment, see page 88 onward
­relevant authorities. We no longer sell WHO Class 1A or 1B products BASF also promotes new application technologies: In China, for For more information on biodiversity, see page 147 onward

(high acute oral and dermal toxicity), even if formal approvals exist. example, more than 1,000 drone pilots were trained in the safe use For more information on risks from litigation and claims, see Note 24 to the Consolidated Financial
Statements on page 268
Depending on availability, we offer our customers alternatives. of crop protection products as part of the Fly with BASF program in
All of BASF’s crop protection products can be used safely under
local farming conditions if the information and directions on the label We also work closely together with associations such as CropLife
are followed. If they have any questions, complaints or issues, our International and CropLife Europe to promote the safe and proper
customers can contact us through various channels, for example, use of crop protection products. For example, we support
by calling the telephone number printed on all product labels, using ­stewardship initiatives of both associations and various programs on
the contact forms on our websites or by approaching our sales the proper disposal and recycling of product containers.
employees directly. We record all product incidents relating to health ­Technological innovations developed together with industry partners
or the environment that come to our attention in a global data­base. also help to make using crop protection products easier and safer.
If necessary, we take appropriate measures on the basis of this Examples include the closed transfer systems easyconnect in
infor­mation to minimize preventable incidents. These include updat- ­Europe and the Wisdom system in South America.
ing the instructions for use on product labels. We ­communicate
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Transportation Safety 134

Transportation Safety t­ransportation safety regulations and guidelines. Compliance is i­nspection reports issued by the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI)
GRI 2, 306 regularly monitored by the Environmental Protection, Health, Safety and the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).
and Quality unit in the Corporate Center using globally standardized
transportation safety reviews. External logistics partners are evalu-
Our regulations and measures for transportation safety are ated based on risk either through assessments or on-site audits. Transportation incidents
part of our Responsible Care Management System. These
cover the delivery of raw materials, the handling and Our global network of BASF experts trains the responsible leaders To evaluate transportation safety, we systematically record transpor-
distribution of chemical products between BASF sites,
­ and their employees on transporting dangerous goods. This n ­ etwork tation incidents according to defined criteria. We use the number of
­warehouses and customers, and the transportation of waste. also ensures that information, insights and best practices are shared transportation incidents1 as a reporting indicator. In 2022, we
on an ongoing basis. ­recorded 25 transportation incidents worldwide (2021: 21).

At a glance A particular focus is incidents involving goods spillages that could

Preventive safety measures lead to significant environmental impacts. These include dangerous
Zero goods leaks in excess of 200 kilograms on public traffic routes,
Transportation incidents with significant impact on the environment National and international dangerous goods regulations are based provided transport was arranged by BASF. We recorded one
on an assessment of transportation risks and define rules and incident in 2022 with spillage of more than 200 kilograms of
­measures for safely transporting dangerous goods. We use various ­dangerous goods2 (2021: 3). This incident did not have a significant
▪ Risk minimization along the entire transportation chain
tools to minimize transportation risks. For example, for every impact on the environment (2021: 0).
▪ Risk assessment based on national and international dangerous ­dangerous good to be transported, we check in each case whether For more information on transportation safety, see
goods regulations
the packaging has been approved for that product and is suitable
▪ Regular review of logistics service providers for the type of transport. We conduct digital dangerous goods
checks before shipping orders are released. In addition, vehicles are
subjected to a thorough dangerous goods check prior to loading
Strategy and governance and rejected if there are any issues.

Whether by road, rail, ship or air, we want to ensure that our p

­ roducts Above and beyond this, we use our global requirement to s­ pecifically
are loaded, transported and handled in accordance with the relevant assess the safety and environmental risks of transporting and
regulations and their hazard potential. That is why we depend on ­handling raw materials and sales products with high hazard ­potential.
global standards, an effective organization, training and reliable This is based on the Guidance on Safety Risk Assessment for
­logistics partners. Our goal is to minimize risks along the entire Chemical Transport Operations published by the European C ­ hemical
transportation chain. Industry Council (CEFIC).

All BASF products intended for transport must be clearly identifiable, We stipulate worldwide requirements for our logistics service
classified, securely packaged and labeled. The transportation of providers and assess them in terms of safety and quality. Our
dangerous goods is subject to mandatory national and international experts use our own tools as well as internationally approved
dangerous goods regulations as well as our global guidelines. Our schemes for evaluation and monitoring. These include the ship
sites and Group companies are responsible for implementing

1 Data is collected based on the International Council of Chemical Association’s (ICCA) guidance for reporting performance and includes road, rail and container shipping incidents.
2 Hazardous goods are classified in accordance with national and international hazardous goods regulations.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 135

Energy and Climate Protection Schematic overview: Development of the BASF Group’s greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2)1
GRI 2, 3, 201, 302, 304, 305 Million metric tons of CO2 equivalents
40.1 Baseline 2018
21.9 –16.0%

As an energy-intensive company, we take responsibility for

20.8 20.2
the efficient use of energy and global climate protection. We 20.1
2050 target 18.4
are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement. Our products Net zero greenhouse 2030 target
gas emissions
and solutions enable a reduction in greenhouse gas ­emissions 2030 target
in many areas. At the same time, we are working to signifi- –25% greenhouse gas emissions compared with 2018

cantly reduce our own carbon footprint. 16.4 Five levers to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions:

- Grey-to-green
At a glance - Power-to-steam
- New technologies Carbon management
- Bio-based feedstocks

18.4 million 2.3 TWh

- Continuous opex

­metric tons electricity
Greenhouse gas emissions1 1990 2018 2030 2050 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2030

▪ Corporate and Product Carbon Footprints create transparency – Power-to-steam: In the future, we will increasingly rely on By 2030, we plan to invest up to €4 billion to achieve our climate
▪ Ambitious emission reduction targets ­electrical steam ­generation and in this way, also tap previously protection targets.
▪ Net Zero Accelerator unit bundles and accelerates projects unused waste heat potential (see “Energy supply”).
We have established organizational structures to implement our
▪ Supplier CO2 Management Program
– New technologies: We are developing completely new carbon-­ climate protection targets and carbon management activities with
free and low-carbon processes and technologies for ­climate-smart even greater focus and speed: The Environmental Protection,
chemistry (see box on page 141). Health, Safety and Quality unit in the Corporate Center develops
Strategy and governance Group-wide guidelines and requirements for collecting emissions
– Bio-based feedstocks: We are increasingly replacing fossil and energy data and for energy management. It conducts regular
Climate protection is very important to us and is an important part of ­resources with alternative raw materials (see “Raw Materials”). audits to monitor the implementation of and compliance with ­internal
our corporate strategy. We are pursuing ambitious climate ­protection guidelines and legal requirements by our sites and Group c
­ ompanies.
targets (see “Global targets”), which we aim to achieve with compre- – Continuous opex: Our operational excellence activities con­tinu­ The Corporate Strategy & Sustainability unit develops and tracks the
hensive carbon management. This includes five levers to reduce ally improve the energy and process efficiency of our plants (see BASF Group’s climate targets and strategic levers for achieving
our greenhouse gas emissions and demand for fossil fuel: “Energy efficiency”). them based on our corporate carbon footprint. The Net Zero
­Accelerator unit, which was established in early 2022, focuses on
– Grey-to-green: We are increasingly meeting our electricity needs We only consider external offsetting measures as a temporary the accelerated implementation of existing and new cross-divisional
from renewable sources (see “Energy supply”). ­stop-gap if our activities do not make the desired contribution to projects to reduce emissions. The emphasis is on carbon-free and
reducing emissions. low-carbon production technologies (see page 141), the circular
economy (see page 43) and renewable energies (see “Energy

1 Scope 1 and Scope 2 (excluding the sale of energy to third parties, including offsetting). The target includes greenhouse gases according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which are converted into CO2 equivalents (CO2e).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 136

s­upply”). Both Corporate Strategy & Sustainability and Net Zero which TCFD-relevant information can be found (see page 19). We Global targets
Accelerator report to the Chairman of the Board of Executive also participate in the program established by the international
­Directors. This integrates climate protection-relevant aspects into nonprofit organization CDP for reporting on data relevant to climate Compared with the 2018 baseline, we want to reduce greenhouse
strategic decision-making processes and core business activities protection and have done so since 2004. BASF again achieved a gas emissions from our production sites and our energy purchases
(see page 47). In parallel, our operating divisions are working on score of A– in CDP’s 2022 climate change questionnaire, ­maintaining by 25% by 2030.1 This means that we aim to reduce greenhouse
divisional-­specific projects to reduce emissions. They are supported its Leadership status. Companies on the Leadership level are gas emissions from 21.9 million metric tons to 16.4 million metric
here by the global service units. ­distinguished by factors such as the completeness and ­transparency tons – despite our growth plans and the construction of a new
of their reporting. They also pursue comprehensive approaches in ­Verbund site in southern China. This corresponds to a decrease of
We report on greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the managing the opportunities and risks associated with climate around 60% compared with 1990. Our long-term goal is net zero
Greenhouse Gas Protocol as well as the sector-specific standard for change as well as strategies to achieve company-wide emission greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.1
the chemical industry. We consistently align our actions with our reduction goals.
climate protection targets, based on a comprehensive analysis of 2030 and 2050 targets
our emissions. Group-wide CO2 emissions are anchored in the All parts of society must work together to effectively protect the
BASF Group’s steering and compensation systems as a most
­important nonfinancial key performance indicator, giving them even
­climate. This is why we support various national and international
initiatives and are involved in partnerships. For example, in 2022 we
–25% Net zero
more weight. Steering also includes assessing investments and provided funding to help the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative Reduction in our absolute Greenhouse gas emissions
­acquisitions with regard to their impact on our climate protection launch a project to derive science-based climate protection targets ­greenhouse gas emissions by 2050
targets. for the chemical sector, in which we are also involved as a member by 2030 compared with 2018 (Scope 1 and 2)a
of an advisory group. As part of Together for Sustainability, in (Scope 1 and 2)a
We are gradually integrating our suppliers into the management of 2022 we were involved in the creation of a uniform guideline for
greenhouse gas emissions along the value chain. To this end, we calculating the carbon footprint of products in the chemical industry a BASF operations excluding sale of energy to third parties, including offsetting

launched the Supplier CO2 Management Program in 2021 (see (see ­“Product Carbon Footprints”).
“Product Carbon Footprints”). For more information on climate protection and carbon management, The BASF Group’s emissions reported under these targets in 2022
amounted to 18.4 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents (2021:
For more information on the CDP climate change questionnaire, see
We offer our customers solutions that help prevent greenhouse gas 20.2 million metric tons). The increase in natural gas prices in Europe
emissions, and improve energy and resource efficiency. To increase due to the war in Ukraine, weaker demand due to a slowing
transparency for our customers and target our CO2 reduction mea- ­economy over the course of the year and several lockdowns in
sures to those areas where they bring the greatest added value, we China led to a significant reduction in production volumes and, as a
continuously determine the Product Carbon Footprint for around result, emissions in 2022. This particularly affected the emissions-­
45,000 sales products (see “Product Carbon Footprints”). intensive ammonia value chain. The share of electricity from renew-
able sources was kept roughly constant compared with the previous
We continuously analyze potential risks to our business operations year and, together with measures to increase energy and process
arising in connection with the topics of energy and climate p
­ rotection efficiency, made a relevant contribution to reducing emissions.
and derive appropriate measures. We support the ­recommendations For more information on climate protection, see page 27
of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures A projection of greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 can be found in the forecast from page 154 onward

(TCFD). Since the 2019 reporting year, BASF’s annual report has
included an overview showing the sections and subsections in

1 Scope 1 and Scope 2 (excluding the sale of energy to third parties, including offsetting). The target includes greenhouse gases according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which are converted into CO2 equivalents (CO2e).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 137

Energy supply Energy supply of the BASF Group 2022

Electricity supplya Fossil fuels and residual fuels used in the BASF Group’s
Our total energy consumption was 52.9 million MWh in 2022 central power and steam generation plants
(2021: 58.8 million Mwh), significantly below the prior-year figure 16%
Renewable (internally generated + purchased)
due to the lower production levels. Total energy consumption
­includes fuel demand in our own central power and steam g
­ eneration 30% 14.2 million
77.4% Natural gas
26.1 million MWh
Nonrenewable (purchased)
plants, primary energy requirements in our process plants, and net
power and steam imports.
Nonrenewable (internally generated) 2.4% Heating oil
0.8 million MWh

To generate our own steam and power, we mainly use natural gas
(77.4%) and substitute fuels (17.5%). The latter are residues from 2.7% Coal
0.9 million MWh
Steam supply
chemical production plants that cannot be reused in the BASF
­Verbund. In 2022, we covered more than 54% of our electricity
Waste heat
17.5% Substitute fuels
5.9 million MWh
­demand with our own gas and steam turbines in highly efficient
40.4 million
combined heat and power plants. Combined heat and power 13% MWha Total: 33.7 million MWh
Purchased (nonrenewable)
­generation reduces the carbon footprint of our energy production
and simultaneously ensures that fuels are used as efficiently 43%
Internally generated
as possible: For instance, compared with separate methods of
­generating steam and electricity, we saved 12.0 million MWh of
fossil fuels and avoided 2.4 million metric tons of carbon emissions
a Conversion factor: 0.75 MWh per metric ton of steam
in 2022. To achieve the highest possible energy yield with the lowest
possible greenhouse gas emissions, we continuously invest in our
combined heat and power plants. In 2022, internally generated
power in the BASF Group had a carbon footprint of around A core component in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions is the r­ enewable power assets, particularly offshore wind farms. Secondly,
0.25 metric tons of CO2 per MWh of electricity and was below the gradual conversion of our energy supply from fossil to renewable BASF will purchase green power on the market through long-term
national grid factor at most BASF sites. sources as part of our carbon management. This mainly affects our supply agreements with plant operators, green power agreements
electricity supply (grey-to-green lever). In 2022, electricity from or ­ renewable energy certificates, depending on the region and
The Verbund system is also key to carbon-optimized energy supply ­renewable sources as a share of total electricity consumption could ­market regulations. A key purchasing criterion is the “additionality”
at our sites. It helps us realize synergies and manage value chains in be kept constant at 16% (2021: 16%). Our electricity ­requirements of the electricity purchased. This means that electricity is primarily
a resource-efficient way. For example, waste heat from one plant’s will increase significantly in the coming years due to the planned sourced from new renewable energy facilities.
production process is used as energy in other plants. The Verbund electrification of our steam generation and the gradual switch from
saved us around 19.0 million MWh in 2022, which translates to natural gas-based to electricity-based, low-carbon production pro- In 2022, we successfully drove forward the transformation of our
3.8 million metric tons less CO2 released into the environment. With cesses, for example in our steam crackers (see page 141). We aim power supply. Work on the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm,
combined power and steam generation as well as our continuously to source more than 60% of our power needs from renewable a joint project with Vattenfall and Allianz, is proceeding according to
optimized Energy Verbund, we were thus able to avoid a total of sources by 2030. Based on our growth forecast, this is roughly plan. The offshore wind farm should be fully operational in 2023.
6.2 million metric tons of carbon emissions in 2022. That is why we equivalent to our total power demand in 2021. With 140 turbines and a capacity of 1.5 gigawatts, Hollandse Kust
will continue to invest in the creation and optimization of Verbund Zuid will then be one of the largest subsidy-free offshore wind farms
structures and drive forward the consolidation of production at In the transformation of our power supply, we are pursuing a in the world. Our new solar power plant at the Schwarzheide site
highly efficient sites. make & buy approach. Firstly, BASF is investing in its own in Germany went online at the end of August 2022. We operate it
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 138

Additional indicators for energy and climate protection in BASF operations to reduced plant efficiency. By contrast, the use of renewable ­energy
2018 had a positive impact on specific greenhouse gas emissions.
2022 2021 (baseline)

Specific greenhouse gas emissionsa (metric tons of CO2 equivalents per metric ton of sales productb) 0.577 0.564 0.577 Since 1990, we have been able to lower our overall greenhouse
Primary energy demandc (million MWh) 54,206 57,627 60,586 gas emissions from BASF operations by 54.1% and even reduce
­specific emissions (per metric ton of sales product) by 74.8 %.
Energy efficiency (kilograms of sales product per MWh) b
589 621 626

a Scope 1 and Scope 2 (market-based) according to the GHG Protocol, excluding emissions from the generation of steam and electricity for sale to third parties, including offsetting
b Sales product volumes include sales between BASF Group companies; merchandise is not taken into account.
As part of our carbon management, we aim to make our plants and
c Primary energy used in BASF’s plants as well as in the plants of our energy suppliers to cover energy demand for production processes. Purchased renewable energy has a primary energy conversion efficiency rate of 100%.
processes even more efficient and resource saving (continuous
opex lever). Certified energy management systems according to
DIN EN ISO 50001 at all relevant production sites2 play a p
­ articularly
jointly with envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG (enviaM). Most of the 0.24 metric tons of CO2/MWh (market-based approach), slightly important role here. These help us to identify and implement further
electricity generated (expected electricity production: 25 GWh per above the previous year’s level (0.21 metric tons CO2/MWh). potential for improvement in energy efficiency. This not only reduces
year) will be used to supply the Schwarzheide site and cover around greenhouse gas emissions and saves valuable energy resources but
10% of the site’s current annual electricity demand on average. The second lever for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our also increases our competitiveness. In 2022, 76 production sites
energy supply starts with the production of steam (power-to-steam worldwide had certified energy management systems, representing
In addition to these cooperative ventures, in 2022 we concluded lever). In the future, new technologies should make a significant 87.7% of our primary energy demand.
further long-term supply agreements for green power. In North contribution to reducing CO2, for example by recovering energy from
America, for example, we have secured around 250 megawatts of the waste heat of our production and infrastructure facilities. To Certified energy management systems (ISO 50001) at BASF Group sites
worldwide, in terms of primary energy demand
wind and solar generation capacity through virtual power purchase ­e­xplore the potential of various technologies, in 2022, for example,
agreements with Dawn Solar and EDF Energy Services. BASF has we initiated a joint feasibility study with MAN Energy Solutions on the
91.0 90.2 87.7
also signed a 12-year supply agreement with X-ELIO to supply construction of an industrial-scale heat pump at the Ludwigshafen 85.1
48 megawatts of solar power to the Freeport site in Texas. In China, site in Germany. This could generate up to 150 metric tons of steam 69.9
we initiated further long-term supply agreements for green power per hour from previously unused wastewater heat, reducing the
with the State Power Investment Corporation and Brookfield, site’s CO2 emissions by up to 390,000 metric tons per year.
­including for our new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, which is currently
under construction. Our aim is to supply the site entirely with
­electricity from renewable sources from the start-up phase of the Energy efficiency and specific greenhouse gas emissions
large-scale plants in 2025 – much earlier than originally planned.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are closely linked
In some regions, we have also acquired green power certificates. to ­capacity utilization at our plants as well as our product port­-
The aim is to gradually replace these temporary measures with our folio. Specific greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 amounted to
own power assets or long-term supply agreements. 0.577 metric tons of CO2 equivalents per metric ton of sales A global working group provides ongoing support to the sites and
­product,1 an increase of 2.3% compared with the previous year Group companies in implementing and maintaining certified energy
In total, over 108 sites worldwide were already partially or fully (2021: 0.564 metric tons of CO2 equivalents per metric ton of sales management systems. All energy efficiency measures are recorded
­powered by renewable energy at the end of 2022 (2021: 88). The ­product). This was mainly due to lower and less uniform capacity in a global database, analyzed and made available to BASF sites as
carbon footprint of purchased electricity in 2022 was around utilization at our plants compared with the previous year, which led examples of best practices.

1 Sales product volumes include sales between BASF Group companies; merchandise is not taken into account.
2 Relevant sites are selected based on the amount of primary energy used and local energy prices.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 139

In 2022, we implemented more than 500 measures to reduce In 2022, our greenhouse gas emissions according to the Green- Our supply chain made the largest contribution to Scope 3 in 2022,
­energy and resource consumption and increase our c ­ ompetitiveness. house Gas Protocol, including Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions with 54 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents (2021: 59 million
At the Chongqing site in China, for example, modifications to the (market-­based approach, including sales of energy to third parties) metric tons). To calculate these upstream greenhouse gas ­emissions,
wastewater treatment process reduced heat demand and the were 19.185 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents (2021: we used information on the carbon footprint of raw materials,
­resulting emissions by more than 2,500 metric tons of CO2 per year. 21.131 million metric tons). Of this amount, 86% were Scope 1 ­primarily from external databases. We intend to gradually replace
At a plant at the Kuantan site in Malaysia, an optimized control emissions (2021: 88%) and 14% were Scope 2 emissions (2021: this with data from our Supplier CO2 Management Program. In
­system allowed existing flash steam to be fully utilized, reducing 12%). Carbon dioxide was by far the largest component and 2022, we were involved in the creation of new Together for
additional steam demand. This enables an emissions reduction of ­accounted for 98% of emissions (2021: 98%). ­Sustainability (TfS) recommendations for determining supply chain
over 1,500 metric tons of CO2 per year. At the Ludwigshafen site in emissions to improve reporting transparency and consistency
­G­ermany, the innovative design of a new residue incineration line Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions arising upstream and across the industry (see page 141).
enables the more efficient use of combustion heat to produce ­downstream of our operations in the value chain are calculated in
steam. This avoids more than 5,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions accordance with the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting
every year. and Reporting Standard published by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
and the WBCSD Guidance for Accounting and Reporting Corporate
Our employees’ ideas are an important source of optimization. GHG Emissions in the Chemical Sector Value Chain (WBCSD
Award-winning suggestions for improvements implemented in 2022 Chemicals). Both standards involve the use of values from general
will enable us to save around 9,000 metric tons of CO2 per year at databases. For 2022, we calculated Scope 3 emissions of around
the Ludwigshafen site in Germany alone. 92 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents (2021: 101 million metric
tons). There was a significant reduction in total emissions along the
BASF value chain in 2022 due to lower production volumes.
Corporate carbon footprint

BASF has published a comprehensive corporate carbon footprint Scope 3 emissions along the BASF value chain in 2022a
Million metric tons of CO2 equivalents
every year since 2008. This reports on all emissions along the value
BASF Customers Disposal
chain – from raw materials extraction to production and disposal. Production (including generation Emissions from the use of Incineration with energy
We are continually working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of steam and electricity) end products (C 11) recovery, landfilling (C 12)

both in our own production and, together with our partners, along
the value chain (see “Strategy and governance”). 54 19 4 3 26 5
Suppliers Transport Other
Purchased products, services and Transport of products, (C 3b, 3c, 5,
capital goods (C 1, 2, 3a) employees’ commuting and 8, 13, 15)
business travel (C 4, 6, 7, 9)

a According to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol; Scope 1, 2 and 3; reported categories within Scope 3 are shown in parentheses. Scope 3 emissions in category 10 (“Processing of sold products”) are not reported according to the
standard for the chemical sector. Only direct use phase emissions are reported in the customer category (Scope 3.11). For more information on our Scope 3 emissions reporting, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 140

BASF Group’s greenhouse gas emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocola measures so that our customers can benefit from reduced carbon
Million metric tons of CO2 equivalents
emissions in the value chain.
BASF operations 2022 2021 (baseline)

Scope 1b
In 2022, we further expanded our portfolio of products with a
certified reduced carbon footprint, including engineering plastics
CO2 (carbon dioxide) 15.434 17.234 17.025
and polyurethanes, intermediates and aroma ingredients. We
N2O (nitrous oxide) 0.306 0.418 0.677
already offer some of our products, such as the intermediates
CH4 (methane) 0.025 0.032 c
0.027 neopentyl glycol (see page 72) and propionic acid, and the
HFC (hydrofluorocarbons) 0.031 0.035c 0.091 ­isocyanate MDI, with a net zero carbon footprint. These lower PCFs
SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) 0.001 0.001 0 are mostly made possible by the substitution of fossil raw materials.
For instance, we use climate-neutral electricity from renewable
Scope 2d
sources instead of electricity from fossil fuels to produce low-PCF
CO2 2.629 2.464 4.067
and zero-PCF products. We also use – in whole or in part – renew-
Total 18.426 20.184 c
21.887 able, waste-based or recycled raw materials such as palm oil, castor
Offsetting 0 0 0 oil, biomethane or pyrolysis oil from plastic waste. These alternative
Total after offsetting 18.426 20.184 c
21.887 resources have a better carbon footprint than fossil raw materials.
Sale of energy to third parties (Scope 1)e The alternative resources are allocated to the end product using the
mass balance approach (see box on page 121).
CO2 0.759 0.947 0.773

Total 19.185 21.131c 22.660

The digital methodology we have developed to calculate PCFs
Use of biomassf meets general life cycle analysis standards such as ISO 14040,
CO2 0.084 0.091 n/a ISO 14044 and ISO 14067, as well as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Product Standard, and has been certified by TÜV Rheinland. We
a BASF reports separately on direct and indirect emissions from the purchase of energy. Scope 1 emissions encompass both direct emissions from production and generation of steam and electricity, as well as direct emissions
from the generation of steam and electricity for sale. Scope 2 emissions comprise indirect emissions from the purchase of energy for BASF’s use. make our automated PCF calculation approach available to
b Emissions of N O, CH and HFC have been translated into CO emissions using the Global Warming Potential, or GWP, factor. GWP factors are based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007, errata
­interested industry players through partnerships. At the same time,
2 4 2
­table 2012 for the 2018 reporting year, and IPCC 2014 for the 2021 and 2022 reporting years. HFC (hydrofluorocarbons) are calculated using the GWP factors of the individual components.
c The comparative figure for 2021 has been adjusted to reflect updated data.
d Market-based approach. Under the location-based approach, Scope 2 emissions were 3.670 million metric tons of CO in 2021 and 3.588 million metric tons of CO in 2022.
2 2
we are involved in various initiatives to drive transparency,
e Includes sales to BASF Group companies; as a result, emissions reported under Scope 2 can be considered twice in some cases.
f Emissions are reported separately from Scope 1 and Scope 2 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. ­harmonization and standardization across the industry. One e
­ xample
is Together for Sustainability (see box on page 116). In September
2022, the members of the initiative agreed on a globally uniform
The disposal of our products accounted for 26 million metric tons of Product Carbon Footprints guideline for calculating cradle-to-gate PCFs in the chemical
CO2 equivalents (2021: 28 million metric tons), the second-largest industry. This will enable the climate impact of products to be
share of our Scope 3 emissions. This figure is based on assump- In 2020, we developed a digital solution to make our product-­ ­ directly compared and evaluated in the future based on a
tions about the disposal of products at the end of the value chain. specific greenhouse gas emissions more transparent and have ­standardized approach. A technical solution for sharing PCF data
For more information on our emissions reporting, see since determined the carbon footprints of around 45,000 sales between companies is under development and should be
For more information on Product Carbon Footprints, see products. These Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) include all ­implemented by the end of 2023.
greenhouse gas emissions – from raw materials extraction to the
­finished product leaving the factory gates (“cradle-to-gate”). PCFs Harmonizing the methodological approaches used to calculate
provide us with important information for assessing the climate PCFs also makes an important contribution to the more accurate
­impact of our products and guidance for implementing mitigation measurement of the greenhouse gas emissions that arise in the
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Energy and Climate Protection 141

supply chain, for example, during the extraction of raw materials or

the manufacture of precursors. These upstream Scope 3 emissions Good to know
account for the largest share of our corporate carbon footprint (see
page 139).

We currently use industrial averages and values from commercial

databases as the basis for calculating upstream Scope 3 emissions.
To obtain a more accurate data base and better manage and reduce
emissions in the supply chain in the long term, we launched our
global Supplier CO2 Management Program in 2021. In a first step,
we have since requested the PCFs of our raw materials and support
our suppliers in determining these, for example, by sharing our Low-carbon and carbon-free processes for climate-smart chemistry
knowledge of valuation and calculation methods with them. Since
the start of the program, we have asked more than 1,300 suppliers, We are also developing completely new technologies for Ludwigs­hafen site in Germany together with our partners SABIC
covering around 60% of our raw materials-related greenhouse gas carbon-free and low-carbon production as part of our carbon
­ and Linde. The project has been granted €14.8 million from the
emissions. In a second step, we want to work with our suppliers on management (new technologies lever). The main focus here is on BMWK under the Decarbonization in Industry funding program. It
solutions to reduce product-related emissions and establish the basic chemicals, which are often still emissions-intensive to is scheduled for start-up in 2023.
PCF as a criterion for purchasing decisions. ­produce. One example is steam reforming, the most common way
For more information on the Supplier CO2 Management Program, see of obtaining hydrogen. We are already testing an alternative We also want to break new ground in steam supply, which we
­process – methane pyrolysis – in Ludwigshafen, Germany. This is need for many chemical processes and have so far mainly
virtually carbon-free if renewable energy is used and extremely ­produced in our central gas-fired power plants. Here, too, green
energy efficient compared with other methods. Together with power-based technologies such as heat pumps or electric boilers
­Siemens Energy, and depending on funding from the German offer enormous potential. For instance, we want to recover the
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), thermal energy produced by our production and infrastructure
we are also planning to build a proton exchange membrane (PEM) facilities in the future and use it for carbon-optimized steam
water electrolyzer in Ludwigshafen with an output of 54 megawatts ­generation. In this context, we initiated a feasibility study with MAN
for carbon-free hydrogen production. Energy Solutions in July 2022 on the construction of an
­industrial-scale heat pump at the Ludwigshafen site in Germany
Another example is steam crackers. Steam crackers split (see page 138).
­petroleum into olefins and aromatics for further processing – both
important groups of substances for numerous chemical value Another focus area is carbon capture and storage (CCS). For
chains. The cracking reaction requires high temperatures of around ­example, we are part of an industrial CCS project at the Antwerp
850 degrees Celsius, which are achieved in conventional plants by site in Belgium (Kairos@C) as the first phase of the Antwerp@C
burning methane. Heating concepts that use electricity from project, which will enable BASF to avoid the emission of up to
renewable sources instead could reduce process-related
­ 1 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year from
­emissions by at least 90% in the future. To test the feasibility of this production.
new process and two different heating concepts, in Septem-
ber 2022 we started construction of a demonstration plant at the
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation 142

Material topics in focus:

Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation
GRI 2, 3, 305, 306


We want to continuously reduce emissions to air, prevent waste and protect the soil.
That is why we are committed to operating our plants safely and efficiently, and to
using resources r­ esponsibly. We are consistently reducing the environmental impact
of our plants and ­processes with our Operational Excellence Program.

BASF’s global network of experts shares information, insights and

At a glance best practices on an ongoing basis to further reduce our emissions
to air, manage waste and responsibly handle contaminated sites.
2.2 million 47.4%
­metric tons share of our waste recycled
or thermally recovered
Continuous documentation and monitoring of emissions to air,
BASF Group waste waste streams and contaminated sites as well as the imple­men­
tation of measures for improvement are an integral part of our
▪ Improvements based on continuous monitoring of emissions to ­environmental management. In addition to greenhouse gases (see
air and waste streams page 135 ­onward), we also measure and analyze other air pollutants
▪ Circular concepts an important part of our activities to ­prevent the emission of potentially harmful substances.
▪ Systematic management of contaminated sites
Our waste management is based on the systematic tracking of our
material flows and follows a clear hierarchy: We aim to avoid waste
as far as possible, for example, by continuously optimizing our
Strategy and governance ­processes or developing new production methods. BASF’s Verbund
structure with its networked plants and value chains is key here: The
The safe and efficient operation of our plants and the responsible by-products of one plant serve as feedstock elsewhere in the
management of resources and waste are core elements of our BASF Verbund, avoiding waste and enabling us to use raw materials
­Responsible Care Management system. We have defined our global as efficiently as possible.
standards for emissions to air, waste and contaminated sites in
Group-wide guidelines, the implementation of which is the responsi- If these cannot be used within BASF’s Verbund structures, we
bility of the sites and Group companies. The Environmental ­assess whether they can be recycled or thermally recovered. We
In 2022, a new residue incineration line was commissioned in ­Protection, Health, Safety and Quality unit in the Corporate Center have established processes for the safe, proper and e ­ nvironmentally
­Ludwigshafen, Germany. It makes an important contribution to conducts regular audits to monitor compliance with legal require- responsible disposal of materials that we cannot recycle or where
­reliable waste disposal and is also interesting from a technological
point of view: An upright, cooled combustion chamber increases the ments and internal guidelines. recycling is not legally permitted. If we use external waste disposal
efficiency by 10%. This means that the additional steam fed into the companies, we conduct regular audits to verify that waste is
Verbund does not have to be generated by burning natural gas.
­disposed of properly. In this way, we also contribute to preventive
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Emissions to Air, Waste and Remediation 143

soil protection and keep today’s waste from becoming tomorrow’s Emissions to air Waste generation in the BASF Group
Metric tons Million metric tons Hazardous Nonhazardous
contamination. If soil and groundwater contamination occurs at
Air pollutants from BASF operations 2022 2021 wastea wastea
active, acquired or former sites, we review and implement
CO (carbon monoxide) 3,833 3,951 2022 2021 2022 2021
­appropriate remediation measures.
NOX (total nitrogen oxides) 9,326 11,088 a Recycled 0.14 0.14 0.31 0.37

We are committed to reducing the impact on air and soil and NMVOC
4,621 4,817a
Thermally recovered 0.49 0.52 0.11 0.12c
(nonmethane volatile organic compounds)
­minimizing disposal volumes and material consumption along our Waste recovered 0.63 0.66 0.42 0.49c
value chains. We expect suppliers to comply with internationally SOX (total sulfur oxides) 1,553 1,908a
Through incineration
0.64 0.73c 0.05 0.06c
recognized environmental standards. This is assessed as part of our Dust 2,060 2,154 (without energy recovery)

supplier management. We support our suppliers in developing and NH3 (ammonia) and other inorganic substances 1,965 1,951 In surface landfills 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.21c
implementing measures for improvement, for example in waste Otherb 0.12 0.12c 0.02 0.02
Total 23,360 25,869a
management (see page 116). We offer our customers a wide range
a The comparative figure for 2021 has been adjusted to reflect updated data. Waste disposed of 0.87 0.97 0.29 0.29c
of products that can reduce air pollutants or waste – from industrial
Total waste generation 1.50 1.63 0.71 0.78c
process catalysts, fuel additives and catalysts for the automotive We want to further reduce emissions with various measures. For
a Waste is classified as hazardous or nonhazardous waste according to local regulations.
sector to additives and track-and-trace technologies to extend the instance, we use catalysts to reduce nitrogen oxides or feed waste b Physical/chemical and biological treatment, underground disposal
c The comparative figure for 2021 has been adjusted to reflect updated data.
useful life of plastics or improve mechanical recycling of plastic gases back into the production process.

We are increasingly aligning our actions with the circular economy Waste Contaminated sites
principle. For example, we are increasingly using recycled and
waste-based raw materials in our production, recycling operating BASF generated 2.21 million metric tons of waste in 2022 (2021: We have binding global standards for managing contaminated sites.
supplies, and expanding our capacities for recovering precious 2.41 million metric tons1). Of this, 52.6% was disposed of (2021: A worldwide network of experts ensures these are implemented. We
metals from spent automotive and industrial catalysts. We are also 52.4%1). Hazardous waste accounted for 75.2% of the total develop remediation measures designed to balance nature
developing product-specific recycling technologies and are involved disposed waste (2021: 76.9%1). Based on the concept of the
­ ­conservation, climate protection concerns, costs and social respon-
in cross-industry networks and initiatives to avoid plastic waste (see circular economy, we are continuously examining options for
­ sibility. These solutions take into account the legal framework and
page 51) and strengthen the circular economy. ­material or thermal recycling for all waste (see “Strategy”). In this current technological standards. Contaminated sites are docu­
For more information on the circular economy, see page 43 way, we were able to find new uses for 47.4% of our waste in 2022 mented in a database. Ongoing remediation work around the world
(2021: 47.6%1). We continuously identify and evaluate the safest continued on schedule in 2022 and planning was concluded for
and most environmentally sound disposal routes for non-recyclable further measures.
Emissions to air waste. In 2022, most of our hazardous waste was incinerated For more information, see Notes 9 and 23 on pages 230 and 266
(75.1%), where possible with energy recovery. 8.0% of hazardous
Total emissions of air pollutants from our production plants ­amounted waste was disposed of in landfill. This was mainly contaminated
to 23,360 metric tons in 2022 (2021: 25,869 metric tons1). ­Emissions construction waste that cannot be recycled due to legal r­ equirements.
of ozone-depleting substances as defined by the Montreal Protocol
totaled 14 metric tons in 2022 (2021: 18 metric tons1). Emissions of
heavy metals2 in 2022 amounted to 4 metric tons (2021: 2 metric

1 The comparative figure for 2021 has been adjusted to reflect updated data.
2 Heavy metals are included in the figure for dust (see the table “Emissions to air”).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Water 144

Material topics in focus:

GRI 3, 303, 304


Water is of fundamental importance in chemical production. It is used as a coolant, solvent and

­cleaning agent, and to make our products. Waterways are used to transport goods. At the same
time, water is a scarce commodity in an increasing number of regions. That is why we promote
the r­ esponsible use of this resource with sustainable water management.

sites. The guidelines also cover aspects such as process and

At a glance ­transportation safety (see pages 126 and 134) in order to prevent
production and transportation-related product spillages into water
1,590 million 79% bodies as far as possible. Our sites and Group companies are
cubic meters total water of water demand covered ­responsible for implementing and complying with internal guide­
­abstraction by reuse
lines and legal requirements. The Environmental Protection, Health,
Safety and Quality unit in the Corporate Center conducts regular
▪ Responsible use is a core part of our strategy
audits to monitor this. BASF’s global network of experts shares
▪ Sustainable water management introduced at 61.6% of ­information, insights and best practices around the responsible use
relevant sites
of water on an ongoing basis.
▪ Top rating of “A” in the annual CDP assessment
Introducing and implementing sustainable water management
has been a cornerstone of our strategy for many years now. Our
Strategy and governance focus here is on our Verbund sites and on production sites in water
stress areas.1 The aim is to protect water as a resource, to use it
The responsible use of water as a resource is a core element of our as efficiently as possible through recirculation, and to continuously
Responsible Care Management System and our risk management, ­reduce wastewater and emissions. We consider the quantitative,
as well as an important part of our commitment to the United qualitative and social aspects of water use.
­Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is also
­reflected in our position paper on water protection, which we We pursue our goal by applying the European Water Stewardship
published in 2021. standard, which rests on four principles: sustainable water abstrac-
tion, maintaining good water quality, preserving conservation areas,
The BASF wastewater treatment plant at the Ludwigshafen site in Our global standards and requirements for water are defined in and ensuring continuous improvement processes.
Germany is one of the largest in Europe. Around 86 million cubic Group-wide guidelines. Among other things, these stipulate that
­meters of production wastewater are treated here every year, plus
around 18 million cubic meters of wastewater from surrounding water protection concepts must be implemented at all production
­communities. In recent years, we have continuously increased
the energy efficiency and effectiveness of the plant. 1 We define water stress areas as regions in which more than 40% of available water is used by industry, households and agriculture. Our definition is based on the Water Risk Atlas (Aqueduct 3.0) published by the World
­Resources Institute. For more information, see
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Water 145

We advocate the responsible use of water as a resource along Water in the BASF Group 2022
Million cubic meters per year
the entire value chain. We audit supplier compliance with envi­
ronmental standards in our regular supplier assessments (see Abstraction / supply Use Discharge
page 114). Where improvement is necessary, we support suppliers
in developing and implementing appropriate measures, such as 1,590a 6,705 1,400a
the correct handling of wastewater. In addition, we are involved in a Of which in water stress areas: 1% 88% Water used in cooling processes Of which cooling water: 1,237
wide range of initiatives to promote sustainability in the supply chain. Of which wastewater from production:b 163
Percentage in
For example, efficient water use is a core part of the Pragati project recirculating 82%
Surface water / freshwater 1,260 cooling systems Surface water / freshwater 1,181
to improve sustainability in castor bean farming (see page 119).
Brackish water / seawater 212 Brackish water / seawater 201

We offer our customers solutions that help purify water and use Groundwater 91 Groundwater 1
it more efficiently, and minimize pollution. These include high-­ Drinking water 19 212 External treatment plant 17
performance plastics to produce ultrafiltration membranes, interme- Water used in productionb
Reusable wastewater from third parties 3 12% Consumption
diates to produce flocculants for water treatment, or seeds with
Water from raw materials 5 Percentage of
higher drought and heat tolerance. water reused 69a
Of which in water stress areas: 17%
We work with numerous partners along the value chain and from
civil society to protect water as a resource. For instance, BASF is a ab The difference between water abstraction and discharge is due to water consumption and limited measurement accuracy in water discharge.
Sum of production processes, sanitary facilities, rinsing and cleaning in production
member of the Alliance for Water Stewardship, a global multi-­
stakeholder organization that promotes the responsible use of water.
In addition, we are involved in networks to effectively prevent plastic Global target and measures
waste from entering water bodies (see page 51). 2030 target
Our goal is to introduce sustainable water management at our
We report transparently and comprehensively on water. For instance, ­ Verbund sites and at all production sites in water stress areas Introduction of sustainable water management
at our production sites in water stress areas and
we again provided detailed answers to the 2022 water questionnaire by 2030, covering 89% of BASF’s total water abstraction. We
at our ­Verbund sites
from the nonprofit organization CDP. BASF again achieved Leader- achieved 61.6% of our target in 2022 (2021: 53.5%).1 Sustainable
ship status with a top rating of “A” in the final assessment. CDP water management was introduced at seven further sites in 2022
evaluates how transparently companies report on their water man­ (2021: 7). Another important part of our sustainable water management
age­ment activities and how they reduce risks such as water scarcity. is the continuous analysis and implementation of measures for
The assessment also considers the extent to which product devel- As part of sustainable water management, our sites regularly assess ­improvement. For example, changes in the production process
opments can also contribute to sustainable water management at the water situation in the catchment area. This raises awareness (transesterification process) at the Caojing site in China reduce the
the customers of the evaluated companies. of potential risks and impacts for the population such as water need for feedstocks, steam and water. This can save 25% of the
For more information on our position paper on water protection, see ­scarcity. Based on the assessments conducted until the end of wastewater from this process step each year. At the Camaçari site
For more information on the CDP water questionnaire, see 2022, we did not identify any activities with a significant impact on in Brazil, an i­mprovement in the recirculation of cooling water and
water ­availability and quality at any site. the ­reuse of condensate saves around 49,000 cubic meters of
­water every year. The team received the Bahia Sustainable Indus-
tries Award for its success­ful water management. Depending on the

1 Our water target also continues to take into account the sites that we identified as water stress sites in accordance with Pfister et al. (2009) prior to 2019.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Water 146

l­ocal situation, we also implement measures together with other consumption in 2022 amounted to around 69 million cubic meters contained 16 metric tons of heavy metals (2021: 17). Phosphorus
stakeholders. One example is the Lake Winnipeg Basin Water
­ (2021: 72 million cubic meters). emissions amounted to 240 metric tons (2021: 340).
­Stewardship Project in the Canadian province of Manitoba, which
was launched in 2022. In 2022, around 25% of our production sites were located in Our approach is to reduce wastewater volumes and contaminant
water stress areas (2021: 25%). These sites accounted for 1% of loads at the source in our production processes and to reuse waste-
BASF’s total water abstraction (2021: 1%).1 In water stress areas, water and material flows internally as far as possible. To treat waste-
Water balance we ­mainly source water from third parties (81%) and largely cover water, we use both central measures in wastewater treatment plants
our demand with freshwater. Water consumption in water stress and the selective pretreatment of individual wastewater streams
Our water abstraction totaled 1,590 million cubic meters in 2022 areas ­accounted for 17% of BASF’s total water consumption in before these are sent to the wastewater treatment plant. We use
(2021: 1,695). This demand was covered for the most part by fresh- 2022 (2021: 16%) and was primarily attributable to evaporation in different methods depending on the type and degree of contamina-
water such as rivers and lakes (86% of water abstraction). At some cooling processes. Wastewater in water stress areas accounted for tion – including biological processes, chemical oxidation, membrane
sites, we use alternative sources such as treated municipal waste- less than 1% of BASF’s total wastewater. The share of wastewater technologies, precipitation or adsorption. In order to avoid unantici-
water, brackish water or seawater. A small part of the water we use from cooling processes in water stress areas is lower than for the pated emissions and the pollution of surface water or groundwater,
reaches our sites as part of raw materials and steam, or is released BASF Group as a whole. Cooling water is rarely used for once- we have water protection concepts for our production plants in
in our production processes. We abstract most of the ­water we through cooling here. Instead, it is generally recirculated to reduce place. This is mandatory for all production plants as part of our
need for cooling and production ourselves. In 2022, 5% of our total water demand. Production wastewater in water stress areas is Respon­sible Care Management System (see page 123). The waste-
water demand was covered by third parties (2021: 5%). ­primarily treated at third-party facilities. water protection plans involve evaluating wastewater in terms of
risk and drawing up suitable monitoring approaches. We use
Water use in 2022 totaled 6,917 million cubic meters (2021: The supply, treatment, transportation and recooling of water is audits to check that these measures are being implemented and
7,110 million cubic meters). Put in relation to total water abstraction, ­associated with a high energy demand. We are constantly working complied with.
this means that we use every liter we abstract around four times, to optimize our energy consumption and the amount of water we For more information, see
or cover 79% of our water demand with reuse. We predominantly use, and to adapt to the needs of our business and the environment.
use water for cooling purposes (88% of water abstraction), after
which we discharge it back to our supply sources with no product
contact. We reduce our water abstraction for cooling purposes Emissions to water
mainly by using recooling plants. Around 12% of our total water
abstraction is used in production plants, for example, for extraction Our wastewater is subject to strict controls and we carefully assess
or dissolution processes or for cleaning. Here, too, we reduce our the impact of wastewater discharge in accordance with the applica-
demand for water by recycling wastewater. Most of the water used ble laws and regulations. Both internal audits and the responsible
for production purposes is discharged back to water bodies after local authorities regularly assess whether the analyses and safety
being treated in our own or third-party wastewater treatment plants. precautions at our sites comply with internal guidelines and legal
requirements. A total of 1,400 million cubic meters of water were
The BASF Group’s water consumption describes the amount of discharged from BASF production sites in 2022 (2021: 1,503),
water that is not discharged to a water body, meaning that it is no ­including 163 million cubic meters of wastewater from production.
longer available to other users. Consumption is mainly attributable Emissions of nitrogen to water amounted to 2,600 metric tons in
to the evaporation of water in recirculating cooling systems. A 2022 (2021: 3,000). Around 10,600 metric tons of organic sub-
­smaller amount is from the water contained in our products. Water stances were emitted in wastewater (2021: 12,500). Our wastewater

1 Aqueduct 3.0 was used to identify sites in water stress areas to determine pro rata water abstraction and water consumption.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Biodiversity 147

Material topics in focus:

GRI 3, 304


Biodiversity describes the variety of life forms on Earth. The loss of this diversity weakens ecosystems’ ability
to withstand changes such as climate change and poses a global challenge. As a chemical company, we
­depend on ecosystem services like the availability of renewable resources and high air, water and soil quality,
while also influencing them. Protecting biodiversity is a key element of our commitment to sustainability.

invasive species. We ­counteract climate change – and in this way,

At a glance help to preserve b­ iodiversity – with our climate protection measures
(see page 135). We are committed to combating habitat loss, over-
▪ Strategic alignment of our biodiversity measures based on
exploitation and environmental pollution with activities along various
­impact assessments
value chains, including palm and palm kernel oil.
▪ Commitment to preserving biodiversity along the entire value
chain, for example, with strategic partnerships
To be able to take the right measures, we need to understand how
our actions affect the biodiversity of the affected ecosystems.
­Measuring biodiversity is a challenge, as a global indicator – like
Strategy greenhouse gas emissions for climate change – does not yet exist.
This is because the local context also has to be taken into account
Our specific measures along the entire value chain help to preserve when assessing impact.
biodiversity and meet our responsibility to the environment and
­society. Our corporate sustainability goals on climate protection, the We use various methods to measure our sustainability perfor-
circular economy, water management and responsible procurement mance that implicitly and explicitly consider relevant risks and
also help to protect biodiversity. The United Nations’ Convention ­opportunities for biodiversity. These include the Eco-Efficiency
on Biological Diversity and the Sustainable Development Goals Analysis, ­SEEbalance®, Sustainable Solution Steering as well as
(SDGs) – including Life below water (SDG 14) and Life on land AgBalance® with its biodiversity calculator. We use indicators such
(SDG 15) – serve as important orientation and reference frameworks as nitrogen emissions to water to measure drivers of biodiversity
for BASF. loss, and ­indicators such as species occurrence to assess the
status of e­ cosystems. In addition, we regularly test various analysis
We align our biodiversity measures with the impact of our business tools available on the market. Newly developed assessment meth-
BASF is committed to preserving biodiversity at different sites. activities along the value chain. Our focus here is on three areas: ods help us to understand further influences on biodiversity. On the
At the former Rensselaer manufacturing site in upstate New sites and production, product impact and supply chains. The five ­basis of this understanding, we seek dialog with partners and enter
York, for ­example, a biodiversity project is improving ecological
conditions and providing space for indigenous plants such as drivers of biodiversity loss defined by the Intergovernmental into strategic partnerships, through which we drive forward
the oxeye ­sunflower, as well as foraging and nesting areas for ­Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services are ­measures to protect biodiversity around the world.
a variety of animals.
land-use change, climate change, pollution, overexploitation and
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Biodiversity 148

An internal working group addresses company-wide governance sustainable land use for over 10 years. The 90-hectare site on the
and the systematic i­dentification of risks and opportunities arising Hudson River includes a LEED Platinum-certified environmental Good to know
from biodiversity. education classroom, a combined heat and power plant and a
10-hectare widlife habitat. The wildlife habitat was created as part of
the Hudson River legacy remediation and ecological restoration
Responsibility to our sites and production project, for which BASF received the Environmental Excellence
Award for Environmental Dredging from Western Dredging
Preservation of biodiversity is taken into consideration in the ­Association in 2021. The biodiversity project improves site ecology,
­management of our sites. We strive to operate our facilities in a providing space for indigenous plants, foraging and nesting areas
responsible manner and minimize negative effects on the
­ for a variety of animals, a way-station for migratory birds, and a
­environment (driver of biodiversity loss: pollution) by keeping air, habitat for aquatic species, amphibians and reptiles. For example,
water and soil emissions as low as possible and reducing and the aquatic turtle population in the freshwater wetland area could be
­avoiding waste (see page 142 for more information). restored.

Conservation areas play a valuable role in preserving biodiversity We also take biodiversity conservation into account in our
Biodiversity reserve in Brazil
and natural habitats. In 2021, we added an indicator to our ­production. In addition, we are committed to complying with the BASF has been involved in the conservation and regeneration
­environmental database: proximity of production site to i­nternationally provisions of international environmental agreements such as the of the forests of the Atlantic Rainforest for more than 30 years.
recognized protected areas. We use databases such as the Nagoya Protocol. The supplementary agreement to the U.N.’s An eight-month biodiversity survey in collaboration with the
­Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) here. This allows us Convention on Biological Diversity regulates access to genetic
­ ­Brazilian Espaço ECO Foundation found a diversity of more than
to raise awareness of biodiversity at local level and assess and, if ­resources and benefit sharing. It sets out obligations (for example, 200 animal and plant species in the 30-hectare Suvinil Reserve
necessary, reduce potential impacts of our sites on these areas. In compensation payments) for the users of genetic resources such as on the Brazilian paints and coatings industrial complex in São
2022, 5% of our production sites were adjacent to a Ramsar site1 plant-based raw materials. We use internal control mechanisms to Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo state). This section of the
and 1% were adjacent to a category I, II or III protected area as monitor compliance with these standards. ­Atlantic Rainforest, which accounts for almost half of the total
­defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.2 None area of the BASF site, shows how industry and the environment,
of our production sites were adjacent to a UNESCO protected area. productivity and sustainability can coexist. The Suvinil reserve
is part of the B
­ razilian BASF Demarchi + Ecoefficient program,
We have adopted biodiversity as a criterion in processes such as which achieves more efficient use of natural resources and
our risk management. In addition, we systematically consider ­improves products and processes.
sustainability aspects when deciding whether to invest in the
­construction of new sites or expand existing ones. Aspects a
­ ssessed
include the potential impacts on forests and biodiversity.

We are also implementing local measures to protect biodiversity

at a number of sites. For example, at 13 sites in North America,
­biodiversity projects are regularly audited and certified by the NGO
Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC). At the former Rensselaer production
site in New York state, for example, BASF has been investing in

1 Wetland of international importance in accordance with the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention)
2 We have defined “adjacent” as the area within a 3 km radius.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Biodiversity 149

Management of our product impact and ­evaluation in agriculture are particularly useful here. Our modern BASF procures various renewable raw materials. As for fossil raw
seed solutions also enable better yield on existing farmlands and materials, we also consider how renewable resources impact
BASF offers products and solutions for a wide range of industries. thus help protect natural habitats. ­aspects of sustainability along the value chain. Alongside positive
We want to ensure that our products meet our customers’ s­ tandards effects like avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, these can also
in quality and, through appropriate use, pose no risk to humans, Our AgBalance® method and the biodiversity calculator enable a have negative effects on areas such as biodiversity or land use,
animals or the environment. Our commitment to the objectives set scientifically sound assessment of the impact of agricultural ­depending on the raw material.
forth by the Responsible Care® charter of the International Council of ­practices on biodiversity. Based on these assessments, we issue
Chemical Associations (ICCA) obligates us to continuously minimize recommendations for measures such as planting flower strips or For palm and palm kernel oil in particular, there is an elevated risk of
the negative effects of our products on the environment, health and establishing nesting places to benefit pollinators like wild bees and deforestation to create farmland. To improve sustainability in
safety and to optimize our products on an ongoing basis. It is farmland birds. ­procurement, we established the BASF Palm Commitment in 2011,
­important to consider the potential impacts of product use on which was updated in 2015 and is implemented with our Palm
­biodiversity, for example, with regard to pollution. In 2021, BASF initiated the approval process for a new, more Sourcing Policy. Third-party certification with standards such as the
­environmentally friendly insecticidal active ingredient and has since Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard enables us to
For example, we evaluate our products and solutions in crop submitted registration dossiers in all major markets. The active take biodiversity criteria into account when purchasing raw materials
­protection and seeds throughout the entire research, development ­ingredient, AxalionTM, enables farmers to control a wide range of (see page 118).
and registration process. After they have been approved for the piercing and sucking pests that are harmful to crops. At the same
market, we continue assessing them regularly for potential risks and time, it is highly compatible with beneficial insects such as p
­ ollinators. Our position on forest protection sets out our commitment to
impact to the ecosystems in which they are used. We have initiated This supports farmers in managing the challenges they face around preserving biodiversity in areas of High Conservation Value such as
various projects and offer training to prevent misuse of our products productivity, protecting the environment and societal demands. High Carbon Stock forest areas and peatlands in the procurement
(see page 132). of renewable raw materials. BASF again participated in the “Forests”
Animal farming is essential to meeting growing global demand assessment conducted by the international organization CDP in
All types of land development, such as agriculture and forestry, play for products of animal origin such as meat, eggs and milk. This in 2022 and achieved a score of A–, once more giving it Leadership
a role in changing biodiversity (driver of biodiversity loss: land-use turn leads to high demand for agricultural land for growing feed, status. The assessment is conducted based on detailed insights
change). Activities such as tillage, drainage, fertilization and the use which has implications for the share of forest areas and biodiversity. into the palm value chain and activities that impact ecosystems and
of crop protection products can affect flora and fauna, for example, BASF offers a range of feed additives such as ­enzymes, vitamins, natural habitats.
by influencing food sources. Minimizing these impacts while e ­ nsuring glycinates and organic acids that improve ­nutrient utilization from
the necessary productivity is one of the biggest challenges farmers feed. Better feed conversion and more ­ sustainable livestock We are also committed to the environmental sustainability of other
are facing. production mean that less land is needed, preserving natural
­ supply chains through our own, targeted initiatives. One example is
­ecosystems. our rambutan program. This was launched in 2014 in close
Our Agricultural Solutions segment focuses on four areas to help ­collaboration with partners in Vietnam to source botanical ­ingredients
farmers to find the right balance between productivity and for cosmetic products from certified organic rambutan gardens. In
­sustainability. Focus areas are climate-smart farming, sustainable Responsibility to our supply chains cooperation with local farmers and NGOs, BASF’s program
solutions, digital farming and smart stewardship (see box on ­promotes the preservation of biodiverse habitats, as well as good
page 34). In this context, we work with farmers to create balanced Some of the business activities of our raw materials suppliers involve agricultural practices, gender equity and fair working conditions.
agricultural systems which enable productive and efficient farming of land uses that can influence biodiversity (driver of biodiversity For more information on the CDP forests questionnaire, see
high-­quality food products and at the same time promote bio­di­ver­ loss: land-use change). We have laid down our expectations of our
sity in the field. For example, we advise them on soil cultivation suppliers with regard to environmental, labor and social standards in
practices and look for suitable ways to improve biodiversity in farm- the supply chain as well as our committment to preserving biodiver-
lands. Our many years of experience in sustainability measurement sity in the Supplier Code of Conduct (see page 115).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – In Focus: Biodiversity 150

Strategic partnerships to promote biodiversity conventional agriculture. Based on the insights gained from working
together, an advisory board of experts from agriculture, nature
Engaging in ongoing dialog with a variety of stakeholders is ­important ­conservation and environmental protection developed a biodiversity
to BASF. That is why we seek out partnerships with relevant interest checklist and published it in 2021. This summarizes 10 ecologically
groups and organizations worldwide to raise awareness of bio­ effective measures to promote biodiversity. Since 2021, BASF has
diversity and drive forward the action needed to preserve natural supported farmers participating in its #wirzahlenBiodiversität (“We
habitats. This enables us to firstly share the knowledge gained from pay biodiversity”) program financially and with professional advice.
our biodiversity activities and secondly learn from others to improve For more information on our responsible management of resources, see page 43
our own practices. For more information on product stewardship, see pages 130 and 132
For more information on our commitment to biodiversity, see
For more information on our position on forest protection, see
We cooperate with a number of organizations including the Round-
table on Sustainable Palm Oil, the Sustainable Palm Oil Forum, the
Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture and the High
Carbon Stock Approach Steering Group. The Taskforce on
­Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is working to provide a
framework for reporting on nature-related risks and related activities.
In 2021, BASF joined the newly established TNFD Forum, a
­consultative network, to support this development. Our involvement
in organizations such as the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and the
Alliance for Water Stewardship (see page 144) help to preserve
biodiversity in bodies of water.

Together with international partners and based on dialog with

stakeholders in the food value chain, we are driving forward
­measures to promote sustainable agriculture. In the United States,
for example, BASF is a member of the Honey Bee Health Coalition,
which aims to achieve healthy honey bee populations and support
healthy populations of native and managed pollinators in productive
agricultural systems and thriving ecosystems. BASF France is part
of the Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) network, which
launched the Act4nature campaign with the main objective of
­protecting and enhancing biodiversity.

Since 2013, we have also been working with different farmers and
experts from the BASF FarmNetwork Sustainability, an association
of farms in Europe, to integrate more connected biodiversity areas
into agricultural production. By creating and maintaining new
­habitats and linking habitats for living, breeding and feeding with
each other, biodiversity can be sustainably promoted in a modern,
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment in 2023 151

Forecast In this section:

Economic Environment in 2023
Outlook 2023
Opportunities and Risks
We expect the global economy to grow only weakly by 1.6% in 2023 (2022: +3.0%). High raw materials costs,
rising ­consumer prices and higher interest rates will depress demand worldwide. We are also assuming that
the positive post-­pandemic effects have already run their course. We expect growth of only 1.8% for global
industrial production (2022: +2.5%) and 2.0% for global chemical production (2022: +2.2%). Uncertainty about
future developments ­remains high.

Economic Environment in 20231

Uncertainty about future developments remains exceptionally high. growth is Spain (+1.0%). Average GDP in the Eastern E.U. countries
At a glance The future development of the war in Ukraine and its impact on will probably stagnate (+0.3%).
economic growth is virtually impossible to predict. Our forecast
▪ Stagnation expected in Europe and the United States
­assumes that the conflict does not escalate further. We are assum- In the United Kingdom, we expect GDP to decline by 1.2% (2022:
▪ Moderately higher growth in Asia ing that an acute gas shortage with regulatory cuts in natural gas +4.1%) due to sharp increases in the cost of living and interest rates,
▪ Fragile recovery in the automotive industry supply to energy-intensive industries in Europe can be avoided. which will depress private consumption and investment.
▪ Moderate growth in the industry as a whole ­Moreover, we do not expect China’s departure from its zero-COVID
▪ Weak growth in global chemical production strategy to have any adverse effects that would significantly reduce GDP in the United States is expected to stagnate in 2023. U.S.
▪ Further decline in European chemical production China’s growth or that of its trading partners. monetary policy is steering a restrictive course in order to f­urther
reduce the high inflation rate, which is already declining slightly.
High interest rates are slowing construction activity, credit-­financed
In the European Union, gross domestic product is expected to Trends in the global economy in 2023 purchases of durable goods and capital expenditures. Offsetting
stagnate on the back of high energy costs. High regional natural factors include good labor market data and government growth
gas prices will continue to weigh heavily on production in energy-­ We expect GDP to stagnate in the European Union (E.U.) (2023: stimulus under the infrastructure program and the Infla­tion Reduc-
intensive industries. Consequently, we anticipate a significant +0.1%, 2022: +3.6%). The support measures taken by many tion Act. Low gas prices by international standards will also improve
­decrease in chemical production in the E.U. at a similar rate to 2022. E.U. countries to mitigate the impact of the sharp rise in gas and the inter­na­tional competitiveness of energy-­intensive indus­tries in
In North America, too, we expect gross domestic product to stag- ­electricity prices on households and small and medium-sized enter- the United States.
nate and chemical production to decline slightly. For China, we are prises will help to prevent a stronger decline. The E.U. countries with
forecasting slightly higher GDP growth compared with the previous a comparatively high industrial share of value added and a high In the emerging markets of Asia, we expect growth to be slightly
year, while growth in other emerging Asian economies will proba­bly share of natural gas in energy supply are likely to suffer further higher overall (+4.4%) than in 2022 (+3.8%). This is solely due to
weaken. Growth in chemical production in the Asian region as a ­losses. As a result, we expect gross domestic product to decrease higher expected growth in China (+4.5% in 2023 compared with
whole is likely to remain stable overall. by 0.7% in Germany and by 0.4% in Italy. French GDP will presum- +3.0% in 2022). For the other emerging markets in Asia, we expect
ably stagnate. The only major E.U. country expected to see slight growth to decline overall from 5.5% in 2022 to 4.3% in 2023. In

1 Our assumptions account for current estimates by external institutions, including economic research institutes, banks, multinational organizations and consulting firms.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment in 2023 152

I­ndia, growth is expected to slow to 5.2% (2022: +7.0%). Western Outlook for gross domestic product 2023 s­ emiconductor shortages, are expected to ease further, demand
trading partners’ weak performance will negatively impact the Real change compared with previous year for motor vehicles will cool due to declining purchasing power
emerging Asian economies. At the same time, their currencies have World 1.6% and ­rising interest rates. We expect global production volumes of
depreciated significantly against the U.S. dollar in the past year, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to rise to around
European Union 0.1%
making energy imports in particular more expensive. We assume 84 million units in the coming year (2022: 82 million units). This
United States 0.2%
that this will be countered by a recovery in domestic ­demand in means that the total number of vehicles produced is still almost 9%
Emerging markets
China following the lifting of the zero-COVID strategy. of Asia excluding China
4.3% below pre-pandemic levels (around 92 million vehicles produced
annually on average from 2015 to 2019). We expect the expansion
China 4.5%
In Japan, growth is also expected to slow due to weaker export of electromobility to progress rapidly and the share of total produc-
Japan 1.0%
demand from Western trading partners and the weaker yen, which tion volumes attributable to purely battery-electric vehicles to rise
will make imports more expensive. Conversely, higher growth in South America 0.8% significantly from 10% in 2022 to almost 14% in 2023.
China, reduced bottlenecks for semiconductors for the Japanese
automotive industry and the continued accomodative course of The catch-up effects in the European and North American auto­
Japanese monetary policy will support the Japanese economy. We Trends in gross domestic product 2023–2025 motive markets following the pandemic-related disruptions to supply
therefore expect only a slight decline in growth overall (2023: +1.0%, Average annual real change chains are expected to slowly taper off. For both markets, we are
2022: +1.2%). World 2.3% assuming further but slower growth than in 2022. Following the
significant increase in production in the previous year, we also
European Union 1.0%
In South America, growth is expected to weaken significantly in ­anticipate weaker market growth in China. We also expect growth
United States 1.1%
2023. Private consumption in Brazil will no longer be supported by rates to decline overall in the other emerging markets of Asia. For
Emerging markets
fiscal measures as in the previous year. Given the generally weak of Asia excluding China
4.9% Japan, on the other hand, we are forecasting a recovery in growth
global economy, export demand is not expected to provide any from a low baseline.
China 4.9%
additional strong stimulus either. The Argentinian economy is
Japan 1.1%
­suffering from very high and rising inflation rates. In addition, the In the energy and raw materials sector, we expect lower growth in
scope for additional government spending is severely restricted by South America 1.8% output overall due to the macroeconomic slowdown, mainly as a
the debt restructuring program. The global economic slowdown will result of weaker growth in demand for oil and gas. Regional growth
also put pressure on raw materials prices. South America is unlikely rates will vary considerably. Oil and gas production should continue
to benefit from significantly rising export prices for industrial and Outlook for key customer industries to grow strongly in the United States but decline in Asia. In Europe,
agricultural commodities in 2023. Overall, we expect GDP in the production will probably stagnate. By contrast, production of other
region to grow by 0.8% in 2023 (2022: +3.7%). Overall, we anticipate growth of 1.8% (2022: +2.5%) in global indus- non-agricultural commodities will grow at high, stable rates in Asia,
trial production. Industrial production is expected to contract in the stagnate in the United States and decline in Europe.
advanced economies (2023: –0.3%, 2022: +0.9%). Growth in the
emerging markets will probably remain at a similar level to the Growth in the construction industry is expected to continue to
­previous year (2023: +3.5%, 2022: +3.8%). slow. Residential construction is likely to contract due to higher
mortgage rates in Europe and the United States and the further
For the transportation industry,1 we are forecasting lower cooling of the housing market in China. For other building construc-
growth of 2.8% in 2023 compared with the previous year (+5.7%). tion, we expect weak growth roughly at the level of the previous
Although supply bottlenecks in the automotive industry, especially year. By contrast, we are forecasting higher year-on-year growth for

1 The transportation industry includes the production of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and the construction of other vehicles (especially ships and boats, trains, air and spacecraft, and two-wheelers).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Economic Environment in 2023 153

the infrastructure segment, which should benefit from rising public Outlook for the chemical industry South America will presumably see much lower growth in chemical
spending in both the E.U. and the United States. production (2023: +0.9%, 2022: +2.6%). Demand from the con-
Global chemical production (excluding pharmaceuticals) is expected sumer goods industries is expected to grow at a similarly weak
Consumer goods production is expected to grow only slightly to grow by 2.0% in 2023, slower than in the previous year (2022: rate to GDP. By contrast, we expect demand from the agricultural
faster than global GDP. The declining purchasing power of private +2.2%). We again anticipate a decline in production in the advanced sector to increase more strongly and demand from the automotive
households will have a particularly negative impact on demand for economies (2023: –3.0%, 2022: –2.9%). Growth in the emerging industry to ­remain solid but with weaker growth than in the previous
durable consumer goods, for example from the furniture industry. markets is expected to slow slightly (2023: +4.4%, 2022: +4.8%). year.
After production declined in 2022, we expect only slight growth for
the textile industry, exclusively in the emerging markets. Growth In China, the world’s largest chemical market, we are forecasting Outlook for chemical production 2023 (excluding pharmaceuticals)
in production of consumables, particularly in care products, will slightly weaker growth in chemical production of 5.9% (2022: Real change compared with previous year
­presumably weaken in line with GDP growth. +6.6%). We expect the opening of the Chinese economy to bring World 2.0%
with it higher growth in Chinese domestic demand, especially in the
European Union –5.2%
The electronics industry is also expected to grow at a slower pace consumer goods industries and the health and nutrition sector, as
United States –2.0%
in 2023 than in the previous year as private demand for PCs, per- well as positive contributions to growth from the automotive and
Emerging markets
sonal communication devices and consumer electronics is damp- electronics industries. of Asia excluding China
ened by high consumer price inflation, and many major purchases
China 5.9%
with long service lives were brought forward during corona­virus Chemical production in the E.U. should again decrease by 5.2%
Japan 1.0%
lockdowns. However, growth will be supported by the ongoing (2022: –5.8%), well below the overall industrial development ­forecast
­digitalization trend, meaning that growth rates should ­significantly for Europe. Due to the high energy costs, no major catch-up effects South America 0.9%

outpace global GDP. are expected in energy-intensive basic chemicals following the
­already strongly negative prior year. Growth should mainly be driven
In the health and nutrition sector, we expect growth to be slightly by demand from the automotive industry. By contrast, consumption Trends in chemical production 2023–2025 (excluding pharmaceuticals)
higher and above GDP. The pharmaceutical industry is expected to of durable and non-durable consumer goods is not likely to increase. Average annual real change
return to slightly stronger growth after low growth in 2022 due to the We also expect chemical production in the United Kingdom to World 2.7%
vaccine boom in the previous year. Overall, food production will also continue to decline (2023: –5.5%, 2022: –5.0%).
European Union –1.1%
increase at a slightly stronger rate than in the previous year but with
United States 0.1%
wide regional differences. We expect lower growth for the advanced In the United States, the positive base effects that supported
Emerging markets
economies but slightly stronger year-on-year growth for the emerg- growth in 2022 will come to an end. Domestic demand will largely of Asia excluding China
ing markets due to the gradual recovery in China. stagnate, with the exception of the automotive industry, the energy
China 4.8%
sector and the electronics industry. Demand from the construction
Japan 0.9%
Agricultural production is expected to grow at a similar rate in 2023 industry is expected to decline on the back of high interest rates.
to the average for recent years. Around 80% of growth will come Export demand for chemicals from Europe should provide positive South America 1.7%

from Asia, which is responsible for two-thirds of global agricultural momentum given the lower raw materials and energy prices. O ­ verall,
production. Agricultural production in Asia and South America will we expect a slight decline in chemical production (2023: –2.0%,
outpace world production. For North America and Europe, we are 2022: +2.3%).
only assuming slight growth.
For Japan, we are forecasting a weak recovery after the decline in
the previous year (2023: +1.0%, 2022: –3.0%). Growth stimulus
here is expected to come primarily from the automotive sector.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Outlook 2023 154

Outlook 2023
The high level of uncertainty that arose over the course of 2022 due to the war in Ukraine, high raw materials and energy costs in Europe, rising prices
and interest rates, inflation and the development of the coronavirus pandemic will continue in 2023. All of these factors will negatively impact global
­demand, which is why we only expect moderate growth for the global economy in 2023.

rate of $1.05 per euro. We anticipate elevated and very volatile gas environment in the second half of the year due to recovery effects,
Outlook for 2023 at a glance prices in Europe. especially in China.
For more information on our expectations for the economic environment in 2023,
▪ Sales of between €84 billion and €87 billion see page 151 onward
Based on the weaker earnings performance and slightly higher cost
▪ EBIT before special items of between €4.8 billion and €5.4 billion For more information on the material opportunities and risks that could affect our forecast,
of capital basis forecast for the BASF Group in 2023, we expect a
▪ ROCE of between 7.2% and 8.0% see page 157 onward
ROCE of between 7.2% and 8.0%. ROCE should increase slightly in
▪ CO2 emissions of between 18.1 million metric tons and
19.1 million metric tons the Agricultural Solutions segment. In the Industrial Solutions and
▪ Capex of around €6.3 billion Sales, earnings and ROCE forecast for the BASF Group1 Surface Technologies segments, ROCE is likely to decline slightly.
Compared with the previous year, we anticipate a considerable
The BASF Group is expected to generate sales of between €84 bil- ­decrease in ROCE in the Chemicals, Materials and Nutrition & Care
We anticipate moderate growth in the majority of our customer lion and €87 billion in 2023. Planned volume growth in all segments segments.
­industries and expect the slight recovery in the automotive industry will contribute here. We anticipate slight sales growth in the Agricul-
in particular to continue. Our forecast assumes that the war in tural Solutions and Materials segments, mainly driven by higher
Ukraine will continue but not escalate further, although the further prices and volumes in both segments. Sales in Other should be CO2 emissions forecast for the BASF Group
development of the war in Ukraine and its effects on economic slightly higher. We are forecasting sales at prior-year level in the
growth are still subject to a high degree of uncertainty. In addition, Nutrition & Care segment. We anticipate lower price levels, espe­ CO2 emissions are expected to be between 18.1 million metric tons
we are assuming that an acute gas shortage with regu­latory cuts cially for basic chemicals and precious metals, which will lead to a and 19.1 million metric tons in 2023. We anticipate additional
in natural gas supply to energy-intensive industries in Europe will slight sales decrease in the Chemicals and Surface Technologies ­emissions from moderate growth in production and slightly higher
not materialize. We expect China’s departure from its zero-COVID segments. The Industrial Solutions segment is also expected to see capacity utilization at emissions-intensive plants. For example, the
­strategy to have a positive impact on the development of demand. slightly lower sales due to the sale of the kaolin minerals business. ammonia plants in Europe will probably see higher capacity utiliza-
tion compared with 2022 but will continue to run at low levels due
The global economy is expected to grow by only 1.6% in 2023 The BASF Group’s EBIT before special items is expected to to sustained high gas prices. We will counteract this increase with
(2022: 3.0%). We expect growth of 1.8% for global industrial ­decline to between €4.8 billion and €5.4 billion. Our planning for the ­targeted measures to reduce emissions, further increase energy
­production (2022: 2.5%), while global chemical production is likely Agricultural Solutions segment assumes a slight increase in EBIT ­efficiency and optimize processes and, above all, continue the shift
to expand by 2.0% in 2023 (2022: 2.2%). Our planning assumes an before special items. In the Nutrition & Care, Surface Technologies to electricity from renewable energies.
average oil price of $90 for a barrel of Brent crude and an ­exchange and Industrial Solutions segments, we expect slightly lower EBIT
before special items. We anticipate significantly lower con­tri­butions
from the Chemicals and Materials segments and from Other. We
expect a weak first half of 2023 followed by an improved ­earnings

1 For sales, “slight” represents a change of 0.1%–5.0%, while “considerable” applies to changes of 5.1% and higher. “At prior-year level” indicates no change (+/–0.0%). For earnings, “slight” means a change of 0.1%–10.0%, while “­ considerable” is used for changes of 10.1% and higher. “At prior-year level” indicates no change (+/–0.0%).
For ROCE, we define a change of 0.1 to 1.0 percentage points as “slight,” a change of more than 1.0 percentage points as “­ considerable” and no change (+/–0.0 percentage points) as “at prior-year level.”
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Outlook 2023 155

Forecast by segment Our planning for the Industrial Solutions segment assumes slightly
Million €
lower sales in both divisions in 2023. The volume growth targeted
Sales EBIT before special items ROCE
for the Performance Chemicals division will only partially offset the
2022 2023 forecast 2022 2023 forecast 2022 2023 forecast
effect on sales of the divestiture of the kaolin minerals business as of
Chemicals 14,895 1,956 15.6% September 30, 2022, and expected price declines due to lower
demand. The slight sales decrease in the Dispersions & Resins divi-
Materials 18,443 1,840 14.9%
sion will mainly reflect lower volumes on the back of softer demand.
Industrial Solutions 9,992 1,091 16.0% We are forecasting a slight decline in the segment’s EBIT before
Surface Technologies 21,283 902 3.9% special items. This will primarily result from considerably lower EBIT
before special items expected in the Dispersions & Resins division
Nutrition & Care 8,066 618 7.5%
due to weaker margins. This will only be partially offset by consider-
Agricultural Solutions 10,280 1,220 7.1% able earnings growth in the Performance Chemicals division, mainly
from higher volumes.
Other 4,368 –749 – –

BASF Group 87,327 €84 billion–€87 billion 6,878 €4.8 billion–€5.4 billion 10.0% 7.2%–8.0% In the Surface Technologies segment, we are forecasting a slight
sales decrease compared with 2022. This will primarily be driven
At prior-year level: no change (+/–0.0%)
| Slight increase/decrease: “slight” represents a change of 0.1%–5.0% for sales; 0.1%–10.0% for earnings; 0.1 to 1.0 percentage points for ROCE by a significant decline in precious metal prices expected in the
| Considerable increase/decrease: “considerable” represents a change of 5.1% or higher for sales; 10.1% or higher for earnings; more than 1.0 percentage points for ROCE
­Catalysts division. Sales will be boosted by higher prices in the
Coatings division and forecast volume growth in both divisions. The
segment’s EBIT before special items is expected to decline slightly.
Sales and earnings forecast for the segments We are forecasting slight sales growth for the Materials segment. We e ­ xpect considerably higher EBIT before special items in the
Given the continued volatile market environment, we anticipate Coatings division as a result of higher margins and volumes. In
Sales in the Chemicals segment are expected to decrease slightly higher prices driven by raw materials costs in the Monomers d
­ ivision. the Catalysts division, by contrast, we anticipate a considerable
in 2023 due to lower prices in both operating divisions. This will be Slight volume growth overall will contribute to the sales i­ncrease. ­decrease due to weaker margins caused by high raw materials
driven by pressure on prices caused by higher product availability However, we are seeing diverging trends within the segment: prices and lower precious metal prices.
overall as new production capacities come on stream and supply The Performance Materials division will presumably record volume
chain problems ease. An expected recovery in demand, especially growth in all customer industries. By contrast, we anticipate slightly We expect sales in the Nutrition & Care segment to be at prior-­year
in China, will lead to volume growth in the segment. This will lower sales volumes in the Monomers division. We are forecasting level. Prices are expected to be lower overall as a result of declining
­presumably not be able to fully compensate for the negative price a considerable decrease in the segment’s EBIT before special raw materials prices. This will be compensated by volume growth in
­effects. The lower prices will also put pressure on margins. Conse- items due to earnings development in the Monomers division. both operating divisions due to improved product availability and an
quently, we are forecasting a considerable decline in EBIT before The d ­ ivision’s EBIT before special items is expected to decline easing of global supply chains. The segment’s EBIT before special
special items in both operating divisions. In addition, earnings per- ­considerably as a result of lower margins, after strong margins items should be slightly below the prior-year figure.
formance will be negatively i­mpacted by significantly higher fixed in 2022. In the Performance Materials division, by contrast, we
costs, mainly from invest­ ments in the construction of the new ­anticipate considerable growth in EBIT before special items due to In the Agricultural Solutions segment, we expect slight sales
­Verbund site in ­Zhanjiang, China, and in the expansion of the eth­yl­ the positive development of sales volumes amid stable margins. growth in 2023. This will be mainly driven by higher prices while
ene oxide plant in A
­ ntwerp, Belgium. demand for agrochemicals and seeds will remain on a continuously
high level. Based on the sales increase and a positive margin devel-
opment, we are forecasting slightly higher EBIT before special items.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Outlook 2023 156

Sales in Other are expected to be slightly above the prior-year level Projects currently being planned or underway include: Capex by region 2023–2027
in 2023. This should mainly result from higher sales from other 47%
­activities, primarily driven by price increases. We anticipate a con- Capex: selected projects Asia Pacific
siderable decline in EBIT before special items compared with the 15%
previous year. This will largely reflect lower gains from hedging Location Project North America
€28.8 billion
transactions, among other factors. Chalampé, France Construction of a production plant for 1%
South America, Africa,
36% Middle East
Geismar, Louisiana Capacity expansion at MDI plant
Europe 1%
Capital expenditures (capex) Ludwigshafen, Germany Modernization of chloroformates and acid chlorides Alternative sites currently being investigated
We are planning capital expenditures (additions to property, plant Schwarzheide, Germany Construction of a production plant for battery materials
and equipment excluding acquisitions, IT investments, restoration Zhanjiang, China Construction of a smart Verbund site
obligations and right-of-use assets arising from leases) of around Dividend
€6.3 billion for the BASF Group in 2023. For the period from 2023 to
2027, we have planned capital expenditures totaling €28.8 billion, Capex by segment 2023–2027 We have an ambitious dividend policy and offer our shareholders an
including €13.6 billion for our major growth projects – the new attractive dividend yield. We aim to increase our per-share dividend
­Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China, and the expansion of the battery 10% each year.
materials business. The investment volume in the next five years Chemicals
Nutrition & Care Information on the proposed dividend can be found on page 13
will thus be above that of the planning period 2022 to 2026
(€25.6 billion). €28.8 billion 3%
Agricultural Solutions Financing

31% In 2023, we expect cash outflows in the equivalent amount of

3% Other (infrastructure, R&D) around €2.1 billion from the scheduled repayment of bonds. To
Industrial Solutions ­refinance maturing bonds and to optimize our maturity profile, we
continue to have medium to long-term corporate bonds and our
18% global commercial paper program at our disposal.
Surface Technologies Information on our financing policies can be found on page 64 onward

Events after the reporting period

There have been no significant changes in the company’s situation

or market environment since the beginning of the 2023 business
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 157

Opportunities and Risks

GRI 2, 201

The goal of BASF’s risk management is to identify and evaluate opportunities and risks as early as possible and to take appropriate measures in order to
seize opportunities and limit risks. The aim is to avoid risks that pose a threat to BASF’s continued existence and to make improved managerial decisions to
create value. We define opportunities as potential successes that exceed our defined goals. We understand risk to be any event that can negatively impact
the achievement of our short-term operational or long-term strategic goals.

r­estrictions on the supply of energy, industrial raw materials and We are continually monitoring the further development of natural gas
At a glance ­intermediates. The war in Ukraine poses significant risks for market prices. In the event of regulatory changes or changes in the market
development in Europe. environment, we will adjust the overall assessment of opportunities
▪ Integrated process for opportunity and risk identification,
and risks accordingly.
­assessment and reporting
Weaker growth in China as a result of ongoing pandemic-related
▪ Decentralized management of specific opportunities and risks:
disruptions may give rise to risks for supply chains as well as the According to our assessment, there continue to be no significant
aggregate reporting at Group level
development of global demand. individual risks that pose a threat to the continued existence of the
▪ Material opportunities and risks for 2023 arise from overall
BASF Group. The same applies to the sum of individual risks, even
­economic developments and margin volatility
In addition, there is considerable uncertainty surrounding ­con­sum­ers’ in the case of a global economic crisis.
reaction to the sharp rise in energy prices, inflation and the ­resulting
Where appropriate, we measure and manage opportunities and loss of purchasing power. Opportunities will arise in par­ticu­lar from Ultimately, however, residual risks (net risks) remain in all entrepre-
risks in terms of probability and economic impact in the event they stronger growth in demand resulting from an improved overall neurial activities that cannot be ruled out, even by comprehensive
occur. Where possible, we use statistical methods to aggregate ­economic environment. risk management.
opportunities and risks into risk factors. In addition, we use a
­qualitative evaluation scale for opportunities and risks to assess Due to the exceptionally volatile markets, especially in Europe, the As a non-integral shareholding, income from Wintershall Dea AG is
both business and sustainability aspects that cannot be quantified. risks arising from European gas price developments and the reported in net income from shareholdings. The opportunities and
In this way, we achieve an overall view of opportunities and risks ­availability of natural gas cannot currently be reliably estimated. The risks resulting from the shareholding in Wintershall Dea are therefore
allowing us to aggregate risks at Group level and take effective risk assump­tions in our planning for 2023 are based on European gas not included in the outlook for the EBIT of the BASF Group.
management measures. prices that significantly exceed the 2019–2021 average. The overall ­Opportunities and risks that have an impact on net income from
assessment therefore does not include any additional opportunities shareholdings and cash flow from the shares in Wintershall Dea are
or risks that could arise from the volatility of European gas prices. monitored and tracked through BASF’s involvement in the relevant
Overall assessment governing bodies.
The gas price brake in Germany and measures taken by other E.U. For more information on the non-integral, equity-accounted shareholding in Wintershall Dea, see
Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 231 onward
For 2023, we expect global economic growth to weaken as a result countries mean that these risks are partially mitigated by the state.
of high energy prices and inflation rates, rising interest rates and the
phasing out of catch-up effects from the coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, BASF will take internal measures, such as adjustments
General economic uncertainty will remain exceptionally high. to production processes, if energy prices remain high. We are also
responding to structurally higher energy costs with cost reduction
A further escalation of geopolitical conflicts, for example in China, measures.
could lead to disruptions in global supply chains and greater
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 158

Potential short-term effects on EBIT of key opportunity and risk factors Risk management process exception. The management of liquidity, currency and interest
subsequent to measures takena
rate risks is conducted in the Corporate Finance department. The
Outlook The BASF Group’s risk management process is based on the management of commodity price risks takes place in the Global
Possible variations related to:
– 2023 +
­international risk management standard, COSO II Enterprise Risk Procurement unit or in authorized Group companies.
Business environment and sector
Management – Integrated Framework and comprises the risk – The BASF Group’s management is informed of short-term
management system, internal control systems and compliance
­ ­operational opportunities and risks that fall within an observation
Market growth
management. Its key features are as follows: period of up to one year in the monthly management report
Margins ­produced by Corporate Finance. In addition, Corporate Finance
Competition Organization and responsibilities provides information twice a year on the aggregated opportunity/
– Risk management and the internal control system is the responsi- risk exposure of the BASF Group. Furthermore, any arising
bility of the Board of Executive Directors. It defines the basic ­individual risks which have an impact of more than €10 million on
Company-specific opportunities and risks require­ments and processes as well as the organization of the earnings or risks qualitatively evaluated to have a material impact,
risk management system. It also determines the processes for such as reputational risks, must be reported immediately.
approv­ing investments, acquisitions and divestitures. – As part of strategy development, the Corporate Development
Supply chain
– The Board of Executive Directors is supported by the Corporate department additionally conducts strategic opportunity/risk
Investments/production Center. Corporate Finance and Corporate Development, which ­analyses with a 10-year assessment period. These analyses are
Acquisitions/divestitures/cooperations are units within the Corporate Center, and the Chief Compliance annually reviewed as part of strategic controlling and are adapted
Officer (CCO) coordinate the risk management process at a if necessary. Scenarios were also developed to map possible
Group level, examine financial and sustainability-related oppor­ impacts beyond the ten-year horizon, for example from
Information technology
tunities and risks, and provide the structure and appropriate ­climate-related developments.
Compliance/legal methodology. Opportunity and risk management is thus ­integrated – We also regularly consider exceptional situations at global,
Tax into the strategy, planning and budgeting processes. ­regional and local level – from process safety incidents and goods
– BASF’s risk committee reviews the BASF Group’s risk portfolio at spillages to pandemics and cyberattacks – which occur very
Financial least twice a year to evaluate any adjustments to risk manage- rarely but can have a fundamental impact. In addition, a crisis
ment measures and informs the Board of Executive Directors ­organization exists to proactively create contingency plans where
Exchange rate volatility
of these. Members of the risk committee are the president of necessary and appropriate. The crisis management organization
Other financial opportunities and risks
­Corporate Finance (chair), the president of Corporate Develop- is activated in the event of a sudden crisis.
€100 million ment, the president of Corporate Legal, Compliance & Insurance For more information on health and safety and emergency response, see page 125 onward
€100 million €500 million
and the heads of the Corporate Audit, Corporate Environmental
€500 million €1,000 million
€1,000 million €1,500 million Protection, Health, Safety & Quality, Corporate Treasury, and – BASF’s CCO manages the implementation of our Compliance
€1,500 million €2,000 million Group Reporting & Performance Management departments. Management System, supported by additional compliance
€2,000 million €2,500 million
– The management and control of specific opportunities and risks is ­officers worldwide. The CCO regularly reports to the Board of
a Using a 95% confidence interval per risk factor based on planned values; summation is not permissible.
­Excludes European gas price volatility.
largely delegated to the divisions, the service and research units Executive Directors on the status of implementation as well as
and the regions, and is steered at a regional or local level. This on any significant results and provides a status report to the
also applies to sustainability-related topics relevant to BASF Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee at least once a year,
includ­ing the ­impact of climate change on BASF. A network of risk including any major developments. The Board of Executive
managers in the divisions, service and research units as well as
in the regions advances the implementation of appropriate risk
management practices in daily operations. Financial risks are an
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 159

­irectors immediately informs the Audit Committee about

D Organization of BASF Group’s risk management
­significant incidents.
Supervisory Board
For more information on compliance, compliance management and monitoring adherence to our
compliance principles, see page 179 onward
Corporate Audit a External auditors

– Risk-specific monitoring and control systems, some of which are Board of Executive Directors

decentralized, have been set up for each area identified in the risk
Chief Compliance Officer
portfolio. The results of the monitoring processes are incorpo­
Risk Committee
rated into regular risk reporting to the Risk Committee and the
Board of Executive Directors. Compared with internal control
systems in financial reporting, these monitoring systems have a Corporate Center
lower degree of formalization. Corporate Corporate
– The Corporate Audit department is responsible for regularly audit- Corporate Legal, Corporate Corporate
Corporate Corporate Environmental Communications & Corporate Net Zero
Compliance & Taxes & Human
ing the effectiveness and appropriateness of the risk management Development Finance Protection, Health, Government Investor Relations Accelerator
Insurance Duties Resources
Safety & Quality Relations
system, internal control systems and the compliance manage-
ment system. In addition, the Supervisory Board’s Audit Com­mit­
tee addresses the effectiveness and appropriateness of these
systems as part of its monitoring activities. The suitability of the
early risk detection system set up by the Board of Executive Divisions Regions Service units Research units

­Directors in accordance with section 91(2) of the German Stock a The Corporate Audit department is part of the Corporate Center.

Corporation Act is assessed and evaluated by the auditors.

Tools – We also systematically assess opportunities and risks with effects parameters will be provided to test the economic feasibility of
– The Governance, Risk Management, Compliance (GRC) Policy, that cannot yet be measured in monetary terms, such as climate invest­ments and b
­ usiness strategies.
applicable throughout the Group, forms the framework for risk and reputational risks. To reflect these, risks for companies in For more information on our sustainability management processes, see page 45 onward
­management and is implemented by the operating divisions, the ­connection with the transition to a low-carbon economy (transi-
service and research units and the regions according to their tion risks) as well as physical risks as defined by the Task Force – We use standardized evaluation and reporting tools for the identi­
­specific business conditions. on ­Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), among others, fi­ca­tion and assessment of risks. The aggregation of opportuni-
– A catalog of opportunity and risk categories helps identify all were added to this catalog. ties, risks and sensitivities at division and Group level using a
­relevant financial and sustainability-related opportunities and risks – Because global climate policy ambitions and the implementation Monte Carlo simulation helps us to identify effects and trends
relating to our targets as comprehensively as possible. Here, we of the relevant measures play a decisive role in the ongoing growth across the Group. We also aggregate qualitatively assessed risks
take into account topics identified by the materiality analysis that of the chemical industry and its customer industries, we defined at Group level using a risk portfolio.
we have an impact on and that have an impact on us, in line with and quantified global long-term scenarios (up to 2050) with vari- – Our Group-wide Compliance Program aims to ensure adherence
the principle of double materiality. ous global warming paths. To assess the impact of different to legal regulations and the company’s internal guidelines. Our
For more information on the materiality analysis, see page 46 onward global ­climate policy approaches on our business units, the sce- global employee Code of Conduct firmly embeds these man­da­
narios were discussed by the business units in workshops. tory standards into everyday business. M ­ embers of the Board of
Feedback was ­incorporated into the ongoing development of Executive Directors are also expressly obligated to follow these
the scenarios. A dataset of scenario-specific macroeconomic principles.
For more information on our Group-wide Compliance Program, see page 179 onward
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 160

– Based on the reviews and findings of the risk management pro- r­eporting is structured and uniform across the BASF Group. They Board of Executive Directors and the Audit Committee are
cess, the Board of Executive Directors has no indication that also work in accordance with the international risk management informed if control weaknesses with a considerable impact on
BASF’s risk management system, including the internal control standard, COSO II Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated ­financial reporting are identified. Only after material control weak-
system, is not adequate or effective in its entirety. Framework. nesses have been resolved does the company’s managing
­director confirm the effectiveness of the internal control system.
Material risks for the BASF Group regarding a reliable control – Internal confirmation of the internal control system
Significant features of the internal control and risk ­environment for proper financial reporting are reviewed and updated All managing directors and chief financial officers of each consoli­
­management system with regard to the Group financial on an annual basis. Risks are compiled into a central risk catalog. dated Group company must confirm to the Board of Executive
­reporting process Directors of BASF SE every half-year and at the end of the annual
Moreover, a centralized selection process identifies companies that cycle, in writing, that the internal control system is effective with
The Group Management’s Report and the Consolidated Financial are exposed to particular risks, that are material to the Consolidated regard to accounting and reporting.
Statements are prepared by a unit in the Corporate Finance Financial Statements of the BASF Group, or that provide service
department. The Consolidated Financial Statements are derived
­ processes. The selection process is conducted annually. Persons
from the separate financial statements of the subsidiaries and joint responsible for implementing the requirements for an effective Operational opportunities and risks
operations, taking into account the relevant data for the joint ­control system in financial reporting are appointed at the relevant
­ventures and associated companies accounted for using the equity companies. Market growth
method. The BASF Group’s accounting process is based on a The development of our sales markets is one of the strongest
­uniform accounting guideline that, alongside accounting policies The process for identifying, evaluating, managing and controlling ­sources of opportunities and risks. For more details on our assump-
based on the International Financial Reporting Standards applicable risks related to preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements as tions regarding short-term growth rates for the global economy,
in the European Union, defines the significant processes and dead- well as monitoring these processes in the selected companies regions and key customer industries, such as the chemicals,
lines for the Group. There are binding directives for the i­nternal ­comprises the following steps: ­automotive and construction sectors, see Economic Environment in
reconciliations and other accounting operations within the Group. – Evaluation of the control environment 2023 on pages 151 to 154.
Standard software is used to carry out the accounting ­processes Adherence to internal and external guidelines that are relevant to
for the preparation of the individual financial statements as well as the maintenance of a reliable control environment is checked by We also consider opportunities and risks caused by deviations in
for the Consoli­dated Financial Statements. There are clear rules for means of a standardized questionnaire. assumptions. Macroeconomic opportunities arise from an easing of
the access rights of each participant in these processes. – Identification and documentation of control activities geopolitical conflicts and the resulting reduction in bottlenecks in the
In order to mitigate the risks to the financial reporting processes supply of energy, industrial raw materials and other intermediate
Employees involved in the accounting and reporting process meet listed in our central risk catalog, critical processes and control goods. The complete reversal of restrictions to contain the
the qualitative requirements and participate in training on a regular activities are documented. ­coronavirus pandemic in China and the rapid opening up of the
basis. There is a clear assignment of responsibilities between the – Assessment of control activities country may also boost global demand more than assumed in our
specialist units, companies and service units involved. We strictly After documentation, a review is performed to verify whether the baseline forecast.
adhere to the principles of segregation of duties and dual control or described controls are capable of adequately covering the risks.
the “four-eyes principle.” Complex actuarial reports and evaluations In the subsequent test phase, spot checks are carried out to test Conversely, a significant macroeconomic risk arises from prolonged
are produced by specialized service providers or specially qualified whether, in practice, the controls were executed as described and lockdowns again being imposed to contain the coronavirus,
employees. effective. ­impacting global supply chains and supply and demand. Further
– Monitoring of control weaknesses increases in energy prices caused, for example, by the war in
An internal control system for financial reporting continuously The responsible leaders receive reports on any control weak­ Ukraine, and the even higher inflation rates resulting from this for
­monitors these principles. To this end, methods are provided to nesses identified and their resolution, and an interdisciplinary manufacturer and consumer prices also pose a risk to the economy.
ensure that evaluation of the internal control system in financial
­ committee investigates their relevance to the BASF Group. The Additional macroeconomic risks result from the escalation of
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 161

­ eopolitical conflicts and a further intensification of the trade conflict

g and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a strategic opportunity Crisis management also includes dealing with extreme weather
between the United States and China. for increased demand for products such as our insulation foams conditions such as hurricanes (for example, at the sites on the Gulf
for buildings, catalysts, battery materials for electromobility, or our of Mexico in Freeport, Texas, and Geismar, Louisiana) or ­significantly
Weather-related influences can result in positive or negative effects solutions for wind turbines. elevated water temperatures in rivers due to extended heat waves,
on our business, particularly in the Agricultural Solutions segment. which limit the available cooling capacity. Appropriate precautions
Procurement are taken at the sites in the case of a potential change in risk asso-
Margins We minimize procurement risks through our broad portfolio, global ciated with climate change. For example, due to an increase in heat
Opportunities and risks for the BASF Group primarily result from purchasing activities and the purchase of raw materials on spot waves, we have implemented several measures at the Verbund site
higher or lower margins in the Chemicals and Materials segments in markets. We avoid sourcing raw materials from a single supplier in Ludwigshafen, Germany, and at the Geismar site in Louisiana in
particular. Further increases in energy and raw materials prices and wherever possible by creating and leveraging competition. We recent years to increase cooling capacity, such as expanding and
raw ­materials shortages for a number of products and value chains, continually monitor all risks on the procurement markets, for
­ optimizing the central recooling plants and optimizing cooling water
mainly due to the war in Ukraine, could further increase pressure on ­example, the risk of default by important business partners. We take flows. These optimization measures are designed to prevent
margins. This would have a negative effect on our EBIT. measures to avoid risks or minimize their effects. ­production outages due to extreme heat waves.

The year’s average oil price for Brent crude was $101 per barrel in Supply chain Short-term risks from investments can result from, for example,
2022, compared with $71 per barrel in the previous year. For 2023, We address the risk of supply interruptions on the procurement and technical malfunctions or schedule and budget overruns. We ­counter
we anticipate an average oil price of $90 per barrel. sales side caused, for example, by extreme weather conditions these risks with stringent project management and ­controlling.
(such as high/low water levels on rivers, heat/cold waves and
There is high uncertainty, especially surrounding the development of ­hurricanes), the frequency and intensity of which are increasing as a
gas prices and the availability of natural gas in Europe in particular. result of climate change, by switching to alternative transportation
The overall assessment therefore does not include any opportunities solutions and the possibility of falling back on other sites within our
and risks that could arise from the volatility of European gas prices global Verbund.
(see “Overall assessment”).
Competition We try to prevent unscheduled plant shutdowns by adhering to high
We continuously enhance our products and solutions in order to technical standards and by continuously improving our plants. We
remain competitive. We monitor the market and the competition, reduce the effects of an unscheduled shutdown on the supply of
and try to take targeted advantage of opportunities and counter intermediate and end products through diversification within our
emerging risks with suitable measures. Aside from innovation, key global production Verbund.
components of our competitiveness are our ongoing cost manage-
ment and continuous process optimization. In the event of a production outage – caused by an accident, for
example – our global, regional or local emergency response plans
Regulation/policy and crisis management structures are engaged, depending on the
Risks for us can arise from intensified geopolitical tensions, new scope of impact. Every region has crisis management teams on a
trade sanctions, stricter emissions limits for plants, and stricter local and regional level. They not only coordinate the necessary
­energy and chemicals legislation in the E.U. emergency response measures, they also initiate immediate
­measures for damage control and resumption of normal operations
Political measures could also give rise to opportunities. For example, as quickly as possible.
we view measures around the world to increase energy efficiency
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 162

Acquisitions/divestitures/cooperations The threat environment has changed in recent years, as attackers BASF has also established an information security management
We constantly monitor the market in order to identify possible have become better organized, use more sophisticated technology system and is internationally certified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC
acquisition targets and develop our portfolio appropriately. In
­ and have far more resources available. This development reflects 27001:2017.
­addition, we collaborate with customers and partners to jointly the fact that internet-based cyberattacks are extremely lucrative:
­develop new, competitive products and applications. A variety of vulnerabilities in software and hardware products Compliance/legal
­constantly provide new incentives to develop malware, and anony­ We constantly monitor current and potential legal disputes and
Acquisitions and divestments entail both opportunities and risks. mization technologies make it almost impossible to trace and punish proceedings, and regularly report on these to the Board of Executive
These arise in connection with the conclusion of a transaction, or it attacks. Directors and Supervisory Board. In order to assess the risks from
being completed earlier or later than expected. They relate to the current legal disputes and proceedings and any potential need to
regular earnings contributions gained or lost as well as the r­ealization A successful attack can, for example, negatively affect plant recognize provisions, we prepare our own analyses and ­assessments
of gains or losses from divestitures if these deviate from our planning ­availability, delivery quality or the accuracy of our financial reporting. of the circumstances and claims considered. In addition, in ­individual
assumptions. Unauthorized access to sensitive data, such as personnel records cases, we consider the results of comparable proceedings and, if
For more information on opportunities and risks from agreed transactions, see page 40 or customer data, competition-related information or research needed, independent legal opinions. Risk assessment is particularly
results, can result in legal consequences or jeopardize our
­ based on estimates as to the probability of occurrence and the
Personnel ­competitive position. This could also cause monetary losses, a range of possible claims. These estimates are the result of close
Due to BASF’s worldwide compensation principles, the ­development ­potential loss of reputation and even a loss of customers’ and cooperation between the relevant operating and service units
of personnel expenses is partly dependent on the amount of variable ­partners’ confidence in the security of our products and services. ­together with Corporate Legal and Corporate Finance. If sufficient
compensation, which is linked to the company’s success, among probability of occurrence is identified, we recognize a provision for
other factors. The correlation between variable compensation and To minimize such risks, BASF uses globally uniform processes and the proceeding concerned. Should a provision be unnecessary, we
the success of the company has the effect of minimizing risk. systems to ensure IT availability and IT security. These include stable continue to assess whether these litigations nevertheless represent
­Another factor is the development of interest rates for discounting and redundantly designed IT systems, backup processes, virus and a risk for the BASF Group’s EBIT as part of general risk m
­ anagement.
pension obligations. Furthermore, changes to the legal environment access protection, encryption systems, and integrated and stan-
of a particular country can have an impact on the development of dardized IT infrastructure and applications. The systems used for We use our internal control system to limit risks from potential
personnel expenses for the BASF Group. For countries in which information security are constantly tested, continuously updated, ­infringements of rights or laws. For example, we try to avoid patent
BASF is active, we therefore constantly monitor the relevant and expanded if necessary. In addition, our employees receive and licensing disputes whenever possible through extensive
­developments in order to identify potential risks at an early stage ­regular training on information and data protection. IT-related risk ­clearance research. As part of our Group-wide Compliance ­Program,
and enable suitable measures to be taken. management is conducted using Group-wide regulations for our employees receive regular training.
For more information on our compensation system, see page 105 ­organization and application, as well as an internal control system
For more information on risks from pension obligations, see page 164 based on these regulations.

Information technology We employ modern security concepts to keep pace with advanced
BASF employs a large number of IT systems. We use tech­nolo­gies attackers. These range from efficient detection and professional
such as big data and the Internet of Things to develop new busi­- ­response to defense against attacks and minimizing their potential
ness models, corporate concepts and strategies and to respond impact. Strong cyber security alliances are also crucial here. BASF
­appropriately to changing customer behavior. The global cyber works closely with security authorities and security associations,
security team is tasked with protecting these IT systems and
­ for example as a founding member of the German Cyber Security
the data and business processes they handle. In a connected, ever-­ ­Organization (DCSO) and the Cyber Security Sharing and Analytics
evolving world, the challenge of protecting BASF against attackers (CSSA) platform in Berlin, Germany.
is becoming ever greater and more complex.
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 163

Tax Financial currency risks result from the translation of receivables, Liquidity risks
The recognized tax-related opportunities and risks only concern ­liabilities and other monetary items in accordance with IAS 21 at the Risks from fluctuating cash flows are recognized in a timely manner
taxes that impact the BASF Group’s EBIT in the short term. These closing rate into the functional currency of the respective Group as part of our liquidity planning. We have access to extensive ­liquidity
arise when BASF has taken a position that differs from the opinion company. In addition, we incorporate planned purchase and sales at any time thanks to our good ratings, our unrestricted access to
of a competent administrative authority. If a tax payment has already transactions in foreign currencies into our financial foreign currency the commercial paper market and committed bank credit lines.
been made and could be reclaimed, we present this as an risk management. If necessary, we hedge these risks using d ­ erivative
­opportunity. If, on the other hand, a potential payment is ­outstanding instruments. In the short to medium term, BASF is largely protected against
in accordance with the administrative opinion, this is a risk. We ­potential refinancing risks by the balanced maturity profile of its
primarily evaluate opportunities and risks with regard to their
­ Interest rate risks ­financial indebtedness as well as through diversification in various
­probability of occurrence and, if necessary, set up a provision for Interest rate risks result from potential changes in prevailing market financial markets.
the relevant risk. If a provision is not necessary, we take this into interest rates. These can cause a change in the fair value of fixed-
­account in determining EBIT-relevant risks for the BASF Group. rate instruments and fluctuations in the interest payments for Risk of asset losses
variable-rate financial instruments, which would positively or
­ We limit country-specific risks with measures based on country
­negatively affect earnings. To hedge these risks, we use interest rate ratings, which are continuously updated to reflect changing
Financial opportunities and risks swaps and combined interest rate and currency derivatives in ­environment conditions. We selectively use investment guarantees
­individual cases. to limit specific country-related risks. We lower credit risks for our
Detailed guidelines and procedures exist for dealing with financial financial investments by engaging in transactions only with banks
risks. Among other things, they provide for the segregation of In addition to market interest rates, BASF’s financing costs are with good credit ratings and by adhering to fixed limits. We
­financial instrument trading and back office functions. ­determined by the credit risk premiums to be paid. These are m ­ ainly ­continuously monitor creditworthiness and adjust limits accordingly.
influenced by our credit rating and the market conditions at the time We reduce the risk of default on receivables by continuously
We continuously monitor activities in countries with transfer of issue. In the short to medium term, BASF is largely protected from monitoring the creditworthiness and payment behavior of our
­restrictions as a part of risk management. This includes, for ­example, the possible effects on its interest result thanks to the balanced ­customers and by setting appropriate credit limits. Risks are also
regular analysis of the macroeconomic and legal environment, maturity profile of its financial indebtedness. limited through the use of credit insurance and individual hedging
shareholders’ equity and the business models of the operating units. strategies, such as guarantees. Due to the global activities and
The chief aim is the management of counterparty, transfer and Risks from metal and raw materials trading ­diversified customer structure of the BASF Group, there are no
­currency risks for the BASF Group. Some of BASF’s divisions are exposed to strong fluctuations in raw ­major concentrations of credit default risk.
materials prices. BASF uses commodity derivatives to hedge these
Exchange rate volatility market price risks. In addition, BASF holds limited unhedged
Our competitiveness on global markets is influenced by fluctuations precious metal and oil product positions for trading on its own
in exchange rates. For BASF’s sales, opportunities and risks arise in ­account. The value of these positions is exposed to market price
particular when the U.S. dollar exchange rate fluctuates. A full-year volatility. Adverse changes in market prices negatively affect the
appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the euro by $0.01 would earnings and equity of BASF. These risks are continuously ­monitored
­increase the BASF Group’s EBIT by around €30 million, assuming by a central risk management system and limited by strict g
­ uidelines.
other conditions remain the same. On the production side, we
counter exchange rate risks by producing in the respective currency
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 164

Impairment risks Until 2020, BASF offered leaders the opportunity to participate in a Strategic opportunities and risks
Asset impairment risk arises if the assumed interest rate in an share price-based compensation program. The need for provisions
impairment test increases, the predicted cash flows decline, or
­ for this program varies according to the development of the BASF Long-term demand development
­investment projects are suspended. We currently consider the risk share price and the MSCI World Chemicals Index; this leads to a We assume that growth in chemical production (excluding pharma-
of further impairment for assets such as property, plant and corresponding increase or decrease in personnel costs. ceuticals) will be higher than that of the global gross domestic
­equipment, goodwill, technologies and trademarks to be immaterial. product over the next five years and about as strong as the five-year
This could change if European gas prices remain at a high level in Risks from pension obligations average prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Through our market-­
the longer term. BASF grants most employees company pension benefits from either oriented and broad portfolio, which we will continue to strengthen in
defined contribution or defined benefit plans. We predominantly the years ahead, for example, through investments in new ­production
We are resolutely pursuing our path to climate neutrality. This ­finance company pension obligations externally through separate capacities, research and development activities or acquisitions, we
­includes the construction of one of the world’s largest heat pumps plan assets. This particularly includes BASF Pensionskasse VVaG aim to achieve volume growth that slightly exceeds this market
in ­Ludwigshafen, Germany, the increased use of green electricity and BASF Pensionstreuhand e.V. in Germany, in addition to the growth. Should global economic growth see unexpected,
and investments in offshore wind energy. For this reason, current large pension plans of our Group companies in North America, the considerable deceleration, for example, because of prolonged
developments and measures relating to sustainability do not lead to United Kingdom and Switzerland. To address the risk of ­underfunding restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, an ongoing weak
fundamentally changed expectations with regard to useful lives or due to market-related fluctuations in plan assets, we have ­investment ­period in the emerging markets, protectionist tendencies, ­geopolitical
recoverability of our assets. strategies that align return and risk optimization to the structure of conflicts or bottlenecks in the energy markets leading to ­permanently
the pension obligations. Stress scenarios are also simulated ­regularly elevated energy prices (particularly for natural gas in Europe), the
Climate policies are also causing fundamental changes in the by means of portfolio analyses. Adjustments to the interest rates expected growth rates could prove too ambitious.
­automotive industry, one of BASF’s key customer industries. The used in discounting pension obligations leads immediately to
transition to electromobility will have a long-term negative impact on changes in equity. To limit the risks of changing financial market Moreover, the ambitions of global climate policy and its implemen­
the emissions catalyst business. This development was accounted conditions as well as demographic developments, BASF has, for a tation will significantly impact the structure of demand from our
for in the adjustment of the growth rate for the goodwill impairment number of years now, offered its employees almost exclusively customer industries. This is shown by a comparison of a climate
test and did not lead to an impairment. Other BASF businesses will ­defined contribution plans for future years of service. Some of these policy scenario (global warming of no more than two degrees celsius
benefit from this transformation; for example, demand for innovative contribution plans include minimum interest guarantees. If the pen- in 2100 compared with pre-industrial times) with an alternative
lightweight components and battery materials will grow. sion fund cannot generate this, it must be provided by the employer. scenario that allows for more warming. In an ambitious climate
A sustained low interest rate environment could make it necessary ­policy scenario, the structure of demand changes due to the use of
Long-term incentive program for senior executives to recognize pension obligations and plan assets for these plans alternative energy sources and raw materials, high investment in
Since 2020, BASF has offered its leaders the opportunity to as well. resource-conserving technologies, and changing customer prefer-
­participate in a long-term incentive program (LTI program) in the ences. By contrast, macroeconomic growth rates typically vary little
form or a performance share plan. The LTI plan incentivizes the compared with a scenario with a higher warming path.
achievement of strategic growth, profitability and sustainability
­targets and takes into account the development of the BASF share Market opportunities in such a scenario include, for example,
price and the dividend. The need for provisions for this program ­additives that make plastics easier to recycle, alternative surface
varies according to assumptions on the degree of strategic target coatings for wind and solar modules, stronger demand for insulation
achievement, the development of the BASF share price and the materials for buildings, increased electromobility with changed
dividend. This leads to a corresponding increase or decrease in demand for plastics, insulation materials, coolants and battery
personnel costs. ­materials, and more alternative proteins in agriculture. By contrast,
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 165

fossil feedstocks and the production technologies and product Regulation/policy programs for the sustainable transformation of BASF. Furthermore,
segments based on fossil feedstocks will become less important. We expect continued regulatory and societal pressure to achieve in order to steer our innovation portfolio toward increased sustain-
For more information on the corporate strategy, see page 26 onward climate-neutral energy production, climate-neutral energy con- ability, we began applying the Sustainable Solution Steering method
sumption, and a climate-neutral resource and raw material base. to the evaluation of innovation projects and integrated it at an early
Development of competitive and customer landscape The political approaches to address these issues will vary greatly stage of our research and development processes.
We expect competitors from Asia, North America and the Middle from region to region. However, particularly in Europe, we expect
East in particular to gain increasing significance in the years ahead, measures with a continuously high level of detailed regulation, There are technical and commercial risks of failure associated with
especially as a result of advantageous raw materials and energy ­including changes to chemical and industry-related regulations, that every single research and development project. We also address this
prices. Furthermore, we predict that many producers in countries have the potential to significantly impact the competitiveness of by maintaining a balanced and comprehensive project portfolio as
rich in raw materials will expand their value chains in consumer-­ BASF’s operations and product portfolio as well as that of our well as through professional, milestone-based project management.
oriented sectors. In addition, the proliferation of large-scale digital ­customers.
marketplaces for chemicals could impact existing customer and Further risks may arise from increasing state protectionism and the
supplier relationships. We see the risk of the current geopolitical shift in balance of power demand for localization of intellectual property in order to achieve
leading to the establishment of uncoordinated or divergent global technological independence. Through our Know-how Verbund in
We expect a continuous rise in customer demand for sustainable legislative standards and regulatory systems, not just in relation to ­research and development, we ensure that critical intellectual ­property
solutions, for example, products with a low carbon footprint, made chemicals or the regulatory framework for digitalization, but also to is generated and protected in countries with high i­ntellectual property
from recycled, circular, or bio-based raw materials that are bio-­ environmental, social and corporate governance criteria. We also standards.
degradable, or products with other measurable sustainability see risks, but also opportunities, in the setting of international
­benefits. However, an increase in customer demand for sustainable ­standards for specific product categories or technologies. We expect that the digital disruption of established processes will
solutions is also highly dependent on regulation. Companies with a lead to a sharp increase in efficiency and effectiveness in some
proven track record of providing more sustainable solutions will be We explain our strategy in meetings with political decision-makers fields. BASF is therefore committed to taking a leading role in the
able to achieve higher growth and profitability as a result. The and social stakeholders. In doing so, we also inform ourselves of the digital transformation of the chemical industry. Possible applications
expansion of sharing economy business models could have a changes we must undergo and advocate for a favorable and stable
­ of digital technologies and solutions are evaluated along the entire
­long-term impact on demand in individual customer industries. At regulatory framework at both the national and international levels. value chain and implemented throughout the company, for example,
the same time, higher demands on product features can also create We consider BASF to be in a strong position to contribute solutions in production, logistics, research and development, business
opportunities for innovation. We are therefore addressing these ­ toward achieving U.N. development goals, particularly regarding ­models and corporate governance.
topics in research and investment programs for the sustainable climate neutrality, through new technologies, innovative products For more information on innovation, see page 49 onward
transformation of BASF. and processes and our broad product portfolio.

To strengthen our competitiveness, we are continuously improving Innovation

our production processes, streamlining our administration and We expect the trend toward increased sustainability requirements in
­simplifying workflows and processes. Our research and business our customer industries to continue. Our aim is to leverage the
focus is on highly innovative businesses and differentiation through ­resulting opportunities in a growing market with even more sustain-
sustainability advantages to make our customers and BASF more able innovations. The key areas are products with a lower carbon
successful. footprint or even a carbon footprint of net zero, circular economy
solutions, and safe and sustainable products. To be successful in
these fields, we have launched specific research and investment
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 166

Procurement and supply chain Decisions on the type, scope and location of our investment p
­ rojects Acquisitions/divestitures/cooperations
Supply security for raw materials, energy and services is i­ncreasingly are made on the basis of established comprehensive assessment In the future, we will continue to expand and refine our portfolio
affected by trade disputes, protectionism, sanctions and ­geopolitical processes. They take into account long-term forecasts for the through smaller, bolt-on acquisitions that promise above-average
conflict. As far as the current energy price level in Europe is ­market, margin and cost development, and raw materials ­availability, profitable growth, are innovation-driven or offer a technological
­concerned, we expect the supply situation to ease in the mid- to as well as country, currency, sustainability and technology risks. differentiation and help achieve a relevant market position, and
long term. Furthermore, our accelerated transformation toward ­Opportunities and risks arise from potential deviations in actual make new, sustainable business models possible.
renewable energy will make the company less dependent on
­ ­developments from our assumptions. Mitigation plans are in place
fossil energy sources. In addition, supply chains are increasingly where risks are ­substantial. The evaluation of opportunities and risks plays a significant role
­threatened by disruptions such as suppliers’ production ­bottlenecks, during the assessment of acquisition targets. A detailed analysis
interrupted logistics chains, extreme weather events and longer-­ Investments in more sustainable technologies represent a long-term and quantification is conducted as part of due diligence. Examples
lasting effects from the coronavirus pandemic. Climate change and opportunity, even though they may not be competitive or profitable of risks include increased staff turnover, delayed realization of
extreme weather events are impacting the availability of renewable in the short term, depending on the market and the prevailing ­synergies, or the assumption of obligations that were not precisely
resources. ­regulatory framework. quantifiable in advance. If our expectations in this regard are not
met, risks could arise, such as a need for impairment. Opportunities
Transportation is significantly affected by structural capacity To assess the changing risks for our sites from climate change, could also arise, for example, from additional synergies. ­Furthermore,
­constraints (for example, a lack of truck drivers, traffic jams due to ­climate data based on the latest scenarios of the Intergovernmental business carve-outs and divestitures play a key role in the
inadequate logistics infrastructure, worker shortages at ports) and Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were compiled for our sites in ­development and optimization of our portfolio. In this context, risks
increased transportation costs. cooperation with an external partner. This enables the sites to
­ could arise as a result of potential warranty claims or other
assess the potential impact of climate change in the coming
­ ­contractual obligations, such as long-term supply agreements.
We are seeing an ongoing expansion of the regulatory framework decades. Here, we focus on a climate protection scenario,
­ For more information on our acquisitions and divestitures, see page 40
affecting us and our suppliers (for example, the German Supply ­supplemented by two scenarios with medium and high levels of
Chain Due Diligence Act). Potential non-compliance by our suppliers global warming.1 The most common potential impact is an increase Personnel
may lead to a reduced supplier base. Moreover, the use of renew­able in heat and drought. The sites are supported by this information in BASF anticipates growing challenges in attracting qualified employ-
energies depends largely on favorable prices and framework the development of their strategies. ees in the medium and long term due to demographic change,
­conditions. ­especially in North America and Europe. As a result, there is an
The availability of our production plants and infrastructure can be ­increased risk that job vacancies may not be filled or only after a
All risks are continuously analyzed and appropriate strategies and negatively affected by system downtime, confidentiality breaches or delay. We address these risks with measures to integrate diversity,
measures developed to avert risks or minimize the impact on BASF. manipulation of data in critical IT systems and applications. The employee and leadership development, and intensified employer
threat environment has changed in recent years, as attackers have branding. At local level, demographic management includes
Investments/production/infrastructure become better organized, use more sophisticated technology and succession planning, knowledge management and offerings to
We expect growth in chemical production in emerging markets to have far more resources available. ­improve the balance between personal and professional life, and
remain above the global average in the years to come. This will For more information on our investment projects, see page 156 promote healthy living. This increases BASF’s appeal as an ­employer
create opportunities that we want to exploit by expanding our local and retains our employees in the long term.
presence. In addition, regional value chains help mitigate risks from For more information on individual initiatives and our targets, see page 101 onward
trade conflicts and barriers that pose a challenge to global markets
and supply chains.

1 The assessment model was based on the IPCC climate change scenario SSP1-2.6, supplemented by SSP2-4.5 (medium global warming scenario) and SSP5-8.5 (high global warming scenario).
BASF Report 2022 Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 167

Sustainability Ongoing climate change also poses opportunities and risks for
The positive contributions and negative impacts of our business BASF. As an energy-intensive company, climate-related risks arise
activities on sustainability topics along the value chain, and the particularly from regulatory changes, such as in carbon prices
­impact of sustainability topics on our business were assessed in a through emissions trading systems, taxes or energy legislation. In
new materiality analysis carried out in 2022. Opportunities and risks addition, BASF’s emissions footprint and intensity could lead to a
for our business activities that could arise from material s­ ustainability negative perception and reduced appeal among external stake­
topics, or for sustainability topics that could arise from our business holders such as customers or investors. We counter these risks with
activities, can only rarely be measured in specific financial terms and our carbon management measures and by transparently disclosing
mainly have a medium to long-term impact. We are already seizing our positions on and contributions to climate protection, for ­example,
business opportunities, for example, through products with specific in the form of political demands or through progress in the
sustainability attributes (such as raw materials based on biomass implementation of our climate strategy, in publicly accessible
or recycled content) or intensified customer relations based on ­sources such as this annual report or on the BASF website, and in
­common sustainability ambitions. Relevant s­ ustainability topics are direct dialog with external stakeholders.
systematically integrated into our strategic risk management.
In addition to climate-related risks, there are also opportunities. Our
We reduce potential risks in the areas of environmental protection, broad product portfolio includes solutions for the circular economy
safety and security, health protection, product stewardship, compli- and climate protection (such as insulation foams for buildings,
ance, supplier relationships and human rights (including labor, social materials for electromobility and bio-based products). Increased
and quality standards) by setting ourselves globally uniform require- social awareness offers additional market opportunities for these
ments. These sometimes go beyond local legal requirements. Our products. We are working with numerous scientific and public
globally applicable Code of Conduct defines a binding framework ­organizations and initiatives on solutions for sustainable agriculture
for the activities of all BASF employees, leaders and members of the that meet economic, environmental and social demands over the
Board of Executive Directors. To ensure compliance with our internal long term.
and external standards, we have global management systems in
place and monitor their implementation internally by means such as Our decentralized specialists use a central decision tree to ­document
global surveys and audits. These also cover human rights topics in reportable sustainability risks within the meaning of section 289b et
line with statutory regulations such as the German Supply Chain seq. of the German Commercial Code. No reportable residual net
Due Diligence Act. Our measures are regularly reviewed and ­adapted risks within the meaning of section 289b et seq. of the German
as necessary to ensure the protection of human rights in our value Commercial Code were identified for 2022.
chains and consequently, the continuity of our business ­relationships. For more information on sustainability management, see page 45 onward
For more information on energy and climate protection, see page 135 onward

Expectations of suppliers are laid down in our global Supplier Code For more information on opportunities and risks from energy policies, see page 161
For more information on our positions on and contributions to climate protection,
of Conduct. We have suppliers with a high potential sustainability
risk evaluated by third parties, either through sustainability evalua-
tions or on-site audits. The monitoring systems are complemented
by grievance mechanisms that are open to all stakeholders, such as
our compliance hotlines.
BASF Report 2022 168

To Our Shareholders
Management’s Report

Corporate Governance
Consolidated Financial Statements

Corporate Governance Report  169

Compliance  179

Management and Supervisory Boards  182

Board of Executive Directors  182
Supervisory Board  183

Report of the Supervisory Board  186

Declaration of Conformity Pursuant to

Section 161 AktG  193

Declaration of Corporate Governance  194

BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 169

Corporate Governance Report

GRI 2, 3, 405

Corporate governance refers to the entire system for managing and supervising a company. This includes its organization, values,
­corporate principles and guidelines as well as internal and external control and monitoring mechanisms. Effective and transparent
­corporate governance ensures that BASF is managed and supervised responsibly with a focus on value creation and sustainability.
It ­fosters the confidence of our investors, the financial markets, our customers and other business partners, employees, other
groups affiliated with our company (stakeholders) as well as the public in BASF.

The fundamental elements of BASF SE’s corporate governance be a member of the Supervisory Board. As the central duty of also ensure that the company’s activities comply with the applicable
system are: its two-tier management system, with a transparent and ­company management, the Board of Executive Directors defines legislation and regulatory requirements, as well as internal corporate
effective separation of company management and supervision the corporate goals and strategic direction of the BASF Group as directives (compliance). This includes the establishment of appro­
­between BASF’s Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory well as its i­ndividual business areas, including the sustainability priate systems for control, compliance and risk management as well
Board; the equal representation of shareholders and employee strategy. In doing so, the Board ensures that the risks and as embedding a company-wide compliance culture with undisputed
­representatives on the Supervisory Board; and the shareholders’ ­opportunities associated with social and environmental factors for standards.
rights of co-administration and supervision at the Annual our company as well as the ecological and societal impacts of
­Shareholders’ Meeting. BASF’s activities are systematically identified and evaluated. In Decisions that are reserved for the Board as a whole by law, through
addition to long-term economic goals, the corporate strategy
­ the Board of Executive Directors’ Rules of Procedure or through
Board of Executive Directors appropriately takes environmental and social objectives into
­ resolutions adopted by the Board, are made and all important
account, too. The corporate planning defined on this basis
­ ­matters of the company are discussed at regularly held Board
­comprises financial and sustainability-related goals. ­meetings called by the chair of the Board of Executive Directors.
At a glance
Board decisions are based on detailed information and analyses
▪ Responsible for company management and represents Furthermore, the Board of Executive Directors determines the provided by the business areas and specialist units, and, if deemed
BASF SE in business with third parties ­company’s internal organization and decides on the composition of necessary, by external consultants. The chair of the Board of
▪ Sets goals and strategic direction management positions on the levels below the Board. It also ­Executive Directors leads the Board meetings. Board decisions can
­manages and monitors BASF Group business by planning and generally be made via a simple majority. In the case of a tied vote,
▪ Strictly separate from the Supervisory Board
­setting the corporate budget, allocating resources and management the chair of the Board of Executive Directors gives the casting vote.
capacities, monitoring and making decisions on significant i­ndividual However, the chair of the Board of Executive Directors cannot
measures, and supervising operational management. ­enforce a decision against the Board of Executive Directors’ ­majority
Direction and management by the Board of Executive vote. The chair of the Board also does not have the right to veto.
­Directors The Board’s actions and decisions are geared toward the ­company’s Outside of matters that are assigned to the entire Board for
best interests. It is committed to the goal of sustainably increasing ­consultation and decision-making, all members of the Board of
The Board of Executive Directors is responsible for managing the the company’s value and developing the company over the long ­Executive Directors are authorized to make decisions individually in
company and represents BASF SE in business undertakings with term, taking into account environmental and social goals as well as their designated areas of responsibility.
third parties. BASF’s Board of Executive Directors is strictly economic targets. The Board’s responsibilities include the prepa­
­separated from the Supervisory Board, which monitors the Board of ration of the Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements of The Board of Executive Directors can set up Board committees to
Executive Directors’ activities and decides on its composition. A BASF SE and reporting on the company’s financial and nonfinancial consult and decide on individual issues such as proposed material
member of the Board of Executive Directors cannot simultaneously performance as well as half-year and quarterly reporting. It must acquisition or divestiture projects or to prepare decisions to be
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 170

made by the entire Board. These must include at least three BASF SE’s two-tier management system
­members of the Board of Executive Directors. For the preparation of
important decisions, such as those on acquisitions, divestitures, Board of Executive Directors Supervisory Board
­investments and personnel, the Board has various commissions at
the level below the Board. Independently of the affected business
appoints the Board of Executive Directors
area, these committees thoroughly assess the planned measures
and evaluate the associated opportunities and risks. Based on this
monitors the Board of Executive Directors
information, they report and make recommendations to the Board.

advises the Board of Executive Directors

The Board of Executive Directors informs the Supervisory Board
regularly, without delay and comprehensively, of all issues important
reports to Supervisory Board
to the company with regard to planning, business development, risk
situation, risk management and compliance. Furthermore, the 6 members 12 members
Board of Executive Directors coordinates the company’s strategic appointed by the Supervisory Board 6 shareholder representatives elected by the
Chair Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and
orientation with the Supervisory Board. 6 employee representatives
appointed by the Supervisory Board
The Statutes of BASF SE and the Supervisory Board have defined elected by the Supervisory Board

certain transactions that require the Board of Executive Directors to

obtain the Supervisory Board’s approval prior to their conclusion.
Such cases that require approval include the acquisition and most Board positions with leaders from within the company. It is ­xperience, cultural background, international representation,
­disposal of enterprises and parts of enterprises, as well as the issue the task of the Board of Executive Directors to propose a sufficient ­gender and age when appointing members of the Board of E ­ xecutive
of bonds or comparable financial instruments. However, this is only number of suitable individuals to the Supervisory Board. Directors. Irrespective of these individual criteria, a holistic approach
necessary if the acquisition or disposal price or the amount of the will ultimately determine a person’s suitability for appointment to the
issue in an individual case exceeds 3% of the equity reported in the BASF’s long-term succession planning is guided by the corporate Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE. Both systematic
most recent approved Consolidated Financial Statements of the strategy. It is based on systematic management development ­succession planning and the selection process aim to ensure that
BASF Group. ­characterized by the following: the Board of Executive Directors as a whole has the following profile,
For more information on risk management, see the Forecast report from page 157 onward which serves as a diversity concept:
The members of the Board of Executive Directors, including their areas of responsibility and – Early identification of suitable leaders of different professional
­memberships in the supervisory bodies of other companies, are listed from page 182 onward.
backgrounds, nationalities and genders – Many years of leadership experience in scientific, technical and
For more information on the compensation of the Board of Executive Directors,
see – Systematic development of leaders through the successful commercial fields
­assumption of tasks with increasing responsibility, where possible – International experience based on background and/or p ­ rofessional
in different business areas, regions and functions experience
– Desire to shape strategic and operational decisions and proven – At least one female Board member
Competence profile, diversity concept and succession success in doing so, as well as leadership skills, especially under – A balanced age distribution to ensure the continuity of the Board’s
­planning for the Board of Executive Directors challenging business conditions work and enable seamless succession planning
– Role model function in putting corporate values into practice
The Supervisory Board works hand in hand with the Board of The first appointment of members of the Board of Executive
­Executive Directors to ensure long-term succession planning for the The aim is to enable the Supervisory Board to ensure a reasonable ­Directors is for a term of no more than three years. The standard age
composition of the Board of Executive Directors. BASF aims to fill level of diversity with respect to education and professional limit for members of the Board of Executive Directors is 63. The
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 171

Supervisory Board determines the number of members on the ­ xecutive Directors, a high level of autonomy is already structurally
E for the appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of
Board of Executive Directors. It is guided by insights gained ensured with regard to the supervision of the Board of Executive ­Executive Directors by the Supervisory Board. Resolutions can, as
by BASF as a company with an integrated leadership culture and Directors. needed, also be made in writing or through electronic ­communication
is determined by the needs arising from cooperation within the outside of the meetings, as long as no Supervisory Board member
Board of Executive Directors. The Supervisory Board considers In addition to the SE Regulation, the relevant legal basis for the size objects to this form of passing a resolution. The Supervisory Board
six to be an appropriate number of Board members given the and composition of the Supervisory Board is provided by the meets regularly even without the Board of Executive Directors.
current b
­ ­ usiness composition, future responsibilities associated ­Statutes of BASF SE and the Agreement Concerning the I­nvolvement
with ­development and the fundamental organizational structure of of Employees in BASF SE (Employee Participation Agreement). The The Board of Executive Directors regularly informs the Supervisory
the BASF Group. latter also includes the regulations applicable to BASF for Board about matters such as the course of business and expected
­implementing the statutory gender quota for the Supervisory Board. developments, the financial position and results of operations,
The current composition of the Board of Executive Directors meets The German Codetermination Act does not apply to BASF SE as a ­corporate planning, the implementation of the corporate strategy,
the competence profile and the requirements of the diversity ­concept European stock corporation (Societas Europaea, SE). including the sustainability strategy, business opportunities and
in full. risks, as well as risk and compliance management. The Supervisory
The Supervisory Board of BASF SE comprises 12 members. Six Board has embedded the main reporting requirements in an
Supervisory Board members are elected by the shareholders at the Annual ­Shareholders’ ­information policy. The chair of the Supervisory Board is in regular
Meeting via a simple majority. Six members are elected by the BASF contact with the Board of Executive Directors, especially with its
Europa Betriebsrat (BASF Works Council Europe), the European chair, outside of meetings as well.
At a glance
employee representation body of the BASF Group. In accordance A list of the members of BASF SE’s Supervisory Board indicating which members are shareholder or
employee representatives and their appointments to the supervisory bodies of other companies can
▪ Appoints, monitors and advises Board of Executive Directors with the resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 18, be found from page 183 onward.
2020, the period of appointment for newly elected members of the
▪ Four Supervisory Board committees Compensation of the Supervisory Board is described in the Compensation Report at
Supervisory Board was reduced from five to four years; and the
▪ Composition criteria: professional and personal qualifications,
Statutes were amended accordingly. This ensures that the m­ aximum The Statutes of BASF SE and the Employee Participation Agreement can be found at
­diversity, and independence and
membership duration of 12 years up to which a Supervisory Board
member can be classified as independent corresponds to a total of
three election terms in accordance with the German Corporate
Supervision of company management by the Governance Code. Personnel Committee
Supervisory Board
Meetings of the Supervisory Board and its four committees are Members
The Supervisory Board appoints the members of the Board of called by their respective chairs and independently, at the request of Dr. Kurt Bock* (chair)
Executive Directors and supervises and advises the Board of
­ one of their members or the Board of Executive Directors. The Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer* (since April 29, 2022)
­Executive Directors on management issues. It must also be involved shareholder and employee representatives of the Supervisory Board Franz Fehrenbach (until April 29, 2022)
in making decisions that are of key importance for the company. prepare for Supervisory Board meetings in separate preliminary Sinischa Horvat*
This also includes the Board of Executive Directors’ consideration of discussions in each case. Resolutions of the Supervisory Board are Michael Vassiliadis
sustainability issues with regard to corporate governance. The passed by a simple majority vote of the participating Supervisory
­Supervisory Board is also responsible for auditing BASF SE’s and Board members. In the event of a tie, the vote of the chair of the Duties
the Group’s Annual Financial Statements. As members of the Supervisory Board, who must always be a shareholder ­representative, – Prepares the appointment of members to the Board of Executive
­Supervisory Board may not simultaneously be on the Board of shall be the casting vote. This resolution process is also applicable Directors by the Supervisory Board as well as the service ­contracts

* Classified by the Supervisory Board as an “independent” member of the Supervisory Board (see page 174 for the criteria used to determine independence)
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 172

to be entered into with members of the Board of Executive together with the auditor, discusses the audit risk, audit strategy fi­ nancial institutions and her current role as chief financial officer of a
­Directors and audit plan with the auditor, negotiates auditing fees, evaluates publicly listed international company. Both closely monitor current
– When making recommendations for appointments to the Board of the quality of the annual audit, and establishes the conditions for developments in the sustainability reporting and auditing sector and
Executive Directors, considers professional qualifications, inter­ the provision of the auditor’s nonaudit services; the chair of the actively contribute this expertise to the Supervisory Board and Audit
national experience and leadership skills as well as long-term Audit Committee regularly discusses this with the auditor outside Committee.
succession planning, diversity, and especially the appropriate of meetings as well and reports to the Committee on such
consideration of women ­discussions; the Audit Committee regularly consults with the
– Prepares the resolutions made by the Supervisory Board with auditor, even without the Chief Financial Officer or another
­ Nomination Committee
­regard to the system and amount of compensation ­member of the Board of Executive Directors.
– Deals with follow-up assessments of key acquisition and invest- Members
ment projects Dr. Kurt Bock* (chair)
Audit Committee – Is responsible for monitoring the internal process of identifying Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer* (since April 29, 2022)
related party transactions and ensuring adherence to statutory Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell*
Members approval and disclosure requirements; grants approval of related Dame Alison Carnwath DBE*
Dame Alison Carnwath DBE* (chair) party transactions Liming Chen*
Tatjana Diether* – Is authorized to request any information that it deems necessary Franz Fehrenbach (until April 29, 2022)
Alessandra Genco* (since April 29, 2022) from the auditor or from the Board of Executive Directors and has Alessandra Genco* (since April 29, 2022)
Anke Schäferkordt* (until April 29, 2022) a direct right to information from the heads of central departments Anke Schäferkordt* (until April 29, 2022)
Michael Vassiliadis such as Corporate Audit or Compliance; can also view all of
BASF’s business documents and examine these and all other Duties
Duties assets belonging to BASF. The Audit Committee can also engage – Identifies suitable individuals for the Supervisory Board based on
– Prepares the negotiations and resolutions of the Supervisory experts such as auditors or lawyers to carry out these inspections. objectives for the composition decided on by the Supervisory
Board for the approval of the Financial Statements, the Consoli- Board
dated Financial Statements and the Management’s Reports, Special expertise in the areas of the annual audit and – Prepares the recommendations made by the Supervisory Board
­including the Nonfinancial Statements and sustainability reporting, ­accounting for the election of Supervisory Board members representing the
and discusses the quarterly statements and the half-year financial The Audit Committee is comprised of two members with special shareholders by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
report with the Board of Executive Directors prior to their knowledge and experience within the meaning of the German
­publication ­Corporate Governance Code (special expertise) in the areas of
– Deals with monitoring the accounting process, the annual audit, ­accounting and the annual audit. The chair of the Audit Committee,
including sustainability reporting and its audit, the a
­ ppropriateness Dame Alison Carnwath DBE, has special expertise in the field of
and effectiveness of the internal control system, the risk manage- auditing, including sustainability reporting, and accounting expertise
ment system, the internal auditing system and compliance due to her studies in economics, her professional activities as an
­management system as well as compliance issues auditor and many years of work on audit committees of publicly
– Is responsible for business relations with the company’s auditor: listed and non-listed companies. Alessandra Genco, who has been
prepares the Supervisory Board’s proposal to the Annual Share- a member of the Audit Committee since April 29, 2022, has deep
holders’ Meeting regarding the selection of an auditor, monitors expertise in accounting, including sustainability reporting, due to her
the auditor’s independence, defines the focus areas of the audit studies in economics, her professional experience working for

* Classified by the Supervisory Board as an “independent” member of the Supervisory Board (see page 174 for the criteria used to determine independence)
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 173

Strategy Committee All members attended all meetings of the Supervisory Board. The Competence profile
meetings of the Supervisory Board committees were also attended The following requirements and objectives (as amended in ­December
Members by all respective committee members. During the 2022 business 2022) are considered essential to the composition of the ­Supervisory
Dr. Kurt Bock* (chair) year, the meetings of the Supervisory Board and its committees Board as a collective body:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer* (since April 29, 2022) were held almost entirely as in-person meetings in compliance with
Dame Alison Carnwath DBE* appropriate safety measures with the additional option of virtual – Leadership experience in managing companies, associations and
Tatjana Diether* (since April 29, 2022) ­attendance via electronic communication. Only the Audit Committee networks
Franz Fehrenbach (until April 29, 2022) held two of its five meetings as completely virtual meetings. – Members’ collective knowledge of the chemical sector and the
Waldemar Helber* (until April 29, 2022) For more information on the Supervisory Board’s activities and resolutions in the 2022 business year, related value chains
see the Report of the Supervisory Board from page 186 onward
Sinischa Horvat* – Appropriate knowledge within the body as a whole of finance,
For an overview of meeting attendance, see
Michael Vassiliadis accounting, financial reporting, risk management, law and
The Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board and its committees can be found at ­compliance
Duties – Appropriate expertise within the body as a whole on sustainability
– Handles the further development of the company’s strategy issues that are of key importance for BASF
– Prepares resolutions of the Supervisory Board on the company’s Competence profile, diversity concept and objectives for the – At least one member with special knowledge and experience
major acquisitions and divestitures composition of the Supervisory Board (special expertise) in accounting, including sustainability reporting
– At least one member with special knowledge and experience
The Supervisory Board has not established a separate Sustainability One important concern of good corporate governance is to ensure (special expertise) in the annual audit, including the audit of
Committee. The sustainability topic is of such pivotal importance to that seats on the responsible corporate bodies, the Board of Exec- ­sustainability reporting
BASF with its economic success, environment and social-related utive Directors and the Supervisory Board, are appropriately filled. In – At least one member with in-depth experience in innovation,
aspects that the entire Supervisory Board regularly discusses it in December 2017, the Supervisory Board agreed for the first time on ­research & development and technology
detail as a cross-cutting issue. This also applies to the significant objectives for the composition, the competence profile and the – At least one member with in-depth experience in the areas
issue of ­reducing CO2 emissions and the targeted conversion of ­diversity concept of the Supervisory Board. These objectives and of digitalization, information technology, business models and
business activities to CO2-free energy supply and production the competence profile have since been continuously updated in the ­start-ups
­processes with a l­ower emission rate. implementation of legal requirements and further developed, taking – At least one member with in-depth experience in the areas of
into account the recommendations of the German Corporate human resources, society, communications and the media
­Governance Code. The guiding principle for the composition of the – Specialist knowledge and experience in sectors outside of the
Meetings and meeting attendance Supervisory Board is to ensure qualified supervision and guidance chemical industry
for the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE. For the election of
In the 2022 business year, meetings were held as follows: shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board, individuals The status of implementation of the Supervisory Board’s com­
shall be nominated to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting who can, petence profile is shown in the following qualifications matrix on
– The Supervisory Board met five times. based on their professional knowledge and experience, integrity, page 174.
– The Personnel Committee met four times. commitment, independence and character, successfully perform For more information on the Supervisory Board’s competence profile, see
– The Audit Committee met five times. the work of a supervisory board member at an international c
­ hemical
– The Nomination Committee did not meet. company.
– The Strategy Committee did not meet.

* Classified by the Supervisory Board as an “independent” member of the Supervisory Board (see page 174 for the criteria used to determine independence)
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 174

The Supervisory Board’s competence profile

Leadership experi- Finance,

Accounting and Innovation, Human resources,
ence in managing Chemical sector ­accounting, Digitalization, IT, Economic sectors
Sustainability ­auditing, including research & society,
companies, and related ­financial reporting, business models other than the
topics sustainability development ­communications
associations and value chains risk management, and start-ups chemical industry
­reporting and technology and the media
networks law and compliance

Dr. Kurt Bock • • • • • • • •

Prof. Dr.
• • • • • • • •
Stefan Asenkerschbaumer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell • • • • • •

Dame Alison Carnwath DBE • • • • •a • • •

Liming Chen • • • • • • •

Alessandra Genco • • • •b • • •

Sinischa Horvat • • • • •

Tatjana Diether • • • • •

André Matta • • • •

Natalie Mühlenfeld • • • • •

Michael Vassiliadis • • • • • • • •

Peter Zaman • •

a Member with special knowledge of and experience in auditing, including sustainability auditing
b Member with special knowledge of and experience in accounting and reporting, including sustainability reporting

Diversity concept ­ xperience required to diligently and independently perform the

e – Independence: To ensure the independent monitoring and
The Supervisory Board strives to achieve a reasonable level of work of a supervisory board member. ­consultation of the Board of Executive Directors, the Supervisory
­diversity with respect to character, gender, international represen­ Board should have an appropriate number of independent
tation, professional background, specialist knowledge and – Availability: Each member of the Supervisory Board ensures that ­members on the board as a whole and an appropriate number of
experience as well as age distribution. It takes the following
­ they invest the time needed to properly perform their role as a independent shareholder representatives. The Supervisory Board
­composition criteria into account: member of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE. The statutory deems this to be the case if more than half of the shareholder
limits on appointments and the recommendations of the German representatives and at least eight members of the Supervisory
– At least 30% women and 30% men Corporate Governance Code must be complied with when Board as a whole can be considered independent. The
– At least 30% of members have international experience based on ­accepting further appointments. ­Supervisory Board’s assessment of independence is based on
their background or professional experience the assessment criteria in the current respective version of the
– At least 50% of members have different educational backgrounds – Age limit and period of membership: Persons who have German Corporate Governance Code. Among other things, this
and professional experience reached the age of 72 on the day of election by the Annual means that members of the Supervisory Board are no longer
– At least 30% under the age of 60 Shareholders’ Meeting should generally not be nominated for
­ considered independent if they have been a member of the board
election. Membership on the Supervisory Board should generally for 12 years or longer. The Supervisory Board has additionally
Further composition objectives not exceed three regular statutory periods in office, which defined the following principles to clarify the meaning of
­corresponds to 12 years. ­independence: The independence of employee representatives is
– Character and integrity: Members of the Supervisory Board not compromised by their role as an employee representative or
must be personally reliable and have the knowledge and employment by BASF SE or a Group company. Prior membership
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 175

of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE does not preclude Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors In compliance with legal requirements of the FüPoG, the Board of
independence following the expiry of the statutory cooling-off and the Supervisory Board Executive Directors decided on target figures for the proportion of
period of two years. Material transactions between a Supervisory women at the two management levels below the Board of Execu­tive
Board member or a related party or undertaking of the S
­ upervisory The Compensation Report in accordance with section 162 of the Directors of BASF SE. For the target-attainment period from Janu-
Board member on the one hand, and BASF SE or a BASF Group German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the assurance statement ary 1, 2022, to December 31, 2026, the Board of Executive D
­ irectors
company on the other, exclude a member of the Supervisory of the substantive and formal audit issued by the auditor, the resolved as targets the quotas achieved as of December 31, 2021:
Board from being qualified as independent. A material transaction ­effective compensation system for the Board of Executive Directors 20.0% for the proportion of women in the management level­
is defined as one or more transactions in a single calendar year in accordance with section 87a AktG, as well as the most recent directly below the Board and 23.2% for the level below that.
with a total volume of 1% or more of the sales of the companies resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on the compensa­
involved in each case. In the same way, if a Supervisory Board tion of the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 113(3) BASF views the further development and promotion of women as a
member or a related party or undertaking of a Supervisory Board AktG have been made publicly available on the BASF website at­ global duty independent of individual Group companies. For this
member has a personal service or consulting agreement with purpose, it has committed to ambitious targets on a worldwide
BASF SE or one of its Group companies with an annual compen- scale. The new target is to increase the proportion of women in
sation of over 50% of the Supervisory Board compensation, they leadership positions worldwide to 30% by 2030. BASF will continue
do not qualify as independent. Furthermore, if a Supervisory Commitments to promote the participation of to work systematically on expanding the percentage of women
Board member or a related party of a Supervisory Board member women in leadership positions at BASF SE in its leadership team. To achieve this, global measures will be
holds more than 20% of the shares in a company in which ­implemented and enhanced continuously.
BASF SE is indirectly or directly the majority shareholder, the The supervisory board of a publicly listed European stock ­corporation For more information on the percentage of women in leadership positions in the BASF Group
­worldwide, as well as the inclusion of diversity, including the promotion of women, see the section in
necessary independence is also not met. (SE) that is composed of the same number of shareholder and the Management’s Report under Employees on page 107 onward
­employee representatives must, according to section 17(2) of the SE The Employee Participation Agreement relevant to the composition of the Supervisory Board in the
Status of implementation Implementation Act, consist of at least 30% women and 30% men. version dated November 2015 is available at

According to the Supervisory Board’s own assessment, its current Since the 2018 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the Supervisory
composition meets all of the requirements of the competence Board of BASF SE comprises four women, of whom two are share-
­profile: 11 of the 12 current members, of which six are shareholder holder representatives and two are employee representatives, and Shareholders’ rights
representatives and five are employee representatives, are consid- eight men. The Supervisory Board’s composition meets the ­statutory
ered independent based on the above criteria. requirements.
At a glance
Only the employee representative Michael Vassiliadis is no longer Following the entry into force of the Act to Supplement and Amend
▪ Shareholders exercise rights of co-administration and
considered independent as he has been a member of the Super­ the Regulations on Equal Participation of Women and Men in ­supervision at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
visory Board since August 2004, and therefore for over 12 years. ­Management Positions in the Private and Public Sector (FüPoG) on
▪ One share, one vote
For more information on the statutory minimum quotas for the number of women and men on the August 12, 2021, if the management board of a listed company
­Supervisory Board, see the section on this page “Commitments to promote the participation of w
­ omen
in leadership positions at BASF SE”
consists of more than three persons, at least one woman and one
The independent Supervisory Board members are named under Management and Supervisory Boards
man must be members of the management board (section 76 (3a) Shareholders exercise their rights of co-administration and super­
from page 183 onward. AktG). BASF met this requirement in the reporting year. There vision at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, which usually takes
have been two female Board members since the appointment of place within the first five months of the business year. The Annual
Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner to the Board of Executive Directors, Shareholders’ Meeting elects half of the members of the S ­ upervisory
­effective as of February 1, 2021. With six members of the Board Board (shareholder representatives) and, in particular, resolves on
of Executive Directors, this corresponds to a 33.3 percentage of the formal discharge of the Board of Executive Directors and the
women. Supervisory Board, the distribution of profits, capital measures, the
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 176

authorization of share buybacks, changes to the Statutes and the with the specific legal framework of the statutory provisions on Disclosures according to section 315a of the
selection of the auditor. the holding of a virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting pursuant to German Commercial Code (HGB) and explanatory
­Article 2 Section 1(1) and (2) of the COVID-19 Act in the version report of the Board of Executive Directors
Each BASF SE share represents one vote. All of BASF SE’s shares amended by the Gesetz zur weiteren Verkürzung des Restschuld­ according to section 176(1) sentence 1 of the
are registered shares. Shareholders are obliged to have themselves befreiungsverfahrens und zur Anpassung pandemiebedingter German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
entered with their shares into the company share register and to Vorschriften im Gesellschafts-, Genossenschafts-, Vereins- und
provide the information necessary for registration in the share regis- Stiftungsrecht sowie im Miet- und Pachtrecht [“Act to further ­shorten Share capital and shares
ter according to the German Stock Corporation Act. There are no the residual debt discharge process and to adapt pandemic-­related As of December 31, 2022, BASF SE’s subscribed capital was
registration restrictions and there is no limit to the number of shares provisions in corporate, cooperative, association and foundation €1,144,134,309.12 after the redemption of 24,623,765 repurchased
that can be registered to one shareholder. Only the persons listed in legislation as well as in tenancy and lease legislation”] of Decem- own company shares in December 2022 (December 31, 2021:
the share register are entitled to vote as shareholders. Listed share- ber 22, 2020. To ensure legally compliant execution of this special €1,175,652,728.23), divided into 893,854,929 registered shares
holders may exercise their voting rights at the Annual Shareholders’ Annual S ­hareholders’ Meeting format, whereby shareholders with no par value (December 31, 2021: 918,478,694). Each share
Meeting either personally, through a representative of their choice or par­
­ tici­
pated solely via electronic communication, some of the entitles the holder to one vote at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
through a company-appointed proxy authorized by the ­shareholders aforementioned shareholder rights and options for action were
­ Restrictions on the right to vote or transfer shares do not exist. The
to vote according to their instructions. Individual instructions are only ­limited or handled in an exceptional manner at this virtual meeting. same rights and duties apply to all shares. According to the ­Statutes,
forwarded to the company on the morning of the day of the Annual In ­contrast, the 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is planned to shareholders are not entitled to receive share certificates (issuance
Shareholders’ Meeting. Voting rights can be exercised according to be held again as an in-person meeting, i.e., with the shareholders of share certificates). There are neither different classes of shares
shareholders’ instructions by company-appointed proxies until the physically ­present at the meeting venue. nor shares with preferential voting rights.
beginning of the voting process during the Annual Shareholders’
Meeting. There are neither voting caps to limit the number of votes Appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of
a shareholder may cast nor special voting rights. BASF has fully Implementation of the German Corporate ­Executive Directors
implemented the principle of “one share, one vote.” All shareholders Governance Code (GCGC) The appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of Execu-
entered in the share register are entitled to participate in the Annual tive Directors is legally governed by the regulations in Article 39 of
Shareholders’ Meetings, to have their say concerning any item on BASF advocates responsible corporate governance that focuses on the SE Council Regulation, section 16 of the SE Implementation Act
the agenda and to request information about company issues sustainably increasing the value of the company. BASF SE follows and sections 84 and 85 AktG as well as Article 7 of the Statutes of
­insofar as this is necessary to make an informed judgment about the all of the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance BASF SE. Accordingly, the Supervisory Board determines the
item on the agenda under discussion. Registered shareholders are Code in the version dated April 28, 2022 (Code 2022), the version in ­number of members of the Board of Executive Directors (at least
also entitled to file motions pertaining to proposals for resolutions force at the time of submitting the Declaration of Conformity on two), appoints the members of the Board of Executive Directors,
made by the Board of Executive Directors and Supervisory Board at December 15, 2022. Until then, BASF has complied with all recom- and can nominate a chair, as well as one or more vice chairs. The
the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and to contest resolutions of the mendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the members of the Board of Executive Directors are appointed for a
Meeting and have them evaluated for their lawfulness in court. version dated December 16, 2019 (Code 2020). In the same maximum of five years. The maximum initial term of appointment is
Shareholders who hold at least €500,000 of the company’s share ­manner, BASF follows all of the nonobligatory suggestions of the three years. Reappointments are permissible. The Supervisory
capital, a quota corresponding to 390,625 shares, are furthermore German Corporate Governance Code. Board can dismiss a member of the Board of Executive Directors if
entitled to request that additional items be added to the agenda of The joint Declaration of Conformity 2022 by the Board of Executive Directors and Supervisory Board of there is serious cause to do so. Serious cause includes, in particular,
BASF SE is rendered on page 193
the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. a gross breach of the duties pertaining to the Board of Executive
For more information on the Declaration of Conformity 2022, the implementation of the Code’s
­suggestions and the German Corporate Governance Code, see Directors and a vote of no confidence by the Annual Shareholders’
Given the particular circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Meeting. The Supervisory Board decides on appointments and
2022 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was again held as a virtual ­dismissals according to its own best judgment.
event without the physical presence of shareholders in accordance
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 177

Amendments to the Statutes Conditional capital Share buyback program 2022/2023

According to Article 59(1) of the SE Council Regulation, a
­ mendments By way of a resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on On January 4, 2022, BASF SE’s Board of Executive Directors
to the Statutes of BASF SE require a resolution of the Annual Share- April 29, 2022, the share capital was increased conditionally by up ­resolved on a share buyback program with a volume of up to €3 bil-
holders’ Meeting adopted with at least a two-thirds majority of the to €117,565,184 by issuing up to 91,847,800 new shares. The lion and with the company’s own shares to be repurchased in the
votes cast, provided that the legal provisions applicable to German contingent capital increase serves to grant shares to the holders of period from January 2022 until the end of 2023 (share buyback
stock corporations under the German Stock Corporation Act do not convertible bonds or warrants attached to bonds with warrants of program). Based on the authorizations granted by the Annual
stipulate or allow for larger majority requirements. In the case of BASF SE or a subsidiary, which the Board of Executive Directors is Shareholders’ Meetings on May 12, 2017 and April 29, 2022,
amendments to the Statutes, section 179(2) of the German Stock authorized to issue up to April 28, 2027, by way of a resolution of the ­altogether 24,623,765 treasury shares were acquired in the period
Corporation Act requires a majority of at least three-quarters of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29, 2022. A right to ­subscribe from January 11, 2022 to November 30, 2022 in connection with
subscribed capital represented. Pursuant to Article 12(6) of the to the bonds shall be granted to shareholders. The Board of the share buyback program. The purchase price for these own
Statutes of BASF SE, the Supervisory Board is authorized to resolve Executive Directors is authorized to exclude the share­
­ holders’ shares, including compensation payments to the respective banks,
on amendments to the Statutes that merely concern their wording. subscription right in certain exceptional cases – as defined in
­ totaled €1,325,486,177.80. All own shares repurchased in
This applies in particular to the adjustment of the share capital and ­Article 5(9) of the BASF SE Statutes. ­connection with this share buyback program in 2022 were canceled,
the number of shares after the redemption of repurchased BASF and the company’s share capital was reduced pro rata by the
shares and after an issue of shares from authorized capital. Authorization of share buybacks amount attributable to the canceled shares. No own shares were
At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29, 2022, the Board of acquired in December 2022 due to the intended redemption of
Authorized capital Executive Directors was authorized to purchase up to 10% of the shares.
By way of a resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on shares in issue at the time of the resolution (10% of the company’s
May 3, 2019, the Board of Executive Directors is authorized, with share capital) until April 28, 2027. At the discretion of the Board of Rights during a change of control
the consent of the Supervisory Board, to increase, until May 2, Executive Directors, the shares can be bought back via the stock Bonds issued by BASF SE and its subsidiaries grant the bearer the
2024, on a one-off basis or in portions on a number of occasions, exchange, via a public purchase offer addressed to all shareholders, right to request early repayment of the bonds at nominal value if,
the company’s share capital by a total of up to €470 million by via a public request to shareholders for the submission of offers to after the date of issue of the bond, one person – or several persons
­issuing new shares against contributions in cash or in kind (autho- sell or by other means in accordance with section 53a AktG. The acting together – hold or acquire a volume of BASF SE shares that
rized capital). A right to subscribe to the new shares shall be granted Board of Executive Directors is authorized to sell the repurchased corresponds to more than 50% of the voting rights (change of
to shareholders. This can also be achieved by a credit institution company shares again (a) on a stock exchange, (b) through an offer ­control), and one of the rating agencies named in the bond’s terms
acquiring the new shares with the obligation to offer these to share- directed to all shareholders, (c) with approval of the Supervisory and conditions withdraws its rating of BASF SE or the bond, or
holders (indirect subscription right). The Board of Executive Directors Board, to third parties by means other than via the stock exchange ­reduces it to a noninvestment grade rating within 120 days of the
is authorized to exclude the statutory subscription right of share- or through an offer addressed to all shareholders in return for cash change of control event.
holders to a maximum amount of a total of 10% of share capital in payment at a price that is not significantly lower than the stock
certain exceptional cases that are defined in Article 5(8) of the ­exchange price of a BASF share at the time of the sale, or (d) with An exceptional change of control compensation awarded to
BASF SE Statutes. This applies in particular if, for capital increases approval of the Supervisory Board, to third parties for contributions ­outgoing members of the Board of Executive Directors has not
in return for cash contributions, the issue price of the new shares is in kind, particularly in connection with the acquisition of companies, ­existed since January 1, 2020, as of the introduction of the a
­ mended
not substantially lower than the stock market price of BASF shares parts of companies or shares in companies (including increases in compensation system for the Board of Executive Directors, which
and the total number of shares issued under this authorization does shareholdings) or within the scope of corporate mergers. In the was approved by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 18,
not exceed 10% of the shares currently in issue or, in eligible cases specified under (c) and (d), the shareholders’ subscription 2020. The general rule for severance payments granted for
­individual cases, to acquire companies or shares in companies in right is excluded. The Board of Executive Directors is furthermore ­premature terminations of appointments to the Board of Executive
exchange for surrendering BASF shares. authorized to retire the shares bought back and to reduce the share Directors applies, which states that the maximum severance
capital by the proportion of the share capital accounted for by the ­payment may not exceed the amount of two years’ compensation;
retired shares.
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Corporate Governance Report 178

however, this may not exceed the compensation for the remaining Share dealings of the Board of Executive Directors again propose KPMG for election. Owing to the German Financial
period of the contract. and Supervisory Board Market Integrity Strengthening Act (FISG), KPMG can only be
(Obligatory reportable and publishable directors’ dealings proposed for election by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as
By contrast, employees of BASF SE and its subsidiaries who are under Article 19(1) of the E.U. Market Abuse Regulation BASF’s auditor without further tendering processes up to and
classified as senior executives will still receive a severance payment 596/2014 (MAR)) ­including the 2023 business year. Dr. Axel Thümler has been the
if their contract of employment is terminated by BASF within auditor responsible for the Consolidated Financial Statements since
18 months of a change of control event, provided the employee has As legally stipulated by Article 19(1) MAR, all members of the Board auditing the 2022 Financial Statements. Since the 2020 Financial
not given cause for the termination. The employee whose service of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board as well as certain Statements, the auditor responsible for the Separate Financial
contract has been terminated in such a case will receive a maximum members of their families are required to disclose the purchase or Statements has been Dr. Stephan Kaiser. The total fee paid to
severance payment of 1.5 times the annual salary (fixed component) sale of financial instruments of BASF SE (for example, shares, KPMG and auditing firms of the KPMG group by BASF SE and
depending on the number of months that have passed since the bonds, options, forward contracts, swaps) to the German Federal other BASF Group ­companies for non-audit services, in addition to
change of control event. A change of control is assumed when a Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleis- the auditing fee, was €0.9 million in 2022. This represents around
shareholder informs BASF of a shareholding of at least 25% of the tungsaufsicht) and to the company if transactions within the ­calendar 4.0% of the fees for auditing the financial statements.
BASF shares or the increase of such a holding. The remaining year exceed the threshold of €20,000. In 2022, a total of 20 ­purchases
­specifications stipulated in section 315a HGB refer to situations that by members of the Board of Executive Directors and the S ­ upervisory During its meeting on October 20, 2022, BASF SE’s Supervisory
are not applicable to BASF SE. Board and members of their families subject to ­disclosure were Board, acting on the recommendation of the Audit Committee
For more information on bonds issued by BASF SE, see reported as directors’ dealings, involving between 2 and 2,618 BASF and after conducting a tendering process in line with the E.U.
shares or BASF ADRs (American Depositary ­Receipts). The price Statutory Audit Regulation, resolved to propose to the Annual
Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance per share was between €47.50 and €57.85. The volume of the Shareholders’ Meeting in 2024 that Deloitte GmbH Wirtschafts­
individual transactions was between €105.45 and €124,987.51.
­ prüfungs­gesellschaft be elected as auditor for BASF SE’s Annual
BASF SE has taken out liability insurance that covers the activities of The disclosed securities transactions are published on BASF SE’s Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements for the
members of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory website. 2024 business year. For the audit of the Annual Financial Statements
Board (directors’ and officers’ liability insurance). This insurance For more information on securities transactions reported in 2022, see and Consolidated Financial Statements 2023, the Super­ visory
policy provides for the level of deductibles of 10% of damages up to Board intends to propose the current auditor KPMG AG Wirtschafts-
1.5 times the fixed annual compensation for the Board of Executive Information on the auditor prüfungsgesellschaft to be elected by the Annual Shareholders’
Directors as prescribed by section 93(2) sentence 3 AktG. Meeting in 2023 for the last time. It is legally required to change the
The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2022, once again auditor starting from the 2024 business year as KPMG will reach the
elected KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft as the auditor of maximum period for annual audits shortened by the Financial ­Market
Share ownership by members of the Board of the BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements and Separate Integrity Strengthening Act when auditing the 2023 Financial State-
Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board Financial Statements of BASF SE for the 2022 business year, as well ments. The decision was preceded by a public and discrimination-­
as the corresponding Management’s Reports. KPMG member firms free tendering process for the selection of a new auditor in line with
No member of the Board of Executive Directors or the Supervisory also audit the majority of BASF Group companies included in the the relevant provisions of the E.U. Statutory Audit Regulation. The
Board owns shares in BASF SE and related options or other Consolidated Financial Statements. KPMG has been the continuous selection process was conducted at an early stage in order to give
­derivatives that account for 1% or more of the share capital. Further- auditor of BASF SE since the 2006 Financial Statements. A public the new auditor enough time to complete non-auditing services, in
more, the total volume of BASF SE shares and related financial call to tender was issued in 2015 to all auditors for the audit of the this way ensuring its independence and a seamless transition.
­instruments held by all members of the Board of Executive Directors 2016 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, in line with For more information, see Note 32 on page 290
and the Supervisory Board accounts for less than 1% of the shares the E.U. Regulation 537/2014 of April 16, 2014 (E.U. Statutory Audit
issued by the company. Regulation). Based on the results of the tendering process, the Audit
Committee recommended to the Supervisory Board that it once
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Compliance 179

GRI 2, 3, 205, 206, 406, 418

Our Group-wide Compliance Program aims to ensure adherence to legal regulations, the company’s
­internal guidelines and ethical business practices. Our Code of Conduct firmly embeds these mandatory
standards into our employees’ day-to-day business. Members of the Board of Executive Directors are
also expressly obligated to follow these principles.

Compliance Program and Code of Conduct

We Care We Earn Trust We Play Fair We Respect We Protect
At a glance – Our Code of Conduct – Anti-Corruption – Antitrust Laws – Human Rights, Labor – Sensitive Company
– How We Make – Trade Control – Gifts and E­ ntertainment and Social Standards Information
>30,000 47 Decisions – Anti-Money Laundering – Conflicts of Interest – Environmental – Personal Data
participants in compliance internal audits on adherence – We Always Speak Up Protection, Health and – Digital Responsibility
training to our compliance standards Safety
– We Lead Integrity – Company Property
▪ Code of Conduct as the core of our Compliance Program – Accurate Books and
▪ Systematic further development of our compliance
management system

BASF’s Compliance Program is based on our corporate values and Other binding governance documents (policies, corporate require- ­ ompliance audits performed by the Corporate Audit department
voluntary commitments, as well as international standards. It ments) are published on a digital platform that offers our employees are another source of information for the systematic identification of
­describes our commitment to responsible conduct and e ­ xpectations an effective search function and context-based links to further risks. These risks are documented in the relevant risk or audit report.
around how all BASF employees interact with business partners, ­information. The managing directors of BASF Group companies can The same applies to specific risk minimization measures as well as
officials, coworkers and the community. At the core of our Compli- find important information and assistance on ensuring compliance the time frame for their implementation.
ance Program is the global, standardized Code of Conduct. All in their Group companies on an intranet page set up especially
employees and leaders are obligated to adhere to its guidelines, for them. One key element in violation prevention is compulsory training and
which cover topics ranging from corruption and antitrust laws to workshops held as classroom or online courses. All employees are
human rights, labor and social standards, conflicts of interest and Abiding by compliance standards is the foundation of responsible required within a prescribed time frame to take part in basic training,
trade control, and protection of data privacy. leadership. This has also been embedded in our values. We are refresher courses and special tutorials dealing with, for example,
convinced that compliance with these standards will play a key role antitrust legislation, taxes or trade control regulations. Newly
The online version of our Code of Conduct is aimed at our ­employees in securing our company’s long-term success. Our efforts are ­appointed senior executives also receive special training on leading
and also offers user-friendly features such as case studies, FAQs ­principally aimed at preventing violations from the outset. with integrity. Course materials and formats are constantly updated,
and additional references. The internal online platform and the taking into account the specific risks of individual target groups and
­corresponding app provide our employees worldwide with up-to- We perform a systematic risk assessment to identify the risk of business areas. In total, more than 30,000 participants worldwide
date content such as videos and links to specialist units and guide- compliance violations, including corruption risks. These are received over 50,000 hours of compliance training in 2022.
lines as well as direct contact to subject specialists. ­conducted at divisional and Group company level. The regular For more information on the BASF Code of Conduct, see
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Compliance 180

Compliance culture at BASF cases are recorded and processed worldwide through one system. compliance management system itself is also regularly audited by
The central point of contact is a website that informs all employees the internal Corporate Audit department, most recently in December
For corporate compliance to be a success, there must be an active worldwide about the hotline and the grievance procedure in their 2022. Overall, the audit results speak for the effectiveness of the
culture of living these values and commitments within the company. national language. In addition to local phone numbers, the website compliance manage­ment system. As part of the comprehensive
The principles embedded in our Code of Conduct are established also offers an online contact option, which is available via PC or action plan developed last year for the continuous, systematic
and recognized in our day-to-day business. We expect all employees smartphone. The website is also available to the public. Each ­optimization of our compliance management system, we worked on
to act in line with these principles. Our leaders play a key role here – concern is documented according to specific criteria, properly
­ strengthening key processes in 2022 and described the principles,
they serve as an example of and communicate our values and ­investigated in line with standard internal procedures and answered core processes and roles in our system in detail in a revised
­culture both internally and externally. That is why special workshops as quickly as possible. The outcome of the investigation as well as internal policy, Compliance Management System (CMS), which
on integrity as a leadership task were again held in 2022 for newly any measures taken are documented accordingly and included in was ­approved by the Board of Executive Directors in August 2022.
appointed senior executives. internal reports. A particular focus of our compliance activities in 2022 was the
­further development of our internal systems and processes in light
In 2022, 453 reports were received by our external hotlines (2021: of changes to supply chain law, includ­ing the German Supply Chain
Monitoring adherence to our compliance principles 277). The information received related to all categories of our Code Due Diligence Act (SCA) (see page 111).
of Conduct, including respect in the workplace, corruption, handling
BASF’s Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) reports directly to the of company property and environmental, health and safety issues. We monitor our business partners in sales for potential compliance
­Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors and manages the We carefully investigated all cases of suspected misconduct that risks based on the global Guideline on Business Partner Due
further development of our global compliance organization and our came to our attention and, when necessary, took countermeasures Diligence using a checklist, a questionnaire and an internet-based
Compliance Management System. The CCO is supported in this on a case-by-case basis. These included, for example, improved analysis. The results are then documented. If business partners are
task by the Corporate Compliance department and more than control mechanisms, additional informational and training measures, not prepared to answer the questionnaire, we do not enter into a
100 compliance officers worldwide in the regions and countries as clarification and expansion of the relevant internal regulations, as business relationship with them. A dedicated global Supplier Code
well as in the divisions, service units and in the Corporate Center. well as disciplinary measures as appropriate. Most of the justified of Conduct applies to our suppliers, which covers compliance with
Material compliance topics are regularly discussed in the ­compliance cases related to violations of our principles on respect in the work- environmental, social and corporate governance standards, among
committees established at global and regional level. The compliance place and personal misconduct in connection with the protection of other requirements. As part of our trade control processes, we also
organization reports to the Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee in company property or inappropriate handling of conflicts of interests. check whether persons, companies or organizations appear on
at least one of its meetings each year on the status of the C
­ ompliance In such isolated cases, we took disciplinary measures in accordance sanction lists due to suspicious or illegal activities and whether there
Program as well as any major developments. In the event of signifi- with uniform internal standards and also pursued claims for d­ amages are business processes with business partners from or in countries
cant incidents, the Audit Committee is immediately informed by the where there were sufficient prospects of success. In 2022, violations under embargo. One focus of our activities in 2022 was on the
Board of Executive Directors. of our Code of Conduct led to termination of employment in a total continuous monitoring and implementation of the dynamically evolv-
of 34 cases (2021: 32). This relates to diverse employee groups, ing sanctions law requirements in light of the war in Ukraine.
We particularly encourage our employees to actively and promptly including executives.
seek guidance if in doubt. They can consult their supervisors, We support the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and
­specialist departments, such as the Legal department, and ­company BASF’s Corporate Audit department monitors adherence to Human Rights and are constantly working to enhance our internal
compliance officers. The internal platform and the corresponding compliance principles, covering all areas in which compliance
­ guidelines and processes in keeping with these principles. For
app also help employees to access advice by enabling direct ­violations could occur. They check that employees uphold regu­ ­example, there is an internal guideline to respect international
­contact. In addition, our employees can contact our compliance lations and make sure that the established processes, procedures labor and social standards that is applicable throughout the
hotline – including anonymously – to report potential violations of and monitoring tools are appropriate and sufficient to minimize Group. Outside of our company, too, we support respect for human
laws or company guidelines. An independent external company has potential risks or preclude violations in the first place. In 2022,
­ rights and the fight against corruption. We are a founding member
been contracted to manage this global hotline so that reported 47 audits of this kind were performed Group-wide (2021: 77). Our of the United Nations Global Compact. As a member of ­Transparency
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Compliance 181

International Deutschland and the Partnering Against Corruption

Initiative (PACI) of the World Economic Forum, we assist in the
implementa­tion of these organizations’ objectives.

We are committed to adhering to uniformly high standards and

­integrity regarding tax-related issues, as embedded in BASF’s Code
of Conduct and corporate values. To aid in the achievement of the
U.N. SDGs and to meet our own standards for the creation of
­economic and social value, we contribute to public finances in
­accordance with legal requirements and our corporate values. In
2020, we developed and published the BASF tax principles, which
are binding for all Group entities.
For more information on the Supplier Code of Conduct and supplier assessments,
see page 114 onward
For more information on the Code of Conduct, see
For more information on human rights and labor and social standards, see
For more information on tax principles, see
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Board of Executive Directors 182

Management and Supervisory Boards


Board of Executive Directors

There were six members on the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE as of December 31, 2022. On October 20, 2022, the Supervisory Board of BASF SE extended the appointment of Dr. Martin Brudermüller
as BASF’s Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors until the end of the 2024 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting; Brudermüller’s appointment was originally scheduled to end in 2023. In addition, the Super­visory
Board has appointed Dr. Dirk Elvermann as the new Chief Financial Officer and Chief Digital Officer within the framework of long-term succession planning. He succeeds Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, whose
mandate ends at the closing of the 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. In addition, some of the responsibilities within the Board departments of Saori Dubourg and Michael Heinz were reallocated effective
March 1, 2022.

The composition of the Board of Executive Directors and the responsibilities of individual members are as follows:

Responsibilities First Term Supervisory board mandates within the meaning of Comparable German and
(as of February 20, 2023) appointed expires ­section 100(2) of the German Stock Corporation Act non-German supervisory bodies

Dr. Martin Brudermüller Corporate Legal, Compliance & Insurance; 2006 2024 Mercedes-Benz Group AGa –
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Corporate Development; (member of ther Supervisory Board)
Degree: Chemistry, 61 years old Corporate Communications & Government Relations;
35 years at BASF Corporate Human Resources; Mercedes-Benz AG
Corporate Investor Relations; (Mercedes-Benz Group AG group company)
Senior Project Net Zero Accelerator (member of the Supervisory Board)

Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel Corporate Finance; 2008 2023 Wintershall Dea AG Nord Stream AG
Vice Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Corporate Audit; (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)b (member of the Shareholders’
Degree: Law, 63 years old Corporate Taxes & Duties; ­Committee)
35 years at BASF Global Business Services; Wintershall AG
Global Digital Services; (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)b
Global Procurement

Saori Dubourg Monomers; Performance Materials; Petrochemicals; Intermediates; 2017 2025 Wintershall Dea AG _
Degree: Business, 51 years old Europe (member of the Supervisory Board)b
26 years at BASF

Michael Heinz Agricultural Solutions; Nutrition & Health; Care Chemicals; 2011 2024 Wintershall Dea AG _
Degree: MBA, 58 years old North America; South America (member of the Supervisory Board)b
39 years at BASF

Dr. Markus Kamieth Catalysts; Coatings; Dispersions & Resins; Performance Chemicals; 2017 2025 – _
Degree: Chemistry, 52 years old Greater China; South & East Asia, ASEAN & Australia/New Zealand;
24 years at BASF Mega Projects Asia

Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner Corporate Environmental Protection, Health, Safety & Quality; 2021 2024 – BASF Antwerpen NV
Degree: Chemistry, 54 years old European Site & Verbund Management; Global Engineering Services; (Chairwoman of the Administrative
26 years at BASF Group Research; BASF New Business Council)

a Publicly listed
b Internal membership within the meaning of section 100(2) sentence 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Supervisory Board 183

Supervisory Board
In accordance with the Statutes, the Supervisory Board of BASF SE comprises 12 members. The term of office of the Supervisory Board commenced
following the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on May 3, 2019, in which the shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board were elected. In
­accordance with the applicable article of the Statutes as of the date of election, it terminates upon conclusion of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that
­resolves on the discharge of members of the Supervisory Board for the fourth complete business year after the term of office commenced; this is the
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 25, 2024.

The Supervisory Board comprises the following members (as of February 20, 2023):

Member of the
Supervisory Memberships of statutory supervisory boards Memberships of comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies
Board since in Germany of commercial enterprises

Dr. Kurt Bock, Heidelberg, Germany*1 June 18, 2020 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft3 –
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE (member)
Former Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE
(until May 2018) Fuchs Petrolub SE3 (until May 3, 2022)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer, Stuttgart, Germany*1 April 29, 2022 Robert Bosch GmbH4 (chair) Stadler Rail AG3
Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE (independent, non-executive member of the Board of Directors since May 5, 2022)
Managing Partner, Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG (RBIK)
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Robert Bosch GmbH

Sinischa Horvat, Limburgerhof, Germany*2 May 12, 2017 – –

Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE
Chairman of the Works Council of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen Site, of the
BASF Group Works Council, and of the BASF Works Council Europe

Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell, Munich, Germany*1 May 3, 2019 – –

Professor of Organic Chemistry at
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Dame Alison Carnwath DBE, Exeter, England*1 May 2, 2014 – Zurich Insurance Group AG3
Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners (independent, non-executive member of the Board of Directors)
Zürich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG (Zurich Insurance Group AG group company)4
(­independent, non-executive member of the Board of Directors)
PACCAR Inc.3 (independent member of the Board of Directors)
Coller Capital Ltd.4 (non-executive member of the Board of Directors)
Broadwell Capital Limited4 (non-executive member of the Board of Directors until June 6, 2022)
Asda Group Limited4 (non-executive member of the Board of Directors)
EG Group Holdings Limited4 (non-executive member of the Board of Directors and chair of the
audit committee)

* Classified by the Supervisory Board as an “independent” member of the Supervisory Board (see page 174 for the criteria used to determine independence)
1 Shareholder representative
2 Employee representative
3 Publicly listed
4 Not publicly listed
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Supervisory Board 184

Continued from previous page

Member of the
Supervisory Memberships of statutory supervisory boards Memberships of comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies
Board since in Germany of commercial enterprises

Liming Chen, Beijing, China*1 October 8, 2020 – –

World Economic Forum Greater China Chair
The following mandates each until July 1, 2022:

IBM China Investment Company Ltd.4 (chair, intragroup membership)

IBM (China) Company Ltd.4 (chair, intragroup membership)
IBM Global Services (DaLian) Company Limited4 (chair, intragroup membership)
IBM Solution and Services (ShenZhen) Company Ltd.4 (chair, intragroup membership)
IBM Financing and Leasing Company Ltd.4 (chair, intragroup membership)
IBM Factoring (China) Company Ltd.4 (chair, intragroup membership)
Inspur Power Commercial Systems Company Ltd.4 (chair, intragroup membership)

Tatjana Diether, Limburgerhof, Germany*2 May 4, 2018 – –

Deputy Chairwoman of the Works Council of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen
Site, and member of the BASF Works Council Europe

Alessandra Genco, Rome, Italy*1 April 29, 2022 – Elettronica SpA4 (controlled interest of Leonardo SpA)
Chief Financial Officer of Leonardo SpA

André Matta, Großkarlbach, Germany*2 April 29, 2022 – –

Member of the Works Council of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen Site, and
member of the BASF Works Council Europe

Natalie Mühlenfeld, Düsseldorf, Germany*2 April 29, 2022 3M Deutschland GmbH4 (member) –
District Manager of the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industries Union Axalta Coating Systems Germany GmbH & Co. KG4
for the Düsseldorf district (vice chair)

Michael Vassiliadis, Hannover, Germany2 August 1, 2004 Steag GmbH4 (member) –

Chairman of the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industries Union RAG Aktiengesellschaft4 (vice chair)
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA3 (member)
Vivawest GmbH4 (member)

Peter Zaman, Antwerp, Belgium*2 April 29, 2022 – –

Deputy Secretary of the Works Council of BASF Antwerpen NV

* Classified by the Supervisory Board as an “independent” member of the Supervisory Board (see page 174 for the criteria used to determine independence)
1 Shareholder representative
2 Employee representative
3 Publicly listed
4 Not publicly listed
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Supervisory Board 185

Continued from previous page

Members of the Supervisory Board in the 2022 business year who stepped down from the Supervisory Board on April 29, 2022:

of the Supervisory Memberships of statutory supervisory boards Memberships of comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies
Board since in Germany of commercial enterprises

Franz Fehrenbach, Stuttgart, Germany1 January 14, 2008 Robert Bosch GmbH4 (chair until December 31, 2021) Stihl Holding AG & Co. KG4 (member of the Advisory Board)
Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE Stihl AG (Stihl Holding AG & Co. KG group company)3 Linde plc3 (member of the Board of Directors until March 1, 2022)
Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Robert Bosch GmbH (vice chair)
(until December 31, 2021)

Waldemar Helber, Otterbach, Germany*2 April 29, 2016 – –

Member of the Works Council of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen Site

Anke Schäferkordt, Berlin*1 December 17, 2010 Serviceplan Group Management SE4 Wayfair Inc.3 (non-executive director)
Member of the Supervisory Board (partner with unlimited liability of Serviceplan Group SE & Co. KG) (member)
Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft3 (member)

Denise Schellemans, Brecht, Belgium2 January 14, 2008 – –

Full-time trade union delegate

Roland Strasser, Riedstadt, Germany*2 May 4, 2018 AbbVie Komplementär GmbH4 (member) –
Regional Manager of the Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland branch of V & B Fliesen GmbH4 (member)
IG BCE Villeroy & Boch AG3 (member)

* Classified by the Supervisory Board as an “independent” member of the Supervisory Board (see page 174 for the criteria used to determine independence)
1 Shareholder representative
2 Employee representative
3 Publicly listed
4 Not publicly listed
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 186

Report of the their value. The measures immediately taken by the Board of Executive Directors to
reduce gas dependency and maintain Verbund production, especially at the Ludwigs­
Supervisory Board hafen site in Germany, deserve special recognition. This includes public statements on
the importance of a secure and competitive gas supply for the chemical industry as
well as for Germany as a business location. Our discussions also focused on the
­further development of the BASF Group in light of increasing geopolitical risks, ­changes
in the regulatory environment and the path taken by the Board of Executive Directors
toward climate neutrality. Last but not least, the foundation was laid for the further
development of the Board of Executive Directors in terms of personnel.

Seamless and solution-oriented collaboration between the Supervisory Board and the
Board of Executive Directors is particularly important in challenging times. The Super-
visory Board would like to thank the Board of Executive Directors for their extraordinary
performance in light of the fundamentally new challenges. Our thanks also go out to
our employees around the world for their impressive commitment in times of great
uncertainty and insecurity.

For the Supervisory Board, 2022 was a year of change in personnel. Five new
­members have joined since the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. This means
that seven of the twelve members have joined the Supervisory Board since its regular
election in 2019. The Supervisory Board meets all of the objectives it has set with
­regard to its composition and competencies.

The Supervisory Board welcomes the fact that the upcoming Annual Shareholders’
BASF faced exceptional and unexpected challenges last year. Russia’s invasion of Meeting can finally be held in person again. Especially in difficult times, direct dialog
Ukraine fundamentally and permanently changed the playing field for the European with you – our shareholders – is even more important than ever before.
chemicals business, but especially for the shareholding in Wintershall Dea.

After a good start to the business year, general economic uncertainty, concerns about Monitoring and consultation in an ongoing dialog with the Board of
the availability of key raw materials and extreme increases in energy prices all led to a ­Executive Directors
disappointing sales and earnings performance in the second half of the year. Despite
this, we still achieved the targeted operating result. A number of less energy-intensive In 2022, the Supervisory Board of BASF SE exercised its duties as required by law and
businesses performed very well overall. The bottom line – income after taxes – was the Statutes with the utmost care. It regularly monitored the management of the Board
negative due to the necessary impairments on the shareholding in Wintershall Dea of Executive Directors and provided advice on the company’s strategic development
resulting from its de facto expropriation in Russia. and important individual measures, about which the Supervisory Board was regularly
and thoroughly informed by the Board of Executive Directors. This occurred both
At its meetings, the Supervisory Board addressed in depth the impact of the turmoil during and outside of the meetings of the Supervisory Board and its committees in the
on the raw materials and energy markets on the operational business and on the form of written and oral reports on, for example, business developments including the
short and long-term competitiveness of important businesses and sites, as well as major financial key performance indicators (KPIs) of the BASF Group and its ­segments,
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 187

macroeconomic developments and the economic situation in the main sales and includes an agenda item that provides an opportunity for discussion without the Board
procurement markets, and on deviations in business developments from original of Executive Directors (executive session).
plans. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board tackled fundamental questions of c ­ orporate An overview of the format of each meeting and members’ personal attendance at meetings of the Supervisory Board and its
­committees will be made available on the company website at
planning, including financial, investment, sales volumes and personnel planning, as
well as measures for designing the future of research and development. Regular
topics of discussion were occupational and process safety, matters relating to
­ A significant component of all Supervisory Board meetings was the Board of Execu­
­sustainability, the environmental and social impact of the company’s activities and tive Directors’ reports on the current business situation with detailed information on
the challenges of climate change for the future development of BASF’s business. sales and earnings development, opportunities and risks for business development,
The Supervisory Board discussed in detail the reports from the Board of Executive the status of important investment projects (current and planned), important aspects
­Directors and also deliberated on prospects for the company and its individual of economic, environmental and social sustainability, developments in the regu­latory
­business areas with the Board of Executive Directors. It was convinced of the environment, developments on the capital markets, significant managerial measures
­lawfulness, expediency and propriety of the Board of Executive Directors’ company taken by the Board of Executive Directors, and innovation projects.
In all meetings held in 2022, the Supervisory Board also discussed the progress of
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Board of Executive major investments and ongoing portfolio projects, such as investments to establish
Directors were also in regular contact outside of Supervisory Board meetings. The a new Verbund site in southern China.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board was always promptly and comprehensively
­informed of current developments and significant individual issues. The Supervisory An important agenda item at all meetings of the Supervisory Board since March
Board was involved at an early stage in decisions of major importance. The Super­ 2022 has been the impact of the war in Ukraine on the BASF Group’s business
visory Board passed resolutions on all of those individual measures taken by the ­activities. Strict compliance with the sanctions regulations of the European Union
Board of Executive Directors which by law or the Statutes required the approval of the and other Western countries forms the basis for BASF’s actions. The main focus of
Supervisory Board. the Board of Executive Directors’ reporting and the discussion in the Supervisory
Board here was on the supply of natural gas, which is particularly critical for BASF’s
business, and the upturn in energy prices. The possible consequences for BASF’s
Supervisory Board meetings competitiveness in the short, medium and long term, particularly in Europe and at
the Ludwigshafen site in Germany, and the impact on Wintershall Dea AG’s until
The Supervisory Board held five meetings in the 2022 business year, each of which now important business in gas production in Russia and in gas transportation, were
was attended by all members. The meetings were held in person with the Supervisory discussed in depth, and the measures taken by the Board of Executive Directors
Board members physically present. Two members of the Supervisory Board par­tici­ were supported.
pated in three of these meetings, and three members of the Supervisory Board par­
ticipated in one meeting by means of electronic video communication. The members About the meetings in detail: On February 23, 2022, the Supervisory Board reviewed
of the Supervisory Board elected by shareholders and those elected by the employees the financial statements of BASF SE and the BASF Group for the 2021 business year
prepared for the meetings in separate preliminary discussions in each case, which that were submitted by the Board of Executive Directors, the corresponding manage-
were also attended by members of the Board of Executive Directors. ment’s reports, including the nonfinancial statements as well as the dividend proposal,
and approved the financial statements. In preparation, the auditor had explained the
All members of the Board of Executive Directors attended the Supervisory Board process and results in detail the previous day and discussed them with the Super­
meetings unless it was deemed appropriate that the Supervisory Board discuss visory Board. In addition, the Supervisory Board discussed and ­approved the Com-
­individual topics – such as personnel matters relating to the Board of Executive pensation Report in accordance with section 162 of the German Stock Corporation
­Directors – without them being present. In addition, each Supervisory Board meeting Act (AktG). It also discussed the agenda for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 188

April 29, 2022, and adopted proposals for resolutions. Since the Supervisory Board Directors to procure the necessary financing in 2023 within a set limit. The Supervisory
considered it impossible to hold a physical meeting due to the continuing effects of the Board also addressed the topics of increasing the competitiveness of the Ludwigshafen
coronavirus pandemic, it agreed to again hold the ­Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as a site in Germany, expanding BASF’s renewable energy portfolio in Europe, compliance
virtual event without the physical presence of shareholders. Other topics ­discussed management in the BASF Group and fulfilling due diligence obligations in supply chains.
at the meeting were the development of business, opportunities and c ­ hallenges in the
Materials segment.
Compensation and composition of the Board of Executive Directors
The Supervisory Board met on April 28, 2022, one day before the virtual Annual
Shareholders’ Meeting, to prepare for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. The i­mpact In several meetings over the 2022 business year, the Supervisory Board discussed
of the outbreak of war in Ukraine was also discussed. and passed resolutions on the compensation of the Board of Executive Directors. In
addition, two decisions on the composition of the Board of Executive Directors had to
The meeting on July 18/19, 2022, focused on the status of the implementation be taken.
of BASF’s corporate strategy and the further development of the BASF Group. Key
individual topics here were: At its meeting on February 23, 2022, the Supervisory Board deliberated and agreed
on the 2022 targets for the Board of Executive Directors based on the preparations of
– The implementation of BASF’s corporate strategy, external challenges and the Personnel Committee. It also discussed and resolved on the final performance
­measures to increase earnings factors for the Board of Executive Directors’ short-term and long-term incentives for
– The competitiveness of the Ludwigshafen site against a background of high 2021. At its meeting on October 20, 2022, the Supervisory Board discussed the
­energy prices and intensifying regulation appoint­ment of a successor for the Chief Financial Officer Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, who
– The future development of the oil and gas business and the shareholding in will retire from the Board of Executive Directors as of April 27, 2023, and, in line with
­Wintershall Dea AG the recommendation made by the Personnel Committee, appointed Dr. Dirk ­Elvermann
– The further development, opportunities and risks of the business in China; as a member of the Board of Executive Directors from this date. Also following the
­approval of the investment in a Verbund site in southern China recommendation by the Personnel Committee, it was resolved to extend the appoint-
– The status, development and prospects of selected future business areas ment of the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Dr. Martin Brudermüller, by
one year until the end of the 2024 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. At its meeting on
At its meeting on October 20, 2022, the Supervisory Board discussed the com­position December 15, 2022, the Supervisory Board evaluated, based on the discussions and
of the Board of Executive Directors and passed a resolution to extend the appoint­ the corresponding recommendation of the Personnel Committee, the Board of Execu­
ment of the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Dr. Martin B ­ rudermüller, tive Directors’ performance in 2022 and set the performance factor for the short-term
until the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2024 and to appoint Dr. Dirk Elvermann as the incentive 2022 and the strategic performance factors for the deferral compensation
successor to Chief Financial Officer Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, who will retire at the end of components for 2019–2022.
the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 27, 2023. Other key topics included the For more information on the compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board, see the Compensation
Report, which has been made publicly available on the company’s website at
tender for the auditor’s mandate from the 2024 business year with the resolution to
propose Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft as the future auditor to the
Annual Share­holders’ Meeting 2024, as well as the implementation of the new recom-
mendations of the amended German Corporate Governance Code. Committees

At its meeting on December 15, 2022, the Supervisory Board discussed and a ­ pproved The Supervisory Board of BASF SE has four committees: 1. the committee for
the Board of Executive Directors’ operational and financial planning, including the ­personnel matters of the Board of Executive Directors and the granting of loans
­investment budget for 2023, and, as in previous years, authorized the Board of ­Executive in accordance with section 89(4) of the German Stock Corporation Act (Personnel
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 189

­ ommittee); 2. the Audit Committee; 3. the Nomination Committee; and 4. the

C ­ onferences. All committee members attended all meetings. Part of December’s
­Strategy Committee. Following each Committee meeting, the chairs of the Com­ meeting was held without the Board of Executive Directors present (executive
mittees ­reported in detail about the meetings and the activities of the Committees at ­session). The Audit ­Committee is responsible for all the tasks listed in section 107(3)
the subsequent meeting of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board has not sentence 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the recommendations
­established a special sustainability committee: In the Supervisory Board’s opinion, of the German C ­ orporate Governance Code. The Audit Committee is also responsible
sustainability is a material cross-cutting issue that affects all aspects of the Super­ for monitoring the internal p ­rocess for identifying related party transactions and
visory Board’s supervision activities and is therefore considered in depth by the entire ­adopting resolutions to approve r­elated party transactions. The chair of the Audit
Supervisory Board. Sustainability expertise is broadly embedded in the Supervisory ­Committee also maintains regular contact with the auditor between meetings, in
Board and has long been a very important requirement for its work. particular regarding the ­progress of the annual audit. During the Audit Committee
For information on the composition of the committees and the tasks assigned to them by the Supervisory Board, see the meetings attended by the auditor, the Audit Committee also discusses matters
­Corporate Governance Report from page 169 onward
with the auditor in a separate part of the meeting without a member of the Board of
­Executive Directors present.
The Personnel Committee met four times during the reporting period. All meetings
were conducted in person. All committee members attended all meetings. At its meet- At the meeting on February 22, 2022, the auditor reported in detail on its audits of
ing on February 22, 2022, the Personnel Committee discussed the target agreement BASF SE’s Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2021 business
for the Board of Executive Directors for 2022 and the targets for the long-term com- year, including the corresponding management’s reports, and discussed the results of
pensation to be granted in 2022 for the Board of Executive Directors for the period its audit with the Audit Committee. The committee’s audit also included the Non­fi­nan­
2022–2025, as well as the 2021 Compensation Report. At its meeting on July 18, cial Statements of BASF SE and the BASF Group, sustainability reporting as well as
2022, the Personnel Committee focused on the development of leadership at BASF’s the Compensation Report of BASF SE in accordance with section 162 AktG, which
top levels of management below the Board of Executive Directors and long-term had been audited by the external auditor. In preparation for the audit of the Non­fi­nan­
succession planning for the Board of Executive Directors, including potential ­successor cial Statements, the Audit Committee had, following a corresponding resolution by
candidates. A key topic here was the process for deciding on the successor for the the Supervisory Board, additionally engaged KPMG to perform a limited assurance
Chief Financial Officer, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, who will retire from the Board of Execu- and issue an assurance report on it. KPMG also reported in detail on the focus, the
tive Directors at the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 27, 2023. The ­procedure and the key findings of this audit.
main agenda item at the meeting on October 19, 2022, was the review of the appro-
priateness of the compensation of the Board of Executive Directors. For this purpose, At its meeting on April 28, 2022, the Audit Committee addressed the BASF Group’s
the Personnel Committee had also obtained an appropriateness study from an inde- quarterly statement for the first quarter of 2022, which was due for publication, risk
pendent external consultant, based on which the Personnel Committee currently does management in the BASF Group, and the organization and results of further environ-
not see any need to adjust the compensation. The agenda also included the discussion mental, health and safety audits and controls.
of proposed resolutions for the Supervisory Board to extend the appointment of the
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Dr. Martin Brudermüller, which ends with Focus topics at the meeting on July 22, 2022, were the BASF Group’s Half-Year
the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 27, 2023, and to appoint a new Board of ­Financial Report and the internal audit system, on which the head of the Corporate
Executive Directors member to succeed the departing Chief Financial Officer. At its Audit department reported.
meeting on December 14, 2022, the Personnel Committee discussed the assessment
of the Board’s performance in 2022, a proposal for the performance-related variable At the meeting on July 22, 2022, the Audit Committee also engaged KPMG AG
compensation and the further development of the Board of Executive Directors. Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft – the auditor elected by the Annual Shareholders’
Meeting on April 29, 2022 – with the audit for the 2022 reporting year and agreed upon
The Audit Committee met five times during the reporting period. Three meetings the auditing fees. The focus areas and scope of the annual audit were discussed and
were conducted as in-person meetings and two meetings were conducted as video defined together with the auditor.
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 190

At its meeting on October 19, 2022, the Audit Committee discussed the BASF Group’s Corporate governance and Declaration of Conformity
Quarterly Statement for the third quarter of 2022 and addressed the topics of compli-
ance with and follow-up on major acquisitions and divestitures. The head of the The Supervisory Board places great value on ensuring good corporate governance:
Corporate Compliance unit reported on compliance topics. In continuation of its
­ In 2022, it was therefore once again intensely occupied with the corporate gover-
­consultations in previous meetings, the Audit Committee also addressed at length the nance standards practiced in the company and the implementation of the recom-
tender for the audit of the Annual Financial Statements and the Consoli­dated Financial mendations and suggestions of the German Corporate Governance Code, both in
Statements of BASF SE from the 2024 business year, discussed the results of the the version dated December 16, 2019, and in the amended version dated April 28,
tender process and, based on this result, recommended that the Supervisory Board 2022 (GCGC 2022), which forms the basis for the forward-looking section of the
propose to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that Deloitte GmbH Wirtschafts­ company’s Declaration of Conformity dated December 2022. Discussions concen-
prüfungsgesellschaft be appointed as auditor from the 2024 business year. The Audit trated on the implementation of the new recommendations of GCGC 2022 and its
Committee was regularly involved in the tender and application process through its focus areas: integrating sustainability into company management and the Super­
chair. The meeting also addressed the Committee’s annual self-assessment of the visory Board’s supervision activities, the Audit Committee’s special expertise in
­effectiveness and efficiency of its work. ­accounting and auditing, and cooperation with the auditor.

At the meeting on December 14, 2022, the auditors responsible reported on the status In accordance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance
of the annual audit, as well as the focus areas of the audit and the most important Code and the guiding principles for the dialog between investors and German
­individual items. This also included possible impairments on individual assets and the ­supervisory boards, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board again sought dialog with
carrying amount of the shareholding in Wintershall Dea AG. investors where appropriate in 2022.

At all meetings, the Audit Committee addressed the main pending accounting issues Special onboarding events were held for the new members of the Supervisory Board
and risks arising from litigation. to familiarize them with the basics of corporate governance at BASF, the organiza-
tion and internal structures of the BASF Group, and the composition of its business-
The Nomination Committee is responsible for preparing candidate proposals for the es and their strategies. Above and beyond this, the company also supports the
Supervisory Board members to be elected by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. The members of the Supervisory Board with training for their activities on the Super­visory
Nomination Committee is guided by the objectives for the composition of the Super­ Board, whether through external offerings such as topic-specific seminars or i­nternal
visory Board adopted by the Supervisory Board as well as the competence profile and information offerings such as site and plant visits.
diversity concept for the Supervisory Board. The Nomination Committee did not meet
in 2022 as there were no further changes to the Supervisory Board members to be At its meeting of December 15, 2022, the Supervisory Board approved the joint
elected by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting beyond the new appointments resolved Declaration of Conformity by the Supervisory Board and the Board of Executive
at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29, 2022, which the Nomination Com­mit­ ­Directors in accordance with section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act
tee had already prepared intensively in 2021. (AktG). BASF had complied with all recommendations of the German Corporate
For the objectives for the composition of the Supervisory Board as well as the competence profile and diversity concept for the Governance Code in the version dated December 16, 2019, until this date and has
Supervisory Board, see the Corporate Governance Report on page 173
since complied with all of the recommendations of the GCGC 2022. The Corporate
Governance Report provides extensive information on the BASF Group’s corporate
The Strategy Committee, which was established to discuss strategic options for the governance.
further development of the BASF Group, did not meet in 2022. The full Declaration of Conformity is rendered on page 193 and is available to shareholders on the company website
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 191

Independence and efficiency review implementation of the recommendations of the 2021 efficiency review. The Audit
Committee discussed the results of the questionnaire and detailed suggestions at
An important aspect of good corporate governance is the independence of Super­ its meeting on October 19, 2022. On this basis, the members judged the Audit
visory Board members and their freedom from conflicts of interest. The Supervisory ­Committee’s work to be efficient and appropriate.
Board based the assessment of the independence of its members on the recommen-
dations of the German Corporate Governance Code and the additional criteria for
assessing the independence of Supervisory Board members contained in the Rules of Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements; Compensation Report
Procedure of the Supervisory Board, which were revised in the Supervisory Board
meeting on December 19, 2019. The criteria used to assess independence are KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, the auditor elected by the Annual Share-
­presented in the Corporate Governance Report on page 174. Based on these criteria, holders’ Meeting for the 2022 reporting year, has audited the Financial Statements of
the Supervisory Board came to the conclusion that all of the six shareholder repre­ BASF SE and the BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements, which were
sentatives and five of the six employee representatives – 11 of the 12 members of the ­prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as
Supervisory Board in total – are considered to be independent as of the end of 2022. adopted by the European Union, and the additional requirements that must be applied
Michael Vassiliadis was classified as non-independent due to the length of his mem- in accordance with section 315e(1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB), including
bership on the Supervisory Board, which exceeds 12 years. Above and beyond this, the Management’s Report and the accounting records from which they were p ­ repared,
the Supervisory Board does not see any indications that the Supervisory Board role is and have approved them free of qualification. Furthermore, the auditor certified that
not performed completely independently. In cases where Supervisory Board members the Board of Executive Directors had taken the measures incumbent on it under
hold supervisory or management positions at companies with which BASF has busi- section 91(2) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in an appropriate manner.
ness relations, we see no impairment of their independence. The scope of these In particular, it had instituted an appropriate early risk detection system that fulfilled the
businesses is marginal and furthermore, they are conducted at arm’s length. requirements of the company and is suitable for the early identification of develop-
ments that could pose a risk to the continued existence of the BASF Group. The
The Supervisory Board reviews the efficiency of its activities every year in the form of a ­results of the audit as well as the procedure and material findings of the audit of the
self-assessment. To this end, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board again c ­ onducted financial statements are presented in the Auditor’s Report.
a written survey of all Supervisory Board members in the fourth quarter of 2022 on the The Auditor’s Report is rendered from page 197 onward
basis of a detailed questionnaire covering the entire range of relevant Supervisory For more information on the auditor, see the Corporate Governance Report on page 178

Board topics, supplemented by individual discussions. These included, in particular,

the preparation and conduct of Supervisory Board meetings, the content and topics Beyond the statutory audit of the Financial Statements, KPMG also conducted, on
of the meetings, cooperation within the Supervisory Board and cooperation with the behalf of the Supervisory Board, a limited assurance of the Nonfinancial Statements
Board of Executive Directors and the auditor. The results of these dialogs, including (NFSs) for BASF SE and the BASF Group, which are integral parts of the respective
suggestions to further improve the Supervisory Board’s work, were presented by the management’s reports. On the basis of its audit, KPMG did not raise any objections
Chairman of the Supervisory Board at the Supervisory Board meeting on Decem- to reporting and the satisfaction of the relevant statutory requirements. The auditor
ber 15, 2022, and thoroughly discussed by the members of the Supervisory Board. also audited the Compensation Report for the 2022 reporting year established in
Overall, its members again rated the Supervisory Board’s activity as efficient. accordance with section 162 AktG, including the related disclosures.
The assurance report issued by KPMG on the substantive audit of the NFS can be found at
Independent of the efficiency review of the Supervisory Board, the Audit Committee The assurance report issued by KPMG on the audit of the Compensation Report can be found at

also conducted a self-assessment of its activities in 2022 based on individual discus-

sions between the chair of the Audit Committee and all members of the Audit The auditor’s reports were sent in a timely manner to every member of the Super­visory
­Committee. Material subjects were the organization and content of meetings, meeting Board. The auditor attended the accounts review meeting of the Audit Committee on
documents and reports, participants and quality of discussions at meetings, and the February 21, 2023, as well as the accounts meeting of the Supervisory Board on
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Report of the Supervisory Board 192

February 22, 2023, and reported on the procedure and material findings of its audit, Composition of the Supervisory Board
including the key audit matters described in the Auditor’s Report. The auditor also
provided the Supervisory Board with detailed explanations of the reports on the day The composition of the Supervisory Board changed significantly in 2022. Altogether,
before the accounts meeting. five Supervisory Board members stepped down at the end of the Annual Share­holders’
Meeting on April 29, 2022, two shareholder representatives and three employee
The Audit Committee reviewed the Financial Statements, the Management’s Report representatives. The retired shareholder representatives are Anke Schäferkordt
and the Compensation Report at its meeting on February 21, 2023, including the and Franz Fehrenbach, and the employee representatives are Denise Schellemans,
­reports prepared by the auditor and the key audit matters specified in the Auditor’s ­Waldemar Helber and Roland Strasser. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29,
Report, and discussed them in detail with the auditor. The chair of the Audit Commit- 2022, elected Alessandra Genco and Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer to the
tee gave a detailed account of the preliminary review at the Supervisory Board meeting ­Supervisory Board as new shareholder representatives. On the employee repre­sen­ta­
on February 22, 2023. On this basis, the Supervisory Board examined the Financial tive side, ­Denise Schellemans and Waldemar Helber retired and were succeeded by
Statements and Management’s Report of BASF SE for 2022, the proposal by the Peter Zaman and André Matta, the substitute members elected by the competent
Board of Executive Directors for the appropriation of profit, and the Consolidated election body in the 2019 Supervisory Board elections. The Ludwigshafen am Rhein
­Financial Statements and Management’s Report for 2022. The results of the prelimi- District Court also appointed Natalie Mühlenfeld as an employee representative on the
nary review by the Audit Committee and the results of the Supervisory Board’s own Supervisory Board by court order dated April 12, 2022. The BASF Europa Betriebsrat
examination fully concur with those of the audit. The Supervisory Board sees no ­(European Works Council) confirmed the appointment as the competent election body
grounds for objection to the management or the reports submitted. for the employees by resolution dated June 23, 2022. The mandates of all newly
­appointed Supervisory Board members run until the end of the current Supervisory
At its accounts meeting on February 22, 2023, the Supervisory Board approved the Board period, i.e., until the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2024. Following the new
Financial Statements of BASF SE and the Consolidated Financial Statements of the appointments, the Supervisory Board continues to consist of four women and
BASF Group prepared by the Board of Executive Directors, making the 2022 Financial eight men.
Statements final. The Supervisory Board concurred with the proposal of the Board of
Executive Directors regarding the appropriation of profit and the payment of a dividend According to the Supervisory Board’s assessment, the current members meet in full
of €3.40 per share. the objectives for the composition of the Supervisory Board with respect to the
­competence profile and the diversity concept. This also applies to the expertise on the
Also at the meeting on February 22, 2023, the Supervisory Board discussed with the sustainability topics important to BASF, which the Supervisory Board has recently
Board of Executive Directors the joint Compensation Report of the Board of Executive ­included in the competence profile as a further competence requirement.
Directors and the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 162 AktG and
­approved it. The Supervisory Board would like to thank its retired members – Anke Schäferkordt,
The Compensation Report is publicly available on the company’s website at Franz Fehrenbach, Denise Schellemans, Waldemar Helber and Roland Strasser – for
their dedicated and exceptionally competent service to BASF’s Supervisory Board.

Ludwigshafen, February 22, 2023

The Supervisory Board

Dr. Kurt Bock

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Declaration of Conformity Pursuant to Section 161 AktG 193

Declaration of
Conformity Pursuant to
Section 161 AktG
Declaration of Conformity 2022 of the Board of
Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board of

The Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board

of BASF SE hereby declare pursuant to section 161 AktG
(German Stock Corporation Act)

– The recommendations of the Government Commission on the

German Corporate Governance Code as amended on Decem-
ber 16, 2019, published by the Federal Ministry of Justice on
March 20, 2020, in the official section of the Federal Gazette have
been complied with since the submission of the last Declaration of
Conformity of December 2021.

– The recommendations of the Government Commission on

the German Corporate Governance Code as amended on
April 28, 2022, published by the Federal Ministry of Justice
on June 27, 2022, in the official section of the Federal Gazette
are complied with.

Ludwigshafen, December 2022

The Supervisory Board The Board of Executive Directors

BASF Report 2022 Corporate Governance – Declaration of Corporate Governance 194

Declaration of
Corporate Governance

Declaration of Corporate Governance in accordance with

section 315d HGB in connection with section 289f HGB

The Declaration of Corporate Governance, pursuant to section

315d HGB in connection with section 289f HGB, comprises the
subchapters Corporate Governance Report including the ­description
of the diversity concept for the composition of the Board of ­Executive
Directors and the Supervisory Board (except for the disclosures
pursuant to section 315a HGB), Compliance and Declaration of
Conformity as per section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act
(AktG) in the Corporate Governance chapter. It is a component of
the Management’s Report.

Pursuant to section 317(2) sentence 6 HGB, the auditor checked

that the disclosures according to section 315d HGB were made.
BASF Report 2022 195

To Our Shareholders
Management’s Report

Corporate Governance
Consolidated Financial Statements


Statement by the Board of Executive Directors  196 7 Sales revenue  227 24 Risks from litigation and claims 268
Independent Auditor’s Report  197 8 Functional costs  229 25 Other financial obligations  268
9 Other operating income and expenses 229 26 Supplementary information on financial instruments 269
Statement of Income  203
10 Investments accounted for using the equity method 27 Capital structure management and
Statement of Income and Expense Recognized and other financial assets  231 statement of cash flows  282
in Equity  204 11 Financial result  236 28 Personnel expenses and employees  284
Balance Sheet  205 12 Income taxes  237 29 Share price-based compensation programs and BASF
13 Noncontrolling interests  241 incentive share program  285
Statement of Cash Flows  207
14 Intangible assets  242 30 Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and
Statement of Changes in Equity  208
15 Property, plant and equipment  246 Supervisory Board  288
Notes 209 16 Leases  250 31 Related party transactions  288
1 Summary of accounting policies  209 17 Inventories  251 32 Services provided by the external auditor  290
2 Scope of consolidation  214 18 Receivables and miscellaneous assets  252 33 Declaration of Conformity with the German Corporate
3 Acquisitions and divestitures  216 19 Capital, reserves and retained earnings  254 Governance Code  290
4 BASF Group list of shares held pursuant to 20 Other comprehensive income  256 34 Non-adjusting events after the balance sheet date 290
section 313(2) of the German Commercial Code (HGB) 219 21 Liabilities  257
5 Reporting by segment and region  219 22 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 261
6 Earnings per share  226 23 Other provisions  266
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Statement by the Board of Executive Directors 196

Statement by the Board of Ludwigshafen am Rhein, February 22, 2023

Executive Directors
and assurance pursuant to sections 297(2)
and 315(1) of the German Commercial Code Dr. Martin Brudermüller
(HGB) Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors

The Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE is responsible for preparing the Consoli­
dated Financial Statements and Management’s Report of the BASF Group. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel
Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer
The BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements for 2022 were prepared
according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which are
­published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), London, and have
been endorsed by the European Union.
Saori Dubourg
We have established effective internal control and steering systems in order to ensure
that the BASF Group’s Management’s Report and Consolidated Financial Statements
comply with applicable accounting rules and to ensure proper corporate reporting.
Michael Heinz
The internal control and risk management system we have set up is specifically
­designed to enable the Board of E ­ xecutive Directors to identify material risks early
on and take a ­ ppropriate defensive measures as necessary. The appropriateness and
­effectiveness of the internal control and risk management system are continually Dr. Markus Kamieth
­audited throughout the Group by our Corporate Audit department.

To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable reporting rules,
the Consolidated Financial Statements of the BASF Group give a true and fair view of Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner
the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Group, and the
­Management’s Report of the BASF Group includes a fair review of the development
and performance of the business as well as position of the BASF Group, together with
a description of the principal opportunities and risks associated with the expected
development of the BASF Group.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Independent Auditor’s Report 197

Independent Auditor’s commercial law pursuant to Section 315e (1) HGB [Handels-
gesetzbuch: German Commercial Code], and, in compliance with
with the requirements of European law and German commercial and
professional law, and we have fulfilled our other German pro­fes­
Report1 these requirements, give a true and fair view of the assets,
­liabilities, and financial position of the Group as of December 31,
sional responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. In
addition, in accordance with Article 10 (2)(f) of the EU Audit Regula-
2022, and of its financial performance for the financial year from tion, we declare that we have not provided non-audit services
To BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein January 1 to December 31, 2022, and ­prohibited under Article 5 (1) of the EU Audit Regulation. We believe
– the accompanying group management report as a whole provides that the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial an appropriate view of the Group’s position. In all material provide a basis for our opinions on the consolidated financial state-
­Statements and of the Group Management Report ­respects, this group management report is consistent with the ments and on the group management report.
consolidated financial statements, complies with German legal
Opinions requirements and appropriately presents the opportunities and Key Audit Matters in the Audit of the Consolidated Financial
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of BASF SE, risks of future development. Our opinion on the group manage- Statements
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, and its subsidiaries (the Group), which ment report does not cover the content of those components of Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judg-
comprise the statement of income, statement of income and the group management report specified in the “Other Information” ment, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated
­expense recognized in equity, balance sheet, statement of cash section of the auditor’s report. The group management report ­financial statements for the financial year from January 1 to Decem-
flows and statement of changes in equity for the financial year from contains cross-references that are not required by law and which ber 31, 2022. These matters were addressed in the context of our
January 1 to December 31, 2022, and notes to the consolidated are marked as unaudited. Our audit opinion does not extend to audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in
­financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting the cross-references and the information to which the cross-­ forming our opinion thereon, we do not provide a separate opinion
policies. In addition, we have audited the group management report references refer. on these matters.
of BASF SE for the financial year from January 1 to December 31,
2022. Pursuant to Section 322 (3) sentence 1 HGB [Handelsgesetzbuch:
German Commercial Code], we declare that our audit has not led to Recoverability of goodwill
In accordance with German legal requirements, we have not audited any reservations relating to the legal compliance of the consolidated
the content of those components of the group management report financial statements and the group management report. For information on the accounting principles applied, please refer to
specified in the “Other Information” section of our auditor’s report. Note 1.4 to the consolidated financial statements from page 212.
Basis for the Opinions The underlying assumptions used in the measurement and the dis-
The group management report contains cross-references that are We conducted our audit of the consolidated financial statements closures on the impairment tests performed are included in Note 14
not required by law and which are marked as unaudited. In accor- and of the group management report in accordance with Section to the consolidated financial statements from page 242.
dance with German legal requirements, we have not audited the 317 HGB and the EU Audit Regulation No 537/2014 (referred to
cross-references and the information to which the cross-references subsequently as “EU Audit Regulation”) and in compliance with The financial statement risk
refer. German Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements of
­Audits promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer [Institute of BASF SE include goodwill in the amount of EUR 7,696 million.
In our opinion, on the basis of the knowledge obtained in the audit, Public Auditors in Germany] (IDW). Our responsibilities under those Goodwill accounts for 9.1 % of total assets and thus has a material
– the accompanying consolidated financial statements comply, in requirements and principles are further described in the “Auditor’s impact on the Parent Company’s net assets. Goodwill is tested for
all material respects, with the IFRSs as adopted by the EU, as well Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial State- impairment annually, irrespective of any indication of impairment. If
as the IFRSs in the version adopted by the International Account- ments and of the Group Management Report” section of our audi- any indications of impairment arise during the financial year, an ad
ing Standards Board and the additional requirements of German tor’s report. We are independent of the group entities in accordance hoc goodwill impairment test is also carried out during the year. The

1 This is a translation of the German original. Solely the original text in German language is authoritative.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Independent Auditor’s Report 198

goodwill impairment test involves the carrying amount being com- tion and was consistent with the current budgets adopted by the sensitivities in the event of a reasonably possible change in key
pared with the recoverable amount of each cash-generating unit. If Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board. We com- ­assumptions underlying the evaluation.
the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, an impair- pared internal growth forecasts with industry expectations and
ment loss must be recognized. The recoverable amount is the those of significant competitors and we assessed whether the Our observations
higher amount of fair value less costs to sell and value in use of the ­assumptions contained in the planning regarding the future develop- The calculation method used for impairment testing of goodwill is
cash-generating unit. ment of margins and the amount of investments were appropriate. appropriate and in line with the accounting policies to be applied.
Our review of the appropriateness of the budgets adopted by
Impairment testing of goodwill is complex and based on a number the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board also The assumptions and data of the Board of Executive Directors under-
of assumptions requiring judgment. These include the forecasts for ­included a comparison of planning in past business years with the lying the measurement are appropriate overall.
future cash inflows in the detailed planning period, the assumed results actually achieved. For selected cash-generating units, we
growth rate for subsequent periods and the cost of capital. These examined whether reasons for not reaching budgeted figures in the The disclosures in the notes on the key assumptions are appropriate.
assumptions have a material impact on the recoverability of good- past were given appropriate consideration in current planning, to the
will. The growth forecasts of the Board of Executive Directors are extent that this was relevant.
associated with risks and can be revised in light of volatile raw Recoverability of the shareholding in Wintershall Dea
­materials prices and an unstable macroeconomic environment. We assessed the appropriateness of the assumed growth rate for
the period following the detailed planning period on the basis of For information on the accounting principles applied and the under-
Based on the impairment tests conducted, the Company did not industry-­
specific and macroeconomic studies. We evaluated the lying assumptions used in the measurement, please refer to Note
identify any need to recognize impairment losses. However, the methodological appropriateness of the calculation and the appropri- 10.2 to the consolidated financial statements from page 233.
Group’s sensitivity analysis showed for the cash-generating units ateness of the weighted average cost of capital. To this end, we
Catalysts (not including Battery Materials) and Surface Treatment in calculated our own expected values for the assumptions and data The financial statement risk
the Surface Technologies segment that a reasonably possible underlying the weighted cost of capital rates and compared these In the consolidated financial statements of BASF SE, shares in
change in the cost of capital, the EBITDA margin of the last detailed with the assumptions and data used. Wintershall Dea in the amount of EUR 4,364 million are reported
planning year or the long-term growth rate would reduce the under non-integral investments accounted for using the equity
­respective value to the recoverable amount. To assess the methodically and mathematically correct implementa- method. The shareholding in Wintershall Dea accounts for 5.2 % of
tion of the valuation method for the cash-generating units Catalysts total assets and thus has a material influence on the Group’s net
There is the risk for the consolidated financial statements that any (not including Battery Materials) and Surface Treatment in the assets.
existing impairment as at the reporting date was not identified. In ­Surface Technologies segment, we verified the Company’s mea-
addition, there is a risk that the disclosures in the notes on the key surement using our own calculations and analyzed deviations. If there are indicators for an impairment of an equity-accounted
assumptions are not appropriate. invest­ment, the Company determines the recoverable amount as of
In order to take forecast uncertainty into account, we examined the reporting date and compares this with the carrying amount. The
Our audit approach the impact of potential changes in the cost of capital, the EBITDA recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and
With the involvement of our valuation specialists, we assessed, ­margin of the last detailed planning year or the long-term growth the value in use of the investment. The higher value in use deter-
among other things, the appropriateness of the key assumptions as rate on the recoverable amount by evaluating alternative scenarios mined for the investment as recoverable amount is determined using
well as the Group’s methods of calculation. as calculated by the Company (sensitivity analysis). the discounted cash flow method. If the carrying amount exceeds
the recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized.
We examined the forecast for the expected business and earnings Finally, we assessed whether the disclosures in the notes on the key
development and the resulting cash flows in the detailed planning assumptions are appropriate. This also included an assessment of The determination of the recoverable amount of the investment in
period, in particular with respect to whether the expected develop- the appropriateness of the disclosures pursuant to IAS 36.134(f) on the Wintershall Dea is complex and based on assumptions requiring
ment of the relevant sales markets was given appropriate consid­era­ judgment. These include, in particular, the distinction between
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Independent Auditor’s Report 199

cash-generating units for accounting purposes, the assessment of petitors, analysts, international institutions and other market The other information also includes the remaining parts of the ­annual
the increasingly restricted influence on the investments in Russia, ­participants. report. The other information does not include the consolidated
including due to government interventions, as well as the estimates financial statements, the group management report information
of long-term oil and gas prices, the forecast production volumes of With the involvement of our valuation specialists, we also satisfied ­audited for content and our auditor’s report thereon.
Wintershall Dea’s oil and gas fields based on expected license terms ourselves of the methodological appropriateness of the calculation
and production profiles, and the cost of capital. and the appropriateness of the weighted average cost of capital. We Our opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the
compared the assumptions and data underlying the capital costs, in group management report do not cover the other information, and
There is the risk for the consolidated financial statements that a particular the risk-free rate, the market risk premium and the beta consequently we do not express an opinion or any other form of
­decline in the value of the investment as of the balance sheet date factor with our own assumptions and publicly available data. assurance conclusion thereon.
was not identified. There is also the risk that the related disclosures
in the notes are not appropriate. In order to assess the accuracy of the measurement of the invest- In connection with our audit, our responsibility is to read the other
ment in Wintershall Dea, we verified selected calculations taking into information and, in so doing, to consider whether the other
Our audit approach account risk-based considerations. ­information
We obtained an understanding of the Company’s process for the – is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial state-
identification of indications of impairment as well as for the determi- Finally, we assessed whether the disclosures in the notes on the ments, with the group management report information audited for
nation of the recoverable amount based on explanations provided recoverability of the investment in Wintershall Dea are appropriate. content or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or
by the staff in accounting. In doing so, we assessed, among other – otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
things, whether the calculation of the recoverable amount of the Our observations
invest­ment in Wintershall Dea was consistent with the relevant The underlying calculation method for the impairment test of the If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is
­accounting principles and whether the key assumptions made for ­investment in Wintershall Dea is appropriate and consistent with the a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to
this calculation were appropriate. applicable accounting principles. report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

To assess whether the IFRS criteria for control or significant influ- The Company’s assumptions and data underlying the measurement Responsibilities of the Board of Executive Directors and the
ence regarding Wintershall Dea’s Russian investments have been are appropriate. The related disclosures in the notes are appropriate. Supervisory Board for the Consolidated Financial
fulfilled, we gained an understanding of the Russian government’s ­Statements and the Group Management Report
decrees, inspected the correspondence with the co-owners and The Board of Executive Directors is responsible for the preparation
evaluated the accounting decision based on this at the level of Other Information of consolidated financial statements that comply, in all material
Wintershall Dea. ­respects, with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, as well as the IFRSs in
The Board of Executive Directors and/or the Supervisory Board are the version adopted by the International Accounting Standards
We discussed the projected development of production volumes responsible for the other information. The other information com- Board and the additional requirements of German commercial law
and oil and gas prices with the persons responsible for planning. We prises the following components of the group management report, pursuant to Section 315e (1) HGB, and that the consolidated finan-
evaluated the production profiles used to measure the assets of the whose content was not audited: cial statements, in compliance with these requirements, give a true
exploration and production business assets, while taking into – the components of the integrated non-financial statement, which and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position, and financial
­account assessments by experts contracted by Wintershall Dea. In are marked as unaudited performance of the Group. In addition, the Board of Executive Direc-
order to assess its suitability as a basis for calculation, we had the oil – the corporate governance statement included in the Corporate tors is responsible for such internal control as it has determined
and gas price scenario used by the Company explained to us. To Governance section of the group management report, and necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial state-
assess its appropriateness, we compared the oil and gas price – information extraneous to management reports and marked as ments that are free from material misstatement, whether due to
scenario used by BASF with the published expectations of com­ unaudited. fraud (i.e., fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of
­assets) or error.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Independent Auditor’s Report 200

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Board of Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a are required to draw attention in the auditor’s report to the
Executive Directors is responsible for assessing the Group’s ability guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Section 317 ­related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements and
to continue as a going concern. They also have the responsibility for HGB and the EU Audit Regulation and in compliance with German in the group management report or, if such disclosures are
disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern. In addi- Generally Accepted Standards for Financial Statement Audits pro- inade­quate, to modify our respective opinions. Our conclusions
tion, they are responsible for financial reporting based on the going mulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW) will always are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
concern basis of accounting unless there is an intention to liquidate ­detect a material misstatement. Misstatements can arise from fraud auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause
the Group or to cease operations, or there is no realistic alternative or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggre- the Group to cease to be able to continue as a going concern.
but to do so. gate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic – Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the
decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures,
Furthermore, the Board of Executive Directors is responsible for the statements and this group management report. and whether the consolidated financial statements present the
preparation of a group management report that, as a whole, pro- underlying transactions and events in a manner that the consoli­
vides an appropriate view of the Group’s position and is, in all mate- We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skep- dated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets,
rial respects, consistent with the consolidated financial statements, ticism throughout the audit. We also: liabilities, financial position and financial performance of the
complies with German legal requirements, and appropriately – Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the Group in compliance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, as
presents the opportunities and risks of future development. In
­ consolidated financial statements and of the group management well as the IFRSs in the version adopted by the International
­addition, the Board of Executive Directors is responsible for such report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit ­Accounting Standards Board and the additional requirements of
arrangements and measures (systems) as they have considered procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence German commercial law pursuant to Section 315e (1) HGB.
necessary to enable the preparation of a group management report that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opin- – Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the finan-
that is in accordance with the applicable German legal requirements, ions. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting cial information of the entities or business activities within the
and to be able to provide sufficient appropriate evidence for the from fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting a material Group to express opinions on the consolidated financial state-
­assertions in the group management report. misstatement resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, ments and on the group management report. We are responsi-
forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the over- ble for the direction, supervision and performance of the group
The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the Group’s ride of internal controls. audit. We remain solely responsible for our opinions.
­financial reporting process for the preparation of the consolidated – Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit – Evaluate the consistency of the group management report
financial statements and of the group management report. of the consolidated financial statements and of arrangements with the consolidated financial statements, its conformity with
and measures (systems) relevant to the audit of the group man- ­[German] law, and the view of the Group’s position it provides.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated agement report in order to design audit procedures that are – Perform audit procedures on the prospective information
Financial Statements and of the Group Management Report appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of pre­­­
­ s­ented by the Board of Executive Directors in the group
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of these systems. management report. On the basis of sufficient appropriate audit
the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from – Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used by the evidence we evaluate, in particular, the significant assumptions
­material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and whether Board of Executive Directors and the reasonableness of esti- used by the Board of Executive Directors as a basis for the
the group management report as a whole provides an appropriate mates made by the Board of Executive Directors and related prospective information, and evaluate the proper derivation of
view of the Group’s position and, in all material respects, is consis- disclosures. the prospective information from these assumptions. We do not
tent with the consolidated financial statements and the knowledge – Conclude on the appropriateness of the Board of Executive express a separate opinion on the prospective information and
obtained in the audit, complies with the German legal requirements ­Directors’ use of the going concern basis of accounting and, on the assump­tions used as a basis. There is a substantial
and appropriately presents the opportunities and risks of future based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material ­unavoidable risk that future events will differ materially from the
­development, as well as to issue an auditor’s report that includes our ­uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast prospective information.
opinions on the consolidated financial statements and on the group significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going
management report. concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Independent Auditor’s Report 201

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, management report into the ESEF format and therefore relates enable the preparation of ESEF documents that are free from
among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and ­neither to the information contained in these renderings nor to any material intentional or unintentional non-compliance with the
significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in other information contained in the file identified above. ­requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB for the electronic reporting
­internal control that we identify during our audit. format.
In our opinion, the rendering of the consolidated financial statements
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement and the group management report contained in the electronic file The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the process of
that we have complied with the relevant independence require- made available, identified above and prepared for publication pur- preparing the ESEF documents as part of the financial reporting
ments, and communicate with them all relationships and other poses complies in all material respects with the requirements of process.
matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our indepen- Section 328 (1) HGB for the electronic reporting format. Beyond this
dence, and where applicable, the actions taken or safeguards assurance opinion and our audit opinion on the accompanying Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
­applied to eliminate independence threats. consolidated financial statements and the accompanying group ESEF documents are free from material intentional or unintentional
management report for the financial year from January 1 to Decem- non-compliance with the requirements of Section 328 (1) HGB. We
From the matters communicated with those charged with gover- ber 31, 2022 contained in the “Report on the Audit of the Consoli- exercise professional judgement and maintain professional
nance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in dated Financial Statements and the Group Management Report” ­scepticism throughout the assurance work. We also:
the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current above, we do not express any assurance opinion on the information – Identify and assess the risks of material intentional or uninten­
­period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these contained within these renderings or on the other information con- tional non-compliance with the requirements of Section 328 (1)
matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes tained in the file identified above. HGB, design and perform assurance procedures responsive to
public disclosure about the matter. those risks, and obtain assurance evidence that is sufficient and
We conducted our assurance work on the rendering of the con­ appropriate to provide a basis for our assurance opinion.
solidated financial statements and the group management report – Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the
Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements contained in the file made available and identified above in accor- ­assurance on the ESEF documents in order to design assurance
dance with Section 317 (3a) HGB and the IDW Assurance Standard: procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for
Report on the Assurance on the Electronic Rendering of the ­Assurance Work on the Electronic Rendering of Financial State- the purpose of expressing an assurance opinion on the effective-
Consolidated Financial Statements and the Group Manage-
­ ments and Management Reports Prepared for Publication Purposes ness of these controls.
ment Report Prepared for Publication Purposes in Accordance in Accordance with Section 317 (3a) HGB (IDW AsS 410 (06.2022)). – Evaluate the technical validity of the ESEF documents, i.e.
with Section 317 (3a) HGB Our responsibility in accordance therewith is further described ­whether the file made available containing the ESEF documents
­below. Our audit firm applies the IDW Standard on Quality Manage- meets the requirements of the Delegated Regulation (EU)
We have performed assurance work in accordance with Section ment 1: Requirements for Quality Management in Audit Firms 2019/815, as amended as at the reporting date, on the technical
317 (3a) HGB to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the (IDW QS 1). specification for this electronic file.
rendering of the consolidated financial statements and the group – Evaluate whether the ESEF documents provide an XHTML
management report (hereinafter the “ESEF documents”) contained The Company’s Board of Executive Directors is responsible for the rendering with content equivalent to the audited consolidated
in the electronic file „“ (SHA256- preparation of the ESEF documents including the electronic render- ­financial statements and the audited group management report.
hash value: 9039e1d9b85b8fc3ffc4bcfa42d4785835ebea74588 ing of the consolidated financial statements and the group manage- – Evaluate whether the tagging of the ESEF documents with Inline
d4d1c387c8c37797d6032) made available and prepared for publi- ment report in accordance with Section 328 (1) sentence 4 item 1 XBRL technology (iXBRL) in accordance with the requirements of
cation purposes complies in all material respects with the require- HGB and for the tagging of the consolidated financial statements in Articles 4 and 6 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815, as
ments of Section 328 (1) HGB for the electronic reporting format accordance with Section 328 (1) sentence 4 item 2 HGB. amended as at the reporting date, enables an appropriate and
(“ESEF format”). In accordance with German legal requirements, this complete machine-readable XBRL copy of the XHTML rendering.
assurance work extends only to the conversion of the information In addition, the company’s Board of Executive Directors is responsi-
contained in the consolidated financial statements and the group ble for such internal control that they have considered necessary to
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Independent Auditor’s Report 202

Further Information pursuant to Article 10 of the EU Audit Information on the Supplementary Audit German Public Auditor Responsible for the Engagement
We were elected as group auditor at the Annual General Meeting on We issue this opinion on the consolidated financial statements and The German Public Auditor responsible for the engagement is
April 29, 2022. We were engaged by the Chair of the Audit the group management report as well as for the electronic rendering Dr. Axel Thümler.
Committee on November 16, 2022. We have been the group
­ of the consolidated financial statements and the group management
­auditor of BASF SE without interruption since financial year 2006. report presented to us for audit for the first time, contained in the
provided electronic file „“ (SHA256-
We declare that the opinions expressed in this auditor’s report hash value: 9039e1d9b85b8fc3ffc4bcfa42d4785835ebea74588 Frankfurt am Main, February 21, 2023, limited to the assessment
are consistent with the additional report to the Audit Committee d4d1c387c8c37797d6032) and prepared for publication purposes, of the ESEF documents specified in the information on the
­pursuant to Article 11 of the EU Audit Regulation (long-form audit based on our audit duly completed on February 21, 2023, and our ­supplementary audit: March 14, 2023
report). supplementary audit completed on March 14, 2023, which relates
to the first-time submission of the ESEF documents.

Other matter – Use of the Auditor´s Report KPMG AG

Our auditor´s report must always be read together with the audited [Original German version signed by:]
consolidated financial statements and the audited group manage-
ment report as well as the examined ESEF documents. The con­
solidated financial statements and group management report
converted to the ESEF format – including the versions to be
­published in the German Federal Gazette [Bundesanzeiger] – are Sailer
merely electronic renderings of the audited consolidated financial Wirtschaftsprüfer
statements and the audited group management report and do not [German Public Auditor]
take their place. In particular, the ESEF report and our assurance
opinion contained therein are to be used solely together with the
examined ESEF documents made available in electronic form.

Dr. Thümler
[German Public Auditor]
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Statement of Income 203

Statement of Income
BASF Group
Statement of income
Million €
Explanations in Note 2022 2021
Sales revenue [7] 87,327 78,598
Cost of sales [8] −66,260 −58,801
Gross profit on sales 21,067 19,797

Selling expenses [8] −9,613 −8,414

General administrative expenses [8] −1,520 −1,408
Research and development expenses [8] −2,298 −2,216
Other operating income [9] 1,808 1,894
Other operating expenses [9] −3,283 −2,650
Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method [10] 386 675
Income from operations [5] 6,548 7,677

Income from non-integral companies accounted for using the equity method [10] −4,885 285
Income from other shareholdings 34 47
Expenses from other shareholdings −89 −125
Net income from shareholdings −4,939 207

Interest income 196 168

Interest expenses −629 −482
Interest result −433 −314
Other financial income 182 94
Other financial expenses −168 −215
Other financial result 15 −122
Financial result [11] −418 −436

Income before income taxes 1,190 7,448

Income taxes [12] −1,581 −1,430
Income after taxes from continuing operations −391 6,018
Income after taxes from discontinued operations − −36
Income after taxes −391 5,982
of which attributable to shareholders of BASF SE (net income) −627 5,523
of which attributable to noncontrolling interests [13] 236 459

Earnings per share from continuing operations (€) [6] –0.70 6.05
Earnings per share from discontinued operations (€) [6] − –0.04
Earnings per share (€) [6] –0.70 6.01
Dilution effect (€) [6] − –0.01
Diluted earnings per share (€) [6] –0.70 6.00
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Statement of Income and Expense Recognized in Equity 204

Statement of Income and Expense Recognized in Equity

BASF Group
Statement of comprehensive incomea
Million €
2022 2021

Income after taxes –391 5,982

Remeasurement of defined benefit plansb 3,758 3,476

Deferred taxes on the remeasurement of defined benefit plans –1,256 –811

Investments accounted for using the equity method – share of nonreclassifiable gains/losses (after taxes) 83 44

Nonreclassifiable gains/losses 2,586 2,709

Unrealized gains/losses in connection with cash flow hedges 510 284

Reclassification of realized gains/losses recognized in the statement of income in connection with cash flow hedges –455 –222

Unrealized gains/losses from currency translation 565 1,566

Reclassification of realized gains/losses from currency translation recognized in the statement of income – 52

Deferred taxes on reclassifiable gains/losses –15 –29

Investments accounted for using the equity method – share of reclassifiable gains/losses (after taxes) 604 313

Reclassifiable gains/losses 1,209 1,964

Other comprehensive income after taxes 3,794 4,673

of which attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 3,788 4,583

attributable to noncontrolling interests 6 90

Comprehensive income 3,403 10,655

of which attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 3,161 10,106

attributable to noncontrolling interests 242 549

a For more information on other comprehensive income, see Note 20 on page 256 of the Notes
b For more information on the remeasurement of defined benefit plans, see Note 22 from page 261 onward
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Balance Sheet 205

Balance Sheet
BASF Group
Million €
Explanations in Note December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Intangible assets [14] 13,273 13,499

Property, plant and equipment [15] 22,967 21,553

Integral investments accounted for using the equity method [10] 2,356 2,540

Non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method [10] 4,645 9,843

Other financial assets [10] 1,120 575

Deferred tax assets [12] 880 2,600

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets [18] 1,810 1,722

Noncurrent assets 47,050 52,332

Inventories [17] 16,028 13,868

Accounts receivable, trade [18] 12,055 11,942

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets [18] 6,591 5,568

Marketable securities 232 208

Cash and cash equivalentsa [27] 2,516 2,624

Assets of disposal groups [3] − 840

Current assets 37,422 35,051

Total assets 84,472 87,383

a For a reconciliation of the amounts in the statement of cash flows with the balance sheet item cash and cash equivalents, see page 207
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Balance Sheet 206

Equity and liabilities

Million €
Explanations in Note December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Subscribed capital [19] 1,144 1,176

Capital reserves [19] 3,147 3,106

Retained earnings [19] 35,453 40,365

Other comprehensive income [20] –171 –3,855

Equity attributable to shareholders of BASF SE 39,573 40,792

Noncontrolling interests [13] 1,350 1,289

Equity 40,923 42,081

Provisions for pensions and similar obligations [22] 2,810 6,160

Deferred tax liabilities [12] 1,543 1,499

Tax provisions 330 415

Other provisions [23] 1,650 1,782

Financial indebtedness [21] 15,171 13,764

Other liabilities [21] 1,606 1,600

Noncurrent liabilities 23,110 25,220

Accounts payable, trade [21] 8,434 7,826

Provisions [23] 3,799 3,935

Tax liabilities [12] 995 1,161

Financial indebtedness [21] 3,844 3,420

Other liabilities [21] 3,368 3,679

Liabilities of disposal groups [3] − 61

Current liabilities 20,440 20,081

Total equity and liabilities 84,472 87,383

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Statement of Cash Flows 207

Statement of Cash Flows

BASF Group
Statement of cash flowsa
Million €
2022 2021

Net income –627 5,523

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 4,200 3,687
Changes in inventories –1,991 –3,304
Changes in receivables 2,145 –1,272
Changes in operating liabilities and other provisions –786 3,010
Changes in pension provisions, defined benefit assets and other items 4,768 213
Gains (–) / losses (+) from the disposal of noncurrent assets and securities –1 –611
Cash flows from operating activities 7,709 7,245

Payments made for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets –4,375 –3,532
Payments made for financial assets and securities –1,273 –994
Payments made for acquisitions –13 –600
Payments received for divestitures 691 1,030
Payments received from the disposal of noncurrent assets and securities 1,192 1,474
Cash flows from investing activities –3,778 –2,622

Capital increases/repayments and other equity transactions –1,331 −

Additions to financial and similar liabilities 10,896 7,627
Repayment of financial and similar liabilities –10,330 –10,772
Dividends paid
To shareholders of BASF SE –3,072 –3,031
noncontrolling interests –176 –281
Cash flows from financing activities –4,013 –6,457
Cash-effective changes in cash and cash equivalents –83 –1,834

Changes in cash and cash equivalents

From foreign exchange rates –19 131

changes in the scope of consolidation –6 –7

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 2,624 4,335
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 2,516 2,624

a The statement of cash flows is explained in the Management’s Report (Financial Position) on page 65.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Statement of Changes in Equity 208

Statement of Changes in Equity

BASF Group
Statement of changes in equitya
Million €
Remeasure- Equity
ment of Measurement Other com- attributable to Non-
Subscribed Capital Retained defined Currency of securities Cash flow prehensive shareholders controlling
capital reserves earnings benefit plans translation at fair value hedges incomeb of BASF SE ­interests Equity

As of January 1, 2022 1,176 3,106 40,365 –3,793 406 5 –472 –3,855 40,792 1,289 42,081

Treasury shares –32 32 –1,325 – – – – – –1,325 – –1,325

Dividends paid – – –3,072 – – – – – –3,072 –176c –3,248

Income after taxes – – –627 – – – – – –627 236 –391

Other comprehensive income after taxes – – – 2,586 1,135 –16 84 3,788 3,788 6 3,794

Gains and losses on cash flow hedges and hedging costs, eliminated
– – – – – – –116 –116 –116 – –116
from other comprehensive income not affecting profit and loss

Changes in scope of consolidation and other changes – 9d 113 – – 12 – 12 134 –6 128

As of December 31, 2022 1,144 3,147 35,453 –1,207 1,540 0 –504 –171 39,573 1,350 40,923

Statement of changes in equitya

Million €
Remeasure- Equity
ment of Measurement Other com- attributable to Non-
Subscribed Capital Retained defined Currency of securities Cash flow prehensive shareholders controlling
capital reserves earnings benefit plans translation at fair value hedges incomeb of BASF SE ­interests Equity

As of January 1, 2021 1,176 3,115 37,911 –6,538 –1,800 7 –143 –8,474 33,728 670 34,398

Dividends paid – – –3,031 – – – – – –3,031 –281c –3,312

Income after taxes – – 5,523 – – – – – 5,523 459 5,982

Other comprehensive income after taxes – – – 2,709 2,205 –2 –329 4,583 4,583 90 4,673

Changes in scope of consolidation and other changes – –10d –37 36 – – – 36 –11 351 340

As of December 31, 2021 1,176 3,106 40,365 –3,793 406 5 –472 –3,855 40,792 1,289 42,081

a For more information on the items relating to equity, see Notes 19 and 20 from page 254 onward
b Details are provided in the Statement of Income and Expense Recognized in Equity on page 204.
c Including profit and loss transfers
d Valuation adjustment BASF “plus” share program
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 209

Notes The Consolidated Financial Statements of BASF SE as of Decem-

ber 31, 2022, have been prepared in accordance with the Inter­
The individual financial statements of the consolidated companies
are prepared as of the balance sheet date of the Consolidated
national Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) of the International ­Financial Statements. Business continuity is assumed. The account-
1 Summary of accounting policies ­Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and section 315e (1) of the ing policies applied are largely the same as those used in 2021.
German Commercial Code (HGB). IFRSs are generally only applied For more information, see Note 1.3 from page 211 onward and Note 10 from page 231 onward
after they have been endorsed by the European Union. For the 2022
fiscal year, all of the binding IFRSs and pronouncements of the On February 21, 2023, the Board of Executive Directors prepared
1.1 General information ­International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) the Consolidated Financial Statements, submitted them to the
were applied. The Consolidated Financial Statements are for the ­Supervisory Board for review and approval, and released them for
BASF SE (registered at the district trade register, or Amtsgericht, for period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and are publication.
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, number HRB 6000) is a publicly listed ­presented in euros. They are written in German and translated into
corporation headquartered in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany. Its English. All amounts, including the figures for previous years, are
official address is Carl-Bosch-Str. 38, 67056 Ludwigshafen am given in million euros unless otherwise indicated. Due to rounding,
Rhein, Germany. individual figures in this report may not add up to the totals shown
and percentages may not correspond exactly to the figures shown.

1.2 Changes in accounting principles

Accounting policies applied for the first time in 2022 Accounting policies applied for the first time in 2022

Name of standard/interpretation Date of endorsement

The amendments shown in the table had no material effect on Standard/interpretation or amendments Date of publication by the E.U.
BASF SE’s Consolidated Financial Statements. Amendments to IFRS 3 Business Combinations May 14, 2020 June 28, 2021
(Amendment to References to the Conceptual Framework)

Amendments to IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment (Proceeds before Intended Use) May 14, 2020 June 28, 2021

Amendments to IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets May 14, 2020 June 28, 2021
(Onerous Contracts – Cost of Fulfilling a Contract)

Annual improvements to Amendments to May 14, 2020 June 28, 2021

IFRS 2018–2020 IFRS 1 (Subsidiary as a First-Time Adopter)
IFRS 9 (Fees in the “10% Test” for Derecognition of
Financial ­Liabilities)
IFRS 16 (Lease Incentives)
IAS 41 (Taxation in Fair Value Measurements)
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 210

IFRSs and IFRICs not yet to be considered but already IFRSs and IFRICs not yet to be considered but already endorsed by the E.U.
­endorsed by the E.U.
Date of endorsement Mandatory date of
Standard/interpretation Name of standard/interpretation or amendments Date of publication by the E.U. ­initial application
The effects on the BASF Group financial statements of the IFRSs Introduction of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts May 18, 2017 November 19, 2021 January 1, 2023
and IFRICs not yet in force in 2022 but already endorsed by the (Including Amendments to the Standard) June 25, 2020
Amendments to IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (Initial Application of IFRS 17 and December 9, 2021 September 8, 2022
European Union were reviewed. The amendments to IAS 12, which IFRS 9 – Comparative Information)
serve to clarify how companies account for deferred taxes on
Amendments to IAS 1 and Presentation of Financial Statements and February 12, 2021 March 2, 2022 January 1, 2023
­transactions such as leases and decommissioning obligations, are IFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements (Presentation of Key
­Accounting Policies)
­already being applied in BASF’s financial statements. Transactions
within the scope of application of IFRS 17 were identified for BASF Amendments to IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates February 12, 2021 March 2, 2022 January 1, 2023
and Errors (Definition of Changes in Accounting Policies
to a minor extent only. The other amendments are also unlikely to and Accounting Estimates)
have a material impact on the reporting of BASF and were not
Amendments to IAS 12 Income Taxes (Deferred Tax Related to Assets and May 7, 2021 August 11, 2022 January 1, 2023
­adopted early. ­Liabilities Arising from a Single Transaction)

IFRSs and IFRICs not yet to be considered and not yet IFRSs and IFRICs not yet to be considered and not yet endorsed by the E.U.
­endorsed by the E.U.
Name of standard/interpretation Expected date of initial
Standard/interpretation or amendments Date of publication ­application
The IASB issued further amendments to standards and Amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements January 1, 2024
­ pretations which are still subject to E.U. endorsement and – Classification of Liabilities as Current or Noncurrent January 23, 2020
– Deferral of Effective Date July 15, 2020
whose application is not yet mandatory. None of these amendments – Classification of Noncurrent Liabilities with Covenants October 31, 2022
are likely to have a material impact on BASF’s reporting. BASF does
Amendments to IFRS 16 Leases (Accounting of a Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback) September 22, 2022 January 1, 2024
not plan on early adoption of these amendments.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 211

1.3 Group accounting principles In addition to BASF SE, the Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidation methods: Assets and liabilities of consolidated
include all material subsidiaries on a fully consolidated and all
­ companies are uniformly recognized and measured in accordance
Scope of consolidation: The scope of consolidation is based on material joint operations on a proportionally consolidated basis.
­ with the principles described herein. For companies accounted for
the application of the standards IFRS 10 and 11. Companies whose business is dormant or of low volume, and are of using the equity method, material deviations in measurement­
minor importance for the presentation of a true and fair view of the ­resulting from the application of other accounting principles than
According to IFRS 10, a group consists of a parent entity and the net assets, financial position and results of operations, are not those applied by BASF are a ­ djusted.
subsidiaries controlled by the parent. “Control” of an investee ­consolidated, but rather are reported under other shareholdings.
­assumes the simultaneous fulfillment of the following three criteria: These companies are carried at amortized cost and are written Transactions between consolidated companies as well as
– The parent company holds decision-making power over the down in the case of an impairment. The aggregate assets and e­ quity inter­
­ company profits resulting from trade between consolidated
­relevant activities of the investee of these companies amount to less than 1% of the corresponding ­companies are eliminated in full. Sales and material other balances
– The parent company has rights to variable returns from the value at Group level. and transactions between joint operations and fully consolidated
­investee Group companies are also eliminated. Material intercompany profits
– The parent company can use its decision-making power to affect Joint ventures and associated companies are accounted for using related to companies accounted for using the equity method are
the variable returns the equity method in the Consolidated Financial Statements. eliminated.
­Associated companies are entities that are not subsidiaries, joint
Fulfillment of these three criteria is analyzed based on the corporate ventures or joint operations, and over whose operating and financial Capital consolidation is conducted at the acquisition date according
governance structure of the companies. policies significant influence can be exercised. In general, this to the purchase method. Initially, all assets, liabilities and additional
­applies to companies in which BASF has an investment of between intangible assets that are to be capitalized are measured at fair value
According to IFRS 11, which regulates the accounting of joint 20% and 50%. Associated companies and joint ventures that are regardless of the scope of any noncontrolling interests. Subse-
­arrangements, a distinction must be made between joint ventures fully or predominantly allocated to operating divisions are classified quently, the cost of acquiring the company is compared with the
and joint operations. In the case of a joint venture, the parties that as integral because they are integrated into the value chain of the proportional share of the fair value of the net assets acquired. The
have joint control of a legally independent company have rights to respective division; are controlled by the divisions; and they g
­ enerate resulting positive differences are capitalized as goodwill. Negative
the net assets of that arrangement. In joint operations, the parties their income in close cooperation with the other assets of the BASF differences are reviewed once more, then recognized directly in the
that have joint control have direct rights to the assets and obligations Group and/or of these divisions. Equity-accounted income from income statement.
for the liabilities relating to the arrangement. This requirement is ­integral joint ventures or associated companies is reported as part of
particularly fulfilled if the production output of the joint arrangement income from operations (EBIT). Noncontrolling interests are measured at fair value at the date of
is almost entirely transferred to the partners, through which the acquisition proportional to the assets acquired and liabilities
partners guarantee the joint arrangements’ ongoing financing. Equity-accounted income from non-integral associated companies ­assumed (partial goodwill method).
is reported in net income from shareholdings.
Companies whose corporate governance structures classify them For more information, see Note 10 from page 231 onward The incidental acquisition costs of a business combination are
as joint arrangements are analyzed to determine if they meet the ­recognized in the income statement under other operating ­expenses.
criteria for joint ventures or joint operations in accordance with For more information, see Note 13 on page 241
IFRS 11. Should the arrangement be structured through a separate
vehicle, its legal form, contractual arrangements and all other facts
and circumstances are reviewed.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 212

Foreign currency translation: The cost of assets acquired in Selected exchange rates Groups of assets and liabilities held for sale (disposal groups):
EUR 1 equals
­foreign currencies and revenue from sales in foreign currencies are These comprise those assets and directly associated liabilities
Closing rates Average rates
determined by the exchange rate on the date the transaction is shown separately on the balance sheet whose sale in the context of
Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
recognized. Foreign currency receivables and liabilities are valued at 2022 2021 2022 2021
a single transaction is highly probable. A transaction is assumed to
the exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Changes in assets Brazil (BRL) 5.64 6.31 5.44 6.38
be highly probable if there are no significant risks of completion of
and liabilities arising from foreign currency translation are recognized China (CNY) 7.36 7.19 7.08 7.63 the transaction, which usually requires the conclusion of binding
in the income statement and reported under other operating income Japan (JPY) 140.66 130.38 138.03 129.88 contracts. The assets and liabilities of disposal groups are recog-
or expenses, other financial result, and in the case of financial assets Malaysia (MYR) 4.70 4.72 4.63 4.90 nized at the lower of the sum of their carrying amounts or fair value
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, in Mexico (MXN) 20.86 23.14 21.19 23.99 less costs to sell; this does not apply to assets that do not fall under
Switzerland (CHF) 0.98 1.03 1.00 1.08
other comprehensive income. the valuation principles of IFRS 5. Depreciation of noncurrent assets
South Korea (KRW) 1,344.09 1,346.38 1,358.07 1,354.06
United States (USD) 1.07 1.13 1.05 1.18
and the use of the equity method are suspended.
Translation of foreign currency financial statements: The United Kingdom (GBP) 0.89 0.84 0.85 0.86 For more information, see Note 3 from page 216 onward
­translation of foreign currency financial statements depends on the
functional currency of the consolidated companies. For companies
whose functional currency is not the euro, translation into the 1.4 Accounting policies
­reporting currency is based on the closing rate method: Balance
sheet items are translated into euros using closing rates on the The accounting policies for the individual items in the balance sheet
­balance sheet date; expenses and income are translated into euros and the income statement are presented in the respective ­sections
at monthly average rates and accumulated for the year. The of the Notes.
­difference between a company’s equity translated at historical rates
at the time of acquisition or retention and its equity translated at Business combinations: In business combinations, the acquired
closing rates on the ­balance sheet date is reported under other assets and liabilities are recognized at fair value on the date the
comprehensive income (translation adjustments) and is recognized ­acquirer effectively obtains control. The fair value of acquired assets
in the income statement only upon the disposal of the company or and assumed liabilities at the date of acquisition, as well as the
a foreign ­business. useful lives of the acquired assets, are largely based on projected
cash flows. Actual cash flows can deviate significantly from those.
For certain companies outside the eurozone or U.S. dollar zone, the Independent external appraisals are typically used for the purchase
euro or U.S. dollar is the functional currency. In such cases, financial price allocation of material business combinations. Valuations in the
statements prepared in the local currency are translated into the course of business combinations are based on existing information
functional currency using the temporal method: All nonmonetary as of the acquisition date.
assets and related depreciation and amortization as well as equity
are translated at the exchange rate applying to the respective
transactions. All other balance sheet items are translated using
closing rates on the balance sheet date; other expenses and income
are translated at monthly average rates. The resulting translation
differences are recognized in the income statement under other
operating income or expenses. If necessary, financial statements in
the functional currency are translated into the presentation currency
according to the closing rate method.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 213

Use of estimates and assumptions in preparing the value less costs to sell and the value in use. As a rule, value in use is Climate and sustainability-related developments: The chemical
­Consolidated Financial Statements determined using the discounted cash flow method. The estimation industry is resource-intensive. BASF is committed to the Paris
of cash flows and the assumptions used consider all information ­Climate Agreement: Using resources as efficiently and responsibly
The carrying amount of assets, liabilities and provisions, contingent available on the respective balance sheet date on the future as possible and the concept of a circular economy are firmly
liabilities and other financial obligations reported in the Consolidated ­development of the operating business. Actual future developments ­embedded in BASF’s strategy and its actions. BASF pursues clearly
Financial Statements depends on the use of estimates, assumptions may vary. Impairment testing relies upon the cash-generating unit’s defined goals to reduce CO2 as well regarding the use of renewable
and discretionary scope. Specific estimates or assumptions used in long-term earnings forecasts, which are based on macroeconomic and recycled raw materials. In this context, BASF always strives to
individual accounting or valuation methods are disclosed in their trends. In light of the war in Ukraine, appropriate consideration is employ raw materials more efficiently and improve production
respective sections of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial
­ being given to a scenario in which Russia permanently cuts off the ­processes as well as to continually seek ways to use non-fossil,
Statements. They are based on the circumstances and estimates on gas supply which leads to negative impacts on production and sales renewable or recycled feedstocks. Despite the current global
the balance sheet date and thus affect the amounts of income and planning as a result of considerable price increases on the energy ­political situation, the path to climate neutrality is resolutely being
expenses shown for the reporting periods presented. These and raw materials markets. The weighted average cost of capital pursued. For this reason, current developments and measures
assumptions primarily relate to the determination of discounted
­ (WACC) based on the capital asset pricing model plays an important relating to climate change and sustainability do not lead to
cash flows in the context of impairment tests and purchase price role in impairment testing. It comprises a risk-free interest rate, the ­fundamentally changed expectations with regard to useful lives or
allocations; the useful lives of depreciable property, plant and market risk premium and an industry-specific spread for the credit recoverability of the majority of noncurrent assets. There is also no
equipment and intangible assets; the carrying amount of
­ risk. Additional important assumptions are the forecasts for the material need for adjustments to provisions for environmental and
­shareholdings; and the measurement of provisions for items such as ­detailed planning period and the terminal growth rates used. Fair restoration obligations. In individual cases, however, plants may be
employee benefits, warranties, trade discounts, environmental value less costs to sell must be determined for the impairment test shut down if necessary for reasons of environmental protection.
protection and taxes. Although uncertainty is appropriately
­ of disposal groups; specific assumptions relating to the respective
­incorporated in the valuation factors, actual results can differ from transaction must be made for this determination. Climate policies are also causing fundamental changes in the
these estimates. Furthermore, extraordinary challenges resulting ­automotive industry, one of BASF’s key customer industries. The
from current geopolitical and economic developments are also An impairment is recognized if the recoverable amount of the asset transition to electromobility will have a long-term negative impact on
considered. The war in Ukraine has significantly changed the is lower than the carrying amount. The impaired asset (excluding the emissions catalyst business. This development is reflected in a
­economic environment in E ­ urope. In particular, reduced gas s­ upplies goodwill) is written down by the amount of the difference between negative long-term growth rate for the Catalysts (excluding battery
from Russia led to significantly higher prices in raw materials and these amounts. materials) cash-generating unit. Other BASF businesses will benefit
energy and a high degree of insecurity regarding gas availability in from this transformation; for example, demand for innovative
general. The associated price increase in gas favors inflation and The goodwill impairment test is based on cash-generating units. At ­lightweight components and battery materials will grow. Further-
weakens the economy. Current inflation developments were taken BASF, these largely correspond to the business units, or in ­individual more, climate policies can influence the business of oil and gas
into account both in the measurement of pension provisions and cases the divisions. If there is a need for impairment, the existing producers such as Wintershall Dea, which BASF accounts for using
other provisions as well as in the fixed asset impairment tests. goodwill is, if necessary, completely written off as a first step. If there the equity method. Nevertheless, given the large share of gas in
is further need for impairment, this is allocated to the remaining Wintershall Dea’s production and reserves as well as the accep-
Impairment tests on assets are carried out whenever certain assets of the cash-generating unit. Goodwill impairments are
­ tance of gas as a bridge technology, it can be assumed that these
­triggering events indicate potential impairment. External triggering ­reported under other operating expenses. assets are fundamentally recoverable. The price assumptions
events include, for example, changes in customer industries, For more information, see Note 3 from page 216 onward and Note 14 from page 242 onward applied for the impairment test reflected current developments
technologies used and economic downturns. Internal triggering
­ ­regarding climate neutrality as well as a possible oil and gas ­shortage
events for an impairment test include lower product profitability, due to lack of investment in this industry.
planned restructuring measures or physical damage to assets. For more information on climate and sustainability, see Wintershall Dea’s annual report at
­Impairment tests entail a comparison of the carrying amount and
the recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of fair
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 214

Withdrawal from business in Russia: Due to Russia’s war of 2 Scope of consolidation

aggression, BASF decided in April 2022 to wind down all the
company’s business activities in Russia and Belarus, with the
exception of business to support food production, as of
­ Scope of consolidation
Number of companies
July 10, 2022. This led to impairments on property, plant and
­equipment, inventories, trade accounts receivable as well as further ­America,
Of which North Africa,
assets. Sales with customers in Russia amounted to around 1% of Europe Germany ­America Asia Pacific Middle East 2022 2021
the BASF Group’s sales in 2021. As of January 1 140 43 35 71 21 267 282
For more information, see Note 5 from page 219 onward
of which proportionally consolidated 7 – – 2 – 9 9
First-time consolidationsa 1 1 – – – 1 9
Due to growing limitations on the influence it can exert on its of which proportionally consolidated – – – – – – –
shareholdings in Russia and the economic expropriation,
­ Deconsolidationsb 8 – 2 1 – 11 24
Wintershall Dea deconsolidated its Russian exploration and
­ of which proportionally consolidated – – – – – – –
production activities. Accordingly, the value of Wintershall Dea’s
­ As of December 31 133 44 33 70 21 257 267
Russian shareholdings was remeasured and impairments were of which proportionally consolidated 7 – – 2 – 9 9
­recognized for the European gas transportation business. a Acquisitions, newly established companies, or reclassification due to increased importance
b Divestitures, mergers, liquidations, or downgrades due to decreased importance
For more information, see Note 10 from page 231 onward

As of April 12, 2022, BASF sold 51% of its shares in HKZ Investor Because of increased importance, Lucura Versicherungs AG,
Holding B.V., Arnhem, Netherlands, which holds 49.5% of shares in ­Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, which was previously a ­ ccounted
the Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) wind farm via a total of four affiliated for as an integral associated company using the equity method, was
companies, to Allianz Capital Partners. Through the resulting loss of included in the Consolidated Financial Statements for the first time.
control, the affiliated companies were eliminated from the scope of The following table shows the effects of the reclassification of ­Lucura
consolidation. Since then, the previously fully consolidated company Versicherungs AG. The effects recognized in equity resulted p ­ rimarily
HKZ Investor Holding B.V. has been consolidated as an integral joint from the elimination of provisions against other BASF Group
venture using the equity method. ­companies that had been recognized in Lucura Versicherungs AG’s
separate financial statements.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 215

Overview of impact of changes in the scope of consolidation (excluding acquisitions and divestitures)

2022 2021

Of which
Million € Lucura Versicherungs AG %a Million € %a

Sales –46 – 0.0 –1 0.0

Noncurrent assets 191 190 0.4 21 0.0

of which property, plant and equipment –1 – 0.0 –1 0.0

Current assets 11 16 0.0 –28 0.0

of which cash and cash equivalents 5 10 0.2 –8 0.3

Assets 202 205 0.2 –7 0.0

Equity 124 124 0.3 1 0.0

Noncurrent liabilities 128 129 0.6 0 0.0

of which financial indebtedness – – – – –

Current liabilities –50 –47 –0.2 –8 0.0

of which financial indebtedness – – – – –

Total equity and liabilities 202 205 0.2 –7 0.0

Other financial obligations – – – – –

a Proportional share in relation to the BASF Group

The proportionally consolidated joint operations include, in In addition to the fully and proportionally consolidated companies,
­particular: 23 joint ventures and/or associated companies (2021: 27) were
– Ellba C.V., Rotterdam, Netherlands, which is jointly operated with consolidated using the equity method as of December 31, 2022.
Shell for the production of propylene oxide and styrene monomer
– BASF DOW HPPO Production BVBA, Antwerp, Belgium, which A list of the companies included in the Consolidated Financial
is jointly operated with Dow for the production of propylene oxide Statements and of all companies in which BASF SE has a
– Butachimie SNC, Chalampé, France, which is jointly operated shareholding as required by section 313(2) of the German
with Invista for the production of adiponitrile (ADN) and ­Commercial Code (HGB) is provided in the list of shares held.
­hexamethylenediamine (HMD) For more information, see Note 4 on page 219
– Alsachimie S.A.S., Chalampé, France, which is jointly operated For more information, see

with Domo Chemicals for the production of adipic acid

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 216

3 Acquisitions and divestitures – Furthermore, BASF completed the purchase of 49.5% of The following overview shows the effects of acquisitions in 2021 on
­Vattenfall’s Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm on September 1, 2021. the Consolidated Financial Statements. When acquisitions resulted
Acquisitions The transaction was not reported as an acquisition because the in the transfer of assets or the assumption of additional liabilities, the
acquired assets did not constitute a business in accordance with effects are shown as net amounts. The disclosures in 2022 relate to
No activities were acquired in 2022. IFRS 3.2b, so it was not within the IFRS 3 scope of application. the fulfillment of the first tranche of the compensation component
The transaction is therefore not included in the following table. agreed as part of the formation of BASF Shanshan Battery
In 2021, BASF acquired the following activities: ­Materials Co., Ltd. and the payment of a purchase price adjustment
– Since August 31, 2021, BASF and Shanshan, a lithium-ion b ­ attery for the polyamide business acquired in 2020.
materials provider in China, have held shares in BASF Shanshan
Battery Materials Co., Ltd. The company is majority-owned by
BASF (BASF 51%; Shanshan 49%). It occupies a very strong Effects of acquisitions
position in the value chain for battery materials including raw
­materials, precursors for cathode active materials, cathode active 2022 2021

materials and battery recycling. It focuses primarily on the electric Million € %a Million € %a
vehicle market as well as the consumer electronics and energy Goodwill – – 254 3.4
storage segments. Through this investment, BASF has further Other intangible assets – – 139 2.3
strengthened its position in Asia to create an integrated global
Property, plant and equipment – – 332 1.5
supply chain for battery materials for customers in China and
Financial assets – – 8 0.1
worldwide. The investment strengthened the Catalysts division.
The transaction includes four companies and approximately Other noncurrent assets –19 0.0 11 0.3

1,600 employees. One of the companies was classified as an Noncurrent assets – – 744 1.4
investment accounted for using the equity method, but for
­ Current assets –19 0.0 692 2.0
­reasons of materiality, is recognized in BASF’s financial state-
of which cash and cash equivalents – – 52 2.0
ments at cost. The purchase price was €616 million and was
Assets –19 0.0 1,436 1.6
cash-effective in full. A separate transaction valued at €36 million
was connected to the purchase in accordance with IFRS 3.51
and was reported under other receivables. It contains a Equity –18 0.0 348 0.8
­compensation component which is coupled with the retention of of which noncontrolling interests – – 348 27.0
­employees at the acquired companies. It affects a period of one Noncurrent liabilities – – 65 0.3
or two years. The first tranche was fulfilled and disbursed to
of which financial indebtedness – – 5 0.0
­employees in 2022; the disbursement for the second tranche will
Current liabilities –14 –0.1 371 1.8
occur when the commitment has been fulfilled in 2023. Goodwill
of €254 million resulted in particular from sales and cost synergies of which financial indebtedness – – 91 2.7

and was not tax deductible. The preliminary purchase price Total equity and liabilities –32 0.0 436 0.5
­allocation for this transaction was reviewed at the end of the Payments made for acquisitions 13 652
12-month valuation period pursuant to IFRS 3. It did not lead to
Additions of cash and cash equivalents – –52
any adjustments.
Payments made for acquisitions according to statement of cash flows 13 600

a Proportional share in relation to the BASF Group

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 217

Divestitures – On September 30, 2022, BASF closed the divestiture of its kaolin In 2021, BASF sold the following activities:
minerals business to KaMin, a global performance minerals – On May 31, 2021, BASF completed the sale of its production site
In 2022, BASF sold the following activities: ­company headquartered in Macon, Georgia, following approval in Kankakee, Illinois, to a subsidiary of One Rock Capital
– On April 12, 2022, BASF completed the sale of a 51% share in by the relevant authorities. The divestiture comprised the Partners, LLC. The transaction also included the vegetable­
­ -­
HKZ Investor Holding B.V., Arnhem, Netherlands, the holding ­production hub with sites in Daveyville, Toddville, Edgar, Gordon based sterols and natural vitamin E business as well as the
company for the investment in the Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) and related mines, reserves and mills in Toomsboro and ­anionic­surfactants and esters produced at the Kankakee site.
wind farm, to Allianz Capital Partners, Luxembourg, acting as ­Sandersville in Georgia. The refinery catalysts production located The purchase price was €177 million. The transaction affected the
party to the contract on behalf of Allianz Insurance Companies. at the same site remained part of BASF operations and was not Nutrition & Health and Care Chemicals divisions.
Since then, BASF’s remaining shares in HKZ Investor Holding B.V. included in the divestiture. The kaolin minerals business was – Following the fulfillment of clearance conditions, BASF closed the
have been accounted for using the equity method. The propor- ­allocated to the Performance Chemicals division. The disposal divestiture of its global pigments business to DIC, Tokyo, Japan,
tional net income is presented in the BASF Group’s income from group of the kaolin minerals business was derecognized in on June 30, 2021. The purchase price on a cash and debt-free
operations. The integral investment is not allocated to any division ­September 2022 when the transaction closed. The calculation of basis was €1.15 billion. The transaction affected approximately
but reported under Other. The disposal group of the wind farm the disposal gain is presented in the following table: 2,500 employees in the former Dispersions & Pigments division.
investment was derecognized in April 2022 when the shares were The disposal group of the pigments business was derecognized
sold. The disposal gain includes the gain from the transition from Calculation of disposal gains of the kaolin minerals business when BASF’s global pigments business was sold to DIC, Tokyo,
Million €
full consolidation to the equity method and is likewise presented Japan, on June 30, 2021.
Sept. 30,
in income from operations. The calculation is summarized in the 2022 – On November 9, 2021, BASF and Clayton, Dubilier & Rice sold
table below: Purchase price 225 their shares in Solenis to Platinum Equity, Beverly Hills, California.
Disposed net assets –204 With over 5,200 employees, Solenis serves customers in
Calculation of the disposal gain on the 51% share in
Assets of the disposal group –245 ­water-intensive industries by helping them solve complex water
HKZ Investor Holding B.V.
Reinstated receivables – treatment and process improvement challenges. BASF held a
Million €
April 12, 2022 Liabilities of the disposal group 41 49% share in Solenis after having transferred its wet-end paper
Fair value of assets received 754 Reinstated liabilities – and water chemicals business to the company in February 2019.
Disposed net assets –565 Other –14 The share in Solenis was accounted for using the equity method.
Assets of the disposal group –733 Disposal gain before taxes 7 The remaining 51% of the shares were held by funds managed by
Reinstated receivables 2 Tax expense –23 Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, and by Solenis management. The
Liabilities of the disposal group 166 Disposal gain after taxes –16 ­purchase price allocated to BASF was around €1.1 billion. The
Reinstated liabilities – ­investment was classified as non-integral. Its earnings and the
Recycling of income and expenses previously recognized directly in – On October 31, 2022, BASF reached an agreement with ­Clariant gain on the disposal in the amount of €589 million were reported
equity (recognized in the statement of income on disposal) Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky, to sell its production site in under net income from shareholdings.
Other –5 Quincy, Florida, and the associated attapulgite business in the – On November 30, 2021, BASF completed the sale of the p ­ recision
Disposal gain before taxes 256 Dispersions & Resins division to Clariant Corporation, L
­ ouisville, microchemicals business to Entegris, Billerica, Massachusetts.
Tax expense – Kentucky. The Quincy site employed around ­­75 employ­ees and The transaction included fixed assets and inventories; the
Disposal gain after taxes 256 manufactures clay-based mineral products used in a variety of ­purchase price was €78 million. The precision microchemicals
industrial applications. The purchase price was $60 million. business was part of the Surface Treatment global business unit
in the Coatings division, operating under the Chemetall brand.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 218

The following overview shows the effects of the divestitures in 2022 The impact on equity related mainly to gains and losses from Agreed transactions
and 2021 on the Consolidated Financial Statements. The sales line ­divestitures.
item showed the year-on-year decline resulting from divestitures. On July 19, 2022, BASF and ASC Investment Sarl, Luxembourg,
signed an agreement on the sale of BASF’s production site in
De Meern, Netherlands, to ASC. The site produces nickel-based
Effects of divestitures catalysts and is part of the Catalysts division. The transaction m
­ ainly
covers production facilities, including the associated infrastructure
2022 2021
and inventories, as well as the transfer of the employees working at
Million € %a Million € %a
the site. With the agreement on the sale, the affected assets were
Sales –564 –0.6 –495 –0.8 tested for impairment. To that end, the fair value less expected cost
of disposal was determined and compared with the carrying amount
Noncurrent assets 310 0.7 –31 –0.1 of the assets. This resulted in the need for impairment in the amount
of €95 million as of December 31, 2022. The transaction is expected
of which property, plant and equipment –32 –0.1 –50 –0.2
to close in the first quarter of 2023.
Current assets –994 –2.7 –1,730 –4.9

of which cash and cash equivalentsb –21 0.0 –33 0.0

Assets –684 –0.8 –1,761 –2.0

Equity 256 0.6 794 1.9

Noncurrent liabilities –15 –0.1 8 0.0

of which financial indebtedness – – – –

Current liabilities –213 –1.0 –338 –1.7

of which financial indebtedness – – – –

Total equity and liabilities 28 0.0 464 0.5

Payments received from divestitures 712 2,225

Further effects in connection with divestituresc –21 –1,195

Payments received from divestitures according to statement of

691 1,030
cash flows

a Proportional share in relation to the BASF Group

b Includes €21 million from the divested disposal group of the wind farm share in 2022, and €33 million from the divested disposal group of the pigments business in 2021
c Includes disposals from cash and cash equivalents in 2022 and project-related tax payments and derecognition of cash and cash equivalents in 2021
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 219

4  ASF Group list of shares held pursuant to

B 5 Reporting by segment and region The Industrial Solutions segment consists of the Dispersions &
section 313(2) of the German Commercial Code ­ Resins and the Performance Chemicals divisions. The segment
(HGB) The BASF Group’s business is run by 11 divisions, structured in six develops and markets ingredients and additives for industrial
segments: applications, such as polymer dispersions, resins, electronic
The list of consolidated companies and the complete list of all – Chemicals: Petrochemicals, Intermediates ­materials, antioxidants and additives. As part of the sustainability
companies in which BASF SE holds shares as required by
­ – Materials: Performance Materials, Monomers strategy, the segment’s focus is on the creation of more efficient
­section 313(2) HGB as well as information on the exemption of – Industrial Solutions: Dispersions & Resins, Performance production structures and processes that better conserve
subsidiaries from accounting and disclosure obligations are an ­Chemicals resources. Its customers come from key industries such as
integral component of the audited Consolidated Financial
­ – Surface Technologies: Catalysts, Coatings ­automotive, plastics and electronics.
­Statements submitted to the electronic Federal Gazette (Bundes­ – Nutrition & Care: Care Chemicals, Nutrition & Health
anzeiger). The list of shares held is also published online. – Agricultural Solutions: Agricultural Solutions The Surface Technologies segment bundles chemical solutions for
For more information, see surfaces in the Catalysts and Coatings divisions. Its portfolio range
The divisions are allocated to the segments based on their business serves the automotive and chemical industries and includes
models and according to their focal points, customer groups, the ­catalysts, battery materials, automotive OEM and refinish coatings,
focus of their innovations, their investment relevance and surface treatment, and precious and base metal services.
­sustainability aspects. Innovations and solutions customized in collaboration with our
­customers in the field of sustainable mobility are growth drivers for
The Chemicals segment comprises the Petrochemicals and this segment.
­Intermediates divisions and is the cornerstone of BASF’s Verbund
structure. It supplies the other segments with basic chemicals and The Nutrition & Care segment comprises the Care Chemicals
intermediates, thereby contributing to the organic growth of the ­division and the Nutrition & Health division. This segment produces
BASF Group. In addition to internal transfers, the segment mainly ­ingredients for consumer applications in the areas of nutrition, home
serves customers in downstream industries, especially in the and personal care. Its customers include food and feed producers
­chemical and plastics industries. The segment’s competitiveness is as well as the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and the detergent and
strengthened by technological leadership and operational cleaner industries. The segment’s competitiveness is strengthened,
excellence, process and product innovations as well as the
­ among other things, by focusing on trends in digitalized business
­development of sustainable technologies. models and sustainability in the consumer goods markets, the latter
through expansion of the portfolio with bio-based and biodegrad-
The Materials segment is composed of the Performance Materials able products, for example.
and the Monomers divisions. The segment offers advanced m ­ aterials
and their precursors for new applications and systems. Its product The Agricultural Solutions segment consists of the division of the
portfolio includes isocyanates and polyamides as well as inorganic same name. As an integrated provider, its portfolio comprises
basic products and specialties for plastics and plastics processing. ­fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and biological crop protection
In addition to specific technological knowledge, industry expertise products, as well as seeds and seed treatment products.
and customer proximity, particularly products that contribute
­­ to the Furthermore, Agricultural Solutions offers farmers innovative and
circular economy as well as sustainable production methods help sustainable solutions based on digital technologies combined with
differentiate BASF from its competitors. practical advice.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 220

Activities that are not allocated to any of the divisions are recorded Income from operations (EBIT) of Other The same accounting rules are used for segment reporting as those
Million €
under Other. These include other businesses which comprise used for the Group, which are presented in these Notes. Transfers
2022 2021
­commodity trading, engineering and other services, as well as rental between the segments are generally executed at adjusted market-­
Costs for cross-divisional corporate research –326 –355
income and leases. Discontinued operations and certain activities based prices, taking into account the higher cost efficiency and
­remaining after divestitures are also reported here. Costs of corporate headquarters –258 –255 lower risk of intragroup transactions. Assets, as well as their
Other businessesa –46 62 ­depreciation and amortization, are allocated to the segments based
The following activities are also presented under Other: Foreign currency results, hedging and other measurement on economic control. Assets used by more than one segment are
33 –62
– The steering of the BASF Group by corporate headquarters. effects ­allocated based on the percentage of usage.
– Cross-divisional corporate research, which includes plant Miscellaneous income and expenses 74 –149
­biotechnology research, works on long-term topics of strategic Income from operations of Other a
–523 –759 Income from operations (EBIT) before special items is used for the
­importance to the BASF Group. Furthermore, it focuses on the internal steering of the segments and complements the key
a The polyolefins and styrenics businesses of the joint venture BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China, which
development of specific key technologies, which are of overriding had been reported under Other, were allocated to the Petrochemicals division as of January 1, 2022. The management indicator, return on capital employed (ROCE). It is
­prior-year figures have been adjusted.
importance for the divisions. ­determined based on EBIT, which is calculated from gross profit on
– Trade with renewable energies as well as the activities of the Net sales, selling expenses, general administrative expenses, research
Zero Accelerator unit established on January 1, 2022, which Income from operations of Other improved by €236 million year and development expenses, other operating income and expenses,
bundles cross-company projects to achieve climate protection on year to –€523 million. This resulted mainly from miscellaneous and income from integral companies accounted for using the equity
targets. income and expenses, which included special income in the amount method. To calculate EBIT before special items, this figure is then
– Results from currency translation that are not allocated to the of €256 million from the disposal of shares in the Hollandse Kust adjusted for special items. Special items arise from the integration of
segments; earnings from the hedging of raw materials prices and Zuid offshore wind farm. Foreign currency results, hedging and acquired businesses, restructuring costs, impairments and reversals
foreign currency exchange risks; and gains and losses from the other measurement effects improved by a total of €94 million, of impairments, gains or losses on divestitures and sales of integral
long-term incentive programs (LTI programs). primarily due to income from the long-term incentive programs
­ investments accounted for using the equity method, as well as other
– Remanent fixed costs resulting from organizational changes or ­following expenses in the previous year as well as higher income expenses and income that arise outside of ordinary business activi-
restructuring; function and region-related restructuring costs not from hedging transactions. Furthermore, costs for cross-divisional ties. EBIT and EBIT before special items are alternative performance
allocated to a division; idle capacity costs from internal human corporate research was €29 million lower than the prior-year figure. measures that are not defined under IFRS and are to be considered
resource platforms; and consolidation effects that cannot be Income from other businesses was €108 million lower, which had an as being complementary to the indicators defined by IFRS.
­allocated to the divisions. offsetting effect.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 221

Reconciliation of the assets of Other to the assets of the BASF Group

Million €
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Segment assetsa 67,670 64,375

Assets of businesses included in Othera 2,713 3,088

Other financial assets and non-integral investments accounted for using the equity method 5,765 10,418

Deferred tax assets 880 2,600

Cash and cash equivalents / marketable securities 2,748 2,832

Defined benefit assets 792 661

Other receivables / prepaid expenses 3,906 3,407

Assets of Othera 16,803 23,007

Assets of the BASF Group 84,472 87,383

a Adjusted prior-year figures (see footnote a on page 220)

Reconciliation of segment income to income before income taxes

Million €
2022 2021

EBIT before special items of the segmentsa 7,627 8,529

EBIT before special items of Othera –749 –761

EBIT before special items 6,878 7,768

Special items of the segments –556 –93

Special items of Other 226 3

Special items –330 –91

EBIT of the segmentsa 7,070 8,435

EBIT of Othera –523 –759

EBIT 6,548 7,677

Net income from shareholdings –4,939 207

Financial result –418 –436

Income before income taxes 1,190 7,448

a Adjusted prior-year figures (see footnote a on page 220)

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 222

Segments 2022
Million €
Industrial Surface Nutrition & Agricultural
Chemicals Materials Solutions Technologies Care Solutions Other BASF Group

Sales 14,895 18,443 9,992 21,283 8,066 10,280 4,368 87,327

Intersegment transfers 4,860 1,742 507 198 588 40 139 8,074

Sales including transfers 19,754 20,186 10,499 21,481 8,654 10,320 4,508 95,401

Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method 269 25 6 91 8 − −14 386

Income from operations (EBIT) 1,758 1,776 1,097 612 605 1,221 −523 6,548

Assets 10,481 10,864 6,318 14,899 8,038 17,071 16,803 84,472

of which goodwill 210 196 635 2,404 883 3,299 68 7,696

other intangible assets 64 565 142 1,024 322 3,414 45 5,577

property, plant and equipment 5,520 4,833 1,998 3,977 2,996 2,658 986 22,967

integral investments accounted for using the equity method 1,094 214 15 537 40 − 455 2,356

Liabilities 3,228 3,979 2,140 3,860 2,751 3,975 23,618 43,550

Research and development expenses 93 201 172 335 172 944 381 2,298

Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including acquisitions) 1,701 880 322 740 642 414 268 4,967

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 1,013 884 346 651 450 701 155 4,200

of which impairments 214 47 3 103 11 10 7 393

reversals of impairments 0 0 1 − 1 16 3 20
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 223

Segments 2021
Million €
Industrial Surface Nutrition Agricultural
Chemicals Materials Solutions Technologies & Care Solutions Other BASF Group

Sales 13,579 15,214 8,876 22,659 6,442 8,162 3,666 78,598

Intersegment transfers 4,269 1,250 420 171 491 40 120 6,761

Sales including transfers 17,848 16,464 9,296 22,831 6,933 8,202 3,786 85,358

Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method 528a 20 9 94 6 − 17a 675

Income from operations (EBIT) 3,115a 2,345 965 761 554 696 –759a 7,677

Assets 10,482a 11,286 6,302 13,769 7,231 15,305 23,007a 87,383

of which goodwill 199 189 631 2,373 874 3,187 66 7,520

other intangible assets 55 632 172 1,104 379 3,596 41 5,980

property, plant and equipment 4,734 4,732 2,025 3,817 2,716 2,570 959 21,553

integral investments accounted for using the equity method 1,313a 212 21 484 42 − 468a 2,540

Liabilities 3,820 4,372 2,621 3,678 3,146 4,091 23,573 45,301

Research and development expenses 97 193 175 296 172 904 378 2,216

Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including acquisitions) 1,157 709 361 1,469 654 347 183 4,881

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 767 817 380 483 413 662 157 3,678

of which impairments and reversals of impairmentsb 31 33 43 9 6 8 14 144

a Adjusted values (see footnote a on page 220)

b Impairments and reversals of impairments included reversals of impairments of €12 million in Industrial Solutions in 2021.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 224

Regions 2022
Million €
South America,
Of which Africa,
Europe Germany North America Asia Pacific Middle East BASF Group

Location of customer

Sales 33,922 8,977 23,869 21,823 7,712 87,327

Share % 38.8 10.3 27.3 25.0 8.8 100.0

Location of company

Sales 35,821 15,170 24,343 21,309 5,854 87,327

Assets 40,343 25,296 20,600 18,689 4,841 84,472

of which intangible assets 5,910 3,041 5,697 1,371 295 13,273

property, plant and equipment 10,427 6,405 5,702 6,168 670 22,967

integral investments accounted for using the equity method 479 10 130 1,747 – 2,356

Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including acquisitions) 2,173 1,321 1,032 1,621 141 4,967

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets including impairments and reversals of
2,133 1,407 1,208 728 132 4,200

In the United States, sales to third parties in 2022 As a result of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, BASF has
amounted to €21,319 million (2021: €19,583 million) according to largely suspended its business activities in Russia and Belarus with
location of companies and €20,585 million (2021: €18,277 million) the exception of business to support food production. In this
according to location of customers. On December 31, 2022, the context, expenses were incurred in the amount of €72 million,
carrying amounts of intangible assets, property, plant and ­including impairments on property, plant and equipment of €14 mil-
­equipment, and investments accounted for using the equity method lion. As of December 31, 2022, the carrying amounts of property,
amounted to €10,937 million (2021: €10,466 million) in the United plant and equipment in Russia amounted to €3 million.

In China, sales to third parties in 2022 amounted to €11,216 million

(2021: €11,380 million) according to location of companies and
€11,022 million (2021: €11,408 million) according to location of
customers. On December 31, 2022, the carrying amounts of
­intangible assets, property, plant and equipment, and investments
accounted for using the equity method amounted to €6,457 million
(2021: €5,613 million) in China.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 225

Regions 2021
Million €
South America,
Of which Africa,
Europe Germany North America Asia Pacific Middle East BASF Group

Location of customer

Sales 30,531 7,300 20,867 21,234 5,965 78,598

Share% 38.8 9.3 26.5 27.0 7.6 100.0

Location of company

Sales 31,594 12,722 21,935 20,632 4,437 78,598

Assets 46,012 30,837 19,324 18,020 4,026 87,383

of which intangible assets 6,674 3,675 5,348 1,187 292 13,499

property, plant and equipment 10,209 6,394 5,415 5,336 592 21,553

integral investments accounted for using the equity method 479 400 118 1,943 – 2,540

Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (including acquisitions) 2,484 1,512 845 1,468 83 4,881

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets including impairments and reversals of
1,764 1,138 1,146 663 105 3,678
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 226

6 Earnings per share

Earnings per share

2022 2021

Income after taxes from continuing operations Million € –391 6,018

of which noncontrolling interests Million € 236 459

Net income from continuing operations Million € –627 5,559

Income after taxes from discontinued operations Million € – –36

of which noncontrolling interests Million € – –

Net income from discontinued operations Million € – –36

Income after taxes  Million € –391 5,982

of which noncontrolling interests Million € 236 459

Net income Million € –627 5,523

Weighted average number of outstanding shares 1,000 901,754 918,479

Dilution effect from BASF’s “plus” incentive share program 1,000 1,573 2,008

Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share 1,000 903,327 920,486

Earnings per share

From continuing operations € –0.70 6.05

Diluted€ –0.70 6.04

From discontinued operations € – –0.04

Diluted€ – –0.04

From continuing and discontinued operations € –0.70 6.01

Diluted€ –0.70 6.00

In accordance with IAS 33, earnings per share are determined by No dilutive effect arose from the issue of “plus” shares in 2022
dividing earnings attributable to shareholders of BASF SE by the (2021: €0.01).
weighted average of outstanding shares. The average number of For more information on the share buyback program, see Note 19 from page 254 onward and on
page 177 in the C
­ orporate Governance Report
outstanding shares declined compared with 2021 due to the share
buyback program in 2022. Pursuant to IAS 33, a potential dilutive
effect must be considered in the diluted earnings per share for
those BASF shares that will be granted in the future as part of
BASF’s “plus” share program. This applies regardless of the fact that
the necessary shares are acquired on the market by third parties on
behalf of BASF and that there are no plans to issue new shares.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 227

7 Sales revenue Sales revenue from the sale of precious metals to industrial BASF opts to apply the practical expedient in IFRS 15.63 to not
customers is recognized on delivery and the corresponding
­ adjust the amount of the agreed consideration for the effects of a
Sales revenue from contracts with customers is recognized in the ­purchase prices are recorded as cost of sales. In the trading of material financing component if, at the beginning of a contract, no
amount of the consideration BASF expects to receive in exchange precious metals and their derivatives with traders, where there is more than one year is expected to lapse between the transfer of
for the goods or services when the customer obtains control of the usually no physical delivery, revenues are netted against the control of the goods or services and payment by the customer.
goods or services. Control is considered to be transferred when the ­corresponding costs.
customer can direct the use of the goods or services and can obtain BASF also applies the practical expedient in IFRS 15.121 of not
all substantial remaining benefits from them. If a consideration that is contractually agreed upon by a customer ­reporting information on remaining performance obligations result-
includes variable components, BASF estimates the amount of the ing from a contract with a maximum expected original term of one
BASF primarily generates income from the sale of goods. Because consideration. Variable components are recognized as revenue only year. Furthermore, information on performance obligations is not
the customer obtains control of the goods at a specific point in time, to the extent that it is highly probable that previously recognized reported if the resulting revenue is recognized in accordance with
the corresponding sales revenue is recognized based on a given sales revenue will not have to be cancelled as soon as there is no IFRS 15.B16.
point in time. Determination of this point in time occurs in the context longer uncertainty about the actual amount of the consideration.
of an overall assessment of the circumstances which considers the Primarily rebates and other discounts are recognized as a reduction
existence of a present claim to payment, the legal title to the goods, in revenue in accordance with the principle of individual measure-
actual physical possession of the goods, the transfer of risks and ment. BASF grants customers rebates if the goods purchased by
rewards as well as customer acceptance. The transfer of risks and the customer exceed a contractually defined threshold within the
rewards takes into account the underlying terms of delivery period specified. Rebates are usually deducted from amounts
(especially Incoterms) and is of particular practical significance.
­ ­payable by the customer. Taking into account the specific terms of
­According to these principles, sales revenue from the sale of goods the underlying contract, BASF uses the expected value method or
is generally recognized upon delivery. If products are delivered to a the most likely amount to estimate a variable consideration amount.
consignment warehouse, BASF normally retains control of the The method is selected based primarily on number of possible
goods. ­ Accordingly, sales revenue is not recognized until the ­results such as the number of volume thresholds with rebates. All
customer collects the goods from the consignment warehouse.
­ available information, particularly historical values, is used for ­making
Long-term supply agreements usually contain variable prices, which estimates.
depend, among other factors, on the development of raw materials
prices, and variable volumes. In some contracts, BASF grants the customer the right to return
goods within a specific period of time, even if they meet the agreed
Services rendered to customers by BASF are invoiced according to specifications (sale with right of return). The actual expected amount
work completed and recognized as revenue accordingly. of the consideration BASF is entitled to receive in this case is
­estimated using the expected value method. Refund liabilities are
BASF generates a portion of its sales revenue from license agree- recognized in the amount of considerations paid by the customer for
ments. Sales revenue from license agreements is recognized based goods that are expected to be returned.
on a point in time or a period of time depending on whether the
licensee is being granted a right to use (revenue recognized at a
point in time) or a right to access (revenue recognized over time) the
intellectual property of BASF. Revenues from sales and usage-­
based royalties are recognized when the underlying sale or usage
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 228

Sales by division and by indication and sector

Million €
2022 2021

Petrochemicals 10,546 9,674

Intermediates 4,349 3,904

Chemicals 14,895 13,579

Performance Materials 8,567 7,292

Monomers 9,877 7,922

Materials 18,443 15,214

Dispersions & Resins 6,019 5,681

Performance Chemicals 3,973 3,195

Industrial Solutions 9,992 8,876

Catalysts 17,062 19,219

Coatings 4,220 3,440

Surface Technologies 21,283 22,659

Care Chemicals 5,619 4,439

Nutrition & Health 2,447 2,003

Nutrition & Care 8,066 6,442

Fungicides 2,977 2,449

Herbicides 3,568 2,526

Insecticides 1,057 926

Seed Treatment 806 620

Seeds & Traits 1,872 1,641

Agricultural Solutions 10,280 8,162

Other 4,368 3,666

BASF Group 87,327 78,598

Sales revenue of €43 million, that was included in contract liabilities Sales revenue for the 2022 fiscal year includes €175 million from
as of January 1, 2022, was recognized in 2022. performance obligations satisfied in prior periods.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 229

8 Functional costs 9 Other operating income and expenses

Under the cost of sales method, functional costs incurred by the Other operating income
Million €
operating functions are determined on the basis of cost center
2022 2021
­accounting. The functional costs particularly contain the personnel
Income from the adjustment and release of provisions recognized in other operating expenses 141 241
costs, depreciation and amortization accumulated on the underlying
final cost centers as well as allocated costs within the cost Revenue from miscellaneous other activities 180 180

­accounting cycle. Operating expenses that cannot be allocated to Income from hedging transactions and LTI programs 177 30
the functional costs are reported as other operating expenses. Income from foreign currency transactions and the translation of financial statements in foreign currencies 58 49
For more information on other operating expenses, see Note 9 from page 229 onward
Gains on divestitures and the disposal of noncurrent assets 301 175

Reversals of impairment losses on noncurrent assets 18 13

Cost of sales
Income from the reversal of valuation allowances for business-related receivables 36 32

Cost of sales includes all production and purchase costs of the Gains/losses from precious metal trading 282 388

company’s own products as well as merchandise that has been sold Other 615 784
in the period, particularly plant, energy and personnel costs. Other operating income 1,808 1,894

Selling expenses

Selling expenses primarily include marketing and advertising costs, ­­Income from the adjustment and release of provisions North America. In addition, income resulted in 2022 from the release
freight costs, packaging costs, distribution management costs, ­recognized in other operating expenses arose in 2022, as in the of provisions for the long-term incentive (LTI) programs in the amount
commissions and licensing costs. ­previous year, from the release of provisions in connection with the of €24 million. By contrast, expenses were incurred in 2021 for
restructuring of the Global Business Services unit. Furthermore, ­additions to these provisions.
General administrative expenses income resulted from a restructuring of the global glufosinate-­
ammonium production network in North America. In both years, Income from foreign currency transactions and the translation
General administrative expenses include the costs of the Corporate ­income also resulted from the adjustment to provisions for risks from of financial statements in foreign currencies related to the
Center, of general management, the Board of Executive Directors lawsuits and damage claims, closures and restructuring measures, translation of receivables and liabilities in foreign currencies and
and the Supervisory Board. They also include the costs of managing employee obligations, and various other individual items as part of ­included income from the translation of companies’ financial state-
operating divisions and business units as well as the costs of the the normal course of business. Provisions were reversed or adjusted ments whose local currency is different from the functional currency.
supporting services in departments such as accounting, legal, taxes if, based on the circumstances on the balance sheet date, utilization
and controlling. was no longer expected, or expected to a lesser extent. Gains on divestitures and the disposal of noncurrent assets in
2022 were mainly from the sale of 51% of shares in the company
Research and development expenses In both years, revenue from miscellaneous other activities holding the interest in the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm and the
­primarily included income from rentals, catering operations, cultural sale of the production site in Quincy, Florida. Gains resulted in 2021
Research and development expenses include the costs resulting events and logistics services. from the sale of a production site in Kankakee, Illinois, the sale of the
from research projects as well as the necessary license fees for share in the condensate splitter in Port Arthur, Texas, and the sale of
­research activities. The increase in income from hedging transactions and LTI the precision microchemicals business.
For more information on research and development expenses by segment, see Note 5 from page 219 ­programs in 2022 was mainly attributable to income from virtual For more information, see Note 3 from page 216 onward
power purchase agreements and from hedges for raw materials in
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 230

Reversals of impairment losses on noncurrent assets arose in Other operating expenses

Million €
2022 in connection with the divestiture of a site in North America
2022 2021
that had previously been fully impaired. In 2021, these were
Restructuring and integration measures 486 461
­attributable to the divestiture of the production site in Quincy, F
­ lorida,
and the associated attapulgite business. Environmental protection and safety measures, costs of demolition and removal, and project costs not subject to mandatory
411 523

Depreciation, amortization and impairments of noncurrent assets and of the disposal groups 409 135
Income from the reversal of valuation allowances for business-­
related receivables resulted both from the reversal of impairments Costs from miscellaneous revenue-generating activities 171 150

for settled customer receivables for which impairments had been Expenses from hedging transactions and LTI programs 61 62
recorded previously as well as from adjusted expectations regarding Losses from foreign currency transactions and the translation of financial statements in foreign currencies 326 163
default on individual customer receivables.
Losses from divestitures and the disposal of noncurrent assets 51 46

Expenses from the addition of valuation allowances on business-related receivables 31 107

Other income included refunds in the amount of €169 million in
2022 and €211 million in 2021. This was due in both years to Expenses for derecognition of obsolete inventory 437 290

government grants in multiple countries, regional business

­ Other 901 714

development subsidies in China, and transaction tax refunds in

­ Other operating expenses 3,283 2,650
Brazil. Additional income resulted in 2022 from damage
­compensation relating to hurricane Ida and extreme cold spells in
North America in 2021. In 2021, additional income included
­compensation for environmental impact in the amount of €165 mil- In 2022, expenses from restructuring and integration measures Environmental protection and safety measures, costs of
lion and special income from the sale of non-capitalized know-how were attributable to the adjustment of business activities in Russia in demolition and removal, and project costs not subject to
in the amount of €50 million. the amount of €58 million, the carve-out of the BASF Environmental ­mandatory capitalization were expensed if requirements for
Catalyst and Metal Solutions unit within the Catalysts division, and ­mandatory capitalization pursuant to IFRS were not met. Expenses
as in the previous year, to global restructuring activities to improve for demolition, removal and project planning totaled €352 million in
competitiveness in various operating divisions. Expenses in both 2022 and €257 million in 2021 and mainly related to the Lud-
years also related to site closures in Europe and North America. wigshafen site in Germany in both years. Further expenses arose in
2022 from the development of the new Verbund site in China and
Expenses from integration measures in the amount of €32 million in the battery materials business in Schwarzheide, Germany.
2022 and €7 million in 2021 related to the integration of the battery ­Additionally, expenses of €59 million in 2022 and €266 million in
materials business, which had been acquired in 2021. In 2021, 2021 arose from additions to environmental provisions. In both
these also included expenses in the amount of €21 million for the years, these concerned several discontinued sites in North America.
integration of the global polyamide business, which had been
­acquired from Solvay in 2020.
For more information, see Note 3 from page 216 onward
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 231

Depreciation, amortization and impairments of noncurrent Losses from divestitures and the disposal of noncurrent assets 10 
Investments accounted for using the equity
­assets and of the disposal groups in 2022 included impairments were mainly due to the agreed divestiture of the De Meern site in the method and other financial assets
in the amount of €393 million relating primarily to plants in Netherlands in 2022 and to the divestiture of the global p­ igments
Ludwigshafen, Germany, and De Meern, Netherlands. In 2021,
­ business in 2021. Joint ventures and associated companies are accounted for using
­impairments amounted to €116 million due primarily to the closure the equity method. The carrying amounts of shareholdings are
of a plant in North America and impairments of plants in Asia. Expenses from the addition of valuation allowances on adjusted annually based on the pro rata share of net income,
Impairments to construction in progress from discontinued
­ ­business-related receivables were significantly lower than in the ­dividends and other changes in equity. Should there be indications
­investment projects were also included in both years. previous year, in which valuation allowances had arisen particularly of a reduction in the value of an investment, an impairment test is
For more information, see Note 14 from page 242 onward and Note 15 from page 246 onward in connection with a transaction tax in Brazil. conducted and, if necessary, an impairment is recognized in the
income statement. In the case of publicly listed associated
Costs from miscellaneous revenue-generating activities relate In both years, other expenses included expenses for litigation, for ­companies, share prices are included in the impairment test and
to the corresponding items presented in other operating income. REACH, for the provision of services and for warranties. Further- form the basis of valuation if there is an indication for p
­ ermanent
more, other expenses for societal engagement and in connection impairment or reversal of an impairment. Furthermore, earnings and
Expenses from hedging transactions and LTI programs in with the coronavirus pandemic arose in both years. the carrying amount are adjusted when accounting policies deviate
2022 only included expenses from hedging transactions, primarily or as a result of purchase price allocations, which primarily affects
­attribut­able to expenses for option premiums used to hedge natural Wintershall Dea AG, Kassel/Hamburg, Germany.
gas ­ purchases. In 2021, this item included expenses from LTI
­programs in the amount of €37 million. Further expenses resulted Exploration and development expenses in the oil and gas business,
from c­ hanges in the fair value of currency derivatives and other for which the equity method is applied, are accounted for using the
hedging transactions in both years. successful efforts method. Under this method, costs of successful
exploratory drilling as well as successful and dry development wells
are capitalized.

Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity

method is presented in EBIT, and income from non-integral
­companies accounted for using the equity method is presented
­together with income from other financial assets in net income from
shareholdings. Similarly, integral and non-integral shareholdings
accounted for using the equity method are also shown separately in
the balance sheet. The material equity-accounted shareholding that
is classified as integral is BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China,
in which BASF and Sinopec each hold 50%, and which operates the
Verbund site in Nanjing, China. The material non-integral
­shareholding is the Wintershall Dea AG oil and gas company, in
which BASF holds a 72.7% share. The remaining shares are held by
LetterOne. Wintershall Dea is classified as an associated company
because, in addition to BASF and LetterOne, independent members
are also represented in the board responsible for decisions about
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 232

relevant activities and BASF can thus only exercise significant Reconciliation of the carrying amounts of integral shareholdings accounted for using the equity method
Million €
Joint ventures Associated companies

2022 2021 2022 2021

Stahl Lux 2 S.A., Luxembourg (BASF interest: 16.32%),
­Quantafuel ASA, Oslo, Norway (BASF interest: 9.51%), and CIMO Carrying amounts according to the equity method as of the beginning of the year 1,839 1,297 701 581

Compagnie industrielle de Monthey S.A., Monthey, Switzerland Proportional income after taxes and other adjustments to income and expenses 360 601 26 74
(BASF interest: 15%), are classified as associated companies as Proportional changes in other comprehensive income 57 109 –15 18
BASF is represented in the relevant boards and can thus exercise
Total comprehensive income 417 710 11 92
significant influence over the companies.
Changes in the scope of consolidation – – –359 –

Additions 382 12 40 614

10.1 Integral companies accounted for using the equity Disposals – – –4 –13

method Transfers –531 –180 –140 –573

Carrying amounts according to the equity method as of the end of the year 2,107 1,839 249 701

Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity method
Million €
2022 2021
Proportional income after taxes and other adjustments to it will no longer be controlled solely by BASF, but jointly with Allianz,
Proportional income after taxes 388 669
income and expenses for the joint ventures decreased mainly
­ and, as an an integral joint venture, accounted for using the equity
of which joint ventures 362 593 because of the lower earnings contribution of BASF-YPC
­ ­method.
associated companies 26 76 ­Company Ltd.
Other adjustments to income and expenses –2 6 Disposals related to decreases in capital of the associated
Changes in the scope of consolidation resulted from the ­company, Yara Freeport LLC, Freeport, Texas.
of which joint ventures –2 8
­transition to full consolidation of Lucura Versicherungs AG as of
associated companies 0 –2
December 31, 2022, due to the increased significance of the Transfers in 2022 mainly included dividend payments for
Income from integral companies accounted for
386 675 ­company. BASF-YPC Company Ltd. (joint venture) and Markor Meiou
using the equity method
­Chemical (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd., Korla, China (associated company).
Proportional changes in other comprehensive income included
Income from integral companies accounted for using the equity income and expense recognized directly in equity and related, in
method decreased by €289 million in 2022. Of the decrease, addition to currency effects, to changes in the fair value of deriva-
€196 million related to the shareholding in BASF-YPC Com­pany Ltd. tives in connection with long-term power supply agreements,
and €41 million to BASF MPCC Company Ltd., Zhanjiang, China, ­particularly at the HKZ Investor Holding B.V. joint venture in Arnhem,
primarily due to higher raw materials prices and lower ­volumes. In Netherlands.
addition, negative earnings contributions resulted at Lucura
­Ver­sicherungs AG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, due to ­losses Additions in 2022 mainly related to the shareholding in the
from the valuation of securities. Lucura’s earnings c
­ ontribution was HKZ ­Investor Holding B.V. joint venture. The company holds shares
positive in 2021. in the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm and manages the
power supply agreements with the wind farm. As a result of the sale
of 51% of shares in HKZ Investor Holding B.V. as of April 12, 2022,
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 233

Additional information on the BASF-YPC Company Ltd. material integral investment accounted for using the equity method Reconciliation of the carrying amount of the shareholding in
BASF-YPC Company Ltd.
Million €
2022 2021
Financial information on BASF-YPC Company Ltd., Nanjing, China (100%)
BASF interest 50% 50%
Million €
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Carrying amount as of the beginning of the year 1,148 710

Balance sheet Proportional income after taxes and other adjustments to

213 409
income and expenses
Noncurrent assets 969 960
Proportional changes in other comprehensive income –25 103
Current assets 1,224 1,702
Capital increase 31 –
of which marketable securities, cash and cash equivalents 416 747
Dividends received –429 –74
Assets 2,193 2,662
Carrying amount as of the end of the year 938 1,148

Equity 1,874 2,296

Noncurrent liabilities 4 3 10.2 Non-integral companies accounted for using the

­equity method
of which financial indebtedness – –

Current liabilities 315 363

of which financial indebtedness – – Income from non-integral companies accounted for using the equity
Total equity and liabilities 2,193 2,662
Million €
2022 2021

Statement of income 2022 2021 Proportional income after taxes –3,514 435

Sales revenue 3,554 3,615 of which joint ventures – –

Amortization/impairment and reversals of impairments –143 –179 associated companies –3,514 435

Interest income 17 7 Other adjustments to income and expenses –1,371 –739

Interest expenses –1 –1 of which joint ventures – –

Income taxes –142 –273 associated companies –1,371 –739

Income after taxes and other adjustments to income and expenses 428 818 Income from the divestiture of shares in Solenis – 589

Changes in other comprehensive income –49 205 Income from non-integral companies accounted for
–4,885 285
using the equity method

Income from non-integral companies accounted for using the equity shareholdings in R ­ ussia. For this reason, Wintershall Dea decon­ the second half of 2022, had a severe negative impact on this value.
method decreased by €5,170 million in 2022 due primarily to the solidated its ­shareholdings in Russia in the fourth quarter of 2022. Therefore, the initial value of the financial assets in the amount of
negative earnings contribution of Wintershall Dea AG. The fair value ­adjustments carried forward at BASF from 2019 until €248 million was significantly below the previous value contribution
that point were also d ­ erecognized. In turn, Wintershall Dea recog- and led to deconsolidation losses in BASF’s net income from
Due to government intervention, among other things, there are nized its shareholdings as financial assets at fair value in accordance ­shareholdings in the amount of €4,353 million (including previously
­growing limitations on the influence Wintershall Dea can exert on its with IFRS 9. Interventions by the Russian government, particularly in recognized impairments). Moreover, Wintershall Dea recognized
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 234

impairments on further Russia-related assets: As a result of the Both a decrease of 10% in oil and gas price assumptions for the rates of one p ­ ercentage point would lead to lower proportional
damage to the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, the entire planning period and an increase of one percentage point in ­reversals of impairments of €31 million after taxes.
shareholding in Nord Stream AG (BASF interest after taxes the cost of capital rate would not result in the need for an impairment For more information on Wintershall Dea, see the chapter on Non-Integral Oil and Gas Business in the
Management’s Report from page 92 onward
­€997 million) as well as financing of Nord Stream 2 (BASF share after of the shareholding as a whole. By contrast, a 10% price decrease
taxes €729 million) were fully impaired over the course of 2022. In would result in a decrease of €45 million (after taxes) in proportional
addition, impairments of €438 million (BASF share after taxes) on reversals of impairments as well as in additional proprtional
­Winters­hall Dea’s gas transportation business were recognized in ­impairments of €47 million after taxes. An increase in capital cost
connection with the war in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions and
counter-­sanctions. Deconsolidation effects and Russia-related
impairments totaled €6,517 million (BASF share after taxes) in
­ Reconciliation of the carrying amounts of non-integral joint ventures accounted for using the equity method and associated companies
Million €
­income from non-integral equity-accounted companies.
Joint ventures Associated companies

2022 2021 2022 2021

Furthermore, Wintershall Dea recognized expenses for impairments
and reversals of impairments on assets in Germany, Mexico, Egypt Carrying amounts according to the equity method as of the beginning of the year – 10,199 9,843 675

and Algeria in the total amount of €58 million (BASF share after Proportional income after taxes and other adjustments to income and expenses – – –4,885 –304
taxes). Proportional changes in other comprehensive income – – 645 216

Total comprehensive income – – –4,240 –88

Values in use were determined for the impairment test conducted by
Changes in the scope of consolidation – – – –18
BASF as of December 31, 2022. The underlying assumptions for
Additions – – – –
production and cost trends as well as the price assumptions for
2023 to 2040 largely correspond with Wintershall Dea’s. For 2023, Disposals – – – –

an oil price of $85 per bbl of Brent crude and a gas price (TTF) of Transfers – –10,199 –958 9,274
$35 per mmBtu were assumed. After a decline in oil prices to Carrying amounts according to the equity method as of the end of the year – – 4,645 9,843
­approximately $71 per bbl in 2024, and in gas prices to around
$10 per mmBtu from 2024 to 2028, a subsequent increase is
­assumed at a nominal rate of 2% p.a. for both oil and gas. The Proportional income after taxes and other adjustments to Transfers in 2022 contained primarily Wintershall Dea’s dividend
­expected cash flows were discounted using country-specific cost of income and expenses for the associated companies declined
­ payments. Transfers in 2021 mainly related to the reclassification of
capital rates, which reflect the relevant country risks and tax rates. mainly because of the negative earnings contribution of Wintershall Wintershall Dea, which had been under joint control until October
The cost of capital rates in euros, calculated using the capital asset Dea AG due to the impairments recognized as well as losses from 2021, from joint ventures to associated companies.
pricing model, were between 5.3% and 25.0% (2021: between the deconsolidation of its Russian shareholdings. Furthermore, an
3.4% and 14.3%). On that basis, proportional impairments resulted ­impairment on the shareholding in Quantafuel ASA is also included.
in the amount of €11 million after taxes and reversals of impairments
of €55 million after taxes on the fair value adjustments from 2019. Proportional changes in other comprehensive income predomi-
The shareholding as a whole is recoverable. nantly included currency effects at Wintershall Dea. With the decon-
solidation of the Russian shareholdings held by Wintershall Dea,
total differences arising from currency translation of €868 million
were reclassified as earnings to the income statement.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 235

Additional information on the Wintershall Dea material non-integral investment accounted for using the equity method

The following table contains financial information on the Wintershall Dea material non-integral shareholding accounted for using the equity
method, including adjustments for fair value made at initial recognition and the resulting effects on earnings.

Financial information on Wintershall Dea, Kassel/Hamburg, Germany (100%) Reconciliation of the carrying amount of the shareholding in
Million € Wintershall Dea
Million €
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
2022 2021
Balance sheet
BASF interest in equity attributable to shareholders of
72.7% 72.7%
Noncurrent assets 18,869 27,216 Wintershall Dea AG

Current assets 5,690 4,666 Carrying amount as of the beginning of the year 9,583 10,199

of which marketable securities, cash and cash equivalents 3,089 2,106 Proportional income after taxes and other adjustments to
–4,853 –344
income and expenses
Assets 24,559 31,882
Proportional changes in other comprehensive income 641 216

Dividends received –1,007 –488

Equity attributable to shareholders of Wintershall Dea AG 6,003 13,182
Carrying amount as of the end of the year 4,364 9,583
Subordinate bonds issued by Wintershall Dea 1,525 1,525

Equity 7,528 14,707

Noncurrent liabilities 9,473 12,039

of which financial indebtedness 3,067 4,055

Current liabilities 7,557 5,136

of which financial indebtedness 1,356 575

Total equity and liabilities 24,559 31,882

Statement of income 2022 2021

Sales revenue 18,866 7,804

Amortization/impairment and reversals of impairments –4,285 –2,765

Interest income 190 135

Interest expenses –38 –39

Income taxes –3,357 –1,498

Income after taxes and other adjustments to income and expenses –6,675 –473

Changes in other comprehensive income 882 296

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 236

10.3 Other shareholdings and financial assets 11 Financial result

Financial result
Net income from other shareholdings Million €

Million € 2022 2021

2022 2021 Interest income from cash and cash equivalents 186 158
Dividends and similar income 26 32 Interest and dividend income from securities and loans 10 10
Income from the disposal of / write-up of shareholdings 7 14 Interest income 196 168
Income from profit transfer agreements / Interest expenses –629 –482
1 1
tax allocation to shareholdings
Interest result –433 –314
Income from other shareholdings 34 47

Expenses from loss transfer agreements –79 –72

Reversals of write-downs on / income from securities and loans 6 16
Write-downs on / losses from the sale of shareholdings –10 –53
Net interest income from other long-term personnel obligations 13 2
Expenses from other shareholdings –89 –125
Income from the capitalization of borrowing costs 40 29
Net income from other shareholdings –55 –78
Interest income on income taxes 124 42

Miscellaneous financial income 0 6

Net income from other shareholdings in 2022 rose year on year
Other financial income 182 94
by €23 million due primarily to lower expenses from the measure-
ment of shareholdings at fair value. Write-downs on / losses from securities and loans –24 –5

Net interest expense from underfunded pension plans and similar obligations –81 –82
Carrying amounts of other financial assets Unwinding the discount on other noncurrent liabilities –9 –9
Million €
Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Interest expenses on income taxes –2 –24
2022 2021
Miscellaneous financial expenses –52 –96
Other shareholdings 539 514
Other financial expenses –168 –215
Long-term securities 581 61
Other financial result 15 –122
Other financial assets 1,120 575

Financial result –418 –436

The rise in long-term securities in 2022 resulted from the inclusion of
Lucura Versicherungs AG, which has been fully consolidated since
­December 31, 2022. Interest expenses rose primarily because of increased interest Write-downs on / losses from securities and loans increased
rates and the higher balance of financial indebtedness. mainly because of losses from the fair value measurement of
Net interest income from other long-term personnel obligations
increased due to the rise in the discount rate. The decline in other financial expenses was primarily due to lower
net expenses associated with the translation of bonds and the
­valuation of the corresponding hedging instruments against interest
and currency risks.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 237

12 Income taxes Changes in deferred taxes in the balance sheet are recorded as Tax expense and tax rate
deferred tax expense or income unless the underlying transaction is
Accounting policies recognized directly in equity or in income and expenses recognized The BASF Group tax rate amounted to 132.9% in 2022
in equity. For those effects which have been recognized in equity, (2021: 19.2%). The very high tax rate in comparison to that of the
In Germany, a uniform corporate income tax rate of 15.0% as well changes to deferred tax assets and tax liabilities are also recognized previous year resulted mainly from non-tax-effective impairments of
as a solidarity surcharge of 5.5% thereon are levied on all distributed directly in equity. Wintershall Dea AG, which is accounted for using the equity
and retained earnings. In addition to corporate income tax, income method, ­
­ particularly from the deconsolidation of its Russian
generated in Germany is subject to a trade tax. It varies depending Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for differences between the ­exploration and production activities.
on the municipality in which the company is represented. The proportional IFRS equity and the tax base of the investment in a
weighted average tax rate was 14.6% in 2022 (2021: 14.6%). The consolidated subsidiary if a reversal of these differences is expected
30% rate used to calculate deferred taxes for German Group in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for
­companies remained unchanged in 2022. The income of foreign dividend distributions planned for the following year if these
Group companies is assessed using the tax rates applicable in their ­distributions lead to a reversal of temporary differences.
­respective countries.
Provisions for German trade tax, corporate income tax and similar
Deferred taxes are recorded for temporary differences between the income taxes are calculated and recognized based on the expected
carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements taxable income of the consolidated companies less any ­prepayments
according to IFRS and the carrying amounts for tax purposes as that have been made. Provisions are set up for interest a ­ ccrued.
well as for tax loss carryforwards and unused tax credits. These also This interest is reported under other financial result, not tax expense.
comprise temporary differences arising from business combinations, Other taxes to be assessed are considered accordingly.
with the exception of goodwill. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are
calculated using the respective country-specific tax rates applicable IFRIC 23 clarifies the application of the recognition and measure-
for the period in which the asset or liability is realized or settled. Tax ment policies from IAS 12 when there is uncertainty regarding
rate changes enacted or substantively enacted on or before the ­income tax-related treatment of individual transactions. They are
balance sheet date are taken into consideration. accounted for with the assumption that tax authorities will examine
the questionable transaction and have all relevant information. The
Deferred tax assets are offset against deferred tax liabilities provided amount of risk provisions is calculated and reviewed with
they are related to the same taxation authority. Surpluses of deferred ­consideration for the results of past tax audits as well as the legal
tax assets are only recognized provided that the tax benefits are assessment of not yet audited transactions and the risk of a d
­ eviating
likely to be realized. The valuation of deferred tax assets is based on tax-related interpretation by the tax authorities. The most probable
the probability of a reversal of the differences and the assessment of value of the individual risks is recognized.
the ability to utilize tax loss carryforwards and unused tax credits.
This depends on whether future taxable profits will exist during the
period in which temporary differences are reversed and in which tax
loss carryforwards and unused tax credits can be claimed. The
­assessment of recoverability of deferred tax assets is based on
­internal projections of the future earnings of the particular Group
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 238

Tax expense
Million €
2022 2021

Current tax expense 1,280 1,436

Corporate income tax, solidarity surcharge and trade taxes (Germany) 2 38

Foreign income tax 1,519 1,575

Taxes for prior years –240 –176

Deferred tax expense (+) / income (–) 300 –6

From changes in temporary differences 181 49

From changes in tax loss carryforwards/unused tax credits 15 –67

From changes in the tax rate 0 –2

From valuation allowances of deferred tax assets 105 14

Income taxes 1,580 1,430

Reconciliation of income taxes and the effective tax rate

2022 2021

Million € % Million € %

Income before income taxes 1,190 7,448

Expected tax based on German corporate income tax rate (15%) 178 15.0 1,117 15.0

Solidarity surcharge 0 0.0 0 0.0

Trade taxes 198 16.7 78 1.1

Foreign tax rate differential 489 41.1 548 7.4

Tax-exempt income –183 –15.4 –211 –2.8

Nondeductible expenses 173 14.5 140 1.9

Income of companies accounted for using the equity method (income after taxes) 675 56.7 –56 –0.7

Taxes for prior years (current and deferred taxes) –151 –12.7 –182 –2.5

Deferred tax liabilities for the future reversal of temporary differences associated with shares in
–55 –4.6 –6 –0.1
participating interests

Changes in the tax rate 1 0.1 –2 0.0

Non-recognition / valuation allowance of deferred tax assets 235 19.7 10 0.1

Other 20 1.7 –7 –0.1

Income taxes / effective tax rate 1,580 132.9 1,430 19.2

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 239

Deferred taxes result from temporary differences between tax between fair values and the values in the tax accounts. This p
­ rimarily
­balances and the measurement of assets and liabilities according to leads to deferred tax liabilities.
IFRS as well as from tax loss carryforwards and unused tax credits.
The remeasurement of all the assets and liabilities associated with
acquisitions according to IFRS 3 has resulted in significant d
­ eviations

Deferred taxes

Deferred tax assets and liabilities 2022

Million €
January 1, 2022, Effects recognized Effects recognized Business December 31, Deferred tax Deferred tax
net in income in equity (OCI) combinations Other 2022, net assets liabilities

Intangible assets –1,045 184 –9 1 66 –804 89 –893

Property, plant and equipment –1,131 –46 –56 0 –45 –1,278 252 –1,530

Financial assets –67 110 –4 – –30 9 50 –41

Inventories and accounts receivable –372 –253 –23 – –63 –711 246 –957

Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2,085 –45 –1,244 – 2 799 1,152 –353

Other provisions and liabilities 1,062 –87 27 0 –45 957 1,239 –282

Tax loss carryforwards 580 –116 –6 –1 –87 370 370 –

Other –11 –47 –4 – 56 –6 34 –39

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) before netting 1,101 –300 –1,319 0 –146 –663 3,431 –4,094

Netting – – – – – – –2,551 2,551

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) after netting 1,101 –300 –1,319 0 –146 –663 880 –1,543
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 240

Deferred tax assets and liabilities 2021

Million €
January 1, 2021, Effects recognized Effects recognized Business December 31, Deferred tax Deferred tax
net in income in equity (OCI) combinations Other 2021, net assets liabilities

Intangible assets –955 –37 –26 –22 –6 –1,045 41 –1,086

Property, plant and equipment –1,068 –18 –64 –3 22 –1,131 303 –1,434

Financial assets –74 8 –26 – 25 –67 43 –109

Inventories and accounts receivable –169 –187 –53 –1 37 –372 292 –664

Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2,851 18 –790 – 6 2,085 2,781 –695

Other provisions and liabilities 831 148 78 2 3 1,062 1,168 –106

Tax loss carryforwards 505 69 4 1 1 580 580 –

Other 18 4 –3 – –31 –11 63 –75

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) before netting 1,939 6 –878 –23 57 1,101 5,270 –4,169

Netting – – – – – – –2,670 2,670

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) after netting 1,939 6 –878 –23 57 1,101 2,600 –1,499

Deferred tax assets on deductible temporary differences in the Tax loss carryforwards Tax liabilities
amount of €466 million were not recognized in 2022 (2021:
€245 million), as their utilization at reversal was not reasonably No deferred tax assets were recognized for tax loss carryforwards of Tax liabilities primarily include assessed income taxes and other
­certain. €3,260 million (of which €1,186 million relate to German corporate taxes as well as estimated income taxes not yet assessed for the
income tax and €1,776 million to German trade tax) in 2022 (2021: current year.
Undistributed earnings of subsidiaries resulted in temporary €172 million). Of these, €4 million will expire in 2023, €0 million in
­differences of €8,699 million in 2022 (2021: €11,587 million) for 2024, €5 million in 2025, €3 million in 2026, €62 million in 2027, and
which deferred tax liabilities were not recognized, as they are either €41 million in 2028 and thereafter. The remaining €3,144 million will
not subject to taxation on payout or they are expected to be not expire.
­reinvested for an indefinite period of time.
Surpluses of deferred tax assets for companies that reported tax
losses in 2022 or 2021 totaled €376 million as of December 31, 2022
(December 31, 2021: €2,072 million). Deferred taxes were
­recognized because, due to planned earnings, the use of temporary
differences or loss carryforwards is expected.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 241

13 Noncontrolling interests Noncontrolling interests in profits declined year on year in 2022, Income and expenses recognized in equity that were attributable to
especially at BASF TotalEnergies Petrochemicals LLC, Houston, noncontrolling interests totaled €6 million in 2022 and €90 million in
Noncontrolling interests in profits and losses Texas, and BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, 2021. These effects resulted from currency translation in both years.
Million €
Malaysia, resulting mainly from lower sales prices and higher raw
2022 2021
materials prices.
Noncontrolling interests in profits 250 480

Noncontrolling interests in losses –14 –21

Total 236 459

Noncontrolling interests

December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Equity interest Equity interest

Group company Partner % Million € % Million €

BASF India Limited, Free float

26.67 81 26.67 71
Mumbai, India

BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd., PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad,

40.00 215 40.00 184
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

BASF Shanghai Coatings Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huayi Fine Chemical Co., Ltd,
40.00 103 40.00 96
Shanghai, China Shanghai, China


34.00 38 34.00 32
Yamaguchi, Japan Hiroshima, Japan

BASF TotalEnergies Petrochemicals LLC, TotalEnergies Petrochemicals & Refining USA, Inc.,
40.00 242 40.00 265
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

BASF Shanshan Battery Materials Co., Ltd., Ningbo Yongxiang Investment Co., Ltd.,
49.00 325 49.00 342
Changsha, China Ningbo, China

Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Company Ltd., Shanghai Hua Yi (Group) Co (SHYG),

Shanghai, China Shanghai, China, and
30.00 132 30.00 146
Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Company Limited,
Beijing, China

Other 214 153

Total 1,350 1,289

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 242

14 Intangible assets The expected useful lives and amortization methods of intangible In both years, BASF’s goodwill was allocated to 20 cash-generating
assets are based on historical values, plans and estimates. The units, which are defined either on the basis of business units or at a
Accounting policies weighted average amortization periods of intangible assets were as higher level.
Acquired intangible assets (excluding goodwill) with defined The respective recoverable amounts were determined using the
useful lives are generally measured at cost less straight-line Weighted average amortization in years value in use. Plans approved by company management and their
­amortization. The useful life is determined using the period of the respective cash flows for the next five years were used. For the
2022 2021
underlying contract or the period of time over which the intangible ­period thereafter, a terminal value was calculated using a forward
Distribution and similar rights 13 15
asset can be expected to be used. projection from the last detailed planning year as a perpetual a
­ nnuity.
Product rights, licenses and trademarks a
18 25 Planning is based on experience, current performance and
Impairments are recognized if the recoverable amount of the asset Know-how, patents and production technologies 15 16 ­management’s best possible estimates on the future development
is lower than the carrying amount. The recoverable amount is the Internally generated intangible assets 6 5 of individual parameters, such as sales revenue (excluding precious
higher of either the fair value less costs to sell or the value in use. The metals), contribution margins, fixed costs and investments from
Other rights and values 9 8
value in use is determined on the basis of future cash inflows and which income from operations before depreciation and amortization
outflows, and the weighted average cost of capital after taxes, a The reassessment of the expected useful lives of two acquired trademarks in the Agricultural Solutions
­segment led to an increase in annual amortization of €23 million and thus to the decrease in the weighted
is determined based on which EBITDA margin is derived. Market
­depending on tax rates and country-related risks. If the reasons for ­average amortization in years.
assumptions ­regarding, for example, gas and raw materials prices,
an impairment no longer exist, the write-downs are reversed up to exchange rates, economic development, inflation expectations and
the value of the asset, had an impairment not been recognized. Emission rights: Emission certificates, which are granted free of market growth of the respective customer industries are included
Depending on the type of intangible asset, amortization is reported charge by the German Emissions Trading Authority (Deutsche based on external macroeconomic and industry-specific sources.
under cost of sales, selling expenses, research and development ­Emissionshandelsstelle) or a similar authority in other countries, are
expenses or other operating expenses. recognized in the balance sheet with a value of zero. Emission rights The ­fundamental transformation of the automotive industry will have
purchased on the market are capitalized at cost as intangible assets. a significant impact on the emissions catalyst business, which
Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are trade names and Emissions generated create an obligation to surrender the emission belongs to the Catalysts (excluding battery materials) cash-­
trademarks that have been acquired as part of acquisitions. These certificates. Intangible assets purchased on the market are generating unit. Because there were no material changes in planning
are measured at cost and tested for impairment annually, or if there subsequently measured at fair value, up to a maximum of the
­ assumptions from the previous year, the growth rate for perpetual
is an indication that their value has declined. amount of the acquisition costs. If the fair value is lower than the annuity ­remained unchanged at –0.7%. In the planning period, the
carrying amount on the balance sheet date, the emission rights are demand for catalysts is still expected to remain stable as a result of
Internally generated intangible assets primarily comprise impaired. higher environmental standards. In the medium term, the transition
­internally developed software. Such software and other internally from combustion engines to electromobility will lead to a steady
generated intangible assets are measured at cost and amortized Goodwill is only written down in the case of an impairment. decline in demand.
over their estimated useful lives. Impairments are recognized if the Impairment testing for goodwill is performed once a year and
carrying amount of an asset exceeds the recoverable amount. In ­whenever there is an indication of impairment. Goodwill impairments
addition to those costs directly attributable to the asset, costs of are not reversed.
internally generated intangible assets also include an appropriate
portion of overhead costs.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 243

Goodwill of cash-generating units

Million €
2022 2021

Weighted Weighted
cost of capital cost of capital
Cash-generating unit Goodwill after taxes Growth ratea Goodwill after taxes Growth ratea

Agricultural Solutions division 3,299 5.97% 2.0% 3,187 5.54% 2.0%

Catalysts division (excluding battery materials) 1,340 7.75% –0.7% 1,306 6.63% –0.7%

Catalysts division (battery materials) 336 7.49% 2.0% 338 6.51% 2.0%

Personal Care Ingredients in the Care Chemicals division 516 6.53% 2.0% 507 5.54% 2.0%

Surface Treatment in the Coatings division 711 7.75% 2.0% 712 6.67% 2.0%

Performance Chemicals division 355 7.42% 2.0% 348 6.25% 2.0%

Other cash-generating units 1,139 6.53%–7.61% 0.0%–2.0% 1,128 5.51%–6.67% 0.0%–2.0%

Goodwill as of December 31 7,696 7,520

a Growth rates used in impairment tests to determine terminal values in accordance with IAS 36

In light of the war in Ukraine, the significant movements in gas and During the first half of 2022, BASF’s market capitalization fell After determining the recoverable amounts for the cash-generating
raw materials prices are being taken into account in future business ­significantly below the carrying amount of equity recognized in the units, the conclusion was that reasonable possible deviations from
expectations. In upcoming years, the assumption is that average balance sheet. BASF therefore reviewed whether a need for the key assumptions would not lead to the carrying amount of any
gas and raw materials prices in Germany will only slowly return to a ­impairment could be derived from this, especially of goodwill, as of unit exceeding the respective recoverable amounts except in the
level that is comparable to that of other regions. From 2024, a June 30, 2022. The tests showed that there were no indications of Catalysts (excluding battery materials) and Surface Treatment
decline in prices is expected, which was accounted for in the
­ goodwill impairment as of June 30, 2022. ­divisions, which are allocated to the Surface Technologies segment.
­respective planning. For more information on the review of goodwill as of June 30, 2022, see Note 11 of the Half-Year
Financial Report from page 39 onward
The recoverable amount for the Surface Treatment cash-generating
In addition, planning is also based on the strategies of the individual The annual impairment tests of the 20 cash-generating units were unit exceeded the carrying amount by €108 million in 2022 (2021:
strategic business units which comprise the respective cash-­ performed in the fourth quarter of 2022. The calculation also takes €408 million). A weighted cost of capital after taxes of 7.75% (2021:
generating units. The digitalization and sustainability trends identified into account capital structure and the beta factor of the respective 6.67%) and an EBITDA margin in the last detailed planning year
in the strategies are thus taken into account in the respective peer group as well as the average tax rate of each cash-generating were used as the basis for calculating the final value of 17.00%
­impairment tests. unit. Impairment tests were performed on the units assuming a (2021: 18.88%) for the impairment test. The recoverable amount
For more information on strategy and identified digitalization and sustainability trends in the weighted average cost of capital rate after taxes of between 5.97% would be equal to the unit’s carrying amount if the weighted average
Management’s Report, see page 29 onward and page 45 onward
and 7.75% (2021: between 5.51% and 6.67%). This corresponds to cost of capital rose by 0.34 percentage points (2021: 1.05 percent-
The required discounting of cash flows for impairment testing is a weighted average cost of capital rate before taxes of between age points), the growth rate were 0.48 percentage points (2021:
calculated using the weighted average cost of capital after taxes, 6.96% and 10.80% (2021: between 6.53% and 8.94%). 1.46 percentage points) lower, or the EBITDA margin in the last
which is determined using the capital asset pricing model. ­detailed planning year as the basis for calculating the final value
For more information on the weighted cost of capital, see Note 1 from page 209 onward were 0.95 percentage points (2021: 3.37 percentage points) lower.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 244

A weighted cost of capital after taxes of 7.75% (2021: 6.63%) and Development of intangible assets 2022
Million €
an EBITDA margin in the last detailed planning year as the basis for
Know-how, Internally
calculating the final value of 29.60% were used for the annual Product rights, patents and generated Other
impairment test of the Catalysts (excluding battery materials)
­ Distribution and licenses and production intangible rights and
similar rights trademarks technologies assets valuesa Goodwill Total
cash-generating unit. The recoverable amount for this unit exceeded
the carrying amount by €179 million. The recoverable amount would
be equal to the unit’s carrying amount if the weighted average cost As of January 1, 2022 2,547 1,419 4,304 268 949 8,314 17,802

of capital rose by 0.25 percentage points, the growth rate were Changes in the scope of consolidation –1 – – – 0 – –1
0.66 percentage points lower, or the EBITDA margin in the last Additions – 1 61 32 31 – 125
­detailed planning year as the basis for calculating the final value Additions from acquisitions – – – – – – –
were 1.07 percentage points lower.
Disposals –151 –107 –39 –11 –99 –13 –421

Transfers 0 0 –12 7 6 – 1
Development of intangible assets
Transfers to disposal groups – – – – 0 –2 –2

Additions in 2022 related primarily to capitalized IT project ­expenses Currency effects 45 32 120 0 11 191 400
and acquired software licenses in the Surface Technologies ­segment As of December 31, 2022 2,441 1,346 4,435 296 898 8,490 17,904
as well as internally developed software with no segment allocation.
Accumulated depreciation

As of January 1, 2022 1,243 316 1,356 164 430 794 4,303

Disposals of intangible assets amounting to €421 million primarily
concerned fully amortized assets in the Agricultural Solutions, Changes in the scope of consolidation 0 – – – 0 – 0

­Industrial Solutions, Nutrition & Care segments as well as assets Additions 188 64 284 27 88 – 652
with no segment allocation. In addition, goodwill was derecognized of which impairments 1 – 2 – 0 – 4
through divestitures in the Surface Technologies and Industrial Disposals –151 –107 –37 –11 –83 –4 –393
­Solutions segments.
Transfers 0 0 0 – 0 – 0

Transfers to disposal groups – – – – – – –

Transfers to disposal groups related to adjustments to goodwill of
the divested kaolin minerals business. Currency effects 21 5 34 0 6 3 70

As of December 31, 2022 1,301 279 1,636 180 442 794 4,632
In 2022, additions to accumulated amortization contained Net carrying amount as of
1,140 1,067 2,799 116 456 7,696 13,273
­impairments of €4 million. These related mainly to unfinished IT December 31, 2022

projects with no operational allocation as well as customer relation- a Including licenses to such rights and values
ships in the Agricultural Solutions segment.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 245

Development of intangible assets 2021

Million €
Know-how, Internally
Product rights, patents and generated Other
Distribution and licenses and production intangible rights and
similar rights trademarks technologies assets valuesa Goodwill Total


As of January 1, 2021 2,731 1,387 4,182 234 973 7,734 17,241

Changes in the scope of consolidation 0 6 0 – 0 – 6

Additions 2 1 16 32 28 – 78

Additions from acquisitions 45 – 89 – 5 254 392

Disposals –335 –17 –142 –3 –82 –60 –638

Transfers 0 0 –17 5 8 – –4

Transfers to disposal groups – – 0 – 0 –13 –13

Currency effects 105 42 176 1 16 400 739

As of December 31, 2021 2,547 1,419 4,304 268 949 8,314 17,802

Accumulated depreciation

As of January 1, 2021 1,340 275 1,185 140 381 775 4,096

Changes in the scope of consolidation 0 7 0 0 0 – 7

Additions 171 44 260 26 113 – 614

of which impairments 0 – 1 1 – – 2

Disposals –320 –17 –142 –3 –74 –26 –581

Transfers 0 – 0 0 0 – 0

Transfers to disposal groups 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

Currency effects 52 7 52 0 10 45 167

As of December 31, 2021 1,243 316 1,356 164 430 794 4,303

Net carrying amount as of

1,304 1,103 2,949 104 520 7,520 13,499
December 31, 2021

a Including licenses to such rights and values

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 246

15 Property, plant and equipment Both movable and immovable fixed assets are principally Borrowing costs: If borrowing costs are directly incurred as part of
­depre­ciated using the straight-line method. The estimated useful the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, they
Accounting policies lives and depreciation methods of property, plant and equipment are capitalized as part of the acquisition or production cost of that
are based on historical values, plans and estimates. The deprecia- asset. A qualifying asset is an asset for which the process necessary
Property, plant and equipment are measured at cost less tion ­methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each to make it ready for its intended use or sale is longer than one year.
­depreciation and impairment over their useful lives. The revaluation balance sheet date. Borrowing costs are capitalized up to the date the asset is ready for
method is not applied. Low-value assets are fully expensed in the its intended use. Borrowing costs were calculated based on a rate
year of acquisition. The weighted average depreciation periods were as follows: of 1.25% (previous year: 1.25%) and adjusted on a country-specific
basis, if necessary. All other borrowing costs are recognized as an
The cost of self-constructed plants includes direct costs, ­appropriate Weighted average depreciation in years expense in the period in which they are incurred.
allocations of material and production overhead costs, and a share
2022 2021
of the general administrative costs of the divisions involved in the Government grants: Government grants related to the acquisition
Buildings and structural installations 17 18
construction of the plants. or construction of property, plant and equipment reduce the
Machinery and technical equipment 11 11 acquisition or construction cost of the respective assets. Other
Expenses related to the scheduled maintenance of large-scale Miscellaneous equipment and fixtures 7 7 government grants or government assistance are recognized
plants are capitalized separately and depreciated using the straight- immediately as other operating income or treated as deferred
line method over the period until the next planned turnaround. Costs If there is indication of a possible cause for impairment, an ­impairment ­income and r­eleased over the underlying period.
for the replacement of components are recognized as assets if an test is performed. Impairments to property, plant and equipment are
additional future benefit is expected. The carrying amount of the­ recognized if the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than the
­replaced components is derecognized. Costs for maintenance and carrying amount. The measurement is based on fair value less costs
repair as part of normal business operations are recognized as an to sell or the value in use. An impairment is recognized for the
expense. difference between the carrying amount and the recoverable
amount. If the reasons for an impairment no longer exist, the
As lessee, BASF generally recognizes all leases in the balance sheet. write-downs are reversed up to the value of the asset, had an
The right-of-use assets from leases and lease liabilities are m
­ easured impairment not been recognized. Impairments and reversals of
at the present value of the financial commitments entered into. ­impairments are reported in other operating income and expenses.
For more information, see Note 16 from page 250 onward For more information on the value in use and the weighted cost of capital, see Note 1 from page 209

Investment properties held to realize capital gains or rental income

are immaterial. They are valued at the lower of fair value or cost less
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 247

Development of property, plant and equipment including right-of-use assets arising from leases in 2022
Million €
Right-of-use Right-of-use Advance Advance
Machinery machinery Miscellaneous miscellaneous payments and payments for
Right-of-use Right-of-use and technical and technical equipment and equipment and construction right-of-use
Land land Buildings buildings equipment equipment fixtures fixtures in progress assets Total


As of January 1, 2022 905 544 11,495 982 46,781 624 5,058 756 3,735 150 71,030

Changes in the scope of consolidation 0 0 –17 –1 –3 0 –2 –1 0 – –24

Additions 46 49 168 184 793 112 237 236 3,017 – 4,842

Disposals –19 –2 –260 –153 –961 –23 –245 –117 –26 – –1,805

Transfers 2 150 319 –8 1,153 0 143 0 –1,609 –150 0

Transfers to disposal groups –4 – –3 – –7 – –1 – 10 – –5

Currency effects 9 –9 153 30 804 23 78 12 8 – 1,108

As of December 31, 2022 939 732 11,855 1,036 48,559 736 5,268 886 5,135 – 75,145

Accumulated depreciation

As of January 1, 2022 54 125 7,115 408 37,138 316 3,833 435 53 – 49,477

Changes in the scope of consolidation 0 0 –16 –1 –3 – –2 0 – – –22

Additions 12 23 416 133 2,258 96 377 177 57 – 3,549

of which impairments 11 – 36 2 257 0 7 0 57 – 369

Disposals –8 –2 –219 –121 –922 –19 –230 –104 –22 – –1,647

Transfers 0 0 6 –6 13 0 0 0 –13 – 0

Transfers to disposal groups –1 – 0 – 0 – 0 – – – –1

Currency effects 3 0 96 18 631 10 54 9 1 – 823

As of December 31, 2022 61 146 7,399 433 39,115 402 4,032 515 76 – 52,179

Net carrying amount as of

878 585 4,456 603 9,444 333 1,236 371 5,059 – 22,967
December 31, 2022
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 248

Additions to property, plant and equipment arising from investment ­ djusted to account for the risk of this planning calculation. This
projects (excluding leases) amounted to €4,261 million in 2022. corresponds to a cost of capital rate before taxes of 12.0%.
Investments were made at the following sites in particular:
Ludwigshafen, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; Zhanjiang, China;
­ Reversals of impairments in the amount of €20 million resulted
Geismar, Louisiana; and Schwarzheide, Germany. Material ­primarily from an increase in the fair value of plants impaired at a site
investments included the development of infrastructure and
­ in North America in 2020.
­technical equipment at the new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China, as
well as construction and expansion of the ethylene oxide and Transfers related mainly to the reclassification of operation-ready
polyethylene oxide production plants in Antwerp, Belgium, and
­ assets from construction in progress to other asset categories.
Ludwigshafen, Germany. Investments also comprised the
construction of infrastructure and production plants for battery
­ Transfers to disposal groups related to the adjustment of
materials in Schwarzheide, Germany. Government grants for
­ ­reclassified amounts in connection with the divested kaolin minerals
­funding investment measures reduced asset additions by €7 million. business.
For more information on divestitures, see Note 3 from page 216 onward
In 2022, impairments of €390 million and reversals of impairments
of €20 million were included in accumulated depreciation. Currency effects raised property, plant and equipment by
­­€286 million and resulted mainly from appreciation of the U.S. dollar
Due to the planned divestiture of the site, impairments of €80 million against the euro.
related to construction in progress, machinery and technical
­equipment, buildings and land as well as miscellaneous equipment
at a production site in Europe in the Surface Technologies segment.
Furthermore, there was a complete write-down in the amount of
€24 million due to a production plant closure in North America in the
Materials segment. In addition, several older assets in Ludwigshafen,
Germany, pertaining to the Materials segment with a residual
­carrying amount of €13 million were fully written down. Impairments
to construction in progress mainly related to discontinued ­investment
projects. The deteriorating cost position in Europe, due mainly to the
significant rise in gas prices, led to intermittent production
discontinuations and low capacity utilization at various plants in
Europe, especially in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Impairment tests
were therefore conducted on the relevant plants, which resulted in
the partial i­mpairment of a production plant in the Chemicals
­segment in the amount of €195 million. The value in use in the
amount of €350 million was calculated based on the assumption
that gas prices in Germany in the next three years would only slowly
return to a level that would lead to a cost position comparable with
that in other ­regions. The value in use was calculated applying a
weighted cost of capital after taxes of 8.22%, which had been
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 249

Development of property, plant and equipment including right-of-use assets arising from leases in 2021
Million €
Right-of-use Right-of-use Advance Advance
Machinery machinery Miscellaneous miscellaneous payments and payments for
Right-of-use Right-of-use and technical and technical equipment and equipment and construction right-of-use
Land land Buildings buildings equipment equipment fixtures fixtures in progress assets Total


As of January 1, 2021 947 451 10,749 834 43,902 505 4,773 690 3,164 – 66,015

Changes in the scope of consolidation 0 –2 –2 0 –2 – –2 –1 0 – –10

Additions 7 11 141 168 814 98 203 186 2,301 150 4,078

Additions from acquisitions – 39 104 – 149 – 3 – 38 – 332

Disposals –8 –1 –97 –49 –556 –12 –171 –134 –140 – –1,168

Transfers –5 10 310 – 1,392 – 118 – –1,723 – 102

Transfers to disposal groups –59 0 –60 –2 –360 0 –15 –5 –9 0 –510

Currency effects 25 37 350 31 1,442 33 150 20 104 – 2,193

As of December 31, 2021 905 544 11,495 982 46,781 624 5,058 756 3,735 150 71,030

Accumulated depreciation

As of January 1, 2021 66 100 6,689 292 34,882 229 3,576 357 177 – 46,368

Changes in the scope of consolidation – –2 –2 0 –1 – –3 –1 0 –1 –9

Additions –3 17 380 129 1,921 80 331 173 35 – 3,064

of which impairments –3 – 27 8 72 – 3 – 35 – 142

Disposals 0 –1 –83 –27 –517 –8 –163 –103 –132 – –1,033

Transfers – 2 3 –1 131 – –1 – –32 – 102

Transfers to disposal groups –13 0 –45 –1 –336 – –11 –3 0 0 –409

Currency effects 4 9 174 16 1,058 14 104 11 5 – 1,395

As of December 31, 2021 54 125 7,115 408 37,138 316 3,833 435 53 – 49,477

Net carrying amount as of December 31, 2021 852 419 4,380 574 9,642 308 1,225 321 3,681 150 21,553
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 250

16 Leases – A number of leases, particularly for real estate and barges, include plan) or the scope (either quantitatively or time-related) of use of
extension and termination options. Extension and termination the asset.
Accounting policies options are taken into account on recognition of the lease liability
only if BASF is reasonably certain that these options will be exer- BASF presents the interest component of lease payments in cash
A lease is an agreement that conveys the right to control the use of cised in the future. When contract terms are being determined, flows from operating activities and the repayment portion in cash
identified asset for a defined period of time in return for a payment. consideration is given to all facts and circumstances that offer an flows from financing activities. Lease payments under short-term
economic incentive for exercising extension options or not agreements, agreements with low-value assets or variable payments
Leases in which BASF is a lessee mainly relate to real estate and ­exercising termination options. Changes in lease terms arising are presented in cash flows from operating activities.
transportation and technical equipment. from the exercise of an extension option or non-exercise of a
­termination option are only considered if sufficient certainty exists.
Leases can be embedded within other contracts. If separation is Estimates and expectations which are asserted at the
required under IFRS, the embedded lease is recorded separately ­commencement date of the lease liability and the right-of-use
from its host contract and each component of the contract is asset and pertain to future payments not yet determined on the
accounted and measured in accordance with the applicable
­ date of provision are assessed continuously during the lease
­regulations. term. If subsequently improved or changed knowledge influences
the expected payment profile over time, the lease liability is
As lessee, BASF accounts for nearly all leases, recognizing right-of- remeasured.
use assets for leased assets and liabilities for lease agreements. The – If an existing lease contract is modified, the lease liability and
following principles are considered: right-of-use asset must be remeasured, provided the modification
– BASF exercises the exemption for lease agreements with a changes the payment profile (pursuant to the interest and p­ rincipal
maximum term of 12 months from the date of provision and
low-value assets. Low-value assets are generally defined as
leased assets worth a maximum of €5,000. BASF as lessee
– Lease liabilities are measured at the present value of the remaining
lease payments, taking into account the incremental borrowing Lease liabilities
Million €
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
– As a general rule, BASF separates non-lease components, such
Lease Future Lease Future
as services, from lease payments. liabilities Interest portion lease payments liabilities Interest portion lease payments
– A right-of-use asset is generally recognized at the same amount
Following year 1 330 43 373 336 30 366
as the lease liability. Differences may arise from the lease pay-
Following year 2 222 36 258 219 27 246
ments made prior to the provision of the leased asset, less any
lease incentives received. Following year 3 150 30 180 153 29 182

– After capitalization at the commencement date, whereby the Following year 4 111 26 137 100 25 125
right-of-use asset is measured at cost, the right-of-use asset is Following year 5 85 23 108 74 20 94
generally depreciated over the lease term using the straight-line
Over 5 years 591 171 762 532 167 699
Total 1,489 329 1,818 1,414 298 1,712
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 251

Expenses and income in the statement of income from leases for BASF Future lease payments to BASF from operating lease contracts 17 Inventories
as lessee Million €
Million € December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
2022 2021 Accounting policies
Up to 1 year 46 35
Interest expenses for lease liabilities –40 –36
1 – 5 years 153 106 Inventories are measured at acquisition cost or cost of conversion
Expenses for variable lease payments not included in the
measurement of lease liabilities
–33 –30 Over 5 years 69 49 based on the weighted average method. If the market price or the
Income from sublease agreements 20 – Total 268 190 fair value of the sales products, which are based on the net r­ ealizable
values, is lower, then the sales products are written down to this
Expenses for short-term leases –156 –129
lower value. The net realizable value is the estimated price in the
Expenses for leases for low-value assets –22 –27 Income from leases for BASF as lessor ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion
Million €
Total –231 –222 and the estimated selling costs.
2022 2021

Income from finance leases 2 3

BASF entered a five-year rental agreement for a building with the In addition to direct costs, cost of conversion includes an
sale of the site in Tarrytown, New York, in 2022. The lease liabilities of which gains and losses from sales – 1 appropriate allocation of production overhead costs based on
for this ­sale-and-leaseback transaction amounted to €12 million as financial income from net investment
2 2
­normal utilization rates of the production plants, provided that they
in the lease
of ­December 31, 2022. are related to the production process. Pensions, social services and
income from variable lease payments not voluntary social benefits are also included, as well as allocations for
– –
included in measurement of net investment
BASF as lessor administrative costs, provided they relate to the production.
Income from operating leases 46 35
­Borrowing costs are not included in cost of conversion.
BASF acts as a lessor for finance leases to a minor extent only. of which income from variable lease payments not
– –
dependent upon an index or interest rate
Receivables on finance leases were €35 million in 2022 (2021: Inventories may be impaired if the prices for the sales products
Total 48 38
€44 million). The leased assets pertained primarily to buildings and ­decline, or in cases of a high rate of days sales of inventory (DSI).
production facilities. Write-downs on inventories are reversed if the reasons for them no
longer apply.
Claims arising from operating leases amounted to €268 million in
2022 (2021: €190 million). As in the previous year, there were no The exception made by IAS 2 for traders is applied to the measure-
material operating leases for property, plant and equipment. ment of precious metals. Accordingly, inventories held exclusively
for trading purposes are measured at fair value less costs to sell and
recognized in the precious metal trading item (carrying amount as of
December 31, 2022: €1,939 million; as of December 31, 2021:
€1,554 million) under miscellaneous current assets. All changes in
value are immediately recognized in the statement of income.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 252

Inventories 18 Receivables and miscellaneous assets

Million €
Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
2022 2021
Other receivables and miscellaneous assets
Raw materials and factory supplies 5,255 4,414
Million €
Work in progress, finished goods and merchandise 10,686 9,337 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Advance payments and services in progress 87 117 Noncurrent Current Noncurrent Current

Inventories 16,028 13,868 Loans and interest receivables 45 103 42 149

Derivatives with positive fair values 395 952 335 610

Work in progress, finished goods and merchandise are com- Receivables from finance leases 32 2 40 4
bined into one item due to production conditions in the chemical
Receivables from capital equipment of nonconsolidated subsidiaries 43 153 51 167
industry. Services in progress mainly relate to services not invoiced
Receivables from bank acceptance drafts – 401 – 387
as of the balance sheet date.
Other 298 391 270 376

Cost of sales included inventories recognized as an expense Other receivables and assets that qualify as financial instruments 814 2,002 738 1,692

amounting to €48,836 million in 2022, and €44,244 million in 2021. Prepaid expenses 44 285 77 327

Defined benefit assets 792 – 661 –

Write-downs on inventory were recognized in the amount of
Tax refund claims 133 1,908 198 1,610
€84 million in 2022, and in the amount of €97 million in 2021.
Employee receivables 0 24 0 24

Precious metal trading items – 1,939 – 1,554

Other 27 434 48 361

Other receivables and assets that do not qualify as financial instruments 996 4,589 984 3,876

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets 1,810 6,591 1,722 5,568

The rise in noncurrent derivatives with positive fair values ­primarily Prepaid expenses in 2022 mainly included prepayments of
resulted from the market valuation of combined interest rate and €45 million related to operating activities compared with €41 million
currency swaps. The change in current derivatives with positive fair in 2021, as well as €77 million in prepayments for insurance in 2022
market values was largely attributable to the increase in fair values of compared with €93 million in 2021. Prepayments for license costs
commodity derivatives for precious metals. increased from €49 million in 2021 to €55 million in 2022.

Bank acceptance drafts are used as an alternative form of p­ ayment As in the previous year, defined benefit assets were recognized in
in China. Bank acceptance drafts are issued at a discount from their 2022 mainly for the contractual trust arrangement of BASF
par value. They can be held to maturity, traded or redeemed Pensions­treuhand e.V. as well as at Group companies in Switzerland
­prematurely at a discount. If BASF discounts a bank acceptance and the United Kingdom. An asset ceiling came into effect in 2022
draft with recourse, a liability toward the credit institution is for the pension plans in Switzerland.
­recognized in the amount of the payment received. For more information on plan assets, see Note 22 from page 261 onward
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 253

The change in current tax refund claims was largely attributable to Valuation allowances on receivables (financial instruments) 2022
Million €
the rise in income tax receivables.
As of
As of Reclassification Translation December 31,
Precious metal trading items primarily comprise physical items, January 1, 2022 Additions Releases between stages effect 2022

precious metal accounts as well as long positions in precious Accounts receivable, trade 310 130 124 – 3 319
metals, which are largely hedged through forward sales or
­ of which stage 2 47 49 52 – – 44
­derivatives. stage 3 263 81 72 – 3 275

Other receivables 112 24 19 – 1 118

The rise in current other receivables and assets, which do not
of which stage 1 3 3 2 – – 4
represent financial instruments, was due to higher advance
­payments. stage 2 0 1 – – – 1

stage 3 109 20 17 – 1 113

Expected losses of trade accounts receivable at BASF are Total 422 154 143 – 4 437
­calculated primarily on the basis of internal or external customer
ratings and the associated probability of default.
At BASF, a comprehensive, global credit insurance program covers
The following table presents the gross values and credit risks for accounts receivable, trade. Under a global excess of loss policy,
trade accounts receivable measured at amortized cost as of future bad debts are insured for essentially all BASF Group
­December 31, 2022. ­companies excluding joint ventures. The program has no impact on
the calculation of valuation allowances in accordance with IFRS 9.
Accounts receivable, trade No compensation claims were incurred in either 2022 or 2021.
Million €

Creditworthiness as Payment terms are generally agreed upon individually with

of December 31, Equivalence to
2022 external ratinga Gross carrying amounts ­customers and, as a rule, are within 90 days. In 2022, valuation
High/medium credit
­allowances of €130 million (2021: €120 million) were added for trade
from AAA to BBB– 7,822
rating accounts receivable, and valuation allowances of €124 million
Low credit rating from BB– to D 4,281 (2021: €110 million) were reversed.
a Standard & Poor’s rating
In 2022, valuation allowances of €24 million were recognized for
other receivables representing financial instruments, and valuation
There are currently no significant credit risks (or a concentration allowances of €19 million were reversed. In the previous year,
thereof) associated with other financial instruments. BASF generally ­valuation allowances of €28 million were recognized and valuation
monitors the credit risk associated with counterparties with which allowances of €40 million were reversed.
receivables representing financial instruments exist. In accordance
with IFRS 9, impairments for expected credit losses on receivables
are recognized based on this.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 254

19 Capital, reserves and retained earnings event, the Board of Executive Directors is authorized to adjust the aforementioned ceiling of 10%. This authorization has not been
number of shares in the Statutes. ­exercised to date.
Subscribed capital
In 2022, BASF purchased a total of 24,623,765 shares or 2.68% of Conditional capital
BASF SE has only issued fully paid-up registered shares with no par the share capital through the buyback authorizations at an average
value. There are no preferential rights or other restrictions. price €53.83 per share. All repurchased shares were redeemed and The existing authorization passed by an Annual Shareholders’
the share capital was reduced accordingly. BASF did not hold any ­Meeting resolution on May 12, 2017, to issue convertible bonds
The subscribed capital of BASF SE as of December 31, 2022, was treasury shares as of the balance sheet date. and/or bonds with warrants expired on May 11, 2022. At the A ­ nnual
€1,144 million, divided into 893,854,929 qualifying shares with no Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29, 2022, the Board of Executive
par value. The share capital and the number of shares decreased in BASF’s expenditure in 2022 for the share buyback totaled Directors was again authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory
2022 due to the redemption of acquired treasury shares in €1,325 million. The amount was taken from other retained earnings Board, up to April 28, 2027, on a one-off basis or in portions on
­connection with the share buyback program. and also reduced subscribed capital by €32 million. This reduction more than one occasion to issue bearer or registered convertible
was reclassified to capital reserves. The share buyback authoriza- bonds and/or bonds with warrants or a combination of these
The subscribed capital as of December 31, 2021, was €1,176
­­­ mil- tion was not utilized in 2021. ­instruments with or without maturity limitations with a total nominal
lion, divided into 918,478,694 shares. value of up to €10 billion and to grant or impose holders and/or
Authorized capital creditors of these debt instruments conversion or option rights for
Share buyback / treasury shares up to 91,847,800 registered shares in the company with a pro rata
In accordance with the resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ amount of share capital of up to €117,565,184 subject to the
By way of a resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of ­Meeting on May 3, 2019, the Board of Executive Directors was ­respective terms and conditions of the debt instruments. The debt
May 12, 2017, the Board of Executive Directors was authorized to ­authorized, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to increase, instruments can be issued in exchange for contributions in cash, but
buy back treasury shares until May 11, 2022, in accordance with until May 2, 2024, on a one-off basis or in portions on a number of also for contributions in kind, particularly shareholdings in other
section 71(1) no. 8 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). On occasions, the company’s share capital by a total of up to €470 mil- companies.
April 29, 2022, the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approved a lion by issuing new shares against contributions in cash or in kind. In
renewal of the authorization to purchase treasury shares until
­ principle, shareholders are entitled to a subscription right. However, To hedge the subscription right to conversion and option rights
April 28, 2027. the Board of Executive Directors is authorized, with the approval of issued under the authorization, the share capital was increased
the Supervisory Board, to exclude shareholders’ statutory subscrip- conditionally by up to €117,565,184 with the option of issuing a
The buyback may not exceed 10% of the company’s share capital tion rights in the cases specified in the authorizing resolution. The maximum of 91,847,800 new registered BASF shares. The
at the time the resolution was passed and can take place via the Board of Executive Directors is authorized, with the consent of the ­conditional capital increase shall only be carried out to the extent to
stock exchange, a public purchase offer addressed to all Supervisory Board, to lay down the further contents of the share which holders of convertible bonds or warrants attached to bonds
­shareholders, or a public invitation to the shareholders to submit rights and the details of the execution of the capital increase. The with warrants issued by the company or one of its subsidiaries up to
sales offers. total shares issued on the basis of the above authorization with the April 28, 2027, under the authorization granted to the Board of
exclusion of the shareholders’ subscription right in the case of ­Executive Directors, exercise their conversion or option rights and/
The Board of Executive Directors is authorized to redeem the shares ­capital increases in return for contributions in cash or in kind must or fulfill their conversion or option obligations, and provided that no
bought back without a further resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ not exceed 10% of the share capital at the time that this authoriza- other forms of fulfillment of delivery are used. The new BASF shares
Meeting and to reduce the share capital by the proportion of the tion comes into effect or – if this value is lower – at the time of its shall be issued at the conversion or option prices determined in
share capital accounted for by the redeemed shares. The Board of exercise. The proportionate amount of the share capital of those each case in the terms and conditions of the debt instruments and/
Executive Directors can also redeem the shares without reducing shares that are to be issued on the basis of conversion or option or the warrants in accordance with the above-mentioned
the share capital so that the proportion of the other shares in relation bonds granted during the term of this authorization under the ­authorization. The new BASF shares issued under this provision
to the share capital is increased through the redemption. In that ­exclusion of the subscription right, must be credited against the shall participate in profits from the beginning of the financial year in
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 255

which they are issued. This authorization had not been exercised as Retained earnings
Million €
of the end of the 2022 fiscal year.
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Capital reserves Legal reserves 1,032 958

Other retained earnings 34,422 39,407

Capital reserves include effects from BASF’s share program, premi-
Retained earnings 35,453 40,365
ums from capital increases and consideration for warrants and
negative goodwill from the capital consolidation resulting from
­acquisitions of subsidiaries in exchange for the issue of BASF SE Legal reserves rose by €74 million in 2022 and by €57 million in
shares at par value. 2021 due to reclassifications from retained earnings.

The proportion of share capital accounted for by the redeemed Payment of dividends
treasury shares in 2022 was reclassified to capital reserves.
In accordance with the resolution of the Annual Shareholders’
Retained earnings ­Meeting on April 29, 2022, BASF SE paid a dividend of €3.40 per
qualifying share from the retained profit of the 2021 fiscal year. With
Retained earnings include earnings generated in the past and in 903,468,202 qualifying shares as of the Annual Shareholders’
2022 by companies included in the Consolidated Financial Meeting, this represented total dividends of €3,071,971,886.80.
­Statements. The remaining €856,529,452.43 in retained profits was allocated to
retained earnings.
The acquisition of shares in companies that BASF already controls
or that are included in the Consolidated Financial Statements as a
joint arrangement is treated as a transaction between shareholders,
as long as this does not lead to a change in the consolidation
­method. There were no material transactions of this type in 2022, as
in the previous year.

In connection with the share buyback, the amount in excess of the

nominal value was deducted from retained earnings. Upon redemp-
tion of the shares, the previously openly deducted amounts were
offset against share capital and retained earnings. Additionally, the
value of share capital accounted for by the redeemed shares was
reclassified from retained earnings to capital reserves. This resulted
in a total reduction of retained earnings of €1,325 million in 2022.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 256

20 Other comprehensive income Currency translation

Accounting policies Differences resulting from currency translation increased equity in

2022 by a total of €1,135 million and by €2,205 million in the
The expenses and income shown in other comprehensive income ­previous year. This included deferred taxes in the amount of­–€7 mil-
are divided into two categories: Items that will be recognized in the lion in 2022 (2021: –€19 million). Equity-accounted investments
income statement in the future (known as “recycling”) and items that accounted for €583 million (2021: €697 million). In 2022, the
will not be reclassified to the income statement in the future. The first ­difference resulted mainly from the appreciation of the U.S. dollar
category includes gains and losses from currency translation, the and the Brazilian real and, in 2021, mainly from the appreciation of
measurement of certain securities classified as debt instruments, the U.S. dollar and the Chinese renminbi relative to the euro.
and changes in the fair value of derivatives held to hedge future cash
flows. Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement at With the deconsolidation of the Russian shareholdings held by
a future date include effects from the remeasurement of defined Wintershall Dea AG, Kassel/Hamburg, Germany, total differences
benefit plans. arising from currency translation of €868 million were reclassified as
earnings to the income statement.
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans
As a result of divestitures and other changes in the scope of
Changes in the value of defined benefit plans led to an increase in ­consolidation, €52 million after taxes was reclassified to the income
other comprehensive income of €2,586 million in 2022 and statement in 2021.
€2,709 million in the previous year (after taxes in both years). Of that,
€83 million was attributable to investments accounted for using the Cash flow hedges
equity method in 2022 (2021: €44 million). Deferred taxes amounted
to –€1,256 million in 2022 and to –€811 million in 2021. Changes in the fair value of derivatives designated in hedging
­relationships (cash flow hedges) adjusted for deferred taxes in the
Because of the disposal of the pigments business on June 30, 2021, amount of –€8 million (2021: –€10 million) reduced equity by a total
the amount of €48 million for the remeasurement of defined benefit of €33 million (2021: €329 million). In 2022, €37 million (2021:
plans, plus an additional €6 million resulting from the disposal of the –€381 million) was attributable to the hedging of future cash flows at
operational companies held by Solenis UK International Ltd., shareholdings accounted for using the equity method.
­London, United Kingdom, which had been accounted for using the For more information on cash flow hedge accounting, see Note 26.5 from page 279 onward
equity method until that date, was reclassified, in equity, from other
comprehensive income to retained earnings in 2021. Moreover,
deferred taxes in the amount of –€18 million arising from an
­adjustment in connection with the introduction of IAS 19 were offset
against retained earnings in equity.
For more information on the remeasurement of defined benefit plans, see Note 22 from page 261
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 257

21 Liabilities

Financial indebtedness
Million €
Carrying amounts based on
effective interest method

Nominal value (million,

Currency currency of issue)a Effective interest rate December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021


Commercial paper USD 700 654 248

2.500% Bond 2017/2022 USD 500 2.65% – 441

1.375% Bond 2018/2022 GBP 250 1.52% – 297

2.000% Bond 2012/2022 EUR 1,250 1.93% – 1,251

0.925% Bond 2017/2023 USD 850 0.83% 795 739

0.101% Bond 2020/2023 EUR 1,000 0.14% 1,000 999

0.875% Bond 2016/2023 GBP 250 1.06% 281 297

2.500% Bond 2014/2024 EUR 500 2.60% 499 499

1.750% Bond 2017/2025 GBP 300 1.87% 337 356

0.875% Bond 2018/2025 EUR 750 0.97% 748 748

3.675% Bond 2013/2025 NOK 1,450 3.70% 138 145

0.750% Bond 2022/2026 EUR 1,000 0.82% 998 –

0.250% Bond 2020/2027 EUR 1,000 0.32% 997 996

0.875% Bond 2017/2027 EUR 1,000 1.04% 992 990

3.125% Bond 2022/2028 EUR 750 3.27% 745 –

2.670% Bond 2017/2029 NOK 1,600 2.69% 152 160

0.875% Bond 2019/2029 EUR 250 1.01% 248 248

1.500% Bond 2018/2030 EUR 500 1.63% 496 495

1.500% Bond 2016/2031 EUR 200 1.58% 199 199

1.500% Bond 2022/2031 EUR 1,000 1.53% 997 –

0.875% Bond 2016/2031 EUR 500 1.01% 495 494

2.370% Bond 2016/2031 HKD 1,300 2.37% 156 147

3.750% Bond 2022/2032 EUR 750 3.85% 744 –

1.450% Bond 2017/2032 EUR 300 1.57% 297 297

a As of the balance sheet date Continued on next page

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 258

Continued from previous page

Financial indebtedness
Million €
Carrying amounts based on
effective interest method

Nominal value (million,

Currency currency of issue) Effective interest rate December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

3.000% Bond 2013/2033 EUR 500 3.15% 494 493

2.875% Bond 2013/2033 EUR 200 2.96% 198 198

4.000% Bond 2018/2033 AUD 160 4.24% 100 100

1.625% Bond 2017/2037 EUR 750 1.73% 739 739

3.250% Bond 2013/2043 EUR 200 3.27% 200 200

1.025% Bond 2018/2048 JPY 10,000 1.03% 71 77

3.890% U.S. private placement series A 2013/2025 USD 250 3.92% 234 221

4.090% U.S. private placement series B 2013/2028 USD 700 4.11% 655 617

4.430% U.S. private placement series C 2013/2034 USD 300 4.45% 281 264

BASF Finance Europe N.V.

3.625% Bond 2018/2025 USD 200 3.69% 187 176

0.750% Bond 2016/2026 EUR 500 0.88% 497 497

Other bonds 116 110

Bonds and other liabilities to the capital market 15,743 13,737

Liabilities to credit institutions 3,273 3,447

Financial indebtedness 19,016 17,184

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 259

Breakdown of financial indebtedness by currency Maturities of financial indebtedness Unused credit lines
Million € Million €
Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021 BASF SE had committed and unused credit lines with variable
Euro 13,790 11,611 Following year 1 3,844 3,420
interest rates, when drawn, amounting to €9,350 million as of
­December 31, 2022, and €6,000 million as of December 31, 2021.
U.S. dollar 3,258 3,255 Following year 2 1,300 2,208

Pound sterling 619 950 Following year 3 1,918 1,280

Norwegian krone 290 305 Following year 4 2,177 1,892

Indian rupee 176 154 Following year 5 2,381 1,177

Hong Kong dollar 156 147 Following year 6 and maturities beyond this year 7,395 7,207

Argentinian peso 128 99 Total 19,016 17,184

Japanese yen 102 119

Australian dollar 100 100 Other bonds

Brazilian real 85 61

Turkish lira 74 63 Other bonds consisted of a bond issued by BASF Corporation that
South African rand 63 33
was used to finance investments in the United States. Both the
nominal interest rate and effective interest rate of this bond were
Chinese renminbi 57 168
6.95% in 2022. Its remaining term to maturity is 66 months.
Indonesian rupiah 52 45

Thai baht 51 55 Liabilities to credit institutions

Other currencies 15 19

Total 19,016 17,184 Liabilities to credit institutions decreased from €3,447 million as of
December 31, 2021 to €3,273 million as of December 31, 2022.
The weighted average interest rate on loans amounted to 5.7% in
2022, compared with 2.7% in 2021.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 260

Other liabilities
Million €
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Noncurrent Current Noncurrent Current

Derivatives with negative fair values 93 294 131 438

Liabilities from leases 1,159 329 1,078 334

Loan and interest liabilities 21 425 35 505

Advances received on orders – 926 – 949

Miscellaneous liabilities 52 781 26 753

Other liabilities that qualify as financial instruments 1,325 2,756 1,270 2,978

Liabilities related to social security 49 100 63 79

Employee liabilities 22 297 22 294

Liabilities from precious metal trading positions – 56 – 201

Contract liabilities 176 37 201 40

Deferred income 16 53 17 32

Miscellaneous liabilities 18 70 28 56

Other liabilities that do not qualify as financial instruments 282 612 330 701

Other liabilities 1,606 3,368 1,600 3,679

Other liabilities Carrying amounts of assets used to secure liabilities

Million €
Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
The majority of contract liabilities have terms of up to five years. Of 2022 2021
the contract liabilities reported as of December 31, 2022, €37 million To secure
are expected to be recognized as revenue in 2023.
liabilities to credit institutions 15 64
For more information on financial risks and derivative instruments, see Note 26 from
page 269 onward accounts payable, trade 3 11
For more information on liabilities arising from leases, see Note 16 from page 250 onward other liabilities 51 170

Carrying amounts of assets used 69 245

Liabilities to credit institutions were secured primarily with

­registered land charges. Secured other liabilities relate primarily to
derivatives with negative fair values that are secured with other
­receivables and miscellaneous assets.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 261

22 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Actuarial gains and losses from changes in estimates relating to the as well as the asset situation of the pension fund, these plans are
actuarial assumptions used to calculate defined benefit obligations, treated as defined contribution plans.
Accounting policies the difference between standardized and actual returns on plan
­assets, as well as the effects of the asset ceiling are recognized Description of the defined benefit plans
In addition to state pension plans, most employees are granted ­directly in equity as other comprehensive income.
company pension benefits from either defined contribution or The following section describes the typical plan structure in the
­defined benefit plans. Benefits generally depend on years of service, Economic and legal environment of the plans ­individual countries. Different arrangements may exist, in particular
contributions or compensation, and take into consideration the legal due to the assumption of plans as part of acquisitions; however,
framework of labor, tax and social security laws of the countries In some countries – especially in Germany, in the United States, in these do not have any material impact on the description of plans in
where the companies are located. To limit the risks of changing the United Kingdom and in Switzerland – there are pension the individual countries.
­financial market conditions as well as demographic developments, obligations subject to government supervision or similar legal
employees have, for a number of years now, been almost ­exclusively ­restrictions. For example, there are minimum funding requirements Germany
offered defined contribution plans for future years of service. to cover pension obligations, which are based on actuarial For BASF SE and German Group companies, a basic level of
­assumptions that differ from those pursuant to IAS 19. Furthermore, benefits is provided by BASF Pensionskasse VVaG, a legally
The Group Pension Committee monitors the risks of all pension there are qualitative and quantitative restrictions on allocating plan ­independent plan, which is financed by employer and employee
plans of the Group with regard to the financing of pension assets to certain asset categories. This could result in annual contributions as well as the return on plan assets. BASF SE ensures
­commitments and the portfolio structure of existing plan assets. The ­fluctuations in employer contributions, financing measures and the the necessary contributions to adequately finance the benefits
organization, responsibilities, strategy, implementation and report- assumption of obligations in favor of the pension funds to comply promised by BASF Pensionskasse VVaG. Some of the benefits
ing ­requirements are documented for the units involved. with regulatory requirements. ­financed via BASF Pensionskasse VVaG are subject to adjustments
that must be borne by its member companies to the extent that
The accounting policies presented in the following relate to defined The obligations and the plan assets used to fund the obligations are these cannot be borne by BASF Pensionskasse VVaG due to the
benefit pension obligations. exposed to demographic, legal and economic risks. Economic risks regulations imposed by the German supervisory authority. In 2004,
are primarily due to unforeseen developments on commodity and the basic benefit plan was closed for newly hired employees at
Provisions for pensions are calculated on an actuarial basis in capital markets. They affect, for example, pension adjustments German BASF companies and replaced by a defined contribution
­accordance with the projected unit credit method. Assumptions based on the level of inflation in Germany and in the United plan. A new defined contribution plan was introduced as of
­relating to the following valuation parameters, among others are ­Kingdom, as well as the impact of discount rates on the amount of July 1, 2021, for new hires in the German BASF companies. At
used: future developments in compensation, pensions and inflation, the defined benefit obligation. BASF SE, occupational pension promises that exceed the basic
employee turnover, and the life expectancy of beneficiaries. level of benefits are financed under a contractual trust arrangement
­Obligations are discounted based on the market yields on high-­ The strategy of the BASF Group with regard to financing pension by BASF Pensionstreuhand e.V.; at German Group companies,
quality corporate fixed-rate bonds. commitments takes into account country-specific supervisory and these benefits are financed primarily via pension provisions. As of
tax regulations. 2022, new employees receive a securities-based pension award
Similar obligations, especially those arising from commitments by while other employees are granted benefits primarily based on cash
North American Group companies to pay the healthcare costs and In some countries, pension benefits were granted for which the balance plans. Furthermore, employees are given the option of
life insurance premiums of retired staff and their dependents, are employer has a subsidiary liability. Pension benefits in a number of participating in various deferred compensation schemes.
reported under provisions for similar obligations. countries include minimum interest guarantees to a limited extent. If
the pension fund cannot generate the income needed to provide the
Actuarial reports are used to calculate the amount of pension minimum guarantee, this must be provided by the employer under
­provisions. the subsidiary liability. To the extent that recourse to the employer is
unlikely based on the structure and execution of the pension ­benefits
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 262

United States United Kingdom Actuarial assumptions

Employees are granted benefits based on defined contribution Employees are granted benefits based on a defined contribution
plans. plan. The valuation of the defined benefit obligation is based on the
­following key assumptions:
Effective 2010, the existing defined benefit plans were closed to The BASF Group also maintains defined benefit plans in the United
further increases in benefits based on future years of service, and Kingdom, which have been closed for further increases based on Assumptions used to determine the defined benefit obligation as of
December 31
benefits earned in the past were frozen. There is no entitlement to future years of service. Adjustments to compensate for increases in
pension adjustments to compensate for cost-of-living increases. the cost of living until the beginning of retirement are legally required United
for beneficiaries of defined benefit plans. Germany United States Switzerland Kingdom

The legal and regulatory frameworks governing the plans are based 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
on the U.S. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), The financing of the pension plans is determined by the provisions Discount rate 3.70 1.10 5.30 2.70 2.20 0.40 4.80 2.00
which requires the plan sponsor to ensure a minimum funding level. of the regulatory authority for pensions and the relevant social and Projected pension
2.20 1.60 – – – – 3.40 3.50
Any employer contributions necessary to meet the minimum funding labor law requirements. The defined benefit plans are administered increase
level are based on the results of an actuarial valuation. Furthermore, by a trust company, whose Board of Trustees, according to the
there are unfunded pension plans that are not subject to ERISA trustee agreement and law, represents the interests of the
­requirements. ­beneficiaries and ensures that the benefits can be paid in the future. Assumptions used to determine expenses for pension benefits
in the respective business year
The required funding is determined using technical valuations
Additional similar obligations arise from plans that assume the ­according to local regulations every three years. United
healthcare costs and life insurance premiums of retired employees Germany United States Switzerland Kingdom

and their dependents. Such plans have been closed to new entrants Other countries 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
since 2007. In addition, the amount of the benefits for such plans For Group companies in other countries, defined benefits are Discount rate 1.10 0.70 2.70 2.30 0.40 0.10 2.00 1.50
has been frozen. ­covered in some cases by pension provisions, but mainly by external Projected pension
1.60 1.50 – – – – 3.50 3.10
insurance companies or pension funds. increase
The employees of the BASF Group in Switzerland receive a ­company The assumptions used to ascertain the defined benefit obligation as
pension, which is financed through a pension fund by employer and of December 31 are used in the following year to determine the
employee contributions as well as the return on plan assets. The ­expenses for pension plans.
pension plans are accounted for as defined benefit plans, as the
obligatory minimum pension guaranteed by law under the Swiss A Group-wide, uniform procedure has thus far been used to
Pension Fund Act (BVG) is included in the scheme. All benefits vest determine the discount rates applied for valuation of material
immediately. According to government regulations, the employer is ­pension obligations of the BASF Group. Accordingly, the discount
obligated to make contributions, so that the pension funds are able rates were derived from the yields on corporate bonds in the
to grant the minimum benefits guaranteed by law. The pension respective currency zones with an issue volume of more than
funds are managed by boards, where employer and employees are 100 million units of the respective currency with a minimum rating of
equally represented, which steer and monitor the benefit plans and AA– to AA+ from at least one of the following three rating agencies:
asset allocation. Fitch, Moody’s, or Standard & Poor’s. For the determination of
material pension obligations in Germany, the United States,
­Switzerland and the United Kingdom, BASF began using a standard
model, the Willis Towers Watson RATE:Link model, to measure
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 263

­ iscount rates as of December 31, 2022. At Group level, the new

d Sensitivity analysis Explanation of the amounts in the statement of income and
approach led to a rise in obligations of €664 million, primarily balance sheet
­attributable to pension plans in Germany. The use of the previous A change in the material actuarial assumptions would have the
approach would have resulted in an increase to the discount rate of ­following effects on the defined benefit obligation: Composition of expenses for pension benefits
Million €
30 basis points for Germany.
2022 2021
Sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation as of December 31
Million € Expenses for defined benefit plans 357 423
The majority of domestic pension obligations are subject to legally
Increase by Decrease by
required regular adjustments based on interim inflation develop- Expenses for defined contribution plans 344 308
0.5 percentage points 0.5 percentage points
ments. An inflation rate of 10% was applied for 2022. The long-term 2022 2021 2022 2021
Expenses for pension benefits
701 731
(recognized in income from operations)
inflation assumption was adjusted in 2022 from 1.60% to 2.20%.
Discount rate –1,305 –2,115 1,477 2,420

Projected pension
The valuation of the defined benefit obligation is generally performed increase
985 1,533 –846 –1,267 Net interest expense from underfunded pension plans and
102 85
similar obligations
using the most recent actuarial mortality tables as of December 31
of the respective business year; these were last updated in 2019 for Net interest income from overfunded pension plans –21 –3

the pension obligations in Germany and in 2021 for the pension An alternative valuation of the defined benefit obligation was Expenses for pension benefits
81 82
(recognized in the financial result)
obligations in Switzerland. The actuarial mortality tables for the ­performed to determine how changes in the underlying assumptions
pension obligations in United States were adjusted in 2022. influence the amount of the defined benefit obligation. A linear
­extrapolation of these amounts based on alternative changes in the The interest on the net defined benefit liability at the beginning of the
Actuarial mortality tables (significant countries) as of December 31, 2022 assumptions as well as an addition of combined changes in the year is recognized in the financial result. This is the difference
­individual assumptions is not possible. ­between the interest cost of the defined benefit obligation and the
Germany Heubeck Richttafeln 2018G (modified)
standardized return on plan assets as well as the interest cost for
Pri-2012 base mortality tables with Scale MP-2021
United States
the asset ceiling. The expected contribution payments and benefits
paid over the course of the fiscal year are taken into account when
BVG 2020 generational with CMI 2018 mortality
Switzerland determining net interest.

S2PxA (standard actuarial mortality tables for

United Kingdom
self-administered plans (SAPS)) Net interest expense of the respective fiscal year is based on the
discount rate and the defined benefit obligation at the beginning of
the year.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 264

Development of defined benefit obligations Development of plan assets Development of net defined benefit liability
Million € Million € Million €
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021

Defined benefit obligation as of January 1 28,629 29,840 Plan assets as of January 1 23,130 21,400 Net defined benefit liability as of January 1 –5,499 –8,440

Current service cost 373 419 Standardized return on plan assets 300 194 Current service cost –373 –419

Past service cost 2 1 Deviation between actual and standardized return on plan assets –2,641 1,935 Past service cost –2 –1

Plan adjustments –12 –21 Employer contributions 144 151 Plan adjustments 12 0

Interest cost 379 276 Employee contributions 37 37 Interest cost –379 –276

Benefits paid –1,126 –1,084 Benefits paid –1,009 –952 Standardized return on plan assets 300 194

Employee contributions 37 37 Effects from acquisitions and divestitures – 216 Deviation between actual and standardized return on plan assets –2,641 1,935

Actuarial gains/losses –6,800 –1,496 Plan adjustments – –21 Actuarial gains/losses of the defined benefit obligation 6,800 1,496

of which adjustments relating to financial assumptions –7,712 –1,505 Other changes –21 –264 Benefits paid by unfunded plans 117 132

adjustments relating to demographic assumptions –12 –117 Currency effects 143 434 Employer contributions 144 151

experience adjustments 924 126 Plan assets as of December 31 20,083 23,130 Effects from acquisitions and divestitures 0 45

Effects from acquisitions and divestitures 0 171 Other changes –17 –245

Other changes –4 –19 The standardized return on plan assets is calculated by ­multiplying Currency effects –49 –71

Currency effects 192 505 plan assets at the beginning of the year with the discount rate used Asset ceiling for plan assets –431 –

Defined benefit obligation as of December 31 21,670 28,629 for existing defined benefit obligations at the beginning of the year, Net defined benefit liability as of December 31 –2,018 –5,499
taking into account benefit and contribution payments to be made of which defined benefit assets 792 661
during the year.
provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2,810 6,160
In 2022, effects from plan adjustments were based on the
­conversion of a final salary plan to a defined contribution plan for BASF’s remaining obligations and plan assets as well as an
future years of service in the Netherlands. In 2021, benefit ­associated deposit into plan assets relating to the divestiture of the
­entitlements and the corresponding assets from the pension plan in pigments business are presented for the previous year in effects
Canada were transferred to an external insurer. from acquisitions and divestitures.

As of December 31, 2022, the weighted average duration of the Through continuous monitoring of financing requirements of its
defined benefit obligation amounted to 13.2 years (previous year: pension plans, BASF strives to achieve the necessary yields to fill
16.6 years). financing gaps over the course of time. Company contributions for
2023 are currently expected to be around €140 million.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 265

Regional allocation of defined benefit plans as of December 31 i­nfrastructure equity, absolute return funds and senior secured
Million €
Pension obligations Plan assets Asset ceiling Net defined benefit liability

2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021

Almost all of the equities are priced on active markets. The ­category
Germany 15,219 20,400 14,108 15,498 – – –1,111 –4,902 debt instruments includes promissory notes and debentures
United States 2,876 3,563 1,977 2,610 – – –899 –953 (Pfandbriefe) acquired through private placements with a market
Switzerland 1,561 1,812 2,007 2,212 –431 – 15 400 value in the amount of €138 million as of December 31, 2022, and
€188 million as of December 31, 2021. For such securities,
United Kingdom 1,260 1,967 1,368 2,178 – – 108 211
­especially those held by domestic pension plans, there is no active
Other 754 887 623 632 – – –131 –255
market. There is also no fungible market price for the additional
Total 21,670 28,629 20,083 23,130 –431 – –2,018 –5,499
amount of €3,731 million, especially in the category of alternative
investments and real estate. The capital market compensates for
this lack of fungibility with yield premiums depending on the ­maturity.
Explanations regarding plan assets Structure of plan assets
Plan assets as of the balance sheet date contained securities issued
2022 2021
The target asset allocation has been defined by using asset liability by BASF Group companies with a market value of €0 million in 2022
Equities 21 26
studies and is reviewed regularly. Accordingly, plan assets are and €0 million in 2021. The market value of the properties of legally
aligned with the long-term development of the obligations, taking Debt instruments 42 45 independent pension funds rented to BASF Group companies was
into consideration the risks associated with the specific asset of which for government debtors 16 18 €115 million compared with €112 million in the previous year.
­classes and the regulations relating to the investment of plan assets. for other debtors 26 27
The existing portfolio structure is based on the target asset To enable Pensionskasse VVaG to meet future regulatory solvency
Real estate 7 6
­allocation. In addition, current market assessments are taken into requirements and strengthen its risk-bearing capacity, BASF SE
Alternative investments 29 21
consideration. In order to mitigate risks and maximize returns, a temporarily provided the pension fund with capital in the form of a
Cash and cash equivalents 1 2
widely spread global portfolio of individual assets is held. retrospective initial fund loan with a nominal value of €220 million in
Total 100 100 2021; the pension fund utilized €80 million of that amount in the
Liability-driven investment (LDI) techniques, such as hedging the risk same year on a one-time basis in order to repay the existing profit
of changes in interest rates and inflation, are used in some pension The asset class debt instruments comprises promissory notes and participation capital. The initial fund loan was increased to a nominal
plans, especially for U.K. and U.S. plans. debentures (Pfandbriefe) as well as corporate and government value of €320 million in 2022.
bonds. Government bonds primarily relate to bonds from countries
with very high credit ratings, such as the United States, the United
Kingdom, Germany and Switzerland. Government bonds from
emerging countries are also held to a limited extent. Corporate
bonds mainly comprise bonds from creditworthy debtors, although
particular high-yield bonds are also held to a limited extent. In
­connection with the continuous monitoring of default risk based on
a given risk budget and on the observation of the development of
the creditworthiness of issuers, the plan asset allocation may be
adjusted in the case of a revised market assessment. Alternative
investments largely comprise investments in private and
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 266

The funding of the plans was as follows: 23 Other provisions Provisions for restructuring measures include severance payments
to departing employees or similar personnel expenses as well as
Current funding situation of the pension plans as of December 31 Accounting policies expected costs for site closures, including costs for demolition and
Million €
similar measures. Provisions are recognized for these expenses
2022 2021
Other provisions are recognized when there is a present obligation when the relevant measures have been planned and announced by
Defined Defined
benefit Plan benefit Plan
as a result of a past event and when there is a probable outflow of management.
obligation assets obligation assets resources whose amount can be reliably estimated. Provisions are
Unfunded pension plans 1,963 – 2,121 – recognized at the probable settlement value. Provisions for employee obligations primarily consist of variable
Funded pension plans 19,707 20,083 26,508 23,130
compensation including associated social security contributions, as
Provisions for environmental protection and remediation costs well as obligations for granting long-service bonuses. The latter are
Asset ceiling – –431 – –
are recognized for expected costs for rehabilitating contaminated predominantly calculated based on actuarial principles.
Total 21,670 19,652 28,629 23,130
sites, recultivating landfills, removal of environmental contamination
at existing production or storage sites, and for similar measures as Provisions for obligations from sales and purchase contracts
In accordance with IAS 19.64, an asset ceiling for pension plans in well as for obligations to surrender emission certificates. largely comprise obligations arising from rebates granted and other
Switzerland came into effect in 2022 in the amount of €431 million. price discounts in the Agricultural Solutions segment, warranties
A plan asset surplus exists if a defined benefit plan’s assets exceed In addition, other provisions also cover expected costs for and product liabilities, sales commissions and losses from onerous
the plan’s obligations. IAS 19 requires the employer to test any such restoration obligations for dismantling existing plants and contracts.
surplus for impairment. If no economic benefit (for example, reduced buildings. If BASF is the only responsible party that can be identified,
contributions or a refund) to the company is present, an asset ceiling the p­rovision covers the entire expected obligation. At sites Provisions for litigation, damage claims, warranties and similar
must be reported. operated together with one or more partners, the provision obligations contain anticipated expenses from lawsuits in which
generally covers only BASF’s share of the expected obligation. The BASF is the defendant party, as well as obligations under damage
Defined contribution plans and government pensions amount of the provision is determined based on the available claims against BASF and fines. In order to determine the amount of
technical information on the site, the technology used, legal the provisions, the company takes into consideration the facts
The contributions to defined contribution plans recognized in income regulations, and official ­requirements. The calculation accounts for ­related to each case, the size of the claim, compensation awarded
from operations amounted to €344 million in 2022 and €308 million expected significant changes in obligations. in similar cases and independent expert advice as well as
in 2021. ­assumptions regarding the probability of a successful claim and the
range of possible claims. Actual costs can deviate from these
Contributions to government pension plans were €601 million in ­estimates.
2022 and €578 million in 2021. For more information, see Note 24 on page 268
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 267

The probable amount required to settle noncurrent provisions is The following table shows the development of other provisions by to liabilities when the amount and timing of these obligations ­become
discounted if the effect of discounting is material. In this case, the category. Other changes include reclassifications to disposal known.
provision is recognized at present value. Assumptions must be groups, changes in the scope of consolidation, acquisitions,
made in determining the discount rate used for calculating noncur- ­divestitures, currency effects and the reclassification of obligations
rent provisions (2022: between 1.0% and 2.2%; 2021: 1.25%).
­Financing costs related to unwinding the discount of provisions in
subsequent periods are shown in other financial result. Development of other provisions in 2022
Million €
January 1, Unwinding of Other December 31,
Other provisions 2022 Additions discount Utilization Releases changes 2022
Million €
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Restoration obligations 158 19 2 –10 –1 –10 158

Of which Of which Environmental protection and

926 67 5 –74 –11 34 946
current current remediation costs

Restoration obligations 158 16 158 21 Employee obligations 2,368 1,538 1 –1,820 –152 10 1,945

Environmental protection and Obligations from sales and purchase contracts 1,423 1,374 – –1,087 –117 64 1,658
946 135 926 94
remediation costs
Restructuring measures 279 56 – –116 –73 –2 144
Employee obligations 1,945 1,522 2,368 1,907
Litigation, damage claims, warranties and
79 62 0 –13 –7 4 125
Obligations from sales and similar obligations
1,658 1,618 1,423 1,379
purchase contracts
Other 486 194 1 –158 –95 46 473
Restructuring measures 144 121 279 229
Total 5,717 3,310 9 –3,278 –455 146 5,448
Litigation, damage claims,
warranties and similar 125 56 79 26

Other 473 331 486 279

Total 5,448 3,799 5,717 3,935

The decrease in provisions for employee obligations was mainly

attributable to lower accruals for variable compensation compo-

The increase in provisions for obligations from sales and purchase

contracts resulted from higher accruals for rebate programs.

The decrease in provisions for restructuring measures was mainly

attributable to lower accruals for severance payments.

Other includes interest on noncurrent tax provisions.

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 268

24 Risks from litigation and claims 25 Other financial obligations Obligations arising from purchase contracts

Since August 2019, BASF Corporation has been served in various The figures listed below are stated at nominal value: Obligations from purchase contracts resulted primarily from
U.S. federal and state lawsuits alleging property and resource ­long-term purchase obligations for raw materials as well as supply
­damages and personal injuries from possible exposure to per- and Other financial obligations agreements for energy from renewable sources. The decline is
polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS). In December 2018, a multi-­ Million € mainly attributable to lower purchase obligations for raw materials.
Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
district litigation was created to coordinate claims brought against 2022 2021 For more information on long-term energy supply agreements, see the chapter on Energy and climate
protection in the Management’s Report from page 135 onward
manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of aqueous film forming Bills of exchange 5 3
foam (AFFF) in particular, which plaintiffs allege contains toxic levels Firm purchase obligations as of December 31, 2022, were as
Guarantees 41 383
of certain PFAS compounds including perfluorooctanoic acid and ­follows:
Warranties 33 58
perfluorooctane sulfonate. Plaintiffs typically allege that exposure to
AFFF has caused loss of use and enjoyment of property, diminished Collateral granted on behalf of third-party liabilities 1 1 Obligations arising from purchase contracts
Million €
property value, remediation costs, and personal injuries including Initiated investment projects 13,982 4,761
Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
various types of cancers. The complaints name BASF as a defen- of which purchase commitments 5,019 1,481 2022 2021
dant in connection with its 2009 acquisition of Ciba Specialty Following year 1 9,353 9,686
for the purchase of intangible assets 10 10
­Chemicals Inc. and the legacy Ciba/BASF Lodyne fluorochemical
Payment and loan commitments and other financial Following year 2 2,703 4,963
product lines. BASF is a defendant in over 2,200 lawsuits as of obligations 293 263
Following year 3 2,150 1,832
January 2023 and is defending against these claims.
Following year 4 2,058 1,716

At this time, BASF cannot predict the outcome of resolving these BASF SE provides a guarantee to Abu Dhabi National Oil Corpora- Following year 5 1,975 1,720
matters or what potential actions may be taken by regulatory tion covering all obligations of Wintershall Dea Middle East GmbH Following year 6 and maturities beyond this year 8,876 9,644a
­agencies. An adverse outcome could be material to BASF’s financial related to the Ghasha concession in the United Arab Emirates.
Total 27,116 29,561
­results. ­Furthermore, BASF SE assumed guarantees to the Danish Energy
a Pursuant to IAS 8 a retrospective adjustment to obligations from purchase contracts was carried out in the
Agency covering all obligations of Wintershall Dea Interna­ amount of €2,179 million.

Furthermore, BASF SE and its affiliated companies are defendants tional GmbH and Wintershall Noordzee B.V. related to licenses for
in or parties to a variety of legal or regulatory proceedings on a exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Danish
­recurring basis. To our current knowledge, none of these proceed- concession area. The guarantees do not stipulate a maximum
ings will have a material effect on the economic situation of BASF. amount. The risk of a claim being exercised against the guarantees
is classified as low. The decline in guarantees resulted primarily from
the fact that BASF SE’s guarantees were no longer in existence for
abandonment obligations of Wintershall Dea Norge AS for various
oil and gas facilities acquired from Equinor as of December 31,

The rise in obligations from initiated investment projects is mainly

attributable to the construction of BASF’s new Verbund site in
­Zhanjiang, China.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 269

26 Supplementary information on financial The classification and measurement of financial assets is based on ­ ortfolio with them is more than 90 days overdue. In these cases,
instruments the one hand on the cash flow condition (the “solely payments of individual impairments are recognized for the financial assets
principle and interest” criterion), that is, the contractual cash flow measured at amortized cost that are then considered to be credit
26.1 Accounting policies characteristics of an individual financial asset. On the other hand, it impaired.
also depends on the business model used for managing financial The extent of expected credit losses is determined based on the
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized in the asset portfolios. Based on these two criteria, BASF uses the credit risk of a financial asset, as well as any changes to this
consolidated balance sheet when the BASF Group becomes a
­ ­following measurement categories for financial assets: credit risk: If the credit risk of a financial asset has increased
party to a financial instrument. Financial assets are derecognized – Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss ­significantly since initial recognition, expected credit losses are
when BASF no longer has a contractual right to the cash flows from include all financial assets whose cash flows are not solely generally recognized over the lifetime of the asset. If, however, the
the financial asset or when the financial asset is transferred together ­payments of principal and interest in accordance with the cash credit risk has not increased significantly in this period, impair-
with all material risks and rewards of ownership and BASF does not flow condition established in IFRS 9. At BASF, derivatives, for ments are generally only recognized as 12-month expected
have control of the financial asset after it has been transferred. For ­example, are allocated to this measurement category. In general, credit losses. By contrast, under the simplified approach for
example, receivables are derecognized when they are definitively BASF does not exercise the fair value option in IFRS 9, which determining expected credit losses permitted by IFRS 9,
found to be uncollectible such as in the event of concluded permits the allocation of financial instruments not to be measured ­impairments for receivables such as lease receivables and trade
­insolvency proceedings. Financial liabilities are derecognized when at fair value through profit or loss on the basis of the cash flow accounts receivable always cover the lifetime expected credit
the contractual obligations expire, are discharged or cancelled. condition or the business model criterion to the above category losses of the receivable concerned.
Regular-way purchases and sales of financial instruments are under certain circumstances. At BASF, the credit risk of a financial asset is assessed using both
­accounted for using the settlement date; in precious metal trading, – Financial assets measured at amortized cost include all assets internal information and external rating information on the
the trade date is used. with contractual terms that give rise to cash flows on specific respective counterparty. A significant increase in the counter­
dates, provided that these cash flows are solely payments of party’s credit risk is assumed if its rating is lowered by a certain
The fair value of a financial instrument is the price that would be principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding in number of notches. It is generally assumed that the credit risk for
­received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly ­accordance with the cash flow condition in IFRS 9, to the extent a counterparty with a high credit rating will not have increased
transaction between market participants at the measurement date. that the asset is held with the intention of collecting the expected significantly.
If pricing on an active market is available, for example in the form of contractual cash flows over its term. At BASF, this measurement Regional and, in certain circumstances, industry-specific factors
exchange prices, these are used as the basis for the measurement. category includes trade accounts receivable, as well as receiv- and expectations are taken into account when assessing the
Otherwise, the measurement is based on either internal measure- ables reported under other receivables and miscellaneous assets ­extent of impairment as part of the calculation of expected credit
ment models using current market parameters or external measure- and certain securities. losses and individual impairments. In addition, BASF uses internal
ments, for example, from banks. These internal measurements rely Initial measurement of these assets is generally at fair value, and external ratings and the assessments of debt collection
predominantly on the net present value method and option pricing which usually corresponds to the transaction price at the time of agencies and credit insurers, when available. Individual impair-
models. These models incorporate, for example, expected future acquisition or, in the case of trade accounts receivable, to the ments are also based on experience relating to customer solvency
cash flows as well as discount factors adjusted for term and, transaction price pursuant to IFRS 15. Subsequent measurement and customer-specific risks. Factors such as credit insurance,
­potentially, risk. Depending on the availability of market parameters, effects are recognized in income using the effective interest which covers a portion of receivables measured at ­amortized
BASF assigns financial instruments’ market values one of the three ­method. cost, are likewise considered when calculating i­mpairments. Bank
levels of the fair value hierarchy pursuant to IFRS 13. Reassignment Impairments are recognized for expected credit losses at both guarantees and letters of credit are used to an immaterial extent.
to a different level during a fiscal year is only carried out if the initial and subsequent measurement, even before the occurrence Expected credit losses and individual i­mpairments are only calcu-
­availability of observable market parameters for identical or similar of any default event. Counterparties are generally considered to lated for those receivables that are not covered by insurance or
items changes. default when they become insolvent, become a debtor in a other collateral. Impairments on ­ receivables whose insurance
creditor protection program or are in a finance-related legal
­ ­includes a deductible are not ­recognized in excess of the amount
dispute with BASF, or more than half of BASF’s receivables
­ of the deductible.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 270

A decrease in impairment due, for example, to a reduction in the The following measurement categories are used for financial In cash flow hedges, future cash flows and the related income and
credit risk of a counterparty or an objective event occurring after ­liabilities: expenses are hedged against the risk of changes in fair value. To this
the impairment is recorded in profit or loss. Reversals of – Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost generally end, future underlying transactions and the corresponding hedging
­impairments may not exceed amortized cost, less any expected include all financial liabilities, provided these do not represent
­ instruments are designated in a cash flow hedge accounting
future credit losses. ­derivatives. They are generally measured at fair value at the time ­relationship for accounting purposes. The effective portion of the
– Financial assets measured at fair value through other of initial recognition, which usually corresponds to the value of the change in fair value of the hedging instrument, which often meets
­comprehensive income include all assets with contractual terms consideration received. Subsequent measurement is recognized the definition of a derivative, and the cost of hedging are recognized
that give rise to cash flows on specified dates that are solely in profit or loss at amortized cost using the effective interest directly in equity under other comprehensive income over the term
payments of principal and interest on the principal amount ­method. At BASF, for example, bonds and liabilities to banks of the hedge, taking deferred taxes into account. The ineffective
­outstanding, in accordance with the cash flow condition in IFRS 9. ­reported under financial indebtedness are measured at amortized portion is recognized immediately in the income statement. In the
Furthermore, the assets in this measurement category may not cost. case of future transactions that lead to recognition of a nonfinancial
just be held with the intention of collecting the expected – Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or asset or a nonfinancial liability, the cumulative fair value changes of
­contractual cash flows over their term, but also generating cash loss contain derivative financial liabilities. These are likewise the hedge in equity are generally charged against the cost of the
flows from their sale. At BASF, certain securities that are reported ­measured at the value of the consideration received as the fair hedged item on its initial recognition. For hedges based on financial
as other financial assets or marketable securities are allocated to value of the liability on the date of initial recognition. Fair value is assets, financial liabilities or future transactions, cumulative fair value
this category. BASF does not exercise the option to s­ ubsequently also applied as a measurement basis for these liabilities in changes of the hedges are transferred from equity to the income
measure equity instruments through other comprehensive ­subsequent measurement. The option to subsequently measure statement in the reporting period in which the hedged item is
­income. non-derivative financial liabilities at fair value is not exercised. ­recognized in the income statement. The maturity of the hedging
Assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive Derivative financial instruments can be embedded within other instrument is aligned with the effective date of the future transaction.
income are initially measured at fair value, which usually
­ contracts, creating a hybrid financial instrument. If IFRS policies
­corresponds to the transaction price of the securities allocated to require separation, the embedded derivative is accounted for When fair value hedge accounting is used, the asset or liability
this category at the time of acquisition. Subsequent measurement separately from its host contract and measured at fair value. If recognized is hedged against the risk of a change in fair value. The
is likewise at fair value. Changes in the fair value are recognized in IFRS 9 does not provide for separation, the hybrid instrument is hedging instruments used, which often take the form of a derivative,
other comprehensive income and reclassified to the statement of accounted for at fair value in its entirety. are measured at fair value and changes in fair value are recognized
income when the asset is disposed of. in the statement of income. The carrying amounts of the assets or
Impairments on financial assets measured at fair value through Financial guarantees of the BASF Group are contracts that require liabilities designated as the underlying transaction are also measured
other comprehensive income are calculated in the same way as compensation payments to be made to the guarantee holder if a at fair value through the statement of income.
impairments on financial assets measured at amortized cost and debtor fails to make payment when due under the terms of a
recognized in profit or loss. ­transaction entered into with the holder of the guarantee. Financial
guarantees issued by BASF are measured at fair value upon initial
recognition. In subsequent periods, these financial guarantees are
carried at the higher of amortized cost or the best estimate of the
present obligation as of the reporting date.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 271

26.2 Financial risks applying 10% appreciation to the functional currency). This only ber 31, 2022, a change in interest rates would not have had an effect
­refers to transactions in U.S. dollars in both years. on shareholders’ equity. There were also no interest derivatives
Market risks designated in a hedge accounting relationship as of Decem-
Exposure and sensitivity by currency ber 31, 2021.
Million €
Foreign currency risks: Changes in exchange rates could lead to
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
losses in the value of financial instruments and adverse changes in Carrying amounts of nonderivative interest-bearing financial instruments
Exposure Sensitivity Exposure Sensitivity Million €
future cash flows from planned transactions. Foreign currency risks
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
from financial instruments result from the translation at the closing +5% +10% +5% +10%
Fixed Variable Fixed Variable
rate of financial receivables, loans, securities, cash and financial USD 1,643 –93 –170 1,712 –128 –231
interest rate interest rate interest rate interest rate
liabilities into the functional currency of the respective Group
­ Other 987 –47 –90 1,011 –49 –94
Loans 75 92 113 108
­company. Foreign currency contracts in various currencies are used
Total 2,630 –141 –260 2,723 –177 –324
Securities 155 208 20 209
to hedge foreign exchange risks from nonderivative financial
­instruments and planned transactions. Financial
16,428 2,588a 14,446 2,738a
Due to the use of options to hedge currency risks, the sensitivity
The foreign currency risk exposure corresponds to the net amount analysis is not a linear function of the assumed changes in exchange a Including fixed rate bonds maturing in the following year

of the nominal volume of the primary and the derivative financial rates.
­instruments that are exposed to currency risks. In addition, planned Nominal and fair values of combined interest rate and currency swaps
Million €
purchase and sales transactions of the respective following year are Interest rate risks: Interest rate risks arise from changes in p
­ revailing
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
included if they fall under the currency risk management system. market interest rates, which can lead to changes in the fair value of
Nominal Fair Nominal Fair
Long and short positions in the same currency are offset against fixed-rate instruments and in interest payments for variable-rate value value value value
each other. ­instruments. Interest rate swaps and combined interest rate and
Combined interest rate and currency
currency derivatives are used in individual cases to hedge these 3,427 265 4,183 102
The sensitivity analysis was conducted by simulating a 5% and 10% risks. The derivatives are presented in Note 26.5. Interest rate risks of which fixed rate 3,427 265 4,183 102
appreciation of the respective functional currency against the other are relevant to BASF’s financing activities but are not of material
currencies. A 5% appreciation of the respective functional currency significance for BASF’s operating activities.
would have reduced BASF’s income before income taxes by Central benchmark interest rates are being comprehensively revised
€156 million as of December 31, 2022. A 10% appreciation of the The variable interest risk exposure, which also includes fixed rate as part of what is known as the IBOR reform. Accordingly, the
respective functional currency would have resulted in a negative bonds maturing in the following year, amounted to –€2,441 mil- ­interest rates affected by the reform will be phased out and replaced
­effect on BASF’s income before income taxes in the amount of lion­as of December 31, 2022 (2021: –€2,408 million). An increase by new ones. The publication of all GBP, EUR, CHF and JPY LIBORs
€293 million. A 5% appreciation of the respective functional c
­ urrency in all relevant interest rates by one half of a percentage point would as well as USD LIBORs with maturities of one week and two months
would have resulted in a negative effect on BASF’s income before have lowered income before income taxes by €7 million as of was discontinued as of December 31, 2021. Publication of the
income taxes in the amount of €174 million (–€326 million applying ­December 31, 2022. An increase in all relevant interest rates by one ­remaining USD LIBORs is expected to continue until June 30, 2023.
10% appreciation) as of December 31, 2021. The effect from the ­percentage point would have lowered income before income taxes
items designated under hedge accounting would have i­ncreased by €15 million as of the same date. An increase in all relevant interest BASF is continuously monitoring developments arising from the
shareholders’ equity before income taxes by €15 million applying rates by one half of a percentage point would have lowered income IBOR reform to ensure the timely adjustment of existing contracts as
5% appreciation to the functional currency, and increased it by before income taxes by €4 million as of December 31, 2021 (an well as to identify potential financial risks at an early stage. Particular
€32 million applying 10% appreciation to the functional c­ urrency as ­increase of one percentage point would have lowered income ­before consideration is given to the carrying amounts or nominal values
of December 31, 2022 (2021: reduction of €3 million applying 5% income taxes by €9 million). Because no interest derivatives were (derivatives) of contracts that reference an interest rate affected by
appreciation to the functional currency and increase of €2 million designated in hedge accounting relationships as of Decem- the reform and therefore may still have to be converted to an
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 272

­ lternative interest rate (contracts yet to be adjusted). As of Decem-

a By holding commodity derivatives and precious metal trading Exposure due to commodity derivatives
Million €
ber 31, 2022, financial liabilities related to contracts yet to be positions, BASF is exposed to price risks. The valuation of
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
­adjusted were identified in the amount of €61 million (December 31, ­commodity derivatives and precious metal trading positions at fair
Exposure Value at risk Exposure Value at risk
2021: €302 million). These are variable-rate bank loans referenced value means that adverse changes in market prices could
to a USD LIBOR. Furthermore, financial assets related to contracts ­negatively affect the earnings and equity of BASF. Crude oil,
oil products and 388 23 97 18
yet to be adjusted were identified in the amount of €43 million natural gas
(December 31, 2021: €85 million). These are mainly short-term
­ BASF holds several physical power purchase agreements (physical Precious metals 46 2 51 1
loans, particularly to nonconsolidated subsidiaries, that are PPAs) with terms of up to 25 years. Under the physical PPAs, BASF
referenced to a USD LIBOR (€43 million). No derivatives were
­ procures electricity and associated green electricity certificates, 87 0 58 0
­identified that are associated with contracts yet to be adjusted. known as guarantees of origin (GoOs). The physical PPAs are ­eligible Electricity and
for the own use exemption and are therefore not recognized as green electricity 228 4 388 7
Commodity price risks: Some of BASF’s divisions are exposed to ­derivatives in the balance sheet even when electricity and green
strong fluctuations in raw materials prices. These result primarily electricity certificates are purchased at a fixed price.
from raw materials (for example naphtha, benzene, natural gas, LPG The exposure corresponds to the net amount of all long and short
condensate) as well as from precious metals. BASF takes the Furthermore, BASF holds several virtual power purchase ­agreements positions of the respective commodity category.
following measures to reduce price risks associated with the
­ (virtual PPAs) in the United States with terms of up to 15 years. The For more information on BASF’s financial risks and risk management, see Opportunities and Risks
from page 157 onward
­purchase of raw materials: virtual PPAs contain embedded contracts for difference for electrici-
– BASF uses derivatives to hedge the risks of raw materials prices. ty prices that are recognized separately as derivatives at fair value
These are primarily options on crude oil, oil products and natural through profit or loss. In the event of adverse changes in electricity Default and credit risk
gas. market prices, valuation of the contracts for difference for electricity
– The Catalysts division enters into both short-term and long-term prices at fair value can lead to negative effects on earnings and Default and credit risks arise when customers and debtors do not
purchase contracts with precious metal and battery metal ­equity of BASF. fulfill their contractual obligations. BASF regularly analyzes the
­producers. It also buys precious metals on spot markets from ­creditworthiness of the counterparties and grants credit limits on the
various business partners. The price risk from metals purchased BASF performs value-at-risk analyses for all commodity derivatives basis of this analysis. Due to the global activities and diversified
to be sold on to third parties, or for use in the production of and precious metal trading positions. Value at risk continuously customer structure of the BASF Group, there is no significant
catalysts and battery materials, is hedged using derivative
­ measures the market price risk and quantifies the loss that is not ­concentration of default risk. The carrying amount of all receivables,
­instruments. This is mainly performed using forward contracts, exceeded by a specific confidence level during a defined holding loans and interest-bearing securities plus the nominal value of
which are settled by either entering into offsetting contracts or by period. BASF bases the value-at-risk calculation on a confidence ­financial obligations stemming from contingent liabilities not to be
delivering the precious metal. interval of 95% and a holding period of one day. BASF applies the recognized represents the maximum default risk for BASF.
– In the Agricultural Solutions division, the sales prices of products variance-covariance method to calculate value at risk. For more information on credit risks, see Note 18 from page 252 onward
are sometimes pegged to the price of certain agricultural
­commodities. To hedge the resulting risks, derivatives on agricul- BASF uses value at risk in conjunction with other risk management Liquidity risks
tural commodities are concluded. tools. Besides value at risk, BASF sets volume-based limits as well
as exposure and stop-loss limits. BASF promptly recognizes any risks from cash flow fluctuations as
In addition, BASF holds limited unhedged precious metal and oil part of liquidity planning. BASF has ready access to sufficient liquid
product positions, which can also include derivatives, for trading on funds from the ongoing commercial paper program and confirmed
its own account. The value of these positions is exposed to market lines of credit from banks.
price volatility and is subject to constant monitoring.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 273

26.3 Maturity analysis Maturities of contractual cash flows from financial liabilities as of December 31, 2022
Million €
Bonds and other Accounts
The interest and principal payments as well as other payments for liabilities to the Liabilities to payable, Derivative Miscellaneous
derivative financial instruments are relevant for the presentation of capital market credit institutions trade liabilities liabilities Total

the maturities of the contractual cash flows from financial liabilities. 2023 3,058 1,143 8,429 295 700 13,625
Future cash flows are not discounted here. 2024 821 817 2 29 262 1,931

2025 1,956 280 3 65 180 2,484

Derivatives are included using their net cash flows, provided they
2026 1,783 908 – 1 137 2,829
have negative fair values and therefore represent a liability. Deriva-
2027 2,271 585 – 1 108 2,965
tives with positive fair values are assets and are therefore not taken
into account. 2028 and thereafter 10,211 305 – 14 763 11,293

Total 20,100 4,038 8,434 405 2,150 35,127

Maturities of contractual cash flows from financial liabilities as of December 31, 2021
Million €
Bonds and other Accounts
liabilities to the Liabilities to payable, Derivative Miscellaneous
capital market credit institutions trade liabilities liabilities Total

2022 2,462 1,200 7,820 459 762 12,703

2023 2,230 190 4 37 251 2,712

2024 675 796 2 3 182 1,658

2025 1,812 258 – 52 126 2,248

2026 629 684 – 0 94 1,407

2027 and thereafter 7,608 382 – 57 706 8,753

Total 15,416 3,510 7,826 608 2,121 29,481

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 274

26.4 Classes and categories of financial instruments At the time of initial recognition, the fair values of the contracts for amounted to €8 million and –€17 million after subtracting the
difference for electricity prices, which were calculated using a ­differences in the amount of €70 million; they are reported in the
For trade accounts receivable, other receivables and miscellaneous ­valuation model, were higher than the respective transaction prices balance sheet under other receivables and miscellaneous assets or
assets, cash and cash equivalents, as well as trade accounts of zero. As these are level 3 fair values, the differences are deferred other liabilities. The changes in carrying amounts were recognized in
­payable and other liabilities, the carrying amount approximates the and reported in the balance sheet together with the positive or the income statement as other operating income or other operating
fair value. negative fair value of the respective contract for difference for expenses.
­electricity prices, according to the valuation model. The differences
The financial instruments reported under Derivatives – no hedge are amortized over the terms of the contracts using the straight-line
accounting, of which fair value level 3, in the table “Carrying method.
amounts and fair values of financial instruments” relate to
­contracts for difference for electricity prices embedded in virtual As of January 1, 2022, the difference yet to be amortized in profit or
power purchase agreements (virtual PPAs). The expected capacity loss from a virtual PPA signed in the previous year amounted to
of the solar power plants in Texas, United States, is 250 megawatts. €12 million. Further PPAs signed in 2022 resulted in differences of
The solar parks are scheduled to go into operation in 2023 €61 million. In 2022, differences amounting to €3 million were
(50 megawatts) and 2024 (200 megawatts). The level 3 fair value is ­amortized in profit or loss and recognized as other operating income
determined as the present value of the expected cash flows from in the income statement. After proportional amortization, differences
the contracts for difference for electricity prices. The key valuation yet to be amortized in profit or loss remained in the amount of
parameters are the expected electricity prices and expected €70 million as of December 31, 2022.
­production volumes as well as expected startup date. A change in
the key valuation parameters as of December 31, 2022, would have The carrying amount of the virtual PPA signed in the previous year
affected the fair value of the contracts for difference for electricity reported in the balance sheet under other liabilities was €1 million as
prices as follows: of January 1, 2022, after subtracting the difference of €12 million. As
of December 31, 2022, the carrying amounts of the virtual PPAs

Sensitivities virtual PPA contracts for difference for electricity prices (United States)
Million €

Change in expected electricity prices Change in expected production volumes Date of startupa

3 months later 3 months earlier

+10% –10% +10% –10% than expected than expected

22 –22 6 –6 –3 3

a Due to differing forward prices for electricity in the relevant months and the seasonality of solar power generation, linear extrapolation of the values is not possible.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 275

Carrying amounts and fair values of financial instruments as of December 31, 2022
Million €
carrying amount Valuation category
within scope of in accordance Of which Of which Of which
Carrying amount application of IFRS 7 with IFRS 9b Fair value fair value level 1c fair value level 2d fair value level 3e

Shareholdingsa 539 539 FVTPL 0 – 0 –

Receivables from finance leases 34 34 n/a 34 – – –

Accounts receivable, trade 11,787 11,787 AC 11,787 – – –

Accounts receivable, trade 268 268 FVTPL 268 – 268 –

Derivatives – no hedge accounting 1,030 1,030 FVTPL 1,054 1 1,021 32g

Derivatives – hedge accounting 317 317 n/a 317 – 317 –

Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsf 6,931 1,346 AC 1,346 – – –

Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsf 89 89 FVTPL 89 – 89 –

Securities 25 25 AC 25 – – –

Securities 120 120 FVTOCI 120 42 78 –

Securities 668 668 FVTPL 668 204 464 –

Cash equivalents 447 447 FVTPL 447 447 – –

Cash and cash equivalents 2,069 2,069 AC 2,069 – – –

Total assets 24,324 18,739 18,224 694 2,237 32

Bonds 15,088 15,088 AC 13,946 12,533 1,413 –

Commercial paper 654 654 AC 654 – – –

Liabilities to credit institutions 3,273 3,273 AC 3,175 – 3,175 –

Liabilities from leases 1,488 1,488 n/a 1,488 – – –

Accounts payable, trade 8,434 8,434 AC 8,434 – – –

Derivatives – no hedge accounting 386 386 FVTPL 340 10 359 –29h

Derivatives – hedge accounting 1 1 n/a 1 – 1 –

Other liabilitiesf 3,099 2,205 AC 2,205 – – –

Total liabilities 32,423 31,529 30,243 12,543 4,948 –29

a In general, only significant shareholdings are measured at fair value. All insignificant shareholdings are measured at cost (carrying amount: €539 million). Fair value level 1 is applied to publicly listed shareholdings. Level 2 is applied to shareholdings for which valuation is based on parameters observable in the market to the greatest extent
possible. These may be adjusted to reflect valuation-relevant characteristics of the respective shareholding in the fair value.
b AC: amortized cost; FVTOCI: fair value through other comprehensive income; FVTPL: fair value through profit or loss; a more detailed description of the categories can be found in Note 26.1 from page 269 onward.
c Fair value was determined based on quoted, unadjusted prices on active markets.
d Fair value was determined based on parameters for which directly or indirectly quoted prices on active markets were available.
e Fair value was determined based on parameters for which there was no observable market data.
f Does not include separately shown derivatives or receivables and liabilities from finance leases. If miscellaneous receivables are valued at fair value through profit or loss, their valuation is generally based on parameters observable on the market. These are adjusted to reflect valuation-relevant characteristics of the respective assets in the
fair value.
g The carrying amount of the contract for difference for electricity prices reported in the balance sheet under other receivables and miscellaneous assets is €8 million after subtracting the differences of €24 million described on page 274.
h The carrying amount of the contract for difference for electricity prices reported in the balance sheet under other liabilities is €17 million after subtracting the differences of €46 million described on page 274.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 276

Carrying amounts and fair values of financial instruments as of December 31, 2021
Million €
carrying amount Valuation category
within scope of in accordance Of which Of which Of which
Carrying amount application of IFRS 7 with IFRS 9b Fair value fair value level 1c fair value level 2d fair value level 3e

Shareholdingsa 514 514 FVTPL 0 – 0 –

Receivables from finance leases 44 44 n/a 44 – – –

Accounts receivable, trade 11,723 11,723 AC 11,723 – – –

Accounts receivable, trade 219 219 FVTPL 219 – 219 –

Derivatives – no hedge accounting 729 729 FVTPL 729 13 716 –

Derivatives – hedge accounting 287 287 n/a 296 0 216 80g

Other receivables and miscellaneous assetsf 6,211 1,351 AC 1,351 – – –

Other receivables and miscellaneous assets f

90 90 FVTPL 90 – 90 –

Securities 9 9 AC 9 – – –

Securities 0 0 FVTOCI 0 – 0 –

Securities 260 260 FVTPL 260 207 53 –

Cash equivalents 236 236 FVTPL 236 236 – –

Cash and cash equivalents 2,388 2,388 AC 2,388 – – –

Total assets 22,710 17,850 17,345 456 1,294 80

Bonds 13,489 13,489 AC 14,617 12,819 1,798 –

Commercial paper 248 248 AC 248 – – –

Liabilities to credit institutions 3,447 3,447 AC 3,447 – – –

Liabilities from leases 1,412 1,412 n/a 1,412 – – –

Accounts payable, trade 7,826 7,826 AC 7,826 – – –

Derivatives – no hedge accounting 568 568 FVTPL 557 2 566 –11h

Derivatives – hedge accounting 1 1 n/a 1 0 1 –

Other liabilitiesf 3,298 2,267 AC 2,267 – – –

Total liabilities 30,289 29,258 30,375 12,821 2,365 –11

a In general, only significant shareholdings are measured at fair value. All insignificant shareholdings are measured at cost (carrying amount: €514 million). Fair value level 1 is applied to publicly listed shareholdings. Level 2 is applied to shareholdings for which valuation is based on parameters observable in the market to the greatest extent
possible. These may be adjusted to reflect valuation-relevant characteristics of the respective shareholding in the fair value.
b AC: amortized cost; FVTOCI: fair value through other comprehensive income; FVTPL: fair value through profit or loss; a more detailed description of the categories can be found in Note 26.1 from page 269 onward.
c Fair value was determined based on quoted, unadjusted prices on active markets.
d Fair value was determined based on parameters for which directly or indirectly quoted prices on active markets were available.
e Fair value was determined based on parameters for which there was no observable market data.
f Does not include separately shown derivatives or receivables and liabilities from finance leases. If miscellaneous receivables are valued at fair value through profit or loss, their valuation is generally based on parameters observable on the market. These are adjusted to reflect valuation-relevant characteristics of the respective assets in the
fair value.
g The carrying amount of the physical PPAs reported in the balance sheet under assets of disposal groups is €71 million after subtracting the differences of €14 million and –€5 million.
h The carrying amount of the contract for difference for electricity prices reported in the balance sheet under other liabilities is €1 million after subtracting the difference of €12 million.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 277

Offsetting of derivative assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2022

Million €
Offset amounts Potential netting volume

Due to Relating to
Gross amount Amount offset Net amount global netting agreements financial collateral Potential net amount

Derivatives with positive fair values 727 –18 708 –141 –288 279

Derivatives with negative fair values 275 –18 257 –141 –21 94

Offsetting of derivative assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2021

Million €
Offset amounts Potential netting volume

Due to Relating to
Gross amount Amount offset Net amount global netting agreements financial collateral Potential net amount

Derivatives with positive fair values 459 –12 447 –209 –125 112

Derivatives with negative fair values 459 –12 447 –209 –116 121

The table “Offsetting of derivative assets and liabilities” shows the payments received on orders was €889 million. Accordingly, the net
extent to which assets and liabilities were offset in the balance sheet, amount for trade accounts receivable was €12,055 million (gross
as well as potential effects from the offsetting of derivatives subject amount before offsetting: €13,047 million). The resulting net amount
to a legally enforceable global netting agreement (primarily in the for trade accounts payable was €8,434 million (gross amount before
form of an ISDA agreement) or similar agreement. For positive fair offsetting: €8,537 million). The net amount for advance payments
values of combined interest rate and currency swaps, the respective received on orders was €926 million (gross amount before offsetting:
counterparties provided cash collaterals in an amount comparable €1,815 million). In 2021, trade accounts receivable were also offset
to the outstanding fair values. against trade accounts payable and the advance payments received
on orders included in current other liabilities. This reduced trade
Deviations from the derivatives with positive fair values and accounts receivable by €805 million. The reduction in trade accounts
­derivatives with negative fair values reported in other receivables payable was €36 million and the reduction in advance payments
and other liabilities at the end of 2022 and 2021 arose from received on orders was €769 million. Accordingly, the net amount
­derivatives not subject to any netting agreements. These are not for trade accounts receivable was €11,942 million (gross amount
included in the table above. before offsetting: €12,747 million). The resulting net amount for
trade accounts payable was €7,826 million (gross amount before
In addition to the offsetting of derivatives presented in the table offsetting: €7,862 million). The net amount for advance payments
above, trade accounts receivable in 2022 were offset against trade received on orders was €949 million (gross amount before offsetting:
accounts payable and advance payments received on orders, which €1,718 million).
were included in current other liabilities, provided specific netting
agreements with customers existed. As a result, trade accounts
­receivable were reduced by €992 million. The reduction in trade
accounts payable was €103 million and the reduction in advance
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 278

The net gains and losses from financial instruments shown in the Net gains and losses from financial instruments
Million €
following table comprise the results of valuations, the amortization of
2022 2021
discounts, the recognition and reversal of impairments, results from
Financial assets measured at amortized cost 85 318
the translation of foreign currencies as well as interest, dividends
and all other effects on the earnings resulting from financial of which interest result 53 19

­instruments. The line item financial instruments at fair value through Financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 289 608
profit or loss contains only gains and losses from instruments that of which interest result 59 58
are not designated as hedging instruments in a hedging relationship
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 3 2
in accordance with IFRS 9.
of which interest result 3 2
Gains and losses from the valuation of securities recognized in equity are shown in development of
income and expense recognized in equity attributable to shareholders of BASF SE on page 204 Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost –701 –726
For more information, see the Statement of Changes in Equity on page 208
of which interest result –461 –324
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 279

26.5 Derivative financial instruments and hedging To ensure efficient risk management, risk positions are centralized at Hedge accounting
relationships BASF SE and certain Group companies. The contracting and
­execution of derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes BASF is exposed to commodity price risks in the context of procur-
The use of derivative financial instruments are conducted according to internal guidelines, and subject to strict ing naphtha. Some of the planned purchases of naphtha are hedged
control mechanisms. using options on oil and oil products. The main contractual elements
BASF is exposed to foreign currency, interest rate and commodity of these items are aligned with the characteristics of the hedged
price risks during the normal course of business. These risks are The fair values of derivative financial instruments are calculated item. Cash flow hedge accounting was employed for a portion of
hedged using derivative instruments as necessary in accordance using valuation models that, if available, use input parameters
­ these hedging relationships in 2022 and 2021. The average exercise
with a centrally determined strategy. Hedging is employed for ­observable on the market. Exceptions to this are some commodity price of the designated options was $737.71 per metric ton as of
­existing underlying transactions from the product business, cash derivatives, whose valuation is based directly on market prices. December 31, 2022 (December 31, 2021: $675.54 per metric ton).
investments and financing as well as for planned sales, raw materi- Cash flows from designated hedging instruments and hedged
al­s purchases and capital measures. Furthermore, hedging may transactions occur in the following year and are also recognized in
also be used for cash flows from acquisitions and divestitures. The profit or loss for that year.
risks from the hedged items and the derivatives are continually
monitored. Where derivatives have a positive market value, BASF is Furthermore, cash flow hedge accounting continued to be employed
exposed to credit risks from derivative transactions in the event of to a minor extent for procuring natural gas, which is likewise ­exposed
nonperformance of the other party. To minimize the default risk on to commodity price risks. Commodity price-based options serve as
derivatives with positive market values, transactions are exclusively hedging instruments, for which contract terms are defined to reflect
conducted with creditworthy banks and partners and are subject to the risks of the hedged item. Depending on where trading took
predefined credit limits. place, the average exercise price of the designated options was
€71.36 per MWh or $5.00 per mmBtu as of December 31, 2022.
The average exercise price of the designated options was €32.60
per MWh or $3.74 per mmBtu as of December 31, 2021. Cash
Fair value of derivative instruments flows from the hedging transaction and hedged item are generally
Million €
recognized in profit or loss for 2023 and 2024.
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Foreign currency forward contracts 165 21

The change in the options’ time value is recognized separately in
Foreign currency options 19 1 equity as costs of transaction-related hedging and, in the year
Foreign currency derivatives 184 22 during which the hedged items mature, it is initially derecognized
of which designated hedging instruments as defined by IFRS 9 (hedge accounting) 16 0 against the carrying amount of the procured assets and recognized
in profit or loss when the assets are consumed. In 2022, a decrease
Combined interest rate and currency swaps 265 102
in fair value of €60 million was recognized in equity, and €49 million
of which designated hedging instruments as defined by IFRS 9 (hedge accounting) 256 179
was initially derecognized against the carrying amount of the
Interest derivatives 265 102
inventories procured and then recognized upon consumption in
Commodity derivatives 511 324 profit or loss. In 2021, a decrease in fair value of €27 million was
of which designated hedging instruments as defined by IFRS 9 (hedge accounting) 45 107 a recognized as a reduction in equity, and €24 million was derecog-
Derivative financial instruments 960 447 nized against the carrying amount of the assets.

a Of which €71 million reported in the balance sheet under assets of disposal groups
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 280

Due to planned sales in U.S. dollars, BASF is exposed to foreign Furthermore, BASF was exposed to foreign currency risks in 2022
currency risks, which are partially hedged with currency options and through U.S. dollar-denominated commercial paper. These risks are
designated in a cash flow hedge accounting relationship. The hedged with foreign currency forward contracts and designated in a
hedged transaction – the designated share of expected sales in cash flow hedge accounting relationship. The average hedged rate
U.S. dollars – is calculated based on internal thresholds. The hedged was $1.0683 per euro as of December 31, 2022. In 2022, the
volume is always below the total amount of expected sales in changes in value in the amount of €30 million resulting from the
U.S. dollars for the following fiscal year. The average hedged rate change in the forward rate were recognized separately in equity as
was $1.0255 per euro as of December 31, 2022, and $1.1630 per hedging costs, leading to an increase in equity (2021: €11 million).
euro in the previous year. The impact on earnings from designated Of accumulated hedging costs in equity, the amount of €30 million
transactions in 2022 will be recognized in the following year. The was reclassified in 2022 as time-period-related hedging costs,
decrease in the options’ time value component arising in the amount ­increasing earnings (2021: €11 million). There was no ineffectiveness
of €8 million in 2022 was recognized separately in equity as the cost at any time during the year.
of hedging and resulted in a reduction in equity. Due to the maturity
of hedged items, accumulated changes in the options’ time values The effects of the hedging relationships on the balance sheet, the
were reclassified as a reduction in earnings in the amount of ­€9 mil- cash flow hedge reserve, hedged nominal value and ineffectiveness
lion. In the previous year, €14 million was recognized as a change in to be determined are presented in the following tables by fiscal year.
the options’ time value component, thereby reducing equity; and
€19 million was reclassified as a reduction in earnings.

Furthermore, BASF SE’s fixed-rate U.S. private placement of

$1.25 billion, issued in 2013, was converted to euros using
cross-currency swaps, as the private placement exposes BASF to a
combined interest/currency risk. The hedged interest rate was
4.13% in the fiscal years 2022 and 2021. The hedged foreign
­exchange rate in both years was $1.3589 per euro. This hedge was
designated as a cash flow hedge.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 281

Cash flow hedge accounting effects in 2022

Million €
Change in fair values for assessing
Carrying amount of hedging instruments Cash flow hedge reserve ineffectiveness Recognized ineffectiveness

Accumulated Hedging effects Amounts statement
amounts for recognized reclassified to item for
continuing in other profit or loss for recognition
Financial Financial Nominal hedging comprehensive realized hedging of reclassifi- Hedging Hedged Ineffective- Income
assets liabilities Balance sheet item value relationships income transactions cation instrument transaction ness amount statement item

Other receivables and Other

Foreign currency risks 17 1 miscellaneous assets / 1,215 11 304 –294 operating 10 10 – n/a
other liabilities income

Interest risks – – n/a – – –15 15 operating – – – n/a

Combined interest/foreign Other receivables and Other financial

256 – 920 2 76 –68 256 259 – n/a
currency risks miscellaneous assets income

Other receivables and
Commodity price risks 45 – 296 4 181 –111a operating 4 4 – n/a
miscellaneous assets

Total 318 1 2,431 17 546 –458 270 273 –

a €166 million was derecognized from the cash flow hedge reserve, reducing the cost of inventories, and recognized in profit or loss upon consumption.

Cash flow hedge accounting effects in 2021

Million €
Change in fair values for assessing
Carrying amount of hedging instruments Cash flow hedge reserve ineffectiveness Recognized ineffectiveness

Accumulated Hedging effects Amounts statement
amounts for recognized reclassified to item for
continuing in other profit or loss for recognition
Financial Financial Nominal hedging comprehensive realized hedging of reclassifi- Hedging Hedged Ineffective- Income
assets liabilities Balance sheet item value relationships income transactions cation instrument transaction ness amount statement item

Other receivables and Other

Foreign currency risks 1 1 miscellaneous assets / 508 0 83 –125 operating 0 0 – n/a
other liabilities income

Combined interest/foreign Other receivables and Other financial

179 – 920 –5 89 –85 179 187 – n/a
currency risks miscellaneous assets income

Other receivables and

miscellaneous assets /
Commodity price risks 107 0 488 100 154 –a n/a 100 100 – n/a
assets of disposal
groups / other liabilities

Total 287 1 1,916 95 326 –210 279 287 –

a €59 million was derecognized from the cash flow hedge reserve, reducing the cost of inventories, and recognized in profit or loss upon consumption.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 282

The occurrence of all forecasted transactions was considered to be 27 Capital structure management and statement BASF currently has the following ratings, which were most recently
highly probable at all times during fiscal years 2022 and 2021. of cash flows confirmed by Fitch on November 30, 2022, and by Moody’s on
Amounts accumulated in the cash flow hedge reserve for commod- January 18, 2023. Standard & Poor’s confirmed BASF’s A rating on
ity price risks are derecognized against the carrying amount of Capital structure management August 1, 2022, and adjusted its outlook from stable to negative.
­acquired assets once the hedged transaction occurs. Thus, there is
no immediate reclassification of the amounts recognized in the cash The aim of capital structure management is to maintain the financial Ratings as of December 31, 2022
flow hedge reserve to profit or loss in these cases. flexibility needed to further develop BASF’s business portfolio and
Noncurrent Current
take advantage of strategic opportunities. The objectives of the financial financial
company’s financing policy are to ensure solvency, limit financial indebtedness indebtedness Outlook

risks and optimize the cost of capital. Fitch A F1 stable

Moody’s A3 P-2 stable

Capital structure management focuses on meeting the requirements Standard & Poor’s A A-1 negative
needed to ensure unrestricted access to the capital market and a
solid A rating. The capital structure is managed using selected
­financial ratios, such as dynamic debt ratios, as part of the c
­ ompany’s Ratings as of December 31, 2021
financial planning.
Noncurrent Current
financial financial
The equity of the BASF Group as reported in the balance sheet indebtedness indebtedness Outlook

amounted to €40,923 million as of December 31, 2022 (Decem- Fitch A F1 stable

ber 31, 2021: €42,081 million); the equity ratio was 48.4% on Moody’s A3 P-2 stable
­December 31, 2022 (December 31, 2021: 48.2%). Standard & Poor’s A A-1 stable

BASF prefers to access external financing on the capital markets. A

commercial paper program is used for short-term financing, while BASF strives to maintain a solid A rating, which ensures unrestricted
corporate bonds are used for financing in the medium and long access to financial and capital markets.
term. These are issued in euros and other currencies with different For more information on BASF’s financing policy, see the Management’s Report from page 64 onward
maturities. The goal is to create a balanced maturity profile, achieve
a diverse range of investors and optimize BASF’s debt capital
financing conditions. Since 2020, BASF has employed green
corporate bonds to finance the development of sustainable
­products and projects with a clear environmental benefit.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 283

Statement of cash flows Payments received from divestitures in the amount of €691 million Assets/liabilities from hedging transactions form part of the
resulted primarily from the sale of shares in the Hollandse Kust Zuid ­balance sheet items derivatives with positive and negative fair values
Cash flows from operating activities contained the following wind farm in the amount of €382 million, the sale of the kaolin respectively and include only those transactions which hedge risks
­payments: ­minerals business in the amount of €225 million, and the sale of the arising from financial indebtedness and financing-related liabilities
production site in Quincy, Florida, and associated attapulgite secured by micro hedges.
Statement of cash flows business in the amount of €60 million. Payments received for
­ For more information on receivables and miscellaneous assets, see Note 18 from page 252 onward
Million €
­divestitures in the amount of €1,030 million in 2021 were mainly For more information on liabilities, see Note 21 from page 257 onward
2022 2021
from the sale of the pigments business. For more information on the statement of cash flows, see the Management’s Report from page 65
Income taxes –1,514 –1,707 onward
For more information on acquisitions and divestitures, see Note 3 from page 216 onward
of which income tax refunds 358 95

income tax payments –1,872 –1,802 Payments made for property, plant and equipment and intangible
Interest payments –353 –318 assets amounted to €4,375 million, €843 million higher than in the
previous year.
of which interest received 191 151

interest paid –544 –469

Cash and cash equivalents in the amount of €2,516 million consist
Dividends received 1,657 711
primarily of cash on hand and bank balances with maturities of less
than three months. As in the previous year, these were not subject
The noncash earnings from investments that are accounted for to any utilization restrictions in 2022. However, the repayment of
­using the equity method are eliminated from other items in cash funds from Russia is currently only possible to a limited extent.
flows from operating activities. That resulted in a loss of €4,499 mil-
lion, mainly from Wintershall Dea AG, in 2022 and a gain of €960 mil- The reconciliation according to IAS 7 breaks down the changes in
lion in the previous year. financial and similar liabilities and their hedging transactions into
For more information, see Note 10 from page 231 onward cash-effective and non-cash-effective changes. The cash-effective
changes presented on the left correspond to the figures in cash
In order to optimize precious metal stocks, the Group sells precious flows from financing activities.
metals and concurrently enters into agreements to repurchase them
at a set price. The cash flows resulting from the sale and repurchase Loan liabilities do not contain any interest components.
in the amount of €502 million were reported in cash flows from
­operating activities. Other financing-related liabilities primarily comprise liabilities from
accounts used for cash pooling with BASF companies not included
In 2022, cash flows from investing activities included €13 million in in the Consolidated Financial Statements. They are reported in
payments made for acquisitions. These related to an adjusted ­miscellaneous liabilities within the balance sheet item other liabilities
­purchase price payment for Solvay’s polyamide business (2021: that qualify as financial instruments.
€600 million for the acquisition of BASF Shanshan Battery
­Materials Co., Ltd).
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 284

Reconciliation according to IAS 7 for 2022 28 Personnel expenses and employees

Million €
Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Personnel expenses
2021a Non-cash-effective changes 2022

Cash effective in divestitures/
Expenses for wages and salaries, social security contributions and
cash flows from changes in the Additions Changes assistance, as well as for pensions totaled €11,400 million in 2022.
financing scope of Currency from lease Other in
activities consolidation effects contracts effects fair value In the previous year, these amounted to €11,097 million. The rise
was mainly attributable to a higher wage and salary level, currency
Financial indebtedness 17,184 1,473 – 332 – 27 – 19,016
effects, particularly from the U.S. dollar, as well as a higher average
Loan liabilities 441 –114 – –1 – –4 – 322
number of employees. Declining bonus provisions and lower
Lease liabilities 1,414 –453 b
–4 35 583 –86 c
– 1,489 ­pension expenses had an offsetting effect.
Other financing-related liabilities 342 –52 –70 2 – 28 – 250

Financial and similar liabilities 19,381 854 –74 368 583 –35 – 21,077 Personnel expenses
Million €
Assets/liabilities from hedging transactions 5 –288 – – – – 128 –155 2022 2021
Total 19,386 566 –74 368 583 –35 128 20,922 Wages and salaries 9,102 8,847

a Balances as of December 31, 2021 also include amounts reclassified to the disposal groups and therefore deviate from balance sheet values. Social security contributions and
b Lease payments totaled €495 million in 2022. The principal component in the amount of €453 million is presented in cash flows from financing activities. BASF reports interest payments in cash flows from operating activities; 1,598 1,519
assistance expenses
these items amounted to €42 million.
c Includes mainly disposals from lease contracts.
Pension expenses 701 732

Personnel expenses 11,400 11,097

Reconciliation according to IAS 7 for 2021
Million €
Dec. 31, Dec. 31,
2020a Non-cash-effective changes 2021a

Cash effective in divestitures/
cash flows from changes in the Additions Changes
financing scope of Currency from lease Other in
activities consolidation effects contracts effects fair value

Financial indebtedness 19,214 –2,575 97 411 – 37 – 17,184

Loan liabilities 559 –63 –53 6 – –8 – 441

Lease liabilities 1,369 –551 b

–17 52 622 –61 c
– 1,414

Other financing-related liabilities 228 52 54 2 – 6 – 342

Financial and similar liabilities 21,370 –3,137 80 471 622 –26 – 19,381

Assets/liabilities from hedging transactions –43 –8 – – – – 56 5

Total 21,327 –3,145 80 471 622 –26 56 19,386

a Balances as of December 31, 2021 and 2020 also include amounts reclassified to the disposal groups and therefore deviate from balance sheet values.
b Lease payments totaled €437 million in 2021. The principal component in the amount of €401 million is presented in cash flows from financing activities. BASF reports interest payments in cash flows from operating activities;
these items amounted to €36 million. Advance payments for land use rights at the new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China, in the amount of €150 million are also included in cash flows from financing activities.
c Includes mainly disposals from lease contracts.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 285

Number of employees The average number of employees was distributed over the regions 29 Share price-based compensation programs
as follows: and BASF incentive share program
As of December 31, 2022, the number of employees increased to
111,481 employees compared with 111,047 employees as of Average number of employees Share price-based compensation programs
­December 31, 2021. The rise was primarily due to staff increases in
2022 2021
Asia Pacific, especially for the new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, China. In 2022, the BASF Group continued offering its share price-based
Europe 67,621 67,788
Furthermore, the Global Business Services unit contributed to a rise compensation program (the long-term incentive (LTI) program),
in Germany, Asia Pacific and South America. In addition, the of which Germany 51,174 51,144 known as Strive!, which was launched in 2020. The share price-
­investment project to expand infrastructure and production plants North America 16,452 16,765 based compensation program known as “BOP” (BASF Option
for battery materials at the Schwarzheide site in Germany led to a Asia Pacific 20,036 18,464 ­Program), which had existed since 1999, was offered for the last
rise in the number of employees. The divestiture of the kaolin time in 2020. All option rights granted during the BOP program
South America, Africa, Middle East 6,914 6,799
minerals business and the suspension of business activities in
­ years remain valid until the end of their respective exercise periods.
BASF Group 111,023 109,815
­Russia had an offsetting impact.
of which apprentices and trainees 2,711 2,750
Generally, members of the Board of Executive Directors and all
Employees of joint operations are included in the number of temporary staff 2,642 2,400 ­senior executives are entitled to participate in the LTI programs.
­employees relative to BASF’s share in the company. As of Decem-
ber 31, 2022, a total of 1,196 employees (2021: 1,175 employees) The average number of employees increased to 111,023 employ- Strive!
worked at joint operations. ees in 2022 (2021: 109,815 employees).
Strive! is based on a performance share plan and takes into account
The development of the number of employees in the BASF Group The reasons for the development of the number of employees as the achievement of strategic goals and the development of the
was distributed over the regions as follows: described above are also decisive to the rise in average number of BASF share and dividend (total shareholder return) over a period of
employees. Furthermore, the formation of BASF Shanshan Battery four years.
Number of employees as of December 31 Materials Co., Ltd. as of August 31, 2021, had an increasing effect,
and the divestiture of the pigments business as of June 30, 2021, Participation in Strive! is voluntary for senior executives and is linked
2022 2021
had a reducing effect. to a share ownership obligation. Strive! offers rolling eligibility,
Europe 67,958 67,532
­without a deadline for participation. Approximately 708 people were
of which Germany 51,703 51,026 On average, 1,188 employees worked at joint operations (2021: eligible to participate in Strive! in 2022. About 94% of eligible senior
North America 16,036 16,753 1,143 employees). executives and the Members of the Board of Executive Directors
Asia Pacific 20,452 19,976 For more information on acquisitions and divestitures, see Note 3 from page 216 onward participated. Unlike for senior executives, participation is not
­voluntary for the members of the Board of Executive Directors and
South America, Africa, Middle East 7,035 6,786
is outlined in their service contracts. The same plan conditions
BASF Group 111,481 111,047
generally apply to members of the Board of Executive Directors.
of which apprentices and trainees 3,049 3,028

temporary staff 2,468 2,329

BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 286

A Strive! plan includes a four-year performance period with a fixed A personal investment in BASF shares is the prerequisite for partici- BASF Option Program (BOP)
disbursement date. A target amount is determined at the beginning pation in Strive!. Participants are required to own BASF shares
of each new Strive! plan for every participant. This target amount is amounting to a predetermined percentage of their base salary for The “BOP” LTI program last offered in 2020, grants virtual option
converted into a preliminary number of virtual performance share the duration of the performance period. A set-up phase applies to rights. When exercised, the option rights are settled in cash.
units (PSUs) by dividing it by the average BASF share price in the first-time participants. During this period, they are required to hold a
fourth quarter of the previous year. The number of PSUs that are percentage of shares as their predetermined personal investment. Participation in BOP was voluntary. In order to take part in the
ultimately paid out at the end of the performance periods depends The set-up phase for the 2022 Strive! program ends on Decem- program, a participant had to make a personal investment:
on the achievement of the three strategic targets: growth (volume ber 31, 2025. The 2022 Strive! program has the same fundamental Participants were required to hold BASF shares representing
growth compared with global chemical production), profitability structure as the Strive! programs in previous years. ­between 10% and 30% of their respective variable compensation
­(increase in EBITDA before special items) and sustainability ­(CO2 for a two-year period from the granting of the option (holding period).
emissions). Fair value of PSUs and parameters used as of The number of shares to be held was determined by the amount of
December 31, 2022
variable compensation and the volume-weighted average share
Achievement of each strategic target is calculated for each year of Strive! program of the price on the first trading day after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
the four-year performance period. Upon conclusion of the perfor- year

mance period, the average degree of target achievement for each 2022 2021 2020 Participants received four option rights per invested share. Each
strategic goal is equal to the arithmetic mean of the degrees of target Number of PSUs granted 848,367 823,760 658,814 option consists of two parts, right A and right B, which may be
achievement for the four years. The total target achievement for the Number of PSUs vested 212,092 411,880 494,111
­exercised if defined thresholds have been met: The threshold of
respective Strive! plan is determined by adding the target achieve- right A is met if the price of the BASF share has increased by more
Fair value including fluctuation / PSU € 35.99 72.16 64.17
ment degree for the three strategic targets after having multiplied than 30% in comparison with the base price on the option grant
Fair value excluding fluctuation / PSU € 40.68 78.30 66.84
each by the corresponding weighting factor. To calculate the final date (absolute threshold). The value of right A is the difference
number of PSUs, this weighted target achievement is multiplied by Weighted target achievement  % 83.33 159.75 119.75 ­between the market price of BASF shares on the exercise date and
the preliminary number of PSUs. The payment amount upon Base price € 61.82 57.15 67.85 the base price; it is limited to 100% of the base price. Right B may
conclusion of the four-year performance period is calculated by
­ be exercised (relative threshold) if the cumulative percentage perfor-
multiplying the final number of PSUs by the average BASF share PSUs vested by the deadline were measured at fair value. Fair value mance of BASF shares exceeds the percentage performance of the
price for the fourth quarter of the last year of the performance ­period, is determined based on the BASF share price of €46.39 on the MSCI World Chemicals IndexSM (MSCI Chemicals). The value of
plus the accumulated dividend payments in the four fiscal years. The balance sheet date plus expected dividend payments during the right B is the base price of the option multiplied by twice the per-
payment occurs in May of the following year and is capped at 200% term of the program and taking into account the weighted target centage by which the BASF share outperforms the MSCI Chemicals
of the target amount. The payment amount therefore not only achievement rate of the respective Strive! plan. A fluctuation rate of Index on the exercise date. It is limited to the closing price on the
­reflects achievement of the strategic targets, but performance of 4% is assumed for the fair value of senior executives’ PSUs. date of exercise less the calculated nominal value of the BASF
BASF’s dividend and share price as well (total shareholder return). share. Right B may only be exercised if the price of the BASF share
The LTI provision for Strive! rose from €48 million as of Decem- equals at least the base price. When a two-year vesting period is
ber 31, 2021, to €71 million as of December 31, 2022, due to the over, options granted can be exercised until the end of the respec-
increased number of vested PSUs. The expense from the addition tive exercise period. During the exercise period, there are certain
of provisions totaled €23 million in 2022 and €37 million in 2021. times (closed periods) during which the options may not be
­exercised. Each option can only be exercised in full, and one of the
thresholds must be exceeded. If the other threshold is not e
­ xceeded,
the other option right lapses. A participant’s maximum gain from
exercising an option is limited to five times the original individual
­investment. Option rights are nontransferable and are forfeited if the
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 287

option holders no longer work for the BASF Group or have sold part In 2021, the amount of €3 million was utilized due to senior The free shares to be provided by the company are measured at the
of their individual investment before the expiry of the two-year ­executives leaving the company, whereas in 2022 €1 million was fair value on the grant date. Fair value is determined on the basis of
­vesting period. They remain valid in the case of retirement. For the utilized due to senior executives leaving the company. Income from the BASF share price, taking into account the present value of
members of the Board of Executive Directors, the long-term the reduction in provisions totaled €46 million in 2022 and €2 million ­dividends, which are not paid during the term of the program. The
orientation of the program has been strengthened significantly
­ in 2021. weighted-average fair value on the grant date amounted to €47.74
­compared with the conditions applying to the other participants. for the 2022 program, and €67.71 for the 2021 program.
Members of the Board of Executive Directors were required to BASF “Plus” Incentive Share Program
­participate in the BOP program with at least 10% of their actual The fair value of the free shares to be granted is recognized as an
annual variable compensation. In view of this binding personal
­ The “plus” incentive share program was introduced in 1999 and is expense with a corresponding increase in capital reserves over the
­investment (in the form of BASF shares), an extended holding period currently available to employees in Germany, other European term of the program.
of four years applies. Members of the Board of Executive Directors ­countries and Mexico. Simultaneous participation in both the “plus”
may only exercise their option rights four years after they have been program and an LTI program is not permitted. Personnel expenses for BASF’s “plus” incentive share program
granted at the earliest (vesting period). ­totaled €20 million in 2022 and €27 million in 2021.
Employees who participate in BASF’s “plus” incentive share ­program
As a result of a resolution by the Board of Executive Directors in and acquire shares in BASF as a personal investment from their
2002 to settle option rights in cash, all outstanding option rights variable compensation. For every 10 BASF shares purchased in the
under the 2015 to 2020 programs were valued at fair value as of program, a participant receives one BASF share at no cost after
December 31, 2022. A proportionate provision was recognized for one, three, five, seven and 10 years of holding these shares. As a
programs in the vesting period. rule, the first and second block of 10 shares entitles the participant
to receive one BASF share at no extra cost in each of the next
The number of outstanding options declined from 10,988,512 in 10 years.
2021 to 9,328,238 in 2022, due mainly to the expiration of options
from the 2014 BOP program. The right to receive free BASF shares lapses if a participant sells the
individual investment in BASF shares, if the participant stops work-
The exercisable options had no intrinsic value as of Decem- ing for a Group company or one year after retirement. The number
ber 31, 2022, or December 31, 2021. of free shares to be granted has developed as follows:

The models used in the valuation of the option plans are based on Number of free shares to be granted
the arbitrage-free valuation model according to Black-Scholes. The
2022 2021
fair values of the options are determined using the binomial model.
As of January 1 3,079,123 3,251,576
Volatility is determined on the basis of the monthly closing prices
over a historical period corresponding to the remaining term of the Newly acquired entitlements 1,239,700 498,765

options. Bonus shares issued –478,925 –547,960

Lapsed entitlements –1,342,543 –123,258

The LTI provision for BOP decreased from €110 million as of
As of December 31 2,497,355 3,079,123
­December 31, 2021, to €64 million as of December 31, 2022, due
to lower fair values and a lower number of outstanding option rights.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 288

30 Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and Supervisory Board 31 Related party transactions

Compensation of the Board of Executive Directors and Supervisory Board Related parties are legal or natural entities that can exert influence
Million €
on the BASF Group or over which the BASF Group exercises control
2022 2021
or joint control, or a significant influence. These primarily include
Non-performance-related and performance-related cash compensation of the Board of Executive Directors 18.5 31.1
nonconsolidated subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated
Fair value of performance share units allocated to the Board of Executive Directors in the fiscal year as of ­companies.
10.0 12.3
­allocation date

Total compensation of the Board of Executive Directors 28.5 43.4

The following tables show the volume of business with related
Service costs for members of the Board of Executive Directors 3.7 3.6 ­parties that are included in the Consolidated Financial Statements at
amortized cost or accounted for using the equity method. The
Compensation of the Supervisory Board 3.3 3.3 ­values include sales, receivables, other receivables, liabilities and
other liabilities with respect to the disposal groups and/or
Total compensation of former members of the Board of Executive Directors and their surviving dependents 9.1 14.3
­discontinued operations.
Pension provisions for former members of the Board of Executive Directors and their surviving dependents 160.4 196.9

Guarantees assumed for members of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board – – Sales and trade accounts receivable from and trade accounts
payable to related parties mainly included business with own
­products and merchandise, agency and licensing businesses, and
The STI performance bonus is based on the performance of the In 2022, members of the Board of Executive Directors were other operating businesses.
Board of Executive Directors as a whole and the return on capital ­allocated 166,001 performance share units (PSUs) under the LTI
employed (ROCE) of the BASF Group. Subject to certain conditions, performance share program (2021: 187,618 PSUs). Market Other receivables and liabilities primarily arose from financing
ROCE is adjusted for special items from acquisitions and divesti- ­valuation of the PSUs of members of the Board of Executive ­activities, from accounts used for cash pooling, outstanding divi-
tures. The conditions for a ROCE adjustment were not met in 2022. ­Directors resulted in an expense totaling €6.7 million in 2022 (2021: dend payments, profit and loss transfer agreements, and other
€9.6 million). ­finance-related and operating activities and transactions.
Market valuation of the option rights of active and former members The Compensation Report is available at
of the Board of Executive Directors resulted in income totaling For more information on the members of the Supervisory Board and Board of Executive Directors, The increase in other receivables from nonconsolidated subsidiaries
including their memberships on other boards, see page 182 onward
€2.3 million (2021: €0.8 million) in 2022. as well as from joint ventures and associated companies resulted
primarily from other finance-related receivables.

The decline in other liabilities to associated companies resulted from

other finance-related liabilities and contract liabilities.

Balances outstanding to related parties were generally not hedged

and were settled in cash.

The balance of valuation allowances on other receivables from

nonconsolidated subsidiaries declined from €100 million as of
­December 31, 2021, to €99 million as of December 31, 2022.
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 289

The balance of valuation allowances on trade accounts receivable Sales to related parties
Million €
from nonconsolidated subsidiaries remained equal to the previous
Services rendered Services received
year at €3 million as of December 31, 2022; for receivables from
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
joint ventures, it rose from €2 million as of December 31, 2021, to
€3 million as of December 31, 2022. Nonconsolidated subsidiaries 1,276 872 370 340

Joint ventures 1,381 1,386 1,643 1,703

BASF had obligations from guarantees and other financial obliga- Associated companies 222 459 2,778 1,294
tions in favor of nonconsolidated subsidiaries in the amount of
€8 million as of December 31, 2022 (December 31, 2021: ­€21 mil-
lion), in favor of joint ventures in the amount of €39 million as of Trade accounts receivable from / trade accounts payable to related parties
Million €
­December 31, 2022, and in favor of associated companies in the
Accounts Accounts
amount of €1 million as of December 31, 2022 (December 31, 2021: receivable, trade payable, trade
€389 million). December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

Nonconsolidated subsidiaries 400 266 159 136

Obligations arising from purchase contracts with joint ventures
Joint ventures 305 210 178 189
amounted to €5 million as of December 31, 2022, and €4 million as
of December 31, 2021. Associated companies 47 34 229 221

Annual minimum rental payments for an office building including a

parking area payable by BASF SE to BASF Pensionskasse VVaG for Other receivables from / liabilities to related parties
Million €
the nonterminable basic rental period until 2029 amounted to
Other receivables Other liabilities
€7 million.
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021

BASF SE had other finance-related receivables from Nonconsolidated subsidiaries 242 237 189 214

BASF Pensionskasse VVaG in the amount of €80 million as of Joint ventures 27 19 27 35

­December 31, 2022, and €83 million as of December 31, 2021. Associated companies 7 4 21 106

There were no reportable related party transactions with members

of the Board of Executive Directors or the Supervisory Board and
their related parties in 2022.
For more information on subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated companies, see the 2022
BASF Group list of shares held on page 219
For more information on defined benefit plans, the division of risk between Group companies, see
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations from page 261 onward
For more information on the members of the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board,
see Management and Supervisory Boards from page 182 onward
The Compensation Report is available at
BASF Report 2022 Consoli­dated Financial Statements – Notes 290

32 Services provided by the external auditor 33 Declaration of Conformity with the German 34 Non-adjusting events after the balance sheet
Corporate Governance Code date
BASF Group companies used the following services from KPMG:
Declaration pursuant to section 161 of the German Stock Since the beginning of the 2023 business year, no events have
Services provided by the external auditor Corporation Act (AktG) ­occurred that have a material impact on BASF’s net assets, financial
Million €
position and results of operations.
2022 2021
The annual Declaration of Conformity with the German Corporate
Annual audit 22.9 19.2
Governance Code according to section 161 AktG was submitted by
of which domestic 8.1 6.8 the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board of
Audit-related services 0.7 0.7 BASF SE in December 2022 and is published online.
of which domestic 0.5 0.5 For more information, see

Tax consultation services 0.2 0.2

of which domestic – 0

Other services 0 –

of which domestic 0 –

Total 23.8 20.1

The services provided by the external auditor mainly included

­services for the annual audit and, to a lesser extent, confirmation
services and tax consultation services.

The line item annual audit relates to expenses for the audit of the
Consolidated Financial Statements of the BASF Group, the legally
required financial statements of BASF SE and of the subsidiaries
and joint operations included in the Consolidated Financial
­Statements as well as the review of subgroups. Fees for audit-­
related services primarily include audits in connection with r­ egulatory
obligations as well as other confirmation services.
BASF Report 2022 291

To Our Shareholders
Management’s Report
Corporate Governance
Consolidated Financial Statements

Ten-Year Summary  292

Selected Key Figures Excluding Precious Metals  294

Glossary and Trademarks  295

BASF Report 2022 Overviews – Ten-Year Summary 292

Ten-Year Summary
Million €
2013a 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Statement of income

Sales 73,973 74,326 70,449 57,550 61,223b 60,220c 59,316 59,149 78,598 87,327

Income from operations (EBIT) 7,160 7,626 6,248 6,275 7,587b 5,974c 4,201 −191 7,677 6,548

Income before income taxes 6,600 7,203 5,548 5,395 6,882 b

5,233 c
3,302 −1.562 7,448 1,190

Income after taxes from continuing operations – – – – 5,592b 4,116c 2,546 −1.471 6,018 −391

Income after taxes from discontinued operations – – – – 760 b

863 c
5,945 396 −36 −

Income after taxes 5,113 5,492 4,301 4,255 6,352 4,979 8,491 −1.075 5,982 −391

Net income 4,792 5,155 3,987 4,056 6,078 4,707 8,421 −1.060 5,523 −627

Income from operations before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 10,432 11,043 10,649 10,526 10,765 b
8,970 c
8,185 6,494 11,355 10,748

EBIT before special items 7,077 7,357 6,739 6,309 7,645b 6,281c 4,643 3,560 7,768 6,878

Capital expenditures, depreciation and amortization

Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 7,726 7,285 6,013 7,258 4,364 10,735 4,097 4,869 4,881 4,967

of which property, plant and equipment 6,428 6,369 5,742 4,377 4,028 5,040 3,842 4,075 4,410 4,842

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 3,272 3,417 4,401 4,251 4,202 3,750 4,146 6,685 3,678 4,200

of which property, plant and equipment 2,631 2,770 3,600 3,691 3,586 3,155 3,408 5,189 3,064 3,549

Employees at year-end 112,206 113,292 112,435 113,830 115,490 122,404 117,628 110,302 111,047 111,481

Personnel expenses 9,285 9,224 9,982 10,165 10,610 10,659 10,924 10,576 11,097 11,400

Research and development expenses 1,849 1,884 1,953 1,863 1,843b 1,994c 2,158 2,086 2,216 2,298

a Figures for 2013 have been adjusted to reflect the dissolution of the natural gas trading business disposal group.
b Figures for 2017 were restated with the presentation of the oil and gas activities as discontinued operations.
c Figures for 2018 were restated with the presentation of the construction chemicals activities as discontinued operations.
BASF Report 2022 Overviews – Ten-Year Summary 293

Million €
2013a 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Balance sheet (IFRS)

Total assets 64,204 71,359 70,836 76,496 78,768 86,556 86,950 80,292 87,383 84,472

Noncurrent assets 38,253 43,939 46,270 50,550 47,623 43,335 55,960 50,424 52,332 47,050

of which intangible assets 12,324 12,967 12,537 15,162 13,594 16,554 14,525 13,145 13,499 13,273

of which property, plant and equipment 19,229 23,496 25,260 26,413 25,258 20,780 21,792 19,647 21,553 22,967

Current assets 25,951 27,420 24,566 25,946 31,145 43,221 30,990 29,868 35,051 37,422

of which inventories 10,160 11,266 9,693 10,005 10,303 12,166 11,223 10,010 13,868 16,028

of which accounts receivable, trade 10,233 10,385 9,516 10,952 10,801 10,665 9,093 9,466 11,942 12,055

of which cash and cash equivalents 1,827 1,718 2,241 1,375 6,495 2,300 2,427 4,330 2,624 2,516

Equity 27,673 28,195 31,545 32,568 34,756 36,109 42,350 34,398 42,081 40,923

Total liabilities 36,531 43,164 39,291 43,928 44,012 50,447 44,600 45,894 45,301 43,550

of which financial indebtedness 14,407 15,384 15,197 16,312 18,032 20,841 18,377 19,214 17,184 19,016

Key data

Earnings per share € 5.22 5.61 4.34 4.42 6.62b 5.12 9.17 –1.15 6.01 –0.70

Adjusted earnings per share € 5.31 5.44 5.00 4.83 6.44b 5.87 4.00 3.21 6.76 6.96

Cash flows from operating activities 8,100 6,958 9,446 7,717 8,785 7,939 7,474 5,413 7,245 7,709

EBITDA margin % 14.1 14.9 15.1 18.3 17.6b 14.9c 13.8 11.0 14.4 12.3

Return on assets % 11.5 11.7 8.7 8.2 9.5 b

7.1 4.5 –1.2 9.5 2.1

Return on equity after tax % 19.2 19.7 14.4 13.3 18.9 14.1 21.6 –2.8 15.6 –0.9

Return on capital employed (ROCE) % – – – – 15.4 12.0c 7.7 1.7 13.7 10.0

Appropriation of profits

Net income of BASF SEd 2,826 5,853 2,158 2,808 3,130 2,982 3,899 3,946 3,928 3,849

Dividend 2,480 2,572 2,664 2,755 2,847 2,939 3,031 3,031 3,072 3,039e

Dividend per share € 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.30 3.40 3.40e

Number of shares at year-end million 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 918.5 893.9

a Figures for 2013 have been adjusted to reflect the dissolution of the natural gas trading business disposal group.
b Figures for 2017 were restated with the presentation of the oil and gas activities as discontinued operations.
c Figures for 2018 were restated with the presentation of the construction chemicals activities as discontinued operations.
d Calculated in accordance with German GAAP
e Based on the dividend proposed by the Board of Executive Directors and the number of outstanding shares as of December 31, 2022 (893,854,929)
BASF Report 2022 Overviews – Selected Key Figures Excluding Precious Metals 294

Selected Key Figures Excluding Precious Metals

The IFRS figures correspond to the amounts presented in the Consolidated Financial Statements. The adjusted figures
exclude sales in precious metal trading and precious metal sales in the automotive catalysts business.

BASF Group
Million €
2022 2021

IFRS figure Adjusted figure IFRS figure Adjusted figure

Sales 87,327 74,990 78,598 62,872

Volume growth –7.0% −3.6% 10.6% 10.5%

EBITDA before special items 10,762 10,762 11,348 11,348

EBITDA margin before special items 12.3% 14.4% 14.4% 18.0%

Surface Technologies
Million €
2022 2021

IFRS figure Adjusted figure IFRS figure Adjusted figure

Sales 21,283 8,947 22,659 6,933

Volume growth –13.0% 3.9% 12.2% 14.0%

EBITDA before special items 1,464 1,464 1,277 1,277

EBITDA margin before special items 6.9% 16.4% 5.6% 18.4%

BASF Report 2022 Overviews – Glossary and Trademarks 295

Glossary and Trademarks

CO2 equivalents Peak sales potential Value Chain
CO2 equivalents (CO2e) are units for measuring the impact of green- The peak sales potential of the Agricultural Solutions pipeline A value chain describes the successive steps in a production
house gas emissions on the greenhouse effect. A factor known as ­describes the total peak sales forecast for individual products in the ­process: from raw materials through various intermediate steps,
the global warming potential (GWP) shows the impact of the research and development pipeline. Peak sales are the highest sales such as transportation and production, to the finished product.
­individual gases compared with CO2 as the reference value. value to be expected from one year. The pipeline comprises
­innovative products that have been on the market since 2022 or will Verbund
E be launched on the market by 2032. In the BASF Verbund, plants are intelligently connected. In this
Eco-Efficiency Analysis ­system, chemical processes consume less energy, produce higher
The Eco-Efficiency Analysis is a method developed by BASF for S product yields and conserve resources. The by-products of one
assessing the economic and environmental aspects of products SEEbalance® plant serve as feedstock elsewhere, creating efficient value chains –
and processes. The aim is to compare products with regard to SEEbalance® is the Socio-Eco-Efficiency analysis developed by from basic chemicals to high value-added solutions; such as
profitability and environmental compatibility. BASF. It can be used to evaluate and compare the environmental coatings or crop protection products. Our Verbund concept –
impact, costs and social aspects of products and manufacturing ­realized in production, technologies, the market and digitalization –
F processes. SEEbalance® makes sustainable development mea­ enables innovative solutions for a sustainable future.
Formulation surable and manageable for companies by combining the three
Formulation describes the combination of one or more active ­dimensions of sustainability – economy, environment and society –
­substances with excipients like emulsifiers, stabilizers and other in an integrated product assessment tool. Trademarksa
inactive components in order to improve the applicability and
­effectiveness of various products, such as cosmetics, pharma­ Steam cracker Ebusbar®
ceuticals, agricultural chemicals, paints and coatings. A steam cracker is a plant in which steam is used to “crack” naphtha Registered trademark of Shenzhen Qianhai Ebusbar Network
(petroleum) or natural gas. The resulting petrochemicals are the raw Service Co, Ltd.
G materials used to produce most of BASF’s products.
Genome editing Responsible Care®
Genome editing refers to a series of new molecular biological T Registered trademark of the European Chemical Industry
methods to make specific changes in the genome. Naturally
­ Traits ­Council.
occurring processes are used to make small changes to an
­ Traits are commercial plant characteristics, such as an inherent
organism’s genes to modify a specific characteristic. Such
­ ­resistance to certain herbicides or an inherent defense against All other trademarks referred to in the BASF Report are registered
­techniques have great potential for innovative solutions in health- c­ ertain insects. trademarks of the BASF Group (identified with the ® symbol),
care, agriculture and industrial applications, for example. trademarks pending (identified with the TM symbol), or trade-
marks used by the BASF Group.

a Trademarks are not registered/used in all countries.

Quarterly Statement Q1 2023 / Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2023 Further information

April 27, 2023

Published on February 24, 2023
You can find this and other BASF publications
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Half-Year Financial Report 2023

July 28, 2023 Contact

General inquiries
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October 31, 2023

Media Relations
Jens Fey, phone: +49 621 60-99123

Sustainability Relations
BASF Report 2023 Thorsten Pinkepank, phone: +49 621 60-41976

February 23, 2024

Investor Relations
Dr. Stefanie Wettberg, phone: +49 621 60-48002

Quarterly Statement Q1 2024 / Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2024

April 25, 2024

BASF supports the chemical industry’s global Responsible Care initiative. COMS 2209 E

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