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Time: 45 minutes


● Lecture slide: KE45 - B3 - LC6 (3) - Checkpoint

● There are 3 videos for this lesson:
1. Slide 2:
2. Slide 9:
3. Slide 11:
● Toys and crafts: Puppet, rewarding system (Kani image, carrot images etc. or flexible)
● Flashcards
● Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:

● Speed: For this level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on
student age, the younger the slower. Speed will also depend on the students’
● TPR: Using TPR is really important to motivate the student and using puppets,
flashcards as required will help to motivate the student.
● Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class.
● The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
● If the student cannot answer, the teacher can mouth then say out loud to help.
● If the student cannot concentrate, the teacher can use TPR.

!!! Please make sure that the student tool mode is off during class. It should be granted

for students above 8 years old only when solving a quiz. For writing activities, please
ask the student to write on a sheet of paper or a board.

Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to
fill in the performance evaluation for the student via Kynaforkids Teacher’s App. This is
compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be noticed that the form should be filled in for
each class within 24 hours.
(1 min)

1. Teacher introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name

- Teacher introduces his/her name
- Teacher asks "What is your name?" and helps the student to reply.
- Teacher exposes the student to How are you?

2. Introduce about rewards system

- Switch to the whiteboard with the Kani image, teacher: "When you do a great job (point to the
student and thumb up), the rabbit gets a carrot.
Let's watch
a video

(2 mins)

"Teacher says: ""Now, let's watch a video!"".

When the student is watching, the teacher should avoid any possible distractor. If the student
doesn't stay focused, the teacher can pause the video and ask the student some questions
related to the video to have the student maintain the attention."

Unscramble the letters.




………………… ………………..


………………… ………… ………………………

(3 mins)

Teacher points at each picture and asks student: "What is this?". Student is expected to name
the food/drink in the pictures. Teacher can give hints by saying the first sound of the word in
case student cannot answer correctly.

Teacher asks student to write the answers on his/ her paper and show it to the camera.
Teacher checks and give correction when student shows the wrong answers.

1. Meatballs
2. Onion
3. Rice
4. Orange juice
5. Chocolate
Fill in the blanks

1. My favourite food is ............

What is your favourite

food/drink? 2. Yes, I like ...........

3. I ........... white chocolate.

Do you like....?

4. My favourite drink is ...................

(3 mins)

Teacher says: : Now look at the picture and answer my question please."

Teacher asks student the following questions, student should be able to fill in the blank and
answer in full sentences.

1. What is your favourite food?

Student answers: My favourite food is meatballs.

2. Do you like rice?

Student answers: Yes, I like rice.

3. Do you like dark or white chocolate?

Student answers: I like white chocolate.

4. What is your favourite drink?

Student answers: My favourite drink is orange juice.
Let’s play!

p_zza d_g c_c_nut b_own bo_k bl_ck hair

Which letter is

(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Let's play a final game called Which letter is missing?"

Teacher says: "Do you remember the alphabets?"

Teacher circles the picture of skateboard and asks: "What is this?" - After the student answers,
the teacher underlines the blank of letter i and asks: "Which letter is missing?" then teacher
matches i into the blank.

Similar for other words

Answer key:
1/ i
2/ o
3/ o/o
4/ r/o
5/ a
Unscramble the words.

I /, / an / Can / have / ?Let's/

the/ play/ / orange
piano. / please

are / Here
the/ / you/.
play/ Let's/ piano.

milk / you / Wouldthe/

/ ?play/
/someLet's// piano.
like / chocolate

the/ play/ /Let's/
, / Yes/.

some / got / I / fruit

the/ play/ Let's//piano.

(5 mins)

Teacher says: "These words are not in the right order. You need to rearrange the words to
make a meaningful complete sentence. Now, let's start with sentence 1. Can you read the
sentence? What is the first word?" Teacher writes down the words following student's answer.
Give correction and instruction when needed.

1. Can I have an orange, please?
2. Here you are
3. Would you like some chocolate milk?
4. Yes, please
5. I have got some fruit

Use of English
1. Can I have a ............., please?

2. Can I have a ............, please?

Complete the
3. Would you like some .............?

4. Would you like some .............?

5. I have got some ............

(3 mins)

Teacher says:" Now let's read the sentence and fill in the blanks ok, for example." Teacher
reads the first sentence as an example, pauses at the blanks, draws student's attention to the
picture and let he/she fill in the respective word. After that student is expected to read and do
number 2, 3,4, 5 by themselves.

Answer key:
1. banana
2. kiwi
3. chocolate milk
4. candies
5. fruits
Listen and spell

(3 mins)

Teacher say: "Look at the pictures and spell each word". Teacher pronouces the first word then
spells it and asks student to repeat.

Practice the same for 2,3,4,5,6,7

Listen and draw lines







(2 mins)

Teacher says: "Look at this picture. This is Kim (draw a line from the name 'Kim' to Kim in the
picture) and her friends. Now, let's listen to the conversations and choose the correct names
for her other three friends".

Teacher activates the online function for student to draw lines on the screen. Note:
Remember to deactivate this function after finishing this activity.

Teacher plays the first conversation, pauses and lets student draw a line from the name to the
correct student in the picture. If the answer is wrong, teacher can replay the audio to get the
correct answer.

Do the same for the two other friends.

1. Ben
2. Jill
3. Bill


R: One.
Kim: I’ve got this blue book from Ben.
Grandpa: Where is he?
Kim: He’s standing next to me.
Grandpa: What is it on Ben's head?
Kim: It's a birthday hat!

R: Two.
Grandpa: Who is that girl? She's behind
Kim: That's Jill. She's my classmate at
Grandpa: What is she doing there?
Kim: Jill's drinking some orange juice.

R: Three.
Grandpa: Is that Bill? The boy at the
Kim: Yes, that's Bill. He's eating some
birthday cake. Bill loves cake!
Grandpa: What is it on this cake?
Kim: It’s a purple grape.
Answer the questions

3. Who is the boy at the table?

1. Where is Ben? a. Kani
a. He is standing next to Kani. b. Ben
b. He is standing next to Grandpa. c. Bill
c. He is standing next to Kim.
4. What is Bill doing?
2. What is it on Ben's head? a. He is playing football
a. It's an ice cream. b. He is drinking milk.
b. It's a birthday hat. c. He is eating some birthday cake.
c. It's a candle.


(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Now let's check how much you understand the audio."
Teacher asks student to read all questions aloud. Teacher replays the audio and let student
answer all questions.

Answer key:
Listen and color the picture


(3 mins)

Teacher says:"Look at this picture. Let's colour it to make it more beautiful. Listen and choose
the correct colour (points at the colour box) and connect it with the chosen object. For
example, if I want to colour the baby's dress pink, I will connect pink with the dress (teacher
uses the online pen and draws a line from the pink to the dress to illustrate)

Teacher enables the function for student to use the online pen. Teacher checks after each
student's answer. If it's wrong, replay the audio.

1. pizza- yellow
2. dog- black
3. coconut- brown


R: One.
Mum: What has the woman got in her hands?
Sam: Hmm...Is it a pizza?
Mum: Yes, it's a pizza. Colour it with your yellow
Sam: Great! Colour it with the yellow pencil,

R: Two.
Mum: Would you like to colour the dogs?
Sam: Oh course. I love dogs. Can I colour the
dog on the mat?
Mum: Hmmm...Let's colour the dog under the
table. Colour it black, please.
Sam: Okay! One black dog under the table.

R: Three.
Sam: What is the girl drinking there?
Mum: She's drinking a coconut.
Sam: Let's colour the coconut brown.
Mum: Yeah, good idea. Make the coconut
brown, then.
Read and answer the questions.

Today is Mother's day. Let's make breakfast for Mum.

My Mum likes rice and egg. Can I have an egg and some rice, please?
She likes tomatoes, too. Can I have two tomatoes, please?
Let's put some peas in. Wow, it is beautiful. Yellow egg, red tomato, and green peas.
My Mum drinks orange juice everyday. So let's give her some orange juice.
She eats oranges everyday, too. So let's give her an orange.
Happy Mother's day, Mum!
1. How many eggs are there? ..............
2. How many tomatoes are there? ...........
3. What colour are the peas? ...............
4. What juice does the mother drink everyday ? ........... juice
5. How many oranges are there? .............

(4 mins)

Teacher says: "Let's read the story together" Teacher reads sentence by sentence and asks
student to repeat after teacher.

Teacher reads the first question, asks student to repeat and gives the answer. Teacher
underlines the correspondent information in the reading and writes down the answer.

Continue with the remaining questions.

Answers: 2. two 3. green 4. orange 5. one
Circle the words with the /ai/ sound.

Night Milk Sheep Orange

Star Book Sky Lemon

Orange Kiwi Fly Near


(1 min)

Teacher says: "Look at each group of words. In each group, there is only one word with the /ai/
sound. You need to find out this word. To do this, you should read all the words first. Now, let's
start with group 1"

Teacher lets student reads all the words and asks: "Which word has the /ai/ sound?" Teacher
circles the word. Correct student's pronunciation when needed.

Continue with the rest.

1. Night 2. Sky 3. Fly

Let’s talk!


(4 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, let's talk about the food and drink we have everyday. I will ask Kani first"

Teacher shows the rabbit Kani: "Kani, what food and drink do you have everyday?"
Kani:" On Monday, I have burger and water. On Tuesday, I have pie and chocolate milk. One
Wednesday, I have Kiwi and chips. On Thursday, I have tomatoes and orange juice. On
Friday, I have bread and apple. On Saturday, I have meatballs and milk. On Sunday, I have
apple and rice."
Teacher: "Good job, Kani. Now, it's your turn, student's name. What food and drink do you
have everyday?"
Student's speech. if student gets stuck when thinking of food or drink, teacher can point at any
picture and helps student recall the word.

Free talk!

1. What is your favourite drink?

2. Do you like fruit juice?

3. What is your favourite fruit juice?

4. How often do you drink juice?

5. When do you usually drink juice?

6. What is your favourite meat?

7. How often do you eat meat?


(5 mins)

Teacher says: "Let's do some talking.'' Teacher asks and student answers. Student asks and
teacher answers.
Please remember to watch
Unit 17 – Review

(0.5 min)

Teacher summarizes the number of carrots that student achieves today, then the teacher
appraises the student, reminding the student of watching the video at home and doing


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